#there’s too many martyrs
Thinking about Aaron bushnell tonight. His words are running on a loop in my head. I will not be complicit in genocide. Him screaming for Palestine and freedom until he burns to death. Please god let someone hear him. For all the martyrs. For every person still under occupation, deprived of the dignity of a peaceful life they choose. We’re screaming in the streets for change every other week. And will this government, who only speaks in blood and guns and war, listen finally to fire? 30,000 Palestinian souls later, and we are still asking what it will take for these empires to crumble. That is too many lives lost in silence. May every single one reverberate for generations to come. I will not be complicit.
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wyrmsgatebait · 10 months
You know how things can go so terribly south if you totally ignore a companion's questline...well I've been thinking about how none of the companions ask Tav about their own problems. I'm just thinking about what it might be like to reach the end of the adventure-everyone's questlines tied up in neat bows, the Absolute thwarted, city saved. Everyone's patting themselves on the backs and talking about settling down now that things are finally peaceful, all the while Tav is just standing there shattered. They let so many leads go. People they loved had died while they were tending to their party's problems. They helped others get well-deserved vengeance but no one has even asked why they need to leave camp to be alone each night. Tav just thought if they gave it their all to aiding others and kept patient then someone would offer a hand to them.
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kxmpfflieger · 7 months
I wish to be upfront about a few things
Hey gang, let's have a talk about the future of this account.
In truth, I no longer wish to associate myself with the history community, specifically the Great War subsection I've actively participated in for the last (three-ish?) years.
I'm going to be blunt and say that it is because of the people I've come across. This place is a minefield, and every second mine that blows up in your face starts a chain reaction worse than the last. Its terrible. Ive hated it. And my only mistake has been not openly stepping down a year ago like I originally wanted. There's been a LOT of unsavory characters that I have followed and supported unknowingly, and people that I've just encountered out in the wild that just made me sick to my stomach. Despite my better judgement, I've persisted, but I recognise the toll it has taken on my mental health is really not worth any of this.
To add insult to injury, actively being in the history community has made me scared of engaging with other communities in fear of being ousted for the stigma WW/Imperial Germany art can carry in general, and its become a problem the more I've grown tired and fallen out of love with this material.
I wish to branch out, I don't want to be associated with this community anymore because of the shit I've seen and how insensitive and out-of-touch a lot of the people seem to be about such serious subjects.
My relationship with Martyrs is definitely not what it used to be, same goes for the "source material". I wish I could tell you a few bad apples didnt spoil the basket, but they did. In truth, I've lost the love I held for it.
A mix of the rancid experiences I've had with the community this past year, combined with the fact publishing comics as a One Man Team is something I wouldn't wish upon anyone (burnout, impostor syndrome, having to deal with carpal tunnel for the rest of my life now partially because of it, off the top of my head).
I don't want to drop the comic nor the characters I've made, developed and invested myself in for the past two years of my life. I need time to heal my relationship with my art, Martyrs in its entirety, and just broaden my horizons with other fandoms instead of limiting myself to one thing. I will not abandon what I've worked so hard for, but I need time to pull myself back up.
I don't plan on stopping art of the characters entirely. But please be aware that if that was the only content you followed me for, you will have to deal with lots of other unrelated stuff from now on.
Getting myself lost in the absolute minefield this place is (the ww community) is not something I wish to do again. I dont want to be considered a member of it. I want to be an outsider occasionally dropping by. Only surface level stuff with art of my characters and comic, that's it.
I'm grateful for the connections and the wonderful close friends I've made. For all the lovely fan-works and words of love and endorsement I've received. But I need to take better care of myself, and there are very clear and specific steps I need to take to do so. I debated making this post in the first place and just phasing out ww art out slowly overtime, but doing so didnt feel right.
If you wish to unfollow me after this, please go ahead. You're not obligated to stay, nor am I obligated to keep you here. Thank you for sharing this journey with me for the past two years.
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fernsnouveau · 7 months
What if we suggested that if you can't defend the Miraculous S5 ending without sounding like Mother Gothel, don't do it at all?
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I don't want to hijack this post, so I won't put this in their notes, but its so wild to see just a totally different take on Elizabeth's role in the tribunal. I had always assumed that she was there because she chose to be there. Surely there's no reason for Krenel to target her specifically. Even if she'd been caught outside, I feel like she could have slipped off. But Elizabeth doesn't. She's in front right next to Titus, already trying to talk the Krenel mercenaries down when Harry and Kim show up. She doesn't even have a weapon but she doesn't back down through that whole stand-off.
I don't believe the Claires would have wanted her anywhere near the line of fire. Not necessarily out of the goodness of their hearts: they paid for her education as a lawyer, which seems like too much of an investment, both in money and maybe more importantly, time, to throw away. To me, it seemed like Everat considered the Hardie boys to be the disposable ones.
