#this is . and i do not say this lightly ... my poorest little meow meow of a skeleton yet
bonetrousledbones · 1 year
girl help i made an au with a functionally immortal papyrus and i dont plan on doing anything with it but its latched onto my brain like a leech anyway
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byeoltoyuki · 3 years
Release my heart ⇾ Ch.6
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↳ Pairing: Jimin x You
❧ Genre : Fluff / Smut / angst / gang au
❧ Words: +7k
❧ Summary: Your world is turned upside down when your father decides to sell you to the infamous gang in order to pay his debts.
You always thought that Jimin’s room at their headquarters was nothing but amazing and huge. That was your thought until the incident and Jimin’s decision to bring you to his safe place that only few knew about. It shouldn’t have surprised you to find out that he owned a place of his own but it still did, especially considering how huge the place was.
His flat was not located among the richest district nor the poorest. In fact, Jimin lived in a residential district where what you considered as ‘normal people’ lived. It was only when he got you inside that you understood the trick. The flat he owned was huge, a duplex with big windows and black and white walls. It was spacious just like Jimin liked it.
He had showed you your way to a room with a bed big enough for four. He put the bags on the floor and then turned around to face you, smiling and yet you saw a glimpse of something else. Anger seemed likely or maybe it was something else entirely.
“This is our room.” He had said and you thought that you liked the sound of ‘our’ coming from his mouth.
There was only one thing that bothered you. How could he bring you out of the headquarters where eyes were everywhere and could watch you over? Taking you to his place was just too risky.
Jimin frowned at your silence. “What is it?”
“Are you sure?” You finally asked and took a step towards him.
“Sure of?”
You spread your arms widely, showing everything. “This. Us? You can’t keep me hidden forever and I sure as hell can’t stay locked in a flat for the rest of my life. Which means I’ll have to go out, eventually.”
This time you were the one to frown. How could he be so relaxed about it when your questions made sense? “Jimin, what you’re giving me right now is freedom. You do realize that?”
He did, obviously. He ruffled his hair and sighed. “And you do realize that since I consider you more than just a let’s say employee, I can’t keep you locked and believe me I wish I could so nobody could try and hurt you. But I can’t do that, can I now?” A tiny smile spread on his lips as he took the final step that separated you. He wrapped one arm around you while his hand reached your face, thumb stroking your lips. “It’s hard for me to trust someone outside of my family but I want to trust you, Y/N.”
“Well, talk about pressure.” You chuckled and bit gently at his thumb – his reaction was instant, his eyes moved straight to your mouth and you could easily imagine what was going through this pretty head. “I’m not running away; I really don’t want to.”
“Good.” He whispered more to himself than to you, relief washing over him. He brushed his lips softly against yours as if he was afraid it was just a dream and everything would crumble if he did more than that. “More than good actually.”
You could not stop yourself from melting in his arms. You pressed yourself harder against him, devouring his lips just as eagerly. “Can we just fuck now?”
Jimin laughed at your demand but complied eagerly, lifting you from the floor. “Always so bossy. I like it.”
“If I say I wish to see you every day wearing only my shirt, would you agree?” Jimin asked you as you were lazily laying on your stomach on the couch, your feet in the air, reading a book.
You turned your head to glance at him leaning against the door, arms crossed over his chest, hungry eyes on you. You smiled and winked playfully. “Can be arranged.” You knew exactly what he loved so much about his shirt on you. It wasn’t the fact that you wore his clothes. No, it had everything to do with the fact that you wore absolutely nothing under which was a nice invitation to him. And Jimin could absolutely not say no to such invitation.
Jimin chuckled at your reply. “Such a tease.” But he licked his lips and started walking towards you, eyes glued to your legs. “I will never get tired of the view.” He gave your bum a light slap that made you giggle.
“I’d be worried if you would.” You joked and shifted from your position, letting him space to sit on the couch.
He did and you hurried to claim your rightful place on his laps with your arms tightly wrapped around his neck. “Hi there.” You pecked his lips.
Jimin’s arms instantly circled your body and his hands found your butt, squeezing your flesh – you bit on your lips in response. “I missed it.”
“What? My butt?” You joked, “Or is it me on top of you?” You nibbled at his jaw playfully, pushing yourself harder against him to rile him up. Not like it was a hard thing to do, Jimin was always hard for you. This time was no exception.
