#tom holland please keep all your opinions to yourself i am begging
hussyknee · 4 months
Praying to all the gods every day that Tom Holland doesn't do anything unforgivably problematic because I have needed to watch that Umbrella dance about once a month on average the last six years for mental health reasons.
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descendantshh2 · 7 years
Stay - Harry Hook X Reader
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A/N Did ya’ll miss me? I know some of you probably hate me because I’ve been so inactive on this account and I’m so so so sorry school this year is so stressful and I am a Junior in High School so my schedule is pretty packed. Plus I have cheer practice as well as soccer season that is slowly approaching so please please be patient with me. Anyways I had an amazing idea while on the couch on day and just decided to write a little something for you guys. But I genially want to hear your guys opinion oh this. I kinda want to step outta this Descendants bubble and write about other people. Lately I’ve watched Spider Man and OMG GUYS TOM HOLLAND SO ADORABLE. If you guys want to see me write about Tom Holland or Peter Parker I’m totally down for it. Just send me message I enjoy talking to ya’ll. Lots of love -Vee 
Stay Pt.2
"Chad what do u want?" You rolled your eyes are u ex boyfriend as you shoved your books in your locker. 
"Common Y/N just talk to me," Chad pleaded, "it didn't mean anything to me." 
You huffed. You and Chad had been together for 5 months and you thought everything was going great. That was until he cheated on you with Audrey and you had to say you weren't slightest surprised but it still hurt you deep inside. You knew well that u weren't gonna handle a cheating loser so u immediately broke up with him and never looked back. Like every break up this one was hard especially since you gave yourself to Chad. Biggest mistake ever. 
"Hey Y/N," called out Ben as he approached you and Chad. 
You mentally thanked Ben for saving you from this dreadful conversation with Chad. 
"Am I interrupting something?" 
"No!" You said too quickly but you didn't care, "Chad was just leaving." You faked smiled. 
Chad shook his head, "This isn't over," he stared at you then walked away. 
"What's his problem? Last time I checked he's the one that threw away your guys relationship." 
"Yea," you breathe out, "anyways whats up King Ben what kingly duties do u have do today?" 
Ben laughed at your attempt to lighten up the conversation. You and Ben were pretty close friends ever since u were little. Being princess Tiana and Naveen's daughter and all. 
"You know the new Villain Kids that came to Auradon?" Ben asked and you slowly nodded your head before responding. "The scary pirates? Yea sure." 
You weren't gonna lie those pirates were pretty scary with their eyeliner and hooks. 
"Yea well my pal Harry needs a tutor for Chemistry and I know chemistry is one of your favorite subjects so I was wondering if you could help him out?" Ben asked. 
"I don't know Ben," you sighed, "don't get me wrong I love the fact that your giving these villains a chance but Harry? I don't think he could be turned good, I don't wanna waste my time on him." 
It was true Harry Hook had a tendency of being a womanizer. He flirted with all the girls and frankly didn't care about school and on tops of that he practical skipped class everyday and was always in detention. 
"Come on give him a chance I know he isn't evil he just needs someone to crack that goodness in him," Ben stated giving a small smile. You closed your locker after you grabbed your chemistry book and nodded. 
"Okay I'll do it but I swear King Ben you owe me."
You were now sitting down on the desk in the library waiting for the famous Harry Hook to show up. Your tutoring session was at 5:30 and it was currently 6:00. You began to grow bored and decided to do your own homework as you waited. 
You expect him to be late after all but you didn't expect him to not show up. 
"Are you Y/N." you heard a bad Scottish accent come from in front of you. You slowly looked up to stare into the pirates piercing blue eyes. You saw a small smirk plastered on his face. 
"Yea?" You nodded, "hi Harry your late." You rolled your eyes keeping a serious face. 
"Well darling a pirate has duties," he smirked out and took a seat across from you, "so princess what are we going to be learning today." 
"Don't call me princess Harry." You huffed and opened up your chemistry book to the periodic table. 
This is going to be a long tutor session.
