#there something good happened to cyra
daxwritesstories · 28 days
College AU Part 17: Wait A Minute My Girl
Scene 1: Wait A Minute My Girl
(Scene title by Volbeat)
INT. Ace & Zayn's dorm - Morning
Cyra wakes up in Ace's bed, on top of the covers. She is wearing a t-shirt that is way too big for her. Ace and Zayn are sleeping beside her, under the covers. Neither of them are wearing shirts.
When Cyra sees the two men next to her, she smiles widely and sits up.
CYRA: Woo!
Ace and Zayn both stir, groaning in annoyance. Cyra climbs over them and stands up. She excitedly fist pumps.
CYRA: Yes! It wasn't a dream!
Ace grabs one of the pillows and throws it at Cyra.
ACE: Shut up.
CYRA: Can't! I'm celebrating.
Ace props himself up on his elbow. Zayn sleepily rubs his eyes.
ACE: Celebrating what? That you're a whore?
CYRA: Only for you, baby.
Zayn looks Cyra up and down, confused.
ACE: Oh my god...
ZAYN: Why are you wearing my shirt?
CYRA: I got cold. Y'all wouldn't let me come under the blanket.
ACE: Ugh!
Ace lies back down.
ACE: Both of you shut up. I'm hungover.
CYRA: Aww! No round two?
ACE: Go away, Cyra.
Cyra looks at Zayn since Ace has his eyes closed. Zayn shrugs.
CYRA: Okay, fine. But you'd better text me back this time.
ACE: Yeah, yeah, whatever.
Cyra smiles.
CYRA: See you later, Zayn.
Cyra hurries towards the door.
ZAYN: Wait! Give me my shirt back!
Cyra opens the door and waves at Zayn.
CYRA: Sorry! I'll give it back later.
Cyra shuts the door before Zayn can say anything else.
INT. Boy's dorm hallway - Morning
Cyra runs out into the hallway, pulling the t-shirt down so it covers more of her thighs.
As Cyra hurries down the hall, Devin walks out of his dorm, almost running into her.
DEVIN: Whoa!
Cyra stops, surprised. She then tries to walk around Devin but he steps in her way.
DEVIN: Whose dorm were you sleeping in?
CYRA: None of your business, straight boy.
Cyra smiles and runs past Devin. He grabs her arm before she can get far though.
DEVIN: Hey, wait a minute.
CYRA: What?
DEVIN: You threw an awesome party last night.
CYRA: Thanks! I'm glad you had fun. I have to go now.
Cyra tries to leave again but Devin won't loosen his grip.
DEVIN: Wait.
Cyra sighs.
CYRA: What do you want?
DEVIN: You shouldn't be running around outside in just a t-shirt.
Cyra glances down at the t-shirt and then reluctantly looks back up at Devin.
DEVIN: Come on. I'm sure Connor has something you can wear.
Scene 2: Good Girls Are Bad Girls That Haven't Been Caught
(Scene title by 5 Seconds of Summer)
INT. Connor & Devin's dorm - Morning
Cyra and Devin walk into the room. Connor is sitting on the side of his bed, texting. He looks up when he hears the door open.
CONNOR: Cyra! What are you doing here?
CYRA: Uh...
Cyra points at Devin as he walks further into the room.
CYRA: Devin won't let me leave the building without pants. Do you have any I can borrow?
Connor laughs and points at his dresser.
CONNOR: Yeah, sure. Second drawer.
Cyra smiles bashfully and walks over to the dresser. As soon as she starts looking through the drawer though, the bathroom door opens and Celia walks out. She looks confused.
CELIA: Cyra?
Cyra gasps and jumps away from the dresser. She runs over to Celia and throws her arms around her, almost knocking her over.
CYRA: Celia!
After hugging her tightly, Cyra lets go of Celia and grabs her shoulders.
CYRA: What are you doing here?
CELIA: Uh...
Cyra turns her head and points at Devin, then Connor.
CYRA: Which one of you touched my wifey?
Devin points at Connor.
CELIA: Cyra... you broke up with me, remember?
CYRA: Yeah, but you're still my wife!
Celia giggles. Devin gives Connor a confused look.
CONNOR: Don't worry. Lesbians are just like this.
Cyra cups Celia's face in her hands.
CYRA: Was he nice to you?
Celia nods.
CONNOR: I was very good to her.
Celia giggles again and Cyra smiles at Connor.
CYRA: You better!
Cyra turns to talk to Celia again, still holding her face.
CYRA: Celia, I have something important to tell you. But you have to keep it a secret.
DEVIN: What's the secret?
CONNOR: Yeah, what's up?
Cyra lets go of Celia and turns around to address the boys.
CYRA: This doesn't concern you two.
DEVIN: Is it about who you slept with last night?
CYRA: I didn't sleep with anyone.
Devin and Connor both laugh. Cyra puts her hands on her hips defiantly.
Scene 3: Gettin' Over You
(Scene title by David Guetta)
INT. Cafeteria - Noon
Arabella and Celeste are sitting at a table together. They both have bubble tea and sushi. Arabella seems relaxed but Celeste keeps glancing around nervously. She glares at anyone who gets too close to their table.
ARABELLA: It's a beautiful day.
CELESTE: No. Too sunny.
Arabella laughs.
ARABELLA: You'd think you're the one who's hungover.
CELESTE: I don't drink.
ARABELLA: It was a joke, sweetheart.
Celeste glances at Arabella for a moment and then goes back to looking around.
CELESTE: How was the party?
ARABELLA: It was fun. There were a lot of people there, and I like to people-watch.
ARABELLA: I'm surprised you didn't wanna come. Halloween seems like your kind of thing.
CELESTE: I'm still angry with Cyra.
ARABELLA: Did you think about what I said at all?
CELESTE: I thought about it in-depth.
Celeste sighs and looks at Arabella.
CELESTE: It's a lot easier said than done.
ARABELLA: I know. Healing takes time and effort. You have to work for it.
CELESTE: I don't even know where to start.
ARABELLA: Why don't you try a self-help book? You're always reading. Might as well spend some of that energy learning how to get better.
CELESTE: I only read poetry and horror.
ARABELLA: Nothing wrong with broadening your horizons.
CELESTE: Why are you so concerned with this? It's not your problem.
ARABELLA: Because I consider you my friend and I don't like seeing you suffer. I get that you're kind of a gloomy person, and that's fine, but this on a different level. It's not healthy.
CELESTE: You consider me a friend?
CELESTE: But I'm not very nice to you.
Arabella shrugs.
ARABELLA: That doesn't bother me. It would be worse if you tried to fake being nice.
Celeste thinks for a moment, looking a little ashamed.
CELESTE: I... don't know what kind of self-help book to look for.
ARABELLA: Let's go to the library after this then. I'll help you find one.
Scene 4: Private Eyes
(Scene title by Hall and Oates)
INT. Library - Afternoon
Vir is standing behind the counter, checking off items on a checkout list. Halo walks up to the desk and leans on it, catching Vir's attention.
HALO: Hey hey!
VIR: Hello, love.
HALO: How much longer are you working for?
Vir checks her watch.
VIR: About an hour.
HALO: Mind if I distract you for a sec?
Vir smiles.
VIR: I can multitask.
Halo smiles back and then glances around to see if anyone's eavesdropping.
HALO: So what was up with Cyra at the Halloween party?
VIR: What? With those two guys?
HALO: Yeah. Do you think one of them was the guy she says she's crushing on?
VIR: Absolutely. It's definitely the guy who looks like a girl.
Halo tilts her head.
HALO: Why do you say that?
VIR: I just know Cyra too well. She's attracted to people who challenge her and her way of thinking. She's incredibly stubborn, but that's why she needs a challenge.
Halo giggles.
HALO: I guess you're right. She always said that was her favorite thing about you.
VIR: Mhm. I never went easy on her.
Arabella and Celeste walk into the library. Vir notices and watches them disappear down one of the aisles. Halo sees them too.
HALO: That's an odd pair.
VIR: I think they're dorm-mates.
HALO: Ah. So... do you have eyes on anyone yet?
VIR: Not really. Honestly I'm not even sure what I'd be looking for.
HALO: Oh no. Identity problems again?
VIR: Always.
Vir sighs.
VIR (sarcastically): BPD is just so much fun...
Halo gives her a sympathetic look.
HALO: Well, I'm here for you. You can always talk to me.
Vir smiles and Halo smiles back.
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midnightsun-if · 6 months
If the MC was a mind reader for a day, what’d be the first thing they hear the ROs think when they see the MC? (crushing stage)
Koda: Just super excited— wouldn’t truly know what to do with himself. He’s coming over here! Oh, I hope he wants to spend time with me… Did I remember to wear my good shirt?… Is this my good shirt?
Scarlett: You probably wouldn’t hear anything of great importance— barring a passing thought of your chosen outfit, potentially anyway, as Scarlett isn’t lovey dovey when in the crushing stage… You would notice the darker thoughts lurking within the back of her mind recede, however— your presence being the proverbial ray of sunlight through darkened clouds.
Cyrus/Cyra: An influx of confused thoughts as they try to figure things out— everything you cause in them is something they’ve never felt before. Is this what Icarus felt like when he was graced with the sun’s presence? Will I end up flying too close as well? What will happen then? Will I fall or learn to soar?
Quinn: You’d probably hear a brief argument between them and their wolf: No, it’s not a good time for you to meet them yet…. Because I said so. I need to get to know them a bit more before I introduce my giant furry counterpart… Grumble away, see if I care.
Caden: Business as usual, but they’d be a bit more distracted than what’s typical. The report needs to be finished by midnight… Will that give me enough time to finish my usual walk with MC? They’d shake their head, clearly trying to right themself and get back on track. I’ll just figure something out.
Sloane: Would probably be having an inner rant about various things they’re seeing: Can’t believe that’s what they decided to wear… Who needs to wear that much pink?!? It’s like a marshmallow threw up on them— Cue them seeing you. MC would look cute in that travesty… (It’d be a fleeting thought but it’d cause them to frown and get a bit huffy.)
Blake: They’re crushing stage is a bit odd… as it’s typically wherein people grow closer (and it’s the same with them, in a sense, but it’s also when Blake tries to avoid you to gather their thoughts too). MC looks so good today… Why can’t I just walk over there and say hi? You’d see them begin to move towards you before stumbling, an annoyed expression on their face. Oh, that’s why. Because every time I try my heart decides to do the Macarena.
