#translations from @/popopretty on twitter
etrevil · 6 months
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Asagiri said so themselves:
Say it louder to the people in the back. Bro can do high-level physics equations in his head; obviously he's hella smart. And he's survived in the mafia for this long. He isn't just some brawn of soukoku; it's double black. A duo that have both brains and brawns, but work even better together.
Also from Harukawa:
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He isn't just a hothead guys. People can have bad days, it just so happens his bad days happen when Dazai's around (/j of course, they're just idiots 🤣)
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originalartblog · 9 months
hi! i got into bsd and i was meaning to ask, since you seem an authority on the matter, could you recommend me some more bsd blogs to follow?
ps. love your art so much, you capture the characters personalities so well!
oh... that's a lot of pressure... I'm aware that I have weight on this side of the fandom (feels wild btw) but authority is too big a word
I mainly interact with art and the occasional analysis and joke posts, so most of the blogs I can recommend are that, plus I am very Chuuya/Dazai/skk biased
First, browse and follow the bsd fanart tag to get just that. Not everyone uses it (I encourage them to!!), but if like me you are so very done with the negativity fest that have become the main tags since the anime started airing again, that's a great place to find fun things!
Second, I am sending you on a discovery journey. I encourage you to look through people's blogs and tags for some great finds. Here are some blogs in random order for you to start with, because there is no way I can remember all the blogs I love:
@caelanglang (art), @luneariann (art), @sensitiveheartless (art + writing), @arikitoka (art), @itotypes (writing + art), @iwritenarrativesandstuff (analysis + writing + art), @frenchonionsoop (art), @petitesmafia (funny), @yomeiu (art), @esmiara (art), @weeniehutart (art), @videogamelover99 (analysis + art), @carrotkicks (art), @damianito (art), @smolskk (art), @kokoasci (art), @chupidopi (art), @mochimochips (art), @creantzy (art), @justplaggin (news and official stuff),
have some reblog blogs that will probably catch some of the cool people I can't remember right now AND give you some forgotten older stuff if you scroll far enough: @demonprodigy-kingofsheep, @im-always-a-slut-for-soukoku, @for-chuuya, @awkwardbsd, a bunch of the people above too, and a shameless self-plug @originalaccountname where it's mostly reblogs and the occasional analysis post.
EDITED: popopretty makes monthly chapter recaps and other kinds of translations (you might recognize them from twitter, or not), @reneray has Fifteen manga adaptation translations, and @nineofscans has monthly chapter translations and some bonuses!
I could never remember everyone and if your tastes diverge from mine there are also a bunch of really cool people who "specialize" in different characters and dynamics you will stumble upon out there.
you are all allowed to shamelessly plug yourselves or your faves in the replies/reblogs btw
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originalaccountname · 6 months
where to find that interview everyone is talking about (that is from 2019 and still being translated btw)
Twitter link (x)
and fake twitter link for those like me who don't have an account and so can't see the thread normally (x)
translation is by @popopretty!
Enjoy commentary by Asagiri and Harukawa on the characters and their designs
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karmicpunishment · 10 months
This story is not for people who are good at living. In this world, there exist people who are so good at living that they do not need a "story" at all. They are the ones who think that stories are, after all, just a pastime for your hobbies, that they are not necessary for life, and therefore it is a waste to spend money on such things. I did not assume such people to be readers from the beginning. I cut them off. On the other hand, there are certainly people who need stories like oxygen still. I always hope that Bungo Stray Dogs will become the oxygen for such people. They are the "lost ones" that Dazai talked about. - Kafka Asagiri, 季刊エス, circa 2019 (translated by Twitter user Popopretty)
you can't tell me Asagiri described his story and its purpose like this and then decided to kill off a suicidal character whose story centers on redemption and healing with a shot to the head. you simply can't tell me that makes sense. somethings gotta be up
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Hello! I wanted to ask you your thoughts on SB. It's implied that Dazai caused the flags deaths. But I heard people talking about how it was a miscalculation due to how he says "we need to get to Chuuya" now all panicky. What do you think?
Hello, sorry for the delay in answering! (calculus homework is a bitch i swear) Anyways! I will be happy to answer your question:D
So in short, No.
Dazai didn't cause the flags deaths, he was responsible for the detective's death in stormbringer however.
I think the problem was that when Strombringer first came out, people spread lots of misinformation and mistranslations to the general public, causing people to think this is canon.
(Twitter and Reddit aren't the most reliable sources!)
@popopretty translated the section of Dazai explaining his inital plan, none of it indicates Dazai being involved in indirectly killing the flags.
