#this is about jonesy. hi sorry been a minute huh
wildcard777 · 1 year
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wheres the fucking himbo donald mustard
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georgeharrisonsimp · 3 years
time p.2 - cw for sad thoughts, drinking, eating habits
posting this even though i had work to do but i dont have wifi for my school isssued chromebook🥰
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robert and jimmy never came to my house. yes, i did pass out multiple times per week and drank too much, but even at that
they still never showed up.
my body was now so weak.
and my mind wasn’t even bothered to do anything about it.
i barely woke up each morning, it was a surprise i still did. i stopped drinking more or less, my stomach couldn’t even down that.
i heard the calls, but i was scared i couldn’t pick up the phone.
slowly, i walked to my dresser. all the random shirts that robert gave me were still there. they still smelt like his cologne. the star jacket jimmy gave me off a bet, that was there too. the sweaters bonzo gave me for my birthday were there. the cool platform shoes jonesy gave me were there.
all the photographs we had together were taped on the wall still.
they were getting yellow, but they were still there.
everywhere i went in my house, i couldn’t escape it.
my music room that i hadn’t been in for 3 years was probably crying.
all the instruments untuning over time and all of them collecting dust.
it even made me sad.
but even there, on the door, was a poster. one that had us five onto a square. it looked cool back then so i bought it, stuck it on the door and it still remains.
above the poster was a bunch of
writing in sharpie.
all of their four names written on the wall by them, still there. all their silly messages were there.
my favorite was jimmy’s, “my les paul better not in there!” it was so silly, but it was an inside joke at the time.
then there laid bonzo’s “still jealous of this music room, best room to exist.” i wonder if he would still be jealous wherever he is.
then robert’s dumb “the golden god has blessed this room...!” with a winking face at the end.
then jonesy’s “my favorite creator of music.” it was so vague, but so sweet.
i never opened the door, too many memories would’ve came out of it.
god, i wanted to call someone. i needed too.
or else i’d drop dead and no one would know.
i grabbed the much too heavy phone and dialed robert’s number.
he picked up.
“hello?” i heard. his voice hasn’t changed, but his accent was fading.
“robert? it’s y/n.” i said, my voice almost gave out.
“y/n?! oh my god, how have you been? it’s been years!” robert exclaimed, at least he was happy.
“honestly percy, i need help. badly.”
his tone dropped, “what do you mean? is something wrong?”
“listen, just come to my house, then the rest, i don’t know. but please, quickly, or else my sanity is gonna call quits.”
it was true, if i hadn’t done this now, while my sanity was in check, i wouldn’t of done it. i was desperate.
“ok, yeah, i’ll be there quickly. same address, right?” robert asked.
“yeah, see ya.”
i heard robert hum in agreement.
it wasn’t even 20 minutes later when i heard someone knocking on the door.
i groaned, then croaked out, “the doors open!”
instantly, i heard the door open.
“y/n?” i heard robert’s voice.
it still had that youthful tone, with his sweet midland accent.
“living room.” i said back to him.
he ran, almost slipped, which caused me to giggle.
i saw tears prick in his eyes, mine did the same.
he walked over to me quickly and hugged me.
it was odd, i was sitting on the couch, he was sitting on the armrest.
but i still loved his embrace either way.
“christ, y/n i didn’t even think you were still around.” robert said, as he wiped the tears from his eyes.
“i’m surprised i am, feels like any day now.” i muttered as i laid my head on his shoulder.
“don’t say that y/n... you’re still here and i-i’m gonna help you, yeah?” robert said, stroking my hair.
he’d always done that even back in the 60s. whenever i was stressed he knew it helped me somehow. i’d be damned if i remembered.
“i’d like that. thank you for coming, robert.” i smiled at him
which he returned, “i’m glad you finally called back, y/n.”
first thing we did was go back in his car.
we had some small talk, nothing major about me though.
“how’s maureen?” i asked.
“oh- that. we’re getting a divorce currently.” robert said, but he didn’t sound sad.
“really? did something happen?”
“no, we just didn’t love each other like we used to. sure, i still care for her and all that but i couldn’t pretend anymore. for the sake of the kids too. she said she felt the same. we’re still friends, we just couldn’t live together anymore.” robert explained.
i knew i didn’t need to tell him i’m sorry, because they still had a good connection.
“i’m glad things ended well then.” i told him.
“so am i.”
suddenly, i was being brought to one of our old favorite diners.
a family owned one, with green hues, with the best food around.
“gosh, we used to go here all the time, huh?” i said, reminiscing at our old memories here with bonzo.
“yeah, i heard the pancakes are the same.”
with that, we both ran in.
sadly, they had some new staff working but either way they made the food the same.
we both ordered the double decked out pancakes.
i had explained to robert how i might not be able to finish due to my stomach. he said it was perfectly fine, we could just get a to-go box for it.
“they really do taste the same.” i smiled.
robert nodded, he couldn’t really respond, his mouth was full.
he looked like a teenager all over again.
“how’s jimmy? i heard you guys were planning something on some magazine.” i asked.
“oh, he’s doing fine. he’s more real now, y’know? he doesn’t seem like a mysterious guy anymore, he’s more personal.” robert explained.
“that’s good. last time i saw him he did look much healthier.”
“you saw him-“
“on the television.” i said.
we laughed for some odd reason.
“what about jonesy? he’s doing well, yeah?”
“from what i heard, yeah. he’s doing great; loves the time with his family he’s got now.”
“always was a family guy.” i laughed.
to our dismay, we finished our pancakes. well, robert finished his. i was surprisingly able to eat half of them.
my stomach finally seemed at ease.
we both got into robert’s car again.
“where do you wanna go now? we could visit jimmy, he’s missed you.” robert suggested.
“really? the, jimmy page, missed me?” i asked, i was honestly surprised. i always had a close relationship to him but i didn’t know if he cared that much.
i guess my doubt grew over the years, i wouldn’t of doubted him missing me 5 years ago.
“oh, don’t say that, of course he missed you! you were like the best friend he always wanted or whatever he said. don’t you remember?” robert looked at me with concern in his eyes.
“sorry, it’s just me. the last few years left me confused with stuff, i didn’t really think i meant much to people. after being alone for so long.”
robert rubbed my shoulder in comfort, “well, now you can rest assured once more.” he flashed a smile at me.
then, off to jimmy’s house we headed.
it was a cool place.
it was made of this dark wood surrounding it with black patterns. definitely suited jimmy.
it had an extravagant backyard too from what robert told me.
i was anxious to say the least.
jimmy always wanted me to take care of myself before he took care of himself.
if he saw me like this, lord knows what he would say.
robert noticed how tense i was.
“hey, y/n, jimmy isn’t all wound tight anymore. he won’t be mad, just concerned, ok?” robert reassured me.
i nodded before we walked to his doorstep.
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reincarnated70sbaby · 3 years
star crossed
-chapter five-
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warnings ; none!
<<previous chapter
Finishing up her subtle smokey eye makeup, Alice cleaned up her dressing table before moving to her closet. Tonight was the prestigious launch party of Swan Song Records. Alice was actually surprised when the invitation arrived a month ago in the mail, she thought her last encounter with Jimmy was the end of her relationship with him. They both said things they shouldn’t have, but Alice was glad she got all of her frustrations at him from the past 4 years out.
Her boyfriend, was already at the launch party. Seeing as they were a low-key couple, and that Alice had her own invitation, it wasn’t essential for them to arrive together, or as plus ones. This gave her extra time to finish getting ready, not needing to skip any step in her pampering routine. After dressing into her long, flowing, silk black gown she apply a bright red lipstick to her lips. Her hair was a now a deep brunette, finding that dark hair colours complimented her skin tone best.
After hailing a cab to the luxurious Bel Air Hotel, she stepped out and presented her invitation to the security stationed at the grandiose front entrance.
Almost immediately as her heeled foot crossed the threshold, she was me with the loud, boisterous laughter of Bonzo and Robert. The mischievous duo were obviously, still in action.
“Alice my love” she heard Robert call out, in an almost operatic voice. His voice was so shrill, Alice was glad he chose rock singing instead of opera.
“Robert, lovely to see you again!”
“You too my love, so glad you could make it, it wouldn’t be complete without you!”
“Aha, I’m glad I can join in the festivities, I wonder will Swan Song credit me in any future projects Hmm?”
Roberts face dropped instantly, and a remorseful look came upon his face.
“Alice I am truly sorry about that, and about everything that happened with Jimmy. I swear to god that it wasn’t our choice - even Peter tried to get at least Tom credited, but Atlantic wouldn’t budge” Robert declared, reaching a gentle hand out to caress Alice’s bare formarm.
“Honestly Robert it’s fine, just a little joke, you know me! I got all my frustrations out on Jimmy with the Stones last year though!”
“Believe me, I heard, Keith Richards explained it to me one night in the Hyatt. Sounded like a hall of fame argument huh?”
“That is up for debate with your’s and Jimmy’s rows I’ve experienced. But anyway, that was a year ago and I’ve put everything behind me. The one charm of the past is that it is in the past”
“Hmm been reading a little Oscar Wilde recently?”
Their conversation continued for a couple more minutes, before Alice informed Robert that she was to rendezvous with her boyfriend.
“Oh you are Taylor are still a thing? Is here as your plus one?” Robert inquired as he turned around, scanning the large ballroom for a mop of golden hair.
“Oh no, that ended shortly after it began, I’m actually here with-
“Hello love, how are you, looking gorgeous as usual I see” familiar hands wrapped around Alice’s waist from behind.
Pivoting back to Alice, Robert eyes nearly popped out of his head as he watched them kiss affectionately. He had to go warn the boys about Alice’s new partner, before another fight combusted. This was going to be an awkward night.
Rounding the ballroom and finding Bonzo and Jonesy along the way, Robert pulled them behind a pillar.
“Boys we have a little bit of an awkward situation here, our dear Alice has a new boyfriend, who happens to be a good friend of Pageys. I think it would be best if we kept all three separate from eachother, before the room stands still with tension” Robert whispered quickly, letting out a breath after his tangent. “Or worse, they get at each others throats and someone leaves in a body bag” he muttered to himself.
“Wait Robert, who is this new boyfriend and why would Jimmy care? Isnt he with that Lori one or something” Bonzo replied lightly, picking a leaf off of the bush beside the pillar they were hidden behind. Just like a kid, he started to tear away the leaf until just the spine was left.
“No, Bonz, don’t you remember when she went a bit psycho when she saw Jimmy talking to Maureen at the studio last month - she thought Jimmy was cheating on her for Gods sakes” Jonesy whispered, cautiously scanning their surrounding for any prying eyes, or ears.
“Yeah, Jim brought Molly. God Bonz, is there anything in your head at all?”
“The number of braincells I have deplete rapidly anytime I talk to you Robert, strangely. I must have a look into that, ask my doctor if whatever you got going on is contagious, shouldn’t I?” Bonzo snapped back, waving his hands in front of Robert’s torso.
Robert made an annoyed face at Bonzo, before the throuple had to rejoin the party. After all, they were the main hosts of the exclusive party.
“I don’t see why everyone thinks I’m the drama mama around her, it’s obviously Jimmy! If I were him, nothing would have happened with Alice, y’know, I should have chatted her up first to be honest”
“Last time I checked she was into the ‘quiet, mysterious, brooding guitarist’ personality instead of the quote-un-quote ‘golden god, prancing around the stage, lion mane hair’ personality”
“Shut up Bonz”
“It’s mad how far we’ve come from the Yardbird days, huh Jim? Seemed like last week we were asked to perform in that movie, what was it called again?”
“I think it was called something like ‘Blow out’, or ‘Blow off’ Jeff, bit of a premonition of sorts, as you did end up smashing your guitar” Jimmy replied to his old friend, Jeff Beck. It had been a while since they’d had a proper chat, he had been meaning to link up with him for sometime.
“Yeah I remember seeing Townshend doing it and got inspired. Did you hear about The Faces being on the rocks? Apparently Ronnie Lane is getting sick of Rod’s and Ron’s antics. Apparently they started taking their coke up their arses because they blew their noses out. Seems like a good idea, but I just couldn’t fathom the process of shoving blow up my arse”
“Yeah they’re a bit mad don’t you think, maybe you dodged a bullet when they left your group. I’m surprised Percy or Bonzo didn’t think of that first”
Jeff continued talking about his solo record that was due to come out soon, but Jimmy zoned out when a familiar face caught his eye.
There she stood, conversing gracefully with a random stranger. His Alice. Not literally ‘his’ as he had figured out when he worked with the Stones last year, but he still missed her regardless. He did a little digging, and found out that the whole ordeal with David Geffen was completely different than what he heard from the source. As soon as the news hit his ears, he immediately felt sick to his stomach, the hurt look in Alice’s eyes seared into memory of when he brought up the record producer in their infamous spat.
She was dressed in a beautiful, floor length raven dress. It completely her figure greatly, hugging all her curves. She looked like a diamond in a sea of sequins. Her hair was even darker than before, now borderline black. It was also longer, flowing down in waves reaching her ribcage. He was like a moth to a flame to her, always blinded by her shining light.
He called out to her, and at the same time, so did Jeff. Alice’s head snapped up, away from her new acquaintance, and her eyes widened with shock, switching between Jimmy and Jeff.
