#to clarify there have been suggestions for names. but none that I’ve seen consistently used. so.
cutter-kirby · 1 year
biggest loss of the toh fandom is that possessed hunter doesn’t even have a name
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whitesparrows97 · 4 years
Heartstring Melodies – Part 3
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader (feat. Jeon Jungkook x Reader)
Genre: Soulmate AU, College AU, fuckboy!Yoongi
Summary: Min Yoongi, the fuckboy of the whole college and the guy all girls fall for, should be your soulmate? You don’t believe that, you don’t want to believe that. Therefore, you and your best friend make a pact: She pretends to be you and gets together with Yoongi. Nothing can go wrong with that, right?
Warnings: Tiny little bit of smut and a little bit of angst
Word Count: 3.3K
Author’s note: Hello! This chapter is a bit shorter than the others, but I hope you like it anyway! I would be very happy about any kind of feedback and I hope you all are and stay healthy! See you soon! (Also is anyone even reading this? I feel like most people just scroll over this part)
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Chapter three: «Hearts are made to be broken.» – o.w.
“Okay,”… “Uh-huh,”… “I’m glad,”… “Oh, how nice” – out of these short sentences your part of the conversation consisted in the next two hours. You had gone straight home, just like Jin had told you. You hadn’t even managed to take off your shoes when your phone had rung from Liv’s call. Since then you had to listen to her talk about how great Yoongi was.
The first five minutes you had been feeling sick in the pit of your stomach. To be shown it so obviously that Yoongi wasn’t as bad as you thought, affected you more than you wanted to admit. The look with which he had looked at Liv had come back to your memory and it had taken everything of your willpower to banish this image from your thoughts.
Afterwards you had tried to block out Liv’s voice completely. You wanted to be happy that the plan had worked so well – maybe a little too well. But every time you felt the sting in your heart, you tried to remember that it had been your own idea. So you couldn’t complain. Not when Liv sounded so happy…
“I deserve a ‘thank you’ from you, by the way,” Liv pulled you out of your thoughts.
Confused, you frowned and rolled over to your other side on your bed. “How come?”
“Jungkook?”, she asked, as if it was obvious what she was alluding to.
“What about him?”
Liv snorted on the other side of the line. “Didn’t he text you? He said he was going to do it straight away.” 
“Oh, yes, he did,” you quickly clarified. You thought back to the short message he had sent you, which you had ignored so far. You were grateful that he had intervened when Taehyung had pressured you. But you did not know exactly what he wanted from you now. If he expected a thank you or even something in return, he could wait a long time. 
“Well? What did he say? And more importantly, what did you reply?” You could practically see Liv waiting for you to give her all the juicy details. 
“All he said was that you gave him my phone number, but I haven’t replied yet.”
Liv sighed annoyed. “Why not? Y/N, have you seen Jungkook?”
You shrugged your shoulders, even though Liv couldn’t see that. “Yeah, so?”
“So? He’s so handsome!”
“I wonder what Yoongi would say if he knew you fancied his best friend.”
“Since when did Min Yoongi become just Yoongi?” Liv asked without responding to your comment. Your heart skipped a beat when you realized that you had just called him by his first name. And Liv also seemed to notice the change. “Is there a problem?”
A cold shiver ran down your spine when you heard Liv’s voice. Normally you’d think Liv was just checking to see if everything was okay. But something about her voice and the way she phrased it made you think differently. “No, everything’s fine. I’ve just had a long day and everything went wrong in the lab as well,” you tried to make an excuse. 
“Then don’t keep Jungkook waiting any longer. I’m sure he can cheer you up,” Liv said and was back to her old self. If you were sitting across from each other, you’d probably see her wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.
You were about to respond when a sound told you that you got another call. You briefly took the phone off your ear to see who the caller was, but it was a number you didn’t know. Immediately you could guess who it was. 
“Hey, Liv, I think Jungkook is calling me right now,” you apologized and Liv squealed at your statement. 
“Then I won’t try to stop you. And don’t forget, you are Liv!” she yelled into the phone and hung up. Before Jungkook could hang up as well, you answered the phone, albeit a bit hesitantly.
“Hey Liv?” 
It sounded strange, not right (which it wasn’t) to hear the name of your best friend addressed to you. But you’d better get used to it from now on. The sooner, the better. 
“Yes, that’s me,” you said.
“Hey, this is Jungkook,” he said, even though you recognized his voice immediately anyway. “I don’t want to bother you but I wanted to apologize for Taehyung’s behavior earlier.”
“Wow, they must be good friends if you have to apologize for them,” you returned dryly. You straightened up in your bed; you felt that the conversation could not be conducted comfortably lying down. 
You heard Jungkook laugh softly. “Actually they are quite okay. But sometimes Taehyung doesn’t know when the fun is over.”
“Hm,” you just said. After a short silence you added, “Well, you didn’t do anything wrong. On the contrary.”
“Yes, about that…” Jungkook was suddenly calm and you were about to ask what he wanted to say when he continued, “this may come a bit unexpected, but I thought you were really cute earlier and wanted to ask if you would like to do something together the next few days.” 
Surprised, you clasped your cell phone, which almost slipped out of your fingers. You hadn’t expected that. Did Jeon Jungkook ask you out? Or was that one of his tricks to make fun of you later in his small group of friends?
Actually, Jungkook hadn’t made you feel like he would be the type of person to take advantage of girls in any way. But maybe that was exactly his strategy. You wouldn’t drop your protective barrier yet. “What would you like to do?” you asked tentatively. You knew that tomorrow night was a huge party organized by none other than Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin. If Jungkook wanted to drag you there, you knew where you stood with him. 
Jungkook cleared his throat before he spoke and you didn’t know if you were imagining the nervousness in his voice. “I had perhaps thought about – well, I asked Y/N what you were studying and I thought whether you might like to go to the Oceanographic Museum. I saw on their website that they even have turtles.”
