#trans deceit
bobosbillionsknives · 5 months
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You would not BELIEVE how much I draw this guy ! (no ship)
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larrythefloridaman · 6 months
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#hey. hey. im just saying. he LITERALLY 'transed his gender' in a diagetic bit in orange. and if that wasnt enough.#in blue he disguised himself as squid jenny specifically with larry's powers (the only thing hes done with them on screen)#got caught by his god-assigned roles-obsessed caretaker. and was given the label of being something intrinsically unescapably deceitful.#while 'pretending' to be trans girl.#like. if i wasnt pretty sure it was all an accident i might even call the allegory here slightly heavy-handed.#with the nccts emphasizing a theme of 'youre not just what people say you are#you can be more than one thing at the same time' with crim#i think crimson can have boygirl swag. some bigender pizzazz. i think he deserves it.#is it REALLY a cpu kerfuffle arc without a subversive narratively relevant gender-transing.#am i supposed to believe the spirit of deviance himself is cis? get fucking real. grow up. /silly#also a lil crimtoinette in there. just for flavor. because i cant help myself.#also sidenote the nccts have given him this cute lil tendency#to tip his hat down to hide his face when hes trying to be Genuine or Thoughtful or Poignant. and i enjoy that little touch#i maybe like this guy a little too much. hes most of what ive drawn for months.#but what do you want from me. i read him as a queercoded villain deconstructed at the metanarrative level.#am i just supposed to be normal about that.#me and zia talked about this in dms and discovered. we came to a lot of the same conclusions. completely independently. lmao
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pridebicons · 10 hours
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trans lesbian otome pride icons
requested by @k4i-ztimz
like/rb if using + credit
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asylum-sides · 2 years
(love Your style) *backs up* so how is everyone today? ive had beetlejuice the musical constantly playing in my head for about a week now
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(Could have sworn I drew a response before I just stopped doing things, but I don't know what I did with it so I made a new one 💚)
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communistkenobi · 8 months
I’m reading a paper that uses the term re-transition as opposed to detransition and it crystallised a lot of my problems with the term. detransition implies an ability to return to the “default” “normal” cisgender body that lurks within all of us, just waiting to be re-excavated after a period of intentional (deceitful) burial, and a turning “back” or away from the freakish mutilation and “deviance” of transgender transition to a more natural, more authentic body - a body that can never be transformed, only temporarily cloaked by medicine and social trickery on the part of trans people
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lucarleigho · 4 months
why is it, when faced with horrendously false claims and egregious lies abt trans women, ppl come out of the woodwork to criticize the way they rightfully become angry at the deceitful transmisoginysts that got a trans womans blog wrongfully nuked. its never a conversation abt "how could this have happened and how can we stop it", its always "well i dont like the way you responded so obviously you deserved it". the patronizing tone policing makes me fucking sick. the trans woman always has to be perfectly polite and agreeable, even in the face of her own oppression and harassment campaign, lest she become the evil tranny who did every awful thing you accused her of just because you dont like her tone. THAT is transmisogyny.
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There's so much diversity on our screens right now! My currently airing favorite queer dramas include a hot af trans chic and her very obedient beefy cop boyfriend, a reincarnated gay soulmate couple where one gets visions of the future and the other dreams of their past lives as mythological creatures, a sweet mind-reading 30yo virgin with low self-esteem and the hot capable gay co-worker who is simping on him, a bitter former national athlete who is going blind and his rebellious ex-con caregiver boyfriend, and a sappy collegiate gay couple bonding over cooking delicious food together while looking very pretty. And as a bonus, I get to watch Pavel return to his soft-hearted bad boy roots as he stars in the first ever live action omegaverse series (that doesn't feel like omegaverse until the dialog occasionally hits you over the head with a steel chair reminding you that men CAN get pregnant, even if the show will most likely never show it to us, lolll) playing an Alpha racecar driver surrounded by deceitful people who likes to get dicked down by his Alpha boyfriend. Seriously, what is all the beautiful crazy we're being gifted with y'all? What a time to be a BL fan.
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chrissy-kaos · 1 year
If we're too masculine then we're disgusting freaks. They collect the most masculine of us - innocent women minding their own business trying to live a life that was denied to them - and mock us, openly discussing how nobody could ever love us, how nobody could be fooled that we're women.