"Oh my god Harry how can u possible be getting all this right when we just started the session?" You questioned him. 
You decide to give Harry a blank periodic table for him to fill him so you see what he needs the most help on. Once he was done he handed you the paper for you to review and surprisingly he got everything right. This confused you because Ben told you he was failing Chemistry, which in fact he was but it didn't make sense since he basically knew everything. 
He shrugged, "you can search me in you think I cheated." He stood up and surrendered his hand up with a smirk. "Common princess I know u want too." He winked at you. 
"Harry don't be a pervert and sit down," you glared at him which caused him to let out a small laugh as he took his seat. 
  "Why are u failing chemistry if you clearly know how to do it?" You looked up to question him and he shrugged again. "You don't expect a villain to be smart don't you?" He huffed a little offended. 
"No, I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that," you reassured him, "Harry your so smart why are u grades so low? I mean you can be so much more." You said looking into his bright blue eyes. 
He looked back at you and you swore there was a moment between you guys. You never noticed how incredibly visible his jawline was, or the way his eyeliner bold those blue orbs. 
"I don't know school isn't for me, ever since I got here I don't fit in, yes I got my crew but I'm not use to school." He admitted turning his head and clenching his jaw. "people here don't like me because I'm a stupid villain they think I'm trash because I'm not royalty." 
"Well Harry let me tell you something," you said placing your hand onto of his. When u did that he immediately shot his eyes towards you. 
You continued, " I don't think your trash. A flirty pervert yes but trash no." You both laughed a little at your comment. "But I know that if you show how smart you are you can prove everyone wrong. Half these royalty bimbos think that being smart isn't a big deal cause they live in a castles. But my mom and dad always told me that hard work gets you somewhere. I believe in you Harry and I can tutor you daily if u want but I don't think you'll need it." You smiled at him.
Oddly enough Harry return the smile and nodded his head. Your hand was still on his as you awkwardly coughed and took your hand off. "Then we got a lot of work to do." You stated as you flipped through the pages of the chemistry book.
From then on Harry and you had many study sessions and he was early to most of them. Sometimes you guys would study till the library closed which resulted in moving the studying to your room. Even tho Mal and Evie where your roommates they didn't mind Harry Hook just as long as he was on your side of the room. But you and Harry didn't study the whole time. At times you guys would take breaks and get to know reach other a bit more. Soon you guys were best friends (of course not as close as Uma and him were) and you guys spent a lot of time together. 
"Common Y/N you like Harry we can all see it." Squealed Evie and you and Mal walked to your locker to retrieve your books. 
"I do not Evie just because I'm his tutor doesn't mean I like him." You shook your head laughing a bit. It was true tho you were taking quiet a liking in Harry. You knew that Harry didn't like you back, after all he had all the girls in the school practically begging for him to take a turn with them. 
"Look at you Y/N lying to us how dare you." Said Mal as she placed a hand on her heart making you and Evie laugh. The laughing slowly died down when the girls saw Chad approached them. 
You rolled your eyes as Evie pointed out, "Y/N Chad alert." You huffed and closed your locker. 
Chad stepped towards you, "can we talk please." 
You turned too Evie and Mal, "I'll be fine guys I promise." They both smiled weakly at you before glaring down at Chad and leaving.
"This better be good Chad," you stared down at him. 
"Common Y/N what's it gonna take for us to be a thing again," Chad looked at u searching for answer. 
"Well you should've thought about that before cheating on me you manipulative asshole." You spat pushing him away and attempting to walk away. 
You felt a strong arm pull your wrist back as Chad pinned you roughly on your locker. You were surprised at his actions you were lost for words. 
"Common," Chad leaned down to your ear, "you can tell me you don't miss that night I took your innocence." He kissed down at your neck. 
"Chad stop.." you tried to push him off but he gripped your hips tighter, "stop your hurting me!" You cried out with teary eyes. 
"You heard the girl! Leave her alone!" You heard a growl before recognizing who it was. Chad turned to met eyes with Harry Hook. You see his hand turn into fist, knuckles white from how much pressure he was applying. 
