#this will all start probably tomorrow/saturday (the day I leave)
enluv · 10 months
enluv announcement!
— please read as this is an important message for my moots & readers <3 (posted: august 24th, 2023)
As many of you know I am a college student, and currently I am still on summer break, however I do have to return back to school as the academic year is starting for me in about four days. I leave back to school in about two, and if you didn’t know, I go to school out of the state I live in! Meaning I only have the next two days to spend with my family/friends before I leave, that being said I am here to tell you all that I will be going on a hiatus, it won’t be a traditional hiatus where I stop posting all together but for the time being I will cease posts/updates for fics until I am situated enough at school to come back and post! At school I am part of a lot of groups/research/etc. and those will be my top priority. I will try to figure out a time to write and be here as best as I can but also, I can’t promise anything. I will however still be logged into this account and my side @/haisuken, so if you see me posting that’s why and thus what I mean by not traditional hiatus! For my moots, my replies may get shorter and I may take longer to reply, this isn’t because I am ignoring you, simply because I am busy with school! I thank you for your understanding and I’ll see you all again <3
— tagging some moots! - @bobariki @blue-jisungs @csmicvrse @hoonvrs @invuwrld @malarign @nhularin @ningtual @odxrilove @stealanity @yerimse @boydepartment @i-luvsang (if I didn’t tag you pls don’t be alarmed, this is mainly for moots I interact with on discord/messages!)
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kirby-the-gorb · 2 years
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roosterforme · 3 months
Covering the Classics Part 2 | Bob Floyd x OC
Summary: Anna knows her new coworkers want her to meet their friend Bob. But she's too hesitant, afraid to get herself in a situation where she's pining after someone new. During a spur of the moment shopping trip, Bob is delighted to bump into a woman he can only describe as adorable. Too bad he's never been great at the follow through.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, adult language, eventually 18+
Length: 3600 words
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Female OC (this story is part of the Beer Boy/Sugar and Jake/Jessica universe)
Covering the Classics masterlist. Check my masterlist for more! Thank you to @mak-32 for the beautiful banner!
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By the end of her first week teaching, Anna had learned many things, almost like she was a student herself. That nice, secluded ladies' restroom she found was secluded because one of the toilets regularly overflowed. The coffee in the teacher's lounge was actually disgusting, but the donuts were available every day. And Dr. Pham from the sociology department asked her out three times on Thursday, apparently because she wore her hair in two braids like Princess Anna from Frozen, a mistake she wouldn't be making again.
And she was so tired. She started to lose her voice on Friday morning from how much she had to talk in her lectures. She took the wrong notes to class with her and had to improvise an hour long class on Emily Dickinson, because she was too afraid to give one of her students the keys to her office door. So she sweated it out, but managed to sound somewhat coherent as she dismissed her class at noon.
She pressed her lips together. If she ran to get her sandwich and peanuts really quickly, she could join her new friends by the weird tree. After two days of joining them for lunch, she really liked both of them. She just didn't want to get their hopes up about their friend Bob whom she was supposedly perfect for.
Anna wasn't perfect for anybody. And frankly this Bob guy sounded like a dreamboat, which just made it worse. He'd probably laugh after taking one look at her, and if she opened her mouth and tried to talk to him, he'd run away scared. She already turned down their invitation to go to the Navy hangout bar on Saturday night, citing that she was too exhausted. But it was really because she needed to stand firm with herself and do everything she could to protect her feelings from now on. 
After another few seconds of contemplation, she went to her office and got her lunch before heading to the quad. But today it was just Jessica there eating lasagna and garlic bread from a plastic container while Anna's stomach growled in jealousy. 
"Hi," she greeted after she chewed up a bite of her perfect looking lunch. "It's just us today. Dr. Rosenthal apparently had a bunch of questions about the math curriculum and took Advanced Calculus out for a long working lunch at Covewood."
Anna had barely been in the city for more than two weeks, but even she had heard of Covewood. "That's a five star restaurant. A romantic date night hot spot."
"Mmhmm," Jessica agreed as she sunk her perfect teeth into the garlic bread.
Anna realized her own experience was fueling her next sentences, but she said them anyway. "Isn't she married? Her husband is okay with that?" she asked softly.
Advanced Physics burst into laughter. "Bradley loves Dr. Rosenthal. He's in his seventies, and he's one of the sweetest people at the school. They have him over for dinner sometimes. He actually did my tenure review."
"Oh," Anna replied, embarrassed that she could hardly relate to someone who trusted their spouse. "That actually sounds really nice."
"Hey, are you sure you don't want to come out tomorrow night? No pressure. I just think you'd have a fun time. The guys are all sweethearts."
Anna looked down at herself and her sad sandwich. She didn't even have money to spare for a beer that she would probably drink half of before she wanted to leave. And it didn't matter if the guys were sweet, she knew her two new friends would be champing at the bit to see how she and this Bob person interacted. "Not this weekend," she replied. "Maybe another night."
Instead of socializing, she spent her Saturday window shopping in North Park. She had a budget of exactly zero dollars, but she could entertain herself for hours this way. She gasped when she found a two story bookshop that claimed it contained new and used and rare finds, and she ran across the street to get to it. 
It was darker and quieter inside than the sunlit, traffic filled streets, and when Anna took a deep breath, it reminded her of a cozy library. The clerk behind the register waved instead of speaking, so really, it just kept getting better. When she noticed the wooden sign on the wall informing her that The Classics were upstairs, she made her way up the creaky steps to a loft area with row after row of tall shelves. 
"Perfect," she muttered, walking to the end of the open space and turning down the last tight row of bookshelves. She wasn't alone, but the only other occupant was a tall, slim man with broad shoulders and tidy, sandy colored hair. He seemed to be so absorbed by what he was reading, he didn't look up when Anna reached for an enormous copy of Shakespeare plays.
She almost moaned out loud; it was annotated and contained every play she had to teach in her Thursday morning English 300 class. It was well worn, and the cover felt nice in her hands. Shit. Of course it was seventy bucks. That was more than she spent on groceries last week. Maybe she could expense it to the department? She should probably know how to do that. Maybe she could text one of her new friends and ask if that was allowed. 
But she slid the book back into place as a Vonnegut she didn't yet own caught her eye. She reached out for it with a steady hand, but as soon as her fingertips met the spine, a much larger hand, complete with graceful yet calloused fingers, wrapped around hers. Everything suddenly smelled clean like soap and also intriguingly like tea leaves. And then she heard a voice next to her ear that made her bite down on her lip as a ripple of pleasure teased her spine. 
"Oh. I'm so sorry."
Bob had never been to this store before, and he wasn't really planning on stopping by today, but Mickey dragged him in and then ditched him for the children's section at the back of the store. Bob looked around downstairs, but as a poetry fan, he found that section to be seriously lacking, so he headed up to the loft instead.
He considered himself well-read until he realized how many classic novels he'd never even heard of before. And they all sounded really depressing. Which was kind of the point, he supposed, but if he was going to get something new to read, he was in the mood for a more upbeat story. Maybe a romance or a European adventure he could get lost in. Maybe a sweeping, romantic tale where the nice guy gets the girl for once. 
After several tries, he still wasn't finding anything close to what he was hoping for. As he re-shevled The Bell Jar, he decided to just reach for a book at random. Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut? Maybe that would be more his speed. But when he reached for it, his fingers wrapped around a soft hand complete with glossy, burgundy fingernails instead of the actual book. He jumped an inch in the air, because he hadn't even been aware anyone else was in the aisle with him, let alone a woman who smelled like sweet perfume.
"Oh. I'm so sorry," he stammered, already mortified. Then she turned to look at him over her shoulder, and he wanted to jump off the loft railing and run out the shop door. There was only one word to accurately describe her: adorable. She had dark red hair done up in a messy braid, big brown eyes, and a smattering of freckles across her nose. "Oh."
"It's okay," she replied softly as she tried to hand him the book. "You can have it."
He shook his head, completely distracted, as he kept finding more things about her face that he liked. A grin curled along his lips as he said, "No, it's all yours. Really. I was just looking for something new to read."
She glanced down at the cover and then back at his face, and maybe he was imagining things, but it looked like she was blushing a bit. "Wow. I wasn't really expecting anyone else to be interested in reading a sarcastic take on global destruction on a sunny Saturday afternoon."
His eyebrows shot up. "Is that what it's about?"
Her laughter was also adorable. "Yeah, I mean... it's Vonnegut," she said with a bit of an eye roll. Oh no. She knew what she was talking about, and he kind of didn't. He was probably about to sound like an idiot. 
Bob cleared his throat and pointed at a random spine to buy himself time. "What's this one about?"
She cocked her head slightly to the side and said, "Two murders and a kidnapping."
"Oh," he said with a little laugh. "No thanks. How about this one?"
He wasn't even looking at the books now at all, preferring to watch her facial expression change as she checked another title. "Oh, that one's good. Also about murder."
He chuckled and pointed at another. "This one?"
She smirked and looked up at him. "Jealousy, rage, hatred, and also a lot of murder."
"Wow," Bob replied with what he was sure was a stupid looking smile. "I was hoping for something a little tamer? Perhaps less murder-y? Maybe I should go down and look in the children's section?" He jerked his thumb over his shoulder and listened to her laugh again.
"I could recommend a few books with little to no murder. Maybe even a happy ending," she told him, and he watched as she pushed her braid over her shoulder. 
"I'll believe it when I see it," he said as he crossed his arms over his chest. To his shock and amazement, her gaze followed his movement, and her blush returned.
When her tongue darted out between her lips, Bob could feel his heart beating in his temples. Her brown eyes drifted back up to his face, and he wondered if this was how Jake or Bradley used to feel when girls paid attention to them at the bar. It was decidedly really exciting. 
He was going to be bold like his friends. He was going to ask her for her number. Maybe he'd see if she wanted to help him shop for some books, and he could buy her that horrible Vonnegut that she wanted, and then he'd ask her very nicely for her number. 
Bob watched you jump as Mickey's voice echoed through the store.
"Floyd! Let's go!"
"S-Sorry," Bob muttered, stepping past her and heading for the loft railing. "Just... hang on for one second?"
As soon as Mickey looked up and saw him, he said, "We gotta go, man. I got some books for my nephews, but we'll be late to grab a drink before D&D if we don't leave now. You know how she gets when we're late." He was shaking a bag of books and heading for the door.
Bob did know for a fact that Jessica got annoyed when they showed up late because they got hungry or distracted on the way to The Hard Deck. "Just give me a minute," he told Mickey, but he was already outside. 
He swiped his sweaty palms on his jeans and turned around to find the aisle empty. Oh no. He checked the next row of shelves, and the next, and the next, until he got all the way to the stairs, but the adorable redhead was nowhere to be found. And he had no idea what her name was. 
"Hello?" he called out softly, checking each aisle again until he was back where he started. Bob might have believed that he imagined the whole entire exchange with an attractive woman, except that there was one book propped up against the others right where he and she had been standing. 
"A Room With a View by E. M. Forster," he mumbled as he picked it up and turned it over in his hands. He glanced around again, but she was well and truly gone, leaving nothing except for what seemed like a book recommendation. 
Bob sighed and tipped his head back in frustration. "Coming!"
He descended the stairs slowly, head swiveling in every direction, searching for brown eyes and a braid while he held the book. Gone. He paid for A Room With a View and headed outside to find Mickey looking quite annoyed. What he didn't see was the mystery girl watching him from the far end of the loft.
"She was real," Bob insisted as he held his glass of ginger ale a little tighter. "Just because you were too busy yelling doesn't mean I made her up in my mind. She had red hair and brown eyes."
Mickey gave him a skeptical look. "That's actually a really rare combination. And I know for a fact you happen to have an excellent imagination, my friend."
Bob cradled his forehead in his hand. "Why didn't I ask for her name and number?" Then he paused. "You know what? It doesn't even matter. There's no way she would have agreed to give it to me." 
He thought about the book he bought sitting on the front seat of his truck next to his dice bag and character sheet, and he considered just going home for the night. Maybe he could start to read the book. Maybe he'd feel like writing.
Then he felt an arm slip around his waist. "Hi, Jessica," he said as he blushed when he looked down at Jake's petite girlfriend. A second later, Bradley's wife was next to him as well, and Bob realized they were wearing matching smirks.
"Hey, Bob," Jessica replied, giving him a little squeeze. "We were just wondering if you happened to like redheads."
Mickey snickered before he tipped his beer bottle back and finished the drink. "He loves them. Daydreams about them."
Bob shot him a withering look. "She was real."
"Who was real?" Bradley's wife asked as her husband came up behind her and set his chin on her shoulder. Great, now he was going to have a full audience of people informed about his embarrassing afternoon of not even knowing how to ask a woman what her name was.
"There was a cute girl at the bookstore in North Park earlier," he muttered. "She had red hair, and I fumbled the ball."
Bradley chuckled. "You know what your problem is, right? You're too nice. Sugar met me when I was an absolute fuckboy, and she fell hard."
"I've been having a decade long lapse of judgement," she replied, and Bradley kissed her neck. "Don't listen to him, Bob. Girls love nice guys."
But Bob knew they didn't. Even the woman from the bookstore dodged him after approximately five minutes of flirting. If you could even call that flirting. He finished his ginger ale, and said, "We need to go. It's almost time for D&D. I'll drive."
Mickey nodded and said, "I'm ready." He could probably tell Bob had reached his limit with this conversation. His friend may be an extrovert to the extreme, but he was good at recognizing when Bob needed a break.
Jessica nodded as well and patted him on the chest before she pranced off into Jake's open arms. They shared the most adorable looking kisses before Jake straightened out her glasses and tucked her hair behind her ear. "Have her home by midnight, Bob!" he called as he released her. 
Bob nodded wishing there was someone besides the elderly woman who lived in the duplex next to him that cared if he was out past midnight or not. Even though he always looked forward to playing Dungeons & Dragons, he kind of wanted to head home and call it an early night. Nothing sounded as good as sending an email to Nat before reading his new book. But he would wait until later, and maybe he would even be in the mood to get his laptop out.
Anna went back to her studio apartment empty handed. Well, that wasn't quite true. She didn't buy any books, but she did splurge on a six dollar bottle of wine which would probably taste disgusting. She just hoped it would help her sleep through the night after reading some sad poetry and eating a piece of toast for dinner. 
That guy from the bookstore was going to linger in her mind for a long time whether she wanted him to or not. She was more attracted to him after five minutes in his presence than she was to Kevin at any point in the past five years. And if she was going to start thinking about Kevin, she was probably going to cry. 
The toast was good, but the wine was bad. And she did cry a little bit. She was never going to get attached to the idea of being in a relationship ever again. She was never going to have herself that level of intimacy just to have it ripped away. She wouldn't allow it. Relying on herself would have to be enough. Handsome strangers with muscular, veiny arms and cute glasses who made her laugh were not part of the plan. That's why she ducked behind the end cap after she left him a book she thought he might like. She watched him buy it for himself, which left her almost breathless. If she allowed herself to, she could picture him sitting in a coffee shop sipping some tea and reading that book.
"Enough," she whispered, vision a little sloppy from the wine. She opened up the website called PoetsAmongUs, read a bookmarked collection about how good it would feel to be loved completely, and passed out. 
The realization that she was going to have to spend all of Sunday afternoon getting ready for the week was made slightly easier by the fact that she only had four hundred square feet of space to clean. And then she thought about the beautiful home she once had in New Jersey, and she had to finish the bottle of wine to help her get through her notes on The Great Gatsby.
She was still thinking about that hot guy with the glasses on Monday when she grabbed a donut from the teacher's lounge. Indulging in a little fantasy here and there about being loved and cared for wouldn't be so bad. And putting his face to it just made it even sexier. When she wasn't teaching, she let her mind wander to some possibilities that would never happen again. Pretty eyes, lean muscles, soft looking hair, pink cheeks. He probably had nice friends, too. He probably never cheated on anything in his life.
"Hey, Anna? Are you alright?"
She looked up from her bag of peanuts and realized she'd been so deep in thought, she wasn't paying attention to the lunch conversation. "I'm sorry," she replied, fighting the urge to groan. She wasn't very good at this stuff and should have probably just eaten lunch in her office like she did the past few days. The fact that it was Wednesday and she was still distracted was concerning to her. 
"Don't apologize. You just seem lost in thought," said Jessica as she ate another perfect looking lunch. 
"Do you want some chips and hummus? Bradley packed me too much food today," her other friend said. And of course he did, because he sounded like a damn dream.
Anna ate a few chips and sighed. "Have either of you ever had your heart smashed to bits?" She didn't really mean to say that out loud, but now that she had, she was met with an awkward silence that she wanted to run away from. 
"Yeah," Advanced Calculus replied softly. "And I did it to myself."
"Not my heart as much as my hopes and dreams," Advanced Physics added. "But for me, I think that was much worse."
Now the silence that followed wasn't quite as painful, but Anna was still a little embarrassed. "Yeah. All of the above." She cleared her throat and tried to think of something else to talk about, but her mind was still on the bookstore. "Hey, why didn't you tell me that San Diego is full of hot guys? They are literally everywhere. I went window shopping in North Park and got sucked into a bookstore, and I bumped into a guy with glasses who smelled so nice."
