#this took forever uuuuuuugh
pesterloglog · 4 months
Terezi Pyrope, Roxy Lalonde
Meat, page 36
ROXY: omg terezi i didnt know u were back!
ROXY: what UP???
ROXY: o lmao that makes sense
ROXY: i thought for a minute u were appreciating my rad new look
ROXY: but i know i got a ways to go b4 i dethrone the original coolkid
ROXY: wow thx!
ROXY: lol no WAY
ROXY: terezi ur like the raddest chick i know
ROXY: um yeah i fuckin DO say so
ROXY: dont make me repeat myself
ROXY: so....
ROXY: ur here to see jade huh??
ROXY: yeaaa
ROXY: its lookin grim
ROXY: on one hand shes just layin there so theres not rly a chance of her doin anything either evil or heroic to off herself permanently
ROXY: but its also been so long its like
ROXY: is she just gonna sleep forever???
ROXY: yeah lol i feel bad crackin jokes about it but
ROXY: i think its what shed want
ROXY: us havin hope n all
ROXY: oh
ROXY: back when jade first got all effed up callie saw somethin and it made them freak out
ROXY: it took me weeks to convince them that it was safe to come home
ROXY: but now we got the opposite problem and they arent leavin the house at all
ROXY: they stay home all day with the blinds drawn paintin some weird ass shit on the walls
ROXY: its not as bad as it sounds i promise
ROXY: some of it is like
ROXY: weird and violent??
ROXY: like lotsa nasty purple blood and um
ROXY: nudity????
ROXY: yeah yikes
ROXY: but MOST of it is cute stuff like... various combos of all of us being happy and gettin married and shit
ROXY: anyway thats kept callie kinda busy
ROXY: so it was hard as hell to convince them to let me come see jade at all
ROXY: its like theyre traumatized
ROXY: and they think ill drag whatever possessed jade back into our home with me
ROXY: maybe idk
ROXY: im not gonna push them
ROXY: callies got all kinda hang ups about their existence and purpose and potential lack thereof
ROXY: when theyre ready to talk about it i want them to be able to talk about it u know?
ROXY: oh that reminds me!
ROXY: have u seen john lately?
ROXY: he went back to the medium a while ago right??
ROXY: i thought
ROXY: maybe u and he crossed paths
ROXY: oh....
ROXY: damn thats too bad
ROXY: callie n i have been worried
ROXY: kinda hoped he woulda come back
ROXY: or at least let us know what hes up to
ROXY: ugh between this and whats goin on with jade the lack of closures gonna keep me up at night
ROXY: hey its fine
ROXY: u cant fix everyones problems
ROXY: wat
ROXY: who u loudly whispering to
ROXY: ummm
ROXY: kay well i should get goin
ROXY: was nice catchin up!
ROXY: dont be a stranger alright?
ROXY: lmao ur a riot
ROXY: but u know what i mean
ROXY: 8)
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drawhenstuck · 4 years
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cause modern musical tugger and 1998 tugger would be absolutely appalled at what they did in 2019
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365days365movies · 3 years
February 11, 2021: The Bridges of Madison County (Part 2)
And we’re back!
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Not, uh...not We’re Back: A Dinosaur Story. It’s The Bridges of Madison County. Anyway, let’s go!
Recap (2/2)
Robert goes to a diner in town, where gossip has pervaded the diner. See, a local woman’s come in, and she’s apparently been sleeping around WHAAAAT? As such, she’s heavily ostracized by literally everybody in the diner, and only Robert offers her a seat. But she leaves once the waitress treats her rudely, and goes to cry in her car.
Robert, realizing the situation he could be putting Francesca in in such a small town, tells her not to feel pressured to come along. And yet, she comes along anyway.
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She accompanies him as planned, he takes some pictures of her on the bridge, and they return to her home for dinner. That night, she takes a bubble bath right after he took a shower in the same tub. In the letter, she recalls the inherent eroticism of that moment. She comes to dinner in a new, lowcut dress, which Robert appreciates.
But just then, the telephone rings, and it’s her friend Madge, updating Francesca about the new guy in town (Robert, of course). She hangs up, and the two dance to Johnny Hartman’s “I See Your Face Before Me.” And then...well...
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Michael can’t take it, and he steps outside. Which, yeah, makes sense, because the letter’s getting a little, uh, steamy. After they get together (yeah yeah yeah), she asks him to take her on one of his exciting journeys, before the two kiss once again, then take a bath together.
The next morning, they go out together, and she gives him her necklace, a cross with her name engraved in the metal. That night, they go on a date to a local jazz club, where nobody Francesca knows will see her. Which makes sense, since it’s 1965, and this is an all-black club. Ah, the USA before and during the Civil Rights movement. 
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Michael (UUUUUUUGH) returns from getting some air (and beer at a local bar), and they share some old gossip while Carolyn considers divorce once again. They catch up, where Michael admits that he’s very often considered cheating of Betty, and wonders if his mother’s dalliance is an excuse to do so. I FUCKING HATE MICHAEL.
Carolyn also notes that she’s been unhappy in her marriage basically for forever, and that she was always taught that divorce wasn’t normal. The two of them start to revel that HOLY SHIT THEY’RE SUPER SELFISH KIDS WHO AREN’T EVEN CONSIDERING HER MOM OVER THEMSELVES GROSS
The next morning, back in 1965, Francesca asks how he does this with other women in his travels, but he insists that he doesn’t have control over this relationship, she does. This, understandably, leads to a fight between the two. Which is actually...interesting.
Yeah, this whole event actually has fallout, not just for Francesca’s relationship, but EMOTIONAL fallout. And yeah, that’s what this fight is all about. It’s about their impossible relationship, despite their emotions. She won’t leave her husband, and he won’t leave his lifestyle either.