"What are u gonna do about it pirate," Chad laughed stepping forward letting you go causing you to slide down the locker. You legs were giving out. 
"I'm gonna give u warning Chad cause let me tell ya mate going against a pirate isn't fun business," Harry spat. "Make one wrong move and I'll eliminate you." Harry held his Hook toward Chads neck slicing a small piece of his neck. Chad winced in pain and shook in fear. What a baby. 
"She's all yours buddy, she was nothing to me anyways." Chad spat looking at you dead in the eyes before pushing passed Harry leaving. Harry hurried to your side helping you up. You breathe heavily at Chad's words. How could he do that to you after all you did for him. 
Harry helped you to your dorm as tears spilled down your cheeks. You'd hope that Evie and Mal were in your dorm so you could talk to your best friends, but when Harry opened the door no one was in sight. 
"Common darling lets get you to your bed," Harry calmed you down slowly taking you to your bed. He carefully sat you down and you immediately laid your head down on the pillow tears still coming down your face. "I'll get going if u want to be alone," Harry smiled softly towards u but u grabbed his wrist quickly causing him to turn towards you. 
"Stay please" you whispered out softly sitting up your bed. 
Harry nodded sitting down and taking you in his arm. Your wrapped your arms around his neck and laid your head on his shoulder. Harry set his hook besides you carefully so the tip of the hook wouldn't hurt the two of you. He rubbed circles on your back attempting to calm you down. Once you were okay you let go of him. 
"Sorry for all that," you apologized for hugging him so long. Wiping your eyes which were probably all red and puffy. 
"No worries love, did he hurt you?" He questioned towards your waist since Chad's grip was on them tightly. Harry slowly placed his hand on your waist looking at you for permission to lift of your shirt a tad to look for any bruising. 
You slowly nodded and Harry lift you shirt to see a bruise on each side of hips where his fingers dug into you. You winched in  pain as he touched your bruised waist.  "He's gonna pay for this." Harry glared down at the floor. 
You shook your head. "No harry I don't want you getting into trouble please." You begged him and Harry slowly looked at you. 
He placed his hand on your cheek and wiped away a single tear. Your faces were so close to each other you could almost taste her breath. "Thank you for saving me," you whispered slowly leaving in as Harry followed your action when you lips met you felt fireworks. 
The kiss was slowly and passionate. You pulled away staring at him as he stared down at you. 
"I'm sorry Y/N gotta go," Harry quickly stood up and walked outta the dorm leaving you alone with a confused look in your face.
A/N comment down if you guys want a part two or message me in my inbox or message if you want to see some Spider Man or Tom Holland imagines also. Lots of love xx
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peterpcrkcr · 7 years
#93 Pt. 2 | A Tom Holland Imagine
# 93 Pt. 1
Tom Holland x Reader Words: 2,222 Disclaimer: enjoy part 2! @gold3ncurls
Thomas was at the stables, combing the dirt off of your favorite stallion. He was a mutt, and bought in an auction, but he was one of the most wildly beautiful things you had ever seen. All white save for the spots on its’ hind so dark that they almost looked like nothing. They looked like the space behind your eyelids just before the light hits you. Thomas looked beautiful. His hair was extra curly on account of the humidity swirling in the air; by the way everything smelled, it was obvious to you that it was about to rain. He helped the horse back into the stall and dumped out the bucket he had used to clean one of the others.
You avoided him all day. When Sam told you he wanted to play outside, you told him the two of you would go down by the river to play so he could catch the bugs that skipped on the water. You told him that you loved him and kissed his head and tried to decide if what you wanted out of life was to do what was right for him, or what your heart was calling out for.
When the two of you went in for lunch, you went around to the front door. You kept your head down anytime Tom was passing through with something to mend. When he passed you on the stairs to head down toward the kitchen, you forced all of your attention on Sam as he walked before you. If Tom tried to confront you with a gaze, or his touch, or by repeatedly slamming a piece of metal onto an empty metal bin, you would simply closed the door to your bedroom, shut all of your windows, and cry yourself to sleep.
