#top gun 2 angst
archivallyfound09 · 2 years
Major Mistakes Pt. 1
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader (f) (no y/n/)
Warning: Cursing (generally a given with me!), sexual situations later maybe, I probably have a rank kink
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“…it’s a simple launch and go. Any questions?” Your head snapped back to your Commanding Officer who was keenly aware of your distraction, but he huffed a short laugh as he heard no concerns raised by the group.
You had be running as part of your current flight deck crew for around three years. You had transferred over, hoping for something interesting to happen, but, to date, it was business as usual.
Your crew knew your nonchalance about the job and, for most of them, it put them at ease. You were all in one of the most dangerous jobs in the military- every operation had to be executed perfectly or people were seriously injured or killed. You had lost a few at your previous station. But you kept your cool, never wavering, and acting like everything was as easy as- well, whatever was super easy.
Your CO patted your shoulder as you were jolted back into your current circumstance. You had read the brief and were well aware of what was going on. Some Top Gun mission with their top fliers from the past few years. Your shrugged and took in a deep breath, looking out at the waves as they met the horizon line. It was then that you heard the oh-so familiar sound of chopper blades.
You adjusted the yellow jersey that covered your top and fidgeted with the green helmet perched on your head. You pulled your goggles down from the helmet and looked up towards the new visitors. You shook your head- It was always just the tiniest bit too tight. You stepped back as you saw the CH-46 Chinook come in for landing. You barely flinched as the hard wind hit your face, simply closing your eyes and taking in another breath.
As the huge helicopter landed nearby, you looked over towards your fellow Catapult and Arresting Gear Officer and nodded. You weren’t needed for this landing, but we’re glad to give approval as he helped the flight crew. You saw the Top Gun guests disembark and took your place nearby, saluting the two Admirals that walked by, both clutching their hats at the blades continued to spin above.
By the time the crew of pilots got off the helicopter, the blades had all but come to a standstill and you had popped your goggles off your face, squinting into the bright sunlight. You started to head for the chopper, ready to help with fueling and preparations for takeoff when one of the pilots caught your eye.
You felt everything slow down as your eyes connected and you both slightly slowed your respective walks. He was tall and the green in his flight suit only made his tan stand out even more. You barely saw your reflection on his dark aviators as your eyes traced up to the sandy blond hair that was somehow unbothered from the flight and the exit from the helicopter.
He flashed you a slight smile, a finger pulling down his glasses to give you the slightest peek at his green eyes. You snapped back into reality at their intensity. You ignored the fact that his smile has grown into a smirk. You weren’t sure of his game but, all decked out in your gear, you looked just like anyone else on deck. There was no way he was seeing what you actually looked like.
You quickly returned the smile and then jogged off towards the new aircraft onboard, unsure of the interaction that had just occurred.
“So how long are they here for?”
Your heard the chatter from the nearby table as some of the deck crew ate their lunches. The question was met by shrugs or mutters of annoyance. You grabbed another cup of coffee and settled into a nearby couch, the uncomfortable material a noticeable reminder that this was not the home furniture you were anticipating.
“I get that it’s need to know, but we have no idea where they’re shipping us out-“ the comment was cut short as a sean of green flight suits entered the mess hall onboard. All heads turned towards the pilots and then immediately back to their food. It was no better than a middle school cafeteria.
You held your perch on the couch, slightly out of the sight line of the Top Gun group. They went and got their lunches and made their way to a table at the opposite end of the room. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, just odd. They weren’t unwelcome, it was just unusual that there was no real indication of how long they would be on board and where you all were going.
The coffee was hot in the styrofoam cup under your fingertips. You looked down at it, the brown water swirling slightly as the steam filtered out. As your eyes flashed back up you were aware of someone’s gaze boring into your skull. You caught the offender quickly- the same green eyes you had seen on the runway. You held his gaze with no emotion and then he did something you weren’t expecting.
He looked away. And he smirked.
He liked the challenge. He liked that you didn’t bat your lashes and turn away (you would bet money you could guess his normal type to pickup in a bar). He liked that you weren’t that easy to push over. And you were absolutely right.
Jake Seresin was thrilled that you held his gaze. He was thrilled that you had caught his eye earlier this morning. He had been scanning the faces of every crew member he saw after than moment, hoping it was you. When he finally spotted you alone, he wasn’t sure what he was feeling, but his heart all but stopped.
In the time that his mind was reeling, the smirk remained on his face and the crew near you got up and headed out. You were very aware that everyone from Top Gun was giving you not so sly looks, trying to figure out what had shut Hangman up. You blinked quickly, trying to clear the fog in your brain and stood up, throwing out the full cup of coffee and heading directly out the side doors.
You had been working your normal shift on deck- checking in with the fuelers, making sure the blocks were set, triple checking your catapult line. Everything was going smoothly and you were grateful that someone had remembered to bring a radio outside- the music melded perfectly with the sounds of the waves on the metal of the carrier.
Your jersey started to flutter in the wind and you barely noticed the footsteps approaching behind you. You were in the middle of hooking up one of the F-18's to the catapult rig when your hackles went up- someone was in your space. You looked up from your knees and saw the same blond pilot as earlier. Of COURSE this was his plane. He patted the side of it and smirked behind his aviators.
"She's a beaut, isn't she?" He looked down at you and you squinted under your helmet and behind your sunshield. You nodded your helmet and finished your checks. The pilot next to you hadn't moved. You glanced up and saw his nameplate: Seresin. You were glad you at least had a name to report now if he continued this stalking. He looked down at you again.
"Aircraft Signal Officer, right?" He nodded towards your jersey and helmet. You stood shaking your head, fully aware he hadn't recognized you yet.
"Catapult and Arresting Officer." You tapped your helmet, motioning to the three red stripes. He looked at you shocked, not expecting a female voice. You continued.
"I'm the only thing between you and ending up in the ocean," you tilted your head towards the catapult line hooked on the gear of his jet. "I'm also the one who tells you to fly." The pilot nodded and then offered a greeting:
"Lieutenant Jake Seresin," he said, cockily, leaning his forearm against the side of the plane. You smirked.
"It's Major to you, Lieutenant."
Part Two
A/N: Been gone- needed to do normal life things. Starting this up again- probably just a short series here. I love my high-ranking females (as does our favorite Texan pilot). Also, most of the military set-up is done now- enjoy!
Hangman Taglist (request to be added!): @alldaysdreamers @ponyboys-sunsets @hopefulinlove @wannabepoe @maverooster @rosiahills22 @ancabifi @multifandom-fangirl4 @dempy @luckyladycreator2 @chlo-feigh @sopheeg @kkrenae @blue-aconite @angirlofallthings22 @rln108 @pricklepearbloom @natasharomanoffisbaebby @loveforaugust @mizzy-pop @lizzie-rdj @mavswife @quackwackfawck @obiwankenobis-lap @icemansgirl1999 @my-soulmate-is-mycroft @the-winter-marvel33 @alitav99 @arieltwvdtohamflash @jostyriggslover96 @notanordinaryprincess95 @luckyladycreator2 @mistressslytherin @fogle97 @thebluelioness @littlebadariell @daisyhollyxox @idfkwhyimhere4357 @actorinfluence @lieutenant-rooster-bradshaw @no-pilots-please @imagineyneyjr  @hey-its-kayla-claire @8oopsiedaisy8 @jakexfmc
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sweetlittlegingy · 2 years
Sweet Nothings
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☑︎ Next Chapter | Sweet Nothings Masterlist
☑︎ Pairing: Jake Seresin x Y/n Seresin (Mitchell)
☑︎ Word Count: 5.3 k
☑︎ Warnings: Infertility, IVF, Adoption, Dad!Jake, Teacher/Mom!Reader, Kindergarteners, Y/n mom is a bitch
☑︎ A/n: I'm so excited to share this one with you guys, and I hope you love it just as much as I do.
☑︎ Library (Follow for updates! I no longer have a taglist.)
You can’t seem to stop the shake in your leg while you sit on the bed, and as your hands run across the comforter you pick off a stray piece of lent. Your eyes dart back to the bathroom door, and the pregnancy test that sits on the counter waiting. The little pink and white stick is a hard contrast against the marble countertop, and you can’t help but glare at it.
It had been 4 weeks since your last treatment, and while the doctors said you would get a positive or negative test by the second week, you couldn’t help but wait. As if the extra two weeks would make the embryo take and you would finally be pregnant.
You and Jake had been trying to have a baby for, four years. Just after your one-year anniversary, you both decided that you were ready and that having a little one running around was the next step. You had been 26 and Jake was 28, it felt like the perfect time. Jake was doing amazing in his career and has been permanently stationed at Top Gun. While you had just been hired on as the kindergarten teacher at Bay Park Elementary. Everything was falling into place, just like you had both planned.
Though after the first year and a half with no success naturally, your OBGYN suggested IVF. She had told you that due to your irregular ovulation pattern you would have trouble the natural way and that IVF would fix everything. That was two and a half years ago, and you were now on your third treatment. Each of the past two ended in failure, and with the third result waiting in the bathroom, you didn’t know if you really wanted to check.
Jake had gotten up this morning for an early run, while you enjoyed the fact that it was Saturday, and you could sleep in for a little bit. Though the need to pee came only moments after Jake was out of the house and now you couldn’t go back to sleep. In the five-minute time span, you were supposed to wait, you had made the bed, eaten breakfast, and started a load of laundry. The recommended five minutes quickly turned into twenty and now you were silently sitting and staring from afar.
You knew that Jake would be home soon, his run usually took thirty to forty- five minutes depending on which route he took, and you didn’t need him walking in on you. You hadn’t told him that you were going to take a pregnancy test, and he never pushed you to. Jake had been wonderful through the whole ordeal, helping with the medication injects that “boosted” your ovulation and he had never missed an appointment. And yes, while your father might have been in charge of the Dagger Squad, he didn’t give Jake any special treatment… Well, not a lot and Jake always made sure to figure out his days. Plus, it helped that the IVF hospital was on base, at the San Diego Naval Medical Center. Yet another plus of being married into the military, your insurance offers reduced fees for IVF. It was still expensive, but cheap enough that you had been able to save for each treatment.
Though the grim outlook was the fact that usually after your third treatment, doctors suggested looking into other options. That was another reason you were avoiding the test, you didn’t think you could mentally or physically go through another round of IVF, even with added ideas.
The last four years had been a continuous loop of your body failing you and Jake. He never said it, God he would never. Jake treated you amazingly, but the small nagging voice in the back of your head played the words on repeat. You were a failure as a woman.
You glance at your watch once more, 7:32 am, Jake would be back anytime. It was now or never. You reluctantly push yourself from the comfort of your mattress and quite literally drag your feet to the bathroom. The tile floor has a shiver running up your spine and you silently curse the cooling weather.
It’s sitting upside down on the counter and you just stare at it for a moment. Hands twisting in anxiety as you slowly spin your wedding ring around your finger. The white stick sits there taunting you, begging you to look.
“Fuck it.”
Your hand snatches the test and flips it over before you can rethink the decision. Your fingers shake as you lift it, eyes zeroing in on the clear window where two pink little lines are supposed to be. A harsh breath leaves your chest, and you bite on your bottom lip to stop it from quivering. Your hands are working on autopilot, grabbing the test and wrapping it in toilet roll before tossing it in the small garbage can. You couldn’t look at the single line anymore. You had seen the exact same test results more times than you could count in the last four years and didn’t need to stare at it to know the answer.
Once again, your body had failed you.
Your hands gently brush across the side of your legs, before reaching forward to wash your hands. You dry them quickly, before glancing in the mirror and the small tear resting on your cheek has you releasing a harsh laugh. Your eyes fall shut as you suck your teeth in annoyance, before wiping the tear away and taking another deep calming breath. If it could work for your 5-year-olds, it could work for you.
“It’s fine.”
Your grasp the counter and roll back on your heels, then lean forward releasing another harsh breath. It wasn’t like your heart felt like it was breaking, nope defiantly not that feeling. Your hands harshly smack against the granite counter, and the palm of your hand stung. Though the pain is welcomed, anything that would distract from the ever-growing crack in your heart.
You hear the front door open and shut before Jake is calling out to you. You can hear his shoes padding along the hardwood floors, and you hate when another tear falls from you. You didn’t want to do this to Jake again. He never signed up for this, he wasn’t the broken one.
Your voice cracks and you grit your teeth in frustration. You can feel Jake’s gaze through the mirror, though you really don’t feel like looking. Not when you feel like an utter failure. Your nose sniffles slightly and your hands against the counter tighten, turning your knuckles white.
Your eyes raise to look at Jake through the mirror, though before you can look at him you catch sight of your face. Tear stricken and the harsh gasp you were working so hard to hold in falls. Your chin immediately falls back into your chest as a sob breaks from your lips, and before you know it Jake’s grasping onto you. He’s dripping in sweat, but you could care less, and you fall into his chest as he rocks you. One hand traces up and down your spine, while the other weaves in your hair to hold you as you sob. Every breath is followed by a harsh sob, and you can’t stop the words as they release.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry”
“No, baby. No.”
Jake’s hold on you tightens, as he lays kiss after kiss across the top of your head. You pull away slowly and the hand in your hair comes to rest against your cheek. His thumb rubs small circles and a shuttered breath has you fighting against the way your lips beg to tremble.
“It was negative.”
You watch as a forced smile tugs at his lips and the small tear that traces down his cheek, has you reaching a hand up to brush it away. Your thumb moves over the stubble on his cheek and you give him a small smile, that surely looks like a grimace.
“I love you.”
His words break your heart because it was one thing that you always knew, no matter what Jake would always love you. Even when you feel like he shouldn’t. You gently push up on your toes and place a soft kiss on his lips. It’s short and sweet, but just what you both needed. You settle back on your feet, while Jake cradles your face in both hands and places a kiss on your brow.
“I love you,” Another small unsteady breath falls, “and even though you say you don’t need it. I am s–” Jake’s hand stills your trembling lip as another onset of tears falls. “I am so sorry, that I can’t … I can’t give you a baby.”
The words all but leave your chest before you crumble to the floor as Jake grasps onto your shaking form. His arms wrap around you to pull you into his chest, as sweet nothings are whispered into your hair and you once again, wait for the tears to dry.
“Daniel, wait for your mom to cross the road.”
You were on pick-up duty this week and while the older kids were wonderful at waiting inside the school grounds for their parents, your 20 little ones always seemed to slip passed the gate. You wave back to Mrs. Johnson as she takes hold of Daniel's hand. A sigh leaves your body as you glance around and find the school yard nearly empty. 8 of your kids rode the bus and that was the 10th pick-up of the day, now you just had to wait for the twin's foster mother.
The cool wind of the November day cresses your body and causes you to shiver. You might have lived in San Diego, but that didn’t stop the recent set of lower-than-75-degree days you had been having. A sudden grip on your pant leg is followed by what you could only describe as a mini human heater and as you glance down your eyes meet a pair of icy blue ones belonging to one-half of the twins.
“Hi Gray, where’s sissy?” Your hand gently strokes through his sandy blonde hair, to push back the stray pieces that fall over his forehead.
“Laine went back inside. She was cold and I told her that she couldn’t go whifout you, but she not listen.”
A small shutter racks through his chest, and you have to hold your tongue when you see his evident lack of a jacket. Their foster parents weren’t exactly your favorite people, and you had learned firsthand that they were only keeping the twins for the cheque at the end of each month.
It was at the beginning of the school year, not even the second week in and you noticed immediately that the twins were only rotating through 3 sets of clothes. You had gone to visit Mrs. Adam’s, the school's Head Teacher, and she had explained the situation.
It was their 12th foster home in the last 5 years, and while you found them to be perfect little angels, sometimes crazy, but still angels others did not. You had tried to reach out to their foster parents, but after a phone call that ended in you crying, you didn’t bother with them anymore. You had tried to leave it alone; it wasn’t your place to pry, and you knew that the kids were physically safe.
That answer came from Madelaine, she was a talkative five-year-old that honestly reminded you of Jake, and most days she would chat with you about different things she had learned, mostly in concern to the ocean and its sea life. Though one day, out of nowhere she had come to sit with you and Grayson on the playground bench during recess and told you, “He likes you cause you are nice and warm. Plus, you don’t push us like Mr. Meanie's face did.” It had stunned you for a moment, while Laine wasn’t affected by the words, little Gray had gone ridged at your side and clasped onto your hand. You had questioned her and found out that it was one of the other 12 foster homes. You didn’t push for specifics, not wanting to upset either of them, though Laine had told you that they only got in trouble when Gray did something wrong.
“He doesn’t mean to. Sometimes his eyeballs just go funny.”
Your gaze moved between the two of them, a questioning look on your face, before asking Gray to explain. That was how you had figured out he needed glasses, lucky the school provided testing, and not even two days after the test, you had him in a little pair of wire-framed glasses. You had him pick them out the day he had the testing, and without a second thought, you bought them.
You buying them things had become a regular occurrence. While the kids didn’t know it was you giving them clothes, Mrs. Adams made sure that they had whatever you gave her. Though now looking at Grayson you curse yourself for not thinking of “winter” coats before and mentally add it to the list to pick up when you and Jake are next at the mall.
“Come on my darling, let’s go find Miss Madelaine.”
Gray unwinds from your tan pant leg, before grasping your hand and tugging you forward. You glance behind you, up and down the road to check if their car is anywhere in sight, and find an empty street. You and Grayson make your way back into the school, stopping to ask Ms. Reynolds to call their foster parents, before heading down to your classroom.
“Did you know when a plane goes like this,” The hand not holding yours reached up and turns over, with his palm facing up. “it’s called in– inverturd”
You glance down at the little boy as he slightly adjusts the glasses on his face while waiting for your reply.
“Inverted, Gray. With an ‘e’”
You found out recently that while at home the kids either watched tv or played on a shared tablet, from an anonymous individual this last month. The twins weren’t allowed to go outside, and the pair barely had any toys, which left them to learn all sorts of things.
You learned early on in the school year that the Gray loved planes and watched an array of war movies. While Laine loved the ocean and watched the discovery channel quite religiously. The fact that they were watching movies and shows not explicitly meant for children had your gut twisting, but they had told you that the house didn’t have children’s channels. So, the next best option was military films and shark week, Laine’s favorite. That had come directly from Laine after she explained that they were learning at least unlike other kids, she was the bona fide sassy one of the pair.
Your classroom comes into view, the fall-decorated door stands ajar and Madelaine sits at your desk eating a pack of gummies. She has both hers and Gray's backpacks sitting on the floor, while she hums along to the music coming from the Alexa on your desk.
“Good job bringing Ms. CeeCee, Gray.” You glance down at the small boy still grasping your hand, his eyes remain on his sister though a big smile spreads across his face. Laine wiggles another bag of gummies at Gray, and he drops your hand, quick to grab the snack from his sister.
“Miss Laine, what do you think you’re doing in here?” You try to appear stern though a smile breaks across your face as she gives you a toothless grin. Her middle bottom tooth had fallen out just last week, and it made her smile all the more cute.
“I was cold, and Janice wasn’t coming anyway. She never does.” The small grimace she gives you makes your heartache.
“I know, but I’m here and we can do some crafts while waiting. Ms. Reynolds in the office is trying to call her.”
You glance up at the clock and see that it's nearing 5 pm. You glance back to the twins and find Grayson meticulously gluing things to his paper in a pattern. While Madelaine has used every color of feather you have, on a crown that now rests on her head. You didn’t mind staying after with the kids, what was frustrating was the lack of care that their “parent” was displaying.
