#they're jus fun lil guys
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Got a whole damn family of Somnosprites now lmao
Goutha's the Original, the Canon One,
Taunka belongs to Combine in the dw discord (dunno if they got tumblr)
Kaia is @captredgrave's
and Gub is mine
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steakout-05 · 4 months
apologies for being australian on main two times in a row but i find it really funny when people from other countries are first learning about the creatures we have over here and are just. so confused and bewildered. i remember that post of someone talking about how instead of the Easter Bunny, we have a mascot called the Easter Bilby and someone reblogged it going "what the fuck", and i'm just sitting there like "..... yeah? i thought everyone knew this" and it's very entertaining. seeing people be genuinely bewildered, confused and afraid that this silly lil guy exists,
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is some of the most entertaining shit ever and it'll never get old
this is the Greater Bilby, by the way, and it is currently a vulnerable species in Australia, with many efforts being made to save it from endangerment and extinction. there used to be a lot more of them, but because of threats to habitat and competition with other animals (like red foxes, feral cats and dingoes), they became an endangered species, though they fortunately now no longer hold that status. the Lesser Bilby is much less lucky though, as they were unfortunately deemed extinct in the 1950s. i love these lil guys so much and i want to hold one in my hands and give it a nice soft blanket in it's little burrow to curl up and fall asleep on :)
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midnightwriter21 · 1 year
demon slayer hcs: how you meet
characters: fem!reader x douma, akaza, sanemi
warnings: language, mention of death, blood, fighting, and attempted sexual assault
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douma prefers women
thinks we're ~tasty~
so ur probably out for the night with your girlfriends
havin a lil bit of fun
and unfortunately or fortunately
y'all catch his attention
but he doesn't just swoop in and fuck yall up dw
he's a curious fucker
so he jus watches for a while
mans can watch me for as long as he wants yk what im sayin ;)
you and your friends run into some trouble
idk what trouble
but trouble
and douma with his bullshit manipulative fake hero complex
waits until the LASTTTTT second
to finally pop in and save you
of course you're terrified of him
he doesn't care
you're going with him
and he's gonna keep you for as long as he wants
hopefully you can keep him entertained ;)
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the man i hate to love
rip rengoku :(
similar to douma
except akaza drinks respect women juice for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
so ur out for a night on the town w ur besties
and the trouble you guys run into happens to be group of drunk men
they're aggressive and loud
and even when y'all tell them to fuck off
they dont
they just get rougher
but akaza being the man he is
doesn't let them get the CHANCE to lay a finger on you or your friends
necks broken
spines snapped
and ur just like "wtf jus happened"
def still scared as hell
but he's ur savior
show him ur appreciation *wink wink*
asks if you'll become a demon
if u accept, he'll help you adjust
teach you to fight
if you don't accept
he won't give u any trouble
if he likes u enough he may vow to protect u
love him
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idk its jus somethin abt this man
ik he would tear it UP
anyway for him i hc that you would already be a demon slayer yourself
not too highly ranked but you're not a beginner either
you're kinda just eh
but you're on a mission with some other demon slayers
and uh oh
big bad strong demon
sanemi is sent out due to the large amount of casualties
and there you are
with a group of injured slayers to the left of you
and you're holding off the demon
covered in blood
and def terrified
but fighting like hell
when the demon shifts his attention to that group of injured slayers
it shoots toward them and you don't have time to think
throwing urself in front of them and closing ur eyes
bracing for impact
and instead of being shish-kebabed
all you feel is a gust of wind
but then u hear it
"fucking idiot"
yo what
lmfao not what u expected for sure
the demon that was terrorizing u is light work for him
but sanemi was actually impressed that you held out long enough for him to get there
he wont show it but he respects the way you were gonna give your life to protect the injured slayers
he'll cuss you out the whole way back to the butterfly mansion
but maybe he'll offer to train you
sheeshhh ik a way we could train hehe
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shoezuki · 2 months
Theresbeen many a drunk headcanon and they be fun and funky but it got me thinking bout clumsiness outside of bein drunk.
Gepard seems very sure-footed. He's the captain of the guard, always leading, never showing hesitation lest it brings nerves upon his troops. I don't think he's some sorta balance god but I do think he's a steady guy that isn't really bumping into anything.
Sampo gives off cat vibes to me, I can imagine him scuttling up a wall jus to tiptoe across its top as if it was nothing. He's doin lil hops and skips just to show off a little. Whilst Geppie is strong in his stance and motion, Sampo is graceful but not really in a delicate way? He's got the smugness of a cat but his grace is more akin to an elk. It's got weight behind it but you can tell he's not fallin anytime soon.
But I like to think he's extremely used to having everything mapped out. He has places for everything and whilst it doesn't at all look neat, he knows exactly where everything is.
His coffee table is always crooked but he simply bends out of the way as he walks past, head in a stack of documents. There's stuff all over the floor but he's tiptoeing between them without hesitation. He has cabinets full of anything and everything, look in them and god knows what his file sorting system is but you ask for something specific and he makes a beeline for the bottom left drawer, stuffs his hand to the back and pulls it out instantly.
With Gep, he's also orderly. He knows where everything is but because it's neat. Even his pens are organised by colour and use. He's not a neat-freak, he's just grown up to always put things back where he found it when he's done and having shared sleepin spaces for so long with fellow soldiers, knows that keeping everything in its place makes things less stressful.
He knows better than to mess with Sampo's files or move any of his 'work' stuff but he's defo moving tidbits off the floor and pushing furniture back against the wall. Like, why is the sofa in the middle of the room??? How does someone do that in the first place???
So now Sampo, as aware and confident as he is, is now tripping over everything. He's knocked his shin on the coffee table 3 times in one day. He's stubbed his toe on the sofa and fully fallen to the ground, he's gone to grab something off the floor (where it usually is) only to realise it's no longer there and just stand in the middle of the room, looking lost, staring into space for 5 minutes.
