HII HAPPY (SLIGHTLY BELATED) ANNIVERSARY TO U AND RAII FROM THE #1 VEEAII SUPPORTER!!!! (also added a gif. veeaii kiss real not clickbait 💗) 
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graphic design is my passion 👍
[image and gif description: an anniversary card and a heart locket gif. 
the anniversary card has a red background with different sparkle effects and shitty emojis with hearts edited in. on the top, there's a stock image of colorful letters on a white background, reading, in all caps: 'happy anniversary'. there are several fire effects on the bottom. under it black cursive with a rainbow outline reads: 'Raii and Vee...'. lower is a black rectangle with a glittery golden heart on it. inside, the text reads: 'Happy Anniversary'. raii's and vee's current icons are on either side. under that is rainbow comic sans text with a black outline. in all caps, it reads: 'happy anniversar / y!!!!!!'. under that is a bisexual flag with fire effects and a dinosaur. it is edited to look like you're looking upwards at it. at the bottom, there is small white text that reads: 'from: OLLY!!!'. 
the heart locket gif has raii's and vee's current icons on both halves. it is reversed, closing, so it brings their faces together, imitating kissing. end id.] 
olly i had such high expectations for you….AND YOU SOMEHOW WENT HIGHER YOU JUMPED THE FENCE YOU JUMPED OVER THE MOON THIS IS SOOOO !!!!! this IS the veeaii experience. the veeaii aura. two dinosaurs we are yelling so loud all the time. bisexual fire. kiss gif veeaii kiss fr….♾️/10 thank u olly
@nazumichi raii raii look at this raii raii hello raii raii hi hi raii hello ra
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enevera · 1 year
1, 5, 6 and 16 if you'd like? :)
1 Did you have a good start to the new year? Did you party or fall asleep early? 
eh not reallyy i woke up with a major headache for no real reason and havent been able to shake it and then i cried a bit last night. went to a really good chinese place w my dad tho so that was nice :D no parties but i did stay up late reading lol
5 What do you wish / hope to happen this year? 
mm i just hope the world is a little better this year
6 What do you look forward to most in this year?
i want to hug my dogs when i get home!! was also promised cuban food when i get back to florida bc i miss it so muchhh they dont have any here :/
16 Is there something in media (books, tv shows, anime, movies) that you always wanted to take a look at and finally plan for this year?
not really i dont think. i dont tend to have many plans abt media or anything i mostly just go w the flow and watch what looks interesting at the moment. would like to maybe watch some more horror classics tho and maybe catch up some on dr who bc i havent watched anything past spyfall or whatever and i feel like i should at least watch the eps even if theyre tragically awful
ask game!!
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betawooper · 1 year
A, E and K?
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
for romantic ships, obamitsu. for friendships, kanao and zenitsu, or inosuke and nezuko. i have my reasons.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
oooh this one is hard uhhhh, i drew this one kananezu two panel comic where nezuko tries to eat a butterfly while kanao isnt looking which was pretty popular?
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
stealing @/keniaku's answer and saying maki from jjk, good shit. specifically pertaining to canon kny, shinobu. rewrite kny, tanjirou. love it when characters get worse instead of better <3
send a letter and ill send a response
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milf-harrington · 2 years
peach, grape and wine (not in the i'm scared of you way but like. you are so cool to me and i look up to you way)!
peach - you seem super sweet ily
thank you, it's the product of several years of work <3 had to learn how to stop being a people-pleaser and then had to learn how to not be a straight up cunt lmao it's a delicate balance
grape - i want to talk to you so badly!!
well please always feel free, you seem really lovely it always makes me happy to see you in my notes <3
wine - you're kind of intimidating lol
i mean this in a nice way not an "im judging you for being intimidated" way, but: today i sat on the floor and let my nephew shove fake, wooden food into my mouth to taste test the meal we "cooked" in his little fake kitchen thing so. there's probably more intimidating/cooler people out there.
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queeranesearch · 2 years
hi just wanted to say i am a big fan of your pfp. i have watched like 2 episodes total of nge but she is so la creatura. autism stare <3
YES EXCELLENT TASTE I love Rei so much!! she has so much autistic swag <3
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freckledgeto · 2 years
🎁 if you're still doing this!