“I’m just going to go see if Ms. Reynolds has heard anything, you two be good while I’m gone.”
Gray only nods in reply as his tongue peeks out between his lips in concentration. Laine gives you a cheeky smile, followed by a ‘mkay.’ Your shoes click against the tile floors, and you wave to Mrs. Rogers, the 5th-grade teacher, that’s shutting off lights for the night.
The office isn’t far from your room, and you find a frustrated Mrs. Adams that’s sitting and talking with Ms. Reynolds. They glance at you at the sound of you knocking on the door frame, and you already know the answer.
Jake had gotten off a little early, the team had run drills all morning and then Jake was stuck doing paperwork. He was more than happy when he finished that last of the paperwork at 4:30 and decided to leave early.
He slips in the truck, though before he can head out there’s a knock against his window. Jake glances over, before rolling down the window for Mav. Jake had been surprised when he got called back for the Dagger Squad and even more surprised to find out that his father-in-law was in charge. You had been married for just over a year when Jake got called back to Top Gun and you both couldn’t have been happier to come back.
“Have you talked to Y/n yet?”
The older man sighs while leaning up against the truck, he grabs the ball cap from his head while running his hand through his hair. He was clearly stressed about something, and it had to have occurred in the last 4 hours because Maverick had been perfectly fine this morning.
“No, I was just about to call her about dinner. What’s up?” Jake questions slightly confused.
“She must be ignoring Lanell. The woman’s called me twice today, wanting to know about the last round of treatment.”
A harsh sigh leaves Jake at the mention of your mother. Lanell was an interesting woman, to say the least, and your relationship was almost nonexistent. She had a habit of putting you down, and during the last treatment, she had said some unforgivable things about your lacking ability.
“Y/n blocked her and she’s lucky that’s all that happened.”
Mav’s brow furors slightly in question and leans farther into Jake’s truck.
“Lanell told Y/n that unless she got pregnant, she was a failure as a woman.” Jake’s head slightly shakes, still astounded by what your mother had said. “I don’t hit women, but by God, I wanted to lay her out.”
Mav slowly blinks at Jake, before dropping his head and pinching the bridge of his nose. A harsh laugh falls from the man, followed by a deep breath before he’s looking back at a less-than-happy Jake.
“Every time she calls me, I regret having a child with her. Why couldn’t I have just been smart from the beginning and had Y/n with Penny.”
Another laugh falls from Jake, as he shakes his head in agreement. With a nod, Mav is pushing off Jake’s door and tells him that he will handle your mother.
The drive home isn’t long, and the chill of the day is crisp and exactly the type of weather Jake loved. Living in California didn’t exactly mean that there was a fall and having days like these made Jake miss the cool weather.
Pulling into your drive, Jake notices your missing car and reaches for his phone to call you. Even when Jake got off early, if it was after 4:30 you were usually home before him. There had been times in the past, but they were few and far between.
The buzzing causes the whole table to shake and has both of the kids looking up from their current art projects. Their eyes bounce from the phone and back to one another. Madelaine is reaching for it before Grayson can stop her, as a teasing smile followed by a giggle erupts from her.
“You shouldn’t touch Ms. CeeCee’s phone, that’s not nice.”
“It’s not nice to ignore phone call’s either.”
Gray falls silent at the comment, before glaring at his sister and going back to his beads. Laine does a small dance in her chair in victory, before pushing the green answer button.
“Ummm, Hi”
“Who’s this.”
Grayson glances back at his sister and then to the door, in hopes that you’ll show up and take the phone from Laine. He didn’t want to get in trouble and would be completely fine with letting his sister take the fall for this.
“I’m Jake, where is Mrs. Seresin?”
“I’m Madelaine. Ms. CeeCee went to the office, but you can talk to me.”
A laugh echoes through the phone and a wide grin breaks across Laine’s face. Gray looks up when he hears the quiet laugh and finds his sissy with her tongue out at him. His own tongue pokes out at her before he gets up to move closer to the phone. Laine notices Gray’s sudden interest and brings the phone down to set it on the tabletop. The twins silently look at the phone’s call screen before Gray finds the speaker button and Jake’s voice echoes through the room.
“Mr. Jake, my bubba is here too. Gray, say hi.” She nudges at the boy’s shoulder, who only looks at her before shaking his head. “It’s not nice to ignore people Gray. How would you feel if Mr. Jake ignored us?”
A smile breaks across Jake’s face at the young girl, though makes sure he doesn’t laugh and waits for Grayson to speak.
“Hi.” His voice is small and it’s only a little peep from him, but Jake’s heart aches at the sound of the pair together.
Before Jake can say anything else, he hears a high-pitched squeal followed by your laughter and the shuffle of the phone.
His voice is still on loudspeaker, the echo gives it away and his question is followed by two separate voices saying ‘yes?’ One is clearly your voice, while the other is undeniably the cheeky little spitfire that had been holding a full conversation with him. A full laugh falls from Jake and he can’t help but smile at how adorable both kids were, even if Grayson didn’t talk much. Jake just knew the pair of them were adorable, trouble, but adorable.
“Not the little darlin’, Ms. CeeCee Darlin’.”
You can hear the giggling of the pair before you even reach the door of your classroom, though you hadn’t expected to hear Jake’s voice ringing through the classroom. You walk in trying to be as quiet as possible, not wanting to interrupt the twins. Their art projects sit abandoned, while Laine sits up on her knees in a chair, leaning over your phone with the biggest smile on her face. Gray stands at her side, leaning against the table but looking between the phone and Laine before a small ‘hi’ is mumbled from his lips.
They are completely consumed with the conversation with Jake, which gives you the perfect distraction, so you can sneak up on them. You slowly walk across the room, making sure to avoid anything that would make noise. As you get next to them you almost laugh at how consumed they are, though you're quick to reach out and tickle them both on their sides. Gray only jumps as a small squeak is released, while Laine jumps full-on and releases a scream. Both kids spin around, their own hands coming out to tickle at you now and making you laugh.
Jake’s laugh is followed by him calling for you, though you weren’t prepared for Madelaine to answer as well. Gray silently laughs at your hip, while Laine wears a shameless smile that only grows when you shake your head. Your hand tracks through her long dirty blonde hair, it was a few shades darker than Grayson’s, though their eyes were the exact same shade of blue. You take the phone from the table and gently tell the kids to begin putting their crafts away, while you talk with Mr. Jake.
“Hi, honey.”
“Hey, darlin’. You got the phone back from the twin terrors?”
His voice is teasing, and you can’t help the smile that crosses your lips as you watch them clean up. You listen to Jake and hum in answer to his question about dinner, though your main focus stays on the twins as they work in tandem perfectly together. You agree to pick up something on the way home, and that you shouldn’t be too late.
“Darlin’ did you hear me?”
The words pull your attention back to the phone call that you were still on.
“I’m sorry honey, I was just watching the twins clean up and get ready to go.” Your voice is soft and holds a longing that makes your and Jake’s hearts ache.
“They stayed late today, is everything okay?”
Jake knew bits about their story, though you tried hard not to bring your work home with you. The both of you already had so much going on that consumed your thoughts daily, that worrying about the twins more than you already did, would lead to disaster.
“Yeah, I will explain when I get home. I’m going to get them ready to go though, I love you.”  
“I love you, darlin’. Drive safe, I’ll see you soon.”
You take a deep breath as you hang up, clearing your mind of the silent longing that the wish the twins were yours. That they were going home with you to Jake, in a warm loving home that always put them first. Though the thought only creates room for heartbreak and so you push it to the back of your mind as you get ready to leave.
You watch as Janice gets the twins in the car, though she doesn’t bother with helping them buckle, and a deep anger blooms in your chest. Though it’s eased as you see both kids get the latches in place, and a smile crosses your face when they wave to you with small smiles.
Your smile stays in place until the car disappears down the street, then it falls, and you wrap your arms around yourself as you make your way to your car. The cool air plays no part in how your heart clenches and the small squeeze you give yourself before getting in the car to head home.
The drive home was fast, given that it was late enough that the rush had already passed. The stop at the Italian place was even quicker and luckily easy, given that Jake had called your order in and you just had to pick it up. Your hip pushes against the car door causing it to close, as you hold the takeout in one hand and your school bag in the other.
A small smile graces your lips as you see the front door open, and Jake already has his hand out to take part in your load. He is quick to grab the steaming Italian food, but you reach up and pull him into a sweet kiss before he can pull away. The food and school bag sit in your hands completely forgotten, as Jake places a kiss on the top of your head as you rest against his chest.
He gives your hip a tiny squeeze before he pulls away to lead you into the kitchen. You drop your bag in the hall and kick off your shoes before following Jake. He’s already got the table set and you place a kiss on his cheek in thanks, as he places the different containers from the Italian place out.
The slow tune of Bing Crosby floats through the kitchen and you smile as Jake slowly hums along to the track. You skirt around each other, and after five years of marriage, you know each other like the back of your hand and work flawlessly together. A laugh falls from your lips as Jake’s arms wrap around your waist and turn you in his arms to dance along to the old vinyl.
“How’s my best girl doing?”
The words are spoken against your hair, and you hum as he spins you out, before bringing you back in his arms.
“I’m good.” Your words ring out though there’s a hitch in your words that has Jake waiting for you to continue while he sways you. “I just don’t understand. They don’t care about them; how can you just forget about picking up your children.” A small sniffle comes from you that has Jake pulling you back, and as his hand settles on your cheek your lips twist in annoyance. “She didn’t even check to make sure they were buckled.”
Tears gather in your eyes as Jake’s lips brush against your brow, and you can’t stop them as they start falling. His hand tracks across your face and sweeps the hair from your eyes to tuck it gently behind your ear. He watches you in silence, with a frown marring his face at the words.
Jake knew how much having a child meant to you, it meant just as much to him, but seeing you so heartbroken over it was almost worse than the actual fact. You had mentioned the twins to Jake before, though you never went fully in-depth. Even without you telling him every small detail concerning their life, Jake knew how much they meant to you.
Hell, Jake knew that you had started buying them clothes, after finding a bag marked ‘twins’ in your car. After that, he may or may not, have gone out and got them a few things. Including the tablet that they so dearly loved. Jake had given the pile of items to Mrs. Adams one day and asked her not to tell you. The elderly woman only smiled at him and gave him a wink, before taking the items. Jake didn’t even know the children and yet he felt a connection with them. Having the call today only confirmed that they were absolutely perfect, hell raisers, but perfect.
You shuffle in Jake's hold and brush the stray tears from your face, while you lean back against the counter. You pull Jake with you and wrap your arms around his waist easily, silently toying with the band of his sweatpants.
“How is it fair that they get to have children and they don’t even care. Meanwhile, we try and try, and it never happens.” Another broken sob, “I would love them so much. I do love them so much, but they aren’t ours and they’re never going to be ours.”
The final words are no more than a whisper from your lips, but Jake hears them perfectly. The food on the table is easily forgotten as Jake pulls your whimpering form into his hold, in the only way that he knows how to comfort you. It wasn’t a problem that Jake could just fix and the harsh truth, that only time would tell, was not something he would ever get used to.
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tayrae515imagines · 1 year
Only Bought This Dress So You Could Take It Off.
Requested: Nope! I just love Jake Seresin.
Warnings: Language. Mentions of death. Losing a parent. Brief mentions of smut. Non-consensual  touching (on the face for about two seconds.) Poorly grieving with death. Probably grammar, spelling or punctuation errors. Just go with it. 
Pairing: Jake Seresin x Fem!Kazansky!Reader (Call Sign: Frosty)
Type: Angst with a happy ending 
Summary: Inspired heavily on Dress by Taylor Swift. 
Y/N’s relationship with the one and only Jake Seresin has always been difficult to say the least. The two banter back and forth, constantly flirting or taunting each other. They have never been more than friendenemies at best until one day they weren’t and Y/N finds herself yearning for the one man who drives her absolutely crazy. 
Authors Note:  So I have seen Top Gun Maverick about twelve+ times since it came out about a year ago now. I just love it so much. It has easily become one of my favorite movies. From the storyline to the characters and overall movie aesthetic. I have spent the past few weeks reading nothing but Jake fics and felt like writing one myself. 
I have not written anything in a very very veryyyy long time. So this honestly could be bad. But, with that being said, I am so happy with the direction this went in and it feels good to have written again. Please let me know your thoughts. :) I do also want to point out I have somewhat changed the timeline of the movie to fit my story. Thank you so much for reading!
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Our secret moments in your crowded room
They got no idea about me and you
There is an indentation in the shape of you
Made your mark on me, a golden tattoo
“You know, sometimes it physically pains me to hold back my sarcastic remarks around you.”
“Don’t hold back on my account darlin’.” That sickeningly sweet, southern draw floats by Y/N’s ear, making the girl roll her eyes.
The voice belongs to none other than Jake “Hangman” Seresin. The one person who seems to always get under Y/N’s skin despite her normally unbothered demeanor. 
Frosty was the callsign Y/N had been gifted. Partly due to her cold and calm demeanor and another part due to her infamous father Tom “Iceman” Kazansky. Y/N had grown up admiring her father, wanting nothing more than to be like him one day. From a very young age the girl knew she was meant to be a pilot.
There was no denying that Y/N was given chances others weren’t but that didn’t mean the girl didn’t work just as hard as others, if not harder. Which is how she ended up back at Top Gun among the best of the best. One of which just happened to be the only man who managed to drive her mad. 
“Bagman..I mean this in the most unloving way. Fuck off.” 
“You wound me Frost.” The man put a hand over his heart in mock heartbreak. The girl rolled her eyes again as Jake leaned closer. “But if I’m going to fuck anything, it’s you.” 
Y/N could feel the smirk on Jake’s face without even facing him. The girl was used to being flirted with, Navy men could be pigs at times. Normaly, it didn’t phase her in the slightest but for some reason, when it came to Jake Fucking Seresin, she just couldn’t help the flutter she felt in her heart.
 “In your dreams Seresin.” She managed to get out, desperately trying to hide the blush rising on her cheeks. 
“Trust me darlin, it is.” He winked and walked out of the room. Leaving Y/N to let out the breath she didn’t even realize she had been holding. The only thing the girl knew for sure, is no one has ever made her heart race like he did. 
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All of this silence and patience, pining in anticipation
My hands are shaking from holding back from you (ah, ah, ah)
All of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting
My hands are shaking from all this (ah, ha, ha, ha)
The day was hot and that was putting it mildly. When you pair the sweltering California heat with the suffocating flight suit and heavy helmet, the weather felt like hell.
All Y/N wanted to do was get to the locker room and take a shower. The girl wanted it so bad she could imagine the shocking feel of ice cold water against her sweat covered skin. That thought alone brought a smile to her face. After a long day of stressful training, she just wanted to relax. Unfortunately for her, someone had other plans.
“We all know you are only in this program because your daddy pulled some strings. You can pretend otherwise but I know the truth.” The deep voice floats down the hall behind Y/N, causing the girl to turn around with a raised brow. 
“Do you think you are the first person to have said that to me?” The girl crossed her arms, glaring at the man standing in front of her. She recognized him from around base. She couldn’t pinpoint exactly what he did here but in her defense, she had been too busy with training and class to meet many people other than her teammates.
“Probably not but it doesn’t make it less true. You don’t deserve to be here.” 
“Listen fucker. I have had a rough day. I am hot, I am hungry, and I am tired. I do not need to stand here and justify myself to some dip shit who decided to share his opinion with the class. Just walk away.” 
The man smirked and stepped closer to Y/N, forcing her back towards the cold beige wall as she moved to step away from him. His grimy hands reached out and stroked the girl's cheek. “I think you just need to be taught a lesson, maybe put that dirty mouth to work on something else.” 
“You son of a bit-”
“Is everything alright here?” That familiar voice rings out, causing Y/N to turn her head towards the tall figure walking in her direction. 
“Yeah  man, me and my girl were just chatting.” The shorter man, Y/N had mentally nicknamed douchebag said. 
“Funny. Doesn’t look like Frost is in the mood to chat with you.” Jake walked closer, physically moving douchebags hand away from the girl. “I also heard everything you said..if you’re going to talk shit, maybe make sure you don’t have an audience. I doubt you would want admiral Simpson or captain Mitchell to find out how you treat one of your coworkers. Sounds like grounds for dismissal to me.”
At Jake's words, douchebag pales, taking another step back. “Look I’m sorry I-”
“If I ever hear you talking about my friend again, I will personally make sure you never talk again. Frost is a better pilot than most of us, hell she is a better pilot than me. Now if you ever touch her again, I will leave you so unrecognizable, your mother won’t be able to identify the body. Get the hell out of here before I show you I’m serious.” Jake growled out the words and the other man ran off. Letting out a breath, Jake  turned towards the girl and calmed down. “You alright Frosty?” 
“I could have handled that prick.”
Jake smirked at the girl and tilted his head. “You know, a thank you would suffice.”
Y/N sighed and looked up at Jake. “Thank you Hangman.” 
“Anything for you darlin. Only I am allowed to taunt you.” He trailed his green eyes down her face, taking in every feature until he stopped at her soft lips. 
“My knight in shining armor.” The girl meant to be sarcastic but the words came out in no more than a soft breath, her own gaze going to Jake’s lips. “You said I’m a better pilot than you.”
“Did I?” Jake said softly, brushing some hair out of the girl's face as the two drifted towards each other, lips almost touching until a bang of a door had them jumping away from each other. 
“There you are Frosty, I’ve been looking for you all day. Let's go get lunch.” Rooster made his way over, throwing an arm around his best friend, oblivious that he just ruined the moment. “Hangman.” He nodded at the blonde and led the girl out, talking her ear off about god knows what. 
Y/N couldn’t focus on a thing Rooster said as she glanced back at the man she left alone in the hall. Her eyes connected with his green ones, the look in them so intense and full of longing, she had to look away. 
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Say my name and everything just stops
I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off
Carve your name into my bedpost
'Cause I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off
“Hangman, hottie checking you out at 12 o’clock.” Coyote said, interrupting Y/N’s thoughts as the girl stared at the cold beer in her hand. The dagger squad had decided to utilize their day off with a trip to The Hard Deck. The group hadn’t been there long before practically all of the women (and some men) in the bar started giving suggestive looks to the team. Y/N really couldn’t blame them. Everyone on her team was unnaturally attractive. 
“Oh trust me Coyote. I saw her. And I think the lady looks thirsty, maybe I should fix that.” Jake smirked and walked over to his admirer. 
Y/N tried desperately not to stare at them but she just couldn't look away. The brunette's hand, resting on Jake's arm as she gave him a flirty smile. Y/N didn’t need to see Jake's face to know he was eating this up. 
Y/N couldn’t understand why she felt a pang in her chest at seeing him flirting with someone else. It’s not much of a secret that Jake is a flirt. And it’s not like she had any sort of relationship with Jake other than friendenemies, if you can even call it that. 
“Frost there is a cutie staring at you too.” Phoenix spoke up, grabbing Y/N’s attention away from Jake. The girl followed the direction Phoenix was looking in and sure enough, a tall dark haired man shot her a wink. “Go get him to buy you a drink.” Phoenix smirked and helped the girl up. 
Sucking in a breath, Y/N put on her best confident smile and walked towards the man. 
“Hello gorgeous. Sorry for staring, I just couldn’t look away from you.” 
“Yeah, I know the feeling.” Y/N said softly.
“Can I buy you a drink?”
“Sure, I’d like that.” Y/N gave the man a genuine smile and sat down at the bar next to him. 