You couldn’t help yourself. With Jungkook’s enthusiasm and innocence, a smile spread across your face. You also felt relief spilling out of you. You might even have been a little impressed that he seemed to care so much. Liv’s rhapsodies of Yoongi went through your head again and unconsciously you brushed over the black lines under your breast with your free hand. 
“Okay,” you agreed without really thinking about what exactly your agreement meant, “Why not? When will you be free?” 
Perhaps some distraction would help you fill the void in your heart. The deep hole known as unfulfilled desire that ripped open your chest. 
❀ ❀ ❀ ❀
When you stood in front of the building where your apartment was the next afternoon, you were oddly calm. Normally you were always more than excited before dates, but today there was a pleasant peace within you. The summery dress you were wearing was gently caressing your thighs when a light breeze made you shiver. Maybe you should take a jacket after all?
You heard someone clearing their throat behind you and you turned around. In front of you stood Jungkook and you had to pull yourself together so that your jaw wouldn’t drop at the sight of him. He was wearing a black denim jacket, black skinny jeans and a matching baseball cap. You hadn’t paid much attention to him yesterday, so it was only now that you realized how right Liv had been.
Why couldn’t Jungkook’s name be above your heart?
Wow. Not even ten seconds on a date and your mind already wandered to another man. You put a smile on your face and looked at Jungkook. You were surprised when he gave you a quick hug. His scent overwhelmed you and enveloped you like a second warm embrace. Too quickly he released you again.
“How are you? How was your day?” he asked as you both slowly walked towards the bus stop that took you to the museum. 
“Fine,” you replied surprised. You hadn’t heard that question from anyone in a long time. That someone was interested enough in you to want to know how your day was, was new to you. But not unpleasant. “I’m glad I got through the lectures, though. Professor Leblanc has the ability to make an hour and a half of lectures feel like at least five hours.”
Jungkook laughed softly and you watched him kick a small pebble from the path into the short shorn grass by the wayside. “Is it that old guy with the crazy moustache who always looks like he’s about to keel over because of the way he bends forward?”
“Yup, that’s the one,” you confirmed and laughed. You had arrived at the bus stop and were relieved to find that you were the only ones waiting for the bus. It was Friday afternoon and you were afraid you’d be leaving right at rush hour. But apparently you were lucky. 
You and Jungkook were making small talk when the bus went around the corner a few minutes later. The bus was also pleasantly empty and Jungkook indicated with his hand that you should go ahead. “Thank you,” you said quietly and sat down at the window. When Jungkook dropped beside you, his leg bumped against yours. You felt the warmth radiating from his body, which was pressed directly against you.
“What are you studying? I know practically nothing about you,” you tried to distract yourself from his muscle-packed thigh, which was more than clearly visible through his tight jeans.
“Oh, I’m studying media production, so everything that has to do with film and photography,” he explained to you, “that’s why I was able to help Yoongi with his project. Have you seen the video? It turned out pretty amazing, if I say so myself,” he added with a little smile.
You tried to supress the brief shock that hit you when you heard the name from Jungkook’s mouth. You just shook your head, your throat was too tight to speak. 
“Wait, I’ll show you,” said Jungkook and pulled his phone out of his pocket. He typed in a few things and a moment later he held the phone out to you so that you had a good view of the screen. 
Jungkook turned down the volume, even though there were hardly any people sitting around you anyway. Nevertheless you could hear the piano and the lovely melody more than clearly, which came through the speakers. The phone faded before your eyes as your whole body seemed to focus on just one thing: the music, the sounds that were carried to your ears.
The name under your breast burned and nervously you wiped your sweaty palms on the fabric of your dress. Your heart beat in the same rhythm as the melody, which was almost repressed by the loud rush of your blood in your ears. 
“What do you think?” Jungkook asked after a few seconds and his voice pulled you back into the here and now. The loud roar of the bus engine, the landscape that passed you quickly, and Jungkook looking at you with anticipation. 
“Wow, this is really good,” you said, even though you didn’t mean the video. But Jungkook seemed satisfied with it. He pressed pause and put his phone back in his pocket. It was as if the string of a violin snapped in two and only the unpleasant silence remained. 
“Thank you,” he said and threw a smile at you. “Maybe you would like to stand in front of the camera sometime? I have a semester project and I’m still looking for a model.”
“Model?” you asked in disbelief, almost choking on your own spit. “I don’t think I’m cut out for this.”
“Oh, bullshit,” he contradicted you, “I think you’d be perfect.” He looked deep into your eyes, his brown eyes almost piercing yours. The gaze was so intense, so full of emotion that you had to avert your gaze after a few seconds. 
You were happy that the next station was the station where you had to get off. You couldn’t stand it any longer to sit next to him and watch his gaze glide towards you every few seconds.
When you arrived at the museum, you breathed a sigh of relief. Jungkook seemed to be more than excited about the museum’s various exhibitions. You actually came to the museum often. The peace and quiet brought you down when things got busy at university. The different aquariums, in which the most diverse colorful fish swam or the impressive coral reefs, which offered habitat to thousands of organisms, greeted you like an old friend as you strolled through the almost empty corridors.
“Wow,” Jungkook was amazed when you stopped in front of a huge aquarium. The glass took up the entire wall and offered an incredible view of all kinds of fish. “Look,” he suddenly said, pointing to a stingray that swam past you. “Oh, I wish I’d brought my camera.” He sighed as you watched him looking with big brown eyes at the fish. 
“I’m sure there are no cameras allowed here,” you said and nodded towards the sign with a camera symbol crossed out with a thick red line.
“Too bad, would have been a great location to film.” He gave you a quick glance that you couldn’t place. You didn’t have time to worry about it though, because Jungkook suddenly grabbed your hand and pulled you further to the next aquarium. You looked surprised at your intertwined fingers and had to smile. His thumb stroked reassuringly over the back of your hand and a pleasant warmth flowed through your body. 
“Oh, look, there’s Nemo,” he said and you too looked at the orange, white striped fish, which was hiding in an anemone, so that only its head was sticking out. 
