#time to put this man in a hello kitty binder next
lectercunt · 2 years
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@wastrelwoods alexa play "rolling girl"
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moirai-au · 3 years
Timeline: Arc 2 - Outside, right after Crash
Warnings: blood, stabbing mention
Taglist: @immabethehero @bupine​ @tabbynerdicat @i-maybe-exist @its-ethan-bro @sandinthetardis @taikeero-lecoredier @idkwheresanti @thebluejaysworld @chainsthatbindthisrouletteofmine
It was a pretty beautiful morning, all things considered. Clear skies with only a few funny-shaped clouds, following a starry night with only a few creeps to beat into the ground. Usual stuff.
Granted, his current predicament was an… unexpected development. Ending up in a total stranger’s house, bleeding all over his very comfy and expensive-looking couch, in his very expensive-looking living room, in his VERY big and expensive-looking house-
I mean shit, could it even be called a house? This place was gigantic! Like, Wayne Manor levels of classy. With a hint of creepy, what with all the covered mirrors. Seriously, what was up with those?
“I called for help. No, it’s not an ambulance or the police, I heard you just fine the first time.”
Ollie closed his mouth, the words dying on his tongue. He pouted at the taller man’s stern inflexion and let out a pained huff, but he stayed put. C’mon Ollie, don’t be a brat- the guy’s helping. Surprisingly.
On top of the sharp pain in his side and arm, and the dizziness from the blood loss, Ollie was majorly confused by the man’s… well, everything. First off, he wasn’t sure if he had been his eyes playing tricks on him, but he could’ve sworn the man’s face had been bare when he’d fallen into his garden. Then he’d blinked, and then it wasn’t. Now, the man before him -tall, very tall, and gangly as all hell- was sporting a curious, sleek black cat mask, and possibly the biggest fucking pair of glasses Oliver had ever seen someone wear in real life. Perfectly round, rimless and red-tinted for some reason, they prevented him from making out the color of the guy’s eyes.
His unimpressed, irritated glare could have been a little intimidating...if the guy wasn’t wearing a tacky hawaiian shirt with colorful birds on it. Ollie wasn’t sure what his deal was, but from his long, messy brown hair, unkept beard and questionable fashion sense, it all gave off the impression that Bird-lover here hadn’t stepped out of his house for a really long time.
Ollie had asked about the mask, but the man had just tensed and stayed silent. That had been Ollie’s cue to stop asking personal questions- which was, y’know, fair, as he’d literally just interrupted his morning stroll by crashing through his ceiling, offering no explanation as to why that had happened.
Come to think of it… yeah, the guy had every reason and then some to call the cops. But he hadn’t. Not yet at least. So really, Ollie was doing great so far.
The moment the young dyed-haired man had made eye contact with the stranger after his fall, he’d frantically asked, if not begged him not to call anyone. Well… that was actually the second thing he’d said, the first being asking the guy to please stop screaming at me, I don’t even understand- is that french?
He’d gotten away with a lot of things, for a very long time. He wasn’t about to get busted for one little mistake. It was just a stab wound! He’d survived those before. And while yes , he might’ve gotten a bit lost on his way back, taking a few wrong turns whenever the pain in his side made his vision go white and his grip on his grappling hook loosen, and then before he knew it the sun was rising and he had no idea where he was anymore and then he misfired and then became acquainted with the glass ceiling of a greenhouse...
“-hear me? Hello? Hey, ça va ?”
Oliver blinked- Mask-guy was kneeling on the carpet next to the couch and snapping his fingers in front of Ollie’s face, now looking more panicked than annoyed. Aw, beans. He’d lost his trail of thought. Also, he was pretty sure he’d been sitting before. When had he laid down? Ugh… his side was pulsing. And his head was all foggy.
“You blacked out,” Kitty Carnaval said, and that’s when Ollie noticed his palms were covered in red. “I stopped the bleeding, but it still needs to be cleaned. Probably stitched.”
The vigilante looked down at himself- his hoodie was gone, his shirt creeping up his chest to uncover his abdomen. A thick patch of gauze had been applied against his wound, tight wrappings around his middle keeping it secure.
Huh. It looked pretty decent- better that what he would’ve managed on his own. His chest felt a bit constricted, he’d probably breathe a little easier if he took his binder off… but he wasn’t too excited at the prospect of doing that in front of a total stranger. So he took it in stride. “Wh… where’s my…”
The man pointed to a clear plastic bag next to the coffee table a few feet from the couch- his trusty red hoodie was visibly bundled inside. Still very much soaked with blood and with one more stabby-hole than how he liked it. But hey- that’s why he wore red. And he could fix the tear. It’d be fine… probably. “Um. Thanks.”
“Don’t mention it. Really, don’t ,” the stranger grumbled, getting up and walking out of the room. Ollie craned his neck, curious, but quickly settled back down when quiet splashing sounds assured him that the man was just washing his hands.
