#tiny couch 🛋
jillyb2004 · 1 year
My First Easter Recreation
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Wed 7:30 🕢 am pt 26 April 2023
I currently have no beef 🥩 with Travis McCoy. It’s not the part that I have beef 🥩 about. It’s the part Incubus sang. But it don’t matter anymore. 7:33 pmpt
8:58 am pt when I met Scott the first time, I scowled at him to discourage any s*xual relationship btwn us Bcz I was VERY attracted to him physically but we both had boyfriend/girlfriend. Jessica was very sweet and a little shy ☺️ a little quiet. An architect major at the time. 9 am pt she called him sunny 🌞. 🎶🎼🎵🎤🎧🎸 I said are you gonna be my girl? 1 2 3 take my hand 🤚 and come with me Bcz you look so fine I really wanna make you mine 4 5 6 come on and gets your kicks 🦵 [...] big black boots 👢 long brown hair she’s so sweet with her get back stare 🎶🎼🎵🎤 9:03 am pt
6:02 pmpt right butt cheek flared 🔥😞😖😭. Smelled 👃 acetone in the bathroom 🚽. Smelled 👃 like nail polish remover 💅🏼 6:04 pmpt. We don’t wear nail polish 💅🏼 currently.
6:05’pmpt might be retailiation for my blog. I mentioned nail polish 💅🏼 recently. 6:06 pmpt
6:07 pmpt around 2 pm pt I tried to take pictures using Instagram, Facebook, & tumblr of when I was around 4 years old. It wouldn’t post after I selected to “use photo”. 6:09 pmpt incubus doesn’t want me posting it I guess. I wonder 💭 why .
8:08 pmpt I don’t believe in the incubus anymore. I 💭 think he’s twisted. Making child rape happen. He knows how to make people weird and make them forget right from wrong. 8:10 pmpt I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ why. He likes torture? Of children 👶? And he likes rape? I remember b4 my birthday 🎂 in 2000 probably, after school 🏫 probably, I was laying on the couch 🛋 (right jaw bone 🦴 pain 😖😭😰😱 feels like he might snap off the corner of it! 😭 he also attacked my vag multiple times probably last 48 hours with acid again!) mtv was on, the lady who said she had boxes 📦 of old vintage toys 🧸 for toy fairs was my neighbor, Carson Daly was on and they were was Avery young woman 👩🏼 naked? on tv 📺 with only whipped cream covering her vag. And a man also was ther and they rubbed their private parts together. Carson said someone’s dad is going to be very upset. 8:15 pmpt I got h*rny. I wonder if the incubus was around. I wasn’t even 15 years old yet. 8:15 pmpt
8:23 pmpt it was probably that same school 🏫 year that I found the ring 💍 (cramps 😖😭😫) in the girls bathroom 🚽 and strangely 💭 thought it was for me. 8:24 pmpt. 8:25 pmpt I didn’t wear it for years. I wore it recently though in the last 3 years. 8:26 pmpt
8:28 pmpt a pipe was changed a few days ago. Unfortunately the people who changed it seem to intentionally put a lot of dirt in the pipe. I have very sensitive skin so I reacted to it. Right shin pain. I’m guessing they are Cano’s friends. I am guessing that some of Cano’s friends are staying in the hotel 🏨 and are mocking me Bcz they know all the tiny secret architecture stuff of the hotel 🏨 and are using it to poison ☠️ me through the air and maybe 🤔 the water 💦. 8:31 pmpt
11:10 pmpt incubus (left heel pain 😖😭😤🥵😤🥵) god planned dugard’s stolen life. A very ugly awful reality to live. He faked her out every day. She could have been saved quickly but she wasn’t. She was naked sitting 🪑 on a bucket 🪣 in a shed with fuzzy/fluffy handcuffs (porn stuff) 11:14 pmpt it would have been obvious with his history what he planned to do. But cops 👮‍♂️ followed what demon angels told them to do. It was very obvious that what they were told to do was wrong. Yet they did it. Cops 👮‍♂️ of all people, you would think 💭 it was obvious to them. Which means they intentionally let bad things happen Bcz they have no motivation to do the right thing. 11:18 pmpt what decency? Their god is heinous, but they have all sorts of reasons. Now I’m wondering 💭 what is true???? Are all people bad? Are all people good? How did we survive b4 god? My brain 🧠 is getting attacked by acid again now it’s significantly attacked. I’m very scared 😱 when will be the last attack? 11:21 pmpt how do you prove you’re good? Greeks say friendship is a slow ripening fruit. Why Scott is expecting me to trust him and automatically trust any feelings (acid throat pain 11:23 pmpt) how many ways did he intend to use “fell for”? Love 💗? Tricked? (Left hip bone 🦴 pain 11:25 pmpt. He very early on drew my name looking like I was going to get fat and fall with 6 backward 7s. I think 💭 he planned to not elaborate/explain much, withheld information ℹ️, and pretending that he was thinking 💭 one way publicly, but it is obvious to me after the fact when I reviewed things that happened that he is portraying himself the opposite of what he really is. 11:28 pmpt pretending to accidentally get cat 🐈 hair on the condom. But when I told the doctor 👩‍⚕️ the doctor 👩‍⚕️ saw through it and thought 💭 it was intentional. 😤😤🥵😤🥵😖😭 chest heart ♥️ pain 11:30 🕦 pmpt 11:31 pmpt
11:32 pmpt he said the Bible was “interesting.”
