#there's a secret where if everyone wins at face lift on a bowser space bowser would take 50 of your coins
blackhakumen ยท 5 years
Mini Fanfic #193: Bowser Doesn't Like Bowser? (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
Bowser, who is playing as Mario, landed on a Bowser Space.....
Samus: (Rolled her eyes) Here comes the man of the hour......
Bowser: (Scoffs) Oh come on. I wasn't that bad...
Ike: Yeah well turns out, you were even worse here....
Zelda: And this is literally the first game of the series!
Mewtwo: (Crossing his arms) Do we even need to reminder you of each moments that you were at your worse and how it effects our actual enjoyment?
Bowser: Alright! Alright! Look.....I know that everything I did in that game was...pretty unforgiving at times....
Everyone in the room gave Bowser a "Really?" Glare.
Bowser: (Groans a little) Okay, maybe all the times here. But I think we could all agree that none of this would've happened if a certain Italian plumber should've invited me to his parties in the first place.
Mario: (From a distance) Are you seriously pointing the finger at me on this again?!!!
Bowser: (Yells back) You damn right I am!! I wouldn't have to make things bad for you all if you'd invited me like everyone else!
Mario: Well maybe if you hadn't cause terror in the Mushroom Kingdom and kidnapped Peach 24/7, I would've invited you sooner!! But I guess that's not the case now, is it?!
Bowser: (Got up from the couch) You wanna take this outside, Plumber boy?!!!
Samus: ('Heavy Sigh') We're not doing this....Mario! Finish cooking that Spaghetti before I call Peach here on speed dial!
Mario: Y-Yes, ma'am...
Samus: (Turns to Bowser) You. Sit your ass back down and continue the game. We don't have all day here.
Bowser: (Sat back down and picked up his controller) Fine.....
Four Minutes Later, everyone (Bowser, Samus, Ike, and Zelda) was able to get 90 or more points on Bowser's Face Lift.
Samus: Huh. So we all won that one....
Ike: (Smiles a little) It's pretty neat, not gonna lie.
Zelda: (Smiles in relief) Well, I guess we're all safe from this one. (Turns to Mewtwo with her hand held up) Up high!
Mewtwo: (Nodded and gives Zelda a High-Five) Well done.
Bowser: (Smiles Proudly) As long as we all got a Ninety, then we'll be just fine-
N64 Bowser: (On the screen) Everyone wins? Well I don't like you so gimme your 50 coins punk! (Takes away almost all of Bowser's coins)
Bowser: (Eyes Widened and Mouth Dropped) ..............WHHHHATTTT?!!!!!!!!
Zelda: (Burst out Laughing)
Mewtwo: (Starts Chuckling)
Ike: (Chuckling) Well that was unexpected....
Samus: (Smirks at Bowser) Who would've thought that version of you stoop that low?
Bowser: (Immediately Paused the game) Alright! WHAT IN THE ACTUAL HELL WAS THAT?!!!
Mewtwo: (Smirking) It appears that this poorly made 3D Model of you took away fifty of your coins. Even when you and everyone else won that minigame.
Bowser: (Livid) But fucking WHY though?!!!!
Samus: (Shrugged While Smirking) Hey, we weren't kidding when we said that you were at your worse in this one. Guess that's one of the moments that hits it right out of the park.
Zelda: (Trying her best to calm down....but with no prevail) Oh my gosh.....that was so funnyehehehehehe!!
Bowser: (Groans while Facepalms) I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm starting to fucking hate this version of me in this game!!!
???: Now you know exactly how I felt in that moment.
Everyone turns to the figure speaking to them was none other than the Phantom Thieves' mascot, Morgana.
Bowser: The hell did you come from?
Zelda: And what did you mean by "You know exactly how you felt", Mona? Did this actually happened to you before?
Morgana: Unfortunately, yes. It was back at Shibuya....Me and the rest of the Phantom Thieves were all playing the game that night. I was having a great time when suddenly (Points at Bowser) that N64 version of a madman took almost every coins that I had from that same minigame we all won from!....('Sigh') I could never forget the time that it happened.....the way he was taunting while doing that stupid looking dance of his........(Remember Bowser's dance perfectly)
Bowser: ('Sigh') Look, I get where you're coming from in all of this, but could we at least agree that this version of me is the worse instead of giving me the cold shoulder?
Morgana: ..................Yeah. I could do that.
Haru: (From a distance) Mona-chan! We're ready to go out to the movies!
Morgana: Coming Mo- (Instantly Noticed how everyone was starting to stare at him while he was about say a certain word) I-I mean, I-I'm coming, Haru-chan!!....(Sighed in Relief)
Everyone was still staring at Morgana silently.
Morgana: What?
Samus: Mona, were you about to call that Beauty Thief girl your mom?
Morgana: (Quickly starts lying) Whaaat? A-A-As if!
