#this got a bit long so I couldn't elaborate on her job but feel free to ask about it if you want :>
missholoska · 1 year
Hey, Undyne. Sorry if this is a touchy subject, but how are the Amalgamates doing on the surface? Also, are you still the royal scientist?
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A long vent, feel free to scroll
It's just been a really difficult week.
I've always struggled with holding down jobs, but I finally found one I love! The work is rewarding and my boss is great, but I've been having issues with some coworker.
I work in an office and I generally vibe well with my team, but there are three of us and there's always a third in every trio ya know? And that's definitely me. The other two, A and B, get along really really well, spend lunch breaks together, hang out after work. They even got the same haircut and A is gonna dye her hair to match B. Which is fine! We all don't need to be besties, we just need to get along at work. Except this past week my exclusion has felt more pointed and intentional than before.
I moved here from another state a few months ago. People here hate people from my state, which fine, I get it, bad blood. But I didn't come here with riches to throw the entire economy out of wack. I'm working the same job as them, barely making ends meet, but at least able to make ends meet, which I couldn't in my home state.
I've faced a lot of flack when people find out where I'm from, so I do my best to not bring it up unless they ask directly, though this is a bit difficult since my new plates still haven't arrived for my car. But obviously my coworkers know where I'm from, and it's never been an issue until recently.
We did outreach the last few weeks and at one of the events one of our participants asked if I was from the area and I politely said no I'm new to the area but didn't elaborate and B chimed in with "well now you've gotta tell him where you're from" and so I had to awkwardly explain and then feel uncomfortable. The participant was nice about it and didn't really comment, but it's not a secret locals don't like people from my home state and I feel like B knew what she was doing when she said that.
It's gotten worse this last week, with little jabs here and there. B's car is currently in the shop and she's driving a rental that just happens to have plates from my home state. While driving to an outreach event, she kept making comments about how people saw her plates and assumed she was a shitty driver due to them. When we pulled up to the event, a group of people were outside and they watched us pull up and she said, essentially, "oh they probably see the plates and are judging us" and then as soon as she got out of the car, the first words out of her mouth were "oh don't worry guys, it's a rental car, I'm not really from [OP's home state]" and I just stood there feeling so awkward cause there was no need to even bring it up. A day or two after the event, we were back at the office and a car drove by the window with a really bad paint job and A said "oh that's [current city] for ya." And B said "no that's [OP's home state] trying to act like [current city]" and then she looked right at me, as if her comment wasn't pointed enough.
At another point this week, B and another coworker, D, were talking about their hair and D made the joke that "as soon as I had my first kid I noticed my first gray hair" which is a joke right? I've heard so many parents make that joke! So I laughed. And they both looked at me and D literally said "what? What are you laughing at?" And I faltered and just said "it's funny." And they both just looked at me so I went back to work.
A and B like to be really outgoing and like dance at work? Which is fine, feel free to express yourself, it's just not my thing so I never do. At one point this week, A said to me "You don't have the courage to express yourself this way but we'll do it enough for you." And I was just like 😐 okay thanks for that. Like it's not that I don't have the courage, I just don't want to dance??
A also likes to tell us we need to toughen up and be firmer with applicants but constantly waffles and backpedals herself when she speaks to them. I hate the hypocrisy.
B has been very outspoken about how much she loves outreach. Which, again, is fine. I also love outreach I'm just not as loud about it. Also for context, it's clear people in the office like B more than me. Which, again, shouldn't matter cause I'm good at my job. Anyway, a lead from another department, K, came over to our department when we were having an impromptu meeting and said her department is doing outreach. The implication was she wanted some of us to go. She looked directly at B and asked her "you wanna go?" And of course B went on her rant about how she loves outreach. Then K looked at A and asked if she wanted to go and A was like yeah sure. Then nothing. K didn't even spare a glance in my direction. A looked at me and asked if I wanted to go and K immediately chimed in "well you don't ALL need to go." So I just politely shook my head and didn't participate in the rest of the conversation.
Yesterday the whole team got pulled into the office. Some context without giving away too much info, the organization I work for gives out financial benefits to applicants. There are some payouts that have been delayed due to funding issues, but we can't just tell people that. Of course people are calling upset they haven't gotten their money yet and approved messaging was "there's a process it has to go through but the money is on the way." In typical over explaining, I've been telling people the whole process, which ends in finance where they cut the checks. Somebody apparently overheard and went to the finance director who went to my boss about how I've been blaming finance for delayed checks. To be fair, my boss didn't say anyone mentioned me specifically, she said she was told our department was blaming finance, but it's pretty obvious it was about me just from everything else that's happened. My boss was cool about it and even said it's just people in the office being petty, but still.
It's so frustrating and demoralizing when you're trying so damn hard to mask your "bad habits" and do everything you can to fit the mold and be what you're "supposed" to be and people still make it so glaringly obvious you're "other." That you just don't quite fit in.
Even this morning something happened to piss me off. Our parking lot is u shaped and one way, but people constantly come in the wrong side and drive the wrong way cause the good parking spots are over there and they want to get to them before others do. Well today I was driving the correct way and was going around a corner and almost hit a car going the wrong way. Apparently that was another lead in my office cause she told B that I almost hit her in the parking lot like that's cause you were going the wrong way!!!! It makes me so mad! Stop talking about me like I'm the one in the wrong.
I'm just so exhausted and angry and fucking sad that no matter how hard I try it doesn't work. I'm still excluded. I just don't know what to do anymore.
Anyway it's been a really bad week and I'm struggling. Really looking forward to a full weekend of not having to interact with people.
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floating-mid-air · 3 years
The Princess of all Saiyans
Hey Everyone! It's been a while. My life's been kind of hectic the past couple of months. Long story short: I Graduated from Highschool this year, so I was busy with everything having to do with that. Then my summer job sadly prevented me from writing as well. And then I started College, which was a big change for me. For now, there are no more chapters in my life opening or closing. Now I'm finally in a place where I feel comfortable continuing this book again. I could've honestly been writing during all of this chaos. But I wouldn't have been pleased with the quality of my writing. I'm really excited to get back into the swing of things. I don't think this chapter panned out the way I originally planned, but I'm still happy with it. As always, I hope you enjoy it. And if you have any comments or concerns, feel free to let me know. My inbox is always open!
Chapter 11
You've been walking for quite some time now, and the experience has been excruciating. You haven't been in this much pain since you and Raditz were on planet Telia, ten-something years ago. Those damn underlings were able to get a good sneak attack on you. Though you can't say, you let them get away scot-free. You made sure to make their entire dreadful race pay for that injury. You and Raditz had covered up that incident, much like you're doing with your current injury.
"So---" You can hear Goku talking to Krillin from just slightly left of you. "Did you guys find the senzu beans?" Wow, Kakarot may be the least subtle creature you've ever encountered.
"Ya." Krillin chuckles. "All four of us were in pretty rough shape." Goku glances at you with a worried look on his face. You glare at him as Raditz eyes the two of you skeptically. He knows something's off between the two of you. Maybe something serious did happen while you and his brother were trapped together. 
A bit more time has passed, and you've been trying your best to keep up with the others. But it isn't as easy as you thought. You're now trailing behind the rest of them, with Raditz turning back to look at you every so often. The largest Saiyan slows down to catch up with your slower pace, now walking beside you.
He turns to you, whispering in a low tone. "Something's off." Raditz can no longer stay silent about his concerns. First, it was the strange vibes between you and Kakarot. And now it's your out-of-character demeanor making him uneasy.
"About what?"
"You. Typically you walk beside your brother, and when he doesn't let you, you make sure you're always only a few paces behind. But right now, you couldn't be more content to trail everyone. Plus, you're far too confident to not be in the very front." Raditz has been around far too long for your liking. Damn him. He knows you far too well, and you hate him for it.
You roll your eyes at him. "So this conclusion of yours is based on the way I'm walking? I'm tired. When I fought, Burter, that physically drained me. And then I got trapped in a ditch with your moronic brother, that mentally drained me. I'm exhausted, Raditz." 
"It's not just the way you're walking. It's your mannerisms as well." He points at your side. "Your hand hasn't moved from your side from the moment I first saw you."
"God, Raditz." You scoff. "Stop overanalyzing everything."
"Getting defensive now? That's your M.O whenever you're hiding something." He looks back and forth between your face and your hand that has remained glued to your side. The gears in the older Saiyan's head slowly but surely turning. " Y/N, are you hurt?" 
"No." You snap your eyes shut, biting your lip hard enough to draw blood in an attempt to suppress a wince of pain. "I'm fine."
He tilts his head at you. "Y/N, I know you claim otherwise, but I'm not stupid. I know you're in pain."
You chuckle softly in a self-pitying way. "Am I that easy to read?"
Raditz shakes his head, smiling to himself. "No, I've just known you for a long time now." He returns to his serious demeanor, his gaze returning to the area of your wound. "How bad is it?"
"I barely feel it at all. Though, climbing out of that ditch must have reopened the cut."
Raditz snickers. "You're a bad liar."
"That's strange. I've been told in the past that I'm quite good at lying."
A smirk spreads across Raditz's lips. "Well, you apparently aren't when I'm involved."
The larger Saiyan glances at the back of your brother's head. You respond with a glare, firmly pulling on a large chunk of his hair. You know what Raditz wants to do, and it's not happening. "Don't even think about it."
"I-I think we should tell him Y/N."
"No." You let go of his hair, tapping his chest with extreme force. "You're going to keep your big mouth shut. Vegeta will freak out. You know how irrational he gets."
Raditz decides to let you have your way--- for now. The man can't help but wonder why you're so stubborn, but then again, his nature isn't much different from yours.
With every minute that passes, your condition only seems to worsen. Your eyes even start to droop. "Y/N?" Raditz turns to you, his features beginning to fill with worry. He places one of his large hands on your forehead. You're burning up. "You have a fever. Your wound must be infected."
"No." You shake your head in disagreement, almost like a child. As your mental state becomes more and more delirious. 
