#this is all nicholas galitzine's fault
forever-fixating · 3 months
living in a new normal
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Henry Fox could write an entire dissertation based on how much information his twin nieces Penelope and Grace have told him about their favorite band, Austin Heat. The girls peppered him with neverending facts since he surprised them with tickets and meet-and-greet passes to their concert at Madison Square Garden last Christmas.
Henry Fox takes his nieces to a concert of their favorite band, Austin Heat. He gets a bit more than he bargained for when he meets singer and guitarist Alex Claremont-Diaz.
Follow the link to read on AO3!
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alittlefrenchtree · 2 months
I’ve finally finished reading the biography of George Villiers I’ve started months ago! I have a second one but I’m not sure where I put it or when I’ll open it to fact check the first one, so let’s pretend I only have one for the moment 
My first thought is to say: if you want to understand how much the character of George has be re-written for the show, know that the biographer, in the last pages of his book, has described George as loyal to a fault, loving, and not one to calculate or elaborate long term strategies. And even if I don’t agree with everything the writer did write, I do agree with that. I’m not saying he was good (whatever that means) but he wasn’t the ice cold creature we see at the end of the show either. Even if I didn’t end up being the biggest fan of the show, the man’s life was fascinating and it’s the main point of this post actually because that’s my favorite thing about fandoms.
I’m not a history person at all. Like, never in a lifetime I would have thought I would caught myself reading a biography of a historical figure from a few centuries ago. Never in a life time I would have thought the path to historical thirst for me would have been a little romcom movie I like ok the first time I’ve watched it. And I love that so much about fandoms. I (more or less willingly) enter something that open so many unexpected new horizons, my nerdy obsessive little brain lights up like a tree on Christmas morning. I love that it never stays only about the original thing. It’s about everything that comes with it and makes the whole journey so rich and beautiful.
So thank you, Mister Nicholas Galitzine for introducing me to George Villiers, First Duke of Buckingham. This was such an interesting arc. 
Please, feed me more 💜 (and no, I won’t study the history of One Direction)
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jenneferofjengaberg · 3 months
I recently finished Mary & George, a limited series that portrays a fictionalized version of the story of Mary Villiers and her son George, aka The Duke of Buckingham, who rose to power in the early 17th century court of King James VI (Scotland) and I (England).
It's very good, probably one of the better historical pieces I've seen this year. Julianne Moore (Mary Villiers) and Nicholas Galitzine (George Villiers) are excellent in their roles, and it's full of a great supporting cast as well, with particular honorable mentions going to Tony Curran as King James, Laurie Davidson as Somerset, Niamh Algar as Sandie, Nicola Walker as Lady Hatton, and Mark O'Halloran as Francis Bacon.
The story basically goes like this. Mary Villiers, the widow of a minor member of the aristocracy, molded her handsome son George into becoming a lover of King James, who was well known to prefer the company of beautiful young men. (Or as the show puts it, in probably the funniest line I've ever heard, James was, "So cock-struck it's like a curse.")
The trailers for the show seemed to lean heavily on the raunch and comedy aspects, and there certainly are plenty of steamy sex scenes and irreverent laughs to be had, but there's a more serious story here as well, with themes of corrupting power taking precedence over the lighthearted.
Mary Villiers is obsessed with gaining power and favor, and more than willing to pimp out her gorgeous son to do it. And yet Julianne Moore adeptly shows Mary's side of the story, with the complicating factors of being a woman in the 17th century and therefore lacking in any traditional access to the avenues of power and wealth. "Women grow by men", as Shakespeare's Nurse famously puts it, in a play written around the time that Mary was giving birth to her son.
Moore and the script infuse the character with wit and sarcasm, even when she's being her most evil self. And yet Mary is an unreliable narrator at best. There's a scene in the final episode, where she questions George's by now outrageous behavior, and seems to sincerely claim, "You are not who I raised". But her every action thus far makes that an obvious and galling lie, and the fact that she believes this lie renders the character's level of self-awareness as practically non-existent. To the end, she seems to accept no guilt or responsibility at all for either the predictable corruption and downfall of her son or the brutal consequences suffered by her girlfriend and co-conspirator, Sandie (Niamh Algar). But Moore's performance of this unconscious amorality is both fascinating and liberating to watch.
Galitzine is also exceptional at presenting the journey of George Villiers from a vulnerable young man into quite a monstrous egomaniac. In the beginning, George seems to act mostly out of a desire to keep his mother satisfied and even, at times, a sincere affection for the King. But as time goes on, and he must scheme and plot to maintain his place as the King's favorite, he transforms into an arrogant, selfishly ambitious, and recklessly dangerous member of the royal court. It's a complicated portrayal of a character that's a little slutty, a lot scheming, but still occasionally sincere, and sometimes even struck by conscience. His best moments, such as his patience and care for his neurodivergent brother, make the audience mourn the loss of the uncorrupted young man he was, and not the petty tyrant he turns into. Galitzine also looks screen scorchingly beautiful in every scene, which doesn't at all detract from his more nuanced performances.
