#these are just the Trans Specific ones
bittybeanie · 1 year
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some very horny thoughts/hcs about trans reigen, featuring some edging and overstimulation, him sitting on your face, and uhhhhh a vibrator and a strap on i think that's it (also he's still aspec bc.... I Just Felt Like It)
first of all gotta throw in some aspec reigen rep here as always bc i got to thinking about him first starting t and having to deal with the uptick in his sex drive and just sitting there like "am i actually experiencing more desire or is it just the chemicals making me horny? guess i'll go jerk off about it either way"
he starts off really sketchy about it because he doesn't really know how to bring it up or deal with it but soon enough it becomes "ugh i have to go jerk off again, you coming with?" to which your answer is basically always yes.
has to use a lot of lube and oh god the noises. if he doesn't want to listen to it dripping out around his fingers as he fucks himself his only other option is to stop muffling his moans and whines so that he's louder than it, and he's honestly not sure which option is more embarrassing. he already looks very thoroughly fucked out and debauched but the extra red tint at the tips of his ears and the hand in front of his face are just the cherry on top of the absolutely perfect sundae that is watching him work himself open.
praise kink doubling as gender euphoria?? hello? he already loves it when you call him a good boy because he loves feeling appreciated and it settles his nerves when he knows he's doing a good job. but also hearing you repeatedly acknowledge that you don't see him as any less of a man soothes what's left of his uncertainty and lets him relax more and more into it with every time you say it
it would take a little bit of reassurance to get him to sit on your face but when he finally does?? he is so GRABBY. and he can't decide which way he'd rather face because if he faces forward he can put his hands in your hair and grind down against you and you seem to really like that and it feels really good. but if he faces backward he gets to look at your body and anchor his hands on your hips and watch how you press your thighs together every time he grinds down a little harsher than usual and he loves giving you surprise touches because it means your hips jerk up and you moan against him and that also feels really good.
can't really handle vibrators except for really short bursts because his clit is so sensitive, and in practice that usually leads to you edging him over and over. you'll turn it on until he gets loud and squirmy and super close to coming, and he starts begging for you to turn it off because it's so good it's too much, grabbing for your wrist with hands that aren't quite cooperating with the rest of his body. so you turn it off, leaving it pressed against him until his breathing evens out, making sure there's enough lube for him to still be comfortable and moving your fingers to fuck it into him so slowly that he'll start pleading that it's not enough. you'll press the vibrator against him a little harder, teasing him that he should really make up his mind, and he promises he'll be good, he can take it this time, but it just starts the cycle all over.
when he gives you the warning he can only take one more round you'll pull it away to cycle around to a lower setting, keeping it as still as you can so he can press against it or pull away at whatever pace he needs without interruption. your fingers inside him will go still too, curling up to give him constant pressure but also acting as a sort of anchor that keeps him from pulling away too far so he doesn't accidentally edge himself again.
really likes fucking you with a strap-on, especially if it's a little more realistic looking. he doesn't mind the fun colors if he's using it on you other times, but if it's in the strap he really likes the visual and idea that it's like he's the one fucking you (without having to deal with any of the overwhelming sensations that would usually come with it).
if he wants to drag it out he'll have you ride him so he can watch your face the whole time, carefully gauging when to speed up and slow down just enough to tease. if you start to speed up too much on your own he'll latch on to your hips and dig his nails in, guiding your hips to keep a slower pace until he surprises you by snapping his hips up. lives for the way you collapse forward against him and choke out his name every time he does it.
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fungi-maestro · 2 months
Happy tdov to fat trans people. 🏳️‍⚧️ Biggest thing that helped me as a trans kid was seeing older fat trans people. There were a lot of really irritating "advice" posts going around early in my time on the internet with a lot of misinformation in them, but one that I constantly saw (in addition to people claiming you should wear your pants rediculously low or only wear button ups) were posts saying you had to lose weight to transition. Can confidently confirm that is completely untrue. 👍
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stealth-black-leg · 4 months
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Twelve times the trans community saved Luffy (and the one time it didn't)
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tweltchy · 2 months
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transmascissues · 1 year
i love you testosterone i love you voice cracks i love you bass notes i love you loud laugh i love you fuzzy mustache i love you whispy patchy beard i love you bushy eyebrows i love you hairy stomach i love you knuckle and hand hair i love you boy smell i love you bottom growth i love you new orgasms i love you big nose i love you square jaw i love you squishy stomach i love you thighs that touch i love you stretch marks i love you acne i love you acne scars i love you body heat i love you appetite i love you mood stability i love you balanced hormone cycle i love you puberty awkwardness i love you uncertainty i love you adjustment i love you transformation i love you change i love you maturation i love you growth i love you freedom i love you euphoria i love you comfort i love you familiarity i love you recognition i love you second chances i love you masculinization i love you embodied manhood i love you testosterone
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growinguparo · 5 months
edit: hang on i'm remaking this post to add a correction
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calware · 2 months
characters i could see being transfem:
characters i could see being transmasc:
edit: also to clarify this list isn't "these are the only good headcanons" for example if you headcanon nepeta as transmasc i am high fiving you right now. these are just what stand out to me personally
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maxellminidisc · 1 year
Once again, please stop reblogging from lesbian-archives. They have tags for rad feminism, "gynocentricism", "womb envy", antiprostitution, and separatists tags along with other similar terminology in terf and swerf communities on their blog. It's literally within the most used tags when you go to search. Plus they used to reblog from terfs often enough and use said tags until they decided to be a lil more cryptic I guess....