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The fact of the matter is, though, that the two of them actually do care about each other. Like, A LOT. They both cry in each other’s arms. And yeah, you read that right, they BOTH cry. Never thought I’d see Eastwood cry this month, and also be convinced by it. Damn. He’s a better actor than I’d anticipated.
That night, they have a dinner at the house. And it’s there that Francesca makes her decision clear. Her children and Richard couldn’t handle the pain of her leaving them. And she won’t truly recover from it either, poisoning any relationship they could have. Robert is against this, having fallen head-over-heels for her, and referring to this as true love, something they shouldn’t give up and abandon. But Francesca won’t be swayed. And he leaves with a few parting words.
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And it’s pretty goddamn affecting, honestly. Didn’t bring me to tears by any means, but it’s definitely affecting. We then arrive on the next day, and Francesca’s done her best to pull herself together as her kids and husband arrive with a brand new ribbon.
As the days pass, she seems to be holding it together, for the most part. But then, one day, it’s raining heavily as she and Richard go to a local store. And through the car window...in the rain...
At a stoplight, she and Richard are stopped behind him. She sees him hang her cross on his rear view window, and is about to get out of the car, when he finally pulls away. And they part, as she cries. Richard, to some minor credit, asks what’s wrong, but she doesn’t really respond.
And it’s then that Francesca finds a friend, whom she eventually confides in: the woman from the diner, who was shunned for her infidelity. They became friends over the years. And eventually, another person finds out about the affair: Richard. On his death bed, he apologizes for taking away Francesca’s own dreams, and that he loves her very much.
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After Richard dies, she tries to get in touch with Robert, to no avail. Every year on her birthday, she visited the spots where they psent time together. And then, a package arrived in the mail, full of items bequeathed to her upon Robert’s death. This included a letter to her, and a copy of a book entitled Four Days; inspired by their time together, and forwarded with a poem addressed to her. And, alongside other gifts, the pendant that she gave to him all those years prior, as well as the first note that she wrote him.
And, uh...damn. It’s heartbreaking, and sweet, and passionately beautiful. Holy shit, man. The kids think so, too, and return to their relationships with renewed perspectives. Michael (UUUUUUUGH) tells his wife he wants to make her happy, and she pretty clearly doesn’t know what she wants to do with that. Carolyn tells her husband that she isn’t happy in their relationship. And together, they release the ashes at that The Bridges of Madison County.
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And, uh, yeah...there it is. Wow. Hell of a lot to think about there. See you at the Review!
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writeawayjake · 6 years
What we keep
   He’d been sat there, slumped, staring at an empty glass for over an hour now. The old man had left and after their talk the aura surrounding him had become even more dour and dark. Now that’s not to say it wasn’t usually dour and dark but it always had a bit of light peeking out underneath. Right now however, the light was fading, dying, like a candle running out of wax. Almost like the demon was back.
   He’d always been a stubborn bastard but the fact that he survived a mindset like this with a demon of that magnitude on top of it; he had no business being among the living. And on that note,
   How the hell is he even conscious right now?
That was still bugging her. A normal man would’ve been laid up for a week after what he’d been through in the last two days. He wasn’t unaffected however, she could feel his exhaustion in her bones, more than just physical, this was something deeper. A feeling of just wanting to curl into a ball and sleep forever. This feeling wasn’t new to her, she’d spent years trying to rid herself of it, to find a reason to keep going and she knew full well that you need to find it for yourself, no one can give it to you. Or at least you shouldn’t expect anyone to.
   With the crystal still wrapped up and under her arm, and a bag full of food from Whick, she stood with a sigh. Tightening her jaw she walked over and took the stool next to him.
   “Mom probably would’ve had something sweet and comforting to say…” She began. “But uh - Ah hell who am I kidding. We’re a fucking mess. She wouldn’t know what to do with us.” She scoffed. His eyes never looked away from his glass. There was a long silence before she spoke again. Deciding to take a gamble she asked, “What happened after you joined the legion?” That seemed to snap him out of it. For better or worse. In his eyes she could see the events as if it were a play she was watching. The memories flooding his mind. He let out a sigh before his eyes refocused on the world in front of him.
   “We marched for weeks trying to find them. All we ever found were tracks. Then one day they just appeared. Ripped us to shreds.” He paused to swallow the guilt in his throat. “I was the only one left. Bleeding to death on the side of the road.” She'd always thought he’d just deserted the legion, there were never any rumors about how he’d gotten out. Also,
   How the hell does he keep living through all of this shit? “How'd you make it out?” She asked.
   “She saved me. After my legion was destroyed - they uh. They found me, but she brought me back.”
   “The healer? The one with red hair?” A nod was his only reply. Oh no, she thought. Poor idiot fell in love…  Everything about the context told her this was a sensitive topic but he needed to get it out. “What was she like?” She asked.
   “She was... “ He began, before the lump in his throat caught up to him. “She uh - When I was around her, I forgot everything that made me angry. All that poison in my veins, the fire in my bones…” He said through gritted teeth. “With her, everything turned to spring. Without her… Everything was gray.” In truth she’d always wanted that for him, to find a good woman, hoped it would have cooled his blood. She’d just wanted him to be happy, but not if it meant causing him this much pain. “You would’ve liked her.” He said, with a sniffle. “She was strong like you.”
   “I don't know. Most of your little girlfriends didn't like me.” She responded with a chuckle.
  “Well you were pretty intimidating.” He said with the beginnings of a smile.
   “You were a teenage boy, someone had to do quality control.”