12:21 am pt incubus probably helped the man 👨 who s*xually assaulted and murdered Jon benet Ramsey. Maybe he was actually there in person. 12:22 am pt
incubus hurt my spine I felt something stab inside and push in. Right jaw pain left shin pain. In 2021? Someone broke into our apartment and spoiled our food. How do I know? It was a coconut 🥥 (acid throat pain 12:25 am pt. The shell was hard when we bought it. When we came back the shell was only soft on the bottom as if someone stayed a while to soak it until it turned to mushy soft shell. 12:26 am pt every apartment I lived in from 2020 to 2022 had weird realtor lock 🔒 boxes 📦 on the stairs. 12:28 am pt. I thought 💭 someone was trying to toy 🧸 with me. 12:28 am pt some of our things spontaneously got broken. 12:29 am pt. Food was also stolen in 2020/2021. Neighbors behaved strangely and had very minimal furniture 🪑, uncluttered apartments. 12:31 am pt end of 2020 I think 💭 they moved out. 12:31 am pt. Those lockboxes are weird. Left hip bone 🦴 pain left shin pain. Why would incubus toy 🧸 with me all my life to fake me out in the end? I was miserable 😖 😭the way I was. I wanted to be genuine authentic and happy with friends. Why would he do something so cruel? Why is there child rape? Bcz he is cruel. Simple. 12:34 am pt
12:40 am pt I guess garrido might have been 100% zombie 🧟‍♂️. Bcz he seemed to have a multiple personality disorder. Switching btwn sobbing 😭 saying sorry (so that god incubus looks better to people) and then 180 degrees change in mood and all of them did had lapses in memory on specific events. And Bcz the cops 👮‍♂️ let it continue that’s confirmation that it was all coordinated by incubus god and they all agree to do it. 12:45 am pt rough acid pain brain 🧠. If that isn’t proof enough that he’s the devil and you should not do what he says if you’re a cop 👮‍♂️ or a doctor 👩‍⚕️? Then I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ what else to say. 12:47 am pt but I guess Bcz they keep doing it, then they’re resigned to the design of this is how life ends. You do what the devil says then it means you should know you’re at the end of your life. It’s not only the person you do wrong but it’s also yours. We are all designed to take out each other then. I was going to write ✍️ something but I forgot... if you have very good abilities to think 💭 I guess. There are things you knew that a lot of people don’t know Bcz of mind control, then you’re very guilty. Like probably Scott -> scottservo. 12:52 am pt. A lot of people only know a little Bcz they’re usually very distracted that they don’t connect the dots and they don’t realize a lot. 12:53 am pt I tried to explain the way I saw 👀 and dealt with things. 12:54 am pt
12:55 am pt is this way of life neverending? You will know when I don’t have something/a part of my body anymore. I don’t want to live broken anymore. 12:57 am pt. I am the secret symbol for whether child rape ends or not Bcz I am sacrificial lamb 🐑/cow. Jon benet Ramsey. Japanese r = L sound. Left hip bone 🦴 pain acid throat pain 12:59 am pt. They groomed me to possibly be raped when I was 4 years old. If you believe in the test. Otherwise we have a cruel twisted god. 1:01 am pt. Why let someone be born to torture them? Heinous. 1:02 am pt
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vinylhazza · 3 years
I couldn’t stop thinking about it so here is a One Couch Concept for you 🤍🛋
When The Night Rolls In
A is short and B is tall, so B sleeps with their back to the sofa and hugs A to keep them from falling to the floor. (it’s a really small sofa) 
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not only had the falling leaves started to change the burnt colors of autumn, but the knowledge that halloween is creeping closer was starting to set in.
y/n knew it was graysons favorite time of year—he nearly screamed when he spotted the halloween section in the grocery store. he’d piled bags of candy into his arms so mountainous she’d had to stop at least five times to pick up a bag or two, frustrated that he hadn’t grabbed a basket on the way in. his wide smile softened her heart, however.
he’d even already climbed up to the storage area where he keeps his insane amount of decorations, pulling each piece out with admiration and excitement. dread was eating away at her stomach at the mere thought of putting the decorations away at the end of the month, pouting to herself and knowing he will be heartbroken again. she wasn’t ready for a pouty grayson.