My one quibble with the piece is the script's characterization of King James. Actor Tony Curran is very charming as the romantic, mercurial, and "cock-struck" King, but that may be a fault rather than a feature of this depiction. James gets off rather easy, compared to everyone else. After all, he's the one who turned his personal relationships into a patronage system that basically boiled down to a sex-for-power scheme. People like Somerset, Mary Villiers and Buckingham may have exploited that system, but they didn't author it. And, although this is obviously imposing a wildly modern set of sensibilities on a historical show/events, one wonders if a man who made a habit of sleeping with much younger men who had far less power than he, should be made out to be quite so much the victim as he is in this series. Particularly the way they changed the historical circumstances of his death to fit the narrative of the pitiable gay king who just wanted to be loved but was continually let down or betrayed by his lovers.
Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy the performance overall. And his relationship with George also seemed touchingly sincere, but I also think they could have examined his role in corrupting those around him, both Somerset and Buckingham, more fully, rather than winking at it and mostly letting him off the hook.
Grade: A-
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stxrfclls · 2 months
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‘ nicholas galitzine, cis man, he/him, 32 / 320 , high fae ’ ― cauldron save you. it seems DAXTON VENNES has finally made it to the capital, the SPYMASTER from THE SUMMER COURT is said to be INTELLIGENT and is said to describe themselves with STACKS OF BOOKS PRECARIOUSLY PLACED, EYES THAT CATCH MORE THAN MOST MIGHT THING, A GOLDEN HEART THAT'S GUARDED FROM PAIN and with all of this in mind their VAGUE nature always seems to get them into trouble. may the mother hold them as they navigate this unthinkable time. ; written by honey.
full  name  .  daxton vennes
age  .  32  appearance  /  320  actual
sexuality  .  pansexual
occupation  .  scholar spymster of the summer court
species  .  high fae
loyalty  .  the summer court
height  .  6'2"
(  tw  :  cheating  )
his  father  had  always  been  a  bookish  man,  nose  buried  into  the  tomes  of  the  summer  library  more  so  than  on  the  wife  he’d  wed  and  knocked  up.  the  mother  of  the  boy  who  only  ever  wanted  his  attention.  because  of  this,  dax  grew  up  closer  to  his  mother,  but  his  mother  grew  closer  with  other  lovers.  the  young  boy  feigned  ignorance,  but  all  along  he  knew  what  his  mother  was  up  to  while  his  father  was  none  the  wiser.  slowly  the  woman  would  pull  away  from  their  little  family  entirely,  and  dax  would  be  left  with  a  distraught  father  who  only  buried  deeper  into  the  library  he  so  cherished.
eventually,  dax  would  be  raised  by  the  scholar  of  the  summer  court,  a  woman  who  taught  him  to  read,  showed  him  how  to  love  the  books  his  father  did,  but  most  of  all,  to  take  his  space  after  she  retired.  much  to  his  father’s  dismay,  that’s  exactly  what  daxton  did.  the  man  was  bitter  about  it,  said  plenty  of  things  to  dax,  and  that  was  when  the  kind  hearted  son  shared  what  the  man’s  wife  had  been  doing  for  decades.  it  shattered  their  relationship,  and  dax  buried  himself  in  the  tomes  his  father  had  once  found  comfort  in.
years  would  pass,  and  dax  would  be  known  as  the  sweet  scholar.  while  he’d  been  bitter  to  his  father,  happy  to  hurt  the  man,  he  grew  to  regret  it,  his  golden  heart  pained  at  what  he’d  done.  dax  tried  to  make  it  up  within  the  other  people  in  his  life,  kind  gestures,  playful  smiles,  and  a  charm  that  was  natural  but  not  harmful.
his  life  had  found  a  rhythm,  a  peaceful  one  in  the  court  of  summer.  until  the  high  lady  saw  fit  to  shift  his  entire  foundation.  what  she  saw  was  beyond  him,  but  daxton  knew  better  than  to  turn  a  woman  in  power  down.  a  promotion  ?  spymaster  ?  dax  hides  his  insecurities  with  a  smile,  a  playful  flirt  that  is  still  so  unsure  of  what  is  seen  in  him  that  he’s  clueless  to.
over  all  he’s  a  sweetheart,  he’s  a  flirty  charmer  but  he  does  so  in  a  playful  way  not  a  creepy  way,  if  that  makes  sense.  he’s  not  cocky  or  arrogant,  just  a  boyish  sense  of  humor  and  a  toothy  smile.  he’s  loyal  to  the  summer  court  to  a  fault,  and  because  of  that,  he  wants  to  do  alina  proud  in  his  new  role.
