tavernnetwork-blog · 5 years
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| July 15 | Page of Pentacles | . You are grounded, your vision is clear, and you are ready to expand your mind. You are set to learn new skills, especially those that you can apply to your life. Take the time to collect yourself and resources. Your dreams may be on the horizon, but its important to stay practical. Carry on your curiosity in the world and allow learning to be your adventure. You can see your potential as you grow and flourish. . Deck: Vagabond Wild by @bohoandindiewild/ @tiffanysosoart . . #pageofpentacles #bohoandindiewild #vagabondwild #vagabondwildtatot #tiffanysoso #summer #july #witch #witchesofinstagram #witchesofoceanside #witchcraft #magick #magickpracticioner #tarot #divination #dailydraw #tarotoftheday #oracleoftheday #rootsoftherose #oceansidelocal #oceansideca #sandiego #lovewhatyoudo #original https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz8KMQhhASA/?igshid=19tryki1k0sdm
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tavernnetwork-blog · 5 years
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| February 27 | The Empress | . Today's energy is creative, sensual, fertile, and warm, with gentle and loving strength. Tell the lady in your life what she means to you. And if you are the lady in your life, remember to treat yourself like the goddess you are. You may also be wanting more emotional or maternal nourishment. If you are able to, try to spend some time in nature and allow it to heal and nourish your soul. . . #empress #vagabondwild #vagabondwildtarot #bohoandindiewild #tiffanysoso #winter #february #witch #witchesofinstagram #witchesofoceanside #witchcraft #magick #magickpracticioner #tarot #divination #dailydraw #tarotoftheday #oracleoftheday #rootsoftherose #original https://www.instagram.com/p/BuY-oh7nBzl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vfu28j36r26s
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tavernnetwork-blog · 5 years
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| January 29 | Ace of Pentacles | . Well, look at all those opportunities! Manifestations seem to be at a peak today, especially in this physical realm. The energy is fresh and fertile and wait for you to shape it with your wants or desires. Your life has accumulated wealth of all kinds- love, friendships, financial, experiences, and more. Your head might be spinning with ideas and possibilities and collaborations but that's okay- keep note of them all! Stay logical as you are on this path, because sound decisionmaking is important and will help you make the most practical choice. The Universe has your back and wants to see you flourish! . . #aceofpentacles #vagabondwild #vagabondwildtarot #bohoandindiewild #tiffanysoso #winter #january #witch #witchesofinstagram #witchesofoceanside #witchcraft #magick #magickpracticioner #tarot #divination #dailydraw #tarotoftheday #oracleoftheday #rootsoftherose #original https://www.instagram.com/p/BtOGlsvHqra/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ws0fasv2stqr
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tavernnetwork-blog · 5 years
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| January 23 | Three of Cups | . Quality time with friends and family is the perfect thing right now. Find ways to connect with your community and celebrate any victories, achievements, or even just being together. Let that magick flow with your relationships and priorities- yes this can spread to professional or work-related groups! Even if you are stressed, you can turn to your friends and family for support to get you through this dark time. Squad goals, anyone? . . #threeofcups #vagabondwild #vagabondwildtarot #bohoandindiewild #tiffanysoso #winter #january #witch #witchesofinstagram #witchesofoceanside #witchcraft #magick #magickpracticioner #tarot #divination #dailydraw #tarotoftheday #oracleoftheday #rootsoftherose #original https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs-wKKrH_Sf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1k4jb53xzk4yi
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tavernnetwork-blog · 5 years
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| January 21 | Page of Swords | "I choose to learn through love." . Bonus card from the Universe because I wasnt able to do a card post yesterday! Remember to love yourself- you are a human being after all! . You are bubbling to the brim with ideas and you are just steaming to tell everyone! Take these ideas and turn them into actions! Expand your knowledge and keep asking WHY on even the every day things. (Fun Activity: find out WHY smoke cleanses energy and come back to me with your findings!) Take those first steps and get that momentum going for whatever project you want to do! Take that Full Moon Leo energy and run with it! I can't wait to see all your ideas blossom into reality! . . #universehasyourback #universe #pageofswords #vagabondwild #vagabondwildtarot #bohoandindiewild #tiffanysoso #winter #january #witch #witchesofinstagram #witchesofoceanside #witchcraft #magick #magickpracticioner #tarot #divination #dailydraw #tarotoftheday #oracleoftheday #rootsoftherose #original https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs5wLY6HjXe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wwief62ieec7
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tavernnetwork-blog · 5 years