Reginald/Regina: Just a slew of questions and half-hearted hopes… Things that they’d like to know, that they hope are true, but aren’t brave enough (yet) to truly learn the answer. Would they want to go with me? Should I even ask? They look really nice today, and I think it’d be fun… Just ask them… It’s better to know for sure. Right?
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t3mpest98 · 3 months
The Coruscant Detective Unit
This was really just a silly little idea I had a while ago and I ran with it. Anyways, I thought I’d share with the masses (tho not sure if anyone will see it akskdk) Be warned, it does contain my personal headcannons on the Corrie’s and their commanders
Shoutout to @varpusvaras who has enabled all of this and helped me figure many things out akdjfj
Commander: CC- 4477 “Thire”
Captains: CT- 6687 “Spade” and CT- 6799 “Noir”
The CDU is a secret unit of Coruscant Guard troopers living deep inside Coruscant. At the beginning of the war when the first clones were assigned to Coruscant, this unit did not exist. It was only about half a year into the war that it was even ever considered, only after the Commanders realized that the CSF handing off cases to them wasn’t just a once in a while thing. That combined with the unrest growing under the surface was something that would only continue to get worse, and eventually affect the Senate if the people down below grew restless enough.
With Fox already busy handling everything at once, overseeing everything that happens on Coruscant, he wasn’t able to be personally responsible for this unit. Thorn, practically being SIC while also handling most of the patrol duties, was also unable to take the responsibility. With Stone off world most of the time it wouldn’t make sense to have him handling a unit of troopers he would never get to see. Thire, being stationed over the prisons and the youngest, therefore having been kept from taking too much at once, offered to take care of it. And so it was decided that Thire would be their commanding officer.
Now the question was, where would they get the troopers? This unit wasn’t supposed to exist and any attempt at asking for it got shot down by Palpatine since “they did not have a need for one. They oversaw Senate security and nothing more”. They had to have multiple troopers to form this group so the process was slow, subtly sneaking troopers declared KIA down to the lower levels one at a time.
Thire can't be there at all times, or at all really, to directly lead any missions so he would need someone to help him. Luckily he had just the trooper for it. Or rather, he had the troopers for it. ARC twins Spade and Noir were then elevated to the status of Captain. The rest of the Guard knew about this but none of the GAR could. No one really wanted to deal with what would come out of that conversation.
Most of the unit's source of supplies comes from whatever they can steal, salvage, and buy (the last being rare). Anything they get from the Guard is used sparingly. With the limited resources all of them have to begin with, the last thing Spade and Noir want is to put more stress on their commander by making Thire figure out where they got everything they needed. They don’t complain even when the shinies get lightheaded or when breathing gets a little harder.
But when it comes to technology and some extra help outside of their capabilities they have a good friend made a couple months after this unit was formed. Her name is Kasai Cyra, a human from Corellia who’s really good at hiding and even better at putting together scrap. She lives on some of the deepest levels of Coruscant, why that is no one knows. She took one look at them and for some reason couldn’t ignore the fact they needed help.
These three combined are a chaotic mess that somehow are able to succeed more often than not. Of course every mission comes with its casualties that the twins have to bury down deep to keep themselves afloat. Neither can remember how long it had been since they’ve cried with how much they blocked out their emotions. Cyra isn’t much better but the main things she blocks out is the overwhelming helplessness. The fear that she’ll be found, that she’ll be killed, that she will lose everything if she isn’t careful enough.
The only way any of them do not get any terrible side effects from a vitamin d deficiency is by helping out those who run the circle of the supplements. In exchange they get gummies that are easier for the whole of the unit to eat (also Noir is picky). The masks they have to help them breathe down there aren’t really top notch either though. Basically everyone is barely surviving.
They (try) to keep as much peace down below as they can, whether that be by taking care of a group that needs to go or striking deals and helping out those that really need it. The entire unit knows that if they see a teenager stealing any kind of necessity on the street, no they didn’t. Life is hard enough for everyone down there as it is and they don’t want to make it worse for those less fortunate.
That’s all I’ll share for now (I have soooo much more but that can come out later after I am ready) but I hope you like it!
Taglist: @homemade-clones @kimiheartblade @the-bad-batch-baroness @thestarwarslesbian @the-toskaverse @techs-stitches @matchademi @shahrezaad @commander-sunshine @orange-twilek-guy @king-chaos-world @wackylurker @dukeoftheblackstar @kairakara101 @tazmbc1 @sunkissedclones @galaxyofjedi
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loosesodamarble · 8 months
A Lesson for Young Lions
Summary: Before heading off to work, Fuegoleon takes a moment to impart some words of wisdom to his children (Laura's ocs Leon and Cyra, which I am borrowing for this impromptu fic). Genre: general Word count: ~800 A/N: A longer fic for @thoughtfullyrainynightmare's Fire Vermillion Month. Not really fitting the prompts of "autumn" or "favorite childhood memory" for this week. But I guess it's the FueLara kids being given a quick lesson that could impact their philosophies in the future so... maybe?
Fuegoleon was just about to reach the door to his home when he heard a shout. Or rather two shouts.
“Papa, Papa!”
With warmth blooming in his chest, Fuegoleon turned around to see his children, Cyraleona and Leonidas coming down the stairs as quickly as their little bodies could carry them. Six years old and they were only becoming more energetic. Leon was a little bolder, skipping a step every now and again in his descent. Cyra was just as quick but her hold on the staircase railing to support her steps down hinting at some hesitation.
“My little pride,” Fuegoleon greeted the twins, getting down on one knee so he could embrace them once they were in arm’s reach. “Seeing me off for work?”
“Yeah, we gotta make sure you’re ready to do your best!” Leonidas answered with a nod.
“Well thank you for coming,” Fuegoleon stated. He kissed each child’s forehead and patted them on the head. “Work will be much easier now that I have your encouragement.”
Leonidas grinned and nodded to Fuegoleon. Cyraleona smiled too, but there was a sadness in her eyes.
“Cyra? Is something the matter?”
“Um… I dunno…” Cyraleaona’s eyes flicked to the side before meeting Fuegoleon’s gaze again. “Maybe?” She shook her head. “You can go to work, Papa.”
“Cyra, it’s okay. I can spare a few minutes for you.” Fuegoleon ran a hand over his daughter’s hair. Still, Cyra held her tongue. “Your papa can’t go and help the country if he’s worried that he can’t help his own child…”
“Ah.” After another moment of hesitation, Cyraleona muttered, “w-why do you need to work? If the kingdom is full of heroes like the Magic Knights, how come bad things still happen? Why are bad people still around?”
“To give papa a job!” Leonidas blurted out. “Bad things have to happen, otherwise the Magic Knights don’t have anything to do.”
“Leon, that’s not it at all,” Fuegoleon stated softly and with a shake of his head. Leon’s eyes went wide. “It’s quite the opposite. I have a job because bad things happen and I need to fix them.”
That made Leon frown. “Oh. Hm… So then what’s the real reason?”
Fuegoleon’s mouth pressed into a line.
That question pushed its way into Fuegoleon’s mind every now and then with his line of work. And for it to now be posed by his children…
How could Fuegoleon answer Cyraleona and Leonidas in a way that would make sense to them? In a way that would satisfy them?
“The world isn’t perfect.”
“Good and evil must exist in balance.”
“Some people are just evil.”
Far too simple and some were straight up incorrect beliefs.
But it wasn’t as though Fuegoleon could sit down and explain the complex situation of human psychology and actions and societal impacts. No. Cyraleona and Leonidas would learn that for themselves with time. To simply give a lecture on it, and while they’re still young, would lack any impact.
Fuegoleon took a deep breath.
“Cyra, you said that the kingdom is full of heroes earlier.” The girl nodded to Fuegoleon’s observation. “Well, it’s not quite true.”
The twins let out tiny gasps.
“This is a world that is not full of heroes. But rest assured that neither is it one full of villains,” Fuegoleon stated, casting glances between his kids. “It is a world full of people. People who do heroic things and people who do hurtful things. For better or worse, that’s the way it is.”
The twins were silent for a moment. A part of Fuegoleon worried that maybe he didn’t explain it simply enough for them to understand. Or maybe they were quiet because the answer had upset them.
When Fuegoleon opened his mouth to speak again, Leon piped up first.
“So any person can be nice or mean?" Leon asked bluntly, to which Fuegoleon nodded. "Okay then! I don’t want to be someone who does bad things, so I’m gonna do heroic stuff instead!” For a six-year-old, Leonidas showed a determination that might’ve been bigger than himself.
“Me too!” Cyra squeaked, her voice struggling to match Leon’s volume. “I’ll stop the bad things too when I grow up!”
Fuegoleon blinked a couple of times. A sigh of relief passed his lips.
His children were young, innocent, but already smart enough to grasp his lesson.
“Good, good. I look forward to the good you two can do in the future.” Fuegoleon punctuated his statement with another round of pats to their heads. “But now your papa needs to do his job.” He stood up. “But I’ll be back tonight, got it?”
“Yes Papa!” Cyra and Leon answered, both smiling with ease.
Fuegoleon left feeling lighter at heart and yet somewhat concerned. He could only hope that his kids’ hearts would continue to guide them on paths that led them to do kind things in the future. But, for the time being, he could rest assured that they were learning that they, and others, had a choice in who they were.
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filipinosamflynn · 19 days
It took me a few months, but I finally finished Iron Gold! Let me burn the kitchen down as I cook!
Note: I'm not the American education system, so I consider a 6/10 a good score. 6/10 to me means it's good but I don't think I want to read it again until years in the future.
Total Score: 8/10 - hard to read at the beginning, but phenomenonal second half. The multiple perspectives are fun, but kind of jarring to get into, some of the perspective shifts can get enfuriating by creating cliff hangers. That's obviously the intention, but come on, nobody's favorite part about a show are its cliffhangers.
Below is my tier list of all the characters:
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Spoilers, unstructured thoughts, word vomit, and objectively incorrect opinions ahead. This review is based on my experience reading the book, the quality of it is obviously amazing.
