#this is the CoN fandom we're talking abt
samuraikuraima · 2 months
tf is going on. i look on the askblog and i see kuraima getting sexually assaulted and ransom demands ☹ /silly
man, I don't even know. If I did know I would tell ya but... I dont :( /srs
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AiTA for not wanting my friends at my booth anymore?
I (29 F) have been trying to get started as an artist at our local conventions. So I found a few friends willing to booth share so we could split the table cost. I always put the down payment on the table for cons in full.
The first year was really hard. People haven't shown as much interest in my fandom merch as I had thought they would (prints/keychains/etc).
They (25) make bags by hand (non fandom related). They're cute items, but people don't show as much interest in them.
The first year we boothed together they were late to the con, and to when the vendor hall opened, and to when I had set times I needed a break from the booth, and wasn't answering their phone. When they have been on booth duty, they spend all their time on their phone and don't talk to attendees unless people ask them questions.
I had a convo abt how disappointed I was with the lack of communication and them being late months after the con. They said they'd work on it and I tried to make it clear that this was my booth (since it's my money we're gambling with). I didn't mind renting out space on it. I had already promised them they'd have space at the table this year, so I didn't push the issue further, but I made it clear if we were to keep being friends I couldn't be in a position where I relied on them professionally. They said they understood, but we had been drinking when talking abt it.
This year, they were late to set up again. They brought people not involved with the booth to sit with us without asking me. So there was four people and my partner didn't feel comfortable being the fifth even though though my partner was the one that helped with set up the day prior. They were an hr late to dinner plans with us that night with 0 notice for an important phone call (their partner found out abt the DBZ guy dying. That was the importaht call) They didn't show up today until 2 hrs after open today with no notice of what was going on (they're rooming with 2 other people that have my # and were at the booth day 1) supposedly due to a migraine, but I know they drink hard after con closes. They have been there when I needed a break and responded when I asked where they were, they've had matching cosplays with me all con and it's all things I'm into. I can see they genuinely tried compared to last year.
Then my partner thought they heard them complaining about me while I was on lunch break today. (I only got food for my family/SO during the 2 hrs their half of the booth people was MIA. I assumed they were getting their own food in that time. Since yesterday they had food before showing up and didn't want lunch). And I had included them in my paid cosplay shoot without asking for them to chip in.
I spent way more money on the table this year literally the day we drove up to the con (long story, but point is I locked in the space, they weren't involved in getting table space this year) It's turned out better than before against all odds. I broke even day 2 not including their sales.
Then they were talking abt how next year they want more table space to take commissions and bring more stuff and be "more involved" with the table. I don't want that. It's like they don't remember agreeing it was my table at the end of last year.
I'm known for being flat/blunt when I'm upset. And at this point it's gone passed inexpeirience to just not thinking abt this as work.
Last year we agreed they'd give me $50 or what sales they made and this year it looks like they won't sell enough to make it to the $50. If I don't take their cut, I know my SO will be frustrated with me for being a push over and them for not following through on our agreement.
Idk how to firmly establish the boundary that it's my table and I don't want them having any more space/control over it without them saying I'm the asshole. I think it would be shitty to do that after demanding all their sales, but idk when to bring it up. It's also their birthday week this week.
I don't mind renting space, but at this point they don't understand that's what they are doing and I'm kind of done. This is our 2nd year doing this convention together, but my 4th table. My partner's furious with them abt the whole thing. I just want the freedom of making choices with my booth without being disappointed by people who say they care about it, then act like working the booth isn't a job.
AITA? Is there a way to not have them less involved with the booth next year without coming off as an asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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What happened in your personal experience with the big names in this fandom? Why do they hate you so much? I hope the witch hunt they put on you is over now. ❤️ sending you love and hugs 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🩷🩷🩷🩷
hi! honestly, i could name names, but honestly i am too old and too tired and these people aren't worth it. for half the things that went on, i'm not even certain as to why they happened? not really certain as to how it went from being one person convinced i have Wronged Them to an entire group of mean girls being rude and i THINK those events are connected. i thought it was really confusing, since i have been nothing but nice to them, and for one of them i actually thought were friends. i have my suspicions, but they aren't based on fact, just what was imo most likely to have occurred. just wanna say that these bitches can't even confront you abt anything, they can just look at you weirdly and ignore you if you ask to sit next to them like we're in middle school cafeteria :)))) after i've tried to be friendly and start conversation multiple times. experiences from the con
i don't think most of these people hate me, i think they don't care enough for that, but i think that when they see me in the wild i am a blemish that annoys them. some of them clearly care enough to send rude asks. since they ARE anonymous though, i can't tell for certain who it is, or if it's any of the big names. could be anyone.
