#tl bjergsen
enarratives · 1 year
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I kinda just wanna see what my life is like, when my identity and all my time is not all tied up in League of Legends and trying to achieve competitive success. [...] I'm just going to take some time away and I don't know what the future holds - just being okay with stepping into that uncertainty. I think with time, League really showed me that if I apply myself to something, if I really study something, if put my heart and soul into something, I can actually be competent and skilful at something. ... I never thought I'd be able to do this for so long. I thought, "maybe I'll just play a year, and maybe I'll have to go back to school." Now I'm sitting here, ten plus years later, and it's all very surreal.
Thank you, Bjergsen 🖤
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shizzleytb · 1 year
Bjergsen Final Goodbye
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lolathelotus · 10 months
The Bell Family Round 6
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Mason celebrates his 13th birthday!
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Poor Biscuit gets sick again this round. While at the vet with him, Vivian decides to rejoin the workforce!
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Mason spends a day at the beach with some friends from school.
From left to right: Darcy Bjergsen, Havana Bailey, Fletcher Goth
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Vivian has done less object-possessing this round; however, she now spends most nights shoveling snow into snow.
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Biscuit leaves home late every night and returns early the next morning. No one knows where he goes.
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Michael decides he wants to get another pet!
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Meet Arlo Bell. He's intense.
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TL;DR: Mason turns 13. Vivian goes back to work as a Detective. Michael adopts a cat, Arlo.
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yuragawa · 7 months
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 Worlds 2023 スイスステージDay8、3勝すれば勝ち抜けの新フォーマットで激突した2勝1敗の2チーム、NRGとG2。国際大会観戦勢にとっては定番ともいえるのEU vs NAという対決が行われた。LECにおいて常に一つ抜けた強さのチームとして知られるG2と、CLGの組織を引き継いでLCSを勝ち抜けたNRG。ともに地域の第1シードチームとはいえ、下馬評ではG2が圧倒的に有利とみられていた。しかしそんな予想をNRGはあっさりと覆してG2を2-0で圧倒。3勝1敗でノックアウトステージ進出を決め、その勝利にLCSファンは熱狂した。単なる勝利、ベスト8入りに留まらないその意味について、過去を振り返りながら紹介していく。
 Worldsで『NA=Near Airport』、あるいは『Last Hope C9』といった表現を見たり聞いたりしたことはあるだろうか。前者は北米からWorldsに参加するチームは空港が近い=すぐに敗退してしまうという事を自虐的に評したミームであり、後者はそんな中で最後に残って戦うチームが毎回C9であるという事を表した言い回しだ。実際、LCSチームは過去のWorldsでは苦戦続きとなっており、C9を除いたチームがベスト8入りを確定させたのは2014年のTSM以来となっている。
 C9に限れば2018年のベスト4入りといった結果も残っているが、それ以外のチームはグループステージ敗退が常となっていたのだ。特に2020年に至っては第1シードチームが0-6で敗退という記録を残し、ファンを大いに失望させている。伝統の一戦として扱われているEU vs NAも、実績面で言えばNAは後塵を拝していた。そんな流れの中でEUの象徴ともいえるトップチームのG2をBo3で破ったという結果はNAにとって大きな勝利となった。
NA org owners are you watching? If this isn't proof of the possibilities with NA talent then I don't know what is. TAKE A BOW @NRGLeague
— Kobe (@esports_kobe) October 28, 2023
I remember back at Training Grounds like five years ago I was embedded with the team @palafoxlol was on Even then, he was the kid that everyone else ignored And he smashed everyone Then he went to Academy and got doubted, and crushed everyone Then he went to LCS and got…
— The Esports Writer (@FionnOnFire) October 28, 2023
 これらのポストは、NA在野の才能とその育成について言及した内容となっている。これはLCSという地域の歴史や性質に関わる問題なので、順を追って説明していきたい。  LCSという地域は、LoLのトップリーグの中でも歴史が長く、本家であるという自負があり、また多額の資金が投じられているリーグの一つである。特に地域外選手の採用という点では最初に他地域の選手をチームに加え、地域外選手は2名までというルールを作った原因となった地域でもある。今までLCSに参加した各地のスター選手や若き才能を上げていけば、BjergsenやLustboy、Looper、Froggen、Piglet、Crown、CoreJJ、Zven……と枚挙に暇がない。
 今回NAを熱狂させたNRGのメンバーを見てみよう。  Dhoklaは2017頃からキャリアをスタート。以来アカデミーとLCSを行ったり来たりしていた。アカデミーでは悪くない結果を出すものの、LCSではそれなりで、国際大会には手が届かない中堅所だった。
 こうしてみると、地域外選手5人で固めるチームが想定しているであろうスターや、既にLCSで活躍しているWorlds優勝クラスのベテランたちとは毛色の違うメンバーが揃っている。彼らはLCSやその2部リーグであるアカデミーリーグで戦い、何ならSummer splitも5位でプレイオフに入ったメンバーだ。それでもLCS 2023 Championshipに勝利し、スイスステージではTL,MAD,G2を下してベスト8を勝ち取った。おそらくこの組織の強みは総勢9名のコーチ、ストラテジックコーチ、ポジションコーチ、アナリスト陣なのだろう。これは同じくWorldsに出場していたTLやC9と比べても倍に近い人数だ。
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thetoxicgamer · 2 years
Bjergsen Leaves Team Liquid After One Season With Organization
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After one season with the team, Team Liquid has parted ways with veteran League of Legends mid laner Bjergsen, the company announced today. Bjergsen, who retired from professional play after the 2020 season, returned to the LCS stage to play for Team Liquid in 2022. The franchise built a “super team” around Bjergsen in hopes of qualifying for and making a potentially deep run at the World Championship, but Liquid failed to qualify for the event. https://twitter.com/TeamLiquidLoL/status/1591158825985495042 “In terms of competing we didn’t really get the results that we wanted but there are still a lot of good things to take away and I built some good relationships with people here,” Bjergsen said in a video posted by Liquid on social media. This season, Bjergsen and Team Liquid finished fourth in the LCS Summer Split playoffs, coming just one game away from qualifying for the World Championship. Despite having a roster jam-packed with veteran Western players, including top laner Bwipo and AD carry Hans Sama—both of whom were signed prior to the season in hopes of making a run at the Summoner’s Cup—the team came up just short on the domestic stage. Throughout his LCS career, Bjergsen has played for only two teams: Liquid and TSM. He spent the entirety of his time in North America with TSM, both as a player and coach, between 2014 and 2021. His future in the league remains uncertain at this time, although offseason rumors linking him to teams such as 100 Thieves, among others, have begun to sprout. “I wanted to just thank the TL fans for being so accepting and inviting from the beginning,” Bjergsen said. “I was a little bit nervous because I had been competing against TL for so long, but the fans have been really sweet and welcoming, and now that I’m going elsewhere, I hope that you guys are going to keep supporting me.” Next season, Liquid will likely opt for a full rebuild. The team has already parted ways with Hans Sama and now Bjergsen, paving the way for new entrants, including Academy-level talents Yeon and Haeri to potentially have a starting role on the roster next season. Additionally, it was reported by independent League journalist Brieuc Seeger earlier this week that Liquid’s longtime support CoreJJ will be staying with the team for the 2023 season. CoreJJ has been involved in overseeing Liquid’s Academy and Amateur-level tryouts this past week. Bjergsen’s contract is still active in the League global contract database. His contract with the team was set to expire following the end of next season. Read the full article
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rge-nini · 5 years
Is this like a personal attack or somethig?