“Y/N.” Jimin growled and squeezed your butt harder in warning but really, all he wanted was to be inside you.
“What?” You feigned innocent, lips latched on his skin, you made sure to leave a very nice red mark on his neck. “You said you missed it.”
“Just so you know, I’m trying to be reasonable.”
You snorted and took a look at him. “Reasonable? You? Please.”
Jimin’s grip around you tightened only to crush you against his chest so his chin could rest on top of your head. “Yes. You know I love your body and I will never say no to such a nice invitation, but,” Jimin didn’t know how to express himself without sounding like an idiot.
You pushed his chest lightly to check on him and god, you weren’t ready for the softness and pure concern in his eyes. Where did the bad, big wolf had gone? Your smile widened and you pecked his lips. “But what?”
“I don’t want you to think you’re another toy, another woman I can use and then throw away. Because I’m telling you it right now, Y/N, you’re not. I care for you. A lot.”
If someone had told you five months ago that you would found yourself with one of the most dangerous man in the country, listening to his confession, you would have laughed at the person and probably told them to check with a doctor. And yet.
Jimin’s confession melted your heart into puddle. You felt warm (and not only because you wanted him), light and ready to fight the world if it meant you could stay with this man. It was silly and some would probably worry for your sanity – you wanted him. You wanted Park Jimin, the guy who had changed your world, turned it upside down, only to capture your heart.
You couldn’t control it. You wrapped your arms tightly around his neck; your mouth claimed his lips, sealing a silent promise that you would stay with him, no matter what.
One moment you were sleeping peaceful, having a nice dream and then, one other moment you were being woken up by something wet – someone or something (because you didn’t think Jimin would lick your face) was licking eagerly your face. At first you thought it was your imagination; you pulled at the blanket to cover your face but then came another lick and then another – you cracked an eye open to see that no it was not a dream or your imagination.
A white fluffy ball of fur sat beside you, looking expectantly at you and once it noticed your eyes had finally opened, it let out the softest meow you had ever heard.
You sat on the bed, confused for a moment before noticing a small note laying just beside the kitten.
“Since I’m being often busy, I was scared you’d feel alone. I found him in the street and he looked too adorable not to bring him home. Name him (I believe it’s a he). See you later. – Jimin.”
You sniffed, holding back the tears. And here you thought he couldn’t get any sweater. You shook your head and quickly returned your attention to the little buddy waiting for you. You picked him up, smiling fondly. “So. What should I call you hm?”
One week only after you moving in with Jimin, Yoojin showed up at your doorstep which both took you off guard and made you incredibly happy. You were convinced Yoojin wasn’t part of the people Jimin considered family and she shouldn’t know this place but because of you, he went against his own rules. One more time he showed you how much he cared for you.
“I can’t believe you’re here.” You told her, excited to be finally reunited with her after the mess.
Yoojin whistled as she looked at every corner of the place, too curious to see what kind of place Jimin owned outside of the gang. “And I can’t believe Jimin lives in a decent place. I didn’t expect that.”
You could relate, you didn’t expect that either. “What did you expect?”
Yoojin pondered on the question for a short moment, fingers rubbing her chin before laughing. “Probably something extremely expensive and extravagant. But not that.” She spread her arms, “This is too cozy for him.”
You laughed and agreed on that.
After that you prepared a tray with food and drinks and put everything on the small table at the balcony. The air was still a little fresh with a cool breeze – you took two blankets and put it on you.
“I love this place.” You admit as a sigh of delight left your lips. It wasn’t the life you had chosen for yourself but honestly you found it hard to care when you were with Jimin or Yoojin. You missed your friends, but you believed that with time, you would manage to find a way to introduce them to Jimin without including them in the crazy life.
Yoojin inhaled loudly. “I do too.” Then she looked at you, smiling. “I’m glad Jimin told me to come.”
“How are things back there?” Not like you were too worried, but you couldn’t stop yourself from being curious. Jimin promised not to kill the idiot but Taehyung… You knew just how deeply he cared and wouldn’t listen no matter how much you tried to reason with him.
Yoojin’s smile turned into a wicked grin which was, you had to admit, quite terrifying. “As in you want to know about the douche who attacked you?”
