#tommy burnside
forensicated · 16 days
The Bill - Series 1
This should have been a 12-episode series, however it was cut short to 11 by the industrial dispute between Thames and a technicians' union meaning only 11 were completed by the time it went to air. The final 12th episode was rewritten to become the final episode of series 2 instead (The Chief Supers Party)
The strike led to an alteration in the order of the series airing for everywhere in the UK that wasn't London. In the London 'Thames' offices, members of the management aired episodes 2 and 3 (A Friend In Need and Clutching At Straws) in their usual timeslot themselves after the technicians had walked out. However at the other ITV companies (Tyne Tees/Yorkshire etc), the technicians refused to play any Thames Television programmes so episodes 2 and 3 aired at the end of the series after The Sweet Smell Of Failure.
The 'station' was a former cigarette packing warehouse in Wapping on the corner of Pennington St (the cobbles in the credits) and Artichoke Hill. It was so small that the offices doubled as production offices. Using an actual building to film in; although rare in the 80s; rather than a set allowed a feel of realism because the cameras could follow actors out of the station and onto the street.
Karen England and Paul Page Hansen are the credits 'walking feet'. They appear as extras in the first series.
Jon Iles (Dashwood) and Tony Scannell (Roach) were only supposed to be in 2 episodes. The actors were so well-liked on set that they remained.
Larry Dann was only given the job as Peters the day before filming of series 1 began because the original actor kept forgetting his lines.
Robert Pugh refused to commit to a series so Galloway was recast and John Salthouse joined the cast.
Peter Ellis originally auditioned to be in CID but it was thought that he was too old. However, TPTB wanted to keep him on board so they cast him as Superintendent Brownlow.
Peter Dean's character, Sgt Wilding, was changed to Eric Richard's character, Sgt Cryer. In the time between the pilot and the series, Dean had joined EastEnders and couldn't commit to The Bill.
Taffy undergoes a complete name change from Dai Morgan to Francis Edwards. In Woodentop he gives his first name as 'Dai' which is Dafydd or David.
I know it's the 80's but it's jarring just how many are smoking and the amount of moustaches - and that's just the women!
They're still known as Uniform Oscar as they were in Woodentop.
Chris Ellison appears in 3 episodes (one this series and two the next) as 'Tommy Burnside' rather than his identical twin brother (!!) Frank as he becomes. Tommy is nothing like Frank, he's more a weedy pain in the arse.
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Funny Old Business: Cops And Robbers
Sgt Bob Cryer arrives at work at 6.25am to find a prisoner being loaded into an ambulance after an epileptic fit. Right from the off Bob is shown as warm and well respected. He greets everyone the same, be it CID officers or the cleaner or a secretary (both of whom he says hello to by name). Sgt Alec Peters explains that the station doctor passed the man off as drunk only when he was brought in by Reg and 'PC Burton'. The doctor could be in quite some hot water...
Jim is clearly more at ease now, however, it's not stated in canon how long has passed since Woodentop. Best guesstimates are approximately 1 to 2 months given Woodentop mentioned school holidays would start soon in the briefing and Bob says that the kids are about to return to school. Both Dave and June bring up the youth that Jim clipped round the ear, Viv calls him 'The New Boy', Jim still refers to Hendon exercises as his experience of riots and rough arrests and he is classed as a new face at a cafe uniform frequent when on the beat. Having said all this, Jim makes his first arrest in this episode so it may be even less time!
Jim and June sort of flirt over how much sugar Jim has in his tea. He's a thoroughbred don't you know 😉. Taffy tells JimJim that he reckons June rather fancies him. Jim is not impressed and tells Taffy off for being crude. He insists he doesn't fancy June, that she's still getting over being messed around by Dave and he'd never get involved with anyone from the job. (*cough*)
The series starts to set Taffy up as a bit of a grump from episode 1, a far cry from the "Cheeky Leeky" he was in Woodentop. He has good reason here though as the National Front has been given the go-ahead to march through Sun Hill which means all leave has now been cancelled until further notice. It was due to be June's first weekend off in months so she's doubly unimpressed at JimJim's reasoning that it's the price of democracy. Things have not improved at all between Dave and June. There is however another female PC (not just the unnamed extra Alec 'coorrrrr'ed' at) as Viv has arrived!
Roy has learned from his mistakes from Woodentop and is attending a uniform briefing. He finds it absolutely riveting.
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Roy tells uniform to keep an eye out for properties with new double glazing as CID believes they're being targeted in burglaries. He warns them not to touch anything but to remain on scene until CID arrives if they come across one. Bob and Roy have more of a jovial frenemy relationship than Jack and the old Roy did.
"Sometimes Roy, only sometimes, you can be almost human!" Bob is amused when he takes a burglary to Roy that matches the MO that he'd asked uniform to look out for. Roy actually thanks him - now there's a first! Reg takes a man through to see Roy. Later Reg complains to June that Bob is a nosy old git - oh the irony! 😂 "A good Sgt knows everything that goes on in his nick."
Three months of work are paying off for Roy - a team of the same lads from the same company carried out work replacing the windows and doors of a large number of recently burgled properties. The firms managing director tells Roy that the keys are taped to the new doors to avoid getting mixed up - they could easily be taken and made copies of and it would explain why there are no other signs of entry. They wait 4-6 months and then return to the property, letting themselves in by the front door.
Uncle Bob is not too happy to find Jim Jim and Taffy having a water fight in the men's loos after a messy arrest. "Bleedin' Woodentops." he sighs as he watches them go.
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June claims Bob won't let her and Viv patrol when the National Front are marching through Sun Hill, claiming that he's such an old mother hen sometimes (again - the irony!). Viv asks her what she thinks of Jim. She reckons he's a bit tasty but they're interrupted by a man reporting that he'd had his pockets picked before June can reply.
Dave is guarding the door of the burgled house, waiting for Roy to arrive. There's a kid who keeps asking them what they're doing. At first they ignore him but Dave tells him in such a quiet and indirect way that he's 'looking for fingerprints' it does make you wonder whether he's just a local kid they allowed to watch 😂 Especially when Roy literally lifts the kid up and moves him aside and they all ignore him for the rest of the scene.
