#this signup is no longer in progress!
l-e-morgan-author · 2 months
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Draft cover for the on-newsletter-signup free stories which I haven't finished editing yet. (So you can't have them yet; I'll finish editing them to my satisfaction before I open up my email newsletter.)
Further ramble below; it got kind of long. First about what these stories are about, then more rambling about my current works-in-progress and specifically aspects of Patience, Changing that I'm enjoying. Might recycle some of this for the next newsletter tbh.
A quick and not-edited summary of each story:
Ever Changing, Ever Near - Hadassah is different to everyone else, but despite that finds great joy in the changing seasons.
A Fragile Solace - Hadassah and Nem are friends. Despite what happens after, she treasures the friendship that they have.
Both stories were entered to (different) local competitions and were highly commended. I can't give an estimated story length because at least A Fragile Solace requires a bunch of editing that may lengthen it. Since I no longer have a word count requirement because I'm not planning on submitting them to any other competitions, I can go ham on them.
In case you don't know who Hadassah is, Hadassah is from the 2022(? maybe '23) Inklings challenge, which I wrote about 8k of. I was Team Lewis, portal fantasy. A very rough summary is that Hadassah is an autistic girl in a neurotypical world, one of the peasants of that world and chosen to be sent through a portal. Nobody knows what lies beyond. For Hadassah, what lies beyond is found family such as she hasn't experienced her entire life.
I found getting into her head unreasonably hard at the time, which is why I wanted to write stories about her, and why I haven't finished drafting her story. With more understanding of autistic people and also myself than I had then, I expect that when I get back to that properly I'll find it a lot easier to write.
I also intend to edit The Patience of Hope to be another newsletter freebie - the edited version, I mean. I intend to leave the first draft up on my website indefinitely, even if an edited version is published as part of something else (such as A Quiet Patience, though with the number of novellas I've got planned, that might be quite long...). But that's for a little way down the road, not yet.
As for a general update on writing generally, I've written a little bit more of Hands Made for Gentleness, but not much. That will require a lot of working with it once the first draft is done, but I've written up a rough outline of the rest of the main story beats, and I have a clearer idea where I'm going. I'm ideally going to finish drafting Patience, Changing before I really get back to that, which is about 20k away (yay!). I'm thoroughly into the third act, figuring out I need to know my characters better so the third act will require a good deal of rewriting, even though the bones are good. I'm pleased with the balance of characters, and at times even though I'm going "Hmm this needs work", I can switch that off and just work on it. I've been writing drabbles every day for this month, and currently I'm one (1) day behind. The drabbles have been helpful, providing scene ideas I can flesh out into full scenes, so they might be a bit janky in context, but I can edit that later.
I've really enjoyed two characters I didn't intend to include in this manuscript: Hannah (Patience's aunt) and Connie (who Patience meets in hospital). Hannah is a symbol of the seriousness of anorexia, and I am not looking forward to writing her death. At present the scene I'm writing is set on the 19th of November, 2018, and Hannah dies on the 16th of December, 2018. She's already written the letter to Patience, as well as the anonymous letter Patience doesn't realise is from her and which needs rewriting. But she has to die and it will tear my heart out to write her, though I've got to read at least a good chunk of A Grief Observed (C. S. Lewis) before I write about that. At present her death is set for the third last chapter, but I expect to rearrange things - events that I thought would work for two chapters turned out I'll need to significantly rewrite to get to even one chapter, so I'll probably use those events to close the second act rather than close the second act and open the third act as well, and therefore rearrange things to give enough space for Hannah's death. If I go over my planned word count in these chapters that's fine; whatever works. I just don't want to go under.
Having the 3k aim has been really good, because some of the time it's forced me to write 'filler' that I reread and am convinced I'll keep in, and sometimes it's kept me to only that long which is good practise too.
Oh, and also! The other character I've enjoyed. Connie. Connie's in hospital following a suicide attempt, but the psych ward's full up and she's not considered at high risk so she's in a general paeds ward, which is where she meets Patience. She isn't particularly forthcoming about why she's in, and Patience respects that. She suspects but is only told right at the end:
“You make me brave,” she said to Patience, just before she was transferred. “I came in here with a suicide attempt and you have made me discover I want to live. Live! When living has been a slow death all this time. You make me want to live. I wasn’t going to make it and I was okay with that. Now I’m going to fight, because of you.”
They keep in touch afterwards, and probably when I edit The Patience of Hope I'll include a scene with Connie in it. Because just as Hannah has to die, Connie has to live. I love the way both of these characters add to Patience's journey, but without trivialising her own very real issues. That's definitely something I'll have to do an edit pass to make sure I'm not doing, because yes, in the grand scheme of things Patience's hangups are very small but to her they're huge. Which is why I held off on writing this story for a good five years, and I'm terribly glad I did, because this story is far better than it would have been years ago.
Anyway. I'm rambling. All this to say that while I'm struggling a bit with writing it, Patience is still going swimmingly. I anticipate finishing the draft either by end of this month (stretch goal) or next month (realistic goal). Then I can dive back into Hands Made for Gentleness and maybe plotting The Time Travelling Midwife and/or Hadassah's story on the side.
I'm also having a fantastic time with Patience and Nathan's interactions at thirteen/fourteen:
“You’ll get through it,” he said. “In Christ, Patience. In Christ.” She smiled at him. He was very dear to her, standing there awkwardly and smiling his dear awkward smile back.
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hxhbigbang23 · 1 year
HxH Big Bang 2023 Info
Hello and Welcome to the Eighth Hunter x Hunter Big Bang!
Sign-ups open January 14th, so below are some important updates and info. Scroll to the bottom for this year’s timeline and links to the Guidebook and our Carrd, keep reading to check out important information and updates!
So, what is the Hunter x Hunter Big Bang?
A Big Bang is an event that pairs artists and writers together to create content for a series, ship, or theme. Writers will complete a longer story and artists will complete at least one piece of artwork based off of their writer’s fic. The goal is to create new, complete works that will inspire and add to the fandom! This will result in an influx of new works for the HxH fandom to enjoy and, as an added bonus, it will encourage collaboration between fandom writers and artists.
Authors will sign up to write a fic, and after they know what they plan to write, submit a summary of their story. Artists will then be able to claim the fic they want based ONLY on the blind summary. From that point the writers will be given a deadline to finish their full stories and then the artists will be able to make their accompanying piece.
How will this work?
Signups open on January 14th, for both authors and artists.
Just like last year, we are implementing a Writer Waitlist to ensure that we don’t overwhelm our wonderful and talented artists! For the last few years, we’ve had more writers than artists sign up—which, while amazing, makes it difficult to assign artists for each fic.
The waitlist means we will be accepting an equal number of applications for writers and artists on a first-come, first-serve basis until January 28th. After this date, writers will be placed on a waitlist while artists continue to apply until signups close officially on March 31st.
Collaborations, you say?
Yep! As before, artists will have the option to collaborate with their author or keep it under wraps until the reveal. Collaborating just means that authors will be keeping their artists updated on their progress periodically, the final art will still be a surprise on reveal day!
Artists who choose not to collaborate will have their pairing kept secret until the reveal—surprises are fun! 
When is reveal day?
The main reveal date for 2023 is July 1st, with a late posting date on July 15th.
For multi-chapter works: Only your first chapter must be posted on July 1st, but we do ask that your full fic be posted by December 31st. 
Where is all of this happening?
Our main and only form of communication with participants will be via Discord, so you will need to make an account if you do not have one already. All important announcements and check-ins will be done through the Discord server. No pressure to participate excessively in the chat, but we’ve put a lot of effort into our server and we’d love to see you there!
Posting will take place on your hosting site of choice (AO3, ffnet, etc.) and should be linked on Tumblr or Twitter so that we can reblog and retweet your awesome stuff.
With everything happening on twitter, we may not be able to use it as we have in the past. It’ll be a learning curve, but we don’t want to discourage any twitter-users from participating regardless!
Phew! That was a lot... Keep all this info handy with our timeline and some useful links.
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Click here for the Guidebook! This will be your one-stop-shop for any and all information regarding the Big Bang. Everything from role requirements to nitty-gritty details and mod contact info is there!
Click here for our Carrd! This will have all of our links centralized in one place and will be updated as deadlines come to have nifty countdowns to keep you on track.
Any questions? Feel free to send an ask here or message any of our mods: @shalnarkonice, @storybookprincess, or @clood​
See you soon, and until then—Happy Hunting!
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Hello Hobbit Friends!
How it is already the end of August??
