#this goddamn game is the only thing keeping me going istg
aukiq · 11 months
Deltarune Prediction: Possible upcoming members of the Fun Gang in future chapters
The files of deltarune have two specific naming schemes for dialogue portaits.
If the character is a member of the main cast (Which I'm defining as any major ally who visits a dark world), their dialogue portraits are labeled "spr_face_[character's first initial]". For example, all of Susie's dialogue portraits are labeled "spr_face_s", all of Noelle's are labeled "spr_face_n", and all of Ralsei's are labeled "spr_face_r".
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The other characters who follow this pattern are Lancer, Berdly, and Toriel (Who will presumably be very important in chapter 3).
For other characters, full names tend to be used. Asgore's portraits are labeled "spr_face_asgore", Burgerpants' are "spr_face_burgerpants", Sans' are "spr_face_sans", etc.
It's worth mentioning that despite being very important to the story, characters like King and Queen who are primarily antagonists fall into this category. It's not necessarily an indicator of importance, but rather seems to be one of whether the character is a part of the Fun Gang (the group as a whole, not just the playable Fun Gang characters).
There are three characters who seem to break this scheme. Jockington interestingly doesn't fall into either category, having his portraits abbreviated as "spr_face_jock". He's the one character to have an only-partially abbreviated name. You could pass it off as Toby simply shortening a long name, but Burgerpants' name is even longer and that's written out in full. Whether this means he'll have a major role in future chapters is unclear.
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More significantly, Catti (not Catty) has dialogue portaits labeled "spr_face_c". Other than Toriel, who will definitely have a big role in chapter 3, Catti is the ONLY up-until-now-side-character with just her first initial used in the portrait naming. This is pretty damning evidence that she'll be a main character in the future.
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It's worth noting that in Susie's chapter 1 sprites her eyes are covered by her hair. Jockington's eyes are similarly covered by sunglasses, and while Catti's aren't hidden, she does have pretty intense eyeliner. It might not mean anything, but all of the major characters with the exception of Noelle seem to have a pretty consistent "eye" theme. (Even with Noelle, you could argue that her eyes going blank while she uses Snowgrave and the shadows cast over them after using it fits.)
The third character is honestly kind of a long shot, but it's important to point out. I'm sure most of you have seen this unused MS Paint Ralsei portrait:
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What many of you might not know is that it actually isn't labeled like the other ralsei sprites. The filename is "spr_smallface_a2".
"a". not "r".
This goddamn image might be our first look at deltarune universe Asriel.
The fact that its "a2" implies that there were two other "smallface" Asriel portraits that were for whatever reason removed from the files.
Full Character Categorization
Current/Future Fun Gang Members (first initial used)
Susie (spr_face_s)
Ralsei (spr_face_r)
Lancer (spr_face_l)
Noelle (spr_face_n)
Berdly (spr_face_b)
Toriel (spr_face_t)
Catti (spr_face_c)
Asriel (spr_smallface_a)
Other Characters (first names)
Sans (spr_face_sans)
Asgore (spr_face_asgore)
Catty (spr_face_catty)
Bratty (spr_face_bratty)
Burgerpants (spr_face_burgerpants)
Rouxls Kaard (spr_face_rurus) - "rurus" is the Japanese translation of his first name.
Undyne (spr_face_undyne)
Rudy (spr_face_rudy_ch1) - Interestingly, Rudy is the only character who doesn't have non-ch1 sprites. Even Catti, who doesn't have any actual new sprites between chapter 1 and 2, has two duplicate sets of files (spr_face_c_ch1 and spr_face_c). It's almost definitely just a tiny little oversight, but I may as well mention it.
King (spr_face_king)
Queen (spr_face_queen)
Alphys (spr_alphysface) - weird break in naming pattern but still not abbreviated
Jockington (spr_face_jock)
Final Comments
Please let me know if I missed anything. Also keep in mind this is all very much a theory, and kind of a questionable one at that. While I'm personally pretty convinced about Catti in particular, it's all kind of up in the air—I just noticed an interesting pattern and wanted to share it.
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mikailys · 1 day
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F: Am I disturbing you, by any chance?
i see this goddamn man and i lose it istg i want to punch him so bad.
i was trying to catch up with hsl on my other acc where i'm following nath's route and i saw the devil. i just hoped to never see him again in-game and yet here we are.
and oh my. wasn't i lucky enough to meet him again not once, but twice in the same episode, in the span of 5 minutes.
i'll just do a rant about this part of the episode because it's unbelivable that this is the only part i got covered before my ap brutally finished i only wanted the illus :(
also sorry if i'm being inaccurate in certain parts but i got back into the game recently and probably forgot some background info/context.
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F: Nathaniel has always wanted to study Engineering at University.
N: *not very amused by it – comprehensibly*
i had no idea that during hsl ep40 he would attend the graduation ceremony – or maybe he did and nvm i don't remember it i mean it's been 5 years since i've last played it – and he had the guts to still impose himself and talk about nath like that. after everything that happened and with all the parents, kids and professors around?
god. like haven't you learned anything, have you, dumb fuck?
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N: I have to stop by my parents' house because I need to take some stuff. But seeing how the wind is blowing, I don't really want to go there alone.
another thing i wouldn't have imagined is that we would actually go back to this old house. i can only predict where this is heading.
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N: This house holds only bad memories.
C: Don't worry. I'm with you.
N: Yeah, thanks God. *cutely smiles*
bambolottino che sei ti abbraccio patatino cucciolino :(
and then we enter into his house and meet – again, unfortunately – that amazing person his dad is, who is never, ever satisfied and he can kindly go fuck off for as far as i'm concerned.
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F: What was that foolish act you delight us with during the ceremony? (...) You understood very well. I'm talking about your speech. We have come to expect the best from you.
