#tiffanylamps: writing
tiffanylamps · 4 months
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awandering awondering by TiffanyLamps Rating: G “Who was it? The mistress. His colleague, his secretary, or his wife’s assistant? Oh, the headmistress of their child’s school?"
“His first love.”
[or: after a stressful shift, joo won books it to dong sik's house and decides right there and then is the best time to come out to him.]
🌻🌻🌻 please be nice to me and ignore the gifs. i know they're different sizes and the colours are off- i got lazy towards the end and my laptop kept sounding like it was about to take flight every time i exported them, so i decided they were good enough as they are lol
!!!! i actually did something creative !!!! it is-what some might say-a miracle. this isn't my usual ~style~ but it was pretty fun to write. i started it maaaybe a year ago, and because of the wip prompt i was tagged in wee while ago, i was inspired to finish it (so thank you so much for that 💛) think of this as an early valentine's day gift from me to you (but not all of you cos i don't know a lot of you... not enough for that anyway soz) here's what i was listening to whilst writing: playlist no.1 playlist no.2
ttfn, love ya 👋
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fridayvelvet · 1 year
ten first lines
Rules: Share the first line of ten of your most recent fanfics and then tag ten people. Don't have ten? Not to worry, just share what you have.
tagged by @tiffanylamps 💕💕
posting my most recent fics according to ao3 so one weak hero, one d.p and the rest are beyond evil
1.) Sieun wanders into the hospital in a daze the pain in his cast covered arm registering dully in the back of his mind, he powers through it, marching directly to the closest nursing station and asks as politely as possible where Suho's room is located. (Comfort.)
2.) “Beautiful.” One of the last words Joowon will ever hear comes from Lee Dongsik whispered to him as he's trapped in the older man's embrace. (Beautiful.)
3.) "You're fired." (On the Snow.)
4.) Ramen. (Impurities.)
5.) Dongsik is shivering. (Team Building.)
6.) A figure has been following him for months now. (Make it through the night.)
7.) Auspicious signs and moon patterns had never been a concern for Joowon. (Like a wolf to the moon.)
8.) “He’s coming, he’s coming!” Minjeong exclaims in an failed attempt of a whisper, arm roughly hooked around the back of Jihoon’s neck dragging him downward to her height. (Steven Yeun but make it Lee Dongsik.)
9.) It was only a matter of time until he was caught alone by Jangsoo. (4 times Hoyeol protected Junho + 1 time Junho protected him.)
10.) Dongsik kissed him yesterday. (Could I be more obvious?)
anyone who wants to do this feel free!
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citrinekay · 2 years
Hello! I just wanted to stop by and say that you're BE fics are really delightful. Thank you for sharing your work with us. I'm so excited to see what you write next 😊
Hello!! Thank you so much! I'm also a huge fan of your compilation posts 💕 I can tell you that I will be publishing something new this weekend, featuring Shin Hakyun's iconic long hair (gone too soon 😔). Personally, it might be my favorite thing I've written for jwds so far so I'm really looking forward to sharing it!!
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katierosefun · 1 year
hey :) do you have blogs to recommend for people who love beyond evil? or queer centred kdramas in general haha? i don’t know who to follow i’m new on tumblr and was scrolling the beyond evil and random kdramas tags and got lost to be honest
hi anon!
while there are a lot of really lovely people in the beyond evil fandom, some of the people that i'm particularly friendly with are @b1uetrees, @tiffanylamps, @l-tyrell, @ahjussy, @unrememberedskies, @hanjuwonsupporter (who all write fics/have written fics).
some really lovely beyond evil gifmakers include @thoresque, @yeo-jingoo, @baek1nho, and @juwonah.
and some beyond evil artists include @sickandspiteful, @armouries, @soonsam/@sowarumnicht, @baguettemast3r, @dusty-nao, @thistlearts, @rosesotheracc, and @shhhsoftnwet!
and of course, some other beyond evil people that i'm friendly with/have chatted with on twitter before they migrated over here: @absentomnipresent, @feministdongsik, @moonshalf, @srabaskerville, @urheartsamess, @dulcetpill, @kseniyagreen, @iamatrueidiot, @juwonton, and i'm sure so many others that i might have missed (I'M SO SORRY IF I MISSED ANYONE IT DOESN'T MEAN I LIKE YOU LESS!!!!! JUST THAT I HAVE LOST TRACK OF PEOPLE I FOLLOW!!)
