#this quote has been living in my mind rent free for YEARS
amerain · 10 months
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in my next life
for @tododekuweek, day 7: fantasy, soulmates
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shu-of-the-wind · 2 months
I don't remember the exact quote but Jyn and Cassian's hug when they reunite on the Death Star post Cassian's torture in falling sinking lives rent free in my brain for that ask game
MY FAVORITE SCENE IN THAT FIC,,,,IF I'M HONEST,,,,i'm so glad it sticks for folks
“You could have left them,” says K. “Or used them as a distraction to escape. I would have let them be captured. It would be easier.” “I,” she says, and then stops, because through the tangle of Bodhi and Leia and Skywalker there’s movement, a shifting. Cassian. The look on his face is a shipwreck, fire and torn metal and wires spitting sparks. He doesn’t say anything. She’s not quite sure he’s even breathing. He’s just watching her, lips parted like he’s seen a ghost, and her knees nearly go out from under her with the relief, that he’s alive and leaning and staring. He’s stolen a uniform, too, one of the sharp black masks of the bodyguards, and it’s closing her throat up, the adrenalin, the déjà vu. She thinks she might say his name, but no sound comes out her mouth. There’s something terrifyingly naked about the way he’s looking at her as he pushes away from the wall, sways on his feet. Alive, she thinks. Alive. It’s a sick kind of rewind, but she doesn’t care. No one’s paying attention. She’s not sure it’d stop her if the whole Imperial fleet was staring, no matter how new it is, no matter what weakness it shows. Jyn slips between them, Bodhi and Leia and Skywalker. She just means to get closer, to talk to him, to prop him up if she can, but when she gets close enough he draws her to him, arm around her ribs, curling up her back, winding her into a grip like a vice, chest to chest. Oh, she thinks, this is what it must have been like for Mama, on Lah'mu,and then her mind goes blank from the warmth. He’s almost shaking, and his fingers are icy on her shoulder, her waist. Her hat’s come off, he’s dragged her so close. Jyn wriggles her good arm out of the tangle, works it around him, presses hard enough to bruise. Open wounds and bleeding vulnerabilities. She’s on her toes and leaning into him and Cassian fists his hand in her stolen uniform and drags in air like he hasn’t breathed in years. And this—this is what she’s wanted. This is what she’s wanted since she woke up in sickbay to find him watching her. This is the one thing she's wanted from him that she's never once wanted from anybody else, not like this, not closeness and warmth like this. His hair’s sour with sweat and smoke and blood, and the collar of the uniform smells like someone else, but the rest of it is Cassian. You’re all right. It crawls into her mouth. You’re all right, you’re all right. Jyn shuts her eyes, tries not to let them burn. You’re all right. “You’re okay?” says Cassian, very soft, right into her ear, and she’s nodding even though it’s a lie. He has to know it’s a lie. Still, his head slips, and suddenly there’s his hand against the nape of her neck, his nose at her throat. He doesn’t say it again, not aloud, but she can feel it against her collar, lips and nose and the brush of his beard. Mouthing it. You’re okay. His hair tickles at her mouth.
thank you for this ask game by alexs-prompts-folder!
Anonymously - or not - tell me what passage, fic, line of narration, or anything you remember me by as a writer.
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ejunkiet · 1 year
end of year round up (rec list!)
rec lists are a forgotten art in fandom, and I've read so many good fics this year. below are a few of my favourites, although I'll stick with one from each author!
redacted audio - full ao3 bookmarks (94)
- burn me, Asher/Damien by @dominimoonbeam
this was my first bookmark, and it remains one of my favourites. the dynamic is just, so good. ash balances out damien so well. (domini we love all of your work <33)
- I'm out of my element, HuxDami by @jonbinary
set immediately post inversion, and got me on this TRAIN before canon was a thing. Just, gorgeous and tender writing ;u;
- old number seven, Sam/Darlin by @devilbunnyking
Gods, this was stunning. slow rolling tension, sharing a whiskey and plugging tunes in the juke box. Beautiful exploration of both of them!!
- apple and honey, Milo/Sweetheart (18+) by @onesmallcentury
Any redacted reclist would be incomplete without this MASTERPIECE okay. Gods, I cannot count how many times I've reread this. Delicious, gorgeous <3
- refractions, Gavin/Freelancer by @solclaw
The emotional slow burn of those early dates. Just, goddamn stunning. I could curl up in your writing forever, beanie ;u;
- commit it to memory, Huxley/Freelancer by @sealriously-sealrious
honestly, want to link all your writing here Chrys, but this is Huxley! With tattoos!! And @taelonsamada 's gorgeous art!!! MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN
- SWEET TALK, Milo/Sweetheart by @gingerbreadmonsters
this whole series is a MASTERPIECE. the dynamics!! The banter!! It makes me melt okay. all your writing is lovely, but this series holds a special place in my heart <3
- Signs Point to Yes, Milo/Sweetheart (18+) by @wakeupnew
On the subject of Milo and SH, this story has been living rent free in my mind for the last few weeks. The eight ball quotes! AGGRO! The dynamic of these two are just perfect, dealing with the inversion aftermath, and it's just gorgeous.
- fill my heart with song (and let me sing), Milo/Sweetheart (18+) by @autisticempathydaemon
Again on the subject of these two, I absolutely loved this fic. I love all of Lexi's work, but this was delicious 😚💖
- Let's make this night last forever (forever and ever), Milo/Sweetheart (18+) by @glassbearclock
Okay, this FIC. ALL OF BEAN'S MILO FICS. It's a beautiful chronology, but this one is just, fecking fantastic.
- ad astra (per aspera), Avior/Starlight by @lvllns
Starlight and Avior break out of the meridian. Gods, this is absolutely stunning. I love Reed's work, and I'm so very happy I got them into redacted >:3
- An Angel In Wolf's Clothing, David/Angel (no Tumblr?)
FINALLY David makes it onto this list. I've read this story SO MANY TIMES. Gorgeous early revelation exploration, where Davey tells Angel that he's a wolf.
- return to shore, imp!David/angel by @taelonsamada
THE IMPERIUM AU OF MY DREAMS. Giving David and Sam the chance they never had to find happiness in the Imperium. SO PERFECT ;u;
- phases of you, David/angel (no Tumblr! 18+)
Gods, this is one of my favourite redacted fics. Reimagines David and angel's relationship if Angel was a wolf, and they were mated before Gabe died. Long fic!! Had me obsessed for a weekend. Still obsessed hehehe
- (Gonna make you) howl, David/Angel (18+) by @romirola
>:3 Romi's work is gorgeous, and I recommend all of her fics, but THIS FIC. Angel pampers David, and it is GORGEOUS.
- Halley's comet, Elliot/Sunshine (no Tumblr)
GORGEOUS. There are not enough Elliot/Sunshine fics!!! Elliot asks sunshine for 7 days to prove that he is a dream walker.
- California nights, Milo/Sweetheart (18+) by @thee-morrigan
Again, I love Katie's writing, and this is no exception. DELICIOUS 😚💖💖
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fazedlight · 11 days
Fandom creators tag game
Thank you @waytooinvested and @fabulousglitch for the tag!
1. What sort of content do you create, and what is the thing you’ve made that you’re most proud of?
Proudest fic - There are a few I tend to choose from, but right now it's Even Though You're Kryptonian
Fanvid - My Rise vid
2. What fandom(s) do you create for?
Supercorp. (And a very tiny amount of Dansen and soon Rojarias.)
3. What is your current favourite ship (or brotp if you prefer), and how controversial is it?
Supercorp!! I don't think it's a controversial ship, lol.
4. For your answer to question 3, are they canon?
They are to me 😌
5. What was your first fandom, and how old were you?
My first obsession (and still greatest love) was Xena. I started watching the show a few episodes into season 1, when I was 6 years old. It was very formative.
That said, I didn't really get involved in any fandom communities until Supercorp (in early 2022).
6. What is your most unhinged fandom creation to date?
I don't think I get super unhinged, but as a pilot I did like creating this dumb incorrect quote.
7. Do you remember what started you off creating fandom content, and if so, what was it?
I was getting frustrated at not being able to find certain types of fics, and it struck me that... I was allowed to write my own.
8. Do you let people you know in real life see your fandom creations?
Yup! My partner read my first two fics in support, and several of my IRL friends have read at least one of my fics because I didn't have the good sense to keep that information to myself when I was getting started. It's mortifying lol. But my friends are very cool people.
9. How do you feel about fanworks of fanworks? Has anyone ever made something based on a thing you made?
Fanworks of fanworks are amazing!!! I've been incredibly lucky to have that happen three times (post), and gotten asked for permission for a different continuation and a podfic that may eventually happen.
10. What feeling do you most often try to evoke with your creations?
Angst. Longing. Bits of compassion too.