The tentacles of the sea anemone moved gently through the light current of the water, so that you could occasionally catch a glimpse of the little clownfish. “Actually, this is not the same species as Nemo,” you explained, pointing to the fish’s pattern. “See the black lines around the white markings?” Jungkook nodded as he listened to you. “Nemo is an Amphiprion Ocellaris, while our little friend here is an Amphiprion Percula.”
Jungkook gave you a side glance and you just saw him stifle that grin before he turned his back on you and walked to the next aquarium.
“What?” you asked, hearing a slight laugh even in your voice.
“Nothing, nothing,” he quickly reassured you.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound like a smart ass,” you apologized slightly flustered. Immediately Jungkook turned to you at your tone of voice.
“No, that’s not how you sounded at all. On the contrary,” he said and the corners of his mouth twitched upwards, “that’s actually really hot that you know so much.”
You felt the heat rise up your cheeks when he said that and had to avert your gaze. 
“Is there an outside area?” asked Jungkook and you were happy when he changed the subject. 
You nodded at his question. “Actually, yes, but it’s under reconstruction. But I saw the ice cream stand was still open.” You left the unspoken question hanging in the air and Jungkook already pulled you towards the doors.
The last warm rays of sunshine broke through the treetops and lit the path from campus back to your apartment. The other students who rushed past you gave you nothing more than a quick glance to the side. You walked past the building where the laboratories were located and immediately thought of Seokjin who had been there for you yesterday. The next time you saw him, you would definitely thank him again thoroughly. You gave him special credit for not digging any further when he had seen how stressed you were. 
You and Jungkook came to a halt in front of the automatic glass doors at the entrance of your building. His fingers were still intertwined with yours, but he had stopped running his thumb across the back of your hand. You missed the feeling. It had been something to focus on and distract you from the impending goodbye. 
“I had a very nice day…” he began and turned his gaze to the ground for a moment before he looked up again. “I would be happy if we could do this again soon.”
“Oh, I don’t know,” you returned thoughtfully and stared amusedly at the slight disappointment in his eyes. “I think this might be a bit monotonous for you when we go back to the museum. Exhibitions don’t change that often,” you added, grinning at him.
Jungkook pulled his hand out of yours and looked at you playfully affected. “You are… I have no words.” He continued to look at you in amazement and shook his head. 
“Sorry,” you apologised and your grin diminished to an apologetic smile, “but I would be very happy if we could do something again in the next few days.”
Jungkook returned your smile at your confession. “Cool,” he just returned and now it was your turn to laugh.
“Cool?” you repeated amused by his choice of words.
“Maybe even very cool,” he remarked before his gaze fluttered down to your lips. Your breath faltered as Jungkook put one hand on your cheek and stroked it gently. His gaze searched for yours as if asking for permission. Unconsciously, you nodded slightly and saw the corner of Jungkook’s mouth twitching upwards before closing your eyes. 
One blink of an eye later, you felt his soft lips on yours. 
You felt his firm yet tender grip around your waist as he pulled you closer and combed his fingers through your hair. 
And what you felt most of all was the glaring heat emanating from the thin, black lines engraved on your skin. 
You opened your mouth and allowed Jungkook’s tongue to enter and didn’t want to think of the dark-haired man whose name matched that very tattoo. 
You pressed yourself harder against Jungkook and let your hands slide under his denim jacket to run them over his trained back muscles. He sighed into the kiss and swallowed your tongue with his. You didn’t want to think about his face when Liv had told him she was his soulmate. 
You kissed Jungkook more demandingly, bit his lip slightly, which made him moan a little and you repressed all thoughts of Min Yoongi and that you wished he was the one kissing you right now. 
“Fuck,” Jungkook moaned and broke away from you. He leaned his forehead against yours while the two of you struggled for breath. His hot breath hit your face at irregular intervals while he searched for the right words. “You… you are incredible,” he added and gave you a short kiss on the tip of your nose before he completely detached himself from you. 
He smiled at you as you said goodbye to him. He promised you that you would see each other again soon and you knew that everyone in your situation would jump for joy. You turned around again when you walked through the glass doors and saw Jungkook still standing in the same place. When your eyes met, he grinned and waved to you once more.��
You still ignored the burning in your chest as you smiled back at him and turned around as inconspicuously fast as possible. And what you didn’t want to think about either was that you hadn’t felt anything when Jungkook kissed you. 
Tag list:
@loveyoongles @missseoulite @mymainaccountlol @stillcopingxx @boywithtofucheekies @betysotelo18 @wrecklesseuphoria @welcometothecity    @teresaisla @kaheryn 
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littleeyesofpallas · 3 years
Bleach Cosmology 4/4
Last post in this series on Bleach world terms: [1] [2] [3]  The super super unaddressed Quincy realm from the final arc, soon to be adapted into the final anime season...
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Schatten Bereich(シャッテン・ベライヒ) Sha-tte-n' Be-ra-i-hi, German for “Shadow Realm” and pretty literally interpreted in Japanese as [影の領域] “Realm of Shadow(s).”  A straight forward description of what it’s supposed to be as a place hidden in(?) the shadow of Soul Society, and the Seireitei specifically.  It’s a real shame we didn’t get any actual explanation of what this realm was or how it worked or really much of anything other than the super vague description...
Did the Quincy make it themselves to hide in?  Did the Shinigami make it to banish them to?*  What was that thing about Yhwach having a time limit he could spend away from it that just never came back???  If the Quincy were wiped out 200 years prior, how are there so many of them in there?*  Had they been recruiting new Quincy from the human world?(As Nodt having been in a hospital bed suggests yes)  How were people getting in there?  Or were they supposed to be original Quincy from the conflict 200 years ago, in which case... we were told Quincy were specifically humans who’d just mastered and passed down a set of distinct skills, so how did they survive 200 years without just aging and dying?
*[edit]: My mistake. It’s mentioned at the start of the second attack that they hid themselves in the shadows of soul society specifically 1000 years prior, and following the alluded to first conflict between the Shinigami and Quincy.  Although that event wasn’t really elaborated on either, so that just raises other questions.