Dazai did meet up with Veraline, however it was days after the flags deaths. The only thing Dazai did was buy time, which did infact lead to the Detective dying and Chuuya getting captured by N.
He is such a silly man.
Again, here's Verlaine and Dazai's interaction translated by @popopretty for further confirmation.
Verlaine was set on killing Chuuya's friends from the get-go, believing it was their fault for Chuuya's cling to humanity.
If you need any sort of consolation, Dazai did respect Chuuya's care for the flags enough, he did end up dropping him off to take in the death of his friends and grieve properly after all.
Have a great day anon! <3
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lavidadelavie · 2 years
Bungou Stray Dogs - Chronological order and links to translations
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Table of contents:
I. Order
a. Chronological order of events in the main timeline
b. Spin-offs
c. BSD timeline based on Dazai's Age
II. Translations
a. English translations
b. Vietnamese translations
III. Credits
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I. Order
a. Chronological order of events in the main timeline
"Kunikida and Katai's Brilliant Days" (extra Light Novel)
"The Untold Origins of the Detective Agency" (Light Novel) - [12-13 years before Dazai met Atsushi]
"Dazai, Chuuya, Age Fifteen" (Light Novel/ Manga/ Anime: Episodes 1-3 of Season 3) - [7 years before Dazai met Atsushi]
"The day I picked up Dazai" (Light Novel - Side A & Side B)
"Stormbringer" (Light Novel) - [6 years before Dazai met Atsushi]
Bougou Stray Dogs Wan! Episode 119 (Anime)
"Dazai Osamu and the Dark Era" (Light Novel/ Anime: Episodes 1-4 of Season 2) - [4 years before Dazai met Atsushi]
"Dazai Osamu’s Entrance Exam" (Light Novel/ Anime: Episodes 6-7 of Season 1) - [2 years before Dazai met Atsushi]
Manga chapters 1-37
Bungou Stray Dogs Wan! Episode 10 (Anime)
"55 Minutes" (Light Novel) - [In the middle of the manga series]
"Dead Apple" (Light Novel/ Manga/ Anime) - [somewhere around "55 Minutes"]
Manga from chapter 38 onwards
b. Spin-offs
"BEAST" (Light Novel/ Manga). This Light Novel is about another universe where Dazai and Oda never befriended. Introduction here. Spoiler: In the most recent BEAST manga chapter, there is a hint that the original Dazai from the outside world might have created this universe by using The Book, and how he got The Book is not mentioned. However, none of this is stated in the "BEAST" light novel.
"Bungo Stray Dogs Gaiden: Ayatsuji Yukito VS. Kyogoku Natsuhiko (Another Story)" (Light Novel/ Manga). This light novel focuses on another story about the “homicide detective” Ayatsuji Yukito, his assistant Mizuki Tsujimura, and Yukito’s old nemesis Kyougoku Natsuhiko. Introduction here.
"Bungo Stray Dogs Wan!" (Manga/Anime)
[P/S: I do recommend reading light novels for the details of the characters' emotions.]
c. BSD timeline based on Dazai's age
II. Translations
a. English Translations
• Official works
- By @bsd-bibliophile. Link here.
- By @czkkn-upload:
+ Translations of BSD works here or here.
+ Translations of Asagiri's comments on characters in BSD exposition here.
+ Some notes about Gaiden translation here.
- By @buraihatranslations:
+ Tumblr here
+ Twitter here
- By @yokohama-drip. Link here.
- "BEAST" translations by @jellowroad (Twitter):
+ Text-only ver. (Completed). Link here.
+ Typeset ver. (17/22). Link here.
• Doujinshi
A beautiful doujinshi I found on Twitter. Link here.
b. Vietnamese Translations
• Official Works
• Doujinshi
III. Credits
@darkestjay868 (Twitter)
@chibikko_chuuya (Twitter)
@buraihatranslations (Tumblr & Twitter)
@maiple701 (Twitter)
I have just known about BSD for quite a short time so sorry for some mistakes and please feel free to correct me.
If you do not want to be tagged, please tell me and I will untag you. I'm sorry in advance if this annoys you.]
