#this blog is so cluttered
sunshinek1z · 3 months
maybe i should remake
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chropyl · 7 months
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redraw from last year, one year everyone.. can we make it two years
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mobwhim · 29 days
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august's favorite fits!! 🍊
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feelisia · 8 days
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I think these two cuddling is my new favourite thing
She already know, but he'll never admit it. That tuntsun lizard.
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wiredsmi1e · 1 month
might do a massive clean out of my followers today ! lms to remain mutuals pls .
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pie-bean · 1 year
Decorating beaches that feel somewhat realistic is so difficult for me; they usually end up looking chaotic and messy. Like I want a structure but a structure with a sense of playfulness on top of it. I'm not sure I make sense but does anyone have good advice for nice beaches?
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High thoughts time
So in my current brand new baby headcanon where each primary couple gets say in what songs go in their season (like imagining Luke and Nicola had say on what songs or what music genre vibes would be in their season)
Jealous was a collaborative pick for them
Snow on the Beach was Nicola, she’s said she thinks Penelope would be a Taylor Swift fan!!!
abcdefu could have been all Nicola or maybe a collaborative idea like I could totally see her wanting this song in there and maybe talking Luke up to the idea to where he can totally see her vision and then he’s like okay, yeah, that song totally
And honestly I think for Give Me Everything it was kind of like Nic and Luke were spitballing how the carriage scene feels like it’s very high school dance (like this is such a 2010s high school dance song or even a club song I guess and she was like that’s totally the vibe, yes) like I really think putting things in that perspective is something she finds funny so then she’s like you don’t understand we have to do that it’s so funny and Luke laughs, we all laugh, bc she’s right it is very funny, and so the production team went and found a VERY like 2010s dance bop
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humbuns · 29 days
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a rare wip on some summer obm charms I'm working on!!
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neversetyoufree · 5 months
Hey, no guarantee I'll actually do this anytime soon, but I'm flirting with the idea of running a big vnc-related poll bracket, and I'd like y'all's thoughts on some of the variables.
First of all, I'm undecided on theme. I've posted before about the idea of a "who's most likely to die first" poll, but I also like the idea of doing a sequel to my mxtx bugpoll from my other sideblog and making the theme "which character do you most want to study like a little bug?"
If I do the bugpoll, that also opens me up to doing a broader mochijun poll and including pandora hearts (and maybe crimson-shell??) characters as well. But! If I do that, then it's no longer entirely tailored to this blog, so I'd have to decide whether to host it here or put it somewhere else so vnc only fans can avoid.
Anyway, that's a lot of variables, but please tell me which version of this idea appeals to y'all most.
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ricoka · 2 months
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the last piece i made during my digital painting course
i think it turned out well enough for working on it for less than three hours, after a full work day
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birdietrait · 30 days
okay i’m going to start using my side blog ( @snoopsday ) as a regular personal blog…starting now 🫡
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nonomives · 8 months
For those curious
Im closing the ask box for a bit so that I dont overwhelm myself trying to answer them lol
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thepinklink · 12 days
I just opened up a side blog and I can already tell I’m going to hate trying to run it because I always forget to press the “reblOG TO PLINKYPIE” BUTTON AND I AM A N G R Y
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a-ramblinrose · 4 months
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JOMP BPC || February 1 || February Goals:
Other than adding more romantic reads to my ever changing & miscellaneous monthly TBR I don't have any particular goals.
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dykedvonte · 2 months
Discussing the NCR (Fallouts NV's Military Industrial Complex)
Fallout regularly discusses the idea of the military, its faults, its strengths, and most importantly, the psycho-social aspects of it regarding those who are members. We have seen a direct critique of the military generalized through the Enclave's overt nationalism, the hoarding of resources and indoctrination through the Brotherhood of Steel, and an almost eerily modern critique of the whole military-industrial complex through the NCR in New Vegas. In these series of posts, I will be focusing primarily if not exclusively on the last one.
The NCR we see in the game is strictly the military side of things and the depiction of active occupation during a time of eminent war, conflicting factions, and resource scarcity. It is in this we are missing a major factor that negatively affects the view of the NCR in the game and out: Civilian life along with citizen opinion on the military. While we do get Mojave civilian opinion on the military (often neutral or negative) we do not get those who are New California Republic citizens, not those who actually discuss the military more so not understanding the importance of the occupation and the President's choices.
We do not see how life is regularly lived by the average citizen as we have not seen New California in New Vegas, though, we get words and glimpses that the people are relatively content in the growing country minus the fact many people are not happy with the choice of encroaching on the Mojave. This most similarly reflects it's real-world application that many civilian citizens reject acquisition and war due to the economic effects it has on the country and the general violence/loss associated.
In this, we come to an issue of losing a perspective that is unique to the NCR as a military representative. The Brotherhood is notably a place where its active members are intertwined with its efforts, the young are raised to be scribes, paladins, etc... To where even if one is not fighting for The Brotherhood, they are still intertwined, it's propaganda is the life. The Enclave is even more cut n' dry in that it is mostly made up of government representatives. It is a group even smaller than the former, even more selective and intertwined that their propaganda IS a form of Eugenics. The NCR is unique in that there is a clear distinction between what is the military force, the civilian population, and the choice if one wants to be a part of the former.
There is a distinct difference in the cultures of the factions you are born into and those you must enlist or join (forcibly for some). While this is a long-winded way to get into the actual discussion I want to facilitate throughout these posts I wanted an initial background post to understand the aspects I am and am not exploring and explaining along with a hub post to link everything I intend to discuss in the coming days and weeks, starting with:
Why Do People Join the NCR?
...which will be discussed and linked back here like everything else regarding to this topic.
Links: TBA
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heartpascal · 2 months
anon that sent the ao3 ask here 👋
I asked about it because there you can subscribe to an author/story and get email notifications any time a new chapter or story comes out, which makes it easier to follow up on stuff since tumblr doesn't do that without tags (and even then you have to enter the website to see them) and sometimes it doesn't even show posts (I had to go to your page and find out you had "new" fics I hadn't read because they never showed up on "following" for some reason T^T )
hi anon!!! sorry it took so long for me to respond!!! i have been working on things >:)
here is my new ao3 account
so i completely get what you’re saying!!! and it does make a lot of sense, i know that i get frustrated trying to keep up w people’s works, bc its so easy to miss stuff!!! and taglists are great in theory, but they are a lot of work and AGAIN, it is easy to miss stuff! so here you have it!
i’m still trying to figure out how it works, so be patient with me! and if you have any advice feel free to share it! so far i only have 2 of my works up (my if the door wasn’t shut series, and the follow up ‘what if’ fic within the same universe)
i think i’ll add on the majority of my works, but it’s gonna take some time to do that! i haven’t written anything new since this ask, and i will likely get up all of my older works before i write anything new anyway! but yes :’) enjoy!!! and thank you for this suggestion!!!
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