#this is a TRIP
the-butter-churner · 1 year
watching ep 4 of trw really is like im so sad about the cheesesteak breakup but HEY LOOK at least the pepper is THRIVING we love to see it why is the radish man throwing up and speaking in wingdings can someone please help this man he's going to either implode or trip on a plant and break his face oh he's going into the cheese man's tent now ok
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nine-of-diamonds · 2 months
hi everyone we created a monstrosity (and a discord for you to scream at us about it)! i can’t describe it just go read it if you’ve read the rest of the cthl ‘verse!! it’s vitally important to everything and Will Change Your Life maybe
also, the discord link is in the fic end notes but i’ll drop it here as well (but pls go read the fic. I reiterate, it is incredibly important mhm):
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guttersnarls · 2 years
We asked Tobias Forge how much he uses social media and he gave us a mini-lesson in how brains work
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By Joe Daly ( Metal Hammer ) 6/22/22 Ghost mastermind Tobias Forge is no fan of social media - and he gave us a very scientific explanation as to why
Earlier this year, we met with Ghost mastermind Tobias Forge (aka Papa Emeritus I-IV and Cardinal Copia) for a long, freewheeling discussion on their latest album, Impera — recently certified gold in their native Sweden — their forthcoming tours and sundry other topics. One issue we raised with Forge that wasn't printed in the original feature, however, was the increasing saturation of social media and whether it should or even could be avoided. For the first time, here are this thoughts - and unsurprisingly, the visionary Swede had some thought-provoking ideas on the topic.
“I don’t go on social media unless there’s something that someone is pointing at,” he said. ‘Look at this thing!’ ‘Oh, crazy....’ I’d say that over half the time, it’s my wife showing me some artist who’s done something cool. It’s very little. I don’t get my updates from social media. I had a feeling fifteen years ago, around the time that Facebook arrived. I said, ‘That is not good.’ Of course, I didn’t foresee all of the ways that it would destroy mankind and politically or all of those other things that it was going to be used for.”
The problem, he explained, is that we — homo sapiens — are simply not wired to process the limitless number of relationships thrust upon us in social media platforms. “I read a long time ago that our mind — our psyche — has a limited amount of space,” he said. “You mind’s RAM, basically. There’s a limited amount of megabytes in your head and from what I read, you have space for roughly three thousand people in your head and you can have eight relationships. So there are eight chairs around your table and you’re sitting at the head. Four and four. And you have three thousand people in your gallery."
"That worked perfectly fine in the old days because three thousand people was just about how many were in your village and eight people were probably your family; whereas now, the fucking Kardashians take up space in my head! Why? I don’t give a fuck about them! Why do I know...I can’t really tell who’s who, but why do I fucking know this?”
Science backs this theory, although numbers vary according to the study. One popular model is known as the “Dunbar Number.” British anthropologist Robin Dunbar analysed historical, anthropological and contemporary psychological data across different cultures and time periods and determined that an average person tends to have 15 good friends, 50 friends, 150 “meaningful contacts,” 500 acquaintances and 1500 people that they can recognise.
Forge shakes his head and chuckles at some of his friends who have used social media to reignite relationships with old flames. “I’ve been in my relationship for fifteen years so I missed out on Tinder and all that,” he says. “But I always found that since Facebook arrived, friends of mine who were single would be like, ‘I met this girl and she’s really cool!’ Then two days later I ask how it’s going and they’re like, ‘Yeah, um, fuck man, I went on her Facebook and I saw that she just got dumped...’
"I was like, ‘Wait, what?’ Imagine going to a bar and sitting there for however long it takes for you to sort of come to the point where ‘I’d like to do you,’ or ‘I’d like to meet you,’ or whatever. Imagine that before Facebook and saying, ‘Look, you seem great. I would love to hang out with you. How about you give me your diary and a photo album and I’ll have a think about it. Cool?’ Then you go home and you’re like, ‘Oh, she went to Turkey. And look at this here! And that’s her old boyfriend!’ It’s crazy. People laugh about it now because we’ve worked out a few of those kinks and you have to take things with a pinch of salt but how many people, who have had no chance to prove themselves, been measured by old pictures from five years ago when they had whatever kind of haircut or before they had a gym card or whatever? It’s not healthy. It’s not good.”
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fuunsaiki · 3 months
anyway, this week i am mostly obsessed with the geography of the movie argylle, and, like, i hate to be all "the european mind cannot comprehend this" on main, but WHAT IS THIS SHIT
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EIGHTEEN HOURS AND FORTY-ONE MINUTES elly, i'm begging you, just get on a fuckin plane, this is WAY too long to have alfie in the cat pack, when's he going to shit? and you didn't even bring yourself a travel pillow, wtf
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watchyourbuck · 4 months
Just saw your recent post, could I ask what grey romantic is?
Hi love, yes! Okay so I’m in no way an expert bc I’m still figuring everything out. So, for a while there I identified as completely aromantic (which basically means I can’t feel romantic attraction), bc even tho I’ve been w people it just always seemed like an obsession that lasted longer or shorter but never could I actually compare it what I thought/think love is or feels. After that I started identifying as greyromantic bc I feel like maybe I could feel romantic attraction but it would b very hard to achieve or like occasional (?) and def not the way romantic people feel it (which I know by having multiple conversations w my therapist and romantic people in my life, and also maybe not as important but reading and writing love). However I haven’t fallen in love in any way whatsoever & I can’t like say 100% that that’s what I am, but lately that definition has felt good for me, so imma stick w it until it changes or until it stops feeling good 💗 also I’m bi & poly
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The Plot at Plot Factory
I know a lot of people on Tumblr are closet writers and I know we all use a plethora of avenues and programs and spare napkins to write our stories but like, do any of you guys use PlotFactory? Better yet, have any of you used it recently? TLDR: Domain expired on Jan. 9th and so it has no host. So now its near impossible to access. Note that I said near impossible. A wonderful user on the discord server put together a fix and if you join “The Plot Thickens” Discord server, the community is slowly migrating there to get help on recovery of their works and what to do next. The community is AMAZING, so if you used PlotFactory and are now lost, we got you. That being said, I’m hella going to detail this whole experience here for anyone interested in the story or the whatever-loving-fuck happened. Because this has been a wild ride from start to middle and we’re not even at the finish line yet. Let me tell you guys a TALE in the making. So bare with me as I put this shit together.
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blackberries45 · 1 year
Having finished the first season of Succession and realizing I have three more seasons of this shit storm to go.
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arcueidbrunestud · 6 months
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intermundia · 1 month
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this is the single worst way i've ever read to describe an erection, frank herbert
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laguz · 1 year
women’s flat chests
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ecoharbor · 2 months
📍Tellaro, Liguria, Italy 🇮🇹
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pangur-and-grim · 30 days
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she's so curious and gentle
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tsotc · 7 months
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fucking obsessed with the uni town i live in
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monstermonger · 1 month
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Self portrait, 50 years from now (idealized)
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nipuni · 4 months
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David's BAFTA looks 🥰
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not "i ship these characters" or "i want them to bond platonically" but a secret 3rd thing (I want them to be forced to interact by the Narrative bc they would HATE that)
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