11. Has someone ever paid your work a compliment (in any form) that has stuck with you, and what was it?
I love each and every one of my commenters ❤️
Honestly, the compliments that stick with me most are "I came back to reread this" or "this idea is still living rent-free in my head" type comments. I think that's what all writers and artists want - to feel that their art lasted in someone's mind beyond the first time seeing it.
12. What’s your favourite thing someone else has made that you’ve seen in the last 24 hours (and link it if you can find it again!)
Technically it was more than 24hrs ago but this art by @awaitingrain is so fucking cute!!
13. Give a small sneak preview of something you’re working on right now (eg a couple of sentences of fic from a WIP, a gif set theme, a small piece of a larger picture, whatever you feel happy to share)
I have a ficlet (that's getting out of control), here's a snippet:
Lena was cozying into the warmth of Kara’s body, when Lena spoke. “I’m thinking of visiting my mother’s house soon,” she said shyly. “I want to find out more about her. Where I came from.”
“That sounds lovely,” Kara said softly.
“Do you want to come with me?” Lena asked.
Kara hesitated.
14. Have you ever seen/read anything made by the person who tagged you? If so, what was it and what was your favourite thing about it? (pick a favourite if there are several)
Both of them are on my reading list 👀
15. Do you leave comments on fandom works, and if so how would you describe your comment style?
Some of my comments are very simple, some of my comments are very long. I've tried to get more consistent about commenting ever since starting to write, because I know how important it is. Unfortunately, I also read a lot less now that I'm writing more.
16. How many works in progress do you currently have? Will you finish them all?
I have 5 WIPs! I'm very confident I'll finish them all.
17. what’s the longest it’s ever taken you to finish a fandom project?
I guess my worldkiller Kara fic took a bit over 3 months, though part of that was spacing with the Supercorp Big Bang.
I tend to write fast. One of the things I'm actually trying to do is slow down to fill out the story a bit more.
18. Describe the thing you made most recently in a way that is technically true, but also completely misleading. Link the thing if it’s published!
Lena has a bad day in the lab (Clockwork).
19. Do you ever engage with fanworks for a fandom you’re not in? Which one(s) and how did you get into it?
I totally engage in fanart from other fandoms that cross my dashboard, particularly korrasami. I don't tend to read fanfic of stuff I haven't engaged in, though.
20. Recommend a fan work from your fandom to your followers
This fanvid is probably my favorite in the entire fandom.
Suggested tag list, but there are no rules here, follow your heart.
A mutual you have never actually spoken to but think seems cool - oh there are so many of these!! I am tagging @mssirey who I don't think I've had a proper convo with yet
The most recent person whose content you engaged with (eg read a fic, reblogged art, whatever form you feel best fits) - @thealieninhiding (though by the time I finish this very long post it might be someone else lol)
Someone whose content you saw via tags/reblogs and you followed them because of it - @jadedloverart!
Someone in your fandom that you think makes cool things - @ekingston
Someone in a different fandom that you think makes cool things - tagging @thatonebirdwrites who makes korrasami stuff too
Someone you always tag on things like this - I'm not sure there's someone I always tag but I'll pick @nottawriter as one of the people I frequently tag when I do these things
Someone you have never tagged before - @rebellionbear have I tagged you before?? you are cool so I am tagging you!
Someone you would like to get to know better - @femslashhistorian
Someone who makes art you like - @awaitingrain along with others above!
Someone who writes fics you like - @luthordamnvers along with others above!
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spoofymcgee · 1 year
star trek fic recs:
(i've never done this before so bear with me)
- Spoctoria series by @waldorph and @screamlet
WC: 78k / Rating: Explicit / Status: Complete / Relationship: Spirk, Spock & Sybok, Spock & T'pring / Genre: Longform Plot, Falling in Love, Royalty AU
Summary: "Spock is heir to the Federation throne, Jim is Prince of America because his fucking brother abdicated, and the Klingons are on the verge of blowing shit up--a love story."
(listen. listen. literally anything by these two authors will be the best thing you've ever read. but this series? blew my fucking mind with how good it was. something about the the way jim and spock are written, combined with the setting they're in and various bits about the universe is just so delightful. it's been three months and i still think about this series every day)
- The Longest Year series by A_Noone and Hinya_O_Elena
WC: 140k / Rating: Explicit / Status: WIP / Relationship: McSpirk / Genre: Longform Plot, TOS Structure, Self-discovery
Summary: "Leonard McCoy has been through some shit. A terrible divorce, losing his kid, and terrifying life-long spooky weirdness due to having his psionic potential catalyzed by God-Knows-What in high school. When his best friend, James Kirk, finally took command of the Enterprise, things seemed to be looking up -- right up until that damnable green blooded hobgoblin got involved.
This is the Second Year of the Five Year Mission as it could have gone, with angsty romance, harrowing adventures, metaphysical revelations, and McCoy discovering that James Kirk and Spock care more about him that he'll ever know."
(this is one of my favorite hidden gems. it manages to pull of first person pov so excellently, it's dry and witty and funny, the plot is constructed really well)
- To Catch a Fish by Darksknight
WC: 15k / Rating: Mature / Status: Complete / Relationship: Spirk / Genre: Crack, Humor, Fluff
Summary: "Spock’s realized that while he treasures his deep friendship with Jim, he’s come to desire more. He sets out to tell Jim of his feelings, but finds the task... considerably more difficult than he'd first imagined it to be."
(spock is in love with jim. all that's left is to tell him. unfortunately, jim's having a little bit of trouble getting that through his head, so spock has to figure out how to say it in human terms. it's. it's great, go read it. spock catches him two fish and literally sweeps him off his feet, sarek quotes spice girls, and. just read it, please. i promise you won't regret it)
- love is an affliction by WerewolvesAreReal
WC: 5k / Rating: Teen / Status: Complete / Relationship: Spirk, McSpirk / Genre: Crack, Humor
Summary: "“A condition – you're sick? With spontaneous flowers? How do I get rid of them?”
“You do not."
(Or: Hanahaki disease is not fatal, but it is exclusive to Vulcans. Honestly, death would be more dignified.)"
(DROP WHAT YOU'RE DOING AND GO READ THIS RIGHT NOW. it's the funniest fucking fic on the entire internet, and i love it with a passion. all of the author's stuff is excellent, especially their fic Ni'Var, but this one lives rent free in my head and i love it beyond words)
- Compromises (The Bridge Between) by purpleeyesandbowties
WC: 30k / Rating: Teen / Status: Complete / Relationship: Spock & OC, Spirk / Genre: Character Study, Coming of Age, Self-discovery
Summary: "There were only three Vulcans at Starfleet Academy. One was a professor. The other was a third year science student, finishing up two credits before a mid-year graduation. The last was T'rin. There had been other Vulcans in the past, but all had graduated before T'rin enrolled. They were all Science track. T'rin was Command track. Her advisor, S'chn T’gai Spock, recommended she enroll in Introduction to Vulcan: Language, History, and Culture, co-taught by himself and a Professor James Kirk.
In which there are cats, classes, compromises, and an unacceptable number of highly emotional conversations.
(i have a fuckin huge soft spot for old married spirk, but that aside, t'rin is the best y'all. i love her so much. she's so cool)
- Graduate Vulcan For Fun And Profit by @lazulisong
WC: 15k / Rating: Teen / Status: Complete / Relationship: Jim & and OC, Spirk / Genre: Humor, Character Study
Summary: "It really does take a village to raise a Jim.
The members of the Kelvin's crew watch over Jim as much as he lets them."
(hhhhh this fic made me feel so many things. the characters are written so well and the structure of the writing is so cool. everything by lazulisong is excellent but this fic in particular is my favorite)
- Sacra Familiae series by Joules Mer
WC: 22k / Rating: Teen / Status: Complete / Relationship: McKirk, Pike/Boyce / Genre: Character Study, Relationship Study, Slice of Life, Recovery
Summary: "It makes the skin on the back of his neck prickle— the strangeness of it. There’s a lassitude in his limbs and a tightness in his chest and as a confused shock of jumbled memories and pain come back Chris hears a heart monitor give a little blip of alarm and can’t help but wonder, Am I dead?"