   “That’s fair.” He said with a small chuckle, before placing a hand over his eyes. Choking up he continued, “They're gone - They're all gone and I'm here…” Finally the dam holding back his tears broke, his voice shuddered as he struggled to breath. “I see them every night… all of them. I have to watch them die all over again - I see the light fade from their eyes, and I can't do anything. I just sit there screaming for help. And no one ever comes!” Jared wailed. All pride and pretense had left him, his face twisted and his voice cracked looking just like he had as a child, shrieking after a toy was taken. Her heart felt like a lead weight in her chest, everything he was feeling seeped through the air and into her bones. It had been years since she’d felt like this. She’d promised herself never again.
   “I’m here Jared…” It was all she could think to say. He buried his face in his hands, taking a moment to compose himself. Eventually he lifted his head, a stone expression on his face.
   “Barkeep! Mead!” He barked.
   “Jared…” She sighed. Please don’t.
   The shaky young lad carefully filled Jared’s glass, and nervously handed it to him, it’s amber contents sloshing to and fro. It’s stinging scent hitting her hard.
   “I’m so tired.” The words slid out of him, like air escaping a bellows. He reached out to grab the glass, a look of resignation on his face. Every piece of her ached to help him, to just reach into him and yank out every ounce of sadness. Instead her hand reached out and grabbed the glass. Years ago she’d often seen their mother do the same for their father.
   Jared’s eyes unfixed themselves from the middle distance,
   “Don’t do it. You have so much to live for. It’s not your fault.” He said in a mocking tone. He looked to his right and stared straight through her, “When the sword choses you, it’s always your fault. I was supposed to protect them, I was supposed to protect Mom, and you, and Nyah…”
   The sword chose him? She wondered. Through all her travels and all the rumors she’d never heard anything about the sword choosing.
   “There are so many damn wards and seals on this fucking thing; ‘Only the worthy. The overthrower. Let he who wields this sword be the light.’ But I got it. Not Kayle, not Brock, not some perfumed ponce knight, me. The thug, the failure, the broken, scrawny boy.”
   “Jared…” She tried.
   “The sad thing is for a second I let myself believe I was a hero. Holding it in my hands… I felt like I could be a good person for once.” His gaze shifted back to the glass. There was a long silence as she contemplated her answer.
   “If that sword chose you, it was for a reason.” She said matter of factly. “You’re my brother and I’ve known your heart your my whole life.” Reaching out she placed a hand on his shoulder. “We aren’t what we’ve lost. We’re what we keep. And you’ve kept that good heart.”
   He sat there silently, pondering all she had said. It felt as if she were beginning to make a dent. Up to this point the emotions pouring out of him had felt like an anchor in her chest, his aura a dismal gray pall, but now it was as if a small beam of light was peeking through the clouds. Trying not to lose momentum she continued,
   “Evil men would’ve walked right past the Wilted Rose.”
   “You knew about that?!” He asked, shocked.
   “Jared your were the worst kept secret in our burrough. Do you have any idea how many freebies I got because I was your sister?”
   “Freebies?” His brow cocked.
   “Those girls were aaaaaawful grateful. And you weren’t always around to reap the rewards.”
   Oh you sweet sweet moron. She thought. “Yes Jared, girls. It’s always been girls.” Jared let out a sigh, leaning back in his chair exhausted he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Are you offended?” She asked defensively.
   “No, just - I… Molly?”
   “Molly?” She repeated, confused.
   “Did she give you a freebie?”
   “Ooooh, was she the little blonde -”
   “Yep! Uuuuuuugh!” he groaned.
   “Oh no. Did - did we? We didn't both?” She spluttered.
   There was a long silence before she broke it by taking a long hard swig from his cup of mead.
   “Hey!” he barked.
   “What? I'm not the one with a problem here.”
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hgfstreamchats · 3 years
The Flight Before Christmas
Starscreamillar 09:10 PM Greetings.
highglossfinish 09:10 PM Full disclosure, I've never watched this movie before, and we all know how well those work out.
thenightetc 09:11 PM It will be an adventure!
Starscreamillar 09:11 PM Oh dear...
Zephra85 joined the party.
Zephra85 09:12 PM Hi guys!
highglossfinish 09:12 PM Zephra human!
highglossfinish 09:12 PM Hello!
highglossfinish 09:12 PM How's the audio?
Starscreamillar 09:12 PM Good on my end.
Zephra85 09:12 PM Seems fine
highglossfinish 09:12 PM Perfect.
Zephra85 09:13 PM Never heard of this one
highglossfinish 09:13 PM One of the Eradicons, of all bots, mentioned it.
Zephra85 09:14 PM Oh man wonder how THEY found it
Zephra85 09:14 PM ... video super laggy for anybody else?
Starscreamillar 09:15 PM Unfortunately, yes.
highglossfinish 09:15 PM The Eradicons pass questionable Earth media around like a junkie passes a circuit booster.
Zephra85 09:15 PM Okay so long as it's not just me
thenightetc 09:15 PM Hmmm, a little.  I thought it was stop-motion at first glance
Zephra85 09:15 PM ;dslakjfsdlk;a
highglossfinish 09:15 PM Any better?
Starscreamillar 09:15 PM It may just be extremely poor quality CGI.
thenightetc 09:15 PM Seems fine now
Zephra85 09:15 PM Seems better!
thenightetc 09:17 PM Is it... magic?
Starscreamillar 09:17 PM Their teeth are extremely unsettling.
highglossfinish 09:18 PM Why is the squirrel allowed to live here?
Starscreamillar 09:18 PM He is a curse on their lineage.
thenightetc 09:18 PM Uh oh!  I wonder if there are going to be any wolf attacks in this movie.
highglossfinish 09:19 PM I sure hope no one ends up disappointed with the bastardly reindeer calf.
highglossfinish 09:19 PM Uh oh.
thenightetc 09:19 PM Hmmm
Starscreamillar 09:20 PM He took her for a spin, alright.
thenightetc 09:20 PM Is that what they call it.
highglossfinish 09:20 PM "Your dad left some money on the tree stump next to the bed."
thenightetc 09:20 PM Wait, did she say he took her flying?  How?