mainly talking about like 3 big writers in the fandom and i will be vague on purpose lol but i'm sure they know who they are, and most ppl have an inkling. they haven't pissed me off enough to drag them on this platform lol i think they're just your garden variety petty bitches and i don't wanna dissuade people from reading their content if there are any impressionable youths reading this, you can have your own positive experience with someone who was a bitch to me.
i think some people have let their imagined internet fame get to their heads. i also think some of them are very much engrossed in that puritan internet culture of uwu this ship is Morally Wrong uwu. and they might genuinely feel like they are fighting for a Moral Cause by bashing me lol. kill the pedo amirite? to which i say please spend less time on the internet.
as for the witch hunt i think the big wave has passed. i will likely get an occasional mean comment, such as a lovely writer pettily dissing me in the tags and laughing with her lovely friend, but that just shows how immature these 20+ middle schoolers are. i will also probably get a new influx of hate for a new fic i'm writing, but we'll get to that in due time!
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caatws · 1 year
Thank you so much for your post about Gamora and the way grief has been portrayed for her compared to other characters like vision. I have felt all alone for years in being upset that Gamora's death just didn't get treated like it was supposed to. From the beginning it was mostly framed around what it meant to Thanos and then slowly confined to Nebula before landing on Peter to do all the emotional work while eveyone else who was part of Gamora's life acted like they had no clue what was going on. Vol 3 felt like watching some sort of long con cover up job with people trying to pretend a murder never occurred. I don't know what Gunn was thinking because we all saw Gamora die. It was one of the stand out moments in one of the mcu's biggest movies. We have video evidence of the murder so why are they acting foolish.
Then fandom has been another mess. People thinking there just wasn't any time to have anyone else say any words about her death even though it would take less than 1 minutes for a sentence about how hard it's been for everyone. Some people are acting like Gamora never did anything before dying and the whole team was run by all the guys. On top of that writing fic has been pushed as a solution to this whole situation and it's not that simple. The canon has turned the abuse and murder of a woman into something we're all supposed to be okay with because Thanos was sad and most of her family thinks she has memory problems. Fic isn't going to fix this.
It hurts because you can see how in real life reactions to tragedies and loss can be different when people who aren't white are involved. It feels like the mcu mostly had time and space to care about some characters who died in IW and EG and not others based on the same criteria. I thought as time went on it would get better but instead it kept getting worse. First the idea to have 2014 Gamora instead of bringing 2018 Gamora back to life. Who really sat there and thought doing that was the way to go as if all Gamora's growth and healing was meaningless. Then the holiday special taking no time to address how Gamora's death had been for the team. Now we have vol 3 with its entire debacle of a storyline for Gamora where she's popped back in to deal with a mess she didn't help create with people she doesn't know and with no explanation of what she's been going through in the years since EG. Nobody knew what they were doing or where they were going with any of this and it shows. Gamora never should have been murdered in the first place. But since they went there the least they could do is not treat it with idiocy.
you're definitely not alone anon! the lack of mainstream popularity for gamora's character definitely made the experience of grieving her feel very isolating. like all my irls who aren't In This Deep with mcu who just casually follow were def more focused on the avengers characters and their stuff in iw or just weren't in deep enough to care much beyond it being a summer blockbuster (which is also valid!) so it rly felt like no one else grasped like just how much that movie imploded the gotg franchise
i must admit i second guess myself and my feelings toward the gamora situation a lot bc it just feels so weird that it seems like not many other ppl rly talk abt it the way they probably would if this kind of thing happened to one of the lead avengers characters or something. like it feels like most mcu viewers don't even realize the depth of what's happened which is so ?!?!??? so it's nice to see there are others in fandom like you who get it <3
and yeah, i agree with everything you said here. i think it's fair to say fandom often reflects like society in the ways they regard characters of different backgrounds, and i'd argue that's definitely happening here with gamora at least to some extent
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grimoiredove · 28 days
Intro Post...