Characters: 9.5/10 - Everybody is still amazing, and almost all of the new characters are so fun and well characterized! I would have given this 10/10 if not for Harmony not showing up at all in this book. I think the last time she was physically present is in Golden Son, then she is mentioned to have started the Red Hand in Morning Star but she does not show up, then when the Red Hand DOES show up in Iron Gold, she somehow still isn't there. HUH???? WASN'T THAT LYRIA'S WHOLE THING BEFORE THE TELEMANUS ADVENTURES AND THE FUNNY KIDNAPPING???? But ignoring that red bitch (and dano too, fuck that guy), Lyria is a surprising stand out to me, I love her so much and that's what surprises me. Literally all she does is be a victim, and honestly I'm here for it. It's so easy to root for an underdog character, and that's the reason why I wanted to read Red Rising in the first place, to watch an underdog character fight through their circumstances. Also, FUCKING HELL WHY DOES HER STORY END LIKE THAT???? SHE'S FUCKING INNOCENT GIVE MY GIRL A FUCKING BREAK 😭😭😭😭
Ephraim took like 70% of the book for me to like, but once the perspectives crossed over, we saw more development from him outside of his drug addiction, and him being ✨️GAY✨️ without it being the sole focus of his story being extremely awesome. Gay media doesn't get me, sometimes I just wanna see a dude who happens to be gay fuck shit up. He just needed to be more than just "the gruff mercenary", and him struggling to kill Lyria made me finally like him. I do wish we had moments of him being likable earlier, I mean I get we needed to establish him being grumpy, but I really wish we had scenes of Ephraim and Volga being friends earlier in the book. I was expecting them to be this fuck ass father daughter duo when I first started reading, but I guess not. I do love their bond a lot though, and him going through hell and back for Pax & Electra was everything I needed out of this character. Also as a side tangent, the Cyra being a spy plot just happens then goes nowhere? I mean, HUH????? I was so confused, I looked her up online, and nobody talks about Cyra. She just... exists to die and be a useless plot reveal? Unless I'm missing something, she feels like one of the most useless deaths in the series. Oh well, back to Ephraim. Yeah, I liked him a whole lot more after I realized he's into Japanese army men and footjobs.
Here's an obvious one: Darrow becomes slightly unlikable! Yeah, I didn't expect it, I still love him, but sometimes while reading this dude do war shit and ignore his wife makes me want to football kick him into a therapy chair. And then he teams up with Apollonius and, it's so fucking obvious him and Tharsus are gonna betray Darrow and curb stomp his ass. Darrow, you bitch ass motherfucker, just be with your god damn son you son of a bitch. 💀 His ending though, man you can really FEEL his absolute despair. It's not an exciting despair like at the ending of Golden Son, it's a slow, harsh, burning one you have to sit with. "It was all useless" is SUCH an awesome trope, I simply adore it. Poor Sevro.
Now onto our pathetic bitch boy of the hour: Lysander. I've known about his reputation amongst fans since I started the series, and I've been so excited to see this little shit fuck shit up and...! He's so pathetic. I'm a little disappointed by how pathetic he is compared to my expectations of him being this evil little shit. However, he turned out to be my favorite perspective. Just watching this little man who I know becomes horrible just grovel in himself, slowly rising to power, then avoiding almost every single action of good he can take is awesome. My enjoyment is also added by all of the Raas being so fun, especially Dido. This bitch... serve cunt and be evil is her motto and I love it 💅✨️
Perspectives Ranked: Lysander is my favorite perspective, him rising to power in the Rim from nothing is just satisfying, and excites me for what hell is to come in Dark Ages. I love a good villain.
Lyria is my second favorite, I just love underdogs, what can I say?
Third favorite is Ephraim. I didn't like him nor get what his deal was at the first half. I didn't know where his story would go, and I didn't give a shit about whatever the Duke of Hands wanted. Only when we got development did he become a very fun character.
Fourth favorite is Darrow. His perspective isn't bad, but it was just kind of disheartening to see my boy do all this shit and accidentally make the wrong decisions. Of course, his perspective is far from bad, it was just hard to root for him.
Personal Enjoyment: 7/10 - This was a hard book to get through in the beginning. They have to re-establish the world and you're forced to try and get through 4 different characters' perspectives. Establishing the new world, the characters, and their reason for being important is rather slow for a series with such a breakneck pace, so it was annoying to get through to be honest. Not to mention that the perspective shifts can be rough or annoying in that "TV Show cliffhanger" style. Another personal thing, because of all the re-establishing and the perspective shifting, I forgot a lot of plot points and motivations. I didn't know why Ephraim was speaking with the Duke of Hands nor what his purpose or deal was for quite a while, like I didn't know what Holiday had to do with Ephraim until the 2nd half when they said Trigg was Ephraim's fiance. I didn't even know Ephraim was going to steal until he kidnapped Pax & Electra. The story is great, but this is the first time I've read a book with multiple story lines in different perspectives, and added onto the complex web of connections and all sorts of other story bullshit, it's easy to see why I got lost and had to drop the book for a few months. However once I finally got used to everything in the 2nd half, it was an EXTREMELY fun read that made up for the hard to understand and read through first half. This is feels like a book I only appreciate on the prospect of a re-read where I know what happens since the blind read was, uh, annoying.
Plot: 8/10 - As I said, the beginning was kind of annoying to get through and I can't for the life of me remember anything that happened to Ephraim at the start, and 25% of Darrow's & Lysander's plotline. It's just a me thing. The story as a whole is extremely fun, all the twists and events are a blast to read (except for Ephraim's moping at the start of the book, if he even moped because as I said before, I can't remember shit about Ephraim from part 1 except that he has a fancy gun and the Duke of Hands wanted to cut off his hand if he didn't do the thing). Lyria's story was the most engaging for me from start to finish, so that's a plus. Really, my opinion on this book is kind of being carried by the 2nd half, which sucks because this is still a really great book! I just had a hard time following it. But the plot was great, and (obviously) the action scenes are a highlight. The Cassius kills a bunch of dudes and says his honor remains scene is badass as all hell, Lyria's desperate escape from the Red Hand + its aftermath is so visceral and everything I love about the series, Ephraim saving the kids is the best scene in the book in my opinion, and the realization of "it was all for nothing" upon the Ash Lord's reveal was just UGH 😭 I LOVE THAT SHIT!
My Expectations Heading Into Dark Ages:
• Cassius isn't dead, it's too obvious. Not only did we pull that shit off with Dancer and Uncle Narol, but we didn't see a body, and his death just felt weirdly unsatisfying for a series like Red Rising. Cassius didn't even get to talk to Pytha or his frot buddy Darrow once, so yeah, not dead.
• Victra is going to be this fuck ass antihero doing the wrong things for the right reason of finding her daughter. I can feel her getting a character arc in Dark Ages.
• Mustang's perspective is coming up in Dark Ages and OOOOOHHHHHHH IM SO FUCKING EXCITED TO READ THROUGH THEM, Mustang has remained strong of my favorite character in the series. Sevro is a very close 2nd favorite, but Mustang is the Beyonce of Red Rising.
• I know Darrow gets absolutely FUCKED in Dark Ages. Good. Let me whump.
• I have no clue what will happen with Lyria & Ephraim, but hopefully they don't die! I think Lyria doesn't get a perspective in Dark Ages so *i am scared*.
• Lysander will be so fucking fun to read through now that he's no longer just a pathetic hacky sack getting kicked around. I wanna finally despise and hate this little shit for fun, he looks like he's gonna have the same fuck ass stage presence as the Jackal. Just a feeling on the vibes Lysander will hold.
• I know Dark Ages will destroy me, so I already have Lightbringer ready as my detox, and a box of tissues bought for when I start.
• Harmony BETTER show up. She has literally done nothing since Golden Son (yeah she technically started Red Hand in Morning Star but RH literally did nothing there, and Harmony herself hasn't shown up for 2 straight books).
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voidtouched-blue · 5 months
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Plotted starter for @thescions [Haurchefant]
There is no rest for the wicked, nor the champions that chase the bloodied path in the snow.
The short snap of a book closed had cut through the crackling silence of the fire in the hearth. Leaned forward to rest her elbows on her knees, the Keeper held the small tome in a relaxed grip. Rubbing her eyes delicately, she wondered exactly how long they would have to spend sneaking around. Lord Fortemps was was generous enough to give them shelter within his decorated halls, but the generosity felt more like that of a shroud than simple hospitality. So it came as genuine surprise to the feline healer when the sanctuary had been extended to herself as a member of their small party.
To be included in the same consideration with Alphinaud, Tataru, and of course the Warrior of Light should have been an honor. It should have meant that her presence held value among the peoples of the very land she had been taken from. Yet here in the heart of Coerthas, she still felt so very far from being part of the whole. Not that the others hadn't tried to make her feel comfortable- no they were quite clear on how much her assistance mattered to them. The consistence in their desire to check in on how she had been handling the sudden change of scenery, and the gravity of the situation they had found themselves in had been rather...annoying.
The generosity had been nothing more than a terror of time passed come back to haunt her. So, when the moment came for them to keep their heads down and take shelter, the option to self-isolate came easily to her. The Lord of the manor had granted them relative free-roam of his beautiful home. The many rooms filled with innumerable comforts she had never known, the winding hallways decorated with paintings, and expertly crafted furniture she felt she couldn't afford to even look at-
Surely she could find some small corner of solace to keep to herself within stony walls.
It was a shame that she found it after raising her voice towards Alphinaud in response to this unexpected restriction. Of course, none had explicitly told her that she couldn't leave the comforts and safety of the manor. It was simply a buried reaction she hadn't anticipated. The memory of such pain and fear had clawed to the surface when it felt the chill of snow. It was only a matter of time before they would break free of the bars and chains she had so carefully constructed in order to reintegrate into society.
Gods, you're a mess, she thought. Here, sitting alone in the small room, she felt like a prisoner. There was no real threat to her own well being, but there were rather dire consequences should she take the risk to leave. Other than the Scion's payment for her services, she had remained at their side by her own good will. Had she known that her assistance would have taken her to the biting cold reminiscent of the nightmare she lived, her decision to join them in Ishgard would have been different.
Cyra could have abandoned them. She could have said no, and left to return to her home in The Black Shroud. But it was the guilt of the healer's heart that would chain her to the Scions. What if something happened? If she had taken herself up on that selfish desire to return to familiarity, would she have been able to bear the weight of knowing her presence could have saved the life of another, but didn't? Would the woman she had worked so hard to become be strong enough to hold up against that potential truth?