The beginning of September is usually when we (the mods) start planning, discussing, updating rules, pre-writing posts, creating banners, etc. A lot goes on behind the scenes for this event, but we sincerely love being able to facilitate it. And we adore seeing all the creativity you guys demonstrate year after year. This is an older fandom, yet we actually see a steadily-increasing number of participants, which is incredible!
The truth is, though, with so many people taking part in this event, we’ve seen a corresponding upswing in the amount of effort it takes to bring it to fruition. We have three mods, which theoretically means we can split the burden evenly, but we all work full-time and have busy lives. Moderating a gift exchange during such a hectic time of year means that we, like the participants, have to work around other people’s wonky schedules and changing plans. And the longer the event has gone on, the more we find ourselves spending the entire month of December sending out frantic emails to check on progress, freaking out about last-minute dropouts, and—invariably—scrambling to fill requests ourselves in the wee hours to make sure that every single person receives something.
Back when we had fewer of these to do, it wasn’t as much of a problem! But last year we had 63 signups and ended up needing to create about 10 last-minute gifts. We were able to find a couple of absolute angels to pinch-hit for us, but two of our mods were still churning out 6 full-color illustrations on Christmas Eve. We've tried various methods throughout the years to mitigate it, but we've come to realize that it's simply part of moderating an event like this. And it's starting to become unsustainable.
As much as we love putting on the exchange, we haven’t been able to be fully present with our loved ones during the holiday season since 2017. It’s rewarding to bring it all together every year, but the stress has begun to overshadow the joy. We’d like to step away and not only take time for ourselves, but maybe give someone else the opportunity to breathe new life into the event. So regrettably, unless we find someone who is interested in taking the reins, there will not be a Happy Hobbit Holiday 2022.
To all the people who have participated in the exchange in years past, we’re so grateful to you for your hand work, your passion, your creativity, your feedback, and your continued interest in this event! We hope that you’ll continue to share your talents for years to come, and we’ll be awaiting your beautiful future work with Kudos and keysmashes!
To anyone who has ever done a pinch-hit for us, you have been the backbone of every single HHH exchange we’ve done for the last five years. We literally could not have accomplished it without you. You’ve saved our sanity and our wrists in equal measure, and there aren’t enough words to convey our gratitude. Thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.
And finally, if anyone is interested in taking over moderation of the HHH Gift Exchange, feel free to reach out to @rutobuka2, @mithrilbikini, or @mcmanatea here on Tumblr, or email us at [email protected]. (Serious inquiries only.) We'd be more than happy to provide support during the transition.
All the best,
Your HHH Moderators
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ftpverse · 1 year
FtPverse Daily Signup Sheet
interested in having aproximately 2000 words of my KH fic FtPverse delivered to your email inbox every other day or so, so you can book club it along with me and a handful of other people??
- - > sign up here!! < - -
starting: February 1st, 2023!
~more info below~
what even is ftpverse??
FtPvese is my KH fic that’s primarily about Repliku getting a second chance at life and learning how to be loved, but also about a lot of other things; traumatized teens learning how to heal, kh’s clone narative turned to the max, replicas, and a totally unique clone of Sora coping with wanting to be his own person. you know, normal kingdom hearts stuff.
you can read the whole promo post I made about it here
logistics notes
- we’re doing a manual email list because it’s the best option for getting the actual prose in your email exactly like dracula daily did, rather than having to click on links
- this will probably take about 2 years to do, becuase 1million words is... a lot of words... I could only manage it in one year if I sent out an email Every Single Day, and I had enough people tell me that’s too frequent for them that I’m not gonna do it! we’re doing every other day instead, and maybe even take holidays off.
- 3000 words might be a more accurate average, but very rarely are there chapters over 5000 words, and most 3000 word emails are going to be because i combined two 1.5k chapters into one email (trying to get this done in 2 years, not 4!). chapters do get progressively longer over time.
- I’ll probably be sending out short little intro thoughts on each email (like, three sentences, max,) just for ~connection~ (and bc I like babbling) instead of me just. tossing you the prose uncommentated. author’s notes....
- because of this, I think I’ll probably be sending a copy of each email to ftpverse.dreamwidth.org as well for archival purposes.... so if you really really don’t want to give me your email, you can just subscribe to this journal. (I might not actually do this, but if I change my mind, i WILL tell you!)
- since ftpverse.dreamwidth.org is ALSO a community, it’s open to members joining and posting entries about current events as of [wherever we are in the ftpdaily posting] . like, AO3 comments are a perfectly valid place to have disccusions as well, but. fun bonus option.....
ftpverse general content warnings
> ftpverse is a story about abuse / trauma recovery. physical and emotional abuse are both shown in flashback, and repliku is regularly put in situations that trigger him. (sexual abuse does not happen anywhere, so it is free of that.)
> three of the main characters are suicidal; they work through it and come out better at the end, but dead inside is a rough one until that point.
> there is an attempted suicide on screen; the character lives, but the details are spoilers. it and another spoilery content warning will be linked below.
> several characters struggle with depression / a lack of self worth. they get better, but dead inside is a rough one, because there isn’t a light at the end of the tunnel for most of those characters until all that remains.
> nothing’s fair is a terminal illness analogue; this is the other one that i have spoiler elaboration for
> becuase i thought i was cishet when i started writing it, it’s a little heteronormative at the start. it’ll get better.
> i started writing ftpverse in 2010, when i was 13, and finished it 8 years later. do with that information what you will, but mostly i’m saying the technical writing quality WILL improve, you just have to give it time.
> spoiler content warnings are here
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adaaliyajohn · 20 days
Elevate Your Laundry Business with SpotnRides: Your Reliable Uber for Laundry App
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In today's fast-paced world, the laundry industry is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by technological innovations. One such innovation is the emergence of Uber-like apps for laundry services, offering convenience and efficiency to both customers and service providers. Among these, SpotnRides stands out as a reliable solution, revolutionizing the way laundry businesses operate.
What is an Uber Laundry App?
An Uber laundry app functions much like its transportation counterpart. It provides a platform where customers can seamlessly connect with nearby laundry service providers. Through a user-friendly interface, customers can schedule pickups, track their laundry's progress, and enjoy hassle-free transactions. This streamlined approach simplifies the laundry process, saving time and effort for both customers and service providers.  
Streamlining Laundry Operations with SpotnRides
SpotnRides stands out as the preferred choice for laundry businesses, offering a range of features that streamline operations and enhance the customer experience. It facilitates close interaction between customers and laundry service providers, efficiently managing order pickup and delivery. With its intuitive interface and customizable features, SpotnRides caters to the specific needs of laundry businesses, making it the top choice for entrepreneurs looking to optimize their operations.
Benefits of Using a Uber Laundry App:
Convenience: Easily schedule pickups and deliveries, eliminating traditional laundry hassles.
Efficiency: Optimize dispatching for faster turnaround times and improved operations.
Transparency: Real-time tracking and notifications keep customers informed at every step.
Competitive Edge: Stand out in the market with a modern, convenient solution that attracts and retains customers. 
Features of an On-demand Laundry App:
Quick single-step login/signup for customers and service providers
Online booking and scheduling
Estimated time and cost reports for enhanced customer service
Multiple secure payment options
In-app wallet for easy online payments
In-app contact feature for improved communication
Detailed insights and reports for admins
Rating and review options for customers to assess service quality
Wrapping Up In conclusion, if you're looking to elevate your laundry business and stay ahead of the competition, SpotnRides is the solution you've been searching for. With its advanced features, seamless integration, and proven track record of success, SpotnRides empowers you to take your business to new heights. Don't wait any longer—embrace innovation, streamline your operations, and delight your customers with SpotnRides today.
To Know More 👉 https://www.spotnrides.com/uber-for-laundry-booking-app Contact 👉  [email protected]
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thedavesnews · 1 month
"Countdown to Dopey: Dave's Journey to the RunDisney Challenge
So you went through the anxiety driven process that is the RunDisney signup queue. Now you have anxiety because you paid a large amount of money to run 48.6 miles around Walt Disney World. This is includes your first marathon. A distance you have not even remotely consider tackling in your short running career. Why have you done this to yourself?
Honestly, it's the question I asked myself when I hit purchase. I turn 40 in 25 days and when I first started training for my first Disney run (Dark Side) the world shut down. The training wasn't nearly as awful as I expected it to be and I stuck with it pretty regularly. Back then I had heard about this Dopey thing Disney did but the actual mileage got lost in the details that it was grueling and a major challenge. Told myself I would never sign up because I had no desire to run a full marathon. I was only "half" crazy as we half-marathoners say.