If we're too feminine then we're stupid men. They find the most tone deaf quotes from trans girls, usually those who have been out for only months if they're out at all. They find these quotes of girls still learning how to be women, post them everywhere as proof that we are just pantomime caricatures of women.
If we are too strong then we are violent and dangerous. We are an unfair factor in sport, evil men just trying to steal victories from real women. We could lose our temper at any moment. We are a risk that cannot be tolerated. If we're too weak then we are to be mocked. They call us failed men who ran to womanhood because we couldn't take it. We're victims of our own masculinity. Poor feminine men to be saved... In the same way that Republicans want to save those 'poor unborn babies.'
If we lose our temper we're back to dangerous men. But if we cry, if our shoulders buckle under the weight of endless, endless, ENDLESS, ENDLESS, ABUSE. Then they mock us again. They share pictures of trans women crying and laugh over it. Of course they make sure to find the pictures where our stubble is showing, our makeup has already run. It's not the way that women are mocked for weakness; it's the way men are. They find videos where are lips are trembling. Where our voice has gone deep because we don't have the energy to keep it at its heightened octave.
If we find ourselves ugly they mock us. But if we're happy with ourselves then we're disgusting degenerates. "Autogynephilic." Medicalized. They find the tweets of newly out girls who said something improper in their tiny moment of not guarding themselves. An awkward, amateurish attempt at roleplay or dirty talk becomes a meme. A woman who likely spent years growing the courage to begin sexual exploration, probably for the first time in her life, sees herself come up every so often in their replies, their threads, their gifs. What happens to these people? Is it even possible for them to ever resume that exploration?
We're trying to trick everyone into dating us. We should be required to show visible identification on us at all times; to be trans without the people around you knowing is deceit. But also, nobody would ever date us, everyone can tell, immediately, always. Everyone knows, the terfs say GLEEFULLY. Reveling in the idea that our subconscious is constantly telling us this. Basking in the thought of our depression and anxiety eating our minds until there's nothing left.
Even the terfs never stay the same for long. One moment it's a wall of 'concerned mothers' with all the passive-aggressive venom of a white woman calling the police because she doesn't want to put a leash on her dog; make ABSOLUTELY NO MISTAKE that these are the same people. The next it's anime-avatar alt righters. The next it's puritanical Christians claiming we are the natural result of the "rainbow agenda." It's lesbians saying that we're destroying lesbianism, following right on the heels of a pastor saying that anything that isn't a man and a woman is unnatural.
Half the URLs are Mumsnet and half are Kiwifarms. How many are bots? Sock puppets? How many really are just transphobic housewives accessing Kiwifarms from their phones? How many took the full plunge? The answer to all of the above is, we don't know, but it's a whole lot more than zero.
Every time we go into a bathroom, there's a chance we'll be the next screen shot pasted over reddit. It doesn't matter whether it's the men's or women's. They are equally unsafe.
If we need a women's shelter, we flip a coin on whether the person running it has already decided she hates us, because of these people.
We cannot upload a picture to facebook without this risk.
We cannot post about our lives without this risk.
We cannot appear at our work without this risk.
We cannot exist without this risk.
Every possible action we could take will be judged. There is no outcome that isn't negative. There is nothing we can do that isn't negative. Masculinine, feminine, pretty, ugly, angry, sad, sexual, frigid, proud, ashamed, strong, weak. Pre-op, post-op, non-op. Vagina, ovaries, chromosomes, fertility: womanhood is defined as whatever we aren't in that particular context.
I don't want to think about how many people this has killed. To call it a moving goal-post is inept, it is a void, an endless mass of hatred that follows us no matter what we do. Nothing is good enough. Everything, every single thing, is just waiting to be weaponized against us.
It has killed so, so many.
It won't kill any more.
If you're trans and you're reading this you already know everything I said. We've lived through it. You already know that I've spent time as all of the above because you have too. That when I get SIX HUNDRED COMMENTS calling me a man I want to swing my fists and I want to cry and I want to curl into a ball and I want to scream and I want to end my own miserable existence. The ugly beautiful girl in the mirror is so angry and sad and prideful and ashamed and violent and passive and this constant stream of abuse has torn me apart and created so many ugly things in this mind but if there is ONE. FUCKING. THING. THAT. THEY. WILL. NOT. MAKE. ME.