on  main  : 
other  ideas  : 
✦  𝔡𝔞𝔵𝔱𝔬𝔫 𝔳𝔢𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔰  *⁎  ,  ✦  𝔡𝔞𝔵𝔱𝔬𝔫  ⁑  threads  *⁎
✦  𝔡𝔞𝔵𝔱𝔬𝔫 𝔳𝔢𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔰  *⁎  ,  ✦  𝔡𝔞𝔵𝔱𝔬𝔫  ⁑  inspo  *⁎
✦  𝔡𝔞𝔵𝔱𝔬𝔫 𝔳𝔢𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔰   *⁎  ,  ✦  𝔡𝔞𝔵𝔱𝔬𝔫  ⁑  dev.  *⁎
✦  𝔡𝔞𝔵𝔱𝔬𝔫 𝔳𝔢𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔰   *⁎  ,  ✦  𝔡𝔞𝔵𝔱𝔬𝔫  ⁑  image  *⁎
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firstprince-ao3feed · 3 months
living in a new normal
by berrybluefae Henry Fox could write an entire dissertation based on how much information his twin nieces Penelope and Grace have told him about their favorite band, Austin Heat. The girls peppered him with neverending facts since he surprised them with tickets and meet-and-greet passes to their concert at Madison Square Garden last Christmas. Henry Fox takes his nieces to a concert of their favorite band, Austin Heat. He gets a bit more than he bargained for when he meets singer and guitarist Alex Claremont-Diaz. Words: 9476, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, Red White & Royal Blue (2023) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, M/M Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Percy "Pez" Okonjo, June Claremont-Diaz, Nora Holleran, Cash (Red White & Royal Blue), Amy Chen | Amy Gupta, Original Child Character(s) Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Additional Tags: Age Difference, Fluff, Alternate Universe, Alex is a pop star, This is all Nicholas Galitzine's fault, The author cannot be held responsible for their actions or this story, Mentions of addiction, Inspired by The Idea of You via https://ift.tt/gZr6Pe4
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livvyofthelake · 10 months
ok well i’ve slept on it i’ve thought on it etc and my thoughts on red white royal blue remain complex but i will say that like. well i was unfortunately correct when i said this movie would likely have call me by your name syndrome. like ok they had better chemistry than i initially thought all the way back in what. june? i don’t even remember. but well they did not beat the lack of chemistry allegations very well. i’m trying to give them a break because like i could tell a lot of it was just that the writing was not good but. well despite what fangirlish people on tiktok might say they did not beat the allegations. not fully. it’s not taylor zakhar perez’s fault that he’s straight and it’s not nicholas galitzine’s fault that they gave him the most irritating writing ever and just expected his sad eyes and big smile to carry it like i truly believe they tried but well. no one is ever going to be ginnifer goodwin and josh dallas again i’m sorry i have high standards. speaking of taylor zakhar perez he was an unexpected standout of that movie actually. when i saw the trailer i thought he’d be a mediocre to bad actor but he was actually pretty good i’m sorry i didn’t have faith in you buddy. maybe i will watch the kissing booth.
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If anything is going to get you in the Christmas spirit, it’s English actor Nicholas Galitzine’s latest look. In his newest starring role, the 26-year-old wears a dashing Feng Chen Wang red suit, with any echoes of Old Saint Nick negated by the slick fit and even slicker hairdo.
He wore the tailoring to join an all-star cast including model and British Vogue cover star Adut Akech, The Morning Show actor Bel Powley and designer Michael Halpern in a new tongue-in-cheek film for Mercedes-Benz. The stars appear as contestants in a retro take on a gameshow hosted by Adut, Supermodel Fashion Statement, in the hope of winning a Mercedes G-Class. Nicholas plays a heightened version of himself in the “OTT” production, which was “super fun” to film, he told Miss Vogue over the phone.
“The red suit really just kind of popped along with the other extremely bold outfits we wore as a cast,” he said. “I’m very much an easy person, and I love to work with people who have bold eccentric vision. As a performer, I love to facilitate that in whatever way.” 
Nicholas’s performing career wasn’t part of any grand plan – he says he was more at home on the rugby pitch than the stage while at school. But a trip to the Edinburgh Fringe saw him return to South West London with a flurry of agents eager to have him on their books. “I was always a pretty shy kid. At that point in my life, [being in a play] felt like a big step that I needed to take, but I wasn’t expecting anything to come of it,” he said. “There, this idea was presented to me of potentially becoming an actor, which was kind of crazy. I left school unsure of what I wanted to do in life. It was kind of by fate that it came at this perfect moment, and I haven’t really looked back since. I don’t think anyone who I went to school with would have necessarily have been like, ‘Oh, he’s going to be an actor one day.’ I am just as surprised as anyone else.”
Seven years have since passed, and Nicholas has had roles in Netflix’s Chambers and as a closeted teen in the Irish film Handsome Devil, and played Timmy Andrews in The Craft: Legacy, released earlier this year. But it’s his role as Prince Charming in the forthcoming live action retelling of Cinderella – due for release early in 2021 – that is sure to catapult him fully into the spotlight.
For Prince Charming, Nicholas drew on his own personality and experience to bring a modern, more human element to the role. “I definitely had a sort of rebellious period as a kid and was alway getting into trouble and was very mischievous,” he chuckled down the phone. “Yet I’ve always aspired to be the quintessential gentleman. This version of Prince Charming is very much a fusion of both those things. He’s not your typical clean-cut, linear fairytale prince, there’s definitely an edge to him and there are things about him that make him more human than your typical fairytale prince.”
The release of Cinderella couldn’t be more timely, he hopes. After the last 12 months, a happily ever after might be just what everyone needs. “People will be drawn in by the familiarity of it, but then ultimately surprised by our interpretation of it, which is kind of the best of both worlds,” Nicholas said. “I think you always feel a certain level of nervousness when you’re taking on a character that is so well known and so iconic. I felt very comfortable in the fact that we were making something bold and new, and with the team that was assembled around me, I was just so supported going through the process.”
Fans of the original Disney classic will be pleased to hear that this Cinderella is packed with musical numbers. “I just had such an incredible amount of fun doing it, being in a movie musical is one of the greatest creative gifts you can possibly imagine,” said the actor. “It was definitely intimidating in the beginning, but as soon as we finished I was so sad it was over.” Of his co-star, Camila Cabello, who plays the titular role, Nicholas said: “I can tell you for a fact that I have never felt as untalented as when I had to sing alongside her and the other incredible singers, like Idina Menzel (Cinderella’s evil stepmother), and Billy Porter (who plays a genderless Fairy Godmother). I just feel so blessed to be on these tracks with these incredible singers, and regardless of what happens in life, no one can take that away from me now.”