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schumaquinho · 2 years
had forgotten how good bjergsen was on zilean 😌
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impactfirebomb-blog · 5 years
¡ Premios na LCS 2018!
Novato de la división
1er lugar: Robert "Blaber" Huang-Jungle, C9 (118 puntos) 2do lugar: Tristan "Zeyzal" Stidam-support, C9 (105 puntos) 3er lugar: Raymond "Wiggily" Griffin-Jungle, CLG (34 puntos) 2018 novato del verano de las papeletas divididas
Entrenador de la división
1er lugar: Hangyu "reapered" Bok-C9 (119 puntos) 2do lugar entrenador: Brandon  "saintvicious " Dimarco-volar (65 puntos) 3er lugar entrenador: Jang  "Cain " nu-RI-TL (48 puntos) 2018 coche del verano de las balotas partidas
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Na LCS All-Pro equipo 1st na LCS todo-Pro Team:
Chan-Ho "ssumday" Kim-Top, 100 (125 puntos) Jake "Xmithie" puchero-Jungle, TL (94 puntos) Nicolaj  "Jensen " Jensen-MID, C9 (102 puntos) Yiliang "Doublelift" Peng-ADC, TL (134 puntos) Negro-ayuda de Zaqueri "Aphromoo", 100 (105 puntos) 2do equipo All-Pro de na LCS:
Eric "regaliz" Ritchie-Top, C9 (98 puntos)
Joshua "Dardoch" Hartnett-Jungle, Fox (75 puntos)
Tristan "Powerofevil" Schrage-MID, opt (82 puntos) Zachary  "Sneaky " Scuderi-ADC, C9 (48 puntos) Tristan "Zeyzal" Stidam-support, C9 (75 puntos) 3er equipo All-Pro de na LCS:Eonyoung  "impacto" Jeong-Top, TL (21 puntos) y Ho-Jong "Flame" Lee-arriba, Fly (21 puntos)
Lucas "Santorin" Larsen-jungla, Fly (58 puntos) Søren  "Bjergsen " Bjerg-MID, TSM (61 puntos) Jesper  "Zven " Svenningsen-ADC, TSM (31 puntos) Joosung "Olleh" Kim-support, TL (35 puntos) 2018 na LCS Summer Split All-Pro boletas
Jugador más valioso: Yiliang "Doublelift" Peng-ADC, TL (119 puntos) 2do lugar MVP: Chan-Ho "ssumday" Kim-Top, 100 (103 puntos) 3er lugar MVP: Eric "regaliz" Ritchie-Top, C9 (46 puntos)
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enarratives · 1 year
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Sure, play another song. I got nothing better to do.
lolesports + A Softer World
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heronetworkgg · 3 years
Jensen sin rodeos: "Sin Bjergsen la LCS ha perdido más que lo que ha ganado"
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La League Championship Series (LCS) ha venido sufriendo cambios desde el año pasado, desde los típicos cambios de jugadores hasta un nuevo formato. Luego de finalizar el Lock In, del cual salió victorioso Team Liquid ante Cloud9 (3-2 respectivamente), Nicolaj Jensen, midlaner de TL, comentó en una entrevista con James «Dash» Patterson que la competición […]
Ir a la noticia completa
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lolathelotus · 11 months
The Villareal Family Round 6
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Despite Hugo and Max's earnest efforts to help the shopping center succeed, they have been losing money every day since purchasing the property.
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Alexander Goth is friends with Hugo but really dislikes Luna.
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Max will be moving out on his own at the beginning of the next round!
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Luna is a multi-tasking queen.
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After tons of hard work and dreadfully long hours, the Villareal siblings finally have a good sales day.
The extra advertising helped...
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TL;DR: The Willow Creek Shopping Center has lost money everyday since the Villareal siblings purchased it. Hugo applies to university to study Culinary Arts. Luna starts writing a book and dates Sofia Bjergsen. Max gets a promotion in the Criminal Career and decides to move out on is own next round. Finally, the siblings have a good sales day at the end of the round.
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fanatic13 · 3 years
League of Legends thoughts
This year has been quite the shake-up in the LoL world with big money transfers happening throughout the regions. I’ll lightly touch on the big moves and some of the news in the Esport scene. For me the big shocker was the Perks move to NA, former face of G2 now joining the ranks of C9. Next being the Fnatic fan that I am I have to talk about Rekkles making the move to his rival team in G2 to replace Perks, a decision many fans were blindsided by. Going back to the NA region where to even begin... Doublelift retiring also caught many fans off guard as well as Bjergsen retiring and becoming the coach of TSM. Following these big names leaving the scene NA imported a lot of eastern talent to fill their rosters, signing big money contracts in the hopes of being competitive internationally. An interesting statistic is that most teams in NA have completely changed rosters this year for the first time ever, really shaking up what we know about the region. Lastly it seems TL are the champions winning a decisive best-of-five game against the runner up C9. There is honestly too much news to cover here so I’ll end it there, I hope everyone is staying safe. Keep on gaming. -Fanatic
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virtuoso-lol · 4 years
2020 LCS Pre-Split Team Power Rankings
Hello again! It’s time to once again waste my time trying to predict how these teams are going to do. This time we’re looking at NA’s League of Legends Championship Series, and placing all 10 teams in order from best to worst. I do have to put a disclaimer that I think most likely one of the teams in the top 6 are going to boom and completely flop to bottom 3. It could be any of them. Well, any of them besides TL - which perfectly leads into the number one position...