As I kept progressing to each run season (starting 2021) I started to reconsider my original ban on going over 13 miles. So many runners older than I were competing this thing. Maybe I could actually do it. Each year I mentally feel less sure I could physically complete this. Last run season was pretty rough and I gave up training in the end. I finished all my races but I hated myself for just not putting forth my best effort. I have no excuses this year. If I don't train, I don't finish.
It's pressure but good pressure. If I conquer 26 miles just once I'm pretty sure no distance will ever seem scary again. This isn't going to be easy nor do I expect it to be fun doing those longer training runs but I'm convinced this is going to be worth it. This will be an accomplishment.
Once I start training we're going to document the journey. You can take it with me for the good, the bad, and the why did I ever think this is a good idea! I'm sure it'll be fine. All the commenters on the Dare to Dopey said so...must be true.
Now, what 4 characters do I do?
Join me on the journey where miles become memories and every finish line is a triumph
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pickceldigital · 1 year
Best information-sharing & collaboration tools for your workplace
Information and data form the backbone of innovation.
And this applies to all that we do daily - meeting up with clients, going to school, or making a pancake for breakfast! Information, perhaps, is the most important “I” in our lives.
In workplaces, too, info-tech has eased our lives to the point where everything is a click away! Reaching out is no longer an issue. Each day, more powerful information-sharing tools are launched in the market to make workplace communication and collaboration as simple as possible.
1. Pickcel’s digital signage solution
Versatile. Scalable. Secure.
Pickcel’s digital signage software is a screen management platform that allows publishing any content to digital screens. You can use this tool to display welcome messages, put up notices instantaneously, show internal dashboards, broadcast live events & webinars.
Top features:
Cloud-based software with the ability to monitor screens at different locations from anywhere around the world
Workflow management via tailored integrations with external data sources.
Integrate the software with internal servers to show dashboards and KPI metrics on a digital screen.
Wide coverage across diverse hardware OS versions
Interactive touchscreens & touchless solutions for maximum customer engagement
Schedule HR correspondences, notices, welcome messages, building directories, employee achievements, client testimonials, and more
Pricing: Enterprise and Professional plans with a 14-day free trial for the latter. Pricing for the professional ranges from $15/device/month when billed monthly. Enterprise plan range depends on customizations, integration, and implementation effort.
2. ClickUp
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Graphics: ClickUp
Say yes to the all-in-one collaborative and task management software - ClickUp! It has more than what you see on the landing page (and trust me, you’d rather be glad you hit that signup option).
Top features:
Handle your projects per priority using the board view that helps you track deadlines easier
Build the perfect Customer Relationship Management (CRM) portfolio with data visualizations that allow you to see the closed, negotiating, and on-hold projects
Get your team on quick action or ask for help by tagging one or the group.
Track employees’ progress by assessing tasks with the list view and updating workflow on the board, with deadlines highlighted on the calendar!
Pricing: ClickUp has five pricing plans, one of which is entirely free and has several customizations that are parallelly available on the paid ones! Signups start from $5 per month for small teams, $12 for mid-sized businesses, $19 for larger and diversely spread teams, and a separate enterprise package that includes live onboarding training.
3. Microsoft Sharepoint
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Graphics: Microsoft Sharepoint
Essentially a document-management tool, Microsoft Sharepoint is ideal for remote workers to collaborate on content, design, presentations, etc. It also allows creation of company intranet forums.
Top features:
Integrated with Office 365 that stores, retrieves, tracks, and manages all documents and project updates
The real time collaborative feature allows the entire team to handle a project together while working remotely.
Schedule projects via Outlook and find them right on your SharePoint dashboard
Edit both content and webpage structure, modify navigation, edit or delete apps and customize integrations with integrated Office products.
Pricing: SharePoint offers only annual-billing subscriptions with three plans, one of which is included in the Office 365 plan of $23 per month. The other two individual SharePoint plans (without 365 access), the first one of which, priced at $5 per month, are for compact teams and organizations. The $10 per month program comes with customizable content and unlimited cloud storage.
4. Slack
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Graphics: Slack
If your company’s internal communications strategy emphasizes faster and streamlined messaging, replace emails with this Salesforce-owned information-sharing tool. Even though Slack is essentially a corporate internal messaging tool that lets you chat or talk with your colleagues, it also allows sharing information between two or more individuals.
Top features:
Slack allows sharing of all types of files: images, videos, GIFs, PDFs, PPTs, as well as zip files.
This tool allows you to connect directly to Google Drive, Dropbox, One Drive, etc., and share files & data.
Integrate up to 2400 apps with Slack (Woah!) and even get notified about regular calls and meetings with your team
Pin messages in your chat with a teammate so that instead of scrolling back and forth, you can access important conversations & files instantly.
Pricing: Slack offers Free, Pro, Business+, and Enterprise Grid plan, of which the Pro+ plan prices are set to rise from $8 per month when billed monthly to $8.75 per month starting September 1, 2022. The annual plan would increase from $6.67 per month to $7.25! Business+ is priced at $12.50 per month, while signups for the enterprise grid plan vary according to customizations.
5. Everhour
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Graphics: Everhour
Well, if you thought Everhour is just a time-tracking tool, let’s rethink that a little! This is also a great data-sharing and project management tool.
Top features:
Inbuilt visual planners that show what your team is up to
Managing bills and budgets via integrated tools that provide real-time analysis of the amount spent
Task-dashboard management by keeping track of who is working on what
It seamlessly integrates with an auto-stop timer at the end of the workday alongside manual and timer-recorded activities.
EverHour uses Zapier to automate time-data transfer between over 1000 apps with zero technical knowledge.
Pricing: Annual plans billed at $8.5 per user/month and a year-long commitment without scope for refund. The monthly plan is for $10/month per user and offers flexibility to discontinue at anytime and determine what suits the organization the best.
6. Microsoft Power BI
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Graphics: Microsoft Power BI
Power BI is the most incredible tool if you wish to see your personal KPI and brand metrics from the data you input in Excel and get insights on what some of the data indicates and what it means for you as a business. This data-sharing tool helps to keep information at the fingertip.
Top features:
Integrations to Microsoft Teams and Excel that allow transferring data from them
Personalized dashboard with a board or list view per choice to communicate with and track your teammate’s progress.
Synced with over 500 data-driven connections for effective sales analysis
Pricing: Three signup options starting at $9.99 per user/month for individuals, $20 per month/user with advanced AI integrations, and from $4995 per enterprise/month with self-service data prep and more!
7. Notion
Graphics: Notion
One thing I like about Notion is its ability to create unlimited pages and blocks, and project ideas whenever required. And it’s super simple to understand! This is one of the most customizable and flexible information-sharing tools.
Top features:
Uses boards, lists, and sprint organizers for managing, tracking, and completing tasks.
Create a personal space or form a team and get all your ideas in one place - design, engineering, product, or managers!
Includes an asset upload area meant for images, PDFs, spreadsheets, etc., with the option to upload any of these files while commenting on your teammate’s work (yep, just drop a comment!)
Pricing: The platform offers four pricing options, of which the first one is free and accommodates up to 5 users. The rest come as personal pro billed annually at $4 per month ($5 for monthly payment), an annual team plan at $8 per month ($10/monthly). The enterprise plans come as a custom contract, and the price varies per specifications.
Why are content-sharing tools important for the workplace?
There is no hiding the fact that information-sharing forms the basis of corporate communications, and strategies can be implemented more effectively and efficiently with the proper knowledge. Here are some reasons why content-sharing tools assume greater importance in today’s work culture and are likely to stay!
Compact information is available and accessible to everyone - real-time and at a go.
Eases corporate communication by bringing together all departments and teams in one common platform
Ensures end-to-end communication with automatic updates and optimizations as and when needed
Increases productivity via a record of how much work is being done in a day and ways in which it can be improved
It brings about more employee engagement in day-to-day tasks and idea implementation since everyone knows what’s happening within the organization.
You become what you see.
Information-sharing software has an immense psychological impact on us. Be it real time progress tracking, getting insights on results or forecasts for a project, with insights on whether our ideas might turn into some real good food, is something most of these technologically upgraded tools are here to answer.
And let’s not set aside the fact that these tools have also influenced us to operate in ways we didn’t imagine before implementing them. Technology indeed is ubiquitous, and this data-empowered software is its fait accompli.
For more click on the link information sharing platforms
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pickcel09 · 2 years
Best information-sharing & collaboration tools for your workplace
Information and data form the backbone of innovation.
And this applies to all that we do daily - meeting up with clients, going to school, or making a pancake for breakfast! Information, perhaps, is the most important “I” in our lives.
