gloriamoncada · 1 year
Natalie Laura Mering’s voice is so beautiful and her music has spoken volumes to me. I first encountered #WeyesBlood’s music in 2021 on a #youtube multi hour #beachhouse mix that had “Andromeda” from their 2019 record #TitanicRising. I found out about this sold out show last minute and very thankful to have seen them perform live. Natalie Mering truly has a wonderfully beautiful voice of our time!!!
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jasonwhitefilm · 1 year
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UK friends check out a film I co-wrote, Titanic Rises, (aka Titanic 666) #titanic666 #titanicrises #screenwriting #horrormovies
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unholylorde · 3 years
me shuffling through these 5 albums at 2 am.
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lovejustforaday · 4 years
My Top 10 Albums of 2019
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Rose Gold - Kitty
Main Genres: Electro Pop
A decent sampling of: Chill Hop, Chill Wave, Alternative R&B, Cloud Rap, Future Bass, Synth Pop, Trip Hop, Wonky Kitty's sound keeps changing from EP to LP, but one thing that remains constant is her witty, hyper-feminine cool girl persona. On "Rose Gold", she explores a variety of electronic genres while maintaining a near-perfect chill mood and atmosphere. "Rose Gold" easily avoids falling into the traps of repetitiveness prone to a lot of lo-fi chill music thanks to Kitty's charming personality and clever lyricism on tracks like "B.O.M.B. (Peter)" and "Florida". I feel like this is definitely a late night album, one you might listen to while sneaking around your kitchen to make a late night snack while wearing your cutest pajamas. Alternatively, this is the album your stuffed animals all get up and vibe to while you're sleeping. Oh yeah, and "Counting All The Starfish" samples FF7 which is pretty cool. Highlights: "B.O.M.B. (Peter)", “Don’t Panic (Interlude)”, "Mami", "Counting All The Starfish", “Disconnect”
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House of Sugar - Sandy (Alex G)
Main Genres: Indie Folk, Neo-Psychedelia
A decent sampling of: Folktronica, Psychedelic Folk, Indie Pop, Americana I admit, I was completely unfamiliar with Alex G's material until this album came along and garnered a lot of attention. I'm very excited to explore his back catalogue now thanks to this album. Fitting to its name, "House of Sugar" is somewhat like a psychedelic sugar rush, feeling at once strange and whimsical yet also sickly sweet and delirious. Under the album's upbeat folky veneer lies darker themes about loss both personal and conceptual. "Gretel" and the album title itself are both inspired by the fairytale of Hansel and Gretel, which makes a lot of sense because I really just want to get lost in the woods while listening to this album. "Project 2" is a noticeable outlier and the weakest track, forgoing conventional song structure completely for experimental synth music yielding mixed results, but even this short track manages to be oddly beautiful and adds to the overall experience. Likewise, "House of Sugar" is an exceptionally interesting musical journey even at its weakest. Highlights: "Gretel", "Sugar", "Hope", "Walk Away", "Taking"
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Titanic Rising - Weyes Blood
Main Genres: Art Pop, Baroque Pop
A decent sampling of: Progressive Pop, Psychedelic Pop, Soft Rock, Progressive Electronic, Alternative Country Most acclaimed album of 2019? Quite possibly. While it's not my top choice of the year, I can definitely understand the widespread praise this album has received. At its best, Weyes Blood's "Titanic Rising" is a truly lush and cinematic experience, incorporating musical influences from the best of 60s and 70s era pop music with a moving lyrical narrative of coming to terms with depression and getting older. Mering's voice is warm and tender, and her insights about generational woes on tracks like "Everyday" and "Something to Believe" are mature and nuanced. If you're new to being an adult like I am, and you find the prospects of trying to build a fulfilling and meaningful life in the kind of world we live in scary, then listening to "Titanic Rising" will feel like a very bittersweet soundtrack written for a movie based on your own real life. Considerably front-loaded, but the concept for this album is very fresh and ambitious, and when it's good, it's brilliant. P.S. definitely the best album cover of 2019 Highlights: "Everyday", "Movies", "Andromeda", "Titanic Rising", "A Lot's Gonna Change"
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Grey Area - Little Simz
Main Genres: Conscious Rap, UK Rap
A decent sampling of: Jazz Rap, Hardcore Rap
Little Simz sounds like she knows exactly who she is and what she's doing on "Grey Area", like she has her flow and writing lyrics down to a science. The album really feels like seeing the world through her eyes, and Simz holds nothing back, talking about everything from institutional racism and violence, to things like therapy, motherhood, and even video games. "Grey Area" succeeds as well as it does largely thanks to the strengths of Simz's offbeat personality, lyrical insights, and excellent delivery, while the production on the album is mostly smooth and slick in a way that never overpowers her as the main focus. I'll admit, I find at some points that the production on some of the songs falls considerably short of the standards set by Simz's own talent as a rapper, but when the production does reach that level on tracks like "101 FM" and "Venom", the pay off is brilliant. "101 FM" in particular is such an interesting and unique hip hop song, in the same way that Simz is a very interesting and unique rapper. Honestly this album is worth the listen alone just to hear what Little Simz has to say about everything.