“Yes. Did Taehyung killed him?”
Yoojin wiggled her brows playfully, “What do you think?” She expected you to know the answer.
And you did. You sighed in defeat and slumped further in your seat. “He killed him. Of course he did.”
“I don’t know the full details and from what I gathered, I don’t think I want to know either. But apparently, Taehyung made him pay badly before killing him.”
You shivered at the thought of what Taehyung could have possibly done to the man. ‘Poor man’ you almost said.
“But before dying, he made both Jimin and Taehyung anxious.” Yoojin admitted as she took a sip of her drink. “Maybe it was rubbish and just his way to try and save himself but in our field of work, you don’t want to mess up or things can get ugly.”
“What did he say?”
“He told them that they’re too proud and are going to pay for their arrogance.” Yoojin hummed at her drink in satisfaction. “That’s good.”
No wonder Jimin was spending more hours at the headquarters than with you (not like you were too worried, knowing his work). You were going to have another talk with him later.
“I like Jimin.” You said out of nowhere and Yoojin chocked on her drink.
She coughed and judged you from the sight. “No shit Sherlock, I haven’t noticed.”
You rolled your eyes at her and smiled nevertheless. Of course, she would react like that. “The point is, I love him enough to accept his life style. I want to stay with him.”
Yoojin was no longer laughing, instead a fond smile spread on her lips – she knew what you were trying to say and expected you to eventually say it. “Well then I guess I was right to write this down.” She handed you a piece of paper with an address. One look at Yoojin and you knew it was the headquarters’ address. “If you ever want to visit let’s say me or Taehyung or just to piss off Jimin – because let’s be honest he’s going to throw a fit if you suddenly show up and I’m so looking forward for it.”
“So violent.” But you agreed and clinked your glass with hers. “Cheers.”
Few days later you decided to use the address and pay some of your friends a visit. It was risky and you were probably going to have a fight with Jimin later but you knew him well enough to deal with his anger later. Moreover, who was he to refuse a nice lunch made by his oh so lovely girlfriend?
[11:45am] : Please tell me all the idiots are home.
Yoojin bae 💛
[11:45am] : Depends. Be more specific about the ‘idiots’ part.
[11:46am] : I don’t know, there’s too many to name. 🙃
Yoojin bae 💛
[11:46am]: You’re so lucky they can’t hear you.
Yoojin bae 💛
[11:47am] : But to answer your question, yes they are all here. They’re having a meeting.
[11:50am] : Good. I’m about to interrupt them then.
Yoojin bae 💛
[11:52am] : Go girl!
You smiled at Yoojin’s message, clearly someone was bored and wanted some fun. You put your phone (bless Jimin for agreeing to get you one just in case) back in your bag and with a determined step you got inside the building.
Some of the men you met in the halls recognized you; some were surprised to see you (you bet the whole building had heard about the attack), some not that much.
It was odd to be back. You expected to feel bad, to feel anxious about it but oddly enough you weren’t. Far from it. Maybe it was the fact that you were a free woman or the fact that you were under Jimin’s (not to mention Taehyung’s) protection.
You got to your destination without trouble and without being interrupted. You took a deep breath and pushed the door to the meeting room. Yoojin hadn’t lied, all of them were inside including Namjoon.
“Hi guys.”
All eyes were on you.
You smiled awkwardly at them as there were many foreign faces and all were staring at you. You quickly found Taehyung’s beaming face; at least someone was happy to see you – Jimin was scowling.
You winked playfully at Taehyung and only then your eyes fell upon Jimin. If there was one person who wouldn’t be extremely happy about your presence it would be obviously him but you forgot all about your fear of confrontation with him as you noticed his injured arm. Your eyes widened in shock and all trace of smile vanished from your face.
Without caring that so many people were staring at you, you got to Jimin’s side.
“The hell you’re-“ He started arguing, fuming from inside.
“The fuck happened to your arm?” You shout at him. You grabbed his arm too harshly (it was hard to control your strength when you were so worried and upset) making him hiss at you. You ignored his reaction considering he completely deserved it.
The wound didn’t seem too deep but it still looked painful and nasty. You bit on your lips to refrain yourself from making any harsh comment but truth to be told, all you could think about was that you wanted to murder someone.