"Ohhh, what did he look like?"
Anna sighed. "You know how you can just tell a guy is really strong even though he doesn't have bulging muscles?"
"He was like that." Anna bit into her sandwich and chewed it slowly. "Pretty eyes, kind of the color of a lake. Sandy hair. Wire glasses. Soft spoken. He smelled like a cup of tea." 
A few seconds later, she was snapped back from her drifting thoughts as Advanced Calculus asked, "Did you say this was at a bookstore in North Park?"
"Yes," Anna replied with a nod. 
"Did you get his name?" Advanced Physics asked. 
"No," she answered, still embarrassed over the fact that she hid from him.
And then she thought she was going to get whiplash again.
"Was he about six feet tall?"
"Was he slim but not skinny?"
"Did he blush when he smiled?"
"Will you please come to the Hard Deck this weekend?"
Bradley is so proud of the fact that Sugar fell for him when they were in college. Beer Boy just gets better with age. This little Bob and Anna meet cute might spell disaster when they figure it all out! Thanks to @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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jenscx · 23 days
[18] CALL ME BACK — right here
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the sound of an engine revving catches your attention. your eyes move from wonyoung’s animated expression to the familiar black car, sakura’s face evident in the window.
she looks apologetic, but it flashes away once she sees who’s next to you. your throat automatically constricts, heat blooming at your cheeks when sakura struts to you, slamming the car door shut. you couldn’t help but find her anger attractive.
“baby,” she drawls out, “who’s this?” you can tell she’s acting. obviously sakura knows who jang wonyoung is.
“jang wonyoung, i’m yn’s close friend,” wonyoung introduces herself, but her smile is far from friendly. sakura grins back, her smirk akin to one of a predator. you twist your head to look at wonyoung again, her eyes flashing a glimpse of arrogance.
sakura’s hand slithers to embrace your waist. you nearly yelp at the sudden action. wonyoung’s eyes follow the movement, an eyebrow raising in question.
“you came pretty late,” wonyoung remarks cheekily, “did something, or someone, keep you from coming?” sakura’s jaw tightens, and so does the grip around your waist. you shriek.
“asshole!” you smack sakura’s shoulder, she knew you were ticklish there! your girlfriend merely chuckles, “sorry darling, but i just fell asleep. i didn’t hear my alarm going off.”
wonyoung hums. you turn to look at your friend, she’s been acting a little strangely. is it because of sakura?
“so, y/n,” wonyoung starts, a devilish smirk on her face, “wanna hang out on saturday? we left some things unsaid.” you furrow your brows, thinking of you had anything on saturday.
“uh, i think i’m fre—”
“baby, did you forget we have a date then?” sakura interrupts. you tilt your head curiously. since when did you arrange a date with sakura?
“aw, what about sunday? or are you spending both days together?” wonyoung pouts.
this time, sakura doesn’t retort.
“i think i’m free but i’ll get back to you?” you reply, but it comes out more like a question. being in the vicinity of both sakura and wonyoung confused you madly. not to mention, sakura was likely to leave bruises the way she gripped your waist.
at this point, sakura becomes restless and hugs you from the back.
“love, are you hungry? do you want to go get food?” she asks. your ears turn red at the nickname. sakura never called you ‘love’ before. it made butterflies swarm your stomach and your throat constrict with nervousness.
“uhh, ye-yeah… let’s go, kkura. see you tomorrow, or something, wonyoung,” you stutter, too focused on the way sakura caressed your waist and the attractive smirk plastered on her face.
wonyoung frowns, but covers it up quickly with a wave of her hand. you fumble in your steps to sakura’s car, her hand never leaving your side once. you think you might have saw her turn around to give wonyoung the finger, but maybe you were hallucinating. once you settle into the car, sakura turns on the radio.
“oh, baby,” she exclaims in glee, “this is the song we heard on our first date!” your ears perk up, it’s keshi.
“you remember that?” you ask.
“of course,” sakura rolls her eyes, turning the music louder. you giggle, stretching your hand out to encapsulate hers. your fingers intertwine as you hum to the melody. sakura spares you a few glances throughout the drive.
“i always thought you were really cute,” she says suddenly, “you came to the games but i never really talked to you, until that party.” you smile sheepishly at the thought of the party where you met sakura.
“that was so embarrassing, i almost puked on you,” you laugh. sakura shrugs, “it was cute, i had to hold your hair up and everything. like a meet-cute.”
you can’t help but feel warmth spreading all over you. sakura was so sweet. and such an amazing girlfriend.
“i’m sure i could have had a better first impression.. i probably looked terrible then.”
“oh baby, you already had all my attention the moment i saw you on those stands,” sakura laughs, “anything you did, i would just think you’re cute.” the song ends right at this moment. sakura continues humming while red flushes on your cheeks, spreading from your ears down to your neck.
why was sakura so smooth with her words? you both loved and hated it.
“stop being so cute, i’ll actually go crazy,” you mutter. sakura quirks an eyebrow up, “crazy for me?”
“yeah, crazy for you.”
“wouldn’t that be a dream for me?” you pout at your girlfriend, “stop making me so flustered, i’ll stop talking to you.”
sakura sighs dramatically, “i would die without your attention.” based on the way she acted previously, you wouldn’t be surprised if her words held some truth to them. the moment dies down and you’re back to comfortable silence. you enjoy car rides with sakura; you don’t have to keep talking to fill up the silence, you can just gaze at the ever changing scenery of the city. at its darkest, it is the prettiest. all the city lights flashing, shining at its brightest. it’s kind of ironic.
at a red light, sakura turns to you, “i’m really sorry for coming late. i didn’t mean to, and i just didn’t hear my alarm going off.”
you shrug, “it’s all good, kkura.”
“still, i’ll make it up to you,” sakura’s eyes glisten with sincerity. you melt at the puppy look and instantly lean in for a quick peck on the cheek.
“you look so cute right now. ugh, i hate how you always look so adorable without trying.” if not for the red light turning green, you would have taken both of her cheeks in your hands and started squishing her.
sakura giggles like a school girl. you almost feel like a teenager having a crush for the first time again.
“you’re always gorgeous without trying too.”
you wave her compliment off, “even when i’m crying with snot all over my face? remember when we watched move to heaven together? i wailed like a baby.”
your girlfriend snorts at the memory. your tear-stricken face along with rosy cheeks, paired with sniffles all throughout the episodes. “i still thought you were cute,” she remarks.
“sakura, i looked like i just crawled out of a sewer on most days,” you sigh. sakura falls silent. the only thing you hear is the running wheels of the car against the concrete streets.
“i beg to differ, but even at your worst,” sakura smiles, the city’s reflection in her eyes, “you’re still the only one in my heart. i’ll will be forever with you, right here.”
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TAGS ! @jiwoneiric @yoontoonwhs @haerinsloverr @wallfl9wer @klvarchives @r4cjh @jisooftme @jeindall777 @chaersly @perfectsunlight @thefckghost @pagedpick7 @pinxeajin @pandafuriosa60 @limbforalimb @idkwhatim-doinghere101 @sewiouslyz @manooffline @geeminz @flolio @watamotee33 @winzzie @gayforalll
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callsign-dexter · 3 months
A Dog Situation
Request: Hi I love your work and was wondering if you could do a Tim Bradford x daughter!reader where maybe Nolan is watching her while Tim is at work because it’s a weekend, and they decide to go out to lunch and on the way back they pass by a box that says ‘free puppies’ a reader grabs one and Nolan knows he shouldn’t agree but he’s a big softie and then Tim comes homes and is just so confused.
No pressure to write this have a good day/night🫶🏻
Pairings: Tim Bradford x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: fluff
Baby Bradford: A Little Fighter
A/N: thank you to @callsigns-haze for making this very adorable banner!
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It was rare for Tim to be working on a weekend but Sergeant Grey needed all the help he could get out on the streets. Tim loved his job but he loved spending time with you more. Of course, you understood that his job could be demanding and took him away from you on the weekends, you couldn't be mad about that after all he is the one paying the bills.
Usually, you would have a babysitter on hand or when the others weren't working that got put on babysitting duty, giving your normal babysitter a break. Normally Talia and Nolan would be going in as well but weren't called in for whatever reason. You had known that he was getting called into work the weekend on Thursday and it wasn't a big surprise. Instead of your dad coming home Friday night he would be working until Saturday night which meant that Nolan would be picking you up and spending the night at your house in the guest room.
You love your ‘Uncle’ Nolan. He gave you all the sweets you wanted and let you do things your dad wouldn't let you do, though he respected your dad's rules. He also understood you and knew how to react in certain situations because he also had a kid, a son. If it wasn't for him, you probably would be much harder on your dad, of course you were hard on him but it could be worse.
It had been decided that Tim would be dropping you off at school Friday morning and then Nolan would be picking you up. You had already known Angela and Talia very well and Tim trusted them with you. It took a while but eventually Tim was ok with leaving you with the rookies, you made fast friends with everyone. He was more than ok leaving you with Nolan because he too was a dad and knew how children could be, he knew how to handle situations.
Tim's 6:30 AM alarm had just gotten off and jerked him out of his sleep. He was quick to turn it off before it could wake you up. He laid there for a second but then was rolling out of bed and started to get ready for a full day of work and then overnight work. He quickly took a shower and brushed his teeth and then dressed, after he was done, he walked out and went to your room and checked in on you. He smiled seeing that you were still asleep. He closed the door and went to the kitchen, starting a pot of coffee for him and started to get breakfast ready for him and you. When he heard your door open and the pitter patter of feet coming into the kitchen he smiled, right on time. “Hey, Sweetheart.” He said when you came and stood next to him, he slung an arm around your shoulders and you melted into his touch.
“Hi, Daddy.” You said not truly awake yet. He turned and kissed your head and then turning back towards the food,
“Remember Nolan is going to be picking you up today and staying with you until I get off work tomorrow afternoon.” He said and you nodded.
“I remember.” You said and he smiled and then you were moving away from him and grabbing a glass so you could get something to drink. Just about that time he had turned off the stove and you watched him stack the pancakes on the plates, then heading over to you sitting one plate in front of you and then the other where he would be sitting.
Both of you ate in a relatively comfortable silence, every now and then talk would happen but other than that nothing much was said. When you both finished your breakfast, he looked at you “Go ahead and get ready for school.” He said and watched you get up and put your plate in the sink and then scamper off heading to get ready for school, he smiled watching you. He asked himself how he got so lucky to have you as a kid. He hated what your mother did to you but that just meant that you had a stronger bond with him. Not long, you were coming out dressed and ready to go. He smiled at you as you grabbed your bag and he grabbed his and the both of you were out the door and to his truck.
After a short trip to your school, he was pulling up to the front of the school and turning to you. “Be good and don't smart off. Also remember to be good for Nolan when he comes and picks you up and stays with you.” He said, giving you a pointed look and you smiled up at him.
“I’m always good, Dad.” You said and he smiled and kissed your forehead.
“Don’t put him in a situation where he can't say no to either.” He said as you were getting out and you turned and smirked at him.
“I would never do that.” You said with a playfully hurt expression but he quickly turned into a smile and then you were shutting the door and giving him a wave and then you were off going into the school meeting up with some of your friends.
Tim arrived at the precinct and had just parked beside Lucy’s car. He got out and started into the precinct. He said hi to people and the front desk person. He walked into the locker room and started getting dressed when Nolan walked up to him. “Hey.” He said and Tim looked at him and smiled.
“Hey, Y/N is excited to be able to hang out with you tonight and tomorrow.” He said and Nolan smiled.
“I’m excited too. I love that kid.” Nolan said and that made Tim smile.
“She loves you too. Oh, don’t let her get you in a situation that you can’t say no to. She is good about doing that. Also don’t fall for the puppy dog eyes.” Tim said and Nolan chuckled.
“Nobody can resist those eyes.” He said and Tim smiled and agreed. They walked out in the briefing room and got ready to start the day.
The rest of the day went by smoothly, calls were answered and arrests were made. Before anyone knew it, it was the end of the day. Nolan walked in and got changed and as he was walking out Tim caught him. “Hey, have a good night tonight and day tomorrow. If you need me, call me and I’ll answer and if I’m needed, I’ll be there. Kitchen is fair game and so is the coffee, other drinks, there is food in the pantry, freezer, and fridge. Take out is also an option, Y/N/N knows where the money is and she has my credit card plugged into her phone and most take out options.” Tim said and Nolan nodded and smiled.
“Don’t worry, we’ll have fun and if we need you, you will be notified. Also, I can pay for the food.” Nolan said and Tim nodded.
“You don’t have to do that.” Tim said and Nolan shook his head.
“I want to.” He replied and Tim nodded in defeat. He knew that his little girl is in good hands but he’s a dad, it’s his job to worry. “Now go continue your shift. I’m gonna go and pick up your little girl and we’re going to have a blast. We’ll send pictures.” Nolan said and that made Tim smile. Tim walked off when Seargent Grey called out to him and Nolan was off to get you. Nolan walked to his truck and got in after throwing his bag into the back and then he got into the driver’s side and started his truck up and headed to your school, which wasn’t that far. Nolan got in the line with the other cars and waited for them to move. When he was finally up in the front, he saw you waiting and then when you saw him you smiled and hurriedly walked to his truck and he got in. “Hello, Baby Braford.” He said and you rolled your eyes.
“Hello, Uncle Nolan.” You said and you gave him a hug and you both were headed to your house. “What’s the plan for tonight?” You asked and he smiled.
“Well, your dad said there was some food in the pantry, fridge, and freezer. So, we can cook something up or we can order out. I was also thinking about having a movie night.” He said and you turned to him and he made a quick glance at you and saw you smiling and smiled but then paid attention to the road.
“Ohhh!!! Chinese food and movie night!” You said and he chuckled.
“You got it.” He said “We’ll order it once we get home.” He added and you nodded excited. Before you knew it you were home and he was pulling into the driveway. He parked the truck and killed the engine and then you both were getting out. Nolan grabbed his second bag and you grabbed your backpack and you both headed into the house after you unlocked the door with your key. You set your bag on by the door and Nolan walked to the guest room and set his bag on the bed. He walked out of the room and into the kitchen where you were leaning against the counter scrolling on your phone answering texts from your friends and your dad. You looked up when you heard Nolan. “Alright, you wanna go ahead and order the food and get movie night started?” He asked and nodded excitedly. “Why don’t you go and get changed and I’ll order, my treat.” He said before you could argue and nodded and headed off. “Want your usual?” He asked and you turned to him.
“Of course.” You said with that Bradford smirk and watched you walk on. He pulled out his phone and opened the app and ordered his and your usual order. Now the wait starts.
It wasn’t long until you had come out in some sweats and your dad’s hoodie that you “borrowed” from him but he knew he had lost it when you got your hands on it. Nolan had gotten the TV said up when you had come out of your room and into the living room. “What do you want to watch?” He asked as you came and sat down on the couch.
“National Treasure?” You asked
“Oh, my favorite. Do you want to start with the first one and then watch the second one?” He asked and you nodded excitedly. This is why he was your favorite. 20 minutes into the movie and the doorbell rang meaning the food was here and he got up to answer it as you got up and grabbed drinks. He shut the door and you both walked into the living room. You both sorted out the food and then you started the movie back up and began to eat.
After National Treasure ended you started National Treasure: Book of Secrets up and you both laughed and commented throughout the movie. Food was eaten throughout both movies and you had a blanket thrown over you. It was getting pretty late by the time that one ended but you were nowhere near ready to go to bed. As the credits rolled you looked over at Nolan “What’s it’s gonna be now?” You asked and he thought about it.
“Top Gun?” He asked and he watched your face light up. Top Gun was one of your all-time favorites and it was your dad’s too.
“Yes!!!! I knew you were my favorite for a reason.” You said and he laughed.
“There are a lot of reasons why I’m your favorite.” He said and you nodded.
“You got that right.” You said and then you got up and switched out the movies and then rushed to the couch and threw the blanket back over you and snuggled into Nolan. When it got to Goose’s death you cried so hard, you always did and Nolan wasn’t going to lie he teared up too. Once it ended, which you were sad about, you turned to him “Did you hear that they are coming out with a second one?” You asked and he turned to you.
“Oh really? When is it coming out?” He asked
“They haven’t given a date yet.” You said and he nodded and then you decided on a few more movies, Rock of Ages, Battleship, and all of the Mission Impossibles, and before you knew it, it was 12 AM. Throughout the night pictures of you and Nolan’s selfies of you and him eating and making funny pictures were sent to Tim.
“Alright, kiddo. Time for bed.” He said and you looked at him.
“I’m not even tired.” You said just as soon as a yawn escaped you and he chuckled.
“Nope. Bed time.” He said and you pouted but got up and trudged off into your room and got into bed and fell asleep quickly.