"Vegeta!" Raditz shouts, gaining your brother's attention.
"Fuck you, Raditz! You're such a blabbermouth!" You shout at the larger Saiyan in front of you.
"What's wrong this time? Is my sister trying to pull you into another one of her elaborate schemes?"
"Y/N's hurt--- bad." Vegeta's eyes widen, and not even a millisecond later, he rushes to your side. "She has a fever. I think her cut is infected."
"Where is it?" He crosses his arms at you, noticing your hand placed firmly on your side. He moves your hand out of the way with ease, lifting your armor. "How did this happen?"
"Burter nicked me during our fight. It's no big deal."
"No big deal? It's infected, you stupid woman!" He turns his attention to Kakarot. "Did you know about this?"
You snicker. "Oh ya, Vegeta. I get hurt, and the first person I run to tell is Kakarot." Vegeta's fists clench at your sarcastic remark, turning his fit of rage back at you.
"You know, in certain situations, you're more prone to infections. And a planet like Namek checks all of the boxes! You know you need to be more careful. Damn our mother and her faulty genetics!" Sadly that's a trait you had inherited from your mother. On most planets, you'd be fine, and injuring yourself would be no big deal. But Namek has specific conditions that result in you being more vulnerable. 
"Raditz, pick her up." Raditz picks you up, giving you a piggyback ride. You wrap your arms around his neck, giving yourself better balance. Vegeta glances up at you. He looks even madder than usual. "With the condition, you're in, you will not be fighting. You will stay away from Jeice, and you won't even enter the same proximity as Ginyu. Do you understand me?"
"No!" His voice booms, gaining the attention of every creature for miles. "I'm not kidding around. Do you understand me?"
You bite your lip, tilting your head downwards, avoiding your brother's gaze like the plague. "Yes, Vegeta." Vegeta returns to the front of the group, his mood sourer than ever.
As Raditz begins to walk, he starts talking to you again. "Are you mad at me?" You don't verbally respond. Instead, you claw into his shoulders, your nails digging into his flesh. "Fuck. I'll take that as a yes."
"You're a tattletale."
Raditz chuckles. "No wonder why Vegeta babies you. You'll thank me for this later, you stubborn woman. And I've kept your secrets before, handfuls of them, actually. Like what happened on planet Telia----" Raditz realized the grave mistake he had just made, mentioning that incident in the presence of the very being you worked so hard to hide it from.
You slap the older Saiyan upside the head as Vegeta turns backward, a scowl plastered on his face. "What happened on plant Telia?" It was a rhetorical question, mocking both you and Raditz. "Oh, the three of us will be discussing this in length later. Because it sounds to me like you both lied to me on that initial report." You and Raditz gulp, you've heard that tone from your brother millions of times now, and it has never once become any less terrifying. 
"Oh, lighten up, Geta." You groan. "That was like, what? Around thirteen years ago?"
"The amount of time that has passed matters very little to me. As I said before, this is a discussion for later."
A few more hours have passed, which honestly feels like days at this point. And considering Namek's strange day cycle, it very well could've been. "How much farther?" Your question was clearly directed at Vegeta. And at this point, you're not even sure he has any idea where you're headed either.
"I don't know why you're the one complaining." Raditz huffs.  "You're not the one doing all of the walking! And if you ask him that one more time, I'm going to drop you." Ok so maybe, that wasn't the first time you've asked that question today. Or the second, or third, you're very bored. 
"Man Raditz." You roll your eyes, which are barely open at this point. "You sure complain--- a lot."
"You were just complaining." The long-haired Saiyan grumbles. 
"No, I simply asked Vegeta a question. There's a difference Raditz. I know it's hard for your feeble mind to understand." When you're sick, you tend to act, oh what's the word? Bitcher than normal. And that's saying a lot.
Raditz clenches his jaw. "Vegeta. I need a break from your sister."
"That's how I felt ninety percent of the time I was stuck in a room with you, Nappa, and Cado. And you didn't see me running to wine to Frieza about it."
Before Raditz can retort, your brother interjects. "That's enough! From both of you!"
Krillin, Gohan, and Goku have identical bewildered expressions on their faces. Krillin turns to Vegeta, lowering his voice to a whisper. He doesn't want to be the next victim of your wrath. "Do they always fight like this?" The human finds this perplexing. Back on Earth, the pair seemed inseparable. They appeared to be the Saiyan equivalent of what on Earth would be considered best friends.
Vegeta lets out an exaggerated sigh. "Yes, but typically it's more playful in nature. When my sister is sick, she becomes even brattier than usual."
Vegeta's warning to both of you seems to have fallen on dead ears. Because your quarrel has not ceased, in fact, it has only elevated. "I will drop you, you royal brat!"
"I dare you to you second-class runt. I could still kick your ass even in my delirious state. I wouldn't even have to try very hard."
"I'm considering----"
Before Raditz can even get three words out, your bickering is once again interrupted, and not by the person you may think. "Enough!" Gohan shouts. You honestly forgot the others were here for a moment."If you two keep fighting like this, you're going to get all of us killed!" You and Raditz stare at the boy in shock. It's been a long time since the two of you have been yelled at by a child. The last time being when you were children yourselves. Vegeta hasn't changed much since childhood. He's been bossing you around and shouting at you since you were children, but I'm sure that's not very surprising. 
"Ya, and I can take Y/N---- if you need a break." Goku rubs the back of his neck, chuckling sheepishly. "Not that I want to hold Y/N or anything."
"No." You rapidly shake your head. "Raditz, I'm sorry. I'll be good now--- I promise."
A wicked grin spreads across Raditz's lips right before he grabs your hands with his larger ones. He loosens your grip around his neck, moving your body with ease, scooping you up into his arms. Every step Raditz takes toward Goku seems even more antagonizing slower than the last. Until he's standing directly in front of his younger brother. He elevates his arms slightly, dropping you right in front of an unsuspecting Goku.
Lucky for you, Goku has sharp reflexes. That allows the Saiyan to catch you easily. Raditz look's his brother dead in the eyes, his typical arrogant grin still on his lips. "She's your problem now, Kakarot." Raditz gazes downward to look at you. "Stop pouting. Maybe next time, you'll be nicer to good old Raditz."
A low growl echoes in the back of your throat as you glare daggers at the Saiyan standing before you. "Ya, or maybe next time, I'll rip out your tail and strangle you with it!" The only thing that's stopping you from lunging at Raditz is Goku's firm grip holding you in place.
Rather than arguing that the entire group has become accustomed to, the whole area has become dead silent. You're no longer pouting. Instead, you are glaring at the man who continues to carry you bridal style. You've never liked being held like this. It makes you feel weak like you have no control over your own body.
What makes you even more irritated, Is how Goku reacts to your death stare. He just grins at you. Does he just never get angry? What kind of Saiyan is he? It fills you with so much anger that someone as dopey as Kakarot has Saiyan blood flowing through his veins. 
You clench your fists. You just wanna punch Kakarot so badly. He just has such a punchable face. If you could take away his cheery personality, he'd actually be quite attractive. Wait--- what the hell are you thinking? Kakarot is stupid and way too friendly for you to ever think of him in that way.
 You move your fist up, finally giving in to your urges, attempting to punch the man holding you. Probably not your wisest moment, but your brain isn't functioning normally right now. Goku catches your hand with ease. His reflexes are unreal, or maybe this fever has you more sluggish than you believed. You'd prefer to think that it's the second option. He chuckles to himself. He's still not upset. What the hell is wrong with him? "Come on, Y/N. You gotta be quicker than that." He's challenging you. How Saiyan like of him. You seem to always be able to find specks of Saiyan nature in the cheerful man. And those are the aspects you actually like about him. 
Your eyes begin to once again feel heavy as your eyes droop shut, just before you fall asleep in the arms of your enemy. 
Twenty-Something Years Ago:
You're sitting on your bed, sitting crisscrossed, a book laying open on your lap. Since your father is currently off-planet, you can read all you want. You're enamored with your newest book. It's all about a topic referred to as diplomacy. It's fascinating and has many concepts that are entirely foreign to you, yet at the same time, some of these ideas are also familiar. 
As you read, your door slams open, but you pay the interruption almost no attention, not even bothering to look up from your book. Honestly, the unwelcome intrusion has you more angered than anything else. "God, Vegeta." You roll your eyes. "Haven't you ever heard of knocking?" Something's not right. When Vegeta usually bursts into your room, he's automatically shouting at you.
Out of pure curiosity, you look up from your book. However, standing at your door, you don't find Vegeta. A boy with a very similar appearance but with a much smaller stature stands in your door frame. He's out of breath, desperately huffing for air. "Tarble?" You furrow your brows at your brother, launching off your bed to get closer to him. "What's wrong?" You have this sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. Your twin has never behaved in such a manner before. 
"Captain--- Captain Ginyu is here." Tarble is shaking, his eyes watering slightly.
You scowl ever so slightly. "But Ginyu's not scheduled to be on planet Vegeta any time soon." 
"It's--- It's a surprise visit. What do we do, Y/N?"
You contemplate for a moment before your features fill with alarm. "Tarble? Where's Vegeta?"
His lip quivers as he looks down at the floor. "He's with Captain Ginyu."
"Damn it." You mutter under your breath. Diplomacy is a skill you need right now. And Vegeta doesn't have a single quality that a diplomat possesses. Your elder brother is more likely to unnecessarily provoke the Captain, putting your entire race in hot water with the Frieza Force. 
You rush over to your bedside table, rummaging through the drawer. Once you have your scouter in your hand, you run back over to your brother. "Stay in here, and use this to channel our father. Let him know what's going on." You push past your twin, about to leave, before Tarble's voice calls out to you.
"Wait, Y/N!" You turn back to look at him. "Where are you going?"
"I have to go stop our older brother from doing something stupid. Everything will be fine, I promise. Just calm down and do as I said." And with that, you take off, praying that Vegeta hasn't already done something rash.
As you sprint down the halls of the palace, you run face-first into the torso of a large body. "Princess?"