Okay. Things are fine. Everything’s hunky-dory. “So uh. You been to France?” he said lightly in an attempt at smalltalk, remembering the words -probably swears given the context- the man had thrown at him earlier.
“Born there.” the other’s even voice responded curtly over the water-y sounds.
The vigilante let out an excited oh . “...Can youuuu say something else in french?”
“No. Help’s coming any minute to really assess the damage, so please don’t move. And talk less.”
Sheesh. Well, at least that had to mean that this mysterious helper was a doctor, or at least something similar.
“Who’d that be? Friend of yours?”
“Something like that. He won’t ask… too many questions.”
So a doctor-ish person with questionable ethics. This was getting weirder and weirder… but also, really exciting. “Cool beans.” he sighed, trying to exhale the tension out of his body as the sound of running water soothed him somewhat.
After another minute, Gatito re-appeared from the other room, with spotless hands and wet sleeves. “Do you have a way to get home safely?”
Oliver blinked. He hadn’t even thought about that- he usually dragged himself home after a scuffle, but that probably wasn’t smart given the pain still flaring in his side. “Uh, yeah. I can call my roommate so she can pick me up.”
Oh dio, Nana was going to kick his ass into the sun for pulling that stunt. He felt bad for putting her through that, but he knew she’d kick his ass even harder if he hid this from her.
“Good. We’ll patch you up properly, and if you don’t need further assistance, you’ll leave.”
Mh. He seemed real eager to see him go… even for someone having to deal with an unwanted guest. He was jittery, biting on his nails and fiddling with strands of his hair, like he was getting more nervous every minute Oliver spent on his property.
Weird. Maybe he was just a misanthrope? That would certainly explain the grumpy hermit vibes.
Still didn’t explain the mask though… “Fine, fine, promise I’ll get out of your hair soon. Sorry for bleeding out on your couch, by the way.”
“Doesn’t matter. I can replace it.”
Ah. That easy, huh? How loaded was that guy? “Okay then, Mr Wayne ,“ the young man chuckled then immediately winced- ow, ow, right, stab wound, okay. He looked back up at the other, who only blinked in apparent confusion.
“That’s… not my name?”
“You sure? The bigass manor, the mask, all the mystery ,” he wiggled his fingers around, “You kinda fit the part.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Ollie rolled his eyes. “Fiiine, keep your secrets then. Can you at least tell me your name? Feels weird calling you like, ‘mask man’ and ‘cat boy’ in my head.”
The stranger went silent once again, a conflicted expression on his face. Like he was being forced to choose between eating a particularly sour lemon, and pouring the juice of said lemon into his eyes. Almost a full minute passed before he opened his mouth again.
“...Mars.” he finally offered, averting his gaze. “If you really have to know.”
Mars expected confusion. Skepticism. Maybe even mocking laughter. But instead, the young spitfire flashed him a million-watt smile. “That’s an awesome name. I’m Ollie.”
Then there was a knock on the door.
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lostonehero · 6 years
Demon lessons (pt4 of a silent betrayal)
Anti had a odd habit, well for a demon it was a weird habit. Marvin thought to himself watching Anti crochet a new cape for him. Marvin didn't ask for one Anti just wanted to make one. It was cute Anti always purred while he crochet. He already made everyone sweaters, blankets, hats, and scarves. Marvin was more worried that Anti will make too much then do something bad while he crochets.
"Master Marvin." Anti cuts through the silence as Marvin looks at him. "May I ask a question?"
"Uh go ahead Anti." Marvin responds still not used to being called master.
"Forgive me if this is out of line, but do the others know of the scars around your eyes, or of your blindness?" The demon asks with pure innocence in his eyes.
Marvin pauses and swallows. "No they do not, and I expect you to keep that a secret between us.... I can still see though Anti by magic."
Anti nods. "I understand master Marvin. I shall keep my lips sealed."
Marvin stops looking at Anti turning away. "Now may I ask a question?"
"Anything master Marvin." Anti has now put his full attention to Marvin putting down his crochet project.
A moment of silence passes before Marvin can speak finding the right words. "Uh do you know why....uh no how did you..... uh no that's not right."
Anti frowns looking at Marvin with his head tilted. "You want to know why I'm hurt?."
Marvin only nods.
"Well I can't remember, but I know when a demon is under contract like I am, they cannot refuse any order or command. So I believe my previous master wanted to test the limits of my loyalty, and uh hurt me." With the innocence in Anti's tone it makes it seem like he only got a paper cut not extremely disfigured.
Marvin looked sick getting that information. "Oh I see, Anti please take all the time you need to heal, and do as you wish in this home."
"I will, thank you master Marvin." Anti responds with a smile returning to his crocheting.