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sysig · 3 months
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Roleswap(?) (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#ZEX#The Captain#As easy as this would be for a Setup - y'know lol - this idea actually came from an angst perspective#I mean - initially it would be fun and fine! ZEX gets his wish of a human! Doesn't have those 20 years of waiting and pining#Building up the idea in his head until he becomes So desperate that anything short of perfection is- Well hmm ♪#I just keep getting stuck on the idea of that common trope of ''What made you like this?'' :/#Or worse yet ''Did someone do something to you to make you like this?''#An older human taking advantage of a brilliant young VUX! Are there no depths to which they won't sink!#Nevermind that no one would listen and he becomes a martyr yet again but this time not the scapegoat#''Oh poor traumatized ZEX he really never was the same after that'' ''It's so unfortunate but you can't blame him too much''#As if any of them actually knew him at all huah#Until he speaks just a little too loudly about how he Wanted this he Reciprocated and it becomes too much of a nuisance to sympathize#The angst I'm telling you#He's in a very unfair situation no matter what! Either way he's being looked down on#Anything to spin things to be humans' fault! Anything to sweep deviation under the rug!#I wonder if he'd even be able to fight humans if this was the flow of things - would he be emotionally detached enough?#Would he even be allowed to? Worry of instability or defection? Is it worse to be disinvolved in the War with a mind like his?#So many moving pieces that would shake out so differently from just one chance encounter at a different time!#He's so integral to so many things having happened the way they did hehe <3 He's very important!#I also like to imagine that even being younger he'd still err on the eloquent side hehe ♪ VUX upbringing! Fanciful ♫#His usual speech but just a little more hurried and nervous hehe <3 Complimenting his human's hair ♪
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gorillawithautism · 7 months
thinking about all the animals in palestine too
the cats and dogs that get killed
the people who loved those animals having to grieve them on top of all the other grief they're going through
the animals who had a family and suddenly don't anymore and the families who had animals and lost them to the occupation
there's a lot of dehumanization weaponized towards palestinians so of course it's super important not to place animal welfare above human life right now but i do think about them too
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di-girls-dem-sugar · 7 months
I try my best to see the good in humanity and beauty in everything, but the past 2 and a half weeks have made that really hard.
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killajust · 8 months
to give you a good enough idea of horror movies i love vs horror i don't it's like. i love the babadook and the ritual for their portrayal of grief, the child's play series for its goofiness, the peele trilogy for its fresh storylines, social commentary, and general stellar filmmaking, sorry to bother you for its surrealism (genuinely one of my favorite movies of all time), tucker and dale vs evil and little evil and cabin in the woods for being fun (and cute in 2 out of 3) more than they are horror and simply being a great time with friends, mama and the orphanage for being kind and about love, autopsy for the simple fact of the entire budget going to The Organ Tree, shit like that
but then like. annabelle was a stinker, insidious was whatever, hereditary fools you into thinking it's good just because you're in shock but when it wears off you realize it's dumb as fuck, the woman in black i genuinely can't stomach it's like the evil version of mama and i can't believe there was a sequel. the human centipede couldve been something cool if it werent about a poop fetish (tbh poop fetish IS scary huh fellas) and then it completely went off the rails. uuhh what other movies did i think were not very good...
wait wait holy shit i think my most controversial horror movie onion is that i actually enjoy the silent hill movies LKFKJGFKJSG and i'm a big fan of the games! i just think they're a good time and the first one is still visually genuinely stunning
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enslaughts · 1 year
@huntalie. . . liked for a starter.
life had stopped making sense to laura lee the moment their plane plummeted from the sky. glimpses, maybe, here and there, shapes in her periphery, but by the second plane raining fire and brimstone upon them, she'd only kept on falling. head over heels far after she'd already hit the water. o thou of little faith. wherefore didst thou doubt ? maybe it was the moment you let us fucking sink. and yet, there is no other word for it but faith, this hellfire reflection in her eye. it devours the cabin, their home, like a lion, leaving nothing but skin and bone to pick through, blacker than black. at least it's warm. it'll be warmer in hell, something certain in her whispers, a root taking hold. a certainty of the un - seen, made seen before their very eyes. faith. the only thing that's made sense to her since the moment their plane plummeted from the sky ; this is judgment. righteous, holy fire for the blasphemers.
but the innocent were always damned with the guilty. firstborns swallowed in the plague. travis didn't deserve to lose his only home now that his brother was dead. lottie didn't deserve it either, akilah, gen, melissa, natalie. they were already suffering, half frozen, half starved, half dead. what more could it want from them, what more could it take ? what more could they give ? a home. their only home, for their only meal. maybe it was a fair trade after all. but no. no, it's only fair the taste of javi is forever turned to ash in their mouths, but not for all of them. travis, natalie— natalie tried. she was going to feed them all, despite lottie's offering, despite their heresy against it, she was going to feed them. heed the altar call and lie down upon it, and now look at her. ram in the thicket made archangel, forged in fire to light their path forward, chosen by the cards, the wilderness, lottie. who was laura lee to question it ?
