#to reiterate: i love LOVE when people send me asks pls keep doing it!!! i just cant answer every one of them
fallenclan · 7 months
Guys dw bestie sees all our asks but doesn’t respond to each one, that would be WAY too much extra stuff for this blog. That’s why blogs sometimes screenshot another ask similar to the one they’re answering, so that they can get to every ask but won’t overflow their blog with asks!
yeah exactly ^_^' i feel really bad abt not answering them all but like. i have 275 asks in my inbox just Right Now. thats not even counting the rude ones that i've deleted
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lovingnikiforov · 6 years
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Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to the survey! I got a lot more answers than I was expecting and hearing from the people who read my fics was absolutely wonderful!
I also wanted to make a quick announcement that, based on the positive support from y’all, I will be launching a Patreon in April! More news will come at the end of March or you can sign up to get an email from when it goes live! For anyone who apologized for not being able to support, please know that just reading my stories is a sign of support to me and I never would have considered this a possibility without all of you! ♥
Survey Results Under Cut
I’m not going to go through all the questions but there are a few I wanted to highlight! (fair warning: I’m a data nerd, pls prepare yourself)
Big Take Away:
Before I jump into the specifics I did want to address a concern that I saw crop up multiple times that was really touching. A lot of people mentioned that they want me to keep writing what I enjoy and not to worry about what others want to read. My response is two-fold: 1) thank you for being so sweet!!! 2) you don’t have to worry about me in that area.
When it comes to my long and more time-intensive fics I’m never going to start one unless it’s an idea I absolutely love and am willing to devote months of work to. There’s points along that writing process where it’s hard to stay motivated to finish an idea I love so I can’t imagine the agony of doing it for an idea that I’m writing out of some sense of obligation: that’s not a line I’m willing to cross.
That being said, I don’t have any problems writing oneshots and drabbles that are heavily requested because I find writing prompt fills really good exercise! I also enjoy finding ways to work in little nods to your requests into ongoing fics: it’s my way of saying thank you for continuing to read. So, as long as the request isn’t rude or demanding, feel free to send them my way whenever I ask for them!
Question One: Fandom Breakdown
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So it’s not a surprise that most of the respondents read my BSD fics because I’ve found that my readers from Bungou Stray Dogs are very active both on tumblr and on AO3. What did surprise me was how many of y’all are reading across both fandoms. I previously assumed the overlap was a lot smaller so hello to you!!
Question Two: Expanding into other fandoms? 
72% of respondents said they weren’t interested in seeing me write for more fandoms and 28% said they were. Based on answers to later questions, it looks like mostly y’all are good with much more content from my current fandoms which is works for me!
Some fandoms that were mentioned as suggestions that I want to highlight:
Code Geass: I love this series and I’d be interested in trying my hand at maybe a oneshot or two
No. 6 👀👀
FMA: This was mentioned more than once and I love the series. I’m up in the air about whether I’m interested in writing fic for it because I’m just so satisfied with how canon went.
BnHA: Also mentioned more than once. I should confess that I’ve only watched like one episode so you probably don’t want me making a mess of that.
Other Sports Anime: YOI is the only sports anime I’ve watched all the way through so this is also unlikely. Sorry!
Question Four: Rating Preferences
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I just find it funny that 80% of y’all answered Mature and, coincidentally, 83% of my chapter fics are rated at least Mature. That’s literally all I have to say.
Question Five: Chapter Lengths
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First of all, for you poor souls who prefer up to 5k, I’m sorry I can’t shut up. (Unless you’re reading Rent a (boy)Friend in which case, we’re meant to be).
Secondly, I’m really pleased to see the number of you who are down to read longer chapters. As my average chapter length has increased over the last year I was worried that I was starting to write more than people wanted to read in one sitting. 
Question Six: “I wish you would write more...”
This was one of the questions where a lot of you answered that you wanted me to write whatever I want. You’re all sweethearts, thank you! 
For those who got specific, here’s a few answers I wanted to highlight:
Soukoku: This was almost half the answers 😂 you’ve been heard loud and clear!
In-verse Extras: This is something I’ve been doing more of with wyll and enjoying, so I’m going to try and continue that!
Character Pieces and seeing Skk from an outside POV: why hello, have you heard of the kyouka-centric dyetyd sequel coming up? You might enjoy it ;)
More Phichuuri: I’m down if you’re down.
Fluff/Cute Moments: This was the 2nd most common answer. I’m planning to write more fluffy oneshots with the launch of my Patreon (don’t worry, those fics will also be posted on AO3: patrons will get early access). So be on the look out!
Smut: Another common response. I also plan to ramp up smut oneshots soon.
Politics: politics are my jam they will be in like every chapter fic
Fantasy: I was surprised by how often this cropped up so I’m now considering this for future stories!
Break them psychologically: I assume you read my BSD fics. I always will, it’s my favorite song.
Questions Seven and Eight: Patreon
I’d like to reiterate what I said at the top of this (very long) post. Even if you’re not able to support my Patreon I still value all of your support. Just by reading my fics and leaving comments and sharing them you’re basically my fave.
A post will be coming at the end of March with a bunch of specific details about what this will look like, but here’s a few quick notes:
Birthday Commission Fic Tier: This will be the $15 tier. However, there is not a time requirement for how long you’re a patron at this tier. If you have an interest in commissioning a fic from me at any point, just select this tier for one patron cycle and then either cancel your pledge or switch to a lower tier. (even if it’s not your birthday)
Patron Shout Outs: You, random survey respondent, get a cookie for a great idea. This will be included in the final setup!
Choose the plot direction polls: There were a couple concerns about not wanting to influence the direction of the fic. Please don’t worry! I already do polls like this on my twitter whenever I’m up in the air about a detail in the story, and the options provided will always be options I genuinely want to write!