She knew they were bound to meet sooner or later, she just hoped it would be far, far later.
Walking stiffly to the two men who beckoned her, Jeff reached a hand out to her with an adorable smile on his face. She took his hand, and he gripped her waist securely while he greeted her with a soft peck to her cheek.
Swivelling round to Jimmy with Jeff attached at her hip, she made awkward eye contact before deciding to break the tension.
“Jimmy, good to see you, this time anyway” Alice joked, hoping he wasn’t butt hurt about their last encounter. Jimmy, on the other hand, was thanking God that she wasn’t fuming at him, and was joking around again with him.
“Lovely to see you too love, hope we don’t have another boxing round. You look absolutely ravishing” he replied while leaning into kiss her cheek politely.
“I see you two are already acquainted , or should I say chummy huh?”
“I suppose so, glad to be on amiable terms with you now Jim” Alice spoke, a tinge of regret in her eyes. There was a part of her that always loved Jimmy, even when he was acting the maggot.
“Oh we go way back Jeff. Are you two together?”
“Yeah, picked up this angel last year, she was helping out with the Group’s mixing. There’s nobody like her” Jeff spoke, his eyes twinkling when he mentioned their past. Alice blushed at his compliment, he was always commenting specific things about her that he loved. Jeff made Alice feel really secure in herself, and she loved him for that.
“Yeah, one of a kind” Jimmy mumbled while finishing off his champagne.
Jeff excused himself to talk to the other Zeppelin boys, leaving Alice and Jimmy alone once more. It was a tad awkward - the last time they were friendly was over 5 years ago. They both looked into each others eyes, communicating wordlessly.
“Can we talk in private, Alice?”
“Of course Jimmy, what’s up?” Alice asked when she followed him to a secluded hallway.
“Alice, I think I’m in love you, and have been since we met. T-There’s something I always feel when I’m with you. Like a lightness,you make me feel so positive-When I felt it in ‘69, I was afraid and that’s why I ran out on you. I knew I couldn’t make us work back then, and it was too painful for me accept that, so I ran”
“Jimmy- I- what do you want me to say ? You should have said this to me five years ago - I’m with Jeff, and I’m happy, he’s good to me”
“You’re happy? You deserved more than happy. Tell me, are you in love with him? If you are, I’ll leave you alone, just say those words”
“Jimmy I, I don’t know what to say”
“Yes you do love. If Jeff was the one for you, you would’ve flat out told me to fuck off”
Alice cracked a small grin at his statement, she truly would have told him to fuck off, regardless of the topic at hand. Now she was even more confused, was she really in love with Jeff, or was she in love with the idea of Jeff? - an honest man who was always there for her when she needed him.Realising she had been stuck in her thoughts, she returning to Jimmy studying her icy orbs intently.
“Jimmy, I-I can’t do this right now. Not here”
Just as Alice started to turn away, Jimmy pulled her back in. “See if this makes up your mind” Jimmy whispered, before pulling her in by her neck to kiss her lips. It was such a strong kiss, that Alice nearly lost her breath. The kiss deepened, and soon they were full on making out, hands wandering all of each others bodies.
“Alice, Jimmy, where are you guys” they both jumped apart when they heard a voice calling for them further down the hallway.
Jeff came into view, cheery as ever jogging down the wide hallway to meet the pair.
“Something up with you guys, you both look like you were just snogged eachother” Jeff joked, assuming they might have had another argument. Both pairs of eyes widened at his statement.
“Uh, what, snogging- us, together ?” Alice stuttered.
“Haha nothin of the sort Jeff, I would never. Just reminiscing some old memories and we were actually planning on meeting up for tea in a week or two, weren’t we Alice” Jimmy chuckled, awkwardly bumping into Alice’s arm, trying to get her to play along.
“Yep, maybe next Saturday hm?” Alice asked turning to Jimmy, pretending to sound nonchalant.
“Well, I’m out of town for a week from the Friday, so why don’t you just go to our apartment- no need to spend money in a cafe!” Jeff added. Immediately Jimmy and Alice’s minds went wondering at the thought of an empty apartment, and what they could get up to.
“Well I must go, gotta actually talk to the guests we invited, nice chat Alice. Ill see you around Jeff” Jimmy spoke as he turned for the hallway door, before straightening up his collar and tie, and returning to the main ballroom.
“God, Jim acts all weird around you, hope he doesn’t have a crush or anything” Jeff pulled Alice in for a kiss, but this one wasn’t the same as Jimmy’s. Her and Jeff had a spark, but Jimmy and Alice had a blaze. What was Alice going to do now?
This was sitting in drafts for AGES! I edited a bit and now feel much more inspired to finish star crossed of!! Probably just 1-2 more chapter left (:/)
let me knowww if anybody had any ideas or plot points!!
star crossed masterlist
tag list - @rebel-without-a-zeppelin @princesspagey @dreamersdrowse @kyunisixx ask me if you would like to be added :)
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slashmebois · 4 years
“Hi !
If it's okay may I please have Bo sinclair x reader? Just reader been up for like two days straight because they're super busy but also super exhausted and they end up passing out? Like how would Bo react?” (Anon)
Oh my goodness, of course you can. Dirty garage man lives in my head rent free. Hope this is close-ish to what you were expecting Nonny!
Living in Ambrose was generally a quiet life, save for the occasional visitors. But even their noisy presence was quickly snuffed out and put on display. You had grown accustomed to the lazy days and the hard graft of luring people in and helping to move their bodies after Vincent or Bo dealt with them.
As much as you loved helping Bo with his passion project, it didn’t pay for the food on your table. There was a little money in visitor’s pockets here and there, but most people carried cards these days. So, when someone from your old life messaged with the offer of a paid remote research position you felt you would be an idiot to refuse. You just didn’t realise how much work it would be.
Bo had scrunched his nose up when you told him you needed to stay home for a week or two, and asked, “what’s wrong with the garage?”, but he hadn’t pushed you to come with him. Vincent was downstairs in the basement all day and Lester was waiting for hapless folks to show up, so your days were pretty lonely, but you told yourself that was good for your focus.
The first day went pretty well, you found what you thought were relevant articles and went into some critical evaluation before sending them over to the project manager. The second day got off to a worse start, your manager had sent the articles back telling you they were irrelevant because of something or other. You groaned in frustration and went about finding articles that fit their very niche description. From there on out it became a back and forth of you finding articles and evaluating them, and your manager being a hard-ass, or as you preferably thought of them A DICK. You were staying up later and later, eventually resulting in you forgoing sleep altogether. You would get in bed with Bo, using your crappy laptop, and as soon as he fell asleep you would sneak away to the kitchen table to continue your work.
Vincent was the first to notice your dark and baggy eyes, putting a hand on your shoulder one morning and cocking his head, “I’m fine Vinny, just not sleeping great, don’t worry”. He stood there a moment longer, looking uncertain before walking away to make breakfast, and you felt a pang of guilt. You weren’t exactly lying; you just didn’t want any of them to worry. They were all so good to you. And you knew that if Vincent got too worried, he would tell Bo, and that would not go well for sure.
Slowly but surely your manager started to give better responses to the articles you sent, and you breathed a sigh of relief. The nightmare was nearly over, you could start typing up the research into a document. With renewed inspiration and a lot of caffeine you set to work writing it up. Bo came home from work that evening and was surprised by you actually greeting him.
“You’re in a good mood y/n”
“Sure am, got a good chunk of work done. How about we celebrate on the weekend? Grab a couple beers, watch a trashy movie?”
His smile made your heart flutter, “I’d love that y/n. Don’t stay up too late now. Now come give your man a kiss”
You jump to your feet, tripping on the laptop cord in the process. You fall forwards and Bo catches you, smirking.
“You falling for me again baby?”
Your cheeks flush, “Always, you know me, just clumsy”
He grasps your hair and presses his lips to your head, inhaling, “For real, don’t stay up too late though, bed feels empty if I ain’t got you next to me. And well, feels like I’m waking up to an empty bed in the morning a lot recently.”
You smiled up at him, “I’ll be up as soon, promise”, Unfortunately, it was a promise you had to break.
Around 2am, your laptop cut out. The plug had pulled away from the wall when you tripped. But you hadn’t noticed.
You stared blankly at your reflection in the screen, numbness welling up inside you. When was the last time you saved? You couldn’t remember. What was the point? You put your heart and soul into it, but it was all crumbling to ash in your hands. You sat still as a rock for a moment before slowly raising yourself up and plugging your laptop back in. The rest of your night is spent catching up, as your eyes grow heavier and heavier.
A voice is calling you. You can hear it faintly as you monotonously type a letter at a time. It isn’t until a hand is waved in front of your face you blink back to reality and look up to a concerned looking Bo.
“Y/n. What the hell is wrong with you? I’ve been trying to get your attention for 5 minutes”
“Wha- Uh, sorry. Was really focused on this…um…this thing”
“I can tell, it was your turn to cook, remember?”
Your brain slowly ticks, as you look over to the clock. Fuck, he’s right. And you’re making him late for work.
“Oh god, Bo. I’m so sorry. I’ll just whip something up real-“
You feel your legs fall from under you as you stand and see Bo’s eyebrows knit together as he lurches towards you. And then your vision blurs out to black.
You feel very warm. It’s like there’s an all-encompassing glow surrounding you. You try to remember what came before but it’s just so comfortable here. You were at the kitchen table. And you were having breakfast? No. You fell and Bo…
You gasp awake, looking around to ascertain your surroundings. You’re in your bedroom, Bo’s metal band posters adorning the walls, and the little plants you keep on every surface. You also see Jonesy curled up on the bed, her ears perking up as she sees you rouse. You eyes come to rest on Bo who is sat on the edge of the bed staring at you.
“Hey Bo”
His lips firm up, before he lets out a sigh, “Hey.”, it’s short and curt. Fuck, he’s mad at you.
“I uh, I fell huh?”
“You could say that”
The silence is palpable.
“Look I’m real sor-“
“Don’t. You must have known you were being an idiot. I sure did. I thought you were just getting up earlier, getting less sleep. But fuck. You weren’t sleeping at all were you? All for what, some goddamn fucking job?!” His voice starts at a steady volume and rises.
You can feel yourself choking up, “It ain’t just some job. I, I just wanted to help. I thought if I made some money I could help out, get some groceries, cook a nice meal”
“WOULDN’T FUCKING MATTER IF YOU’RE DEAD Y/N” he yells, throwing his cap from his head across the floor, “DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW SCARED I WAS. I THOUGHT YOU WERE FUCKIN’ DEAD LIKE MAMA” he swipes angrily at his eyes, and his hoarse voice trembles out, “I don’t wanna lose the best thing to happen to me. Just please, we can handle money. I want you here with me, chatting shit with me in the garage, sharing dinner with all of us, cuddling up at the end of the day.” He faces away from you, and you can see the tension in his back.
You let the tears flow freely from your eyes, “I’m sorry baby, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I’ll do better. I’ll set myself hours and stick to them. And if that’s not good enough, I’ll quit.” You kneel on the bed and reach your arms over his shoulders, he tenses a little more and then relaxes back into you. “I’ll be better Bo”, your hand comes to his face and he allows you to guide him to your lips. He kisses you deeply, reaching around to grab you tight.
This. This is where you belong. In Bo’s arms. Fuck everything else.
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beautifulchaostrash · 4 years
Hi! could I get some fluff with Lester Sinclair and a female S/O? like a date, they go to the woods to search for animal bones and other cool stuff that can be found in the forest and at some point they get lost because they were too distracted being adorable? thank you so much!!!💞💞💞💞 love ya! hope you're doing well💞
A Paisley Afternoon
Lester Sinclair x Fem!Reader
SFW, mentions of abuse, swearing
Word count: 4,884
assasdjhajfsgawgeu you are SO sweet! QwQ I hope you’re doing good as well!
Quick disclaimer: I have not seen the House of Wax, and I haven’t really written for the Sinclair brothers that much, so if their characterization seems off plz let me know! This was hella fun to write and I’m super glad you requested this! (I’m also lowkey simping for Lester Sinclair, what have u done to me)
I know u asked for fluff and while this mostly is, I made the ending kinda angsty cause I can’t help myself...T-T but it has a happy ending tho
cut because this is a loooong ass fic
“S-so uh, Y/N! V-Vinnie asked me to uh, go get some stuff from the forest, ya know, for his artstuffs? And uh, ‘was wonderin’ if you wanted to come with, since yer a big fan of nature and stuff, heh. I-if you don’t that’s ok I understand I-”
You silenced his nervous rambling with a kiss on the cheek.
“I’d love to! Could we make it a picnic? I don’t get to cook for you often,” you hummed.
Lester blushed a deep red. “Y-yeah if you wanna, I’d love that...uh, m-meet you at our usual spot? Four pm?”
“I’ll see you then!” You gave him a chaste kiss on the lips before turning to go back into the house.
He gawked for a minute before jogging down the porch steps, stammering his goodbyes. He drove off as if he had gotten de-pantsed during gym class and was retreating to hide out his shame in the locker room.
He would never call this a date. Not in a million years. After all ‘Dates are s'posed to be nice and fancy, and if there’s one thing I ain’t it’s that!’. Lester’s self-deprecating humor came back in your mind as you sat on the edge of the boarded-up well. The well served as your go-to meet spot for these kinds of outings.
