#transpeople deserve to be treated like everyone else
skankhunt44 · 1 year
I need to know why politicians care about what's in your pants?
And like... all those people saying that transwoman just trying to pee are perverts, but like... who's the one peeking through the crack in the stall Karen?
Did you know straight men are ELEVEN TIMES more likely to commit an act of pedophila than a homosexual? That really makes me think of how delusional these right-wing people are... (This is just usually peoples' excuses. I promise, I mean no offense. This is just to make people actually see who the threat really is)
Last time I checked trans people are humans so... like... that means every one of these souls is a human being and has human rights.
Just an FYI to Americans, it's easier to have assisted suicide in my country then it is to start HRT in some of your states... WHAT!?! I feel a lot of projection going on here...
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pinkiepartypopper · 14 hours
babe please tell me you can at least tell the difference between a work of fiction that happens to have darker plotpoints and the pwp fanfiction someone made specifically about that dark plotpoint because it's their fetish. please tell me you know one of those things is worse than the other
please tell me you understand authorial intent changes the context of the work whether it's a fanfiction or a mainstream work
I do, how do you know who wrote it with what intent though?
How do dp you know who had what for authorial intent?
Most Authors start as Fanfiction Writers as well!
I, personally, only read fanficition about dark topics because they are interesting and portray dark themes.
Yet I get attack for being a "Pedophile" and or habe "weird Kinks" or "am into incest"
I am Asexual and prefer not to have Sex in any way with anything like that.
The difference is, that people get attacked because people assume these are their Kinks.
People assume their Intention. (Oh you write Fanfictions? That means everything you write is something you like in real life and your intention is to post your weird kinks online. No???)
People assume they are harmful, abusers or whatever because people can't be sure if that is the case or not.
Antis attack anyone that doesn't fits their view, be it evem other antis.
Fanficition is in the concept the same like big popular books. It just focuses on existing fiction.
And just because tou know the Name of the author and can read stuff about them online, doesn't makes the stranger from the internet any different.
It is the assumption the Profiction is entirely Bad that is the problem. As you said, people that have weird kinks and live them out.
Oh wait... Then the problem is the people and not the concept of Profiction?
So if you have a problem with these people, block them. But do not assume anyone else who is Profiction is the same.
It would be just the same how some people say "oh but this transwoman was a predator" doesn't makes anyone who is trans a predator. Just this woman.
And I am not "comparing Profiction to transpeople" I am comparing the way it is treated, stating an example.
Mainstream Work is just more superficial as Fanficition. Just the people who write it are different in resources and "rank". Likenthe Author is most likely more Popular and has more money then the average person. Fanfictions is not as popular irl and is Internet Culture.
But that doesn't make the Person any different from what best selling authors are. Just their possibilities, their resources are lower. And the fact thay any average Person can write. Every.
Because everyone is capable of telling fiction and reality apart like the mainstream.
Only the people out of the ordinary can't.
And you assume anyone who is Profiction can't do this. Just because they enjoy darker themes as well.
Being Proficition is normal. As I said, liking Horror Movies makes you profiction by definition! Just because we also exist in internet culture doesn't mean we are any different. Just people that like as example horror movies. That's already profiction.
Profiction by definition is just this.
It has nothing to do with Kinks or anything.
It's definition is being able to enjoy, like or find anything in Fiction interesting. That no matter how dark it might be, that it in the end of the day: It is just Fiction.
That it doesn't affect the average Reality.
What is the truth. People can ne affected ny reality, but the average is not.
And Antis assume we are all predators because they don't know if it affects our reality or not so they assume the worst. And so they be their worst.
A Person that wrote Fanficitions turned into a best selling Authors.
Where they a Predator before because they wrote age gap things as they still wrote Fanfictions? And now they aren't anymore because they are "popular" and became a Mainstream?
Please tell me you can tell me apart from a Predator if you see one, because what do I do to deserve being called that? Write shit on the Internet that just happens to be not Mainstream and so I must be a weird kink driven rapist?
You have no Idea who is behind the account, so do not assume the worst and attack people? Not saying you do that, since I have no idea who you are.
But just pointing it out, because that is the Problem. Assuming others are their worst because they are mot Mainstream.
If you are so concerned, find proof first before you send death threats. Actually, never send death threars.
And with proof I mean proof that the police would require, because only like this you can be 100% sure the person is and abuser and will reach prison, and is not just a guy that tries to express his creativity in dark themes.
And yes, I know alot of people do Kink Fanficition, write about their Kink's.