He feels like he's been invaded. Never had to shrug off Natasha's questioning so often when she comments on a new bruise or scrape. He's not even getting them on the field!!!! That stool was perfectly fine in front of the cupboard. That's where he liked it.
But like hell is he gonna tell Gepard that. He's tried to some extent but it's only led to long circle talk. After all, it's unsurprisingly hard to explain that you like your furniture layout to look like someone's lost a fight in your home and having things not in the way is mildly disturbing.
This was meant to be about clumsiness. They're gettin away from me again XD
~ 🥃
YesyesyesYES SBGDV god they both have like. Theyre own sense of order. Like gepard's is the most blatant. Hes got a Schedule ok he has an order to how he does things and when he does things and where stuff goes.
But sampo seems Chaotic. Like his things seem to be a mess and all disjointed and over the place but To Him he has like. A System. He has no fucking clue what that system is and can Not explain it whatsoever but hes got it. Sure its a mess and no one knows how he can possible operate like this and especially concerning his bomb making its crazy he hasnt blown himself up yet but it Works.
Them living together is Hilarious cuz if this. Like gepard needs things where theyre 'supposed' to be, while sampo shifts his things n environment according to Him. Mfers in a silent war cuz they keep moving shit back to where They think its sposed to be. Like sampo keeps shifting the coffee table to the left and at a bit of an angle so that he can rest his feet on it from the sofa but gep keeps moving it back cuz its Supposed To Be Exactly 2 feet from the sofa and Right in the middle of the fucking rug, sampo. Every late night sampo moves the dishes around seemingly randomly so that his favourite bowls and mugs are easily reachable while he cooks and every morning gepard gets up and reorganizes the cupboards by size and type of dish while he makes coffee.
Theyre engaging in domestic psychological warfare
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iovesia · 4 months
Nawttt to get too spicy on here.. but keanuverse and their fav sex positions? Ik Jc's lowkey freaky .. 🤭
their fav sex positions,⠀⠀౨ৎ⠀⠀keanuverse. fem reader.⠀/⠀cw. smutty! (diagrams not p!links.)
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john wick.⠀⠀he loves when you're on top in cowgirl. this man is old, hate to say it, and if he hasn't thrown his back out while kicking assassin ass— he's definitely gonna in bed. he loves watching you squirm, your thighs feverishly working to bounce you up and down as your breasts are mere inches from his face. he teases you by making you do all the work, letting you tire yourself out on his cock. with sweat on your brow, and your lips in a pout, he takes mercy in the form of grabbing the fat of your hips and roughly rocking your body back and forth on his lap.
john constantine.⠀⠀don't hate me .. but i think this man might be a lil' vanilla; depending on who he's with! canonically (or at least in a deleted scene, ehem) he's banging succubus's left, right and center! if constantine's with a succubus!reader or someone he's not in love with— he's definitely doing something like pile driver or reverse cowgirl (gotta keep them as not intimate as possible). sex with constantine is a goddamn workout, and that man's hitting all the angles. like gross sweaty vibes.. yum. but if you're a girlfriend, or someone he likes— i think he'd enjoy something still more intimate like this. (not writing pose names, they're too goofy SORRY..)
ted logan.⠀⠀he definitely likes to think he's a kinky rockstar on the rise, but he's definitely gonna be going to the ER for a sex injury. especially if you two are high on weed.. he really thinks it'd fun to nearly stretch your damn legs backwards— until you pull a hamstring and the mood's over. sigh. but normally, he'd probably like something more chill though, like doggy. it's easy. it's nice. and he loves the view. he's an ass guy, jus' saying! he likes being able to grab your hips, back of your neck, or thighs.
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© iovesia, don't repost, copy or translate my works.
send me your thirsts & thots!
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moodywyrm · 1 year
basketball!abby is so in denial before her n reader get together (as always, chubby!reader cs she is me n i am her n we just love abby <3333)
anywayyy, abby always says her relationships are not that serious and jus pure fun cs all the girls she's with jus wanna fuck but when you come into her life??? and treat her like A PRINCESS?!!!?! SHE'S SO HEAD OVER HEELS BUT SO IN DENIAL over if you like her or not!! (you do)
like, 'yea we're not together but look at this picture of her i set as my wallpaper :]' , or 'nah, we're jus friends but we have matching bracelets n i HAVE to wear them at all times cs she made them or it's rude! >:(' n 'she doesn't like me or anything but she made me a playlist, my fav food >///<'
all her friends are literally like 'yeaaa.... mkay - _ -' n as soon as you n abby get together!! they're telling you everything!!! 'yea this dork refused to admit she liked you cs you're the first girl to genuinely love her right, they're still a little skeptical but what sells them is when abby comes to practice (wearing your bracelet n a pink water bottle bedazzled by you) n her hair done into two Dutch-braids
cs abby doesn't let ANYONE touch her hair, n when you pick her up from practice with flowers, snacks for everyone n wearing a necklace with her initial (your bday gift that was actually your idea) n abby literally starts buzzing n GLOWING the minute they mention you're here, they KNOWWW that you guys will last for a LONGGGGGG time
- 💌
baby this is so fuckign cute im gonna scream. bonus point uhh listen to Therese by Maya Hawke if you want to fuckign Cry over this. also we're combining this with the bookworm reader universe bc I said so and it gives us an entry point
because that's correct! After Owen, when Abby realized she liked women, she was having just a rotation of (safe) hookups. Hence her and Manny's scheduled debriefs. But then you showed up! You two met in her class and suddenly she didn't really want any of her hookups? suddenly she was replacing 11pm hook ups with 11am 'bookclub meetings' and coffee dates, explaining to her hookups that she just wasn't really interested anymore
but she's Not developing romantic feelings. No (liar). she wants you physically, yeah, she thinks you're fucking gorgeous, but she also just wants to be your friend. your very good friend. it doesn't matter that you make her giddy when you text her good morning, asking about her day, telling her about things in your day that reminded you of her. bringing her coffee and snacks when she's studying, filling up her water bottle before she heads off to practice. comforting her when the overwhelming crush of anxiety that comes with college starts to weigh on her. complimenting her hair when she, for the first time in years, comes to class with it not in a braid. doesn't matter that she thinks of you when she goes to bed and when she wakes up and she dreams of you sometimes, that she daydreams about you. doesn't matter that she hasn't hooked up or even considering anyone else in the time that she's known you, or that she's told all her friends about you. doesn't matter that her wallpaper is a picture of the two of you at a vintage market that you dragged her to.