The conversation was pleasant enough. The man who Y/N learned was named Greg, made her laugh. But the same gnawing feeling ached within her..he was kind, funny, handsome even. But he was no Jake. 
“Would you like to dance Y/N?” Greg smiles brightly, holding his hand out while his blue eyes sparkled under the bar lights. 
“Sure.” Y/N finished off her beer and walked towards the jukebox with Greg, his hands resting on her hips while she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m a horrible dancer so this swaying is the most you’re getting out of me.” The girl laughed softly.
“I’ll take anything you’re willing to give me as long as I can hold you this close.” Greg smiled and pulled her closer to him, his eyes drifting down to her lips. 
Y/N could tell Greg wanted to kiss her and maybe a part of her wanted him to. But, every urge the girl felt to make a move with Greg, she felt a more intense one to run towards Jake.
 It was a stupid ache that she couldn’t shake and the most infuriating thing about it was she didn’t understand why. Most of the conversations Y/N and Jake had were them taunting each other. When did taunting turn into more for her and does Jake feel the same? She doubted it by the way he had flocked to the first pretty girl to bat her eyes at him. That thought alone made her move towards Greg and pull back from her Jake filled thoughts. 
“You can kiss me Greg.” The girl said softly, looking at his lips. Greg didn’t need to be told twice. He leaned in slowly, trying to savor the moment and right as their lips were about to touch, that familiar honeyed voice Y/N has grown to crave,  rang out next to her. 
Y/N pulled back slowly, turning towards Jake. “I’m a little busy here Hangman.”
“Yeah, I see that.” Jake said flatly, not sparing a glance at Greg. “I was just wondering if your little dance partner knew about your extremely high risk job and the ramifications of dating a pilot. Especially a pilot like you.” 
“What is that supposed to mean?” Y/N gritted her teeth and looked up at him. 
Greg looked between you both and moved his hands off your hips. “Look, you’re great Y/N. Really great, but I don't want to get involved in the middle of this.” He motioned between the two pilots. “It was nice to meet you, thank you for a fun night.” He kissed her cheek and walked off. 
“What the hell was that?!” Y/N turned to Jake, anger burning in her eyes. 
“I was just trying to stop you from making a mistake, Frosty. You can do better than that guy.”
“You don’t know a thing about him. God, that’s not even an opinion for you to have! You just wanted to be an ass per usual and ruin my night. Well great fucking job Hangman, you succeeded so you can run back to your new lady friend and leave me the hell alone!” The girl stormed out the bar doors, anger coursing through her so strongly, she was shaking.
 Unbeknownst to her, Jake followed her right out those doors. He wasn’t about to let her leave when she was so angry. 
“Please Jake just go inside and leave me alone.” Y/N turned away from him, wiping the tears off her cheeks that were now freely flowing from her eyes. 
Everything was just too much. Too much disappointment, too much heartbreak, and too much yearning for something she couldn’t have. 
“Y/N.” Jake gently put his hand on her shoulder, turning the girl to face him. “I’m sorry I ruined your night darlin. That was not my intention.”
“No? Then what was your intention Jake because I do not understand.” Y/N wiped the last of her tears away and looked up into Jake’s green eyes. “I don’t understand any of this.” 
“I was jealous.” 
“Jealous? Jake, what are you talking about? You are the one who went to flirt with that gorgeous girl!”
“No, I didn’t. I bought her a drink, told her I appreciate her interest but it would never work out with us because I am crazy about someone else! I told her I knew another wonderful man she would like and introduced her to Bob! They are still in there talking if you don’t believe me. I wanted to talk to you! I wanted to flirt with you!  And I wanted to dance with you but when I found you, some other guy was trying to kiss you and it drove me crazy!”
All the breath left Y/N when she saw the sincerity in Jake’s eyes. Jake gently cupped the girls cheek, wiping away any stray tears. “I only want you darlin, and it drives me absolutely mad. I can’t sleep, I can’t eat. All I can do is think about you and it has been that way since I met you.”
“Since you met me?” The girl gave him an amused smile.
“Oh yeah.” Jake flashed her his toothy grin. “Apparently you telling me to fuck off really got me hooked on you.”
Y/N laughed and moved closer to Jake. “Well apparently your asshole ways worked on me too. I didn’t want him, I just wanted a distraction from you.”
“I’m going to kiss you now Darlin.”
“Please do Jake.” 
Jake wasted no time. He pulled the girl flush against him and connected their mouths. His lips warm against hers, breathing each other in with the intensity of the kiss. At that moment, there was no such thing as enough. The couple couldn’t get close enough, couldn’t kiss hard enough. Couldn’t get enough of each other. 
Soon Jake had Y/N pressed against his truck, her dress riding dangerously high up on her thigh. Jake pulled back from the kiss just enough to whisper against the girl's now puffy lips. “I love this fucking dress on you. It’s been killing me all night.” 
“Good.” Y/N whispered back. “I bought it for you.” 
Jake groaned and played with the hemmed edge of her red sundress. “Let me take it off.”
“Fuck, yes please.” The girl groaned and moved a hand into his hair. 
Jake opened the back door to his truck and set the girl inside gently before hovering over her. He pushed the skirt up to her hips, exposing a pair of lace panties. Jake groaned when he noticed the wet spot, darkening the blue lace. “Fuck darlin, did I make you this wet?”
“Yes Jake, only you.” Y/N moaned as the man ran his finger over her clothed slit. 
Jake looked down at the girl, a smirk plastered on his face. “All mine pretty girl. You’re all mine.”
“Yours.” Y/N breathed, looking into his love filled green eyes. “I’m all yours.”
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Inescapable, I'm not even gonna try
And if I get burned, at least we were electrified
I'm spilling wine in the bathtub
You kiss my face and we're both drunk
Everyone thinks that they know us
But they know nothing about
The temperature outside was getting increasingly warmer and Y/N’s father, Iceman decided to have the dagger squad over for a pool party. The older man wanted to meet her team and more importantly, the man who had stolen his daughter's heart. 
Y/N never openly told her parents about her new boyfriend but they knew her well. Especially her father. He saw the way the girl's eyes lit up whenever she talked about a certain pilot and he couldn’t help but want to know more. 
The devastating reality was that he didn’t have much time left. But, with what he did have, he wanted to make sure his daughter was putting her faith in the right people. Iceman was no stranger to the egos aviators could have and his little girl had worked her ass off to get where she was. She had proven herself to be more than just her last name. He had to make sure that this Hangman had no intention of hurting her. The other part of him was just genuinely curious. He had never seen her act this way about a boyfriend before. 
For a short time when Y/N was growing up, Iceman thought maybe her childhood friend Bradley Bradshaw could be the one. He changed his mind when he saw that the two were better in a platonic way. Sometimes even referring to each other as brother and sister. 
“Dad, can I get you another drink?” Y/N walked outside to where Iceman was sitting with Rooster. 
“No, I’m alright sweetheart.” He smiled softly at his daughter.
“If you’re offering, I’ll take another beer.” Rooster spoke up.
“I don’t remember offering you one Roos but fine. Because I’m in a good mood.” She teased and walked back to the kitchen to grab herself and Rooster a drink. 
Iceman turned to Rooster after he made sure Y/N had left. “Tell me about this Hangman I keep hearing about.”
“Hangman? Why do you want to know about him?” Rooster finished off the rest of his current beer and looked at Iceman “Wait..Hangman is Frosty’s mystery man?”
“It seems that way. I can tell by the way she talks about him.” 
“I should have seen that coming with the way those two teased each other.” Rooster leaned back in his chair and sighed. “If you asked me a few months ago I would tell you he was the worst. But he has changed. Especially around her. I thought it was just because they had been flying together more. Obviously that's not it.” Rooster pushed the aviators up his nose. “He has an ego, but, he’s kinda like young Mav from the stories you’ve told me. He likes to push limits and always be the best but he is reliable at the end of the day, if they really are together, he’d do anything for her. I know he would. You know I love Frosty and if I thought he’d hurt her, well I’d be trying to drown him in the pool when he gets here.”
“I might have just let you.” Iceman smiled slightly, sipping his iced tea. 
“Frosty can handle herself and I trust Hangman with her. I don’t think you have anything to worry about.” 
“I’m glad to hear it.” 
“Glad to hear what?” Y/N walked over, claiming one of the empty chairs at the table while she handed Rooster his beer. 
“Nothing sweetheart.” Ice smiled and looked towards the kitchen. “Does your mother need any help?” 
“Nope, Phoenix and Bob have taken over the kitchen with her. Mom also said and I quote. “If your father tries to get up and help me instead of relaxing, I will wack him on the head.” I think it’s safe to assume she wants you to stay sitting today.”
 Iceman laughed softly and nodded. “I love that woman.” 
“I know you do, dad.” Y/N smiled and put her hand over his, occasionally glancing towards the front door, waiting for that familiar blonde to show up. 
“Looking for someone?” Rooster smirked and nudged Y/N’s arm.
“No..why are you both being weird?” 
“No reason.” Rooster smirked again and sipped his beer, sharing a glance with the older man. 
“Okay you are being very cryptic today Roos. It’s weird. Knock it off..” Y/N trailed off when she heard the sweet sound of that southern draw she loved so much. “Hangman is here.” She stood quickly and walked to greet him. She thought she was being sneaky with her emotions, but her father did not miss the sparkle of absolute love in her eyes.
All of this silence and patience, pining in anticipation
My hands are shaking from holding back from you (ah, ah, ah)
All of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting
My hands are shaking from all this (ah, ha, ha, ha)
“You’re here.” Y/N smiled, walking into the living room where Jake stood with her mother. 
“Course I am Frost. I’d never say no to a party and I’m very eager to meet your parents.” He smiled at Y/N and turned to her mother “I brought these for you mam, as a thank you for having me in your home.” He held up the small bouquet of flowers he had meticulously picked out before coming over. 
“Oh that is so sweet! Thank you Jake. Please make yourself at home and let me know if you need anything.” She started walking towards the kitchen to put the flowers in a vase but turned back to her daughter before reaching the room. ‘I like him’ she mouthed, causing Y/N to blush and turn back to the man in front of her. 
“So you are on a first name basis with my mom already. Impressive.” 
“What can I say? Ladies find me charming. And Sarah is a peach.” He flashed her a grin and brushed his hand against hers. “I missed you.” 
“I missed you too Jake. Thank you for coming..I mean it.” 
“Honey you know I wouldn’t miss this, it’s important to you.” He took her hand and kissed it gently. “I will admit, I am slightly nervous to meet your father.” 
“Oh yeah? That’s adorable.” She smirked up at him. 
“I am adorable, it’s a known fact.” Jake smirked and pinched her hip with his free hand. “So are you going to show me your childhood bedroom? I am excited to see it..do you have boy band posters?” 
“Shut up Jake.” She laughed softly. “Rooster is outback with my dad. I think Coyote made his way out there too. I’ll grab you a beer and we can go out there?”
“Sounds perfect pretty girl.” He kissed her cheek gently and walked outback with her after stopping to get him a beverage. 
“Dad this is Jake Seresin, callsign Hangman. He’s a part of my squad and…my boyfriend.” She cleared her throat and looked around at everyone who had joined them outside. 
“Boyfriend? Since when?!” Phoenix whispered to Bob who shrugged behind them.
“Since our night at The Hard Deck Phoenix. You didn’t notice?” He whispered back.
“But that was almost a month ago…” She mumbled.
“It’s an honor to meet you sir.” Jake ignored his friends surprise and held his hand out with a smile. 
“You as well son. I have heard some incredible things about you.” Iceman took his hand and shook it, motioning to an empty chair with his other hand. 
“Are you bragging about me darlin?” Jake grinned and looked at Y/N, taking a seat at the table. 
“Absolutely not, your ego does not need to get any bigger.” Y/N playfully scoffed and took her own seat by him. 
“It’s cute that you’re impressed by me. I’m impressed by you too.” He grinned and took her hand, kissing it softly. 
Iceman watched the way Jake held her hand so tenderly and looked at Y/N with the same love sick expression the girl had shown for him earlier. It was clear to her father from that moment he truly had nothing to worry about. Jake Seresin was in love with his daughter and she was in love with him. 
Say my name and everything just stops
I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off
Carve your name into my bedpost
'Cause I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
The bright sun had faded into warm hues of orange and pink, reflecting off the crisp blue pool water as Y/N leaned against Jake. The man’s hand played with her fingers as he held her close, absolutely at peace. 
“Yes baby?”
“Are you happy?” The girl turned in his arms gently, looking into his gorgeous green eyes. 
“Are you kidding me? Of course I’m happy. I have you.” He brought a hand up and cupped her cheek gently. “Why are you asking?” 
“I don’t know. This all just feels too good to be true. Today was great and I’m slightly convinced this is a dream. It could be all the alcohol though.”
Jake let out a soft chuckle and pinched the girl's hip, causing her to pout at him. “Not a dream darlin. This is real.” He leaned his head down and kissed her once. “This is all I have wanted for years. Even when we were stationed apart. I craved you. I knew even then that I wanted you to be mine. I plan on putting a ring on this finger someday Y/N. That is how crazy I am about you.” He took her hand again and kissed her ring finger. 
“You’re going to make me cry.” Y/N laughed softly and leaned her head on his. 
Jake chuckled and kissed the girl’s hand once more. “One day. I promise.” 
“One day.” Y/N smiled widely and kissed both of Jake’s cheeks. “I should go see if my mom needs help with the dishes.” Y/N slowly moved out of Jake's arms. “Do you want anything else to drink?”
“I’m alright darlin.” He smiled and kissed her hand before letting her go, unaware of Iceman making his way over.
“I’ve never seen her this happy before.” Iceman said and took a seat next to Jake. “Thank you for making her smile like that. It makes me feel better knowing she will have you.”
“You don’t have to thank me for loving her. I couldn’t help it even if I wanted to. She is the most wonderful woman I have ever met.”
Iceman smiled and patted Jake’s arm. “She is wonderful. But you still chose to be there for her every day. It means a lot to me and my wife. You are exactly the type of man I was hoping she would end up with.” Iceman sighed softly. “I don’t have much time left son. I know my family will be devastated which breaks my heart more than I can express, but when it comes to Y/N, I am worried. She shuts down. She pushes people away when she needs them most, she has done it since she was a child. I’m not sure if it makes her feel protected or if she thinks she needs to heal alone but I don't want that for her. Do not let her push you away. She needs you, and son, I can tell you need her too. Promise me?” 
Jake turned to Iceman and swallowed down his emotion, eyes shining with unshed tears. 
“I promise sir.” 
“Thank you. You’re a good man Jake Seresin.” Iceman smiled and patted his shoulder again. 
“I-I know this is a bit premature but I fully intend on marrying your daughter one day sir. Maybe I am a bit old fashioned but I think it is respectable to get your permission first.” 
“You have it son.” Iceman smiled warmly and stood slowly. “Now if you’ll excuse me, all this talk about love has me missing my wife.” The older man made his way inside to find his wife as Jake watched, hoping one day this would be him and Y/N.
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Flashback when you met me
Your buzzcut and my hair bleached
Even in my worst times
You could see the best of me
Flashback to my mistakes
My rebounds, my earthquakes
Even in my worst lies
You saw the truth in me
And I woke up just in time
Now I wake up by your side
My one and only, my lifeline
I woke up just in time
Now I wake up by your side
My hands shake, I can't explain this ah, ha, ha, ha
Y/N has barely spoken a word since she got the news. Now, standing next to her mother and siblings, staring at her fathers casket, she feels like she may never speak again. The air around them holds solemn tension as people mourn. Tears fall but it’s nothing but quiet for the man being laid to rest. 
As the flag is being folded and the trumpets are playing, Y/N absentmindedly pinches her arm, desperately trying to wake up from this nightmare. She had just talked to her father last night, they made plans. The reality of him being gone just seemed too unreal for Y/N to fathom. 
It wasn’t fair. Nothing about this was remotely fair and it drove Y/N crazy. Her father was one of the most caring and wonderful people she had ever had the luck of knowing. He didn’t deserve this. 
Tears fell down her cheeks and Y/N let them flow freely. The girl felt numb and something as simple as wiping them away felt impossible. She felt heavy, wondering if the crowd around her could tell she was dying inside. 
“Y/N, can you hear me?” The words broke through the surface of her numbness, bringing the girl back to the present as she looked up to Maverick standing in front of her. 
“Sorry..I’m sorry.” She said softly and wiped her tears quickly. 
“Don’t apologize. You just lost your father..I know how that feels and if you need anything, you know you can talk to me.” Maverick rubbed the girl's arm gently. 
“Thank you Uncle Mav. I’m going to be okay..they need me to be.” She breathed out, looking towards her crying mother. 
“Y/N, you do not need to be strong for anyone right now.” 
“I’m fine Mav.” She snapped and sighed in regret. “I’m sorry..”
“It’s okay sweetheart.” Mav hugged her softly, only letting go when he noticed Jake and Bradley approaching. The tallest of the pair pulled Y/N into his arms tightly, whispering comforting things into her hairline while the girl stayed stiff, drifting back into the heavy waters. 
Jake noticed almost immediately and patted Bradley’s shoulder. “Can you give us a minute Rooster?”
Bradley nodded slowly and let the girl go. “I’m going to check on your mom but if you need me, just yell.” He kissed her head and led Mav over to the girl's family. 
Jake cupped the girl's face gently, wiping away some stray tears. “Hi baby”
Y/N looked up at Jake, bottom lip wobbling as she felt overwhelming tears coming. “Will you take me home? Please?” 
“Of course baby. Whatever you need.”
“I can’t have what I need.” The girl whispered out, her gaze floating towards the casket once again.
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Days passed in a blur and Y/N was merely surviving. 
She stuck to her routine. Eat, when she could stomach it. Sleep, when she could turn her mind off. Work, when she wasn’t grounded, which was all the time lately. People were worried about her. From Admiral Simpson, to Maverick, to the dagger squad,  they did not want the girl in the air. 
The person who was most worried, of course, was Jake. He could see her pulling away, closing herself off and trying to heal on her own just like Iceman had warned him would happen.
He had been staying at the girl's place for over a week just to keep an eye on her. Jake didn’t push her at first. He gave her some time to digest everything while he watched from the distance, making sure she didn’t drift too far into herself. But he saw her getting pulled under the surface of those internal waves. He could see her drowning. And enough was enough. 
“Frosty, darlin, I made your favorite for dinner.” Jake called out while walking towards the living room where the girl was seated on the couch. 
“I’m not hungry Jake.”
“You haven’t eaten anything all day Y/N. Just come take a few bites. I won’t be offended if you don’t finish it all. I do have to warn you though, I am an excellent cook.” He sat on the couch by her and put a hand on her knee gently.
“I said I’m not hungry!” Y/N snapped and stood quickly, his hand falling from her knee. 
“Y/N..I’m just trying to help.”
“Well I don’t need your help Jake. I am a grown woman and I can take care of myself. Just go home. Please!” 
“No.” Jake said quickly and stood. 
“No? This is my apartment!”
“I’m well aware Y/N but I am not leaving you like this. I am not letting you push me away because you think that is easier. I promised your father I wouldn’t let that happen.”
“You w-what?” Y/N looked up at Jake, tears building up in her sore eyes. 
“He made me promise because he knew you well. I told him I would not let you self-destruct and I am keeping that promise.”
“Well you’re off the hook now, he’s dead so he’ll never know! “
“God damnit Y/N.” Jake stepped closer to her and took both her hands in his. “Even if I didn’t make that promise I would still be here taking care of you.” 