Marvin looked down, he needed to discuss this with Shneep. He sighed getting up. "I'm going to talk with Shneep you can continue doing as you please Anti.
The demon nods as the magician exits.
It was Jackie who knocked on Anti's door later that day. "Hey Anti I brought you a gift."
Anti answers the door immediately. "Oh I have a gift for you too"
Jackie flinches he needs to one up him again. "I got you some spicy lollipops. It's kind of funny since they're called the toe of satan." He hands over a few boxes of candy.
Anti smiles and hands Jackie a knitted mask. "This is for when you go out being a hero in the winter. I don't want you to freeze out there."
Jackie blushes and quickly looks away. "Thank you Anti that's so sweet."
"Also even though you're not my master, Jackie I want to make sure you're healthy, so please don't bind your chest so much. If you need help just ask." Anti smiles softly handing Jackie a scarf with the trans flag stitched into it.
Jackie looks close to tears. "T-thank you Anti I'll try..... uh may I come in?" He asks clutching the scarf close to his chest.
Anti opens the door gesturing Jackie in who quickly rushes in closing the door behind them. "Uh what can you help me with exactly?" He looks down embarrassed
Anti tilts his head. "For one remove those breasts so you don't keep harming yourself. I can do other things but I need permission from master Marvin. I'm not allowed to use magic without permission."
Jackie's eyes widen. "You would do that for me? Anti that's amazing."
Anti nods tapping his fingers against the superheros chest. Jackie's chest feels lighter, and the binder feels looser. "There that's the most I can do without permission. Sorry it isn't much."
Jackie just looks stunned, and can only cry overflowed with emotions. He hugs the demon with all his strength, even with the super strength Anti isn't phased.
"Anti thank you so much. Oh I have to make this up to you." Jackie shouts running out of the room.
Anti just mumbles. "I didn't do much. You don't have to do anything." He feels a growing pit of dispar in his stomach, and he doesn't understand why. Maybe it was because he was a demon, and demons don't deserve kindness. He pushed down the feeling, he needed to do what he wanted. He wants to feel love, but he doesn't know how, so he's going to continue to crochet. Chase needed a new sweater.
Marvin knocked on Anti's door before entering. "Uh hello Anti how are you doing?" The magic fueled man looks around, and spots an crochet cave and Anti laying down in it looking upset.
"I'm sorry master I used magic without your permission." Anti huffy looking exhausted. He didn't realize just using a little would harm him like this.
"Oh Anti that's fine you can use any magic as long as you're not harming anyone..." Marvin was about to ask if that is why Anti is upset, but he is answered immediately by the glitch perking up looking like a happy kitten drawing out of his den.
The demon laches onto Marvin with a tight hug. "Thank you master Marvin... I forgot I couldn't use magic without permission, thank you for giving me permission. Oh I can heal faster now thank you."
Marvin stops and looks at the demon who has moved purring on the bed. He couldn't heal because he wasn't allowed to use his magic without permission. Just what kind of contract did Marvim take? He just wanted to punch the person who made this contract.
In his room JJ sneezed.
The next day Jackie was on cloud nine, Shneep was discussing Anti with Marvin, JJ was writing a script for a new short, and Robbie was drawing with crayons. This was all fine until Chase yelled in shock and some fear.
"Fooking ell Anti what are you doing... IS THAT A FUCKING CHEETAH." Chase screams running inside.
Anti was standing outside holding a Cheetah who was purring and licking the demons head. "Guys I found a kitten." The glitch says with a smile plastered on his face.
The rest of the egos looked shocked.
"Uh Anti where did you find that?" Jackie asks standing in front of the others.
"Oh I went down south, and found her" Anti giggles.
"Uh Anti she doesn't belong here could you bring her back to her own home." Marvin asks slowly.
Anti nods. "Sure thing master Marvin, her name is candy." He teleports away with the cheetah.
"So Anti has a thing for all things felines." JJ has written down showing it to the group.
"Yeah I really hope he doesn't bring them inside the house. " Chase sighs.
"Big kitty." Robbie smiles.
"Yeah big kitty Robbie." Shneep replies.
"I'll talk to Anti about this." Marvin mumbles still reeling.
After Anti returned Marvin had a long talk with the demon setting down ground rules which went over well enough.
Things were going well enough... until Jack came to visit. Which was unusual just unexpected. Marvin quickly rushed Anti into the demon's room slamming the door.
"Is Marvin ok? Jack asks listening to the slam.
Chase speaks up grabbing Jack's shoulder. "Ah yeah he's great we're just excited about the new short dude. JJ said you're trying to add us into it." He says a bit too quickly bringing Jack into the living room.
Shneep runs after the pair. "Yes Sean I was wondering if we could add a medical section." He adds looking back seeing Marvin closing Anti's door.
Jack nods at the pair. "Sure sure, let's go over some plans JJ and I have been going over. Hey Marvin you going to join us?"