but her friends see all of that! they see the smile on her face when she's texting you or talking to you or talking about you or thinking about you. the way she sits down and eats the snacks you prepared for her after practice, sharing lil bits with Nora (who now loves your cooking and needs Abby to get it together so she can get more). they see the way she starts spending more time in the library so you two can study together, sometimes they even spot her when you two are studying in a lil corner, tucked together and whispering to each other, the both of you smiling like fools. they know she is in Deep man. but she still won't admit it!!
Every time someone brings you up, she's just like "Yeah we're really good friends :)" and in reality she has developed such crippling romantic feelings she wants to baby you and be babied by you and adore you and do all of that romantic crap she saw in movies as a kid.
And all her friends are like "Friends. Uh-huh." while very pointedly staring at the TWO bracelets you made her, one beaded and one made of embroidery thread, as well as the lil ribbon braid you tied around her water bottle, all the lil gifts you've given her. They see how you look at her, like she hung the moon in the night sky, how soft you get with her and only her. And vice versa! They see how gentle Abby – Abby, who Owen called mean and snarky when they were dating, who was known for being kind of cocky and a jerk to people who didn't really know her – is with you, how kind and how sweet, how she always considers your needs. They know you're meant to be together, it's just a matter of when.
So none of them are surprised when Abby tells them that you made a move! You kissed her during one of your movie nights, and that was that! And everyone is like fucking finally girl. But the ones who are really concerned are Nora and Manny, who love Abby to bits and want nothing but the best (that autocorrected to Thebes and it made me giggle, thought you should know) for her. And they haven't seen her this intensely in love like ever, so they're scared!
But then Manny is hanging out with Nora and the team before practice, and Abby comes in and they just pause. Because her hair is braided into two braids, which she never does on herself, her bracelets looped around the neck of her water bottle, which has your ribbons tied around it. And she looks So Happy. Manny and Nora share this look and it's just pure platonic love and happiness and knowing that Abby, their Abby, found her person. Because No One is allowed to touch her hair, she didn't even like it when Owen did it. But here she is, hair neatly combed and parted and braided, tied at the ends with two hair ties in your favorite color.
Manny stays for the duration of practice, helping out where he can, but he's not on the court so he's the first one to see you step in, wearing shorts and one of Abby's zip up hoodies, the zipper lowered enough to show a cute lil "A" charm strung onto your everyday necklace. In your hands is a mini cooler holding snacks for the team, and when you announce your presence, everyone, and I mean Everyone, sees Abby light up. Like a fucking firefly (pun not intended).
Immediately she's off the court, running towards you, letting you set the cooler down before scooping you up in a hug, pressing a kiss to your lips before pulling away and going "Hi honey" in the sweetest, if exhausted, tone.
Nora and Manny are just watching from the sidelines, munching on the snacks you brought, looking at Abby and how fucking happy she looks. They genuinely don't think they've ever seen her look this happy with anyone before, but they're glad. Because they watch you shove her water bottle into her hands, insisting she take a drink while you grab her a special snack, pulling her over to the bench and making sure she eats before you two head home. And they see how gentle, but firm, you are with her. How you brush her hair away from her face, how you redo a braid that's started to come loose, taking care not to pull at her hair. And they see how Abby places a kiss at your knuckles, holding your hand so softly, being so sweet with you.
Yeah, they really fucking glad you two found each other.
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gaillol-13 · 4 months
While GATG may not have as much appeal as the original show, it was able to execute one thing that the og couldn't. And that was Gadget's sidekicks.
We all know how bad Corporal capeman was, he's an asshole, he's annoying, and he overall jus freaking sucks look at him.
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Ew. Another issue (aside from his character) is that he's out of place. Cause his whole thing is that he's a "superheroes sidekick" or something, and yes while Gadget is technically a superhero, it doesn't feel right seeing him work with this guy. It ruins the 'scifi-ish cyborg detective' theme.
Fidget and Digit on the other gadget-hand fit well with the theme. Being lil robot mini versions of the Inspector makes them blend with the show's atmosphere perfectly, both shows in fact. Cause if you put the Gadgetinis in the Original show they would still fit.
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We know Gadget prefers to work on his assignments alone (even tho that's hardly the case in reality), but if he had to have companions on almost all of his missions I'd think he'd choose the Gadgetinis. Cuz
They're equipped for the job like he is (I'm sure he still has way more gadgets than they do but they're probably equipped enough)
They're durable robots, so he doesn't have to worry about their safety as much as he would with Penny and Brain (since an organic life and mental health is more fragile than the gadgetinis. Specially if your a child like Penny who shouldn't have to deal with the burden of M.A.D in the first place).
Knowing Gadget. Having little robots who not only look like him but, are programmed to bring justice to M.A.D alongside him, and help him even without him knowing, is probably very awesome for Gadget. He sees himself as a teacher/father figure to them and I wouldn't be surprised if he takes alot of pride in having sidekicks created by his dear niece (I just know he's super proud of her).
The only reason Capeman became Gadget's sidekick is cause he buttered him up.
And most importantly, the Gadgetinis are actually enjoyable and fun to watch. They are comic reliefs who are sassy and silly. They have a funny dynamic.
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While it's still a bummer that they took Brain's role, they make up for it by being way better sidekicks (and better characters in general) than Corporal capeman ever will be.