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Man, I genuinely owe my life to FtM Girlies. Without them I wouldn’t have figured out my gender shit anywhere near as well and would probably still be going “Yeah I’m a trans gal. That’s… close enough. I’m happier as that than a Cis guy so I must be, right?”
Without them I wouldn’t have really taken the time to sit down and realize just how fucking weird gender can be, and the kind of things you can do with it.
I will forever remember the moment someone I was chatting to was discussing their pronouns, and pulled out a damn FLOWCHART. It could more or less be summed up as “Cis people: I am a trans dude, I use He/Him pronouns. Binary trans people: I am nonbinary. I use They/Them pronouns. Everyone else: Use whatever weird shit you think applies best to me.” and looking at it forced my third eye open and allowed me to realize just how vast the potential of gender was as a means of self-expression and identity, and how much of our identity rests in our relationships with others.
That was the moment that made me take a step back and go “Well now hold on a second. DO I want to be a girl? AM I a girl at all?” Sitting down and questioning “If I was AFAB, would I be cis?” And realizing that the idea of being a cis girl was just as revolting to me as being a “cis” guy for so much of my life was. Had I been AFAB I absolutely would still end up as trans! Which got me thinking about what my transition goals actually WERE.
Even now years later I stilled haven’t explored the full extent of my gender, and the potential that still lies within it. It’s become so tangled up in my relationship to DID as well as my views of animism. It’s something deeply personal, and I’m not sure if I’d ever even be capable of sharing the full extent of it, though am happy to try for the curious.
The more I talk with friends, the more I realize I’m not alone in this. Bespoke genders are AWESOME and incredibly common actually! Even my ‘cis’ friends that I’ve talked to, when we really explore it, and up saying stuff like “Yeah I’m like 90% cis. There’s certainly SOME complex stuff there but it’s small and not worth the hassle”, but even as they say that I can see that bit of joy of not HAVING to bottle up that tiny bit anymore. And it’s beautiful!
EVERYONE should be comfortable exploring the full extent of their gender. Everyone should take pride in that little tiny sliver of gender fuckery dwelling inside them!
Fucking… reply or tag this post with what your own personal brand of genderfuckery looks like! I wanna hear it! I wanna give everyone that outlet!
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watermelinoe · 3 months
i think it's kind of offensive to try to make holocaust denial about trans people but idk
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tomatoart · 2 years
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one shot click click click reload reload reload
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aimbutmiss · 2 months
I have a headcanon that Sanji and Usopp have the same shoe size.
But why does it matter??
Because, in my head, there's a very specific scenario where trans fem Sanji yells to Usopp after a very troublesome fight, practically begging for them to switch shoes. She can kick very well in heels but it hurts like a bitch afterwards.
So Usopp just, walks around in heels for a while and he is ridiculously good at it despite having no practice whatsoever. (because when is Usopp ever bad at something??) And Sanji's kind of into it. (she's very into it but if she thinks about it too much she gets confused lol)
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ffc1cb · 1 year
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i’ve always found it peculiar how during meeting the chargers cutscene the game just assumes your character automatically understands what krem is talking about when he mentions binding (though, granted, it’s all very unsubtle). like, this is a roleplaying game. what if i want to play a character who just doesn’t get it
#dragon age#cremisius aclassi#inquisitor trevelyan#at least give me an in game explanation of why the inquisitor would Know this right away#it's not like transgenderism is a widely explored topic in da lore. the most you can find about it in inquisition specifically excluding#krem and seras countless transmisogynistic lines is one codex that mentions that some previous divine mightve been a trans woman#and the way it's written sucks ass. the infamous sex in thedas codex also mentions nothing on the topic of transness. so like#whats up with that#art stuff#before anyone says anything i fully realize how i look critiquing a bioware game that came out in 2014 on its faulty queer representation#please trust me i know. im just thinking out loud#ALSO. in case it isnt obvious. parsley transed they gender. the joke is that theyre a nonbinary femme now#its hard for me to show it through art because it would involve misgendering them but they dont actually start going by they/them pronouns#until after halamshiral. so like technically if i made them refer to themselves as he/him at any point before that it would be canonical but#its not like my art is chronological by any means and cannot be taken out of context by virtue of it existing as an individual post online#if someone were to reblog an art of them saying hi im a dude theyd go cool! hashtag male inquisitor. or something#the tragic case of sacrificing narrative in order to not get second hand discomfort at seeing parsley misgendered#ANYWAY..........
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8.6. Trans pride
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ot3 · 10 months
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this flavor of trans guy misogyny where they do rhetorical backflips to explain why them not caring about women is good, actually, and since cis men are also misogynists a lot of the time we should all just stop complaining about it.
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being plural/being a system is really nice, i love us
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