That is a whole different thing in its own.
We shouldn't Kink shame people. No matter how gross it is. They write their things for whatever reason.
But since this is the internet, the whole world connected in a digital space.
There isn't much that we can do about it. Curate your own experience, block Kinks mentioned in Fanfictions that you do not like! The best way to avoid it is to Block. And not engage, otherwise the Algorithm might give you more of this content.
And NO, Paraphilia's are NOT Kinks. I do not mean these. Those are a whole a different thing.
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hotelconcierge · 7 years
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Trigger warning for everything that follows: the coddled, over-sensitive, “triggered” millennial crybaby does not exist. Hold your applause—the COSTMC is an oxymoron because coddling does not sensitize, it scleroses. Have you met these people? They can’t feel an emotion without an audience and a week to rehearse. The performative offense of this group results from high emotional tolerance, not low; sad-rage is heroin to everything else’s Motrin, and no matter how vast the safe space, some kids are gonna hang at the outskirts hoping to score.
Of course, even the phoniest opportunist has a few real triggers—the type that precludes rage because you’re numb in the fetal position. And of course, there are many uncoddled e.g. traumatized people who are genuinely vulnerable to the many, many instances of genuine cruelty and callousness.
Every community with a code of conduct is a safe space to some extent. My lawyer advises no comment on whether safe spaces are good or bad in principle, because it depends: who is being included, who is being excluded, where will they go, and who is enforcing the rules.
My concern is the way these debates are settled. And when the excluded protest against political correctness—that human resources plot to merge all safe spaces under one state capitalist thumb—they ditch culture war bushido and strike at whomever can be hurt the most.
What you have to understand is that the PC debate is a farce. When the public demands a witch for the stake, the NYTimes selects David Brooks,
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perhaps the most balding, white, sanctimonious chump at a newspaper full of balding, white, sanctimonious chumps. Here are four critiques; don’t read any of them unless you still find it exciting to watch a strawman burn.
What’s more interesting is that while Brooks criticizes upper-middle-class culture for being “laced with cultural signifiers that are completely illegible unless you happen to have grown up in this class,” his article is nothing but illegible cultural signifiers. Which, duh, he’s writing for the Times. Brooks thus renders himself irrelevant (which was the point): his critics focus on his blunder of political correctness (the high school grad intimidated by a chicken pomodoro) and dismiss him as classist accordingly.
Lesson: Anyone who opposes political correctness from within will lose and be humiliated. Even without the unforced error, Brooks could have been dismissed as rich and white. His archives could have been mined for hypocrisy. Even a charged non sequitur would have crushed his argument: “So it’s no big deal that it’s legal to murder transpeople in all fifty states? No, I’m David Brooks, better focus on political correctness!” Of course, plenty of non-bourgeois oppose PC, but you’ll never hear that point of view in the Times because, yikes—internalized racism.
The result is that the anti-PC viewpoint is only taken seriously when it refuses the framework of PC. I don’t mean “taken seriously” like there is a meaningful debate. But when an internet troll calls you, say, “a fucking spic faggot,” you can’t reply “hah, well that just shows your heteronormative, colonialist assumptions!” without looking like a wimp. You have to reply with equal bile, which smells of hatred, maybe fear. And it’s no fun to be on the receiving end of hatred, but it’s better than being treated—like Mr. Brooks—with contempt.
Trolls, like catcallers, flashers, and school shooters, are men who ran the numbers and found: being hated > being invisible > being humiliated in the official channels. The first two go back to chimps, the third variable is society-dependent, and wowza does ours fuck it up. Men want to become masculine, citation needed, and when society shit-talks the honest path to manhood then it is inevitable that those foolish enough to listen will turn to the black market. And once that’s your game...
This blog is far from politically correct, but I try to mock only the deserving— bureaucrats, demagogues, cowards, and conformists—and for behavior, for the things people can change rather than those they can’t. But people tend to be insecure about the things they can’t change, and it just so happens that in America insecurity is always wound up in sex. Every debate about safe spaces thus devolves into a debate about gender: a catalog of body dysmorphisms, a who’s who of racial castrations, cuckold, bitch, cunt, whore, freak. You’d think everyone would be against this level of discourse, but gun control means one thing on Park Avenue and another thing entirely in Wichita. The law, in its majestic equality, forbids both the popular and unpopular from being unpopular. Calls for PC go nowhere because cruelty is the best weapon some people have.