(this series contains some of my favorite pile fics ever. it manages to capture his character so well and the relationships in it feel so fleshed out despite the fact that it's fairly short as a series. it's sweet and a little sad and it made me cry a bit)
- hexagons impromptu trek week 2k21 series by @hexagon
WC: 23k / Rating: Teen / Status: Complete / Relationship: Pike & Kirk, QPL McKirk / Genre: Character Study, Slice of Life
Summary: “"You’ve been so brave, James,” he whispers, and Jim lets out the slightest exhale of shock, his mouth falling open.
or: captaincies and self-doubts and chris finally getting to tell jim he's proud of him"
(this is, hands down, my favorite st slice of life fic. no contest. the dynamic between pike and jim is. indescribable, but it did make me cry quite a bit. the relationship between mccoy and kirk is happy dance worthy, and i don't say that lightly)
- Everything That Disappears by @sagesiren
WC: 20k / Rating: M / Status: Complete / Relationship: McSpirk / Genre: Character Study, Relationship Study, Slice of Life, Falling in Love
Summary: "Jim dropped his duffel and grinned at him. “You’re still calling me ‘kid,’ even though you have a kid now? I love the hair, by the way,” he said, coming over and running a hand through it before turning, smiling down at Jo in the high chair. “This her?”
“No, she’s the decoy kid. I’m hiding the other toddler somewhere else,” Leonard said, rolling his eyes at him.
Or, the one where Leonard is fresh out of gender affirmation surgery, given custody of the daughter he didn't know he had, and in an open relationship with Jim where they don't tell each other anything about their partners."
(ahhhh!!! this fic. just. all of it. jo is such a realistic baby, which is a weird holdup, but i hate when kids are talking dolls instead of the tiny little dumpster fires they are in real life. bones is written delightfully well, the twist at the end is so good and all around an excellent fic)
- VaYehi series by @trekkele
WC: 10k / Rating: Gen / Status: Complete / Relationship: Jim & the bridge crew, Jim & Spock / Genre: Character Study, Slice of Life
Summary: "Every starship Captain has their quirks.
This is less about Kirks, and more about what lies at the heart of it.
In which Jim has his secrets, McCoy is overprotective, the crew learns something new, and Spock is curious. Of course he is."
(these are my absolute favorite jewish trek fics ever. the bridge scene in the first one lives rent free in my head and i actually spent all of wednesday afternoon drawing it instead of studying for midterms. i love the examination of jim's relationship with his judiasm–how he's proud of it but scared of people knowing. it really touched a thread in my heart)
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Sanctuary part six
TW: religion, cult, threats of violence, death threats, malnutrition, starvation, menstruation issues, anxiety, blood, referenced parasitic infection, human whumpee, human caretaker, vampire caretaker, multiple caretakers, human whumper
Dear Mordecai,
I once again need to ask if you've gone nuts. As your sister, it is my responsibility to tell you when I think you are doing something stupid. And this is beyond stupid. I want to wring your neck, then kiss your forehead and tuck you into bed like I did when you were little.
I didn't catch a wink of sleep for the last two nights, sick to my stomach with anxiety over you. I'm tired of putting things nicely. You're going to die. And I'll never even know, because you can't write letters when you're dead. Your letters won't come for a week, then a month, then a year, and then I'll have to accept that I'm never going to hear from the only family I have left ever again.
You're too close. Even if you weren't living with a vampire, you are still living right next to the same swamp Rosemonda had us build this compound in. It doesn't matter how much you like loving the cottagecore dream. If Rosemonda finds you, she's going to put your head on a spike. No, she'll make me do it, since I'm your sister. It'll be her grand example. You need to leave the state at the very least.
Listen, I'm overjoyed that you're finally healthy and eating full meals and sleeping on a bed. I cried of happiness when you told me how well you were eating. I still remember when we were fasting last summer and I could count your ribs through your skin. Some of the other women and I haven't had our periods in months. Rosemonda says it's because we're pure and free of lust. But I know it's malnutrition.
That being said, I think you're letting your new health and happiness blind you to the danger you're in. Because you're being fattened up for slaughter, you think your new butcher is an angel compared to the Rosemonda, since she prefers her livestock starved. Ishtar is keeping you around to feed on your blood. He's no better than any of the leeches that latched onto you in the swamp, using you for his own benefit.
I need to say something you're really not going to like, if you're still reading this letter at all. You've been seduced, and I think deep down you know it. Ishtar doesn't just have control over your body, providing you with everything you need so you won't leave. He also has control over your mind and your heart. Eventually paying rent in life blood isn't going to be enough.
You're in love and I can't fucking believe it. Remember when you described him as, and I quote, "perfect", "kind", and "lonely". Listen up. Vampires are solitary creatures. They don't get lonely. They don't have compassion. Your new boyfriend Ishtar doesn't care about you, and it's time you face up to it. You said yourself that he spends as little time as possible around you. I know that's good for your autism and anxiety, but it's also a red flag.
It is going to be hard for you to escape now that he has you, so listen very closely. Leave at dawn so you can get as far away as possible during daylight hours. Then find a synagogue or a temple that will let you stay overnight. Most people would say a church, but vampires can't set foot on ground cultivated by a genuine faith, and too many churches are run by greedy evangelist charlatans. There's no way to tell until it's too late.
Keep going like that until you're out of the state and far away. Write when you can, but not at risk of your life. I will rest easy when you've settled down halfway across the country. Then I'll join you, no matter what it takes. Just get a place to live that isn't rooming with a vampire.
With love, Rahab
Taglist: @hugh-lauries-bald-spot @devourerofcheesecake @whumpsday @whumpshaped @heavenlyeden @suspicious-whumping-egg @whumplr-reader @sulnusoup13 @goldenflame2516 @cepheusgalaxy @emscared-whumps @dragonwithanaquarium
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mci-writing · 2 years
Ghosty Ghostly Hauntings (Ghost!Midoriya Izuku x Reader)
Warnings: Smut, like full on sex smut; ghost!Midoriya x human!reader; heavily implied no quirk AU; uhhh Midoriya is dead? But like, there’s no explicit mention of how he died or any violence; Dom!Deku; they don’t know each other that well when they have sex; only partially proof read tbh
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The quiet of your new room has your head pounding, thoughts of the past few hours keeping you wide awake. You’ve twisted and turned under the warmth of your comforter almost thousands of times, taking a moment to lay on each of your sides before deciding that those weren’t enough to keep you comfortable. Eventually, you fall back to the center of your bed with an exasperated sigh, “This isn’t working…”
Your wandering mind makes it pretty obvious why you can’t sleep, your senses heightened to a thousand and making you feel every single thing. You feel every thread and every bit of fuzz on your comforter. Your nose inhales every particle in the air, varying smells mixing with the few small portions of dust still lingering from moving in . The rays from the moon feel brighter than normal against your skin and the natural chill of the house contrasts the light in an uncomfortable way that you’re unable to ignore. Whether or not it’s the origin of your discomfort is beyond you, but it doesn’t take a genius to know it’s part of the reason why you can’t sleep. It could also be because you’re living in a new place, a big and old family home that had been abandoned for a couple years before you had initially bought and moved in.
It was already getting harder to make rent at your old apartment with the pay you had received from your job, but it became incredibly more difficult after being let off from said job. In time, you left and bounced from apartment to apartment before finally finding and settling with your new place that cost practically nothing.
Okay, practically nothing is a bit of a slight exaggeration. I mean, I’d say buying a jiko bukken (stigmatized property) for practically nothing at all is pretty fair when the tenant before you died in an unknown way and the house had become known for the supernatural happenings around it. Practically free house at the cost of a plausible, HEAVILY plausible roommate sounds pretty fair. Pretty, preeeeeetty fair, in my opinion.
You learned a few things about the house from the house’s seller, who was the original tenant’s childhood friend. His name was Bakugou Katsuki and he was… very rough around the edges. Kind of a bit of a prick, and you couldn’t tell if it was from his potential mourning or if he was just an asshole. You really wouldn’t be surprised if he was just an asshole, though…
The guy who owned the place before you was Midoriya Izuku, who inherited the home from his late mother. He was a “major fucking nerd”, quoting Bakugou, and had a lot of comic book memorabilia stored away in a corner of the home’s basement (more specifically of the hero All Might). A lot of the information you had received was conflicting, mostly through Bakugou’s colorful use of adjectives, but it was enough to paint the picture of a relatively good guy that seemed a little lonely in his final years. The loneliness idea is more of an assumption, seeing as how the few things still set up in the house belonged only to Midoriya and Bakugou never really brought up anyone else when you asked about people living there before you.
Speaking of Bakugou, the house was initially left in his hands, but he damn sure didn’t want it. Asking him why he didn’t want it and why he was practically giving it away is a bit of a sensitive subject. He explained that he didn’t want to keep the place due to all the memories associated and it would’ve been easier to just give the place away (and “Not because I’m fucking afraid of any damn ghosts!”). His words are a little more than jarring after hearing him refer to Midoriya as “Deku” when he doesn’t catch himself and the look his ruby eyes held anytime the two of you came across any of the guy’s old stuff only tell a story you’re probably not going to be told too soon.
Thinking about it all only made your head swirl in muddled ignorance, so you tried to avoid doing that. It managed to get you through most of the day while you focused on putting away your things after Bakugou had finally left.