Even though you had both been dating for years, Lester always treated every date as if it were his first. As if he couldn't believe that you wanted to spend time with him. It broke your heart to think about, but it was sweet in away.
Every time he came up with an excuse. ‘Bo wants me out of the house for the evening'...'We need more parts for the House of Wax, and I need some help'... 'You’ve spent a lot of time inside lately, you should go on a walk'! And I’ll come with to protect you in case people come by.’  But you knew better.
You knew that Lester was too nervous to ask you outright. You’re snapped out of your daydream by the slam of a car door. Looking up to see Lester jogging towards you, Jonsey following close behind.
“S-sorry I’m late! Lost track of ti-...Y/N! How many times have I told you not to sit on that well!?!” he picked up his pace, sprinting to where you sat.
You sheepishly stood up, not noticing that you had been leaning on it in the first place.
“Sorry sweetheart, guess I jus’ got tired,”
He pulled you into a tight hug, then pulled away to check your body for injuries. He was like a flustered mother goose, almost.
“That well is ancient, why it-it was 'prolly here before Bo and Vinnie were even born! If you p-put too much weight on it, it could-”
“Collapse and I could get hurt, I know, I know. Gah! You worry too much darling,” You stood on your tiptoes to press a kiss into the bridge of his nose.
He stood back and put his hands on his hips, eyeing you up and down.
“Why I oughta-” He wagged a finger in your direction.
“What? You oughta what? What’re you gonna do huh?” you smirked and leaned into him, tilting your head.
“I oughta…” He trailed off at your sudden challenge, blushing hard.
His eyes widened and a mischievous grin spread across his face.
“I oughta kiss you, fer being so reckless!” He crossed his arms.
You giggled and put a hand over your forehead. “Oh no! What a tragedy! Forced to kiss the most handsome man in the world! Whatever shall I do???”
You sank to the ground and leaned against Jonsey, putting a hand to your forehead. Lester looked down at his feet and rubbed the back of his neck.
“Aww shucks!” He muttered.
You jumped up, wrapping your arms around his waist and ghosting your lips against his. Lester pressed his hands against your waist and closed the distance between you two. You stayed connected for a moment, savoring the tangy taste of sweat and dirt on your tongue. You only broke away when you heard Jonesy snuffling around in the picnic basket you brought with. After shooing her away from your food, Lester went back to his truck to gather his bag, and you were both on your way.
You and Lester walked through the forest, taking your time to pick your way for the undergrowth. Even though you both did this often, and usually traveled the same path each time, you never failed to find stuff.
Jonesy, not learning her lesson from the last time, went after a badger and got her ass kicked again. Leading to a very angry rant from Lester, even though she couldn’t understand what she was saying.
Even though you were looking for animal bones, anything was game. From discarded beer cans to cool looking rocks, weird plants, whatever you managed to find.
You both stopped in a small clearing, the trees were sparser here and the grass a bit taller. A perfect place for treasures to hide. Lester beamed, moving to start sifting through the vegetation. You set your basket down nearby and followed suit, hiking up your pant legs to avoid the mud.
A few minutes and a couple of oddly shaped rocks later, Lester called out to you. He showed off a very excellent stick, that was a bit shorter than him and looked thick and sturdy. He handed it to you, proclaiming that it was going to be your 'wizard staff'.
“Wizard staff?” you chuckled, grabbing the stick from his hands.
“Why yes! You are the most magical person I’ve met! You’ve got to be some sort of powerful enchantress! Sein' as you’ve put a spell on my heart~” he smiled and grabbed you by the waist, leaning down to kiss you.
You gasped when he pulled away, blushing at his cheesy comments. You sure as shit weren’t gonna let him get away with it without firing back with some of your own.
“That’s funny, seeing as you’re the one who’s charmed me~” you whispered in his ear, your breath hot on his sensitive skin.
You spun around and stooped down to pick through the grass,  ignoring his flustered gaping. He smiled and kneeled next to you in the dirt, enjoying the silence of the forest.
You both trek on for another hour or so, before finding a level area near a creek to collapse and have lunch. You made quick work, unfurling the blanket and setting out the food. You tossed a few treats towards Jonsey to make sure your meal wouldn't get sacrificed.
You fell onto the ground with a thud, letting your aching muscles relax. Even though it wasn't hot out, the humidity made doing anything outside torture. You don't know how Lester managed to do it every day.
“You need to eat, here d-drink some water,” he pushed a canteen into your hands along with a sandwich.
“Water?” Taking a swig from the canteen, you smirked. “Why, I think you have more than quenched my thirst, gorgeous~”
Lester went red from ear to ear as he realized that you were ogling his backside while he rummaged around in his bag. He flushed and sat down next to you, suddenly very invested in the ham sandwich in front of him. You finished your sandwich and leaned against his shoulder. Lester blushed and started stammering. You silence him with a kiss, one hand moving to cup his cheek, the other moving to his chest.
He reciprocated, wrapping his arms around your waist and deepening the kiss. His lips slid against yours, chapped and sweaty, and tasting faintly of blood. It was more than gross, it was ghastly, repulsive even, and yet so so addicting. Every time you think you get enough of him he leaves you yearning for more. If you didn’t know any better, you would’ve thought him to be a succubus or some kind of land-dwelling siren.
But nope, it was just Lester. Lester bringing you gifts in the form of wildflowers, pretty rocks, and books. Lester giving you full-throated, heartfelt praise and sappy comments. Lester giving you more passion and love and charm in one smile than anyone else could give you in a lifetime. Bo may be a smooth-talking seducer, but Lester? Lester was straight up husband material, and it made your heart melt.
And it made other things melt as well, you realized as you were craving more of him. You opened your mouth slightly, pushing your tongue on his lips to savor more of that sickly sweet taste. He obliged you, parting his lips to brush your tongues together. Straddling his waist, you press your body against his, leveraging a more intimate kiss.
He gave out a small groan, which only spurned you on further. Your  hand reached down to pull at the hem of his shirt, when his rough hands gripped your hips and pulled you off of him.
“Not in front of Jonesy!” he hissed into your ear.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the notion.
“Jonsey? Babe, she’s just a dog she doesn’t care what we’re doin’, she doesn’t even understand what sex is!”
He puffed up , a bit offended by your words. “She is not jus’ a dog, she is an innocent creature and does not deserve to be exposed to that kind o’ stuff!”
You snickered again, conceding defeat. “Alright alright, but you owe me, mister,” you teased.
He smiled and kissed the top of your head as you snuggled into his side.
“Don’ worry bout a thing darlin’, I always pay my debts,”
You both relaxed, exchanging kisses and occasionally commenting about work, or the weather. After a while, you both decided it was time to move on, and you packed up camp.
As you stopped to refill the canteens from the creek, your eye noticed something odd in the water.
Upon closer inspection, you realized it was a very smooth rock. You, of course, fished it out to take home with you. Only then did you realize what about it that had caught your eye in the first place. The rock itself was a dark color, flat, and about the same circumference as a small wine bottle. Right smack in the middle of the rock was a hole going clear through to the other side.
Your jaw dropped. It was a hag stone. You had heard of them before but had never expected to ever find one naturally occurring. They were ridiculously rare and only formed under specific circumstances. Even though it seemed to be a bit silly, you mentally thanked the forest and the creek for giving you such a gift. “Lester!” you called out. “Come look at what I found!”
You ran over to him and dropped the stone into his palm. His eyes widened, his fingers running over the smooth surface, tracing the round hole.
“You found this in th’ creek?” he held the stone up to his face and peered through the hole curiously.
“Yeah! It was just sitting there,”
“Well I’ll be, I never seen anything like it!”
“They’re called Hag Stones! It's rumored they hold powerful magic, since they're only created through natural means,”
Lester hummed and pushed the stone back into your hands.
“That’s a real hell of a find y/n!” He smiled.
You palmed the rock, thinking for a moment. An idea popped into your head.
“Say Lester do you have any rope or string?” you asked.
He nodded and went to retrieve it from his pack. It was a small bundle of thin para-cord, stolen off some unfortunate tourist. 
“Perfect!” you beamed.
Taking the loose end, you compared the length to your neck to gauge it, then took a small pocket knife and cut the rope. Looping one end through the hole in the rock, then tying both ends in a secure knot. Beckoning Lester to lean down, you looped the necklace over his head, leaving it to rest on his neck . He looked down at it and smiled.
“When Hag Stones are worn around the neck like this, they make the wearer pretty much immune to curses and bad luck. It’s even said that if you look through it, you’ll be able to see into the kingdom of the Fae Folk! And because we found this one in the forest, it grants you favor with the tree spirits!” you bit your tongue and blushed, realizing how silly and hippy-dippy you sounded.
“‘Course that’s just all legend, but it is still pretty though, and I think it suits you nicely.”
Lesters’ eyes widened, and he tried to lift the stone from around his neck. “I can't! Y-you need this more than me!”
You snatched his hands from the cord and laced your fingers in his, shrugging.
“You deserve it baby, you deserve to be protected. You deserve to be happy and loved too! I’m plenty safe with you and Jonesy around. It’s your turn to be taken care of,” you leaned and pressed your forehead against his.
Reaching up, you rubbed his cheek, surprised when your hand came away wet. Looking up you saw that he was crying.
“Oh, Lester? What’s wrong sweetie?” you wiped away the streams of tears with your thumbs.
“N-nothing I just-” he closed his eyes and let out a choked sob. His hands came to rest atop yours. “No one’s ever t-told me that, that i d-deserve to be happy and s-safe!”
He burrowed his face in your shoulder and sobbed. You stood and held him there, rocking back and forth while rubbing circles on his back in through his hair. His arms gripped you tight enough to hurt, but you didn’t mind. Even as you cooed and shushed him, anger bubbled behind your soothing tone.
You were furious. Furious at his parents for treating him like he didn’t exist, at Bo for bullying him constantly, and at Vincent too. Even though Vincent wasn’t as nasty, he still brushed Lester off like a horsefly that wouldn’t leave him alone. When Lester tried to talk to him, show him something, even just say hi, Vincent would always sign the same things.
‘I’m busy,’
‘Go bother Bo,’
‘Lester please, I have a headache, be quiet,’
It made your blood boil and your vision go red. Yeah sure, Vincents’ mute and can’t eat or smile without his deformity causing him pain. Bo was treated like the devil incarnate by his parents in favor of Vincents’ artistic talent. But they had the same fucking parents. The same fucking childhood. The least they could do is treat him like something more than a piece of dirt. Some days you wondered if they even cared about him.
You snapped out of your ire when Lester pulled you into a tender kiss, lower lip still trembling slightly. You pulled back and planted kisses all over his face, on his nose, chin, eyelid, everywhere. He devolved into a fit of wet giggles, his nose crinkling as your lips tickled his handsome features. He wiped his eyes again and looked you in the eyes lovingly.
“I love you, Y/N,”
“I love you too, Lester,”
You smiled and gave him one final kiss. He beamed. Taking the stone, he held it up to his eye, peering through the hole at you.
“Well hey! Would’ya lookit that! I’ve already found myself a fairy! And a mighty cute one at that!~”
You giggled and pushed him away bashfully. “Go pack up the rest of our stuff ya goofball!”
Following the river, you continued to look for stuff along the winding trail. You snagged a pretty decent haul, all things considered. Animal bones and carcasses and rocks and some jewelry left behind by a camper. Nothing really out of the norm for the pair of you, and things were going great.
That is until you realize too little too late, that the sun had all but set, and left you in the dark with no idea of where you are. You tried to follow the creek down back the way you came and kept following it. And kept following it, and….
“Lester? I don’t recognize any of this…”
You hoped that Lester would put on his brave act and reassure you that yes, Y/n. He knew the woods like the back of his hand and that you would be home in no time. You did not get that.
“Yeah, me neither, I don’ know where the hell we ended up. It’s too dark for me to read my compass an’ I left the flashlights at Ambrose ‘cause I didn’t think we’d be out past dark,” Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his phone. “Ah, damn it’s dead! Knew I shoulda charged it before I left this morning! Did you bring yours?”
The lack of panic and fear in his voice made your skin crawl. How the hell is he so calm??? And no, you didn’t bother to bring your phone with you this time, not wanting to be annoyed with phone calls from work. Lester seemed to notice your mounting panic and quickly set about comforting you.
“Y/N! Y/n, dont be upset, we’ll be ok! You got me an' Jonesy here to protect you. I’m pretty sure that this creek leads to the main road, and we can follow the road back to Ambrose. You have extra food in that basket right?”
“Uh, yeah, treats for Jonesy, some apples and an extra sandwich I think, and we have water in the canteens still,”
“Alrighty then, If worse comes to absolute worse, we’ll make camp for the night in the forest. Then I can make a fire and we’ll head out in th mornin' when it’s light out, ok? Hey…” He reached out and put a hand on your shoulder. “We’re gonna be ok.” he said with an air of finality, putting you somewhat at ease and strenghtening your resolve.