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HI!!! so i noticed a lot of the bsd fandom calls asagiri asagiri-sensei and since you did it too i was a bit curious as to why. i know its an honorific in japan! but i was just curious if that was what he wanted to be called or if it was more polite/respectful to refer to him as asagiri-sensei /gen
honestly, I'm not really sure when I picked up on using it, or even really why. I think at some point I just kinda absorbed it via osmosis from Japanese BSD fans, specifically translators, and now it's a habit. I tend to use Asagiri and Asagiri-sensei interchangeably depending on which one feels more...right in the situation I guess? I really don't know, and I haven't thought about it much before this. also, a while ago I saw a post (don't remember who made it, possibly popopretty) about how BSD fans on Twitter specifically tend to treat him disrespectfully, and after checking out his Twitter I realized that wow yeah, that's definitely true. his comment sections are filled with people calling him "bestie" and even "dad" for some reason??? so maybe after seeing that post I subconsciously made the adjustment to refer to him with -sensei. yeah I really don't know, sorry :'). I'm also not Japanese and not really qualified to speak on this, but I guess the tldr would be that honorifics are generally more respectful
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popopretty · 4 years
Good afternoon Popopretty ! My name is Leon, one of BSD fans, nice to meet you! I do love your BSD chapter translations ! Thank you so much for posting them💖 I am here to ask if it is possible to have a permission from you to translate it in Thai and posting it via my twitter account @leonysus__ (with your credit of course).👉👈
Thanks for the message. I’m glad that you enjoy my translation. Feel free to translate it into Thai ^^ Hope the Thai fandom will enjoy it.
Also, to anyone who may care about retranslating my manga caps into other languages, feel free to do so without asking for my permission (unless I clearly state otherwise). I appreciate it if you credit me but I also don’t mind if you don’t.
Sometimes, however, there are things that I prefer to stay on Tumblr so I always put a note at the end of those posts asking not to reupload. If anyone decides to ignore that and repost anyway, then I would prefer you NOT to credit me on that.
Thanks for your support, as always <3
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Have you read chapter 72 yet? If you did, I would love to hear your thoughts on it :3 there's a twitter user that translated it full yesterday but I don't remember the username
Hi! Thank you so much for the ask. I was going to wait for @akai-koutei‘s translation before I write down my thoughts (I don’t use twitter so I’m not sure about the account that translated it in full), but @popopretty was kind enough to give a detailed summary, so here goes!
- Tecchou seems genuinely idealistic and it’s kinda cute??
- It looks like the story is accelerating even more quickly with the introduction of a new member of Tenningosui/Decay of Angels. We still have unresolved tension all over the place, but I will trust that Asagiri will be able to resolve everything nicely in a proper order. Looks like they’re trying to climax everything and drop a bomb all at once.
- Things are getting beyond the borders of Yokohama. With the introduction of a floating casino, I’m giving up trying to predict what Asagiri will do next.
- Since the casino doesn’t fall under any jurisdiction but remains important for political reasons, attacking it could lead to intervention of multiple governmental or international organizations (The Clocktower too, maybe?). This was also confirmed by Atsushi’s dialogue. How he figured that was Dazai’s plan, I have no idea. On second thought I’d say Ango told him that.
- Personally, I don’t think Sigma is Mishima Yukio (or more like, I don’t think he looks like Mishima). It is just my personal opinion that out of the members of Tenningosui, he is the most important one and will appear last.
- And Fyodor and Dazai. Gosh. At this point the whole King and Queen thing seems like a stalling tactic to me. Lucy being Dazai’s Queen seems too easy for Fyodor to guess, plus Dazai being all like “I knew you would read it like that” spells out one big word “fishy” on his face.
- What’s with Fyodor moving his King? Is Asagiri seriously talking chess rules right now? I thought if your opponent moved his King you would be like “are you sure boy” but Dazai’s here being all “that’s an evil move” (normally, the King is the last piece you’d want to move unless you absolutely have to, or it’s to castle the King to protect it). Or does that symbolize something else, e.g. the “King” on the board was just a distraction and the real King is somewhere else?
- At first I thought Fyodor and Dazai were the Kings of the game since the glass jail cells resembled “castles” and the prison was thought to be the safest hiding place in the world. Their movements were also limited to the jail cells which resembled the Kings, aka pieces with the most limited moves on the chess board. Now I’m starting to think Fyodor isn’t the main star of the battle, what’s with him moving his King and everything. Either that or he’s breaking out of jail.
- So if Fyodor is really using a stalling tactic, maybe Sigma being captured is part of his distraction plan? Maybe the poor guy doesn’t even know where the “page” is.
- The same could be said of Dazai, though. Attracting attention to Lucy as a central part of his plan could have been a strategy to divert Fyodor’s attention away from the real “Queen”.
- The chess thing aside, Dazai is supposedly trying to cause a multi-sided war, possibly to prevent the destruction of Yokohama. Maybe he thought that if other countries were to intervene, the possibility of Yokohama and Japan being wiped out would diminish, and The Decay of Angels could be stopped?
In short, it’s all happening way too fast for me to predict anything (sighs deeply)
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etrevil · 6 months
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It's confirmed. Sskk is so "you came? / you called" coded and it's confirmed. They're for each other 😭
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