In workplaces, too, info-tech has eased our lives to the point where everything is a click away! Reaching out is no longer an issue. Each day, more powerful information-sharing tools are launched in the market to make workplace communication and collaboration as simple as possible.
1. Pickcel’s digital signage solution
Pickcel’s digital signage software is a screen management platform that allows publishing any content to digital screens. You can use this tool to display welcome messages, put up notices instantaneously, show internal dashboards, broadcast live events & webinars.
Top features:
Cloud-based software with the ability to monitor screens at different locations from anywhere around the world
Workflow management via tailored integrations with external data sources.
Integrate the software with internal servers to show dashboards and KPI metrics on a digital screen.
Wide coverage across diverse hardware OS versions
Interactive touchscreens & touchless solutions for maximum customer engagement
Schedule HR correspondences, notices, welcome messages, building directories, employee achievements, client testimonials, and more
Pricing: Enterprise and Professional plans with a 14-day free trial for the latter. Pricing for the professional ranges from $15/device/month when billed monthly. Enterprise plan range depends on customizations, integration, and implementation effort.
2. ClickUp
Say yes to the all-in-one collaborative and task management software - ClickUp! It has more than what you see on the landing page (and trust me, you’d rather be glad you hit that signup option).
Top features:
Handle your projects per priority using the board view that helps you track deadlines easier
Build the perfect Customer Relationship Management (CRM) portfolio with data visualizations that allow you to see the closed, negotiating, and on-hold projects
Get your team on quick action or ask for help by tagging one or the group.
Track employees’ progress by assessing tasks with the list view and updating workflow on the board, with deadlines highlighted on the calendar!
Pricing: ClickUp has five pricing plans, one of which is entirely free and has several customizations that are parallelly available on the paid ones! Signups start from $5 per month for small teams, $12 for mid-sized businesses, $19 for larger and diversely spread teams, and a separate enterprise package that includes live onboarding training.
3. Microsoft Sharepoint
Essentially a document-management tool, Microsoft Sharepoint is ideal for remote workers to collaborate on content, design, presentations, etc. It also allows creation of company intranet forums.
Top features:
Integrated with Office 365 that stores, retrieves, tracks, and manages all documents and project updates
The real time collaborative feature allows the entire team to handle a project together while working remotely.
Schedule projects via Outlook and find them right on your SharePoint dashboard
Edit both content and webpage structure, modify navigation, edit or delete apps and customize integrations with integrated Office products.
Pricing: SharePoint offers only annual-billing subscriptions with three plans, one of which is included in the Office 365 plan of $23 per month. The other two individual SharePoint plans (without 365 access), the first one of which, priced at $5 per month, are for compact teams and organizations. The $10 per month program comes with customizable content and unlimited cloud storage.
4. Slack
If your company’s internal communications strategy emphasizes faster and streamlined messaging, replace emails with this Salesforce-owned information-sharing tool. Even though Slack is essentially a corporate internal messaging tool that lets you chat or talk with your colleagues, it also allows sharing information between two or more individuals.
Top features:
Slack allows sharing of all types of files: images, videos, GIFs, PDFs, PPTs, as well as zip files.
This tool allows you to connect directly to Google Drive, Dropbox, One Drive, etc., and share files & data.
Integrate up to 2400 apps with Slack (Woah!) and even get notified about regular calls and meetings with your team
Pin messages in your chat with a teammate so that instead of scrolling back and forth, you can access important conversations & files instantly.
Pricing: Slack offers Free, Pro, Business+, and Enterprise Grid plan, of which the Pro+ plan prices are set to rise from $8 per month when billed monthly to $8.75 per month starting September 1, 2022. The annual plan would increase from $6.67 per month to $7.25! Business+ is priced at $12.50 per month, while signups for the enterprise grid plan vary according to customizations.
5. Everhour
Well, if you thought Everhour is just a time-tracking tool, let’s rethink that a little! This is also a great data-sharing and project management tool.
Top features:
Inbuilt visual planners that show what your team is up to
Managing bills and budgets via integrated tools that provide real-time analysis of the amount spent
Task-dashboard management by keeping track of who is working on what
It seamlessly integrates with an auto-stop timer at the end of the workday alongside manual and timer-recorded activities.
EverHour uses Zapier to automate time-data transfer between over 1000 apps with zero technical knowledge.
Pricing: Annual plans billed at $8.5 per user/month and a year-long commitment without scope for refund. The monthly plan is for $10/month per user and offers flexibility to discontinue at anytime and determine what suits the organization the best.
Originally Published as Best information-sharing & collaboration tools for your workplace on Pickcel Digital Signage Blog
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lasclall · 2 years
Best compression program for windows 10
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Furthermore, users of the Pro version can also contact support free of cost for the assistance.
You enjoy its full functions, and you will get your output files with a watermark.
Pro version of PDF Compressor is available for lifetime use at a nominal fee with 30 days money-back guarantee. High compression - minimum degradation in the quality of output files Guaranteed preservation of original formatting Extraction of data from restricted PDF fields Supports 50+ languages for non-English speaking users No signup procedure for the free version Ability to process hundreds of files at a time Easy graphical user interface with no complexities Enhanced reading quality with great preview options - easy loading, scrolling, and zooming. Here is the list of some great features of PDF Compressor Moreover, users also enjoy one-click automated compression. Users can use predefined values to customize the quality of output documents on all versions of Windows, especially on Windows 11 and Windows 10. It offers the right amount of automation and customization levels to the users. PDF Compressor features a minimalistic design with an easy to go user interface.
PDF Compressor Offline Tool on Windows 11 and Windows 10 Let us introduce the most practical PDF tool, and you can decide for yourself. However, these claims are not always true. Google will show you thousands of search results, and all of them claim to be the best in the market. Open search box and type PDF compression tools. If you are also facing slow PDF transfer issues, this article is for you. Furthermore, PDF users also find it difficult to send scanned PDFs to other networks because they consume a lot of time and bandwidth. But the volume of scanned PDF is usually larger than the traditional text files. You no longer need a physical storage facility for your paper documents because you can store them in digital form for a time. The scanner takes a snap of each page of the presented document, and you can merge these images into a PDF. Now, you can convert your paper documentation into a scanned PDF by OCR technology. PDF documents are not limited to text files only. Due to this feature, PDF documents are also known as fixed documents. You can view your documents precisely the same in Windows, Mac, and DOS operating systems. The most incredible thing about PDF files is that they retain their formatting despite the change in the operating environments. You can convert your MS Word, PowerPoint, and Excel sheets into a PDF and transfer them anywhere. PDF documents are the need of the hour due to their unique properties. File size will now accept any decimal separator.The Best Offline PDF Compressor for Windows 11 and Windows 10 Added an option to browse destination folder for each video. Contributors will have their names in the about screen. If you want to contribute with translation voluntarily, please mail asking for the translation table. More improvements and languages to come. Future advanced features will be added only for Advanced Mode. Use "WhatsApp Optimized" preset, to get best possible quality until WhatsApp file size limit or resolution bitrate limit is reached. Set desired file size or video bitrate before encoding, getting proportional audio and video quality automatically. View estimated file size and bitrate before start encoding. Play original and encoded videos from the app. View progress and cancel the operation anytime. Switch between Normal and Best mode to prioritize quality over encoding speed. Check the original and encoded video sizes. Change the resolution of your videos with a great encoder, reducing file size to share full length videos. Windows Phone devices record videos only at high resolutions (720p or 1080p), and when you share them through apps like WhatsApp, only the first seconds are sent.
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raincityathletics · 2 years
One App to Rule Them All
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The time has finally come to pull the trigger and make our triumphant return to Zenplanner for ALL programs & workout tracking (except individualized programming via truecoach).
The ONLY real downside of this transition is that we’ll lose gifs... Though Zenplanner still has all the same leaderboard features, you can even like and comment (and emoji), and you can always throw a /giphy into slack and tell us how you really feel about the WOD (or ask any questions if planning to do something on your own - just tag @coach in slack!).
But in all seriousness, in the past month we’ve been utilizing both systems (from the back end) to finalize this decision - and it’s a no brainer. The Zenplanner features outlined below allow our coaches to be so much more engaged with you and your progressing results! You’ll no longer have to keep checking your phone for your last lift (or not being able to find it) just check the ‘faceboard’ TV & see (or ask a coach).
FAQ & features below; please give it a look over then contact [email protected] if you have any other questions, or tag @admin on slack :)
How do I Find the Workout?
Open up the Zenplanner mobile app & click your face / the menu on the top left > workouts!
From there use the drop-down to select the days program that you’re looking for (just like SugarWOD): 
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What about all my prior / SW results!?