It is dead.
I will live. I will survive. And I don't even care about justice anymore. These people will get away with all this. Somewhere in that mix of the trans population and the infamous 40% number is a figure of how many people they've killed, but they'd never care. I'll live because all of their jeering and mocking and gaslighting and those goddamn fucking insufferable legions of laugh reacts, they don't do a fucking thing.
That's all it comes down to in the end. It's hard and it's painful and it hurts, it just ENDLESSLY hurts to weather their blows. But my name is Alexia. I am a woman.
You can hurt me all you like, but that won't change, and you can die mad about it.
- Lindwyrm Weisseritter
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heliomanteia · 4 months
I'm used to the show screwing up the girls but can I just complain about Clarisse.
Clarisse who is "big, mean, and ugly" according to Percy, who is as tall as a rugby player, who is massive and wide. Clarisse who has never been traditionally attractive and who terrifies Percy with her size, her sneer, her monumental presence. Clarisse who wears XXXL shirts, who is either very muscular or muscular and fat. Clarisse who slowly becomes one of the best characters in the saga because she changes and proves how deceitful appearances are. RIP Clarisse.
P.S. This breached containment so: Fuck terfs, trans women are women, trans men are men, I hate the actress she's a zionist.
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generalluxun · 7 months
Hey. Asking about how Chloe was abused. My knowldge of abuse is fairly limited to general pop knowledge so I'm curious as to what abuse was done to her.
Okay caveats first:
I am not a medical professional, I am simply someone with a vested interest in the topic who has done more research than the average person.
There are many definitions of abuse. Legal definitions are rarely useful, as they are limited to concrete, provable, gross violations. Just as you can inflict a lot of pain on someone without leaving the marks to prove assault, you can do a lot of damage to a child without it being legally 'provable'. Medical definitions are much more helpful for discussions.
Lastly some level of extrapolation is required as it is a show. We take what we are shown. For example:We actually only have Felix's word that he was ever abused, and his first character traits sre being deceitful and manipulative. We still take his word though, because it's a show. (And also we should give weight to victim accounts!)
So both parents are guilty in different ways. We will start with Audrey, the simpler one. There's clear verbal and emotional abuse demonstrated on screen. Mis-naming your child is a form of abuse:please ask the trans community about the impact of deadnaming even in full grown adults.
Beyond that she is constantly dismissive and belittling of her child- to the exclusion of all else. Style Queen/Queen Wasp is rife with examples. There is also the clear behavior shift in Chloé. The wheeling, approval seeking, hunched posture expecting rejection. This is a *pattern* not a one off. Audrey may live in NY, but no fashion movil would be away from Paris for 13yrs straight. We are simply seeing the most recent interaction. This culminates im a child having to ask 'Why don't you love me mother?' and the response is telling
Audrey barely chokes out the strange word when trying to contradict the question. It takes Marinette literally making them both mad at her to get a bare minimum of interaction on Audrey's part. It doesn't last though. Audrey falls back into her negation behaviors and is now present to inflict them more regularly on Chloé, while also being a constant target for/model of behavior for Chloé. (Seriously it was such a misstep to write Marinette reuniting a victim with an abuser) We know the show itself considers Audrey'ss care as a bad thing because the original script had André divorcing her and takin Zoé because Zoé 'doesn't deserve you' so Chloé being in an abusive parenting situation in Representation is supposed to be 'punishment'(ewww)
André is not off the hook either. People look at him 'spoiling' her and leave it at that. Well, 'spoiling' can in fact be abusive too. Let's look at what we see:
André has been her primary caregiver for 14 years now, so he has had the most responsibility in molding what we see for good or bad(mostly bad). She does learn from him too. Darkblade she proudly announces she learned everything about winning elections from watching her father. He's also excessively arrogant (I'm the symbol of Paris!) and quite willing to abuse his power for his own ends(having Roger round up protestors etc) which explains where Chloé learned where power is to be abused.
André is also extremely neglectful as a parent, extreeeeemely. Let's hit a bunch of points in the order they come to me.