Or, you did stop thinking about it until you actually ran into the tenant that lived there before you while you were trying to familiarize yourself with your new place…
You were initially a little bewildered to see the face of someone that you’ve been told is supposed to be dead floating past you in a seemingly supernatural glow. He didn’t notice you at first, seemingly muttering to himself as he floated from door to door and room to room, so you decided to ignore that and distracted yourself further into setting up your things. You acknowledged the confirmation of your actual, dead roommate and just kept on trucking.
The next time you came across him had you a little more curious, especially since you were mostly done with unpacking. He’s once again muttering to himself as he floats about the golden beige colored halls, not minding his surroundings. He never bothered to look where he was going, seemingly knowing where he was at all times. There was also this slight chill that would fill the room each time he was near, which only alerted you to his presence more.
“H-Hey,” The first time you called out to him had surprised you, not expecting the words to spill from between your lips. He doesn’t seem to hear you, though. You take in a deep breath, pushing the air out through your nose before you speak up louder than the first, “Hey, you!”
He pipes up at the call, freezing in place from how startled it made him. He slowly turns around to face you, seemingly shivering from head to floating toe, “Y-You…,” Your (e/c) eyes meet frazzled, emerald orbs, “Y-You’re… You’re a…,” He was only stuck for a moment, his cheeks growing a bright tone as he stood there, before he eventually jumped in acknowledged surprise that you were actually there and that he definitely wasn’t imagining you. He faded in and out before you in his ghostly glow, a shade of emerald green matching his eyes and a bright red filling the lost color of his face. It was almost like a mixed up glow stick that was losing its glowy liquidy stuff, “Human!”
It was almost like looking at a slightly altered alarm, flashing in a way that made you cover your eyes and flinch away. It takes it a moment to really dim down, but that doesn’t stop the frantic mutterings he made. His voice wasn’t severely altered like many movies make it out to be. There were no high pitched squeals or low groans many would expect a ghost to make like they do in the movies, but it was all jumbling together as he had tried to process the new information, which only made you suspect that maybe he didn’t initially know that he would be accompanied by a new housemate.
“Midoriya,” You attempted to call in hopes of plausibly grounding him into the situation, but the sound only flew over his head as the intensity of his rambling continued. You tried again a little louder, your hand now lowered, since the blinding light had faded, and stepped closer to the specter, “Midoriya! Midoriya Izuku!”
“Does that mean that Kacchan-,” Without much thought, you reached out and touched his shoulders, managing to feel something when your fingers didn’t phase through his form. You pulled him close to you, unintentionally getting lost in the light in his green eyes. They held more life than you’d expected them to, swirling with different shades of jade-filled emotion. They widened at the motion, obviously caught off-guard by it, but he didn’t pull away.
The close proximity doesn’t go unnoticed, but you found it hard to pull away, even if the apparition had quieted his mumbling out of surprise of the situation at the time. His cheeks had lit up once again, though in a warmer and more welcoming fashion as opposed to the earlier lightshow. He swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing almost as if he were still alive, and he was a little more than speechless with how things were playing out. His tongue darted out to wet his lips, causing your eyes to flit down to his lips, a scene from a series you had recently read prior to the move came to your mind. The protagonist had more than happily kissed the ghost living in his new apartment purely out of curiosity (and because he’d also read about it in a manga series) and you’d suddenly had the urge to find out what the lips of a ghost would feel like.
When your eyes flit back up to his, they’re seemingly just as entranced with the whole thing. They glowed in confused anticipation, which only urged you to make your next move of taking a closer step and closing the small distance between the two of you. He tensed up against you, a strange warmth growing against the cold of his form as he began to process the unexpected action you’d enacted. If you were a mind reader, all the jumbled thoughts that seared through his mind would cause you psychic damage.
Just as you were about to pull away, he reciprocated the kiss, moving his lips against yours. They’re cold, as you would expect them to be, yet the softness of them held such an unexpected warmth that the cold seemed to disappear as soon as it came. It’s a little inexperienced for both of you, especially because you’d never kissed a ghost before this and he’d never kissed a human as a ghost prior to this either, but it left you feeling a little dizzy.
“Sorry, but I had to stop your rambling somehow,” You tease after you gain your bearings, a small smile playing along your lips as you take a small step away from him, “Nice to meet you, Midoriya. I’m the new owner of your home, (L/n) (Y/n). Please take care of me.”
After that encounter, you got to know him throughout the day. You learned more about his small obsession with comic book heroes and super powers, how he’d initially been living in the house by himself before his death, and his relationship with Bakugou, who he called Kacchan with the excitement of someone looking up to their idol. You explained your interests to him, explained why you’d decided to purchase a house with the knowledge of a plausible ghost, and apologized for the surprise kiss you’d laid on him. He’d been a bigger help in settling you in and you were even more comfortable with your new living situation by the time you’d decided to take a shower that night.
The afterimage of your otherworldly roommate glowing like a firecracker spontaneously pops into your brain like popcorn kernels, the kiss itself replaying over and over like a never ending movie. You feel a wave of embarrassment wash over you, which you hadn’t felt when the kiss had originally happened. It’s like the secondhand embarrassment you’d feel for anyone else, except a little more personal and a lot less vicarious.
Your hands move on their own as they lift your pillow out from under you and shove the plush material against your face. It’s not enough to suffocate you, but it’s enough to shield yourself from the circumstances for a moment. At least now you can say there’s more to your insomnia tonight than the exciting buzzing of your nerves from being in a new place.
You roll over onto your stomach, sighing as you lift your face from the pillow, “I’m not getting anywhere like this…”
You sit up and decide that maybe a small walk and glass of water will calm your nerves enough to send you to sleep, but then you see it… One of the few things you hadn’t unpacked, a box with some special things inside.
You weigh your options in your head, tilting it as you think about your options. You could just rummage through the box, pick out one of your self-gratifying devices, and go to town long enough to wear yourself out, but there was the plausibility of having your new ghost roomie see all your goods on display while you pleasured yourself. Technically, Midoriya has very well had the plausibility of seeing such your naked body a few times today, but he didn’t necessarily seem like the type to peak, so you’ve assumed, but there was also the slim chance that he could very well be a peeping tom and has just been really cool about it.
After the initial kiss between the two of you, he seemed to calm down… Okay, maybe not immediately after, since he was very frazzled once the debacle was over. If someone could die twice, he definitely would’ve been deader.
Once the shock and flustered rambling brushed over, he was more open to speak with you and properly introduce himself. His cheeks had still held a red tint to them, but now they weren’t completely covering the honeydew in his cheeks or the small confidence beyond his jade eyes. His face was sun-kissed and covered in varying freckles, but you had been unable to tell how far down they’d go. You found him relatively cute for a dead guy, and he was gentlemanly enough to float from your room after you’d walked in when your shower was over wearing nothing but a towel for decency.
Even if Midoriya did happen to see, you were in the privacy of your own room and you doubted he’d be brave enough to actually help you let alone make his presence known. With that final bit of self-reassurance, you pulled out a toy, like countless other lonely nights.
You lay back and get comfortable, closing your eyes as your handles fondle at your own breasts. You sigh through your nose, giving them an encouraging squeeze before lifting your thumbs to flick your nipples. They erect with time, giving your fingers something else to focus your attention on.
The touching alone isn’t enough. Your eyebrows scrunch as you try to focus on something, the incident from earlier being the first thing to come to mind.
You allow it to play out as it originally had, the image of the innocent kiss seemingly staring back at you in your brain. This kiss, however, is less awkward and holds more to it. Midoriya’s scared hands find their places against you, one cupping your cheek and pulling you forward to deepen the kiss while the other finds its way to your waist. He presses your body flush against his, the kiss growing a little wetter and a little sloppier.
Your hand eases down to rub at your clit, the area starting to dampen. It’s not enough. You let your boob go, reaching into your sex box and rummaging around it for whatever shape interests you. Just as you grab hold of the toy, a familiar cool sensation comes over the room.
“(L/n)?,” You quickly sit up, covering yourself with the blanket, and find Midoriya floating in your doorway. There’s a concerned look on his face as he drifts in more, his head tilted by the time he stands beside your bed, “Why are you still awake? It’s getting pretty late, isn’t it?”
Your grip on your blanket tightens, your eyes trailing to glance at your window as you think about how to explain yourself. Technically, you were just suffering from some small insomnia, but you were just about to exhaust yourself by masturbating. The worst case scenario seemed like it was playing out before you and you were starting to really regret your decision.
Midoriya takes note of your silence, only growing more confused when a flushed hue comes to your face as the silence thickens between the two of you. He looks you over, taking notice of how the straps of your tank top were hanging loosely off of your shoulders. Your appearance made it obvious you had been tossing and turning, your (e/c) eyes holding both an exhausted look while being wide awake. He nods to himself, touching your shoulder to regain your attention as he speaks, “Are you having trouble sleeping?”