“it’s quite actually the superior holiday,” he’d said in the midst of the madness, boxes scattering the floor around her, “what other holiday can you be completely insane on purpose? also, tiny ghosts statues.”
she’d broken the statue he’d tossed down to her, which in turn got her many glares throughout the day, in which the house transformed into a halloween wonderland. halloween for grayson was her christmas after all. while she had snowmen and nutcrackers, he had stackable pumpkins and tiny ghosts statues. he accepted and participated in her christmas madness, the least she could do was entertain his halloween obsession for him.
it was the time that made him most happy and giddy like a child waiting for santa. he was waiting on ghouls and goblins instead, the movies that made her jump and sink back into his chest, the buckets of candy, the outlandish costumes he always seems to create, the haunted houses, and the pumpkins - dear God the infamous dolan carving party.
it was truly a production to say the least. every year (at least for the past three years they’d been dating) the twins would cover every table and every chair with a table cloth or two along with a spread of carvings tools, stencil, sharpies, candles, and dozens of pumpkins.
friends and family knew what to expect when they walked in the door. they were to expect jump scares, fake cobwebs and spiders, halloween treats (cookies, candy, cider, covered pretzels, etc.), graysons massive goggles in honor of the end of night pumpkin fight, a costume he’d been working on all year, and a ticket stand to vote on the movie of choice for the evening.
it made him happy, so it made her happy too.
her favorite part was the movies. her father was a horror movie buff himself, so she had a particular soft spot for the films. from the beginning to the end of the month a fort would be formed in the living room for movie nights. the was a schedule hanging on the entertainment center of what movie was dedicated to each night.
It was the 3rd, Hocus Pocus night, one of Y/n’s favorites. halloween never felt the same without it, and they even had repeat nights because how could you not?
Grayson had his back to the loveseat, talking every now and then about his plans for the carving party and the giant custom skeleton hand he’s making for in front of the house.
 It’s nice to feel the rumble of his chest against her back, listening to him talk excitedly of the props he’s going to get and how many people he thinks will show up. It’s usually double in size each year. Once word get’s out about the massive projector outside, the popcorn bar, the homemade haunted maze, everyone is wanting an invite. 
y/n watches Max light the black flame candle, snuggling back against Grayson’s sweater and pulling the blanket up beneath her chin. she knows what happens next, smiling when they run through the sprinklers, book in hand. 
Watching this movie with him is always the best part of the month, simply for the commentary and his love for the Billy Butcherson, the sweetest zombie she’d ever seen. he was always her favorite as a kid. It was just another thing she and grayson has in common.
after a long day of decorating, she’s beat from it all. she knows Grayson won’t mind if she dozes off for a few minutes, and finds her eyelids drooping with each passing minute. she wants to see the end even if she’d seen it a thousand times before, but knows realistically she might not making it if Grayson keeps playing with her hair the way he always does. 
Graysons grip around her waist tightens as her body begins to grow limp with sleep overtaking her. he holds her up against him, his chin atop her head, pressing a kiss against her hair. 
“you’re really doing Billy dirty right now,” he teases, securing the blanket over her shoulders and closing his own eyes for a few seconds, long enough to appreciate the feeling of her leaning against him, the scent of the pumpkin spice candle burning on the coffee table, and the cool wind blowing through the open windows. 
she doesn't respond, off somewhere in dreamland where there are no zombies or witches or candles with black flames. she’s dreaming of nights that feel like this, lazy, comfortable and quiet with the love of her life. 
she doesn't wake when the movie ends, even with the sound of the ending credits and Graysons snoring. he’d finally fallen asleep with his arms wrapped around her, the candle blown out (he’d had a tough time blowing that out with her deadweight against him). 
maybe it wasn't such a bad thing, sleeping upright with a girl you love more than anything - even halloween. the pumpkins stacked and crowding the back wall, the Michael Myers cardboard cutout staring through the living room dimly lit by the tv, the feeling of Y/n breathing steadily against him. it could lull anyone to sleep. 
when he wakes he keeps her still, laughing at her messy hair and smoothing it with his hand, leaning down to kiss her cheek and watch her for a while. he’s overwhelmed sometimes, that she exists and she puts up with his ridiculous obsessions in the graceful way that she does. he loves her for it. 
he loves that she seems to be the only one on the face of the earth that likes candy corn as much as he does, that she has a favorite halloween blanket covered in tiny frankensteins, and that she always attempts to beat him in the pumpkin carving contest. her trophy is a kiss, a gentle peck that gives him butterflies without fail. he's seen the pictures, all that she’d snapped herself, framed in the bedroom. they look happy, glowing actually. 
he’s chilled by the morning air, but warm inside at the sight of the movie playing for the surely fourth or fifth time since they’d fallen asleep, and the smile she gives him when her eyes finally open. 
sure, they are both sore from sleeping sitting up on the hardwood floor, stomach’s begging for real food (not the orange icing covered sugar cookies she’d baked before the movie, Grayson being the dedicated sprinkle man which he took entirely too seriously. 
there are a few things they know after a night of blissfully uncomfortable sleep. they know they need to get up. grayson knows he’d never been so in love with someone in his whole life. y/n knows she would spend a thousand nights falling asleep against him on the floor. they both know that they love their simple little life filled with extravagant holidays with too many decorations, an abundance of stolen kisses, and movie marathons that mean more to the both of them than they could ever explain. 
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