Team Liquid have established themselves as the kings of NA, winning an unprecedented 4 splits in a row over the last 2 years. With very few and very calculated roster swaps being made, TL has made conscious controlled efforts to continue to improve the quality of their team despite being on top of the competition. Bringing back 4/5 of their championship winning roster from last year is no surprise to see, and should essentially guarantee them a top 3 finish. The introduction of Broxah to the team to replace Xmithie is a bit of a risk - Xmithie is known as an exceptionally smart player that can completely alter a team’s performance. However, Broxah is no slouch, and the long successful European jungler will surely will serve as a worthy replacement. Anything less than top 3 would be an absolute shock, and I don’t really see a world where they don’t finish top 2.
It’s finally time for TSM’s return to the top of the table. TSM fans caught a glimpse of what a successful TSM could look like in 2019 spring, but it all fell apart by summer, where they flopped early in playoffs to Clutch and once again in the worlds qualifier gauntlet. Much of TSM’s issues stemmed from two issues: Zven’s underperformance, and a lack of certainty in the jungle position. TSM found themselves in a scenario where they were rotating out 3 junglers that all gave similarly mediocre performances. Now that they’ve brought Dardoch back to the main stage in the jungle position, I feel much more confident in this team. TSM has never had a player quite as vocal and confident as Dardoch and I think this will benefit the team greatly. Additionally, replacing Zven and Smoothie with Kobbe and Biofrost seems like an upgrade overall. I would consider Biofrost a sidegrade to Smoothie in terms of individual skill, but because Smoothie didn’t synergize that well with Zven, it should be an upgrade. Kobbe just returned from a phenomenal European performance and worlds quarterfinals run, and looks to still be on top of his game. Of course, retaining Bjergsen and Brokenblade is a plus as well, as both of them looked quite good throughout all of 2019. I expect great things from this roster - let’s hope that it’s not another year of disappointment.
Right around here is where things start to get spicy. Places 3-6 are essentially guesses that depend on team synergy, because all of these teams have made several roster changes and have a lot of individual talent. In my opinion, CLG simply has the most individual talent out of these middle of the pack teams. Acquiring Crown is a phenomenal pickup for them, as he opens up more playstyles for the team than PoE did. Losing Biofrost is a shame, as he looked like the team’s star player last split, but getting Smoothie should be a more than suitable replacement, provided he can synergize well with Stixxay. Stixxay looked pretty good last split, although he had an unfortunate habit of choking at poor times, I still think he’s more than sufficient to compete on a top 3 team. Ruin looked fantastic for most of the split, but was often exposed by Huni in their gauntlet series against Clutch. Still, this doesn’t take away from the fact that Ruin has been performing far past expectations. To top it all off, I actually think that retaining Wiggily is the best thing CLG did over the off-season. He looks to be the next great NA jungler, and now that he has a year of experience under his belt, I expect him to do great things for CLG. I have, god forbid, a lot of faith in this roster to succeed and I expect them to finish 3rd.
I’m probably going to get a lot of flack for placing them so far up, but Evil Geniuses looks to have one of the best rosters with less question marks than other teams. Filling the slot left by Echo Fox after their organization collapsed, Evil Geniuses completely did away with the remains of that team and built a team from scratch. Acquiring Bang and Zeyzal gives them one of the most solid bot lanes in the league. Despite 100 Thieve’s struggle early in 2019, Bang looked consistently good. Zeyzal is also looking quite good, after making worlds semifinals in his rookie year, last year was not as impressive, but looked solid domestically. I expect more of the same from him this year. Jiizuke is also an interesting pickup, and I think he’s more than capable of handling most of the competition in NA. Of course, we can’t forget Svenskeren, who is probably the best individual jungler in NA. He absolutely dominated on C9 and I hope to see more of that from him on EG, however, he no longer has a player of LIcorice’s caliber in the top lane. EG elected to promote Kumo from academy to the main stage, which I see as a big risk. Maybe it will work out, but It’s difficult to tell whether or not he’s ready to compete with the likes of Impact, BrokenBlade, Huni, Licorice, and a lot of the stacked top lane talent in NA. This question mark in the top lane is what brings doubt to my mind for Evil Geniuses.
#5: 100 THIEVES
100 Thieves had by far the most fascinating off-season to me. Not only did they bring back 3 players from their worlds-qualifying lineup, but they also brought in Ryoma from OCE. Bringing back Ssumday, Meteos, and Cody Sun is a fantastic move for the org, as they are all top tier in their respective roles. Cody Sun is coming off a fantastic run to worlds, Meteos led Optic into playoffs almost singlehandedly (with some help from Crown) after earning a permanent starting position, and Ssumday is finally free from his academy prison where he looked far better than his competition. Ultimately, I have 2 concerns for 100 Thieves. One, Ryoma is a bit of a risk, as its near impossible to tell for sure how he will fare against the mid lane competition in NA, which is fairly stacked with prestigious imports. Using their import slot on an OCE player is a risk, but they clearly feel confident in his play and I look forward to his debut. The other issue is Stunt. He’s seen main stage play before, but has been playing in academy for most of his career and he’s never looked particularly exceptional, but maybe being paired with Cody Sun will unlock the potential that has kept him around for so long. I could see this team finishing anywhere from 6th to 3rd, but the unpredictability of Ryoma and Stunt lands them at 5th on my list.
#6: CLOUD9
I’m probably going to get some hate for this one, and it’s always a meme that C9 lost the offseason and then they always do super well, but I just don’t really feel the off-season changes. It would be a stretch to put them out of playoffs, but it’s certainly possible if one of the lower listed teams click very well. Licorice is still an absolute beast and by far the best native NA top laner, and Nisqy looks quite good but not quite on the level of competitors like Jensen, Bjergsen, Crown, and others. I do think that picking up Vulcan is one of the best roster moves made in the off-season, as he looked incredible on Clutch last year and was largely responsible for their worlds qualification. However, this is countered by losing Sven and promoting Blaber, and acquiring Zven from TSM. Svenskeren was the best jungler in the league last split and losing him is a big gut-punch for C9. Blaber is a good player, but I don’t think he’s good enough to outjungle players like Dardoch, Wiggily, Meteos, Sven, Xmithie, and Broxah. This puts him in the bottom half of NA junglers which worries me for the success of C9. Zven looked pretty terrible towards the end of TSM’s run last year which leads me to believe that he will continue to underperform, but if anyone is good at turning broken TSM players back into top tier competitors, it’s C9, so I wouldn’t be surprised to see them place as high as 3rd, but I think 6th-4th is more likely with how stacked NA is this year.