"Yeah Jack sure thing." Marvin yells dragging Jackie with him.
"Uh before we start who did you push into the vacant room Marvin?" Jack asks watching Marvin freeze.
"Ah nobody important don't worry yourself Jack." Marvin says with a nervous smile.
Jack looks over to Jackie who immeditally tells the truth. "It was Anti we didn't want you to see him."
All the egos besides Jackie. "JACKIE."
"I'm sorry guys I can't lie you know this." Jackie sighs.
Jack is taken aback. "Now how did you even keep that demon stable.... he's not going to try to possess me again is he?" He asks nervousness lacing is voice.
Marvin scratches the back of his head. "Uh I don't think he remembers how to."
"He is injured...." Shneep mutters.
"He brought a kitty." Robbie smiles.
"He's not a bad guy anymore." Jackie looks away.
Jack frowns looking confused. "Ok let's roll back please explain everything. I haven't been here for like three months."
Marvin clears his throat and begins to explain.
Jack sighs. "So I see Anti doesn't remember anything, and he is actually disfigured... ah geez how long jas this been going on."
"Only a few months really, but Anti has wanted to meet you he made you a bunch of sweaters and hats." Jackie mumbles.
"He did? He wants to meet me?" Jack pauses and takes a deep breath. "Ok let him down."
Marvin nods. "Ok Anti could you come down?" With that question the demon appears next to Jack.
"Yes master Marvin... oh hello you must be Jack. Hello how are you doing?" Anti bows in a greeting.
"Uh hello Anti yes I am Jack." Jack's mind is racing, so Anti really has changed. "Ok so how would you like to be in this short the fans would love it."
"Would that be alright master Marvin." Anti asks Marvin who looks at Jack who nods.
"Yes Anti you can." Marvin smiles
Anti beams sitting next to Jackie on the couch waiting for ideas to be toss around.
It was a productive meeting throwing around video ideas. Jack now felt comfortable going to and from the ego world back to his own home. He just needed to do research on demons because Anti is just weirding him out. Well at least this video will be a great one.
Now that Jack knew about Anti, and the iplier egos had a rough idea, Marvin was more concerned with the actual iplier egos coming over soon.... he was worried that most of all Dark would use Anti. For now he hoped that day wouldn't come.
Right now Anti was attempting to catch a spider on the ceiling. He was like a over active kitten with supernatural abilities.
"Hey Marvin I told Bing about y'know..... he wants to come over tomorrow... if that's alright." Chase interrupts Marvin's thoughts.
"Uh sure Chase Bing is always welcomed here." Marvin responds tiredness laced his tone. Since when did he become the leader of the house that was Shneep's job.
"Cool bro thanks. Hey Anti can you be player three tomorrow." Chase smiles as Anti gives a thumbs up from the ceiling.
"Dude so Anti you have no memory right?" Bing asks the demon who's lounging on the floor.
"Yeah I don't really remember anything." Anti responds boredly looking up at the android.
"Ah damn I wanted to ask you something.... oh well dude let's get to gaming right Chase?" Bing gives a mechanical sigh as his parts whirl.
Anti looks at Bing with a curious gaze, but returns to look at the screen controller lazily in his hand. "Ok I'm ready."
Chase smiles. "Ok dudes lets go."
They proceed to play smash for hours. Anti enjoying hearing the two men's laughter.
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Senior Year chapter Five
Next chapter guys!!!
Word count: 4,921
Chapter: 5/?
Annabeth's POV
"No Percy. Put that back." Sally said for what felt like the 20th time. Sally, Percy, and Annabeth were all at Walmart. They realized the day of orientation that they completely forgot to get supplies the day they went shopping, and now they had no school supplies. So here they were. In the school supply section that every Walmart has the months before school starts up again. Percy was trying to convince Sally that he needed every fish folder in the box. 
"How will you know which is which if they are the same folder?" Sally argued. 
"I'll write on them Mom."
"No Percy you can get one but only one or else you'll take the wrong folder to class." He looked like he was about to say something else but I guess he thought his mom was right cause he put every folder back except one. He walked around the section getting everything blue in sight instead.  
"You know it will be easier if you color code everything. Like have something other than blue in here," Annabeth said grabbing three blue binders, four blue folders and a blue notebook.  
"I'm going for a theme here, Annabeth. Blue."
"Oh blue. I thought you were going for more of an indigo theme."  
"Haha," Percy deadpanned and grabbed the things out of her hands and only put one of each back into the cart and put the rest back. "Fine." He then proceeded to grab Power Rangers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, Finding  Nemo, and Hello Kitty thing to put in the cart. "Is this better?"  