“What happened?” You asked again without letting go of his arm. “Who did this?”
“Y/N, what are-“ Jimin tried again which was not the right thing to do with you – your grip on his arm tightened and he winced one more time in pain. “Bloody hell woman!”
“So this is the girlfriend?” You heard one of the men asking and it was only then that you remembered you were not alone in this room.
Embarrassed, you looked at them and let (to Jimin’s happiness) go of him arm. “Hi.”
If at first, you felt intimidated, you quickly found yourself relaxing as Taehyung was biting on his lips trying not to laugh at Jimin’s face who turned from angry to red with embarrassment. Namjoon was openly smiling, not even trying to hide his amusement.
Finally, you showed the bag you had been carrying. “Food?”
They all agreed all too happily.
It was nice meeting the other members of Jimin’s family. Despite their initial cold faces, it melted as soon as you told them about food. Men and food, a big love story. Jimin was the only grumpy one in the room but secretly you caught him stealing some food.
“Why did you come?” Jimin asked as you got home together, still obviously upset but not as much as he used to.
You spun around to face him, hands on your hips, you tried to look as intimidating as you could – it didn’t work. Jimin quirked a brow, amused at your attempt so just to annoy you he mirrored your action and put his hands on his hips.
“Jerk.” You huffed
“Shocking, I know.” He smiled and relaxed. “I’m sorry. It wasn’t my intention to get angry or make you feel unwelcomed.”
No matter how strong and fearful Jimin could look, you realized he cared a lot and maybe too much. You took a step towards him, cupped his face in your hands (trying not to squish his cheeks which was so damn tempting) and kissed him. “You worry too much, Jimin.”
“Which I understand. But I’m not going to hide and especially not from your men. If I want this relationship, I can’t hide behind the safety of your flat.” You kissed him again, a soft brush of your lips against his that made him relax against you. “And I really want a relationship with you.”
“Thank god.” He muttered against your lips as he kissed you more fiercely this time, pouring all his feelings into the kiss.
Without a word, Jimin lifted you from the floor and you wrapped your legs tightly around his waist, letting him carry you to your bedroom.
“You should tell her.” The moment you heard Jack telling this to Yoojin, you knew they were talking about you. Not like you were the main subject most of the time but it just made sense this time.
Eavesdropping wasn’t in your habits but just for this time, you stayed hidden in the corner, trying to gather as much information as you could before going to possible war.
“Jimin is stupid for keeping it a secret.” He added (which got you even more curious).
“Why me?” Yoojin face palmed, whining at the task Jack was giving her.
Jack raised a brow; it seemed pretty obvious to him why it should be Yoojin. “Because you’re her friend and she hate me.”
No matter how entertaining it was to see Jack desperate for help, you chose to come out and relieve him from his misery.
“I’m going to suppose you’re talking about me.” You said and as you pointed at Jack you quickly added, “And I don’t hate you.”
“Hey Y/N!” Yoojin smiled brightly at you.
“Don’t ‘hey me’.” Someone was trying to avoid the conversation but you were not going to let them just run away from you. “What is this all about? Jimin and secrets? My favorite kind of stories.”
Yoojin and Jack exchanged a glance that smelled like trouble to you.
Jack sighed in defeat and looked at you, looking apological. “You’re not going to like it.”
They were absolutely right. You didn’t like the story. Heck, you loathed it and it made you furious. The moment Suah’s name left Jack’s lips, you saw red.
“I’m going to kill him.” Was your first reaction. “No. Better, I’m going to first kill her and make him watch then I’ll deal with him.”
You were blood thirsty and were ready for a fight. To that Jack and Yoojin could only shudder. And just before you left, you swore you heard them saying something along the line ‘god, she sounds just like him.’.
How dare he.
Jimin should have known that being with you and still working with Suah was not the right thing to do. Business was business, yes, but he could find a more acceptable solution.
Annoyed, you halted in the hall. No, you didn’t want to go and pick a fight with Jimin. He was playing dirty and so would you. You turned around and headed straight to Taehyung’s room, hoping he was in there.
Luckily for you, he was.