Dignitas is filled with talent on its main and academy rosters. Keeping Huni is big - I would argue that 1.15 mil a year big. He’s capable of besting any top laner in NA and can net wins by himself sometimes - but, he can also lose them by himself at times. However, that coinflip usually lands in Huni’s favor. Having the Grig/Akaadian situation in the jungle is probably good for a mid tier team like Dignitas, and hopefully they figure out who they want to run early and commit to them for the year. Alternatively, with the amount of other talent on their academy teams, they have a lot of unique strategic possibilities. Froggen is always a great addition to a team, although his playstyle often feels one-dimensional. Having Damonte as a sub is great for DIG and opens up more playstyles if they want to utilize him as a sub. One of the more criticizable moves DIG made was picking up Aphromoo after his abysmal year on 100 Thieves. Aphro has looked completely lost for the last year, but if he can get back into form, it could be a big pickup. It’s also possible for DIG to promote Olleh and Damonte from academy to the main stage if Aphro/Froggen isn’t working out. To top it all off, they are fielding the ONLY rookie on a main LCS team in Johnsun as ADC. Johnsun has been hyped since he got scouted by TSM and I’m excited to see how he does, and I think pairing him with a veteran like Aphromoo is a good way to mature him into a top tier competitor. This team is honestly a giant coinflip and I could see it placing anywhere from 9th to 2nd, depending on different scenarios.
The offseason Flyquest had is a bit lackluster in comparison to most of the other teams in the LCS. They kept Viper, Santorin, and WildTurtle, which I think was smart. Viper is young, native to NA, and has looked great since Flyquest brought him to the main team. He struggles against some of the top lane powerhouses in the region, but he has the ability to beat any of them. Santorin was on fire in spring, bringing Flyquest to the semifinals where they fell to the unstoppable Team Liquid, but he seemed to lose his way a bit in summer. I think he has what it takes to bring it back this split, but it’s possible he will flop once again. WildTurtle is such a historic player and has always looked quite good, so it’s no surprise to see him returning this year, especially since he’s become the face of the team. The changes that FLY made over the off-season are more perplexing. Firstly, getting rid of Pobelter made a lot of sense. He had a pretty terrible summer split and dragged the team down severely. However, I’m not sure if picking up PoE was the answer. He’s very very good at what he does, but he really only plays one playstyle. I still think it’s an upgrade, but it brings its own share of problems. Finally, they brought in Ignar to replace JayJ/Wadid from last year. Again, a definite upgrade, but the support competition in NA is quite good. Ignar looked pretty good on Schalke last year, so maybe he has what it takes to help turn Flyquest back into a playoffs team, but I’m not totally confident. It does feel strange to put them all the way down at 8th, and I wouldn’t be shocked to see them make playoffs, but I think the other teams have more going for them.
In contrast to Flyquest, Immortals may have had the most fascinating off-season of any team in NA. Firstly, they came out swinging by snatching up Xmithie after Team Liquid released him. Xmithie has been a top tier jungler in NA for years, and is an NA resident, so this pickup is huge. However, the team around him is a total coinflip. Soaz just came off of a disastrous two splits on the Misfits “superteam” that completely failed, but he has a longer history of success than almost any NA player, so it’s possible for him to perform well. They also acquired Hakuho in the support role after Echo Fox exploded, which is a very solid pickup, as he’s been a quite successful native NA support, and he even looked good on that dumpsterfire of an Echo Fox roster in 2019. The other 2 members of the new Immortals squad seem to be high risk low reward. Bringing Eika to the mid lane is the first time he’s seen main squad play since ELEMENTS in EU 2016. He’s been bouncing around amateur teams since then, and has received little hype in that time. The entire 2016 Elements squad struggled a lot, but players like Froggen and Rekkles found ways to still look good, so maybe Eika can too, but I don’t think it’s too likely. However, Immortals must have seen something in him to make him worth signing for the main squad, so maybe he will be better than expected. Finally, they signed Altec back onto the LCS mainstage after his hiatus where he grinded soloqueue in Korea. I’m personally a big Altec fan, but I’m not sure how his time away from the stage will affect him. I hope that his bootcamp pays off and he looks just as solid as he did before. This team just has too many risks for me to feel confident putting them outside of bottom 4.
The decisions Golden Guardians made over the off-season simply left me confused from start to finish. The only part I feel good about is keeping Hauntzer, who has continued to look pretty good even while GGS struggled. They also retained FBI, who takes up an import slot and really failed to impress me in his time on GGS last year, and is a big reason why I worry for other OCE imports. He simply couldn’t stack up against the bot lane competition in NA, which is one of the few roles that native NA players are good at. Golden Guardians’ roster moves only continue to get weirder. They signed GoldenGlue for the mid lane, which I’m convinced is only to great GG Greyson Gregory “GoldenGlue” Gilmer for a grand total of 7 Gs. He looked pretty good on C9A, and he is a native player, but I don’t see him outclassing any of the mid laners in NA except for maybe Eika or any OCE imports that flop. They also imported Closer from Turkey, where he looked quite good, but it’s difficult to tell if he will find the same success against NA competition. Finally, by far the most bizarre signing of the off-season, was Keith to support. He’s roleswapping from AD to support and we’ve literally never seen him play the role competitively, so he’s the most unpredictable player in the league, but my expectations of him are not high. If Golden Guardians places higher than 8th it will be a miracle, and several teams will have to collapse completely for that to happen.
That should just about do it for the LCS 2020 Spring Split power rankings! Just like before, I’m more than open to asks or pms about any criticisms or questions you have about my rankings. NA felt more difficult than EU so I definitely wouldn’t be surprised to see a lot of these go differently than I expect! I plan on uploading a lot more content as the season goes on and expect some post-first-week over reactions after this weekend’s games end!