DS Tommy Burnside appears for the first of his three appearances before he becomes DI Frank Burnside in series 4. There's no love lost at all between Tommy and Bob. Tommy insists he'll wait for Roy to return. Unfortunately, Jim's first arrest is a snout of Tommy's and he wants Roy to let him off. Bob tells him it's too late - he's already been nicked and charged. "That's what I like to see, Bob. Co-operation." "Bloody Superstars!"
Roy tells Tommy it's too late as his snout is already in the system. Tommy bluffs that his governor - an old acquaintance of Roy's - won't be happy. Roy pulls him up on it immediately and throws him out of the office. Tommy begs him for a favour and even says please. He explains he's due a result from the snout and the arrest compromises it. He promises they can have him back within a few days. Roy allows him to be released as long as he remains Sun Hill's body. He talks Bob into bailing him for a couple of days because 'he owes him one as does Jim. (In Woodentop this was Jack Wilding rather than Bob who wasn't in the episode). He tells him to bail him whilst 'inquiries are made about the property found in his possession'. "You've got all the answers."
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Uniform have been trying to catch a group of pickpocketers for quite some time and so far remain unlucky. Bob and Tom are shocked when a well-to-do man arrives having made a citizens arrest of another man who has badly bleeding fingers. The doctor is called for and it transpires that the prisoner from that morning has passed. The well-to-do man accuses the other of picking his pocket and shows the officers some fish hooks sewn into the lining of his jacket that the man had snagged his fingers on, making them bleed profusely.
Charles and the doctor are old friends and he tries to reassure him that it wasn't his fault. He tells the doctor that a few years ago a woman died because of his actions - or rather his inaction. He reminds him that they are human and that everyone makes mistakes and they just have to find a way to live with it. From what he understands 99% of doctors would have made the same diagnosis with the evidence at hand. The doctor blames himself, claiming it's unforgivable as he classifies it as outright neglect.
Outside in the car, Tommy shows more of a Frank reaction to his snout after he'd had to grovel and eat humble pie to get him bailed. The snout snivels that it won't happen again and is scared of him. What makes it worse for Tommy is that his snout was caught by "A bleedin' Woodentop who's still on probation!", telling him that it'd make him about as useful to him as a one-legged man in an arse-kicking contest." As they drive by Jim and Taffy, the snout sticks his fingers up at Jim, little knowing he'll be returned to Sun Hill by Tommy to be charged in a couple of days.
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mach1art · 11 months
my name is candy aka liam. he/him. 29.
scorpio. infp-t. nd. artist. writer. roleplayer. thomas hagan's finest lawyer.
welcome to my blog. 🤡🔥 pls read before you follow me. thanks.
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❗ byf ❗
🚫 no minors, no antis, no hate period or i'll block you if i catch any drama or harassment. i am anti-anti and don't believe in censorship when it comes to fiction.
this is a safe space for multishippers and proshippers. block me if you don't like it idc.
main fandoms:
stranger things
silent hill (mainly the room)
dead by daylight
the quarry
resident evil
misc. horror survival ps2 titles
machine girl
alex g
the garden
childish gambino
tyler the creator
steve lacey
neon indian
tame impala
toro y moi
ships i adore: stommy, tomgrove, keg boys, harringrove, teddie, stonathan, munver, harringsmith, henry townshend x walter sullivan, cleve, nick furcillo x jacob custos
characters i love: tommy hagan, billy hargrove, steve harrington, carol perkins, heather holloway, jason carver, kurt kunkle, walter sullivan, henry townshend, heather mason, steve burnside, piers nivans, kevin ryman, leon s. kennedy, quentin smith, nick furcillo, negan smith, daryl dixon, simon (dinner in america), william birkin
cool real people: matt stephenson, fletcher shears, chester rushing, donald glover, joe keery, dacre montgomery, norman reedus, kyle gallner, river phoenix, chaz bear, lil nas x, tyler the creator, steve lacey
video games:
(i will add to this if i think of it or get into anything new.)
other handles:
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discord: dm me (moots only)
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
So we released the cigars for sale more so today to the public and immediately the max started buying them all up and then saying that they're smoking them like Cubans and it's a horrible thing and they're all seeking offspring and The offspring are going after whoever is seeking them and it is the line that each child has to monitor one that's really getting to him and the fact I could be Hera and I could have a ton of children somewhere and they're kind of looking at Venus quite a bit and it is a war they said shortly I might have to defend our place. And it's a huge deal we have an assessment already and they're sending it in and they're sending ships they say right now we need some out and they're doing that too. Jupiter and Mars and Saturn and other planets are almost devoid of black ships and Max now they pretty much all got up and left and they're still fighting the gigantic comet Empire 25,000 MI s***. It is a huge huge vessel parts of it are on fire it is a huge fire it's the size of Wisconsin. Not to make that kind of an analogy but they are threatening our area of quite vividly. To keep it around and to hit it and I wasn't getting a Burnside view of your daily life it's horrendous here horrendous. We think that the comet Empire will fall shortly so under severe attack and they're trying to get their ships out and they can't seem to do it they flee and they get hit they're trying to find the main fire the main laser and it gets hit they shoot right down it there's a strong current of hatred against Tommy f and mac daddy and they're going after them they're not going to make it through the trip. Surely there are some big changes coming and big movies and tit for tat hits between the moloch and the max and others but really those two parties in a big way is a gigantic movement going on and we think once the comet Empire falls the Empire will come under attack and that would be Tommy f and his ships and also the ships of mac daddy and those are Warhammer starcraft and other such vessels along with black ships with what remains flagships underground and stone chips and some of those are underground yes and some of them are very big 500 miles and 1,000 miles and the other cloud with stone they're huge extremely heavy make a big mess if they try and take off we can't allow them to, and we need tons of the metals and materials inside and as of now Mac is going to probably try and erase them he's trying to raise his flagships and he would probably crush the remaining fleets if he could without interruption.