Starscreamillar 09:20 PM In the sleigh, apparently.
Zephra85 09:21 PM She's definitely full of sh*t
highglossfinish 09:21 PM The wolves who won't be attacking anyone.
Zephra85 09:22 PM Def not
Starscreamillar 09:22 PM And instead of looking himself, he will leave it up to the idiots.
thenightetc 09:22 PM I feel like wolves don't really have a reindeer-only diet.
thenightetc 09:22 PM There's, you know.  Squirrels and things.
highglossfinish 09:22 PM Little fat squirrels.
highglossfinish 09:22 PM Comic relief squirrels.
thenightetc 09:22 PM Just for example.
thenightetc 09:23 PM pinata
thenightetc 09:24 PM Be sure to run straight home so they can follow you there easily!
Zephra85 09:24 PM A flawless plan
Zephra85 09:25 PM Well at least they TRIED not to be SUPER stupid about it and erased their tracks
thenightetc 09:25 PM No, they won't be able to follow the clear path with a bunch of suspicious sweeping marks on it
highglossfinish 09:25 PM And the stench of reindeer.
highglossfinish 09:26 PM Points for accurarate reindeer behavior, if nothing else.
thenightetc 09:26 PM Don't wolves go in packs to hunt things larger than them?
thenightetc 09:26 PM As opposed to going it alone?
Zephra85 09:26 PM UGH this lag
highglossfinish 09:26 PM Let me try to fix it.
Starscreamillar 09:28 PM Ah good. Time to evict the children.
thenightetc 09:28 PM let this be a lesson!  Never have dreams.
Starscreamillar 09:29 PM Not when you are stupid, and also edible.
highglossfinish 09:29 PM If you have dreams, your family and friends will be eaten by wolves.
Zephra85 09:29 PM Ambition is the worst thing a child can have, clearly
thenightetc 09:29 PM Don't try to get above your station.
thenightetc 09:30 PM Or else your entire family will have to run from wolves.
thenightetc 09:31 PM I wonder how far flying squirrels can really glide like that.
thenightetc 09:31 PM Ha!
Zephra85 09:32 PM I remember reading that apparently male reindeer shed their antlers in the winter and female reindeer shed their antlers in the summer
thenightetc 09:32 PM ...Huh.
highglossfinish 09:32 PM Interesting.
Zephra85 09:32 PM so that would mean all of Santa's reindeer should actually be female
Starscreamillar 09:33 PM ..... Why?
thenightetc 09:33 PM ...Oh no.  I just had a premonition.
thenightetc 09:33 PM There's gonna be a romance sublplot.
thenightetc 09:33 PM With the poodle and one of the wolves.
highglossfinish 09:34 PM The poodle and the black wolf, then the effeminate wolf, then the scarred wolf, then the black wolf again.
Zephra85 09:35 PM whyyyy
Starscreamillar 09:35 PM It is almost like they can fly, or something.
highglossfinish 09:36 PM The poodle is me at age 11 million, the wolves are everyone in The Black Aileron.
Geist18 joined the party.
Starscreamillar 09:36 PM The Black Aileron?
highglossfinish 09:36 PM It had passable drinks.
Starscreamillar 09:37 PM I see...
Zephra85 09:37 PM Okay we already have an annoying animal mascot whyyyyy is this happening
Starscreamillar 09:37 PM She should eat the squirrel, and spare us.
Zephra85 09:37 PM I'd be down
highglossfinish 09:37 PM She'll probably fall in love with it.
Zephra85 09:38 PM uuuuuuugh
Starscreamillar 09:38 PM Oh, I hope not.
thenightetc 09:38 PM Sigh.
Zephra85 09:38 PM I hate it because your right
Geist18 09:38 PM im late, what is this movie about
Geist18 09:39 PM a poodle
Geist18 09:39 PM wat
Zephra85 09:39 PM yeah we don't know either
Zephra85 09:39 PM she's just there
thenightetc 09:39 PM Well, there's a little reindeer, whose mother has always told him that his father was one of Santa's flying reindeer.  And now he's looking for his father.
Starscreamillar 09:39 PM She is going to end up breeding with the skinny wolf, no doubt.
thenightetc 09:40 PM Also, he accidentally led a wolf pack to his herd.
thenightetc 09:40 PM Ha!
highglossfinish 09:40 PM She'll breed with the skinny wolf while the others breed the skinny wolf and also her mouth.
Starscreamillar 09:40 PM That is a remarkably bad plan.
thenightetc 09:41 PM How does he think he's going to eat millions of children.
Starscreamillar 09:41 PM One at a time.
Geist18 09:42 PM the wolf designs here are causing me an aneursym
highglossfinish 09:43 PM There, surely that makes them even and the ermine can go away.
Starscreamillar 09:44 PM Dead.
Zephra85 09:44 PM Oh yeah wolf problem solved forever now
thenightetc 09:44 PM pictured: physics
Geist18 09:44 PM good they were hideous
thenightetc 09:45 PM I love how the head wolf, and no others, has massive sabre-tooth tiger fangs
highglossfinish 09:46 PM Not stolen from Ice Age at all.
Geist18 09:46 PM this cgi is so bad
thenightetc 09:46 PM used to work there?
thenightetc 09:46 PM doing what...?
highglossfinish 09:46 PM Ugh.
Zephra85 09:47 PM singing christmas carols to the elves
thenightetc 09:47 PM the straights are at it again
thenightetc 09:47 PM "uh, my mom just said he was the sexiest one"
Starscreamillar 09:47 PM Ugh.
Geist18 09:47 PM ugh
highglossfinish 09:48 PM Ugh.