You continued to follow the creek, holding hands so you wouldn’t get separated. You walked on for what seemed like hours, but eventually, you came across the road Lester talked about. You would’ve cried out for joy if you weren't so goddamn tired. You hadn’t realized how far you went into the forest. Lester stepped out into the middle of the road and looked towards the sky, looking for something. You stepped out and looked up with him. You gasped at the sight of the sky. You had never seen so many stars in the sky before. Well, that’s a lie, Lester took you stargazing often, but it still stole your breath every time.
“Fuck” he whispered under his breath. “It’s a new moon,”
“Why’s that bad?” you asked.
“Can’t tell which way east is, ‘least not very easily,” he muttered.
He scanned the sky further, peering at it with an intense stare. Even though you were horribly, horribly lost, you were happy to be able to spend time with Lester. A little bit of impromptu stargazing was also a plus.
“Jesus, you think after a while i’d start to remember to bring the flashlights, huh? Guess you can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” He chuckled.
You reached out for Lesters’ hand again, squeezing it gently. He continued to curse under his breath before giving up on whatever it was he was looking for. “Y/N, I’m really sorry this turned into such a shitshow, I-”
“It’s ok pumpkin, shit happens sometimes. The only thing we can really do is try to do better next time,”
“Yeah, I guess,”
You both stood there staring at the sky, not knowing what to do or where to go from here. So you stood, and stared at the sky, in the middle of the road, like a couple o’ crazies.
You were so lost in thought that you didn’t notice the car approaching you in the road. A door slammed, jarring you out of your stupor. You rubbed your eyes, stuggling to adjust to the birghtness of the headlights. You heard a voice call out.
“Lester? Jonesy?” it was Bo, of all people, and he seemed to be somewhat concerned  for once in his goddamn life.
“Yeah we are we, just got,” Lester was cut off, the worry vanishing from Bo in an instant once he realized you guys were ok.
“WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!? IT’S ALMOST ONE IN THE FUCKING MORNING AND YOU GUYS SAID YOU WOULD BE BACK AT DAWN!!!” he roared. “You haven’t been answering your phone Lester, and YOU, for whatever fucking reason, decided to leave yours at home, what in the fuck happened?!?”
“We got lost,” Lester shrugged.
“Lost?” he hissed. “Fucking lost? Let me guess, asswipe didn’t bother to bring flashlights did he?” Bo asked you, sarcasm and venom dripping from his voice like sour honey.
He was about to launch into another bought of cursing, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him. Bo whipped around to face his twin, who signed something quickly. You couldn’t make it out in the darkness, but whatever he said, it pissed Bo off.
“Don’t you fuckin’ ‘Bo’ me, I’m tired of this lardass going ‘round ‘causin trouble!” He whipped towards you and jabbed his finger in your face. “And you! You-”
Something inside you snapped. You were exhausted, in pain, and flat out sick of everything.
“What?! I’m what Bo? I’m a worthless, good for nothin’ piece o shit? Huh? Just like your FUCKING BROTHER HUH?!?”
“Ya know what, now that you say it-” he smirked.
CRACK The air around you was still, and thick. Bo doubled over, trying to comprehend what happened. You clenched your jaw, refusing to show tears on your face, even as pain blossomed through your joints.
“Not another fucking word out of your goddamn mouth, Bo Sinclair, or so help me god I’m gonna be the one gluing your lips shut! Got it?” your voice quaked low and dangerous, and even Bo knew better than to try and talk back.
“The way you treat Lester is fucking shameful! The ONLY thing you seem to be good at is making people feel like shit, and I would fucking expect an ADULT MAN to have more emotional maturity THAN A FUCKING THREE OLD!!!” you felt your voice go shrill and high, warbling with rage.
And you!”
Vincent jumped and almost fell backward when you turned to talk to him. You could see his eyes wide with fear under his waxy mask. Good. You wanted this lesson to fucking stick.
“You have less spine than your fucking wax statues! If you had even an ounce self respect, you’d grow a pair and stop putting up with Bo’s bullshit! Or at the very least, you’d stop cowering in the basement being all sad and tragic and try to be invested in what Lester is trying to say rather than blowing him off with bullshit excuses because you can’t be FUCKED to give shit!!!”
You finally let yourself pause, catching your breath. You heard Vincent shifting his weight on his feet, and felt the eye daggers Bo was stabbing you with. “You three are brothers, so fucking act like it,”
And with that, you grabbed Lester by the hand and led him to Bo’s truck. Neither Bo nor Vincent seemed to make any move to follow you. Opening the driver’s side door, you let Jonesy hop up into the back. Noticing that the keys were still in the ignition, you pulled them out and tossed them to Lester. You slid into the passenger seat and let out a silent sigh. Christ, did your head fucking hurt.
You noticed that Lester seemed a bit anxious, but you could tell that he was happy that someone stood up for him.
You looked over at the twins just in time to see Bo smack Vincent's hand away.
“DOn’t fuckin’ touch me!” he growled.
“Bo, get in the fucking truck,” you hissed.
Vincent scrambled through the driver’s side door into the backseat. You exhaled through your nose, noticing that he chose the seat opposite of where you were sitting.  Bo was a little late to the party, but you savored the humiliation of him having to crawl into the backseat of his truck.
Satisfied, you leaned against the headrest of your seat, trying to steady your breaths. The purr of the engine was a welcome distraction from the tense air around you. You must’ve fallen asleep at some point because the last thing you remember was Lester carrying you to bed. He gave you a kiss, whispering a gentle ‘thank you’ before you drifted off into a dreamless sleep.
Bo gritted his teeth and rolled his eyes.
“I cannot believe you are making me do this,” he mumbled.
“Please, Bo! I don’t wanna get yelled at again!” Vincent signed hastily.
Bo raised an eyebrow. “You really are a self absorbed prick, aren’t you?”
Vincent dropped his hands in exasperation before picking them up again. “Fine, It’s the right thing to do, and I’m a jerk just like you, now will you please-”
“Alright, alright,” Bo waved Vincents’ hands down.
He reluctantly got up from the couch and trudged up the stairs, Vincent tugging him along . Bo gently knocked on Lester’s bedroom door. Hearing a muffled ‘yes’, he opened it to see Lester standing near his dresser, putting his gear away. Y/n was fast asleep under the covers.
“She asleep?” He nodded his head towards your shape on the bed.
“Uh, yeah i think so, why?” Lester whispered.
“We need to talk,” Bo stated numbly.
“Oh...Uh, gimme a minuet,” he stuffed his pack in the wardrobe before following Bo and Vincent out into the living room.
Bo stood for a moment, shooting his twin a sour glare. He rubbed his forehead and inhaled sharply.
“I’m sorry,” he groused.
Vincent looked at him expectedly as Lester tilted his head in confusion. Bo let out a long-suffering sigh.
“I’m sorry fer always yellin’ at you and tellin’ you yer a piece a shit, ‘cause ya aren’t. I know that you don’t mean to forget things. The reason why I got so angry tonight was ‘cause I was so damn worried about you, but that’s no excuse. So, I’ll try and uh, ‘manage my emotional outbursts', his words, not mine” Bo nodded at his twin.
“What he’s trying to say is that we both care about you, and we’ve both been letting our emotions dictate how we treat you.” His hands hesitated slightly before continuing. “I...as much as would like to believe, I’m not any better than Bo just because I don’t yell at you. I’m self absorbed, and I need to be more self aware and not let myself get strung up over little things,”
Lester sniffed, wiping the tears that were forming on his eyelids. “You wax-heads, of course I know you guys care about me! Why else would you come looking for me at ‘one in the fucking morning’?” he snickered. “I do appreciate your apologies though...I know you an’ Vinnie ain’t got it easy, god knows you didn’t, I was there, but that was it. Just, there. A bystander. I can’t help but wonder if I had said or done something maybe-”
“Lester,” Bo interrupted. “What happened to me-what happened to us is not your fault, or your responsibility.”
“I figure, but the problem is I’m still a bystander now, here in Ambrose. I don’t ever take charge of anythin’, I just stand there and wait for one of you to tell me to do something. Heh...that’s not really useful, ain’t It? I want-I should be takin’ a more active role in the House of Wax, we all have our part to play, don’t we?” “You’re right, we all need to work together,” Vincent signed.
Bo rolled his eyes and huffed, shaking his head at Vincent.
“OOOKAYY, if this shit gets any sweetter im gonna have a heart attack and die!” Bo stood up to leave. “Goodnight,”
“Oh no, not so fast mister!”
Lester wrapped his arms around Bo and pulled him into a hug. Vincent was quick to hug him from behind, pinning Bo between him and Lester.
“Alrighty, I love you too...ok that’s enough you can let me go
“We're not lettin' go 'til you hug back~,” Lester sang out.
Vincent rested his head on Bo’s shoulder in place of making a sarcastic remark. Bo grumbled, throwing his arms around Lester, who in turn, squeezed Bo tighter.
“Hey! A Sinclair Sandwich! Ain’t had one of these in a long time,” Lester giggled.
“Happy now?” Bo muttered.
“Yeah,” he sighed.
Bo relaxed a little, allowing himself to sink into the physical affection. Vincent hummed happily in response, and Lester nuzzled into Bo’s other shoulder. Bo closed his eyes, and for a fleeting moment, believed that he was going to be okay.
-Mod Elith
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hockeylvr59 · 4 years
Knight in Shining Armor || Seth Jones
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Requested: [ ] yes [x] no
Authors Note: So I had this concept in my drafts to write for like a year for another player (coughcoughSeguin) but since he’s not on my good list right now and I’ve been wanting to write about Seth for a while, I decided that the concept would work great for him. This is mostly platonic but there’s kind of an underlying current of more so let me know what you think of it. 
Warnings: shitty ex-friends, lingering grief 
Word Count: 2,868
Most days you were in love with your job. Being one of the few female television broadcasters for a professional sports team was a major accomplishment and you tried to never take a day of it for granted. You were setting the stage for women in the future and that was a source of tremendous pride for you. You got to watch a sport you loved and see players that would someday be in the hall of fame take the ice. You got to travel to places that you’d probably never visit otherwise.
While the perks were numerous, there were also things that sucked. 
Though most of the time the travel didn’t bother you, sometimes you found yourself sick of climbing on planes, sleeping in hotel rooms, and living out of a suitcase. Then there were the emotionally draining things like constantly being criticized by male fans because of course, a woman couldn’t possibly be competent enough to do color commentary for a major sport. Finally, there were the late nights. 
Tonight was one of those days where you weren’t quite so in love with your job. You were two cities into a six-city road trip and it was that time of the month. In your haste of packing, you’d forgotten to replenish your supply of feminine products and so you’d had to rush to a drug store while praying that you didn’t bleed through your pants. After putting out that fire, you’d gotten yourself ready for the game before heading over to the arena with your co-anchor. Running behind had meant that you’d missed dinner, however, and press box food wasn’t your favorite. Setting into your seat after touching up your hair and makeup you waited for the puck to drop between the Jackets and the Sabres. 
By the first intermission, the lack of food and mother nature’s wrath had left you with a burgeoning migraine. You’d searched your bag for a bottle of Advil, only to find it empty. A quick inquiry with the rest of the media during a commercial break also turned up empty. While the roller of peppermint essential oil you did have took a little bit of the edge off, no matter how many times you had reapplied it you wanted nothing more than to go lay down by the time the final horn sounded. 
Usually, you stopped down at the locker room to congratulate the team, however, tonight you just needed to get back to the hotel while you still had the faculties to do so. 
Once back at the hotel you changed and crawled into bed, laying in the dark in hopes that a lack of visual stimuli and quiet would make the pain lessen. You’d been laying there for roughly half an hour when there was a knock on your door that caused you to groan. When the knock sounded once more, you pried yourself out of bed and padded over to the door, peering through the peephole. Standing on the other side was Seth Jones. Curious as to why the Blue Jackets defenseman was there you flipped open the security latch before opening the door. 
“Hey,” Seth whispered and your eyes furrowed both from confusion and pain. With the latter suppressing your filter words filtered out of your mouth. 
“What are you doing here?” You inquired, running the hand not holding the door through your hair. 
“Missed you in the locker room after the game. Saw the second intermission report and thought you could use these.” He mused, his eyes taking in your appearance more fully. It was only then that you glanced down to see the pill bottle in his hands. “Snatched these from the training room.” He admitted with a smile. 
“You’re a saint Jonesy.” You admitted, your body language softening at the prospect of actually getting enough relief to sleep. Taking the bottle from his outstretched hand you sent him as much of a smile as you could muster. 
“Anything for my favorite broadcaster.” He responded shrugging. “Need you back in top form for the next game.” He teased. “And migraines aren’t any fun and you look like you’re suffering pretty bad.” He added, his hands now drifting to the pockets of his suit. “Anyway...take those and get some sleep huh?” He instructed and when you nodded he turned to walk away. 
“Hey, Seth…” You started. “Thank you.” 
After leaving Buffalo, the team had dipped up to Ottawa before flying down to Boston for a game against the Bruins. The team had a day off between the two games however and had decided to go out for the night, have a few drinks, and just relax before a tough game the following day. You’d been invited by a bunch of the younger guys and though the club scene really wasn’t your thing you’d agreed. 
Dressed in a pair of form-fitting jeans and a flirty blouse you made your way through the crowd to the bar for a bottle of water. You’d been dancing with Pierre but you’d sent him to chase after a woman who had caught his eye and now you were parched. It wasn’t until you were leaning against the bar trying to flag down the bartender that you noticed that someone you really didn’t want to see was just a few spots down. 