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ayzek67 · 5 years
Team Liquid vs. Team SoloMid / LCS 2019 Spring Playoffs - Final / Post-Match Discussion - https://www.onlineseriya.com/2019/04/15/team-liquid-vs-team-solomid-lcs-2019-spring-playoffs-final-post-match-discussion/ - - ###LCS 2019 SPRING PLAYOFFS [Official page](https://eu.lolesports.com/en/league/lcs) | [Leaguepedia](https://lol.gamepedia.com/LCS/2019_Season/Spring_Playoffs) | [Liquipedia](http://liquipedia.net/leagueoflegends/LCS/2019/Spring/Playoffs) | [Live Discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/bcu8rn/lcs_spring_2019_finals_live_discussion/) | [Eventvods.com](https://eventvods.com/featured/lol?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=subreddit&utm_campaign=post_match_threads) | [New to LoL](http://lol.gamepedia.com/New_To_League/Welcome) --- ###[Team Liquid 3-2 Team SoloMid](https://twitter.com/TeamLiquidLoL/status/1117230673755103232) ###[— Congratulations Team Liquid on winning LCS 2019 Spring Split and qualifying for Play-In Stage of 2019 Mid-Season Invitational.](https://twitter.com/lolesports/status/1117231193492090880) ###[— Player of the Series: Doublelift](https://i.imgur.com/WJHZ8W0.jpg) **TL** | [Leaguepedia](https://lol.gamepedia.com/Team_Liquid) | [Liquipedia](http://liquipedia.net/leagueoflegends/Team_Liquid) | [Website](https://www.teamliquidpro.com) | [Twitter](http://twitter.com/#!/teamliquidlol) | [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/TeamLiquidLoL) | [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/user/teamliquidnet) | [Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/teamliquid) **TSM** | [Leaguepedia](https://lol.gamepedia.com/Team_SoloMid) | [Liquipedia](http://liquipedia.net/leagueoflegends/Team_SoloMid) | [Website](http://www.tsm.gg/) | [Twitter](http://twitter.com/#!/TeamSoloMid) | [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/TSMPRO) | [YouTube](http://www.youtube.com/user/SolomidDOTNet/) | [Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamSolomid) --- ###MATCH 1: TL vs. TSM [**Winner: Team SoloMid** in 40m](https://i.imgur.com/r0U1Nvb.jpg) | [Runes](https://twitter.com/LoLEsportsStats/status/1117160981656784896/photo/1) [Match History](https://matchhistory.euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/ESPORTSTMNT02/1024049?gameHash=ac37eb084f5781d8) ||Bans 1|Bans 2|[G](#mt-gold)|[K](#mt-kills)|[T](#mt-towers)|D/B| |:--|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |**TL**|[lissandra](#c-lissandra) [ryze](#c-ryze) [akali](#c-akali)|[irelia](#c-irelia) [zilean](#c-zilean)|68.1k|11|6|[C](#mt-cloud)^1 [H](#mt-herald)^2 [M](#mt-mountain)^7 | |**TSM**|[sylas](#c-sylas) [taric](#c-taric) [jayce](#c-jayce)|[gangplank](#c-gangplank) [leblanc](#c-leblanc)|79.5k|19|11|[C](#mt-cloud)^3 [M](#mt-mountain)^4 [M](#mt-mountain)^5 [B](#mt-barons)^6 [B](#mt-barons)^8 [E](#mt-elder)^9 | |**TL**|11-19-29|[vs](#mt-kills)|19-11-47|**TSM**| |--:|--:|:--:|:--|:--| |Impact [kennen](#c-kennen) ^3|3-5-6|TOP|11-1-6|^4 [vladimir](#c-vladimir) Broken Blade| |Xmithie [jarvan iv](#c-jarvaniv) ^2|3-3-7|JNG|4-4-8|^2 [reksai](#c-reksai) Akaadian| |Jensen [heimerdinger](#c-heimerdinger) ^3|2-4-5|MID|3-1-8|^3 [zoe](#c-zoe) Bjergsen| |Doublelift [sivir](#c-sivir) ^2|3-3-5|BOT|1-1-11|^1 [varus](#c-varus) Zven| |CoreJJ [galio](#c-galio) ^1|0-4-6|SUP|0-4-14|^1 [tahmkench](#c-tahmkench) Smoothie| --- ###MATCH 2: TSM vs. TL [**Winner: Team SoloMid** in 35m](https://i.imgur.com/BYVu1Dj.jpg) | [Runes](https://twitter.com/LoLEsportsStats/status/1117176828383252480/photo/1) [Match History](https://matchhistory.euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/ESPORTSTMNT02/1024057?gameHash=4f95bae75969c635) ||Bans 1|Bans 2|[G](#mt-gold)|[K](#mt-kills)|[T](#mt-towers)|D/B| |:--|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |**TSM**|[ryze](#c-ryze) [tahmkench](#c-tahmkench) [kindred](#c-kindred)|[leblanc](#c-leblanc) [gangplank](#c-gangplank)|61.8k|14|8|[M](#mt-mountain)^5 | |**TL**|[sylas](#c-sylas) [jayce](#c-jayce) [lissandra](#c-lissandra)|[zilean](#c-zilean) [akali](#c-akali)|58.5k|10|10|[M](#mt-mountain)^1 [M](#mt-mountain)^2 [H](#mt-herald)^3 [C](#mt-cloud)^4 | |**TSM**|14-10-38|[vs](#mt-kills)|10-14-20|**TL**| |--:|--:|:--:|:--|:--| |Broken Blade [irelia](#c-irelia) ^3|4-3-4|TOP|2-3-4|^4 [kennen](#c-kennen) Impact| |Akaadian [hecarim](#c-hecarim) ^2|6-3-4|JNG|1-3-3|^1 [reksai](#c-reksai) Xmithie| |Bjergsen [lux](#c-lux) ^3|3-1-8|MID|2-0-4|^3 [zoe](#c-zoe) Jensen| |Zven [sona](#c-sona) ^2|1-2-10|BOT|3-5-4|^1 [ashe](#c-ashe) Doublelift| |Smoothie [taric](#c-taric) ^1|0-1-12|SUP|2-3-5|^2 [zyra](#c-zyra) CoreJJ| --- ###MATCH 3: TL vs. TSM [**Winner: Team Liquid** in 40m](https://i.imgur.com/EmTIuD8.jpg) | [Runes](https://twitter.com/LoLEsportsStats/status/1117191189319438336/photo/1) [Match History](https://matchhistory.euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/ESPORTSTMNT02/1024067?gameHash=3b38007c19089f4d) ||Bans 1|Bans 2|[G](#mt-gold)|[K](#mt-kills)|[T](#mt-towers)|D/B| |:--|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |**TL**|[lissandra](#c-lissandra) [ryze](#c-ryze) [akali](#c-akali)|[jarvan iv](#c-jarvaniv) [corki](#c-corki)|76.4k|17|9|[O](#mt-ocean)^1 [H](#mt-herald)^2 [M](#mt-mountain)^5 [M](#mt-mountain)^6 [B](#mt-barons)^7 [E](#mt-elder)^8 | |**TSM**|[sylas](#c-sylas) [taric](#c-taric) [jayce](#c-jayce)|[zoe](#c-zoe) [zilean](#c-zilean)|66.7k|12|3|[C](#mt-cloud)^3 [C](#mt-cloud)^4 | |**TL**|17-12-46|[vs](#mt-kills)|12-17-25|**TSM**| |--:|--:|:--:|:--|:--| |Impact [gangplank](#c-gangplank) ^2|5-2-10|TOP|0-2-6|^2 [vladimir](#c-vladimir) Broken Blade| |Xmithie [skarner](#c-skarner) ^3|0-0-11|JNG|5-3-6|^4 [reksai](#c-reksai) Akaadian| |Jensen [syndra](#c-syndra) ^3|3-2-6|MID|2-1-3|^3 [leblanc](#c-leblanc) Bjergsen| |Doublelift [varus](#c-varus) ^1|5-2-8|BOT|5-3-2|^1 [kalista](#c-kalista) Zven| |CoreJJ [tahmkench](#c-tahmkench) ^2|4-6-11|SUP|0-8-8|^1 [galio](#c-galio) Smoothie| --- ###MATCH 4: TSM vs. TL [**Winner: Team Liquid** in 25m](https://i.imgur.com/klsc5ae.jpg) | [Runes](https://twitter.com/LoLEsportsStats/status/1117207036322664449/photo/1) [Match History](https://matchhistory.euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/ESPORTSTMNT02/1024070?gameHash=c6206159c89756c6) ||Bans 1|Bans 2|[G](#mt-gold)|[K](#mt-kills)|[T](#mt-towers)|D/B| |:--|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |**TSM**|[ryze](#c-ryze) [gangplank](#c-gangplank) [kindred](#c-kindred)|[olaf](#c-olaf) [hecarim](#c-hecarim)|40.3k|3|3|None| |**TL**|[sylas](#c-sylas) [taric](#c-taric) [jayce](#c-jayce)|[kalista](#c-kalista) [irelia](#c-irelia)|51.5k|15|9|[M](#mt-mountain)^1 [H](#mt-herald)^2 [C](#mt-cloud)^3 [M](#mt-mountain)^4 [B](#mt-barons)^5 | |**TSM**|3-16-4|[vs](#mt-kills)|15-3-31|**TL**| |--:|--:|:--:|:--|:--| |Broken Blade [akali](#c-akali) ^3|1-3-1|TOP|4-0-3|^4 [kennen](#c-kennen) Impact| |Akaadian [reksai](#c-reksai) ^2|2-6-0|JNG|2-0-7|^3 [skarner](#c-skarner) Xmithie| |Bjergsen [lissandra](#c-lissandra) ^1|0-2-2|MID|3-2-5|^2 [zilean](#c-zilean) Jensen| |Zven [ezreal](#c-ezreal) ^3|0-3-1|BOT|5-1-6|^1 [varus](#c-varus) Doublelift| |Smoothie [braum](#c-braum) ^2|0-2-0|SUP|1-0-10|^1 [tahmkench](#c-tahmkench) CoreJJ| --- ###MATCH 5: TSM vs. TL [**Winner: Team Liquid** in 45m](https://i.imgur.com/UWyXb0C.jpg) | [Runes](https://twitter.com/LoLEsportsStats/status/1117219138273808384/photo/1) [Match History](https://matchhistory.euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/ESPORTSTMNT02/1024072?gameHash=6c7b28b869fdacd1&tab=overview) ||Bans 1|Bans 2|[G](#mt-gold)|[K](#mt-kills)|[T](#mt-towers)|D/B| |:--|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |**TSM**|[ryze](#c-ryze) [gangplank](#c-gangplank) [tahmkench](#c-tahmkench)|[sivir](#c-sivir) [kennen](#c-kennen)|73.3k|10|5|[O](#mt-ocean)^1 [H](#mt-herald)^2 [C](#mt-cloud)^3 [I](#mt-infernal)^5 [I](#mt-infernal)^6 | |**TL**|[sylas](#c-sylas) [jayce](#c-jayce) [taric](#c-taric)|[jarvan iv](#c-jarvaniv) [irelia](#c-irelia)|82.7k|16|11|[O](#mt-ocean)^4 [B](#mt-barons)^7 [E](#mt-elder)^8 [B](#mt-barons)^9 | |**TSM**|10-16-19|[vs](#mt-kills)|16-10-48|**TL**| |--:|--:|:--:|:--|:--| |Broken Blade [akali](#c-akali) ^3|1-3-5|TOP|1-3-12|^4 [vladimir](#c-vladimir) Impact| |Akaadian [reksai](#c-reksai) ^3|2-5-2|JNG|2-2-11|^1 [skarner](#c-skarner) Xmithie| |Bjergsen [zoe](#c-zoe) ^2|4-2-5|MID|8-2-6|^2 [leblanc](#c-leblanc) Jensen| |Zven [ezreal](#c-ezreal) ^2|3-2-1|BOT|5-1-7|^3 [kaisa](#c-kaisa) Doublelift| |Smoothie [galio](#c-galio) ^1|0-4-6|SUP|0-2-12|^1 [braum](#c-braum) CoreJJ| ***[Patch 9.6: Changes.](https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-96-notes)** --- [This thread was created by the Post-Match Team](https://postmatch.team). 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lolathelotus · 1 year
TS4 Universe Legacy Round 5
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Summaries in play order
Chopra: Rashidah Watson and Rahul Chopra work hard to raise Owen (Rashidah and Rahul's son) and Penelope (Rahul's daughter from alien abduction) while living at home with Lavina. The toddlers both age up, Owen first, and then Penelope. Rahul earns a degree in Biology. Rahul and Rashidah get engaged. Lavina flirts with Meredith Roswell.
Villareal: Luna, Hugo and Max decide to hire an employee to help out at the shopping center. Max joins the Criminal Career, Hugo learns guitar and Luna makes out with Sofia Bjergsen.
Pancakes: Bob joins the Police Force while he and Eliza try (unsuccessfully) to have another baby. Malik is a goofball. Emery turns 13 and is Artistic.
Holiday: Summer Holiday, Liberty Lee and Travis Scott are still besties. Travis makes out with Gunther Munch and Raj Rasoya. Summer is in love with Eva Capricciosa and gets a promotion to Internet Personality.
Kang: Cecilia takes Fabio, her best boy, camping in Granite Falls. She invites Don Lothario over for some cuddles her last night there. Fabio aged up into an elder.
Goth: Mortimer purchases the café in town and renames it Café Bella. He also flirts with Megumi Ito randomly. Tessa (Bella and Mortimer's daughter) ages up into a child, followed by Whitney (Alexander's daughter from alien abduction). Cassandra learns she is pregnant with Salim Benali's baby.
Ito: Nanami moves out to San Myshuno at the beginning of the round. Megumi decides to make an enemy of Victor Feng. Naoki asks Megumi to have another child, but Megumi does not agree.
Bell: Vivian (now a ghost) enjoys possessing random objects. Biscuit the dog gets sick this round, so Michael takes him to the vet. Mason tries to become friends with Whitney Goth, but she seems to deeply dislike him.
Kim-Lewis: Olivia moves to Britechester to attend Foxbury at the start of the round. Alice fishes and paints. Eric and Alice fight constantly this round, resulting in a negative romance bar. At the Romance Festival, Alice kisses a townie and flirts with Cletus Harris in front of Eric. Alice asks Eric for a divorce. While still living together, Alice begins dating a townie. Eric gets a promotion to Investor.