We in the process of cleaning up an export of all prior BENCHMARK (lifts primarily) to have them imported into Zenplanner :) Though if you’re feeling pro-active (and want more than just benchmark lifts) from the workout tab in Zenplanner click Library > and feel free to transfer any results over :) 
You will NOT lose access to SugarWOD and all those results! You will default back to CrossFit.com as your home gym on Oct 20th when your subscription to SW fully expires.
ZP Feature: Faceboard Workout Results
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One of the top features that SugarWOD will likely never integrate, is the Faceboard for logging & checking prior results. 
This feature is MASSIVE for coaches being able to help athletes pick the right weights, helping ensure you follow our programs as intended (see: linear progressions), and if you do - you get a beautiful little bar chart like in the example above :D
Moving forward, coaches will do their best (no promises) to log your primary lift / results - but it’ll be on the athletes to log their WOD results as well as any other notes to their lifting results.
ZP Feature: Track Private Training Results
Want to re-benchmark some lifts? Afraid to go heavy in class? Signup for one of our ‘cheap PT’ options (only available to monthly group class athletes) and benchmark your lifts under the watchful eye of a coach, and your coach can add your results for you - which will also show up on the faceboard for future reference in group class! 
ZP Feature: Workout Notes for Athletes
Ok this is due to ZP lacking a feature (private coach notes) but we’ve decided we have NO issue with you guys seeing the notes about the days workout! So at the bottom of each workout we’ve edited our coach blurbs to be athlete friendly, so you can read & understand the intention behind the workout, recommended modifcations, and more :)
Still in Progress...
A few final items that are being updated (which is why we didn’t fully transfer earlier as planned - but it was time to pull the trigger)... 
SW results being transferred to Zenplanner (as mentioned above) 
Adding movement demo / links directly in Zenplanner (to make it easier for you to make up a missed workout / follow along during open gym, for now: www.rncty.ca/movements will have everything you need) 
Athlete computers for easy access to check-in / log results / check results #moarscreens - but feel free to utilize the front desk computer for now on your way in/out :)
And... the return of the ‘Ongoing Leaderboard’:
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Screenshot from our prior ongoing leaderboard... it was an epic custom feature we had made for Zenplanner which we’re in the process of rebuilding. It automatically pulls scores from the last 30 days in Zenplanner - so you’ve got to show up consistently to stay at the top! More details coming soon...
Questions / comments / concerns / feedback? Tag @admin in slack or email [email protected]
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wetruck · 2 years
How to Use WeTruck, India's #1 Online Truck Booking App – A Complete Guidebook!
The world is moving at a faster rate, and getting what we want fast is the mantra of our time. Gone are the times when people used to visit brick-and-mortar stores for their daily needs. Today's technological progress and the emergence of the internet have changed the course of our history. Right from taxi apps like Uber to delivery apps like Zomato; these big-league apps are leading the market. Transportation is transforming - it is no longer the same as it used to be!
Earlier logistics was sensed as a vertical which involved the transportation of goods from one location to another. Now, the system has completely changed since the arrival of online truck booking apps like Shipnext.
The Logistics Industry in India The logistic sector in the country; especially the one pertaining to inter-city movement, is highly sloppy.
This space is now highly fragmented with a huge number of unorganized players like SME-sized transporters, agents, brokers and fleet owners etc. If that's the case:
How can the Indian transporters market be made more efficient while reducing the overall logistics cost?
This is where India's #1 online lorry booking and transport directory app, Shipnext comes into play. It is a one-of-a-kind live load-lorry transport marketplace, reducing intercity B2B goods transportation. The platform already has more than 4 lakh trusted transport businesses running a day-to-day business on the app. Transporters/Agents/Brokers can bid and book trucks, trailers, containers, LCVs & tankers in just a few clicks. The Shipnext online truck booking app seeks at filling the demand and supply gap while bringing convenience to the entire process.
Shipnext: Connecting Trusted Transporters, Truck Owners & Brokers PAN India!
Our free online truck booking app helps in connecting transporters, truck owners, brokers, and agents from all over India. It’s a branding & networking venue for Indian transport industry players with business-specific features like creating an online brand for their transport businesses and generating more gain, growing personal networks with trusted enterprise players and saving time on daily business bookings etc.
How does the Shipnext online lorry/load booking app works?
Shipnext helps transporters find loads & lorries online in just a few clicks, enable and grow their business online, and network with an easy-to-use transport market and business-specific features.
To book trucks online on the Shipnext app, you just need to follow the below steps:
Create your profile on Shipnext App
Download the app & signup using your mobile number. Complete your business profile. Here you need to choose your role: Transporter/Agent/Broker/Fleet Owner.
Choose the right role for yourself and fill out the other information.
Find the loads or lorries from the live market
Once registered, you can dig and look at the available containers, trucks, trailers and loads in the live market section.
Here, you can see available trucks in the “Lorry market” and functional loads in the “Load market” section.
Select the right load or lorry according to your requirement
According to your requirements, you can use our wise filters to search for the right load or lorry for yourself all across India. This will save you a lot of time that you expend on WhatsApp groups while searching for the right load or lorry.
Infrequent the available filters: Truck Type, Route, Load Type, Payment type etc.
Bid on load or lorry
Once you pinpoint the right load or lorry, quote a price or bid on it. Behind bidding on a load or lorry, you will be able to see the mobile number of the service provider. You can call and deal directly with the service provider as nicely for now.
Acceptance or Rejection of Bid
To finish the compact, the service provider will either approve your cited price or reject it to start negotiations with you over the rates.
Post Load or Lorry on Shipnext App
In case you don’t find the right load or lorry for yourself, you can post your specific requirement i.e. you can post your load or you can post your truck on the Shipnext marketplace. Once you post a load or lorry, other transporters/agents utilising the Shipnext platform will get notified about it. They will start bidding on it and you will obtain instant bids in a matter of time.
Share enquiries on WhatsApp groups
As soon as you post a load or lorry, Shipnext generates an enquiry card for you. This enquiry card can be conveyed directly over WhatsApp along with truck or load details. You can disseminate this card to all the transport WhatsApp groups that you are part of. This will save a lot of the time that you pay manually by drafting the WhatsApp message and sharing it over groups. Shipnext helps you take benefit of both the online transport community on the Shipnext platform as well as your offline network.
Accept, Reject or Negotiate
Once you are done with posting load or lorry and sharing the WhatsApp enquiry card over transport groups, you will begin getting bids on it. To finish the deals, you can either approve the quoted price or desert it or start negotiations with the other party directly.
Transaction Feedback
Once a deal is finalised, we will ask you for your feedback about the involved parties and the overall experience. Please provide your helpful feedback on the Shipnext App. This will help us in curating better deals for you as well as for other transporters in your network in future.
How can Shipnext help you promote your Transport Business Online in India?
You can create a company profile while onboarding with Shipnext. Once the profile is authorised, it helps other transporters find you online with comfort, on the marketplace and directory. This attracts more business leads and contacts, which can be leveraged for making deals. With branding features like WhatsApp Business Cards, branded enquiry cards etc. - you can additionally promote your transport brand and online presence. You can actually check out ratings, reviews and recommendations of transporters, agents and fleet owners.
Shipnext is changing the way logistics works! It not only eradicates the huge communication gap between the transporters, agents, brokers and fleet owners but also makes online lorry search easy and suitable. You can bear out to transporters from any and every state in India. The online transport marketplace on Shipnext is designed in a way that saves almost 90% of your time, otherwise finished broadcasting and getting bids; thus, stopping conventional methods and outdated practices. All in all, Shipnext is a sure-shot app to grow your logistic companies in a hassle-free way.