Chloé lives *alone* in a hotel suite. There's no shared space, no family area. It's not even really her room. It's commercial, sterile. Where sre her hobbies? Posters? Even her *colors*? She is so used to being ignored at home that the girl who is loud as heck everywhere else doesn't make a single mark on her living space.
A hotel employee seems to think he needs to step in to raise Chloé. Let that sink in. An employee can see how bad it is and tried to make some kind of change, (he's working against a lifetime of ingrained behavior and is not very good at it himself). He doesn't even think to you know... Get Andre in to do this.
André was unaware or didn't care his daughter hasn't done schoolwork since Sabrina *learned to write*(5/6 yrs old) that is a shocking level of disinterest in your child. 6yr olds aren't criminal masterminds.
Andre supplants actual attention and affection with *stuff* he gives material possessions in *place* of parenting. This is somewhat similar to spoiling but not the same. André's method denies the child something vital. You see- things aren't a substitute for affection/attention, developmentally. And so while they may delight they never satisfy the need. They never validate the emotional attachment. So after the shine wears off, the hole is still there. So, like someone with an addiction, the child needs more, and more, and more. Since the needs are never met, it is never enough. And this is what the child views as *normal* this is simply *how it is*. They rarely know they are being given inadequate care because it's just life to them. Seeing something different in a one off doesn't make a dent vs a whole life.
This sort of thing makes a potent cocktail when mixed with the abandonment issues from her mother too. See- if her mother left, and daddy doesn't pay attention, anyone can leave. This leads to a cycle of pushing/demanding/hurting. The child expects to be left and let down, so they both try to reassure themselves it won't happen, and *make* it happen on their own terms (because they believe deep down it will) so more outrageous demands, because when those demands are met, it shows that you are still 'loved' and when they are not met, then there you go, you are not loved and they will leave you. It's a self-destructive spiral.
You see it play out with her interactions with her classmates and Sabrina specifically. How does she express affection? Gifts. What does she do? Push. Push and push and find the breaking point because if she can make Sabrina actually leave then it shows that she herself is worthless and her mother was right to leave her and her father is right to ignore her. Pretty messed up right? Yeah. Child abuse does horrible things to kids.
We're not done with André yet. Some people might say 'he expresses love for Chloé!' and to that I say- performatively.
André likes the idea of being a father. It's what respectable people do. It looks good on camera. It's someone to love him unconditionally. It's an ally against his wife.(broken home dynamics are horrible too) André just doesn't like having to parent for more than a snapshot.
We can see his interactions with Zoé highlight this too. He's delighted she's here!(a potential person on his side vs his wife and daughter) what's his first parenting advice? 'lock your dreams away and get on with life' A+ André.
What's he do in Queen Banana? He uses his power to let Chloé manipulate the movie *kicking Zoé out of it* This is the guy who is supposed to be supporting her? He only draws the line when it comes to sending Zoé away... Why? He doesn't want to lose an 'ally'. It's power dynamics. Not parenting. Where was he when Zoé was stuck in boarding school? He was going to keep Zoé in the divorce so clearly Mr Lee isn't in the picture, Audrey probably forgot Zoé existed, why didn't André bring Zoé to France and let the sisters grow up together? Oh, right, that might be work.
André likes Zoé because she comes pre-raised(boarding school was probably better than either parent) he doesn't have to put in work and he gets a free good kid to make him look like a father. She's his 'do over' as he throws the one he raised in the trash.
André shows his true colors when he's lamenting to Gabe about his corruption and abuse and blames ot on his 'heartless daughter' you know... The child he raised. The grown man is actually shoving his own corruption and misdeeds onto his child. You really don't need much more than that.
So, via neglect, verbal abuse, and emotional abuse the Bourgeois parents raised an incredibly messed up child. Chloé is not a 'good victim' like Adrien, she doesn't sulk quietly under abuse. She lashes out. She is hurt and angry and she passes the pain on. This is why they call it the cycle of abuse.
The end of Revolution illustrates this perfectly. Audrey throws verbal abuse at her on the plane. Angry that Chloé embarrassed her(not that she did wrong, Audrey loved the power grab) and calls her a loser by implication. You *see* it hit, the physical cringe. Then Chloé immedietely goes to try and pass on the pain. She is hurt and making someone else hurt is the only way to lessen it. She calls Marinette. Marinette breaks the cycle though, and good for her. But the show seems to have forgotten there's still one hurt child in this scene, and it doesn't seem to care.