Richards: Gavin gets promoted to Fan Favorite and finally opens his live-in bookstore. He barely makes any money this round. Jay Huntington dates all the women, including Liberty Lee, multiple townies, and Dina Caliente, who he has his daughter, Naomi, with. Jay starts thinking about moving out.
The Oasis Springs Apartments: Akira Kibo moves into an empty unit this round. He and Zoe Patel woohoo. Joaquin Le Chien learns to play the guitar and wants to study Culinary Arts at University. Joaquin's girlfriend, Nighat Caliente, proposes to Joaquin and he says yes. Akira rages a lot and randomly decides that he wants to date Jay Huntington.
Bheeda: Arun gets promoted to Development Captain at work. Bexley turns 13 this round. Fariq picks on Bexley, his big sister, constantly. Jesminder gets pregnant, giving birth to twins: Amar and Chandra. At the end of the round, Jesminder announces that she is once again expecting.
Akiyama: Nika turns 5 this round. Kado asks Jenna to have another baby and makes an enemy of Geoffrey Landgraab. Taku gets accepted into university and decides to start writing a book. Miki is promoted to Ensemble Author.
Markovic: While the past few rounds saw Mateo and Lucia growing apart, they rekindle their love for one another this round. However, Lucia continues to cheat on Mateo with Lilith Vatore. Tomi turns 20 this round and little Peter learns to talk. Liliana mostly just plays with her toys and loves science.
Watson: In between Rounds 4 and 5, Thomas and Rahmi got divorced autonomously. At the start of this round, Thomas buys a small home in Oasis Springs and Imran moves away to attend University. Maira has her hands full with her alien twins, Apollo and Benny. Rahmi asks Gideon Harris to be her boyfriend.
Caliente: After proposing to Joaquin Le Chien during his round, Nighat asks Don Lothario and Mitchell Kalani to move out. Dina's daughter, Naomi Huntington, turns 5 and rolls the Evil Trait. Don visits his daughter, Olivia, every single day. Nina makes a move on Cecelia Kang and is shot down, so Nina fights Cecilia. Jay Huntington and Dina continue to co-parent until Jay asks Dina to move with their daughter to San Myshuno with him.
Feng: Victor works on his oration skills by giving speeches all over San Myshuno. Lily gets a chance card that result in a hostile takeover of a local competing business. Caia hangs out with other teens and enjoys high school.
Landgraab: Poppy Landgraab brings her family closer together as they are all enamored with her. Malcolm turns 20 and gets a crush on Kerri Elderberry. He also decides to make amends with a long-time enemy, Thorne Bailey. This round Malcolm decides to join the Engineering Career and moves to The Culpepper Apartments in San Myshuno.
Munch: Wolfgang fights Don Lothario and gets promoted to Ring Leader. Mila works as a Detective and decides to start saving up to open a restaurant. Gunther decides to attend University while living at home next round to study Language and Literature.
Flex: Ulrike decides to go back to school to study Art History and Marcus is promoted to Rookie. Marcus starts to have doubts about his marriage, both wanting to move, as well as start a new relationship. Maaike attends Britechester University while living at home to earn a degree in Language & Literature. She plagiarizes a paper and gets caught.
Scott: Sara and Simon try to find a healthy balance between working at their bar, and caring for their four daughters. Remi turns 5 this round.
Lobo: Caleb moves in with Diego this round, but still visits Lillith and the kids every few days. Caleb and Diego get married in Tartosa.
Vatore: Having moved in with his husband, Diego Lobo, last round, Caleb comes to visit every few days. He lives down the road from the Vatores. Quest turns 13. Lilith continues to date Lucia Markovic, who is still married. They make it official. Stuart turns 20. Ravin turns 13 and begins to learn Vampire Skills from her mother, Lilith, and her father, Alika Kahananui.
Fyres: Moira works as a Detective and Dominic flirts with Maira Watson. Morgan romances Cassandra Goth.
Rocca: No longer able to afford the rent on Factory One, Eva, Paolo and Jade decide they will move out at the end of the round. Paolo is promoted to Bodybuilder and completes the Bodybuilder Aspiration. Eva flirts with a bartender named Kyla. At the end of the round. Paolo and Jade rent an apartment for themselves and little Daisy in the Culpepper Apartments in San Myshuno. Eva rents a single down the hall in the same building.
Behr: Candy works with Lennox to help him learn all of his toddler skills. Yuki joins the Engineering Career and hits on Judith Ward and Cecelia Kang. Lennox turns 5 years old. Candy has woohoo with Jeb Harris.
Bjergsen: Bjorn tries to be a better father to the girls. Darcy turns 13. Bjorn struggles to work his day job, as well as run Bjergsen's Furniture in the evenings and on weekends. He asks his friend, a townie named Reece, to be his boyfriend and is hurt when Reece tells him he is not interested in men. Sofia has her first kiss with Mila Munch and hits on Judith Ward.
Jeong: Venessa gets a makeover and gossips with her friends about Judith Ward leaving town. She applies to the University of Britechester to study Art History. She goes to an acting gig and has woohoo with Alexander Goth.
Rasoya: Raj asks Penny to have a baby with him but she wants to wait until they are married. A bad news story hurts Penny's public reputation. Raj maxes out the Gourmet Cooking Skills and is promoted to Celebrity Chef. Raj confesses to cheating on Penny with Don Lothario and Travis Scott. Penny breaks off their engagement and Raj rents and apartment in San Myshuno. After Raj leaves, Penny gets a job as an International Affairs Intern.
Bailey-Moon: Thorne walks with a new sense of purpose now that Judith Ward is gone. Octavia gets promoted to Fan Favorite. Orange graduates high school and decides to study Physics when he goes to University. Thorne and Octavia get pregnant. Havana turns 13, and Octavia gives birth to a baby girl, Nola.
Laurent: Greta moves to Britechester to attend University and Hilary rents an apartment in San Myshuno, no longer interested in working on her marriage with Hector. Jace has a crush on Olive Tinker and gets accepted to university. Hector tries, unsuccessfully, to win his wife back.
Sigworth: Christie is off to uni this round. Dylan and Jess make out a lot. Jess is promoted to Courageous Captain and Dylan works to earn a promotion at FutureSim Labs. Jess and Dylan try, but are unable to get pregnant after several tries.
Roswell: Ted and Meredith enjoy raising their children, and even rekindle the spark that had been missing from their relationship for so long. Isaiah turns 13, while the twins, Finnley and Evalyn turn 5. Meredith maxes out the Cooking Skill and tells Ted that she is pregnant. At the end of the round she gives birth to a son, Huxley.