So whole matter of time but my husband keeps asking what movie is now and where are we in the process. From what I understand there's going to be only one space station up tonight and it's in peril the whole time it's in peril now. And they're fighting heavily over the poison. What are the last places they fight is the Peace River they're trying to grab you the whole time and it hasn't happened today and there is another fight that has to happen and that's in London but my husband says he thinks it isn't Trump over there and he is and he may want them to lunch as he's not running Brazil and is a backstabber. It makes a lot of sense
Hera Zues
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podcastwizard · 5 years
I was comparing which daddy (from dungeons and daddies) is closest to my real dad and he's literally just Glenn and Daryl's secret bastard child.
my dad is henry if you took out the nature and replaced it with disneyland, golden age musicals, and just like a touch of tommy bahama beach dad which is an unrepresented dad group in the podcast
my stepdad is if you then took that nature part of henry and gave it to darryl to form a lumberjack dad, another unrepresented dad
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Various Artists - Alan Lomax's American Patchwork
This new double LP comp on Mississippi Records hones in on a somewhat under-represented era in Alan Lomax’s long, legendary field recording career. In the late 1970s and 1980s, Lomax headed south again to make several documentaries for PBS ... and came away with more than 350 hours of performances. So, the hour of music here is just a tiny sliver — but it’s an awesome and eclectic sliver, expertly compiled by Nathan Salsburg and Cyrus Moussavi. There are some familiar names here (R.L. Burnside, Tommy Jarrell, Nimrod Workman) alongside much-less familiar names (Lois Short, Belton Sutherland). It all flows marvelously, taking you way downriver into the heart of American song. A handsome package, insightful/informative liners. A winner! 
And hey, good timing — The Lomax Digital Archive has been given a refresh, making it much more user friendly, offering easy access to thousands of hours of material, stretching over many decades. You could easily devote the rest of your life to digging out treasures from this incredible resource. And I think I will! Sorry, boss, I’m done. 
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keravnous · 3 years
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preferred songs for the end times, presented by the ark society:
moving mountains - thomas bergersen // o fortuna - carl orff // gramophone - eugen doga // the end of the world - skeeter davis // laughing on the outside - bernadette carroll // tonight you belong to me - patience & prudence // and you evade him, born in the blood - joshua burnside // underworld - l'orange // seven wonders - fleetwood mac // super rich kids - frank ocean // as the world caves in - matt maltese // house of memories - panic! at the disco - // u-rite - they. // million dollar bills - lorde // seven devils - florence + the machine // you want it darker - leonard cohen // million dollar man - lana del rey // in the end - tommy profitt // young and beautiful - lana del rey // mr. sandman - the chordettes // the morning after - maureen mcgovern // eddie my love - the chordettes // i don't want to set the world on fire - the ink spots // william tell overture - nicole freres // the red capes are coming - hans zimmer
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outoftowninac · 2 years
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Everything is a three-part musical extravaganza by William M. Daly, with music and lyrics by John Philip Sousa and Irving Belin. Additional music and lyrics by R.H. Burnside, William Jerome, Jack F. Mahoney, Joseph McCarthy, Darle MacBoyle William Daly, Percy Wenrich, Harry Tierney, James W. Tate, Raymond Hubbell, and John Golden. 
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The original production was produced by Charles Dillingham and staged by R.H. Burnside. It opened on August 22, 1918 at the Hippodrome Theatre (managed by Charles Dillingham) and played 461 performances, closing in May 1919. 
The show was so large that it was rehearsed at the armory and several other places around the city. Needless to say, out-of-town tryouts, like those thriving in Atlantic City, were out of the question. Everything does, however, give a nod to America’s Playground with its Act Two opening. 
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In 1927, John Philip Sousa would write “Atlantic City Pageant March”.  His band performed regular seasons on Steel Pier in staring in 1926, and Sousa penned this almost-forgotten march to at the suggestion of Atlantic City’s mayor. Sousa probably had the Miss America Pageant in mind; at that time it was known as the Atlantic City Beauty Pageant.
Harry Tierney (a native of New Jersey) and Joseph McCarthy, who wrote “On the Beach in Atlantic City” for Everything’s Act Two opener, wrote the hit musical Irene the following year. Also in 1919, they had a song in the Ziegfeld Follies, which tried out in Atlantic City.
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The Hippodrome Theatre (Sixth Avenue between West 43rd and West 44th Streets in Manhattan) opened in 1905 and was called the world's largest theatre with a seating capacity of 5,300 and a 100 by 200ft stage. The theatre had state-of-the-art theatrical technology, including a rising glass water tank.  After staging spectacle and extravaganza, It became a location for vaudeville productions in 1923 before being leased for opera performances, then finally becoming a sports arena. In 1935, the auditorium was turned into a circus tent for the Billy Rose musical Jumbo. The theatre closed in 1939 for demolition, and in 1952 an office building known as The Hippodrome Center (1120 Avenue of the Americas), opened on the site. 
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Harry Houdini (1874-1926) as “The Man of Mystery” was born Erich Weisz in Budapest, Hungary. Houdini, who opened the show with an injured wrist from an incident in the subway, could not perform his planned “buried alive” trick, so he escaped from a straight jacket while hanging upside down. Earlier in the year, Houdini had made an elephant disappear at the Hippodrome. Elephants were also part of Everything.  Houdini departed Everything on November 2, 1918.
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Desiree Lubovska (1893-1974) as “The Night”. The dancer was born in Minnesota as Winnifred Foote, but reinvented herself with a Russian name, accent, and backstory.
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DeWolf Hopper (1858-1935) as “The Toymaker” / “The Wizard of the Hippodrome” / “John Jingling, the Circus Proprietor” / “Uncle Sam” / “Mr. Broadway” / “Ivan Outforthestuffksy”. It is no mere coincidence that ‘Jingling’ rhymes with ‘Ringling’: 
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Actress turned Gossip Maven Hedda Hopper was his third wife. 
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Belle Story as “The Good Fairy” / “Columbia” / “Miss Boardwalk” / “The Dainty Heroine”
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Charles T. Aldrich as “The Amateur Magician” / “The Man of Many Faces”
Helen Patterson as “The Little Stranger”
Arthur Hill as “The Terrible Tiger” 
Will J. Evans as “The Rag Doll”/ “Jimmie Tough, Newsboy”
Albert Froom as “The Tin Soldier / The Village Constable” / “John Strong, Policeman” / “Nicholas Getfullovitch”
Tommy Colton as “The Village Postmaster”
Arthur Story as “The Dashing Hero”
Bluch (Landolf) as “Captain Inbadsky”
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Peggy H. Barnstead as “The Moon”
Stella Norelle as “The Sun” / “France” / “Sergeant Sarah Smart” / “The Bride”
Gerda Gulda as “The Rainbow”
William Wolf as “Johnny Green (originally Rough)”
Ada LaShan as “Jennie Jones (originally Tough)”
William A. Weston as “Lazy Luke / Weary Willie” / “Ephraim Jasbo”
J. Parker Coombs as “Jack Rough” / “Boris Grab Thecoinsky”
Albert Alberto as “Mr. Smart”
Arthur Geary as “The Bridegroom” / “USA Officer”
Madge Lewis as “Britannia”
Louise Beautora as “Italy”
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Instead of scenes, the bill was divided into ‘Things’. As the show continued past its ten-week contract with the performers, the number and content of 'Things’ changed.   
