#this shit is lame
badadvicebingo · 1 year
I spent the whole day stress cleaning my apartment and I'm still depressed what the fuck
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michaelundi · 1 year
I’m going through a hard time and I don’t wanna.
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project-sonadow · 7 months
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theyre sooooooooo
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whathorselegs · 13 days
Dazai has definitely said the the "You look beautiful when you cry" line at Chuuya, but it was completely accidental. It was supposed to be an internal thought, one that just popped up out of nowhere and in his head was much more complicated than insinuating Chuuya's blotchy face, runny nose and bloodshot eyes was physically appealing to him.
In his head he was thinking about the beauty of human emotions and how hard Chuuya feels them. He was thinking how difficult it was for Chuuya to have opened up to him in this moment, the strange and enticing connection Dazai felt in moments like these, when someone reaches out to him and he actually wants to reach back.
He was thinking about the sheer amount of grief and pain Chuuya's gone through and how something like that would have made Dazai close up further into his facade of numbness. Yet, Chuuya, feels it all so brashly, with his entire being and he was admiring how brave he must be to do that.
That's what was so beautiful to Dazai, Chuuya's never wavering humanity and the moments he gets to be part of it.
But Dazai isn't experienced in comforting people and when he opens himself up to doing it, he's overwhelmed with anxieties of making it worse. He tries to smile kindly, say soft words, he tries with all his being not to let them know his own heart is racing against his will.
And with all this swirling around his head, that damn sentence just falls out of his mouth.
"You look beautiful when you cry."
Then Chuuya's staring at him, dubious, confused, and Dazai's tongue tied as he processes what he's just done. He tries to explain, without giving away too much of what was going on in his head, but he's fumbling it. His mind's screaming at him to shut up as his mouth just keeps talking.
Eventually, Chuuya lets it slide because he wants Dazai's comfort more than he wants to dig into Dazai's weird thoughts on humanity.
But later down the line, Chuuya absolutely teases him about saying something so absolutely lame and Dazai never lives it down.
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sexygaywizard · 1 year
I don't mean this in a rude way, but what's the point of being very femme presenting and asking for people to use he/him pronouns for you?
What the fuck does this mean lol "what's the point" it's my gender and I get to choose the pronouns homie. I get to be a little gender freak if I want. Pronouns do not correlate to presentation, sorry you're not on my advanced gender level
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stephendorff · 3 months
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Bill Skarsgård as Eric Draven IIThe Crow (2024)
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whatsitzface · 6 months
The way Annabeth was thinking so far ahead of Percy that Percy was confused. The way she refused to elaborate on anything, and then was like; 'I'm surrounded by idiots' whenever someone (Percy) didn't understand her. The way she looked so smug after she pushed Percy into the water and he got claimed. THE WAY SHE WAS SO BLUNT!!!!! ("ARE YOU STALKING ME??" "yeah lol")
Sorry, but that's the most accurate Annabeth in the world holy smokes Leah did such a good job. All my forgotten love for Annabeth's character that I felt while reading the books just crashed into me full force and I'm frothing at the mouth with obsession.
“-You’re gonna expect me to know how to do something I don’t know how to do, and I end up falling flat on my face, I- I can’t really have that right now.” “You still don’t get where you fit into all of this, do you?” SHE’S TALKING ABOUT THE PROPHECY AND HOW SHE KNOWS HE'S A POSIEDON KID, BUT SHE HIDES IT AS HOW HE DOESN’T KNOW HIS PLACE IN THE CAPTURE THE FLAG GAME!!!! BECAUSE SHE WON’T TELL HIM!!!! AND ITS EPIC BECAUSE IN THE CAPTURE THE FLAG GAME HE DOES FALL FLAT ON HIS FACE, BUT IN THE PROPHECY HE DOES GET HIS DAD TO SEE HIM!!!! And then she fixes his armor plate, making sure that its secure. Making sure he won't get hurt. That's not part of her plan, and things always go according to her plan. She's the game master. IM SCREAMING
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sillysymbol · 2 months
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some johns
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kittykatninja321 · 8 days
can I be a hater for a second whenever I see the fic trope of “Talia purposely told Jason about Tim to get Jason to attack him” I’m like guys I’m gonna be real with you I don’t think Talia would care about that little boy at all
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heartorbit · 1 year
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this whole drawing on paper and coloring digitally thing is kind of awesome
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jondoe279 · 4 months
atp i genuinely doooon’t care if the old guard two is the worst thing put to film i just want to see the best character of all time (andromache the scythian) and her loser henchmen and everyone’s favorite girl nile freeman again
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vacant2007 · 11 months
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waitineedaname · 10 months
thinking about ed leading a relatively mundane life post-canon while still having all the connections he made during his time as a state alchemist is very funny to me, especially when thinking about his kids' perspectives. several high ranking military officials send them birthday gifts every year. they know four different guys who can turn into animals and this is mostly just a party trick for them. the emperor of xing is a family friend. they go to school and learn about the state alchemists and hear about the youngest state alchemist ever edward elric and they're like "you mean our fucking dad? our loser dad who can't do alchemy and consistently hits his thumb when using a hammer and has a rivalry with our pet chicken? you mean that edward elric?"
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Stealing her Thunder (dp x dc)
Sam really hadn't meant for the night to derail so much. She hadn't even meant to be out tonight, this was all Paulina's fault.