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ettelwenailinon · 11 months
Tag game to better know you
I was tagged by @b1uetrees, thank you!! thank you ☺️💚💚💚
what book are you currently reading?
uuuuuuhhhh many books relating to my dissertation, one that has been very enjoyable and well written that I want to finish after is jacobites: a new history of the '45 rebellion. from fiction books I've been reading the song of achilles since last september, I'm Busy okay 😭
what’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year?
I have not been to a cinema in years 😂 but I am going to go and see the barbie movie after my deadlines dtcgtbzh
what do you usually wear?
a shirt (the puffier the sleeves the better), a big skirt, kneehigh stockings, potentially some sort of vesr
how tall are you
recently got measured and 159 cm, 5'2.5'', short king ✌️
what’s your star sign? do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
aquarius!! and I had no idea but apparently I share my birthday with lord byron 👀 (probably where my love for puffy sleeves comes from)
do you go by your name or a nickname?
I go by a domestic version of my name as my legal name is too long and I hate it dftgzgzgz
did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
there's always work to be done but I'm happy where I am :)
are you in a relationship? if not, who is your crush if you have one?
@uighean is my girlfriend and we're getting ever so closer to finally live together!! ❤️
what’s something you’re good at vs something you’re bad at?
uuuuuuhhhh good at art (maybe) and bad at. sports. and maths. and breathing.
dogs or cats?
I love both but to have, cats
if  you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite  picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this  year?
honestly all the work I've done on my dissertation so far but I can't post it here because I want to keep my professional and private life separate and I do not need people finding my tumblr where I can just be a freak dkfkdkkdk
in terms of fanart, probably this one
what is something that you’d like to create content for?
I mean. beyond evil, when I have the time 😭
what’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
my dissertation and the meow meow from my histories to the point that I tried to find historical rpf do not @ me
what’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
when I was supposed to go to a museum to take photographs of an object for my dissertation but the day prior I got a message from them that they can't open the safety case it's in, resulting in me loosing £45 because it was too late to cancel the bus and then it took them a month to get a locksmith and they didn't even manage to open it but I was waiting and was stuck with my work 🤡
what’s a hidden talent of yours?
well, it's called hidden for a reason 😅
are you religious?
not in an existing religion sort of way though I was raised casually catholic
what’s something you wish to have at this moment?
money, a place to live with my girlfriend and a phd position with a full scholarship or my dream job dftvttvvyvyyh
and I tag @uighean , @doctor-punkenstein , @hanjuwonsupporter , @fire-burning-brighter , @tiffanylamps and anyone else who wants to do this, no pressure 💜
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evil-moonlight · 1 year
8 shows to get to know me!
Tagged by @killerandhealerqueen and @tiffanylamps !!! ♡♡♡ Again, I'm responding a bit late but you must know that doing all these bring me great pleasure. THANK YOU VERY MUCH my beautiful friends!!! <333
I am just going to write some quotes from the show that I find beautiful and that these have helped me bring into realization some stuffs about genuine love, honesty, loyalty, yearning, etc..
1. Beyond Evil. "Even when your family die, you get hungry. In the end, you have to eat anyway. So why would you starve yourself?"
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2. Killer and Healer. "I hate that I am not like the moon above the pavilion riverside that stays with you always and follows you wherever you go."
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3. Winter Begonia. "The encounter of soulmates is fated. It's destiny. We will meet sooner or later."
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4. Banana Fish. "You're not alone. I'm by your side. My soul is always with you."
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5. Word of Honor. "The world is not important, but my soulmate is. Since my soulmate is gone, death is nothing to fear."
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6. Strangers from Hell. "You are the best masterpiece that I ever created."
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7. The Devil Judge. "No matter how much you hate the world and the people in it,  you can never live alone. you always need someone to rely on. As long as you are a human being."
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8. You're All Surrounded. "The moment someone came into your life is a big thing, because his or her life comes with them."
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No pressure tags! @loisroo @nineninepetals @zennialemo @unrememberedskies @gosiksmallspace @heyguysgalsandenbypals @poisonedwinedeath ^^ <333
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oforthetaintedsorrow · 11 months
Tag game to better know you
Thank you @tiffanylamps @b1uetrees and @ettelwenailinon for tagging me! Sorry it took a while :’) life has been busy but I’m finally on leave babyyyy
what book are you currently reading?
I recently finished small things like these by Claire Keegan. It’s short but impactful story. I’m going on holiday soon so I’ll be starting this island of the missing trees by Elif Shafak on my flight
what’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year?
I’ve only seen one so it’s going to have to be across the spiderverse - I’m happy with that being my fav
what do you usually wear?
High waisted mom jeans, T-shirt, denim jacket and trainers. It used to be skinny jeans until I switched and now I can’t go back 😔 they’re just too comfy
how tall are you?