You look up at the bald Saiyan, the one who's supposed to be at your brother's side at all times. Since the future king of planet Vegeta needs to be protected. "Nappa, Where is my brother?"
The imbecile scratches the back of his neck, contemplating much longer for your liking. "I'm not sure. I haven't seen the runt in quite some time. You should probably ask Vegeta." 
You scowl at the Saiyan. "Not Tarble, you fool! I'm asking you where Vegeta is!"
"Oh, Why didn't you just say so?" It's taking every ounce of restraint you have in your body to not viciously attack Nappa. "He's just outside of the palace." 
You run through Nappa, intentionally knocking the large Saiayn onto the floor. His stupidity lost you precious time. It was quite an amusing sight, though. A mere child, being able to take down one of your father's best warriors. 
You arrive outside of the palace, your eyes landing on your target. This is the first time you've ever seen Captain Ginyu. Sure, you've heard stories of the purple man. And much like your people, Ginyu is just as bloodthirsty and just as ruthless. Much to your surprise, the Captain doesn't have an army behind him. This was just before the Ginyu Force had formed. All Ginyu was at this point in time was a captain of one of Frieza's many armies. 
You walk over to them, now standing at your brother's side. "Captain Ginyu." You speak with your hands, an exaggerated smile appearing on your lips. "To what do we owe the honor?"
The man looks down at you, clearly analyzing you with his scouter. "Well, if this isn't a surprise. I think this is the first time I've had the pleasure of meeting you, Y/N." Ginyu extends his large hand out to you, causing Vegeta to feel a great deal of alarm. Your brother's body has gone tense with an apprehensive look on his face. But when your older brother looks over to you, there isn't even a glint of fear in your eyes. You're calm, almost as if one of Lord Frieza's deadliest warriors was not standing before you. You accept the Captain's hand, presenting him with a short but polite handshake. "Your father doesn't like showing you off much, does he?" 
You chuckle softly. "My father likes to hold his cards close to his chest. I'm sure a man like yourself is quite similar." Sucking up to Ginyu is not your favorite pastime, but it needs to be done. And every Saiyan on this planet knows your big brother is far too prideful to do it himself.
Ginyu looks between you and Vegeta carefully. For someone so highly regarded by Frieza, he sure isn't subtle. He's trying to read your facial expressions. Unfortunately for him, your father has raised you both much better than that. A poker face to you feels more natural than a genuine expression. "Speaking of your father, where is he right now?"
"He's of---"
You quickly cut Vegeta off. "He's in a meeting. That's why our father sent me out. He wanted you to know he sends his regards, but his hands are tied at the moment. He will be here at soon as possible. I hope my brother and I can suffice your needs in the meantime."
Captain Ginyu eyes you skeptically, tilting his head at you ever so slightly. "That sounds serious. I hope it's nothing too pressing."
"Of course not. It's nothing my father can't handle."
You're about to continue your schmoozing, but you're stopped by Vegeta aggressively yanking on your arm. "We need to talk-- in private."
You grimace at your brother's words. He just always has to make everything that much more difficult for you. You turn back to Ginyu, offering the man a cheerful smile. "Will you excuse us for a moment? We'll be right back."
Vegeta drags you around a corner, concealing you both from Ginyu's prying eyes. "What do you think you're doing?" He huffs at you in a whisper. "I had everything under control."
You snicker, crossing your arms. "You were just about to tell Ginyu that our father was off-planet. It sounds to me like I got here just in time to prevent you from making a grave mistake."
"I don't see why that matters."
"And that's the issue, Vegeta. Now we don't have time for this. Let's go." You turn back around, walking back over to Ginyu, Vegeta trailing not far behind. "I'd like to apologize for my brother's rudeness, Captain Ginyu." You shake your head but with a slight smirk across your lips. "All Saiyan men are the same, and my brother is no exception. They're incredibly thickheaded and quite savage. I'm convinced they don't even realize what brutes they are." You watch your brother ball his hands up into fists from beside you. It fills you with an immense feeling of joy knowing you're getting under Vegeta's skin for once. You turn back to Ginyu, plastering that disingenuous grin on your face. "Now, how about we give you a tour of our wonderful planet?"  
You and Vegeta have shown Ginyu around almost the entirety of your planet, and you must admit you're beginning to grow worried. Luckily you've managed to hold off any more questions about your father's whereabouts by charming him with various facts about planet Vegeta. But to be honest, you're not sure how much longer you can hold up this charade for. You've exhausted pretty much every idea that you've been able to come up with.
"Captain Ginyu!" Your father's brash voice invades your ears as you turn around to finally see the man you've been anxiously waiting for. You've never seen your father walk in such an urgent manner, and it's pretty funny watching your twin struggling to keep up with your father's pace. 
Your father places himself between you and Vegeta, ruffling your hair affectionately. You look up at him. "How'd your meeting go?"
Your father meets your gaze, catching onto your deception almost immediately. "It went very well. Thank you both for keeping Captain Ginyu company in my absence, but I think I can handle it from here." He directs his attention back onto Captain Ginyu. "Now, how about we discuss you're abrupt arrival somewhere more private."
The two men exit your field of view, leaving the three of you alone. Tarble, in his typical fashion, glues himself to your side. "What the hell was that?" Vegeta spits out with venom. "Where was your pride? You were basically groveling at his feet."
You furrow your brows at him. "I was doing what needed to be done. And if you think our father isn't currently doing the same thing, you're a bigger fool than I thought."
"I know our father is being more agreeable with him, but not at the cost of his pride."
"It's always about pride with you." You step closer to Vegeta, closing the distance between you. "Your pride today would have cost the loss of countless lives today, Vegeta."
"Then so be it. If there are Saiayn's that inadequate on our planet, we should probably just exterminate them now. It'll save us the hassle later on."
You snicker, shaking your head at Vegeta. "Some King you'll be." You turn to your twin. "Let's go, Tarble. I have no desire to be near our foolish brother right now."
The conversation between Captain Ginyu and your father was brief. It was a very anticlimactic ending to the naked eye. The briefness of this encounter only set off more alarm bells in King Vegeta's head. It was clear to the man that Ginyu's excuse for being on his planet was bullshit. He's just not quite sure what the captain's intentions were, but he sure as hell is going to find out.
As soon as Ginyu left planet Vegeta, he promptly set course for his next destination. He's headed straight to Lord Frieza to report his findings, and he's eager to do so.
 Ginyu arrives on the planet in record time, heading straight for the throne room. Ginyu kneels before Frieza, waiting for his boss to speak. "Captain Ginyu. You're sure back early. I trust you were able to gather enough information on the young prince."
Captain Ginyu nods enthusiastically. "Of course, Lord Frieza. The Price was exactly the same as the previous data we collected on him. He's powerful and quite intelligent for a Saiyan. Though, he did inherit that nasty temper from his father."
Frieza sighs. "How disappointing."
"But I did discover something that you may find interesting, Lord Frieza."
Frieza tilts his head at the man. He can't help but feel intrigued. "Go on." It's not that easy for him to find an advantage over those monkeys, so he'll take any information Ginyu can give him, no matter how minuscule. 
"Y/N--- King Vegeta's daughter piqued my interest greatly. She's not even close to as strong as her brother, but she's remarkably clever. She's very good with words, she knows how to manipulate people. I'd say she might even be better than King Vegeta himself."
"Now, that is fascinating. Good work, Ginyu. I'll look into the Princess's abilities more in-depth later. You're excused."
This is just something I felt the need to clarify: So in this chapter's flashback, Vegeta is around three, and Y/N and Tarble are about two. In my head, I picture children on planet Vegeta behaving like miniature adults. My idea is once they leave their chambers (the tanks they are raised in to get their basic Saiyan instincts under control), their minds are fully grown, but their physical growth is quite delayed. That's why they curse and stuff. I have a minuscule window of time to squash in all of my plot ideas. So this was the best way to do so.
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backtothefanfiction · 3 years
Summary: Things get heated on the mountainside then five months later Santiago knocks on your door asking for a favour.
Warnings: Language, mentions of sex.
Word Count: 3997
A/N- Hey guys thank you so much for your love on this series, after the heaviness of the last chapter this one is more story development for how we ended up at chapter 1. It's split into three parts; the boys interaction on the side of the mountain, Santiago coming to your flat to ask for a favour and you meeting with Frankie in a diner to collect on that favour for Santi. This is the second to last chapter and I am currently working on the final chapter so we can end this story and Friday on a high! In the meantime I hope you enjoy.
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Without you, the mission had become a shit show. Five days full of reckless testosterone clouded decisions that had lead to them trekking across the Andes, millions of dollars literally being lost over the side of a cliff, three different gunshot wounds between the group and multiple dead bodies; including Tom's. The sun had almost fully set now, just a dull hazy glow on the horizon as Santiago, Will and Frankie lay back against the bags of money, waiting for the younger Miller to return. The tension was thick between them and not just because of the multiple fuck ups or the fact they had lost a friend.
Each one of them had brought up your name at some point during this trip, wondering if things would have been different if you had been there. A strong team of six instead of five. Santiago had watched Frankie subtly flinch, every time he heard your name and although he himself wished you had been there, he could clearly see now why you had said no. He still didn't completely know what had happened between you and Frankie other than what he found out that one night in Italy; but he knew if you had been on this mission with them right now, the team would be even weaker, not stronger.
“I'm gonna say something. Are you listening?” Frankie's voice said strongly, breaking the stoic silence that had befallen the three men since Benny had left their company.
“Yeah.” Santiago murmured, acknowledging the statement.
“We gotta get back on our game.” Frankie said. “Enough of this. It stops now. You Understand?”
“Copy that.” Santiago replied.
Frankie had ended up spending more time than he thought he would thinking about you these last few days. Even with everything that had happened between the two of you, it felt odd to him doing a job like this without you. Over the years and countless missions you had all worked together, you had become a partner to him. His co-pilot, the one who always had his six. The absence of you only served to remind him of how fucked up things were between you now. He felt himself tense anytime one of the boys said your name. He spoke with a venom, anytime he was dragged into a conversation about you. That was until he lost a mule over the side of the mountain.