“Why? Why am I here for you? Because I love you Y/N! I want to be here for you. I want to hold you and take care of you. I want to bring you back to yourself because this is not you. You are mourning and that is understandable but you are barely living right now. You haven’t called your mom back in days. Your mother who you used to talk to every damn day. Fuck, Y/n, you have Cyclone worried that is how messed up you are right now. So please, if you can’t do this for yourself, do it for everyone who loves you including your dad because I know he is watching over you. Let me help you heal.”
“I miss him.” Y/N broke down in sobs, gripping the man's shirt for support. 
“I know sweetheart. I know.” He pulled her into his arms and rubbed her back. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“It’s okay Y/N.” He kissed her head gently. 
“I love you so much Jake.” She clung to him as he let her sob. Body shaking, gut wrenching sobs. But Jake never let go. 
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Say my name and everything just stops
I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off
Carve your name into my bedpost
'Cause I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off
Three months later and Y/N was feeling like her old self again. She had reconnected with her teammates, spent time with her family, and was even flying again. The pain of losing her father had not left completely. The absence of him was still very much felt, but the pain wasn’t crippling anymore. She had a life to live and she knew Iceman would want her to make the most of it. 
Tonight in particular was special. The dagger squad was currently occupying most of The Hard Deck, celebrating a successful mission. Music was loud, drinks were flowing, and the company was comforting.  
Y/N felt at home among her found family. She sang along with Rooster when he played Great Balls of Fire, like he always does. She danced with Bob, beat Javy at pool with Phoenix, and was smiling so much, her face hurt. 
After all of the sorrow and heartbreak, this was what she needed. By the end of the night, the girl was feeling lighter than she had in months. Jake noticed it too. He could see the sparkle in her eyes, the light in her smile. It pulled on his heart, just making him fall more hopelessly in love with her. 
“You’re staring at me honey. It’s getting weird now.” Y/N approached Jake and handed him a fresh beer. 
“I can’t help myself darlin. You’re stunning.” He put a hand on her lower back and pulled her to him. 
“My, my Hangman. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were smitten.”
“Baby I am hopeless when it comes to you. Head over heels, willing to do some embarrassing stuff to prove my love to you kind of hopeless.” 
The girl tipped her head back and laughed softly, the sound music to Jake’s ears. “What kind of embarrassing stuff?”
“We’ll have to find out another day.” Jake kissed her nose.
Y/N laughed again, leaning into him. “I love you Jake.” 
“I love you too Y/N.” He kissed her once and leaned his head on hers, pulling the girl ever closer than before. 
Y/N looked up at him, eyes bright and smile wide. “You still want to marry me?”
“One day” Jake smiled down at the girl, wrapping his arms around her.
“One day.” Y/N smiled up at him, completely oblivious to the diamond ring burning a hole in Jake’s pocket. 
There is an indentation in the shape of you
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
You made your mark on me, golden tattoo
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
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waklman · 1 year
Glue Song (Pt. 2)
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summary: you meet rooster and jake doesn’t know how to feel about it.
pairing: jake seresin x female reader
warnings: brief mention of death
a/n: more pining, friends to lovers, fluff x angst, rooster x hangman moment (?). part 3 comes next..!
word count: 2.2k
previous part | next part
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Jake doesn’t know what gets on his nerves more. 
The fact that Javy insisted to go help you grab more cookies from the kitchen, leaving him to brood in his seat alone or the fact that he’s been painfully watching Rooster struggle to squeeze his Bronco between your mini cooper and Jake’s very own Ford truck. 
After a heated argument on which pilot should lend you a hand, Javy won on the basis that Jake should be the one to greet Rooster when he arrives. And so, Javy is able to escape the wrath of his seething friend with the most shiteating grin on his face as he got to follow you out back. 
Replaying the scene back in his mind leaves Jake annoyed beyond belief, and now that he’s witnessing Rooster back out of the parking spot for the fifth time this evening, he feels his anger flare up even more. 
Jake leans back in his seat, throwing his arms across his chest and watches his guest finally stroll through the front doors as if he’s not running late with another variation of his Hawaiin button up slung over his thick shoulders. 
Rooster doesn’t know what to say as he carefully steps inside, spotting Hangman sitting by himself. He keeps a neutral expression on but doesn’t know what to make of his view. Hangman is waiting for him by a table of love-themed baked goods. He can't help but to imagine how Natasha would kick him in the balls laughing once he tells her what he’s currently seeing. 
Rooster takes in Hangman’s appearance as he gets closer, bewildered that his hair is styled nicely, instead of being slicked back by five pounds of gel. And he can’t recall a time where he’s seen Hangman dressed so casually before. For the first time ever, he acknowledges that Jake looks pretty good. 
As he takes his last step over towards the table, Rooster hesitantly speaks.
“Look man. I don’t know if you misunderstood what Mav said but—”
“Sit.” Jake asks through clenched teeth, peeved that Rooster would even assume he’d have any kind of romantic interest in him.
Though slightly horrified at the situation, Rooster obliges anyway—taking a seat, awkwardly adjusting himself in the tiny chair.
The sight was laughable. The two grown men were basically swallowing the small seats they sat in with an array of goodies displayed between them. 
Jake looks across the table, his eyes silently trailing up and down Rooster’s body. 
Rooster can’t tell if he’s trying to size him up or he’s simply curious about how many Hawaiian printed shirts he owns. 
Both men clear their throats and flinch at their synced mannerism. 
Before they get a chance to fester in an awkward silence together, Jake feels his phone ring repeatedly in his front pocket.
Jake immediately recognizes the unique text-tone he specifically set for your contact. 
Rooster curiously watches Hangman, the man across from him practically shoves half his arm down his pants to grab his phone, a small smile replacing his previously annoyed expression. 
Me and Javy are warming up the cookies now!!
Is that his truck out front???
I'm so excited Jack!! 
We’re coming out soon I promose :)) 
His grin peers back at him in the reflection of his screen as he rereads your typos, you were so happy for him that you didn’t even bother to look over your own spelling. 
“Who’s Jack? :(“ he quickly types out in response, shoving his phone back in his pocket. 
Jake bunglingly shifts in his seat, attempting to find a comfortable position after realizing that Rooster had been watching him check his phone.
“Coyote is joining us in a bit, and my other friend too.” He speaks so fast Rooster would’ve never caught what he said if he wasn’t paying close attention.
“Oh, alright” he responds.
They both synchronously stare down at the food in front of them before making brief eye contact with each other. 
Both men quickly retract their gaze, pretending to look around the shop–unsure if they want to make eye contact with one another again. 
Rooster stares off in the direction of the kitchen and spots Coyote walking out, his head looking back over his shoulder to smile at a girl following closely behind him. 
“Wait, watch where you’re going.” you draw back your smile, a worried look settling on your face as you kick at Javy’s ankle, alerting him to look ahead.
Pulled in by the sound of your voice, Jake quickly averts his eyes in your direction. 
You and Javy are both wearing the new bear paw oven mitts he helped you pick out last weekend as you carry out red velvet cookies together. 
He can’t ignore the way his throat tightens as you two make your way over. 
Jake doesn’t know what’s gotten into him. He blinks to regain his composure, realizing that he spaced out so severely within the last few minutes that he didn't realize that you and Javy had already politely greeted Rooster and you had taken a seat next to him. 
He drops his gaze down to your knee as it bounces nervously, unaware that your leg is slightly rubbing against the side of his jeans. 
His eyes trail up to your face, and follows your line of sight. You’re eagerly staring down at the cookies you just put out with Javy, as the two pilots sitting across from you are engaged in friendly conversation.
“Try her stuff.” Jake speaks up, interrupting the conversation. 
He quickly rams a cookie into his mouth with his right hand, as his left gently grabs your knee, halting you from giving yourself carpet burn from the way you were furiously rubbing against his denim pants. 
Jake feels you look up at him appreciatively from his peripheral as he shovels a chocolate croissant into his already stuffed cheeks next, urging his fellow aviators to join him. 
“Mmm so damn good,” he moans—closing his eyes, appreciating the way the chocolate swirls on his tongue.
“Yeah?’ Your shoulders shake, laughing at his reaction. Despite how many times he’s already tried your baking, Jake has never failed to display his enjoyment every time. 
Rooster and Javy quickly reach for the closest treat as Jake shoots them a spine chilling look while you distracted yourself, trying to find a napkin from the empty table behind you. 
Once you’re fully facing everyone again, you hand Jake his much needed napkin and place a napkin in front of everyone else too. 
Javy thanks you by shooting a thumbs up at you since his mouth is full, and you Bradley shyly grins at your kind gesture. 
Rooster then takes a big bite of one of your red velvet cookies and feels a wave of nostalgia hit him right in the chest. 
“Oh wow. This is amazing,” he compliments you, wide eyed.
It tastes so much like his mother’s cookies that it makes his heart twinge. 
“I don’t remember the last time I had something home-made. This is great,” he admits to the group with a smile.
Javy and Jake stills at his statement, knowing the reason why he hasn’t eaten anything home-made in awhile. The duo learned recently that his mother passed not long ago, and his father died in an accident involving Maverick while he was young.
“If you come around here I can whip up something for you. What do you like, Rooster?” you offer, lips pulled into a small smile.
Jake knows that you mean it too. It wasn’t just to make conversation or to distract from the topic—he can almost envision you keeping yourself past store hours to practice new recipes for Rooster. 
“These cookies are great as is.” he returns your smile, appreciative that you didn’t attempt to pry or send him a look of pity he’s grown accustomed to receiving. 
“How about you come around in the morning with Jake? Maybe it’ll count as bonding time to your boss.” you joke.
Jake feels himself choke on his croissant, Javy pushes a cup of water in his friend’s direction immediately.
Jake fervently nods his head no at your statement after clearing his throat with water. 
“Jacob Daniel Seresin.” you scolded, appalled by his manners. 
Bradley smiles watching the once cocky pilot he knew shrink in his seat like a kicked puppy as you stare him down. 
“Sounds good.” Rooster agrees to watch Jake sulk further. 
“Hey are you guys coming down to the Hard Deck next week? Phoenix convinced Penny to reserve the space for just the navy Friday night” Rooster suddenly brings up, picking up another cookie for himself.
“Oh. Yeah I’ll be there, what about you two?” Javy looks at you and Jake. 
Jake can practically see the wheels in Javy’s head turning and he wants to splash the rest of his water on him to halt his scheming.
You bite down on your tongue, a nervous habit you could never rid yourself from. Jake has never really brung you around his friends, besides Javy and now Rooster. He knows you run on the introverted side, you’re comfortable meeting others in small intimate settings like this. But a bar–the Hard Deck? Full of boisterous members of the navy running on a couple beers? Jake even grows nervous for you.
“What do you say Hangman? We can have her as our plus one.” Javy offers, slightly provoking Jake.
He looks over at you, trying to decipher your expression but it's unreadable.
“If that's okay with you guys?” you combat his nervous stare with a smile, reaching down to play with his fingers that were currently splayed on your knee. 
Jake relaxes a bit, feeling your fingers twist at his graduation ring–but the anxiety still sits at the back of his throat like bile.
You don’t want to disappoint Jake and rudely decline the invite. That was probably the last thing you wanted. 
Who knows? Maybe you’ll have fun since Jake and Javy will be there. It’ll be nice to see Jake spend his weekend outside the walls of your apartment for once. You’ve been feeling guilty for keeping him inside so much, although he insisted there wasn't a place he’d rather be.
But you knew deep down, Jake was much more of a social butterfly than you were. He would thrive at a bar filled with people. Your chest warms, knowing that in a room full of others, Jake will always manage to shine and cast his presence onto everyone there like a mirrorball. 
“I’ll take that as a yes” Javy grins as you both stare back at him. 
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Within the following days, Jake learns that he has to share his mornings before work with both you and Rooster. 
He tries his best to be civil, making small talk with the two of you but he can’t help but to feel like he was kicked to the curb. His involvement in conversations grows less and less by the day, yet this doesn’t go unnoticed by you. You’ve attempted to pull Jake aside a few times but he insists that he and Rooster are already running late to base–leaving you defeated as you watch him walk past customers and make a beeline for the exit. You know there’s something clearly bothering him and you grow increasingly worried, watching him retract from you like this. 
Unbeknownst to you, Jake has the same worried feeling weighing down on him. 
Everyday, as you speak to Rooster–Jake takes the time to study your face, admiring your features, trying to commit them to memory–worried that one day he won’t get to see your face as often anymore. He feels his heart sink the second he looks over to Rooster and sees that the brunette has the same admiration for you in his eyes. 
The feeling grows worse by the second–and Jake is unsure of what to do with himself.
You even tried to talk about it with him–but for some reason-Jake uses every excuse in the book to avoid the problem. Jake Seresin, a man who thrives off the thrill of confrontation can’t fathom the idea of having a possibly confrontational conversation with you. All because he doesn’t want to hear about what you think about Rooster. He doesn’t want to hear an ounce of praise for the man to leave your lips. He doesn’t want to learn that you grew close with Rooster like how you’ve grown close with him. It’s better if he doesn’t know anything, that would hurt less. 
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This morning he finds himself standing next to Rooster, dozing off as the mustached man animatedly speaks to you, his muscled body leaned over the counter you worked behind. The scene in front of him makes him feel so nauseous that he hasn’t even made an attempt to taste his latte, afraid that he won’t be able to stomach it. 
“Jake?” you softly called out to him, pulling him out of his haze. 
He looks up from his coffee and meets your stare from across the counter, he sees you bite down on your tongue–a nervous habit of yours. He feels even more sick. 
“Am I still coming over to your place on Friday to get ready with you?” you look up at him hesitantly, afraid he’ll deny your request.
He feels guilt coat the roof of his mouth. You looked so scared to speak to him.
“Yeah I’ll see you Friday, Angel,” he assures you.
Your heart twists sadly at the term of endearment. 
“And we’ll talk then?” you ask.
“We’ll talk then,” he reiterates.
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thank you for reading, and as always-reblogs are greatly appreciated!
join my taglist here or follow me on @waklman-library & turn on notifs there to be notified when i post!
not my gif! if anyone knows the creator please let me know!!
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nanny-sc · 1 year
My contribution to the trope 'Iceman doesnt like Hangman' (angst form, because angst is my second name😂)
Iceman doesnt like Hangman, the man is too arrogant and selfish, not to speak about his vice to hanging people.
So the admiral is not happy when baby goose announces his new relationship with that man; but he is not explicit about it: he calls him Seresin and not with his call sign (as does with others Daggers), doesnt invite directly him at group dinners or lunchs and he does the possible to not talk with him (maybe, once, implies that Bradley deserves better).
Mav tells him many times to quit because Jake is not bad, he only needs to know better the young man and he makes Bradley very happy. In addition, seems, the boy admires deeply the Admiral Kazansky, it would be important his approval.
Ice ignores him until the day baby goose tell them that Jake broked up with him through text and nobody know where he is. Ice is mad 'How dare that man broke the heart of his baby!!'
After some calls he traces Jake's phone (admiral advantages): he is on the beach.
When he is on the beach he immagines a lot of scenarios about the conversation but nobody prepare him to a messy and (maybe?) drunk Jake who murmur to himself "He is right, even Admiral Kazansky knows it... I would never be good enough, Bradley deserves better... Nobody deserve to be with a stupid trash as me..."
For the first time of his life Ice regrets not following the word of Mav.
(Ice is a main only because of his prejudices and the fear that his baby can be hurt by someone)
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thewulf · 11 months
Authority Thing || Pete "Maverick" Mitchell
Summary: Request - Hi can you write a request about Maverick x a shy pilot reader and make it fluffy. Like Maverick pulls reader out of her shell?
A/N: Kinda made this a shy pilot because she’s crushing on him not because she’s shy in general. Also turned out way more angsty than I was planning but it’s still super fluffy! Hope you still enjoy :)
Pairing: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x Y/N (2022 Version)
Word Count: 3.7k +
Edited again 3/11/24 after finding lots of issues - sorry!
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He knew from the moment he spotted you in the back of the classroom on that very first day he was a goner. Physically, you were perfect. Your hair framed your face perfectly, your eyes reflected the sunshine in a way he’d never seen, your smile was truly infectious, you were perfect in all the right places.
Mentally, you were a challenge for him. You were shy. So quiet. He couldn’t seem to get through to you either. You were close. So damn close to taking that next step. But it’s like you were afraid. You were scared to fail. You were an exceptional pilot. Right on par with Hangman. You were good enough to block him out and take him down. You were able to prove that you were the best of the literal best. But something was stopping you.
You were never afraid to challenge your classmates. He got a kick out of it when you’d snap back at Hangman with the venom dripping in your voice. You were beyond intimidating when you needed to be. You didn’t need to talk shit because your flying proved how good you really were. You knew you were good. You knew you were great. You also knew your limits. You knew you needed to become exceptional. There was something more for you to give. You just had to find it first.
But Pete, Maverick, Mitchell? Maverick terrified you, in the best way. He was a legend. Literally never lost. Almost had five live air kills… you could go on and on about him. Ad to find out he was your instructor for the next six or so weeks? You knew you were toast. Absolute toast. Then you actually laid eyes on the Captain, and you wish you could’ve just exploded right there on the spot. He was handsome. So, fucking handsome. You locked eyes with him for only seconds on that first day of class before your turned away. You didn’t look back to him at all that class. Too terrified you’d make a damn fool of yourself.
So, you kept it short with him. Quick ‘Yes’s and No’s’. You’d often just take his corrections without fighting back. It confused him. You were so damn different with him than anybody else. You’d even warmed up to Cyclone, the Admiral for God’s sake. He saw you walking, talking, and laughing with him on your way to lunch one day. He didn’t have a clue as to why you were so shy around him. Why you’d rather run in the opposite direction than have to pass him in the hallway. It’d only been two weeks and it was driving him mad. He needed to talk with you. Was it something he did?
He would he decided. At the end of your next classroom session. One way or another he’d get some answers out of you. He needed to know if he did something wrong. It was gnawing at the back of his head.
“Birdie, if you don’t mind. Stay back for a second?” You looked at Bob who just shrugged, unsure of what your instructor could have wanted. You packed up slowly letting everybody trickle out before walking towards the front of the classroom.
Birdie. Your callsign. You had a love and hate relationship with it. You’d always joked that you felt like a bird in the sky when you were in training to become a pilot. Your friends promptly started calling you Birdie and it just stuck. You kind of wished you had a more fun story to tell other than the boring one of how you got your callsign. But alas, you didn’t. It was simple. Cute. Basic. Kind of like you. You’d never seen yourself as anything but ordinary. Just Y/N. Good at her job Y/N.
“Captain.” You let out a shaky breath. He made you nervous. So damn nervous. People of authority always did. And then he looked like that on top of it? Forget it. You were a goner. It wasn’t right to be thinking such unsavory thoughts about your damn instructor in your head. It made you act like a fucking weirdo in front of him. Case and point. You couldn’t even look him in the eyes.
“Good job up there today. Four for four.” You looked up from where you standing just quickly enough to see him staring right at you. Why’d he have to be so handsome? It was an unfair game that was suddenly being played against you.
“Thank you.” A small smile crept to your face hearing the compliment. It felt good. A small praise from the man giving you a small bit of confidence to look up to him but give him no more.
He nodded walking down to you, standing across from you. Your heart rate picked up quickly feeling his presence right there. Right in front of you. Oh, how you’ve avoided this situation masterfully. Now look where you were. Stuck alone in the classroom with him right there in front of you. What could possibly go wrong?