“Y/N!” Taehyung wrapped you in his arms, squishing you against his body with so much strength you thought you were about to die. Hands still on your shoulders, Taehyung pushed you gently from him so he could properly look at you. He frowned, recognizing the anger behind your eyes. “Looks like you’re about to kill someone.”
And despite your anger, you chuckled. “Depends. Are you going to help me to hide the body?”
Taehyung whistled, impressed. “Now you speak like one of us.” He slid his hand along your arm before gently taking your hand and bringing it to his lips – he planted a soft kiss on your knuckles. “How may I help you?”
“How do you feel about pissing Jimin off?”
“Consider me intrigued.”
Jimin was not amused.
The party was filled with vain people (including his company), with discussions he would have loved to avoid. But he had no other choice but to agree to Namjoon’s plan and come since he and Taehyung were the best at charming people (and eventually tricking them).
Suah was another reason he was not amused. There was a time when he found her charming; there was something about her. But sadly, and just like the people in this room, she was vain. Beautiful from outside but ugly from inside and Jimin couldn’t ignore this part of her. Not anymore at least.
But what got Jimin’s mood straight from bored to upset was the sight of you stepping into the hall with Taehyung. It wasn’t because of the fact that Taehyung was the one escorting you or the fact that you wore a beautiful lacy red dress that made you look absolutely gorgeous, like a queen.
No, what bothered him the most was the fact that someone (and apparently it was Taehyung) thought it was a good idea to bring you to this party. A party that could possibly end in tears and blood.
He gritted his teeth, trying to keep his cool.
“Oh look who’s here.” Suah commented to Jimin’s dismay. She looked smug and too happy for his liking, making him regret bringing her with him.
“Apparently, you’re not the only man she’s interested in.” Suah faced Jimin, pushing him to snap.
He didn’t. He simply averted his eyes from you and Taehyung to look at her. “Shut up. For your own sake.”
Suah only laughed and took another sip of her drink.
If Jimin was not amused with your presence, then you were furious to see Suah so close to him. The wish to suddenly jump on her and possibly pull at her hair was very strong. But instead, you tightened your grip around Taehyung’s arm and put on your best smile and ignoring completely Jimin’s gaze.
“Maybe I should have checked my testament before coming here.” Taehyung joked as he leaned closer to you. “I think Jimin is going to murder me in my sleep.”
That was an understatement. “I don’t think he’s going to wait for you to sleep.”
Taehyung smiled, agreeing. He let go of your arm only to snatch two glasses of Champaign from a waiter and to hand one to you. “Then I should keep my guardian angel close to me in case something happens.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere.” You poked his chest playfully. But he was right, you would defend him if needed.
Taehyung stood before you making it easier for you to talk to him while observing Jimin from afar. It was a perfect strategy and oh how much it was worth it.
“On a scale of one to ten, how bad is it?” Taehyung asked as he took a sip of his drink, feigning fear when in fact he was particularly amused with his whole plan.
You hid your smile in your glass, eyes darting back and forth between Taehyung and Jimin. “A solid seven, I’d say.”
Taehyung whistled, impressed. “Then, he’s doing much better than I thought.”
But maybe you were quick to jump to conclusion – Jimin was slowly walking towards you. “Oh, oh, he’s coming.”
Taehyung didn’t even flinch and instead spun around, standing right beside you, hand resting on your back (which obviously made Jimin only angrier judging by his frown).
“Nice suit, Jimin.” Taehyung welcomed him with a compliment.
And he didn’t lie. Jimin really looked good in his grey suit. He looked so good you could almost forget about your own resentment. Get a grip Y/N! You slapped yourself mentally and did your best to fake a happy smile. “Hi there.”
Jimin’s eyes darted back and forth between you and Taehyung, gaze growing darker with every passing seconds. “Watch where you’re putting your hand, Kim.”
You couldn’t stop yourself from rolling your eyes at his open display of jealousy (a part of you rejoiced nevertheless but you couldn’t possibly admit it out loud).
Taehyung hummed, pretending to think about his request but then he pulled you closer to his side. “Why should I? She’s my date for the night, Park. If you wanted her to come with you, you should have asked.”
‘Instead of asking Suah’ you wanted to add but that would be admitting you were also jealous and you wouldn’t do him the honor. Jimin, however, seemed to understand the unspoken words either way; his eyes averted from Taehyung to you. You held his gaze, refusing to give in so easily.