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THE 1st THING: “The Beginning of the World”. A rainbow ballet was added when the show entered its fourth month. 
THE 2nd THING: “The Country Circus" with music by Irving Berlin performed by the Elm City Four.
“Two dozen acrobats from o’er the foam And Salomé, Hip-Hip-Hippodrome!”
THE 3rd THING: “The Two Gaudsmiths” a comedy dog act with acrobatics
THE 4th THING: “The House of Magic” featuring Harry Houdini
THE 5th THING: “Toy Factory” featuring music by Irving Berlin performed by Belle Story.
The 6th THING: “The Artist’s Studio” starring Bert Levy
THE 7th THING: “France - Then and Now” set in Chateau-Thierry 1914 & 1918 
[In mid-November 1918, the Hanneford Family, an equestrian act, was added to Part Two.]
THE 8th THING: “On the Beach in Atlantic City”
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Production notes about the Atlantic City sequence reveal that the used rolling chairs, the telltale visual that we are looking at Atlantic City.  The original notes also called for children riding ponies. 
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THE 9th THING: “Houdini”
THE 10th THING: “Fifth Avenue” set in front of the NY Public Library.
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THE 11th THING: “Along The Hudson”
THE 12th THING: “The Arrival of the Bad Ship Bolshevik” 
THE 13th THING: “Somewhere on the East Side” set in a tenement
THE 14th THING: “Ted Brown’s Clown Band” led by Joe Thomas
THE 15th THING: “Lampland” featuring music by John Philip Sousa, and an impressive display of electrical lights.
“The thee hundred pretty Hip girls are given skirts of gorgeous lamp shades, fitted with electric bulbs, and their evolutions, terminating in the ‘March of the Lamps of the World,’ make for a series of pictures indescribably beautiful.”
THE 16th THING: “Somewhere in the Gay City” featuring roller skating. When the show reached its 100th performance, new routines were added to the skating sequence.
THE 17th THING: “The Hall of History” ~ Patriotic Finale
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This being wartime, the press addressed the creatives using their military titles: Captain Dillingham, Lieutenant Sousa, and Lieutenant Berlin. The War was over on November 11, 1918 but the patriotic sentiment of the show was as meaningful as ever.  Another war was being waged on the health front, with the outburst of what was then known as “the Spanish flu”. New York Theatres played on despite the health crisis, which hit particularly hard in late fall 1918.  
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nicolemaiines · 3 years
Can you please do an alt FC list for Gavin Leatherwood? He's a main muse of mine and I want to replace him, but I'm having trouble finding the right vibe.
mason gooding, tommy martinez, jordan fisher, alberto rosende,  evan mock, archie renaux, sami outalbali, alex aiono, damon gillespie, justice smith, sebastian de souza, jake choi, drew ray tanner, anthony ramos, aubrey joseph, luka sabbat, angel bismark curiel, dyllon burnside, rafael silva all give me the same kinda vibe and should fit into the same age range! 
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aion-rsa · 3 years
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Episode 2: Marvel and MCU Easter Eggs Guide
This article contains The Falcon and the Winter Soldier spoilers.
Marvel’s The Falcon and the Winter Soldier episode 2 is much less of a slow burn than the first episode. Not only do we actually get Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes sharing screen time together, and a better understanding of what new Captain America John Walker is all about, but we get a host of new Marvel Comics characters introduced to the MCU!
There’s a lot going on in this episode, so let’s start digging in to all the Marvel goodness to be found…
The Star-Spangled Man
The title of the episode is of course a reference to Steve Rogers’ tenure as a piece of propaganda in Captain America: The First Avenger, when he was sent out to convince people to buy war bonds. That excellent MCU film featured an era-appropriate song called “The Star-Spangled Man” with music by Alan Menken and lyrics by David Zippel. When the new Captain America runs onto the football field for his Good Morning America appearance, we have an updated version of the very song being played by the high school marching band. 
Similarly, that quick montage of John signing Captain America merchandise is somewhat reminiscent of the “Star-Spangled Man” sequence in The First Avenger, which showed Steve shaking hands, signing autographs, as well as all the 1940s Cap merch that was being produced at the time.
John Walker
John’s origin is so much better here than in the comics, where he was a reactionary almost supervillain called Super Patriot before taking on the Captain America job. Still, despite his early comics history, Walker took the Cap job as seriously and sincerely as the one we see here on The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and MCU John seems even more sympathetic than Marvel Comics John.
Walker using his shield to cushion Battlestar’s fall from the truck is a pretty classic comic book style Captain America maneuver.
Custer’s Grove, Georgia is a fictional town in Marvel Comics, and that’s indeed where the John Walker of the comics came from. To talk more about this here might get into potential spoilers for future episodes (no, we haven’t seen them either), so for now, let’s just say this is a nice nod to John’s comics history.
John’s wife, Olivia Walker (played by Gabrielle Byndloss) is a new creation for the MCU, and as far as we can tell, she doesn’t have a Marvel Comics counterpart.
John Walker mentions that he’s “been a captain before,” and that probably refers to both his military service 
Isaiah Bradley
Co-created by Axel Alonso, Robert Morales, and Kyle Baker, Isaiah Bradley was introduced in 2003’s Truth: Red, White, & Black. In the miniseries, Steve Rogers discovered that after his own creation, other scientists tried to replicate the super soldier serum and experimented on Black soldiers. The lone survivor of this was Bradley, who donned a Captain America outfit and fought Nazis against orders. Like his MCU counterpart, he was punished and thrown in prison for years. Eventually, he was pardoned and spent his days living in obscurity, only known as a legend by the  Black community. 