I'm going to stop here for now. I probably left a bunch out, but I do have other things I need to do. Feel free to ask more questions. Thanks for taking the time to seek answers.
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asylum-sides · 2 years
What are all the mental disorders that each of sides have?
I have more detailed posts, but the gist is.
Patton: PTSD, suffering from Psychosis and impulsivity
Roman: PTSD, Depression, suffering from Psychosis
Virgil: Extreme Paranoia
Logan: Narcissism and borderline sociopathy, with possibly to be released soon with outpatient therapy
Dee: Tourettes and Compulsive Lying
Remus: PTSD, Depression, Chronic Insomnia, and Schizophrenia, suffering from catatonia, hallucinations, and violent outbursts
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vexingwoman · 4 months
do you ever have those moments of guilt for what you believe in? I was crypto until someone outed me in real life, and the way I’m completely shunned is making rethink everything I thought was true. I can’t tell anymore if I really am just a common bigot or if everyone’s gone insane. I wish there were more resources for “terfs” who have been outed against their will. It’s scary, and the community *never* talks about what to do.
It seems pretty stupid to feel like a bigot for believing in sexual dimorphism but hey. If someone said the sky was green and berates you for thinking otherwise….wouldn’t you just start thinking the sky is green. Or at least wanting to.
Yes, in the beginning stages of my peak, watching women who I considered highly intelligent defending this sexist nonsense constantly made me doubt myself. I used to contact some of these women with my ideological concerns and ask for their input, because back then I was still convinced there was surely something I just wasn’t getting. I still had hope that someone could offer something other than circular definitions or uselessly obscure non-answers, but they never did. Every single person I attempted to have this conversation with simply stopped replying when I rejected their sophism and pressed for actual clarifications.
There was this one non-binary female I was debating who said, “No matter what you think, we will always continue to exist” which was so contrived I could only roll my eyes. But then I kept thinking about that statement and why it didn’t sit right with me. I realized it was because despite how much the TQ+ community declares that gender is a social construct, they fail to see their gender identities as something contingent on that social construct. 
They depict their gender identities as something innate, something they are born with, something comparable to being black, disabled, homosexual, or any other demographic that would continue to exist independently of social constructs. That could be why you’re so doubtful; you’re being made to believe that rejecting trans ideology is the same as being racist, ableist, and homophobic, when in reality it’s more similar to rejecting religion, conservatism, conspiracy theories, etc. You are not rejecting a person, you are rejecting an idea—a regressive and harmful idea at that. 
I also think it’s objectively observable that trans ideology has far more overlaps with homophobia and misogyny than radical feminism does. Ie., trans ideology asserts that if you’re feminine, you must be a woman. Homophobes and misogynists assert that if you’re a woman, you must be feminine. Both of these groups are upholding the same sexist stereotypes, just in reversed ways.
On the other hand, radical feminists don’t believe femininity has anything to do with being a woman at all. Anyone who is intellectually honest can tell who the real bigots are. Unfortunately, trans ideology is anything but intellectually honest. It relies on deceit through word-play, circular definitions, and sophism because intellectual honesty would reveal how unsound, sexist, homophobic, and regressive this ideology actually is.
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genuinely i think a lot of tme peoples' hangup with trans women is that they havent put effort into a) unlearning the idea that "man > woman" and b) understanding the most trans people were never really their ""original"" gender to begin with, so they consider "a woman who wants to be a man" to be someone wanting to move up in the world and understand that, but cannot wrap their head around "a man who wants to be a woman" because who would want to intentionally become part of a lower status group, so obviously there must be some ulterior motive or manipulation or coercion or deceit involved to 'trick' these 'men' into giving up their status
more or less yeah; I don't want to insinuate that everyone finds transmasc people logical and that they don't face transphobia (they do), but the element of someone choosing to stop participating in manhood is unique to transfeminine people and, among transfeminists, agreed to be an important part of why people are generally more focused on us over transmasc people (and why transmasc people can still have biases against transfems)
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lockandkeyhyena · 13 days
I have a bit more tips for anon for trans man stereotypes to avoid! Like you said, the big deal with trans men is a huge lack of representation at all, so stereotypes can be hard to nail down, but I've still got a couple more stereotypes to avoid AND some advice:
• Testosterone does NOT make you violent! If your dude is on T, be careful to not portray him as unusually rageful or violent unless it's another part of his character separate from his transness. And even then, just be aware that bigots out there see folks on T as uniquely prone to violence.