Anyway...  none of that has to do with the locale itself, and frankly there aren’t really any answers to uncover in the sparse world building material the final arc gave us...  As to the physical features of the realm itself, Kubo really pulled an awkward repeat of Hueco Mundo with the stark white stonework in a realm of eternal darkness...  But this time, it’s more explicitly cold and also literally icy.
I feel like there was supposed to be some kind of theme about the Quincy living in shadows and not seeing the light of the sun, and being denied its warmth, which just seems like a tiny tweak of the Arrancar Arc’s night sky and day light/sun and moon imagery.  Was the Soul King meant to have a sun motif that we just never got to see? (equating light of the sun with love of god and loss there of, harkening back to biblical revolt of heaven imagery?)  Sun gods and sun king and god kings are all pretty classic to Japanese mythos, and also to Japan’s fetishization of some of classical Europe (although that’s more French rococo, ala Louis XIV, than German)  If there’d been a more overt Sun theme with the Soul King it would’ve made a much more interesting parallel with Ichigo’s Black Sun(opposite Rukia’s white moon) motif.
Sorry, off topic again, and mostly just filling space here...
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Wahrwelt(ヴァールヴェルト) Vaa-ru-ve-ru-to meaning “True World” and written as [真世界城] “True World/Society Castle.”  Note that while [真世界] being read as “True World” obviously is meant to mirror Wahrwelt, [世界] can also read as “Society” which is probably meant to directly mirror Soul Society[尸魂界] although they don’t use the exact same construction to denote “Welt” and “Society.”  It suggests that Soul Society is a false regency over the spirit world, and that the Quincy are the rightful rulers, rather than being outsiders come to take over.  Although it feels a little misplaced that the Wahrwelt was specifically the replacement for the Royal Realm and not what replaced the Seireitei.
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Silbern(ジルバーン) Shi-ru-baa-n' just meaning “Silver.”  Written as [銀架城] meaning “Silver Mounted Castle.”  I've seen people translate this is “Silver Cross Castle,” but I think this is a misunderstanding of the verb kakaru[架かる] meaning "to cross."  But that's not "(a) cross" like the Quincy cross, it's "to cross" like to cross a street.  The Quincy had a whole thing about silver stretching pretty far back in the series so there’s consistency there, but it doesn’t seem like there was much more going on with it...
As you might expect from the kind of shoddily put together final arc, there’s not a whole lot else to go off of here.  Which is a shame, because although there’s not a wealth of potential the way the Arrancar arc had, there was certainly a lot of empty space to fill as far as world building or character motivations go.  It would’ve been nice to have actually taken the time to explore any of that...
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In particular there was the super SUPER curious bit with what appeared to be Quincy ruins left in Hueco Mundo that we didn’t really get much of an explanation of.  Kubo even does a remarkably good job with visual story telling where the rough stonework we get only a glimpse of makes it very clear that the ruins aren’t the same same as the clean, sleek designs of Los Noches.
I think one of the light novels gave them the name “Negal Ruins” that the Bleach wikia references, but I don’t have Japanese copies of the LN to confirm that, and the wikia confusingly doesn’t cite where it got the name from or include any kind of kanji or kana...*  But as little as that is to go off of, I do LOVE the idea that the Quincy once occupied Hueco Mundo in the past, and it just feels like the first tiny tiny step toward what should’ve been a much bigger plot point.  Even the fact that Urahara is out there with scientific equipment doing some kind of research seemed to imply that he’d come back with some crucial information...  I guess that was supposed to be the hollow pills plot device?  But that wasn’t especially clear, let alone remotely satisfying either as follow up or even as its own plot development.
*no no, i was way off.  It’s right there in the same chapter they show up. [ネガル遺跡] “NE-GA-RU” + “Historic Ruins/Archeological Site.”  Dunno why my eyes just glossed right over that.  Not that it really clarifies anything.
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Curiously, the Taiyou-no-mon[太陽の門] “Gate of (the) Sun” that plays kind of a deus ex machina role toward the climax of the arc isn’t named in German at all.  (it is mentioned on a few separate occasions, so it doesn’t come out of “nowhere” exactly, but it’s never really elaborated on either)  It’s not clear if that’s supposed to mean something, or if Kubo just gave up juggling dictionaries to come up with a new name on the fly.  It sticks out like a sore thumb by comparison though.  Very odd.
Anyway that’s basically it for big world terms across the major story locales...  There are a few misc. locations like the Valley of Screams or or Hell focused on in the movies and only briefly brought up in the manga, but they’re all pretty literal names: Kyougoku[叫谷] “Scream Valley” where the lost souls, Blanks wind up when they can’t make it to Soul Society, referencing their unheard voices.  Jigoku[地獄] just the actual Japanese word for an underworld, originally borrowed from the Chinese Diyu[地獄] and the mix of indigenous Chinese and Buddhist influences mythos, but at this point linguistically used as the translation for any kind of penitent underworld, regardless of cultural origin.  It’s written with the characters for “Ground” and “Prison.”
I may not have had a lot of take aways from all this, but I gotta admit going back over some of this material did kind of rekindle my excitement for the anime this year, so that’s something.
Bleach Cosmology posts: [Karakura] [SoulSociety] [Hueco Mundo] [Wahrwelt] [Hell/Naraka(allusions)] [Animal Realm(?)] [Preta Realm(?)]
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
Now You Know (Camren) Chapter 3: Living Room Couches
I get off the phone with the Chinese restaurant nearby and call Normani, asking if she would be able to pick it up for me. After negotiating the egg rolls and a portion of the entree’s that I ordered for Camila and me, she obliges. What Normani doesn’t know is that I already ordered food for her too, but what she doesn’t know won’t hurt. After all, people love the feeling of winning something, if you can even call it that. I hang up on Normani and that is when Camila finally steps out of my room. The first thing that stands out immediately when my eyes land on the doe-eyed brunette are her fucking curves. I don’t remember her being that toned in high school. I always overlooked the excess skin that would spill a bit above her pants, but now there isn’t anything to overlook. Camila is sporting a sleeveless crop top that has the Stussy logo in front. The black ripped jeans look like they were made for her legs.