5”3/160cm but recently my friend told me I might not be (she’s taller and apparently measured 160) so I’m currently in denial
what’s your star sign? do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
Aries, babyyy. I share with Robert Downey Jr and Thomas Jefferson?! The American Civil War ended on this date in 1856 (I’m learning new things today!)
do you go by your name or a nickname?
My name online is Lin. But I don’t really have a nickname so everyone irl calls me by my real name.
did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
God no, but sometimes I wish 🥲
are you in a relationship? if not, who is your crush if you have one?
No and no 😂 But I’m taking gf applications and I’m open to applying! 😭
what’s something you’re good at vs something you’re bad at?
I’m great at remembering things for work but terrible at remembering things when concerning my personal life
dogs or cats?
I like both but I prefer cats. My sister has a cat (and a puppy) and he’s the loml, my nephew. He’s beautiful and I love him so much.
if  you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite  picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this  year?
I haven’t been writing anything this year, sadly. It’s been quite hard to put anything on paper after spending hours writing the most mundane emails at work on outlook. But I’ve been making edits on capcut when I have time. Cutting a scene down and placing them to the beat just tickles something in my brain. My most recent one - the jwds Francesca, Hozier edit - is my favourite.
what’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
Trigun stampede!! It’s brainrottingly good. I can’t get over vashwood and the rare pair kniveswood has me in chokehold. If you’ve watched it, please talk to me about it 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
what’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
I wasn’t excited about doing my driving test, it was something that I just really needed to get out of the way because I’ve left it for too long, but I failed and I’m kind of gutted about that because I almost passed!
what’s a hidden talent of yours?
My talent is so hidden that even I don’t know what it is.
are you religious?
No, but you don’t need the fear of god when you’ve grown up in a traditional conservative Asian household…😭
what’s something you wish to have at this moment?
Happiness. If we’re going for something a bit more attainable, I’d say a new job and finding a space of my own 😂
Tagging: @ashcrow @aaryadesu @diachia @yohussy if you want to!
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tiffanylamps · 1 year
totally didn't notice until now, but it's been a year since i published my first beyond evil fic. i have mixed feelings about it but i still appreciate that story because it was the first piece of writing (that wasn't poetry) that I had completed in a number of years, and it felt like a huge achievement at the time
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giospinellidiary · 7 years
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La bellezza salverà il mondo. Si ma chi decide cosa è bello? Quale è la regola? Tutto muta velocemente. Guarda l'iris per esempio appena un secolo fa era più amato delle rose. #lalique e Tiffany #tiffanylamp ne hanno fatto un'icona per lo stile #liberty #libertystyle . E ora? Guardalo, guardalo adesso. Dov'è l'ultima volta l'hai intravisto? Ai bordi di un campo e stava bene e poi appassito davanti una lapide. Eppure in entrambi i casi per me era perfetto per un bel ritratto. Di una cosa allora sono sicura, dalla bellezza non c'è scampo. #iris #scrittura #writing #word #parole #ilustration #illustrazione #natureillustration #pattern #illustrator #giospinelli #giospinellionsassandbelle #sassandbelle #sassandbellenotebook #notebook #sketchbook #sketch #draw #drawing #ink #onlypen #pen #patterndesign #illustrationdiary #illustrationoftheday
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citrinekay · 2 years
psst, the latest chapter of only our love can suffice is actual perfection and it murdered me in the sweetest way possible. Your mind is incredible, and I adore the way you write Joo Won! You really capture him in a way that makes him feel like such a neurotic contradiction (lol relatable) and yet, still wonderfully human, and so, sweetly, painfully, tragically genuine. These are some of the reasons why I love him so much, so thank you for focussing on and exploring that aspect of his character!
Thank you sharing it! I'm super excited to see how you conclude the story. (Yeah, I know I could write this on ao3 but... here we are lol)
Ahhh thank you so much!! 🥰 If I haven't mentioned it already, this is my favorite fic I have written for BE so far and it fills me with so much joy that it adored and appreciated. What started out as a silly, horny concept of Dong-sik growing out his hair and Joo-won being Hot and Bothered by it (like maybe the entire BE fan base was @ shin hakyun lol) turned into this very emotional and nuanced exploration of Joo-won’s many problems with intimacy and trust that I thoroughly enjoyed writing. (As far as that self-recognition through the blorbo I am pretending I do not see it lmao) It's easy to misunderstand him on the surface because he behaves so cold and rude at first, but underneath is something who has been starving for affection and love all his life 😭 I just love him so so much
Anyway as far as validation goes I don't care if it's here or AO3 but since we're here I will take the opportunity to do a little promo. Here is the link to only our love can suffice for anyone not already reading along 💃 Thanks again for the message 💖
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katierosefun · 7 months
writing pattern game
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns! (from most recent to least recent, starting from the top)
thank you for the tag, @b1uetrees!
made of glass | beyond evil
Dimly, Joo Won realizes that the hotel room looks a bit like his apartment.