• Trans men are not always bottoms or sexually submissive! They CAN be, but if you've frequented fandom spaces, you'll see that a lot of authors seem to see trans men as shorthand for a bottom, sexually submissive, feminine guy. Basically, trans men tend to be seen as either violent aggressors or uwu precious bean softboys. Try not to play too much into one or the other.
• This is more of a trope than a stereotype, but avoid a whole big Secret Revealed scene about your trans guy. Specifically, the whole "someone who didn't know he was trans walks in on him undressing and sees that oh my god he binds! He's actually a she trans!" or any other kind of instance where your dude's keeps his transness secret only to get "found out" in a situation out of his control. This is a bit of an older trope that I haven't seen as much in recent years, but yeah. And again, as with any trope or stereotype, they CAN be done well but it requires care and acknowledgement of what might be problematic about it.
• Oh! And actually, on that note a stereotype with any trans person is that they're deceitful or uniquely good at lying. This all comes from the whole perception of trans folks as "traps trying to trick good, pure cis folks." Now, if your trans character is in an environment or community where they have to hide who they are to feel safe, that's a completely normal experience and might mean they ARE good at hiding that part of themself. It's just a fine line to toe so that you don't inadvertently play into that negative stereotype.
• Of course, my best piece of advice, my writing hack for avoiding stereotypes when writing any minority is this: have more characters of that minority! If you only have one character from a minority, than how they're written becomes a LOT more crucial to balance because, within your narrative, they're representing a whole group of people all by themself! They could therefore inadvertently be sending messages about that group just by how you write and how you treat them. But! Even having just one more character of that minority allows you to show off the variety of people within these groups! And even outside of that, they can be useful narrative tools, providing good comparison and contrast on who they are, what there experiences are, what their situation is, and how your narrative treats them. So maybe Arthur has other trans guy friends, or maybe he meets other trans men through the story, or it could even be as minor as his family or hometown having interacted with another trans guy in the past. Having other trans men be a part of the story would take some of the weight off of Arthur for representing trans guys! It's also a good tool for you in that, when you're reviewing your work trying to look for any signs of internalized bigotry in your writing, you might be able to pick up on things easier if you've got multiple minority characters. You might have an easier time picking up on any patterns of how you portray those characters if you have more of those characters in the first place!
oh this is all fantastic advice anon!!! here you go, other anon! haha
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rose-thorn · 10 months
tma!sanders sides au bc i’ve been brainrotting over this for the past several days
(@wobblystrawberry helped a lot with this [hiiii])
- The Corruption
- the bastard that made me start this whole thing (wanted to make The Stinky Trash Bastard Man, Stinky Trash Bastard Man Squared and it sorta just went from there)
- known as The Duke of The Crawling Rot
- raided the magnus institute with Jane Prentiss (where he meets Logan, they probably start dating sometime in the AU) (both Remus and Prentiss wore raggedy red dresses and Roman got pissy about Remus stealing his color)
- dating Janus and living with him + Annabelle Cane (more on her later)
- The Desolation
- known as The Prince of Total Desolation/The Prince of Devastation
- was The Lightless Flame’s attempt to salvage the idea of having a Messiah and all the work that was put into that (a failed attempt at that)
- a lot of “he hurts everyone close to him because of the intensity of his love for them (“also he can’t touch anyone without burning them alive)” going on with him
- him and Jude Perry are lesbian/gay hostility (also Jude pretty much HATES Roman because he’s quite literally the “replacement” for the woman she loved) but sometimes have their moments of coexistence
- him and Virgil have something going on but it isn’t clear to anyone (including me) what exactly it is
speaking of…
- The Dark
- it was close between The Dark and The End but ultimately I went for The Dark
- ascended to Avatar-hood earliest out of everyone else (at like something between 14-17 idk)
- much more on the human-ish end of the spectrum (main thing is his eyes, i’ll drop the design soon i promise)
- Janus (who’ll i get to next) was like a mentor/older sibling figure for him, and tried to get him to become an avatar of The Web (is still trying to do so) which is why 1) Virgil is still closely tied to spiders, and 2) mostly why Virgil Does Not Like Janus
- Virgil still has a pet tarantula that Janus had given him, he’s tried to muster up the will to kill her or get rid of her more times than he can count now, to cut off his ties with The Web, but he just can’t bring himself to do it
- him and gerry (who i’ve decided doesn’t die in this au and instead becomes a fully realized Beholding Avatar) are close friends and most of their interactions go something like:
“You fell in love with the fucking personification of insanity and lies" "big talk for a guy with a crush on the biggest bitch of a fancy dumpster fire" "fuck you" "fuck you" "so you're trying to tell me you didn't name yourself after gerard way?" "i didnt" "bullshit, i bet you heard 'mama' and immediately took his name" (gerry’s trans in this, i make the rules)
- Virgil used to be friends with Julia Montauk before someone got jealous and tipped her off that Virgil’s an avatar (they get less toxic later i promise okay?)