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jackals-ships · 24 days
JACKAL I must apologize I was like I WILL GO CHECK F/O LIST because I am not 100% sure which bot you ship with (<- did not care about robots until suddenly I cared A LOT) though I thiiink it's Megatron bUT sorry if I'm wrong fkdjashkj BUT BEARING IN MIND I HAVEN'T FINISHED S1...I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR SHIP(S) 👀 and perhaps read fic at some point if you are able to find it @goldenworldsabound
(<- did not care about robots until suddenly I cared A LOT) IS AN ENTIRE MOOD THO HFKF tfp is like some sleeper cell activation code i SWEAR,,, + ur all good !! i gotta fiddle w my f/o list a lil and then repost it bc i kept meaning to make minor changes an then forgor,
BUT ANYWAYS YES !!! he's also, hilariously, one of the f/os i have a physical lil guy of despite being not on my radar as long as like garrus hf
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also a read more bc i woke up Rambly today <3
he gets to sit with the ponies :} bc he canonically likes mlp at least according to the lil ask Megatron bit + there was a whole comics crossover (2 I think actually?)
breakdown + knockout are also My Besties they started out as like kinda baby crushes <- local aro can't tell the difference between Feelings even in fiction more at 11 [lighthearted] before megs came for my braincell with the fuckin. steel chair HFJ so seeing you go 👀🥰 at knocks i was like FUCK YEAH LETS GOO !!! im dropping into his work station from the ships vents like oooo someone's got a cruuuuush ooooo you wanna be all (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)don't u knocks- (jackal is once again banned from the nemesis)
okay okay but; i rlly only have one fic Finished and luckily had the foresight to post it to AO3. it's a lil older so not totally in character + canon but still silly and cute hjfkd
when i get into something with a lot of continuities i tend to kinda? squish em together? or take bits and pieces going >:3 my city now, so the jackal x megatron ship is Primarily TFP but ive also absconded with fun movie details (like megs being i think it was 30? 40 ft tall? Fuck Huge,,,,) and also bits of comics lore/designs (holomatter is an interesting concept and im chewing on Meg's as we speak. gnawing on his arm even-)
but regardless this ship is totally my Slice Of Life Comedy Hour Chill LoFi Beats type of ship HKF like im a sucker for darker stuff higher stakes but i think this one has 0 stakes
like. like jackal and megatron literally met because jackal enjoys long walks on the beach exploring places Away from the city and Generally Away From Ppl to just sorta vibe. and ofc the normal thing to do when coming across a Definitely Alien And If Not Alien Then Like Secret Government Ship is to walk away. NOT wander ur happy lil ass inside like :0 yooooo what do These buttons do
and then when you get kicked out instead of getting squished like the bug you shouldn't come back via the air vents. again. and again and again and AGAIN and AG- until the local alien warlord gives in and is like "yeah okay this is my life now ig???" (soundwave was totally helping them btw. he likes drama 😌 and also has his own human hi adri so he can't say shit-) (also I've never decided on the Actual number of times they break it, in my brain it keeps slowly going up jus bc I find the concept SO funny. pov you're an alien warlord worried you got alien rodents and oh no NVM it's the human again. FUCK-)
it's absolutely the slowest burn too bc Meg's Refuses to admit that he has a crush on the weird squishy thing that keeps breaking in (until he's decided they're dating. and doesn't bother mentioning this) while jackals just 🥰 hehehoho big robot friend who calls me scraplet and sweetspark and sometimes puppy 🥰🥰🥰 also threatened to kill any mech who was mean to me 🤔🤔 weird. aaanyways
THERE'S ALSO a running joke in my head of that "what do you have?" "A KNIFE" "NO-" but it's jackal running off with energon bc you can't SHOW ME a cool liquid and have me NOT want to drink it !! Just a sippy. jus a lil- we'll have the hospital on speed dial pleeeeaaaase-😭
anyways tldr jackal megatron is "I'm not trapped with him he's trapped with me yaaaay :D" and "robot google; weird fuzzy feeling in spark?? how to remove weird fuzzy feeling?? robot google human exterminator near me-"
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splxtduxlies · 2 years
some very domestic agent headcanons bc my brain is rotting slowly hahaahahhaah
agent 4 knows how to roller skate! she probably also knows how to skateboard (because like. its splatoon what kid doesnt) but she prefers roller skating because u can do sick poses and spins and stuff
3 blushes the Most like. theyre not very easily flustered but when they are their whole face gets bright with their ink color, shoulders, ear tips everything they hate it sm :*)
while 4 and 8 had an apartment together they did a lot of bonding :) 4 has siblings but 8 is. kinda strange in a cool way so its fun to show them new things!
8 has never had siblings and is enjoying learning abt squid culture from 4,,, even if they're doing it wrong sometimes 8 swears
they try to cook dinner once a week instead of eating out to save money, but 3/4 weeks a month they almost burn down their building and jus end up eating out anyway so
4 has the ADHD™️ habit of walking into rooms and completely forgetting why shes there, so the two of them have developed a plan to help 4 stay tf focused on a task
the plan is: 4 talks to herself about every little thing shes doing or needs to do and 8 listens and reminds her when she inevitably forgets
agent 4: so then i was like "look buddy-" wait where's my tea
8: you put it in microwave to reheat
4 walking over to the kitchen and pressing start on the microwave: oh ya so anywag i told the guy "if my sick flips offend you so much maybe-" wait what was i doing in here
8: you're taking off your sneakers
4: oh right so like i was saying
when 8 sneezes its like a lil kitten, when 4 sneezes she does it really loud and then trails into the chorus of some song, when 3 sneezes she holds them in but she gets sneezing fits and it gives her a headache rip
3 has decent hygiene (marie would argue against this) but shes jus. a sweaty teen ok :/ plus shes always wearing her hero outfit like. literally all the time
theyre her "safe clothes" ok >:(
8 isnt very competitive about playing turf - she wants her team to win but its not the end of the world if they dont as long as everyone had fun :) - video games however, completely different story
something about being in an independent 1v1 with someone that jus flips a switch in 8s mind that she must win she must beat them
4 hides her games because of the time she brought her family over their place and 8 made her brother cry over mario kart
callie and marie are cousins we know this but. they still see 3 like their little sibling together somehow abd tease them like one
3 has a lil zapfish plushie that she sleeps with in her apartment. like full on cuddles at night
everyone asks them why they dont have roommates itd make rent cheaper but she refuses to let anyone find this out
...4 and 8 ofc have already found this out and have a picture of 3 drooling on it but they value their lives so not another soul knows abt it
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fallenwhumpee · 9 months
Hello :D! Tis I, :D anon, with yet another snippet after hearing your cries for leader whump ✨️ (totally get it lol I also think we need more leader whumpees)
I feel like I should mention there's sort of minor whump (ish? It mentions dead kids) and implied (?) suicidal ideation.