Idiot [unemployed, probably no friends]: “So you’re sympathizing with racist, misogynist trolls. Wow. Just—I can’t even.” I didn’t say anything about sympathy. I said that a society gets what it pays for. IMHO, most shock-value trolling is both ineffective—it strengthens the case for Big Brother—and morally disgusting. But it’s a symptom, not the disease. Like oxycodone, trolling is recourse for people with nothing better to do, and like The Opioid Epidemic, the hand-wringing has less to do with fixing the problem than with making it so consumers don’t have to look at something ugly.
The content of trolling is thus extremely not the issue, but even so, I’ll take the bait. To accuse someone of failing at gender is the worst sort of punching-down. It’s not just hateful, it’s lazy, it’s bullying the foreign kid to make up for getting your ass beat at home. And it’s dumb. Forget about the moral argument—my critique is that the gender police are not even wrong.
Judith Butler (Gender Trouble), who coined the term “performative gender,” the antecedent to “sexuality is a spectrum,” has reached Antichrist status in some circles and in fact received a personal diss from Pope Benedict XVI. She’s good, and if you wanna throw down you gotta throw down with the best. So: Does Butler write like a pedant getting paid by the syllable? Does she open each topic with a chain of passive-aggressive rhetorical questions? Does she have the worst fanbase this side of Harris and Klebold? Does she have a point?
Hemlock time. How do you define gender? “Gender is a set of behaviors and attributes that correlate with sex.” Okay—what’s sex? “Aren’t you a doctor or something? XY and XX.” I’m flattered by the appeal to authority, but weren’t you the guy complaining when the CDC lowered the normal testosterone range? How do you feel about androgen insensitivity syndrome?
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You can deny your eyes and insist that having an SRY gene makes Eden Atwood male, but from a medical perspective Eden is estrogenized, at risk for osteoporosis, and going down in the chart as an F.
“Look, fella, I know a dime-piece when I see one.” So modify your definition: hormone levels, fertility, waist-hip ratio, empathizing over systematizing, long bathroom lines, 10 Things I Hate About You...The first problem is that all of these traits exist on, sorry, a spectrum, from menopausal women to full-figured men. The choice of which traits to include—and where to draw the cut-offs—and if the division is binary or quaternary or nullary—is just like, your opinion, man (woman/they/them). The bigger problem is that now you’re defining sex as gender.
This reduces your original statement to, “Gender is a set of behaviors and attributes that correlate.” Which is true. And as far as stereotypes go, gendered ones ain’t bad, maybe even necessary to function, the guy wearing a V-neck probably does like shaving his pubes. But they are still stereotypes, man-made, imperfect, and punishing to those who do not conform. I’m no cultural relativist, some people suck and deserve cold and swift judgment, but is the presence or absence of armpit hair really the hill you want to die on?
There’s a practical argument to be made against fractalized gender: it’s confusing. With 3^^^3 possible sex-gender-orientation combos, how are kids supposed to know how to grow up? Aren’t imperfect gender roles better than 24-year-old otherkin? I hear you, guy wearing a Harley-Davidson jacket and listening to Mötley Crüe, but Tumblr semantics are a consequence of twenty-teen spirit, not the cause. If we weren’t arguing about the gender binary (and before we were) we’d be arguing about the range of femininity or masculinity; the crusade would be for pixie cuts and stick-and-poke tattoos to be considered as feminine as Brazilian butt lifts. Don’t be fooled by words—do you really want society to have one idealized template per gender? How would that ideal be decided? Majority rule?
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There’s a hilarious overlap between the people who get mad about preferred pronouns and those who call for a return to “traditional masculinity.” The idealization of some Hollywood-ified tradition isn’t the problem; if you want to roleplay a fursona, go ahead. No, what’s pathetic is the begging. Rather than be a man, in spite of the system, you demand validation from the system for aspiring to be a man. Being against identity politics is the new identity politics. That’s why right-wing culture warriors are so into the idea of crybaby millennials—it’s comforting to believe that you’re actually strong (since you don’t drink from plastic water bottles) and that anyone getting laid is actually xeno-estrogenized. Even if this was true, obsessing over it, masturbating to it, using it as an excuse for self-pity and inaction—that makes you a  _ _ _ _. Four-letters. Multiple choice. Maybe hangman will teach you something.
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The foundationalist reasoning of identity politics tends to assume that an identity must first be in place in order for political interests to be elaborated and, subsequently, political action to be taken. (Gender Trouble)
My beliefs are no doubt way south of Ms. Butler’s on the political compass, but we agree about one thing: that ain’t a nice way to go out.