The Cinderella soundtrack won’t be the only album Nicholas appears on next year. “I’m going to be releasing some of my own music in the new year, which is super exciting because I’ve never really had time to pursue that, as acting has taken precedence,” he said. “My goal is to continue working with passionate, driven, artists who are willing to think out of the box, and to keep challenging myself as an artist and a creative.”
Fashion is something else that Nicholas is keen to get his teeth into. Having donned “Cuban heels and super-tight trousers” to play Prince Charming, he’s been picking up style notes from set. “I think you have to step outside of your aesthetic comfort zone when you’re creating characters, because for me, a lot of characterisation happens in costume building,” he explained. “I’ve been very lucky to play a plethora of different characters, and have had to experiment with a lot of styles that aren’t typically what I wear and have been influenced through that.”
He said he admires the wardrobe of Harry Styles, who famously takes a fluid approach to getting dressed. “Something that I’ve definitely taken on when I think of my style icons – people like Harry Styles and the way he’s managed to bring a femininity to his masculinity – is that that’s definitely the way that we’re moving as men going into 2021.” Nicholas name drops young designers Daniel W. Fletcher and Harris Reed as creatives he would like to work with in the near future, and adds that he’s long admired the work of Kim Jones and yearns to own a Tom Ford Suit.
Though classically handsome, Nicholas admits that he hasn’t always felt accepted by the fashion and film worlds. As a broad-shouldered former rugby player, Nicholas said some fashion brands simply don’t cater to his shape, but added that things are changing. “I still have thick thighs, but the male aesthetic is very much tailored to the Timothée Chalamets and the Charlie Plummers of this world,” he said. “I think that we’re moving back into this space of normalising different body types, for both men and women. I think there has been a beauty standard in fashion and the movie industry, but all the shapes are great shapes as far as I’m concerned. If people don’t want my thick thighs then that’s just that’s their fault.”
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Hunger Games OC Masterlist (A-K)
[ L - Z ]
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Name: Aimee Rose Baird
Story: Ghost Of You / You Can’t Catch Me Now
District: Covey
Face Claim: Isabela Moner
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Name: Alton Cresta
Story: Safe & Sound
District: 4
Face Claim: Walker Scobell
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Name: Amor
Story: The Price Of Love
District: Capitol
Face Claim: Sofia Carson
Love Interest: Cinna; Apollo Crane
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Name: Angeline Hayes
Story: The Hanging Tree
District: 12 / Covey
Face Claim: Anna Cathcart
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Name: Apollo Crane
Story: The Price Of Love; Citizen Of Glass; Revelation; multi
District: Capitol
Face Claim: Nicholas Galitzine
Love Interest: Amor; Concordia Snow; Iridia Vindex
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Name: Ares Crane
Story: Citizen Of Glass; multi
District: Capitol
Face Claim: Dominic Sherwood
Love Interest: Mercia Flickerman
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Name: Athena Crane
Story: Citizen Of Glass; multi
District: Capitol
Face Claim: Dove Cameron
Love Interest: Bastion Plinth
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Name: Babs Shefford
Story: The Hanging Tree
District: 12 / Covey
Face Claim: Hailee Steinfeld
Love Interest: Jude Abernathy
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Name: Bastion Plinth
Story: For The Ages; Citizen Of Glass; multi
District: 2
Face Claim: Matthew Daddario
Love Interest: Athena Crane
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Name: Bellona Plinth
Story: For The Ages
District: 2
Face Claim: Conor Leslie
Love Interest: Jude Abernathy
Summary: Bellona Plinth knew why she was reaped. She knew that her last name was a death sentence, and she knew whose fault that was. Raised by her grandmother, on stories about her Great Uncle Sejanus, she knew exactly what the President really was. Her great-grandparents might have believed in poor, sweet Coriolanus, enough for him to inherit half of their fortune and to arrange a failed betrothal to their only daughter. But Livia had always seen through him, running back to district 2 and getting pregnant to avoid her parents’ choice of fate.
But President Snow had never forgotten Livia’s slight, nor her claims that he was someone connected to Sejanus’ death, and so sixty years later, Bellona paid the price. She wasn’t meant to survive the games, that much was for certain, but she was a survivor at heart, and soon earned herself the title of Victor.
But President Snow did not give up so easily, and when the Third Quarter Quell is announced, Bellona knows that only one name will be put to the reaping. President Snow might see it at his second chance to end the Plinth legacy, but if Bellona is going to lose, then she will make absolutely certain to take him down with her.
After all, Snow always falls eventually.