He waited until you looked at him to continue. He knew curiosity would get the better of you sooner or later. He was right. After thirty seconds of silence, you looked up.
He smiled seeing your doe-eyed expression. He shouldn’t feel this way about you. He shouldn’t want to brush the strand of hair that fell out of your bun away from your face. He shouldn’t want to run a hand along your back. He shouldn’t want to fucking kiss you senseless. But he wanted it. He wanted it all and more. So much more. What the hell was wrong with him? You were so young. So lively. Had so much to look forward too. Hell, you even had a shot of becoming an admiral if you had the drive to do it.
“Sir?” You asked, waiting on his question. His reason for holding you back.
He hummed delaying a second, “Everything alright?”
Nodding quickly your head turned up to him again, “Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?”
He shrugged looking away for a moment. Giving you a second of reprieve from his gaze. Everything about the man was commanding. Everything, “No reason. You just seem to be a bit fidgety?”
What the hell was he going on about? You weren’t acting any different than you had been prior, “I do?” Of course, you were fucking fidgety. He was less than a foot from you not having a damn clue what he was doing to you. You could smell him. He smelled better than you imagined. Leather, oil, and cedar all mixed together. Way too good for a day instructing on base.
“Did I do something?” He spit it out. Well, it was out in the open now. It’s not like he could take it back. It sounded so terribly insecure when he spoke it out loud.
You shook your head, “No, not at all Captain.” Your heart started racing as he gave you a once over.
“Then what is it Lieutenant?” He asked with all the calmness in the world.
Your head was swimming. Swimming with thousands, millions of thoughts, “Sir?” Play dumb. That was always the easiest route to go.
“Why can’t you look me in the eye Y/N?” Why’d he have to use your name like that? It got your dumb hear racing faster than even you were used to.
Your eyes snapped to his. That was not the question you were expecting, “You… Authority makes me nervous.” You spoke quietly deciding to keep your eyes locked in on his. Not letting his statement completely reign true.
He grinned a wicked look before a much more innocent one came to face, you didn’t miss it though, “I make you nervous?”
You said nothing at first, nodding quickly in agreement instead, “Authority.” It was merely a whisper.
Mav’s face cracked into a simper while he studied your features, “There’s nothing to be nervous about.”
You didn’t move your head, but your eyes moved to look to him, “I suppose that’s easier said than realized.” You admitted.
He stepped forward. Probably crossing a line, he shouldn’t have. But he couldn’t stand it. Why were you comfortable with everybody else but him, “What can I do then?”
You cocked your head to the side, “What do you mean Mav?” You asked so softly he thought his knees were going to buckle right then and there. You said his name so sweetly it took him off guard. He really should just let you go. This was a bad idea. He shouldn’t be pressing you like this. He knew better than to. But he didn’t want to. He wanted to press on. Dig a little deeper. See you a little bit better. He was intrigued.
“Is there anything I can do to make you less nervous?”
You laughed softly. Get ugly? Stop looking like that? Stop being so hot in a flight suit? Stop being my flight instructor? “Afraid not Captain.” You sat back on the desk knowing this was likely not going to be over soon.
He took a seat next to you, “Why not?”
You shrugged, “It’s the authority thing. Call it trauma.” You joked.
He smiled along with you, “So, say I wasn’t your instructor…”
Cutting him off quickly you felt your blood run cold, “You’re not going to kick me off the squadron are you?” your panicked look made him feel awful
He shook his head quickly, “No, no never. It’s a hypothetical.”
You sighed softly, “Sorry.” You felt an overwhelming amount of embarrassment consume you. You’d worked so hard to get to where you are that even a little bit of an inkling of a threat sent you into overthinking mode. You weren’t proud of it by any means. It was something you were working on.
“It’s fine.” He smiled feeling your tension just radiate off your body. He seemed to pick up on anything relating to you. Again, he had to wonder. What the hell was wrong with him?
“Would you be as nervous around me if I wasn’t your instructor?” He quirked up a brow all too curious to hear your answer.
You laughed softly, “Yes, I would.” It was starting to become easier to talk to him. But he still intimidated the hell out of you. You hadn’t a clue how to navigate your superior being hot as hell. Normally they were old dudes who had kids your age. Not Maverick.
He huffed in almost frustration. He appreciated thar you were being honest with him, but he wasn’t sure what it was about him, “But why?”
You shrugged, “Still an authority, Captain.”
He placed a hand a little too close to yours, “You seemed just fine with Cyclone earlier.” He leaned in almost challenging you. He loved talking to you, but this conversation had gone of for too long now. Curiosity was literally killing the cat.
You nodded along with him, “Well yeah, that’s different.”
He looked at you incredulously, “How?”
It slipped out before you really meant to say it, “He’s married.” And then it was out there. It didn’t take Pete long to put two and two together. You were basically screaming that he was off limits and that Pete wasn’t. You didn’t mean to all but admit it but here you were. Heart hammering in your chest.
“I mean. He’s established. He’s not my direct authority. You know what I mean?” Even you didn’t know what you meant. You were caught red handed. Hand in the cookie jar. Damn. It is what it is now.
Mav shook his head with a lopsided grin, “I think I know exactly what you mean Y/N.” He also knew you’d never outright admit it either. He realized just how damn weird the whole thing was for you as well. He was your superior. You couldn’t cross that line either. Not unless you knew for sure that it was alright. The game the both of you were playing was dangerous. Very dangerous.
Thick tension hung in the air. You hadn’t a clue what to say to your instructor after accidentally telling him the real reason he made you so nervous. Not outright spilling the truth but putting making it rather obvious in your wake instead.
“I should get going.” You stood from the table you were sitting on.
He mimicked your actions, “Should you?”
Nodding your head you gave him a flash of a smile, “Yeah, long day tomorrow. You said so yourself. Right?” Raising your eyebrows, you knew you had him there.
His otherworldly smile lit up his face. God, he was so handsome. That just wasn’t fair.
“Right. Sleep well Y/N. See you in the morning.”
“You too Pete.” You weren’t sure why you used his first name, but it felt right. Felt like a step you wanted to take for yourself.
You didn’t catch the furious blush that rose to his cheeks at that. He knew he needed to pull back immediately, or he’d get himself, or you, in trouble. He couldn’t be blushing around Cyclone when you came around. He’d just have to ignore it. He could do that. Or so he thought he could.
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Maverick must have gotten in your head. The next day was... less than stellar. You had a bad day. A very bad day. You landed without a single victory. With Rooster shooting you down for the second time that afternoon.
Sitting in the jet cockpit of the hangar you’d pulled your helmet off without much thought and just sat there. Thinking. You were fine yesterday. What the hell happened today? You’d been shot down five times. Twice by Hangman, twice by Rooster and once by Phoenix. You weren’t even close to shooting them down.
You were too eager with you grip making dumb rookie mistakes. Mistakes that’d have you shot down in an instant up in the air. All of them were able to see it and exploit it. A bad day. That’s all it was. It didn’t make you a bad pilot. Not in the slightest. You had to remember that. Drop today and remember how good you really were.
“Are you going to come down Lieutenant?” That voice broke you from the thoughts that were seemingly tormenting you in the cockpit. The ones that kept seeming to tell you that you weren’t good enough. You might’ve been the best at your home base but not here. No. You were average amongst the best.
Your eyes snapped open. Pete? What was he doing down there? He hardly came out here after training, “Yeah.” You answered quickly not wanting to leave him waiting. He wasn't one for patience, “Just thinking.” You knew you needed an excuse or he would press. No matter how lame it may be. But it wasn’t a lie. You really were just thinking.
He didn’t say a word as you came down the ladder. When you got a good look at him he almost looked, angry? His lips were drawn in a thin line. He had a hard time looking at you. Eyebrows stitched too close together for him to be in a good mood.
“What the hell was that?” His normally chipper tone had vanished. He sounded too much like an instructor now. He didn’t even sound like the Maverick you had gotten to know. No, a drill sergeant instead. He noticed your expression change as you realized this wasn’t going to be a fun conversation.
He felt bad doing such a 180 on you like that. But he had to, for your sake. Or so he thought.
“I’m not sure sir… I...” You stammered trying to come up with something. He’d already made you nervous and now this? You were a blubbering mess. Sure to look like the fool of a woman you knew they were likely expecting of you. See, the men could make mistakes. You couldn't. Women couldn't.
“Not a single kill today Lieutenant?” His voice stayed icy as you stood there forward like he was a drill Sargant. It suddenly felt like you were back in basic training all over again.
You looked down in what felt like shame, “No, Captain.” The voice that came out of you sounded weak. Likely because you felt weak. You didn’t feel like you were good enough to be here. Like all those kills you got against Hangman and Rooster prior to this day was just all just luck. Straight luck. Rationally, you knew better. You knew how good of pilot you were. You wouldn’t be good enough to get here. But your own mind was playing tricks on you. Planting seeds that should’ve never been dug.
He pressed further not seeing that he was beginning to push you past your breaking point. Further than even you would have expected from him. Your head was already coming down too hard on yourself. His words only seemed to dig that dagger in a little further that drove the final nail in the coffin of your confidence.
“What’s the problem then Lieutenant?” He stepped closer, challenging you. You weren’t in the right headspace for this. Not in the slightest.
You shook your head slowly, “I don’t know Mav.” Looking down at your boots you couldn’t bear to look up at his disappointed expression. You were just trying to hold back the tears at this point.
“You don’t know?” He sounded patronizing as if he was talking to a toddler.
“I…no.” Your voice was too shaky, so you stopped. Collect yourself. You could do this. You’ve done this hundreds of times before.
He must’ve not noticed the tears that were threatening to spill over as you looked up at him finally, “I can’t put somebody on a team who doesn't know what's going on. I need somebody who knows what they do wrong!" His voice grew from anger to frustration as he spoke. Yet he failed to see your utterly devastated gaze as he went on and on about things you had already known. Each word felt like a knife as he continued on, "You won't get a second chance on this mission. If you get shot down you're as good as dead."
Your heart ran cold, feeling as though it was shattering into a million pieces right then and there, “You don’t think I know that sir?” Your voice nearly broke as it wobbled through trying to finish the sentence.
He’d certainly noticed it then as his eyes finally found your tear stained cheeks. He usually knew how hard he could push. He could usually push you a whole lot harder, but he’d gone too far today. He knew when he heard that unusual waver in your voice.
He hadn't planned it but he knew he needed to back off, “It’s a bad day. It happens. Shake it off Birdie." The words come out of his mouth so fast he was sure you felt like you were getting whiplash from his hot and cold behavior. One moment he was nearly flirting with you then the next he scolding you.
He didn’t mean it. Not a bit of it. He didn’t even like being an asshole to Hangman, although it was fun sometimes. Being one to you made him feel awful. But he had to. He wasn't kidding when he said you didn't get second chances out there.
You shook your head, “I’ll do better tomorrow. I don’t know…”
He cut you off by placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. He hadn’t noticed how wound up about the day you had already been. He didn’t mean to push you further. He was just trying to be the instructor you needed to succeed on this mission that didn't have amazing outcomes.
This was the opposite of being tough on you though, “It’s fine Y/N. Go home. Read a book or watch some TV. Come back tomorrow. You’ll be just fine.”
You looked at his hand on his shoulder before looking at him, giving him a curt nod, “Sure. I’ll see you tomorrow.” You turned to walk away, brushing the tears away from your eyes.
Before you could walk through the locker room door you tuned back to him. After today you weren't sure if you even deserved the consideration,“You shouldn’t pick me.” You said so quiet you weren’t even sure if he heard it.
By the way he walked right over he must have. He grabbed your arm suddenly, not forcefully by any means, “Don’t say that. Why would you say that?” He genuinely felt awful for pushing too hard now. This didn't seem like you. You were headstrong. Stronger than even he seemed.
You looked down almost ashamed to admit it to him, “Because… because I’m not good enough sir. You saw me out there today. I'm as good as dead.” You were supposed to be the best of the best, but you hardly felt like it today. You were getting your ass handed to you left and right. Hangman was laying it on thick today too. He did that whenever he got the chance.
The day started bad when Rooster knocked you out almost immediately. And only got worse on subsequent runs. You were zero for four by the time you went up for the last round of the day. You got in your own damn head. It happened. It happened to everyone. You knew it. Still didn’t make it sting worse when you were on your thousandth pushup for the day.
He shook his head grabbing your hand quickly, “What are you talking about? You’re one of the best pilots I’ve ever worked with. You’re a fucking menace out there Y/N.”
You shook your head, “You’re just saying that because I’m about to cry.” You wanted to believe him. Maybe any other day you’d believe him. It was a no good, very bad day for you.
He only dropped his hand from your arm to bring it to your shoulder once again, giving it a gentle squeeze, “I’m not. I’m really not. Believe it or not.” He sighed collecting his thoughts once more, “I’m sorry. Really. I only come down hard on you because I know you can handle it. But I need you to not think like that. If you do get picked I need your head screwed all the way on. It’s not your run of the mill mission and you know that. You’ve got to be all the way there. All the way present. You hear me?”He asked.
You turned your head to look up to him, “Yeah. I hear you.” Your voice was much more you, more controlled.
He didn’t quite believe you though so he continued, “You are an exceptional pilot Y/N. The rest of the squad needs you to be. Bad days happen. Don’t let that asshole get to you.”
You smiled for the first time that day. It felt good talking with him. Actually, talking and not being afraid of him. A dramatic shift from that of moments ago, “You got it. Thanks Mav.” You wanted to thank him as a friend. Maybe a potential suitor. Not as a student. Not as a subordinate. But as a person.
He smiled for the first time that day as well. He had a long way yet to go with you, but it was a start. Something. He knew one thing that was sure. He was excited to get this damn mission over with. He didn’t want to be your superior anymore. He wanted to be your co-worker. The person you turned and laughed with whenever the most outrageous orders were given. He wanted to get there, was determined to get there.
“Sure thing, Y/N.” He let his hand fall, “See you at the Hard Deck tonight?” He asked curiously.
“You’re coming?” You’d seen him there the first night. You’d thought he was the most handsome thing in the bar. Hangman did not. Kept giving you shit for giving the ‘old man’ eyes. Whatever. You hadn’t seen him at the bar sense that night though. But he knew you guys went every Thursday. He listened.
You smiled once more, “You should. It’d be fun to see you kick Hangman’s ass in trivia.”
He laughed, a genuine one, one he hadn’t felt in quite some time, “How do you know I’m any good at trivia?”
You shrugged, “Have a feeling. Hope to see you tonight Pete.” The wink you sent him sent butterflies aflame throughout your body. Where in the hell did that confidence come from?
Pete legs went to jelly for a second as he watched you walk away. That you would. He was sure of it.
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Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!): @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @dempy
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ughthisisntright · 11 months
This is For Us | Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Reader | Part 1
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Summary: A chance encounter.
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 2,069
Next Part
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Music. Thumping. Pounding. Wasn't much of an older crowd in tonight, hm?
Bradley was stunned to see so many young people around. Could just be spring break or something but he wasn’t sure. He’d been so swept up with his training that the days sort of melted together at this point. Just as they did for the rest of his squadron.
Top Gun was no joke, he found out quickly. Had his father been alive, he was sure he would have gotten an earful about how not to do things. After being with Maverick for all those years he was sure there were some pretty hard and fast dos and don’ts.
Moments like these where he and his buddies could go out and blow off steam were absolutely essential for Bradley. He felt he’d lose his mind if he spent too long on base. He hadn’t accounted for literally everyone else in San Diego being at this bar tonight, though.
The music aside, the game of pool with his friends was going quite well. He leaned over the table and closed one eye to line up his shot just so. He carefully drew the stick back, brought it forward and back a few times to make sure he had everything lined up properly, then hit the cue ball hard. Two balls sank into the pockets and he grinned, mustache twitching upwards with the motion of his lips.
Turning to face some of his buddies, he caught a quick blur of someone brushing past him gently. A small voice rang out a sheepish “excuse me” as the person passed. He watched them the whole way back to their seat at the bar. Instantly mesmerized, he set the pool stick down and leaned against the pool table.
You sat at the bar with what Bradley assumed were a couple of your friends. Unfortunately they looked more interested in the young aviators that sat just a couple seats down from you. You, on the other hand, seemed to just be enjoying being out and about.
And that was every bit true as he’d assumed it was.
Your smile, your head bopping to the music, and the happy little way you sipped whatever it was you were drinking. Your foot tapped the stool to the beat just as your head bobbed along and he took note of the beat-up shoes you sported. Something he found endearing, though, he couldn’t quite put his finger on why.
“I’ll be back,” Bradley called over his shoulder to his buddies. He walked up to the bar and decided to order himself another beer, standing ever so close to you that you might have thought he didn’t even see you there. The bartender nods and turns to grab the bottle before handing it to the young man. He then set his sights on you.
“Hey,” he said with a smile, grabbing your attention. “You look like you could use another. Mind if I get it for you?” He gestures to your glass.
You looked up at the man and drank him in - tall, muscular, fluffy brown hair. This man was the definition of golden-retriever energy just based on looks alone. Fortunately, just your type. And to boot - he was in his khaki uniform that screamed “Naval Aviator.” With a small laugh, you hold up your empty glass.
“You must have a sixth sense for knowing when a girl needs a refill,” You mused over the music with a grin. “I’ll take whatever you think I need.”
With a sly grin, Bradley turns back to the bartender. “I’ll also need a tequila sunrise for this lovely little thing.”
He turned back to you as the bartender was mixing your drink, that same grin plastered across his face.
“The name’s Bradley. People call me Rooster, though,” he held his hand out to you to shake which you happily did.
“Rooster? Is that a euphemism for something?” You raised a brow and tilted your head, earning a hearty laugh from the man whose hand you were now holding.
“No! Oh, but only if it was.” His laughter transitioned to a gentle chuckle and he wiped a fake tear from his eye. “It’s my callsign. I’m an aviator.”
You smirked and shook your head at the man. “Like that wasn’t obvious enough?”
“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?”
“Look at you. I wouldn’t choose to wear that much khaki even if someone paid me a billion dollars!” You laughed, not necessarily at him, but you still laughed. The mirth with which you laughed elicited a nervous laugh from Bradley. He brought his hand up to scratch the back of his neck.
“Hey, I’ll have you know that khaki was a tactical choice.” He said matter-of-factly. You shook your head and laughed again.
“And what tactical purpose does khaki serve?”
“Look at us,” he gestured to the pool table where aviators dressed in that horrendous beige gathered - no, swarmed. “The enemy will be so busy saying ‘Holy shit, that’s a lot of khaki’ that they’ll never even see us coming.”
You let out another howl of laughter, your friends turning irritably in your direction and then immediately turning away. They hadn’t even noticed Bradley next to you. Good.
“You’re slick, I’ll give you that. Take a seat.” You pulled the bar stool next to you out for him to sit down. He happily obliged and rested his hands on the bar top, picking at the label on his beer bottle. Soon the bartender returned with your tequila sunrise - what a girly drink. He must enjoy these in his alone time, you thought.
“So, Rooster,” You started with a smirk. “I’m assuming you’re only here for a short while? I know the military likes to jerk you around in every direction.”
He nodded slowly, “I’m currently a student of Top Gun, the most elite fighter pilot school in the world. I graduate in a couple of weeks, actually.” He had an air of pride as he explained this to you. You figured he should be proud - he was at a very prestigious school for aviators.
“Oh, wow, you’re an even fancier naval aviator,” you eyed his khaki uniform. “Just need to start dressing like one.” Your smirk was like art to Bradley. The way it crinkled your nose just a touch and the apple of your cheek growing more supple and kissable.