Jimin chose, for once in his life, to be reasonable – he ran his fingers through his perfectly styled hair (your eyes followed his every move despite yourself) and sighed in defeat. “I knew you were up to something when I saw you this morning.” He shook his head at Taehyung but eventually a tiny smile spread on his face.
Taehyung smiled wickedly. “Always. But you’d be surprised.” He glanced at you – you recognized the look of a man about to spill your secrets. “But this pretty lady is the one who was up to something. Not me.”
“Oh, was she now?”
It was so tempting to just stuck your tongue at him, but that would be very childish of you, wouldn’t it? Instead, you kept your mouth shut, feigning to be completely disinterested with whatever he had to say.
From afar, you spotted Suah talking to a man you had never seen. Not like it was a big deal since she had been working for Jimin for a while (and obviously it wasn’t her first party with Jimin either). But something about the man just didn’t feel right. Maybe it was the tattoo peaking from under his sleeves or maybe it was because of how serious Suah looked while talking to him. Either way it smelled like trouble.
You just hadn’t realized how right you were.
“I’m going to leave you two alone for five minutes.” Taehyung announced. “Please, don’t start a war.”
You pinched his arm in response since you were almost glued to his side – Taehyung winced and hurried to get away from you. Jimin on the other hand took the chance to step closer to you.
“I honestly want to pick a fight with you,” Jimin started, he took your hand gently, rubbing your knuckles with his thumb. “But more I look at you and less I remember why I was angry in the first place.”
Oh yes, Jimin was that good with turning your mind blank and making you forget about your anger. “I hate it.”
“What?” He said absently as his eyes were fixed on your hand.
“That you have so much power over me.”
That got his attention. He quirked a brow and raised his head to look at you. “Do I now?” His hand let go of yours and instead reached for your cheek, stroking it sweetly. “And do you know how much power you have over me?”
You had an answer on the tip of your tongue, so ready to flirt back, but the movement behind him got all of your attention instead.
You thought that nothing worse than being kidnapped and told you were sold could ever happen to you. Oh how wrong you were. Tonight, you found out that you still had a lot to lose. When you saw the man Suah was talking to earlier, starting heading towards you – you frowned. Not just because he was walking determined, straight and with a dark and dangerous glance in his eyes, but because of what he took out of his pocket.
A knife.
You didn’t think twice. In fact, you didn’t think at all, there was only one thing that mattered: Jimin. You grabbed him by the shoulders, so tightly he actually winced in both pain and surprise but before he could comprehend, you had already spun him around, shielding him with your body as you were fast enough to grab the knife with your bare hands.
It hurt. Like a bitch. It was a dumb move but you could hardly regret it when the man looked completely taken off guard, confused with a hint of fear. His plan had failed because of you and now he would face the consequence (and you hoped it was something along the line of ‘slow and painful death’). He tried to shake the knife which only deepened your wound, but you didn’t let go.
Jimin was fast to react and before the man could have a chance to escape, he was being pushed far away from you (with a nice punch from Jimin). With a blink of an eye Taehyung was back by your side, one arm tightly wrapped around you and with the other holding a gun.
All hell broke loose around you and despite everything, you couldn’t care less.
“Taehyung,” Jimin started, hands tightly wrapped around the man’s throat. “Take Y/N back home. I’ll see you later.”
A protest was at the tip of your tongue; you didn’t want to leave when things were getting out of hand but one glance from Jimin and you knew staying was not an option. Apparently, Taehyung agreed too.
“Don’t.” Taehyung whispered to you.
And you obeyed.
By the time Jimin got home, your hand was taken care and you didn’t feel like murdering someone. Obviously, the night was completely ruined (and all your plan of sweet revenge) and you feared what reckless decision Jimin could take because of it.
Surprisingly, he did nothing out of ordinary.
Jimin got home at two in the morning. You were slumped on the couch, waiting for him (and being anxious as hell).
For a while, you did nothing but stare at each other, or more like Jimin was intensely staring at your wounded hand, scowling deeply. No need to be a genius to know he wasn’t particularly happy with the outcome of the night.
Neither were you.
“You’re angry.” You were the first to break the silence, unable to bear it any longer, it was too stressing.