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Name: Bo Lockwood
Story: The Hanging Tree
District: 12 / Covey
Face Claim: Timothee Chalamet
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Name: Cadmus Ariston
Story: Valley Of The Dolls
District: Capitol
Face Claim: Ben Barnes
Love Interest: Honoria Adrasteia
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Name: Callisto Plinth
Story: Secrets & Lies
District: Capitol
Face Claim: Sabrina Carpenter
Love Interest: Jude Abernathy
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Name: Camden Abraham
Story: The Hanging Tree
District: 12
Face Claim: Theo James
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Name: Camellia Atchison
Story: Scars Of Love
District: 12
Face Caim: Lindsay Morgan
Love Interest: Finnick Odair
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Name: Cassius Nero
Story: The Hanging Tree
District: 2
Face Claim: Will Poulter
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Name: Colin Broider
Story: The Tradition
District: 8
Face Claim: Dylan O’Brien
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Name: Concordia Snow
Story: Pure As Driven Snow*
District: Capitol
Face Claim: Emilia Clarke
Love Interest: Raymond Abraham ( @the-witching-ash​ )
*a variation of Concordia who exists in crossovers with @the-witching-ash​’s Raymond Abraham
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Name: Concordia Snow
Story: Revelation
District: Capitol
Face Claim: Emilia Clarke
Love Interest: Apollo Crane
Summary: Concordia Snow: the Capitol’s Princess, the beautiful and charming granddaughter of President Snow.  To Panem at large, Concordia was the perfect little Capitolite.  Always in fashion, polite and obedient but clever and never missing a party, completely devoted to her grandfather.  Only a very small handful of people knew better, knew that her pretty smile hid sharp teeth and a calculating brain.  The Capitol’s best kept secret, really, that Concordia Snow was a rebel in disguise.  But when the 74th Hunger Games come around, everything changes.  Not because of the volunteer from 12, nor because of the star crossed lovers, but because the night before the Games, Concordia is told of her impending marriage to Seneca Crane.  With no intention of becoming the Chief Gamemaker’s bride, it seems that the time has come for Concordia to play her hand – a hand that will set off a chain of events no one could have ever seen coming.
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Name: Danny Colbeck
Story: The Hanging Tree
District: 12 / Covey
Face Claim: Jack Mulhern
Love Interest: Suze Hatley
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Name: Elissa Morningstar
Story: Yellow Flicker Beat
District: 1
Face Claim: Ana De Armas
Love Interest: Finnick Odair
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Name: Ginny Cresta
Story: Safe & Sound
District: 4
Face Claim: Kat McNamara
Love Interest: Finnick Odair
Victor of the 73rd Hunger Games, Ginny Cresta truly believed that the Games had taken everything from her.  Her sister’s sanity, her brother’s life, her ability to sleep without nightmares, her innocence, and whatever farce of a childhood she’d had left, all lost to the arenas; there was nothing left for her to lose.  Or so she’d thought, until the Quarter Quell was announced, and Annie’s name was drawn.  Even as she volunteered, as she boarded the train back to hell, all that was running through her mind was the very first thing that Finnick had said to her when she left the arena.
No one wins the games, Gin, not until Snow is done with us.  Once you’re reaped, you play until you die.
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Name: Hollis Everdeen
Story: The Hanging Tree
District: 12 / Covey
Face Claim: Zoey Deutch
Love Interest: Finnick Odair
Hollis Everdeen thought that her life had ended with the 73rd Hunger Games.  Her heart stopped when Prim’s name was called, and broke when Katniss volunteered to take her place.  But somehow, against all odds, Katniss came home, and Hollis let herself breathe again.  At least, until the next reaping, for the 74th Games.  Haymitch had warned them that Snow would want to see Katniss punished for her trick with the berries, but still, Hollis had never expected to hear her own name called out.
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Name: Honoria Adrasteia
Story: Valley Of The Dolls
District: 1 / Capitol
Face Claim: Anya Taylor Joy
Love Interest: Cadmus Ariston
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Name: Iridia Vindex
Story: Citizen Of Glass; multi
District: 1
Face Claim: Anne Hathaway
Love Interest: Apollo Crane
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Name: Jonas Cresta
Story: Safe & Sound
District: 4
Face Claim: Thomas Brodie-Sangster
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Name: Jude Abernathy
Story: The Hanging Tree; Multi
District: 12 / Covey
Face Claim: Brenton Thwaites
Love Interest: Babs Sheffeld / Bellona Plinth / Callisto Plinth / Madge Undersee / Lyda Undersee & Gale Hawthorn / Misty Hawthorne / Ness Duffy
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chwrpg · 7 years
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TRAVIS PERKINS. college senior; twenty one. nicholas galitzine. OPEN.
and, as troy perkins once said:
“You guys are so immature. Why don’t you grow up?”
For most people, maintaining popularity was very much a nine to five. You had to find ways to keep people’s attention on you in an age where attention spans lasted fifteen seconds at most. So whether it was throwing some epic house party that left your home completely torn up or blowing your parent’s money on some designer piece no one had yet but yourself — these were sacrifices you endured to keep yourself at the top of the social ladder. It was well worth it for the continuous flow of instagram followers and invitations to the best events in town. 
Yet despite all of this work, there were individuals whom just naturally commanded a room. Or a school. Or even an entire town. Some people, a select few were just born to be at the top. Whether we liked it or not. 
Travis Perkins was very much one of those select few. The moment he stepped foot in Rosewood, he’d been welcome with open arms by the influencers in town.
He’d only moved to Rosewood recently, his father having moved them to the town as a favor to his cousin’s parents so that she would have family members around her. Her parents were going through a shitstorm of a divorce, yet somehow that’d translated into Travis having to give up his life back in Los Angeles to move to some shit stain of a town in the middle of America. The way he saw it, his cousin had to get herself some thicker skin. 