The rocks had given way bellow the animals feet and he had watched helplessly as it fell to its death, bags of money exploding as they hit rocks. His own mortality truly hit him then. His mind raced to images of his daughter and Laura but then they turned to you and that's where they stayed. Tom's death a day later had only reinforced those thoughts more. If he died on this godforsaken mountain before he had a chance to talk to you and sort everything out, it would be the biggest regret of his life. He needed them all to get back on their A game. He needed to get back to you.
“Why did she say no to the job?” Will's question permeated the silence. It was a question that had been on his mind since the very beginning and one Santiago had tried to avoid and work around the whole mission. Santiago remained quiet, trying to work out the best way to respond.
“Because of me.” Frankie's confession rang out. Will sat up then, looking at Frankie confused, silently asking him to elaborate. Santiago's gaze had also turned to Frankie, but it was a soft look, one of pride that his friend wanted to face up to his demons instead of run from them. Frankie's look back to Santiago was a desperate cry for help. Although he knew they all needed to get this out in the open so they could work better as a team, he also was struggling with how to say it.
“He was sleeping with her.” Santiago tried to say as gently as he could. Although he knew the relationship between you and Frankie had been fucked up, he also knew you were both hopelessly in love with one another, which was what had made things between you so much more complicated.
“Wait. What?” Will stuttered out in shock. “When?”
“About 11 months ago.” Frankie quietly confessed. Will gave Frankie a hard look as he realised he was telling him he had cheated on his partner with you. “Look, I know.” Frankie said in response to the stare, “It wasn't exactly my finest moment.”
“How long for?” Will questioned.
“A couple of months. She broke things off when she found out Laura was pregnant. That's why she took that job in Italy.” Santiago's mind raced as he remembered back to the night he spent with you in Italy, his head dropping sheepishly. He thought if he kept his head low, he'd get away with not having the Italy conversation with Frankie but he was wrong. Frankie had recognised the look on Pope's face and the fact his was currently staring away from them at the rock in front of him, just told him how guilty his friend felt.
Will had watched the exchange, analysing the looks between the two men before him. “What happened in Italy?” he asked, suspecting there was something about your time over seas that they were both privy to and hiding from him.
“Why were you in Italy with her Pope?” Frankie doubled down.
“I went to her first to talk about the job.” Santiago said, only giving half the truth. Frankie fixed him with a hard look, forcing him to elaborate. He wanted to know how that fucking phone call had come about. “Look she wasn't answering my messages so I got on a plane, went over there and-” his sentence hung awkwardly in the air a moment as he tried to decide how to carry on. “Look, I thought that if I got rid of the guy she would be free to come back with me and do the job, but she got mad at me.” Frankie and Will listened intensely as Santiago continued to babble. “Look I did some things and she said some shit to get back at me. Look man I didn't know.” He looked desperately to Frankie.
“But even after you did find out you still fucked her, right?” Frankie's voice bit back. It was more of a statement than a question.
“I'm sorry man, but you should have seen her face.” Santiago felt his cock twitch just at the memory alone. “She freaking begged me Fish.” Santi's voice pleaded, trying to get his friend to understand. Will scoffed in disbelief over the conversation they were having. “Hey.” Santiago said rounding on him, “You would have done exactly the same thing if you were there. You're just bitter because you only got to fuck her the once.”
“HEY!” Frankie's voice cut across Pope.
“No, you don't get to act like you're her knight in shining armour right now and defend her honour, not when you used her like you did.” Santiago snapped back at Frankie.
“I didn't use her.” Frankie attempted to defend himself.
“You fucking snorted coke off her body, fucked her, then went back home to continue playing house with your actual girlfriend. If that's not using her-”
“I told her I fucking loved her and that I wanted to leave Laura, that I was gonna get clean for her and she fucking cut and run on me man.” There was silence as the weight of Frankie's statement hung in the air between them. When Frankie spoke again, breaking the silence, his voice was softer, curious. “Did you make her?” He didn't want to ask but he needed to know. The 60 second phone call had played continuously on a loop around his head ever since it had happened, the words haunting him.
“Yes.” Santiago's voice was timid and he struggled to look at his friend. “If it helps, she really tried to fight it man. I think she liked that it had been your thing.”
“What?” Will questioned, confused by the ambiguous conversation his friends were having in front of him. “What did you make her do?” His voice was worried, protective. Both Frankie and Santiago struggled to meet Will's eyes. “What did you make her do?” he asked again his voice demanding an answer.
“I'm sorry man.” Santiago said.
“He made her squirt.” Frankie said at the same time. Will's expression was one of reserved surprise.
“Wait you both?” Will asked, looking for clarity.
“Yeah.” Santiago said. There was a silence again as the information set in.
Something Santiago had said was weighing on Frankie. “What do you mean she begged you?” Frankie asked him timidly.
“She's been torturing herself man. She feels so guilty about everything that happened, she's just looking for a way she can live with herself.”
“What did you do?” Frankie asked, he was scared of the answer but wanted to know, his own form of punishment.
“Tied her to the bed and edged her to within an inch of her life.” Santiago's statement was slightly rushed and guilty. Will fought to remain silent as he began to picture the scene in his head.
“Did it help? Did it make her feel better afterwards?” Frankie continued to question.
“She's in love with you man.” Santiago said softly. “Those feelings aren't just gonna go away. She's gonna be carrying them around with her for the rest of her life. She's always gonna be stuck wondering what would have happened if things were different. Wondering if there ever would have been a way for you guys.” Santiago's statement left everyone silent once more. None of them brought it up again, but they couldn't stop thinking about it.
It had been 5 months since you had come home from Italy. 5 months since the boys came back from their trip to South America. Will and Ben had escorted Tom's body back to the states and broken the news to Molly. They stayed with her as she broke the news to her girls and made a point of being there for them whenever they needed.
For 5 months, Will and Benny were the only company outside your family that you saw, but even then you didn't see them as often. None of you met up as a group again. You hadn't even heard from Santiago, that was until he showed up on your doorstep late one Saturday afternoon. “Hey Querida, I need your help.”
You reluctantly let him in, ushering him inside your small apartment. “What do you want Santi?” you asked as you continued to hover near the front door.
“I've got this job-”
“Nope, no way.” you quickly cut in. “After what happened in South America, I don't think so. Besides I thought that was supposed to be your last job. You said you were retiring.” you folded your arms across your chest defensively.
“I know, I know. But this isn't like that job.”
“Are you determined to burn every friendship you've ever had?” you spat at him, a warning to choose his next words very carefully. Will and Benny had told you everything when they got home. Both of them were shells of the men they once were, it almost pained you to be around.
Santiago collapsed onto the sofa, his head hung in his hands. “I know I fucked up.” he said slowly. “It was a shit job. I wanted to be able to just let it go and move on but I can't. I can't let that be the last job I did. The last thing that defines my career for me.” You softened at the broken man's words.
“What's the job?” you tentatively asked him.
“Corrupt cop.” he said, finally lifting his head from his hands.
“What?” you questioned slightly shocked. You had not been expecting that but you were immediately invested and Santiago knew it.
“He's based along the border between Columbia and Brazil. Been taking bribes and working with the cartels down there for years. With Lorea out of the way he's kind of stepped up to the plate behind the scenes, but he's nothing without his money.”
“So it's just getting the money, then getting back out.”
“I'm assuming because he's a corrupt cop this is all gonna be done off the books.”
“That's why I need the team. The whole team.”
“They'll never go for it. Not if it's coming from you.” Santi looked at you then, his eyes pleading. You could read his mind without having him say it. “No.”
“They'll do it for you.” he said getting up.
“No, I'm not lying to them.”
“Please.” he said placing his hands on your arms. His eyes were desperate, “I need this.” You couldn't help but look at him with pity. He was far from the man who had teased you in Italy just a few months back. You could see the effects of his last failed mission clear on his face and his body. The dark circles under his eyes from nights of restless sleep. The extra patches of grey scattered amongst his dark curls. All he wanted was one last good job so he could rest in peace and think back on the glory days with fondness. He needed an excuse to make things right with his friends.
“Fine.” you reluctantly agreed. “But if they are gonna believe this is my job, you are gonna have to really let me take charge of this. You gotta give me everything you know.”
Getting Will and Benny to agree had been easy. You had brought it up over beers one Sunday afternoon. They hated corrupt cops as much as you and Santi and although they had been a little apprehensive when you told them Santiago was also going to be on the mission, they still agreed to go anyway for you. Frankie on the other hand was probably going to be a little trickier.
You asked him to meet you at a local diner on a Saturday morning. The sun was streaming through the windows onto your little booth. You couldn't tell if it was just the heat from the sun, shining through the glass making you feel like you were in a green house or just your anxiety at seeing Frankie for the first time since he had told you he loved you, but you felt like you were suffocating. You were contemplating abandoning this whole thing and bolting for the door when he finally walked in, the little bell ringing out, drawing your focus to him.
He looked good. He was wearing his favourite t-shirt, an unbuttoned shirt thrown over the top, the sleeves of which were rolled up, showing off his muscular arms. You became aware you were staring and quickly dropped your eyes to the half full cup of coffee, that now sat cold in your hands in front of you.
“Hey.” he said as he approached the table. You looked up at him, your nerves clear on your face.
“Hey.” your voice came out unsure. You wished you could just put on a fake smile and pretend like everything was okay, but the guilt monster that had grown attached to you since you last saw each other wouldn't let you.
He shuffled into the booth across from you as a waitress came over with a pot of coffee. You eagerly held out your own mug for a top up while Frankie flipped over the cup in front of him. “A stack of blueberry pancakes and a side of bacon?” the young girl questioned Frankie as she poured coffee into his cup.
“Actually no, I already ate.” he replied shooting her a forced half smile.
“Very well.” the younger girl said. “Anything for yourself sweetie?” she turned to ask you.
“Umm, no thank you, the coffee's fine.” you said, raising the cup in your hand as you said it.