Ducking your head you prayed that he didn’t notice you, but of course, despite being short, he was suddenly at your side, calling out your name over the crowd. 
You’d known Jake in high school, had been close friends and something else that you could only describe as awkward. You hadn’t dated, he’d had other girlfriends at the time but you’d definitely toed the line of appropriateness regarding your conversations. He’d hurt you badly a few years ago and you hadn’t spoken since. Honestly, talking to him now was the last thing you were interested in. You’d known he was living in Boston but what were the odds he’d be at this club the one night you were in town. 
As he stood beside you, his hand fell to your arm that was resting on the bar and he was asking if he could buy you a drink. You wanted to tell him to go away, you wanted to shove his hand off of you, you wanted to insist that you were good and to go shove the drink but suddenly you couldn’t speak and you couldn’t move. In that moment you felt beyond vulnerable. 
And then suddenly a warm arm draped itself around your waist and you were tugged into the side of a firm body. The second the scent of his cologne filled your nose, you relaxed against him and glanced up to see Seth’s figure hovering over you. 
“Hey sweetheart, I have a bottle of water for you at the table.” He declared, tone soft as he directed the words at you but with enough volume that your unwelcome company was certain to hear it. “Josh has a story he refuses to tell until you’re there.” He added, giving you every excuse to step away from the bar. 
“Uh...yeah...coming.” You agreed, turning back toward your former friend for just a second. “Sorry gotta go...the gang beckons.” Not giving him a chance to respond, you let Seth lead you across the club to the table that your group had claimed as its own. Cam Atkinson was the only one present at the table, nursing a beer as he typed furiously on his phone. 
Pulled in beside Seth, you found that there was indeed a sealed water bottle waiting for you and you sighed feeling your body relax now that there was some distance between you and Jake. 
“Thank you.” You murmured. It was the second time on this trip that you’d spoken the words to Seth after he’d saved you. 
“Don’t worry about it.” Seth insisted. “You looked uncomfortable and no one deserves that. Do I need to go back up there and kick his ass?” He inquired and though you were certain Seth could indeed kick Jake’s ass there wasn’t any need for that. 
“No, it’s okay.” You assured him, relaxing against his body as his arm settled around your shoulders. “Just a former friend that I didn’t expect to see...nor do I ever want to see again.” You sighed. Seth didn’t pry into that statement, but his fingers tracing patterns over your arm expressed that he was willing to listen if you did want to talk about it. 
For the rest of the night, Seth didn’t leave your side, going as far as walking you up to your hotel room. Having Seth by your side made you feel safe and as you opened your hotel room door, you once again expressed your thanks. 
The last stop on your long road trip was Winnipeg. You’d arrived around 2 in the morning and had fallen into bed almost immediately upon reaching your hotel room. 
Around 4 in the morning you were jolted awake by a shrill piercing sound. Checking your phone you saw group messages from the boys saying that you all needed to evacuate the hotel immediately. With the timestamps being nearly four minutes earlier, your heart raced and you threw on the nearest clothing items you could find before sliding on your slippers. 
Of course, a Jackets hoodie, thin tights, and indoor slippers were no match for the Winnipeg winter. But you didn’t realize that in your panicked state until the harsh wind whipped right through them as you made your way across the sidewalk to where the rest of the team was standing. Tucking your arms around yourself tightly, you stopped by Torts to see if he knew what was going on and how long you’d have to be outside in the middle of the night. He didn’t have any answers to give you and you sighed nodding, a yawn slipping from your throat. 
Around you, all of the guys were grumbling, but you quickly noticed that they’d all had at least enough foresight to throw on more substantial clothing. And those who hadn’t...well they were Canadian and probably didn’t feel the cold anyway. 
Shivering, you tried pacing around to keep the blood flowing so that maybe you wouldn’t feel the cold but it wasn’t working well. Passing a group of the guys you felt an arm reach out and tug you closer and when you looked up, Seth was gazing down at you. 
“C’mere.” He mumbled, his voice showing that he wasn’t exactly happy to be woken from sleep either. “Someone forgot Winnipeg was cold.” He teased and a slight blush covered your cheeks. You could play it off as the cold though if anyone noticed, thankfully. Now stopped in front of Seth, you watched as he unzipped his coat and pulled your body against his before rezipping it as much as he could around two bodies. 
With your chest pressed to his and his arms wrapped around you along with the coat, you were suddenly filled with a comfortable warmth and you burrowed yourself into his body as much as you could. 
“Better?” He asked and feeling you nod he chuckled softly. “Good. Can’t have you freeze now can we?” 
Thankfully all of his teammates were too sleepy to even really notice your intimate position because if they had they certainly would have chirped both of you to no end. Standing wrapped in Seth’s jacket until the all-clear was given and you were permitted to return to your rooms you couldn’t help but notice the rhythm of his breathing, the sound of his heart beating, and the way your body fit against his in spite of the height difference. 
As the two of you parted, you moved to thank him but Seth just pulled you into a quick hug before retreating down the hall. It was evident that you were both too tired to say the words but that he knew you meant them all the same. 
Arriving home from the road trip was such a relief. You were ready to sleep in your own bed, ready for a day off. Still, as the boys chatted about what they were going to do with said day off as a group of you walked across the tarmac to your respective cars, the significance of tomorrow’s date flooded into your head and you froze. 
“Y/N…” Boone stated, trying to snap you out of your haze. 
“Huh?” You responded. 
“What are you doing tomorrow?” He asked. 
“Um...probably just running some errands…” You said, your voice cracking as you spoke. “And a stop at the cemetery.” None of the boys knew much about your personal life, certainly not nearly as much as you knew about theirs. At your admission, no one knew what to say and you said goodbye to them as you tossed your bag into your car. 
By the time you’d gotten up the next morning, had cleaned yourself up and gotten dressed, had started a load of laundry, and placed a grocery order for pickup it was almost 11am. Since the forecast showed rain in the afternoon you knew that if you were going to stop at the cemetery that you needed to go now. 
Heading down to your car, you paused seeing someone leaning against the hood. Anxiously stepping closer, you let out a soft breath recognizing Seth’s frame and mannerisms. Beside him was a drink holder with two cups inside and you adjusted your purse on your shoulder as you approached him. 
“What are you doing here?” You questioned. Seth shrugged for a moment before shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans. 
“Thought you could use some company…” He expressed, reaching to grab a cup, handing it to you. “It’s hot chocolate.” He explained and though you weren’t sure why he wanted to tag along, how long he’d been standing there or a multitude of other questions, you took the cup from him, taking a sip and letting the warmth of the drink flood through you. 
Unlocking your car, you watched as Seth folded himself into the passenger seat. The drive across town was quiet, only the radio playing softly providing background noise. As you pulled your car into the cemetery, already you could feel your throat getting tight and you forced yourself to breathe, using the mental task of navigating to the right part of the cemetery to distract yourself. 
With the car in park, you opened your door, turning back to reach into the center console for a stray hockey puck. Though Seth climbed out of the car as well, he just stood leaning against it as you made your way down the hillside. 
It took a minute for you to find the appropriate plot, but once you had you knelt down on the cold ground, your fingers brushing over the lettering of the marker partially buried in the ground. No matter how many times you were here, this never got easier and tears quickly started streaming down your cheeks. With the ground solid beneath you, you settled to sit by the grave, your hands laying the puck down on it gently. 
For the next few minutes, you talked about work, the games on this latest road trip, how you’d gotten the puck you’d brought, and what you were looking forward to with the rest of the season. At some point, you started whispering about Seth and how he was slowly invading your life, questioning whether any of your family up in heaven had thoughts on that they’d like to share. 
Though you didn’t want to leave, you knew you needed to and so you said your goodbye, your until next times, and a soft ‘happy birthday’ before picking up the puck and pushing yourself to your feet. As you made your way up the hill, sobs racked your body and tears flooded your cheeks. Reaching the car, you barely even noticed Seth’s open arms as you stepped into them, his fingers tangling in your hair as he held you close. His other hand gently rubbed your back until your breathing steadied again and when you pulled back, he was offering you a handkerchief to wipe your tears. 
“Do you need me to drive?” He whispered softly, not trying to push you into it but needing to ensure that you were truly alright. 
“Can you?” You requested and after handing over the keys, you traded spots, sliding into the passenger seat. Seth had barely left the cemetery gates when his hand drifted down to wrap around yours and you couldn’t help but watch him as he drove. You’d never met someone who was so silently supportive, who always seemed to know exactly what you needed, and who made your heart skip a beat when he looked at you. 
He was your knight in shining armor and an angel in disguise, making all of the hard things a little easier and the good things even better. The future was unclear but you were quickly learning that you wanted to face all of it with him by your side. 
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pinky and the brain - s1e1: das mouse
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dejavu! have we been here before?
episode summary: brain concocts a hypnotic pancake recipe in order to hypnotise the surrounding population into being his loyal minions. however, one of the crucial ingredients is the meat of a specific type of crab, which can only be found in the reckage of the titanic.
the rundown:
we open with the mice attempting to blow their cage open.
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SENIOR PRODUCER: TOM RUEGGER. sorry about that, y’all, but the opening credits are in the actual show, now, so nothing i can really do about it. at least they seem to have a water bottle in their cage, this time, which is good.
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NEVER MIND I GUESS. IT EXPLODED. literally every frame there is a smear frame - again, nothing i can do.
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poor mousie go bomp. ):
apparently, the plan was less regarding explosive force, and more to set off a rube goldberg chain of events that completely disobey the laws of physics to end up picking the lock.
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it’s hard to convey without animation, but this spoon flies through the air and just straight up lands in the lock. it’s wild.
“ooo!” says pinky, watching this all impossibly unfold. “good one, brain!”
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“they’re all good ones, pinky.” we will never be free of brain’s face, it seems.
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as the mice wander along, brain tells pinky that tonight’s plan will "recieve the aid of legions of unassuming humans”, because he intends to hypnotise them all with the secretions of!
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“what, a frog?”
yes, a frog. apparently the frog sweats out hypnotic fluid. it is Filled With Peptides. (pinky’s response to this is “naaaaaarf”, which is very helpful.) after they collect this fluid, brain just needs to work out how to get thousands of people to ingest it.
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“like a giant pancake jambouree?”
“please, pinky, i--”
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so pancake jambouree it is. brain cooks pinky an experimental batch before he decides to release them to the masses.
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look at brain’s lil dress! and pinky has his tongue stuck out. everyone here is having a good time and it’s very cute. this is exactly what lori alexander wants marriage to be.
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pinky does briefly express his concerns that he might, yknow, be hypnotised, but apparently the concoction doesn’t attain Full Potency until he adds the meat of a fancy crab, and these are just test batches so he can work out how to hide the taste of the Frog Juice.
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it goes about as well as one would hope.
but never mind, eh? time for crab.
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turns out all the crab is stored in the titanic.
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still, brain is pretty convinced that they can just.... go down there and get it. look at his lil scheming face. pinky argues during today’s pondering segment that “there’s still a bug stuck in there from last time” (okay?) and brain cuts him off to insist that they GO DOWN TO THE DEPTHS OF THE OCEAN AND RAISE THE HULL OF THAT SORROWFUL SHIP.
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he does a gay little point and everything.
so obviously, they have to steal a boat.
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brain got one taste of crime from stealing that minivan, and it just never went away.
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“behold the alvin, pinky. our ticket to the ocean depths.”
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“look, brain! a baby sub on the front!”
“that’s the jason junior, pinky. an additional sub carried by the alvin for remote exploring.”
it’s an additional sub because there’s already one on this mission. (i sweat, watching the fbi draw their guns on me, and insist that i definitely meant submarine. what else could that be, right, guys?)
(the fbi put their guns down.)
anyway the mice steal the boat.
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in they go.
the first thing brain does is swap out his hat for one that he brought with him, and demand to be referred to as “captain brain”, so he is definitely someone everyone should take seriously.
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he just packed that specifically.
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the second thing he does is pull out his big map of the ocean and give pinky a whole bunch of co-ordinates to follow. “bowplans at 2-2-9, on my mark!”
“um, brain?”
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well that’s a bastard. brain blames “the sub club”, which i’m sure he knows a lot about BECAUSE HE’S REALLY INTO SUBMARINES, MR PRESIDENT, PLEASE WITHDRAW YOUR MEN
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and pinky works out that he can dislodge the wrench-- the submarine clamp??? the county council clamped their submarine for overstaying their welcome in the library submarine park???? - enough for them to make right turns, but not left. inconvenient, but doable.
but before they can set off, brain directs pinky to the radar console.
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this apparently stands for Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and is their special signal that they would use to trace their submarines for oceanographic purposes. brain requests that pinky randomise the signal so they’re not followed.
a difficult job? sure. good thing pinky is a trained sub operator with a good few years of experience.
.....you can literally see him operating the submarine a few pictures up. stop looking at me like that.
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with a few minutes of careful handiwork, pinky successfully scrambles the sub’s internal computation, and leaves it probably a little dazed and confused.
good thing ‘narf’ doesn’t actually mean anything, in this universe, apart from being one of pinky’s verbal tics?