2. long story short | good omens
Angels do not necessarily need sleep.
3. hollow, | beyond evil
He finds Dong Sik alone on the porch.
4. to get so far | good omens
They have met in worse locations.
5. fuckin' situations, circumstances, miscommunications | good omens
There are worse things to expect by her shop, Maggie supposes, but still, she hadn’t ever expected a sobbing demon to be one of them.
6. if clarity's in death, | beyond evil
It’s because of a case.
7. medicine | leverage
Sophie knows they won’t ever admit it, but they care.
8. but in time | leverage + beyond evil crossover
The first time they meet each other, it’s at a museum.
9. if these walls could talk | beyond evil
At first, Dong Sik thinks that Chief Nam is joking when he tells him that he’s got a meeting with Han Joo Won at the nearest taekwondo dojo.
10. make a good thing bad | beyond evil
The scene is something like this:
(does that qualify as a starting sentence. unclear)
i think on some reflection, a lot of my starting sentences tend to either (1) throw readers right into the situation or (2) be some kind of declarative statement. i also think a lot of my starting sentences are getting shorter (generally)--at least, compared to some of my older stories. which is honestly kind of a surprise, but i also think it's interesting to see how my writing has shifted over the course of the last few years!
no pressure tags: @kckenobi @tiffanylamps @the-13th-battalion
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ettelwenailinon · 1 year
ten first lines
Rules: Share the first line of ten of your most recent fanfics and then tag ten people. Don't have ten? Not to worry, just share what you have.
I was tagged by @tiffanylamps!! thank you <3
I haven't written ten fics yet (not including very old fics from years ago) so I'm going to include lines from my wips also!!
1) Kissing. (going to include the next line too because come on djfjdjdj) Han Joo Won has never really given it much thought before, really. It is something people do in films, something you see on the street in passing, something he had the misfortune of witnessing when he walked in on his roommate in their shared dorm room back in England. (Kissing, Beyond Evil)
2) Alcohol. He can smell alcohol. (take me home where I belong, I can't take it anymore, Beyond Evil) (one word sentences again huh, I'm sensing a pattern here)
3) ‘Hey, hey, Han Joo Won, stop scratching, it’ll leave scars.’ (Mosquito Bites, Beyond Evil)
4) The late spring sun is shining down through the sparse trees of the clearing, spreading it's warmth over his body like a big pile of blankets. (Blood Red, historical/vampire au wip, Beyond Evil)
5) Han Joo Won doesn't have a lot of experience with taking care of children. (wip titled 'baby', Beyond Evil)
6) He can hear the footsteps outside of his bedroom, he can hear the clanging of weapons at their belts, he can hear the quiet murmur of their voices as they are preparing to attack. (The Crowned Clown wip)
7) He's standing in the corner of the room, Kwon Hyuk beside him, much closer than he'd like but he doesn't have the strength to care. (wip, Beyond Evil)
I have bunch of other wips but they're mostly just vibes, I'm Very Busy with uni rn so writing time is. very sparse 😭
bunch of people have probably been tagged already because I'm always late to the party so I'm going to tag @uighean and everyone else who wants do it can do it ☺️
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tiffanylamps · 1 year
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not truly one, but truly two Han Joo Won is the reluctant successor to his grandfather’s company but to his father's disapproval, he has been out of the field for two months straight. Riddled with guilt and suffocating under the weight of expectation, Joo Won tries to conceal his gravest mistake. But after one fateful night, everything changes, leading him down the path of discovering he’s not the only one keeping secrets.
[or: he was a vampire and he was a vampire hunter… can I make it any more obvious?]
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tiffanylamps · 1 year
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In Another Moment Rating: Explicit
“Go on, hit me.” He purrs as if he's asking for a kiss.
Dong Sik’s face is a whisper away, his breath hot and moist against Joo Won’s skin. Amongst the brick-and-mortar, under the heart of Dong Sik’s family home, they are clandestine, burying hatchets in each other’s backs.
[Or: The basement scene from episodes 5/6. What if Jin Mook phoned a little later on? Letting Joo Won and Dong Sik continue their argument.]