But this is precisely the way in which the laundry-is-a-social-construct movement has failed. I have held off on criticizing them because it’s too easy, when you mock Rachel Dolezal for being “transracial” you get to pretend your own self-image is meaningful, but no, all identities are power poses in front of the bedroom mirror, meaningful only insofar as they help you with the rest of the day. “Well, SCIENCE says that—” You sure you want to play that game? Again, I respect anyone who has the courage to defy their assigned caste. I have no purity objections to a transhumanist society where the tap water runs ecstasy and you can get augmented genitals at Starbucks. I don’t even mind Bushwick. The problem with the mad libs youth isn’t the slew of labels—intersectional, nonbinary, pansexual, curious kinkster, ethically polyamorous, empath, casual baby witch (mostly crystals, auras/energy)—the problem is, what are you going to do with them? And there’s a patriarchy-approved answer: buy shit and beg for validation.
If gender is performative, if identity is not necessary for political action to be taken, if the possibilities are infinite once freed from the bounds of phallogocentrism, then why is it that so many cultural subversives sound exactly the same? You know the stereotype. Bondage. Anxiety. Smoking when drunk. Circlejerks of praise for completing the most basic of tasks. Very, very bad poetry. Expensive fashion draped across waif-like models. Guilty pleasures: junk food, liquor, and problematic TV. Hated roommates. Emoji marxism. Twitter. “today i feel cute enough for a selfie, might delete it later.” “didn’t get out of bed until 2 i’m trash lol” “wow, some casual racism at work today. i’ll just laugh and someday burst because i hate confrontation. but whatever.” I’m not saying these traits describe anyone real, although they might. I’m saying: why is this the stereotype?
Discussion questions: When people type in lower case, what emotion do they hope to convey to the reader? The alt-right often asks if “liking feminine traps” is “gay”—is there anything more heterosexual than wishing you had a weaker male friend to validate your penis? Would trans rights even be an issue if the majority were FtM? How many modern protests can be summarized as “consumers demand product”? Who would win, every chafed masculinist and joyless academic or one flamboyant 19th century playwright? As Oscar Wilde put it: “Everything in the world is about sex, except sex. Sex is about power.”
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abs0luteb4stard · 4 years
what are you some tranny cucking homo you into these aids freak abamonatians
That has nothing to do with it.
I was defended another human being. A person with feelings and rights.
It doesn't matter if you believe in anybody's gender, transgender, or gender spectrum, or their sexuality, etc.
You DO NOT have the right to go seeking them out to bother them or ridicule them or question their life and beliefs. They're a person with their own right to live and be treated with respect even if you don't agree with or understand their beliefs or lifestyle etc.
You can believe your ignorant stuff about these people, but you can't go bothering them, attacking them, hurting them. Physically or emotionally. I can't change your mind about your stupid beliefs, firstly - because it would be waste of time, and second - you have a right [unfortunately] to believe what hatefulness and stupidity you believe.
BUT You're rights end at the point that you infringe on other's rights. If this was out in pubic and you were randomly saw a transgender person and started following them and accosting them out in the street, intimidating them, you'd be in trouble with the law for harassment etc.
If you think what I said is wrong, go ask a lawyer and you'd be laughed out of the office.
But you choose the anonymity of the internet, Tumblr's Anonymous asks to boot. Because here you can be an asshole with little or no consequences. You can go searching for transpeople or whoever doesn't fit your narrow world view and bother them.
Very "brave" of you, Anon.
I didn't defend them anonymously, I thought about it though, because your type of asshole would come and bother me too. And here you are.
BUT I decided they should see that a real person with a name stood up for them against you, that someone cared enough. That it's not just an anonymous grey circle with sunglasses, that there are people willing to stand up for them in the open whether or not my personal beliefs coincide with theirs. Because they have a right to live their life and be given the same respect as everyone deserves.
You should just mind you're own fucking business. Don't put your nose in on what anyone else is doing.
Unfortunately there's people like you, you can believe your own bullshit I'm not looking to be nosy with your moronic beliefs.
But since you came to me, you're looking for trouble and argument, I'd be happy to give it you, because you're right to my next to no respect for you ended when you came looking to bother me... 
But alas, I've wasted enough time on you. And what would be the point of arguing with you? It's not like I know who you are, Anon. You're nowhere near me so we can really have a fight, so can I smash you in the face with a chunk of stone repeatedly.
So you just go on being whatever fragile little shit you are behind your little curtain of anonymity.
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