C: (Nathaniel takes a deep breath, to handle his increasing anger)
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F: I wonder if you have anything left of what we taught you to make such a scene.
N: Dad, you really want to talk about what you taught me?
exactly f-word, do we wanna talk about what you and your lovely wife taught him? to always achieve perfection? to be scared to walk through the front door and spend the evening at the dining table with his family? cause, believe me, i wouldn't be so proud.
i guess we have different ideas about these so-called "teachings" you two gave him then.
anyway we leave with nath and then the most incredible thing happens. our soon-to-be father-in-law – omg bless candy's soul – calls us thieves. lol.
it's pure comedy at this point.
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F: Don't play the innocent. I caught you in the act, you're peeking around. It's a hobby, right? For you to just stick your nose where you shouldn't.
well first i'm pissed you're thinking i'm a thief and second, i'm even more pissed because you're kinda right, snooping in people's business is actually candy's job so can't really argue on that.
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C: I wonder what could I even stole in this house.
F: I don't know. You tell me. *damn chill bro*
C: Maybe your house is very big, but it lacks of the most important things.
anyway it's so funny that in italian - the language i'm playing the game in - he just keeps using the formal pronouns and i say it's funny because it seems like that behind his serious tone he's constantly trying to mock us in a kinda patronizing way.
but we're the bigger person and, even if i'm seething we can't be too unpolite to him, so we just tell him that his house sucks because there's no love within its walls.
politest person ever.
but spoiler he doesn't take it very well.
anyway to sum it up, he just says candy is responsible for nath's sudden change and for making himself look ridiculous in front of the whole school.
obviously we don't support any nathaniel's slander, for now, and we are ready to take over this insane situation by praising our bf who was right down the hallway, listening to this all madness.
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N: None of this will make me look better in my father's eyes.
damn. that kinda hit close to my home too
after this argument we leave since we're good to go. but on the doorstep we're blocked by the best of wives and best of women (derogatory) who, unexpectedly, wants us to stop by and celebrate the graduation with the family – oh my.
okay i'm not gonna lie but for a millisecond i felt bad for adelaide. only a millisecond 'cause then i quickly regained consciousness.
i appreciate she's understanding the situation and that she still cares about her son wellbeing – in some twisted way – but i cannot excuse she was an accomplice to her husband's mistreating and beating and the fact she wouldn't report any of it if it wasn't for candy it's gutwrenching.
regardless, nath doesn't want to spend another minute in that house – understandably. when they're about to leave, adelaide takes candy by her arm and tells her to please keep an eye on his son and we, taken by an unusual kindness, accept, encouraging her to pay him a visit.
how sweet candy is.
just like a candy i'm so sorry but it was served on a silver plate
and after that we're done. nath takes us back to our home and asks us if the day after we want to go to his place, since we have never been there before – which it takes me by surprise cause i can't believe you two have been together for almost 14 episodes and you have never found a moment to go to his house before.
candy tells him that first she has to ask to his parents – but we already know she will go cause they have to do the deed – and that's all cause i finished my ap right after this dialogue :|
this ep with the new – not very new now but for me it still is – ap mechanic is exhausting. 550 ap just to fight with nath's parents really did the thing and i still couldn't finish the ep.
to think i still have to continue university life and start love life haha...
anyway to conclude: fuck nath's parents 🖕🏻
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falloutglow · 3 years
Writer Tag
Tagged by @glitchvault74 & @valkyriejack thanks yo!
Tagging: @roachvalentine, @its-sixxers, @memailikesnukacola, @bigwinged, @deacons-wig, @saintdeanthomas AND ANYONE ELSE WHO WANTS TO DO THIS!!! If you see this I TAG THEE
1.  How many works do you have on AO3?
Just recently 74 total!
For just Fallout its 26
2.  What’s your total AO3 word count?
Total: 163,825
For Fallout: about 55k
...I wrote so goddamn much for Pnat years ago its unreal XD
3. What are you top 5 fics by kudos?
I’m ignoring the overall fics and just going by Fallout only HAHA
1- Wrong (Its Hancock/Nick Valentine so I’m not surprised)
2- Waking Up (for whumptober 2020; Deacon/Nick Valentine)
3- Sensors and Sensations (Mysterious Stranger/Nick Valentine....are yall seeing a pattern here?)
4- Take Me Out With the Crowds (Nick Valentine & Echo (oc) ;w; hell yea 1st fic where they interact haha!!)
5- On Top of Sanctuary Hills and Far Away (my chapter fic that introduces my psyker gal Echo!)
4. Do you respond to comments?  Why or why not?
Sometimes, so long as I can remember! If I’m on mobile...usually harder to respond haha but if I’m on my computer its much easier. I’ll do it mostly cause I wanna let the commenter know I appreciate the kind words and having them take the time out of their day to tell me how they feel about my fics! Plus, its a way to build a bit of a community on ao3
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
In my personal opinion....either Lee’s Library (Walking Dead Telltale video game) oooor one of the many bad endings in Counterbalance (Paranatural) because ya gurl wrote a Choose Your Own Adventure fic and boy howdy. it depends on which end you get XD
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Hmmmm, honestly not sure? Hella subjective honestly.
7. Do you write crossovers?  If so, what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
*SIIIIIGH* I used to. I’m not as obsessed with crossovers like I was as a kid. Technically, the craziest one I wrote when I was like 12 (damn preteen me had such a drive) was some wild and hella ambitious Camp au of sorts with a bunch of cartoon shows mixed with some ocs. There were...soooooo many characters to keep track of, easily like 30. Possibly more, maybe less.
I never published it cause it was for me to be super self indulgent and back then I also had to share a computer/laptop with my sisters and mom. I did not have access to flashdrive/usb yet, but damn did I fill like a notebook and half up with that goddamn wild au.
I wonder if its in one of the totes in the basement....hmmmm....