As a warning, this fic explores child abuse (sexual abuse, in particular, but don't worry, there are no graphical depictions of the abuse). I know there isn't a lot in the canon to suggest Joo Won endured this kind of abuse, and I didn't intend for this story to focus on it, but sometimes, the story tells you what it wants to be, and you just have gotta roll with it.
As a disclaimer: Han Ki Hwan isn't the abuser in this story. I leave it pretty open to interpretation, and I don't mind if that's the conclusion you want to come to. But, I don't know... he's not the person I had in mind when I was writing it. Do with that information what you will. I won't say who I was writing about, as it's not important, the story is about Joo Won struggling to explore sexual pleasure (and trust) when sex has only ever been something associated with shame and fear. So, yeah... Out of all of my E-rated fics, I think this one is my favourite. Which is kind of depressing 😂
(also, poor dong sik... that's all I'm going to say 😂😂) (fucking hell, I can't believe I'm sharing this here)
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tiffanylamps · 1 year
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to a nightingale Rating: Mature Joo Won is possessive, obsessive, and sometimes cruel.
But he is also the first ray of sunlight after a storm. The sound of a nightingale’s song. The fires that sustain life. He’s one of the reasons Dong Sik has found the strength to keep going, even after everything. Joo Won is life itself.
[Or: Dong Sik finally lets himself have what he wants]
I don't know if I need to up the rating on this one. I've seen some people rate their fics as Mature when I would have rated them as Teen. Ah well, I'll leave it as Mature for now.
🎶 inspo song 🎶
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tiffanylamps · 5 months
gargoyle (affectionate)? 👀
a very late reply to this tag game heyyyy friend!!!! thanks so much for the ask! i hope you are well and that life is treating you well :) so, gargoyle (affectionate) is short and sweet fic about joo won coming out to dong sik. it's set post canon and takes place before anything romantic has happened between the boys (they're taking it slow, just trying to live, breathe, and be friends. but they definitely have feelings for eachother).
i thought it would be interesting to explore what it feels like coming out "later on" in life- in my mind joo won hasn't ever stated his sexual orientation to anyone, not directly, anyway. and i think it would soooo sweet if dong sik were the first person he felt comfortable with disclosing this to. it's about trust and growth and comfort and family and home and acceptance and small gestures of kindness and feeling loved and being yourself and the relief of letting another person in, etc. y'know? i think i may have shared this wip before, but i'm going to give you a snippet despite that. it's kinda long 'cause i have a lot more written for this wip than the others i listed
Joo Won turned around at the sound of Dong Sik’s voice, and it was immediately obvious that the kid hadn’t gotten enough sleep. Not ignorant to Joo Won's stoic nature, Dong Sik found himself somehow still tingling with surprise, because, even now, Joo Won stood so still, frowning and exhausted. Most people would have misconstrued his tiredness with anger, but anyone who mattered could see past Joo Won’s default apparent grumpiness to the soft centre he failed miserably to conceal. If anything, it’s rather amusing. Usually, such grumpiness is only reserved for gargoyles standing guard on the edges of buildings, high up and away from sight. 
Dong Sik shouldn’t find the image of Joo Won haunched into a ball on his garden wall-as silent as stone and permanently snarling at anyone who passes by-as funny as he does. But well, what can he say? He can’t imagine he would mind having his own personal gargoyle; grotesque in nature, but beautiful nonetheless. 
“My shift ended not long ago, and I was nearby, so…” 
Ah, so it was one of those mornings. Dong Sik’s cheeks twinge with heat, it’s nice to be someone’s go-to choice for company. Still, Joo Won’s eyes remain on him, taking in any piece of information they can. No marble, granite, ivory or stone could observe Dong Sik with as a keen devotion or unblinking absolution as Joo Won can; the statue of King Se Jong would blink before Joo Won ever did. “A long night?” Dong Sik asks, making no move to invite Joo Won into his home. He remembers with distaste those kinds of nights, ones where the job is all-consuming and everything else, even one’s hunger and blisteringly painful bladder, is second to the case at hand. 
“Hm, domestic abuse.” Dong Sik could feel the dried dirt crumbling under his feet as he strolled over to his rusted garden gate. He held it open as an unspoken invitation, one of which Joo Won took without consideration. They fell in step, their movements matching as they wandered down the lane. Joo Won sighs, “it was all a bit of a cock-up, to be honest.”
Dong Sik resisted the urge to laugh, it would seem that not much has changed since he left the police force. Instead, he smirks and makes an inquisitive noise that encourages Joo Won to divulge more information.
i hope you like it :)
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