On the show, Bradley is depicted as being the secret Captain America of the 1950s. This is likely to be the closest reference we’ll get to William Burnside, yet another replacement Captain America. Back in the ‘50s, Captain America comics continued to exist, but were a little too knee-deep in being anti-communist propoganda. When Marvel reintroduced Captain America in the 1960s as a member of the Avengers and introduced the plot point that Steve had been frozen during World War II, it essentially negated his 1950s adventures.
Down the line, they explained that those comics were in continuity, but the Cap and Bucky in them were impersonators who had undergone plastic surgery and underwent incomplete versions of the super soldier experiment. This drove them to insanity and the comics were explained as them being paranoid and seeing communists everywhere. The two were put on ice for a while, but were eventually thawed out to fight the real Captain America and Falcon. While Burnside later became the villainous Grand Director, the fake Bucky went on to become a hero named Nomad.
Eli Bradley
The teenager with Isaiah is Elijah Bradley. Introduced in 2005’s Young Avengers, Eli is Isaiah’s grandson. When the Avengers ceased to exist, Eli became the leader of the Young Avengers under the name Patriot. He insisted that he had super soldier serum in his blood, but was secretly just using Mutant Growth Hormone to get by. Eventually, his grandfather gave him a blood transfusion, making his super soldier claims legit.
Eli is just one of the many Young Avengers characters popping up in the MCU recently (including Billy and Tommy on WandaVision, and Kate Bishop’s upcoming introduction on Hawkeye), suggesting a possible incarnation of the tea is coming to the MCU down the line.
Introduced in Captain America #323, Lemar Hoskins is yet another character pulled out of Mark Gruenwald’s legendary run. Hoskins was originally a professional wrestler who was granted super strength from the Power Broker (more on him in a minute). When John Walker took over as Captain America, Hoskins first became the new Bucky before ditching the name in favor of Battlestar. After the storyline of Walker as Cap ran its course, Battlestar has remained a minor patriotic vigilante in the Marvel universe, showing up here and there through the years.
“Black Falcon”
The kid in Baltimore who greets Sam Wilson as “Black Falcon” seems like a fun nod to the fact that when Black superheroes were first becoming a thing in comics, they were often identified as such with their names (Black Panther, Black Lightning, Black Vulcan, etc). Sam was never known as “Black Falcon” but given the era he was created in, things probably could have gone that way. See also, Sam joking with Bucky about being “White Panther.” (Of course, Bucky’s “White Wolf” moniker was first heard in the post-credits scene of Black Panther).
The Power Broker
Robert Moses was the racist bastard who built most of New York City between the Depression and the 1960s…hang on…different Power Broker.
Curtiss Jackson was originally a Machine Man villain, created by Roger Stern and Sal Buscema in the late 1970s before he was picked up for the legendary Gruenwald run of Captain America. There, he ran a corporation that used super science from Dr. Karl Malus to give superstrength to people for a price. That price: indentured servitude in Jackson’s pro wrestling promotion.
 Among the people given super strength through the Power Broker’s program: Dennis Dunphy, the legendary D-Man; Sharon Ventura, the second Ms. Marvel (and eventually the second Thing); as well as both John Walker and Lemar Hoskins themselves. Jackson was eventually attacked by the Scourge of the Underworld, a Punisher-like vigilante, and forced to give himself his own super strength treatment, which caused him to become a deformed giant.
The Power Broker of the MCU is definitely tracking in some kind of bootleg super soldier technology, and that seems to be where the Flag-Smashers have gotten their augmented abilities.
The Hobbit
The Hobbit was indeed originally published in 1937, but wasn’t published in the U.S. until 1938. So either Bucky was a really voracious reader who ordered stuff from abroad, or his memory is a little faulty…unless James Buchanan Barnes was already running secret missions in Europe long before the United States entered World War II?
Miscellaneous Notes
We get Bucky’s therapist’s first name here, she’s Dr. Christina Raynor. Still not finding any Marvel Comics parallels here, but we’re keeping our eyes open.
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
The shot of the two pairs in the truck staring each other out seems like a homage to every tv episode where a duo meet alternate dimension versions of themselves, and aren’t impressed.
Spot anything we missed? Let us know in the comments!
The post The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Episode 2: Marvel and MCU Easter Eggs Guide appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3cqentM
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todaytomorrowgiraff · 3 years
X - top 5-10 characters who are yoUR PRECIOUS BABIES AND YOU WILL DIE DEFENDING THEM This will be in no particular order because you can’t put a number on how much you love your babies! Tommy Coolatta (HLVRAI)
Benrey (BenreyBenreyBenreyBenrey...) (HLVRAI)
Ashoka Tano (Star Wars Clone Wars) Magnus Burnside (Adventure zone)
Miles Moralis (From the spider verse movie especially) Christophe Giacometti  (Yuri on Ice) Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing (Hellsing. She is in fact not a baby and needs no protection but I love her with a burning passion and she will be on all my fav character lists!)
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tagnus · 7 years
i did this in like 2 hours dhjshfj the Tommy Boy AU @arcanecosmetics
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bandstolookup · 3 years
* SLOWhite
* Mattiel
* Margaret Glaspy
* Mariachi El Bronx
* Midlake
* Mike Gordon
* Natalie Prass
* Nick Hakim
* Nilüfer Yanya
* Okkervil River
* Old 97's
* Phish
* the weeks
* Primus
* Rayland Baxter
* Rhett Miller
* Rodrigo y Gabriela
* Stonefield
* Temples
* Trey Anastasio
* Trixie Mattel
* Two Gallants
* Vusi Mahlasela
* grecco
* maniac butcher
* 36
* the nukeproofs
* 311
* Agents of Good Roots
* Alberta Cross
* A Band of Bees
* Danny Barnes
* The Belle Brigade
* Brendan Benson
* Carl Broemel
* John Butler Trio
* Crowded House (North America)
* Dawes
* Everest
* Fiction Family
* The Fireman (North America)
* Lindsay Fuller
* Gogol Bordello
* Gomez
* Gov't Mule
* David Gray (North America)
* Patty Griffin
* Hey Rosetta!
* Jem
* Jovanotti
* Kaiser Chiefs
* Ben Kweller
* Bobby Long
* Kopecky (formerly Kopecky Family Band)
* Liz Phair
* North Mississippi Allstars
* Old Crow Medicine Show
* Orbital
* Mike Doughty
* Signal Hill Transmission
* Stars
* Sun Club
* thelman.