"Yes," Annabeth said with a nod. "At least they are all different." He shook his head and put them back just getting the basic colors and a corresponding folder and binder. Annabeth walked around trying to figure out the best colors for the classes and which one will be better. Percy grabbed a couple other things and plopped them into the cart. He went down the aisle with the backpacks and came back with a bright blue one little fishes. He seemed very proud of his find. Annabeth just rolled her eyes as he set that into the cart with everything else. It is amazing that he can find anything blue and sea related. Annabeth wandered around putting everything she thought she might need into the cart. Then she grabbed a white backpack and placed it into the cart with Percy's. He was leaning against the cart gently pushing it and rolling it back. Looks like he's done, Annabeth thought. She looked around for Sally and beckoned her over when she spotted her.  
"I think were done," Annabeth said. Sally looked over the cart and nodded in approval. They bought what the got and headed out.  
When they got back to the apartment Annabeth immediately started to put everything into her backpack. She spent at least half and hour putting things in different pockets to see how she liked it the best. Percy came in when she was just reorganizing for the third time. He sat down on her bed and scooted back so he was leaning against the wall. He pulled out his phone and started tapping the screen.  
"Was there something you needed?" Annabeth asked putting her pens and pencils in a bag then into the front pocket of her backpack.  
"No. I just got bored," he replied looking up long enough to look at her.
"Oh. And you thought coming in here will cure your boredom?"
"Well you're in here and you can basically cure anything I got." He looked at her again and gave her a loving smile.
"Are you ready for orientation?"
"Well everything is in my backpack, if that's what you mean. I honestly didn’t think Goode would let me come back after I got blame for setting fire to band room. Then didn't get blamed, but just ran from the scene." Percy got a weird look on his face as he looked at his phone. "The fire that Kelli started," he muttered under his breath in distaste.  
"Well just be glad and try not to be in the wrong place at the wrong time again."  
"Easier said then done." He went back to whatever he was doing on his phone and Annabeth went back to trying to figure out how to best organize her backpack. She tried every way she could think of until she found one that might work. She set her backpack at the foot of her bed and crawled onto it next to Percy. She looked over to see what he was doing. She looked up at the top of his screen and saw G-Man. Grover, she thought. She glanced at his texts. They were talking about the camp and school. Nothing to special. She looked at the time on his phone. 3:30. They still and hour and a half until orientation.  
Annabeth sank lower onto her bed until she was laying her head on Percy's thigh. Instinctively he started to run his fingers through her hair. It was a habit that he picked up after Tartarus. It started on the Argo 2, just when they were together in the other's room, but now it's turned into whenever he can. She honestly liked it. It somehow made her fall asleep faster and calm her down. She thinks it helps calm him down too, to have some sort of contact with her. Soon she was closing her eyes and drifting off.  
She woke up when Sally came in to tell them to get ready. Percy had fallen asleep too and was rubbing his eyes with his knuckles. She was surprised but happy that she didn’t have a dream. Maybe she wasn't asleep long enough, but she thinks it was because Percy was with her. She slowly got up and shouldered her backpack. Percy walked out of her room and into his room to grab his backpack.  
"You know mom, you really don't need to come." Percy was at the door with his car keys in hand. "All we're going to be doing is getting our schedule and setting up our lockers."
"Percy, I'm worried that something will happen." She was trying to argue but it didn’t seem like she really wanted to go.  
"Don't worry Sally. I'll make sure that nothing happens," Annabeth said with a smile.
"Well that does make me feel better. Be safe when driving and don’t stay out too long."  
Percy gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and ran out with Annabeth following behind. When they got to the school they were a little late, so the assembly had already started but they didn’t come for that, so they weren't too bummed out. They went right to the table that was off to the side when they first walked in and asked for their papers.  
"Percy Jackson," Percy said when she asked for his name. She gave him a look like she knew who he was but didn't say anything.  
"Annabeth Chase," she said when asked for her name. They quickly looked over their schedule. They had about five classes together. Their second, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh. Annabeth's third hour was art and Percy had a free period. They both had first hour off.  
"Oh thank the . . . people who made these schedules. Do you know what this means? We don't have to come into school until second hour. Thank you." He put his hands together in a pray like position. He then continued down the halls to the senior hallway. It was a big hallway that connected the east and west side of the school. One side was lined with purple and white locked and the other was lined with windows looking out at the courtyard and locker between the windows. Annabeth found her locker first, number 14. Percy kept walking all the way to the middle of the hallway. He opened it up and came back to Annabeth.
"They obviously go alphabetically," Percy stated seeing how far his locker was from hers. Then he looked back at her then at his again. Stepped into the middle of the hallway to look at both of them then closed his locker and came back. "I think we should take your locker."
"Take me locker?" Annabeth questioned. Nobody was going to take her locker. She was already making plans on how to set it up and Percy was not going to mess them up.  