No. Their hurts, their loss...they would paint her hands red.
The moment was brief, but she didn't remember when she had come to stand from her seat. The thunderous crack of the book slamming into the far wall beside the fireplace had brought her back from her inner storm. Her heart had been hammering in her chest, recognizing the fearful flutter as the answer to the questions that had swirled behind her eyes. She watched how the pages of her tome had fallen loose from the force of her throw; how they had delicately, and slowly drifted to land on the table, the floor, and the other cushioned seat. The trail of papers was proof enough that she had lost her temper.
She cursed in a whisper of short growls and hissing words of a language she kept practiced in private. Just one of many secrets she resolved to keep and take with her to the grave.
"It's the damned cold. It's always the snow that brings it back." She sat back down, nearly dropping herself into the cushions like she had died standing. Her head fell back into her hands, pressing her scarred palms firmly over her eyes to block out the light.
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vengefulsavior · 5 months
@voidtouched-blue continued from here~
If Nai had known this would happen he never would have brought Cyra here. It was supposed to be a simple sight-seeing tour, so to say, all he had wanted was to show her the new facility he had prepared for them to store in even more Plants. His plan was to save all of them, none would be left behind, but to achieve that they would need space, much more space and this place should have been perfect. It was an abandoned factory or at least it was supposed to be abandoned, but the moment Cyra’s ears rotated towards an unknown source of noise Nai knew something was wrong.
The Independent raised a sharp eyebrow at his companion but he already knew the answer to his question before he asked it. Cyra preferred for them to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, and by now Nai had adjusted to follow that preference as long as neither of them were in danger. They had intended to sneak out of the back again before they could be found, but just as they were about to reach the doors they encountered the pack of vagabonds, all of them armed. And to keep his promise to Cyra the Plants decided to run instead of fight, at least until they were backed into a corner. Twenty guns were pointing at them and it was obvious that the people wielding those guns were more than trigger-happy, shouting questions and demands at them, without realizing who they were dealing with.
“Who the hell are you? This is our place!”
“We were here first! What do you want?”
“Get on your knees and you won’t get hurt! Maybe.”
The last word had been spoken with a dirty chuckle and Nai understood it as an obvious threat. These humans. Why were they threatening Cyra and himself, there was no reason for that hostile behavior. This situation was just another confirmation for the hatred and distrust Nai felt towards humans.
“Just shoot them. They look like trouble.”
Those words were voiced by a man that stood at the front, holding a revolver in each hand, pointing one of them at Cyra and one at Nai while grinning lazily. And it made Nai snap. For a moment the gaze of his eyes flickered to Cyra, who stood by his side, claws ready, but what good would they do against weapons that could kill from a distance? No. He would protect her. He had made a vow to keep her safe and he intended to keep it.
Reaching out his hand he gently but firmly guided Cyra to stand behind him, then without hesitation he summoned forward the tendrils of blades from his back and the humans responded with immediately shooting at them. Nai’s heart was beating heavily inside his chest, it was beating so fast it hurt and it brought back the memories of his childhood, of the moment he and his brother had found out what the humans had done to the first Independent in their care. He was scared. He was scared these people could hurt the one person by his side he cared about and that made him reckless.
Nai used his tendrils to deflect the bullets, he blocked them before they could reach Cyra and he was also lashing out at these people shooting at them, cutting off heads and arms but it also left himself wide open. The first bullet hit his stomach, but Nai did not falter. Instead he stepped forward, growling, the way his tendrils were lashing out becoming more frantic. He cut off another head. The cramped hallway was now covered in blood, most of the men were screaming as they realized this had become a fight for their life, but Nai would not stop until each and every one of them was dead.
Another bullet hit his thigh, another his shoulder and he reached out his open palm to stop a bullet from hitting Cyra. He could smell the blood, both the human blood and his own, and he stepped forward again as more and more bullets hit his body. No. He had to protect Cyra, he had to.
“Step aside. I will finish this.”
Again it was the leader talking and again he had that provoking grin on his face, but this time, with Nai already weakened, he was too slow to deflect the bullet that hit him right in the chest. Pain. There was so much pain, something he had not felt for a very long time, and as he collapsed he realized there were only three men left, if only..
Nai gasped as the man pressed his boot onto the wound in his stomach, and he tried to keep fighting, but his tendrils were writhing on the ground like pathetic worms and his vision started to spin. The man kept his foot on Nai to hold him down while he lifted his gun to point it almost casually at Cyra.
“So, what about you? Are you going to fight or give up? And what kind of monsters are you? Maybe we can make some money out of you.”
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lyranova · 1 year
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Part II: The Reception
Hiya guys! Here’s part 2 of the YuNeva wedding, now I thought i would end this in 2 parts but this is now going to be 3 parts instead 😂! This is the reception and there will be a lot of OC’s mentioned as well as a sweet moment between William and Yuno towards the end hehe, I hope you all enjoy!
Solara, Cyra, and Leon belong to @thoughtfullyrainynightmare , Josele belongs to @loosesodamarble , Jessamy belongs to @hybridanafrost , Daphne belongs to @sailor-muno , and Aika belongs to @simpingforthisonedeer 🥰!
Word Count: 3,262
Warnings: None
As Yuno and Neva walked out of the church and made their way out to the field beside it for their reception, they were greeted with cheers and applause coming from their friends and family. The couple couldn’t help but blush shyly from the attention and look away awkwardly, which only made everyone cheer louder as they got amusement from seeing the two blush like that.
The couple walked around and quietly greeted their guests, they thanked them for their gifts and for attending the sudden ceremony despite their busy schedules, but most waved that away and explained how they wouldn’t miss the wedding for the world.
After greeting an elderly couple from Hage, Neva turned and saw all of her friends sitting together at a table, chatting away. She smiled softly before leaning up and whispering in her husband's ear that she would be right back, he nodded and gave her a small smile before saying he was going to see Sister Lily and Father Orsi and everyone from the orphanage.
Neva walked across the yard and her smile widened just a bit as she stood at her friends' tables. She was glad to see them all chatting and enjoying the smaller wedding.
“ How long are you planning on just standing there before saying something?” Solara asked curiously as she turned to look at her younger friend, the platinum haired woman shrugged a bit.
“ Long enough to hear you all gushing about your kids for the 10th time.” Neva joked, she watched as Solara and Josele blushed a bit. “ But luckily I love hearing about your kids so I didn’t mind standing there listening about them.” She added kindly, and Solara and Josele laughed.
“ Just wait until you have kids of your own, if you and Yuno decide to have kids that is, because I’m sure you’ll gush about them just as much as we do.” Solara teased as she pulled out a chair for Neva to sit in, which she did while softly thanking her friend.
“ And if, or when, that happens then you and Josele can tease me about it endlessly.” Neva said and Josele laughed softly.
“ We’ll hold you to that.” Josele said and Neva nodded in agreement.
“ Speaking of, where are the kids? I figured they’d all be here.” Neva said with a slight frown, Josele chuckled lightly before taking a sip of her champagne.
“ Well, Dusk and Dawn are both sick, and Nacht decided to stay back and take care of them so I could attend your wedding. Luckily Nacht’s cousin Discordia is in town for your royal wedding so she’s there helping him out as well.” Josele said and a slightly amused look appeared on her face.
“ Didn’t you say those two don’t really get along? How are they going to take care of two sick toddlers by themselves?” Solara asked curiously, and Josele shrugged.
“ I’m sure they’ll figure it out, when those two stop bickering and actually work together, they’re a pretty good team.” Josele admitted. “ Otherwise I wouldn’t have left them alone with Dusk and Dawn.”
“ I’m sure the twins will be fine, it’s your house that I’m worried about. Are you sure it’ll still be standing when you get back?” Neva asked, she and Solara laughed softly as Josele groaned.
“ I’m sure it’ll still be standing, but it’ll probably be an absolute mess.” She muttered with a shake of her head, which caused Neva and Solara to laugh.
“ What about Leon and Cyra? I haven’t seen them since the ceremony.” Neva asked curiously as she looked around the area, Solara then pointed to an area with a small tree. Neva looked and saw Captain Fuegoleon sitting on a bench under the tree, and in front of him was Leon and Cyra who were running around playing together as their father watched.
“ They look like they’re having fun.” Neva said with a soft laugh and Solara nodded in agreement.
Neva turned suddenly to look at William’s son Alistar, he was a little older than the twins, if only by a few months. But instead of going over and playing with them like most kids would do, he sat beside his father and just read the book of flowers his mother had written a long time ago.
“ I hope he can come out of his shell a bit,” Neva said softly, and Solara nodded in agreement.
“ He will in time, it took you a long time to come out of your shell too y’know.” Solara pointed out.
“ Solara’s right, it took you a while, and I’m sure once Alistar’s older he’ll make lots of friends too. Both with our kids and with others as well.” Josele said and Neva nodded in agreement, she sincerely hoped that would be the case.
“ That was a beautiful ceremony Neva,” A voice suddenly said as they approached the table, when the group looked they saw Aika standing there with a proud look on her face. “ Although I’m a little disappointed that we didn’t get to hear the vows you and Yuno wrote for each other.” She added with a teasing tone, and Neva blushed a bit.
“ I agree, we were cheated.” Solara teased as well which made Neva’s blush only deepen.
“ I’ll tell you what the vow’s were after Yuno and I tell them to each other.” Neva said as she took a sip of her champagne, and Aika giggled softly.
“ I already gave Yuno a hard time about it too, and he said the same thing. So I expect to hear those vow’s soon.” Aika said and the platinum haired mage nodded.
The group laughed and talked a bit longer before Neva had to get back to greeting the other guests. She walked up to Klaus and his wife Daphne and greeted them, she giggled as Daphne tried to console Klaus as he cried. Klaus congratulated her again before she went on to greet a few more guests.
She looked around, but she didn’t see her husband anywhere. The last place she had seen him was with his family, but when she looked over there she hadn’t seen him, maybe he was off greeting someone else?
Neva sighed as she stood by the dessert table and waited. She sighed but then all the delicious desserts caught her eye, Jessamy had really gone all out. There were desserts, pastries, and breads of all kinds, and she was half tempted to take at least one of everything from this table.
She suddenly heard someone chuckle from behind her and felt someone wrap their arms gently around her waist, she could tell instantly who it was by their mana.
“ Somehow, I knew I would find you here.” Yuno whispered before chuckling again.