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oh dear.
turns out that the CIA have found the submarine, and have realised that it is, for the most part, unidentified, apart from the letters NARF.
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“have you ever heard of jack mcguire?”
“captain, north atlantic. cold war nut. he was discharged-- always saying that when the enemy arrived, it would be with some mythical--”
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“nuclear attack readiness formation.”
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“the old man is concerned.”
“the president?”
“no, just some... random old man.”
so dearest “jonesy” (blonde) is instructed to track down jack mcguire in hopes to get rid of the submarine. because nobody can track down a sub like jack mcguire (hm) and “the boys want that thing terminated.”
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“you mean the pentagon?”
“no, my two boys, josh and aaron.”
meanwhile, at the sub club, brain plots their course for the titanic.
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see they’re here,
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and the titanic is there,
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but they can only make right turns, so what should be a two hour journey will take, by brain’s calculation,
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“seven months.”
“well. that’s a bit longer, then. isn’t it.”
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“are you jack mcguire?”
“who wants to know?”
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“the cia. got a job for you. there’s a sub in the water, and they want it terminated.”
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“so the boys finally saw it my way, huh?”
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“the pentagon?”
“no. josh and aaron.”
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“hold onto your newtons, desk jockey. we’re going sub hunting.”
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“how long have we been at sea, brain?”
“seventeen minutes.”
it turns out that pinky is so bored that if he doesn’t do something soon, he’ll die. please, brain. this is also me whenever i have to spend more than half an hour in the car.
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brain suggests that he tries to improve his pancake recipe, and pinky can try it out for him.
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pinky decides that actually, he’s busy, thank you very much.
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no dice.
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“i’ve got another reading”, says jonesy, in the meantime.
“4-6-0-0-5, bearing 2-2-7.”
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“they’re running the nautilus.”
“the what?”
“1943. german boat captain heinz grindelwald evaded destruction by running a circular course, based on--”
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“a nautilus shell.”
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“so we cut them off.”
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“whoever these guys are, they’re good. they’re probably plotting a missile trajectory at the oval office as we speak.”
meanwhile, pinky throws up.
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“well? any better?”
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i hope that answers your question, brain.
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“pinky! are you alright?”
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he does drop him immediately after pinky confirms that he is, indeed, still alive, but it was cute while it lasted.
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“why don’t you let me try making the pancakes yummy, brain? my mother fed us very well.”
“please, pinky. you’re practically the poster child for cheese whiz.”
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(he gets to make the pancakes.)
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because they have bigger problems now, presumably!
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that can’t be good.
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it wasn’t!
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and neither is that. brain laments that “someone is dropping death charges,” while pinky goes and shuts down the engine.
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the sub operator saves the day once again.
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“this is..... jacques cousteau.”
“really. can you prove that?”
“here, ze ocean is teeming with life. but everywhere, there are signs of man’s encroachment.”
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“darn! it is jacques cousteau!”
unfortunately pinky decides now is a good time to chime in with a “haha, nice cousteau, brain” so jack declares that his “little ruse will cost him.”
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“i must admit. i admire your skill. perhaps in another time, maybe we could have been friends. we are very much alike, you and i.”
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“i doubt that.”
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so mcguire fires another charge, and the mice go down. ocean mice! sink.
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“haha! yeah! we did it!”
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“i get no joy from the demise of another man.”
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(”take the jason hr on ahead full, mr pinky.”
“aye aye, captain brain.”)
this is a long episode.
still, now that they have a vehicle that steers properly, the boys seem to make it okay.
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“we should be approaching the hull of the titanic at any--”
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“yes, pinky. soon we will have the white crabs of the titanic, and then,”
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“about that recipe, brain, and, um, getting rid of that bad taste--”
“not now, pinky.”
“but brain?”
“just cut it out.”
“oh! aye aye.”
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so the mice bodge an air pressure mechanism to yeet the titanic to the surface. as you do.
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“but brain, the icky stuff--”
“i said cut it out, pinky.”
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the balloon expands, as balloons do, and the titanic wobbles a bit.
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“our journey is almost at at end, my friend! we release the air and propel the ship!”
that’s a very cute happy face!
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so brain does exactly that, and the titanic farts itself over to california.
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i’m not exaggerating.
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perhaps brain feels vaguely at home on the titanic. he has vague memories of being drunk out of his mind, and bathing in a sink. best not to unpack that.
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instead, he decides to crash it into acme labs. for the lols.
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the pancakes are jamboureeing. it’s very cute.
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jonesey and mcguire are here too! “nothing like a pancake jambouree after blowing up a sub, huh.”
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they’re dating now, i guess. i mean, i hope they’re dating. they should be.
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“as the hypnotic fluid winds itself through the minds of our friends, they shall return, happy and content to have us rule over them.”
“well isn’t that nice,” says pinky, in a very condescending manner. “narf.”
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“but tell me, pinky, about your pancake batter. how did you manage to hide the taste of the hypnotic sapo?”
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“well, the hypnotic stuff tasted terrible, brain. so like you said. i cut it out.”
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anyway this one goes to pinky because he is emotionally intelligent enough to A, understand sarcasm, and B, to know and/or remember what the plan was in the first place. perhaps he deliberately threw it out to make sure nobody had to eat bad pancakes? honestly, i don’t blame him. pinky, defender of the earth.
brain: 4 ½ pinky: 6 ½ outside influence: 10
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“here’s our course. heading 3-2-9, depth 100 metres, bowplanes at 15 degrees. any questions?”
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“um. if you could be any animal, what would it be.”
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“oh, i’d have to say a hawk, pinky,”
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“so i could soar through the sky,”
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“and grab tiny white mice in my claws,”
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“and feed them to my young.”
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“that’s just... weird, brain.”
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Here Today
Summary: Beaver spotted the man first as he & Jonesy strolled towards Derry’s kissing bridge, hand-in-hand. He was hunched over himself in a way that had to be might uncomfortable. Beaver stopped his loud laughter when Jonesy let go of his hand. For safety. 
They’d just bow their heads, walk past and maybe come back later to attend to their business if they saw fit. At least, that could have been the plan had Beaver not recognized the stranger. 
Fandoms: IT & Dreamcatcher 
Ships: Reddie, Jonesy/Beaver 
Word Count: 3,708
There was a man with bad posture sitting on the kissing bridge. 
A couple of things were wrong with him. Some were simply symptoms of a common cold (the cough, the stuffiness & the sneeze). But what was left (the breakdowns, the depression & sudden fondness for his hell-hole hometown) were signs of a problem much larger than that of a ‘sick-bug’.
The man with awful posture was re-entering a period of mourning. Like the time of the werewolf; the moon snuck up on Richie Tozier two nights ago and reduced him to a sad, hairy man. Slobbery too. But slobbery with tears.  
Each of his loser’s club pals had reached out to him that morning. Their texts were loving & perfect but awkward (through no fault of their own). Who knew what to say to their best friend who’d never officially come out of the closet on the anniversary of the man he never got to confess his full-love to’s death? Hallmark didn’t have the best cards for that. Some. But not a lot. 
Mike Hanlon had encouraged his Idea to come on down to Derry over the phone when he’d hesitantly pitched it. Once Richie told him about the carving, Mike told him to go on & head-out. Pay a sentimental visit instead of succumbing to his usual coping mechanism of crying & watching movies for straight men. ‘She’s Out of My League’ had been his original plan for the afternoon.
But sweet Mike was right, as he often was. So Richie negotiated a week off with his agent before the ‘real work’ in his schedule started. He came home...to the place where he’d grown-up...the place which housed some of his fondest and some of his most horrifying memories. It was that strange sort of balance that kept any feeling but numb at bay. 
{R + E}
It had still been there, of course. He hadn’t expected any Derry hooligans' to scratch it off or some shit. But it was still sort of surreal to be back again. He traced his fingers along the thick, cut-open lines just as he’d done down the tender ripped skin of Eddie’s wound two years ago. He shouldn’t have been as squeamish this time, considering it was only carved wood not the yanked-open & festering skewer hole of his loved one (Ha! He laughed like a disturbed & deeply depressed Fozzy Bear at that one!)
That had been a little over twenty minutes ago but Richie still hadn’t left. He sat now at the edge with his legs hung over the side. Not completely ready to go back to his lonely motel room. He thought about the Losers having to pull him off Eddie’s body down in the sewers which eerily lead him to his Halloween costume six or so years ago...Tom Petty’s get-up in the ‘Mary Janes Last Dance’ Video. 
He felt a sudden urge to vomit and cry at the same time. Because there was truly no way to avoid the pain. It would just have to hammer in his chest until it either passed or killed him. He couldn’t run from himself or his memories for very long. He felt a sick sensation of missing the time he’d first left Derry & was forced to forget everything and everyone. At least then...
No. He hated that he could even think about wanting that. He would just have to keep learning how to live without Eddie Kaspbrak. Shouldn’t be too damn difficult, huh?
: : : : : :
Beaver spotted the man first as he & Jonesy strolled towards Derry’s kissing bridge, hand-in-hand. He was hunched over himself in a way that had to be might uncomfortable. Beaver stopped his loud laughter when Jonesy let go of his hand. For safety. Derry was nowhere near as bad as it’d once been but you couldn’t be too careful when it came to displaying your sexuality in front of strangers, sadly. 
Though still, the boys held love for their home-town. After all, it was the setting of their found family and nothing was more important than the good ol’ SSDD gang. 
They’d just bow their heads, walk past and maybe come back later to attend to their business if they saw fit. 
At least, that could have been the plan had Beaver not recognized the stranger. “Jesus Christ-Bananas!” he yippee’d in that voice Jonesy usually adored but was slightly annoyed by in the moment. “That’s Richie fucking Tozier!”
“A very distressed looking Richie Tozier.” Jonesy corrected, hoping they were giving the man enough space & privacy that he couldn’t notice them yet. He nver understood his boyfriend’s obsession with the guy. To Jonesy, Richie Tozier seemed like any other straight white comedian. “We should probably leave him alone, Beav.” 
Beaver’s beautiful joy snapped into an accepted disappointment as he observed the man in front of them. Jonesy could see the ache to rush over was hard for him to hold back. It pained him just to see his boyfriend so deflated. Teased by such a great possible experience-
“I’ll be leaving soon, if that’s what you’re worried about!”
Came a sudden friendly & very Richie Tozier like voice. Beaver just about shouted as they jumped their eyes over to meet the stranger’s. He was tall and a little gangly with Buddy Holly glasses sliding down his nose. 
“Actually we were just trying to decide which one of us was going to rob you...” Beaver chuckled awkwardly & so unlike him. “We were gonna do a coin toss for it.” He added before slamming his hand against his forehead (quite forcefully too). “That was a joke, sorry...a dumb joke...” He mumbled. Jonesy couldn’t hold back his amused grin but resisted his urge to pull Beav closer. Instead, he walked forward to their conversation ahead, an eager yet embarrassed boyfriend following him. 
“You’re Richie Tozier!” Beaver repeated. 
“Beaver’s a bit starstruck.” Jonesy smirked. “He gets this same way whenever he sees a famous comedian just chilling in our hometown.” He chuckled and pretended not to notice Mr. Tozier’s red eyes. He got the feeling---actually it was more than that, he could very well tell the man was caught between a rock & a hard place with the little...trick he & the gang each possessed. 
“Hey, that’s ok with me.” He laughed & pushed his glasses up his nose. “Don’t see any paper...want me to sign a body part or something?” He joked and Jonesy knew exactly how Beaver would try and continue the joke so...
The taller friend slapped his palm over ‘Beavers’ mouth which made that squeaky old man laugh escape Richie. 
“Gary Jones. You cane call me Jonesy.” The young man held out his free hand to shake in a charming gesture which said ‘We do this bit all the time’. It hit Richie right in the grief bone again. 
“Joe Clarendon. But my friends call me Beaver.” And just like that, Beav’s confidence was back. 
Richie noticed the way Jonesy practically glowed when his friend spoke. “Richie Tozier.” He felt the need to introduce himself, like an idiot, even though they obviously knew his name. “But you can just call me ‘your hero’, I guess.” He laughed at his own lame joke which seemed to make the Beaver-guy light up again. 
He looked them up and down. They looked about twenty or twenty-one to Richie. Beaver was a short but made up for it in hair, which was long & hippie-like. He respected that. Most of his body up top was covered by a large Fonzie-Jacket & the bottom was all about the Doc Martens. Richie felt like he was looking at a bit of a modernized version of his younger self. 
Jonesy was going for a much calmer look of a light-blue flannel and sneakers. They looked like quite the pair. 
“What’s a guy like you doing in a town like this?” Beaver grinned, charm oozing so easily off him. One of the reasons Jonesy fell in love with him so quickly. 
Richie chuckled, swiping his thumb under his nose. “Thought I’d visit my old stomping grounds.” He shrugged. 
Jonesy shared a quick look with Beav as a feeling shot up his body. He got the idea through their...special talent that there was more to that story. And by the look of it, so did Beav. 
“There’s no way you grew up here. I would’ve known that!” Beaver smacked a hand to his chest. “Jesus-Christ-Bananas!” 
Richie quirked his brow at the Beav-ism & Jonesy briefly thought he might ignore it or roll his eyes like most strangers but instead...“Mary, Joseph & the whole fruit basket!” He shook his head. Beav looked like he might burst with respect and adoration. It was just about the cutest thing Jonesy had ever seen. “I can’t believe it myself sometimes.” 