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes. It was a long time ago and I don’t remember it nor do I care to remember that shit. Anyone who leaves hate on fics? Keep it to your damn self. Don’t hate read. That’s such a childish thing to do and you don’t like it? Why waste time on something you hate? It makes 0 sense! Go find something self indulgent and learn how to be nice.
9.  Do you write smut?  If so, what kind?
I...have... No I will not elaborate...
10.  Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No idea.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Bold of you to think I’m that popular lol
12.  Have you ever co-written a fic before?
...Yes? I think so???? But it was a long while ago. I’m mostly a solo act lol
13.  What’s your all-time favourite ship?
PTH I’m a multishipper I cannot!!! Okay fine Nick Valentine x HAPPINESS LET HIM BE HAPPY I say while putting him through shit HAHA
(u_u I like to also ship him with my psyker oc Echo... why write fic if yaint being self indulgent?)
14.  What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
That’s like all my WIPs tbh. The fact that I finish a wip is a goddamn miracle.
Though I’d LOVE to do my fallout haunted house fic with the END squad I’ve called “Follow You Down”. However, dunno if or when I’ll ever actually make it more than some massive chapter fic idea involving haunted mannequins, literature references, ghosts, and eldritch horrors.
15. What are your writing strengths?
My brain is a goddamn corkboard. I can slap down ideas like crazy and somehow create an elaborate way to make it work.
16.  What are you writing weaknesses?
... *leans against a closet door that won’t close* Haha funny thing. You know how I just said I have a fuck ton of ideas? >_>;
I’m also a slow writer, but mostly cause I think my words through.
17.  What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Nah. I don’t think I’m qualified. Now if its a bilingual joke? I’m aaaaall over that shit haha My personal fav: “Why do French people prefer to have small breakfasts? Because one egg is un oeuf!” 
18.  What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Danny Phantom. It is also the first fandom I looked up fics for LOL
19.  What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
OOF that’s a hard one... It’d have to be between On Top of Sanctuary Hills and Far Away (fo4) aaaand my most recently posted fic The Crooked Tooth (fo4)
The former cause istg it felt like I unlocked something while writing that fic. Pre-Sanctuary Hills fic I STRUGGLED at getting a higher word count. 1-2k was my maximum. 3k was an achievement! Both of these fics I’ve hit over 5k for!!! I’m still flabbergasted by this development! And... the latter is sooooo self indulgent hahahaha got that cute cute comfort, mutual pining (while both being idiots about it), while also slapping in that good good spooky shit >:3c
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myatuesday · 3 years
I hate that when we're coming to our dude w an issue (aka bitching)
All they hear is "blah blah blah" bitching Charlie Brown teacher voice.
Instead of listening to what the fuck it is we're saying.
I put the shit it writing. I guess he doesn't really read it? Cause he's still like
"Idk wtf you want. All you do is bitch."
Or can't separate the praise from the pain
Wtf do you think it means when I say,
"Idgaf if you give me $1,000,000
I want you to stop talking to that bitch."
Did I stutter?
It means EXACTLY what the fuck I JUST mothafuckin said.
Idgaf if you give me $1,000,000
I want you to stop talking to that bitch.
What about that is confusing?
Or hard to decipher?
Well I'm buying you flowers, I'm taking you to dinner, I'm trying to be nicer to you...
Are you still fucking w that hoe?
Ok then.
Then thanks for that
They don't cancel eachother out.
The fuck.
Oldest trick in the book.
Like I'm fucking stupid?
"Well you didn't tell me outright what you wanted. I asked and asked"
Not only have I been saying it, and yes, BITCHING about it for 3 goddamn years. I have indeed said it outright.
You wanna play dumb. To keep PLAYING ME.
Time. And time. And time. Again.
Do you need a billboard?
We've talked about it 1000x
You've seen it in writing countless times.
You read my goddamn Tumblr. Hello. Hi.
It's not a fucking mystery.
Period. Hello.
I'm not new.
Now I've gone so far as to offer this dude the
Girlfriend Experience (at his expense, of course)
Because he's made it
Through his actions or lack thereof
That's what he's after.
He doesn't want a fn gf.
He wants a hoe he can fuck and go out w sometimes.
No strings attached.
Ok. Well let me just give you my cashapp and that can be arranged.
The Fuck.
But all this inbtwn BULLSHIT.
Is wearing on me.
Fucking pick one.
But COME CORRECT with it
Whichever way we're going.
I'm OVER this fucking playing dumb, playing games
"But but but..." BULLSHIT
Then gets an attitude w ME
And says he's sick of being the bad guy.
Stop being the fucking bad guy
You ARE the bad guy.
That's why you feel like it.
That's why you're treated like it.
You goddamn cheated.
(Still are, pretty much. Possibly even more than I know)
You live a double fucking life
You throw $ at me to shut me up
(Or you were. You kinda stopped... sooo... idk wtf is up w that. Give it all to somebody else? Smh)
Stop lying
Stop cheating
Stop being fucking shady
And stop lying means to EVERYONE; yourself, me, her, your family, your friends, your followers, everyone.
If you just wanna hoe, say that
Stop claiming to me - and me alone - that we're in a real relationship
When you, me, and everyone else on this earth knows we're not.
He claims to finally get it this time (really?!)
But refuses to talk about it
Or do anything about it today
(We've just been discussing it for weeks.
Ya know. Whatever. Nbd.)
But... I'm so sick of this shit
And nothing pisses me off more than this
Cop out playing dumb shit
Mixed w him having the audacity to get an attitude w me
For constantly bringing up his constant fuckboy bullshit
You know when I'll stop bitching?
When you stop giving me shit to bitch about!
That's how that works.
You don't stop being the bad guy
Until you actually stop being the bad guy.
I've given you 1000 chances
Feel free to actually be a decent boyfriend
Or just honest about your real intentions
(Either one)
Any fucking day now.
