#top 10 badge
sugarstar-rabbits · 1 year
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i have never moved to redraw something so fast in my entire life
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theinfinitedivides · 5 months
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sounds about right
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kraviolis · 6 months
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lyril · 1 year
the “average grizzco employee gets a shit ton of golden eggs during big run" factoid is actually just a statistical error. the average grizzco employee gets under 90 golden eggs during big run. brian, who camps out on salmonid turf and got 232 golden eggs, is an outlier and should not have been counted
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slicksquid · 1 year
am I a hater or is getting a badge for top 3000 in x rank kinda silly
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bestsandwhich · 2 years
*Exits the kitchen in a plume of smoke covered in burns, cuts, and flour*
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eijunes · 11 months
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js337 · 1 year
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what fresh hell is this
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i think badge arcade cycled through all the rhythm heaven badges so that sucks. didn't see some sets at all-
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theygender · 1 year
TLT fans: did you guys know about the real Wake? I hadn't heard about her until we covered World War II in my world civ class this semester
Nancy Grace Augusta Wake (1912-2011) was a covert operative who was at the top of the Nazi's most wanted list in WW2, nicknamed "The White Mouse" for her ability to repeatedly evade capture. She was born in New Zealand with Māori heritage, grew up in Australia, and joined the Resistance after traveling to Europe and witnessing the harsh treatment of Jews in Vienna by the Nazis
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Wake worked in the Pat O'Leary Line escape network until her Resistance organization was compromised by the Germans in 1942. After that she fled on foot across the Pyrenees—with several close calls that she escaped by flirting with German soldiers—and made her way to England to join the Special Operations Executive. She was part of a three person team codenamed "Freelance" which parachuted into occupied France. During this operation she got stuck in a tree after her parachute became tangled in its branches. The local Resistance leader who found her reportedly said “I hope that all the trees in France bear such beautiful fruit this year" to which she replied "Cut out that French bullshit and get me out of this tree"
While working in the Freelance operation Wake once biked 500 km (310 mi) without stopping in the span of 72 hours across Nazi territory to retrieve a new radio and codes after her team's were destroyed in a Gestapo raid. Without this feat, Freelance would not have been able to communicate with London and there would have been no more supply drops to support their Resistance organization. During the war she was also part of a raid which destroyed the Gestapo headquarters in Montluçon, in which she reportedly killed a Nazi sentry with her bare hands to prevent him from raising an alarm
Wake's fellow operatives described her as "a real Australian bombshell. Tremendous vitality, flashing eyes. Everything she did, she did well. She was an excellent shot, excelled at fieldcraft and put the men to shame by her cheerful spirit and strength of character." "She is the most feminine woman I know until the fighting starts. Then she is like five men." "We both came to the conclusion that she was 10 times the man I would ever be"
By the time of her death in 2011, Wake had been awarded the George Medal by Britain; the Medal of Freedom by the United States; the Médaille de la Résistance, the Croix de Guerre (x3), and the Légion d’Honneur by France; and the Badge in Gold by New Zealand. Due to a complicated relationship with Australia, she originally refused to accept any awards from the Australian government, saying that they could "stick their medals where the monkey stuck his nuts." In 2004, however, she accepted the honor of Companion of the Order of Australia as well
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ofmonstersandlovers · 9 months
Orc Lover x Reader Headcanons
I don't thing you know just how long this has been stuck in my head ong
Warnings: Gender Neutral reader, fluff, suggestive
Gawd dayum just imagine having an orc lover
They'd be quite bugger than you but so damn gentle about it
Oh you can't reach the top shelf? I got it sweetie
You can't see something? No problem, let me lift you!
Oh you want to give him a kiss? He'll just squat a bit so you can reach his lips
Hell, he might just lift you up to his height so that you can properly kiss
Speaking of the size difference, just loves to wrap his arms around you and just...encase you lol
Rests his head on the tops of yours--but like, he's very mindful of his tusks
Loves being bigger than you because it means he can protect you!
Also please, if you pick out special jewelry for his tusks he'll wear it like a damn badge
Though he adores the size difference he's very soft with you
He's very conscious of the fact that you're human so he'll touch you like you're made of porcelain
Orc lover is also very quiet
Not in a shy way though, he's just quiet
Likes to just sit in silence with you, though, he has to have some part touching you.