- also he’s sorta friends with oliver banks, they have these “oh hey, it’s you” acquaintances and sometimes sit down to catch up like:
“how’s it going with your vast boyfriend? (mike crew)” “oh yeah a Hunter cop shot him he had to pretend to be dead while Buried for a bit but he’s doing better now, tea?” “how’s your bf in the red?” “my what.” “y’know the Lightless Flame’s Messiah 2.0?” “MOTHERFUCKING ROMAN??”
- The Web
- okay yes The Spiral is literally the fear of deception, and yes Janus is literally called “Deceit” but this fits him better imo
- he/she Janus because fuck it
- as i said, tried to get Virgil to become a Web Avatar, still trying, how well this is working out for her is up for debate
- he is pulling all the strings possible to keep Virgil far away from The People’s Church of The Divine Host as possible (whether this is out of genuine care and fear for how being in a literal cult would affect Virgil’s wellbeing or a want to keep Virgil’s connection to The Dark as possible… that’s also up for debate)
- has severe scarring on the entire right side of her face, how did that happen? basically, Mary Keay wanted to test to make sure the Leitner skin book was real, so she hired janus (who also brought Virgil, and that’s how gerry and Virgil met) to help with that, long story short, she then backstabbed him and tried to skin him alive. janus got away but let’s just say she’s pretty damn lucky Virgil was there to get him to a hospital
- dating Remus (and eventually Logan) and lives with Remus + Annabelle Cane
- Speaking of Annabelle Cane, one day while Remus and Janus were just cuddling on the couch, Annabelle just walked in, said “We’re a colony now”, and set up in the spare bedroom s5 style and Janus + Remus were just like “oh-kay?” and went on with their day
- if you’ve ever seen that one “passive aggressive roommate” song on youtube, that’s Janus and Annabelle. both are the passive aggressive roommate.
- spider limbs from his back as well as the several hands thing because why the hell not, it works
- The Eye
- mainly the being judged/having your secrets exposed aspects (because in sander sides he is literally the judge over thomas’ morality, his job is to watch over thomas’ actions and tell him whether or not he’s a good person)
- certain people make eye contact with with him and Know that he Knows all the bad things they’ve done, and feel the compulsion to spill their guts, once they start, they cannot stop no matter how hard they try
- after the fact, his victims find a teddy bear sitting on their bed that always seems to be Watching them no matter where they go
- works at The Magnus Institute, where he meets Logan, who, during his transition to becoming an avatar, was one of his biggest supports, since he was going through the same thing, they start dating after a while, and by the time of the Prentiss + Remus attack, they’re engaged (they both fully ascend only a few months after their wedding)
- [insert patton having a moral crisis because he doesn’t want to be a monster that feeds off of people’s fear but he has to and part of him likes it wow this is reminding me of a certain other Beholding Avatar]
- idk how it happens but he still becomes a father figure for Virgil somehow, i’ll figure out specifics eventually
- The Vast
- while i absolutely love Beholding!Logan hear me out. the fear of insignificance works so well here.