Nolan started to clean up and turn the TV off and made sure the movie was in the movie case, and threw away the trash. He turned off the lights and headed to the guest room. He stopped at your door and opened it and checked in on you and smiled when he saw that you were sound asleep. He shut the door and walked into the bedroom and got ready for bed. Once he was ready, he laid down and was quick to fall asleep.
The next morning, Saturday, you woke up the smell of bacon and pancakes. Your stomach growled and it had you getting up and walking out of your room and into the kitchen to see Nolan already dressed and at the stove. When he heard you, he turned and he smiled “Hey.” He said and you smiled “I figured we have breakfast and then get out of the house and do some shopping and hanging out.” He said and you smiled.
“That sounds great.” You said and he smiled and turned off the stove and then handed you a plate and you both got what you wanted and then sat down at the table. You saw that your drink and his coffee were already on the table. Breakfast was eaten and small talk was made. He asked you about school and you asked him about work. It was fun and it was like when you were talking with your dad.
After breakfast you were getting up and putting your dish in the sink, something your dad taught you from an early age “Hey, once you get dressed and teeth brushed. We’ll get going.” Nolan said and you nodded. You were quick to get ready into some jeans and a ‘Talk to me, Goose’ shirt and then you threw on your dad’s hoodie again. You brushed your teeth and put your hair up in a ponytail. You grabbed your phone and headed into the kitchen. Nolan had just finished wiping down the table and counter when he turned when he heard you “Ready to go?” He asked and you nodded and he smiled. You both walked out and you locked the door behind you. You both got into the truck and headed off into the town.
When he got to where he had planned, he parked and killed the engine and then you both were getting out and walked into the shop. You both had a blast and bought some things. Everything was close enough so you didn’t have to keep getting back into the truck and leaving. After spending the morning shopping, you decided to have lunch at a cute little bakery. You both talked about anything and everything. As you finished lunch and were heading back to the truck because your dad was due home in 3 hours, you heard what sounded like puppy whimpering and you being an animal lover had to go and investigate. Meaning you veered off from Nolan and he was quick to take notice of this “Y/N.” He said and started off after you but you ignored him “Y/N Bradford, you cannot just walk off.” He said in a tone a parent would use when scolding a child, which he technically was.
“But Uncle Nolan! I heard puppies! I just couldn’t walk away.” You all but pouted.
“Never do it again.” He said and you nodded. You then turned and looked at the box that said ‘Free Puppies’. You peered down at them and there were only 2 left. They were Golden Retriever puppies, standard golden color. They both came straight to you when you bent down to see them and you picked them up, both were male. Nolan could see the wheels turning “Y/N.” He said in a warning tone.
“Uncle Nolan.” You whined “Please. Look at them.” You said and put the puppy in front of his face and licked him and then he looked at you and you had brought on your puppy dog eyes. This would be the situation that Tim said not to let you get him into. Nolan had an internal battle with himself but his heart won.
“Ok, fine.” He said “They're kind of cute.” He said and you squealed
“We need to take the other one, Uncle Nolan. We can't split them up.” You said and Nolan looked apprehensive.
“Y/N.” He said trying so hard not to give in but he was losing.
“Please, with a cherry on top.” You pleaded with puppy dog eyes.
“Fine. I remember passing a pet store while walking around. We can stop in and grab some stuff. Your dad is going to kill me.” He said but you weren’t listening to him because you were interested in the puppies. As you arrived at the pet store you walked in and Nolan got a shopping cart and first went to the collars, leashes, and harness. You got collars, harnesses, and leashes in blue and red. Then you went to get bowls for water and food. After doing that you got some KONG toys and 4 beds. Then two crates that would be switched to bigger ones when they got older. As you got to the food you were a little lost until a worker came over and helped you and got you treats. Then you went to the dog tags. “What are you gonna name them?” Nolan asked and you thought long and hard about it.
“Maverick and Goose.” You said beaming up at him, he smiled and shook his head. That is a perfect name. He typed it in for you, putting Maverick on the front and then your name and phone number and then Tim’s name and number on the back it printed out on a blue dog bone shaped tag with black writing. He did the same for Goose but on a red tag. Maverick and Goose had fallen asleep in your arms. Once it was done you headed over to check out and you paid for everything with your money and then you both were heading out and to his truck. He loaded everything and then helped you get in.
When you arrived back home you got out when the truck was parked and the engine was killed. You got out and put Maverick and Goose down on the ground to let him use the bathroom which he immediately did and then you headed inside. You played with Maverick and Goose while he brought everything in. When he did so he set everything up and got some water in a bowl and some food in the bowl. “Your dad is going to kill me.” He said again.
“No, he isn’t.” You said not taking your attention away from your new dogs. Not even 30 minutes later you heard your dad’s truck. Nolan and you looked up as he walked in and he froze when the puppies ran to him.
“Y/N.” He said when you came running to him.
“Dad.” You said in the same tone.
“What is this?” He asked
“This is Maverick and Goose. Our new dog!” You said excitedly and then he looked over at Nolan who had appeared.
“What happened?” Tim asked
“I was put in a position that I couldn’t say no.” Nolan said and Tim gave him a look “I couldn’t say no. She used the puppy dog eyes on me.” He said and then Tim turned to you.
“I told you not to put him in a situation where he couldn’t say no.” He said and you picked up the puppy and held it in front of Tim.
“But Daaaddd-” You said “look at them. How can you just pass this face up?” You added and Maverick, who you had picked up, licked him in the face and his face melted and he smiled and you knew you had won.
“Fine. We can keep him. But they are your responsibility. You take them out every time they wake up no matter what time and 30 minutes after they eat. You take them on walks. I’ll step in when needed but they are your responsibility. Understand?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yes, sir.” You said “We put your name and number on their tags as well as mine.” You added and he nodded.
“Good.” He nodded and then you scampered off to play with Maverick and Goose. Both men watched you being happy.
“I couldn’t say no, honestly.” Nolan said
“It’s ok. I probably wouldn’t have said no either. She can be very convincing.” Tim said chuckling and so did Nolan “You are welcome to leave or you can stay. It’s up to you.” He said and Nolan nodded.
“I’ll stay if that is ok with you. I love puppies and being able to hang out with Y/N/N. After all, I'm her favorite uncle.” Nolan said and Tim laughed.
“That is true. Shall we go and get acquainted with the new family member?” Tim asked, looking at Nolan and he looked at him.
“I think we shall.” Nolan said. Both of them walked into the living room and sat down on the floor Maverick and Goose and you were quick to notice. Everyone laughed and was having a good time. Tim looked over at you.
“Are you happy, Baby Girl?” He asked and you looked at him and smiled.
“I am, Dad. Really happy.” You said and he could see that.
“As long as you're happy. I’m happy.” He said and pulled you into a hug which you snuggled into.
You’ve always wanted a male Golden Retriever and now you have two named Maverick or Goose. You were happy and loved him. Your dad had to admit that he loved him too, he has always wanted a dog in the house but always had been too busy but now that you had one in the house everything just seemed perfect and whole. Maverick and Goose had completed your family and you and your dad couldn’t be happier.
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oncasette · 1 year
a lil request: climbing into bed with Phil after a long day of work.. 🥰
let me show you everything i know
summary: 0.5k
You’re not sure when the lamp was turned off or when Phil’s breathing had gotten heavier or, even, when your eyes had shut, but the next time you’re conscious of what’s happening your husband has thrown his body almost completely over top of yours and your legs have intertwined themselves with his.
or the one where you come home to phil after a long day
warnings: none
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You think your bones have turned into jelly. Or a watery jell-o. Thick and goopy with exhaustion so prevalent it’s worked its way into your bloodstream. Your shoes have already been kicked off, forgotten by the door along with your purse and your keys and your brain, probably. 
Phil’s already in bed when you shuffle into the room. He’s leaned up against the headboard with his well-worn copy of Wuthering Heights in hand, reading glasses drooping over his nose and a threadbare t-shirt you’re nearly dying to curl into. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” he says as he lazily stamps his bookmark–the receipt he’d gotten at the coffee shop last saturday–between the pages before he sets it on his nightstand. 
You offer him some semblance of a hum in response, tripping over your own feet as you drag yourself to the closet. Your skirt comes off first–the zipper only getting stuck once on its way down your thighs–then your shirt and your stockings and the bobby pins that’d started to ache at the base of your skull. 
“You okay?” he asks. His palm sweeps his brow as he watches you. 
“Fine, baby,” you sigh as you riffle through Phil’s t-shirt drawer. You’re not sure which one you’re looking for. Not really looking for a specific one at all, really, but you grab his old high school football shirt quicker than you probably should’ve. “Long day.”
Slipping the thin cotton over your head, you keep your arms from going through the holes and undo your bra beneath the new warmth. You pull it out from under the shirt, nearly missing the low whistle your husband gives you from the few feet separating you from the bed. “Long day, huh?” he asks. “You wanna talk about it?”
“Just people being annoying. Bill started-” “Bill’s an asshole,” he interjects with a scoff, opening the covers for you to slip beneath them as he lowers himself down further into the sheets. “Always fucking hated Bill.” 
“Bill is an asshole, but that wasn’t the point of my story,” you say as you slide in beside him and the covers fall over your frame. Phil’s like a space heater. He warms you faster than the sun in July, leaving you to melt into him as you continue. “So, as I was saying. Bill started complaining about how…” A yawn interrupts your statement. 
“Sorry,” Another one. Smaller, this time. “Started complaining about the catering choices Margie had picked out for lunch tomorrow and…” He lets you speak uninterrupted. Nearly. He coughs out one more comment about how much he hates Bill and how small his dick must be, but other than that you’re left to ramble as you please. 
You’re not sure when the lamp was turned off or when Phil’s breathing had gotten heavier or, even, when your eyes had shut, but the next time you’re conscious of what’s happening your husband has thrown his body almost completely over top of yours and your legs have intertwined themselves with his. 
“Phil,” you whisper. 
“Go to sleep, baby,” he says, and you do, miraculously, without another thought of lousy your day had been. 
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un-love · 10 months
drunk voicemails with svt (part 2)
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a/n: after 11 months, it's completed lol. i'm sorry for taking so long, i'm terrible at this writing thing
find part 1 here
♡॒ dokyeom
i keep thinking about that night. all the things you said, the things i said. the hurt in your eyes. i wish i had reached a hand out to wipe your tears. i wish i could go back and tell myself to stop avoiding my feelings under the pretence of giving you space. but i can't. the only thing left to do now is wonder. and drink. in that order. to wonder if there's a chance that you didn't mean it. if it breaks your heart as much as it breaks mine. if your days are as miserable as mine, or if you've moved on. does it make me a terrible person to hope you feel incomplete without me? your side of the bed is still unslept on, your clothes still living in my closet. you're still here, so why won't you talk to me? i'm starting to lose track of the voice mails i've left you, i'm sorry
♡॒ mingyu
oh hey. this went straight to voicemail...i know we just parted ways but i miss you. we're still at the bar and if i don't say this now, i never will. i spent half the night looking at you, i know you knew. you looked beautiful. i should be feeling embarrassed or something but the liquor has washed away the shame. i can't leave this unsaid anymore. okay? it hurts to go through the same motions everyday. i don't want to spend my days wishing cheol invites you to dinner every evening. i don't want to steal quick glances at you just because i'm afraid you'll disappear if i look away. don't wanna see you in anyone's arms but mine. want to walk you home without being worried about what you think of me. but you already know this, don't you? you've always been able to look right through me. you probably think i've said too much, but i swear, nothing i say will ever come close enough to how i feel about you. i almost want to take it back, but i won't. not tonight.
♡॒ minghao
i think of you when i'm sitting down to eat, when my friends buy mint chocolate ice cream or when i see the shirt you gifted me discarded in the back of my closet. the sunset was three different shades of pink last saturday and i almost sent you a picture. can you come back to me? the winter chill has permanently made a home in my bones and i'm lost without your touch. the threads of sanity i'm hanging on by are worn out now. my best friend is giving me a look that says he wants to leap across the bar and snatch my phone, but i don't care. i want to make it right. call me please.
♡॒ seungkwan
you were right. i'm not okay...i'm doing terribly. *laughs* nothing is okay. it hurts everywhere. it hurts when i close my eyes, it hurts when i take a breath and it hurts when i think about how i've pushed away everyone who wanted to help me. i keep having this dream where you refuse to let go of my hand. i'm cold. everything around me is crumbling and i think it's my fault. i can't say that i don't deserve this, but i need you now. will you come to me? will you come and hold my hand?
♡॒ vernon
i have been meaning to ask you this. i- yeah. you remember that dress you have? the long black one with sequins all over it? you look so beautiful in that. AND when you put up your hair and i can see your pretty face? stunning. why is it so hard for me to say these things to your face, dammit? it's all true. i wanted to tell you this before we— well the reason i'm calling is because i wanted to ask you to be my date to the wedding. and no, no that's not the only reason why i'm telling you how beautiful you are. it's one of the reasons. the other one is that i'm drunk! you're gorgeous, angelic even. and you still will be tomorrow, when i'm sober. so you know, back to the fact that i need a date. i mean i need You to be my date. i would love that. so ... call me back, yeah? is it odd that i already imagined how you would look on my arm in that dress? probably. i'm hanging up now-
♡॒ chan
i'm looking at the clock ticking and the numbers are blurry but the only thing on my mind is that your flight is in six hours. and then in another twelve hours you'll be in my arms. you and me. it's always been you, you know? the thought of us not having to be apart ever again is making me crazy, i'm sorry. i'm not jinxing it, right? god. the first thing we're doing is going down to my favourite ice cream place!!! i'll drive you back home and to work everyday. and when you put your hand against mine, it'll be soft. it won't be cold, hard glass anymore. can you fucking believe that? it's going to be incredible. come to me soon.
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formulapierre · 11 months
Timezone | Charles Leclerc
pairing: charles leclerc x y/n!reader
prompt: based off my favourite song at the moment; Timezone by Maneskin. Where Charles is fed up with being so far away from you at a time where both of your lives are changing, not that he knows that.
warnings: 18+ as brief mentions of sex
word count: 4.6k
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“You're wearing my old clothes, but you, you wear it better And every time I see your face, the moon should be jealous”
“Bonsoir Amour,” Charles says as his face pops up on your screen. “You look tired,” He quickly adds, as you make yourself comfortable on the bed you usually share.
“I am, work was a nightmare…all I want is to go to sleep and your shirts just don’t cut it anymore darling,” You joke as you show him the shirt you were wearing, it was one of his favourite linen button-ups; the one he likes to wear when you go driving down the Monegasque coastline together. 
You had sprayed it with the few drops of his cologne that were left in the bottle…but that was starting to fade, seeing how long he’d been gone. Nothing was the same as when you fell asleep in his arms; his warm chest pressing against your back, arm around your waist as he told you how much he loved you. “Stay with me?” You ask, turning off the bedside lamp as you prop your phone on the side table.
“Of course, I’ve got tons of emails to go through so I will probably still be here when you wake up,” He jokes as he sets his phone against the wall, atop the makeshift desk in his foreign hotel room. He continued to talk as you rested your head on the pillow below, wanting to listen to how Pierre ended up locking himself inside his hotel room; knowing that this was about as good as time-together got at the moment but also knowing that you had to be up early for work tomorrow. 
The latter finally proved to be more important.
“And I keep talking to the wall 'til he's a friend of mine”
Charles continued to talk for an hour until he broke eye-contact with the laptop in front of him to find the peaceful image of you fast asleep. He starts to question how worth it all is. Is his job, His dream worth more than you? Shouldn’t he be home with you, letting you rant about your day as he made dinner? But then He supposes once he met you, his dreams changed.
Growing up, Charles’ dreams were about one thing. Becoming world champion. But since meeting you he can't help dreaming of you, and everything you could become together. He would imagine the chateau you would have in the south of France in which you would raise your children (He knew you wanted children as you had expressed it before when He asked…but only at a time that suited you both, you didn’t want to be raising them yourself, and Charles didn’t want that either. Or at least…that was the plan)
“I would sacrifice it all for you…” He said quietly as he admired your sleeping figure. “Every last bit, every race, every win…if it meant I didn’t have to leave you like this amour, I don’t know how much longer I can be apart from you” He continues, ignoring the sole tear threatening to roll down his face. His mood quickly changed when He imagined your response. How you would tell him ‘don’t worry about me’ and how ‘I’ll still be here when you get back’
But what you wouldn’t tell him was that you selfishly wished for nothing more, if only you had fallen for the guy next door. Why did he have to have such lofty dreams and ambitions…but also the ability to make them come true? You wished nothing but the world for him, and his happiness was yours; so why when you spoke to him over the phone did he always seem so…sad?
“I call you every hour just to tell you that I'm losing my mind”
“If not for you-” You sang as you swept the apartment, your daily Saturday routine nearly over and you were excited as Qualifying was only a few hours away. The music quieted by the incoming call you were receiving. You quickly hurried to the kitchen where your phone lay on charge next to the speaker. You disconnected both before answering.
“Charles? Is everything ok?” You ask, you knew with only a few hours until Quali he needed pure focus so this was unexpected.