Whose parents haven’t gotten divorced at this point? His own parents had gone through one just a couple of years prior. Their divorced had split their family apart, his mother and young sister having moved to London in hopes of a fresh start while his father and himself remained in Los Angeles. Sure, it wasn’t the greatest thing and if he had to be often he would have preferred to have his mother and sister around but what occurred, occurred and he simply got over it. Why couldn’t she just buy herself a bunch of shit and just accept that her parents just didn’t love one another anymore?
Plus divorce wasn’t that bad of a thing. His father was far too preoccupied with his ongoing midlife crisis to concern himself with what was happening with his son’s life. So while he splurged his twenty four year old blonde bimbo into having sex with him, Travis had freedom. But the worst thing you could do was give a kid like Travis the power to do whatever he wanted. 
Now, do you want to know the real reason why the Perkins men moved to the town of Rosewood? To escape Travis’ demons. 
When buying luxury cars and designer clothes hadn’t been enough for Travis, he’d turned his attentions to other things. That being drugs, they helped quiet those pesky thing his psychiatrist called emotions. What good were emotions? Why did he have to feel sadness because his parents couldn’t make it work? That wasn’t his fault, that was their fault. Yet they got to move on with their lives and Travis was the one left with this anger. How was that fair? But the drugs, they made everything better. School wasn’t a complete bore as it’d always been, he could stomach the sight of a pseudo step mother that wasn’t that much older than him and going out was even more of an experience. To say he’d gotten hooked was a bit of an understatement. He’d eventually found himself accumulating a debt that was far too big to sweep under the rug anymore, especially with the men he owed. 
Fortunately, or unfortunately in his case — his father had bailed him out of his debt. Despite the recent rift between the two, the Perkins men had a great relationship. It was the reason why Travis had stayed with his father. His father always knew what was best for Travis, when he wasn’t being tempted by blonde hair and boobs. So with that in mind, he chose to remove his son and himself from the temptations of the West Coast. Rosewood would not only be a new start for them, but provided them with a great business endeavour as well. 
SoWood, his father had named it. A development deal approved by the Mayor that would transform an unappealing corner of Rosewood into something more like along the lines of Williamsburg in Brooklyn. It would not only cater to families but it would also be a haven for the millennial set. And who would be right by his side during the development of this new neighborhood? Travis. It was neat to have this position of power, even better to be doing it with his father. He thought his cousin would also approve of what it was they were doing, but to his surprise she could not have been more against it. 
You see, Agnes Cohen was nothing like the Perkins men. She spat in the face of all that they had been given, something that frustrated him to no end. Their wealth hadn’t suddenly dropped on their laps, they had worked hard to get to have the life that they had. They, at times also had to be ruthless. Had she never learned the nice people always ended last? He was going to assume that she had not. His cousin wanted to cuddle every loser with a sob story, when those losers had to wake up to the realities of the world. But his biggest pet peeve with Agnes Cohen? She was potentially putting his father’s development at risk and for who? The Walsh’s. A family of no one’s who were stubbornly holding onto their home, despite the fact that the bulldozers would be at their front door any day now. 
The fact that she stood with people rather than her own family, it was not only disrespectful but disgraceful. She wanted so badly to be a Goonie, then that was exactly what she’d be to him.
Travis watched on as his cousin touched at the keys, hoping she wouldn’t screw this up. If this geezer was right and there was some massive treasure in Rosewood, he wanted to be the one to find it. Not just for the bragging rights, but perhaps it’d right all the wrongs that he’d done as of late. 
There was no way his father would remain disappointed with him if he was able to bring up treasure. That was enough to cheer his cousin on, she could do this. Right? He looked back at the flames whenever she fucked up, the flames just touching parts of the map. But rather than letting his anger speak, he bit on his fist as he knew his cousin. She’d never worked well under pressure, and this was pressure to the umpth degree. 
But the final note came and Agnes found herself frozen. She didn’t know what key it was and as she panicked, Travis took a hard look at the note. Agnes wasn’t the only piano player in the family, he hadn’t been either but his mother had played. Travis had sat by her side often just to watch her go, she was a legend with the keys. As he studied it, he knew he’d seen the note before. He just knew he had, so without hesitation — Travis touched the keys he hoped were correct. The Goonies stared at him, he knew that they were going to kick his ass if he’d gotten it wrong. 
But Data let out a scream, letting them know that the fire had not only gone out but the map was theirs. Sure, certain parts had been charred but they’d gotten it and it was all thanks to him. 
A fact he’d be rubbing in their faces for a very, very, very long time.
alternate faceclaims and prompts.