"Yeah like share a locker. Look, I'm gonna carry my backpack everywhere. It makes it easier to get food into class. Both of us aren't going to have enough books to fill a whole locker. I don’t really want to be that far from you. And if we see each other each passing period you can remind me to grab my textbook, because I always forget." He seemed like he was really proud of his reasons. To be honest Annabeth didn’t really like how far away their lockers were either. She really didn’t mind sharing with Percy, just as long he can keep their locker organized then she would be fine with it. She quickly looked at her paper with her combo to her locker, 3-13-23.
"Fine we can share a locker. But I don’t think we want all of our books at the very bottom. This locker is set up horribly. I mean one little shelf at the top that you can't stand books upright on. What were these people thinking?"  
"Okay, Miss Architect, I have a solution." He pulled something black from his backpack and hung it up in their locker. It had two hooks that attached to the top shelf and was divided in the middle to make two shelved in the locker. It was genius. She was glad that Percy had picked it up earlier that day.  
"Great. Now we just figure out the best way to place everything." She started to pull things out from her bag and place them onto the shelves she decided to take the lower one and Percy got the other one. He stepped back as Annabeth organized their locker the way she thought best. She rearranged things a couple times until she was happy. She stepped back when she was done to look at the whole locker. Their notebooks and binders were separated so they would get them mixed up Annabeth's bag fit nicely at the bottom if she choose to keep it in her locker. She thought it would be better to carry it, but she was glad to know it would fit. On the top shelf she put a pencil box with extra pen, pencils, and erasers if they needed them. To her it looked pretty good.
She turned her head to Percy who had taken a seat and leaning against the opposite wall watching her. She stepped out of the way for him to peer inside.
"Okay. The bottom one has all of my stuff. That's where I will keep my books when we get them. Yours is the top. The box up their has extra supplies if you need them, okay? I want to keep it like this okay Percy? No putting things where they don’t belong." She pointed a finger at him and let him know that she meant it. He let a small smile slip onto his face as he nodded his head and gave a little okay. "Do you not think you can keep it like this?"  
"Yes I can, because if I don’t you'll beat my ass."  
"That's right Seaweed Brain." The door at the end of the hall opened and students started to file out. It looked like the assembly was over and kids were going to start coming into the hallway to get their own lockers set up. Percy got up and grabbed Annabeth's hand.  
"Ready?" He asked giving her hand a squeeze. She nodded and closed the locker then let Percy drag her out to the jeep. She stopped him before he could get into the driver's spot.  
"Can I drive?" Percy looked at her skeptically.
"Do you even have you driver's license with you?" He questioned.  
"Maybe....But I am an excellent drive. We won't get pulled over. I want to see if I know the way home." Percy just shrugged and handed her the keys on the way to the passenger side. She was expecting him to put up more of fight. I guess he thinks I can get home just as well as he can, she thought as she climbed into the driver seat. She turned it on and pulled out of the parking lot with no problem. She looked over at Percy expecting to see him analyzing every move she was making. Instead she found him staring out the window.
"Hey are you okay?" She asked returning her gaze to the road.
"Hum... Yeah I'm fine. Just getting nervous about starting school again I guess. Didn’t finish the school year like everyone else, but Chiron told the school I was getting schooling from him. I probably gonna be behind in every class, well except for gym." Annabeth could get where he was coming from. She had spent most of the year either looking for Percy or saving the world. She had gotten some schooling from Chiron in between though. Percy hadn't even had a class since last winter. It probably will be hard for him to catch up.  
"Well it a good thing that you have a smart and wise girlfriend that loves you and will be willing to help you graduate this year." He perked up and looked at her. He had a smile that was showing all his teeth. Even though Annabeth had seen it before it was a pleasant change from his usual trouble maker smirk. She swears she had seen him smiled more times in the last couple days than she had in the last couple weeks. It was an infectious one that had her smiling right back at him.
"Really!? You'd help me make it through the school year?"  
"Percy. Of course I would help you make it through the school year. How else are you going to graduate and make it to college with me."  
"Wow. That inspires confidence in me."
"No. I didn’t mean it like that. I would gladly help you if you need my help."
"Thank you Annabeth. This is why I love you."  
"Not because I've saved your life like a billion times, or because I'm smart, or because I'm ridiculously hot, or because I'm pretty good with kni—"
"You know I love you because of everything you are and everything you can do. There's not one thing about I don’t love about you Annabeth." Annabeth didn't think he could recover that fast and that well. She glanced at him then back at the road when she felt the heat rising up. She stopped at the stop sign then turned into the apartments. She turned off the car grabbed her backpack from the back when she turned around to get out Percy was holding the door open, waiting for her. She blushed even more and grabbed his waiting hand. He took the keys from her and pinched the apartment key between his thumb and pointer in the hand that wasn't preoccupied with hers. He had put the apartment key on last night along with a key chain of a dolphin he had found. He swung the door open and lead Annabeth in letting go of her hand to move it to the small of her back.  