“N-No…I-” He tries to say but you shush him as you move over onto the couch.
“Turn on your camera,” You say, revealing a tear-stained Charles. Your heart shattering into a million pieces to see him like this. “Hey, look at me…you are ok, take some deep breaths,” You say and he quickly does as he’s told, collapsing down onto the couch in his drivers room.
“I can’t do this anymore,” He says quietly, probably not wanting to alert anyone else in the hospitality to the situation. 
“What can’t you do?” You ask confused.
“This…you and me-. The pressure I-” He starts to say before he realises what he said. “N-Not like that Amour. This distance between us. I haven’t seen you in nearly two months, I’m not myself without you, I’m losing my mind not being able to kiss you or hold you. I don’t know how much longer I can do this? Questions are being raised within the team, the media are saying I’m off my game.” He questions, his voice wavering at the end.
“They don’t know what they’re talking about. You are at the top of your game, Ferrari are performing as well as they have ever been and there are only two more races before you get to come back home…you’ll see me in just over two weeks darling. I know it’s hard, I feel it too. I walk around our apartment, remembering everything that's happened here and then I go to sleep alone, just waiting to see you again… But they are the sacrifices we have to make.” You tell him honestly as he wipes his face. He moved to the bathroom connected and you hear the tap running, assuming he is splashing his face with water. He returns to you much more calm and collected than before.
“T-Thank you Amour, I need to go but I will call you later,” He promises with a soft smile spread across his face.
“Good luck Darling,” You say before blowing him a kiss. You sit down to watch qualifying with baited breath, unaware of the toll your relationship was taking on your love.
“Now I know you're sleeping Where I'm supposed to be in”
“Merde,” Charles swore as he threw his phone on the bed, he had finally gotten back to the hotel; only eight hours after the chequered flag. After celebrations, after media duties, after strategy debriefings, after engineering debriefings, after the awful traffic leaving the track, after everything…then, came you. But He had forgotten the time difference. You no doubt would have stayed up late to watch the race live, quickly sending him a congratulations text before falling asleep.
This was the part Charles hated the most, the loneliness. The empty hotel room, devoid of any emotion; leaving him with only his own thoughts for company. He longed for life to be different, for the days when he wasn’t under the spotlight. As much as Formula 1 was a team sport, he was the driver, so everything was done for him. He never had a chance to make many connections within the team.
Pierre was the exception, he was the childhood friend in the corner, always cheering him on. But even He had seen recently the shift in Charles’ mood. The change in how he interacted with others; shorter answers with the media, less patience for fans, sometimes borderline reckless driving on track. Pierre knew his reasons and how much Charles was struggling…that's why Pierre was the way He was. No long-term girlfriends, strenuous relationships with friends and his ‘fear’ of commitment. He saw what it was doing to his best-friend and didn’t like where it was headed.
“Wish I could've stayed”
“Have you got everything?” You ask your boyfriend as he wheels his three massive silver suitcases into the hallway.
“I think so, are you sure you’re alright to stay here by yourself? I could always ask Maman…you know she wouldn't say ‘no’ to staying a few weeks,” He offers again.
“Darling, I promise you, I will be fine. Eight weeks is only four-two week breaks. And I know I can do two weeks.” I assure him, taking his face in my hands as I do, slowly rubbing my thumb over his cheek. “I’ll still be here when you get back, and then you have a few weeks off where it can be just the two of us. We can do everything and Nothing if you want.” I remind him before pressing a kiss to his soft lips.
“I love you Ma Belle,” He mutters as he pulls away, resting his forehead against yours. You spend a few minutes just taking in each other, knowing this would be the last time you would be in the same room as him for a few months.
“Je t’aime Chérie,” You reply, both of you knowing that was the extent of your French vocabulary, somehow making it even sweeter.
“Only thing that keeps us apart Is seven thousand miles, running like a mad dog”
“This won’t take long, I promise,” Charles is told as he sits down at the table, around which sits his team. His lead Engineer, His PR officer, His Trainer and His Team principal. “We just wanted to make sure everyone is on the same page with what's going on over the coming weeks,”
“Ok, has anything changed?” He asks, looking over the calendar on his Ipad.
“After your performance in the last few races we think it would be beneficial to get in some extra SIM work once we return from China…a week maybe two will be more than en-” His Engineer says tentatively.
“No, absolutely not,” Charles says adamantly, his fists balling as the device thuds on the table. “I haven’t been home in over 6 weeks…I-I’m not waiting another month-” He says getting up. “I’m not doing this now…we focus on these two races,” He tells them before walking out the same door he had walked through not 10 minutes before.
“Only thing that keeps us apart Is a different timezone”
HOME TIME —--- 02:36 
The icon on his home screen taunted him as he watched the minutes tick by, the drive from the track to his hotel seeming even longer than usual. His mind goes back to that meeting, how dare they ask him to go to Maranello for another two weeks, he was there only a few days before he flew out for the first of the 6 races he was away for. 
Did they understand that you were waiting on him? Did they care? Charles was beginning to think they didn't. If they did they would have at least offered him a week or two at home first. He sighed in frustration as thoughts swirled in his head, the usual thoughts when He was left alone…
“So fuck what I'm dreaming, this fame has no meaning”
“I want to come home Maman, I want to see her. It is unbearable to be without her any longer,” Charles said to his mother as they spoke, ironically mirroring your words from when you spoke to her a few days ago…’It’s unbearable to see him like this’.
“I know it is Cherie, it's the same feeling I felt when you and your Papa were travelling the world for your karting…you have wanted this for so long, I can see how much your racing means to you. But as your Mother I just want you to be happy, so if she makes you happier than you could ever be, then go for it. You’ve won races, you’ve won championships but you have to ask yourself if this particular one is worth all the pain I can see you’re in?” She asked as she sat on her balcony in Monaco. Unbeknownst to him however, that the exact person he was talking about, was sitting on his Mothers couch, listening to the conversation and reading a book.
“-I know, I know…she said the same thing. It would be slightly more bearable if the time-difference wasn’t so big. I called her 3 times last week and only then did I realise she would be fast asleep,” He complained. Your heart had sunk when you got back into bed and realised you had three missed calls from him; you had to very quickly run to the bathroom out of fear of vomiting on the floor, so didn’t even think about grabbing your phone and messaging him back.
“Only a few more weeks and you will be back in her arms, I promise,” She says before ending the call. The clouds covering the sun forced her inside as the wind picked up. “How are you feeling?” She asks, pressing her ice cold hand to your forehead.
“Honestly?” You ask and she nods. “Like shit, I can't get rid of this nausea, and every time it feels like it’ll pass, it comes straight back,” You admit as you take a sip of the steaming tea she had made you only minutes before you were interrupted.
“The first few months are like that. It was the same with Lorenzo and Arthur…don’t tell Charles though but he was a dream, no sickness, no nothing and labour was a breeze,” She says causing you to laugh, Mr Charles ‘Perfect’ Leclerc struck again.
“I'm coming home”
Charles pressed the confirm button instantly, without hesitation. Without thought of the consequences of what would happen with his team; He would be at least a week early. He didn’t care about this last race, He didn’t care how close his rival was to him in terms of points. He didn’t care about anything…except getting home to you. He asked his Maman to collect him from the airport and drop him at home. He also swore her to secrecy but that seemed like the least important part. 
“I wouldn’t have the balls…” Pierre said from across the table.
“You know how I feel about it, and Her,” He simply replied. But it was true, Pierre did know as they had talked about it for hours. Charles felt like Pierre was the only one who truly understood what it took and continued to take.
“I didn’t mean it like that…just make sure I’m the best man at the wedding alright?” He joked, neither of you had really discussed getting married. It just didn’t seem important at the time, but now, Pierre’s comment had planted a seed.
“Only thing that keeps us apart  Is a different timezone” “Tomorrow I got another plane,”
“How are you feeling about this last race?” His trainer asked as they walked through the international airport, only minutes away from boarding the flight to the final race.
“I’m feeling good, -I’m just going to go to the bathroom, you guys board without me…I’ll only be a few minutes,” Charles smoothly lied; He knew that the bathroom had two entrances in front of two different sides of the terminal. 
“I'm not gonna take it”
He checked his watch and saw that his other flight was about to depart so He started to run. He shouted ‘sorry’ as he brushed past someone, others choosing to move out the way as He ran through the airport. He looked at the gate numbers as he ran. 35…..34…..33…..32…..31…..30. He sighed as he finally reached it. The last few people started to board as he took a minute to compose himself before approaching. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself as the Stewardess checked his boarding pass.
“Welcome onboard Mr. Leclerc,” She said politely to him before showing him behind the curtain to his left. He relaxed as He settled into his seat. Only 12 more hours until He would be with you.
“Instead, I'm gonna fly straight to you, I paid double for the tickets” “And I don't give a shit about the contracts that I signed”
He didn’t even manage to put his seatbelt on before the calls started flooding in, he quickly silenced his phone and tucked it into the bottom of his bag. He really hoped he was making the right decision. 
Charles was so exhausted from the past two months that He slept almost the whole way home, something very unusual for him. He was finally woken by the Stewardess telling him they were about to start their descent into Nice. At that news He woke up almost instantly, eager to be reunited with his Maman and see a familial face.
He made sure he was one of the first off the plane and was glad that his celebrity afforded him to be escorted through the airport and straight into arrivals. He didn’t have any bags to collect as they would be in the Middle East by now, probably with a group of very confused Ferrari employees. Pascale spotted her son almost immediately as He walked into the Arrivals hall, arms wrapping around him and pulling him into her.
“I’m proud of you, Cherie,” She says, kissing him on the cheek. “Let’s get you home,” His Maman adds as they start to walk out of the airport, a place Charles wished to not see for a very long time.
“And they can say whatever,”
“I’ll just drop you here,” Pascale says as she arrives outside your apartment building.
“Thank you Maman, for everything,” Charles says as he kisses her on the cheek before getting out of the car. He rifles through his bag looking for his swipe pass that would allow him access to the building. As annoying as it was having to have the card, you couldn’t get into the building or up the elevators without it. He swung his bag over his shoulder before shutting the door. Charles went onto autopilot as he swiped into the building, swiped to open the elevator, pressed the button for the top floor, and walked towards your door. It was only until he reached your door that the gravity of the situation dawned on him. He had just deserted his team and travelled 12 hours across the globe to see you.
He raised his hand to knock. Should he knock? Technically he lived here too…He twisted the handle and walked into your shared apartment. He could see you out on the balcony, eyes shut and enjoying the fresh-air. Charles tried to be as quiet as He could, He took his shoes off and dumped his bag before slowly walking towards you. 
The double doors were wide open as Charles approached and found you sleeping. He sunk down onto his knees next to the lounger you lay in and took your hand in his.
“Amour,” He whispered as He brought the back of your hand up to his lips and pressed a firm kiss to it. You muttered something under your breath. “Mon Ange,” He cooed as he tried to rouse you from your sleep. 
“Mmh, want to sleep,” You groan as you try to swat his hand away.
“I thought you’d be happy to see me Amour,” He said, only now His voice registering in your head.
“Charlie?” You asked in utter disbelief as your eyes widened and you sat bolt upright. “You! You’re here!” 
“I am, and I’m not going anywhere. I promise,” He assures you as you scramble to get up, tugging your shirt over your growing stomach before throwing your arms around him.
“Why- what-. Charles?” You ask, hoping he’d know what you were asking him.
“They don’t know I’m here. I’m tired and so fucking fed up of having to be away from you,” He admits and you sigh pulling him into your chest.
“I know you are Darling,” You tell him as you stroke the top of his head and fiddle with the tips of his hair. You fall into a comfortable silence as you just hold each other.
“I’m-,” You say.
“Ma-,” He says at the same time. “Sorry Amour, you go first,” Charles says with a smile on his face.
“I-I’m pregnant,” You admit taking his hand and placing it on your stomach.
“You’re what?” He asks with wide eyes.
“Pregnant, We’re having a baby Charles,” You tell him again with a wide smile on your face as you place your other hand on his cheek and rub it softly.
“We’re going to have a baby” He repeats in disbelief and I just nod. “How far along are you?” He asks, lifting your shirt up to see your slightly swollen stomach.
“The doctors think about three-and-a-half to four months. So I was pregnant before you left but with everything going on, I guess I just forgot,” You say but it seems like he’s daydreaming.
“Marry me,”
“What Ch-,”
“That's what I was going to say before. Marry me Amour, I haven’t bought a ring yet but I’m down on my knees so I’m halfway there. I don’t know what to tell you that you don’t know already. You are my reason; you are why I get up in the morning, why I try so hard at work, why I’m here right now. It’s all for you, and now our growing family…so marry me” He says, putting both hands on your stomach. 
“You already know my answer Darling, you are my everything Charles,” You tell him, pulling him off of his knees and into your arms.
“I need you to say it,” He pleads.
“we'll be making love,” “ I'm fucking you tonight”
“Yes, I will marry you Mr Leclerc,” You say with a laugh as he picks you up and spins you around. “Charles, be careful. Morning sickness is not a joke,” You warn him and upon realisation he stops spinning you but picks you up, ironically, bridal style and carries you to your bedroom. “What are you-,”
“I want to fuck my fiancée, is that alright with her?” He asks teasingly as He places you down onto your bed gently.
“Let me check…,” You say, pretending to think. “She says she’s been waiting months for you to say that,” You say pulling him on top of you and letting yourself savour every moment of it.
“So fuck what I’m dreaming,  this fame has no meaning,”
“Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to Abu Dhabi and to the final race of the season!” The commentator announces as the camera pans down the pitlane. “It all comes down to today. With only 5 points in it, who will be crowned World Champion?” He asks. “Will it be double world champion Max Verstappen with RedBull? Or will it be reigning three-time world champion Charles Leclerc with Ferrari? Well, todays the day. Stay tuned for the duel in the desert!” He announces over the TV screen in Ferrari’s hospitality suite. You were sitting next to Charles' family. Both of his brothers and their girlfriends, His mum and some of his extended family that were able to make it.
“In a shock week for Ferrari, well…more like Charles Leclerc; the grid will say goodbye to one of its most talented today. After arriving here two days later than scheduled, Charles posted onto his social media and announced in the press conference that He is retiring and Yas Marina would be his last race. He is joined this weekend by his whole family as we celebrate a very accomplished driver; and most especially He is joined by long-term girlfriend and as of a few days ago; Fiancée, Y/N who is a very well-known face within the paddock. We also send the Leclerc family our biggest congratulations at the news of their impending arrival,” The commentator said as He walked the grid in preparation for today's race. You all started to make your way into the garage, Arthur offering to carry your bag as you were taken aside and onto the track. Ferrari wanted to take a few photos with the team and Charles refused to take them unless you were there.
“Thank you for being here Amour,” He said, taking you by the hand and escorting you over to where his car lined up on pole position.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world Darling,” You say, pressing a kiss to the side of his face. Charles’ PR manager took the photos they wanted before He was ushered off for the national anthem. Whilst you stood next to His car the same commentator from earlier approached you.
“I am joined now by Y/N Y/L/N, How are you?” He asks, pointing the microphone at you.
“I’m feeling amazing Martin. Nervous for today but Excited for the party that will no doubt ensue tonight,” You answer.
“So your money is on Charles for the win?” He asks and you scoff.
“I think it has to be, doesn't it?” You joke causing him to laugh.
“Probably wouldn’t be a great start to your marriage if you didn’t,”
“Your words not mine Martin,” You playfully remind him.
“Well congratulations to you and Charles on your recent engagement-” He says before he is spoken to via his earpiece. “Jenson would like me to remind you not to forget his invitation,” Martin Brundle explains.
“Jenson I promise you will be the first to get an invite, and I will hand deliver it myself If I have to,” I promised him whilst looking directly at the camera.
“-and finally before I have to head off. Another congratulations to you and Charles, upon the announcement of your baby.” He says causing you to blush at all the attention you were receiving.
“Thank you Martin, it really means a lot,” You reply with a smile.
“If you are open to name suggestions…might I suggest Martin? It’s a great name!” He asks in true Martin Brundle style.
“I will have to consult with my husband-to-be, but I’m sure we’ll work something out. You assure him before the National Anthem starts to play.
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Liked by Pierre_Gasly and 1,406,356 others
Charles_Leclerc Nothing in my life compares to today.
Juliette Elise Leclerc and Leo MartÍn Leclerc; I cannot even begin to tell you how much my heart fills with joy every time I see you; your Maman and I are so unbelievably happy to introduce you to the world.
Y/N and I thank everyone for their kind words and messages over the past few days; we will however be taking some time away from the media whilst we adjust to our new lives as parents to our wonderful twins.
The birth of our children marks the start of a new chapter in both of our lives, one we have both been looking forward to for months. Before I take my leave I would like to dispel any rumours of my return to racing; I have no plan to return to racing in the foreseeable future as I plan to spend my time with my soon to be wife learning what it means to be a father.
Lastly, I just want to say how proud I am of Y/N, And how thankful I am to her for bringing our beautiful little girl and boy into the world.