“Y-Yeah…!” His cold hand makes you straighten, cooling your warmth skin and seemingly drawing you in. You stop yourself from pressing into his touch, growing even more embarrassed, “I-I was just going to… tire myself out a little…”
Your phrasing leaves Midoriya a little confused. He thinks over what you mean very hard, his facial expressions only making you want to bury yourself, until his eyes widen in realization for a moment. The realization turns into a look of dumbfoundedness, then followed by a bright blush filling the color of his face. Had he still been alive, you’re positive his hand on your shoulder would have burned instead of being as chilling as it was now.
“I’m so sorry!,” He falls to his knees beside you, bowing over and over as he continues to profusely apologize, “I didn’t realize you were- I-I just wanted to check and make sure you were okay! I swear I didn’t see anything and I just wanted to see if you needed anything, I promise-”
His rambling would be an adorably funny mess had this been any other situation, but it’s only making you feel a little bad for admitting he was kind of interrupting your personal time. You take in a deep breath, calming a bit of your earlier mortification. Your hand releases your blanket as you turn to face him better, resting a hand on his shoulder and running another through his curls to ease him back down. His emerald orbs meet your (e/c) ones, his face now a flushed red as his murmurings die down, “It’s alright, Midoriya. You had no idea what was going on. I’m not mad…”
“Just a little embarrassed,” You admit with a small smile, pulling away from him and leaning your side against your headboard.
You contemplate another solution to plausibly tiring yourself out, thinking back to your original plan of maybe walking down to the kitchen and making yourself a glass of water or something. The trip could help you calm your mind a little…
“I… Um… I could help tire you out…,” Midoriya speaks up, a little quiet but loud enough for the words to linger in the air. He freezes up when he has your full attention again, fearing that his eyes will linger down to the dip in your shirt and give him a full eye of cleavage once more. He decides to avert his eyes as he explains, growing hot under the attentiveness he was receiving, “I-I mean, I did say I would t-take care of you e-earlier a-and it is my fault you didn’t get to finish… It’s only fair I make it up to you, right? And take responsibility.”
His voice grows confident the more he speaks, determined and shameless by the end of it. He’s soon standing over you, a look in his eyes you're unfamiliar with from him. It makes you shiver, especially when his eyes look you over and undress you. They begin to glow a little, shining even brighter in the darkness, and you feel a little more self-conscious.
“R-Responsibility?” Your voice cracks a little when you finally manage to say anything, which he finds amusing. He nods, but he doesn’t make a move forward, very much waiting for your consent to anything before he does anything.
You did find him attractive, in a ghost roommate you just met kind of way, so you weren’t exactly opposed. You were also still slicked up, even after he had just walked in on you trying to touch yourself.
“T-Then, it is only fair, right?” He presses his lips against yours again, leading you to lay back against your bed. One of his hands lifts your thigh as he gets between them, caressing the skin with light touches. His other hand immediately moves to fondle your breast, giving the flesh a soft squeeze as he pulls away from the kiss.
He takes a moment to really take your appearance in, noting the way your breath becomes uneven and your skin flushes under his caresses, knowing that there’s no guarantee he’ll see this sight at his own hands again. Your nipples proudly strain against your top and he can feel the warmth radiating from your pussylips through your panties.
He phases his hand through your tank top, giving your tit another, testing squeeze. He enjoys the way it makes you shiver, lightly tugging on the mound a few times to draw more heavy breaths from you. He lets it go, not missing the disappointed look that flashes through your eyes when he does, before thumbing and circling at your erect nipples. His naturally cold fingers enhance the feeling, making your already sensitive body feel him playing with you more. He flicks and nudges, observing the small twitches and changes in your face.
His knee nudges against your clothes lower lips, grinding into the mound as he continues to tease at your nipple. You close your eyes, softly mewling from his ministrations, only to open them when his lips wrap around your other nipple. His tongue darts at the bud a few times, rolling it around before he lightly tugs it between his teeth. At the same time, his index finger and thumb have started tugging at the other one, neither being tugged and prodded at the same time.
“M-Midoriya,” You softly call, your hips pressing down against his leg and meeting the grinding he’s giving. It’s not enough to satiate the need, but it’s better than nothing at all. Your fingers reach up to run through his green curls again, raking and lightly tugging with each tug he makes to your nipples.
He smiles against the bud as you start to make more little moans, pulling away at the sound of his name. When you stare up at him, there’s a slight daze to them as they plead for him to do more. He moves his knee, his free hand moving to rub your folds through your panties. He makes an amused sound as he feels you drip past the fabric. He leans forward again, pressing stray, cold kisses along the warm skin of your neck.
“Call me Izuku, (Y/n),” He mumbles once he reaches your ear, the cold air making you shiver more. The sudden shift from earlier is almost unfair to you, but you're unable to complain when he’s already making you feel good. His fingers ghost over your clit a few times, “Come on, just try it, please?”
“Izuku…,” His first name rolls off of your tongue in a small whine. His hand moves away from your breast, lifting your other thigh and caging his body between them. His other hand phases through your panties, his cool fingers pressing directly against your clit before gathering your arousal and rubbing it against your slit, “Ah, Izuku!~”
The noise you make startles you, but you’re unable to dwell on it as he continues to rub your arousal against your swollen clit, starting out rather slow before slowly speeding his finger up over time. His eyes keep note of your face, keeping eye contact with you as he edges you closer and closer to the edge. Each soft inhale or noise guides his fingers and their movement, ensuring to run them along the small slit of your clit to hear your voice raise in height. His hand does ease back to your nipple, fingers teasing at the bud and drawing more cries from you.
“You’re close, right?” He mumbles once you begin approaching your high, prompting you to only nod in fear you wouldn’t be able to voice your response. A small smile graces his features at the confirmation, his head leaning down to press a reassuring peck to your lips before burying his face in your neck. Your breath hitches as you feel the high begin to rush over you, your back arching and your lower body presses and grinds more into his hand in an attempt to reach it faster. You hold your breath, the coils coming undone when his low words make their way to your ears, “Cum, then.”
As you come down from your high, he grabs your thighs as he eases between your legs, emerald eyes honed in and focused on the area. You feel your cheeks warm from the attention once you realize and you fight the urge to close your legs. You avert your eyes as another gush of arousal fills your lower abdomen from the contrasting temperature of his cold hands grasping your warm skin. You feel your arousal pool and drip past your panties, all of it on display for Izuku.
A firm squeeze brings your attention back to in front of you, determined eyes staring back at you. He presses your legs to lay against your body, keeping eye contact as he eases lower down. He presses a small kiss to your thigh, leaning forward and darting his tongue out to lick against your clothed lower lips. The feeling is foreign, but not unwelcomed as your hips buck into his touch from the sensitivity of having already orgasmed. His tongue runs over your clothed lower lips again and again, urging embarrassed whines from your lips as he spreads and smears your arousal against your twitching pussylips. You give a small cry of his name once he starts prodding at your clit.
When he pulls away, his chin is glowing brightly and dripping from the arousal and his saliva. His eyes begin to glow like earlier, emerald eyes glazed over as he looks your folds over. Your panties stick and trace your lower lips, showing him each twitch and pulse they make. His eyes slowly trace over your body before he meets your (e/c) eyes again, his hands giving your thighs another squeeze to ground you back down. He quietly states, “I won’t be able to restrain myself from fucking you if you don’t stop me now…”
He sits up, a noticeable bulge pressing against your folds. When you glance down, in all of its ghostly glory, his cock is laying over your lips, perfectly sandwiched between them. It glistens, already covered in precum, and glows a light green that contrasts with the tufts of curly pubic hair. A few, faint freckles are highlighted by the glow of, what you assume to be, ectoplasm and it curves upwards. His hips press him against you, each slight movement moving the base of his cock against your clit and stimulating you enough to tease.
“Fuck me…,” You manage out, making eye contact as your throat goes dry. You wet your lips with your tongue before speaking up again, attempting to sound a little more determined as you press your lower body more against his, “Please, fuck me, Izuku.”
He doesn’t need to hear it again, spreading your thighs as he pulls his hips back, thrusting them over your pulsing pussylips a few times to gather your wetness along his base. When he deems it enough, he aligns the tip with your entrance, pressing the head inside in a testing thrust before pulling out again. You whine at the small stretch, wanting more of him inside.
He slowly presses back in, pushing in halfway before inching to ease back out, but your leg wraps around his waist before he can leave you empty again. Your lips quirk into a pout as you tug him closer with your leg, managing to get a little bit of him back inside. He gasps at the bold move, getting the message and pressing the rest of his cock inside of him. He naturally hits deep from his size alone, prompting a moan from you, louder than your previous mewls. He groans from the tight squeeze of your velvety walls, the tightness making it hard for him to pull his hips back.