“ It is very shocking to find me here isn’t it?” Neva joked lightly as she turned around in his arms to look at him. She could see a happy look on his face, but she could also see this faint fatigue in them, she had to admit she felt the same. The past few days had been very stressful, and now that it was mostly over, she felt a combination of relief and fatigue.
“ Where have you been hiding? I was looking for you.” Neva asked, Yuno sighed and shook his head before reaching around her and grabbing two cremé puffs. He handed her one before taking a bite of his own.
“ I was hiding from Klaus, but of course he found me eventually. I didn’t know he could cry so much.” Yuno muttered as Neva laughed. “ It took all of Daphne’s strength to pull him off of me.” He added, Neva could see that, while he was annoyed by Klaus’s antics, he was also secretly happy to see that his friend cared about them so much.
“ Ah, poor Daphne. Just imagine how Klaus will be when Irene gets married.” Neva said and Yuno shuddered at the thought, Daphne will certainly have her hands full when that day comes.
Yuno then reached around her again and grabbed a pastry off the tray, as he went to put it in his mouth he paused. He looked at Neva for a moment before holding it out towards her with a slight blush on his face, Neva frowned a bit as she looked from the pastry to him and back again.
“ Isn’t this…what married couples do? They feed each other…sometimes?” He asked awkwardly, and she blinked in surprise. That…was something married couples did…and she had to admit sometimes it did sound very romantic.
She suddenly turned towards the table and grabbed a pastry from the same tray and held it out awkwardly towards him as well. A slight blush matching Yuno’s appeared on her face.
“ I think so…? I mean, we can try it since…it’s something married couples do, and we’re a…married couple.” She said the last part so softly as though she were afraid that if she said it too loudly she would awake from this dream.
The two awkwardly, and somewhat nervously, took a bite of the pastries they held out towards each other. The two’s faces turned an even brighter shade of red as they quickly chewed and swallowed their food, it was absolutely embarrassing. Especially since they did that with other people around.
“ That was embarrassing.” Yuno muttered as he lowered his head, Neva laughed and nodded.
“ It was very embarrassing.” She agreed as she rested her head against his chest, grabbed the front of his jacket, and pulled it around her head so as to try and cover her very red face. Yuno chuckled and wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug before resting his head on top of hers.
The two stood like that for a moment before someone cleared their throat.
“ C’mon you two lovebirds, it's time to see and cut your wedding cake!” Jessamy said cheerfully as she walked up to them and grabbed both their arms, and led them towards their cake.
The couple followed her towards their cake and looked in awe.
It was a small five tiered cake with mixtures of whites, purples, grays, and golds. From the second to the fourth tier there was what appeared to be a large cut with amethyst sticking out, but upon closer inspection it was actually edible crystals that Jessamy had made to look like amethyst. On a couple of tiers were a couple of beautiful white flowers that just so happened to look like Yuno’s favorite ones.
Jessamy had really gone all out.
“ Each tier has a different flavor sponge and filling since I wanted to make sure everyone's tastes were met. But what do you think? Do you like it?” She asked, and Neva smiled before nodding.
“ It’s stunning Jess, you really outdid yourself.” Neva said as she looked all around the cake.
“ I can’t take all the credit, Wren helped me out a lot with it too.” Jess explained with a laugh as she talked about her significant other and how they helped her with the cake.
Neva and Yuno walked up to the cake and, as per tradition, cut the first slice before handing it out to all of the guests.
After everyone had eaten their fill of food and cake, Asta suddenly shouted it was time for everyone to dance. Neva and Yuno sighed, they had nearly forgotten about that. Neither were very good dancers, and considering what happened the last time they had danced at a party, neither one was looking forward to it. Especially Neva and her poor toes.
But they both reluctantly stood and walked to the center of the small dance floor they had made, and the two slowly swayed back and forth in each other’s arms. Luckily the first dance was a slow one, which meant the two didn’t really need to do anything complicated.
After a few minutes one by one people joined in and began to dance as well. But off to the side stood Neva’s friends, who watched her with fond smiles on their faces.
“ You know,” Solara started as her eyes darted between watching Yuno and Neva dance and watching Fuegoleon and Cyra dance. “ I can’t remember the last time I saw Neva smile so much.” She added with a small frown.
“ Me neither.” Josele admitted as she tried to think, and Jessamy hummed a bit.
“ Hm, she always seemed happy whenever I brought her fresh bread and desserts, but you’re right I don’t think I’ve ever seen her smile so much.” Jessamy admitted before Aika scoffed a bit.
“ I remember,” She said, which caused the others to look at her. “ It was when she and Yuno first started dating, she smiled almost everyday I think.”
As the women thought about it, Aika was right, she had smiled almost everyday when the two had first started dating. It had surprised everyone back then, the girl that rarely smiled suddenly began too, it was surprising, yet heartwarming to see the girl with a diamond heart slowly begin to open herself up to someone.
The women watched the newly married couple, with warm and older sister-like smiles on their faces.
Yuno and Neva continued to dance, until someone suddenly pulled on the bottom of Yuno’s jacket. The two looked down to see Alistar standing there, his wide ice blue eyes looking slightly nervous.
“ Um…is it okay if I dance with Auntie Neva? Dad said I should ask someone to dance, but the only one I could think to dance with was Auntie…so is it okay Uncle Yuno?” Alistar asked shyly, his voice very soft as he continued to tug on Yuno’s jacket.
The dark haired mage looked at his wife with a slightly confused look, but once she nodded he smiled a bit, took her hand, and gave it to the five year old boy.
“ Alright…here you go.” Yuno said kindly, the young boy took Neva’s hand and as he stepped away the two began to slow dance. Yuno watched with amusement before he noticed his former Captain watching them too.
Yuno walked over to him and stood beside him quietly for a few moments before William spoke.
“ I was hoping he would ask Fuegoleon’s daughter to dance, but I guess I was asking for too much.” William said lightheartedly, and Yuno tilted his head.
“ You’re already trying to arrange a marriage for him?” Yuno asked, and his former Captain quickly shook his head.
“ Of course not. I wouldn’t dream of doing that to him, I want him to find someone he truly loves and marry them just like I did.” William said as he watched his son, Yuno frowned a bit.
“ But didn’t you think your marriage was arranged by Captain Yami at first? So you’re not entirely opposed to arranged marriages.” Yuno said curiously, and William suddenly blushed and cleared his throat.
“ That…was a terrible joke that I should have realized was a joke sooner than I did,” William began quickly as Yuno chuckled. “ but that isn’t the point. The point is, I’m not going to put my son through that intentionally.”
Yuno nodded, and the two fell quiet again for a few moments before William sighed.
“ I just…want him to make friends…I don’t want him to be like me when I was his age; isolated, lonely. I want him to feel the warmth of friendship and love from an early age. But instead he just…would rather be around plants and books, and, well, me.” William said softly, Yuno nodded. He didn’t know much about his former Captain’s life as a child, but Neva did, and she told Yuno just how lonely of a life he had led until he met Patolli.
“ Have you tried having him hang around the other Golden Dawn kids?” Yuno asked curiously and William nodded.
“ Klaus and I tried to get him to be friends with Irene, but he just…wasn’t interested. Instead he kept his nose in Zera’s book and just ignored her for the most part…” William shook his head. “ As for the other kids, well, they all avoid him.”
“ Why?”
“ Because their parents tell them too, but that’s another story for another day. I just…wish he had his mother's social butterfly personality.” William chuckled as a sad look appeared in his eyes.
Yuno hadn’t thought about his and Neva’s wedding triggering William’s memories from his own wedding many years ago. The dark haired mage quickly swallowed a lump in his throat, they should have been more considerate.
“ Gods I miss Zera,” William said with a humorless laugh, and Yuno’s heart clenched in his chest as he began to feel guilty. “ She would know exactly what to do and what to say to Alistar.”
“ I’m sorry,” Yuno began softly as he looked at his former Captain with sadness in his eyes. “ We should have thought about how the wedding would affect you.” William quickly shook his head and waved his apology away.
“ It’s alright, as much as this wedding makes me miss her, as much as it makes me remember what happened to her and how little time we actually had together. It also makes me remember my own wedding, how beautiful it was, and how many good memories she and I made together.” William said softly as he and Yuno watched Neva pick Alistar up and spin him around as he laughed gleefully.
“ I’m sorry, today’s supposed to be happy and I brought the mood down with my venting.” William said with a shake of his head, and Yuno quickly shook his head.
“ N-No Captain, it’s okay! We all need to vent sometimes, and in unexpected places.” Yuno quickly said, William laughed and patted Yuno on the shoulder.
“ You don’t have to call me ‘Captain’ anymore Yuno, since I’m no longer your Captain. Instead, you can just call me ‘William’ or ‘Vangeance’, now that we’re family.” William chuckled as a surprised look crossed Yuno’s face, he patted him on the shoulder again before he walked towards Alistar, who had finished dancing with Neva.
“ Thank you for listening to me tonight, Yuno, and take care of Neva for me.” He shouted over his shoulder as he picked up Alistar and hugged him.
Neva slowly made her way over to her husband and wrapped her arms around him.
“ What did you two talk about?”
“ Nothing. Just…Zera…and how he missed her.” Yuno said softly, and Neva nodded understandingly.
“ I’ll apologize to him tomorrow, I didn’t think about it.” Neva said sadly and Yuno began to tell her about his and William’s conversation, and how he already apologized for not thinking about how the wedding would affect him and how William wasn’t upset and how he thought about the good things instead of the bad.
Soon, as the night went on, everyone began to leave and go home. Neva and Yuno went into the church and walked into their small room that Father Orsi and Sister Lily had made for them and just as they were about to fall asleep, Neva rolled over, wrapped her arms around her husband, and quietly whispered in his ear.
“ Tomorrow, before we leave, I have something to give you, and something to tell you.” She kissed his cheek. “ Goodnight!” She added quickly before rolling over, Yuno sat up and frowned in confusion. What on earth did she have to tell him and give him?
“ It’s your wedding gift.” She told him quickly before giggling. Yuno’s frown only deepened at her words as he laid down and tried to go to sleep, what on earth did she have to tell him…?
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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daxwritesstories · 24 days
College AU Part 20: Therapy
Content warning: sexual assault(mention)
Scene 1: Therapy
(Scene title by All Time Low)
INT. Celia and Cyra's dorm - Morning
Cyra is getting dressed. She's holding up two black shirts, deciding which one to wear.