Charles x
I hope you enjoyed reading, this is my first F1 oneshot I've published on tumblr so if you did enjoy it, please dont hesitate to let me know by dropping a comment. Thank you xxx
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malfoyswand · 1 year
𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬
pairing: draco malfoy x reader
summary: draco malfoy comforts you about your biggest insecurity.
word count: 1.5k
genre: fluff
warnings: bullying, insecurities, one instance of swearing, a little bit of nudity (but nothing sexual)
author's note: honestly writing this was like free therapy to me. i plan to write and post a part two to this (featuring smut, everybody cheer) in a couple of days too!
➪ masterlist | requests
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You couldn't help but let a sigh escape from your lips as you heard the sound of knocking on your door. Truthfully, if you could have it your way, you would be content with not seeing another human being for the rest of the day.
"Can you come back later? I'm trying to sleep." You called out from your bed, pulling your blankets over your head to block out the knocking. Sleep was far from your mind, you only wished to be alone with your sorrow.
The knocking ceased. Just as you thought whoever it was had walked away, you heard the door creak open anyway. It was probably one of your roommates, you hoped they would leave soon enough. 
You felt someone lift up the blankets slightly and lay down next to you in the bed. Turning your head slightly, you saw it was Draco Malfoy. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw him, but the pain in his eyes saddened you further.
"We both know you're not going to sleep yet, (Y/N)." Draco spoke softly, one of his arms wrapping itself around your shoulders. "Now, please tell me what happened out there."
The last thing you wanted to do was talk about that, but you knew your boyfriend deserved some sort of explanation for your sudden behavior. 
The last Saturday of May was always spent with Draco and his group of friends. It was tradition at this point to spend the whole day at the Black Lake, swimming and getting into all sorts of mischief. However, this year was slightly different. Draco Malfoy had finally asked you to be his girlfriend a few months prior.
While it seemed as if everyone else in the group was ecstatic, Pansy Parkinson was not. You had known for a long time that she had developed a crush on Draco, and wasn't too pleased when Draco had turned her down. Ever since, the tension between the girl who used to be your best friend and yourself has been difficult for you to manage. 
Pansy had finally snapped at the Black Lake and told you how she had felt. While you were watching the Slytherin boys play some sort of game near the water, Pansy sat next to you. The conversation started off pleasant, but it quickly turned brutal.
It started off with Pansy complimenting your navy blue bikini, but in the same breath, she mentioned that "it's brave of you to wear something that revealing, considering your marks and all." Her hands touched the stretch marks on your stomach and thighs, giving them a pinch. You felt your breath become trapped in your throat, she knew they were your biggest insecurity. 
Before you could even think, you found yourself running away from the lake, not even noticing Draco was following your footsteps. 
As you told this story to him, you could see him clench his jaw in anger. "That bitch. Does she not realize what she did was cruel? I'm going to have a talk with her tomorrow, and if she continues, let me know. I will fix this, she can’t talk to you like this and get away with it."
"Draco, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to run off like that. Just give me a minute, I'll come back-" Before you could finish the offer, you felt his lips press softly against yours. He pulled away all too soon, resting his forehead on yours. 
"Oh hush, darling. They'll be alright without us, we're staying right here." To further his point, he pulled you into his arms. There was no other place you would rather be trapped. Only then did you realize he was still in his swim trunks, with no shirt. "I need to make sure that you know you are beautiful."
"I-I'm not." It came out as a quiet, defeated whisper as you felt the sobs begin again. Your insecurities were something you never shared with your boyfriend before, you didn't want to burden him any further. 
"Oh.." Draco slightly panicked, not sure exactly what to do. He had never seen you cry before. "No, no. Please don't say that. Pansy couldn't have been more wrong, you look like an angel. Why would you think any different?"
It was hard to speak, between your cries and your voice being muffled from Draco pulling you closer to him. He wiped away each tear that fell, listening intently as you spoke. 
"Because of what she said. I mean, she was right. I have stretch marks all over me, and the bikini only just shows them even more. I don't know what I was thinking! They make me so ugly and it's embarrassing, when no other girl there had them."
One of his hands moved your chin upwards, forcing your eyes to meet his gray ones. "Stop it right there, (Y/N). You are not ugly, and who cares about some marks? You are absolutely perfect in my eyes."
He must have been able to tell that a part of you didn't believe him. You knew he loved you and would never lie to you, he truly did think you were beautiful. But you couldn't bring yourself to think of yourself in that way.
You felt him shift next to you as he sat up, moving the blankets away so he could see you fully. You were still in that cursed bikini, biting your lip as you realized he could now see you in broad daylight. "Draco, what are you doing?"
"Well if you won't believe my words, maybe you'll believe my actions." A small smile spread on his face as his hands gently found themselves roaming down your body, his eyes soaking in every piece of exposed skin he could. You were about to protest to explain that you weren't in the mood for anything his mind might come up with.
"Before you ask, no, I'm not trying to initiate anything else. Would it be okay if I touched your stomach?" It was as if he could read your mind. You were terrified that if Draco touched your stomach and felt the marks that had invaded your skin, he would become disgusted. But at the same time, his touch was comforting. It was something you knew could calm you down. 
With a nod, he grinned and lowered himself down until his eyes were level with your stomach. His fingertips gently caressed down until they reached your lower abdomen. "Merlin, you're beautiful. You belong in a museum of art, my love."
His words made you blush bright red, as your hands covered your face to hide this fact. "Hardly." That was all you could manage to choke out between your embarrassment and the sobs that still begged to break free from your chest.
"Please, look at me." You obeyed, placing your hands at your side once more and looking down to look at Draco. "I'm not kidding around, you are stunning. If anything, these marks make you even more so."
You felt his fingertips gently graze upon each stretch mark, your breath hitching as he did so. His lips replaced them in an instant, as he kissed each mark he could find. Eventually, the path of marks led him to pulling down your bikini bottom very slightly to only kiss the ones on your hips. 
You knew he could feel every slight bump on his lips, the thought of it filled you with shame. His kisses were feather-like, it was as if he was afraid that if he kissed your skin too hard, you would break underneath him. But as you looked at him, he didn't seem to mind.
If anything, Draco Malfoy seemed to adore it. He kept his eyes mostly on yours, but occasionally, he would look down at the stretch marks before him. His kisses were slow, as if he was trying to take his time in memorizing every curve of each mark. His hands gently rubbed the curves of your waist, smiling to himself as he felt your body relax at his touch.
Once he was finally done kissing each mark he could find, you couldn't help but smile at the look of achievement on his face. His eyes seemed to have a glimmer to them, as if he had just won a prize.
"Actually, I take back my statement from before. You're not just something to be put in a museum for people to look at, until they get bored and move along. You deserve something much more permanent, like a sculpture to last the ages."
"What?" A look of confusion spread across your face. What was Malfoy going on about, comparing you to pieces that belonged in some sort of art collection?
"What I mean is," a soft laugh came from Draco's lips as he laid down next to you again, his fingers caressing your jawline this time around. "You should be worshiped, darling. Please never repeat the words you said earlier. Those marks are breathtaking, I could spend eternity kissing them.”
You could feel the tears form in the corner of your eyes, but from joy instead of sorrow. Draco was puzzled, worried that his words may have hurt you unintentionally. You learned your head into the crook of his neck, feeling his hands caress your back. 
“I thought you would hate them, you know?” You managed to whisper into his shirt. He responded by shushing you, his fingertips finding their way through your hair.
“I could never, (Y/N). I’ve never seen anything, or anyone, more beautiful.”
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koilaniazul · 1 month
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why not me?
pairing- matt sturniolo x fem!reader
summary: y/n has looked at her best friend matt differently. she loved him. but matt didn’t love her the same way.
warnings: angst, stalking (i mean kinda), just sad shit in general, matt is a meanie..!
“so what movie tonight?” you asked scrolling through your shared netflix account with matt as you waited for an answer.
but there was silence. “matt? hello?” you asked again, just to be met with silence again once more.
you looked to your left to get matt’s attention and realized he was engulfed in his phone smiling to himself.
rolling your eyes, you grabbed his phone.
“what the hell y/n!” matt said trying to snatch his phone back.
“you’ve been ignoring me and i wanna see why!” you said to matt giggling.
after a couple more failed attempts the boy gave up.
you looked at his phone and found out he was on instagram. on someone’s page. a girl.
what the what? he had been ignoring you because of a stupid girl?
you looked back at matt, his face a bright shade of red.
he yanked his phone back in anger and embarrassment. “happy now?” he muttered under his breath.
you felt a tight knot in your chest. who was that girl anyway..?
“hey. im sorry that was uncalled for” you said quietly trying to comfort him.
he couldn’t help the smile that crept up onto his face. “it’s whatever” he said calmly.
there was an awkward silence between the two and none of them wanted to break it.
“so movie?” you asked trying to get comfortable again.
matt shifted uncomfortably until he spoke. “actually i think i should get going..nick told me we need to think of video ideas for tomorrow.”
you had a puzzled look. “its saturday matt.”
he didn’t speak.
your face became red and hot as you realized what he was doing. he was trying to leave without hurting your feelings..
as you cleared your throat you spoke again. “you can go matt it’s fine.”
he smiled as he was getting up. “thanks y/n!”
and just like that he ran out the door and slammed it.
he didn’t even say goodbye.
you sat on your bed for a good 5 minutes before getting up and turning off the tv.
the next day was weird. you knew you probably shouldn’t care but you couldn’t stop thinking about that girl.
who even was she? why was matt on her page in the first place? were they dating?
matt would tell you.
it was becoming an obsession. so you decided to do the one thing you were an expert at, stalking.
you opened instagram and went over the search bar and typed in her name, Eliana Morgan.
her page popped up and your mind went blank.
bikini pics, photoshoots, modeling headshots, she was even an actress who played small roles in a tv show and 2 movies.
she was..so much better then…you.
as you scrolled more and more down her page you realized that matt had liked all of her photos.
all of them.
before you started to spiral, you shut off your phone and threw it across your bed.
matt was coming over to your house for lunch and you thought this was the perfect time to woo him over.
you put on your cutest white skirt and long sleeved shirt with tiny little pink flowers on it. it showed off your tits too but who cares!
as you put on your finishing touches of makeup and perfume, you grabbed your phone and looked at the time.
matt was coming at 2:15 so you had plenty of time.
you ordered thai food because you couldn’t cook to save ya damn life and waited for matt.
1:35: you watched some tv to waste some time. you’d think that matt would at least text you or something but no, nothing.
1:58: what the hell? it was almost time and he still wasn’t here..? somethings wrong. you thought.
2:10: that’s it. you grabbed your phone and texted matt.
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you couldn’t believe it. he was being so dry. and he had forgotten about your lunch date. what the fuck was going on?
you grabbed your bag, phone, keys and heading out the door to clear your head.
walking actually calming you down, you found a small business bakery on the more quieter side of town. the cinnamon roll was to die for.
as you continued strolling down, you stumbled across a fancy ass restaurant you definitely couldn’t afford.
peaking inside to mock rich people, you found something you definitely weren’t supposed to see.
matthew sturniolo and eiliana morgan sitting in a booth while he whispered sweet nothings into her ear.
what. the. fuck.
suddenly it clicked.
so many emotions flowed through your body. you couldn’t believe it.
you were stuck. frozen in place. you clutched your bag as you fought your tears.
suddenly matt looked up and met your eyes. he looked you up and down and gave you a *what the hell are you doing here??* look.
you didn’t speak.
tears welled your eyes as he rolled his eyes and continued talking with eiliana.
you ran. you ran as fast as your legs could take you.
finally after what seemed like an eternity, you reached home. tears blurred your vision when you tried to put your key inside.
you slammed the door and slid down it as you sobbed as loud as you could.
you thought to yourself,
why not me?
𝚔𝚘𝚒'𝚜 𝚢𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚐 ↷
alright guys why do i kind of hate this.. whateva.
bye i started this like two months ago. erm!
plsss tell me if you find any mistakes
#did not read this over
k love ya bai (·ω<)☆
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strawberryblue-blog · 10 months
Valentine's Day —Ruben Dias
warning: soft/cute and smut. +18
words: +5k
summary: having a valentine's day and anniversary with ruben and a surprise.
#sexynote: English is not my first language and i use a translator. My apologies for the misunderstandings and mistakes.
news will come soon 💌
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This morning you had gotten out of bed early making excuses to your boyfriend. When you got out of bed, Ruben dragged you with him to cuddle.
You had everything planned out in your head and had to get an early start to be on time. Ruben insisted that you stay with him, but you told him you were needed at work and had to leave urgently. He thought it was strange, since it was Saturday and you weren't working today but you were able to fake it enough for him to swallow it.
Around ten o'clock you arrived at the mall with your list in mind, first gifts, then food and decorations.
Tomorrow or rather, after midnight it was Valentine's Day and you fifth anniversary so you wanted to give him a nice gift. Especially since he always surprises you and it was your turn to give some love to your boyfriend.
You wouldn't worry about him, since Ruben was going to be at training all day and then he was probably going to have a drink with the guys like he did every Saturday.
You scoured the stores, looking for something to give but Ruben had everything you could think of. So you decided on a beautiful black watch and a super cute winter pajamas that you wanted and longed to see him soon. Then you moved on to food. You would prepare pasta since it's his favorite, some noodles with red sauce. Simple but delicate and something you know Ruben would never say no to.
When you finished shopping, you went back home with what you needed to prepare everything. You vacuumed the floor, arranged the sofa cushions to throw rose petals all over the way, on top of the small table, the TV, on top of the sofa and in the kitchen. Cleaning this up later was going to cost more than you thought.
But it would be worth it.
You blew up some heart balloons of different shades of pink and hung garlands. When you finished the job, you smiled at how nice it looked. Ruben probably liked it a lot.
It was almost eight o'clock when you started preparing the pasta and sauce, to cook together when both were ready. You didn't like cooking at all but you knew Ruben loved your pasta and for him you would make pasta every day, literally.
You looked at the time and there was already less than twenty minutes left before Ruben showed up at the door so you left everything as it was checking that nothing was left on the fire and caught fire and go upstairs to your room to take a bath. You quickly showered your body, looking for something to wear for the occasion, a red dress came to your mind, the one you had never worn, it was neither so elegant nor so everyday, it was perfect for something quiet as you had planned. You put it over your head, took out your hair and put on some gloss. Ruben should have arrived by that time but you were glad he was running late, when you went down the stairs there was still no sign of your boyfriend.
You ran back to the kitchen to finish the finishing touches on your masterpiece. Everything seemed to be going perfectly so far, everything was in its place correctly placed, as if destiny wanted this. It was going to be the best valentine's day/anniversary ever.
You felt the keys rattling in the entrance and got ready to welcome Ruben.
When he walked in the door and saw all the decorations, Ruben smiled, looking at you with his big black eyes. He looked surprised and excited.
"All this is for me?" he asked, walking into the room. His smile was huge, making you feel good, as he looked at everything with a happy expression.
You nodded, taking him by the hands, leading him to the table.
"Happy anniversary, my love" you kissed his lips when he took a seat at the table. "And happy Valentine's Day" you kissed him again. Ruben took your hips and pressed you to him as he reciprocated the kiss.
He was surprised when after you kissed him, you quickly pulled away from him, anxiously walked to the kitchen and appeared with two perfectly served plates of pasta. Ruben's eyes followed you, sitting at the table you had set up, unable to stop looking at all the decorations around them.
"I'm really so lucky" he murmured as he watched you set the plate down, grabbed the wine next to it and poured it into his glass.
"I hope you enjoy it," you smiled.
"It's perfect" he said, taking your hand in a tender squeeze.
As you ate, he told you about his day, what he had done in training and how suspicious you looked today, making him doubt. His eyes sparkled every time he said a word and you were proud of what you had done, especially since it was for him.
"This is delicious, as always," he announced, taking another bite. "Wow baby, i want this to be our anniversary and valentine for life," he joked with a chuckle.
Ruben's smile was what had made you fall in love with him, after his great and kind personality. You still couldn't believe that you had found someone like Ruben, your prince charming, the one you had dreamed of so much when you were little.
When you finished dinner with his help you put all the dishes together even though you refused, Ruben, like a gentleman, helped you. You decided to leave the washing up for tomorrow, since you wanted to give him his present as soon as it was past twelve o'clock.
"Come," you said, pointing to the sofa, and he sat there. You grabbed the bag with the gifts and turned to him, seeing him with his big smile as he followed your movements.
"Happy anniversary and valentine's day," you squealed hugging him.
He rested his hands on your waist squeezing you, receiving your hug.
"So this is what you were planning," he smiled looking at the cake and his gift. "You didn't have to, honey, being with you was enough for me"
"Of course I had to, you always surprise me, I wanted to do it myself!"
Ruben kissed your lips softly.
"Thank you so much, sweetheart. This is more than I would ever ask for, you're everything I ever wanted in my life" he whispered. "I love you so much"
You grabbed his hand. "Me too, Ruben, I love you so much," you confessed.