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| February 24 | Temperance | . Balance and patience in your life is extremely crucial because it helps create stability, however it can be difficult to achieve. Luckily these are skills you are mastering! Patience is on your side as you take your time making those nig decisions and weighting the options. Rushing will only make you sloppy and unbalanced! No matter what is going on in your life, you cannot control other people or every situation, but it is important you control how you respond and react. You may have storm all around you, but you are still able to have inner peace and balance. . . #temperance #vagabondwild #vagabondwildtarot #bohoandindiewild #tiffanysoso #winter #february #witch #witchesofinstagram #witchesofoceanside #witchcraft #magick #magickpracticioner #tarot #divination #dailydraw #tarotoftheday #oracleoftheday #rootsoftherose #original https://www.instagram.com/p/BuRW2-NHA5R/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10qumq4266rrr
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tavernnetwork-blog · 5 years
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| February 21 | The High Priestess | . Listen to your inner self, allowing your intuition to fill your senses and lead you to the right path. Let the energy ebb and flow; forcing it will only disturb the balance. Let things happen as they do. Let your imagination and creativity explode with ideas, no matter how obscure or strange they may be. Trust your intuition, it's trying to guide you in the right direction! . . #highpriestess #vagabondwild #vagabondwildtarot #bohoandindiewild #tiffanysoso #winter #february #witch #witchesofinstagram #witchesofoceanside #witchcraft #magick #magickpracticioner #tarot #divination #dailydraw #tarotoftheday #oracleoftheday #rootsoftherose #original https://www.instagram.com/p/BuJjDb6He8j/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=q1oy72wqr8sy
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tavernnetwork-blog · 5 years
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| February 13 | The Hermit | . Valentine's Day is tomorrow, but the cards are urging you to take today to look within. You need to search deep to understand your soul's truth, and it will be a solo journey. You may have already been withdrawing from other social activities. The goal is alignment with your mind, body, and soul. Once you come to this alignment, you will have much more room for love and compassion for yourself and others, whether it is a person, activity, or something else entirely. . . #hermit #vagabondwild #vagabondwildtarot #bohoandindiewild #tiffanysoso #winter #february #witch #witchesofinstagram #witchesofoceanside #witchcraft #magick #magickpracticioner #tarot #divination #dailydraw #tarotoftheday #oracleoftheday #rootsoftherose #original https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt1CLgmHi8v/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10vjsjuif31y5
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tavernnetwork-blog · 5 years
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| February 9 | Three Card Day | | Nine of Swords | | At Day's End - Rest | . "I find peace in Nature, and rest my body and mind in order to connect to Spirit." . "When I accept the love of the Universe as my primary teacher, I will always be guided back to the light." . You need to rest, your body, your mind, your soul... These thoughts are creating nightmare and the anxiety is flying right through the roof. You are so stressed you don't even know what to do anymore. Life is getting just too overwhelming, but you manifested it! You brewed on those worse-case scenarios, and they became real. Get out of your darkness and see the light- its will guide you to positivity! You have blessings and successes; remember those things to keep you going! You need to rest and recuperate. Fall back in alignment. Ease your soul. . . #nineofswords #vagabondwild #vagabondwildtarot #bohoandindiewild #tiffanysoso #consciousspirit #universehasyourback #winter #february #witch #witchesofinstagram #witchesofoceanside #witchcraft #magick #magickpracticioner #tarot #divination #dailydraw #tarotoftheday #oracleoftheday #rootsoftherose #original https://www.instagram.com/p/Btqiv9bHVah/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1uxi8koua9boi
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tavernnetwork-blog · 5 years
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| February 6 | The Moon | . It is time to look at your shadows and fears, but a huge part of that is to also know how to overcome them as well. Be aware of your unconscious- the more aware you become the more you will be able to act using your conscious mind rather than subconscious fear. Allow your intuition to guide you, but you need to make sure you are able to clearly hear it as well, and yes sometimes it won't seem like it connects at all. The truth will come, and in time it all will make sense. Full circle! . . #moon #vagabondwild #vagabondwildtarot #bohoandindiewild #tiffanysoso #winter #february #witch #witchesofinstagram #witchesofoceanside #witchcraft #magick #magickpracticioner #tarot #divination #dailydraw #tarotoftheday #oracleoftheday #rootsoftherose #original https://www.instagram.com/p/Bti9j74HE4J/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=g7klk3hpoo9d
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tavernnetwork-blog · 5 years