Sally and Paul were at the table eating some dinner.  
"Hey we have dinner if you want it," Sally offered.  
"I'm not really hungry," Percy said taking Annabeth's backpack. "I'm gonna put this in your room. I'll be in mine if anyone needs me." Then disappeared down the hallway. Annabeth took a seat grabbing a serving of pasta. She drizzled some sauce on and took a bite.
"What was that about?" Sally asked concern spilling into her voice.  
"He's just nervous about school. He hasn't been in one since winter. He's worried about being behind. But don’t worry I'll be there to help him if he needs it." She was a little worried that it wasn't just school that was worrying him, but for now she would let him be.  
"Annabeth you are a lifesaver. Really. I don’t think Percy or I could have made it through the last couple of months without you." Sally reached across the table to grab her hand. She gave it a little squeeze and let go.  
"No, Sally, if anyone should thankful it me. Thank you for letting me stay here and take my senior year here. It's really great to get away from camp and just spend time with Percy. Thank you." Annabeth took another bite and chewed contently. She talked with Sally and Paul about how the orientation was and about their schedules.
"Oh Percy and I have first hour off so we don’t have to go to school until second hour. We have basically the same schedules except for like two classes. I have art third hour when he has another free period." Annabeth told them and finished up her pasta. She got up and went to the sink to rinse off her plate and put it in the dishwasher.  
"So you guys will be seeing a lot of each other," Paul said grabbing his and Sally's plates and placing them in the sink. Annabeth grabbed them and rinsed them too.  
"Yeah it looks like it. But don’t worry we'll try to keep the PDA to a minimum."
"Oh thanks," Paul said in teasing tone. Annabeth finished the dishes and started the dishwasher. She walked down the hall down to Percy's room. He was sitting on his bed looking over his schedule. Annabeth took her seat next to him and look over it with him.  
"That free period will really help you get your work done when you need it," said Annabeth taking the schedule out of his hand. She took a quick look over it. He classes were pretty much the same as hers.
First hour—free
Second hour—English, with Paul
Third hour— free
Fourth hour— Physical Education, with Mr. Harrison  
Fifth hour — Math (trigonometry), with Mr. Keller
Sixth hour—Science, with Mrs. Payne
Seventh hour— History, with Mrs. Stuart
Annabeth memorized his schedule and noted the differences from hers. She looked up and met Percy's eyes.  
"What?" She questioned.
"You're face does this cute scrunch when you're concentrating. It's cute." Percy shrugged his shoulder and rolled onto his back. He stared up at the ceiling putting his hand behind his head.  
"What are you thinking about?"
"Well," He turned his head to look at her, "I just don’t think we'll have the same math for very long. They'll take one look at your assignments and tests and put you somewhere else. Maybe even change your whole schedule."  
"Well how about you think of that when that days comes, until then you can think of other stuff." She had shifted over to him. They were laying side by side their noses almost touching. Annabeth was grateful for the fact that Percy had a bigger bed than hers.  
"Oh yeah, and what other things should I think about?" Percy asked leaning forward then drawing back again.
"Oh I don't know. You can think about how we don’t have to go to school until second hour." Annabeth closed the gap between giving him a chaste kiss on the nose. "or you can think about how we have second hour…and fourth hour…and fifth hour…and sixth hour…and seventh hour together," Annabeth gave him another kiss on the cheeks between each hour.  
Percy hummed. "Thinking about that makes me think of school and I don’t like thinking about school. I would rather just think of you instead." Percy leaned forward drawing his hand up to cup her cheek. He pulled her and in didn’t let her go. They're lips move against each other in a way that they both knew all too well but would never get use to. Annabeth deepened the kiss pushing against him until his back was against the mattress and Annabeth was laying on his chest. Annabeth pulled back for air and Percy started to attack her neck. She started to giggle as his lips tickled her throat. She pulled him back up leaned to meet his lips again.  
They jumped back when they heard a throat clear in the hallway.  
"Paul. My gods you scared me," Percy sighed.  
"Good," was all Paul said before continuing down the hallway.  
Annabeth look at Percy before she started laughing. Percy dropped his head back on the mattress and breathed in deep.
"I don’t think I'll be able to do this whole door half open thing,"  
"You'll have to get use it," Sally said stopping  at his doorway. "You two better get bed, in your own beds." She gave a pointed look to both them then followed Paul to their room.  
"If we have to do this half door thing then so do you two," Percy shouted after his mom. Sally poked her head around his door frame just long enough to roll her eyes at Percy. Annabeth thought she could hear Paul laughing down the hall.  
"She's right though. We really should be getting to bed. It's almost nine." Annabeth climbed over Percy with just a little resistance from him. She huffed a laugh and rolled her eyes before slipping off the bed and walking across the hall to the bathroom. She could hear Percy groans of protest as she closed the door behind her.  