Geist18 09:48 PM heterosexual furries
Zephra85 09:48 PM UGH
Geist18 09:48 PM i love how we are all in agreement
Zephra85 09:48 PM glad we're all in agreement
Zephra85 09:48 PM HAH
highglossfinish 09:48 PM Please eat at least one of these characters.
thenightetc 09:48 PM Who could have predicted!
thenightetc 09:49 PM ...Why IS there... uh, why WAS there a bridge?
Starscreamillar 09:50 PM Just to dash your hopes.
Zephra85 joined the party.
Geist18 09:50 PM is anyone else having lagging movie
Starscreamillar 09:50 PM Oh, it is lagging very badly.
thenightetc 09:50 PM Yyyyye, it's still lagging
thenightetc 09:50 PM again, rather
highglossfinish 09:50 PM Ugh, let me try something else.
thenightetc 09:51 PM That's not flying, it's just the looney toons thing where gravity takes a few seconds to notice you.
Geist18 09:51 PM JFFKFJK
thenightetc 09:52 PM So, does anyone else get the feeling that maybe the squirrel is the reindeer's real father?
Starscreamillar 09:52 PM .... I surely hope not.
thenightetc 09:53 PM Listen, they can't  make the whole movie about his mysterious paternity and expect it not to occur to us.
Geist18 09:53 PM hypothermia should be setting in by now
Geist18 09:54 PM cheap dramatics
highglossfinish 09:55 PM He's old and fat and good at nothing and therefore the movie thinks he deserves a talented, attractive female.
Zephra85 09:55 PM jsd;fkdaskfl
Geist18 09:55 PM ah domestication
thenightetc 09:55 PM ........
thenightetc 09:56 PM they died, right
Zephra85 09:56 PM God there are just so many unnecessary subplots in this movie
highglossfinish 09:56 PM It really is ripping off Ice Age wholesale.
thenightetc 09:57 PM cough
Starscreamillar 09:57 PM They left with the wolves, who are better providers.
highglossfinish 09:58 PM It objectively was and everyone does.
Zephra85 09:58 PM RIGHT
thenightetc 09:58 PM yeah they were blaming him hardcore
Starscreamillar 09:59 PM It's full of Energon.
thenightetc 09:59 PM ...WHY exactly would it be full of deadly traps?
Zephra85 09:59 PM .... so why do the reindeer live there/??
Zephra85 09:59 PM this doesn't even make sense
Starscreamillar 10:00 PM Why would you ask for sense from this?
thenightetc 10:00 PM Or by "traps" did she mean "natural hazards"
Zephra85 10:01 PM well the movie's been pure cringe but still mostly sensical
Zephra85 10:01 PM ... mostly
highglossfinish 10:01 PM It makes sense...it's just...*stupid.*
highglossfinish 10:01 PM Incredibly stupid.
Starscreamillar 10:01 PM This movie was co-produced by Stupid.
Geist18 10:02 PM this feels like the start to a horror movie
thenightetc 10:02 PM So the door's not locked or anything.
highglossfinish 10:03 PM Has the squirrel been right about anything so far?
thenightetc 10:03 PM Now the squirrel's acting like he's been here before or something.
Starscreamillar 10:03 PM Time for disappointment, and getting crushed by a sled.
thenightetc 10:04 PM kid
highglossfinish 10:04 PM That'll make daddy glad he spawned you.
Zephra85 10:04 PM OH man even if one of the flying reindeer IS his father it's gonna be hardcore deadbeat dad city
thenightetc 10:04 PM oh my god
Geist18 10:04 PM jerks
Starscreamillar 10:04 PM ....
thenightetc 10:04 PM Oh my god
Geist18 10:04 PM they even sing
Geist18 10:04 PM wtf
thenightetc 10:04 PM Hhahahah
Geist18 10:05 PM i feel sorry for this kid
thenightetc 10:05 PM Oh I can't WAIT to hear his explanation oh he's not gonna go into it
thenightetc 10:05 PM "item 1, we're bigger than wolves, item 2, we can fly"
Geist18 10:05 PM does he even know which one is his dad lol
thenightetc 10:05 PM excuse me???
thenightetc 10:06 PM Pressure plates.  Really.
Starscreamillar 10:06 PM They likely have illegitimate children all over the place.
Zephra85 10:06 PM He does NOT
thenightetc 10:06 PM oh my god
Zephra85 10:06 PM NO
Geist18 10:06 PM NO
highglossfinish 10:06 PM STOP.
Starscreamillar 10:07 PM NOOOOOOO
thenightetc 10:07 PM oh my god hahahahahhaha
Zephra85 10:07 PM OH thank god different lyrics
Geist18 10:07 PM they need to stop trying to make ermines sexy
thenightetc 10:07 PM So the weasel... and the reindeer......
Geist18 10:07 PM ugh
Geist18 10:07 PM UGH
Geist18 10:07 PM shes hitting on them
Geist18 10:07 PM gross
highglossfinish 10:07 PM She has quick little hands, I suppose.
Zephra85 10:07 PM oh god no
thenightetc 10:07 PM Shame on you.
Geist18 10:07 PM wtf am i watching
Zephra85 10:08 PM this movie's a trainwreck
Geist18 10:08 PM kfdfjkfjfj
thenightetc 10:08 PM *cough*
Starscreamillar 10:08 PM See? Illegitimate children all over the globs.
Geist18 10:08 PM santa's flying man hoes
Zephra85 10:09 PM oh god no
Starscreamillar 10:09 PM And if he does not fly, there's no witnesses.
thenightetc 10:09 PM I mean, that still won't tell them which one it might be.
highglossfinish 10:09 PM The platform they use specifically for disposing of their bastards.