Martin: Alice applies to university to study Art History and Mark decides he wants to earn a second degree.
Ito (2): Kaori turns 30 this round. Kiyoshi struggles with jealousy, and the couple gets pregnant.
Kealoha: Lilliana gives birth to a baby boy, Kai. Under Makoa's leadership as Conservation Director, Sulani is restored. Nani gets a crush on Quest Vatore.
Ojo: Miko loves her new career in Politics, and she applies to university. She starts dating Rohan Elderberry. Darling works as a Nature Historian and has woohoo with a very married Tina Tinker.
Kahananui: Mele finds out about Ravin and Lilith, and is furious with her husband. Despite their animosity, they manage to maintain a health woohoo life. Salem and Keoki both dislike their father, and Alika tries to intimidate them into respecting him. Alika wanders around at night, drinking from Sims and teaching Ravin Vampire secrets. Alika cheats on Mele with Lilith and Mele decides to become a doctor.
Ngata: Leila gets promoted to Color Theory Critic while Oliana is laid off. Elyse turns five years old. Leila and Oliana adopt another child, a baby named Helena. Tane starts dating Bexley Bheeda. Oliana joins the Civil Designer Career.
Benali: Salim asks Cassandra to move in with him with their baby, Niko. They plan of buying a bigger house in the next few years. Cassandra proposes to Salim and he accepts. Cassandra gets a job in the Doctor Career and Salim applies to university.
Jang: Billie turns 20 and decides she wants to be a professional dancer. She does a bunch of stuff naked. Baako and Anaya rekindle their romance and begin to repair their relationship.
Rasoya-Vega: Anya turns 13 this round. Geeta and Everett get engaged and move in together.
Romeo: Siobhan flirts with her neighbor, Kerri Elderberry in front of Sergio, causing him to acquire the Jealous Trait. Siobhan gets a promotion. Sergio and Siobhan go to a family gathering with the Fyres family. Morgan flirts with Sergio, causing Siobhan to fly into a rage.
Elderberry: Kerri joins the Scientist Career and Rohan joins the Writer Career this round. Rohan dates Miko Ojo and Kerri has a weird thing with Malcolm Landgraab. Rohan has shower woohoo with Geeta Rasoya-Vega.
Harris: Cletus quits his job so he can stay home to take care of Zachariah. Jeb becomes more Cheerful this round, but also gets Malcolm Landgraab as a work rival.
Tinker: Olive turns 20 years old and gets a job as an artist. She messes around with Jeb Harris, but turns him down repeatedly when he suggests taking things to the next level. After saving for the past few years, Tina and Yasemin finally have enough to purchase Evergreen Unique Gifts.
Kalani: After being kicked out by Nighat, Mitchell rents an apartment in Evergreen Harbor. He asks Nina Caliente to move in with him. Nina pulls pranks and decides she wants to start a new relationship.
Lothario: Don quits his job as an actor and focuses on his Aspiration, Serial Romantic. He dates several townies, Nancy Landgraab, Jade Rosa, Cecilia Kang, Anaya Jang and Nanami Ito.
Ito (3): Nanami moves to San Myshuno and begins working in the Civil Designer Career. She breaks up with her boyfriend, Taku Akiyama.
Ward: Judith sells her home, gets a makeover and moves to San Myshuno. She quits her job and slips into obscurity.
Laurent(2): Hilary hits on her estranged husband, Hector, and is rejected. She starts dating a townie named Reece.
University: In attendance this semester: Greta Laurent, Olivia Kim-Lewis, Duane Talla, Christie Sigworth and Imran Watson. Greta struggles with being a werewolf, and starts searching for a cure. She starts dating Kerri Elderberry. Christie wants to date all of the sims.
Watson (2): Thomas works to put his life back together after his divorce from Rahmi Watson. He spends time with his children and grandchildren. Thomas romances Cecilia Kang in front of her boyfriend and his best friend, Don Lothario.
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esportsviet · 4 years
Siêu xạ thủ Doublelift chính thức trở lại Team Solomid
Sau những đồn đoán thời gian gần đây về việc thay đổi đội hình, Team SoloMid cuối cùng đã công bố bản hợp đồng đầu tiên trong kỳ chuyển nhượng LMHT mùa hè 2020. Không ngoài dự đoán, Doublelift đã chính thức quay về mái nhà xưa TSM.
Doublelift đã ra mắt TSM trong một trailer khá lầy lội. Anh giải thích rằng gia nhập TSM là lựa chọn tốt nhất cho cả 3 bên: Team Liquid – Team Solo Mid và cả chính Doublelift. Xạ thủ 26 tuổi đã chơi không tốt trong giai đoạn LCK Mùa Xuân 2020 và bị coi là nguyên nhân chính dẫn đến thất bại của TL ở giải đấu này.
Đây là thông tin không quá bất ngờ bởi khi được đưa vào danh sách chuyển nhượng, Doublelift đã được toàn quyền lựa chọn bến đỗ mới của mình. Với mối quan hệ mật thiết với thượng tầng của TSM cùng những người đồng đội của như Bjergsen hay Biofrost, xạ thủ tài năng bậc nhất của Bắc Mỹ đã quyết định trở lại mái nhà xưa sau một mùa giải vô cùng thảm họa. “Tôi rất hào hứng khi lại được thi đấu cho TSM. Soren và Vincent luôn là những người bạn thân của tôi và chúng tôi muốn cùng nhau giúp TSM lấy lại vị thế của một đội tuyển hàng đầu.” – Doublelift chia sẻ.
Vì màn trình diễn kém cỏi của mình, Doublelift đã không còn nằm trong kế hoạch của Team Liquid . Hợp đồng của anh với đội tuyển sẽ kết thúc vào ngày 17/11/2020, nhưng TL sẽ không gia hạn hợp đồng với Xạ thủ 26 tuổi mà muốn anh ra đi càng sớm càng tốt. Theo thông tin từ ESPN, Doublelift đã quyết định trở về mái nhà xưa Team SoloMid thay vì cân nhắc những lựa chọn khác để tái hợp với Biofrost và Bjergsen, 2 người đồng đội của anh. Ngoài ra, bạn gái của Doublelift, Leena Xu cũng chính là CEO của TSM.
Doublelift sẽ thay thế vị trí Xạ thủ của Kobbe. Hiện tại, TSM đang đàm phán với một đội tuyển khác để Kobbe có thể ra đi. Không loại trừ khả năng đội tuyển này chính là Team Liquid. Sau khi đẩy đi Doublelift, TL rất cần một Xạ thủ kinh nghiệm để trám vào vị trí này.
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