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jameshoe3 · 2 years
Fish Shooting Games
The main difference between fish shooting games and other types of skill-based gambling is that fish shooting games are often accompanied by social elements. As a result, players can earn cash or cosmetics for using certain cannons and improving their abilities. These games are growing in popularity due to their fast speed and social component. They also have monetization elements such as currency and cosmetics. Some games feature a subscription service for in-app purchases, rentable items, or VIP systems. Fish shooting games are a form of skill-based gambling Unlike slot machines, fish shooting games require different strategies and tactics from players to ensure victory. These games are engaging and can be played by people of all ages. Fish shooting games require players to focus on their skills and aim for small schools of fish, as they will lose more of their shots when they are aiming for big monsters. Players can switch between varying weapons to increase their chances of taking down tougher fish. Tough fish also pay higher than normal ones. Fish shooting games are popular and easy to play. Similar to skill-based gambling, they involve shooting various kinds of underwater creatures with a huge cannon. The more fish you shoot, the higher your reward will be. Fish shooting games have become extremely popular in recent years. This is due in large part to their popularity. If you've never played a fish game, you can check out the following online games. They require a deposit To play this direct fish shooting game, you must make a deposit. This is usually hard cash, but you can increase the wager size for better prizes. The smallest wager is 5 cents, but the nonstop action allows you to shoot hundreds of bullets in a short amount of time. There are also several jackpots to be won, so make sure you have enough cash to keep playing for as long as possible. Another good casino that offers free fish shooting games is Red Dog Casino. It has an easy signup and deposit process, and its interface is aesthetically pleasing. It is worth mentioning that Red Dog Casino also has a minimum deposit of $150. It also works with RTG software, and offers the same 134 slot games as Slots Empire, including Plentiful Treasure, Wild Fire 7s, and Asgard Deluxe. เล่นเกมยิงปลาเว็บตรง They are increasingly fast Fish shooting games are a form of arcade game, and they have spread throughout Asia and other Asian-oriented countries. They have also been linked to organized crime. In Indonesia, for example, these games are very popular. But, are they really as popular as they claim to be? Let's find out. This article will discuss the different aspects of these games, and offer a few tips for those looking to make money off them. Unlike traditional shooting games, these fast-paced and fun-filled video games require players to bet on coins. The goal is to collect enough capital to last a longer period of time and have a higher chance of acquiring bullets of the same kind. The more money you deposit into an online gambling agent, the more bullets you can buy, and the more powerful you can choose. Fortunately, there are many advantages to playing these online. They have a social element In addition to being fun and addictive, many direct fish shooting games are monetized. The monetization of these games often revolves around cosmetics, power progression elements, and subscriptions. Players can also win huge prizes by unlocking different cannons and changing their stats. Direct fish shooting games are very popular among gamers, as they are often shared by many people. However, many players are wary of the social element of these games.
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syrupwit · 2 years
Letter for Chocolate Box 2022
Hello there, and welcome to my letter for Chocolate Box Exchange 2022! I appreciate that you’ve taken the time to read this letter. I hope that it will provide you with clarification, inspiration, or whatever else you may happen to be seeking from it.
I have requested fic only for all fandoms. Although I’ve written more for some sections in this letter and less for others, rest assured I would be thrilled to receive a gift for any of the requested fandoms or relationships. Should you have any questions or need clarification on something, please feel free to reach out through the mods.
Please see the table of contents below:
Do Not Want (DNW)
Fandom - Crossover Fandom
Fandom - Dishonored
Fandom - Fallout 4
Fandom - Fallout: New Vegas
Fandom - Gravity Falls
Fandom - Stellar Firma
I have a very long list of likes here.
Here are some of my general likes:
Humor, especially absurd, situational, or dark humor
Surreality and weirdness
Stories within a story, in-universe media
Lore and worldbuilding, missing background information
Cool, creepy, or unusual magic systems and supernatural stuff
Genre mixing and pastiche
Ensemble characters coming together to do stuff; sense of community, especially if it persists despite tensions, hurts, and differences that are not easily resolved; unusual team-ups
Dramatic rescues
Identity porn
Emotional hurt/comfort or hurt no comfort
Pining -- requited, unrequited, partially/cautiously/eventually requited
Messed up relationships where both parties are getting something out of the arrangement but in an unbalanced way
Unresolved tension (emotional, sexual, or romantic)
Gratuitous descriptions of scenery, food, clothing, ancient cursed objects, etc.
Here are some of my smut likes:
Characters being super into each other, especially if one or both of them are conventionally unattractive
Emotionally intense or significant sex scenes
First times
Virginity, loss of virginity
“Chicken,” denial, teasing; one character flirting just enough for plausible deniability and the other not believing that they could be serious; one character hurting the other, purposefully or unwittingly, when they take the teasing too far
Jealousy, especially if the jealous character is guilty or in denial about their feelings
Sex pollen/mating cycles/in heat
Male characters being submissive
Characters depicted as under age 16 involved in sexual situations
Characters having sex without mutual sexual attraction (I love G- and T-rated shipfic and would be fine with sex not being mentioned at all, but for works featuring sexual content, I don’t want it to be explicitly stated that the characters are not attracted to each other)
Hate speech or hate crimes (discussions/mentions of bigotry are fine)
Harm to pet animals (the existence of ghost pets is OK, and it’s fine to mention pet animals that have canonically died, but I don’t want to hear about injury, abuse, or noncanonical death of pet animals)
Necrophilia (sexual activity involving ghosts or sentient skeletons/undead is OK, just not inanimate corpses or remains)
Sexual activity involving worms / spiders / insects
Fandom-Specific: Dishonored -- Mindy Blanchard being explicitly written as not a trans woman
Cait (Fallout 4)/Rose of Sharon Cassidy (Fallout: New Vegas)
I’m so here for the absolute trainwreck that this ship has the potential to be. The anger and pain that both characters are carrying around; the age difference (Cass would be in her early forties by the time of Fallout 4, while Cait is 26); Cass’s functional alcoholism and Cait’s escalating drug addiction—things could end really poorly here! Or what if they somehow turned out well? Either way, I’m interested.
Paladin Danse (Fallout 4) & Veronica Santangelo (Fallout: New Vegas)
Danse and Veronica have very different relationships to the organization they regard as family. I’d love to see them interact, however improbable it may be, whether Veronica is still with the Brotherhood or has struck out on her own.
Piper Wright (Fallout 4)/Veronica Santangelo (Fallout: New Vegas)
These two have a lot in common -- they’re both super quippy! They typically wear some kind of head covering! They care too much for their own good! Piper could hire mysterious stranger Veronica to be her bodyguard after one too many death threats or something. I don't know, they just seem like they'd have a ton of fun together.
Willow Rosenberg (Buffyverse) & Granny Weatherwax (Discworld)
Late addition -- I just saw this in the tagset and went WHAT?! I'd love to see how these two would interact, what kind of screw-up on either end would result in their meeting, and what Granny might see in Willow and vice versa. Granny meeting a younger Willow, for example, could be pretty painful. Alternately, something about them meeting throughout the years could be fun and also devastating. Alternately alternately: humorous mishaps?
Daud & Emily Kaldwin
For two characters who meet only briefly in canon, Daud and Emily have an inordinate impact on each others' lives. It would be fascinating to watch them interact when Emily is an adult, especially in a situation where they're forced to work together (both held captive in the Albarca Baths? something goes wrong in a canon-divergent way during the events of Dishonored 2? Emily goes adventuring in the Void and meets a familiar ghost?).
Emily Kaldwin/Kirin Jindosh
I shipped this from Jindosh's first cutscene. He seems so eager to find a worthy adversary, and delighted when the player character demonstrates supernatural abilities. I want to see Emily dom the hell out of him. I'd also love something where, for whatever reason, he has to work for her side, or where a high chaos Emily wreaks havoc and he loves it (or doesn't).
(Note: Although I’m fine with mentioning or exploring Jindosh's canon nonlethal fate, I’d prefer that it not be played for comedy.)
Delilah Copperspoon/Lizzy Stride
Dunwall houses so many interesting characters who are contemporaries but don't meet onscreen. I think Delilah and Lizzy could have a really interesting dynamic. I'd love anything with these two interacting, or perhaps an AU where Delilah is the one to break Lizzy out of prison (motive TBD).
Galia Fleet & Billie Lurk
Galia's jealousy/potential one-sided rivalry thing with Billie is great. I'd love to hear more about Galia and Billie's days with the Whalers, or any potential interaction between games or post-canon -- Billie time-traveling and encountering Galia during her dissolute Golden Cat years? AU where Galia survives? Angry ghost Galia follows Billie back from the Void after the events of Death of the Outsider?
Ivan Jacobi & Winstead | Ivan Jacobi/Winstead
Winstead is Ivan Jacobi’s servant, to whom he addresses his final note. Jacobi calls Winstead his “closest confidante, dear to [him] as a brother,” and has clearly trusted him with a great deal of Eyeless business. What was their relationship like before the events of Death of the Outsider? Feel free to make this dark, or very dark, and to lean into weird class stuff and Jacobi’s family issues.
Lucia Pastor & Mindy Blanchard | Lucia Pastor/Mindy Blanchard
These characters are both so interesting, and likely to meet at some point if they haven’t already. I’d love to see how they get along, or don’t. Depending on Emily or Corvo’s actions in the Dust District and Stilton Manor, Mindy and Pastor have very different circumstances to deal with after the end of the game; for a prompt, I’d love something about their relationship in various AUs.