Izuku places a hand over your head as he begins getting into a rhythm, starting out a little slow and sloppy as he tries to set a pace. He picks up the pace after a while, each thrust causing his abdomen to rub against your clit and stimulate the spot. Each drag of his hips ends with the tip of his cock pressing deep inside of you, grazing your g-spot and pulling moans from you that even some of your higher quality dildos couldn’t get from you.
He’s not shy in pressing kisses to different parts of your skin, caressing here and there as he continues to take note of your reactions. The squeeze of your walls make it hard for him to focus, the slick of your arousal mixed with his spit and precum making loud squelching noises each time his cock sinks inside of you. He ensures he’s deep with each thrust, making sure to go deeper and deeper with each request you call out.
Your fingers grip your sheets under you as you try to ground yourself, the pleasure teetering you in and out of consciousness as Izuku’s hips continue to rock deeper and deeper inside of you, each of you becoming more and more engrossed with each other. All you can really see is Izuku, eyes opened or closed, green eyes staring down at you in deep concentration as a green light encases the both of you. He has high stamina for a ghost, managing to draw numerous orgasms from you before finally starting to reach his own high. You can’t tell if the stamina is from already being dead or if it’s an attribute that carried over from his living days. You’re too fucked out to care.
As his thrusts begin to grow more erratic and heavy, you’re unable to stop yourself from wrapping your arms around his neck and tugging him deeper inside with your other leg, latching on to him as you trap his hips against yours. He gets less and less of his cock out, his hand messily moving between you both and rubbing at your clit to speed up your release. He tries holding back, not wanting to cum before he can finish you off again, but you keep sucking him back in deeper and deeper in just the right way.
Your lips connect as he nestles his hips deep inside of you and cums, his release heavy and filling you enough to overflow and drip onto your bed. He swallows your moans as his release prompts another from your, coating his thumb as he continues to thumb at your clit. He ensures to ride your releases, keeping his dick buried inside of you even when he pulls away from your lips.
Your chest heaves as you regain your breath, Izuku sitting still inside of you while he looks your body over. He presses his cool hands against your skin, this time trying to cool you down rather than warm you up. He’s careful once he does pull out, softly caressing your skin and mumbling small little nothings as you begin to doze off in his hold.
The sun’s rays pour into your room the next morning, tugging you awake. You groan as you sit up and yawn, a soreness between your thighs reminding you of the prior night’s experience.
You first notice the sheets on your bed, which are now a very different set than the ones you’d put on yesterday. Another difference is the robe adorning your body, which is very much not yours. It’s plush, but not obnoxiously so, and it’s a dark green color with black accents.
The next thing to catch your attention was a sweet aroma coming from downstairs. Out of curiosity, you make your way to the kitchen to find a certain specter floating about.
“Izuku?,” His movements cease, a plate resting in his hands with a few soufflé pancakes and rolled omelets on the side.
“Good morning, (Y/n),” He turns around, a small smile on his face as he sets the plate down on the table as he passes it to get to you, “Did you sleep okay?”
“Y-Yeah,” Your face warms as he leads you to the table, helping you get seated. You take a bite, your face lighting up at the taste, “These taste great!”
The two of you continue peacefully conversing like that, joking around and letting the time pass. For the first time in a while, you’re not worried and you even feel a calmness wash over you.
Yeah, you’re sure this arrangement is going to be just fine…
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gardensprout · 1 year
Bringing attention to this quote
Okay so technicallyyyyyy this isn’t an IWWV quote but it’s from an incredible fanfiction on AO3 (that I will be crediting and linking in this post)
Please go check out this fanfic if you haven’t already.
So, for context, James and Oliver are talking about how Oliver went to prison for him and how James has been blaming himself for it for years and this quote is said:
“It was like you stole my line.”
“You know what I mean. I mean—you stole my goddamn line. I had it all ready—I knew all my lines. I was ready to perform them, I would have. Colborne played his part, and that was my cue, and you stole my fucking line, Oliver . . . Right there in front of everybody, opening night, where I couldn’t step on your line, where I couldn’t break character and ask you what the fuck you were doing. Without auditions or rehearsals or even fucking understudying, you said my goddamn line less than an hour after you even found out there was a play.”
- found people to love (left people to drown) by tigerlilycorinne
This scene has been living rent free in my mind for weeks ever since it was published. It’s SO GOOD! James would 100% say this and I can see him getting upset over it! It sounds like something M.L. Rio would have written in IWWV which, I think, is super important in a fanfiction.
That last line especially hits me. I don’t know how to describe it. “You said my goddamn line less than an hour after you even found out there was a play.” I love how tigerlilycorinne compares this entire situation to a play and, again, really makes it feel like it’s in the world of IWWV. I absolutely love it so much.
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greypetrel · 10 months
Hello! 🌙✨ Chiedo anch'io un po' un mix: Eowyn e Cassandra 👀
OMG you asked the two crushes!
Thank you *evil laugh*
First impression: I was blown out as a child. Beside the look and the sleeves... Oh my god I remember the day I saw her, I wanted to be her so bad and dress like her and the JOY when she and Faramir, the other besties kissed! They were my first OTP and I remember I was so happy and started drawing stuff.
Impression now: Freaking epic. I reconsidered a little her crush over Aragorn as No lady YOU'RE A BABY LEAVE THE DILF ALONE. Still, she's one of the characters I like the most ever and the one I'll slam upon everyone uncautious enough to tell me to my face that Tolkien didn't know how to write women or was a maschilist. He was a man of his time, sure. Maschilist? No I don't think so. She's a complex character struggling with her place in the world and in a world that tries to define her. She is good and honourable... But still will carve her path with her bare hands if she must. And she did, and in the end did a lot, she fought to find the place she wanted and it paid off. Had Tolkien really been a maschilist, she wouldn't have slain the Witch King. In the end she chooses to settle down, yes, but on her own terms. At least, I read it like this. It's not staying because she's a woman and that's her place, it's staying because she tasted heroism, she did her part, the war is over and it still wasn't enough. But maybe finding people that understand her and don't try to tie her up... Maybe that's enough. "Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose".
Favorite moment: "I am no man." Hands down the most epic moment in the saga can't beat that. Slay, girl.
Idea for a story: Seriously, ANYTHING with her. More of her relationship with Eomer and Theodred maybe? More Edoras pre-war and how Wormtongue crept his way in? I love Rohan as a concept so really anything with that I'll be down for.
Unpopular opinion: Is there an unpopular opinion of. I don't think there is, we're all Eowyn stans here are we. I'll maybe say that Eomer had an equal crush over Aragorn and BOTH of them were pining hard. ("Aragorn senpai look at me ridigin into battle! :D" cit. book!Eomer)(quoted as unpopular because I never saw it around that much)
Favorite relationship: *looks above* She and Faramir dealing with coping with failed expectations (their own or others') and finding softness together. Also every interactions she has with Theoden is gold, and her relationship with Merry is as well! Besties.
Favorite headcanon: This fic I read from @scyllas-revenge lives in my head rent free and it's just... The ultimate fluff.
First impression: "Oh damn this dude got himself into serious troubles, I wouldn't go against that woman. Pretty tho.". I tried to romance her at first in Inquisition and was very sad when she turned Aisling down. (you can all mock her and her Templar kink, yes.)
Impression now: I love Cassandra and her flaws and contradictions. I love that she's basically made of granite, you won't move her with cannons... and yet, she's there, ready to think twice and change her mind accordingly. She's multi-faceted and honestly one of the funniest characters in Inquisition. I love strong women that have a soft side and she has definitely one.
Favorite moment: The cutscene in Trespasser. Years pass and yet she'll still be gullible to a good romance story told by her very favourite author.
Idea for a story: A modern AU where she is the one and only author writing in the Swords & Shields fandom. Varric reads every single one of her stories, at first it was to mock her and her inability to recognise a trash book, then he felt affectionate to this utter devotion. A Misery AU with her an Varric. (...thinking about it better, DA2 is really a Misery fantasy AU...) Beside that, something exploring the aftermath of her nasty comments over Elven religion if you bring her along in one specific mission. An elf inquisitor facing her on that and discussing it. I wrote part of this months ago oops.
Unpopular opinion: She'd make the worst Divine of the three and would suffer greatly in the role.
Favorite relationship: She and Varric. In any sauce and way and in tutti i luoghi e tutti i laghi.
Favorite headcanon: She's Varric and Hawke number 1 fangirl, she read the Tale of the Champion and begged to be sent to interrogate them. When she meets Hawke, she's internally screaming and won't wash the hand Hawke shook for the whole day.