* Umphrey's McGee
* Warren Haynes
* The Whigs
* life without buildings
* photonak music
* Chris Whitley
* Widespread Panic
Aspera The Besnard Lakes Bevel Black Mountain Bon Iver
S. Carey The Cave Singers Company Robert Creeley The Curious Digit
Cut Worms Tim Darcy Dasher The Dead C Alex Delivery
Diana Dinosaur Jr. Dirty Faces Julie Doiron Drunk
Foxygen Fuck Gayngs Gordi Simon Joyner
Ladyhawk Lia Ices Lightning Dust Lonnie Holley The Lord Dog Bird
Love Life Manishevitz Briana Marela Midnight Sister Minus Story
Monroe Mustang Moonface Moonface and Siinai Moses Sumney Nad Navillus
Nagisa ni te Nap Eyes Odawas Okkervil River Angel Olsen
Oneida Parker Paul Parts & Labor Peter Wolf Crier Patrick Phelan
Pink Mountaintops Preoccupations Pterodactyl Trevor Sensor Sinoia Caves
The Skygreen Leopards Small Black South Spokane Stigma Rock Unit
Sunset Rubdown Supreme Dicks Swan Lake The Union of a Man and a Woman Unknown Mortal Orchestra
Sharon Van Etten Volcano Choir Sarah White Wilderness Wolf People
Women Jamila Woods Richard Youngs Okay Kaya
ross wilson
duwap kaine
young thug
tommy brunett
vicke blanka
a$ap mob
boy better know
bob bunce
stone love
rebel love
a$ap yams
bobby shmurda
yung mensa
yung woods
cold sweat
max small
lil batboi
yung taco
jay cobain
medicine wheel
shadow of intent
trevor strnad
santa fe klan
people who could fly
hunt the dinosaur
young m.a
rose funeral
t3r elemento
bad omens
boris the blade
josh a
ryan browne
through the eyes of the dead
dirty audio
tucker kreway
sex deth
callum higby
the eye of jupiter
shrine of malice
mom n dad
tom barber
any given day
mick gordon
shoreline mafia
i killed everyone
blunt boyz
tigger tape
fitfully unruly
phil ochs
rist rockets
spirit of the beehive
twelve foot ninja
zombie nation
michael seyer
tyler okun
charlie burg
the licks
gnaw their tongues
london symphony orchestra
kings college choir
the band apart
luiz bonfa
hombres g
nasty c
anthony wilkerson
project pegasus
life kit
callout cisco
black honey
quando rondo
amanda malela
joel mbenza
breadwinna gdog
lil poppa
benny the butcher
rj payne
françoise hardy
sam feldt
flatbush zombies
oh paris
super cruel
* 10,000 Maniacs
* Overlake
* Architecture in Helsinki
* Eszter Balint
* Otis Ball
* Richard Barone
* Luka Bloom
* liberace
* new love
* the early november
* ohio players
* green slime
* Adrian Borland
* Birdie Busch
* Burnside Project
* Greg Camp
* Vinicius Cantuária
* Alex Chilton
* Chocolate USA
* Edwyn Collins
* The songs of Elvis Costello
* Diego Cortez
* Evan Dando
* Brian Dewan
* The Divine Comedy
* Disco Inferno
* DJ Spooky
* Drink Me
* Bill Drummond
* El Ten Eleven
* The Embarrassment
* Emperor X
* Eros and the Eschaton
* Esquivel
* Ezra Furman
* The Feelies
* The Front Bottoms
* The Glands
* Glass Eye
* Greenhouse 27
* Petra Haden
* Happyness
* Harvest Ministers
* Juliana Hatfield
* Richard Hawley
* Health & Happiness Show
* Michael Hearst
* Hem
* Peter Holsapple & Chris Stamey
* Hotel Lights
* Hot Lava
* The Individuals
* Jenifer Jackson
* Kate Jacobs
* Mason Jennings
* overneath
* Darren Jessee
* Freedy Johnston
* gizzle
* Joy Zipper
* The Langley Schools Music Project
* Arto Lindsay
* Lonesome Val
* Lotus Lounge
* Lullaby for the Working Class
* Mad Happy
* Hannah Marcus
* Chris Mars
* pushing veronica
* stimuli
* defer dolls
* cunthunt777
* soul coughing
* gláss
* phantom ships
* reuben knights
* attack attack
* bronson ellery
* freshman 15
* eric slick
* etienne sin
* alesana
* liberty lush
* terminal choice
* psychosexual
* ashland high
* spasm
* scotty malcolm
* freedom fry
* the slackers
* repult
* the fivers
* majorasmirage
* stablemate
* rich brian
* muo duo
* all get out
* the golden god
* nothing
* jesus piece
* LD 50
* hed pe
* Mary Lee's Corvette
* Mayday
* Shannon McArdle
* Kathy McCarty
* The Mendoza Line
* Mensclub
* Miracle Room
* The Moms
* Mono Puff
* Country Dick Montana
* R. Stevie Moore & Jason Falkner
* Mosquitos
* Of Montreal
* Oppenheimer
* The Ordinaires
* Outrageous Cherry
* Overlake
* The Paranoid Style
* Poi Dog Pondering
* Professor & Maryann
* Puffy AmiYumi
* The Scene Is Now
* The Sharp Things
* Shirk Circus
* Shrimp Boat
* ruen brothers
* isao tomita
* athletic progression
* Epic Soundtracks
* Standard Fare
* Starling Electric
* The Slip
* The Spinto Band
* The Swales
* They Might Be Giants
* isaiah rashad
* Tindersticks
* Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players
* Trembling Blue Stars
* Wallmen
* Yo La Tengo
sub urban
josh groban
danny worsnop
missy elliot
parting gift
harper finn
marina diamandis
maisie peters
k.d. lang
morgan evans
alain landry
the v.i.p.'s
all the young
nasty cherry
no comply
lukas graham
cloud castle lake
years since the storm