Geist18 10:09 PM truth
thenightetc 10:09 PM "or die.  y'know, whichever"
Geist18 10:10 PM they couldnt just yeet him of a roof?
Geist18 10:10 PM fucking squirrel man
thenightetc 10:11 PM Hmmm, so they're all blowhards because they CAN'T get scared or they'll fall
highglossfinish 10:11 PM "Well, that takes care of that!"
thenightetc 10:11 PM Uh, coudln't one of them--oh
thenightetc 10:11 PM Good, I guess
Starscreamillar 10:11 PM His mother was just a liar, and had an... affair?
thenightetc 10:11 PM No, he was definitely... hovering, at least.
Geist18 10:11 PM yup
highglossfinish 10:11 PM Exactly.
Geist18 10:11 PM until the stupid squirrel spoke up and broke his concentration
thenightetc 10:11 PM Yup.
thenightetc 10:12 PM And somehow he thinks that means... he can't at all?
Zephra85 10:12 PM Your mom just hooked up with a rando buddy
Zephra85 10:13 PM She lied and said it was a celebrity to make it seem like he had a reason not to be around
thenightetc 10:14 PM Oops
highglossfinish 10:15 PM Where's Santa in all of this?
Zephra85 10:15 PM Soooo nobody else hears this going on?
thenightetc 10:15 PM They didn't want to try to model any humans.
highglossfinish 10:15 PM Probably for the best.
thenightetc 10:16 PM Seems legit.
Starscreamillar 10:16 PM Useless to the end.
Zephra85 10:17 PM LDSAK;JFLDKL
Zephra85 10:17 PM OKAY
Zephra85 10:17 PM THAT WAS FUNNY
Starscreamillar 10:20 PM .....
thenightetc 10:22 PM So, uh.  Is this how they normally find new recruits?
thenightetc 10:23 PM "well, I could be, anyway"
Zephra85 10:23 PM Soooo
Geist18 10:23 PM how do they know its him lol
highglossfinish 10:23 PM "Seems plausible."
thenightetc 10:23 PM I mean, a bunch of them were saying they'd, uh.  Y'know.
Starscreamillar 10:23 PM He just decided to take the credit.
Zephra85 10:23 PM when they asked if they knew his mom he just
Zephra85 10:23 PM lied
thenightetc 10:25 PM ............
highglossfinish 10:25 PM Ugh.
Geist18 10:25 PM ugh heterosexuality
Geist18 10:25 PM dick
Geist18 10:26 PM naw dude ur dads a deadbeat
Geist18 10:26 PM an eternal fratbro
thenightetc 10:26 PM hoo boy
Starscreamillar 10:26 PM No complete family for you, child.
thenightetc 10:26 PM somebody introduce condoms to these reindeer
Geist18 10:26 PM the squirrel is useless Message deleted
Geist18 10:27 PM some ending
highglossfinish 10:27 PM "I'm going to guilt trip you into deciding immediately, small child."
thenightetc 10:27 PM I mean, going back to tell his mom he's okay is at least a decen tthing
Geist18 10:27 PM how long is this
highglossfinish 10:28 PM Entirely too long.
Zephra85 10:28 PM ... why exactly don't they believe him???
Starscreamillar 10:28 PM Wasn't he actively doing a favor for Santa? He just left in the middle of the job.
highglossfinish 10:28 PM That's two families he's let down.
thenightetc 10:29 PM C'mon, he obviously wasn't helping per se, they were just humoring him a bit
Geist18 10:29 PM oh nooo
Starscreamillar 10:29 PM That's the worst thing ever.
thenightetc 10:30 PM I called it
highglossfinish 10:30 PM Keep singing so you don't have to acknowledge your fling.
Geist18 10:30 PM omfg just have two dads Message deleted
highglossfinish 10:30 PM "Nah, that's not gonna work out for me."
Zephra85 10:31 PM And he and the mom are just gonna
Zephra85 10:31 PM gloss over this whole thing with nothing more than a disapproving grunt
highglossfinish 10:31 PM Deviation from the norm etc etc.
Starscreamillar 10:32 PM How awful.
Geist18 10:32 PM guh this movie
highglossfinish 10:32 PM Wretched.
Geist18 10:32 PM why did u pick this movie lol
highglossfinish 10:32 PM I don't know.
Zephra85 10:32 PM Well that was an hour and a half of my life I'll never get back
thenightetc 10:32 PM Be fair, it was funny.
Zephra85 10:32 PM ... GOD I MISSED THIS
highglossfinish 10:33 PM This song is almost not bad.
Zephra85 10:33 PM The streams are more fun when the movie is bad
highglossfinish 10:33 PM Key word being almost.
Zephra85 10:33 PM aye
Starscreamillar 10:33 PM Though I will admit, it was less objectively painful than the man-elf and his refusal to wear real pants.
highglossfinish 10:33 PM Nothing could be as painful as that.
Geist18 10:33 PM guh
Zephra85 10:34 PM Truth be told I WAS around for last week's stream
Zephra85 10:34 PM and was totally ready to join you guys
Geist18 10:34 PM i thought this was every two weeks
Zephra85 10:34 PM But then I saw it was Elf and went 'NOPE NOPE NOT WORTH IT NOT ENOUGH MONEY IN THE WORLD'
highglossfinish 10:34 PM That was the right call to make, Zephra human.
Starscreamillar 10:35 PM You were the smart one, to avoid it.
highglossfinish 10:35 PM Now, let's see. Let's Game It Out human hasn't put out a new video, but...
Zephra85 10:35 PM I love watching bad movies with you guys BUT I HAVE MY LIMITS
thenightetc 10:35 PM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4h29y4eYPEA ?
Starscreamillar 10:36 PM I did not know the horrors Knockout planned to inflict.  