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Hi my name is Dove or Angel, whichever you prefer! I'm a 19 year old queer transmasc artist and writer who likes dark fantasy, sci-fi, biblical themes, and vampires. A lot of my content will be either OC content or fanart/fanworks because thats what I have the most fun drawing! This also is just kind of a general blog, I will post random crap as well as art! I am a selfshipper, and will post about my F/O's too!
I'm interested in these fandoms mainly;
Trigun (Stampede mostly but all versions are great!)
Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji
Homestuck (mainly OCs)
Obey Me!
DnD and BG3
Fear & Hunger
Cookie Run
Sonic (mainly OCs)
Genshin Impact (mostly just interested in the Fatui)
Harry Potter (no I don't support JKR, I just have an obsession with Draco, Lucius, and Snape)
I am proship & pro-kink, I prefer not to interact with minors even on SFW socials. I'll honestly mainly use this account to look at art and writing and post my own stuff. Don't expect me to post super dark content on here, I don't really post much stuff I make in general, let alone the darker stuff I make. I feel this should also go without saying but obviously I do not support any of the dark shit i post about irl, these are merely fictional interests of mine. If you have an issue with this I can direct you to my therapist who I've talked extensively to about this.
Basic stuff (transphobic, homophobic, racist, xenophobic, zionist, etc...)
Antis or fancops, basically don't harass people or associate with people who do and we're cool
If you are extremely religious or evangelical
If you are easily triggered by kink content or dark fiction; this isn't personal, my content is centered around this stuff and I don't want people to follow if it makes them uncomfortable
If you are a paraphile whose paraphilias are any or all of "the big 3" idc if you're into feet or tickling or whatever
If you participate in fandom drama often
If you demonize cats, I have 4 lovely cats and I adore them
If you immediately assume any non-negative or sexual depiction of chubby or fat characters is fetish material
If you have a strong feederism or weight-gain fetish
If you think self-shipping is cringe or whatever other bs
If you insist on calling people transphobic for enjoying Harry Potter without supporting JKR, especially if said person is trans
I am luciferian, please respect this if you plan on following or interacting
My work contains dark topics such as; pokephilia, feral nsfw, incest, gore, dud/non-con, age-gaps, abuse of all kinds, mpreg, kidnapping, sexual servitude, period typical misogyny, period typical homophobia, period typical transphobia, shotacon, lolicon
Some of my work may contain religious imagery or things that may be considered blasphemous
None of my NSFW stuff will be posted here, if something contains themes or implied or referenced NSFW it will be tagged and labelled accordingly
F/O List
Disclaimer: I have no issue with people who share my F/O's! It makes me really happy to see others who love and appreciate them as much as me, so feel free to interact or gush abt them to me!
Severus Snape (Harry Potter - books & movies)
Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter - books only)
Lucius Malfoy (Harry Potter - books & movies)
Kieran (Pokemon Scarlet and Violet)
Volo (Pokemon Legends Arceus)
Gale Dekarios (Baldurs Gate 3)
Rolan (Baldurs Gate 3)
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phaltu · 2 years
zan, i wanted to ask you something - and i hope you don't mind the lengthy ask, but i'm gonna split this into two (or three). i wanted to ask you this because you are one of my favorite writers in danmei, and i wanted to get your two cents on this. so. if there's one thing that i've noticed in danmei fandom, it's that there seems to be two groups of ppl - i'll call them A & B. A are those who don't necessarily create, who are more there to rlly digest and meta the texts. if they do create 1/
- then they're most likely to be canon compliant, e.g. following mxtx's rules of no switching, no separating. B is what i would call the transformative one, who aren't rlly canon compliant and who break those "rules", so they switch up dynamics or separate the main cp. personally i'm not inclined to switch or separate, but even so, if it's not done because bottoming is seen as "weak", which is another thing altogether, then i think it's all good? and my ask is - 2/
- i've seen ppl in group A diss ppl in group B, calling them stupid for shipping character a of main cp with side character b (regardless of whether or not they want that ship to be canon, which is not usually the case), and even outright saying that ao3 sucks (which is okay, warranted, giving that ao3 lacks in the blocking/reporting feature), but generally i'm just a little.. surprised because i come from fandoms where practices in group B were the norm, ppl would go ham with canon 3/
- and altho both groups are not mutually exclusive, you can have someone who is very canon compliant in their own fics but reads more transformative works, i just. i guess i'm confused (and paranoid) because i don't know what should be, or is the right "approach" re: fandom. on the one hand, i like canon compliant, and do write canon compliant, but on the other, i would also like the wiggle room to create freely. i don't want to be cancelled by group A for having OOC characterization 4/
or get called out for "writing OCs with the characters' faces just pasted onto them". and i know, i get the irony, why am i, a fully grown-adult (ha!) so concerned abt what other ppl on the internet think abt me and my whims? a few years back i was worried i wasn't wild enough with my fics, because i was very canon-compliant, and a few years later i'm worried i'm not canon enough. just - may i ask what is your approach to fandom, in general and in danmei? i know i said only 2-3 asks but ;_; end/
Honestly I think it's all about who you follow! I follow a wide variety of folks and funnily enough, people I mutual'd from one danmei are rigid with canon and people I mutualed from others are WAY more open to being like group B. Both have their pros and cons-- the former, I have to end up seeing ships and concepts and pairings I loathe untagged, and with the latter, I can't run blockchain on their insane friends that rant like they and the author because then I'll accidentally block people I actually like talking with.