- he started working at The Magnus Institute a year or two before Patton (and five or six years before the Prentiss + Remus attack)
- i cannot overstate how everyone in the au thinks he’s Beholding: Jon thinks he’s Beholding, Gertrude thought he was Beholding, Gerry, who canonically has an ability to tell if people are marked by an avatar and who, for the purposes of this au is an avatar of The Eye, thinks he’s Beholding, motherfucking Elias/Jonah thinks he’s Beholding, Virgil, Janus, Annabelle, everyone thinks he’s Beholding EXCEPT Remus, who just knows for some reason (at one point when Patton and Logan got engaged Remus was like “damn patton you’re so committed to the eye, wouldn’t have figured you’d marry a vast avatar.” “a what”)
- to be fair, he was like 0.5 seconds away from becoming an Eye Avatar then BOOM BITCH VAST JUMPSCARE (The Eye is immensely bitter) and is partially Eye-aligned
- when Patton and Logan started dating, Logan just kinda assumed that Patton knew he was a Vast avatar
- after Patton learns, the convo goes something like “but- you work with the institute? how are you an avatar of the vast?” “i still need to eat, patton, and rent in central london is not cheap.”“huh.”
- Logan has a tie that Patton got him after learning he was a Vast avatar, the tie has a blue sky that fades into a deeper blue at the top, has some clouds and birds scattered around, and has a colorful sunset at the bottom, he wore that to their wedding and every day after
- there is healthy communication between all parties when Logan starts dating Remus and Janus as well
- probably levitates elias/jonah over the edge of a building for threatening/traumatizing Patton at some point, Elias had no clue that Logan was a Vast avatar until that moment (self-made blind spot, like the one he had around Martin being a threat)
- Jon and Logan would be friends. they just would.
- Logan’s probably the one who convinces Virgil to go to therapy
that’s most of what i have right now, i will probably continue to talk about these bastards + post the designs
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solisaureus · 3 months
I feel like a lot of people on this website know that they're supposed to hate terfs but can't recognize actual terf ideology. i see people saying fuck terfs and then uncritically reblogging terf logic later. So here's a bit of a primer on terf ideology because it isn't just people going around saying "trans women aren't women," it's a lot more insidious than that.
Obvious/well-known terf beliefs (these are just general transphobia):
The idea that trans women aren't real women, that being trans isn't a legitimate identity
Gender bioessentialism -- essentially, anyone with a penis is a man, and anyone with a vagina is a woman. Some terfs try to bring up chromosomes (XX=woman, XY=man) but they don't know what the hell they're talking about.
Maligning trans people as sexual perverts, groomers, pedophiles, and predators
Less obviously hateful terf beliefs, which sometimes reel in people who are sympathetic to the radical feminism aspect:
the notion that arguing for trans rights detracts from rights for cis women, particularly medical and reproductive rights, as well as trans inclusivity in sports
Suggesting that trans men are victims of internalized misogyny and only identify that way because of the patriarchy. Or alternatively, that former cis lesbians or cis gays transition to trans men or trans women because of internalized homophobia.
The idea that trans women experienced "male socialization" and therefore have male privilege
Wanting to protect The Children from being confused by "trans ideology" and preyed upon by trans people or people pretending to be trans
Truscum/transmed logic -- that the only valid trans people are those whose intense gender dysphoria needs to be corrected by surgery and hormone treatments
obscure terf beliefs that i see people who claim to be trans-friendly uncritically supporting:
Keeping men out of women's spaces -- not all trans women/amab nonbinary people are out, and some trans men pass as cis. if a trans person needs to come out as trans to have access to your space, it is a trans-exclusive space.
Judging women, particularly bi women, for dating men or bringing their boyfriends to queer functions. See above point
Suggesting that all men are predators because of some inherent violence in their biology
lamenting "the loss" when figures who were previously cis lesbians come out as trans men
Cis lesbians saying they would never be with a trans woman -- everyone is welcome to their sexual preferences, but saying this contributes to the transphobic belief that trans women are repulsive, deceitful, and are always trying to have sex with cis people.
Anything insinuating that motherhood is the pinnacle of womanhood
If any of these points made you feel targeted, you are at risk of falling susceptible to terf ideology.
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