Highlights: "101 FM", "Selfish", "Offence", "Venom"
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Pang - Caroline Polachek
Main Genres: Art Pop, Alternative R&B
A decent sampling of: Electro Pop, Glitch Pop, Ambient Pop, New Age, Downtempo Of all the albums I've listened to this year, "Pang" feels like the most varied journey with an impressive collection of 14 songs in under 50 minutes. On this LP, Caroline Polachek takes the listener through her world of romantic fairytales and magic. Some of the songs are poppy bangers like the funky "So Hot You're Hurting My Feelings" and the rhythmic "Ocean of Tears", while other songs are more mood-driven and meditative like "Parachute" and "Insomnia". Many of the songs place emphasis on the vocal gymnastics of Polachek herself, who makes great use of her range and techniques like heavy breaths on "So Hot You're Hurting My Feelings". The production work of Polachek and Danny L. Harle is sophisticated and intricate, with a lot of attention to detail on tracks like "Door" and "Pang". A lot of the songs are  mysterious and cerebral, especially the penultimate "Door" which has an equally cerebral and trippy music video. Overall, I'd say that "Pang" definitely opens and closes with its strongest few tracks, but there’s enough variety and intricacies throughout its entirety to make the album experience highly engaging on repeated listens as you explore the different musical worlds that each song has to offer.
Highlights: "Door", " So Hot You're Hurting My Feelings ", “Parachute”, "Pang", "Go As a Dream", "Ocean of Tears", “Hit Me Where It Hurts”, "The Gate"
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Norman Fucking Rockwell! - Lana Del Rey
Main Genres: Art Pop, Soft Rock
A decent sampling of: Dream Pop, Chamber Pop, Contemporary Folk, Psychedelic Pop, Piano Rock, Blues Rock, Americana, Pop Soul So yeah, this album happened. Lana Del Rey has always been an artist I appreciated for her unique sound and persona, but I found that her 2012 LP "Born To Die" mostly didn't quite live up to her potential as an artist, and I never really bothered with the rest of her work apart from individual songs until now. I'm so glad I checked this one out because "Norman Fucking Rockwell!" rightfully deserves the wave of acclaim it has received this year. Lana Del Rey's songwriting has become so sophisticated on this LP, and the warm, rich soft rock sound that she's adopted on tracks like "The greatest" compliments her vocals better than any other genre she's explored so far. Like most of her work, "Norman Fucking Rockwell!" explores American identity and femininity, and the songs are tinged with sadness and nostalgia. That being said, I actually find parts of this album very uplifting, especially on "Love Song" and "Mariners Apartment Complex". "Venice Bitch" is, simply put, a true masterpiece. It's the reason I checked out the album when I heard the single last year, and it damn near blows everything else out of the water with its gorgeous soundscapes and 9 minute length that could go on for an eternity if it wanted to. Regardless, there's a lot of songs here that I love, even if the LP is a little front-loaded. Lana has outdone herself this time with "Norman Fucking Rockwell!", and I already look forward to the projects she's announced for 2020. In the meantime, I should check out the LPs that I missed in her discography. Highlights: "Venice Bitch", "The greatest", "Mariners Apartment Complex", "How to disappear", "Cinnamon Girl", "Love song", "Norman fucking Rockwell"
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Keepsake - Hatchie
Main Genres: Dream Pop, Indie Pop
A decent sampling of: Shoegaze, Synth Pop, Twee Pop, Jangle Pop
This album pretty clearly derives a lot of its sound from a particular era of early 90s dream pop, shoegaze, and jangle pop. So what makes "Keepsake" so special? For one, Hatchie knows her sound niche and does it incredibly well. Songs like "Stay With Me" and "Kiss The Stars" feel like lost gems from an era when they could've been heard on college radios in between the Cocteau Twins, MBV, and the Cranberries. While her sonic timbre is pure retro, Hatchie's own take on classic dream pop from a songwriting perspective is fresh and unique. Her lyrics and melodies are pure and saccharine in a way that reminds me of feel-good teen romcoms about sappy high school romances, only I mean that in the best way possible. Songs like "Without A Blush" and "Secret" feel like what I