"This is the worst senior trip ever," mumbled Paulina from where she was sitting with her back against the wall, next to Star and Sam. Despite having been essentially kidnapped, she looked just as beautiful and perfect and put-together as she had when she'd come down from her hotel room. Oh, how Sam hated her.
"Maybe if you hadn't snuck into a club while underaged-" Sam hissed to her.
Paulina's shimmering green eyes flashed. "Oh I'm sorry, Susie Nobody, why were you in the club, then?"
"Trying to prevent something like this, you dimwitted, spoiled little princess!"
Paulina's shiny lips opened again to say something equally as inane, and Sam was gearing up to retort when Star elbowed her friend.
"Guys, stop!" Star whisper-shouted. "This is not the time to flirt."
"We're not flirting!" Both girls exclaimed at the same time.
They immediately shut their mouth as they realized they had been much too loud but by then it was too late. With an ominous creak the door to their temporary holding cell was pushed open, and a blond woman walked in as if she owned the place.
"Now, now, girls," she said as she strode towards the three bound girl. "It's not very polite to make a ruckus in someone's home."
Sam couldn't help her snort. The woman raised an eyebrow and Sam smirked.
"That is one ugly ass home," she said as she made a show of looking around the bare cement floor, dirty walls and heavy metal door.
"As much as I hate to agree with Loserville over there, she's right" Paulina sneered, somehow the expression making her look just as attractive as she always was. "This is the ugliest place I've ever been held hostage."
"Maybe if you added a skylight or like, a few prints-" Star added kind-heartedly.
"Enough," the woman said, though her smile had vanished. "I don't have time for this."
Then in just a few strides, she was face to face with Sam. She raised a hand just in front of the girl's face and gave her a smirk as her long silver nails started to lengthen more and more under their eyes.
"That is some free edge," Star mumbled, as her eyes widened.
"I have this fun ability," the woman ignored the blond girl, "where my blood," she looked at her ever elongating nails, "lets me bestow gifts on people."
"Yeah," Sam dragged out as the weird silvery trails started approaching her face. "Not interested."
"I don't even ask much in exchange," the woman said, as she leaned towards the goth teen. "Just a little obedience."
Sam was now struggling in earnest, doing her best to lean back in the restrained space, only just avoiding the weird silver things. "Get away!"
"Get your hands off her, you bottle blond bitch-" she heard Paulina's voice spit out when there was a large boom and a portion of the wall blew open.
The woman was blown back, the silver nails retreating back into herself as she turned to face the newly made hole. And from the hole walked in a woman dressed in a yellow and black reinforced suit.
"Step away from the children, Looker," the new arrival said.
"Thunder," their kidnapper answered with a sneer and that was all that was said before the newly-dubbed-Thunder descended on the woman with a kick, that was evaded.
Not so easily evaded however, was Thunder's punch to the kidnapper's solar plexus that sent her crashing right into the metal door, and falling through the half-opened doorway.
The black-and-yellow-decked woman turned towards the bound teens, and kneeling next to Sam, she ripped apart the girls' restraints as if they were spider's web
"You girls ok?" she said, looking into Sam's eyes.
And here, for the first time in her life, Sam found herself tongue tied. Feeling her cheeks grow warm, she quickly looked down before opening and closing her mouth a few times, until finally-
"A-okay," Sam squeaked out before immediately wishing the ground would swallow her up. A-okay?? Could she be anymore lame?
But Thunder only chuckled and Sam chanced a look up to see the woman smiling at her, and her lips pulled up, feeling shyer than ever.
"We're fine," Paulina's sharp voice cut through, "no thanks to you." Sam turned to see her lips were pulled back in a sneer.
"Paulie, she literally just saved our lives," Star said as she rolled her eyes, while massaging her wrists.
"Yeah, why don't you try being a little grateful?" Sam bit out.
Paulina just sniffed as she crossed her arms and lifted her nose higher. "I'll show you grateful," she mumbled under her breath.
"Ugh," Sam let out. When she turned back towards the hero(?) was looking from Paulina to Sam with a weird little smile on her face.
"What?" Paulina barked, having obviously also noticed it.
"Nothing," Thunder said, the smile still in place, as she got to her feet. "I'm glad you girls are alright. I have to go, but the police should be here soon ok? Just stay in here and you'll be safe"
Sam nodded and she could hear the other two make noises of assent, though Paulina's sounded more like a scoff than anything else. Thunder then clapped her hands together and the wall opposite to them crumbled down. With one last wave, she was off.
Sam watched her go with wide eyes as she heard Paulina grumble.
"What a poser."
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avengedbiologist · 4 months
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The girls ✌️
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catgirlforeskin · 8 months
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Don’t know how to do the underwater effect just putting a big X on it lol but this shit is so vile.
I’ll probably get flak for this but I straight up do not trust bi/pan people because of how addicted they are to regurgitating “trap” shit and going “having a penis makes you part Man but it’s ok because I like Men” or other “best of both worlds” type shit.
Genuinely worse than straight people most of the time. Just the most rancid transmisogyny all the time but with a veneer of uwu queerness over it.
People on here love to bemoan how horrible the transbian “separatists” are and call them baeddels and terfs and whatever else is in vogue that week, but no fucking wonder trans women cant trust anyone when the rest of the ostensible queer “community” can’t go a minute without being outwardly transmisogynist.
Like I’m friends with tme queers and whatever, plenty are fine, just like plenty of cishets are fine, but the default assumption is always that they won’t be until they prove otherwise. There is no standing solidarity between us
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