But until then
Yeah. I'm pissed.
And you are the fucking bad guy. Duh.
Buying me flowers like I'm a fucking mistress doesn't absolve you of that.
Yeah I like the flowers.
I don't like the fact you're using them as a detraction to kick the can down the road of just dealing w our actual issues. Or just... being a real boyfriend.
Basic ass shit.
Bare minimum ass shit.
Dudes who beat their wives buy them shit too.
It doesn't make them any less bad
It's a fucking bandaid
And one that does NOT cover up
Nor heal a goddamn fucking thing.
I am ready to be healed.
No more goddamn fucking bandaids.
Fuck you.
He keeps saying he will
But he never does
And, for whatever reason, rather than just
Calling it what this actually is then
And setting up an agreement and compromise
We can both live with
We're both just
Going through the motions of this bullshit
Pretty fucking miserable
I can't make him be honest
I can't make him give me what I deserve
(Namely, respect.)
I'll give him a fucking day.
Then... we apparently have to talk about this all over again.
Cause I'm : this close: to breaking up w him. Again.
Which he fucking knows.
So... what the actual fuck.
I have before.
He thinks I won't again?
Over this exact same shit.
It's fucking ridiculous.
I told him I'm looking into couples therapy (and I am. Cause this obviously isn't working. We need a place for clear, ideally honest communication. And ACCOUNTABILITY FFS.)
But he didn't say shit about it.
He was too busy being a jackass.
And I get if he feels like he's doing xyz
And all I can do is bitch about 123
I'm like... unless 123 are fixed
Xyz doesn't really matter.
That's the part we can't seem to get on the same page about.
Which in fairness is frustrating when Iitererally gave him the option.
Fine. Give me xyz. You can keep 123 then.
Just... can't do that and call it a relationship.
He doesn't address that option either.
I've done all I know to do other than
Roll over (what he wants me to do)
Or walk away (which is what's coming next. If he can't get his shit together)
But if we can stop fighting long enough...
I think couples therapy could help.
Cause that's the fucked up part
I do think he cares about me
Maybe even love me, on some level
He definitely needs me. No doubt about that.
He just... is letting Amy and his ego
(And I guess in some ways immaturity)
Fuck it all up.
I see potential.
And believe there are real feelings there
That's why it's so hard to give up
(Probably for him too)
But I CAN'T go on like this.
I hate it.
I hate the "relationship". I hate him for putting me through this shit. I hate myself for allowing this shit to go on.
It's absolutely untenable for my emotions, my well being, my fucking psyche, everything.
It's shattering. And soul crushing.
And I keep staying... hoping he'll make it better
Cause he keeps saying he will
And every time he let's me down
I'm just... that much further
From myself, from healing from all this
And the cycles of resentment and anger
It just spins and spins
It doesn't seem like either of us actually want to leave
We just have to actually get it right this time
But... after 3 years of everything that boy put me through
Flowers and hugs and manicures ain't gonna cure it.
Especially not when the snake is still in the fucking mix. Smh.
Like... ugh. It's not rocket science
Why this isn't working
Or wtf my problem is
WHO else in their right fucking minds would deal w this shit?
Fucking nobody.
Then people wonder why the fuck I stay
Including my therapist
I guess... hope.
I guess because the good is good.
It's a good I can't find anywhere else.
The bad is just... so fucking detrimental.
It's hard.
I've lost no matter what
Is the thing.
Trying again
If he'll actually (keep) trying
And actually fully come correct this time
Is the only chance to heal from all this
Is how I feel, I guess.
I walk away.
Then what?
I'm totally damaged still
And... just likely gonna just jump off a fucking cliff
This relationship has destroyed me.
He's at least attempting to... sigh
Idk. He's making an attempt.
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merinnan · 4 years
DMBJ Explore with the Note Ep 5
Okay, now that my workshop is finished, time for DMBJ Explore with the Note ep 5! Otherwise I will spend the entire afternoon just fucking around in WoW instead (one day I will show you screenshots of my Iron Triangle-as-WoW-toons).
We start ep 5 with the usual counts 
Season 2 Xiaoge Rescue Count: 2 for Wu Xie, 2 for protagonists, 3 for everyone 
Season 2 Wu Xie Swoon Count: 0 
Season 2 Evil Hair Count: 3
Cumulative Xiaoge Rescue Count: 12 for Wu Xie, 17 for protagonists, 18 for everyone 
Cumulative Wu Xie Swoon Count: 6
- It's been a few eps since we had updates to the rescue or swoon counts, so here's hoping for Ep 5 
- Ah, yes, the baby archaeologists just discovered the heavenly palace 
- At least this girl is marginally less annoying than she was in the novel 
- ...okay, I take it back
- Sweetie, it's a fucking tomb, why are you upset that there's a corpse in there? 
- Those are some impressive fingernails 
- lol, and they were all so distracted by the girl that no-one noticed 'Xiao Zhang' going all Zhang Qiling to get up there to check out what freaked her out
- I am disappoint that they didn't keep the present time crew in form-fitting wetsuits for the whole underwater tomb investigation like they did with the flashback crew 
- OMG the look on Wenjin's face, I love it 
- I think she's starting to realise that he knows what he's doing
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-Very good questions, Wenjin 
- Oh, so that wasn't just better set lighting, the tomb was actually fully lit somehow? The better question in this case is not 'why is it suddenly so dark' but 'how the fuck was this underwater tomb so well lit?'
- THEN you can follow it up with 'why has the mysterious lighting suddenly gone out?' 
- WHY would you bring such a group of easily scared kids on an archaeological expedition to EXPLORE THROUGH TOMBS? 
- That seems like a bad idea even if you didn't think anything weird would go on
- ISTG, Sanxing, Wenjin, and Xiaoge are the only level-headed ones of the bunch 
- A mural. They were in hysterics over a mural. 