“Maybe someday,” he replied casually, sipping his beer.
You finally decided to take a sip of this cocktail he bought you. Once the tequila touched your tastebuds, it was game over. You were hooked. It killed you to admit that the girly drink he bought you was actually fantastic. You set the glass down with a smile.
“Alright, Bradley,” you started, crossing one leg over the other on the stool. “I can stay for this one drink. But I have to work tomorrow so you’d better give me everything you’ve got within the next 45 minutes.”
“Everything? In 45 minutes? You drive a hard bargain… I’m sorry I never even asked for your name, did I?” He let out a laugh and shook his head. “You can clearly see where my head’s at.”
You let out a soft laugh and shook your head as well.
“No, no, I didn’t offer it. We’re both the same level of stupid tonight.” You put your hand on his arm reassuringly. You then gave him your name, to which Bradley grinned proudly at.
“Well then,” he offered you his hand, repeating your name. “I won’t waste my time around these parts if I have to impress you in such a short timeframe. The beach is just out back, and we’re going for a stroll.”
You smiled at his confidence and downed the rest of your beverage before standing up. You were about to put some cash down on the bar to pay for your drink, but Bradley beat you to it. He slapped down a $50 bill and took your hand. He then looked past your head to your friends. They still hadn’t noticed what was unfolding behind them, and you decided to keep it that way. You shook your head with a smile and pulled him to the door at the back of the bar that led directly out to the sandy beach. 
“Oh my, gosh, you’re joking!” Your voice rang out over the crashing waves with a laugh.
“Nope! Right over the damn thing, I swear.” He chuckled at your laugh, the sound very quickly becoming like music to him.
“And you just decided not to land immediately? I would have broken every protocol just to see something like that up close.”
“Well, hey, maybe someday I can take you to see the real thing. Beats breaking rules, right?”
“Well maybe the thrill of breaking the rules would have made it that much better,” Your voice dropped lower, hand sliding up Bradley’s arm as he told you about his flying stories. You’d been walking on the beach for well past those 45 minutes you’d mentioned. You’d just call in sick tomorrow. This boy was simply too good to pass up.
“You must be thinking of one rule in particular?” He brought his hand up to the side of your neck and caressed your jawline gingerly. He loved the way the sunset made your skin glow. He loved pretty much everything about you so far. Little did he know that one particular rule of yours involved him directly.
“Well…” You looked into his eyes with a sheepish grin. “I’ve got my own little rule about dating aviators.”
His eyes widened, but that expression was quickly replaced with a smug grin. Knowing what you were about to say next, he took a step closer to you, your lips almost touching.
“But for you, I’ll bend my rules just a touch.” You grin back at him. Feeling the moment sweep you up, you closed the distance between your lips and kissed him softly. The tickle of his mustache on your upper lip is nothing compared to the sneaky way he gripped your waist. You felt his fingers dip below the waistband of your shorts ever so slightly and it sent a shiver up your spine. The very thought of going all the way with him had you seeing stars, but you knew now was not the time. He can’t get the wrong idea. So, without giving it to him, you pull away slowly.
“Hey, now…” He grabbed your chin and scanned your entire face. “I wasn’t done with you.” He kissed you again. This time there was more of a purpose behind it, like he was trying to prove to you that he was the one you wanted. You let your guard down just for a moment, enjoying the way his lips molded against yours, and the way his fingers assumed their position below your waistband again. The tingle between your legs was not to be denied, and you weren’t about to. It was only when a small whimper left your lips did he pull away.
“I think I’ll let you keep imagining it, sweetheart,” he quipped with a smirk. Your confused expression spurred him to elaborate further, you thought. “I’ll give you everything you want, everything I want, too. But in due time. I don’t graduate for another couple of weeks.”
You rested your head down on his shoulder, his hand coming to caress your back and fingers to run through your hair. You closed your eyes and let out a soft laugh.
“So this means you’re going to take me on a proper date, yeah?” Your voice was soft but it could still be heard over the crashing waves behind you.
“Yes, sweetheart,” Bradley chuckles as he speaks and kisses your head. “I think… I’ll pick you up tomorrow night. Six o’clock sharp. And I want you to wear something pretty. Gotta show you off.”
You look up at him now with narrowed eyes, but the way he looks at you melts the hard expression you wear into a softer one. You smile and kiss him again, which he happily returns. Then, in a swift motion, he’d swept you off your feet and spinned you in a circle. You let out a laugh against his lips.
This was going to be either the biggest mistake of your life, or the happiest ever-after there ever was.
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katcoquette · 2 years
top gun masterlist
updated 9.16.22
☻ Smutty, 18+  |  ⁕ Series |  » Requested
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★ forcing the boys to get cozy cocktails with you
━━ Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw ━━
these can be read independently or in this order as a series
★ Heads Up: you and your friends have an encounter with the navy boys while enjoying a day at the beach.
★ Goodness Gracious: you take the navy boy up on his offer to make up for almost hitting you in the head with a football.
★ Joyride (☻): Rooster takes you on a joy ride... and then a ‘joy ride’.
not part of this "series"
★ Mind The Gap (»): you're nervous about making it official with Rooster because of your 13-year age gap and meeting his friends only makes it worse.
★ Speed Limits: you're offered a late night drive home from none other than Bradley Bradshaw.
★ Hold Me (»): sometimes the best medicine is love, especially when it comes to Rooster.
★ Home (»): you're worried your husband might miss the birth of your first baby, but instead you get a sweet reunion after months apart.
★ He’s So Pretty (☻ »): you can't help but admire how pretty he is between your legs, inspired by “touch tank” by quinnie.
★ Summer Rain: a simple moment with your love on the porch during a summer storm.
★ All the things I wanted to say… (»): you leave Rooster a letter with your confessed feelings and an invitation to meet you before your flight out of town.
…but never did: part two coming soon
★ Two-Hour Session: your best friend “forcing” you to hangout with his navy friends turns into some kind of meet cute, if cute was completely normal.
mood boards
Rooftop Stargazing
Wisdom Teeth
Choose Her & Part Two
━━ Jake "Hangman" Seresin ━━
★ Too Many Games (☻ »): you'd always thought Jake played too many games, and tonight was no exception.
★ Who’s Winning? (☻): part two of Too Many Games. you run into Jake on a night out with friends and decide to make the most out of the unexpected meet-up with another game, and this time, the rules are so simple, you don't think either of you will be able to cheat.
★ Gotta Be Quicker (»): you join your fellow pilots on the beach for a game of football with a side of flirting.
★ Oh, Baby, Baby! (»): you join an overly-competitive Jake Seresin at a karaoke birthday party for his best friend, putting on the performance(s) of your life.
mood boards
Cozy Sunday Morning
After You
In Love With You
━━ Natasha "Phoenix" Trace ━━
★ My Peace (»): you think you're not good enough for her, and when she finds out, she makes sure you know you are.
━━ Robert "Bob" Floyd ━━
mood boards
Visiting Base
━━ Javy “Coyote” Machado ━━
In Love With You
━━ Tom “Iceman” Kazansky ━━
★ Friday Night (») just a typical Friday night with your thoughtful, attentive, doting boyfriend.
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bobonboard · 1 year
Another Icemav edit I made for a friend 🙏
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blondedmuse · 1 year
bradley “rooster” bradshaw x reader
synopsis. ꩜ you learn how bradley truly feels about you.
author's note. ∿ wow look whose writing again! this also has no editing because i’m so tired and wrote this in 30 minutes
word count. ⨾ idk a lot
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
It’s the middle of a the night and you found yourself wide awake and held tightly in strong arms. You should be tired and you should be asleep but the heartbeat of the man behind you has kept you wide awake.
He’d ended up in your bed more often than not in the past few months and you in his. It’s a game you didn’t know you were playing, tip-toeing around each other to see who would fold first.
It was usually you, and you’d take him home with no regrets that night but then once he was gone by morning there was always a sour taste left in your mouth.
It lingered because you were yearning for something more—something you weren’t sure Bradley wanted. While he took you out from time to time, you continued to tell yourself you were just friends; with benefits of course.
There were lines that you established neither of you were meant to cross, yet it’s as if those boundaries were made to be broken.
So now you lay wide awake contemplating where you stand and what this means for the both of you. You tilt you head so you can see Bradley and you don’t think the thoughts of your present have ever once occurred to him. Maybe they have but it’s not worth the headache, especially at four in the morning.
So carefully, you slip from the hold of his arms and off the bed and head to the living room, taking your acoustic guitar with you. You settle on your couch with the hopes that music will serve as a sufficient distraction and your fingers drift to the chords of I Love You So by The Walters.
The song is quiet enough to keep him from his wake and you sing the words just above a whisper. Halfway through the song you almost forgot Bradley was in your bedroom—almost.
The truth is the moment you’d left the room and your side of the bed was cold, he woke up. He’d slowly been growing accustomed to your body in his arms as he fell asleep, which he damned himself for because it was never meant to happen. It was never meant to happen because why would you feel that same? You were just friends, right?
Still he woke up looking around the room for your figure and as soon as he heard a voice he realized maybe he didn’t have to search far. It wasn’t long before he noticed you were singing, to which he then realized he’d never heard before. He’d always wanted to ask you to play something for him, to hear your voice to the tune of one of your favorite songs and now he had the chance.
He walked downstairs as quietly as he could which proved itself to be not quiet enough as you turned around to see him standing at the bottom of your stairs.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you?” You asked.
He nodded. “Yeah, but I don’t mind.” he sighed before thinking of the right words to say.
“I’d like it if you kept going.”
You hesitated before nodding to the spot next to you on the couch. “Don’t you have training tomorrow? I just- I think you should get some sleep. Proper sleep.”
“I’ll be fine. I’d rather you sing me to sleep anyways,” He told you, shifting his position so that he was lying down.
“Please?” He asked and how could you say no?
“Alright,” You agreed and your fingers started once again. Going for something slower, you started playing John Wayne by Cigarettes After Sex, singing along like you had done earlier.
Once you finished the song you were sure he was out like a light with his eyes closed and breathing slowed, and you were stuck in this awkward position once again. Before you could get up however, the sound of his voice left you frozen.
“I hope you know I love your voice. Love it almost just as much as I love you,” He rasped.
Your brows cinched together and you heart stopped momentarily. Did Bradley just say he loves you? You looked to him again to see his eyes flutter open, searching your face for any kind of reaction.
“You don’t have to say anything Y/N, I just wanted to tell you. But if anything, I do want you to stay with me. Just for tonight?”
You obliged, setting your guitar down on the coffee table in front of you and lying down next to Bradley, allowing him to hold your once again and you allowed his warmth to consume you like a love.
You knew you would talk about this tomorrow morning, but for now you could only hope it wasn’t just for tonight.
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archivallyfound09 · 2 years
Major Mistakes pt. 2
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader (f) (no y/n)
Warning: Cursing (generally a given with me!), sexual situations later maybe, innuendos, I probably have a rank kink
Part 1
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"Ah, fuck." Jake's hand immediately rushed up to his neck. He was both upset for being put in his place by a higher ranking officer and incredibly turned on by the officer in front of him. You recognized the look- most pilots, in your experience, were just like this young lieutenant. You smirked.
"I believe you were aiming for a salute, weren't you?"
Jake froze completely, unsure if you were serious or not. The hand on the back of his neck started to make it's way back down to his side, but when he locked into your steeled gaze, he brought it around to his front, giving you a wary salute.
You smirked, greatly enjoying the winning powerplay, especially as you saw the other Top Gun pilots start to make their way over- no doubt to also check on their planes. Two pilots in the front stopped and the group practically fell on itself as they saw the scene you had created on the carrier's deck.
"At ease, Lieutenant," you didn't give him the satisfaction of a salute back. He noticed and nodded, his arm stiffly coming down to his side. You nodded towards the group, still gawking.
"Looks like your friends have come to play..." you drawled and you saw a slight tinge of embarrassment dust his cheeks. He took a step back from you.
"No ma'am, only me," he barely muttered out and you pretended to ignore him, but you did feel the words blip in your stomach.
"Well, if they need anything- ask for Shooter," you tilted your head, finally giving Jake something to identify you by besides your rank. He nodded and practically fell over himself to get back to his crew. You smirked, enjoying the boyishness combined with audacity. Pilots weren't usually your type- hell, you weren't entirely sure of your type, but this could be an interesting....well, whatever it was.
You walked down a hallway that was always just a little too tight for your liking. You steadied your breath- you always enjoyed being on deck rather than below- more air, more space, more reliability. Down here you lost all bearings if you weren't paying attention.
And, speak of the devil, you were lost in your semi-focused thoughts that you didn't see the aviator directly in front of you. He turned around with a shit-eating grin and was about to say something that would no-doubt elicit an eye rolly from you, but you beat him to the punch.
"We have to stop meeting like this, Lieutenant," you commented cooly, watching his mouth snap shut. "I'm going to start thinking that you just keep trying to catch me alone. And that," you bit the inside of your cheek and raised your eyebrows, "would be inappropriate."
There was that scattered blush again. Even in the golden glow of the hallway, you saw the tips of his ears start to turn red as well. You couldn't help the swell in your chest- enjoying making the pilot squirm a bit.
"I-I.." he paused and cleared his throat, finally meeting your gaze. "I got turned around down here," he said quietly, his voice full of earnest honesty, which was a pleasant surprise. You nodded knowingly and pointed past him to the turn behind the pair of you. He let out an empty laugh and stepped back, allowing you to cross past him and lead the way.
He held his hand out in a mock "after you" gesture and you rolled your eyes, stepping just a bit closer than you needed to as you passed his tall frame. You felt your chest barely graze his and you could've sworn that he could hear your heartbeat reverberating against your chest cavity. You felt the heat rise up your neck as he gently placed a hand on your back to guide you past him and it felt like it was pure fire against the small of your back.
What you had failed to notice in your pass was how flustered Jake had become. His cheeks were now fully-red (something he would forever deny), but all he could hear in his ears were the pounding of the blood rushing. His brain froze and every nerve in his being felt raw and on fire in the best way possible. He wasn't conscious that he had his hand resting on your back- it was an automatic gentlemanly response.....
After a bit longer than you had intended, you finally had figured out where they were bunking the visiting aviators. Jake hadn't been incredibly helpful with the location, groaning that every hallway looked the same. You laughed and quipped about how he must be consistently lost in the barracks. You noticed he laughed a bit harder than the joke called for, but appreciated the enthusiasm nonetheless.
"So where are you from here?"
The question came out a bit bolder than Jake had intended, and when he saw the glower of disapproval cross your face he started to run the question over in his head. When he heard the tone of innuendo he shook his head.
"Sorry, I meant, where is everyone else's bunks? We noticed no one was really around us over here," he gestured to the room behind him and you nodded slowly, not sure if you should take the bait. The honesty flickered again in his eyes and you decided it was truly just a poorly worded question.
"Rest of the crew is on the port-side, decks 3, 4, and 5. Officers are deck 2, starboard," you nodded, making sure you had indeed given the right locations. "But you'll mostly find my crew on deck if you need us." Jake nodded and started to open his door. You heard a snarky laugh from behind the door.
"Jesus Hangman- we thought you had gone overboard!"
"Figured that Major had had enough of your shit."
"Yeah- what's her deal? Any idea on a name or something to run with?"
If Jake could have crawled into his own skin and disappeared in that moment, he would have. His frame blocked you from their view and you realized that though the cockiness had initially gotten your attention, the man in front of you wasn't trying to show off to his friends or get another conquest. It was just straight attraction. You gave him a wink, happily answering the previously asked question.
"Shooter," your voice sucked all the air out of the room as you appeared from around Jake's back. "If you ask for Shooter," you clarified, "they'll know where to find me." You were met with dumb nods and a harsh swallow from the moustached pilot on the bottome bunk.
"Well, if that's all. Have a good night, boys."
"You want to tell me why every time I look up I see you flirting with a Navy Pilot?" Your commanding officer was unamused as he sat next to you the next morning, coffee in hand. You shrugged.
"You just look up at all the wrong times, apparently..." you shot him a knowing smirk and he laughed, starting to eat his breakfast.
"Don't do something stupid, okay? I'm not filling out any change orders- I'll just toss you overboard." The threat was nonexistent, but the sentiment was understood. You nodded sipping your own coffee. He had always been like an older brother to you, but you knew it was because he didn't want to bring in another launching officer- they were a pain to train with a new crew.
Your eyes travelled over to the few green jumpsuits a few tables in front of you. Jake (or "Hangman" as you had learned his callsign last night) was laughing with two of the men you recognized from his room the night before. He tossed you a quick glance and you felt the knot in your stomach again. Not wanting to bring attention to his preoccupation, he remained in the conversation, shooting you small looks now and again throughout breakfast.
"They launch in two days, lovebird."
You rolled your eyes at you CO and snorted, finishing your breakfast and coffee and heading for the doors. He laughed and slapped you on the shoulder.
"I'm gonna go launch something," you said loudly, sure than the pilots heard you, "Gotta get away from all this damn testosterone."
Part 3
Hangman Taglist (request to be added in the comments!): @alldaysdreamers @ponyboys-sunsets @hopefulinlove @wannabepoe @maverooster @rosiahills22 @ancabifi @multifandom-fangirl4 @dempy @luckyladycreator2 @chlo-feigh @sopheeg @kkrenae @blue-aconite @angirlofallthings22 @rln108 @pricklepearbloom @natasharomanoffisbaebby @loveforaugust @mizzy-pop @lizzie-rdj @mavswife @quackwackfawck @obiwankenobis-lap @icemansgirl1999 @my-soulmate-is-mycroft @the-winter-marvel33 @alitav99 @arieltwvdtohamflash @jostyriggslover96 @notanordinaryprincess95 @luckyladycreator2 @mistressslytherin @fogle97 @thebluelioness @littlebadariell @daisyhollyxox @idfkwhyimhere4357 @actorinfluence @lieutenant-rooster-bradshaw @no-pilots-please @imagineyneyjr  @hey-its-kayla-claire @8oopsiedaisy8 @jakexfmc @desert-fern
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marie-swriting · 11 months
He'll Be Here - Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw [1/2]
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Top Gun Maverick Masterlist
Part two
Part one - two (French version)
Summary : It's your birthday party and you're waiting for Bradley, hoping his fight with Pete, your father, won't damage your relationship as well.
Warnings : Maverick!daughter!reader, reader is 23 and Bradley is 25, angst, mention of Goose and Carol's death, sad ending, maybe some grammatical mistakes as English is not my first language, tell me if you see some or if I missed any warnings.
Word count : 2.8k
Song inspiration : The Moment I Knew (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift
Your eyes are set on the table filled with candies as you count carefully how many chairs are around it. After counting three times, you come to the conclusion there’s one missing. You go find Pete, your father, in the kitchen where he’s putting small cakes on a plate. 
“Dad, you only put fourteen chairs, we’re fifteen.”
“Oh, I thought, maybe, Bradley-”
“He’ll come.” you cut him off a bit harshly. “He told me he’ll be here.” you rephrase with a softer tone.
“Sorry, sweetheart. I should have asked you to confirm it again.”
“It’s okay.” you assure him with a smile, “I’m gonna take my desk chair.”
Pete nods before going back to what he was doing while you’re leaving the room. You go take your chair and you can’t stop thinking back to Bradley and your relationship. His mother’s death a few months ago broke him down and your relationship has gone a bit downhill but since your father pulled his paper, it’s even worse. Now, there is a lot of tension between the two of them, sometimes creating some arguments between you and him. However, despite your last argument three days ago, he assured you he’ll be at your birthday party. He even confirmed it again the day before.