Anyway enjoy!!
Leader walked down the empty beach, the taste of salt hanging in the air, and the waves crashing on the shore.
They did it. They were safe.
Child would've loved this place, Leader thought. They'd drag Youngest into the water, splashing them as they tried to run away from the cold water. Teammate A would watch from afar, laughing, as Medic scrambled after the two kids, ensuring they didn't drown. In their minds eye, they could see Teammate B lounging in the sand, before regretting it as they grains showered out of their long hair.
Right Hand...
"There isn't anything wrong with crying, Leader," Right Hand said softly. "You shouldn't be ashamed of missing them."
Leader's breath hitched. "Still. I should've done more for them. I should've saved them! Medic and Teammate A never got to see their own kid grow up! Not that there was much to see in the end, since Youngest--"
Right Hand watched sadly as Leader struggled to breathe between sobs.
"And Child-- our own kid, Right Hand! I couldn't protect our own kid!"
"You tried your best, Leader."
"Well, it wasn't enough!" Leader snapped. "Teammate B didn't have to die! If I was just a little faster--"
"It was their time to go," Right Hand said gently, but Leader shook their head.
“I could’ve saved almost any of them. But I couldn’t. I didn’t. I should’ve done more for them. I should’ve done more for you,” they said. “Even if I was able to find this place, the only people I brought with me were Teammate C, Magician, and Healer. Why couldn’t I have brought more? Why couldn’t they have lived? They all looked to me to be their leader, so why couldn’t I protect them?!"
Right Hand hesitated. "It wasn't your fault, Leader," they said quietly.
"Then who's fault is it?!" Leader screamed. Their breath came in gasps, tears streaming freely.
Leader looked up, eyes widening as they realized what they had done.
"I-- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... to..."
"I know." And Leader could feel them squeezing their hand in that reassuring way they always did. "It's alright."
The taste of salt wasn't only because of the ocean spray, Leader knew.
"...I'll come find you, Right Hand," they said softly.
"Don't you dare!" Right Hand snapped. "It's not your time. You still have things to do, Leader."
"What things? Those three are more than capable of taking care of themselves." Leader's voice shook as they spoke. "I've done my job. They're safe."
Leader's breath came in small gasps as they kept walking down the beach, alone. Their mind projected images they both desperately wished to disappear and desperately clung to. Child laughing as Youngest screeched at a too high wave. Medic anxiously keeping them from going in too deep, before being tackled into the water by Teammate A. Teammate B laughing as Medic spluttered, and Right Hand elbowing them none too gently, ignoring Leader's protests to keep still as they braided their hair. Just like they always did.
Leader held back another sob. They'd cried enough today. Still, their words caught in their throat.
"I don't even have you here with me anymore."
Fun fact!! This is a refurbished lil snippet I wrote a while back that I just stripped the names of lol. Also, the Leader and Youngest here are the same ones that inspired the first snippet I sent you :D (Right Hand is Medic if you're curious)
:D anon
OH NO. Anon I'm crying and it's 2 am. This is gorgeous. This is so... oh my. I didn't expect this. It's also so fitting because im at a beachside. Just. Wow. It hurts. Well done.
"Their mind projected images they both desperately wished to disappear and desperately clung to." Someone give this guy a hug. Please. This is so sad, and I can feel it.
The last line. Just *scream*. I didn't need my heart.
And I would really like to read your story! Two snippets in, and I'm hooked.
This will haunt me for a while. It feels absolutely vivid.
Thank you for thiss<3
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thekingofworems · 11 months
Ik it's late and I've been dead for a while BUT IT'S FINEEEEE I'm back babeyyyyy
I moved and schools down here start like wayyyy earlier than in my home state. Also since I'm gonna be here for a fuckin year and I'm in the south AND I'm a silly guy with ADHD and ASD who tends to mirror others speech patterns SPECIFICALLY
there is a high probability
I will have become a yeehaw man come summer of 2024 and I'm not ready to embrace that
Also appreciation time cuz I'm a rambler:
@askadrianalucardtepes you are SO FUCKIN COOL HELLO?????? I love ur silly lil blog and y'all. YALL. When I say that they're one of the coolest people I've met on Tumblr I mean it, Adrian has to be one of the best and fun and wonderfully kind people I now know 🤩
Also getting srs for a sec, I've been going through some heavy stuff lately and seeing as Adrian was kind enough to let me vent about it whilst not even knowing me that well, especially whilst being someone I admire made me feel so much better, it let me know someone cared when I was uncertain if anyone did
if you're at all into Castlevania/occasional Castlevania cosplay (his cosplay insta is @AncestorCosplays) you'd love him, I know I definitely do!/p
Sorry for the random late night post I kinda jus felt like it ig
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peachesdearest · 3 months
Animal Courtships I Want To Enjoy
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·. Sharks.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
When sharks mate the male typically bites the back and dorsal fins of the female. There’s lots of thrashing and rolling about together. Very rough n tumble ( ^ω^ ) bitechompchompchomp
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eheheh biting
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·. Eagles .·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
Eagles will often soar above the clouds to lock talons with a potential lover and then spiraling down to the ground as the air rushes them. Breaking apart just before the ground approaches they’ll do it again sometimes even for hours.