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nazumichi · 2 years
hi i’m new to tumblr who should i follow?
gonna give you a simple answer which is my mutuals/people i follow and think are very cool!! or anyone I rb thangs from JWHWJWHJW, just look through some of my rbs and you’ll find em. follow my gf also. 
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jaanii · 2 years
iroh after telling a traumatized sixteen year old boy to become the ruler of an entire nation while he chills out in a country he previously terrorized:
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[id: a screencap of iroh from book 2, shown from the shoulders up and smiling at the viewer, edited for him to have big black eyelashes, hoop earrings and held up hands with long pink, white and gold acrylic nails. end id.] id from @transokkotsu ty ! <3
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jarchivussy · 1 year
transokkotsu -> butchlaios
hii i changed my url would appreciate if mutuals could rb 👍
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HAPPY BIRTHDAYY !!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 <- MY HEART'S ON FIRE CAUSE I'M SO EXCITED !!!! and since i'm staying with u this week you'll pay the hospital bill for it, right? :) ANYWAYY. HOPE YOUR DAY GOES WELL AND THAT U HAVE SOME GOOD FOOD !!! YOU'RE AN AMAZING PERSON AND SO SO FUNNY AND I CANNOT THANK U ENOUGH FOR INTRODUCING ME TO DIVORCE !! I'M VERY GLAD I MET U AND I ENJOYED OUR TIME TOGETHER SO FAR !! I HOPE WE CAN CONTINUE ENJOYING OUR TIME TOGETHER AND ALSO THAT ADULTHOOD IS KIND TO U 💗💗💗 oh and also that raii takes u back soon. yes sure of course u don't miss him at all. no really, i believe u :) 
- love, olly 💗 
(p.s. i have a little thing for you that should be posted at around. 8 am for u i think? that is if tumblr scheduling doesn't kick my ass. hope u like it <3)
WAHHHH THANK U SO MUCH OLLY!!! okay so like. might not be able to pay the hospital bill but i can take u to ihop as reparations. but seriously you are so sweet olly thank u so much for ur words w + ratio + hugs u <3 also i miss raii so much olly i miss my hubby please let them know (i forgot that we got divorced on tumblr again but never remarried so basically we've been divorced for a few days now. sorry raiiloved)
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pinchan · 2 years
do u think they'll ban him from the polls soon? or do u think his bugs bunny effect will save him
i give him seven days give or take
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[ID: a picture of Utahime from Jujutsu Kaisen in front of the tourette’s flag. the color are teal, a lighter teal, green, and white and there’s a ribbon in the center that’s just slightly darker than the teal. /End ID.]
okay but consider... utahime with tourette’s👀
s/o to @transokkotsu​ for helping me decide this <333
note: i did not make this flag—i found it online. there is no official ts flag, but i really liked this one:)
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enevera · 1 year
(my faves so far are frequency, carnivore, other worlds, monster, earthrise, trials and die for you <3333)
(oouhhh yess those are so so good i am rlly so glad youre enjoying the songsss :DD)
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getougender · 2 years
the cool tags from this post!
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by @/hiraya-manwari
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by @/zukkaoru
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by @/transokkotsu
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by @/that-was-anticlimactic
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by @/saltinesinsoup
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milf-harrington · 2 years
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have this photo i took for no reason when my cousin an i were at maccas ajdjs
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koheletgirl · 2 years
ok so here's where i'm at with this. we know when rayla shows up the star arcanum side of the cube glows, right? which is very worrying, considering she is a moonshadow elf. However.
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[id: rayla from the new dragon prince season 4 trailer. there is a creature on her shoulder that resembles a racoon. it is holding the key of aaravos. the star symbol is glowing. /end id]
there's a little guy on her shoulder. and you know what that reminded me of?
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[id: bait from tdp, standing near the key of aaravos. the sun symbol is glowing. /end id]
So. it is actually entirely likely that while rayla isn't connected to the star arcanum, her little pal is. @transokkotsu
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