- I mean, yeah, there's a lot of high mountains, so not surprising you can't tell which one it is
- I was gonna say she's super judgey for an archaeologist but...nah, yeah, that tracks for academia, speaking from experience XD
 - This episode has been taunting me with potential rescues that never quite get there, so it better actually pay off with one of them this episode
- Oooh, bitty shadow 
- Wonder if it's the baby corpse from the jar earlier 
- ...oh, right, Sanshu's still running around in some weird trance
- Awww, the lights go out in the heavenly palace room, and the entire set lighting goes from lovely and well-lit so you can actually see what's on screen, to super dark and shadowy, even outside that room
- Sorry, sanmei, I know I said I’d stop talking about lighting, but...I live in eternal hope of good lighting. The flashbacks here were actually GOOD up until now. So I am sad they've gone back to bad lighting. 
- I'm embarrassed to say that it's taken me the entirety of Guardian, Granting You A Dreamlike Life, DMBJ 1, and now partway through ep 2 of DMBJ 2 before I've realised that I can pause Viki playbacks by hitting my space bar.
- OMFG, how many rooms are there in this tomb with a set of porcelain vases arranged in a particular order?
- Smart, Wenjin, conserving flashlight batteries like that. 
- I know that this Wenjin must be older than the Wenjin in the Chongqi flashbacks, but why couldn't we have had this Wenjin in those flashbacks as well?
- Chongqi Wenjin is ok, but this one's more level-headed and competent. And much better at de-escalating semi-hysterical girls. 
- Then again, I suppose if Chongqi Wenjin had this Wenjin's skills, they wouldn't have been able to have had that dumb ~DRAAMAA~ with the love triangle
- Tunnel floor is suddenly wet again instead of dry. Wish they'd make up their mind 
 - Evil Hair Count: 4 
- This time creeping on random guy at the back of the party 
- Who is mildly disturbed that he's suddenly got water down the back of his neck. Don't blame him
- Judging by the way Xiaoge just clapped a hand over his mouth and nose, I'm guessing that they all just got gassed. 
- And it must be a REALLY FAST acting gas if they all collapsed like 5 seconds after Xiaoge covered his nose and mouth, and he seems to be fine
- Oh, no, spoke to soon, down he goes 
- Okay, Sanshu. A) That's creepy, and b) why aren't you also affected? 
- ...something that takes down Xiaoge for long enough that he wakes up in a hospital bed concerns me 
- I do not blame him one bit for looking so perturbed
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- OMG, that GRRM roast, that's fantastic 
- I hope Xiaoge is just leaving out all of the unnecessary family stuff that he doesn't think Wu Xie and Pangzi need to do, otherwise he just implied that the Zhangs have just, like, misplaced him for 20 or so years and not looked for him?
- Wu Xie is always so desperate to believe the best of Sanshu, it's really cute 
- Ah, I see we're back to the requisite pingxie staring for the episode. Excellent
- Here's the clearest sign yet that S2 does not follow on from S1 at all, as it completely ignores changes that S1 made to the plot and instead is referencing novel events that did not happen in the drama. 
- I would have been SO FUCKING CONFUSED if I hadn't read the first novel
- lol, Xiaoge. Giving a tiny almost-smile and clapping someone on the shoulder after dropping a bombshell like that on them is NOT how you're supposed to talk to your crush
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- And it looks like we're now back to Wu Xie's nightmares from the first ep 
- ...is that last one supposed to be Xiaoge? It's hard to tell with the angle and (yes, sorry, sanmei) the lighting 
- Way to ruin the moment, Pangzi 
- ...omg Pangzi 
- I'm kinda cringing now
-  Hahah, the look on Wu Xie's face. Like, same 
- Those are good points, Pangzi, but wouldn't you still have the problem of being underwater without oxygen tanks? That tomb is pretty far down and mostly buried in the sea bed, after all 
- ...Wu Xie that maths made no sense at all
- Rude. Pangzi has said useful things before now! 
- LOL at all the "don't touch anything" "i mean it" "also" "DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING" 
- Because we all know that Pangzi is gonna touch stuff and try to steal at least one thing 
- Oh, there you are, A-Ning 
- How did you get in there?
- This is an unnecessarily long sequence of Xiaoge running his fingers over the door and Pangzi messing with his hair, set to super annoying BGM. Was it really necessary to have a full 1 minute 40 seconds of that? 
- That should have been done in, like, 30 seconds tops.
- I do like how excited this Wu Xie is to see the cool architectural stuff like the moving doors in here 
- After that first hallway, they all seem so unconcerned about traps 
- Tombs are usually, quiet, Wu Xie. Hence the saying 'quiet as the tomb'
- Xiaoge's tiny smiles at Wu Xie and Pangzi's banter are just adorable
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- But guys, you really should have looked for traps first 
- Before the walls started trying to squish you like pancakes 
- "Start climbing", says Xiaoge, as he just fucking leaps up the sides of the walls
- Good thing these walls are conveniently not smooth and straight, with regular hand and footholds 
- Xiaoge Rescue Count: 3 for protagonists
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- Not quite the dramatic rescue I was hoping for, but I'll take it since it's been so long 
- The closed walls has now made them a cute little tunnel to crawl through
- Oh, wait, annoying girl was from one of the Nine Gate families? 
- Which one? I'll have to look her up later, I've completely forgotten her name.
- Xie Lianhuan is talking Sanshu into taking him along on the original expedition. Honestly, dude, you dying is all your fault, you weren't even supposed to be there
- Oh, Qiu Dekao was involved in the 20 year ago bullshit as well. Why am I not surprised? 
- And with the tomb from S1, too, also 20 years ago
- Wait, if Wenjin was the leader the whole time, how come she kept deferring to Sanshu? 