(this can also be a rival behavior)
but the adrenaline rush of locking onto a loved one possibly to your death over and over and over again
it would be so thrilling (๑>◡<๑)
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omg i actually found a gif of it??
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·. Crows.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
ooo second bird on this list, crows are known to gift and recieve gifts and i'm like omg?? shiny? shiny lil trinket??? lil trinket jus for me??
it would b so cute n sweet n eeeee
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.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.Penguins.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
should be the last bird.....
Penguins give each other rocks through a thing called "pebbling" which is where they give nice lil rocks for the nests n stuff.
n i'm like yes please omg rock n i'll put nice rocks on my dresser n stuff n omg you saw a rock n thought of me eheheheheh
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.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.Masked Weavers.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
the lil guys make homes so that they're girlfriends like them...
like he makes a home for the two of them and that's fucking adorable liiike
makees a whole HOME that's so CUTE
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.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.Mantises.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
*bites your head off during sex n eats you*
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.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.Rhinos.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
rhinos will butt horns around for a few hours before gettin together n like
yuh let's roughhouse a bit seems fun
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.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.Australian Redback Spider.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
the male offers himself as a meal n they get it on while the lady eats him and like
eheh i'm gonna eat you while we do it<3
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echos-castle · 5 months
haii mama :33 how're ya doin?? i jus got back from visiting family, it wuz real real fun!! except for on the way back home today, bio parents were gettin all grumpy n big me was VEWY tired of it.... it's all okay now though!! i've been watchin the cutscene comps of my source n there's this one guy i think's REALLY cool, he already has nicknames 4 me n the big guy (my bsf!! i mayyyy have also been a teensy bit head over paws 4 him hehe) and !! i haven't seen all of our interactions yet but but but but ! he actually treats me like a person (thats rare in source.... rahhh the downsides of bein a fuzzy lil guy >:[) and he's so cool :000 (/p) i also got a really vivid uhhhhhh first person mem which is rlly cool but also not cuz neither me or th big guy are havin a good time 'specially him.... i hope the next one's a pre-canon one those r rlly nice hehe :33 oh oh oh annnnddd i finally got some clacky slugs i've been wantin' one 4 sooooo long!! an sum kirby stuff 2 ! (shirt n sleep pants) ANNNNND beads 4 kandi an perler thingies ! gotta wait on the perlers tho cuz we're gonna get a special iron just for them!! right now i'm wearin the kirby pants n listenin 2 good mornin sunshine by aqua hehe (it reminds me of pre-canon)
hi bubba!! im so glad you had a good time with your family! oh i love those clacky slug things, they're so fun!! it sounds like you're having such a fun time, im so glad <3
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a-hazbin-spider · 9 months
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@shadowofthehost (Astor wanted to do it for platonic reasons and also cause they're fun) "If I was direct, I wouldn't have any fun."
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“Heh! You really are my kinda guy, Glowstick. I guess I can accept that you speak in fuckin riddles sometimes. But, yer special, it ain’t gonna work wit’ jus’ any bonehead. Though, I guess I just don’t wanna th’ person expect that I read their mind, or be weird n’ passive wit’ me. I’m not smart enough f’ that!”
Platonic reasons or not, Angel can’t deny him that he sure is a type that he can’t help but love n’ care for! Astor is a darling lil punk and a bestie! It’s decided that he’d kill for him!
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
A tired sigh left Casey as he looked to the bundle in his arms, having finally gotten the four month old to sleep. They were a screamer, and did not go down with a fight; it's why Casey had offered to help out his neighbour in the first place, to give them a night to actually sleep. They were not kidding when they said their kid was fussy, but it wasn't anything 'Uncle Casey' couldn't handle. At least the kid was asleep, at last, and Casey couldn’t help but adorable. Despite the screaming, they were adorable. Grinning, he leans in close, idly beginning to baby talk the sleeping child, rambling and babbling absolute nonsense to them, even though they couldn’t hear it. It didn’t last long though, Casey soon finding himself joined by Raphael, 
Shoulders hunched the second he heard Raph's voice, Casey quickly holding up a finger as he spoke through a harsh whisper, 
 "Ssh, keep it down would'ya? I jus' got the kid t' sleep." 
He looks back to the child in question, thankfully, they're undisturbed. Looking back to Raph, Casey chuckles quietly, 
 "What? Nah, Button's 'ere aint my kid," Their name also wasn't Buttons, it merely being a nickname, "They're my neighbours from down the hall, I'm helpin' 'em out that's all," He shrugs it off, Casey just liked to help, "Kinda like how I help look after Angel, an' Ryan, an' the other kids on the block," He explains, "With Button's 'ere, I'm now Uncle Casey t' 'bout," He thinks for a second, "Twenty kids - yeah, that soun's 'bout right." 
 That was a lot, but Casey didn't mind. Proven by the way he looks at the child in question; there's a soft warmth to his gaze, not usually seen when out hunting Dragons. It's clear though he loved the kid, Hell, he loved all the kids he took care of like they were his own, 
"Hey Raph?" He soon speaks up, "Wanna hold 'em?" He offers, "It aint like they'll remeber bein' held by a giant Turtle if they en' up wakin' up, 'sides, maybe yer'll enjoy holdin' a lil' guy." 
 And then Casey, carefully, more carefully than anyone would think Casey is capable of being, held the child out to them, 
 "C'mon Raph, they aint gonna bite yer."
| Muse Interaction
Breaking around from the lair and sneaking out to get some god fun, well busting some skulls of the low lifes that used the night time to go about causing trouble. With a second thought given maybe certain gang members, sporting dragon tattoos were out and about as well. And well he was friends with a certain dragon hating puck head? Smile to Raph's beak and soon as he had the manhole cover placed back into place he was making headway to Casey's place. Sure they be up for another brawl with those purple dragons after all. Raphael got to Casey's place pretty easy he knew some short cuts here and there so it cut that travel pretty quick, not to mention the amount of times they 'offered' to walk Casey back home to avoid the guy staying over at their own. Eh Raph could get it Casey was like a bull in a China shop.