kita alexander
drag me out
l devine
lara andallo
rita ora
rico nasty
lil jaye
de la soul
thom yorke
jason hook
kid atum
laura marling
claudia alende
the young love scene
east av3
frank carter and the rattlesnakes
just dust
jordan suaste
marika hackman
karen cowley
the barking dogs
little simz
naked eyes
alec benjamin
employed to serve
jimmy gnecco
orchestral manoeuvres in the dark
daddy issues
paul hartnoll
joseph arthur
hearts & hands
kyle nicolaides
robert smith
reuben hollebon
david gray
incredible' me
spring tigers
the catholic comb
beyond broken
love thy brother
mark joseph
jay dref
norman pain
pritam mandal
zack lopez
betty who
kim petras
neneh cherry
aretha franklin
ali gatie
kira kosarin
ashley mcbryde
nita straus
nerina pallot
golden features
ava max
shoot the girl first
lisa heller
fran mahema
bbg smokey
bbg baby joe
blake shelton
ani difranco
built on secrets
dead silence hides my cries
alec bathgate
fire from the gods
jonathan davis
the brunettes
galactic empire
bryce vine
busby marou
cool rainbows
dead posey
ben lee
juliet simms
the gladeyes
edmund cake
little pictures
charlie puth
lee mckinney
the nudie suits
chase zera
bouncing souls
bury tomorrow
pie warmer
a bullet for pretty boy
the crimson armada
casino madrid
client liaison
for the fallen dreams
jesse mccartney
the reduction agents
steven wilson
close to home
through fire
evan brewer
in motive
riot ron
the ruby suns
scott mannion
jetty bones
veil of maya
sheep, dog & wolf
rah rah
shogu tokumaru
mark morton
dave hause
ella mai
amber mark
mike will made it
moneybagg yo
mura masa
billy raffoul
justin rarri
dylan schneider
stunna 4 vegas
summer walker
jessie ware
wes period
kris wu
le butcherettes
the tokey tones
social animals
champ (local)
secret band
overlook (local)
minor poet
4 non blondes
4th avenue jones
AB logic
akira the don
white laces
doll baby
marmaduke duke
wet wings
damien rice
american nightmare
angels & airwaves
big baby
audio push
...And you will know us by the trail of dead
alessandro safina
ashlee simpson
ali lohan
the brill
billy blue
mekong xpress
big bad voodoo daddy
black tide
bobby creekwater
the briefs
basement jaxx
brutal juice
blaqk audio
bubba sparxxx
jaira burns
calvin jeremy
colette carr
claw hammer
clique girlz
cinema bizarre
charles hamilton
charlotte sometimes
chauncey black
chris cornell
chris rock
chester french
cindy gomez
chris rhea
days of the new
daz dillinger
deep blue something
deshawn piper
dave hawthorn
disco curtis
the diplomats
dj am
dawn robinson
dan talevski
days of deceit
tha dogg pound
el debarge
esmee denters
enter shikari
emmy rossum
the firm
the fixxers
freddie gibbs
murder rate
imob iii
giant drag
the mime
doll by doll
last night saved my life
greyson chance
the hard corps
the hives
hollywood hot sauce
hot rod
haley reinhart
the infamous
prima j
jay allen
joan as police woman
tom jones
jared evan
james morrison
jordan knight
the rills
kaki king
kardinal official
killa d
kina grannis
giuseppe sammartini
king tee
kaci brown
the last emperor
crystal lewis
the spells
dude york
cyberbully mom club
low roar
daddy issues
alex g
lloyd banks
loretta lynn
lil d
love on ice
the hippos
the lovemakers
marky mark and the funky bunch
majek fashek
the stedwells
* The 69 Eyes
* 311
* 52nd Street
A Edit
* • Aaliyah (Blackground/Virgin)
* Paula Abdul
* Albin Lee Meldau
* Adelitas Way
* A Perfect Circle
* After 7
* Aftershock
* Air (French Band)
* Alice in Chains
* Alien
* Brooke Allison
* Marc Almond
* The Almost (Tooth and Nail)
* Altan
* Althea and Donna
* Amaral
* Amen
* American Music Club
* AM Taxi
* Amorphis
* Carleen Anderson
* And One
* Animal Logic
* Antique
* modern jazz quartet
* yoko ono
* david peel
* 2nd II None
* 816
A Edit
* • Above the Law
* Andre da G.A.N.G.X.T.A.
* Audio Stepchild
C Edit
* • Chocolate Bandit
* CPO Boss Hogg*
* Crooked I*
D Edit
* • Danny Boy
* Daz Dillinger
* Doobie
* Dr. Dre
F Edit
E Edit
* • Eastwood
G Edit
* • Gangsta Girl
* The Gang
* Gail Gotti
* Gina Longo
* GP The Beast
J Edit
* • J. Valentine
* reflections
* J-Flexx
* Jewell
K Edit
* • K-9
* K-Solo
* Kurupt
L Edit
* • The Lady of Rage
* LBC Crew
* Lil' C-Style
* Lil' Bow Wow
* Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes aka N.I.N.A. (Deceased)
* Lord G
* Lord Autopz
* • MacShawn
* Mr. Dirty dirt
* MC Hammer
* Michel'le
* Mr. Malik aka Lil' Hershey Loc
* Mark Morrison
* Mimi Girl
* • Nate Dogg
* • The Outlawz
* O.F.T.B.
* fangz
* • Paradise
* PB
* Petey Pablo
* Phil McNulty
* Prince Ital Joe
* Patn9000
* • RBX
* redruM781
* Tha Realest
* al jolson
* The Relativez
* • Sam Sneed
* Sean 'Barney' Thomas
* Slip Capone
* Snoop Doggy Dogg
* Soopafly
* Storm
* Swoop G
* • Techniec
* Tha Dogg Pound
* The D.O.C.