“How do I look?”
“You look go- great,” I stammer, silently cursing myself. The sound of jingling keys from outside the apartment door stops me from embarrassing myself even more.
We both turn our heads towards the door to see Normani carrying a large, brown paper bag that contains our Chinese takeout.
“What’s up y’all?” she greets us. We respond in the same manner as our eyes are trained on the bag in her arms. She sets it onto the dining table and begins to take the contents out of the bag. I lend Camila a hand to stand up, mumbling a “Thanks” before she gravitating towards the food.
I grab some plates and utensils and set them up before the dining chairs. Camila and Normani take their seats while I fetch some water bottles as well. I take my seat afterward, which is a cue for everyone to start digging in. Conversation ensues while we use our utensils to get portions of the Chinese food.
“You guys going out tonight?” Normani asks, dumping fried rice on her plate.
“We’re going to Keana’s; She’s having a party at her place. Do you want to come?” I invite her.
“Probably not, Dr. VanHorn decided to assign a ten-page paper on a controversial topic of our choice,” she rolls her eyes, “And Lauren, before you try to say that it’ll be fun, keep in mind that it’s still a ten-page paper. Besides,” she continues, “I’m usually the hottest girl, at least hottest straight girl, at her parties. But Camila would easily take that place,” she compliments.
Camila giggles at the compliment as she uncaps her water bottle. “Thanks Normani, but I haven’t been straight since seventh grade.” The dark skinned girl’s eyes nearly pop out of their sockets. “You’re gay?! You don’t look like it, no offense,” she exclaims, making the brunette and me laugh. “None taken,” Camila responds, taking a gulp from her water bottle.
“So are you two, like-,” her finger going back and forth between us. Before she can finish her sentence, Camila chokes on her water. Meanwhile, I wave my hands, expressing our denial. “We’re both single. Separately single,” I clarify. “What she said,” Camila coughs.
“I see, I see,” she replies, shooting me a suggestive look. My brows furrow at her gesture, and then I realize what she’s insinuating. No, no. I did not invite Camila here to get anything out of her. Totally a friendly gesture. And I am not going to date Camila Cabello, not like it’d be a bad thing. I’m sure that she’d make a great girlfriend and being able to hold that body would actually be kinda nice and-
I catch myself before they can go any further, shooting a glare at Normani for making my thoughts lead down that road. She returns it with a smirk. The whole exchange goes unnoticed by the Psychology major beside me, who is stuffing herself with the fried rice and Beef & Broccoli before her. We finish our meals with minimal conversation. Before I know it, I’m already changed into my outfit for the night, consisting of a black crop top and white ripped jeans. I do a double take of my apparel in the body mirror, satisfied. I walk out of the room and see Camila putting on her wedge sandals. She is biting her lip, fully concentrated on the wedge strap that won’t move to be adjusted.
I walk over to her place on the couch and kneel down, gently taking the sandals from her. After a quick tug, it seems like it’s fixed. I slip the sandal onto her foot which slightly kicks out for me, and adjust the straps. When they appear do be a good fit, I look up to her and she’s already smiling at me. I use my knee to help myself up from my kneeling position. I put on my black, suede ankle boots and we’re out the door.
It’s a few minutes past 9 o’clock when we’re facing Keana’s apartment door. Jordan, one of Keana’s roommates, opens the door and greets me with a hug. He quickly introduces himself to Camila with a handshake and leaves us alone. The apartment is pretty spacious and can accommodate for a fairly sized party, which is exactly where we’ve found ourselves in. I still haven’t seen Keana yet, but I know she’s here somewhere judging by her keys hanging on the wall. The music streaming through the apartment is loud to keep everyone distracted but not loud enough to impede conversation. We head to the kitchen and I pour myself an alcoholic concoction from the jug on the kitchen counter, while the other girl settles on a beer. She finds a bottle opener nearby and the pop and fizzling of the opened beer bottle are pleasing. We can see the living space from our place in the kitchen, and I spot a few of my friends. I decide that I’ll introduce Camila to them, but before I can even open my mouth to tell Camila, I’m interrupted by a voice behind us.
“You guys came!” Keana says to us both, but her attention is on Camila.
“You have a nice place, Keana,” she comments. The other brunette thanks her before directing herself towards me. “Laur, mind if I steal her for a bit?” referring to Camila. I give my high school friend a look, silencing asking her if she’s comfortable with it. She responds with a small smile, and I give Keana an okay. Keana holds out her hand, which Camila takes and I watch as Keana makes her rounds with everyone in the room to introduce my friend. I feel a bit of jealousy because she was my friend first. I should be the one introducing her! I realize I’m being immature, so I decide to suck it up and join the rest scattered in the apartment.
Time passes as I’m talking to some of my friends, mostly about our plans for Spring Break. Most of the conversations tonight go like this:
“My friend from high school is visiting me.”
“Oh, is she here?”
“Yeah, but I think she’s with Keana.”
“Keana’s girlfriend is your friend from high school?”
The number of eye rolls I suppressed tonight is astonishing. I sought Camila out after a quick trip to the bathroom and I see she’s seated on the sofa, swigging a beer in my hand and holding a conversation with Jordan in the living room. Keana’s arm is wrapped behind her, which explains why people have already started assuming. “Oh, there she is! Come sit,” Keana waves me over with her free hand. Judging by the sluggish movement of her hand and her tone, she’s on her way to a gigantic hangover tomorrow. I sit beside Jordan, who is wrapped in a conversation with Camila. I seem to have zoned out because Jordan is calling my name and waving his hand over my face.
“Sorry, did you miss something?”
The light-skinned male nods. “So from my understanding, you two went to high school together.”
I shake my head, denying his statement.
Junior year was finally over, and I could not be more grateful. Taking four AP classes was definitely a challenge and it didn’t help that I was also playing on the softball team. The end of school year’s festivities occurred a month later, when my friend Meghan, decided to throw a pool party (more like a get-together). The invitation came in a form of a text message in our group chat with some of the other girls at Carrolton.