Celia pokes her head out of the bathroom.
CELIA: Cyra, have you seen my–
Cyra flinches and drops both shirts on the floor.
CYRA: Fuck!
Celia steps into the main room, looking concerned.
CELIA: Are you okay?
CYRA: Yeah, sorry. You just scared me.
Celia leans against the door frame, looking worried.
CELIA: You've been really jumpy the last few days.
Cyra crouches down to pick up the shirts, not looking at Celia.
CYRA: Have I?
There is a knock at the door and Cyra drops the shirts again, inhaling sharply. Celia stares at her for a moment, concerned. Then she goes to open the door.
Ace is standing there when Celia opens the door.
ACE: Hi Celia. I need to talk to Cyra.
Celia steps to the side so Ace can come in. Cyra smiles at Ace, holding up the shirts again.
CYRA: Hi gorgeous...
ACE: Why are you avoiding me? We need to talk about what happened.
CYRA: That's why I'm avoiding you. I don't wanna talk about it.
ACE: You have to.
CYRA: Why?
CELIA: Did something happen?
Ace glances at Celia and then looks at Cyra again, waiting for her to explain. Cyra doesn't say anything though.
ACE: You're not even gonna tell your best friend?
CELIA: You can tell me anything, Cyra. I won't tell anyone else.
Cyra sighs heavily and sits down on her bed.
CYRA: Fine. I got attacked. But I'm fine, okay?
CELIA: Attacked? Like...
CYRA: Like, sexually. But he only touched me for, like, thirty seconds. It wasn't that bad.
CELIA: Oh, Cyra. I'm so sorry...
Cyra smiles at Celia.
CYRA: Don't worry about me. I'm fine.
ACE: You don't seem fine.
CYRA: What makes you say that?
ACE: I can just tell.
Cyra sighs and looks down at the floor.
ACE: You should talk to someone about it.
CYRA: Absolutely not.
CELIA: Cyra...
CYRA: If anyone else finds out then word will get out. That would be humiliating.
ACE: Therapists have a confidentiality policy.
CYRA: Not in my experience. Look, just give me a few more days and I'll be fine. This isn't the first time this has happened to me and the last time was way worse than what happened the other night. Just trust me on this, okay?
Ace stares at Cyra for a moment and then glances at Celia. She just shrugs.
ACE: Okay, fine. But you're gonna tell me if you see him anywhere near you again. Got it?
CYRA: Okay...
Ace turns around and opens the door.
ACE: That shit is not happening again.
Scene 2: She's So Mean
(Scene title by Matchbox Twenty)
EXT. Courtyard - Afternoon
Prince, Jayce, and Leon are standing together in the courtyard, far away from the other students. Prince and Jayce are sharing a joint.
PRINCE: You sure you don't want a hit?
LEON: I'm good. I don't smoke.
Prince passes the joint to Jayce.
PRINCE: Do you drink?
LEON: Nope.
PRINCE: Straight edge. Nice!
JAYCE: God I wish that were me.
Leon laughs.
All three of them look up when they notice someone approaching them. It's Arabella.
ARABELLA: Hey, Prince!
Prince waves at her. Jayce avoids eye contact.
ARABELLA: What's up, Jayce?
Arabella smiles and lightly punches Jayce in the stomach. Having just inhaled smoke, Jayce coughs obnoxiously loud. He covers his stomach with his free hand. Prince laughs.
ARABELLA: I haven't even punched you yet this semester!
JAYCE: I know. I've been avoiding you.
LEON: Do all your female friends just manhandle you, Jayce?
ARABELLA: He makes it too easy. I'm Arabella, by the way.
Leon smiles and waves.
LEON: Leon. I'm Jayce's roommate.
ARABELLA: Ah, so you must have gotten to know Prince pretty well by now.
Prince laughs.
LEON: Yeah. These two are like Velcro.
ARABELLA: Are you dating anyone?
JAYCE: We're not dating!
Jayce passes the joint back to Prince.
PRINCE: What he said.
Arabella nods.
ARABELLA: Right...
LEON: I'm single. Why? Are you hitting on me?
Arabella laughs.
ARABELLA: You're not my type. Has Cyra found you yet?
Leon smiles.
LEON: "Found" me?
PRINCE: Yes, she has.
ARABELLA: Fun! Good luck with that.
Arabella smiles at Jayce.
ARABELLA: Hey... speaking of Cyra, I heard you're starting a band with her.
JAYCE: Yeah, we'll see how that goes.
PRINCE: Enzo and Celia are in the band too.
ARABELLA: So I've heard. Enzo doesn't even go here though.
Prince shrugs.
PRINCE: I guess he doesn't mind visiting a lot.
(Scene title by kets4eki)
INT. Cafeteria - Afternoon
Connor and Devin are eating a late lunch together. Connor is on his phone and Devin is focused on eating. They both look up when Ace suddenly sits down at their table.
ACE: Hey.
Connor smiles, checking Ace out.
ACE: Are you friends with Cyra? I think I saw you at her party. And you too. Don't think I didn't notice that sexy cowboy costume.
Devin sighs.
DEVIN: Oh boy...
CONNOR: Did you like it? That costume was my idea.
ACE: Oh, I loved it.
Ace slowly licks his upper lip, staring directly at Devin. Devin rolls his eyes and looks away. Connor laughs, catching Ace's attention again.
ACE: What's your name, papi?
Connor raises his eyebrows in surprise and smiles.
CONNOR: Okay white girl... My name's Connor. What's yours?
ACE: I'm Ace Diamond.
CONNOR: Whoa! First and last name! I like it.
Connor gestures to Devin.
CONNOR: This is Devin, by the way. He's straight.
ACE: I can tell.
DEVIN: If you can tell then why do you keep hitting on me?
ACE: Because I like straight guys.
CONNOR: Me too!
Ace nods at Connor and Devin sighs.
ACE: Did you know men are better at giving blowjobs than women?
Devin squints thoughtfully and then looks at Connor.
CONNOR (whispering): It's true. But don't tell any girls I said that.
Ace giggles.
CONNOR: So, how come this is my first time meeting you, gorgeous?
ACE: I didn't really talk to anyone at the party. And I think Cyra wants to keep me for herself.
CONNOR: That's a shame. I wish I'd seen you first.
Ace smiles.
ACE: Well, Cyra doesn't control me. It's quite the opposite, actually.
Devin laughs and stands up.
DEVIN: I'll leave you guys to it.
Devin walks away. Ace and Connor both watch him leave.
ACE: He's no fun.
CONNOR: I know.
Scene 4: In Between
(Scene title by Beartooth)
INT. Hallway - Afternoon
Cyra is sitting on a bench by herself. She has her knees to her chest and her head is bent forward, hiding her face.
Erik rounds the corner and notices Cyra there. He frowns and stomps up to her.
ERIK: Cyra! Did you fucking start another band?
Cyra slowly looks up at Erik. Her eyes are red and her cheeks are wet. She's been crying.
ERIK: Whoa, are you okay?
CYRA: Why do you care? I thought you were mad at me.
Erik sighs and glances around.
ERIK: Well, I'm not gonna yell at a girl who's been crying.
CYRA (sarcastically): My prince charming...
Erik sits down next to Cyra on the bench.
ERIK: What's going on?
CYRA: I can't just tell you.
ERIK: Why not? Is someone hurting you?
Cyra avoids eye contact with Erik, trying to keep quiet as more tears come. She doesn't respond. Erik glances around again, checking if anyone's around.
ERIK: Look, you said you wanted me to trust you, right? Can you trust me too?
Cyra closes her eyes and breathes deeply.
CYRA: I think I've made a terrible mistake. Roman was right.
Erik looks confused.
ERIK: Roman? What did Roman say?
CYRA: He said that I'm putting myself in dangerous situations.
ERIK: What? Cyra, are you okay?
CYRA: I'm fine.
Cyra checks over her shoulder for people. When she sees the coast is clear, she sighs.
CYRA: You can't tell anyone this, okay? Not even Rhett.
Erik hesitates before responding.
ERIK: Okay...
CYRA: Someone attacked me.
Erik scowls.
ERIK: Who?
CYRA: I don't think you know him. He doesn't go to this school. I got attacked because I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But, if I could do it over I still would've gone there.
ERIK: Why?
Cyra shakes her head.
CYRA: Even if I told you, you wouldn't understand. I'm probably not even making any sense right now.
ERIK: No, not really.
Cyra sighs and hangs her head down again.
ERIK: If you really don't want to tell me, you don't have to. But I am worried about you.
CYRA: Thought you were mad at me...
ERIK: I can be both.
Cyra laughs and lifts her head up.
CYRA: I did start another band. None of us are serious about it though. It's kind of just for fun. I promised our bass player a long time ago that I'd start a band with him.
ERIK: So you didn't do it to piss me off?
CYRA: Oh, I did. But I don't care about that anymore. And I don't care about doing the Oingo Boingo song. I never really cared.
ERIK: Then why were you so mad about it?
CYRA: Because I like arguing with you. You piss me off.
ERIK: Likewise.
CYRA: So... you're not kicking me out of the band?
Erik sighs.
ERIK: I really want this thing to work out. People seem to like us a lot.
CYRA: They do. I've noticed.
ERIK: Of course you have.
Cyra giggles.
ERIK: What?
CYRA: I just like you.
Erik gives Cyra the most confused look imaginable. Cyra laughs even more.
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midnightsun-if · 7 months
A continuation to the ask about the ROs being asked if MC was seeing anybody: what would happen if they saw the person who asked that question pestering MC while MC's whole body language screamed 'I'm uncomfortable!' but they were trying to be nice about it?
Continuation of this ask.
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Koda: He stops next to you, a small frown furrowing his brow as he glances between you and the person. "Hi, MC." A bright grin is sent your way, but it quickly falls away when he shifts his attention. "I thought you wanted me to ask him later? Don't you think now is a bad time?" Koda glances down at his watch, worry welling within his stomach. "We're going to be late for our movie marathon." Gently taking you by the arm, he tugs you closer to his side, whiskey brown eyes never straying too far from the other person. "Why don't we head back to the dorm now? It's Gina's turn to cook tonight and I can't wait to eat up." He looks down at you then, his warm countenance returning in spades immediately. "That's something that'll be fun before it, I think. Some good food and good company to match."