Spy vs. courser, heck yeah! There are so many fun things that could be done with these two. I love the idea of Deacon being genuinely scared of X6, and X6 maybe grudgingly starting to respect Deacon as an opponent after they've had a few encounters. I'd especially enjoy some sort of hurt/comfort or rescue (from the Brotherhood? Raiders? angry settlers?) scenario for this pairing, or a 5+1 Things fic about their interactions over the years.
DiMA & Nick Valentine
One of the most complicated and potentially tragic family relationships in a game full of twisted, complicated, tragic family relationships. I'd love to see these two having deep conversations; navigating moral conundrums; doing normal daily-life things around Acadia; or just chilling out, however "chilling out" might look to them.
Ellie Perkins & Nick Valentine | Ellie Perkins/Nick Valentine
I love the banter and loyalty between Ellie and Nick! They're clearly so fond of each other. A look at their relationship over the years, or how things shake out post-Far Harbor, would be great, as would hurt/comfort from either direction. I've selected both the platonic and romantic versions of this ship because I enjoy both and have no preference between them.
Female Sole Survivor/The Mariner
The Mariner’s reaction at the end of The Great Hunt is so cute that it made me ship her with the Sole Survivor. She's been expecting an epic, life-changing adventure with this new friend she wants to impress, and what she gets is... what happens in the quest. I'd love some fluff or getting-together fic for this pairing, especially something that leans into the Mariner being awkward, super-handy, and given to sinister pronouncements about the Island (and the Sole Survivor being charmed by all of it).
(Note: I have no preference regarding the Sole Survivor's faction alignment. I usually go with "Nora" and the default backstory, but if there's a name or backstory you'd rather use, please go for it.)
John Hancock/Paladin Danse
This seems like it would be a total mess; I’m into those! These characters both have strong senses of justice and are very hard on themselves, and I think they could bond over that. I would particularly love something set after Blind Betrayal, or a take on this pairing where Danse works through his bigotry before developing feelings for Hancock and there’s unrequited pining from Danse’s side. Unexpected hurt/comfort, a “hurt me not him” situation, or one rescuing the other would also be great.
(Note: Unless otherwise indicated, I have no set preference regarding gender, faction, karma, or backstory for the Courier. Go hog wild.)
Benny & Yes Man
I love New Vegas, that rat fink Benny, and everything to do with Yes Man. Please tell me more about the relationship between these two, what they got up to pre-canon, and what might perhaps have happened if Benny had been able to carry out his original plans.
Courier & Doctor Mobius
Doctor Mobius is the cutest old mad scientist. I'd love to see him and the Courier having fun together, however they might define "fun" -- staging fake fights to distract the Big MT scientists! taking the robo-scorpions on a field trip to New Vegas! just hanging out and inventing new monstrosities together!
Courier & Stealth Suit Mk II
The suit is so cute! Why? (I sold so many cool items in Old World Blues to keep it repaired. So many.) I'd love to hear more about the suit's relationship with the Courier and the escapades they get up to. Does the suit have any secret built-in functions, and do they come in handy in a crisis or make a bad situation worse?
Female Courier/Stealth Suit Mk II
The suit is so cute, part II: What if the suit fell in love? Does it have any functions related to love? How does a stealth suit, built for sneaking and hiding, learn to reveal its innermost feelings? I'd love something fluffy or silly or humorous for this pairing, including smut.
Courier/Mr. House
Mr. House is such an interesting character, and his dynamic with the Courier can go some fascinating places. I'm particularly intrigued by his potential relationship with a more chaotic or evil Courier, especially one who chooses to complete his questline without betraying him.
Craig Boone/Ulysses
This pairing occurred to me a few weeks ago, and while it's a terrible idea, something about it intrigues me. It's like a math problem -- how could these characters get together without killing each other? Here are a few ideas:
Ulysses' old home at Wolfhorn Ranch is right down the road from Novac, along one potential route to Cottonwood Cove. Did Ulysses ever have to buy supplies from Novac or deliver packages there? Did Boone ever get super drunk, decide he was going to take down the Legion on his own, and end up passing out in Ulysses' garden?
What if Boone got lost in the Divide while searching for an AWOL Courier, and Ulysses, for whatever reason, decided not to kill him?
What if they met through the Courier, post-canon?
Dean Domino/Vera Keyes/Frederick Sinclair
There are bad idea threesomes, and then there’s this. I'd love some uncomfortable three-way UST, Dean being an asshole and being over-familiar with Vera to make Sinclair jealous, or the three of them actually sleeping together in a way that does or doesn't change any of the DLC events.
Bill Cipher/Ford Pines
This pairing won me over somewhere between the first time Bill says "Sixer" and his ominous piano serenade while Ford is chained up in the Fearamid. Please tell me more about bitter exes; consensual possession; hero-worship gone wrong; arrogant yet lonely scientists bulldozing their way into terrible situations; and deals with eldritch beings who exist beyond time and morality, but toooootally care about you as a person and aren't just using you, yep, sure.
Fiddleford H. McGucket/Ford Pines
There's so much potential for complex feelings and conflict and pining in this relationship, it's great. I would love something about these two set before everything went wrong, or while things were in the process of going wrong; I'd also love something set post-canon where they're trying to repair their relationship.
(Note: Although I'm fine with exploration of Fiddleford's mental health and memory issues, I would prefer that they not be played for straight comedy. Black comedy or horror-comedy from his POV would be great though!)
Bill Cipher/Dipper Pines
Another relationship with a lot of potential! Ford isn't the only occult-obsessed, manipulable nerd in the Pines family, although Dipper -- imo -- takes a little more after Stan in the self-sacrifice department. I'd love something where Bill chooses to play the long game, or maybe develops a bit of possessiveness towards Dipper; something where he torments Dipper over his crush on Wendy, or becomes jealous without being aware of it, would also be great.
(Note: I'm more interested in scenarios for this ship set at least a few years post-canon, and per my DNWs I would request that Dipper be 16 or older for any sexual situations.)
Number 1/Number 48
They're top-secret corporate somethings with an evil plot, and they're in marriage counseling! Please tell me more about their everyday lives, terrible schemes, and post-canon adjustments and adventures.
Bathin/Trexel Geistman
Bathin is a pan-galactic heartthrob and all-around eradicator of bummers; Trexel is the most hated man in the universe, or at least in the top ten among such men. Bathin and Trexel went to (virtual?) school together, where Bathin apparently called Trexel "buddy" a lot, and Trexel confabulated memories of Bathin bullying him and did not fantasize about smelling him or dancing together. I'd love to hear more about their relationship, whether it's set during their pre-canon school days, post-canon after the destruction of Stellar Firma, or in a missing scene from canon.
Bathin/David 7/Trexel Geistman
Semi-canonical love triangle! (David 7->Bathin->Trexel->David 7.) David's interest in Bathin, at least, is unambiguously text. We see a lot of David and Trexel interacting in canon, but Bathin remains an offscreen if outsized presence except for one recording. I'm interested in seeing how the dynamic between these three might play out, and of course I'm here for hijinks and complicated or disturbingly straightforward feelings.
David 7 & IMOGEN
For all IMOGEN can be sinister and mysterious, her relationship with David ends up as one of the sweetest and most positive in the show. I'd love something about the two of them post-canon, adjusting to new lives and roles while battling whatever wacky foes the wider universe throws up against them. Something about their developing relationship during canon would also be fantastic.
David 7/Trexel Geistman
I don't know why I love this ship so much, but I do. Please give me all the weird tropey* nonsense for them -- canon-era, AUs, or post-canon once they've had time to settle into their new lives and understand each other differently. I'd especially love a pining Trexel who acts like even more of an asshole, and a David who hates him but can't quite let him go.
*some tropey ideas: Wingfic! Amnesia! Fake dating to fulfill a clause of Trexel's inheritance! Meeting in dreams, but then it turns out the dreams belong to a psychic starfish who's pretty miffed about them being there? Trexel is assumed dead and David is unexpectedly bummed out, but then it turns out Trexel was alive the whole time and is now asking them for money. Trexel is a were-cat, the old kind with legs. Trexel is a were-space-cat with no legs. David has reverse hanahaki and it's Trexel's fault (good luck). Time loop.
David 7/Trexel Geistman/Hartro Piltz
The dynamic between these three is always fun, but its evolution from mutual hostility to working together in Season 3 was one of my favorite parts of the show. Please just show me more of them together, being ridiculous and having varying levels of fun!
Hartro Piltz/Trexel Geistman
I love love love the dynamic between Hartro and Trexel, including the foot thing. They're one of my favorite ships in any fandom. I'd be happy with just about anything for them, but if prompts would be helpful: I'd love something set pre-canon with Trexel causing trouble and Hartro having to clean it up, more team-building exercises of a dubious nature, or fallout from the finale on the escape pod.