* Tray Deee
* Tupac Shakur
* Tina Tupac
* • V.K
Vital beats
* • Yaki Kadafi
* YGD Tha Top Dogg
* Young G Freezy
* Young Soldierz
* billy preston
* delaney bramlett
* radha krishna temple
* ravi shankar
* ali akbar khan
* ronnie spector
* phil spector
* the sundown playboys
* john tavener
* james taylor
* joe devito
* gabrielle
* trash
* tony meehan
* the shadows
* doris troy
* lon and derrek van eaton
* mary hopkin
* remi wolf
* hot chocolate
* po' boy's brass band
* the nova kicks
* the scaffold
* grapefruit
McGough and McGear
focal point
slow dog
Delaney and Bonnie
0 notes
beauxgordon · 6 years
starter for @stepupstepfast
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The young bat was back on the rooftops of the city, it’d been a few months since picking up the mantle again but he was still making his mark in Burnside as the newest hero with the awesome red hair and yellow doc martens. He was swinging along a few grappling hooks, enjoying the cool air as it whisked by him and he smiled as he landed on a nearby rooftop, looking in at what seemed to be someone sneaky and fast. They were a blur, scurrying around inside the small store, and Beau dropped down quietly, using his shadows to the best of his advantage, to slip in behind Tommy. Luckily he hadn’t been spotted by the speedster yet, and threw out a quick little bola to wrap around the boy’s feet to stop him in his tracks.
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docrotten · 3 years
From a Whisper to a Scream (1987) – Episode 179 – Decades of Horror 1980s
"My mama likes the yams." Does that sound like good small talk for a first date? Well, it did to Stanley. Join your faithful Grue-Crew - Crystal Cleveland, Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, and Jeff Mohr - as they dig a little deeper into Stanley’s story as well as the other stories found in this lesser-known portmanteau featuring Vincent Price in the framing story, From a Whisper to a Scream (1987).
Decades of Horror 1980s Episode 179 – From a Whisper to a Scream (1987)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
In the small Tennessee town of Oldfield, a historian, who is also the uncle of an executed murderess, relates four horror stories to a reporter: “Stanley” - an elderly man pursues a romance with a younger woman, even to the grave and beyond; “On the Run” - a wounded man on the run from creditors is rescued by a backwoods hermit with the secret to eternal life; "Lovecraft's Traveling Amusements" - a glass-eating carny pays the ultimate price for looking for love on the outside; "Four Soldiers" - Civil War soldiers are held captive by a household of orphans with strange intentions for them.
  Director: Jeff Burr
Writers: C. Courtney Joyner, Darin Scott, Jeff Burr; Mike Malone (additional story material)
Framing story - The uncle of an executed murderess relates four stories of his hometown, Oldfield, to a reporter.
Vincent Price as Julian White
Susan Tyrrell as Beth Chandler
Martine Beswick as Katherine White
Lawrence Tierney as Warden
Thomas Nowell as Andrew
Clu Gulager as Stanley Burnside
Megan McFarland as Grace Scott
Miriam Byrd-Nethery as Eileen Burnside
Terence Knox as Burt
"On the Run"
Terry Kiser as Jesse Hardwick
Harry Caesar as Felder Evans
Katherine Kaden as Mary Hardwick
Gene Witham as Jack McCoy
Tommy Burcher as Lester McCoy
"Lovecraft's Traveling Amusements" 
Rosalind Cash as Snakewoman
Ron Brooks as Steven Arden
Didi Lanier as Amarrillis Caulfield
Angelo Rossitto as Tinker
Barney Burman as No Face
"Four Soldiers"
Cameron Mitchell as Sgt. Gallen
C. Jay Cox as Pike
Leon Edwards as McBride
Ashli Bare as Amanda
From a Whisper to a Scream is a dark and twisty anthology featuring Vincent Price in the framing story, supported by recognizable faces leading each of the four segments. Bill first knew of this film as The Offspring, and remarks that it’s an unusually mean-spirited anthology with a helluva cast. He’s also impressed that director Jeff Burr is able to land Vincent Price as the film’s centerpiece, even though it is Burr’s first directorial effort. Crystal enjoyed From a Whisper to a Scream, adding that it pushes boundaries and agreeing with Bill that it’s pretty hardcore in terms of punishment. “What other movie gives you incest, necrophilia, a zombie baby, and child murder?” asks Chad. Along with the nice twists that end each segment, he loves Vincent Price’s Tennessee accent and calls From a Whisper to a Scream a fun, fun movie. Jeff picked the movie after watching Severin’s new Tales of the Uncanny documentary about anthology horror films. For him, From a Whisper to a Scream had the feel of Night Gallery episodes but with far more graphic violence and endings that go one, or even two, steps further than what are found in the 1970s TV series.
The Decades of Horror 1980s Grue-Crew all enjoyed the grizzly nature and twist endings of From a Whisper to a Scream. At the time of this writing, the film can be streamed on Amazon Prime, but unfortunately, the Scream Factory Blu-ray is currently out-of-print.
Every two weeks, Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1980s podcast will cover another horror film from the 1980s. The next episode’s film, chosen by Bill, will be Screamers (1981), a US version of Sergio Martino’s Island of the Fishmen (1979).  You won’t want to miss that one!
Check out this episode!
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love-fairytale · 6 years
Pose: La Fiebre ha llegado para quedarse [1x04]
Pose: La Fiebre ha llegado para quedarse [1x04] #PoseFX
Directores: Ryan Murphy (Creator), Nelson Cragg (Creator), Silas Howard (Creator)
Reparto: Indya Moore, Kate Mara, Jeremy McClain, Evan Peters, Angelica Ross, Ryan Jamaal Swain, Sheryl Minikes, Samantha Grace Blumm, Angel Bismark Curiel, Alexander Martin Jones, Tommy Bayiokos, Assibey Blake, Dyllon Burnside, Sebastian Chacon, Leonys Delossantos, Brian Donahue, Tyler Hanes, Stephen Hanna,…
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I was tagged by @bebemoon 🦢🤍
rules: put your music on shuffle and list the first 20 songs that come up - no skipping ! then tag 10 people.
1. Dean Martin- just say I love her
2. Joshua burnside- And you evade him/ born in the blood
3. The attic sleepers- I still moan
4. Pino deniele- questa primavera
5. Maya Andrade- les mots d’amour
6. Savoy brown- love me please (live)
7. Vitamin string quartet- Venus as a boy
8. Aerosmith- I don’t want to miss a thing
9. Matilde band- tres
10. Donny Hathaway- were still friends
11. London philharmonic orchestra- Kashmir
12. Tommy Guerrero- salve
13. Poom- qui es-tu?
14. Colde- control me
15.Esthero- swallow me
16. Modjo lady (acoustic)
17.Amy Winehouse- stronger than me
18. KALEO- can’t go on without you
19. Dark stares- sweet rider 5
20. Valley of wolves- Lions inside
Tagging anyone who sees this!🌸���
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