Scarlett: Viridescent eyes narrow into slits, features devoid of emotion twisting into the epitome of anger-- a vicious, burning entity that's scorching in intensity-- at the sight that greets her at the other end of the hall. She doesn't think, doesn't give credence to the thoughts running through her head, all she felt in that moment, all that she knew to be true, is that she needed to get to you. With long strides, Scarlett closes the distance quickly, heels clicking menacingly against the waxed floor. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" A hand grips onto their bicep, more impervious than steel, as she twists the person towards her. "When I told you to go ask her, I didn't mean make a nuisance of yourself and force your cretinous presence somewhere it doesn't belong." Scarlett leans closer, sharp fangs glinting underneath the torchlight when she growls. "You've just made a mistake. The likes of which you'll never recover from. I'll make sure of it."
Cyrus/Cyra: "This isn't what I meant by getting your answer faster." Their words, much like the expression etched across their face, is filled with anger-- a raging inferno roaring within their chest at the sight before them. They step closer, settling by your side, with their arms crossed over their chest; presenting every bit as the Heir to House Aurelia in that moment. "I'd leave if I were you, it's clear that your presence is no longer required or welcomed." Gentle gold eyes, that still have a lethal undercurrent of red, turn to glance at you, a soft smile quirking their lips. "Though, I believe, I must thank you in a way. You gave me a question that I didn't even know needed to be asked and, because of it, I have come to answer that's quite satisfactory." They turn back to the person, their earlier fire returning. "But, make no mistake, that your help, however slight, makes me any less forgetful of what you just tried to do."
Quinn: Can I eat them now? Their wolf, while unwelcome in the moment, reflected the exact feelings currently welling within their chest. A festering rage causing their eyes to flash sporadically, but they maintain control as they easily find their way to your side-- one of their favorite places to be. "Forcing your company on someone that doesn't wish for it isn't exactly charming," Quinn mutters, arms crossed over their chest. Sapphire blue filled with nothing but barely concealed hostility. "In fact, I think it's something that'd warrant a visit from my furry friend." They take a small step forward, voice lowering to a menacing growl. "So, I'd leave if I were you. If you care at all for your health."
Caden: An icy chill instantly fills the hallway, silver eyes flashing brilliantly-- wisps of chilling white intercepted within them. They're not aware when they stop by your side, but they're more than aware of the growing fire within their chest; a rage the likes they haven't felt in a long time. "You need to leave." They take a step closer, voice hauntingly devoid of any emotion. At the hesitation, another gust of icy air rushes through the area. "That wasn't a suggestion." Caden inclines their head towards the exit. "Now."
Sloane: Without thinking about the consequences, without putting any thought into the action really, their fist collides with the person's cheek-- satisfied immensely by the crack that fills the air because of it. "Why don't you fuck around with someone who actually wants it, asshole?" Teeth bared, wolf broiling at the surface, Sloane takes a step closer, fighting against the urge to tear them apart. "Next time I see you even in the same radius as MC, I'll make you sure you wished that you never stepped foot in Aurelian, understood?" At the frantic nodding of their head, Sloane jerks their own towards the exit. "Good. Now get the fuck out of my sight."
Blake: An easy smile slips from their lips at the sight, violet eyes darkening to a shade few have ever seen before. Without putting much stock into the action, Blake easily sidles up to you, throwing a loose arm around your shoulders. "MC," they crow, tugging you closer into their side. "Just the vampire I was looking for, I was wondering if you'd help me with an assignment?" At the scoff from the other person, Blake allows a cheshire grin to overtake them, not a hint of mirth in their gaze. "Oh, I wasn't aware you had company. Would you like me to leave you be?" They shift their focus towards you, deadly serious. "I'd be more than happy to handle it, of course. Handling unwanted things is an amusing pastime of mine."
Reginald/Regina: "It seems you also have to work on boundaries too," they comment, easily settling by your side. Ignoring the glare that's sent their way because of it, a gentle smile comes to their lips as they nudge you. "I'm making dinner tonight, wanna help me out?" Blue green eyes flash merrily, but anyone would be able to see the sharpness hiding just underneath the surface-- a clear signal to the one it's directed towards that they wouldn't leave regardless. "You've always been a big help to me, I could definitely use that now. What do you say?"
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t3mpest98 · 2 months
Hiii, I bring thee some enrichment 😌 Emoji asks for Spade, Noir and Cyra (bc they're new and must get used to their enclosures):
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with? 🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat? 🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it? 🪤 MOUSE TRAP - what will always lure them into certain danger? a loved one in danger? a promise of something they are always searching for? 🚆 TRAIN - what is their answer to the trolley problem?
Drink water :D
!!!!!! YESSS (also does it count if I have a lot of sweet tea? It’s vry good sweet tea)
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
Allllll of them. He is very emotionally constipated and tries to bury any strong feeling somewhere deep down inside so it can’t hurt him or interfere with his job
Ones like empathy or compassion because no matter how much he may want to show it (he’s long since stuffed that down in a box locked tight and it rarely peaks out) it could cloud his judgement or get someone he cares about killed because one minute you think you’re dealing with someone who needs help and the next they’re taking advantage of you or are able to kill you
Things like anger or frustration come so easy that when she feels peace or even happy it feels like something is off or that she’s letting her guard down. And the last time she felt or did that well, she gets the friendly reminder in the way of phantom pains
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?
Ice cream but the simple flavors, nothing to extrapolate or something with to many different flavors. Just seems over complicated and he can’t focus on the one specific flavor he likes
Donuts, glazed or powdered (can have cinnamon or not doesn’t matter he’ll eat it) ABSOLUTELY no sprinkles he hates them
She reeeeally likes pastries but she’s not had one for years now. There isn’t exactly a bakery down in the lower levels of Coruscant
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
He doesn’t know, he’s never let himself think about anything beyond what was the next clear step. If he had to say anything it would simply be that he wished his brother would stop almost dying on him cause he may start going grey if Noir doesn’t.
For the love of everything good and holy he would wish that he could stop being in constant pain all. The. Time. So that maybe he could do more and be more useful than he thinks he is (he doesn’t even think about getting a way out of what they do now, since he’s been doing it for so long) But as to actually getting the problem solved (or at least lessened since there’s not really a cure for osteoarthritis) he can’t go far unless their medic can get the supplies they need
To please just see the sky one more freaking time before she dies at least, even if it’s through a window or for just a few seconds. She would do near anything but she can’t without being killed
🪤 MOUSE TRAP - what will always lure them into certain danger? a loved one in danger? a promise of something they are always searching for?
(Akkdkfkgkgkg apologies these seem very similar but like, they’re all they really have and are rude or die for each other)
Well given the fact that it has happened before, Noir, Thire, or even Cyra would be reason enough for him to go in guns blazing. It if he was told that this one more mission and he wouldn’t have to watch his vod’ike starve and die down in the lower levels.
Pretty much the same as Spade except the promise, if he had the promise to go after every single person who’s ever hurt him, his brother, and Cyra without repercussions than he’s game
There are two people she even remotely still cares about left and she’s not keen on letting anyone hurt or kill them anytime soon so the twins. But if someone were to offer her a way off Coruscant and a way to make sure no one would ever be able to track her down she would take it
🚆 TRAIN - what is their answer to the trolley problem?
It really depends on who is on the tracks but he’s probably go for the track with one person on it then try to get them off it before the train got there. Now if he did see some of the really bad people he’s met then he’d let them get run over without a care
Not sure if he could find it within himself to care much anymore, he tends to see the worst in everyone so he doesn’t care who dies as long as it’s not someone he cares about. He knows that sound cold and heartless but you do what you have to do to survive
This one is complicated because Kassai would have tried to save as many as she could but Cyra tries look away and not care at all
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saviorfoxowlis · 2 years
N:Era: Off the Track: Part 7: Forever Going Back
Part 7: Forever Going Back
One station sat in Spectris Woods, belonging to a city, lost to the wilds, in the middle of nowhere. No lightbulbs adorned the location because no one ever took the stop.
Passengers asked important questions about why the train wasn't moving, as usually, the train blazed past the Spectris Woods. Some peered through the windows and saw figures moving around, but because of the lack of light, they couldn’t make any shapes out, and the breaths not held fogged the windows.
Cyras trapped the furnace tenders with pillars of coal, knowing that if they came back to life, they could cause trouble. However, she saw the ghosts didn’t look exactly like their bodies.
A voice rang through the intercom.
"Greetings. I suppose you all have realized that there has been a delay in your travel plans. I am one who has a lot more time on my hands than most, as I've already run out of time.
"212 years ago, 11818 AA, we were murdered on one of these trains by our business rivals. They buried my body beneath this very spot, my bones are right underneath where I'm at. I am only a spectre. However, I can feel the presence of my murderer on this very train and now we finally enact our vengeance.
"We can feel you, attempting to make sure we never rest in peace, and you come and drain my spirit, but we found vessels, and we've taken our forms."
The figures from out of the train pounded the doors before busting in. Not all of them had eyes or even all their fingers.
Everyone shouted zombie.
Cyras ran down the halls of people trying to trample or push each other away, when she said, "Everyone, follow me." She lit her body on fire before growing eight new tails. She slammed one doorway, causing an explosion. The smell of barbecued roadkill pervaded.
Crowds would flock onto the dead station. As any zombie got too close, Lilu would headbutt them and push them back. Most passengers were afraid of touching any, however, because of their bloodstained and worm-infested bodies.
Kyofi and Vanos were trained fighters, and both slapped at the zombies, or pushing them, or even biting them. None of them had much intelligence. The zombies were also of questionable wit.
Baynana looked at some of the wormy faces of the zombies, some now scorched from Cyras’ attack, and said, "Oh I actually studied about this at one point. They're known as 'Thelosts'-"
"The point," Ahmond said.
"Uh, they're zombies who drowned before. What gets me is that Thelosts are water zombies. I don't get how flames are burning them."
"Because flames burn underwater if they have an oxygen source," Cyras said.
“Okay, well what happened is that their creator supposedly died, leaving them with no one as their leader.” Ahmond tapped Baynana and pointed at the sky, at the silvery moon.
Three crimsons rose in the sky. Spirits. Now they were visible for everyone instead of just psychics. They waved their arms, directing the symphony of death.