"Wait," he said, standing up. He walked to his jacket, reaching into his pocket, pulling out something so small you couldn't identify it. He brought his hands behind his back as he walked back to you.
"Ruben, you didn't have..."
Your heart began to pound and you felt your legs tremble when you saw it in front of you. A small velvet box in his hands, he leaned over to you, kneeling down.
Your whole body spasmed and the lump in your throat tightened. For a second your breathing stopped and you felt like you were about to collapse right there.
"Baby, will you marry me?" he asked, opening the box.
A small ring with a diamond appeared in it, illuminating you. Your hands immediately covered your mouth, was this real, or were you dreaming? You swallowed and looked him straight in the eyes.
"I know that maybe it's too soon but I want to live my life with you by my side forever, I want you to be my wife, I want to form a family with you, I want to accompany you and love you for all my life" his eyes watered as he spoke. Yours too, and you weren't going to lie, they would soon come out like a waterfall.
"Ruben…" you whispered to him. You didn't have to think about it, you weren't going to doubt but you were so surprised that the words didn't come out of your mouth. You wanted to cry, to scream, to jump, to run, to say that…
"Of course! yes!" you shouted excitedly.
Ruben stood up quickly, taking you in his arms, pulling you into his body. Your tears were already running down your cheeks and Ruben was about to do it too. Your hearts were beating so fast and happy that they seemed like they would escape from your breasts.
"I love you so much, T/n" he whispered in your ear.
You grabbed her cheeks with your hands.
"I love you too, Ruben"
He smiled before taking your lips with his, bringing them together. Ruben had definitely changed your life and now you would be his wife, his life partner.
You were so happy about it, you wanted to tell everyone. Ruben would be your husband and it seemed like a dream, but it was not.
🔞 (From here you can stop reading if you are not interested in smut)
His hands squeezed your sides as the deep kiss began to turn wild and desperate. Ruben held you by your legs, lifting you up to sit on his stomach and starting to walk for the bedroom.
You could feel the wetness in your black panties and your nipples ache against his chest as they were swollen and needy. His fingers squeezed your skin tightly as they bumped against the bed, stripping on it and continuing their hot kissing session.
The boner in Ruben's pants was beginning to exert pressure on your crotch, gasping with need as you felt wet and hot for him. The first groan came from Ruben as he felt your hands groping his pants to pull them down as he pulled his own shirt over his head and looked at you eager, hot and needy.
They both were. After dinner and a thousand emotions over his proposal, you needed each other and badly.
"Shit, Ruben" you cursed as his hands pulled down the straps of your dress. "Take it off now" you begged at his mocking look. He was being slow and you hated it when you were teased.
You stood naked in front of him with only your soaked panties on, his gaze reflected fire as his eyes watched you closely. He deposited a soft kiss on your shoulder, giving small touches on your skin, playing with you. Your hands wrapped around his pronounced shoulders, squeezing him as you felt his lips suck vehemently on one of your nipples making you squeal.
His hand encircled the other and squeezed it in his palm, making you tremble under his touch. Ruben knew very well how to deal with a woman, especially you. He knew your weak spots, your most pleasurable spots, your wildest desires, how to touch you, how to manipulate you in bed, how to make you scream for more.
He laid you down on the bed gently, kissing your belly when you were at his mercy. Her wet kisses trailed down your body, her fingers uncovered your panties and held pulling them down, removing them from you. It didn't take him long to spread your legs, caressing them before he slipped between them, his tongue made contact with your clit and a surge of pleasure washed over you.
Ruben knew very well how you liked it and didn't hesitate to stick his fingers inside you, ramming you mercilessly as your cries grew louder and louder with pleasure. No one had ever touched you the way Ruben did, no one had ever made you feel the way he did and Ruben knew it. He knew it perfectly.
And that's when your first orgasm came. Wild, wet and blurry. Ruben smiled proudly as your legs shook and your throat almost tore. And he couldn't wait any longer. He immediately took off the only piece of clothing he had left and even with your weak body, he rammed into you again, but this time with his dick. He roared so loudly when he felt you tight and hot around him that he had to kiss your lips to cover his great moan.
His movements were wandering and brute, you could tell he needed you and that made you hotter. Your nails were digging into his muscular back while his teeth bit into your neck and chest. Tomorrow you'd have to worry about covering them up but it wasn't something you really cared about right now.
They were just there. Immersed in the pleasure, in the need to feel, in the love that bound you together in mind and soul.
The knot in your belly tightened more and more as Ruben's gasps rose, they were so close. His face sank into your neck as your orgasm hit, Ruben, he was surprised at how loud you screamed his name, as if you had been waiting for that moment all your life. Your fingers dug hard into his skin, your legs trembled, your belly contracted and your body exploded. Following your climax came Ruben's who gasped loudly as he released completely inside you.
With a great sigh he fell on top of you. You were both still trying to breathe and catch your breath but it wasn't going to be that easy with what you had just witnessed. Your bodies numb from the sensations, sweaty and tired.
His hand took yours and lifted it up and his fingers caressed the diamond ring that was already on your finger. A big smile appeared on his lips as your hand joined his, intertwining their fingers.
You were engaged. You had said yes and it was going to happen. You were going to get married.
You were so happy your heart was fluttering in your chest, Ruben could feel it.
"I can't wait to see you at the altar, princess"
"I can't wait to call me T/n Dias" you teased stroking his hair.
"Then let's get married tomorrow" he said against your skin. Your laughs rang through the room.
His arms wrapped completely around you, enveloping you, skin to skin, your hearts beating in tandem your chests full of emotion and sentiment.
You were going to get married. To Ruben. And you couldn't wait for the moment where you wanted to be united for life.
Your best friend, your best friend, your life partner, your great love.
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stevesbestgirl · 1 year
Phases of the Moon - Part 2
Steven Grant x f!Reader, eventual Marc Spector x f!Reader
2909 words
Warnings: minor angst, mutual pining, idiots in love, Donna being a big meanie, mentions of reader’s face “flushing,”
As always, keep in mind that I am not a system and am not an expert. All of my information about their relationship comes from the Moon Knight show and I use that as my reference point.
*Bold type is spoken by Marc when Steven is fronting.*
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Tuesday evening, your phone buzzed, “2609 minutes, from right now. - Steven.” You suspected he’d been waiting until he finished his shift to work it out. He’d also signed his name on the text, which you found to be rather cute. 
When Thursday came, you took a little bit of extra time in the morning. You hadn’t meant to, but you were fiddling with your hair and changing outfits when you realized what you were doing and forced yourself to leave it all be. And sure enough, when you approached the gift shop counter, Steven lit up, just as he had two days before. 
You made your way up to the counter, “Alright, how many minutes now?”
He made a show of checking his watch, “About two and maybe a half.” He gave you a shy smile, “You look pretty today.”
“Prettier than Tuesday?” you teased.
“Well, I thought you looked pretty Tuesday too, but I chickened out on saying it, didn’t I?” That rosy flush you were growing to like so much crept up his cheeks.
“Thanks, Steven.”
“Well, shouldn’t I be thanking you?” 
Now it was your turn to flush; you’d never met someone who could flip-flop so seamlessly between bumbling awkwardness and earnest charm.
But you were saved by the bell- Steven had an alarm set on his phone. He quickly silenced it, “There we are. You ready, love? We’ve got a lot of ground to cover.” The way your heart skipped in your chest at the term of endearment again made it clear that you were not immune- at least, not to Steven. But you nodded your agreement as he came out from behind the counter and led the way back to the exhibit.
This time, it was harder to focus on the words Steven was saying- all you wanted to do was watch him talk. The way he tilted his head when he was searching for the right word, the way his pitch rose when he was building up to something he found particularly interesting- but it was really his hands that did you in. 
They waved around while he spoke, accenting explanations, pointing out details in each display, and making quirky little gestures to accent his points. You felt like your gaze was following them and you found yourself wondering what it would feel like to slide your fingers between his. Your stomach dropped at the thought and you hastily pulled your gaze back to his face, using all of your willpower to listen. 
Too soon, the little alarm on his phone was sounding again, “Looks like I’ve gone on a bit too long again, haven’t I? We’ve only just started on the pharaohs.”
You walked with him back to the gift shop, “When is your next shift?”
He grimaced, “Donna has me on the late shift for inventory tomorrow night. And you’re probably busy on Saturday-”
“I’m not, actually. Are you working?” He nodded blankly. “I’m happy to stop by again. Unless that’s inconvenient for you, I’m sure Saturdays are busy-”
“Saturday is perfect,” he insisted. I actually get off at two, if you wanted to come by ‘round then." That was not true. Steven didn't work Saturday at all, but he continued anyway, "I can give you a proper tour.” 
Your stomach twisted and you weren’t sure if it was with excitement or anxiety; this had become a full-blown date in a matter of moments. And you wanted to go.
Despite all of your common sense telling you to back off now before it was too late, you smiled, “That sounds great.” You pulled out your phone, “I’ll put it in my calendar.”
“Oh, that reminds me,” he dug into his bag on the other side of the counter, “I brought you something.” He pulled out a box and handed it to you; it was a new screen protector. “I’m not sure if I got the right one, but I sort of had to guess. It was such a sweet gesture that you were struck dumb for a moment, staring at the box in your hands. It was, in fact, not the right kind, but you weren’t about to tell Steven that. “Thank you, Steven. This is- that was really nice.” 
You tried to keep your voice even; it shouldn’t be a big deal. It wasn’t like you could tell Steven that this was the first time in a very long time you could remember someone doing something so thoughtful for you. 
“Well, I felt bad, y’know?”
This was the part where you were supposed to respond with something grateful and vaguely funny, but you couldn’t seem to find anything to say. Every combination of words you strung together sounded too raw- too emotional at a simple thoughtful gesture.
“Oi, Stevie,” Donna’s voice cut through the pause, “I’m not paying you to stand around and flirt with your girlfriend, am I?” Both you and Steven went stiff. Donna continued, “You could be stocking those new figurines.”
“I will, yeah- right now,” Steven said quickly. “And it’s Steven,” he corrected, though his tone was tired- this clearly wasn’t the first reminder. He knelt, pulling out a box of vaguely humanoid figures, lining them up half-heartedly on the counter until Donna disappeared. “Sorry about that,” he gave a nervous chuckle. “She shouldn’t have called you-”
“Don’t worry about it,” you offered a tight-lipped smile, beating back the feeling in your stomach that wanted to hear you called Steven’s girlfriend again. It was suddenly like you were twelve again. You wanted to make things light-hearted again, so you teased, “Not a fan of ‘Stevie,’ then?”
He half-smiled, “S’not so bad when you say it, to be honest. But it makes me think of Donna.”
“Maybe I can steal it from her, make you think of me instead,” you offered.
He laughed, “You could try, but I’m not convinced it can be done.”
You knew it was a silly thing. And maybe you just wanted to feel special to Steven. But it seemed like every time Donna spoke to Steven- or about him- she was dismissive and rude and you didn’t like it. But any reasonable person would feel that way. It had nothing to do with the little furrow lines that appeared on his forehead whenever she came around. “Sorry to keep getting you in trouble.”
“Don’t be,” he insisted, that adorable earnestness returning. “If I wasn’t doing anything wrong, I suspect she’d be upset at the way I breathe or somethin’. Besides, I can’t think of a much better reason to get in trouble.” At that, he grinned and your resolve melted into a puddle at your feet. 
You smiled back, “Well, for what it’s worth, I think the way you breathe is fine.” He checked over your shoulder again and you grimaced, “Did she come back?”
“Nah, not yet, but she might. She does that sometimes.”
“Well, I’ll go, so you don’t get scolded any more. And I’ll see you Saturday.”
"Sounds like someone has a date," Dalton teased over the morning paper. 
"I thought the same," Mandy agreed, sipping her coffee with a sly smirk.
"It's not a date." You were lying. But you didn't really want to dive into detail about how you'd folded on your principles less than a week after arriving with your cousin and his wife. 
"He's staying late at work to give her a tour," Dalton noted, gaining an appreciative hum from Mandy, although that may have been a response to her coffee. Dalton murmured low, "He also bought her a phone case, you know."
"Gift giving means it's a date," Mandy nodded.
"It was a screen protector," you replied. "If I'm going to be teased, at least be accurate about it, will you?" They didn’t even know that you’d had to go buy a new one that would actually fit your phone so Steven wouldn’t know he got the wrong kind.
"Oh, fine. The point stands regardless. You've got a date tonight."
You huffed; there was no point in arguing. And they were right; it was a date.
You were at least spared the struggle of deciding whether to dress up or not; Steven would be fresh off his shift, so probably would be wearing khakis, a button up, and that jacket he seemed so fond of. You opted for a casual dress and arrived at the museum a little early- you liked chatting with him at the counter before starting the tour. 
It was only quarter til two, but there was a new face at the gift shop; a young woman who didn’t yet appear out of her twenties. Her name tag read, “Denise.” You offered a friendly smile, “Have I missed Steven already?” The girl looked confused. “Um,” you didn’t even know his last name, “About this tall, curly brown hair-”
“I know Steven, but he doesn’t work today,” the girl finally said. You were almost glad when she cut you off because your next item to list was lovely, expressive, brown eyes and that probably would have been a bit much.
But now you were confused, “He said he was off at two.”
Denise shook her head, “That’s my shift this week.”
You forced a smile, “Guess I got my wires crossed somehow. Thanks.”
You took a seat on a nearby bench. Steven could still show- you were pretty sure you hadn’t misunderstood. You found it hard to believe he would stand you up, so you hoped it was just a miscommunication. 
At eight minutes til two, Steven came in, bustling over to the counter. He said something you couldn’t make out to Denise and you watched her tilt her chin in your direction. Steven whipped around, doing an odd sort of jog across the room. You stood to meet him and Steven’s gaze followed the skirt of your dress as it fluttered back into place. 
Unconsciously, it seemed, his tongue poked out between his lips to wet them before he spoke, “You look- I mean, wow-”
Your slight apprehension couldn’t stop a faint smile at his reaction, “It’s just a dress, Steven.”
He nodded, “Right, yeah.” His cheeks glowed with warmth, “You look nice, is all.”
“Thanks.” It was difficult to believe he’d intentionally mislead you when he reacted that way, but you had to ask. “So, um, you don’t work today?”
The flush on his cheeks crept toward his neck, “Right, yes. I didn’t think you’d get here so early and-” 
“So you lied?” You cursed internally; you’d wanted to sound aloof- maybe vaguely curious, but a hint of hurt made it into your tone.”
“I, ah- well, I wanted to see you again and you asked if I was working- I thought you might not want to do it if I wasn’t here for work because then you might’ve thought I was asking you out-” 
Steven was rambling a bit, but it faded to background as you focused on keeping your expression even. Don’t break eye contact. Don’t look disappointed. Don’t fidget. It’s not a date. That’s okay.
“You alright, love?” Your heart gave a halfhearted flip in your chest, disappointment cushioning your capacity for excitement. “I’m sorry, it was a pretty boneheaded move.” He knocked his knuckles against his forehead in mock punishment, “I guess I panicked a little.”
You nodded, “Yeah, I’m fine. I’d just rather you tell me the truth next time, alright?” That was true. And a perfectly believable response. 
“Yeah, right, of course- I really am sorry,” he insisted.
You knew you should be more upset at him lying- no matter how minor- than about the way you’d foolishly thought this was a date, but you couldn’t seem to muster any indignation toward a man who’d gone out of his way to make sure you didn’t feel uncomfortable. And the strangest thing was that you were still looking forward to it. You wanted to listen to Steven- to share that secret again.
You forced a smile, “It’s alright. You want to get started?”
He grinned, “Yeah, of course, let’s get a move on then, shall we?”
And even though it wasn’t a date, Steven didn’t waver in the way he made you feel like the most important person on the planet. You felt a bit less bad about your misunderstanding; how could you have thought he wasn’t interested when he spoke to you with such enthusiasm. It was as though you were the only person he wanted to be speaking to at this moment. 
The museum was far more crowded than it had been during the week; a few children and parents were hovering around Steven, listening with you. But his eyes remained on you, the secret still yours alone. 
He showed you a map of the inside of a tomb, pointing out the different sections and trap locations, despite none of that being on the map. “Can you guess where the pharaoh is housed?”
You hummed like you were considering it, before pointing, “In the point of the pyramid, duh.” 
“I think it’d be a bit cramped in there, yeah?”
“Right, because it’s so roomy inside a sarcophagus,” you countered.
“Alright, you’ve got me there.” He wrapped his hand around yours, gently moving you, “But he’ll actually be in here.” You weren’t entirely sure what he was pointing at, if you were being honest. You couldn’t pry your gaze away from the way his fingers draped over the back of your hand. He moved, drawing your finger in a small circle, “You see how the traps are more concentrated around here?”
You nodded, “Yeah, makes sense.” 
Steven realized he was still holding your hand, releasing you and taking a half a step back, his palms suddenly sweaty. God, he hoped he hadn’t been this sweaty when he’d been touching you. 