Which leads into his love language; physical contact!
It doesn't have to be full blown body on top of body, he's perfectly happy with just his hand touching any part of you
However, even it comes to more *ahem* intimate times, he [i]needs[/i] to be touching you.
Doesn't matter the position, his hands will be busy
He likes telling you about his orc culture.
Snorts affectionately when you attempt to speak his language because you're stumbling over certain pronunciations
Doesn't mean he wants you to stop. If anything, he encourages to learn his language!
Will like to win you thinks at carnivals and or arcades, as winning a competition and giving their lover the prize is apart of orc culture
So get ready to have a fuck-ton of unnecessary plushies
Overall, a very soft and quiet lover who just hands to hold your hand and give you things that make you smile!
10/10 when will it be my turn to be happy ;^;
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lizzyk137 · 1 month
Could you please write my idea for jethro Gibbs 🙏
Imagine Gibbs seeing you doing a million steps nightly skin care routine and just laying under the covers and waiting for you to be done and come to bed already and slowly getting frustrated
Maybe a little toddler cuddling in bed with him and Gibbs fake complaining to them about you
“Mommy is taking a long time huh?”
Nightly Routine- Gibbs X Reader Fanfic
Summary: Gibbs' daily night with you doing your skincare routine. Warnings: None, per fluff! Thank you so much for requesting this! I'm so sorry it took so long; I get into funks where I hate everything I write. It's longer than I wanted but i couldn't help thinking about his little family and the adorable dynamics! Hope you enjoy! ❤️
Want to read more, visit my Masterlist!
He watched as you grabbed yet another bottle to spray on your face. This was the third thing that you had sprayed on your face in the past 10 minutes.
He knew every step you did morning and night. This spray was step seven of the night. He didn't understand why you had to do a long skin care routine every day. You were beautiful. Your skin was soft and flawless, unlike his that was full of cracks. He'd remind you every day how beautiful you were and occasionally telling you that you could have it worse, aka his skin, but you'd always shake your beautiful head, the light bouncing of your hair like a halo when you did, and you'd always tell him you loved every line and crack on his face, it was beautiful.
"Leroy Jethro Gibbs."
Gibbs turned his gaze down beside him to look at his youngest son, who was holding his badge. He didn't know where he grabbed it from, which concerned him, but his son was always fascinated with it. He even had asked him to show him how to flip it open and around like a real agent does.
"That's great, baby! Can you read the next line?" You cheered from your vanity as you applied the next cream to your face.
Gibbs smiled at you. Even when you took time for yourself, you were still present with your son. "I think you know these letters so tell me what they are." Gibbs spoke up next as he pointed to the word N.C.I.S in the large font that was at the top of the badge card.
Gibbs had helped sound out every word for his five-year-old on the badge card, and you still were doing your routine.
He sometimes would get annoyed with how long it took, not really because of the time but because he wanted you in his arms, your attention fully on him before he had to leave and capture yet another monster. But you didn't ask for anything. You were raising three of his beautiful, making a beautiful home, went above and beyond at work as a special education teacher all the while taking away any baggage or worry, he has carried back from work and restarting him every day so he could be a better man for you and his kids.
You could've asked for more. Way more. But you didn't. You were young when you had first gotten pregnant. A drunken one night with Gibbs, which eventually led to him falling head over heels for you and asking you to marry him. You were worried since having your oldest that you wouldn't be present enough with your career and taking on the father role when Gibbs worked overtime. He actually had to sit you down and tell you it was okay to enjoy doing your skin care and that those minutes were for you to enjoy and unwind. You felt guilty, but after Nathan turned four and you had another on the way, you were thankful for that skin care routine each morning and night.
Your son was nestled into his side, his light brown hair falling into his eyes as he slept. He gave a quick kiss and looked at the clock. 10 p.m. He waited for the quick pitter patter of feet, and then their door opened, revealing his beautiful daughter, a stuffy in one hand, and a book in another.
"Daddy, could you read this?" She came over and sat beside Gibbs, Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing falling into his lap. His daughter was incredibly smart for her age of ten. She had Down Syndrome, and since day one, she's defied every pressure society has given her, excelling above and beyond and making a name for herself in school and the community. She was far smarter than him on subjects, and he always loved it when she taught him new things. His heart burst every time she told him she wanted a career in the same field as her daddy.