so she doesn't. she has faith in lottie, and lottie put her faith in natalie. and god saw the light, that it was good : and god divided the light from the darkness. laura lee knows this, if nothing else : natalie is good. and because she's good, she will doubt herself, just as lottie did, and this is why they're good, why they're chosen. their home is in each other. “   you're not alone in this,   ” she whispers, fierce, forcing the glow in her gaze to shine on natalie's. what a way to start a reign. but light will always shine brighter in the dark. “   have faith in lottie. in yourself. we've made it this far.   ” what more could they lose ? where could they go now but up, after they'd already walked through the gates of hell ? doesn't that depend on which way you're going : out, or further in ? “   you got us this far.   ” not only your skill, but your kindness, “   you've been a faithful servant, natalie. now it's our turn. we just have to give it. . . more of the same.   ” here, cold hands find another's, slow, wary as an animal, but holding tight. “   more faith in it. trust, in each other.   ”
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doctapuella · 2 years
FUN FACT it's actually possible to create content about a person who has passed without peppering said content with tons of "r.i.p." and ending dates and consistent reminders that the person is no longer with us
#RIP#this is my hill#it fucks me up a WHOLE lot to constantly see#like yes. i miss them too. whether i knew them before or not.#but. fuck. i want to celebrate and enjoy what they did while they WERE here y'know?#their LIFE#maybe it's because i still have fresh grief in my life idk but it really fucks me up so bad#it's a BIG part of why i got so emotionally fucked up when i got into kiss and eric carr#there are many other examples but thats the one that seems to have hit me hardest at just the wrong time#i'm not saying to just pretend what happens didnt happen#but like. some balance would be great.#i'd like to watch a 2 minute interview clip without it ending with a freeze frame on a person with text over it and the dates#like fuck right OFF you think he'd want you dwelling on that?#i dont love these people because they died#i love them for who they were and are in life#that's the shit that's eternal#this isnt even touching on the way these people are also infantilized and reduced to being sweet little angel beans without a personality#i'm just. upset!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#yes i had a negative youtube experience at 8:30am and it's setting the tone for me for today#i'm just so fucking tired of the obsession with death and martyring those who havepassed#when they were whole ass people with 3 dimensional personalities#and who did a lot of cool fucking stuff#yet so many people just casually (possibly unconsciously) focus on the most negative aspect#one that usually has no bearing on the person themselves#god im SORRY im just in a mood and im upset and i have EMOTIONS#usually it makes me sad af but today its making me angry
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jedi-valjean · 1 year
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I was working on plotting the Separatist Grim AU and this happened
She’s going to get absolutely barbecued with Sith lightning but it’s worth it
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beholdthemem · 2 years
On one hand I don't have the patience for the kind of people who declare themselves the judge of what does or does not qualify as 'problematic' in a ship, because I've noticed that it inevitably seems to boil down to 'You don't ship the thing that I do, and I don't think that ships besides mine should exist' using progressive sounding buzzwords that kind of fall apart the minute you investigate them closer. ('That's pedophilia!' Two year age gap between an 18 and 20 year old. 'You're homophobic!' Shipping a bisexual dude with a female character.)
On the other hand, I also do not have the patience for the type of people who unironically use the word 'antis' when talking about people who don't like their ship, because every one that I have ever talked to has the BIGGEST fucking victim complex about shipping something unpopular and seems to consider themselves genuinely oppressed because of it to the point where I want to be like
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fatcowboys · 2 years
LIKE quentin being so self sacrifing of Course bc hes quentin and all of his friends coming up with a plan behind his back to not let him do that. bc eliot isnt going to let one of his best friends spend the rest of his life locked away. only to next season. let quentin do the self sacrificing thing this time its ok this season :)))) fuck this show lmao
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Turns out Gravol works wonders on my nausea and I can’t believe I didn’t realise this sooner. I think it’s the fact that my parents are always implying I’m being a pain for suffering with it and that I should just eat stuff that makes me feel nauseous and deal with it and because of that I internalised that’s it’s a personal weakness of mine, like a flaw in my character that I have to endure because it’s my fault. (I’ve also had this thought process about chronic pain, for the same reason. Yes I’m totally normal and not traumatised and living in my brain is just so fun!) But it turns out that no, I just have a chronic condition and there are things I can do about that!
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readingloveswounds · 4 months
banging my head on the desk the martyrology doesn't do what you want it to do because you're approaching it 400 years later, often through comparison with catholic hagiography, not acknowledging it 1. was an unstable text from the start and 2. genre-defining
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