“He’ll be here. He promised.” you can’t stop telling yourself like a mantra.
With your father, you finish setting everything up in the living room when the first guests arrive. Before opening your door, you put your dress right back and check if your red lipstick is applied correctly in the mirror next to the door. You paid attention to every single little detail of your appearance, wanting to impress Bradley. If during that night, you both can let your fight behind and if Bradley can spend a whole night with your father without an altercation then maybe it can still work. You want it to work still. You can’t lose Bradley too.
Upon opening the door, you don’t find Bradley but your high school friends, Sarah and Luke, you hadn’t seen for several months. You catch up on each other’s life whilst a part of your mind is distracted by Bradley. You have a knot in your stomach, in spite of yourself, nonetheless you try not to think too much about it. Your first guests have just arrived and it’s not even 2:30 P.M yet. It’s normal he’s not the first one to show. You have no reason to stress.
As the time goes by, other friends from school and University as well show up. You keep a smile on your face and chat with them but you can’t help and look toward the front door. Everytime someone knocks, you run to open and try not to show your disappointment when you see friends and not Bradley. Yet, it becomes harder when Bradley’s friends arrive without him. You do everything to put your mind at ease by telling yourself he might come later. He’s twenty minutes late, it’s true, however so is your friend Anne. There’s no reason to worry. Not yet.
When he is officially thirty minutes late, you take your phone, hoping you missed a text but nothing. You open your conversation with Bradley and write a message.
Text from you to Bradley, 3:11 P.M. : 
Hey, is there traffic on the road ? Do you know when you’ll be here ? ❤️
You keep your cell in your hand - your dress doesn’t have pockets - and you join the conversation between your dad and Sarah. You don’t talk a lot, too focused on checking the door and your messages. Pete sees on your face you’re preoccupied. He doesn’t need to think too much to know Bradley is the reason. He knows he did the good thing by pulling Bradley’s paper, like Carol wanted to, but he can’t help and feels bad when he started to notice his action has consequences on your relationship with Bradley. The last thing he wants is to see you lose the bond you two share, especially if he’s the reason behind it. When Sarah goes to find Hannah to do Karaoke, your father gets closer to you.
“He’ll come, don’t worry about it.” he whispers in your ear, “It’s supposed to be fun, turning twenty-three so enjoy your party with your friends.”
You quickly nod to your dad and do what he told you. You’re finally having a good time by singing some songs from your teenagehood with your friends, even if you keep looking at your phone which still doesn’t have a new notification.
While you’re in the middle of a third song, someone knocks on the front door. Your head snaps in an instant toward the sound. Your dad doesn’t have the time to react that you’ve already opened the door. The big smile that was on your face a second ago vanishes when you see Anne. She takes you in her arms rapidly.
 “Happy birthday !” Anne exclaims, breaking the embrace, “I’m sorry, I’m so freaking late, but someone’s car broke down in the middle of the road and I’ve been having some struggle with my phone recently.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’m glad you could make it.”
“I’m probably the last one.”
“No, Bradley isn’t here yet.” you inform with a small wince, “He’s probably stuck on the road as well.”
You take her gift and put it next to the other ones whilst she joins the guests. Your eyes get filled with tears, ready to fall, yet you hold them back. You take your phone and the lack of new messages is starting to really frustrate you. You even think something is wrong with your cell. You turn it off and on, hoping it’ll change something. It didn’t. You open your conversation with Bradley again and tap something, trying not to shed a tear.
Text from you to Bradley, 4:57 P.M. : 
So, you’re officially the last one haha. You’re gonna be late a lot ? I’m waiting for you impatiently ❤️
Your friend Luke grabs you by the arm and brings you back to the others who are laughing. You try your best to laugh with them but your gloominess prevents you from it. While some of your friends are having fun, others are asking you when or if Bradley is coming. You do your best acting performance and answer them, smiling, that he’s on his way. When they go back to what they were doing, you watch the front door again and then your phone, both of them without a trace of Bradley.
Your party officially started three hours ago, you’re about to eat your birthday cake. All your guests are looking forward to eating it whereas you only want to send them back home and be alone, under your covers. You keep your fake smile and go at the end of the table and your dad is going to take the cake with your candles. Sarah turns off the light and your closed ones are singing Happy Birthday To You. Awkwardly, your eyes go from one friend to the other until they fall on the empty chair at the opposite side of you. At that moment, you feel like it’s slow motion when you watch the door again, hoping Bradley would burst through the door with a big smile on his face and apologise for being late. Unfortunately, only your candles in the shape of a two and a three appear in front of you. The voices finishing singing seem far away from you whilst your father kisses your temple and invites you to blow your candles. Once they’re extinguished, your friends and your father applaud you and you take the knife for the cake. At the same time you’re eating, your guests offer you your gifts. You open them and thank the person, however between each present, your eyes find their way on the door then the empty chair. You have one last gift left to open. According to Sarah, it’s a present from all of your friends. You open the letter and read “coupon for a week-end for two persons at New-York.”
“We thought it could be a cool thing to do for you and Bradley.” Hannah informs you.
“Or someone else !” Sarah adds quickly. “The booking hasn’t been done yet so you can decide who you want to take with you.”
“Thank you very much. All of your gifts are perfect.” you state, pinching your red lips together as a way to smile.
Luke starts a conversation and the voices start mixing. You take your phone next to your cake and check your messages with Bradley. This time, you decide to not send a text. You know it’s too late. Bradley’s absence is starting to stand out more and more to the point where your friends notice your uneasiness. Sarah’s little specification made you realise that. Even if she doesn’t know everything, you told her about your relationship problems. Everytime you told her about it, she tried to soothe you by saying over and over again that your bond is strong and it’s just a difficult time. However, with her comment, you think she’s now changed her mind because what you’re going through is clearly more serious.
When you finish eating, some of your friends go to do something you don’t care about whereas the others chat together and your dad grabs the plate and brings them back to the kitchen. As for you, you stay on your chair, staring blankly at the door. Your eyes get more and more teary and you know, this time, you won’t be able to hold them back. You stand up and start leaving the room. You’re about to reach the bathroom’s door when Josh and Julia, Bradley’s close friends - they always seem to know when there’s something going wrong between you and Bradley -  catch you before you can lock yourself in.
“Is everything okay ?” Julia asks you with a worried look.
“He said he’d be here.” you say, hopelessly. “He’s not answering my texts and we all know he’s not late.”
“There must be an explanation.”
“Why hasn’t he told me then ? He promised.���
“It’s going to be okay.” Josh reassures you, stroking your arm. “Come on, it’s your party, you should be having fun.”
“I’m just gonna go to the bathroom before.”
Julia and Josh go back to the living room and you lock yourself in the bathroom. You put your hands on both sides of the sink, your head down while the first tears are streaming down your face. Remembering you have mascara on, you raise your head toward the ceiling and try to breath slowly. Yet, your cries are only getting stronger. You end up setting your eyes on your reflection in the mirror in front of you and you think you’re pathetic. You watch the contrast between your party dress and your red lipstick that were to impress Bradley and your tears mixed with your mascara that are to deplore him.
Bradley’s silence hurts you more than his absence. He’s been your best friend since your birth, your boyfriend since you’re fifteen and him seventeen and he’s ignoring you on purpose. At that moment your heart breaks into a billion little pieces in your chest, knowing what that absence and silence mean for both of you. You wish things were different, but you’ve been feeling like things were changing between you for quite some time, your party only confirmed your doubts. You try your best to hold back your sobs facing this realisation, though you let go of a sound. You mentally hope no one has heard you. You force yourself to calm your cries, knowing you can’t stay any longer, not wanting to worry your father and your guests. 
When you’re finally calming down, you take a tissue and dry your tears. You fix your make up, take a deep breath and leave the bathroom. Before going to the others, you prepare your smile and enter the room. As soon as he sees you, your dad knows you’re sad. He doesn’t need to take a better look at you to see the pain you’re hiding being this artificial smile.
For the remaining time of your party, you become the shadow of your former self. You feel like you’re too much, you’re ridiculous. Your friends are having fun whilst you can’t stop but adjust your dress which seems to burn every centimetre of your skin. You’re numb, unable to force a laugh at your friends' shenanigans. You’re just waiting for them to leave. Your father is looking at you from afar and he can’t help but feel his heart tightens in his chest. Indirectly, he’s the reason for your pain and he hates it. He hates himself for it. 
When your guests finally leave, you close the door hurriedly. You sigh in relief before joining your dad who has already started to put things away. You grab some glasses and plates and bring them to the kitchen, lost in your thoughts. 
“I’m gonna do it, don’t worry. You can go to bed.” he informs you with a compassionate smile.
“I can help.”
“It won’t take long, I’ve got this.”
You don’t have the strength to argue so you nod silently and walk to your bedroom, dragging your feet. After taking your stuff, you go to the bathroom. There, you take your makeup off, brush your teeth, put your pyjamas on without thinking. You should feel lighter, not having on you what weighed so much on you, except that the problem wasn’t your dress or your makeup, on the contrary, it’s the pain in your chest. Worse, getting rid of these artifice makes you ache even more because there’s no chance of going back to the start of the day.
When you go back to your room, you settle down on your bed. You only have time to take a pillow in your arms when your phone rings. You throw yourself on it and discover Bradley’s name. You wait a second before picking it up. You don’t say a word, too scared to break down.
“Hey, I’m sorry I couldn’t make it. I’ll make it up to you.” Bradley apologises with a soft voice.
Hearing his voice creates a knot in your throat and your eyes start to sting. You take a deep breath before talking.
“I’m sorry too.”
“What do you mean ? I promise I have a good explanation.” he assures you, but you know he’s lying.
“Really and what is it ?” you let your anger win over. “I waited for you all night, Bradley. You’re the only one who didn’t show up. You should have been there.”
“You need to understand with your dad that-”
“‘That’ What ?” you cut him off, “You told me you’d make an effort for tonight.”
“I know…”, he starts, sighing, “but I can’t help and feel mad when I think back to what he did.”
“So you’re ruining our relationship ? Since it happened, everything has changed between us. You’re coming less and less to my place, you cancel dates at the last minute, we talk less and if we do talk, we argue. You know very well I have nothing to do with what he did so why do you act like it is ?” you question with a trembling voice.
“I… I don’t know.”
“I can’t handle this anymore, Bradley. Tonight was the last straw.”
“You’re not gonna break up with me just because I didn’t come tonight ? I told you I’ll make it up to you.” Bradley retorts, panicked.
“It’s not just the birthday. It’s been two months since things have been going south between us. You're always messing up and yet everytime I forgive you just for us to argue again. It's too late, there's nothing we can't do anymore.”
“Y/N, please. I can’t lose you too.” he begs with a small voice, making you tear up again.
“I can’t either. You mean the most to me, but it’s not working anymore. We have to face the truth. Goodbye, Bradley.”
You don’t give him a chance to answer and hang up. Your eyes on your phone, you start crying again. If you thought your heart was already broken, you have now the impression someone is ripping the pieces from your chest. You try to wipe your tears away when your dad opens the door. You turn your head in his direction and hold back a sob. Pete sees your trembling lips and he doesn’t need to know you were on the phone to understand what just happened. He takes big steps and takes you in his arms. You hang to him as if he was your safety net while you burst into tears.
“Why did you have to do that ? We already lost Uncle Goose and Aunt Carol and now, we lost him too.” you reproach him with a broken voice.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”
You don’t have the courage to blame your dad a bit longer so you keep shedding all the tears of your body in the comfort of his arms whilst he’s holding his cries back, trying to soothe you. 
Part two
Top Gun Maverick Masterlist
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callmemana · 1 year
Jake Hangman Seresin Fanfic: 1
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Key: smut - 🌸/ fluff - 🦋 / angst - ☂️/ personal favorite - 👓/
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A glimpse of Us @call-sign-jinx ☂️👓
Better Man Universe @sweetlittlegingy 🌸🦋☂️👓
Conveniently Yours Series @thesluttyarchivist 🌸👓
Country Girl, Shake It For Me @nomtterwhere 🦋
Church Encounters @barbiewritesstuff & @lgg5989 🌸🦋☂️👓
Do Not Disturb @callsignvalley 🌸🦋
Does The Father Know? @topguncortez ☂️👓
First and Second @seresinhangmanjake 🦋👓
Flyboy Universe @kryptonitejelly 🦋☂️👓
Gravedigger’s Daughter @honeypiehotchner 🌸🦋☂️👓
How Do You Live Somebody Else @softspiderling 👓
How They Met: Hangman @mrsjaderogers 🌸☂️👓
Imagine Hangman Caught Leaving Your Room @write4tomorrow 🦋👓
In Too Deep @sunlightmurdock 🌸🦋☂️👓
Jukebox War @roosterforme 🦋👓
Just A Little Weak @seresinhangmanjake 🌸🦋
More Heart Than Mine Universe @fandomxpreferences 🦋☂️👓
Never Knew @softspiderling 🌸
Not My Jake @roosterscock 🦋👓
Office Christmas Party @footprintsinthesxnd 🌸🦋☂️
One Night Stand @topguncortez 🦋👓
Operation Apollo @sunlightmurdock 🌸☂️👓
Opposites Attract Universe @topguncortez 🌸🦋☂️👓
Paint It Black @eternalsams 🦋👓
Parking Spots and Mocha lattes 2 @withahappyrefrain 🌸🦋👓
Pink Stripes @heartsofminds 🦋☂️👓
Professor Seresin Series @topguncortez 🌸☂️👓
Safe Zone (+Rooster) @sunlightmurdock 🌸☂️👓
Scrapes and Bruises @seresinhangmanjake 🦋☂️
Signed Away Series @seresinhangmanjake 🌸🦋☂️👓
Sun-kissed @ddejavvu 🦋👓
Strike Out @jupitercomet 🌸🦋☂️👓
Sweet Nothings @sweetlittlegingy 🌸🦋☂️👓
The Douche Bag Jar @jupitercomet 🌸🦋☂️👓
The One Who Got Away @fandomxpreferences ☂️👓
The One Who Came Back @fandomxpreferences ☂️👓
The One Piece @siempre-bucky 🌸👓
There’s a Honey @bussyslayer333 🌸🦋👓
To Have And To Hold @ohtobeleah 🌸☂️
Touch and Go @seresinhangmanjake 🌸🦋☂️
Wants and Needs @seresinhangmanjake 🌸🦋☂️
Wanting It All @seresinhangmanjake 🌸🦋☂️👓
Warning: Do Not Engage @clints-lucky-arrow 🌸
We Used To Be In Love Series @honeypiehotchner ☂️
Were You Ever Gonna Tell Me @bradshawsbitch 🌸🦋👓
We’re Expecting A Baby, But It Could Be A Dinosaur @gennyanydots 🦋👓
Winter 1 @demxters ☂️👓
Witching Hour @constillatedchaos 🦋
Who Did This To You? @justfandomwritings ☂️👓m
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spidey-d00d · 2 years
Lost in Thought (J.S x Reader)
Hangman x Reader Summary: You and Jake have known each other for a long time, comfortably saying ‘I Love You’ Platonically for years, until one night where you finally get to the point where you mean it more than friends.
Tw: Cursing, unedited work, fluff? angst? idk it’s cute tho Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: I've been weird about writing one shots lately, not sure if people are enjoying them or not, but I have gotten a couple people saying to go on and continue and I thank them tremendously, it has truly helped even if it was one or two people that had said it to me. Thank you for all of the likes and reposts and I hope to keep getting some more one shots out there for those who actually read them! Of course, requests are open, and encouraged. I want to open my writing up to more Top Gun characters, I've just also had a lot of my own ideas for Hangman and that's why i've been writing for him so much, but if there is something you want to see for other characters please let me know!
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The amount of time you have spent with the insufferable man that is Jake Seresin was unimaginable. Especially with the fact that you haven’t killed him yet, or yourself for that matter. 
He was your best friend though. Ever since meeting him on a detachment one time years ago, putting him and his place and him clinging onto you, you guys have been inseparable. You were the only one able to put him in his place with  few simple words, and him the same for you. 
Jake knew since the moment that you had shut down his entire deal the first time you met him, he wasn’t going to let you go. He clung to you even though you hated the idea for a while, but he grew on you so you allowed him to stay. 
Every once in a while the two of you got separated for deployments but always found a way back to each other, no matter how long you guys had been apart. 
You weren’t sure when the feelings you had for Jake Seresin when from friends to more, but it scared you. The idea of losing the friendship you had always craved felt more terrifying than the idea of him loving you back. 
You had a strict, ‘no dating pilots’ policy, just for the fact that you knew how dangerous it was from being in the profession, and seeing the reactions of the spouses of those who didn’t come home from a mission being something that haunts you at night. You couldn’t imagine feeling that way about someone you loved so you closed yourself off to the idea. 
Jake snuck into your heart though, you cared about that man so deeply, whether it was more than a friend or not at this point, if something happened to him you wouldn’t know what to do with yourself. 
“9 Ball, You, Me, ready to lose?” The cocky blonde stood in front of the stool you were perched on, talking to everyone around you. You raised a singular eyebrow in his direction where he was leaning against the cue. 
“Me? Lose? Seresin I am actually wounded that you still don’t know me well enough to know that I don’t lose.” You faked a hurt expression before snatching the cue he was resting on, leaving him to lose balance a little bit before straightening out. 
In the middle of you winning the game, Rooster, or Bradley Bradshaw, had come into the bar. Seeing Hangman straighten up, you knew that this was going to be interesting. It wasn’t like the two men had a huge beefing feud going on, where it would get physical, but you knew they weren’t best friends. There was a little bit of butting heads going on between them and you just wanted this to be a good night. 
Before Jake had the chance to get a word in, you stood in front of his body, making his attention move from Bradshaw to your eyes. You always forgot how much taller he was than you until he had his chin all the way down to make eye contact with you. 
“Go for a walk with me?” Was all you asked and all it took for him to wrap his hand around yours and make the way over to the back door that opened out to the beach. 
Once the cool air hit you, both of your bodies relaxed. Neither of you had made an effort to let go of each other's hands, it was normal between you two. 
Though there had been drunken moments, neither of you had crossed the line of more than friends, surprisingly, but that didn’t stop you from holding each other close or holding the others hand, it brought comfort to you, so it wasn’t a big deal. 
“Jake,” You broke the silence, to which he replied to you with a hum, “ What do you think is gonna happen tomorrow?” You wondered out loud, as he found a nice spot on the beach to plop down onto the sand and drag you with him. You sat next to him, watching the light from the sun bounce across his face and make him glow more than usual. 
Something in your stomach flipped, a feeling you had felt a few weeks ago, the feeling you had associated with your feelings that were changing for the man sitting next to you. You lost your breath slightly at the realization but covered it up quickly, hoping that he didn’t catch on. 
If he did, he didn’t acknowledge it as he started talking, “I have no clue, just glad they got us together again, I missed you.” He grinned, leaning down and bumping his shoulder into yours with a small grin. 
“I missed you too bagman.” You teased, forcing yourself to break eye contact with him because you felt like your heart was going to fall out of your ass at that moment, bringing your eyes to the view in front of you. 
He let out a belly laugh, one that only made frequent appearances with you and not a lot with others, and that you pride yourself on. 
“I’m never going to shake that name am I?” He said with a laugh still in his voice. It made you smile at the sound, “Nope, never.” You grinned up at him, as he stared you down. 