“Very well then.” the waitress said with an exaggerated smile.
“Thanks Candace.” Frankie said as she walked away.
“Candace? Blueberry pancakes and bacon?” you questioned Frankie once she was out of earshot.
“Yeah. I got in the habit of coming in after early NA meetings.” he told you, his fingers twisting the mug of coffee in his hands as he waited on your response.
“You look good Frankie.” you said, finally being able to find a smile for him. His eyes met yours, they were hopeful, soft. It made you wonder what had happened to him in South America that had him come out of the trip looking far less scathed than the others. You assumed it had something to do with coming back alive for his little girl, a reminder to live the best life he could with her.
“Thank you.” he said. “You look good too.” you could tell by the way he said it that he meant it, even if you didn't feel like it. “So what was it you wanted to talk about?”
Frankie had smiled fondly when your name had popped up on his phone asking him to meet you. After everything that had happened in South America he had been eager to contact you but he had a few things he needed to deal with first.
He had broken things off with Laura as soon as he'd gotten home. They had sat down and had a long conversation, Frankie coming clean about all of it. He expected her to be furious, to scream the house down, throw all of his stuff out onto the front lawn and tell him he couldn't see their daughter ever again; but she surprised him when she told him she had known he was in love with you all along. He moved into the spare bedroom while he looked for a place of his own and made an effort to regularly talk and work out the situation. He was so grateful when she told him he could see Lilah as often as he wanted and he ended up spending a lot of his free time at the house with her, not wanting to miss a single moment as she continued to grow.
“I know after the shit show that was Santiago's job you'll probably want to say no, but I need your help on a job. They other guys are already in, I just need my pilot, my mission partner.” you said trying to lay it on thick.
“I'm in.”
He had said it without hesitation. He'd do anything for you, even if it meant trekking across the Andes again. “Wait, you don't want me to tell you what the job is?”
“It doesn't matter. You need me, I'm all in.” he said leaning back into the booth. “Besides if you've gotten the other guys to agree...” he left the statement open as he brought his coffee cup up to his lips. A silence fell between the two of you. Now you had gotten out all you had to say, you didn't know how to proceed in conversation.
“How old is she now?” you found yourself asking. It was more torturing yourself actually.
“Just over 7 months.” he replied. He held up a finger to you, instructing you to wait as he reached into his pocket for his wallet. He pulled out a small photo of her that was tucked into one of the slots, handing it across the table to you.
You tried to keep your fingers steady as you looked at the picture. She was beautiful and definitely Frankie's kid. “She has your eyes.” you found yourself saying, softening at the image of the little girl who had changed everything.
You couldn't help but wonder, if things had been different, if you and Frankie had gotten together all those years ago. Would you have your own baby by now? Would they have inherited his eyes like this little girl in the picture had, or would they have gotten yours? Then you wondered, if you hadn't run away when Frankie had told you about her, would you have been able to stick around and love her? To be her second mom and raise her with Frankie and Laura.
You quickly handed the photo back, no longer able to look at it or deal with the thoughts that were now swimming around your head. “Yeah, I'm just grateful she didn't get my nose.” Frankie said as he slotted the photo back into his wallet with a fond smile.
“Is she crawling yet?” you asked.
“Oh that girl is such an over achiever.” he chuckled fondly. “She was trying to stand at 3 months, even though her little legs were no where near ready for that. You'd have to fight to get her to relax them to feed.” You couldn't help but smile at the image of Frankie trying to wrestle a fussy baby to sit in his arms properly so he could feed her.
The way he looked at you changed then, like he was sad you hadn't been there, like he had really wanted you to be there with him. He had. There had been so many late nights he'd spent up with his little girl in his arms, wishing you were there. Wishing that she had been yours. He was about to open his mouth and try to tell you everything he had wanted to say since being on that mountain, but you became distracted when your phone buzzed, the screen lighting up, telling you both you had a text message from Santiago.
You reached for the phone and Frankie's chest sagged, it felt like a hole had just opened up in his chest and was suddenly being filled with all his self doubt. 'He'd waited too long. You and Santiago were probably a thing now.' were the main two thoughts that began echoing through his head. “I'm really sorry, I've got to head off.” you said, rooting around in your bag for your purse so you could pay for your coffee.
“Oh okay.” Frankie said back, slightly defeated.
“Umm, I'll send you over all the information for the job.” you said quickly as you climbed out of the booth while trying to send a quick reply to Santiago to let him know you were on your way.
“Yeah of course.” Frankie said also getting up, to see you off properly.
His action caught you off-guard and you almost walked into his chest as you looked up from the phone in your hand. You both froze. You softened as you looked up into his eyes, then slowly let them wander down to his lips. You really wished you could lean forward and kiss him right now. You came to your senses, clearing your throat and taking a step backwards, blushing.
“It was great to see you Frankie.” you quickly said. “Oh and thank you for saying yes to the job.”
“Uh yeah, no problem.” he said, hooking his fingers into his pockets. He wanted to touch you, to hug you or something, anything, but the way you had stepped back from him, made him feel like he couldn't. You both stood there awkwardly for a moment, unsure of what to do next.
You felt your phone buzz in your hand. You looked down at it, another message from Santiago. “Umm, I've got to go.” your voice was barely above a whisper. Before you realised you had done it, you leant forward and placed a light kiss on Frankie's cheek. You felt the corner of his mouth turn upwards as he began to smile, but you couldn't bring yourself to look. You knew that if you did look, it would remind you of everything you missed out on with him. Instead you did the same thing as you did last time you were with him, you walked away and you didn't look back.
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chao-writes-stuff · 3 years
Heyyy! I wrote a thing involving Jevil and the Chapter 2 Superboss! I'm going to put it under the cut, but at the end, there will also be an Ao3 link if you wanna support me there!
Thank you! Remember to Reblog if you wanna
The Lightner Trio walked down the stairs in the Queen's massive manor, their hurried footsteps echoing like a rough pitter-patter in the technological nightmare. The massive lair confused and bamboozled them, but they definitely wanted to figure out the mystery behind what the Fountains were about, what Queen's true intentions were… and what was in the basement?
"Uhh… Kris?" Ralsei asked, his soft voice echoing out. "Why are we even here? Aren't Queen, Noelle, and Berdly upstairs? And not here…?"
Susie quickly interrupted him, punching his arm lightly to get his attention. "Of COURSE they aren't here. But whatever is here is probably important. Right, Kris?"
"I guess!" The currently blue human replied. "I've been asked by some… guy, about doing these weird favors for him. He really wants me to be alone."
"We sure he ain't a p-" Before Susie could finish her thought, Ralsei muffled her mouth with his scarf. "Who is he? And why does he want you to be alone?"
"His name is Spamton, I think. I don't know much about him, but he gave me this Loaded Disk earlier, and--"
Suddenly, a strange, chaotic voice rang out. Everyone recognized it. The tail attached to Ralsei's cloak popped off, diamonds and hearts flying out with it. The tail spun and took form, and the chaotic Jester they quite literally put to rest yesterday was reawakened.
"Spamton? SPAMTON? The same Spamton who wished for me to go, to go, and be free, free?" Jevil laughed chaotically, with Ralsei caught quite off guard. "You know him?"
"That dorito chip was part of the reason why I was set free, he was! He used to rule this world, before the Queen I've been hearing oh so much about took over. Oh, I MUST know more of how you met that ridiculous lunatic! And that's coming from ME, ME! Spamton, oh Spamton, I'd like to have a word with him~!" Jevil looked quite pissed off, his normally jovial expression looking slightly stern.
"I didn't wanna go down there anyway. Just come back, okay? You're kind of carrying us with your defense boost." Kris, with a neutral expression, gave the clown the disk they were gifted by the malignant salesman, and watched as Jevil immediately sprinted off into the basement. They could hear an echoed "Buh bye~! I'll be back in a few hundred words!" As the jester descended into the decrepit basement below...
Jevil entered the musty, rotting cellar. Despite him rarely stepping on the ground, each step he did take left a haunting impact on his feet. It was silent, save for the occasional rustling of his clothes. He didn't have long to do this. His physical form only had a few hours to be out and about before he solidified, just like the young boy and the puzzle freak. Thankfully, that's all he needed. He was getting excited, almost giddy, to interact once more with his old acquaintance. Oh, what a wonderful conversation they'd have!
He didn't walk for too much longer before he found the train station that was buried deep below. Or was it a roller coaster? Whoever had this built clearly had some elaborate roundabout in mind… too bad they were still imprisoned, haha! Jevil walked and floated across the tracks, reaching a room with a decaying robot inside.
He knew this was a bad idea. But when did he ever have good ideas?
Without hesitating, the joker put the disk into the robot. At first, nothing happened, and he was getting impatient VERY quick. He gave the robot a swift kick in the lower area, before stepping back out of the room.
SLAM! The clown was admittedly caught off guard with how fast the silhouette from above came and pushed him onto his knees. With a small gasp for air, Jevil looked up slowly at the encroaching menace. The jagged movements, the glitchy, unsolidified form… this was him alright.
"KRIS… MY LOYAL [Sponge!] THANK… YOU. THE [Clown Around Town!] I REMEMBER YOUR [Disgusting] FACE. EVERYONE WAS SO [Thrilled] TO SEE YOUR [Calcified] FACE." The massive robotic behemoth loomed over Jevil, rage in his glasses. Spamton NEO.
The clown got up, a smug, shitfaced expression on his mug. He knew damn well that the dorito in front of him was pissed off, so he leaned back in the air to retort. "At least I drink plenty of milk, uee hee hee! As for you, you haven't changed one bit since we last spoke~! Or would it be a byte, a byte? Regardless, I do hope you've given up on the illusion of freedom, freedom~! The only one who can be free is MEEE!"
The robotic menace swung around to the other side of Jevil, making it very clear who was in charge of the conversation. A small concentrated blast of Pipis was fired at the jester, pushing him back with a surprising amount of force. "YOU ACT SMUG, BUT YOU [Crashed our stocks!] AND THEN YOU [Spoiled relations with our Esteemed Partners!] I DON'T KNOW HOW YOU… GOT IN HERE, YOU… [Tuna Fish,] BUT I'M NOT FALLING FOR YOUR [Roundabout!] AGAIN!"