Geist18 10:37 PM what is this
highglossfinish 10:37 PM Helluva Boss.
thenightetc 10:37 PM Hmmm
Starscreamillar 10:37 PM Aah. See this, this is actual entertainment.
Geist18 10:38 PM masks faces remind me of hollow knight
Starscreamillar 10:38 PM And someone with sensible legs.
thenightetc 10:38 PM Oh hey, yeah
Geist18 10:38 PM actual good parenting!
highglossfinish 10:38 PM And from an owl, no less. I'm sure there's a catch.
Starscreamillar 10:38 PM Well, he is a demon owl, is he not?
highglossfinish 10:38 PM True.
highglossfinish 10:38 PM True.
Zephra85 10:39 PM Oh man this song is pretty
highglossfinish 10:39 PM Isn't it though?
thenightetc 10:39 PM It is.
Geist18 10:40 PM this is gorgeous character design
Geist18 10:41 PM zebra steak
thenightetc 10:41 PM ....
thenightetc 10:41 PM Well!
Geist18 10:42 PM i take back what i said about his parenting skills
highglossfinish 10:42 PM And there's the catch.
highglossfinish 10:43 PM Sexual harassment. How charming.
Geist18 10:44 PM ew
Zephra85 10:44 PM DLSKF;JASDKL
thenightetc 10:44 PM ....
Starscreamillar 10:45 PM It reminds me of working on the Nemesis.
highglossfinish 10:45 PM By the Core, it does.
Geist18 10:45 PM ....disturbing
Zephra85 10:45 PM I love this show it's been a long time since an r-rated adult animation actually made me laugh
Geist18 10:46 PM gonna come back for the next stream, ya'll have fun
Geist18 10:46 PM good night
highglossfinish 10:46 PM Good night!
Zephra85 10:46 PM Bye!!
thenightetc 10:46 PM goodnight!
highglossfinish 10:47 PM That's the human who plays Beetlejuice in the Beetlejuice musical.
Zephra85 10:47 PM Oh seriously? That's cool
Starscreamillar 10:47 PM I have not seen that musical.
thenightetc 10:47 PM Oh dude!  I thought the voice was familiar
Zephra85 10:47 PM I've heard it's fun
highglossfinish 10:47 PM It's very fun.
Zephra85 10:49 PM AHAHAHAHAHA
thenightetc 10:49 PM It's for the best.
Starscreamillar 10:49 PM I wish to have an inconvenient torch.
highglossfinish 10:50 PM Why in the world did she miss? They're both assassins.
Starscreamillar 10:50 PM Perhaps she prefers bladed weapons.
highglossfinish 10:50 PM At least she got her thing.
thenightetc 10:51 PM hoooo boy
Zephra85 10:52 PM It's hell's Hot Topic
Zephra85 10:53 PM Well that was delightful
thenightetc 10:53 PM Yes!
Zephra85 10:53 PM I just love the character design and the beautiful music
Starscreamillar 10:53 PM Oh dear.
Zephra85 10:53 PM and the VA work is great
highglossfinish 10:54 PM Whoever's in charge of VA work has been less great as of late.
highglossfinish 10:54 PM Other than that, it's a delight.
thenightetc 10:56 PM Nothing nefarious at all.
thenightetc 10:58 PM That's the kind of attention to detail I appreciate.
highglossfinish 10:58 PM Hah!
thenightetc 11:00 PM And it's now July.
thenightetc 11:03 PM I love it.
highglossfinish 11:03 PM Amazing.
Starscreamillar 11:04 PM It's a nightmare
Zephra85 11:05 PM OKAY i gotta mute for like five seconds 'cause I can't freaking breathe at all
thenightetc 11:05 PM Strike!
highglossfinish 11:05 PM Don't die, Zephra human.
Zephra85 11:05 PM NO PROMISES
Zephra85 11:06 PM Okay I took a break let's do this  (unmutes)
thenightetc 11:07 PM It's crowd surfing!
Zephra85 11:07 PM DKLSJFA;DJAFK
thenightetc 11:08 PM ...Want something seasonal?
Starscreamillar 11:08 PM Perfect.
highglossfinish 11:09 PM Yes!
thenightetc 11:09 PM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNoZHUDB3GU
highglossfinish 11:09 PM Oh, this ought to be good.
Zephra85 11:09 PM Oh god I'm scared
Starscreamillar 11:11 PM .... Hot ghost.
Zephra85 11:11 PM DLSFJAK;SWJDSKL;
thenightetc 11:12 PM f
Zephra85 11:13 PM oh my GOD
highglossfinish 11:13 PM Flawless.
thenightetc 11:13 PM I know.
Starscreamillar 11:14 PM Christmas is the least likely to disappoint.
highglossfinish 11:14 PM I'd say that brings us full circle as far as tonight's theme goes.
Zephra85 11:14 PM Yeah I need to figure out dinner now
Zephra85 11:14 PM Thanks for the stream, Knock Out!
highglossfinish 11:14 PM Thank you for being here!
thenightetc 11:15 PM Thank you for hosting!
Zephra85 11:15 PM Say hi to Breakdown and Impact for me!
highglossfinish 11:15 PM Always!
Starscreamillar 11:15 PM Thank you for streaming. I have to go watch Soundwave struggle to not turn people into meat now, which is only slightly less insane than the first movie.
Zephra85 11:15 PM Bye guys, see ya next time!
thenightetc 11:15 PM And goodnight.
highglossfinish 11:16 PM Goodnight!
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pompadorkery · 7 years
Tumblr media
This line art took me forever, fucking END ME.