Jimin didn’t agree or deny it, he simply joined you by the couch, eyes still on your hand. He got on his knees and took your hand gently in between his. “I’m sorry.”
You blinked, confused. “What for?”
Jimin pressed his cheek against your hand as he looked at you, his eyes conveying all his feelings. “I should have known. I should have seen it coming.” He pressed his lips to your hand. “I’m sorry you got hurt because of me.”
“Don’t be silly.” You grabbed his shoulders and pulled him to the couch making it easier for you to hug him. “I’m glad I asked Taehyung to bring me with him. I don’t want to even imagine what could have happened if I wasn’t there.”
Jimin wrapped his arms around you, crushing you against his chest. You sighed in delight; it felt nice being in his arms after a long and stressing night.
“I’m going to protect you.” You announced proudly. It was silly but if you could help him out one way or another, you knew you would.
Jimin chuckled and you felt him relaxing against you.
He kissed your forehead and told you how lucky he was.
Damn right.
The next morning everybody gathered in the meeting room.
Jimin didn’t like the idea of leaving you alone, not after last night, but at least he comforted himself with the thought that you were safe at his place and hidden from his enemies. He didn’t get any sleep, he couldn’t. Not when you got hurt instead of him and under their watch. Not when because he was so blinded, he didn’t see Suah’s little game. All he could think about was his guilt but also the wish to take his revenge.
At first, nobody talked. Even Taehyung who usually would make some joke to ease the atmosphere, was calm. Too calm even. The tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
“This shouldn’t have happened.” Yoongi was the first to break the ice and purposely looked at Jimin. “How the hell did it come to this? How none of you noticed the little game this bitch was playing?” This time Yoongi looked at Taehyung too. Jimin might have be the leader of his business but Taehyung spent much time in the place too.
Jimin didn’t answer or tried to defend himself. A part of him couldn’t come up with any excuses and the other part was just too angry to care to answer.
Yoongi sighed; it was so tempting to push on with the subject, it had to be addressed but he also knew Jimin, nobody had the power to force him to talk when he was in this state.
“Fuck it.” Yoongi cursed under his breath.
“Suah isn’t the only problem. She didn’t know where our men were watching over us which means someone else had betrayed us." Jin stepped in, arms crossed over his chest as he eyed his friends, one by one until his gaze fell on a rather silent Namjoon. That was unusual.
Namjoon didn’t comment or try to blame Jimin for the disaster that happened last night. No, instead he was taping slowly his fingers on the table, lost in his thoughts.
"How’s Y/N?" Namjoon finally asked taking aback most with his question, Jimin included.
Jimin hesitated. "She’s fine."
Namjoon only nodded. "What about Suah and the man who tried to stab you?"
Jimin ruffled his hair in frustration. The only thought of Suah made his blood boil and wish he could go and smash her head instead of letting someone else do his job. "Hoseok is taking care of them.”
Jin feigned a shudder. “I almost feel bad for them.”
Jimin didn’t comment but in his opinion, whatever Hoseok was doing to them, was worth it.
“Speaking of the devil.” Yoongi said as Hoseok pushed the door to join them. “You look like shit.”
“Yeah, could have taken a shower at least.” Jin commented and pointed at Hoseok’s sleeves. “There’s some blood there.”
Hoseok rolled his eyes and pretended not hearing their comments. He sat on Jimin’s left and let a tired and long sigh. “Suah has been working for Red Lotus for a while.”
That got everybody’s attention.
“She has been gathering information, passing it to them. It explains how recently they had been a pain in the ass.” Hoseok explained. “The contract we’re supposed to sign in Tokyo? It’s a trap.”
“Fuck.” Taehyung groaned
“Well. I appreciate you found it out before I got there.” Jin thanked bitterly.
“So, how are we going to take our revenge?”
“They’re planning something.” Yoojin said as you were getting ready to go out. “And it’s going to be big and probably ugly.”
One week after the incident, Jimin had been absent longer than you both wished, busy with scheming and probably doing some dirty work you didn’t want to know about. But at least you got Yoojin.
“That bad?”
“Suah’s betrayal left a bitter taste.” Yoojin hesitated for a second. “Jimin is beating himself.”