Jevil laughed maniacally at this thought. This guy was mad! Over something that happened how long ago? Why even bother holding a grudge still? Petty, petty! He knew why, and it's why he came back too. "You influenced him. That pretty little kitty. You gave him enough funds to release me into that carousel of bliss and innocence! But I wasn't done, not one bit! And all those years, spent being free… they made me realize something, my dearest Spamton."
The oddly calm tone coming from the jester put Spamton NEO at an incredible amount of unease. "WHAT? WHAT COULD YOUR [Calcified Lump] THINK OF THAT WOULD MEAN ANY GODDAMN THING TO ME?"
The joker used his latent power to pelt the giant mecha with small white hearts. Spamton was caught off-guard, stumbling back a fair amount. Of course, you have to fight fire with fire, so the robot used his abilities to send out a Big Shot of blue Spamton Head Pipis.
"YOU [Saturated Marketshare!] YOU CAN'T SIMPLY ATTACK ME AND EXPECT IT TO WORK [As seen on TV!] I'M A [BIG SHOT!] [BIG SHOT!!!]"
Jevil hopped up onto the ceiling, clearing the first few Pipis on the lower row heading his way. Unfortunately, the higher row caught him clean in the face as he bounced between the two, making a small Jack-in-the-box melody as he pinged around.
The fool retaliated by running circles around Spamton, turning into a carousel of horse bullets! The robot, in a surprising feat of puppeteering, dodged the attack almost perfectly… until a stray horsie cut a string, sending the mech's right arm into the horse race. One thing about arms with cannons on them? They fire.
As soon as it happened, Jevil was face to face with a swarm of Pipis all around him. He was stuck. All of them exploded brilliantly, sending the clown flying clean across the rotting tracks and into the wall. Tauntingly, mockingly even, Spamton NEO retorted.
The buisnessman charged at Jevil, his hands becoming phones. "IT'S FOR YOU." Suddenly, before either of them could react, loud blasts of garbage noise manifest expelled from the phones, attacking the court jester with white blasts of energy. There was nothing he could do to stop this robot's onslaught, it looked like.
Without warning, Jevil was myseriously gone from his corner. The spamware looked frantically for his target, before being struck in the arm, the leg, and the chest by scythes. Devilsknives. The last knive cut a few strings clean off the puppet, who briefly hit the ground before rising back up.
"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! [Hyperlink Blocked.] I'M STILL HIS LOYAL ASSOCIATE! HE MAY NOT HAVE TALKED TO ME IN [Employee of The Month for 144 months!] BUT HE'S STILL THERE…"
With those words, a purple blast came from behind the clown, striking the robot right in the noggin. He flew back a bit, giving the joker enough time to turn around to meet his esteemed guests.
"Ah, my imprisoners~! Didn't you guys have a Queen to rock-em sock-em?"
Susie immediately cut him off, as she punched him in the arm (causing his head to spring up, naturally.) "Well, Kris over here couldn't shake the feeling things were off. So they forced us down here, and now they're right. Somehow?"
"I know I'm right.. Jevil, who the hell is Spamton?" Kris replied, their worry about the situation starting to rise.
"It's of no concern to you~! His screws were almost as loose as mine, and I don't think it's my job to tighten them~! Uee hee hee! Thank you for the help, but I can do anything~! Even tell you guys that 3 coasters are about to come down and force you guys along for the ride~!"
Ralsei immediately stuttered something out. "Three… what?"
And just like that, with a loud rumbling, the heroes were swept up into 3 old, rusty carts, barrelling down the track. Jevil laughed to himself, proud of what he got to do. "Ah well, it's a shame I can't finish him personally…"
"But oh well! Are you proud, proud? They took care of him…"
Ao3 Link!
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thirstofgames · 3 years
kitty and the jailbird
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A blank chat popped open and Damien stared at it for a second. He had honestly not expected it. The girl actually swiped him right. He looked at the clock impatiently; he did not have much time left in the library. There was a loud shout from the hallway, his muscles tensing, ready to hide the phone and bolt at any second.
He regretted that last question right as he pushed send. It sounded so bitter in his head now. It was a dating app after all and she was a good looking young woman.
you there?
busy flirting with your other matches, huh?
And there it was all about to end, the hot topic of his whereabouts. And the swift and cruel rejection that followed. It had already happened one too many times! Could he go through his again? Was it worth it? His palms were sweaty, but he never felt so cold. If the ground could just open up and swallow him whole before she finished asking... 
No, sorry
Just a little surprised we matched
you can unmatch if you want
Well, what I want is to talk with you 😊
Your profile caught my eye
what part?
Your profile pic at first.
Most guys can't pull off the broken, deep and scowling thing
But... looks good on you.
you don't look so bad yourself-
but then I read your description...
and I have to know something
shoot 🙄
It was a simple Yes/No question, but it took Kate way to long to answer. She bit her lip, thinking hard on the possibilities. It was such an unfair question though. She was not going to leave, but was not going to pursue anything with him until she knew what he was in for and how long he was going to be locked up. She'd wasted enough years waiting up on others... 
I'm just a little confused 🤔
Are you really in jail?
you gonna leave if I say yes?
It really depends...
A bittersweet smile spread on his lips. What was he expecting from a girl like her? She probably had a nice job, a supporting family and tons of friends and... an actual future. Why would she even consider wasting her time with him? The little time he had left... Better to just pull off the band aid!
She felt to bad! She hadn't meant to disregard his feelings, but wasn't it fair to let her know what she was getting into? She didn't even know what he was expecting from the conversation they were having... She was curious, but she didn’t want to lead him on.
okay, let's just say...
the orange pants and barbed wire are real
I have so mane questions 😱
here we go...
What did you do?
Wait, where do you even hide your phone?
enough with the interrogation, alright?
I'm just curious...
sure, but i'm more than just a prisoner
a little respect goes a long way
Kate’s heart sank. He was hot, but the prison was a serious issue... She supposed people were not lining up to get to know him. He seemed pretty well rounded and mannered, but he was very defensive about his crime. Did that mean it was something really bad? But he was on a dating app... so maybe he was getting out soon? 
You're right!
I'm so sorry 😓
Let's change the subject
Why don't you tell me what you're looking for
i'm thinking...
nobody's really asked me that before
most people stop talking to me when they find out i'm locked up
i don't really blame them. i'm rough around the edges.
She didn't say anything for a while and Damien started wondering if he should just close the damn phone and leave. He should also probably take a break from Lovelink after this... it clearly wasn't doing him any good. Dark thoughts swarmed his mind and he had to close his eyes and head his head back against the bookshelf to get rid of the harrowing feeling. Like he was falling in an endless pit...  
The screen showed him typing and deleting several responses. Kate pursed her lips, impatient. Had she said anything wrong? She’d never spoken to someone who’d been locked up, she was still unsure what could trigger painful memories, or just remind him that he was... not free. But he said he just wanted to chat and his profile mentioned 'deep conversations'... 
Okay, I'm not running away, for now
But I can't really make up my mind
If I don't know anything about you
honestly I'm just looking to talk to someone from the outside
it can get pretty boring in here, just waiting around the clock
Let's be friends then 😊
I'll be your window to the outside world
If that's alright with you...?
Damien sighed on the other end. Beggars can’t be choosers. It was a step in the right direction though. Maybe he was not going to find the love of his life at the very fucking end of said life. He was not living in some fairytale! He was still going to die, alone and forgotten.
But maybe... just a little less alone at the very end of his road. One friend meant more than none and maybe, just maybe... he could tell her his side of the story. Eventually. She seemed patient and understanding enough. Let at least one person out there know he did not murder his own father. 
that's more than most
Of course a pretty thing like her got a lot on attention... She was only chatting up with him because the others were offline- 
but it must have been pretty bad to be such a long sentence
you still can't tell me what the crime was?
look, i've been making my own rules my whole life
you better ask what crimes I DIDN'T do
i'm no bragging or anything, just letting you know where I'm at
anyways, I'm more interested in what you're all about
what are you doing on an app like this?
I was about to uninstall it right before we matched 😅
you already found the one?
or no luck at all?
Well, I went on a few nice dates...
i see
Suddenly his experience on the app seemed less awful. Maybe it was not the right place. Or perhaps it was just the place for a misfit like him, here with all the weirdoes and con artists. 
And then they ditched me for their exes
Just my luck 😂
Oh and I swear to god if I see one more vampire 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄
You wouldn't believe some of the things I saw...
OMG, one dude was actually dresses up as a centaur
don't even want to ask
There's also the 'prince' scam going around
Dudes claiming to be the heirs of some  
Made up countries and asking you for money
It wasn't quite a rejection, but it still hurt a little. She already mentioned twice she was only interested in him as friends. She didn't need to spell it out every few minutes! But she was the only one... 
Met some nice people too ☺️
Actually became good friends with some
Which is nice since I just moved here
were did you come from?
Pallay 💜
you're a long way from home
I know 😢
I suppose it was getting kinda lonely
My friends and family come visit when they can
But that's not a lot...
what brought you here?
Got a really good job opportunity
But I didn't quite realize how far away I'd be
So yeah, to answer your question from before...
I'm kinda just chatting with new people
Made more friends than anything else lol
Hope that's aright with you 🤗
A smile crept on his lips. An actual, genuine smile. How long had it been since he had any reason to? God, it felt good to talk to someone! Someone who didn't know him, who didn't shout 'walking corpse' after him, didn't judge him. He almost felt like his old self. Almost. 
i'm cool with that
Looking forward to getting to know you, Damien 😄
so let's get to it
tell me about yourself
hobbies, favorite food, anything
my hobbies are always changing 🤔
I start something new every month or so
Oh, and I started volunteering at a vet lately
With a friend I made on this app
it suits you
Hmmmmm how would you know?
