#if you want a much better response maybe ask a bsd translator on tumblr
HI!!! so i noticed a lot of the bsd fandom calls asagiri asagiri-sensei and since you did it too i was a bit curious as to why. i know its an honorific in japan! but i was just curious if that was what he wanted to be called or if it was more polite/respectful to refer to him as asagiri-sensei /gen
honestly, I'm not really sure when I picked up on using it, or even really why. I think at some point I just kinda absorbed it via osmosis from Japanese BSD fans, specifically translators, and now it's a habit. I tend to use Asagiri and Asagiri-sensei interchangeably depending on which one feels more...right in the situation I guess? I really don't know, and I haven't thought about it much before this. also, a while ago I saw a post (don't remember who made it, possibly popopretty) about how BSD fans on Twitter specifically tend to treat him disrespectfully, and after checking out his Twitter I realized that wow yeah, that's definitely true. his comment sections are filled with people calling him "bestie" and even "dad" for some reason??? so maybe after seeing that post I subconsciously made the adjustment to refer to him with -sensei. yeah I really don't know, sorry :'). I'm also not Japanese and not really qualified to speak on this, but I guess the tldr would be that honorifics are generally more respectful
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