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gatheringfiki · 3 years
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Hello, hello!
As promised, we will try to run a Durin’s Day Gift Exchange again this year, provided we get a minimum of 10 people signed up :) If we can’t get enough people, we’ll try to run a different event or have a break.
You know how everybody is always going: ‘I’d die if someone drew something based on what I write!’ and ‘I wish someone wrote me something based on what I draw!’? We’re going to make this happen for you!
Now, according to this source, the Durin’s Day this year falls on the 6th of October. What a perfect opportunity to make someone’s day, we thought!
The Plan:
We’re looking to pair up fanartists (including graphics/edits makers) with fanfic authors
If you sign up, you will be expected to create a gift for your partner: either as a part of a joint collab or based on their existing works (art or fic)
If you decide to do a collab, it has to be a brand new idea (not an existing verse), which the two of you will work on together, one writing, the other doing the art for it.
If you decide to base your gift on your partner’s existing work, you can pick anything they published so far. You will have a month to familiarise yourself with their works and create your gift. As a bonus, your own work gets some extra exposure too :)
Guideline effort required: we suggest minimum around 3.5k words and ah, equivalent in artwork. (How do you quantify artwork?!) Like, decent stuff, folks.
Whatever you create is kept a secret until the 6th of Oct (i.e. Durin’s Day), when everyone posts their gifts.
Tag your creations #Durin’s Day 2021 (with spaces) and we will reblog it
Please Note:
You agree that someone else creates something based on your work. Could be a spin-off, fanart, little story, graphic etc. But basically it’s somebody else’s interpretation of your universe.
We accept all the usual pairings (i.e. Fili/Kili or any fictional pairings based on Dean’s and Aidan’s characters). We’ll do our best to accommodate pairing preferences, butif we can’t, we’ll contact you.
The worst thing that could happen with this event is if multiple people drop off throughout. Whilst we understand that RL > fandom, please keep in mind that someone else is creating something based on your work and will be looking forward to it just as much as you are. Please keep your partner and us updated with your progress.
28 Aug - 03 Sept (ish)  - Both Artist and Writer signups open
4th Sept - Pairs are assigned at random and published in a post
6th Oct - You post your gifts for each other, we reblog them
We will go ahead if we get a minimum of 5 artists and 5 writers signed up.
Sign ups:
To sign up, please populate this form.
We are no longer accepting sign-ups via a message to GatheringFiki, as in the previous years we have seen this go wrong numerous times.
Yes, both artist sign ups and writer sign ups are open immediately, as of right now, simultaneously. Go forth.
We will also consider some gen (non-shippy) pairs, if we happen to get both artists and writers who don't ship the characters (e.g. Fili & Kili)
This event is on a first come, first served basis, so please sign up as soon as you are committed to taking part
Regardless of how many sign ups we receive in total, we will only go with as many pairs as is possible to create based on artist/writer ratio and your pairing preferences, for example: 7 fanartists = we can sign up to 7 writers
We will likely have some backup writers, who will be expected to fill in, in case of any emergency drop-outs.
It is entirely possible that some overeager organisers might go canvassing during the signup times…
As always, please let us know and give us a shout if you have any questions!
Please reblog, to see if we can find more folks to join us!
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0xeff · 2 years
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I figured that I'd post about our progress on the cherp rewrite (internally dubbed Cardinal. Because it's based on Ruby). We've got a lot of the foundations laid out for it and I personally think it's coming along nicely. Note: The theme and branding changes aren't set in stone, this is primarily to help differentiate the rewrite from the original site while it's in development. The plan for themes is to provide official ones for the primary colours, plus darkmode versions of each. Then as an extra bonus, allow people to define their own colour palettes. Perhaps even share them with other users. Theme preferences are stored per-device. This post isn't just about themes though, there's a lot of work that went on behind the scenes to put all of this together. Chats are getting close to a functional state, announcements can be added and edited by administrators, users are able to sign up and log in. Complete with email verification for password resetting. As elaborated by TT, accounts transferred in from the old codebase won't need to set up an email unless they want to take advantage of password resetting. However, all new accounts will be required to provide an email on signup. Chats are a lot more streamlined and no longer have a special 'group chat' case. All chats can support multiple users by default without unique spaghetti logic, and one user opting to end the chat will not automatically end it for everybody else. Connect Codes are configured to allow people to create group chats using them, currently up to a maximum of 10 chat users.
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torchwoodfanfests · 3 years
⁅ The 2021 Torchwood Big Bang ⁆
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We at Torchwood Fan Fests are thrilled to announce the 2021 Torchwood Big Bang!
The 10k Big Bang we promised a few months ago is finally here! And to accommodate for the longer minimum word count (10 thousand words) we are allocating three whole months to it!
But if you would prefer something a bit different, don’t worry! We will have another fest running at the same time (to be announced soon).
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Important dates:
Signups: June 18th - June 27th
Claiming: June 28th - July 2nd
Posting: September 12th - September 26th
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The Big Bang will work much like the Mini Bang did, with the only difference being the required word count (10k for this fest).
If you want to participate in the Big Bang, there are three roles you can sign up as: writer, beta, and artist. The Bang works by forming teams with participants filling each of these roles who will all work together on one fic and one piece of art based on the same idea (the writer and beta work on the fic and the artist works on the art).
We are once again allowing edits and moodboards submissions for the art; writers who do not want edits or moodboards have the option of making this known when they sign up, and we will include this information in our claiming sheet so artists know not to pick those projects.
You can sign up more than once in any combination you want (for example, if you want to participate as a beta and as an artist, or as a writer and a beta, etc.) but please take a look at the deadlines and consider whether you can really handle the workload before committing to multiple roles, as anyone who drops out will leave their team(s) hanging and leave us scrambling to find a pinch-hitter to cover for them.
When signing up, writers need to submit a small summary of their idea. This summary needs to include which characters will be the main focus of their story and which tropes or general plot they are planning to write, as well as any content warnings that will likely be relevant.
Some examples of what a summary might look like:
Tosh/Gwen, fake dating and bed sharing, they have to go undercover for a mission and their feelings for each other are revealed; possibly E rating (sexually explicit content)
Team as a family, case fic, they all take a trip together to investigate a string of mysterious murders in Scotland, friendship fic, lots of bonding, might have some explicit depictions of violence (on the victims, not the team), rated T or M for violence, no sexual content
Janto, CoE rewrite and fix-it, canon major character death but temporary (Ianto is resurrected), fluff and angst, T rating
After signups, the next phase is claiming! We will be posting a spreadsheet with all the summaries so betas and artists can read all the story ideas (and potential content warnings) and claim whichever one(s) they’d like to work on.
Anyone who has signed up as beta or artist can claim as many stories as they want, although to give everyone a chance the claiming will happen in 3 steps like we did with the Mini Bang (the first day you can claim one, the second day you claim another one, and on day three we open any unclaimed slots so you can claim as many as you want; there will be a post explaining this process better before claiming starts).
Once the teams have been formed, you can contact your teammates and get started on those fanworks! Teams should have a way of contacting each other and ideally be in touch (we recommend starting a groupchat) so everyone can ask questions and stay informed on any changes to the story, any updates, etc.
We will also be repurposing our Mini Bang discord server for the Big Bang, so everyone participating can have a place to talk about their project, ask others for advice, share little sneak peeks or discuss their progress with other participants.
We will open pinch-hitter signups once claiming is done, in case anyone drops out.
Finally, we are having a two-week posting period, so teams can post their works at any point between the 12th and the 26th of September. Fics should link to the art and vice versa, with every member of the team mentioned in each post. (This means if you are the artist, you should @ mention the writer and beta in your post, as well as link to the fic. If you are the writer you should @ mention your team’s beta and artist and link to the art.)
Don’t forget to submit your finished work once you’ve posted!
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As usual, we are asking anyone who signs up and later finds out they need to drop out for any reason to please let us know as soon as possible! We won’t have a problem with anyone who needs to drop out, but we will be looking for pinch-hitters to cover for anyone who does, and the longer we have to do that (and the longer our pinch-hitters have to do their thing) the better!
While we are aiming to have everything finished and wrapped up by September 26th, in deference to the longer word count we are willing to be more lax than usual with the closing date. If you find that posting date is getting close and you need a little longer to finish your submission, do not despair! Just get in contact with us so we know you’re still working on it and might need a few extra days.
As always, all the relevant links will be in the notes.
If anything about this is unclear or you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send us an ask!
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