Today your mother requested some fresh fruit from the marketplace. A new sort of doctor had come by at your father’s request to see if there was anything to be done. Deep down you knew she was too far beyond help, but the way she spoke to you about the way fresh fruit would heal her, you couldn’t help but indulge. Your father would not let Tom to take you into town, so he took you himself, along with one of your distant cousins from the coast. 
“On the coast you can taste the salty air of the sea. It makes me sick to thnk of how dirty it is, but I have no say when it comes to where my husband and I will live. I do enjoy the order he provides in my life, much so, but I do wish he would offer affection once in a while. I want to be as in love as you are, Uncle.” She in a sort of snobbish accent, the one that really makes you think she had a golden feather jammed fervently up her rear end. 
You felt sorry for her. She had been married off at fourteen years of age to a man who was barely rich enough to buy your worst cow. He was very tightly wound, and you were sure that every night when she tried to kiss him before bed, he would brush her off. There was no love for her in this life, but as you sat there off in a daze, you thought of Tom. He was kind, and loving. The two of you got on really well, and he could mend absolutely anything in the world that needed mending. He looked at you unlike any suitor ever had before in your life. 
Your cousin snapped in your face.
“What were you thinking of, cousin?” She asked. You shook your head and bit the side of your finer to hide your smile. 
“Nothing in particular.” With that she talked the rest of the way to the market, but you were lost in a daydream about the love of your life.
At the market you linked arms with your cousin and nodded along as she dragged you around the different stalls of merchants selling wears and goods for the people of the countryside. They yelled enticing rhymes to get the passersby to purchase what they had. You did not glance twice at anything on the tables. Your eyes were glazed over as your cousin cooed over the perfect lace for a new dress that her husband would never let her actually make herself. You were lost in another daydream about Thomas. His strong arms made you wish he was there to scoop you up and out of the pitiful life you were being forced to live. You would never let him though, no matter how much you yearned for him.
Then, beyond the way of all of the people in the marketplace, you saw him just there. 
“Thomas-” you said his name as if it held all the power of your cousins favorite prayer. He walked forward and took your hand in his, but you tried to remain distant. Tried to convince yourself that he was not the one you were meant to love. “You must leave, now.”
“I’m nothing if not realistic about my intentions when loving you. I am not exaggerating when I tell you the moment we kiss after exchanging our vows, I will gift to you the sun the moon and all the stars. Though I fear you have already given them to me.” His heart leaked into every syllable he spoke to you, the hand that held yours was tender, but strong. He wanted you to feel how much he meant the words through the tips of his fingers and the love in his eyes. You did not falter.
“It’s a real shame nobody asked for your opinion, Mr. Holland. The words you say are very pretty, but my life does not revolve around beauty.” Your cousin squeezed you arm encouragingly.
“That’s because you are the beautiful that life revolves around, please-” he took your other hand, but you pulled it back swiftly. His touch was like the feeling of slipping into your favorite nightgown. Like feeling at home. Your cousin actually gasped at the sight. “Take my words into your heart, let them build a home on the weary bones you must live with. I beg of you, understand me as I stand in front of you. I will love you until the earth turns into nothing.”
“We must be going.” Your cousin said as she pulled your arm in hers to signify unity in the decision. “She is already engaged to be wed.”
You nodded once and then diverted your eyes from the glowing face of Thomas to the ground. As you stepped forward and away from him, your handkerchief fell out of your gloved fingers and carried with a soft breeze to lay flush against his thigh. 
“My lady, your-” he started to say as he lifted his from his leg. He was desperate for your attention, your love.
You turned your head the opposite side of your cousin and whispered. “Keep it.”
“I heard about that stable boy of yours,” your cousin said as she handed a merchant a few coins in trade for a sac of apples a little down the way. This was the first thing she’d said all day about anything that made you actually start paying attention.
“What have you heard?” You stayed as uninterested as you had been before, but this time you paid attention to what she said next.