Every night, she comes at exactly ten o'clock and asks him to read her a chapter because her eyes got too tired, and he was happy too even though he wasn't the best reader. He perched his glasses on his nose, her head resting on his chest.
He finished the chapter and looked at the clock. 10:30 and you were in the bathroom blowing your little fan to dry your face. He heard the drawers being opened and you were rummaging through them.
The door opened a peak, and he saw his oldest stick his head in. "Hey, I just got back from Josh's. Where's Mom?" Gibbs just raised his eyebrows in reply, earning a small chuckle from his son. "Ah, skin care."
He nodded as he sat the book and his glasses down on the bedside table. Nathan came over and sat beside Sophie, his head resting on the top of hers as he played with her fingers, something that always calmed him down after a long day at school and practice.
His youngest stirred, his eyes blinking open before asking where his mommy was.
His smiled and chuckled, "Mommy is taking a long time, huh?" His joking tone making even his youngest smile.
He heard you laugh at his joke from the bathroom before coming out, your skin glowing and bright. You placed your hands on your hips and just gave him a look before coming over and putting a kiss on your two oldest kid's heads. Each was falling asleep, and he chuckled over how much room they were taking up. His youngest crawled over him and pushed himself in between his siblings whose hands were still clasped.
You both pulled the covers over your sleeping kids before you made your way over to Gibbs. He was glad you had conned him into a king-sized bed, especially since there wasn't much room left for the both of you to sleep. You crawled in next to him and snuggled into his chest, the last few knots of worry leaving him, and he sighed.
"I took a while because I was trying to get off permanent marker from my face." You mumbled into his chest.
"It's okay, you deserve your time, baby, no need to explain." He kissed the top of your head. "I do think we need to explain to the kids that they're bed hogs."
"Or we could just get a bigger bed." He eyed you before smiling and nodding his head as his way of saying yes.
He rubbed your soft cheek with his thumb, your breathing slowing down, your long lashes fluttering closed before he finally closed his eyes.
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changes · 7 months
Tuesday, November 14th, 2023
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We found a few instances where filtered tags were not preventing some posts from appearing. This has been corrected and filtered tags will now work on all posts.
We fixed a few visual glitches when searching for Audio while writing or editing a post on the web.
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glowcircuit · 2 months
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I built a miniature Va11 Hall-A Bar inside of my PC!!
Va11 Hall-A PC Parts & Build list
CPU : Intel I9 14900k
GPU: Intel Arc A770 16gb
Ram: Corsair Dominator 64gb 5600
Mobo: Maxsun Terminator Z790 D5 wifi
Hard drives M.2: Samsung 990 pro 2tb, Samsung 970 evo plus 1tb, CT 1tb,                                 Adata 500gb
PSU: ROG Thor 850 P2
Cables: Cablemod.com custom shortened and sleeved
Water loop distro : EKWB FLT 120 reservoir + D5 pump
Water loop cpu block: ThermalTake Pacific Mx2 Ultra 
Water loop radiators: Alphacool HPE 20 x 2
Water loop hardware: 15 Alphacool, 3 EKWB, 2 Alphacool soft, 2 granzon    
Water loop tubes: EKWB Acrylic tube 14mm, Alphacool 13/10 soft
Air Cooling : ThermalTake Toughfan 120mm x 3  + Controller
Air Cooling : Noctua 40mm pwm server fan x 2 (non visible)
Additional RGB Control : Coolermaster controller
Lian Li PC V600, left side mount, released in 2006, I acquired it in 2015 from PC Recycle in sodo Seattle.
I had to track down a new foot, one had been missing since I acquired the case (ebay)
Mods:These are the case mods I did personally
Cut a hole for the cpu mounts in the Motherboard mount plate as this case was designed for older hardware 
Cut two 120mm blowholes and added aluminum covers (Dremel)
Cut Front and rear windows into side panels (Dremel Max)
Moved PSU from vertical placement in the lower right side of the case in front of the CPU  to horizontal placement in the top left in old drive bays. 
The PSU bracket had to be cut to show the OLED on the side. 
Modded the side panel rail slide to accommodate the PSU, I used the original aluminum stand the psu was on, cut in half and epoxied with JB weld. 