thought falling in love was gonna be like when I was 11 years old. "Stay With Me" is a rush of euphoria, and the song feels like prom again whenever I listen to it. Her pop songwriting sensibilities are well-crafted in a way that makes it look like she's been doing this for years and years, when really Hatchie only started putting out her own music in 2017. The sequencing of the tracks is well thought out, and I find "Keepsake" is at its strongest in the middle portion. There's just a certain essence of carefree youth and sentimentality that Hatchie has captured so vividly with this album. If you're looking to recapture the feeling of your best memories as a teenager, "Keepsake" will take you there. Strongest debut LP of the year, and I super look forward to whatever she does next. Highlights: "Stay With Me", "Secret", "Her Own Heart" "Kiss The Stars", "Without A Blush", "Unwanted Guest"
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Djinn - Lingua Nada
Main Genres: Indie Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Noise Rock
A decent sampling of: Noise Pop, Progressive Rock, Math Rock, Neo-Psychedelia, Indietronica, Experimental Rock
Lingua Nada is that one really cool indie band that only I and a few others seem to know about. The band has a very distinct and creative sound which combines explosive noise with jerky, whacky rhythms and upbeat melodies. Last year's "Snuff" was a very raw and experimental album experience, and another year-end favourite of mine. This year's "Djinn" boasts slightly more conventional song structures, but the sonic timbres and rhythms are just as strange and beautiful, if not more. As its name would suggest, "Djinn" is partly inspired by Arabian folklore and evokes a sort of mysterious, ghostly presence on songs like the title track and "Salam Cyber". The mix of noise, acid-y psychedelics, and complex rhythms on "Habiba" and "Dweeb Weed" results in alien, otherworldly sounds. "These Hands Are Royal" is a very evocative track as well, with its propulsive beat and dusty guitar riffs giving me the distinct imagery of travelling a desert by foot. Lingua Nada never overwhelms the listener with their explosive songs on "Djinn", and the band takes time to mellow out a bit towards the end of the album with the bubbly, psychedelic indietronica bop "Yalla Yalla" and the minimalist folk tune "In Limbo". Lead vocalist Adam Lenox is buried pretty deep in the mix of guitars, and I wouldn't exactly say he has the strongest presence as a vocalist, but I can't say that this takes away much of the appeal because "Djinn" is clearly meant to be a more impressionistic experience. Lingua Nada have come out of the past two years with a strong 1-2 punch of innovative noise rock albums, and with "Djinn" they've proven themselves to be one of the most daring and multi-talented rock bands of the decade.
Highlights: "Habiba", "These Hands Are Royal", "Djinn", "Salam Cyber", "Yalla Yalla", "Proto", "Gucci Mecca"
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Ginger - Brockhampton
Main Genres: Pop Rap, Contemporary R&B, West Coast Rap
A decent sampling of: Alternative R&B, Emo Rap, Conscious Rap, Indie Pop
This album feels like it's all about growth. Brockhampton have undergone a lot of changes as a band since they first blew up in 2017 between sudden fame, signing a major label, and kicking Ameer for his toxic behaviour. Last year's "Iridescence" felt like a raw, anguished, and messy response to the sudden changes the band had to cope with. Now it's 2019 and we have "Ginger", a more lowkey and sometimes deeply sad album, where members of Brockhampton are still processing many of the same problems. This time, however, the album is far more consistent, more nuanced, and overall, masterfully crafted. There's a lot of talk of male identity and what it means to be a man on "Ginger", and some of the traits brought up are moral integrity, honesty, and vulnerability, all which are part of emotional maturity and subvert machismo gender expectations. True to its album cover, "Ginger" is like a big hug for young guys struggling with depression, but anybody can get something out of this brilliant piece of art. The highlights are many: Joba's verse on "BIG BOY", Kevin's verse on "BOY BYE", and Matt's verse on "NO HALO" just to name a few. But the defining moment of "Ginger" is Dom's takedown of Ameer at the end of "DEARLY DEPARTED", a brilliant 66 seconds of anger, remorse, pain, and condemnation.  