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| February 4 | Seven of Wands | . Today is the day to put forward that energy toward what you want- those goals, desires, and needs. Take a lesson from yesterday's Super Bowl; there is importance in offense and defense and learning how to utilize each will give you your best chance. Now is the time to make the move! Try to avoid being stagnant and still for this will openly prevent you from achieving any of your goals. Put motion into the direction you wish to go. You got this! Take that step! . . #sevenofwands #vagabondwild #vagabondwildtarot #bohoandindiewild #tiffanysoso #winter #february #witch #witchesofinstagram #witchesofoceanside #witchcraft #magick #magickpracticioner #tarot #divination #dailydraw #tarotoftheday #oracleoftheday #rootsoftherose #original https://www.instagram.com/p/BtdlONLHbs_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qz5lid650cag
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tavernnetwork-blog · 5 years
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| February 3 | King of Pentacles | . Oh how we love our kings, and this king wants us to find security, abundance, and success. Utilize techniques based on achievements and accomplishments for any upcoming plans is the best path to confidently reach your goals. Stay committed! So many of us lose steam and lose passion for our responsibilities and goals, which ultimately leads to failure. Maintaining motivation will help you stay focused on reaching your desires as well as find new opportunities and wealth. Hardwork is key- you can't expect to become rich by sitting back and doing nothing (at least not at first). Quality should aways be the choice above quantity. Find the joy in profit and find a proven work ethic that works for you. Keep in mind that not everyone's methods will work for you and vice versa. . I'll be available for tarot readings tomorrow if interested! Please just send me a DM! . . #kingofpentacles #vagabondwild #vagabondwildtarot #bohoandindiewild #tiffanysoso #winter #february #witch #witchesofinstagram #witchesofoceanside #witchcraft #magick #magickpracticioner #tarot #divination #dailydraw #tarotoftheday #oracleoftheday #rootsoftherose #original https://www.instagram.com/p/BtbSxtxnH3R/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5hd0ibkpkizt
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tavernnetwork-blog · 5 years
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| January 18 | Ace of Wands | . The time is now to bring out that potential for new beginnings! Step into your power! If you have been waiting for it... This is your sign! Chase down your dreams, without any remorse or regrets. Allow the world surrounding you inspire you with new ideas and venues. Let your intuition guide you during this time. Go all in! . . #aceofwands #vagabondwild #vagabondwildtarot #bohoandindiewild #tiffanysoso #winter #january #witch #witchesofinstagram #witchesofoceanside #witchcraft #magick #magickpracticioner #tarot #divination #dailydraw #tarotoftheday #oracleoftheday #rootsoftherose #original https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsx4nb5HpeE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=118csutozta1c
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tavernnetwork-blog · 5 years
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| January 16 | Seven of Pentacles | . The cards are really driving it in that you are MAKING IT! The fruits of your labor are growing and supporting you. You're killing it! Time everything right for that long-term success you are aiming for- it is coming and you need to be ready for it. Your passion is the best fuel here, and the money made is the result. Keep doing you, boo! . . #CARD #vagabondwild #vagabondwildtarot #bohoandindiewild #tiffanysoso #winter #january #witch #witchesofinstagram #witchesofoceanside #witchcraft #magick #magickpracticioner #tarot #divination #dailydraw #tarotoftheday #oracleoftheday #rootsoftherose #original https://www.instagram.com/p/Bss6mAGngZF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8am6teksmm88
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tavernnetwork-blog · 5 years
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| January 15 | Six of Wands | . Your hardwork is paying off, your success is becoming known, and you are accomplishing goals! Adoration is shining on you like the Sun's warm rays and you are just soaking it up, and you deserve it! You are right where you need to be. This is only the beginning, so keep that momentum flowing and going! Slay away, babes! . . #sixofwands #vagabondwild #bohoandindiewild #tiffanysoso #winter #january #witch #witchesofinstagram #witchesofoceanside #witchcraft #magick #magickpracticioner #tarot #divination #dailydraw #tarotoftheday #oracleoftheday #rootsoftherose #original https://www.instagram.com/p/BsqVUg2HJUZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1r3hhuiev9ms2
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tavernnetwork-blog · 5 years
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| January 11 | Queen of Swords | . This Queen values intelligence over beauty, and she is urging you to do the same and think clearly about your situation. Logic rules, which means emotion has no place here. Cut through that bullshit and get to the facts. Utilize sass and wit if you need to. Those who are more sensitive may view this way as blunt, cold, and harsh, but it's not that you're being harsh, you just are trying to be fair. . . #queenofswords #vagabondwild #bohoandindiewild #tiffanysoso #winter #january #witch #witchesofinstagram #witchesofoceanside #witchcraft #magick #magickpracticioner #tarot #divination #dailydraw #tarotoftheday #oracleoftheday #rootsoftherose #original https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsf4N-pHygF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1uiunxgsrdw13
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