I was putting on my black and white bikini when my phone vibrates on the dresser. I pick it up and read the text from Meghan.
I was thinking about inviting my friends from middle school. Is that cool with you guys?
Everyone in the group chat responded quickly with approval, me included. It would actually be nice to interact with people that I haven’t known basically my entire life.
Meghan was different than the rest of us. She attended public school until eighth grade when her mother thought it was a good time to enroll her in a private school. The other girls and I have been attending Carrollton since fourth grade, so the arrival of a new girl caught everyone’s attention. She was friendly and instantly clicked with our group, not like there were many to choose from.
It’s a sunny afternoon in Miami and everyone that is at the party is in the pool. I’m emerging from the water when four unfamiliar faces- a guy and three girls- appear from behind the screen door. These must be Meghan’s friends. They settle on a few chairs, picking out tortilla chips from a bowl in the center of them, chatting amongst themselves. I periodically look at them, wondering when they’re going to join the rest of us. One girl stands out from the rest of them; She’s talking with moving hands and the rest of the group is cracking up about what she’s talking about. She’s laughing with them as well, and the sight is endearing. After a few moments, they start downgrading to their swimsuits. I direct my attention to my friends playing in the water.
To my dismay, they sink into the jacuzzi a few feet away from the pool. Meghan is seated with them, catching up. A few friends and I decide to ease our way into their conversation, bored of the group in the pool. We attempt to do it in a manner that doesn’t come off rudely and our presence is welcomed.
“I’ve been meaning to introduce you to each other, but I couldn’t seem to find the right way to,” Meghan laughs.
‘I’m Ally,” the shortest of the group, says. “Dinah.” The blonde smiles, politely introducing herself. “Troy,” the tall male snakes his arms around Ally’s shoulder. They’re an item, most likely.
“And I’m Camila.” And her name is no longer a mystery. Pretty name for a pretty girl.
My friends and I make our rounds as well. When I introduce myself, I notice that Camila is staring at me, probably to pair my face with my name in case we were to ever see each other again. We jump from topic to topic, and Camila’s sense of humor has got us all laughing. Sarcasm oozes from her tone when she talks about the football players at her school, who sound terrible from her experience. It makes me grateful for being in an All Girls School (we don’t deal with adolescent boys (not like they’re any better in college, I’ve learned)). I see why Meghan has kept her as a friend; you can never get bored of this girl. She also has lots of stories to tell.
The sun begins to set, which signals Meghan’s friends to dry off and leave. They wave us goodbye and we return the gesture. I get out of the water as well, changing into dry clothes. People pour out from the house in waves, and eventually, Meghan and our softball teammates are the only ones left. We agreed to help out with cleaning up, which Meghan was extremely grateful for. It takes half an hour of the backyard to look spotless. We sit through a movie in her living room and show ourselves out. I drive back home, tired from being in the water for hours. When I lay on my bed, I get a text from Meghan. The first thing that comes to mind is that I forgot something. If that’s the case, she’ll have to wait for tomorrow because I’m limp. I spare enough energy to pick up my phone and I read the text.
My friend thought you were cute. Do you mind if I give out your number?
I look at my phone in confusion. I was pretty damn sure that Troy, I think his name was, was taken, but I could’ve read his body language wrong. I send out a Sure anyway; It wouldn’t hurt, he was kinda cute. I scroll on my Instagram, liking photos as I go until my phone vibrates from a new notification.
1-305-555-7648: Hi, it’s Camila. :)
Camila? I can’t say I’m disappointed because a part of me wanted to have Camila as a friend. I didn’t know how it would have happened, but it may have just solved itself. I look at the alarm clock on my nightstand. 10:47. I groan, remembering that I have a softball tournament at school tomorrow.
Heyyyy! Sorry but I have to go to sleep now. I have an early day tomorrow. Softball tournament. :/
I put Camila’s number in my contacts and a few minutes later, she replies back.
Camila: Alrighty then, goodnight Lauren!
I can’t muster the strength to text back, so I drift off to sleep, holding it off for tomorrow.
“I was so lame,” Camila groans, “Couldn’t even get your number on my own.”
“I had the biggest crush on you,” she chuckles, bringing the rim of the bottle to her lips. She had a crush on me?!
The shock on my face is evident because she says, “What did you think I meant when I said you were cute?”
“Yeah I know that, but when we started talking, you- you never addressed it again. And we became friends and- you didn’t try anything with me.” I explain. Jordan and Keana are looking between us, somewhat entertained by my revelation.
“Of course not, I was always a nervous wreck around you back then.” She looks at the bottle in her hand, noticing that it’s nearly empty. “I’m gonna get some more beer,” she pats Keana’s knee before excusing herself to the kitchen, leaving the three of us alone.
“Wow,” Keana starts, “You fucked up big time!” she laughs hysterically due to all the alcohol she has consumed tonight. She leans towards me drunkenly, “You almost had her. But don’t worry, I won’t make the same mistake.” She winks and leans back on the couch, waiting for Camila to appear at her side again. And I can’t help but feel uneasy because of her last comment.
  A/N: Bam. Lauren will deal with her thoughts in the next chapter, I figured that this chapter was getting lengthy. Thoughts? Concerns? Let me know! I did not proofread, I am sorry.
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alaynirpcorner · 7 years
Late night Clone Meeting
[21:47] Mr. Teacher Mag (magunamu.silvercloud): <C> Your Majesty, This is General Mag, I need to meet with you urgently about matters of war. [21:49] Valara Kira (alayni.axelrad): [Comm] *says in what starts off as a sleepy voice but becomes abruptly more awake*  War?  Have you boys been starting trouble again?  Give me a few minutes and we will meet in the throne room. [21:51] Mr. Teacher Mag (magunamu.silvercloud): <C> Roger that, I will wait for you there.
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21:58] Valara Drayen-Kira arrived down from her chambers looking considerably less "done up" than usual, looking rather simple compared to her usual garb, though obvious effort was made albeit hastily to appear somewhat regal at the late hour they were arriving.  "Alright what has happened?" she asked tiredly.