Guest rapper Victor Roberts rapping about his traumatic childhood experience with the police on album closer "VICTOR ROBERTS" is also a key highlight, and serves as a fitting note to end an album that so forwardly tackles depression and coping with traumatic life changes. The production is fantastic, from the effortlessly cool R&B jam "SUGAR" to weirder tracks like the off-kilter "IF YOU PRAY RIGHT" which is built around a cartoonish trombone riff. I simply can't praise this album enough. Brockhampton have matured as artists, and "Ginger" will go on to prove their legacy as one of the best rap groups of the 2010s. Highlights: "DEARLY DEPARTED", "NO HALO", "SUGAR", "GINGER", "BOY BYE", "VICTOR ROBERTS", "IF YOU PRAY RIGHT", "BIG BOY", “ST. PERCY”
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Magdalene - FKA Twigs
Main Genres: Art Pop, Glitch Pop
A decent sampling of: Progressive Pop, Ambient Pop, Alternative R&B, Post-Industrial
It's hard to describe what makes this album so brilliant because it's so subtle. "MAGDALENE" slowly unravels to reveal its beauty, in the same way that a flower slowly blooms, petal by petal. Likewise, FKA Twigs slowly strips away all of her defenses, track by track, to reveal the heart of a wounded lover. "MAGDALENE" is all about the breakup of Twigs' highly publicized relationship with Robert Pattinson. The lyrics explore her lover's emotional distance on "home with you", her feelings of inadequacy after being thrust into the broader public eye on "cellophane", her lover's lies on "fallen alien", and the physical pain she endured undergoing fibroid surgery that rendered her feeling weak on "daybed". Like the rest of her work, many of the songs on "MAGDALENE" juxtapose the unnerving with the beautiful, with tracks like "mirrored heart" and "fallen alien" alternating between ethereal vocals backed by piano and glitchy, spine-tingling production that evokes earthquakes and mirrors shattering into hundreds of pieces. There's also a lot of empty space on this album, and a general appreciation for minimalism. Tracks like "mary magdalene" and "cellophane" are made stronger by allowing enough room for Twigs' vocals to carry the music, and boy does she ever. Twigs breathes, moans, cries, screams, whispers, and commands with her voice to utter perfection throughout. The vocal highlights are all over "MAGDALENE", but my absolute favourites include the last line of "home with you", the dark incantations of the verses on "fallen alien", and the withering refrain after the beat-drop on "cellophane". "cellophane" is the centerpiece of "MAGDALENE" and the perfect closer, like listening to the music of a dying flower as it slowly wilts away. Overall, "MAGDALENE" is a stunning piece of art. Twigs has reclaimed her pain on this album by turning one of the lowest points in her life into the most beautiful album of the year. Highlights: "cellophane", "home with you", "fallen alien", "mary magdalene", "daybed", "sad day", "mirrored heart", "thousand eyes"
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ernestotell · 5 years
Weyes Blood - Titanic Rising
De los mejores álbumes en lo que va del año 
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Si tuviera que describir el Titanic Rising en definitiva diría que es una experiencia total y única; un viaje, el internamiento al mundo que Natalie Mering -mejor conocida como Weyes Blood- ha pintado para ti, uno lleno de imágenes vividas y sueños.
Y es que todo el álbum parece producirse dentro de un sueño lleno de expresividad y melancolía, situación que queda a cargo de la fantástica voz de Natalie, así como de las letras plagadas de ilusiones, anhelos y rechazos, siempre cobijadas de tristeza y desamor, cargadas de una emotividad asombrosa.
Aunado a una buena elección instrumental donde los sintetizadores, pianos, guitarras acústicas, violines, así como algunas voces armónicas que se escuchan de fondo o en acompañamiento, provocan la mezcla adecuada de sonido, donde siempre, siempre está la voz galopante de Natalie, como guía espiritual en la travesía llamada Titanic Rising.
En ese sentido, se puede apreciar también el trabajo que realizaron en la producción del álbum para lograr una ambientación total dentro de cada track, quizás se les podría reprochar el abuso en algunos momentos del reverb pero nada que arruine el mundo que lograron crear, donde precisamente reina la sensación de enclaustramiento y soledad dentro de toda la panorámica que se logra retratar.
Mi álbum favorito en lo que va del año.