A details post and a launch post will be coming up in the next couple of weeks. If you’re interested about possibly becoming a patron but don’t follow me on tumblr/twitter or are worried about missing the post you can fill out this Google Form to join an email list.
Thank you again to everyone who answered!
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poipoi1912 · 7 years
I get that Barisi fans are hugely disappointed with this season, but I feel like it's presumptive of some Barisi fans to talk as if because *their* ship may not be as popular/getting new canon as previously, that the entire SVU fandom is "dying". That isn't so. There are still plenty of people actively creating content for and talking about other ships and characters, including ones who-*gasp*!-haven't even been on screen in an episode for 3-5 seasons or more! Barisi doesn't = all of SVU fandom.
Anon, I honestly wish I were only disappointed in this season for Barisi-related reasons. That would mean I’d still be able to find some excitement in the show, while being a little bummed out because my ship wasn’t getting any action. That’s a pretty standard fandom experience for shippers of non-canon or obscure pairings. Like, I still loved The X-Files, even after they killed off Krycek and, with him, my Krycek/Skinner fantasies. I still enjoyed Lost even after Jack and Juliet were toast. I still loved Person of Interest even after my two main ships (Carter/Reese and Shaw/Root) were literally killed. I wish that were the case with SVU.
I’ve made several posts about my issues with this season. I guess the main one would be this post, but you could also read any one of my episode analyses, none of which even mention Barisi. To reiterate some of my main issues, I find the messed up scheduling to be an added source of incoherence, because no character is allowed to have any type of growth, not when we’re watching episode 14 before we get to see episode 7. The supporting characters have all been reduced to cardboard cutouts.
And, the worst part is, even Benson, who is the protagonist, has regressed in terms of her personal story. We no longer see anything about her life. She’s front-and-center when it comes to working with cases or helping victims, but who is she? What does she do when she’s not working? We used to see her with boyfriends, with Barba, with Noah, with Lucy (though I think that actress is currently unavailable). When the main character has no personal growth, how can the rest of the characters expect any?
Admittedly, Sonny is my favorite character, so my main gripe with this season (and the main reason I loved Season 17 more than Season 16) is the fact his screentime has decreased and his character development has stalled. Completely. Barba fans could say the same, I’m sure. And they have. We used to get all those little hints about him, the drinking, the pills, the clenched fists, and this season there’s been nothing. And then, Fin fans have been experiencing this for decades, lol. And Amanda, who used to have a tumultuous but very rich backstory, because she thrived in the more melodramatic SVU seasons (14/15), much like Nick, well, she barely has anything to do, either.
But, characters aside, I also find the cases extremely troubling. I disagree with the “message” the writers are trying to send, almost every week. In previous seasons, my disagreements were far more rare. The mommy issues are especially glaring, and the “imperfect victim”/“flawed but relatable perpetrator” theme is getting old. So I can’t even enjoy SVU as a procedural anymore.
Now, when it comes to the SVU fandom dying out, my recent posts refer to tumblr, and the fandom as I experience it. I’m not active on twitter or other platforms (not when it comes to fandom stuff), so my only real exposure to the SVU fandom is tumblr itself. And, of course, I mostly engage with Barisi, Sonny and Barba fans, because that’s where my interests lie, lol. So I’m talking about my own experience, and the relative lack of interest that I’ve seen, at least compared to last season. I assume the people who send me asks about it are also Barisi/Sonny/Barba fans, and that’s why they come to me. To talk about the characters and/or the ship we all love.
I’ve never engaged much online with old school SVU fans (even though I’m actually one of them, and I’ve been watching the show from the very beginning), but I certainly understand they still exist (why wouldn’t they?). First of all, Benson is the constant, so the people who love her still get to enjoy their fave. But I’m sure that fans of older characters are still active when it comes to fic and edits, too. It’s true that people still create content for characters or ships like Benson/Stabler (of course) or Benson/Cabot (my second fave Olivia ship, after Benson/Amaro COME AT ME) or Fin/Munch, or Barba/Huang, or Casey/Chester Lake (pls send me links I love them). For characters they haven’t seen in years, as you said. Some of these fans have probably stopped watching the show altogether and i envy them.
Hell, Barisi itself is a very tiny part of the SVU fandom, and it’s still alive due to fan interest alone, because many of us still create salty content, even though the show is giving us nothing. The SVU fandom overall is also still very much alive, and it will probably never die.
That still doesn’t help me, though :D
I spoke of new fans in my previous posts, but a similar thought applies to old fans, as well. For a fan who has given up on the current content of the show and writes or reads fic for, like, Benson/Cabot (send links for that too, btw!) I can imagine why Season 18 would feel no different than Season 16. Because these fans may have lost their favorite character years ago, and they no longer care much about the ones who are still there. For me, a Sonny fan, well, I’m losing my fave while he’s still there. Same way Fin fans lost him, like, 8 years ago. And, to make matters worse, the show itself is no longer fun or even watchable, sometimes. That has caused a noticeable (at least on my dash) lack of interest.
Is this permanent? I hope not. For starters, this has all happened before. Season 18 is giving me Season 10 vibes. It feels like the start of a huge decline in quality, which will take a couple of years to be fixed. The thing is, the show just might have a couple of years still left in it, so maybe there’s still hope for improvement. A few new writers, a few new characters (which the show sorely needs!), and we’ll be good to go. Maybe :)
Lastly, in every post I mention the fact I’m sure there are plenty(? lol) of people who are still excited about the show. I’ll repeat it here. I do think the show itself is on its last legs, and the fandom has gotten less active overall, as is to be expected after 18 years, but of course people still care. So, those of you who still love SVU (or who no longer watch it but are still in love with Chester Lake or O'Halloran good taste btw!), keep doing you!
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