[21:58] Shock Trooper D-5104 "Mag" bows to the queen and says "I'm glad you were able to meet with us so quickly. The situation on Tython is bad. They are arguably occupied by the Sarapin Empire. The only reason we know this is because Comet here was nearly killed on a diplomatic mission to the Sarapin after his own meeting with the NOJ."
[22:00] T-2844 'Comet': "Looks like a key member of the Council is compromised by the daughter of the Emperor. They're almost always seen together, and my investigation shows they're likely in a relationship of some kind." [22:01] Shock Trooper D-5104 "Mag" says "based on her statements, I believe that the member of the Council is actually the Emperor's daughter. She referred to the Emperor as 'Father' Several times." [22:04] Valara Drayen-Kira looked to the three of them, trying her best to follow the somewhat hurried explanation of the soldiers.  She pulled out her datapad and began to scan through it, "There was a report by an M-6969 Lynx a week ago saying they were not occupied by the Sarapin soldiers but were in fact being protected by them.  The Jedi told this Lance Corporal, insisted even, that this Sarapin Empire were not sith.  But the Lance Corporal travelled to Mimban where their home base was rumored to be located and there was sith symbols all over their machines.  I had plans on making this information available to the press and spreading the word all over the galaxy but gentlemen, Tython is a sovereign government.  One I do not rule.  I can hardly go to war with them because they opted for a regime change." she replied, raising an eyebrow. [22:05] Shock Trooper D-5104 "Mag" says "I'm not saying go to war with Tython, They are puppets, we need to hit the Puppetmaster, the Sarapin. They have already declared war with their callous attack on one of our men."
[22:06] Valara Drayen-Kira sighed, "Well it would have been prudent to mention something like THAT in your initial explanation General.  Why did they initiate an attack on one of the soldiers?"
[22:07] Shock Trooper D-5104 "Mag" says "Unknown, the trooper took an unarmed shuttle from their own defense station under peaceful terms and found himself getting shot down and ambushed once he... well I guess landed isn't the best word... crashed." [22:08] Valara Drayen-Kira frowned, lowering the datapad, "How is the trooper?  Did he survive?  Is he captured?"
[22:09] T-2844 'Comet': "I've got multiple reports corroborating that Sith claim, to include an operative who requested to remain anonymous who claims that they met with forces in the Undercity and attempted to form an alliance with the Dathomiri witches to overthrow the government. You don't need to declare war, ma'am, they already did." He as someone else echoed his point. "After Lynx's mission, I figured I'd talk to them and find out if the stories matched. They claimed they knew that she was a trooper despite her disguise, and repeated that the Empire wasn't Sith. When I asked them how they felt about the Empire being, well, an Empire, as well as using Sith iconography on their flags and armor, they suggested I go to the homeworld of the Sarapim Empire myself. I went to Sarapim Prime, their Imperial seat, and met with customs agents who supplied me with a shuttle to the surface. As soon as I made atmo, however, I was shot down, ambushed, and they attempted to kill me." [22:09] Shock Trooper D-5104 "Mag" says "He said it best himself. This is Sgt Comet if you have not met yet, he was the one investigating." [22:14] Valara Drayen-Kira nodded at Comet, "Yes they knew she was a trooper because she told them.  She thought because they were jedi she could disclose such information to them personally in good faith, and was shocked to learn they were not being occupied under hostilities.  While I commend your dedication to persuit of this, perhaps for your own curiosity even, we do have diplomats and Ambassadors to do this job and next time you should leave such an encounter in her hands, with your escorting her there of course.  Though it seems in this case it was your guile and strength as a soldier that made you the better choice in this particular case, since you were shot at.  Just please bear this in mind for future encounters.  Sarapin Prime, I am not aware of that planet.  Is that Mimban under another name?" she asked.  Her eyes darkened, as if she had only just now processed his previous information.  "Overthrow what government, Tython or Onderon?"
[22:15] Shock Trooper D-5104 "Mag" says surprised "Yours, your majesty., that was the reason for the investigation since it related to Onderon." [22:20] T-2844 'Comet': "It's between the Treskov System and Nemoidia. It's one of the primary sources of fuel in the galaxy, and was host to some battles during the Clone Wars. My information showed that it was the heart of their Empire. Plus, you know, the Empire's named after it, so there's that. Mimban is a Sith world as well, to my knowledge, one that this Empire holds sway over. Investigation on multiple occasions has shown no activity, however, of anyone other than civilians. Regarding the diplomatic action, I assessed, apparently correctly, that the Jedi was sending me into a trap. Had I sent a diplomat, they'd be dead now, and I'm sure we'd hear it was an accident." [22:24] Valara Drayen-Kira looked at the General, "Well he said the government, not which, better to clarify than not!" she scolded him. She nodded at Comet, "I have to agree with you there Sergeant, in this case we were lucky it was you, BUT, the ambassadors know the risks they take and it is still preferable that next time you report to her and you both go at the very least." she replied, raising the datapad again and bringing up the area he described on her galaxy map.  "I see it," she replied.  "Were you able to find out their interest in Onderon and why they would want to overthrow our government?" [22:34] T-2844 'Comet': "From what I gather they're doing this on every planet with significant Sith or Jedi history. Exact same playbook. Come in looking like allies with a mighty and massive empire to back you, and if you refuse they attack. The difference is that they didn't get to the attack stage here, presumably because of the war on Tython. They destroyed whole settlements on Tython, burned it to the ground, and if the Mandalorian who was in the Jedi Chambers is any indication, Tython fought hard to repel them. Only they didn't repel them, because the Jedi council apparently consists of the Emperor's daughter, the emperor's son-in-law, and an individual who didn't speak but was wearing Sith robes in the style of a Sith from the Old Republic." [22:37] Valara Drayen-Kira blinked, "You will have to humor your tired Queen Sergeant.  I am a bit confused.  You say Tython fought hard to repel them, only, they didn't repel them.  So they did or didn't try to?  Or did they start to and stop because of the Emperor's daughter?  And how did you find all of this out so quickly, you should get a medal for this..."