Making his way up the fire escapes once he got to the building they lived in didn't take long to reached Casey's place. And took even less time for Raph to figure his way in, not that it was hard. You think a guy going around taking the law into his own hands would be a bit better about keeping his own place secure ignoring the fact Raph and his brothers were trained in breaking in so easily to places. He can hear Casey let out a clear tried sigh once he gets the window opened up. Hmm seems Casey might be worn down? he still climbs on in and pauses when. Was Casey baby talking just now? Well now Raphael's interest and curiosity had piqued as he walked on in finding Casey fair quickly in their little place. Cradling something in their arms smirking a bit as he could see this giant of a man cradle a bundle in between his arms, clearly babbling to it. maybe cause the first time he met Casey they knock a baseball bat to him, but watching them being just so well soft? uh it was different.
"Uh so whatdya know big bad Casey Jones, is also fluent 'n motherese. Eh maybe better at it than English." Of course that was how Raph decided to make his presence known. Casey greeting Raph by hunching down suddenly as if the little bundled he was holding might set off somehow.
 "Ssh, keep it down would'ya? I jus' got the kid t' sleep." 
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"Kid?" Raph asked but he did lower his voice, sure of course it made sense Casey wasn't just in his place baby talking to himself or worse his baseball bat. but the kid was still a bit of surprise Raph looking down at the bundle in Casey's arms, they seemed out still. Cute. Raph thought soon shifting his attention back to Casey as he crossed his arms over his plastron. "Uh I didn' know ya had a kid Casey." To be fair they didn't know one another all that much still but he kind of figured a dad would make mention of having a kid at some point right? Only for Casey to lightly chuckle a bit over Raph's remark. Leaving the turtle to slightly rise his brow at that confused on what he said would been seen as funny.
"What? Nah, Button's 'ere aint my kid,"
"buttons?" Raph asked there was no way that was the kids name right? but also it wasn't Casey then after all? "oh? whose is it?" Raph asks leaning over abit to get abetter look at the kid, yeah they didn't share any of Casey's traits he guesses. Then again neither did Raph and his brothers to Splinter so his thought can't be all that blamed.
"They're my neighbours from down the hall, I'm helpin' 'em out that's all,"
Course Casey was guy seemed pretty happy to offer a hand where ever he could.
"Kinda like how I help look after Angel, an' Ryan, an' the other kids on the block,"
Raphael offered a nod of his head to show he was listening but his attention was a bit more on the sight of this kid so comfortably sleeping in Casey's arms instead. Buttons seemed pretty content where they were comfortably nestled into Casey's hold. The kid despite all the talking was clearly sleeping peaceful, soft gentle resting breaths only given. Yeah seems like Casey has quite a lot of experience with kids adding truth to their statement.
"With Button's 'ere, I'm now Uncle Casey t' 'bout,"
Raph's eyes flicker up as Casey takes a moment to count, ready to tease them over being able to count up to whatever number they were going to say.
"Twenty kids - yeah, that soun's 'bout right." 
About to make his joke now but Raph's kind of thrown off from it when he sees the look in Casey deep blue eyes, as they look back down to buttons themself. Raph's never seen that look on them before, he seen that stare Splinter looked at each of his brothers and himself with that gaze. Casey loved this kid as if this kid was his own. Casey had it for a moment when mentioning Angel and Ryan and again at the number even. Raph let his joke die in his throat as he sort of just observed Casey for a moment. So used to that more fierce look to his eye, so could Raph be blamed for being maybe just a little interested in this more calming gaze they were holding. Letting the big guy have his moment, before he leaned in a bit more for a better look at the kid. Casey man be this clumsy human wrecking ball able to take a hit a give a better punch but he also had a clear gentle soul if this little tike was clearly so clam well sleeping in their arms like this. The sight alone was setting some weird warmth in his shell, slowly spreading out as he stole another glace at Casey once more. His heart felt like it was being squeezed suddenly. from how softly they were smiling at Buttons right now. The faintest twitch of his beak made his smile lopsided for a moment. A faint sigh escasped him as he just took it in and.
Raph back away some now as he straightened up how he was standing "eh I better take off, got ya hands tied after-"
"Hey Raph?"
Raph lets them cut him off just now "uh yeah?"
"Wanna hold 'em?"
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Raph took a step back as if Casey had asked him to hold a ticking bomb just now "what!" he exclaimed at least being smart enough to keep his tone low and soft when he did get the offer to hold them just now.
"It aint like they'll remeber bein' held by a giant Turtle if they en' up wakin' up, 'sides, maybe yer'll enjoy holdin' a lil' guy." 
Casey stated as if that was what Raphael was worried about just now, part of him was ready to bolt away but watching how gentle and carefully Casey was moving to hold them out towards Raphael had his stop in his tracks. He still hadn't taken them yet just Staring between Casey and Buttons in that moment.
"yeah but" Raph begins with ready to dismiss the offer altogether. Thing is he kind of did wanna hold them.
 "C'mon Raph, they aint gonna bite yer."
"I ain't scared of 'em bitin' me i'm scared of dropping them dimwit."
Raph pointed out no feeling like his had some point to prove as he huffed a haughty breath towards Casey. Looking back to Buttons he could only feel his nerves grow worse he didn't wanna drop them or suddenly make them cry if they woke up to find a giant green turtle holding them. But well he did wanna kind of hold the little thing, they seemed pretty deep in their sleep so it should be fine right? he could always hand it back to Casey after all. He lifted up his arms letting that self-conscious feeling fade for just a moment, as he slide his arms out under Casey's own so they can gently and slowly. Very Slowly hand the baby off to Raphael. He made this tiny body now in his arms his temporary nucleus. Cradling them in his arms, close so they wouldn't slip or rock about to much. Raph even his stance and the moment Casey's hand were pulled away he could feel the rest of the kid weight dip into his arms. A few thoughts ran through his head as he looked to the kid. Was he doing this right? was he too cold for them? but slowly all that worry went away as he found himself feeling clam.