Bowser: Really? Cause I could've sworn you almost causally called her your mom just now.
Morgana: D-Don't be ridiculous! Haru-san is one of my closest friends. I could never see her as my-
Haru: (From a distance) Mona sweetie, please get over here! Futaba and Ryuji-san are already starting to get impatient and I don't want either them to yell at you again!
Morgana: I'll be right there, mom!...... (Noticed how almost everyone, except for Zelda, who is gushing over how cute this was, starts Teasingly smirking at the poor, blushing mascot)
Mewtwo: (Smirks) Care to explain that, Morgana?
Morgana: ..............................(Walks away embarrassingly) Enjoy the rest of the party game.....
Zelda: D'awwww~ He's so cute when he tries too hard to be all serious and whatnot.
Ike: (Chuckles Lightly) I know. This is actually the first time I've seen Morgana like this.
Samus: (Smirks) And I'm sure it won't be the last either.
Bowser: (Laughs Evilly) That was so priceless that I totally forgot what I was even mad about!
Samus: You're talking about the fact that an ugly 3D Model of yourself robbed you out of fifty coins?
Bowser: (Slowly turns to Samus with a glare) I was trying to forget that, thanks....
Samus: (Smirks Teasingly) No problem, your majesty.
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blackhakumen ยท 5 years
Mini Fanfic #115: Bowser Doesn't Like Morgana (Persona 5 X Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
Everyone (Ren, Morgana, Futuba, and Ryuji) was able to win the Face Lift minigame once Morgana landed on the Bowser Space.
Ren: (Smiles Proudly) Nice.
Ryuji: (Smiles Triumphant) Alright!!
Futuba: (Smiles Brightly) Our coins are saved!!!!
Morgana: (Sighed in relief) Oh thank God...
Bowser: (Talking to Wario (Who is played by Morgana) Everyone wins? Well.... I don't like you so gimme your 50 coins, punk!
Morgana: (Drop his controller while having his Mouth Opened wide after what he saw) ......................
Futuba/Kasumi: (Eyes Widened) Oh my God....
Yusuke: Well that escalated quickly.
Ren: Damn..........
Ryuji: (Burst out laughing)
Ann: D-did that serious just happened?
Makoto: (Facepalms) I knew we should've picked Mario Party 3....
Haru: (Genuinely Surprised) Oh my gosh! Mona-chan, I am so sorry!......(Turn to an unresponsive Morgana) Mona?
Morgana: ................(Made a fake yet broken smile) Welp, it was fun while it lasted. Since the game doesn't like me, I think I'm going to get some shut eye for the night. (In a Yakko fashion) Goodnight, everybody!
Haru: (Stopped Morgana from walking away from the room by giving him a loving hug) Mona-chan, wait! Please don't go!
Kasumi: (Came by and pet Morgana) Yeah. It's gonna be okay.
Futuba: That poorly 3D model of Bowser might not like you, but we still love you, kitty!
Morgana: (Still feeling a little down) Thanks. I love you guys too....
Ren: C'mon, Mona. You shouldn't let this get the better of you.
Yusuke: I'm sure your coin loss isn't the end of world or anything.
Ann: Yeah, Mona. You'll be able to bounce back from this... somehow.
Makoto: Which is all the more reason why you should never give up. Especially in a Mario Party game.
Kasumi: That's right! And we promise not to laugh at you either....(turns to Ryuji with a glare) Right, Ryuji-san?
Ryuji: (Abruptly stopped laughing after receiving a few glares from his friends) (*Ahem*) Y-Yeah, they're right, Mona. I mean... so what if Bowser took all of your coins before saying he didn't like you? You can bounce back from this. (If you can that is) So personally, I don't think you should give up yet, got it?
Morgana: (Eyes Widened) You guys really think I'll recover from this?
Haru: Of course we do. But you'll never know how much you'll accomplish if you going to give up like this.
Morgana: (Took Deep Breath) ............. Alright, I'll stay.
Ryuji: Really?
Morgana: Yeah. You guys are my friends. It would be pretty pity if I leave you guys like this. (Determined) Also, I'm not going to let some hideous looking model of Bowser ruin my fun like this! I'm going win this thing!!
Futuba: (Cheers for her cat brother) That's our kitty!!!
Ren: I knew you had it in you to keep fighting.
Haru: (Smiles Softly) We're so proud of you, sweetie.
Morgana: (Smiles Softly) Thanks for believing in me, you guys. Now let's continue this torture fest known as Mario Party!!!
Everyone: Yeah!!!!
Bowser: (Sees Morgana) Sup, cat.
Morgana: (Gave Bowser a hard looking glare before walking away)
Bowser: (Confused) The hell is wrong with him?
Ren: Oh, Mona? Yeah....he doesn't like you.
Bowser: (Eyes Widened) He doesn't like me? Why's that?
Ren: Two words: Mario Party. (Walks away)
Bowser: .................. What?
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