[22:39] T-2844 'Comet': "The Mandalorian gave us quite a bit of information in what little he said. He was blatantly afraid of war. He seemed to think they'd won. But there was certainly an invasion, and I personally saw villages on fire. Though they apparently repelled the invasion, there were still dozens of Stormtroopers on the surface, mostly centered around the Jedi temple." [22:40] Valara Drayen-Kira looked puzzled, "Then why did the Jedi Grandmaster of the order there say the Sarapin Empire's troops were their allies and there to protect them to the trooper who went there before?" [22:42] T-2844 'Comet': "According to the blond guy on the Council, the Troopers aren't there to protect the Jedi, they're all apparently under the command of and guardians to the Emperor's daughter specifically."
[22:44] Valara Drayen-Kira raised an eyebrow.  "It would seem the Grandmaster has been caught in a lie.  Though that was evident in the other trooper's report.  I trust you can verify all this information and hand me your report personally Sergeant?  Going to war is a big deal and I will need the proof in your helmet cam for documentation purposes."
[22:48] T-2844 'Comet': "My cam was damaged in the escape from Sarapin. I barely survived that fight. As to the mission we just returned from, we've certainly got footage of that." [22:50] Valara Drayen-Kira nods, "What about proof these people are trying to overthrow our government.  Does that exist?"
[22:52] T-2844 'Comet': "Only conversations between covert operatives and the somewhat shy Dathomiri people. They don't allow technology in their camp."
[22:54] Valara Drayen-Kira frowned, "So there is no recordings of the attack upon your shuttle and none of their suspected plot to overthrow the government? While it isn't that I do not believe you Sergeant, quite the opposite really, if I am going to go to war with a people and send potentially thousands to their deaths not to mention the media coverage and inquiries from our allies, then I need something to present to show facts. [22:58] T-2844 'Comet': "If I recall correctly the... princess? Empress Junior? Whatever. The tart who's manipulating the government of Tython. She stated that she knew of the attack on my shuttle during our meeting today. I'm sure we'll have that recorded." [22:58] Valara Drayen-Kira nodded, "Did she say in the recording that the Sarapin Empire were responsible?"
[22:59] T-2844 'Comet': "She said specifically that her Father told her of the incident, referring to the Emperor." [23:00] Valara Drayen-Kira sighed, "Yes I am sure an Emperor of the planet you were attacked on would have been informed but we need an admission of doing it." [23:01] T-2844 'Comet': "I'll just nip on over and get a signed confession then. I can probably dodge all the blaster fire again." [23:04] Valara Drayen-Kira lowered the datapad, glaring at the Sergeant, "Sergeant, I do not appreciate the sarcasm.  While I understand your frustration, you have come to me of no hard proof that would hold up in any court of the claims you are making.  And while I said I personally believe you, making a declaration of WAR with another planet is not something I can casually take from word alone, no matter WHO it came from.  I need solid evidence either of attack upon my troops or plot to overthrow Onderonian government.  Do you think you can obtain this for me?"
[23:09] T-2844 'Comet': "Who's being sarcastic? I'm being literal. They're willing to go to war. You're not, yet. As such, it'll be easy to get them to shoot at us. All I've got to do is survive the encounter. Piece of cake. Easiest way to obtain this is to send someone else to Sarapin. I'm pretty sure they shoot everyone down that enters, judging by the amount of wreckage. There's a Sith temple at the crash site, one that requires a riddle to enter. I couldn't figure it out, but the pyramid gave me enough elevation to get to an escape route." [23:13] Valara Drayen-Kira raised an eyebrow, "Surely you understand in my position it would make me no better than the sith if I were willing to drop bombs on someone without making absolutely sure.  I would rather not send someone else, but you.  You have laid all the groundwork for this.  At the very least you could send a team to recover the wreckage of your shuttle and we could take evidence that way.  I just need something more concrete than word of mouth.  What would you genuinely recommend?  Perhaps sending the ambassador with a tracking device and yourself as escort to try to talk with this...Emperor?" [23:15] T-2844 'Comet': "They know the registry number on my ship, have my ID, and biometrically scanned me in customs. If I attempt to go back they'll recognize me immediately. It's got to be another clone."
[23:28] Valara Drayen-Kira nodded.  All this was a pain.  She wished she could just go in guns blazing to destroy entire planets who messed with her troops.  She would lose NO sleep over annihilating tython and all the Jedi on it.  But that was not the way politics worked.  "I am going to attempt to send our Ambassador to meet with the Emperor.  It will be a dangerous mission, one I would like the General himself to accompany her on.  With whatever contingent of soldiers you feel a mission like this should require.  The ship will be tracked and have special emergency beacons on it that will send signals back home automatically should you run into trouble."
[23:30] T-2844 'Comet': "In the meantime what should we be doing?"
[23:33] Valara Drayen-Kira smirked at the Sergeant, checking the time listed digitally on the datapad, "Well normal people sleep at this hour Sergeant.  I suggest you do the same.  I would like to see the troops go into their first stages of heightened readiness.  I am setting DEFCON level 4 until we get more information."
[23:34] T-2844 'Comet': "I don't think 'normal' was in the flash training I got, ma'am. I'll have to read up on it."
[23:40] Shock Trooper D-5104 "Mag" says "I would be happy to escort the ambassador on that mission"
[23:42] Shock Trooper D-5104 "Mag" turns to Snooper "Captain I want extra guards posted in addition to what's warranted by Defcon 4, focusing on the monarchy and essential civilian buildings, medical, infrastructure, etc. You get the picture, make it happen."
[23:42] T-2844 'Comet': "I guess I'll meet with my contact, then, see if the Dathomiri will be willing to go on record about the attempt to rebel."
[23:43] Valara Drayen-Kira nodded at both of them, approving highly of each approach.  "Very good gentlemen.  Thank you very much for your service.  General the Ambassador will be calling you tomorrow."
[23:47] Shock Trooper D-5104 "Mag" nods and says "Roger that, your Majesty. I'll prep some specialist tech for the mission in the meantime."
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