- Dramatic bgm! Dramatic reused footage! 
- Oh yeah, the looks on their faces, I know exactly who just popped into mind for Pangzi and Wu Xie at that 
- Because who else could have done it?
- ...okay, except Sanshu, point 
- Oh noooooo, more fucking underwater diving scenes 
- This show is instilling in me a visceral loathing of underwater diving scenes. They're awful
- Like, seriously, after 5 eps they've already shown enough underwater goddamn diving scenes to fill up a full half of an episode 
- An entire quarter of one episode was made up of them 
- Oh my GOD that bgm. That was...something
- Okay, Xie Lianhuan was supposed to have dug this passage? Seriously? 
- He was only missing for a day before they found his body, how the fuck was he supposed to dig a loooooong passage, high enough for a fully grown adult to walk crouched, in less than a day?
- Ah, and that's ep 5. 
 Count updates: 
 Season 2 Xiaoge Rescue Count: 2 for Wu Xie, 3 for protagonists, 4 for everyone 
Season 2 Wu Xie Swoon Count: 0 
Season 2 Evil Hair Count: 4
Cumulative Xiaoge Rescue Count: 12 for Wu Xie, 18 for protagonists, 19 for everyone 
Cumulative Wu Xie Swoon Count: 6 
Season 2 is decidedly lacking in swoons so far. It better up its game.
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the-potter-analyst · 5 years
Chapter 12 - The Mirror of Erised
One can never have enough socks!!
Harry Potter and the Sacred Text word of the day: (White) Privilege
When I learned that this was the word that the hosts would use for chapter 12, I was.... intrigued to say the least about how they would connect the concept. But once again, I was amazed on what they found! Basically the invisibility cloak was a symbol for both having privilege and not having privilege. The original word(s) of the day is “white privilege” but the idea can also work for privilege in general, which is why I have white in parentheses. Just to put it out there, I’m an asexual black woman which right off the bat puts me at a disadvantage for the top categories of privilege lol, so this topic is something very close to home and I will not sugar coat anything. istg if I get any defensive replies or asks
The invisibility cloak having a double meaning around privilege is so fascinating to me. It reveals how invisibility can be good or bad depending if a person is privileged or not. For example, if you’re white, you will largely be ignored on the things you do; you can get away with almost anything. This is the positive side of the invisibility cloak, as Harry can roam around the castle without being noticed, particularly at night, and not be caught. On the flip side, a white person will be seen as an individual, their actions defining themselves and not an entire group. Alternatively, this is the complete opposite of any minority. Any black person walking down the street will be noticed because they are black, my people literally can’t do anything without the cops being called on them. And a black person’s actions ends up being a collective definition of the entire race. Like... a white shooter will always be talked about as an individual and the event being an isolated case. If the shooter is black or Arab or whatever? The media will spin it like the entire minority is evil. But if a black person is successful, their efforts are ignored. Can you name any black inventors? Because technology wouldn’t have been the same without them, yet you never learn about them in history books.
Harry notes that the cloak doesn’t stop him from being solid, which made me think about how being invisible and ignored in a negative way doesn’t make a person any less of a human, no matter how they may be treated as such. Just food for thought I guess.
Something Sacred Text host, Vanessa, said really struck me. She talked about how she was literally side stepped by someone so they could tap her black friend on the shoulder and compliment her outfit. And Vanessa, connecting it with invisibility and visibility, commented how the person probably (unintentionally) gave the compliment because her friend looked nice, for being black. And... I’ve never thought about that stuff quite in this way. I just assumed (white) people just tried to go out of their way to be nice to a black person, but to be honest I never gave much thought about it or its meaning in the first place. I get compliments from complete strangers everywhere for articles of clothing to my hair. Like just yesterday this white man walked up to me at a restaurant to say he loved my hair, which was in an afro. I’ve always thought it was weird to compliment random strangers like that, not in the way that you’re standing in line or something and compliment a girl’s purse who’s right in front of you, but literally walking up to someone who’s just minding their own business to do it. And cause this happened after listening to the podcast, I kept thinking is he trying to be encouraging to people with natural hair? does he really think his opinion is going to boost my self esteem like that? (normally I’d just brush it off and think that person’s weird) I know that wasn’t his intentions, but this is what those actions imply when it comes from a white person who’s a stranger.
Dumbledore says something that really holds true about privilege: “Strange how nearsighted being invisible can make you.” When you have it, you aren’t always aware of what your privilege gives you or what others without it experience. Like for me, I admittedly don’t think about ADA regulations all the time because I have an abled body, so it’s not something that I personally have to worry about unless I get an injury. But someone in a wheelchair, someone with a cane, someone with an invisible disability has to think about these things, because that’s their life. They need an accessible doorway for example just to get in a building. As a female, I can’t go out alone at night or even the bathroom at a bar without worrying I might be assaulted, but this isn’t something that men have to think about. So next time you’re defensive about something that someone of a minority group says about your privilege, think about this quote. Think about how your privilege makes you nearsighted. And then fucking listen.
Another long post lol I can’t not rant about this topic The rest of the chapter will be analyzed under the cut.
I kinda wonder if Hermione wasn’t in Harry’s friend group, if he and Ron would be as motivated to find out who Nicolas Flamel was. Obviously the constant searching in the library was her idea lol, because that’s her thing. When she doesn’t know something, she consults books AKA goes to the library. Though I think because Harry knew he read the name somewhere, he would have been searching in books as his curiosity had hit an all time high, but it would’ve probably been limited to his school books. Ron probably would’ve only joined occasionally to help Harry out, or done the same and look through his own books. I find it funny that the trio only looked through books about modern or recently famous wizards, which makes sense because you don’t exactly expect someone to live over 600 years lol.