Changed and moved Power/ Reset switch to the back of the case, shortened and spliced the cable
I cut and bent my own 14mm acrylic tubes (hobby miter, heat gun). 
Cut and made two way mirror for the front panel
Plastic "truss" is both functional and aesthetic. It came from a Gunpla accessory kit and has two cables passing through it and it acts as the GPU support. I could only get red and had to paint it.
Notice that some logos are missing/ covered, I dislike having a case as an advertisement. The Rog eye on the PSU is mostly covered but iykyk, most of the word "Intel" on the ARC GPU, Two of the Thermaltake logos on the fan edges, the Paint on the Thermaltake Mx2 Ultra and Maxsun terminator heatsink. (I will eventually cover the visible SSD with a heat sink, cover the fan info on the rear and work a cover for the word "dominator"). the one logo explicitly unchanged is the LianLi case badge, if I think of a perfect replacement, maybe then.
Mod I did not do:
I did NOT shorten and sleeve my own cables, I used cable-mod.com. I am not confident in my ability to do this.
"Bar Tiny" Re-ment sets from Japan, 17 sets involved. 
 I customized the color of the bar and chairs and shortened one table for the mezzanine. The whole bar, minus barback- is on a removable 7 inch piece of black acrylic for cleaning.
Jill Stingray Nendoroid
Jils Cat, it sleeps on the GPU
Jill Stool: Jill is glued to a cute doll stool to see over the bar
Jill Accessories non-Nendoroid: cellphone, purse, coat (ebay)
Dorothy Haze Nendoroid
will be added on release.
Bar Back:I made this myself
Black acrylic sheet, and frosted acrylic rods.
Doll Light power kit: 8 Led lights, 4 incandescent lights
USB Doll light power strip
Other Bar Accessories:
Overhead Hanging farmhouse light
trash, mop, broom, pan, mop bucket, 
2 blue fuzzy chairs 
Miniature plants
Miniature Microphone
Mini bottle Dom Perignon, an xmas gift from my friend nemo, it's
 on the top shelf 
Problems and changes:
1. ARGB, pretty pretty pain in the ass. 4 pieces of software........
2. The water loop was changed extensively as hardware came in and space limitations were discovered. The biggest change is that I originally planned to have one radiator on the front of the case, the tubes running over Jills head and to light the tubes as lighting for the bar, to do this the fan would have been in the case proper pushing the whole bar to far into the mobo, it didn't work, so the loop was moved to the top of the case and caused me to have one complex bent tube 
 Second, I had planned the loop to use one sideport on the distro, but space limitation moved both ports to the top causing the complex fittings setup in that corner.   
3. The MOBO, sigh. This has been clearly the most challenging choice I made in this build, I really wanted it to work perfectly too, but I rolled those dice because: Aesthetic+function, the board I wanted (https://en.colorful.cn/en/home/product?mid=84&id=400d19bc-5655-49e1-b391-df00b60935ef) was to great a risk for the cost. This was a silver medal. 
I generally dislike the design options I had in the Z790 series of the big board makers (I  HATE big logos), especially the full ATX, there was one M that interested me, I should have picked it . This board has potential, but the BIOS is underdeveloped and compatibility has been problematic, I had to do a tricky outdated style BIOS update right from the box, and have had to reset the cmos a couple times. It skips BIOS on general boot and though stable, it will have to be addressed eventually, it doesn't have a proper sleep because of some issue between uefi & legacy. It may end up replaced, which will require a full build teardown.
the Turbo fan built into the board doesn't seem to function
Alos, the two argb connections on the mobo dont work, or I can't get them to recognize anything, necessitating the Coolermaster controller for the PSU and Distro. it is shoved behind the distro along with a Noctua 40mm
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perlukafarinn · 1 year
Rating Star Trek TOS uniforms because why not!
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Pilot uniforms. Pajama ass looking outfits. They look cozy but a little too cozy to be exploring the galaxy in; the underboob sweat must be ungodly. Points also deducted for Spock's TERF bangs, 4/10.
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Second pilot uniforms. They look just like the first but somehow even worse. The science division doesn't even get its own color! 3/10.
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TOS classic uniform. Now we're talking! The women no longer get to wear pants but honestly I think it's the men who are missing out on the miniskirts. The fabric looks light and breathable and each division now gets its own color. Those fruity little heeled boots complete the look, 9/10.