anyways my approach in fandom has really...always been to just do my own thing. compared to how I was when I participated in Voltron, I don't really get involved in discussions about characterizations and meta and critical analysis or what not. First, because I like to put that energy towards writing personally, and while others get joy out of it, I don't particularly personally, and second, I pretty much have only 2, 3 friends I talk about the danmei I consume with when it comes to actual headcanons because we're on the same page when it comes to how we interpret texts, so it's fun.
I love making things for fandom and I like consuming things and I love fandom community that way. I love the what-ifs and the horny ideas and what not. But critical analysis and head canons and meta in general is just not my shtick. anything i have to say about the character, i say it through fic which brings me to my last part in this rambling answer which is that as long as the fic feels right to me, it's going to go up.
I've written some OOC stuff myself but as long as you have the confidence in what you're writing, people are going to be really forgiving. Sometimes when I doubt myself, I think about all the people tweeting wildly incorrect meta with their whole chest talking about how you need reading comprehension if you don't see it their way, and channel the same inner confidence, as misguided as theirs may be.
if someone was to rip me for my characterizations I'd feel hurt for sure but I don't pre-emptively think about it when I'm posting something. If I do, it's kind of a "well if it sucks it sucks I guess" which is part in due to me just getting slapped so much irl that fandom is low on the list of things to spend time having a crisis about
also if you're following anyone that says ao3 sucks just unfollow them. mute them. get rid of them. if they're mutuals mute them. so many mutuals have to cycle through the mute bin for my own sanity and in some cases, our friendship
ANYWAYSSSSSSSSSSSSS long rant over just post that fic!! do it!!!
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meyerlansky · 7 years
I'm a sucker for forced marriage fics, tbh, but they, uh, usually lack all the rape and abuse and are more of a 'well, fuck, guess we're in this together now' sort of thing. That fic you're talking abt creeps me out as well, though. I wonder if there's a way to 'blacklist' it? It gives me Bad Flashbacks of things that happened in the Italian fandom a few years back that freaked me out *a lot*, though that time around the writer refused to tag as rape/non con :/
yeah like i can understand the appeal of arranged/forced marriage stories but. if you’re tagging it noncon/rape i’m pretty much IMMEDIATELY outie five thousand and my skin is crawling also
urgh that suuucks i’m sorry you had to deal with that :/ BUT OH MAN SO I HAVE SOME GOOD NEWS? if you use chrome there is a script you can install that gives you a blacklist capability for AO3! a longer post explaining how to do it is here, but the tl;dr installation IS:
install tampermonkey, which you can find here
load these two scripts [1, 2] into tampermonkey
open the tampermonkey dashboard by clicking on the icon in the task bar thingy
click on the second script, ao3 savior config, in tampermonkey and scroll down in the Editor pane to the lines that say “// Exclude works with a tag that matches at least one term. Use * for wildcard.”, “// Exclude works with an author that exactly matches at least one term.”, etc, and put whatever tag/author name you don’t wanna see in the little brackets surrounded by ‘ ’ single quotes
save the script configuration
go onto the Settings tab and uncheck the box next to “Check for updates”
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samuraikuraima · 2 months
how many weird anons are there on this blog
i have no clue, but then again this is the con, lot, endzone, burning avlon (i forgot to spell), demjay fandom we're talking abt. ofc some of them are going be weird
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