We've only just met
just a hunch
I could secretly be evil 😈
you couldn't hurt a fly
besides, I've seen evil and believe me
you're not it
I'm guessing you're not going to elaborate on that
Are you?
see, you know me so well already
Smartass 😝
 At lest until she finds out.
And I love food 🤤
Who doesn't? lol
But picking a favorite is like... impossible
I do have one hell of a sweet tooth  🍫🍬🍦
I'm soooo jealous
I miss making my own meals
That's right! You probably just have a cafeteria.
I'm so sorry 😓
it's cool
i'm glad we have something in common
Is there any food you miss?
Wait... was there even steak in that picture? Kate felt her ears burning, the fluffy pajamas studently itching at her skin.
just makin my own in general, being in charge in the kitchen
Damien scrolled quickly through his phone, the memories leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. He nearly didn’t send the photo. It felt like so long ago, a different time...a different person. But it felt so good to remember! To be reminded of the more happier moments when he had all his life ahead of him! And showing her a piece of his past may make her curious enough to stick around for a while longer.
He hit Send.
-Tap to download photo-
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Looks... delicious
you like steak? 
Oh yeah, the food 😳
Wish I could have a bite of that hahaha
So not so shy and innocent as she claimed. Good to know. Even if it didn’t lead anywhere, which he had to be realistic about - he was on death row after all - it was still fun. The most fun he’d had in a long while. It felt...nice.
i wish you could too 😏
The door of the library swung open hitting the opposite wall. The guard in charge could be heard arguing with someone. At least four voices. He had to move fast.
I'm really hungry now 😅
Kate stared at the screen, the little green light besides his profile picture going grey. She scrolled through the conversation as if to make sure she hadn’t just imagined it. She tapped the picture he’d sent, a small smile creeping on her lips. He looked so... normal. Well, more like smoking hot, but she expected some kind of dump, or some greasy repair shop, not Greek sculpture level abs. The boy should come with a warning! She was a sucker for bad boys, but had she gotten so bad that she was now considering a fucking convict? What if he was a murderer or something??
someone's coming
gotta hide my phone
talk soon
Be careful! 🙏🏻
Her ice cream, forgotten on the coffee table, had turned to soup.
What had she gotten herself into?
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6ftslytherin · 3 years
Queer OC Questionnaire
Name: Sabine V. E. Lowell
1. What is your oc's identity?
Androgynous lesbian woman
2. When did they realize their identity?
In a way she's always known.
3. How did they feel when they found out?
(Trigger warnings: internalized homophobia and a suicide attempt)
Sabine had always felt like there was something different about her than the other girls. She never really understood how they could dream about getting married to a handsome gentleman. When she finally heard about other girls liking girls it was in a negative connotation. She hadn't thought that what she felt was bad but this was a respected adult saying it.
Her family being the famous Lowells taught her that one of the most important things that she could do was continue the bloodline by marrying a man and having children. When she asked about having children with a woman her grandfather Virgil laughed and told her it was ridiculous. She never brought the question up again.
Over the years the shame would build. It wasn't just her sexuality that made her feel bad. Her weird behavior caused her family to be ridiculed. She had indirectly killed her brother John. She was the cause of the argument that made Jacob leave. She wasn't feminine. Her parents deserved better. Being herself dishonored the Lowell name. She wasn't even sure if her parents actually loved her anymore.
She tried to be the best daughter she could be but she always felt bad about who she was. She couldn't even tell anyone because she didn't feel like her problems mattered compared to other's. Eventually all the shame and guilt built up which is when she decided to end things. She couldn't deal with the pain anymore.
She was fourteen when she stole a bottle of sleeping pills from a muggle pharmacy with the intent to take the entire thing. She decided on a date when the fewest people would be home and made peace with the people in her life. When the day came she wrote a note explaining everything and downed the bottle with a glass of wine. She became light headed and passed out a bit later.
She woke up in a bed at St. Mungo's. She didn't have the strength to argue when she was offered a spot in the pediatric section of Waterhouse Psychiatric Hospital and agreed.
4. How long did it take for them to accept themselves?
It wasn't until she was being treated in the psychiatric hospital that she began to let go of the guilt. Her parents hired a private psychiatrist to help them. The psychiatrist, Dean Garth, would help her and her family come to terms with their feelings.
She still sometimes has moments where she feels less than because of who she is. She now has technics and a stronger support system for those moments.
5. Are they open about their identity? Did they come out subtlety or dramatically?
She came out in her suicide note. She wasn't expecting to live so she didn't feel like it would be a big deal. When she woke up the day after she remembered the note and felt instant regret. When she had her first session with Dean she found out that her parents had read the note and given it to him. She felt deeply embarrassed about it.
After a few sessions with Dean he asked if she would be willing to have a session with her parents. She agreed. Sabine was surprised by how much her family really cared about her. They wanted to help her with her problems and felt like the worst parents in the world that Sabine thought the only way to stop the pain was to die. For the first time in years she cried in front of them. She no longer doubted she was loved.
She would slowly come out to her friends and extended family over the coming months.
She decided to be openly gay starting on September 1 1988.
6. What were the inital reactions of their friends and family?
Overall very positive. They were more concerned with Sabine's mental health at the time.
7. Did anyone know before they came out?
Her mother had an inkling by the time Sabine was 11. She thought she had a crush on Rowan. Her grandmother Colette knew by the time Sabine was 5. When asked to elaborate Colette responded with, "I just knew." Looking back on it, her grandmother had always been pro-LGBT. It turns out that Colette's uncle had been a closeted gay man that lived a double life until his death.
After she got out of the hospital she was hanging out with Rowan and told her. Turns out Rowan already knew. Not only that, but Rowan also liked girls and identified as a demigirl.
When she told Jacob his response was, "Yeah, no shit."
8. Was it a complete shock to some people?
Martinius Lowell, head of The Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, a job that requires the ability to see minute details, had no idea.
Her oldest brother Sef came back from Switzerland to spend time with her. Turns out he wasn't aware either. He was embarrassed about never noticing.
One day when Marie was visiting Sabine in the hospital she told her cousin she liked girls. Marie responded by saying she also liked girls. That was when the girls realized they were both the gay cousin.
9. What has their love life been like?
There was a girl that went to the same ice rink as her when she was eight that made her feel strange. She loved watching her skate and talking to her. She wanted to say something to her. Then she remembered how her fellings were wrong. So she didn't say anything to her. She started avoiding her. Eventually her crush for the girl died off. They went to the beach when she was twelve and she saw an older girl she was unable to stop looking at.
Sabine joined the Slytherin quidditch team in her second year. There she met Skye Parkins. After months of training and playing together Sabine considered her a friend. Sometimes Penny Haywood would talk to Skye and make Sabine feel weird. For some reason she only wanted Skye to talk to her. After awhile she realized she was attracted to Skye. She felt awful for liking a girl again. She started to hang out with Skye less.
In the Summer of 1987 when Sabine was fourteen she met Yvonne Silverpot, a fifteen year old girl. She was doing some modeling work for Sabine's mother at the time and needed a place to stay. Yvonne took an interest in Sabine. She often asked Sabine to spend her free time with her, which she obliged.
Whenever Sabine or Yvonne were free they would be with each other, quickly becoming friends. One day Yvonne asked Sabine if she had ever kissed anyone before. She answered truthfully that no, she hadn't. Yvonne offered to be her first. This surprised Sabine. She tried to explain that girls aren't supposed to kiss other girls.
Yvonne closed her eyes and said, "I'm going to keep my eyes closed for five minutes. Kiss me if you want. I'd like it and I think you would too." Sabine fought against her instincts before she gave in and kissed her. Yvonne left a few days after that. Sabine knew she would probably never see her again.
It was late September when Sabine accidentally outed herself to Merula. She had felt so comfortable in the conversation they were having it had slipped out. It had clearly freaked Merula out. She didn't say anything. She just got up and left. Sabine sat there, marinating in her panic induced nausea. She closed her eyes and started to use deep breathing techniques.
Sabine could tell Merula was avoiding her. She wouldn't even look at her when they had potions class, even though they sat next to each other. In between classes Sabine asked Merula if they could talk in private. Merula agreed. Sabine asked her if she had told anyone, she hadn't. Sabine was relieved. She explained how she didn't want her to tell anyone. Merula agreed but stated it still made her uncomfortable. Sabine didn't like it but was glad she was being agreeable.
Weirdly Sabine and Merula started to get closer. Merula didn't seem capable of the venom she used to spew at Sabine. They even had a private sleepover to celebrate Merula's birthday, Sabine's roomates being gone due to Christmas. Merula had gotten comfortable enough to share a bed with her. Sabine had got to sleep happy that they had finally buried the hatchet.
That morning she woke up to an asleep Merula holding onto her. Sabine almost had a heart attack. That was when she had a thought; hold her back. She almost did. That was when she realized she once again had a crush. She would have to distance herself to keep her from getting hurt. She wasn't able to fall back asleep. When Merula woke up she apologized for holding her. Sabine said she didn't mind, even though she did. The day after she began to distance herself from Merula.
The problem with this being in the same house, having the same classes, and sitting at the same table. Merula often asked if Sabine wanted to hang out or study together. Everytime she would decline Sabine could see the hurt in Merula's eyes, even if she acted like it didn't bother her.
Then one day in spring Merula had enough. She challenged Sabine to a private duel at night. Sabine arrived at the location expecting an angry Merula ready to fight her. Instead Merula was quietly waiting for her. It was almost eerie. Sabine asked what was happening. Merula simply said, "Do you hate me?" Sabine would have been surprised by the boldness if it had been anyone else, she said no.
Merula then demanded to know why she was avoiding her. Sabine couldn't think of anything to say. How could she explain that she had developed feeling for her? Then something shocking happened, Merula hugged her. She said she wanted to be around her again. That it hurt not to be. Merula buried her face in Sabine's chest. She said, "I need you to stay in my life because your the only person that treats me like I'm worth a damn. I think I like you. And that terrifies me."
