#tinctures of memoria
monkenyoomer · 3 months
Please give this blog a read! Fully is needed!
Hi I’m Nyoomer! But you can call me a lot of things via Alex, Sof, Soffie, or Soflite!
I’m 19 years old! 💙
Do not interact with me, if you are younger than 18. This is strictly 18+
Pronouns: (by default) He/They
Otherwise please ask for other pronouns via Neos!
Favored Game Genres:
- Rhythm
- Roguelike
- Platformer
- Fighter
- Indie
- Party
There’s a lot more!
Heya, I’m a very chill kind of person who may or may not need a little bit of simple explanation in regards to today’s lingo and slang, but I do enjoy talking with people.
I also love my ocs-!! And people’s ocs! Moth and Phi has some really cool ones!!
Also I suck at intros so don’t fucking expect me to be good at this stuff. Friends like @metamorphosismoth and @21st-sinner-of-misery exist here, but there may be more mutuals around but I haven’t found those fuckers. (i swear I love them so much but damn I suck at Tumblr)
Message me some stuff that I may like, could also request for roleplays with me as my ocs, gaming, and a lot of stuff
Sure I do some nsfw stuff, but I have to be careful with that! I’m not giving you a reason
Once again, this is strictly 18+
DNI - Minors
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esuemmanuel · 5 years
Hay fragmentos de historias guardados en partes oscuras de mi memoria; ahí, en esos lugares fríos y abandonados que nadie querría visitar, y en los mismos en los que te hice un lugar, porque son parte de esas cosas muertas que, al visitarlas, me llevan a lo que fuimos al amarnos. ¡Qué maravilla era temblar al tenerte a mi lado! ¡Qué osadía, también, era atreverme a mirarte! Me carcomía el nerviosismo, el miedo a hacer algo que no te gustara o que te incomodara, me desvivía por hacerte reír, por llenarte los labios de sonrisas, por colmarte los ojos de alegría, mientras mi alma lloraba de gozo al saberte feliz. Sí, extraño la tintura de tus besos, el extracto virginal de tus labios, el sabor de la simiente al brotar de nuestro mutuo deseo, la gloria suprema de enloquecerme en tus manos, la entrega ciega ante tus espasmos plagados de estrellas, las chispas de fuego que estallaban ante nuestros desacuerdos... Sí, extraño tus ojos, tu inmaculada presencia, el ángel de tu pecho, el mismo que venía a mi encuentro cuando el mundo le era estrecho y quería volar a la luna para hacer del universo la más hermosa fábula.
Esu Emmanuel©, There are fragments of stories kept in dark parts of my memory; there, in those cold and abandoned places that nobody would want to visit, and in which I made you a place, because they are part of those dead things that, when visiting them, lead me to what we were when we loved eachother. What a wonder it was to tremble at having you by my side! How daring, too, was to look at you! I was nervous, the fear of doing something you didn't like or that bothered you, I used to make you laugh, to fill your lips with smiles, to fill your eyes with joy, while my soul cried with joy knowing you happy. Yes, I miss the tincture of your kisses, the virginal extract of your lips, the flavor of the seed as it springs from our mutual desire, the supreme glory of going mad in your hands, the blind delivery before your spasms full of stars, the sparks of fire that exploded before our disagreements... Yes, I miss your eyes, your immaculate presence, the angel of your chest, the same one that came to meet me when the world was narrow and he wanted to fly to the moon to make the universe the most beautiful fable.
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monkenyoomer · 2 months
Don’t mind me drawing some stuff lol ok
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