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expirednostalgia · 4 days
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[ oscar isaac, cis man, he/him ] — whoa! SANTIAGO MORALES just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for 45 YEARS, working as a VET & OWNER OF SOFT PAWS ANIMAL CLINIC. that can’t be easy, especially at only 45 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit CYNICAL and WITHDRAWN, but i know them to be RELIABLE and PRAGMATIC. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to STATEN ISLAND!
Quick Stats !
FULL NAME: Santiago Morales
AGE: 45
DATE OF BIRTH: April 30th
SEXUALITY: Homosexual
PLACE OF BIRTH: Staten Island, NY
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Havenwood Suites, Staten Island, NY
OCCUPATION: Veterinarian
AESTHETIC: Half finished mugs of coffee, the smell of old books, the sound of a record playing softly in the background, pet hair on every piece of clothing you own, old photos carefully tucked away, an ache from holding on too tight, a sleepless look, a bitter taste on the tip of your tongue, flowers wilting in a vase
▷  currently  playing  ——  LEAVE ME BE BY CHOIR BOY. 
Bio !
The eldest of two, much of Santiago's life was devoted to setting a good example for his younger brother and looking out for him like most older siblings feel expected to do. Part of that to him, meant excelling in school and mostly keeping to himself to focus on academics unless there was something he felt compelled to speak up about.
For the most part he was a rather easy child to deal with, the only real trouble coming from him forming a habit to try to help every stray animal he came across. Usually it came in the form of sneaking them in and trying to take care of them without his parents knowledge or getting sidetracked to track down the owner for hours.
Going through life like that seemed to pay off for the most part. While his social life wasn't exactly booming, he was able to figure out the things he really cared about early on and get into a good college to pursue his dreams of becoming a veterinarian.
After working in a vet clinic for some years, he was finally able to save up enough to open one of his own, Soft Paws Animal Clinic. For a while there things seemed to be perfect. He was more than content with his own life and his brother seemed to be doing well for himself and his family, who Santiago had grown close with, as well. He would soon find out that nothing good lasts forever though.
As expected, the loss of his brother two years ago hit him hard. With an array of emotions to sort through, he felt, and still feels, very lost without the other around anymore and is still very much working on trying to move forward and what that's supposed to look like for him.
Misc. !
Animals >>>>> people. He's the guy that feels obligated to go to a social event and hopes he can spend most of the time vibing with the person's pet instead of socializing. Honestly in general he'd rather spend a night in than go out.
Has been known to help someone cover their vet expenses from time to time when he can, especially in emergency situations. Just overall very passionate about his job.
With the exception of pet fur (because no matter what you do there is always some somewhere) his place is very tidy and organized. Definitely someone who has a harder time relaxing in messier environments.
Nostalgic to the point it's just painful. That quote that's like "you can easily return to the past, but no one is there anymore" lives rent free in his mind and ruins his vibe daily.
Perpetually tired™ and over it these days. Kind of gives off old grouch energy but he's a softie deep down (especially around Milo and animals).
Always been on the more reserved side but has definitely become more withdrawn since his brother died. Some relationships have been neglected and died off in that time due to lack of effort on his side.
He's trying not to hold a grudge against Daisy for the sake of Milo and also because the accident wasn't her fault but grief is rough and he definitely still has some things to work through :/
Wanted Connections/Plots !
Friends of His Brother: Maybe they weren't necessarily friends with Santiago and still aren't but grieved a bit together after his brother's passing.
Rock: Long time friend that's been there for him through everything. Probably the one person he's talked in depth about things and someone he's not going to complain too much about when they drag him out to enjoy things again.
Relationships the Fell to the Wayside:  Platonic or maybe even a romantic relationship(s) that Santiago neglected while grieving. Even though there may have been understanding from the other, the relationships still feel apart. Whether or not it gets mended moving forward can be plotted!
Newer Connections: Connections, friendships, whatever that have sprung up more recently as Santiago has started to more forward a bit more.
Any and All Pet Owners: Listen, pet owners are automatically doing better than most people in Santiago's book and as a vet they could possibly know each other through that!
I will probably come back to this and add more unique connections for him but for now here are some general connection ideas <3 (also open to anything so if you have any ideas please throw them my way!)
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lildoodlenoodle · 9 months
so your ship of theseus post is living in my mind rent free, and it made me think of this quote that's been kicking around the back of my mind for a couple of years, which i figured i'd share bc i can't have emotions without trying to inflict them on other ppl:
"What is a ghost? Something dead that seems to be alive. Something dead that doesn’t know it’s dead."
But yea yea oooooooughhh. Listen there is something about Peter not knowing when he is dead nor what it means to be alive. Like dude has been resurrected a couple of times, whose to say what being alive means after that. Peter has been through death of the body and I’d also argue death of the soul. He’s seen so much loss 😭
This also is evil from an outside perspective if you go with the ‘Ben Urich mantle’ theory, that people think this is Benjamin Urich back from the dead/he wasn’t actually killed. People think he’s a ghost already. (And it’d b made worse if he did cut ties w/ May/MJ after Robbie and let people think he was dead)
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
so im gonna go insane for a minute about kip (yet again) excuse me cause he posted something last night and i havent stopped thinking about that ever since
so heres the tweet in question (tumblr is being a bitch about previews so sorry links only jnsdkjasd), which made me finally look that quote up. its a riddle, and the answer very fittingly is “redemption”
which then led me to relisten the other promo from last week
“slayer of regrets, old and new, sought by many, found by few
clementine, zest friends - misunderstood
we’ve done this dance for far too long”
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what i think he means by the ‘misunderstood’ line here is that kip is basically either accusing them of faking the zest or the best friendship. both valid options, possibly meaning both at the same time. it feels like a throwaway line, but idk i can make it fit lmao (in this context i doubt hes talking about himself, although in general that is fitting for his character too lol)
“we’ve done this dance for far too long” - ive touched on this before, but like. arcade anarchy was almost two years ago. im fairly sure kip was already injured at that point and on his way out, then that loss happened and then the betrayal with miro - so its been two years of basically the best friends living rent free in his head with the thought of redemption always being there. what we’ve seen has been barely a month and a half of program, but heres the deal - in reality its been nearly two years. pac was just a detour (or mayhaps a catalyst in the sense that him having the all-atlantic title before woke up kips real hunger), everything between that and what culminates this friday has just been a mere delaying of the inevitable
also sure in the past weeks we’ve seen effectively one avoiding the other in the case of the title shots and matches - the times they have faces have been fairly brief, tho eventful, but it has never truly been a wrestling match one on one. the most intimate dance if you will
im sure i had another thought about this but yeah. i’ll se you on friday when i lose my mind for real <3
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blood-bound · 10 months
Haha, I like seeing your wall of text about Mark and his adventures! :D
Lanford has been really sheltered in their Chantry (and abusively controlled by their Sire) since their Embrace in the 70s! And they've actually never had an incident of losing control to the Beast. So I think they'd say "Individuals are not monsters, that's simply a way of categorizing things which frighten or confuse us. Clinging to the belief that Kindred are 'monsters' rather than understanding we are a new life form with different needs and behaviors is like drawing 'here be dragons' on every map. It's just ignorance." Lanny is very fun to play because they are analytical and condescending. They HAVE been punched in the face by a Brujah for not knowing when to shut up XD
They know about the history of the Tremere as mages but they consider thaumaturgy to be perfectly consistent with the prior Hermetic practices, or maybe even superior since it's using the capabilities of vitae to power it. They've never met a mage before but they would be super excited about that! :0 Lanford has met fey creatures and gotten super messed up on their blood though.
Can I ask about Mark's relationship with his Sire? You mentioned his Sire has very powerful blood? (Or, is a low generation?)
hi im feeling like more of a human so i cna finally finish this post and resurrect it from my drafts i am so so sorry for the delay.
GOOD sometimes tremere nerds have to get punched in the face that's just the way it is. Mark can relate to being abusively controlled by their sire or at least, he would if he really realized it <3
Hehe Lanny you don't know shit if you don't know about how much stronger mages are. Too good.
OK yes so Mark's sire is super old idk why the ST lowkey gave special snowflake syndrome but whatever he can have a sire thats over a thousand years old as a treat.
gasp. yes, that means he was around when the tremere went from a mage house to a vampire clan. that's nuts! he was already older than most humans because he was a mage trying to extend his lifespan. thats how he's so GotDamn old.
His name is Julius. I think he's technically 8th gen but he did weird blood sorcery shit to make Mark essentially an 11th gen as far as blood potency is concerned. He uses Mark as a spy/errand boy but Mark doesn't mind because, due to high level blood bond, he thinks Julius helps him a lot (technically does ig) and is really happy when he pleases Julius.
He is starting to recognize that, rationally, the only reason to help him would be out of fear, but the blood bond is still there oc which makes it complicated.