Christmas morning of Harry’s first year always gives me so much joy to read (and watch). He gets so excited that he has presents!! Even the 50 pence that the Dursley’s sent he responds with that’s friendly lmao. I will also never get over the fact that Mrs. Weasley, after learning from Ron that Harry didn’t expect to get presents, made him a goddamn sweater and some fudge 😭 I also love how the Weasleys basically adopt Harry, and it’s not just Mrs. Weasley, it’s Fred and George too. Fred pulls wizard crackers with Harry during Christmas dinner.... they played in the snow until they were cold and wet.... not to mention the twins look after him in Quidditch.
The contrast between Christmas morning and Christmas evening is so interesting to me. Harry wakes up to presents from many people, eats all he wants for dinner, spends the day having fun with the Weasleys, and then after an adventure with his invisibility cloak, finds the Mirror of Erised. And this scene is so heartbreaking. I can just feel the empty silence as Harry longingly looks at his family, I can feel his ache for the people he never got to know. The hosts brought up how white/western culture is very individualistic, but at the expense of feeling disconnect with one’s own heritage. I also want to add how the same disconnect happens with a diaspora. This topic is a little interesting when considering that there’s a widespread headcanon that Harry is half Indian or just poc, so the feeling of disconnect might be even more powerful.
For what Ron sees, I’ve said previously that Ron’s insecurity is being the odd one out in his family, the one who doesn’t have a special thing because all his older brothers have already done it. So in the Mirror, he sees himself being the best of all of them combined. And he’s alone. He wants to stand out. So far I’ve seen a lot of signs that Ron takes his family for granted, which I get since he’s 11 and one of the youngest in a large and loving family: he’s embarrassed about their class status, he pushes away his mother when she tries to clean dirt off his face, he tells Harry he can see family any old time. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing since Ron’s still fairly young though (he also didn’t resist being told to wear his Weasley sweater like Percy), but again and again we’ll see moments like this where it’s apparent that Ron and Harry’s desires are the complete opposite of each other. Ron is also less obsessive than Harry, which is why I think he had a bad feeling about the mirror  while Harry didn’t despite the two fighting over it while in the empty classroom. And he gets so worried about Harry! He tries to get him to eat, or play games, or even visit Hagrid, anything to get Harry out of his depressive state.
I wonder why the Mirror was moved to the empty classroom for anyone to stumble upon though. Maybe Dumbledore needed space to tamper with it? And the best time would be the holidays when most of the students were away? Why not do it in the Room of Requirement where is was probably kept before this? And was Dumbledore invisible every night while modifying the mirror? Or just to keep an eye on it? I can’t stop thinking about his comment on not needing a cloak to be invisible.
Small things
The Weasley twins bewitching snowballs to basically hit Voldemort ahaha
I will always laugh at the “Gred and Forge” joke xD
What time do they have Christmas dinner.... afterwards it says they spent a “happy afternoon” playing outside, which I don’t know if they would do at night when it’s cold and snowy lol. And being in Scotland, the sun will set pretty early. So was this actually a Christmas lunch? I’m so confused
hjsdfhsjkdf but actually, as an adult that’s all I want for Christmas (even though I have no room for them anymore haha)
Scabbers why are you sleeping on Harry’s pillow you creep
Special shout out to all the Hogwarts house elves that make Christmas magical, as well as every other day at Hogwarts :)
Previous: Chapter 11 - Quidditch
Next: Chapter 13 - Nicolas Flamel
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sage-nebula · 7 years
for the post you just reblogged, yugioh!!
Oh boy.
To get this out of the way first and foremost, because we all know how badly I want this and think it should have happened—I would make Wishshipping 100%, undeniably canon.The thing is, this would be incredibly easy to do. The set-up is already there. Yuugi tells Jounouchi that he loves him using extremely strong language right before he attempted to sacrifice his life to save Jounouchi’s. He wanted Jounouchi to keep the Millennium Puzzle, his treasure, in the event of that sacrifice, trusting Jounouchi with the Puzzle (and therefore Atem!) above all else. And Jounouchi’s response? On top of trying to sacrifice his own life to save Yuugi’s instead (THESE BOYS, ISTG), he says “thank you,” which is pretty goddamn powerful from the standpoint of the Japanese language, which is strongest in its subtleties. If either Yuugi or Jounouchi were female, no one would doubt that Wishshipping became canon at the pier. No one. Given that they’re both boys, however, there are many, many more hoops that they have to jump through before people accept it.So that said? Let’s set up those hoops!As far as the actual manga goes, I probably would have altered their conversation on the boat to the Ceremonial Duel a bit in order to make it more concrete, particularly since that conversation provides the perfect set-up. Between already putting the idea of romance in the reader’s mind by almost having Anzu confess her feelings for Atem before chickening out (and it’s clear that it’s Atem she wants to confess to; her thoughts later on in the Ceremonial Duel about how it’s Atem specifically that she wants by her side forever aside, she also specifically asks Yuugi if Atem said anything, wanting to know if he was thinking of her), and then also having Jounouchi clue in to Yuugi’s feelings without Yuugi having to say what he’s thinking + the two of them talking about the future, the opportunity is downright perfect for it. So that said? I would have extended that scene a bit. As they talk about the fact that Atem will have to go on to the afterlife should Yuugi win the Ceremonial Duel (and as Yuugi says with certainty that he will be the one to duel), I would probably have Yuugi trail off a bit and quietly say something along the lines of how much he’s going to miss Atem once he crosses over. Jounouchi, of course, hears this, and comments sincerely that, yeah, he will, too. They all will, of course. Yuugi would nod, quiet for a moment more, and then—YUUGI: “Jounouchi-kun?”JOUNOUCHI: “Yeah?”YUUGI: “We’ll—you and I … we’ll always be together, won’t we?”JOUNOUCHI: “’Course we will. I’m never gonna give up on us, remember?”YUUGI: “Yeah!”The “I’m never gonna give up on us” is a callback to Death-T, wherein Jounouchi said, “I’ll never give up on myself, or on you.” Furthermore, Yuugi asking Jounouchi if they’ll always be together (perhaps rephrased like “you’ll always be by my side,” or phrased to call that to mind) is a parallel to what Anzu thinks about Atem during the Ceremonial Duel. Only, this story gets a happy ending.But since that’s still subtle enough so that I’m sure some would deny it, I would probably include a flash-forward epilogue that, perhaps, shows the two of them going a date, holding hands, to see one of Anzu’s dance performances. =) Something like that. And if I did make a sequel movie years later, well … a Big Damn Kiss (and at the very least a returned love confession!) would certainly be included.But yeah, this would be canon, particularly since it would be beautifully developed, healthy LGBTQA representation in an influential series aimed at kids. Sign me the fuck up, we need this.