The Beav takes a toothpick from his new wooden container (a gift from Mrs. Cavell) and pops it between his teeth. He thought-no-he knew that Rich Tozier was doin’ a voice. Not an outrageous one like he sometimes did on stage but one that said ‘I’m alright. Doing just fine. Nothing to see here’ and all at once Beav felt a little bad for bothering him again. 
“I ran around with a little gang of dorks.” He laughed, 100% sure he was about to dumb a lot of his tory onto these poor boys. Not all but some. “Lost one of them two years ago today...” He frowned and looked conflicted before adding “In the flood.” 
The boys started to nod but where Jonesy felt a pinch of something wrong in his mind, Beaver started having a full-on attack about it. Like in the old days. Days of Grenadeau and Josie. Jonesy felt his boyfriend shaking and looked to see him trying to repress it to the best of his ability before lurching forward with a grunt that sounded painful.
Richie ducked down like he might try to catch him if he fainted but Beaver popped back up with sweat running down his temple. 
‘What happened?’ Jonesy sent a message through his mind almost completely accidentally. 
Beaver looked up, looking deeply deeply disturbed and scared. He’d seen images he could not for the life of himself comprehend. ‘Dark places. Large sharpened legs stabbing through somebody's body? Something like that. Screaming and...?’ He looked at Richie. “New shit today, Jonesy.” He felt vomit whirl up his throat but he swallowed quickly. “I saw a clown?” 
Richie widened his eyes before vomiting over the edge of the bridge.
“Major gross-out!” Beaver whistled as he heard the plops of chunky puke hit the water. Jonesy looked a little green himself after Rich came up, wiping his mouth with general looking shock. 
Beaver was about to make another kind of joke when he noticed the guttural growl the comedic-stranger made as his body lurched forward. He hoped the guy could catch his breath before he choked on any more reverse meals. 
He stepped forward to offer him the bandana he kept in the jacket pocket but when they briefly touched hands, another sight hit him that was just as shockingly awful as the last-----
‘Beads of blood dotted the corners of Richie’s torn lips. Hands incapable of remaining clutched with the slickness of the sweat pooling in his palms. He had Eddie kneeling between his skinny legs who was trying to communicate something to him but the most Richie could think to do in those fatal seconds was to hope for a few things. 
The kind of hopes that were important to someone at the delicate age of forty. 
A large thump above his head made him flinch, Eddie’s fist briefly slamming hard under his chin. He fought back his pain filled yelp by clasping his palm over his wet mouth. His eyes darted wildly back and forth behind the minimal cracks on his glasses. 
The second hand dirt that he’d gathered on his piss colored shirt was now having a wipe down of maroon. 
Only the dye-job didn’t come from him. Rather, Eddie Kaspbrak who was now wailing above him as Pennywise waved him around like a magic wand. 
The hair on the back of his neck stood. He popped his hand off the tight grip he’d had on his chin. The satisfying pop sound came with a small following gurgle. Gasps of choked breaths rushed out from his clotting throat. 
But none of that mattered because the love of his life was being murdered right in front of him.
He screamed.’ 
Beaver screamed too. Not as loud but just as horribly pained. 
“So let me get this straight...” Richie paced back-and-forth on the bridge while Beaver & Jonesy tried to follow him, amusingly. They’d each given each other new and semi-honest backgrounds now. Richie’s was hard to understand without all the pieces but beyond crazy still. “You’re in a group of friends, from Derry-” He laughed like a crazy person. Beaver loved it. And oddly, so did Jonesy. “And you all have these...powers?”
Jonesy nodded, now walking in-pace with the older man. “You got it.” He chuckled. 
“There’s five of us. How many do you have?” Beaver added, standing on his tip-toes. 
Richie stopped moving. “There’s seven-” He paused. Thinking of the cruel way Stanley & Eddie had been taken away from them. “Five left though.” He looked like he wanted a cigarette so Beaver instinctively held out a tooth-pick. 
When the comedian actually took it, Jonesy saw Beaver smile so wide it looked like it might break his gorgeous little face. For a moment the pair so alike just stared at each other. It was something of a little stand-off that Jonesy was about to question when a different thought popped into his brain. “Whoever died this day-?”
Richie slid down against the wood and sat. “Eddie.” His eyes glazed over for a moment before falling on tiny Beaver’s huge Doc Martens. 
Jonesy swallowed, hoping yet knowing he wasn’t wrong. “Was he your...?” He licked his lips in thought. But Richie cut him off by looking back up with freshly-red eyes. 
“Almost. Maybe.” He shrugged, rolling his toothpick to the other side of his mouth. “Slipped through my f-f-fingers-fuck. Starting to sound like stuttering Bill.” He laughed but the boys weren’t sure who that was. 
The three of them were now sitting on the bridge together. 
“He didn’t know. We left him down there and he didn’t even fucking know I was in love with him.” He sighed, not wanting to think about how weird the day was starting to become. “He was afraid of the dark.” He shrugged, holding the tooth-pick between his fingers, rolling it back-and-forth.
“Taste good like a cigarette should, huh?” Beaver mumbled after a few minutes and again Jonesy was sure that Richie wouldn’t appreciate that reaction but the man surprised him with a hearty laugh. 
“It’s like the song says; I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen rain. Seen sunny days that I thought would never end. Seen lonely times when I could not find a friend. But I always thought that I’d see you again...” Beaver raised his tooth-pick, Richie followed without question & Jonesy raised his pinky finger. 
“How’d you get to be such a funny kid, huh?” Richie quirked his brow. 
Jonesy smiled. “Born that way.” He slapped Beav’s knee gently. 
“Overactive imagination and anger issues.” Beaver pushed Jonesy back by the face and giggled when Jonesy just let him do it. 
Richie watched the short little spitfire slap-fight his pal and felt sick to his stomach by how much the young man reminded him of himself...and of Eddie only with a tooth-pick holder clutched in his hands instead of the inhaler.
Jonesy felt a short breeze pass over them. “Beav brought me here to show me some carving he did when we were little.” He glanced at his boyfriend with extreme affection. Both knew Richie was safe now. 
“Our initials in a heart!” Beaver whistled. “Because little Beav didn’t know how to express his feelings.” He mocked a sweet voice. 
Richie laughed, chin to the sky. “You gotta be shitting me.” He leapt to his feet and gestured for them to follow him. Which they did without hesitation. “I came here for a reason today too.” He pointed towards his old carving with an unbelievable amount of pride and utter amazement. Another coincidence. 
{R + E}
The younger men each stared at the carving with wonder and appreciation. Beaver kneeled down and traced it with his fingers just as Richie had done just a half-hour ago. Jonesy simply looked off with vague amusement as he threaded his fingers through his boyfriend’s hair, Richie supposed he wasn’t even aware he was doing it. 
“My friend, Mike...Mike Hanlon. He thought it’d be good for me to come up here today just to...” He faded off to wave his hands about, not knowing how to finish. The boys looked up with happy looking grins. 
“Mike Hanlon?” Jonesy shook his head with joy. “He was our childhood librarian.” His tongue ran across his lips & he was most surely seeing flashes of his childhood. And maybe feeling a bit like time was passing by too quickly. 
‘Damn kid was barely twenty-one though’. Richie thought bitterly & fondly. 
Beaver nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah. Nice guy. He helped me check out my Playboy’s that one time.” He stuck a thumb into Jonesy’s shoulder which was slapped away with amusement. His smile faded to an exaggerated grimace. “It was always weird to go there after that.” 
Richie couldn’t help but laugh again with the jovial young men. It lasted about twenty seconds before it turned into hoarse sobs. He turned away from them, chest hurting. “Fuck, man! This is embarrassing as shit.” He managed a small chuckle through it. 
Jonesy looked at him sympathetically, hearing all of Beaver’s thoughts of ‘I wish Henry were here’.
“SSDD, huh?” Jonesy did the best he could and took pride in himself when the man turned. “Same shit, different day.” He added. 
Richie chuckled again, a beautiful one. “Yeah--yeah, I’ve heard it before.” He shook his head and leaned onto the railing. He genuinely looked cheered up by that simple phrase, sharing a private & entertained look with Beaver, who Jonesy would later call his soul-son. 
“We should give you our other friend’s number, he’s studying to be a psychologist--”
“Psychiatrist, Beav.” Jonesy corrected.
Beaver shrugged, waving his hand. “Psychiatrist, whatever. He may be able to help your fragile mental state.” 
Jonesy accepted just then that his boyfriend could never push too far when it came to Richie because the Tozier man recognized the Beav for what he was. And that would be someone very similar to himself. 
It was strangely beautiful. 
“What I saw was...” Beav faded off, eyes twitching. It was hard for him to put to words just how gut-wrenching the scene was. “Awful. I can’t imagine what you must have gone through or are going through.” He shook his head. 
Jonesy nodded, rubbing a comforting hand down his boyfriend’s arm. “I only just felt it & I wanted to die.” He wondered if that was extremely rude to say. 
Richie squinted. He was reminded of a younger Stanley Uris & his ability to see...to understand things past the other loser’s comprehension. He felt a strong urge to insist his losers come back down to Derry just to meet these home-visitors too. Maybe it was meant to be. 
“It’ll be hard to get over the fact that my vision of Eddie & I getting together in my head....” He bit into his cheek “Well, it’s going to have to stay there forever.” He looked up at the happy former Derry citizens couple as they instinctively held each-other’s hands tighter. He nearly choked with jealousy. “I loved him for a few years, forgot him for a good twenty-seven more and now...” He waved his hand in-front of him in a tight spiral. 
“You’re lonesome all the time since leaving your baby behind on Blue Bayou, huh?” Beaver flicked his tooth-pick. The sky grew a little bit cloudy over their heads and Richie Tozier burst into a fit of giggles. 
“You could say that, kiddo.” He crossed his arms, looking ready to drop the subject all together now. “And I’m not gonna say anything more about that fucking clown before you ask.” Rich smiled, pointing a finger at Jonesy who truly was about to ask more about that creature the comedian briefly mentioned only enough to explain Beaver’s vision. 
“I’ve made your nice little trip about me, sorry.” He added. “See, making people miserable is a talent of mine. I’m a great comedian in that way.” He rolled his eyes, standing up straight. 
“You’d be better if you wrote your own material. I’d like to hear some jokes about that horrible trauma you talked about.” Beaver giggled as he bit hard into his toothpick. Richie burst into another fit of genuine laughter. “My trauma is the center of my comedy-” He smirked. 
Jonesy frowned, thinking of the past and of men like Richie Grenadeau who they had once dreamed dead. He softly pinched the back of his boyfriends palm. If Tozier could keep some cards close to his chest, so could they. At least for now. 
“Ow! Bitch-in-a-Buzzsaw!” Beaver whipped his hand back and sucked on his skin like a child. Jonesy tried not to giggle as Richie looked on with confusion. 
He shrugged in response. “I just-”
“Nah, I got it.” He waved a hand from his temple to the vague direction of Jonesy’s. “We don’t have to tell each other everything. Hell, we’re still strangers.” He shoved his hands into his pockets and looked off in the direction of his carving. 
“But soon to be best friends.” Beaver added, breaking his lips free from the moist spot on his hand. Richie and Jonesy had a nice shared laugh at the charming boy. 
They walked a ways up the bridge to see Richie Tozier off, in some silent agreement. Jonesy felt a rush of disappointment pass through him but it was quickly squashed by the eagerness he had for his date with Beaver. 
As the group walked him over the bridge, Jonesy caught sight of little Beaver’s old carving...in the shape of a heart...
{B + J} 
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svucarisiaddict · 6 years
Could you please write “You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.” with Carisi? Thank you! :)
//I was going to write angst but read something recently that had some of the same ideas so I didn’t want a repeat. Plus I love fluff. Besides hasn’t he had enough bad stuff happen?//
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Soft whimpers from the baby monitor pulled you from sleep. Opening your eyes, the room was still dark. The only light filtering in from the street lights. You turned over with a groan and stared at you sleeping husband. He was gorgeous with his hair flopped over his forehead, lips slightly parted, breath easy and regular.  You nudged him, “Sonny. Wake up. Caroline is awake.” The only response you got was a grunt. You rolled your eyes. Saturday was supposed to be the day he got up with the kids. Unfortunately due to Sonny’s schedule, this was the first Saturday in two months that he was actually or didn’t come dragging in late.
This time the nudge you gave him was more forceful and you shook his shoulders. “Dominick. C’mon. It’s Saturday”, you whined. He stirred but didn’t open his eyes,
 “Kay. I’m up” he responded sleepily but he didn’t actually move. Huffing you got out of bed and shuffled down the hall to , Caroline, your three month old daughters room.
 “Hey. Good morning beautiful”, you cooed, ‘there’s my happy girl.” You picked her up, changed her diaper, then settled in the rocking chair to nurse her.
Caroline was just finishing nursing when you saw movement out of the corner of you eye. Sonny was leaning against the doorway. He was still trying to wake up, rubbing his face and raking his fingers through his hair.
 “I’m sorry, doll. Here, I’ll take her.” He reached out for her.
“No need to apologize, babe. I know you’re exhausted too” you answered and smiled, “she’s back asleep.” 