You could’ve sworn you saw adoration in his eyes, or something along those lines but you ruled that out as quickly as it came. It had to have been nothing, so you ignored the feeling in your chest and looked back out at the water, silence over taking both of you once again. 
You guys sat there for a long while in the silence, it never being awkward, your thoughts were running wild with a bunch of what ifs, or different outcomes in your life. 
What if you just let go and let him know everything that has been shifting in your body for a few weeks now. What would happen? Would he leave? Never speak to you again? Would you lose both a one sided love and your best friend in the process? You couldn’t bear the thought of it, of losing Jake. 
Before you could go any further into your thoughts, the silence was sliced with his words, “You’re thinking too loud again.” He gave you a light smile when you looked up at him with wide eyes, hoping that you didn’t say anything out loud because you were too zone into your thoughts to pay attention to anything else. 
You mind was put a very slight ease when he spoke once more, “What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” He hummed, taking in the look in your wide eyes that bored into his. 
You quickly weighed the pros and cons of everything you had just been thinking of. If you told him, and he didn’t feel the same way, could you guys go back to how it was before or would he just leave you in the dust, not wanting to deal with your feelings for him, ones that weren’t reciprocated? Or would he turn the world on its axis and say that he’s always had feelings for you too, and you guys would live happily ever after in your fairy tale word of fighter jets and the Navy? 
“Y/N” He said, breaking you of your thoughts once more, you really needed to get out of your head in front of him. 
“I Love you” Was all you managed to get out. 
Jake gave you a confused look, not sure why it was so hard for you to say that. For a while now, you guys have told each other that you loved the other, especially when being shipped out for other missions. It was always meant platonically, as a friend way, a best friend way. You guys were so close and it was normal for you to say it to each other, but he didn’t realize that this was different. It was a different type of love to you now, and it scared you. 
“I love you too?” He said in more of a question than a statement. 
You sighed, not knowing that difficulty this was going to be when you randomly blurted it out. You loved the man but he wasn’t always the brightest in a way. He was dense when he wanted to be. 
“No, Jake, I love you” You pushed yourself to try and get him to understand. You were already here, might as well go all the way and hoped it worked out in the long run. It probably wasn’t the smartest idea to do it now, right before a big mission where you would have to work with him for a couple weeks no matter the outcome of this night, whether it went good or bad, but it was too late now. 
“Y/N I love you too, are you okay?” Jake asked, more confused than before. He got it, you loved him, how was this what you were so worked up over, lost in thought for the past, he didn’t even know how long they had been out there for. 
“Oh my god Jake, I know you’re blonde but don’t act like it,” You rolled your eyes, getting slightly frustrated because this was making it far more embarrassing for you, trying to confess your love for someone who can’t even tell, “Jake Seresin, I love you.” You breathed out, “I am in love with you.” You added a little quieter at the end, forcing your eyes to look down at your hands instead of his face, afraid of his reaction. 
The silence once again enclosed the two of you, neither of you moving or at this point even breathing. You were terrified to look at him, but he softly put his hand on your chin, guiding it up to look at his face after a few moments of silence. You closed your eyes as he had your face now angled up towards him. If you didn’t open your eyes then you didn’t have to face the rejection he was about to push on you. 
“Open your eyes please.” He whispered quietly, to which you replied with a shake of your head. 
“Don’t act like a child, open them,” He said in a stern voice, but it was still quiet, “Please” He added, a lot softer than before. 
You couldn’t avoid it any longer, he was literally sitting in front of you, so you slowly opened your eyes to look at his green ones, ones that were flowing with an emotion you hadn’t seen in them before. You couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was, but you just hoped it wasn’t bad. 
“You mean it?” Jake asked, trying to find clarification that this wasn’t just some joke or a bet you had going on with Phoenix. 
“Of course I mean it Jake.” You whispered, searching his face to find any answer you could. You hated not knowing how he felt but he was masking it, trying to make sure you weren’t joking with him and he could let his guard down. “I’ve always loved you, just, I realized it was more than before recently and I couldn’t go any longer thinking about it without you knowing how I felt.” You added on, feeling a need to explain yourself, though he didn’t need you too, all he needed was to know that you meant it. 
That’s all it took for him to smash his lips against yours. It was all you ever dreamed of, the fireworks and sparks everyone always referenced when talking about the kiss with the love of their lives, made in appearance in your body and mind. 
You couldn’t think of anything else besides him. Not the doubts or the mission or the random people walking the beach like you guys had been before sitting down. It was just his lips on yours, the softness of his lips you had imagined to be chapped when you day dreamed about this exact moment before. 
“I love you too, so much.” He breathed out as you two had separated from each other, out of breath, but your foreheads rested against each other. 
A grin spread across your face like wildfire, mirroring your own as his hand came to brush a few hairs out of your face, and then rested on your cheek holding you close. 
“It’s about damn time Seresin,” You giggled, “I didn’t know how much longer I could take thinking about the worst case scenarios.” You smiled up at him. 
“I’ll always love you y/n, forever.” Was all he replied after pushing your lips together again in another kiss. 
The two of you spend the rest of the night like this, telling each other how much you wanted to be with the other, sharing kisses and laughs on the way back to the barracks. It was perfect for you guys, finally getting the shot at the perfect navy, fighter pilot, fairytale life.
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topgun-imagines · 1 year
Requested: yes
Summary: An afternoon of ice skating leads to a difficult realization for Mickey while he is in the hospital.
Word count: 1.0k
Warnings: Slight angst. Concussions. Hospitals. Medication.
Pairings: Mickey ‘Fanboy’ Garcia x fem!reader
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The air was crisp and chilly around the frozen pond. A few weeks ago, you and Mickey had planned a skating date with Reuben and his girlfriend. Now, the four of you were at a frozen pond on Reuben’s grandparent's land. You and Reuben’s girlfriend, Leah, we’re sitting on the bench next to the pond tying up your skates. Reuben and Mickey were already skating around in front of you.
When you finished tying your skates you hopped from the bench. Carefully, you made your way over to the edge of the pond. Mickey headed over to you and grabbed your hand with a grin. He pulled you onto the ice with him. The two of you began skating around. Eventually, Leah joined Reuben on the other side of the makeshift rink. Loud laughs echoed through the otherwise silent land while the four of you enjoyed your afternoon.
Everything was going smoothly until about an hour into your day. Mickey and Reuben had decided that they were both going to try some fancy maneuver they had seen. Reuben went first, pulling it off nearly flawlessly. He was almost finished when he slipped and landed on his rear. Both you and Leah laughed loudly, clutching onto each other. The pair of you were laughing so hard that you ended up seated on the ice as well. Reuben finally rose from the ice, wobbling slightly as he made his way over to you. He held a hand out to you and Leah, pulling the both of you up. You were all wiping tears from your eyes as you tried to compose yourselves.
Next up was Mickey. And after the last display, you were expecting something interesting. He had finally composed himself, during which Reuben had made sure to flip him off. Mickey began the short routine. Everything was going smoothly. Right up until his skate caught on a rock frozen in the ice. You watched as your boyfriend launched forward, practically doing a front flip before he landed on his back. There was no way that with the force he landed he didn’t hurt his head.
You gasped loudly, hand darting up to cover your mouth. “Mickey!” You cried, rushing towards him. Reuben was hot on your heels. Sliding to your knees, your hand jolted out to grab the back of his head. He let out a low groan. You and Reuben helped him into a sitting position slowly. You briefly heard Leah saying something about going to start the car. A trip to the hospital was probably a good idea. Pulling your hand back, you breathed a short sigh of relief when you noticed that there was no blood.
Leah called out that the car was ready. With Reuben’s help, you hauled Mickey up. You could tell immediately that he was having balance issues. He rested practically all his weight against you as you led him to the car. You helped him into the back seat before climbing in after him. Reuben and Leah got in the front after tossing all the skating equipment in the trunk.
The land was only half an hour from the nearest town. Reuben cut it down to twenty minutes. “Mickey,” You called softly. He hummed, eyelashes fluttering softly. You watched his head loll against the seat. “Hey, baby. Can you stay awake for me?” Your hand settled on his cheek, tipping his gaze to you softly. He smiled at you. It was lopsided but at least he was alert. “Well be at the hospital in a few minutes. Make sure you stay awake for me, okay?” He hummed softly. Your hand grasped his tightly as you anxiously stared out the window.
Moments later you pulled up to the hospital. From what you could see, it didn’t look as if there were many people waiting in the emergency room. When you got into the hospital you were proved right. One of the perks of living in a small town, you supposed.
You and Leah helped Mickey into the waiting room while Reuben parked the car. Once the paperwork was filled out, it was only a few minutes before you were called back to see a doctor. They went through the usual tests; checking his eyes and his memory. From what you could tell, he seemed to be doing way better already.
With one last test, the doctor concluded that Mickey had a concussion. He estimated that it would last in between one and two weeks. Needless to say, you were very grateful that Mickey was going to be okay. The doctor bid the pair of you goodbye before giving the nurse some instructions. Smiling at you gently, the nurse mentioned something about going to grab some medicine before she disappeared around the curtain. She returned moments later with a small cup of water and two Tylenol. She handed them to Mickey before turning to you. “You two are all good to go. Hopefully he feels better soon.” You thanked her quietly. She slipped out of the room one last time.
You walked towards your boyfriend and laid a hand on his shoulder. “Hey Mickey,” You spoke softly. His eyes slowly shifted up to meet yours. He offered you a tired and lopsided smile before swallowing his pills. “Ready to go? Reuben’s starting the car,” Nodding softly, he tossed the cup into the trash can. You turned to grab your jacket, only barely catching his soft voice call out to you. “Yea?” You questioned, turning back to him.
Mickey was sitting on the hospital bed with an inquisitive look on his face. His eyes were locked on the sheets as he fiddled with his hospital band. “Is Santa real?” Your mouth dropped open, eyes darting up to him.
“What?” You asked incredulously. When he repeated the same question you swear your jaw hit the floor. “No, of course not,” A small ‘oh’ was all you got in return. “Mickey, you’re 30,” you couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped your lips. Your boyfriend still looked as confused as he was before. “Come on, baby. Let’s get you home,” You murmured, helping him up from the bed. You sighed quietly. “No more ice skating for a while.”
a/n: Thank you for reading! Requests are open for holiday prompts.
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ughthisisntright · 11 months
This is For Us | Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Reader | Part 2
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Summary: Your first date with Bradley goes exceptionally well.
Warnings: None! Just fluff.
Word Count: 2,095
Next Part
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All day you heard your phone buzzing. Rooster. Boy, was he a clingy man. But you didn’t mind one bit. He showed genuine interest in your and your daily activities, even the mundane ones like filing paperwork or simply sending emails. Your work wasn’t particularly exciting but it was cute to have Bradley all over you about it.
The day simply couldn’t go by fast enough. Everything took too long to complete. You were going criminally fast on your drive home. You’d stopped receiving texts from Bradley as your work day came to a close. You assumed that meant he was getting ready. You walked into your house and dropped everything you had in your hands at the door and sprinted up the stairs. You got home a little later than you’d wanted - 5:15. You had time to take a quick shower, during which you only washed your body and shaved your legs. Not that you were going to sleep with this guy on the first date, but better to start off on the right foot than be caught with your pants down.
You laid out your options for clothes on your bed. You considered them for a moment as you rubbed lotion into your skin to keep it smooth and silky. You sighed as you ran your eyes over your dresses. None of them seemed perfect enough for this. You shook your head and just grabbed the safest bet - a rosy-pink floral maxi dress with halter straps. It cinched at the waist just so and it was perfect for those no-bra days. You skipped the bra tonight, as you usually did with this dress. You paired it with a pair of nude wedges.
You sat down at your vanity and looked at your reflection. You wanted to keep it light. So you put your hair into a neat, low bun and pulled some strands out around the sides of your face to frame it nicely. You then put on a quick coating of mascara and some lip gloss. You never tried super hard for dates - you certainly weren’t going to start now.
You looked down at your phone - 5:55. You had barely made it. You spritzed yourself with your favorite perfume and stuffed a small purse with your ID, the lip gloss you’d put on, and some ibuprofen (God forbid). A sharp knock on your front door pulled you from your racing thoughts and you walked downstairs to open it. And, boy, you should have been sitting down.
There he was, in all his glory. He wore nice jeans and a blue polo tucked into them. A black belt and black shoes that were shinier than anything you could have imagined. You took note of the neat style of his hair and the cute way the waves dared to break it loose. You smiled widely and leaned against the door frame.
“Bradshaw,” you breathed out. He chuckled and took you into his arms, kissing the top of your head carefully.
“You are simply ravishing tonight,” he said smoothly. “Almost too good to be true.”
“Well, ask and you shall receive,” you teased him gently. “Want to come in for a drink?” He shook his head and smirked, pulling away and looking down at you.
“No time,” he said as he slipped his hand into yours. “We’ve got reservations to make.”
He guided you to his beautiful blue Bronco and opened the passenger side door for you. You got in with his assistance and he closed the door, walking coolly around to the driver’s side and getting in. He started the car and looked over at you before smirking. His hand clapped down onto your thigh and he gave it a gentle squeeze.
Before you knew it, and without even exchanging any more words, the two of you were off to wherever these reservations were. The crisp San Diego evening air blew through the cab of his vehicle as the two of you cruised down the streets. Eventually, you pulled into the parking lot of just about one of the fanciest restaurants near Fightertown. Your eyes nearly fell out of your head.
“Bradley,” you started. “You’re not seriously taking me here?” You only received a chuckle in response before he was parking at the back of the lot. The restaurant was on the beach just like the Hard Deck, but about ten miles down the shore. You looked out over the ocean and smiled a little before Bradley spoke up.
“It was all an elaborate cover-up,” he mused. You tilted your head as he got out of the car and came around to open your door. You stepped out, again with his assistance, and turned to see him digging into the back seat. He pulled a large picnic basket out of the car and held it up like a trophy. The grin on his face was enough to make you smile.
“Oh, you cheeky boy,” you nudged him with your shoulder. “So the reservations?”
“Never had any! This place is impossible to get into, even with a face this cute,” he winked and offered you his arm. “I’ve got a blanket in here, some champagne, and delicious supermarket sushi. What do you say?”
“I say - Lead the way, Lieutenant.”
He led you down to the sand, stopping so you could take your wedges off, and then stopped at a safe spot where the tide wouldn’t touch you guys. He set the basket down and pulled out a large beach blanket - the kind that repels sand. He took your hand as you settled down onto your rear, legs bent to the side. He sat down after kicking his shoes off and sat criss-cross on the blanket across from you. He then reached into the basket and pulled out two champagne flutes.
“Care for some bubbly, sweetheart?” His voice was smooth as whiskey and just as warm. You nodded with a sweet smile and he grabbed the champagne bottle. He pulled the aluminum wrapping off with his teeth and spit it out to the side. He quickly picked it up off the sand and placed it onto the blanket - he doesn’t litter… score.
He worked the cork carefully, only pointing it at you for a couple of seconds to tease you, and then let it pop out into his large hand. He handed it to you, as if he’d read your mind, so that you could keep it. He poured the two glasses and handed you one. Holding his glass up to yours, he took your free hand in his.
“To new beginnings,” he said softly. You clinked your glasses together and took individual sips. Sighing softly, you set the champagne glass carefully on the sand.
“Alright, bust out that supermarket sushi,” you said with a smirk. He took out the little plastic containers and set them out in front of you. He’d gotten quite the assortment, but you couldn’t have cared less. He could have brought a jug of cashews to share and you would have been okay with that. He handed you the flimsy little chopsticks and you both got to work on eating.
After a few minutes of the two of you happily munching on the sushi and drinking champagne, Bradley looked over at you. You caught his gaze and smiled softly.
“You look beautiful tonight,” he said softly. His hand came to rest on your knee and he caressed it gently with his thumb. You blushed and sipped your champagne.
“Thank you,” you spoke softly, but loud enough so he could hear you over the waves. “You look incredible, too…”
Soon enough, the sushi was gone and Bradley was packing the garbage into a small plastic bag he’d packed for that exact reason. He put everything in the picnic basket and beckoned you closer to him. You scooted closer to him, careful not to spill the drinks or mess up the blanket. He pulled you back against his chest and wrapped one arm around your shoulders. He kissed the top of your head as the two of you looked out over the ocean and the sunset. It was reminiscent of the night before. Did California always have such gorgeous sunsets?
The tickle of hair on your bare shoulder brought you back down to Earth as you registered that feeling as Bradley’s lips ghosting over your smooth skin. You relaxed back against him, closing your eyes for just a moment. He took the opportunity to press gentle, loving kisses on your bare shoulders. Goosebumps all over your skin, you turned your head to face him. He gave you a gentle smile and brushed some stray strands of hair from your face. A tender gesture that had you melting in his arms.
“This was perfect,” you said after a moment of silence. He seemed to look surprised by what you’d said.
“Who says it’s over?” He then leans in and kisses your lips passionately. One large hand comes to cradle the side of your face and you find yourself leaning into his touch. Moments pass just like this, tongues touching each other and hands wandering down bodies to discover new territory. Then, as quickly as they passed, they were over. The sun had set, it was late, and Bradley had a curfew.
“Please,” he begged softly. “Let me take you out again. I want to take you somewhere special.” You couldn’t fight the smile pulling on your lips.
“Text me what time I should be ready and what to wear. You know I’ll be ready for anything,” you kissed his cheek and he kissed your lips again. Whatever he had planned, he sure was eager to show it to you.
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You’d helped him pack the picnic basket back up and threw away any garbage you two had made. You were carrying the blanket in your hands as the two of you walked back up the beach to the parking lot of that fancy restaurant. What a cover. Bradley was telling you something about fighter jets and other Navy things you didn’t quite understand. But you’d do your research to make sure he knows you’re trying.
“But, anyways,” he said with a smile as you two approached his truck. “I just can’t wait to graduate. I should’ve been done a long time ago. But…” He trailed off and opened the door for you to get in.
“But what?” You foolishly asked.
“That’s a story for another time,” he said softly, the sudden change in his mood evident just by the way he looked through you and not at you. “Maybe.”
You tilted your head but decided not to press. You didn’t want to know if it wasn’t something he was comfortable talking about. Wordlessly, he got into the Bronco and started it up, taking you home. He tapped the steering wheel to whatever song was on the radio and eventually that beautiful smile was back on his face. You couldn’t help but cozy up to him on the drive home, his arm around you and your hands resting on his thigh.
Once back at your house, Bradley walked you to your door like a gentleman. You should have expected that, at this point. You lingered outside with him, kisses and whispered promises of texts shared between you. Then, finally, you pull away and look him in the eyes.
“I don’t normally date aviators…” you whispered. He could only grin in response, knowing what was next. “But for you… I’ll break every rule.”
He kissed you one more time, hands smoothing up your back and pulling you closer. Your brain fogged and swam with emotion. Before you could say anything, he’d pulled away and was unlocking your front door for you.
“Go inside, sweetheart,” he said softly. “I’ll text you when I get home.”
You blushed and nodded once, watching as he walked back to his truck. You walked into your house and turned one last time to watch him pull away. He beeped twice and grinned as he left. You made your way upstairs to get changed and found yourself staring off into nothing. He’d left you completely floored. And from what? A good date? Kind words? Amazing kisses? You were torn. It could have been everything. Finally, you changed into your pajamas and crawled into bed after having wiped your face clean of makeup.
A buzz on your nightstand caught your attention and you picked your phone up. It was a text. From Bradley.
I’d do anything for you, dear. For us.
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