Si vas a escuchar Titanic Rising trata de escucharlo sin nadie que te distraiga, dentro de tu habitación, sin ruido que te moleste y con un buen sonido estéreo.
Album: Titanic Rising
Artista: Weyes Blood
Lanzamiento: 5 de Abril de 2019
Duración: 42 minutos
Tracklist: 10
Mejores tracks: A Lot´s Gonna Change, Andromeda, Something To Believe, Movies y Wild Time
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theminorthread · 5 years
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Day #3317 Weyes Blood - True Love Is Making. A Comeback One of @subpop ‘s new signings I went to see a few weeks back and couldn’t help but be impressed at the effort put into every aspect of making music. The sound, the lights, the visuals, the merch, the location. It all just spoke really loudly about someone who cares about their craft a lot. #subpop #weyesblood #trueloveismakingacomeback #titanicrising #minorthread #tshirtwars #comfortcolors https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwsrl0EA5A5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16glbsj36jpft
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violetsinyoureyesss · 2 years
I'm in love by this masterpiece
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sirenrecords · 3 years
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OUT TODAY: #weyesblood #titanicrising RSD/INDIE EXCLUSIVE RAINBOW VINYL #indieexclusive #recordstoredayexclusive (at Siren Records) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVnfFPQLOg6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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biigbri · 4 years
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Classic torch songs built on synths and strings, with beautiful vocals. The highlight is Movies 🎶👍🏻 #weyesblood #titanicrising #4ad #vinyl #vinylcollection #recordcollection #vinyladdict #vinylcollector #vinyljunkie #vinylporn https://www.instagram.com/p/CFywBDlgjAK/?igshid=1aqvozppnsg4v
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Inktober Day 16 - Wild
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Weyes Blood live at the Irenic. 8/7/19 @weyesblood #weyesblood #titanicrising @subpop #subpop #subpoprecords @theirenicsd #theirenic #theirenicsd #casbahpresents #ontour #concert #concertphotography #itibfya #ithinkibetterfollowyouaround (at The Irenic) https://www.instagram.com/p/B06kw4Un2Gm/?igshid=13nbu2659lsv0
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iwannabeyourman · 3 years
You’re telling me the urls weyesblood and titanicrising are both taken and one is shadowbanned while the other is like the baroque pop version of sootings. Fuck you
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masharoo · 5 years
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@weyesblood - Titanic Rising 8/10 Natalie Mering (aka Weyes Blood) is a singer songwriter from Santa Monica, California. Her new album Titanic Rising is gorgeous, haunting, enchanting and also kind of bland. After the first three songs pass by, alot of the material starts to kind of blend together. While her vocals are incredibly beautiful, she tends to stay in her comfort zone and a couple of the instrumentals don't really stand out among the crowd. What I'm trying to say is that this album lacks variety. Sure, 'Everyday' is more upbeat, and 'Movies' is a grand two-parter. But tracks like 'Mirrors Forever' and 'Something To Believe' feel like weaker retreads of songs already done better on this album. However, the oldies aesthetic is pulled off beautifully and makes this record sound timeless, and there isn't a noticeable dip in quality throughout the short ten track runtime here. Favorite Track: Movies Least Favorite: Something To Believe #nataliemering #weyes #weyesblood #titanic #titanicrising #indie #alturnative #album #music #review #reviewer https://www.instagram.com/p/BzPIVrwBSVJ/?igshid=14qf7toevb2d2
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Happy to have my favorite album of 2019 so far in my collection! #weyesblood #titanicrising #vinyl (at South Orange, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzJcamThzh4/?igshid=1uwfguebuan7e
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thebolg · 5 years
Titanic Rising by Weyes Blood 7.7 - Like a grand mantle clock, its gears built to last, the casing ornate and decorative, it’s…
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leftothedialmusic · 5 years
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Notable New Releases for New Music Friday: Ages and Ages-Me You They We Weyes Blood-Titanic Rising Priests-The Seduction of Kansas The Drums-Brutalism PUP-Morbid Stuff Lee Fields & the Expressions-It Rains Love #agesandages ##meyoutheywe #weyesblood #titanicrising #priests #theseductionofkansas #thedrums #brutalism #PUP #morbidstuff #leefieldsandtheexpressions #itrainslove #newmusicfriday #leftofthedialmusic @agesandages @weyesblood @priest_music @thedrumsofficial @puptheband @leefieldsandtheexpressions https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv5lKVsAJAw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=133cw4u1ydxg2
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