“Let’s put her in bed with us. Maybe we can get a couple more hours in before the mob wakes up.”
With Sonny carryingCaroline, you followed him back to the bedroom. He laid her down between the two of you. “God she is perfect”, Sonny marveled. “I’m still amazed we had a girl, and thankful she looks like you.” 
You smiled and leaned over to give him a kiss, “yeah but she has your baby blues.” A loud commotion from one of the boys bedrooms broke the peace. You both groaned.
 “I’ll check it out” He said. “Then I’ll come back and get missy.”
Caroline remained calm and Sonny returned a few minuted later just as promised. “What happened?” 
“You do NOT wanna know. I got it under control. Try to go back to sleep” He snuggled Caroline onto his chest, then kissed your head.
 “Thanks babe.” “Mmmm hmmm,” he replied. “Don’t know about you baby girl, but Daddy needs some strong coffee”, you heard him say to the baby as he walked out of the room.
It felt like you had just fallen back asleep when a hand on your shoulder roused you from your slumber. You heard Sonny’s voice pleading, “you need to wake up cause I can’t do this without you.”
“What time is it?”, you asked. 
“6:30. In. the. Morning.” he enunciated each word
.Fluttering your eyes open you took in Sonny’s appearance and pushed yourself up in the bed. His T-shirt had spit up on it, his hair still unruly, the lines around his eyes tense. The baby was fussing, so you reached out to take her.Your eyes grew wide when your dog, Jonesy, ran in and jumped on the bed. A giggle escaped, “why is he green?” 
“Oh ho ho, that’s the icing on the cake”, Sonny scoffed, “ They have all been up since 4:30. 4:30 doll. Ryan and Thomas are fighting over pancakes vs french toast for breakfast. Ethan and Nicholas decided to paint the dog green. That was the commotion earlier by the way. And our little princess here projectile vomited. everywhere. Oh and I’m out of my favorite creamer.”
“Sounds like a rough morning Detective” you said looking up at him.
 “I don’t know how you do this everyday. Give me suspect to chase, a perp to interrogate, i can do that, but this”, he said gesturing with his hands and blowing out a breath that made his move off his forehead, “I have no idea.” 
“Well you know, kids are like animals, they can smell fear” you said joking, giving him a wink. You chuckled at your own joke. 
“So you’re a comedian now, huh?” H said with is hands on is hips.
 “Oh chill out Carisi. Go shower. I’ll start breakfast.” Swatting his fine ass when he waked by, you asked, “there is coffee, right?” 
He nodded, and grumbled something. Grinning you shook your head. “I love you babe”, you called after him. He turned, made a kissy face and closed the door. “Alright sister, let’s get this place under control.”
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reincarnated70sbaby · 3 years
star crossed
-chapter three-
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word count : 2k
warnings : drinking, nsfw 😏 lil teeny tiny angst 😎
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next chapter>>
“Cheers lads, sorry Alice, and lady, here’s to another fucking legendary album, even bigger than the first!” Peter announced, holding his beer goblet into the air.
“Santé!” Robert chimed first, with an abominable French accent and lopsided grin, earning disgusted looks from the rest of the party.
“Anyway, cheers guys, congrats on all the hard work” Tom cheered, happy to be apart of the process.
They all clinked their classes, and then drank their various types and measures of alcohol.
Feeling the cool amber liquid slide down her throat, Alice would’ve gagged, but being in the presence of four rockstars, she felt it would’ve been just a tad bit embarrassing.
“Never would’ve guessed you were a whisky woman Alice” Robert chuckled to Alice
“Oh believe me, I’m much more of a gin lady but I decided to follow the crowd tonight”
“Following the crowd, or following the guitarist huh?” Robert leaned into Alice, “I know he has a thing for you and you have a thing for him, know that we’re done officially being colleagues, you two are free to go at it like rabbits, I can only assume” Robert finished with a wink, before returning to his mischievous looking conversation with Bonzo.
Alice sat there with her mouth parted slightly. Did everyone notice her little crush on Jimmy? If they did, he must’ve only caught on too. Even though they both felt this strange connection, did he actually like her back, or was he just appeasing her for the sake of it? She was really in her head now, not even noticing Jimmy returning form the bar with a glass of whisky on the rocks, or Jonesy initiating a conversation with her.
“Sorry Jonesy, what was that?”
“I was saying, it’s not really that obvious to everyone else. I overheard Robert a minute ago. Honestly, you’d only notice if you’d been watching, and that was only me or Robert. Tom and Peter have no idea, no need to worry.”
“Why were you keeping an eye out Hmm?”
“Look Alice, you are quite young and Jimmy is a bit older than you, I just wanted to make sure you knew what you were getting into? Jimmy isn’t the most uh, loyal, should I say with his relationships. What I mean to say is, his relationships are all quite short lasting”
“Uh, yeah I was worried about something like that. I think I’m just going to play it by ear, I can’t really do anything else but that”
“I always knew you were far wiser than the rest of us” Jonesy guffawed, then chatting to Tom about something.
Alice decided she had enough of her thoughts, and decided to order a cocktail form the bar. Looking down the slightly yellow cocktail menu card, she decided on a Pornstar Martini. Sure, every time she had one the night always ended badly, but what could go wrong this time?
After a couple hours, the bar had quietened down, and so did the entourage. Robert and Bonzo left to find girls, and obviously found some, as they hadn’t returned since they left an hour ago. Tom left even before them, deciding he didn’t want anymore water thrown at him from Cheryl. Peter and Jonesy were just beginning to exit the building, leaving Jimmy and Alice.
“Ah, the terrible two left”
“Of course, even after Bonzo and Robert poured ice down Peters back earlier, they haven’t gotten anything on us two who are trying to drown ourselves in water in an attempt to sober up huh?”
“It’s not even working for me, I’m still seeing double”
Alice just laughed in response, enjoying their banter
“Can I ask you something Alice?”
“Sure, go ahead”
A beat of silence passed, Jimmy thinking on how to phrase his words. He didn’t know why he was nervous, he was pretty sure Alice would say yes anyway.
“Jimmy? What’s up?” Alice asked gently, setting her hand on the couch behind his head, stroking his neck affectionately.
Taking this as a sign, Jimmy pulled Alice in by her waist, kissing her gently.
Once she realised it was all finally happening, Alice kissed Jimmy back. Jimmy feeling this kiss, quickly pressing his tongue into her mouth. Alice never had a kiss this passionate before, she could only carry on.
“Let’s get out of here. Right now. I can’t wait any longer” Jimmy said between kisses
They quickly packed up their gear, not before Jimmy paid for their final drinks.
Practically running out to the street, Jimmy hollered for a taxi while holding Alice tightly by her waist, as if she might run away.
“Your place or mine” Alice asked, kissing his neck
“Yours, my hotel room doesn’t even constitute as a place”
Alice was practically straddling Jimmy at this point. His hands were everywhere, groping her ass, her waist, her neck and thighs. Boy did this man had magical hands.
Noticing that the cab had stopped only when the driver not so discreetly coughed their attention back to the taxi, they paid the bill and got out. Only once they ran up they three flights go stairs - the elevator just had to be broken this specific day, did Alice panic that Maria would be home, or that the apartment would be dirty. Reaching the door, she remembered that Maria was visiting her boyfriend in Nevada, and Alice had the premonition to deep clean her apartment the day before.
Unlocking the door, she and Jimmy practically slammed it open, before immediately shutting it back into the frame. Jimmy pressed her against the door, Alice could feel his bulge on her thigh. He gripped her by her waist, she was completely supported by him now, her feet not even touching the ground anymore.
“Which way is the bedroom” Jimmy asked, his voice barely audible beneath Alice's moans, him kissing all over her collarbones and neck.
“Uh, this was come on” Alice pulled him off her with a giggle, holding his hand and running to her bedroom around the corner from the front door.
Reaching her room, they practically dived for the bed. Alice landed on top and began to kiss Jimmy like he was her oxygen. Jimmy was snaking his hands under her skirt, squeezing and smoothing his hands all over her ass cheeks.
Alice raked her hands through Jimmy’s raven locks, loving the softness of them, when she arched her back at a new sensation. Jimmy had pushed her thin thong to the side and dipped one finger into her. Alice stoped her attack on his now bare chest, moaned his name loudly.
“Oh Jimmy, keep going, don’t stop”
Jimmy removed his finger, only then adding another one into her wet pussy. Alice began to rock her hips to his fingers pumping in and out of her. Jimmy removed his fingers and flipped her over. She was now under him, completely at his mercy.
He brought his fingers to her mouth, before pushing them through her plump lips. She swirled her tongue around his fingers, Jimmy groaning in answer.
“You taste divine, just like a honey drip”
They began to properly take each others clothes off, first with their shirts and blouses, then onto trousers and skirts. Finally only in their underwear, Alice sneaked her hand underneath his briefs and palmed him. His dick was fully hard at this point, her cool hand only making it even harder than before. He began to kiss behind her ear to hide his moans. She softly pumped his dick, after every couple of pump, swiping her thumb over his sensitive tip. A little precum had leaked out, Jimmy decided to save the rest for a better location.
Licking a stripe down her sternum, stopping to remove her bra when he reached the middle part on her chest. Marvelling at her body, he took one nipple into his warm mouth, while rolling her other nipple through his calloused fingers. All of this felt like electricity to Alice, moaning and mewling loudly, making her throw her head back in pleasure. Thank god Maria was out of town, or she wouldn’t have been getting any sleep, along with Alice and Jimmy.
Continuing to kiss hungrily down Alice’s body, he paused to check with Alice before removing her underwear, after making eye contact with her for consent.
Kissing her bikini line, teasing her just a little bit. He finally started to suck at her clit, Alice’s almost pornographic moans only encouraging him even more. He continued to kiss and suck on her clit, at the same time, pushing two fingers into her. Alice was in ecstasy, having never felt this good before with her previous few partners.
“Oh Jimmy-“
“Say my proper name love”
“James, oh lord, I’m going to cum”
“Cum for me then, darling”
Those words threw her over the edge, her vision almost going fuzzy.
Being brought back to reality by Jimmy placing a hand beside her head, stroking himself before pushing himself fully into her. She thought he was big, but not that big and thick.
She didn’t even have time to readjust before he started to pound into her, at a relentless pace. He even had to use the bedframe behind her head for support.
To add icing to the cake, he started to circle her clit with his thumb. He stretched the rest of his hand onto her hip, pushing himself into her even more than she thought was possible. His finger on her clit, as well as his dick pounding her g-spot with each thrust, Alice could feel herself unraveling
“James, I don’t know how much longer I’m going to last-“
“Me too love, where can I-”
“In me, cum in me James” Alice practically insisted, locking eyes with him, both having borderline feral looks in their eyes. It was only a couple most thrusts until Alice came, Jimmy coming almost immediately after.
Pulling out slowly, Alice felt empty. Lying down beside Alice, Jimmy pulled her into him, her lying on top of him now. After a couple minutes, Alice readjusted herself on top of him.
“Reading for round two?”
“God help me I have found Aphrodite in human form”
“Well I am a Taurus” Alice chuckled
Waking up to the morning light streaming though her thin line curtains, Alice was surprised to see that her bed was empty. Suddenly thinking it was a dream, that theory was soon debunked when she saw red marks on her chest, trailing all the way down her stomach.
Assuming Jimmy had gone into the studio to start mixing the recordings, Alice decided to take a shower, her body sticky with sweat and sex. Her shower had obviously been used recently, the tiles still had some condensation on them, as well as faint footprints on the tiles.
Picking up a coffee for her and Tom on her way in, she decided to get him a bagel for old times sake. It had only been a couple weeks since everything changed, but it had all changed for the best.
“Morning Tom, lovely day today, I present you with a cream cheese bagel fresh from Antonio’s.” Alice gave him the bagel, only after curtsying mockingly deep before him.
“God, what put you in such a good mood, I’m usually scared to even look at you in the eyes this early in the morning”
“I’m just satisfied with everything, I guess. Where are the boys. I thought Jimmy was coming round to mix the recordings? Or did they sleep in again? I swear they always-”
“Uhm, what do you mean come round to mix the tapes?
“Well I just thought since they’re recording an album, they would want us to, you know, produce it?” Alice replied with a light chuckle, not registering Toms guilty expression.
“Alice honey, the boys aren’t mixing here, last night was the farewell party or fiesta, whatever you wanna call it”
“Yeah they’re mixing it up in Atlanta, they had some press up there and-”
Tom’s words were drowned out as Alice sat in shock. Her heart almost broke at the revelation. Was she really just a simple fling to Jimmy? She should’ve listened to Jonesy, he obviously was trying to warn her. Heck, even Robert was trying to warm her, was he? She should’ve realised this would’ve never worked, an average girl like her could’ve never made a whirlwind romance with a rockstar work out.
chapter three 😌
hope yall liked it, chapter four will be a time skip! might take a while as I want to map the rest of the story out properly y’know, be ANGSTY as possible 😏
my scared of intimacy ass writing this chapter lmao
any ideas or criticisms are welcome with in the comments or my inbox!!
taglist -@princesspagey @rebel-without-a-zeppelin @dreamersdrowse ask me if you would like to be added :))
star crossed masterlist
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