Speaking of Anzu, better involvement for the ladies (and better treatment overall). Specifically:- Anzu’s dancing career needs more focus. I know that this is a series about games, but Anzu just had the one dancing game and that’s it. (Oh, and she did get to help out during Death-T as well—that was nice.) I want there to be more mention of her dream, and less focus on her involvement insofar as the romance subplot. And speaking of that? Once she realizes that Atem and Yuugi are two separate people, I want them to have an actual, legitimate conversation about how her feelings are for Atem, not Yuugi, because it’s pretty obvious that her romantic interest in Yuugi began and ended when she thought he was just an opposite personality of Atem’s. Once she realized they were two separate people, she went back as seeing him as something of a kid brother (emphasized when she refers to him as a “tough kid,” using the actual Japanese word for child, when talking with Atem right before Battle City started). Anzu was confused for a time and that’s fine, she’s a teenage girl and she is allowed to be confused without being vilified for it—but that needed to get sorted out definitively so everyone could move on with no hard feelings. More importantly, though, I do want more focus for her outside of the romance. She’s more than eye candy. Treat her like it.- Shizuka deserves to do something more other than be motivation for Jounouchi and his support during Battle City. I want to see Shizuka play games, such as music games. I want to see her bond with Mokuba, and other characters. Hell, I want a scene where Malik tries something with Jounouchi on the blimp (after revealing who he is), and Shizuka tries to fight for the brother who so valiantly fought for her. She’s his baby sister—let her show some temper and will of her own! Let her do something!- Mai should have won her duel against Atem in Duelist Kingdom, because frankly he was an ass for the entire duel and didn’t deserve that ass-pull victory. But since that would fuck up the entire plot, that duel needs to at the least be rewritten so that he’s not being an asshole to her for the entire match. Also, I hate that in order to force her to “develop” she was damsel’d during Duelist Kingdom so that Atem had to win her star chips back for her. Likewise, that she was damsel’d in Battle City to motivate Jounouchi, which … was unnecessary, considering Jounouchi already had motivation to fight Malik because of the pier duel. Honestly, her coma seemed more like a reason to get her “out of the way” and create drama, which is no good. Mai deserves better. Give her better.- I really would have liked to see Isis defeat Kaiba, advance to the finals, and get a real shot at facing her brother. Or, hell! Instead of having Mai face Malik and get put into a coma, force Malik to go up against Isis in a duel! Let them fight it out! Let Isis do more for her brother than orchestrate a tournament and then get kicked out of it so the boys can have all the fun!- The entire Kisara subplot needs to be rewritten, because Kisara was honestly created just so that she could be fridged to motivate Set + give him a dragon. She, like so many other ladies, deserved better than to be objectified (dragonified?) in a sense and then killed off just to give Set angst + Kaiba a reason to obsess over a dragon.Basically, justice for the YGO ladies 2k17, with a side order of I really don’t like Set/Kisara, or Kaiba/Kisara, or whatever variation we’re going with this week, because it was terribly written and I’m not letting Takahashi off the hook for it, even if he was extremely sick at the time the Memory World arc was written. (I mean, that’s said, but he wasn’t sick when he wrote Cyndia’s story, and she was also fridged to give a man reason to angst, so I feel like it wasn’t the illness that created the problems here. The only real problem the illness created was how rushed that arc was, and also Zorc’s dragon penis. Everthing else is on Takahashi.)
Speaking of Zorc, less Duel Monsters, more Shadow Games. I LOVED the Shadow Games from the school arc. LOVED THEM. Oh sure, they were a remnant of corruption from the Puzzle and yadda yadda, but they were fun. They were interesting! They were far more interesting than thirty-odd volumes of goddamn Duel Monsters! We can have Duel Monsters for a bit, sure, fine, but I want to see more Shadow Games. Part of the reason why Malik is so wonderful is because his set-ups for Yuugi in Battle City were very reminiscent of Atem’s Shadow Games. The Pandora set-up? The pier duel?? Those are so creatively sadistic that I adore them, particularly the pier duel. More of that, less of boring card games, please and thank you.
And speaking of Shadow Games + boring card games, Jounouchi should have won his duel against Malik, idgaf. He can still (temporarily) die, but I would make that final attack connect, because he won that duel through sheer skill, and I’m still salty that he was robbed, tbh. The Sun Dragon Ra should have been his, without a doubt.
Lastly, as an overall thing, on top of giving the ladies more to do in the plot/giving them justice where it was needed, I would have removed a lot of the gross content that does pervade the manga. Things like a background joke of Jounouchi and Honda lifting Anzu’s skirt in chapter three, or Jouji’s entire character (he can be there as a baby, but he doesn’t need to talk or constantly hit on Anzu, especially since he’s a baby), or how Anzu was groped during the electric chair ride during Death-T (disgusting). Things like that don’t add anything of value to the manga and aren’t necessary to the plot at all, so I would remove them. Again, the manga is better than this. Takahashi is better than this. Let’s prove it.
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