Sabine was in a daze. She liked her? Sabine was scared. She slowly moved her hand onto Merula's head. Sabine breathed in deep. She said everything she had been holding in her heart. She told her how special she felt Merula was. That was when a thought came to her. Sabine swallowed hard and said, "Would you like to go on a date with me?"
Merula looked at Sabine. She said yes. The two of them started to cry out of happiness. It was almost bitter when they had to part. They agreed to meet up in Hogsmeade the week after, Sabine would come up with a date plan. They went back to the Slytherin common room while holding hands.
A month later Sabine asked if she could refer to Merula as her girlfriend. She agreed.
Strangely, Sabine's never been romantically attracted to Rowan. That was when Sabine realized she had a type. Tomboys.
How do they feel about their identity now?
Sabine is significantly happier since she was able to get the help she needed. She accepts the fact that she isn't going to magically wake up one day as a feminine heterosexual and she's glad she won't. Her family likes her girlfriend and she wouldn't want it any other way.
Blank questionnaire here:
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bitchfitch · 3 years
babylon artfight resource
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as you can tell i play it Very fast and loose with this boy, just get the color pallet right and your good.
an excerpt from one of the things ive written with him:
Why isn't he looking? The man there in the very back of this dingy little tavern with his nose in that massive old book. Nobody ever ignores him when he plays, so how is this man Not Looking?
Babylon sings a little louder, bows his violin while forcing a bit more of his natural charm in along side every note. This rest of this little inn was looking, smiling dazedly as they danced and sang along to songs they didnt know they knew, songs they would forget as soon as he stopped playing. It wasn't often he let himself do this, playing in front of people who weren't guarded against him, but he needed the coin, and this town needed someone to come steal away their troubles for just one night.
But why isn't That one paying him any attention? Even when Babylon wasn't trying to charm people, his music still stole wills easier than he took wallets. It was something innate about him that did it. Nobody without some form of protection could resist him.
And yet, even now as his own feet begin to hurt and his voice grew strained, that man hadn't looked at him once. He's not deaf, Babylon saw him turn in response to the waiter talking to him. He doesn't seem to be protected in anyway, usually when his magic brushed against countercharms it felt like dragging his nails down a chalk board, but he felt nothing of the sorts from the man. He just seemed completely and wholly unaffected.
That was… Interesting.
He let the final note taper off as he came to a stand still. The tavern goers clapped, the applause tapering off as they blinked their momentary confusion out of their heads. Some might realize they had been charmed, most don't, and no one caused a fuss about it tonight, that he could be greatful for.
If Babylon was a wise man, he would take his earnings and leave, return to his home in the attic of a different tavern. The glorious one that sat in the center of their bustling capital, that wasnt at all like this one here in the very back of a town litteraly called Dead End.
But he wasnt a wise man, he was a curious one with a stranger to try and figure out.
Babylon decided he didn't quite feel like being tactful, and slid into the booth seat across from the stranger. Before he was even fully settled the man spoke without looking up from his book.
"Your playing was beautiful," He had a strangeness to his voice, his tone was flat and it didn't sound quite right coming from his mouth, too deep, too… Something that Babylon couldn't name,
"Thank you," Babylon smiled, nobody ever remembered what he sounded like after he had finished playing. Which was a shame, he'd spent so long cultivatimg his skills that it always felt like such a waste when he could play as horribly as he wanted to and still have everyone who heard bending to his will. But he was still proud of everything he'd worked to learn, "To be honest I kinda thought you weren't enjoying the performance," He cocked his head, "I'm curious whats in that book that kept your attention,"
The man was quiet for a moment, he was so still, his eyes didn't move in his skull and his skin had a sickly yellow tint to it. Definitely not anything he was trying to be, Babylon concluded. He shouldn't fimd comfort in the fact that he wasnt the only one trying to hide a monstrous face behind that of a half elf's, though he felt he was definitely doing a better job at it.
Finally the man spoke, "I liked it a lot," he said simply, "I didn't want to stare, so I kept my head down,"
something pinged in the back of Babylon's mind. Oh, the man was Lying, he wanted to stare. Of all the boons he got out of his wretched deal, this one was always the most useful, "Is that so? I don't mind being stared at if I'm being honest, I actually like it quite a bit. I don't think I could be a performer otherwise,"
"People do not like it when I look directly at them. The bar keep said it was creepy," The man said truthfully, still apparently giving his full attention to the book in front if him,
"I want you to look at me," Babylon started, if his music couldn't charm this stranger maybe something a little more direct could? and if it couldn't… well the very thought of that made his heart race. "You're… Interesting and I think I want to figure you out," he purred, flirting always worked for him, hopefully it would work here,
The man finally looked up and imeaditly Babylon understood why people didn't like him looking at them. His eyes were just wrong, too still and slightly glazed, not wet enough, and the iris was a strange greenish silver. But, it didn't feel like the stranger was looking at him, more like he had already been looking. How hadn't Babylon noticed that before? How long has this stranger been focused on him, and how was he faking not being focused on him so perfectly?
"Oh, you really should keep your chin up more," Babylon started, "Its a shame to hide such a handsome face," he said, it was true, the stranger was handsome if you didn't count his stranger features, a strong jaw and sharp cheek bones with a nose that had a cute crookedness to it, thick lips that weren't quite red enough to look alive, and long stringy black hair that had a pretty wave to it,
Something loud crashed outside, like a tree falling over behind the tavern. The sound sent everyone besides the stranger jumping half out of their skins as he closed his book and hurriedly stuffed it in his jacket, "I think I need to go,"
Babylon wasn't fully back to himself yet, loud noises always sent him on guard, when he reached a hand out to snag the stranger by the sleeve, "Sorry, sir," he apologized, "Was I coming on too strong? Come on. sit back down and give me another shot" he tried to smirk but that feeling of being watched only grew, like he truly, Finally, had the entirety of the stranger's attention, whatever that might mean.
"No- Uh, Good bye," the stranger said, pulling away without a hint of elaboration as he set a fast pace to the back door of the tavern. Not running, or walking, more lumbering and shuffling. Like maybe he wasn't quite used to have legs under his considerable size, tall and broad shouldered with a deep barrel chest and thick arms and legs.
Babylon watched him go, tapping his nails on the old wood of the table as he did. He'd have to meet that guy again someday. He'd never found someone completely immune to him before. People were always at least tempted to follow along with what he asked, but the stranger, the one with the dead eyes and the desire to look at him, he seemed so unaffected. Or at least he wasn't charmed in the slightest by him.
Babylon tried to suppress the fluttering feeling in his chest. This was it. his first chance at maybe being able to befriend someone who wasn't being coerced into liking him.
The next time he decided he would venture into that little no name tavern, Babylon chose to wear a different face. That wasn't unusual, it was safer for him if no one could ever recognize him. What was unusual was the amount of effort he had had to put into making this one. He wanted to make sure that stranger wouldn't look away from the moment he entered. Normally that wouldn't be hard for him, he had a nack for guessing what others found beautiful, but the stranger was a complete mystery. No inkling of what he may like came drifting to the surface.
Still, Babylon tried and tried until he found something right. Small and dainty like how he'd gone last time hadn't been enough to catch his eye, so maybe tall, with a good amount of muscle. Babylon thought about the men who worked the docks down by the lake, they could be a good example for this. He'd borrow the sandy blond waves of one of them too while he was at it, and the wide puppy dog brown eyes of that little cleric that had started following him and his sisters. A beard came next, a few shades darker than his hair and just long enough to round out his jaw.
He looked in his pocket mirror, this face was handsome, the black stretch fabric he favored for his clothing clung to the broad chest and strong thighs in a way even an eunuch would appreciate. He was good at making handsome faces for others to enjoy, but this one didn't sit right. It wasn't what he needed it to be. Maybe…
He let his curves soften and his chest grow, let the beard dissipate until he looked like the former faces sister, still strong and broad, but feminine and beautiful instead of handsome.
He sighed, this was worse. It wasnt farther from what the stranger would want, but he didn't know What about it was wrong. It wasn't the femininity, that he felt certain of.
He fwumped back onto his mattress with a heavy sigh as he let his disguise drop. He hadn't been able to get that stranger out of his head in the entire three weeks since he saw him. This was the first free afternoon he had had in that entire time, and here he was wasting it by not being able to guess at what that stranger would like.
It was frustrating.
It was infuriating.
but most of all it was invigorating. He Didn't have a little window into this stranger's head like he did with everyone else. He was just as lost as any other man trying to catch the eye of a stranger at the bar.
The trap door that lead up into this shared room was shoved open with a loud clang as Tamm, one of his two sisters, pulled herself up without even bothering with the ladder. She huffed a greeting before pulling that cleric up after her. He yelped and stammered when she set him on the floor beside herself.
"Thought you were going out tonight Babs," Tamm said, she gave him a look that definitely meant she wanted some alone time with the cleric,
"I'll be out in a moment, just having a crisis," He huffed, he sat up and tried to ignore the hurt that always came when the cleric flinched everytime he saw him without a disguise. Babylon didn't think he was That ugly, certainly grotesque, but in a pretty way if he did say so himself,
"Go have a crisis somewhere else please," Tamm said, "I promised to teach nerd lord how to sword fight,"
"And you need to be alone in our room for that? I'm pretty good with a sword, maybe I could help teach him?" Babylon scrunched up his nose at her, he Knew what she really wanted to show him, he'd seen the way they'd been making eyes at each other, but he Really Really wished he didn't,
"Babs-" she started, but he waved a dismissive hand as he got up and grabbed his violin,
"Yeah Yeah, I'm going Tammsy. Make sure shorty wraps up, I'm not ready to be an uncle," He goaded before dropping through the trap door and into the hall below. The door slammed shut above him and he heard the latch lock shut, "Don't Eat Him!" Babylon shouted, and snickered when he heard her groan through the ancient wood.
He straightened out his clothes before taking on the face he'd tried out before, the more masculine one just because he didn't want to have to remember to respond to a different set of pronouns. It still wasn't perfect, but it would do.
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