“It’s not his fault.” There was nothing he could have done to prevent this situation. Suah was a good actress and managed to fool everybody. Not only Jimin.
“Maybe.” Yoojin bit on her lips as she thought about it. “Jimin was close to her, closer than the others. I get it why he’s beating himself.”
You found yourself wishing you could have seen Suah one last time, just so you could punch her in the face. You closed your eyes, took a deep breath and emptied your mind. Today was not about Jimin or Suah or any other problem, it was about you and Yoojin going out for a drink.
“Let’s go.”
The weather was absolutely gorgeous. Sunny, warm with a breeze – the perfect weather for a girls’ day.
“Turns out, Smith was right.” Yoojin however said as she held the door for you.
“The idiot who attacked you.”
“You look good, Yoojin.” A man’s voice interrupted you.
You froze right on the spot, startled at the man’s interruption. Yoojin’s paled by your side; hands curling into a fist, she had obviously recognized the person waiting for you.
“Such a pleasure to see you again.” He said proudly. By his side four other men, looking just as dangerous as him, were staring at you. “Though, I’m still disappointed that you chose to become their whore.”
You had absolutely no clue who those guys were you didn’t care. He was messing with your friend and openly insulting her as if there would be no consequences. It was unacceptable. “Shut your mouth.”
Judging by his frown, he didn’t expect you to snap at him – Yoojin pulled you behind her, shielding you with her body. Despite your annoyance, all the bells in your head rang in alarm. You were in danger.
He ignored your order and averted his eyes to Yoojin; his scowl vanished right away and instead he smirked. “How’s Johnny by the way?”
The little shit.
If it wasn’t for Yoojin blocking your way, you would have pounced at him to make him eat his tongue. Yoojin only tensed but didn’t more or fight back.
“What do you want, Andrew?” She asked instead, refusing to play his game.
The said Andrew sighed in disappointment. “You used to be fun.”
“You used to be a decent guy but you don’t see me complaining, do you?” She snapped back with ease. “What do you want?”
Andrew seemed to consider her question. Seeing her with you was not part of his plan and her presence altered slightly his goal. “Well, I was planning to kidnap the lady behind you.”
His confession (and honesty) sent shivers down your spine; you were indeed in danger and with no way out.
“But since you’re here, I think I can finally have my revenge.”
At his words, Yoojin grabbed your hand and gave it a meaningful squeeze. She wanted you to run, to try to get as far as possible from this place and to get help.
You averted your eyes from the man and looked instead at her hand. You couldn’t leave her behind, it was out of question.
“Oh. Now that’s cute.” Andrew commented as he understood the meaning behind your silent exchange. “You used to care only for yourself. Really cute.” But then, he pulled out his gun and pointed at Yoojin. “But really, do you think I’m going to let her leave?” His smile grew more and more wicked with every passing minutes.
He pulled the trigger and fired right at Yoojin and hit her arm. Everything happened so fast. One moment you were still thinking about how to get you both out and then the next a loud bang got you frozen on the spot. The bullet had hit Yoojin’s arm and the sight of blood terrified you.
“Y/N, right? In my opinion, if you want this lovely Yoojin to survive, you should do as I say.” Andrew was clearly having a blast with this whole situation; it amused him while it terrified the two of you.
Yoojin, despite the wound and the pain, snorted. “Don’t make me laugh. You sparing me? Y/N might believe it because she doesn’t know you, but I do and I know that your hands are itching to kill me.” Then, she looked at you, pleading you silently.
But you couldn’t. Whenever what Yoojin said about Andrew was true or not didn’t matter, you couldn’t abandon her.
“I can’t.” You whispered
“Then, should I make it easier for you?” Andrew suggested as once more he pointed his gun at Yoojin.
Your body acted on its own and with a blink of an eye you stood before Yoojin with arms spread widely, forcing the man to halt.
“Don’t.” Your voice sounded so weak and desperate. “If you kill her I won’t come with you.”
“And what will you do? Try to run?” He laughed, “Should I remind you that I have a gun and you don’t.”
“I still can run.” That was, without a doubt, a desperate attempt to save Yoojin. “You need me alive.”
Andrew paused and scratched his forehead with the tip of his gun. “True. But I never said that I needed you healthy and unharmed.”
And before you could think or react, he pulled once more the trigger.
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