Two hours after you’d started, you finished the east wing of the museum. Your small crowd of hangers-on dispersed, leaving you and Steven by the wing’s entrance. You could see Donna at the front desk at the center of the entryway.
“What did you think?” Steven was looking at you expectantly.
“You can expect my Yelp review on the museum’s page later this evening,” you smiled slyly. When he looked a bit worried, you laughed, “It was fantastic, Steven. Can I pay you to do the rest for me? I’d be missing out if I didn’t get the full experience.”
He looked rather pleased, a faint glow returning to his cheeks, “You know I’d do it free.” Maybe this hadn’t been a date, but he certainly acted interested in you, you were sure of it now.
“You should be getting paid for this, Steven. You were great.” You checked the time on your phone, “I suppose I should let you go though, it’s about dinner time.” A perfectly reasonable observation, you thought. If Steven used it to ask you out to dinner, that would be his choice.
There was a moment’s pause too long, “Right, I shouldn’t keep you too late, should I?”
You supposed you set yourself up for that one. You gave a wry smile, “Yeah, I should probably be getting back. Thanks for the tour, Steven.”
“Really, it’s no problem- I think I had more fun than anyone,” he chuckled. 
“I wouldn’t be so sure.” 
You offered him a smile; you didn’t understand why it was so hard for you to stay sad about Steven. He seemed to pick you back up as quickly as he knocked you down. He was either the most oblivious man on the planet or he was a top tier manipulator. You had a difficult time believing the latter. 
You took a step away; you needed some space to clear your head, “Bye, Steven.”
He seemed surprised by the prompt exit; usually you chatted for a bit after, “Oh- laters, gators!”
You suppressed a smile- he was definitely oblivious to how charming you found him. You offered a small wave goodbye and headed for the door.
Once you were out of earshot, Marc spoke up in the display glass, “You could have asked her to dinner.”
“I wanted to,” Steven defended. “I really wanted to, but I don’t wanna scare her away.”
“Steven, you’re going to blow this if you don’t listen-”
“Stevie, take these to the basement for me, will you?” Donna caught Steven off guard, brandishing a box of sweets.
Steven sidestepped her, “Sorry Donna, I’m not scheduled today.”
She looked annoyed, “Then what are you doing here on your day off? Just here to stand in the way?”
“Actually, I was here with a friend,” Steven countered, a measure of pride in his voice.
Donna raised an eyebrow, “You mean that pretty thing who keeps coming in to flirt with you for whatever reason? I take it you blew it then.”
Steven’s brow furrowed, “Why does everyone keep saying that?”
“Who’s everyone?”
Steven sighed, “Never mind. Why’d you say that?”
“She just left, a bit put out if you ask me. I thought she’d come in looking for you- looked a bit disappointed.”
“She looked- disappointed?” Steven repeated Donna’s wording like he wasn’t sure he’d heard her right.
Donna rolled her eyes, “Well, no wonder she did. If you aren’t here to work, stay out of the way, will you?” She brushed by him and he glanced at the entrance, half-hoping you’d still be in sight so he could find out for himself.
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roosterforme · 1 year
It's Okay, Daddy's Here | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Even after your honeymoon is over, you find yourself needing your husband all the time. One Saturday, when Bradley is out with the guys, you have an itch you just can't scratch by yourself. When he comes home and finds you a desperate, horny mess, he assures that "It's okay, Daddy's here." 
Warnings: Smut and fluff
Length: 2200 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series! (But it can be read on its own) Check my masterlist in my profile for the reading order!
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You couldn't understand what had happened to you since you stopped taking your birth control pills, but you'd been insatiable for the last month and a half. The ten day honeymoon you and Bradley had spent in Hawaii had been pure perfection. And now you'd been enjoying your husband as frequently as you could get your hands on him since returning home.
"What do you mean you're going golfing tomorrow morning?" you asked Bradley as you got undressed for bed on Friday night. You paused, naked with his tee shirt in your hands, and gaped at him. "Roo. That'll be hours. And then the guys will want to go out for drinks," you whined. "You won't be here to fuck me."
He groaned and patted his lap before he reached for you. "Tee time at the country club is Javy's Christmas present to all of us, so I agreed to go." You tossed the shirt aside and climbed up onto the bed to straddle his thighs. "But I can cancel, Baby Girl," he grunted, palming your tits as you leaned in closer to kiss him.
"No," you moaned against his mouth. "I don't want Javy to be mad at me. But you better do me so good right now, Roo. Seriously."
"Don't I always?" he growled, flipping you onto your back and running his fingers down along your belly and over your tattoo. "Don't I always take care of you?" 
"I have the best husband," you whispered as his lips connected with your neck. Then his fingers met your clit, and he eased his body weight down on top of you. And it was heavenly. And he fucked you hard into the bed until you came, screeching his name. And then you slept all night long, curled up on his warm chest in a state of satiated bliss. 
But as soon as you woke up to a cold, empty bed late Saturday morning, you flopped onto your back and tried to coax yourself back to sleep once more. But you couldn't. The need was almost immediate as you sat up. The bedding smelled like Bradley, and you knew you needed to go into the other room. 
After you grabbed your glasses and pulled on his soft UVA shirt, you went to make some coffee. But as it brewed, your mind wandered to how good he looked in his white golf pants and polos. You hoped he was wearing that deep blue floral print shirt that hugged his biceps. 
"Good Lord," you gasped, fixing your coffee the way you liked it and walking out onto the back patio with Tramp. But even the chilly December San Diego air couldn't cool you down. Bradley was probably getting all sweaty right now, gripping his nine iron and wearing those soft gloves. 
"Jesus," you whined, pacing around and sipping your hot coffee. "Just chill. You made it through work all week without him." But that wasn't exactly true. On Tuesday, you'd fucked him on your lunch break in the backseat of the Bronco in the parking garage. And on Thursday afternoon, he'd come into your office reeking like jet fuel and fucked you up against your file cabinet.
Tramp looked up at you when you let out a noise close to a whimper. You finished your coffee and went back inside to start packing for the Christmas holidays, but as soon as you opened your underwear drawer, you caught sight of all of your wedding lingerie, and you had to leave the room again. 
A shower. That would help. But you tried hot water and then cold water, and you just ended up with your back pressed against the tile wall, stroking our fingers over your clit. You must be ovulating. That would explain a lot right now. But as you tried to get yourself off, you kept coming up short. 
"No," you whined, dipping your fingers into your own slick before bringing them back up to your clit. When you managed to get the tiniest bit of relief, you finished up in the shower and went to get dressed. 
But you ended up pulling out your vibrators only to glare at them, because they did not look as appealing as Bradley did. "Fuck," you grumbled, tossing them back where they belonged and kicking your drawer closed. 
How much longer could golf possibly take? You'd be fine until you could get the real thing. You could wait.
Bradley rushed through the eighteenth hole, hoping to get back home to you faster, but the guys weren't having it. 
"Let's hit up the bar," Hangman drawled. "Drinks are on me."
Bradley opened his mouth to protest, but Jake cut him off and said, "And don't even try to use your wife as an excuse, Bradshaw. You and Angel can go a few hours without your hands all over each other. The honeymoon is over."
But it wasn't. It really wasn't. Bradley wanted his hands and mouth on you at the moment so badly, he hoped the honeymoon would never end. 
"Fine," he grumbled. "One drink." But one turned into two, and the jukebox at the Hard Deck was playing Christmas music, and Penny got him to dance with her before he was able to sneak out. He had been gone most of the day.
As he walked back to the Bronco late in the afternoon sunlight, he texted you and let you know he was finally on his way home. Your response was almost instantaneous. 
Baby Girl Bradshaw: Hurry
"Damn," he muttered, starting up the engine and rushing home to get to you. He thought maybe you'd be waiting for him in bed, wearing that little red lingerie set he liked so much, but what he discovered was even better. 
"Holy shit," he muttered as soon as he walked inside the front door. His golf bag clattered to the floor as you turned your head to look over your shoulder at him.
"Roo," you moaned, and it was the neediest, most beautiful thing he had ever heard in his life. And before he knew it, he was palming himself through his white golf pants at the sight of you naked, straddling the arm of the living room couch. Your back was to him as you rubbed your bare pussy up and down the arm, back arched and whining softly. 
He stumbled closer to you, his eyes glued to your ass as you moved in the most appealing way. You were leaving glistening streaks of your slick along the upholstery, and it was so fucking hot. 
"What's going on, Baby Girl?" he managed to ask as you looked back at him again.
"I can't help it," you gasped, your voice bordering on pitiful as you sucked in a deep breath. "I'm so fucking horny, Bradley. I've tried masturbating all day, but nothing feels as good as you do." 
"Oh, Sweetheart," he rasped, unzipping his pants and getting himself ready. "You should have called me."
"Please! I need you. Make it go away."
You were almost in tears now as Bradley put his hands on your hips, helping you rock your soaking wet pussy against the couch. "Shh. Daddy's home now. It's okay, Daddy's here." He stood behind you and kissed your bare shoulder, letting his fingers skim up your belly to stroke the undersides of your breasts. 
"Oh! Your fingers feel so good," you groaned, planting your hands on the back of the couch and rocking your hips a little faster.
"How did you get like this, Baby Girl?" he whispered next to your ear, pressing the front of his body to your back as you rocked your pussy along, trying to find some satisfaction. "You're like a dog in heat," he groaned, squeezing your nipples. 
"I know," you keened, head tossed back to give him access to your neck. "I'm ovulating."
"Oh, hell," he grunted. That was music to Bradley's ears as you bumped his hard cock with your ass every time you rolled your hips. "You need me to fuck you?" he asked softly, licking a stripe up your neck. "You need my cum?"
"Please, Daddy," you begged softly, but he could hear the desperation there. "Fuck me."
Bradley eased away from you and lifted you up a bit by your hips as you whined. "Aww, Sweetheart," he said, stroking his fingers along your ass down to your soaking wet pussy while he admired the wet spot on the couch. "You need me."
You looked back at him and nodded as he palmed your ass up in the air. "I need you, Daddy," you said, your voice breaking with tears in your eyes.
Bradley stroked your soft skin and asked, "Do you know how bad I want you knocked up?"
You nodded again, practically on the verge of tears. "I know it."
Bradley set you down gently on the arm once more, tipping you forward slightly so your clit was rubbing against the wet spot you made. Then he grabbed his cock as you wiggled your ass at him, just begging to have him fill you up. 
"I got you," he promised, rubbing himself through your wetness. "I'll take care of everything."
With one steady thrust, he filled you and bottomed out. A sound of relief escaped you as you moaned, "Daddy." Bradley pulled you snug to him by your hips, and with each fluid thrust, he helped you rock your clit against the couch. 
Bradley kept you going at a steady pace, fucking you nice and slow as he guided you along, praising you for being the perfect wife. "You always look so good for me. With your pretty pussy and that ass on display. You know how much I like coming home to find you ready for me?"
"Tell me," you whispered, starting to clench around him. 
He kissed along your neck as you jerked yourself along a little faster. "I love it when you're waiting for me to fill you up. I love how needy you are."
Bradley knew you were close now, so he let you ride the arm of the couch and bump back along his length while he held himself still for you. And then you were cumming, shaking against his body, reaching back for his hands as you clenched around his cock and sobbed softly. 
"You feel better?" he asked, still fucking you slow and steady. You were like a feral animal that only he was able to tame. 
"So much better," you whispered, turning and licking his bicep. "You're all sweaty, Roo. You smell so good."
"Damn it," Bradley grunted. Now he was starting to feel slightly unhinged over you. His wife needed him so badly around the clock right now. He expected that your body would start to adjust to being off birth control, and this extreme need for him would start to ease up. But for now, he didn't mind one bit. And he wanted to keep you filled up with his cum until it took.  
He slammed into you a little harder as you gazed lovingly at him over your shoulder. "You can do it, Daddy." He reached for your chin, grabbing you and kissing you a little rough. 
"Oh, fuck." Then he was filling you before he collapsed against your back. Bradley ran his hands along your pristine skin, paying extra attention to your tits as he caught his breath. "I can't believe I found you riding the couch like this."
"Nothing would even take the edge off, Bradley. Just you."
He squeezed your tits and ran his nose behind your ear. "I love you. Next time, you call me. I drop everything for you whenever I can. You understand me?"
"Yes." Your voice was soft and calm now, and he could tell you were feeling much better. 
"That's my girl." When he withdrew from your pussy, and his cum leaked out onto the arm of the couch, Bradley whispered, "Don't move."
He dug his phone out of his pocket and took some photos of you turning to look at him with a sweet, fucked out expression on your face and a messy pussy. He knew those images would keep him warm when he was deployed. Then he helped you stand right in front of him, and both of you admired the soiled arm of the couch together.
"Beautiful," Bradley murmured next to your ear, stroking his fingers along your belly and wishing. 
He watched you run your finger through the mess before licking it and turning to kiss him. You traced his lips with your tongue and he tasted himself before you said, "I'll clean up the couch."
"No, you're going to go get in bed like a good girl. And after I clean up out here, I'll be ready to take the edge off for you again. Okay?"
You threw your arms around his neck and hugged him, and then he watched your ass as you headed to bed to wait for him to take care of you again.
Roo always takes care of his wife! Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls.
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greg-montgomery · 2 years
i love the angst in your last blurb! what if hotch and reader get in a fight and she threatens to leave him because he’s being arrogant and he breaks down and says something along the lines of “no please, i can’t lose you too. i just put myself back together after haley. you put me back together.”
coming to you with angst <3 like requested! (thank you i'm glad you liked it!!) - also this has a happy ending ofc!! <33
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
You were sitting across your husband, enjoying the homemade dinner you had spent on your entire afternoon perfecting; trying to make it just how he liked.
Being the one who cooked dinner was a habit by now since he was never home.
 At least this time he’s actually eating it, you thought. Because that Friday had been the first day of that week you ate together. It had most likely been the first day of that week the two of you had managed to spend more than ten minutes with each other uninterrupted.
You knew your thoughts were bitter and it hurt you to think that way about the man you loved, but you couldn’t help them from coming.
You missed him. You wanted him there with you. You wanted to kiss him and talk to him; to laugh with him and make love with him. You missed your Aaron.
So were you really that paranoid to wonder if he missed you too? Shouldn’t he have already asked you to sit on his lap and spend the rest of the dinner there, like you used to? You were dying to bury your face into his neck, but as it seemed all he cared about was the nicely cooked chicken he had in front of him.
“So there’s this new Spider-Man movie and Jack has been talking my ear off all day about it,” you laughed, trying to break the ice you weren’t sure Aaron had even noticed existed between the two of you.
He didn’t say anything in return. You could tell he was lost deep in his thoughts. Probably in thoughts about the case he had just returned from.
You understood, you really did. You couldn’t even imagine what his eyes had seen that day. But you were there for him. He used to talk to you about it.
“So I thought we could go to the movies tomorrow and you know, have a fun Saturday night,” you continued with a smile.
“Who are you going with?” he finally lifted his head to look at you.
“Us,” you laughed in confusion, blinking at him.
He frowned and didn’t even need to say his next words for you to understand what they would be.
You sighed heavily, and he knew he didn’t need to say anything further.
“Jack has been really excited about it. You know he won’t enjoy it if you’re not with us.”
He exhaled through his nose; a clear sign that your words bothered him. “Don’t you think I would if I could?”
“He didn’t even get to see you at all today,” you said.
“I kissed him goodnight when I came home,” he tried to justify himself.
“You know it’s not the same.”
He stared at you coldly. “I’m not judging you,” you tried to defend yourself.
“You are,” he said. “I’m doing my best. I know it’s not enough for you, but I’m trying.”
“Enough…for me?”
“You know what I mean.”
You took a deep breath, closing your eyes. You were a person who could say things out of anger that you didn’t mean, so taking a moment to think before you spoke was something you tried to follow in your life.
“Aaron, I don’t think it’s a secret that we haven’t been at our best lately.”
“We’re fine.”
“No we’re not! I miss you. Jack misses you. And if you miss us too, you’re doing a hell of a good job hiding it,” your voice broke as you were finishing your sentence.
He lowered his gaze so you couldn’t see his eyes and you hated it.
“Well do you?”
“Do I what?” he asked.
“Miss us.”
“Of course I do,” he raised his voice.
“Then start acting like it, Aaron,” you replied in a similar tone. “Or I swear to God, I don’t know what’s gonna happen.”
“What’s gonna happen?” he asked with his eyebrow raised. “Are you gonna leave me like Haley did?” The arrogance in his voice, his certainty that you wouldn’t do it – a fact that any other day would have made you happy - made your blood boil.
“Maybe I will.”
So much for thinking before speaking.
Silence fell between you, both of you trying to absorb the words you had just said.
Aaron’s eyes were staring into yours with so much intensity you could feel them burn you. A few seconds later you saw those beautiful eyes of his that you so adored filled with tears.
“You’d do that?” he asked you, sounding completely heartbroken. “You’d leave us?”
“Aaron no,” you stood up immediately and walked towards his side of the table. “No, I didn’t mean that.”
His large hand covered his face, trying to hide the fact that he was crying.