Julius keeps him financially stable, will fulfill basically any minor request Mark makes of him, and due to his high position in the Tremere keeps him safe politically just by being his sire.
In return Mark gives him weekly reports, does various spying things when requested, (largely against Julius's rival, Gaius, which is a whole nother' story), and is basically at his beck and call.
For his part Mark is mostly in awe of Julius, terror in the classical sense; sees him as super powerful, wants to please him; but at the same time recognizes that Julius is fairly like, inhuman and awful, so hides how much he cares abt humans and such, in fact he kinda feels ashamed of it, which is sad :(
Julius had Mark's ex spy on him before his embrace/while they were still dating - he didn't directly do it, but ordered another kindred to get info on Mark and thats how he did it. Basically ruined Sampson's life. So yeah. pretty fucked. A quote that lives in my head rent free is when Mark was concerned about sampson and asked Julius abt him for the first time Julius said "You can have many Sammys" so he clearly doesnt like. get it. lol.
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hotchley · 2 years
𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕝𝕖𝕪'𝕤 𝕓𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕙𝕕𝕒𝕪 𝕔𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟
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usual pinned post
I actually can’t believe we’re here, but my blog has turned two! It’s been two years of ups and downs in my personal life, but two years of fandom love, growth in my writing and only one piece of anon hate!
And lots and lots of love and friends. So thank you all. The celebration is long so I’ll cut to the chase.
It’s running from June 30th-July 20th. Be patient as it may take me some time to get everything done
Everything will be tagged as “happy birthday hotchley” so you can either find it easily/blacklist it
No abusive relationships, keep it SFW and please don’t ask for anything related to food or self harm of any kind
If I follow your side blog and you follow me from your main, that counts as mutuals
Send as many as you want! But my stuff for LS/YR/TM may be less good because I’m less adjusted so just be warned.
It’s split into fandom and my novel just to make things simpler for me and anyone requesting
Everyone (anons welcome!):
fandom: [i'll do: criminal minds (s1-10), 911: lone star (all seasons), young royals, the mentalist (s1-3)]
💐 and a character/ship for a happy headcanon
🌷 and a character/ship for a sad headcanon
🌻 and a character/ship for a song that reminds me of them
🌼 and i’ll hand letter either a word or your url for you
🌹 and i’ll share one sentence from a wip
🪷and a fic idea i'm yet to write but that lives in my head rent free
🌸and i'll give you a directors cut of a fic/scene from a fic
🌺  and cast your mutuals as
🌲a random piece of information about the character
🌵 scene/line i enjoyed writing
🌳a scene/line i hated writing
🌴director’s cut of scene/chapter
🌱my favourite thing about character(s)/relationship(s)
🌿 my least favourite thing about character(s)/relationship(s)
🍀 a song that reminds me of character(s)/relationship(s)
🪐 and i will give you a song that reminds me of your blog
☄️and i will give you a picture from one of my pinterest boards that reminds me of you
🚀and i will hand letter you a quote (please tell me if there’s a specific one, or a sort of theme you’d like me to stick to!)
🌕and i’ll write you a little love letter
💫and i will tell you about my favourite fic of yours (or headcanon, depending)
💥and a ship/character and i will shuffle my playlist and create an AU with the first viable song that plays
🌙and i will tell you about a scene or character trait from my novel that reminds me of you
🌏and i will draw you a little something- my art skills are very limited so this is more so we can all have a good time
I don’t have the words to say thank you, but I hope you all know I love you and am so grateful for all of you that have stuck around even as I’ve been absent and only ever complaining. You’re all amazing friends
Tagging some mutuals for signal boosting! @hotchgan @ellyhotchner @eldrai @skeleton-squid-boy @whump-town @masterwords @louisaland @olivinesea @natasha-barton @sodone-withlife @themetaphorgirl @sapphiics @theblackberrygirl
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
akira, AKIRA, to choose only one brilliant line from one of your works would be, i think, completely and utterly impossible. so i will give you my Top 3 that still live in my mind rent-free and that i can almost quote word-for-word by how many times i've reread the fic:
It’s Ferrari, and it’s Charles, and he bleeds Ferrari red; always did, always will. (And they let him bleed for them, they let him bleed and they will let him bleed even more, and Pierre hopes, prays to his God too often to admit it to anyone, prays with a reverence he can rarely muster for anyone else, including himself, that they won’t bleed him out dry.)
GOD 😭❤️ this one made me transcend to another plane of existence, i think. holy FUCK it's so good and so painfully true and just *sobs* this!!!!!!
Nothing this beautiful can be blasphemous, and he is the most beautiful thing I’ve laid my eyes upon.
EXQUISITE. simply exquisite.
“You’re my best mate,” he whispers, and it feels significant. Then he smiles, and Pierre thinks If you were alive thousands of years ago, you would’ve been worshiped. “And I think you’re the love of my life.”
yes i'm technically cheating because that's a paragraph and not a line, but you know what? TAKE IT. this entire paragraph is perfection, and perhaps one of the most stunning things i've ever read, and just so them, and just. absolutely, absolutely fucking spectacular.
and yes, these are all from Taller In Another Dimension, which, just for the record, i have re-opened so many times that it has now become the default thing AO3 links to when i begin typing "archiveofourown..." into my browser. it's my comfort fic, and i'll never ever get tired of it, and honestly just, one of the best things i've ever had the pleasure of reading ❤️ you are a goddess!
Katie idek what to say 😭😭😭 you're so nice and so kind to me and my writing and your comments are always so elaborate and thoughtful and i come back to read them constantly when i need cheering up and just. thank you so much friend, so so much 🥺🥺❤️❤️ this is making a shitty day so much better ❤️
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alto-tenure · 1 year
prime numbers for the layton asks?
I personally consider 1 a prime number, but uhhhhh most people disagree with me on that so I'm not going to include it here.
2) What’s your favourite game?
Unwound Future! Though considering my favorite PL character is Claire that shouldn't come as a surprise haha
3) What’s your favourite soundtrack?
The plvpw soundtrack is my favorite! I listen to the AA soundtracks a lot (especially the ones from the 2D games) and I really like how it's used in Ace Attorney. The plvpw OST is a lot like DGS's -- I constantly had the DGS themes stuck in my head while playing plvpw, especially the Logic/Trick one and the cross-examination one. And I really like DGS's soundtrack (it's my favorite of the AA soundtracks for 3D games) so
5) What’s your favourite setting? (Misthallery, Monte d’Or, etc…)
Misthallery is really pretty, I want to paint it someday. I'm also fond of Future London and its fucked up architecture <3
11) Do you have a favourite quote? If yes, what is it?
"I'll miss you...and our unwound future" is forever going to live rent-free in my mind, but it makes me cry, so I don't think I can consider it a favorite >_<
13) If you could meet any character’s voice actor and have them say something to you as their character, who would you choose and what would you have them say?
No idea.
17) Do you have any headcanons? If yes, what?
I do a lot of headcanoning! I have some Claire backstory stuff that I've been fleshing out for a one-shot I've been writing as well as for an AU I might post some details on,,,, someday? So I won't elaborate on those. I also have a Barnham backstory that I came up with because I was working on a pre-canon character study for Darklaw and had to figure out how he ended up in Labyrinthia. I also have a variety of queer hcs! I guess my most esoteric one is that Alfendi's aro (both alters, but host is aroallo and alter is aroace; he and Hilda were aroallo4aroallo pre-Forbodium). Also I know it's a little controversial to headcanon robots as aro but...Aurora aro agender. also Henry and Angela are both arospec. this really became the "aro headcanons" section huh. well I'm aro and I like making characters aro so
Some other general headcanons: Layton likes having his hair played with, but only while it's short -- he hated it as a teenager; he and Claire used to go back and forth making up random things a true gentleman/proper lady does (I've said this one before here but); Layton's favorite tea is Earl Grey but after a certain time he only drinks chamomile; Luke was in vet school when anime events happened; Angela always got a lot of valentines in Stansbury despite being taken (I may or may not write a fic about this,,, I do have about a month, but still...); Targent didn't come for Des and his family until a couple years before Last Specter -- while it would have taken time for him to build the Excavation Mecha and the Detragant I don't think he lost them that long pre-canon
19) Do you prefer the 2D art or the 3D art?
2D by far! Miracle Mask lagged my laptop hard when I was playing it and ruined some of the experience for me. AL and plvpw weren't laggy but I still generally prefer the 2D. plvpw has the best 3d models though for both PL and AA
23) Has the series had an impact on your life?
I mean, I've only been here for what, three months? It's had an impact so far on me, but I guess I'll see.
29) Did you enjoy Mystery Room?
31) Did you enjoy Eternal Diva?
37) What’s the wackiest NPC you have ever seen?
The ice skating kid from Froenburg is pretty wacky
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