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firstprince-ao3feed · 13 days
(Podfic) living in a new normal
by berrybluefae Henry Fox could write an entire dissertation based on how much information his twin nieces Penelope and Grace have told him about their favorite band, Austin Heat. The girls peppered him with neverending facts since he surprised them with tickets and meet-and-greet passes to their concert at Madison Square Garden last Christmas. Henry Fox takes his nieces to a concert of their favorite band, Austin Heat. He gets a bit more than he bargained for when he meets singer and guitarist Alex Claremont-Diaz.   Link to story here: living in a new normal Words: 6, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, Red White & Royal Blue (2023) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, M/M Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Percy "Pez" Okonjo, June Claremont-Diaz, Nora Holleran, Cash (Red White & Royal Blue), Amy Chen | Amy Gupta, Original Child Character(s), Beatrice Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Philip Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Martha Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Additional Tags: Podfic & Podficced Works, Podfic Length: 45-60 Minutes, Age Difference, Fluff, Alternate Universe, Alex is a pop star, This is all Nicholas Galitzine's fault, This author cannot be held responsible for their actions or this story, Mentions of addiction, Inspired by The Idea of You, First Kiss, Romance, Implied/Referenced Dubious Consent, (consent issues are with past partner), mentions of hate crime, Homophobic Language, Smut, Consent is Sexy via https://ift.tt/u7VWF8L
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Hunger Games OC Masterlist
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Name: Aimee Rose Baird
Story: Ghost Of You / You Can’t Catch Me Now
District: Covey
Face Claim: Isabela Moner
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Name: Alton Cresta
Story: Safe & Sound
District: 4
Face Claim: Walker Scobell
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Name: Amor
Series: Devils You Know
Story: The Price Of Love
District: Capitol
Face Claim: Sofia Carson
Love Interest: Cinna; Apollo Crane
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Name: Angeline Hayes
Story: The Hanging Tree
District: 12 / Covey
Face Claim: Anna Cathcart
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Name: Apollo Crane
Series: Devils You Know
Story: The Price Of Love; Citizen Of Glass
District: Capitol
Face Claim: Nicholas Galitzine
Love Interest: Amor
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Name: Athena Crane
Series: Devils You Know
Story: Citizen Of Glass
District: Capitol
Face Claim: Dove Cameron
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Name: Babs Shefford
Story: The Hanging Tree
District: 12 / Covey
Face Claim: Hailee Steinfeld
Love Interest: Jude Abernathy
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Name: Bellona Plinth
Story: For The Ages
District: 2
Face Claim: Conor Leslie
Love Interest: Jude Abernathy
Summary: Bellona Plinth knew why she was reaped. She knew that her last name was a death sentence, and she knew whose fault that was. Raised by her grandmother, on stories about her Great Uncle Sejanus, she knew exactly what the President really was. Her great-grandparents might have believed in poor, sweet Coriolanus, enough for him to inherit half of their fortune and to arrange a failed betrothal to their only daughter. But Livia had always seen through him, running back to district 2 and getting pregnant to avoid her parents’ choice of fate.
But President Snow had never forgotten Livia’s slight, nor her claims that he was someone connected to Sejanus’ death, and so sixty years later, Bellona paid the price. She wasn’t meant to survive the games, that much was for certain, but she was a survivor at heart, and soon earned herself the title of Victor.
But President Snow did not give up so easily, and when the Third Quarter Quell is announced, Bellona knows that only one name will be put to the reaping. President Snow might see it at his second chance to end the Plinth legacy, but if Bellona is going to lose, then she will make absolutely certain to take him down with her.
After all, Snow always falls eventually.
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Name: Bo Lockwood
Story: The Hanging Tree
District: 12 / Covey
Face Claim: Timothee Chalamet
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Name: Callisto Plinth
Story: Secrets & Lies
District: Capitol
Face Claim: Sabrina Carpenter
Love Interest: Jude Abernathy
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Name: Camden Abraham
Story: The Hanging Tree
District: 12
Face Claim: Theo James
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Name: Camellia Atchison
Story: Scars Of Love
District: 12
Facec Caim: Lindsay Morgan
Love Interest: Finnick Odair
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Name: Cassius Nero
Story: The Hanging Tree
District: 2
Face Claim: Will Poulter
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Name: Colin Broider
Story: The Tradition
District: 8
Face Claim: Dylan O’Brien
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Name: Concordia Snow
Story: Revelation
District: Capitol
Face Claim: Emilia Clarke
Summary: Concordia Snow: the Capitol’s Princess, the beautiful and charming granddaughter of President Snow.  To Panem at large, Concordia was the perfect little Capitolite.  Always in fashion, polite and obedient but clever and never missing a party, completely devoted to her grandfather.  Only a very small handful of people knew better, knew that her pretty smile hid sharp teeth and a calculating brain.  The Capitol’s best kept secret, really, that Concordia Snow was a rebel in disguise.  But when the 74th Hunger Games come around, everything changes.  Not because of the volunteer from 12, nor because of the star crossed lovers, but because the night before the Games, Concordia is told of her impending marriage to Seneca Crane.  With no intention of becoming the Chief Gamemaker’s bride, it seems that the time has come for Concordia to play her hand – a hand that will set off a chain of events no one could have ever seen coming.
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Name: Danny Colbeck
Story: The Hanging Tree
District: 12 / Covey
Face Claim: Jack Mulhern
Love Interest: Suze Hatley
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Name: Elissa Morningstar
Story: Yellow Flicker Beat
District: 1
Face Claim: Ana De Armas
Love Interest: Finnick Odair
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Name: Ginny Cresta
Story: Safe & Sound
District: 4
Face Claim: Kat McNamara
Love Interest: Finnick Odair
Victor of the 73rd Hunger Games, Ginny Cresta truly believed that the Games had taken everything from her.  Her sister’s sanity, her brother’s life, her ability to sleep without nightmares, her innocence, and whatever farce of a childhood she’d had left, all lost to the arenas; there was nothing left for her to lose.  Or so she’d thought, until the Quarter Quell was announced, and Annie’s name was drawn.  Even as she volunteered, as she boarded the train back to hell, all that was running through her mind was the very first thing that Finnick had said to her when she left the arena.