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Red gym tights. They are red, they are tight, and they do not come with a matching shirt. Simple yet delightful, 8/10.
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Green wraparound Captain's shirt. She's an icon, she's a legend, and she is the moment. Perfect for when Kirk is feeling a little slutty or wants to set himself apart from his evil twin, 10/10.
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Mirrorverse uniforms. Slutty and tacky, the perfect outfits for going out on Friday night or maybe figure skating in the Olympics. Not giving the guys crop tops was a coward move but I do appreciate Kirk's v-neck vest, 9/10.
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Dress uniforms. They look so cute in their fancy little outfits! The golden accents and arts-and-crafts "badges" really tickle me but the uncomfortable looking high collars drag it down a bit, 7/10
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hoshifighting · 6 months
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Code of temptation
Synopsis: When a series of cyber threats puts national security at risk, Y/N is assigned to lead the investigation. Her team is complemented by Vernon, a computer genius known for his dexterity in deciphering the most complex codes.
Words: +1k
Reader! SecretAgent x Vernon! Hacker
Warnings: Smut, oral (f. receiving), penetrative sex, exhibitionism, unprotected sex (wrap it up), dry humping, fingering, hair pulling, chocking, dirty talk and etc.
Your tight TechWear is starting to get uncomfortable, your fingers attached to the trigger, and your arms are already weak from holding the heavy gun, one wrong movement, everything is done. You wait for the sign from Mingyu, who is already in position to catch the target “1, 2, 3… Now!” he says in the little point of sound in your ear, and you do your shot.
The bullet hits the target directly in the head, and Mingyu runs in the middle of the basement to steal the small device that is the pivot of the mission you have been working on for the last few weeks. The both of you run to the back door, you enter the armored car that awaits you. 
“Objective accomplished successfully, mission completed with distinction and mastery.” Your chief says on the other line. Body finally relaxing on the car seat, while you do a little weak punch on Mingyu’s hand.
“We did a great Job Mr. Lee, we trained for this, but it’s difficult ultimately, they are more attached to the systems day by day, so we need to take action, and ask for the Department Head to recruit a Technical Expert, so we can obtain coordinates during missions” you point your pencil on the map in front of you “Promise me that by the end of the month, we will have some ‘technology guru’  to help us, and I promise to complete another mission as always.” that said, you leave the meeting room slamming the door loudly.
You hold a cup of coffee while you try to decipher the nominal codes on the computer screen, you snort and immediately give up on understanding the logic of the system in front of you. The computer room doorbell rings, and you can see a young man with brown hair waiting for the door to be opened, showing his FBI badge. You put your fingerprint into the system, and the door is slowly opened, revealing the boy, holding the shoulder strap from his backpack, wearing a black uniform, just like yours. 
“First off all, I am almost freaking the fuck out seeing all these algorithms with letters on the same screen” you point to the computer with raised eyebrows, and he closes the door behind him “and we should have met before the mission started, but since you're here now, we need to track them down as quickly as possible.” He agrees and sit on the chair in front of the desk.
“My name is Vernon by the way” the sarcasm is proliferated from his lips, while he maintains an extremely unbothered expression.
You snort incredulous at his audacity - even though the ironic tone in his voice may not have been intentional - you stop to look at him from top to bottom, analyzing his mannerisms until he actually starts doing something on the electronic device that hovers in front of him “very funny of you, but I would like more respect since I am leading this mission, and the hierarchy is very-“
“Oh come on don’t play like you’re 10 years older than me!” He says with the face still buried on the screen “and since you are leading the mission amidst so much cyber invasion, you should at least know how to clear your history, if I were your enemy, and found out that you listen to the same Backstreet Boys song for 9 hours straight, you would definitely no longer be my target, freaky ass girl”
The heels on your feet touches the cold ground towards him “This is an invasion of privacy!” You turn the chair, so now you make eye contact with him, pressing his shoulders on the chair. 
“This is being on the verge of madness!” You let him go, sitting on the couch on the other corner of the room, drinking your coffee ashamed.