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Raph just smiled to himself a moment. The kid was pretty cute though, little chubby rosy cheeks. The tiny small button like nose, itty bitty hands. They were just so small. Yeah of course they were small they were a baby. Babies are small but also, Buttons was just so tiny it was so unfair, what right dose this little thing have being this tiny? Raph felt like his hear was being tugged at as he cradled them carefully the worry of dropping them still very much there in his mind. This little thing was so bizarre but also amazing? Watching them continue to sleep as if unaware of their new setting place. Suddenly there was a weird twinge in Raph's shell as he stood and looked over the baby so content in his own arms. He sort of buried it for now that wasn't a thought to care about. "Their so small." was all he did voice to Casey finally, a slight warm chuckle following as he got lost looking at the little bundle.
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flickerikis · 1 year
RADIO FM 222: LOVE! — profiles 01 wolf gang Grr 🐺
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𖤐 — @ hsnglee : our little mister curious who just cannot mind his own business! 1/7 of enhypen and the main vocalist of the band ☆ takes philosophy and liberal arts classes alongside his music and performative arts ones for fun but then cries about how it's all too much and that college is a scam ( it is but no one agrees with his whining :p ) ... avid listener of the 222: love podcast and religiously agrees with everything even if it's all just blatantly wrong, almost cultish with how much he's into that podcast ( says it's his form of comfort?? once growled at hoon for interrupting his listening session 😟 talk about furries ) has no idea abt who y/n even was except that they do illegal stuff and got like 13 stds so when he finds out abt them being the podcast host he's quite... taken aback to say the least !
⏤͟͟͞͞ @ jayuncovered : oh my god he's so done with everything somebody save him 😞 2/7 of enhypen and vocalist / rapper of the band ( he also plays the guitar when he can! ) ✧ fashion major ( r we surprised? ) and takes music production / music technology classes ( sexy brain 😛 ) honestly just needs to be given a break from all the shit he has to deal with on the daily, someone take the large cup of black coffee from his hands god ... gave 0 ( zero! ) fucks about the podcast until the host played a song he'd recommended in the comments passing by, swears he fell in love after 😍
✿ ⊹ @ laylalover1234 : weirdo warning ⚠️ resident ‘where's my hug’ typa guy he's a goddamn loser i'm sorry jake 💔 3/7 of enhypen and vocalist of the band ( also the guitarist!!! but his voice so pretty it’s enough to make every1 love him ) ⊱ he tutors people sometimes for extra cash as a music major with calculus light physics minor ( told u he's a fuckin’ weirdo ) ... listens to the podcast from time to time and ALWAYS manages to convince the hosts to play a justin beiber song like how white can u be.
⛸ ꠴ @ hoondotcom : honestly... no one knows what's wrong with him but they're certain as hell he's a mental asylum escapee ( nurse! ) 4/7 of enhypen and he's the pretty guy with a pretty voice — also music major who hosts ice skating classes at this small rink near the uni ( gets a lot of cash tbh go hoon ) ... does not even know wtf a 222: love is and firmly believes it's a government propaganda bc why the fuck is heeseung turning into a furry the more he listens ?
ఇ 𓈀 ˇ @ sunrio : biggest fucking instigator but no one gets mad at him bc ... well look at him! ( sunoo my 4ever pretty boy ) 5/7 of enhypen and is the one who does the modelling and stuff for posters or what not for the band ( also considers himself the recordian? recorder? idk but no one takes it seriously bc who tf plays a recorder in a pop rock band??? ) ≡ in music history class and the photography club it's so cute :( ... has been a guest at the podcast numerous times bc he loves the atmosphere there and they always give him so many compliments, everyone jus simps for sunoo sm <3<3
⧉ ৶ ゙@ wonsecretlife : bestest boy EVER!!! everyone adores the lil' junior grade representative :( 6/7 of enhypen and is the leader !! ( really cute voice too, everyone supports this boy sm <3<3<3 ) ໑ music technology and history major and also part of the photography club along sunoo :] ... literally is co-host of the podcast and is always so cute w it I JUST LOVE HIM SMMSMMSM !!!!!!!!! only one along niki and their friend group who knows y/n hosts the podcast and he's always so supportive my lil baby
⩇⩇ ៹ @ rikicide : oh lord. well first of all he's literally in his first year of uni and the boy's already a whole damn menace! sumn needs to knock him out for eternity PLEASE 🙏🏽 7/7 of enhypen and the youngest ( no one treats him like it though ) ꒷꒦ cute baby in composition and music technology who also does a lil bit of performative and fine arts bc he's just that good yk ?? ... also sometimes features on the podcast and always makes it chaotic but those eps are literally everyone's favourites bc he's so amusing to listen to literally what goes in his head? ( also aware of y/n hosting and literally knows them since he was in diapers [not really that long ago LMFAO] )
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synopsis after accidentally finding out that the college's famous radio podcast 222: love was hosted by you – the college's infamous rebel, heeseung makes it his mission to uncover the secrets you hide but it isn't quite easy when he realizes he's starting to become a little too fond of the new sides he's discovering.
rambles PLEASE IGNORE THE TYPO IK YALL KNOW WHICH ONE I WILL LITERALLY PRAY FOR YALLS FIRST BORN TO ACHEIVE WORLD PEACE 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 i didnt notice it at first and now im too lazy to redo it so js pretend it says said ok ? ok! anyway ya here i hate making profiles sm im so sorry for the cringe wave on hoons its supposed to be a part of his character 😢 i cant wait to share my lil baby smau w u all fr if u reblog ill kiss u (unless u dont want me to then im sor i js need the interactions bless u all)
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