Uuuuuuugh. Working on making the cover pages for my comic that I haven’t even goddamn started aahaaaaaaa
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yummy-tummy-time · 7 years
Uuuuuuugh I got to my exam 10 minutes early, but did not have my student id and had to go buy a new one. They give you 30 minutes from your exam time to come back. I still had about 20 minutes after i got my new id, so i stopped real quick to deposit cash into the bank next door. Except i left my wallet in the car, and my new student id has a different name and the wrong account number on it so it took forever to pull up my account. Then on my way out i saw this guy who works next door to me and waved and we were the only two people in the area and he straight up ignored me but i thought i was on friendly terms with everyone next door? By the time i parked at the testing center it was 2 minutes past my extension time and i almost wasn't abke to take my exam. After my exam i went to the social security office to get a replacement card and waited for an hour and a half. When my ticket got called, I realized i left a required document and home but the office was about to close. So now I'm stuck waiting longer to get any of my name change stuff done since all of it depends on getting the social updated, and im real peeved at that guy cause i realized he's usually rude and standoffish and I don't know why cause he was friendly when i first met him. And i don't really have time to relax because I need to take care of school work, partly because im behind and partly because i refused to cover for someone tonight on account of my school work, and im just in a really bad mood?
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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I have no fucking idea why I’ve never been evaluated for adhd.
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spice-ghoul · 7 years
for the band thing, slipknot (and also dead soul) can i do two? i'm doing two
Oooooooh gurl I’d love to do two!First song I heard from them: Oooh, for Slipknot it was probably hearing Heretic Anthem while I was shopping in Hot Topic as a wee BabyBat one day, but I’m laaaaame and the song that probably made me fall in love with them (because it took years tbh) was probably Wait and Bleed.
For Dead Soul I can’t remember if it was Burn Forever or Kill the Past, but either way it was life changing.
Fave Song: Slipknot? Easy. Virus of Life. One of my favorite songs ever made. Just....uuuuuuugh that song. (Everything Ends being a close runner up. And Spit It Out)
Dead Soul? All of them. Okay okay... Until the Last Breath, Kill the Past, Shattered Dreams, Lost My Will, and The Patient are my top five that I couldn’t possibly choose between. 
Least Fave Song: I actually can’t think of any Slipknot songs off the top of my head that I dislike. I haven’t really sat down and listened to their albums all the way through in a while though, so maybe that’s why?And for Dead Soul, while I love Dirt Road and The Asylum I don’t listen to them often. 
Seen Them Live: Nooooooo to either! q___q
Met Them: Also noooooooooo (I mean Niels did walk right by me once to get on a tour bus, but I don’t think that counts)
Band Rate and Blog Rate: I still have no idea what this means.Thank you @tothepit I love doing these and I love these two bands so much!
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idontevenhaveone · 7 years
So a little while ago, I was contacted by a friend, who asked if I could make him a custom for his boyfriend, based on one of his characters, Biscuit.
Possibly one of the brightest things I have ever seen short of being literally neon.
Immediately I knew he was going to be a challenge, but in the fun, non-nightmarish way, so I accepted!
Some of you may recall that a long time ago, I started work on A G1 conversion of Big McIntosh, from the G4 show. Seeing as I hadn’t worked on that piece for a long time, and I was never going to be satisfied with how he looked, I decided to use that base. This was not very wise on my part, for reasons that will become apparent later in the song.
Basic colour palette was easy, but after the initial paint, I realised that I’d need to change the face, as matching the lines between the yellow pieces on the body and the head was going to be a nuisance
Original paintjob- nice and simple, but with one design flaw
So I made a few changes. People laughed a bit, saying he looked somewhere between a Luchador wrestler and a super hero, but the customer was very happy with the changes.
Only the blue side is visible here, but you get the picture.
To emphasise the wolf connection, I added a nose later in the process, and gave him the copper eyes that go on most of my totems/selfies.
As for mane, again, the colours were very simple to work out. I put some of Dollyhair’s Water Nixie on the blue side, and Bubblegum from the pink.
Showing the colour variance, as well as his CUTE SMILING FACE
The body was reasonably simple, as well- clear dividing colour lines, roughly in half with yellow back panel and belly should be nothing too dramatic.
Until we got to the feet.
Using a G1 Big Brother mold, he has molded hoof feathering, in the style of a Clydesdale. I decided it would be a solid choice to put some shadowing in the crevices, just to define the area.
That took FOREVER and was a detailing nightmare. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a suitable darker shade for the magenta, either, so I had to hand mix one every. time. I wanted to work on the details. UUUUUUUGH. You’re all invited to remind me of what a bad time I had next time I’m doing a Big Brother commission.
However, the contrast makes a huge difference, as you can see from this WIP shot
Once I had the body ready, I was all set to re-attach the head! Or so I thought.
See, I’ve had this bait detached for the better part of four years. That time, as well as the somewhat extreme measures I had to take to strip the literally five layers of red from Big Mac pony, had warped the head to different dimensions from the body.
Cue me screaming forever
FORTUNATELY, the customer was very understanding, and told me to keep working, and that he was sure it was fine. I love my customers! <3
So once the head was on, all I had to do was style the hair and tidy up, and he was done! And boy, does he look good!
I thatched the hair for a good contrast (and i think thatching pretty much always looks good), plus the style covers his crooked neck seam. The yellow in his tail is recycled from a Fashion Styling pony, but is a match for Dollyhair’s Butterfly. The cutie mark isn’t quite a match for a wolf pawprint, but it’s close enough. I found the charm on Etsy at Stephanie Martin Beads, and added the same paints I used on the project.
I learned so much on this project, and while I suffered a lot of frustrations, I think he was well worth it. Apparently he was well received, as well, so that always makes my day.
Man, after uploading these photos, I need a Rainbow Paddlepop
An Australian staple and classic
Have a Biscuit So a little while ago, I was contacted by a friend, who asked if I could make him a custom for his boyfriend, based on one of his characters, Biscuit.
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