#this was supposed to be mini
jonathanbiers · 2 years
For the prompt meme, how about 20 and 34? Looking forward to reading whatever you come up with, I love your stuff 🥰
send me a pairing + a number and i'll write a mini-fic! 20. things you said that i wasn’t meant to hear  34. things you whispered in my ear  assuming you meant this for steddie! also full warning, i got carried away with this one. it's a lil angsty
Steve's running late; it's not his fault, really, even if it kind of is. He promised Dustin he'd take him to the nearest bigger city that morning, one with an exotic pet shop. Somehow, even after Mews, Dustin's enthusiasm for reptiles hadn't waned. He wanted a bearded dragon, and his birthday is coming up...
He didn't anticipate that he'd fall in love with the beast, too. He lost track of time, letting the little baby reptile — "Her name is Skurge, Steve!" he can hear Dustin's exasperated voice still — crawl all over him, cling to his shirt.
He didn't forget. He's just running late. This is what he tells himself as he parks in the street in front of Gareth's house, the open garage revealing all four members of Corroded Coffin inside, practicing. None of them notice him, the music is too loud for the engine of his car to be noteworthy. The song ends just as he's getting out of the car.
Ever since Eddie got out of the hospital, him and Steve are pretty close friends. Steve let him and Wayne stay at his house for a while, while they looked for a place after their trailer was torn to shreds. He didn't mind the company, welcomed it in fact. He thinks Eddie knows this, he still stays over from time to time. They take turns picking movies, listening to each other's music. Eddie visits Steve at work. Steve comes to Eddie's band practices. None of it is helping the silly little crush Steve has. It's making it worse, actually, having to watch the effortless way Eddie sings into the mic, eyes closed and skilled hands dancing along the fretboard of his guitar. It's not fucking fair.
The logical solution should be that Steve stops going, but he can't lie to himself. He loves the torture of it. Loves when Eddie turns to him when they're done, a little sweaty, breathing a little hard, his smile a little wild as he asks what Steve thinks. Steve just says it was good, never tells him what he's actually thinking. He can't very well say that he thinks he wants to kiss him until he's that breathless. He can't.
Because hanging out with Steve, being his friend, that's one thing. Steve's different than he was when they went to school together, he's a good person now, nice. Easygoing when he's not in babysitter mode. Even the rest of Corroded Coffin has come around to him, even if he had to bribe them with cold beer for a few weeks first.
He's not delusional enough to think he's Eddie's type, though. Eddie's never mentioned it, but Steve knows him — he likes metal, fantasy books, imaginative games. Steve, only half-jokingly, tried to help Dustin come up with a character for one of their D&D campaigns and got laughed at. He tried to start reading Lord of the Rings once while he was over at Eddie's, and felt like he was drowning in the words more than he was reading them. They're not from the same world, and that's okay. Being friends is enough.
Eddie's back is to the driveway, and none of the rest of Corroded Coffin notices Steve either as he walks up, weaving between the few cars parked there. He's just passing Gareth's dad's truck when he's able to hear the back half of their conversation.
Jeff and Eddie seem to be bickering, "...only sounds shit 'cause you're sulking 'cause your boyfriend isn't here."
"Wha—" Eddie sputters, "okay, first, he's not my boyfriend, what—"
"But you wish he was," Jeff goes on, monotone as he adjusts dials on an amp, as if he's discussing something as matter-of-fact as the weather.
"No, I don't," Eddie insists, and if Steve wasn't already frozen in place he would be now. "I don't— he's not even my type, come on."
"No?" Gareth asks, muffled as his head is bowed to adjust something on his drum kit. "Is that why you've spent the last thirty minutes going on about where's Steve, Steve is usually here by now, have any of you heard from Steve?"
Eddie's sputtering again, and Steve tries to ignore how his heart sinks when he begins to speak. "That's not— We're just friends, alright? Close friends, but I definitely don't like him like that— He's— he's a jock, for fucks' sake. He wears polos and spends an hour on his hair every day—"
"He's also nice and a good guy, you spent a full week convincing us yourself..." Gareth trails off as he lifts his head, must be satisfied with whatever he was messing with. He locks eyes with Steve, and there must be hurt evident on his face, because Gareth's brows draw together. "Eddie."