“Baby…” you whispered, and moved closer, taking his hand in yours, making him uncover his face. You kissed his palm and took a seat in his lap. “Look at me,” you said.
He did like you said. “Please don’t leave me,” he sobbed, breaking your heart. “I’m so sorry, I promise I’ll make more time for you. I promise, please don’t leave.”
“I won’t, baby. I won’t,” you said, but you weren’t sure he could really listen.
“Please don’t leave,” he said again. “You’re the love of my life. I thought life was over after Haley, but you put me back together. You saved me. I can’t do life without you, my love.”
You wrapped your arms around him and let him cry in your embrace. You knew that whatever you were to say at that moment, he wouldn’t be able to hear.
You kissed the top of his head, simply whispering to him that “it’s okay”.
“I’m sorry,” he said one last time, before lifting his head to look at you. His face was completely covered in tears and you were surprised how you weren’t crying too.
“It’s okay, honey,” you told him softly, cupping his cheek with your hand. “I love you. And I’m not leaving. Ever. I just miss you.”
“I miss you, too. So much. I missed this,” he said, trying to pull you closer, even though it was not physically possible.
“Why haven’t you been talking to me?” you asked carefully. “I used to know your every thought.”
“I didn’t wanna burden you with such heavy topics. You’re not my therapist,”’ he replied, running his hand up and down your thigh.
“No, I’m your partner. And I’m here for you Aaron. I don’t want you to pull away from me.”
“You’re right,” he sighed.
“I want all of you. The good and the bad, remember?”
He smiled and you felt such a relief being in the presence of a sight like that. “Yes,” he said. “I’m sorry for making you think I don’t miss you. All day, what keeps me going is the thought that I get to hold you in my arms as we sleep. And when we sleep apart, I look at this picture the three of us took last Christmas to help me sleep peacefully.”
You felt yourself tear up at his words. “Baby, I’m so sorry too for accusing you. Of course I know you love us. And we love you too. So, so much.”
You sat there in his arms and you comforted each other in a way only the two of you knew.
“What’s the name of that Spider-Man movie? I’ll book us tickets,” he said and you grinned, reaching out for your phone.
send me aaron thoughts <33
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dokoni-mo · 1 year
I’ve arrived with more horny william brain rot!
There is little doubt in my mind that our favorite afton to slut up likes to read. He’d probably love to share that with his darling bunny. And you absolutely know that man is making the polaroids he took into bookmarks. He just loves to see his bunny everywhere!
Bunny is in fact a college student, and sometimes certain classes end up requiring/give the option for a field trip. And that trip happens to fall on a weekend. They’re a little bummed, Willy is like actually depressed (lol), so bunny decided to hide a little something for him. As a ✨treat✨
So when afton wakes up Saturday, he reaches over for his book to read a little (because what else is there to do when his little rabbit is gone), and his usually bookmark feels a lot more lumpy than usual. So he opens it and what does he find? Polaroids of his precious, lovely bunny in nothing but his shirt, and a pair of her panties 💜
YEAH i uhhh,,
warnings: age-gap relationship (reader is 20 will is almost 40 yall know the drill), swearing, smoking, drinking, dom/sub undertones, sir kink, not proof read AGAIN IM SRY
"What? What do you mean the whole weekend?"
It had been an especially hard week for the brit at his diner. For one reason or another, it seemed as if nearly every single damn brat in that town just had to have a birthday that week. The diner was booked from start to finish every day of the week. William was frustrated. But every day drew him closer to the weekend. Closer to when he'd be able to see you again. And god did he fucking miss you. He missed his little bunny next to him; kissing them, holding them. Coming up with so many fun activities to show you.
But, it was in the past now. It was Friday. You'd be over tomorrow, and help relieve him of his pent-up stress like the good bunny you were.
"I knowwww, I'm sorry!" You pleaded with him at the other end of the phone, the older man taking a long, drawn out puff of his cigarette, "I just totally forgot about it until today!"
William sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose, leaning against the wall, "And you're certain you have to go, love?"
"Yeah..." you sighed back, "It's required for my major. And I already rescheduled it last month, too. I can't do it again or I fail."
"Bunny, the weekends are our time together. You know this."
"I knoww, and I'm sorry! I'd stay behind if I could but I just can't. I'm sorry, Will. I'll be back for next weekend though!"
William took another puff of his cigarette, "Are you certain you can't come over even for a little? I... I miss you, bunny. It's been a tough week, and... I want you."
You let out a sympathetic hum, "I miss you too. But I have to go. I'm sorry."
"Alright." William sighed, "Fine. But don't expect to get off the hook next time I see you, little one. You need to tell me these things sooner rather than later."
The brit heard you giggle over the phone, "It'll be fine, Will. Surely you can survive two weeks without me."
"Getting smart with me now, hm?"
"No, sir."
William let out a pleased hum, "Good bunny. I'll miss you, okay? Have fun for me, alright? I'll be here waiting for you."
"I will, I will... Hey, before I forget; you remember that book you gave me, right? The old, thick and dusty one?"
"It's not old, love. It's classic."
You giggled again, "Classic, sure. Well, I finished it. I'll leave it in your mailbox before I go. Maybe that'll keep you occupied until I get back."
"Nothing could replace your company, little one. But, thank you. That's very kind."
"It's no problem. I gotta go pack now, Will. I'm sorry again. I'll see you next saturday, okay?"
"...Alright, bunny. Have fun. I love you."
"Love you too."
It was odd to have an empty house on the weekends. While William was used to Michael being away at his mother's, the house felt more depressing than usual without you in it. Dull. Grey. No life whatsoever.
William didn't drink often, not at all. He never found it to be that classy, and he wasn't about to throw his charm to the wind over alcohol. But god fucking damn it. He missed you so fucking much that Saturday afternoon. His cigarettes weren't having their usual kick to them. He needed something stronger to fill the void where you should be.
Pouring his second glass of whiskey for the evening, he couldn't help but wonder how you were. Your college was taking you an entire state away from him. Those fucking bastards. How dare they drag you so far away from him. What if you got hurt? Or in trouble? And he wasn't there to save his precious bunny? You knew his number, sure, but you were still so fucking far away from him. And a lot can happen so many miles away.
William took a large swig of the alcohol.
Fucking hell. He missed you so damn much.
He knew you didn't mean to tell him about the trip so late. You were a good bunny. Hell, he was the entire reason you didn't go when you were supposed to. He vaguely remembered convincing you to stay in town the first time you told him about it. You had just forgotten this time, surely. He couldn't stay mad at you for that. It was hard for him to stay mad at you in general. You were just too cute.
But William was miserable. He didn't want this shit to happen again. You would need to learn your lesson. And he'd make you learn it next time you were over.
But would he? Thinking of it now, it was hard for him to imagine giving you any sort of punishment. He just wanted you close to him. To pull you in his lap and kiss those sweet lips of yours. Hold you close to him. Lie down on his chest while he read his books before bed.
Oh, yes. That's right. The book he leant you. You said you'd give it back before you left.
Maybe he should take your advice. Use it to get his mind off you.
Finishing up his glass, William finished up his glass before he walked to the front door, opening and shutting it behind him as he made his way to the mailbox. The cool breeze of the sunset blew his neatly-combed hair out of place, washing over his pale skin. Upon opening up his mailbox, sure enough. The book he leant you was in there. But, it was... strange. Looked a lot fatter than normal.
The older man reached in and took the book out, brow furrowing in slight confusion. Leaning against the mailbox to shut it, the brit opened up the pages to see inside.
William could feel the heat creep down his neck and cheeks.
Oh, bunny. Sweet bunny.
Strewn about the pages was a handful of polaroid pictures. Pictures of you. In so many different positions... so many. He could see the plushness of your thighs. Your sweet little smile. Those big, gorgeous doe eyes. Your cute little pair of underwear...
You even still had some of the marks he'd given you last time you were over. And was that his dress shirt? It certainly was. How long have you had that, little one? Why, sir barely noticed that it was gone. Stealing his things now, are we? Naughty bunny.
You've been so bad recently, haven't you? William didn't much appreciate that. You had earned yourself a punishment, bunny. You probably know that just as sir does though, don't you? Was this your attempt at getting out of it?
William calmly shut the book, but quickly walked back into his house.
It worked, bunny.
For now.
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eyelessfaces · 1 year
santiago garcia x reader
summary: you're moving out. santi helps you packing, and it's the perfect occasion to finally talk about everything unsaid between the two of you.
warnings: mentions of sextoys for some reason....... don't look at me like that. sexy times mentionned and implied, the fic fades to smut so it kinda starts but nothing too steamy
tags: f!reader, mutual pinning, friends to lovers
word count: 1.8k
masterlist | taglist | ao3
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“Heard you needed help. I’m your man” were Santiago’s words before he winked at you and stepped into your half empty apartment.
You moved out at the beginning of next week, and because the laziness got the best of you you now had to rush to finish packing your stuff. 
You had started when you were determined, all energy gone once your back hurt at the end of your first day of packing, and you hadn’t continued since. And this was your mistake.
You could have been wiser and you could have started packing gradually, a bit every day but no– procrastinating had sounded so much better to your “it’s cool, I still have time” ears. 
You had started panicking when you realized it was Saturday already, so you had called your friend group in hope that they could help you get this covered, except they all happened to be conveniently busy. Except for one of them.
“I heard Santi’s available” was Frankie's casual reply when you called him to ask for his help, and you swore you had heard him smirk over the phone when he said this.
You honestly doubted Frankie, Benny and Will all happened to be busy, and you firmly believed that for a good reason; they had been doing their best to isolate you and Santiago since you had kissed at Benny’s birthday party.
Even though you had tried to resonate with them by telling them that you were both drunk and that this kiss probably didn’t mean much to Santiago, they had been actively keeping on trying to get the two of you to have a conversation about it.
Except as of now, packing was your priority. 
“Thank you for coming to help me. I’ve been procrastinating doing this and I don’t know if I’d be done by tomorrow night doing this all by myself” you sighed, picking up an empty cardboard box and throwing it to Santiago. 
He caught it and pinched a smile.
“No problem hermosa, you know I’m more useful helping you here than watching TV naked on my couch. Where do I start?” he asked, walking through your living room and looking at the boxes you had already packed used to support the TV, since you had already emptied and packed your TV stand.
“Would be nice if you could finish the bookcase next to the couch. You can put the CDs with the books, just name the box with both” you instructed, picking up the marker from the floor and handing it to him.
“Yes ma’am” he smiled taking the marker from your hand in a swift motion, determined to start his job and to do it right. Maybe the other boys not being here would actually profit you and you would be faster with your task, no distractions around.
“You know you’re not getting out of here without explaining why you watch TV naked” you said going back to the kitchen where you had started packing all your cooking tools. It was a kitchen opened on the living room, so you were not far from each other.
He chuckled. “Well because why not” he replied as he sat on the floor to empty the lower part of the bookcase.
“Why” you insisted, placing your cooking tools strategically in the box so everything would fit perfectly.
“You know I’m not the only one who does it. I mean– staying home naked. Frankie does it too. Well not anymore since his daughter was born but he used to do it”
“Bless that kid” you chuckled. “Still doesn’t answer my question” you asked looking back at him.
“It’s comfortable” he shrugged. “Things swaying freely” he said turning to look at you, a smirk on his face.
“Okay I’ll stop asking questions” you laughed shaking your head.
An hour and a half later Santiago had finished packing your living room, leaving only the couch and TV surrounded by cardboard boxes. You were also almost done with the kitchen except for a few cabinets and of course still leaving out the essential: a few forks, knives and spoons, and a few glasses and plates.
“Need help for the kitchen?” he asked, sitting on the counter.
“Yep, I was about to empty my mug cabinets. I have a lot” you nodded. You grabbed another cardboard box and sighed when you looked around but didn’t find what you were looking for. “Fuck can you get me the bubble wrap? I must have left it in my bedroom when I was packing the perfume bottles in my drawers”
“Sure be right back” you thanked him before starting to get the mugs out of the cabinet, placing them on the counter waiting for him to come back to start wrapping them.
Santiago went into your room and searched for the roll. 
Walking towards your bed, he saw something looking like what he was looking for peeking out from under your bed, it had probably rolled and gotten under there accidentally. 
He kneeled down to pick it up, noticing a black plastic box placed under your bed. He chuckled to himself before the pain in his knees reminded him that he couldn’t stay in this position for long, grabbing the bubble wrap roll and standing back up.
“Nice sextoys collection” he threw with a smug smile as he came back to the kitchen, handing you the bubble wrap roll.
You almost dropped the mug between your hands. “Wha– don’t tell me you–”
“No, but now I have the confirmation that it’s really your toy box” he laughed, and even harder when he saw your startled and slightly embarrassed face.
“You want a medal or something” you chuckled, taking the roll from his hands, your own hands not even capable of functioning correctly. You would definitely be losing some mugs after that.
“Hey don’t be embarrassed” he nudged your side. “Ever used them with someone else?” he asked leaning against the counter.
“Jeez Santi” you laughed. You looked at him and rolled your eyes. “Tried to. The guy didn’t want to because he saw it as its enemy. Turns out its enemy did a way better job than him afterwards” you explained wrapping one of your least favorite mug so you wouldn’t regret it if it slipped from your slightly trembling hands. 
“Mh I see” he said reaching to grab one of the mugs to help you wrap them. “You just haven’t tried with the right guy yet” he sighed, turning to look at you.
You focused on arranging the box correctly to avoid his gaze as your cheeks heated at his words, trying to discard the feeling. “Probably” you mumbled. Probably.
Santi plopped down on your couch, a low grunt leaving his mouth as he did so.
You wiped your forehead with the back of your hand, exhaling in relief.
You were done. It seemed impossible, but here you were, everything packed.
“Wanna drink something as a reward?” you offered before you could sit down for good.
“Got a beer?” he asked raising his eyebrows.
“Yup” you said turning around to grab them from your refrigerator.
You uncapped them and sat down on your couch next to him, handing him his beer. He clinked his bottleneck against yours and you smiled, taking a sip before letting out another sigh of relief.
“Seriously, thank you. I couldn’t have done it without you” you declared smiling at him, and he finished his sip before smiling back at you.
“Eh if I hadn’t helped you who would have?” he rhetorically asked, chuckling.
“Right” you sighed, remembering the sarcastic exclamation point at the end of Benny’s message when he said he couldn’t come, Will’s fake pondering face when he did a quick review of his schedule when you called him on facetime, and of course Frankie suggesting Santi’s presence.
“You know they’re not really busy right” he questioned, turning to you and leaning his arm against the back of your couch. You threw a single nod before taking a sip of your beer. “You know they just want us to figure out what’s going on between us, right?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
You sighed and looked over at him. “I know. I think they made that obvious”
He scratched the light stubble on his chin and put his beer down on the floor before returning to his previous position.
“Then what’s going on between us?” he asked tilting his head, and he smiled when he saw you chuckling. “What? I think we should give them what they want or they’re never gonna stop” he shrugged.
“Okay.” you cleared your throat before going further. “Well, I don’t know what’s going on between us but I liked kissing you” you admitted, immediately taking a sip of your beer after delivering your words. You were almost embarrassed at how fast your heart was beating.
He smugly smiled and looked you up and down.
“As friends?” he asked playfully, throwing his chin at you.
“Dunno, you?” you asked, mirroring his smile, putting your beer down on the floor too. You looked back at him and he shrugged.
“Well all I can tell you is I was drunk but I think I know what I was doing” he said with a single nod, pinching his lips into a small smile. “And I enjoyed it.”
“That’s good to know” you replied playfully, your gaze going back and forth between his lap and his face. “You’d do it again?”
“Do what?” 
“Kiss me, idiot” you chuckled, planting your elbow against the back of the couch.
“Question or order?” he asked rhetorically, a smirk plastered on his face. You playfully hit his arm when you realized you had been tricked, and he nudged your side. “Answer the question”
Your face inched closer to his, and you tilted it slightly before answering. “Order” your voice was barely louder than a whisper. 
His thumb and forefinger grasped your chin after your implied consent, and it took him a very short time to press his lips against yours once he was sure you both wanted it.
He kissed you and he knocked the air out of your lungs, your hands buried in his graying curls and his hands traveling up and down your curves. 
You made out intensely, laying down on your couch, his body hovering over yours as he practically fucked his tongue into your mouth.
“If that wasn’t abundantly clear, not as friends, no” you panted against his slightly swollen lips once you pulled away for air.
“Good. Good choice” he said biting down on his bottom lip, laughing when you yanked his face down to kiss him again. He kneaded one of your breasts while his tongue plunged in your mouth, his thumb brushing against your hard nipple, and you moaned in his mouth as a result.
He pulled away from your mouth, his own shifting towards your ear.
“Hey I thought maybe we could make some use of that box under your bed. It’s not packed yet after all” he whispered, unable to cover the devilish grin on his face or the excitement in his voice. 
And in his pants, too.
masterlist | taglist | ao3
triple frontier taglist: @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @mystinky-butt @beccabecs521
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