#this was inspired by the ep11 preview
theflagscene · 1 year
Fandom: Never Let Me Go
Word Count: 4400
Pairings: Palm/Nueng & Ben/Chopper
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Major Character Death
Summary: Chopper sees Kit’s thugs drag Palm into his office and decides that it’s time to put a stop to his father’s insanity, if only that was as easy as it sounded.
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nonsensical-pixels · 2 years
Luvly Llamas: A Llama-Themed CC Pack for The Sims 2!
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Shortly before my original simblr went down, I was browsing through the debug mode of the Cottage Living pack and discovered a debug llama just chilling there. Simple enough to convert, right? But then I got dared to convert not just that, but pretty much every llama-themed object from the base game. Only that I went very off-track and ended up with a whole pack on my hands. So, yeah. Consider this a new simblr gift!
All in all, there are 15 items, mostly converted straight from TS4 or my own edits. But enough rambling. On with the post... at least under the cut!
Buy and Build Mode
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First up: the sculptures! These are the original Debug Llama from Cottage Living in 3 different sizes; the Flying Llama and Ultimate Freezer Bunny Award that are unlockable objects; and the Llama Mama statue, accompanied by a smaller Llama Llama (yes, it's literally called just that) that I wanted. Because it's cute. Duh.
Everything is pretty high-poly. I think that the Flying Llama itself is 4k polys, but the real monster is the debug llamas. 7k polys. Yep, 7132 polys of debug sculptures. You have been warned!
Download 4t2 Llama Themed Sculptures - SFS | MF
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Next, we have my self-proclaimed 'Lotsa Llama' paintings! These come on frames that I converted myself from the base game, so they don't require external meshes or whatever. Also, don't be fooled. The ivy will, in fact, intersect them when they're actually against the wall.
These use images from Freepik that I found from Freepik, and a few from creators on Pixabay ❤
Download 4t2 Llama Themed Paintings - SFS | MF
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Lastly for the BB section, we have my personal favourite: the Lotta Llama Topiary, also from the base game! It can be found under the Shrubs section and is not seasonal, since I'm not too experienced with that just yet.
Download 4t2 Llama Topiary - SFS | MF
( @sims4t2bb )
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IMO, this is the star of the whole show, and the conversion I'm most proud of. Introducing: my very first earrings conversion!
These are the EP11 (ignore the preview) 'Llama' earrings from the Cottage Living pack. They are available for young adults through elders, are found under the 'glasses' category, and are just under 1k polys. Compressed, tooltipped, and all useless ages removed!
Download 4t2 EP11 Llama Earrings - SFS | MF
Hood Decorations
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Lastly, we have the very first conversions that I attempted for this pack. These are the debug llamas from the Cottage Living pack... as hood decorations! I found the idea of this way to charming, so I just had to try. So far, I'm really loving them!
Download 4t2 EP11 Debug Llamas as Hood Deco - SFS | MF
If you're lazy like me, you can just
Download the entire Luvly Llamas Pack - SFS | MF
If there are any issues, please let me know! I playtested this as much as I could, but there are always mistakes at some point...
credits: the awesome members of the simscord for partially inspiring this, ea/maxis for the original meshes, the creators of the pics i used for the llama paintings (found on freepik and pixabay), the creators of sims4studio, mira/crystalvu for the accessory conversion tutorial, and anyone else i missed!
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