"Yeah, Steve's cool," Dan, their bassist cuts in, and Jeff nods in agreement.
Eddie keeps going, though. "Cool, sure. Doesn't mean I want to date him, and I'd really appreciate it if you guys stopped pestering me about it—"
"Eddie," Gareth says again, his voice insistent. Jeff notices, turns to follow Gareth's eyes. Steve is still frozen to the spot. Eddie is still going on.
"—Like, it's getting really fucking old and— ow, Jeff, what the fuck?" Jeff smacks Eddie on the arm to get him to stop, and gestures toward where Steve is standing.
Almost in slow motion, Eddie turns. So does Steve, though, finally snaps out of whatever has kept him rooted to the spot. It's one thing that now Gareth and Jeff know, but he doesn't want Eddie to see just how hurt he is by his words. Doesn't think he could take it, the look of pity. He's trying not to think, letting his feet take him back toward his car. Distantly, muffled behind Eddie's voice in his mind repeating all the reasons Steve isn't good enough, he hears Eddie calling his name. He ignores it, he doesn't want to hear whatever apology Eddie has for him.
"Steve, fuck— please, look at me." Steve feels a hand on his forearm, Eddie isn't grabbing him, just trying to get his attention.
Despite thinking better of it, Steve still turns, faces Eddie. He doesn't see pity, not exactly — guilt, sure, and something else. "It's alright," he says, feeling the opposite, "you don't have to apologize, it's— I get it, y'know? You don't have to...explain, or whatever. You don't like me back, it's fine, it's whatever—"
"I didn't mean it," Eddie blurts, eyes wide and looking everywhere but Steve's face. "I don't hate your hair or your shirts, I— wait," Eddie stops short, meets Steve's eyes, squints a little. "Back?"
Shit. "Um. I didn't..." Steve doesn't know what to say at this point, doesn't know how he can backtrack that. He thinks it's obvious considering his reaction to the conversation he walked into, but now it seems like Eddie had no idea.
Steve is still floundering when Eddie says, his voice soft and tinged with something like disbelief and wonder, "You like me?"
Steve just shrugs, and his voice sounds small to his own ears. "Yeah, but it's— You don't feel the same, and that's okay, so I'll...I'm just gonna go."
This time, when Steve turns, Eddie does grab his arm. He brings them face to face once again, and Steve's just about to open his mouth to say something when Eddie's hand moves to his cheek. All thoughts leave his head immediately, because now they're just...standing there, and Eddie's holding his face, looking at Steve like he's not sure he's real.
The moment feels like forever, but Steve knows it's only been a second, because he doesn't even have time to take a breath before Eddie's lips are on his. Thinks that might be for the best because it would've just been knocked out of him anyway. Eddie's a good kisser, and his hands are warm on Steve's cheek and his lower back. It takes a few seconds for his brain to catch up that this is reality, it's not a daydream and he finally kisses Eddie back, lets his arms wrap around Eddie's shoulders. He hears the other three quarters of Corroded Coffin cheering, hollering, Gareth banging on his drums. He thinks they're assholes, he thinks he loves them.
It's over too soon, but finally Steve can breathe. "You..." he starts, his brows furrowing in confusion. "You said—"
"I lied," Eddie interrupts him, presses their foreheads together. "I just wanted them off my back about it. Steve, I've been kinda crazy about you for— Too fucking long."
That brings a laugh out of Steve, because the feeling is mutual. "Since when, huh? Tell me."
Eddie just pulls Steve close, and Steve thinks he's leaning in for another kiss, but instead his lips graze against the shell of his ear as he whispers, "Ever since you took a bite out of that bat."
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lemonemlyn · 5 months
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lilybug-02 · 4 days
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New friend acquired!
Bug Fact: Colombian Lesserblack Tarantulas have pet frogs! The frog protects the spider's eggs from ants and in return, the frog is kept safe by the spider.
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its-emimi · 1 year
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There will be justice.
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