#this is just me discovering that dc comics aren't just storylines to get through but can actually be enjoyable to read
covertblizzard · 2 years
Full offense but DC is straight up losing audience by their over focus on Batfam. Besides all the obvious issues that mamy people have mentioned (losing audience who already love other characters that aren't getting any attention, the Batfam having so many things going on fans cannot keep up, the Batfam having so many things that the storyline are re-used and stale and things are not allowed to properly progress or change too much because it will disturb another storyline), there's just the thing that more diverse / different storylines and vibes would attract different (and by extension more) audiences. It feels like it should be something that is OBVIOUS but I feel like this is REALLY under mentioned. Each hero or fam or storyline have different themes and powers and characters and personalities. They appeal to different people. Not everyone is going to only want or enjoy dark edgy emotionally repressed super geniuses or sunshine hopeful all-powerful alien. Sometimes, the aspects of other storylines are much more appealing to some people. By not bothering to create good stories or promote them properly, DC is losing a lot of potential audience. This is just my personal opinion because I started reading the different comics and reading Green Lantern and Titans especially just made me realise how much I genuinely don't enjoy Batman storylines as much. I can't get through the stories as fast, it's dreary to me, and it simply doesn't appeal the same to me at all. Sometimes the comics get so boring to me it feels like a chore to even get through ONE issue. 
They're all comics, they're all superheroes, but they're not even CLOSE to the same. The vibes of the comics can be so different and how much you enjoy one DC type really cannot determine how much you would enjoy another. It's something I didn't realise because I just thought comics were Like That so you just live through it for characters and themes and the plot, even if the writing is dreary or the setting doesn't appeal, or whatever it is that bothers me or bores me (because I don't actually know myself yet). When majority of the people enter with ideas of Batfam or Batman mostly, they are GOING to start with Batfam-centered stories. If it doesn't actually appeal to them, they will end up thinking "all comics just suck" and that there is no point so they end up either ONLY engaging with fandom (hence getting stuck in the whole batfam loop, irritating to other dc fandom because it makes dc fandom spaces so heavily batfam focused, but also irritating to some batfam fans as they become more and more like caricatures as opposed to proper CHARACTERS and become increasingly mischaracterised because so much of the fandom hasn't read the comics or isn't interested to). I've seen people say: Try a different one because there are interesting storylines and characters to explore. Try a different one because your dc world surrounding Gotham only is boring. 
All those are true! But also, try a different one because maybe Batman / Batfam isn't even REALLY the comic for you, you just think it is because it is the only one with enough media attention for you to get a vague understanding about the idea and dynamic of to get interested in. A different one might actually capture your attention. A different one might actually make reading comics properly FUN.
#dc#green lantern#teen titans#anti-batman#mypost#dc thoughts#(i tagged the anti because i was expressing disinterest but i don't actually think ALL of it is bad)#(there are some arcs i like more than others)#(but it is very clearly not for me as compared to other heroes/storylines)#(it can be for other people though and that's great for them!)#(i just want people to consider sometimes when they feel like 'this is not really for me')#('this' might be batman comics not ALL dc comics bcos this discovery surprised me)#this is just me discovering that dc comics aren't just storylines to get through but can actually be enjoyable to read#there is still 10292910 problematic things usually but that's dc for you#i am still going to suffer through the batman comics mind you i have gotten attached#to some characters#but genuinely... so many other storylines appeal to me so much more#this shouldn't have shocked me tbh i am VERY character focused#when consuming media if i do not like a character it's almost impossible for me to get through a book for example#and unfortunately i do not enjoy bruce in most writing... this is... very difficult#suffering through post-crisis jason now because i love jason but i cannot imagine the next batfam step i'm taking will be fun#because it's steph meaning lots of tim and bruce being mean to her from what i understand i'm going to cry#i will be starting flash at some point i have mixed feelings about that one because last time i read it there were some i enjoyed and some i#it's been a while i think i DID enjoy it at least up to the point before they started going HIC i thinkkkkkk#but i am so obsessed with the flashes soooooo (also i wish there were more girl flashes or at least more attention for them)#(i love barry and wally and bart but jesse and avery seem so cool from the little bit i've seen too)#i always have to swallow my bitterness about the lack of female characters (especially heroes) in comics T.T
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