The clicks on the mouse and the sound of the keys were driving you crazy, until he lifted his back from the chair and widened his eyes towards the computer, you run to see the screen popping a map with a lot of red ropes interlinked “Fuck! they’re on the building!” You recognize the structure of the department you are hiding in, running to get your guns attached to your waist, while Vernon turns off the trackers “We need to run away right now, we don’t have time!” You hold his arm, and you run through the company halls, until you leave the building, running down the opposite street. You led the way, while Vernon, the shy hacker, tripped over his own legs. The sound of sirens echoed through the streets, mixing with the frenetic rhythm of your footsteps. The cobblestone streets made escape even more challenging.
"Y/N, I think they saw us!", Vernon exclaimed, breathing hard.
You threw a quick glance behind you, displaying a confident grin. "Don't worry, Vernon, I have a foolproof plan." you say with pure sarcasm, and with a quick gesture, you grabbed Vernon's hand and led you into a narrow alley. The space between the two of you is tiny, you can clearly feel Vernon's minty breath hitting your face, the space doesn't help either, as your breasts are pressed against Vernon's chest - he'd be lying if he said he wasn't starting to like it.
The tension in the air was palpable as your eyes met, breathing heavily, you shared a moment of complicity that transcended the imminent danger. You instinctively grabbed Vernon's forearm, running your fingers over the skin still warm from running his eyes revealed a mixture of surprise and expectation, an electrically charged silence filled the narrow alley as your proximity grew. You, who are normally focused and fearless, felt a unique vulnerability at that moment. Then, without words, but with a shared intensity, you leaned slightly towards Vernon. The world around him disappeared when his lips finally touched, an instant of defiant lust in the midst of chaos. The narrow alley became a stage for the beginning of an immense desire between the two of you.
His right hand goes to your neck, pulling your hair, and the other, grab the meat of your ass, you moan in his mouth - you had even forgotten that you had a small beef with him earlier -, your hand goes down until you can fill your hand with his hardened cock, making him stop the kiss to bite his lip “Turn around” he orders. You hardly turn because of the compact space, and now your ass was pressed against his dick, as he pulls your skirt up, massaging your clit over the thin fabric of your panties “More, we don’t have time!” You whisper, and he slaps your cunt “Stop being hasty! Where's your 'foolproof' plan uh?” a high pitched moan leave your mouth, your hands holding on the little bricks of the wall so your face doesn't lie on them.
Vernon pulls your panties to the side, entering his fingers in your cunt, you hump your ass against him, feeling he hiss in your ear, the wet noises from your pussy and the sound of your panting breaths fills the alley, you moan feeling him going faster with his fingers. He suddenly stops the movement, opening his jeans, so he can slide his cock through your folds. “You are so hot, but fuck, you are so annoying!” he pulls your hair, slowly moving his hips finally diving into your heat, your eyes roll at the back of your head, his mouth kissing your neck.
The space was small, but he was doing wonder with his hips, circling his hips so his tip brushes against your g spot, making your legs go numb, you're lucky that he held you tight with an arm around your hip “Such a whore… Tsk” 
You can hear footsteps approaching you, while a light from a flashlight approaches, Vernon pulls you to hide deeper in the alley. 
“I think I heard something coming from here!"
He covers your mouth with one hand as he bites your shoulder, furrowing his eyebrows, still pounding deep inside of you, feeling your juices run down your thighs.
“It must be all in your head, come on, they must have gone that way!”
Vernon pulls you to rest your back against his chest, chocking you, while his hips are working faster “Afraid of being caught hm? So nervous that got you clenching so hard around my cock.” Your mouth opens, as you feel your orgasm approaching, his dirty talk between his moans was driving you crazy, squeezing him, while he throw his head back. “Fuck, I’m cumming” his cock twitches inside of your pussy, shooting ropes of cum inside of you, moaning low in your ear.
You can feel his cum running down your legs, he starts to rub your clit again, so slow it almost burns, his scent invading your nostrils, making your mind go blank, your body begins to tense, and an intense climax makes your legs shake, as he laughs proudly in your ear “Hmm… Thats it! Good girl..” He turns you around, so now you're face to face with him again, his kisses going down your jaw, as he fix your skirt. 
“The night isn't over yet, we still have targets to catch” he gets dressed again “but first, let me clean you up” he bends down, licking your thighs, until he reaches your pussy, holding your leg up on his shoulder, while you tremble sensitive. He stands up, wiping his mouth with his thumb. Vernon steals a kiss from you, before pulling you to run through the streets once again.
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