She turned around and began her nightly routine in the small bathroom. She looked in the mirror and ran a hand through her hair. It was a little puffy and frizzy from when Percy was running his fingers through her hair but not too bad. She still wished she had remembered to put it in a bun before they went to the school. Se continued with her routine then walked across the hallway. She leaned into Percy's room long enough to say goodnight.  
"Goodnight, Wise Girl," he replied turning his head slightly from his closet and she could see his smile. She smiled along with him as she walked to her room. Annabeth quickly got changed into some pajamas and crawled into bed and let her mind take over.  
The first place it went to was Percy. She quickly pushed him out of her mind reminding herself that he was just across the hall, perfectly safe and sound. Her mind then went to camp. How is everyone? Have there been any new recruits? The camp hasn't really a quite summer (or winter) since Percy came to camp when he was twelve. Between the lightning bolt, Thalia's tree and the golden fleece, trying to find recruit and getting kidnapped by Luke, that was a really exciting winter. Then you had the labyrinth and second Titan war. It seemed like just a month or two after that Percy disappeared and the Prophecy of the Seven started rolling. Annabeth feels like she hasn't gotten a breather in years.  
That is until she came here to Percy's apartment with Sally and Paul and just an air of comfort and safety. Not to mention Percy being around 24/7. Just that thought helped to calm her nerves. The thought that Percy was just across the hall. Just a shout in the right direction. He could be in her fingertips in seconds. It was a comforting thought.  
But school was going to be starting soon and he wasn't going to be around every second. They would  different class here and there. She would be at volleyball practice, him at football. School was only two days away and that was nerve racking. The thought of school and all the thoughts that came with it was the last thing that Annabeth thought about before drifting off to sleep.  
If Annabeth had to guess she would say she got at least two hours before the dreams woke her up. She gasped awake, her hands hurting from clutching the blanket around her and her mouth dry. She breathed in deeply trying to chase away the memory of Percy dying before her eyes. She sat up and rubbed her eyes with the heel of her palm. The image was still imprinted on her eyelids.  
Slowly, she got up and let the blanket fall back onto the bed. The carpet was soft under her dragging feet as she made her way into the hallway. A hand dragging along the wall to steady her still sleeping body. She stopped at Percy's door. Annabeth nudged it open and poke her head inside. Still there, she thought. Good.  
She continued down the hall until her feet met with the cold kitchen tile. She opened a random cabinet looking for the cups. Why don't I know where anything is yet...? Oh that’s right. Percy is always front and center in the kitchen. He kinds distracting that way. Annabeth smiled at memory of Percy with pancake batter on his cheek. The memory of him laying on the ground dying fading by the second.  
She opened two more before she found the right one. She filled it up and welcomed the cold water to her dry mouth. Annabeth downed the whole glass, set it in the sink and made her way back. She slowed down when she came next to Percy's room. She hadn't closed the door on the way to the kitchen and she could hear his labored breathing and his tossing and turning body. In a second she pushed the door open all the way and sank in next to him.  
"Percy. Percy wake up." Annabeth shook his shoulder. "Wake up. It's just a dream." She shook him a little harder and backed away when he sat bolt upright. He breathed harder, his eyes frantically taking in everything at once. His eyes found hers and visibly calmed down. He breathing was still hard as he leaned forward and rested his forehead on her shoulder.
"Annabeth," he whispered.  
"I'm here. I'm right here and not going anywhere, okay?" His head nodded against her shoulder and Annabeth's fingers brushed through his hair soothingly. They stayed like this until Percy's breathing evened out and he lifted his head and met her eyes.  
"Sorry if I woke you," he offered.  
Annabeth shook her head. "Don’t be. I was already up." She saw the concern hit his eyes. She shook her head again. She pushed him down until his head was back on the pillow. She crawled over him so the wall was to her back and her head was on Percy's chest drawing the cover up around both of them. "I'm fine. You're fine. We're both fine. So don’t worry about me."  
She could hear his heart thumping in his chest. She instantly calmed down even more at the sound. The only thing that could calm her more than the sound of Percy's heart was his voice. She wouldn't really mind laying here forever listening it.  
Percy hummed, the sound vibrating through his chest. Annabeth looked up him. His eyes were open looking up. I wonder what's so interesting about his ceiling?  
"You should try to get some more sleep." She nussled up closer to him tangling their legs together. He hummed again and put his arm around her. He started to draw his finger tip up and down her arm in the same way she was doing with hers on his chest.  
"You should talk," he huffed. She could hear the tired smile in voice and decided that she probably should get more sleep too.
His hands moved from her shoulder and to the ends of her hair. The slight tugging at her hair felt so good and so soothing. Soon Annabeth was drifting back to sleep. Percy hand in her hair and his heart in her ear.  
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