“Uncle, your father, he told my mother that if the stable boy stepped out of line he’d kill him and it would be your fault. I dare say that is the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard, but he’s my uncle and I shouldn’t be attracted to that.” You nodded you head as you took in the information, watching as your father walked inside a pub to chat with one of his business partners. You turned to your cousin and squeezed her wrist a little tightly.
“(Y/n)... that’s too tight, you’re hurting me...” Her eyes were angry, and afraid. Mostly afraid.
“Do not speak of things you do not know, to find it in your heart to love someone who looks to kill the one person in my life who offers me the kind of love you are always going on about.” You threw her wrist away and resolved yourself to moving all of your attention across the way to the group of people just walking into the marketplace.
“I hope you don’t find offense when I tell you that my uncle will hear word of what you’ve just done to me. I’m sure to have a bruise by the morning, and once he hears what you’ve done to me in the name of Thomas Holland, your father will have his head.”
“If you tell me father of what has happened today, I will tell your husband all of the things he does that you say are unworthy of your love. An eye for an eye, I do not mind to be blind.”
He waited for you to visit after the sun went down and the grounds were silent. Your father was away on business again, your mother was locked away in her bedroom, and Sam was fast asleep. You wore your night gown, your hair braided and tied at the side of your head. Tom waited at the stable behind the giant hay bale pile. When you came around the corner, he took your hand and pulled you close to him. You let him pull you in with the other hand by your waist. He took you in so closely, held you in his grasped. He breathed in the scent of your hair, kissed the lobe of your ear softly. You weren’t sure how you would convince him that the two of you were not to be fated together.
“Thomas,” you sighed as he pressed a kiss upon your neck. It made shivers run up and down your spine so wonderfully, you almost faltered in your courage. To be kissed and loved and held by someone who made their first priority the importance of you knowing they loved you so, made your next few words hurt your heart.
“My love, I love-” he pulled back to gaze into your eyes, a grin painting his features in the most beautiful way. You nodded your head in agreement, which encouraged him to press a kiss upon your lips so fervently it made you gasp upon his tongue. This was a kiss you had never expected in your life, but welcomed it in a way that made you shove him away. He was confused and worried for your sudden change of affection.
“When my mother passes away, her side of the family will stop sending money. All of my father’s wealth is gone. We will be beggars on the street if I do not wed Charles tomorrow evening.” You looked him in the eyes, delivering the death sentence with pained force. 
“I thought you had no need for wealth.” His voice was broken, he knew you were serious.
“I have a brother Thomas, and he is only nine years old. I can’t just forget about him.” You stepped away from him, urged his hand to let go of yours.
“But your father, he’s a terrible man-” Thomas was trying to change your mind, plead his heart to you as if it were the only money he had.
“Watch your tongue,” you warned halfheartedly. “What you say may be true but that terrible man is the one who pays your dues and keeps a roof over my head. He is sparing your life, I am saving it.”
“Is it worth it?”
“Worth-? Worth means nothing when it is life and death for a young boy. If I do not follow through, my brother could end up just like my mother.”
“Run away with me. Take your brother, we’ll be free. We can cross the world and sail the seas so long as we’re together. I will need for nothing but you in my life.”
“I am not food or water. I am not a house or clothing. I am but a simple girl trying to do right by what will be left of my family, Thomas. You must understand I can’t be with you, not anymore.” You dabbed away a few tears that has swelled in your eyes. He saw them and stepped toward you, his hand reaching for your cheek to hold you, but you stepped away. “If anyone sees us you will die.”
“I love you, (y/n). I love you, what more is there in life and death but love?” Tom pleaded.
You turned all the way around so that he couldn’t see the way the tears fell off of your cheeks like early morning dew. It took everything in you to want to stay away form him, it took every vein in your body to work the blood backward so that everything that made you you would keep away from the love of your life.
“Mr. Holland,” you tried in a very weak voice, turned only a little so he could see a piece of your face. Your skin was hot, your tears were thick. “I do not love you.”
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