No one wins the games, Gin, not until Snow is done with us.  Once you’re reaped, you play until you die.
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Name: Hollis Everdeen
Story: The Hanging Tree
District: 12 / Covey
Face Claim: Zoey Deutch
Love Interest: Finnick Odair
Hollis Everdeen thought that her life had ended with the 73rd Hunger Games.  Her heart stopped when Prim’s name was called, and broke when Katniss volunteered to take her place.  But somehow, against all odds, Katniss came home, and Hollis let herself breathe again.  At least, until the next reaping, for the 74th Games.  Haymitch had warned them that Snow would want to see Katniss punished for her trick with the berries, but still, Hollis had never expected to hear her own name called out.
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Name: Jonas Cresta
Story: Safe & Sound
District: 4
Face Claim: Thomas Brodie-Sangster
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Name: Jude Abernathy
Story: The Hanging Tree; Multi
District: 12 / Covey
Face Claim: Brenton Thwaites
Love Interest: Babs Sheffeld / Bellona Plinth / Callisto Plinth / Madge Undersee / Lyda Undersee & Gale Hawthorn / Misty Hawthorne / Ness Duffy
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Name: Lacey Tanner
Story: The Tradition
District: 8
Face Claim: Kaya Scodelario
Love Interest: Finnick Odair
The buzz around Finnick Odair’s miraculous Hunger Games victory had barely begun to fade when twelve year old Lacey Tanner of District 8 shocked all of Panem by winning the 68th Games.  The life of a victor was never easy, but for a child to grow up in the eyes and arms of the Capitol, right under the thumb of President Snow himself, was even more so.  Lacey was fortunate that her fellow young, beloved victors; Cashmere, Gloss, and Finnick, took her under their wing, alongside the older and even more jaded victor, Haymitch Abernathy.  For six years Lacey survived the constant scrutiny, keeping her head down and her chin up, forever the obedient Capitol Princess even as rebellion stirs around her.  When Katniss Everdeen outmanoeuvres Snow in her own games, Lacey knows that the time for revolution is near — her only comfort is that she will be nineteen on the next reaping day, finally safe from the arena that forever haunts her nightmares.  Or so she thought, until the 3rd Quarter Quell is announced.
Lacey knows.  She knows that she’s returning to the games.  District 8 only has two victors, and Cecelia has people who need her.  Children.  A family.  Whereas Lacey?  Her family is going into the arena with her, and there’s no guarantee that any of them will make it out.
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Name: Livia Plinth
Story: Downfall
District: Capitol / 2
Face Claim: Willa Fitzgerald
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Name: Lux Marcella
Story: Glory And Gore
District: 1
Face Claim: Adria Arjona
Love Interest: Finnick Odair
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Name: Lysa Undersee
Story: Vigil
District: 12
Face Claim: Alycia Debnam-Carey
Love Interest: Gale Hawthorne & Jude Abernathy
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Name: Marella Flanagan
Story: Day After Tomorrow
District: 4
Face Claim: Florence Pugh
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Name: Marisol Odair
Story: Sink or Swim
District: 4
Face Claim: Amanda Seyfried
Love Interest: Gloss
Summary: Three years after her brother set the record for the youngest Hunger Games ever won, Marisol Odair’s name was drawn.  A jack of all trades, master of none, Mari was no one’s first bet on a winner, but they underestimated the power of her spite–of course it helped to have her brother as a mentor, especially given Finnick’s sponsers.  Barely fifteen when she won, and as beautiful as her brother was handsome, it was hardly a surprise when she was quickly roped into the same career as her brother.  She took Finnick’s advice, collecting secrets instead of anything tangible, biding her time until she could use them.  Reaped again for the Quarter Quell, Mari had a feeling her time may have come, but first she had to make sure to keep both she and her brother alive; and apparently overthrow the government in the process.
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Name: Misty Hawthorne
Story: Dog Days Are Over
District: 12
Face Claim: Danielle Rose Russell
Love Interest: Jude Abernathy
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Name: Ness Duffy
Story: Ghost Of You / You Can’t Catch Me Now
District: 12
Face Claim: Meg Donnelly
Love Interest: Jude Abernathy
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Name: Nikita Aegis
Story: Everybody Wants To Rule The World
District: 2
Face Claim: Minka Kelly
Love Interest: Gloss
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Name: Phaedra Viatrix
Story: World Gone Mad
District: Capitol
Face Claim: Sydney Sweeney
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Name: Precious Lucretia
Story: Battle Sirens
District: 1
Face Claim: Ellie Bamber
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Name: Ramona Diggs
Story: The Hanging Tree
District: 12 / Covey
Face Claim: Madison Reyes
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Name: Suze Hatley
Story: The Hanging Tree
District: 12 / Covey
Face Claim: Taissa Farmiga
Love Interest: Danny Colbeck
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Name: Tiberius Byron
Story: The Hanging Tree
District: Capitol
Face Claim: Harry Shum Jr
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Name: Waverly Coin
Story: Court Disaster
District: 13
Face Claim: Shailene Woodley
Love Interest: Finnick Odair & Katniss Everdeen
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Name: Willow Abernathy
Story: Lies From The Front Lines
Face Claim: Kathryn Newton
Love Interest: Gale Hawthorne
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Name: Zinnia Lyne
Story: Eyes Open
District: 12
Face Claim: Alicia Vikander
Love Interest: Peeta Mellark
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