Mosor said, "Wait here, I have the power of Empathy, like how Ahmond can amplify. I think I can figure out more about them." She put her paw on the floor and sent out pink waves. The waves wrapped around the spirits.
Mosor said, "I can sense great negative energy. Energy like someone who's been so hurt from their spirit being harmed so much, vengeance without a goal but just with the intent of bringing suffering."
"Grrreat!" Cyras said. "Now how do we deal with that?"
"I don't know, I'm not a necromancer," Mosor said. "I can only empathize with people, but that's really nowhere near as useful as you may think."
Baynana said, "Maybe we should think about burning the books we've got, that way we can remove the power."
Rosod said, "Yes, that's a good idea. The books have gold flecks on some letters, keeping away ghosts from libraries."
Lilu said, "I guess I'd haunt a library if I was a ghost, seems quiet." She pulled out a book and examining the title, remembered something yesterday.
The hyena Lilu said, "Oh." As she walked back down the aisle, she saw a book on the floor. She sniffed the cover.
The Twayt at the seat said, "Hey, that's my book, why was that on the floor!?"
Lilu grimaced but then grinned in joyous discovery. "I'll need to borrow this book for the moment so we can figure out a thief."
The bird realized, "You're a member of that one team who helped take out the lie detectors. You're part of N:Era." Lilu smirked and nodded at the surmisal, having been glad someone appreciated her. Unlike Ahmond and Cyras.
"Correct," Lilu said, "I am Lilu, leader of Team N:Era."
Lilu turned back down the train. She stood by Cyras and said, "Good news, I've got the scent from the book, but the problem is, I can't quite pin who this is. Smells kinda like a Crimson."
Glass fell on the floor as well as plaster. More arrows brought out more explosions within the palace.
Kryyk said, smirking at the fox now surrounded by haze, "I'm amazed, Empress, about how much power you have had. However, as soon as you're employees all get breaks, they only care about the paycheck. Now, who protects you?"
As the smoke cleared, Owlis jumped through.
The Violet mimic avoided her sword the first time, however she got her paw on his thigh and he fell. As his body writhed from the lightning, Owlis summoned several fireballs before blasting them at archers below, burning their arrows.
Kryyk summoned a whip of water, slapping at Owlis, so she sent a blast of flames, evaporating the water.
The Violet got back up, pulling a dagger.
Owlis' annoyance reached a glass-shattering pitch as she turned towards him. She sent a blast of flames with electricity, blasting him off a balcony where he fell for hundreds of feet. As he splattered, a bolt of lightning struck him once more.
Kryyk jumped through holes, getting on lower floors, realizing he must avoid the wrath of Owlis.
Fireballs fell from the heavens, reddening the sky, and rendering even the grass orange from the warmth before landing. Shards of earth flew up, shooting every way, while clouds covered the moon before lightning fell.
Kryyk felt the atmosphere get intensely hotter from the flames, but couldn't tell where the lightning was coming. This wasn't sweltering like summer heat, but more like boiling water. His breath felt cool. He levitated a shard of earth and took cover underneath.
Fire and earth wove together. Chasms of lava and magma melted in paths along his army, and his forces fell within.
Earth and Lightning wove together, spitting up haze that ran over the area. Kryyk had felt intense flames before, from Cyras' tails, but embers burned his lungs and dried his eyes.
Lightning and fire wove together, coming down as beams of plasma. Any strike incinerated grass. Afterward, a blast of white and purple took out anything in a 30-foot sphere.
Kryyk entered the cover of trees, however he wasn't sure how much of that was on his own merits and how much of that was mercy. He hacked up some lung.
The ground closed up, the flames faded, and the storm clouds moved back. The palace looked untouched as usual.
Kryyk, realizing that he probably lost half of his army, said, "...Okay. Well that's a thing, yup..."
Glass flew back in place. With the power of death came the power of healing.
The next phase of the plan was definitely not gonna be another attack, however, Kryyk was sure he could ruin society in an easier way. For now, his gang of truth-seeking Civics and self would retreat.
But this was only the first shot in a longer battle.
Lilu was still taken aback by her memory and saw the book she got from the Twayt was "Biology: A Basic Introduction." Cyras said the book smelled like Rosod, and while searching, the weasel girl’s first thought was on her mirror, probably not her schoolbooks. "Rosod, are you sure you're not missing a book?"
Rosod looked in her purse and said, "Oh yeah, what do you know." She looked up and saw Lilu had the book. "Where'd you get this?"
“Uh, well, from someone I know. Let’s not burn the books, maybe there is a way to stop the spirit. Come with me, I’ve got a plan.”
Lilu walked along the horrified masses, got hip checked by one Crimson, and said, “Watch where you’re going, fat hips, you coulda taken out a moo-moo!” before finding the Twayt from before, shivering in a tree stump. "Lemme ask you a few questions."
"I'm trying to not get maimed or obliterated here," he said, receding further in the hole. “So I’m hiding.”
"Of course, but like, where did you get that book from? I'm just saying, you totally stole that from my friend, and Cyras even said that the book smells like Rosod."
The twayt said, "Okay, look, I..."
Pink waves from Rosod and Mosor shot at him - Mosor's being her power of Empathy, Rosod just being a probing spell. A vision showed him brush against Rosod, taking the book. "This should keep him from ever coming back,” he whispered, then he stole a couple more books.
Lilu said, "Huh that's kinda weird, we need a bit more."
The vision rewinded. One day earlier, he was with a friend. “Olivine, you’re really going to disturb a body.”
He whispered back, "Remember, Javine, by filling the gold flecks with spirit power, he’ll never come back. Every time I run over the bones, the more power I collect, but if he ever comes back, he will strike. I should be getting the full power this year, you just need to process."
After the vision faded, Rosod said, "Okay, explain that."
The twayt said, "Okay, so my great-grandparents murdered someone who was a powerful necromancer. They were part of a cult, as everyone knew, and no one liked the fact there was a train of evil magicians, so we... you know... We sealed them away."
Mosor’s eyes narrowed, bemused, and she said, "We can see there's more."
"Okay, and also as the big scary man said, we were business rivals... but now we own a good train company. I didn't know they'd be operating the train, I just keep buying tickets here so I can make sure the bones aren't acting up. You dig them up, take a bit of that spirit power."
"You dig them up often?" Lilu asked.
"Sometimes, and you get some books and that seals up the power, and also keeps the vengeful spirits from getting full power, because like, if you can't get the books, you can't get to full power... Looks like he got the books so moot point."
"Okay, you're under arrest for one," Lilu said. "And for next, well, maybe we should dig up the bones and purify them. Cyras!"
"Way ahead of you!" Cyras said as she pounced on the tracks and began digging under the heavy metal train.
Olivine tried flying further into the tree, but Rosod cast a levitation spell and kept him in place. He squawked.
Mosor shouted, "Keep the area clear for Cyras. If you've got luggage, you've got weapons. We use gold for money, gold is dense, start throwing your wallets."
Cyras manipulated earth as she tossed large chunks out of the way from under the train, getting underneath the wood. Lilu joined her. "Oh man, I think I broke my claw," Lilu said.
"Here, do as I do," Cyras said, explaining her methods.
A couple other citizens came down. Even if they weren't good at fighting, they would know digging, and soon there was an entire team of dires.
While hundreds of Thelosts were surrounding the passengers, simple spells kept them at bay. Baynana ran up and headbutted a Crimson.
"Careful, Baynana-"
Baynana cut Ahmond off with a paw on the muzzle. "Will you stop trying to protect me? Do you know how annoying that is?"
Ahmond turned her head. "I'm sorry. Um, I'm just making sure that my friends don't hurt you-"
"You're not protecting me from your friends, you're really protecting your friends from me, aren't you? How about you leave me alone for once? Am I still a child to you? Am I still your little cousin?"
Ahmond said, "Well... Okay..." She pondered if she should still give her an amplified boost. Eh well. She cast the spell on the diggers and excavators.
Some Thelosts broke through the loose formations, like water through sand, and began climbing on people. Vanos said, "Hurry, we're losing people."
Lilu said, "There's no point, we can't find the bones at this rate." She couldn't believe the disgusting behavior. Taking books and sealing away spiritual essence bit by bit.
Cyras said, "You're a hyena. Sniff, really sniff."
Lilu said, "I've never even smelled real bones except during, like, cluckcluck bones." Maybe she was getting that scent, or maybe just an illusion. That's when she clawed something yellow.
"Bones, I've found the bones!"
“My nine tails does damage to the undead, pull them out.”
As Lilu pulled herself out from underneath the train, Cyras gained eight new tails made of fire. And she slapped the bones.
0 notes
bardic-tales · 2 years
Hi hello! Happy STS!
Pick a WIP and tell me about the themes in it. What are they, why do you want to write about them, is there anything you hope to achieve or is it a meditation on something?
-EG (equusgirl-writes)
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Hello. Happy Belated STS.
I'm going to answer this for my WIP: Cold as Ice.
Pick a WIP and tell me about the themes in it. What are they?
Cold as Ice, the first novel in the Dark Savior Series, features the elements of anti-heroes, battling inner demons, dark worlds, bad things happening to good people, dark is good, and some horror elements.
Some of the tropes I use are black and gray morality, crapsack world, dark messiah, and humans are monsters.
Why do you want to write about them?
I write these themes as they are part of the foundation of my genre. I also want Cold as Ice to serve as a cautionary tale of corrupt monarchies and have a healthy skepticism of other people.
This is also a dive into human psyche and how much a person can take before they break. Cyras is dealing with PTSD from living with her foster father, the Duke of Avis.
Is there anything you hope to achieve or is it a meditation on something?
I am a firm believer of you write what you know. There are parts in all of my stories are inspired by my own experiences and traumas. I'm working through those as I write.
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sillymeter · 2 years
🌩️ LIGHTNING - are they scared of lightning? 🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self? 🌠 SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make? ANSWERS UNDER THE CUT
DR. TETRA LIGHTNING: no! they love lightning storms! RAINBOW: whatever you do, don't take the job offer. they're lying. SHOOTING STAR: they would wish to have known everything from the start, so they could maybe prevent some of the damage done. DALLAS LIGHTNING: nope! RAINBOW: YOU NEED TO BECOME GOTH RIGHT NEOWWWW!!!! SHOOTING STAR: become a vampire. like a cool one. can turn into a bat & go out in the sun without dying. that stuff.
RORY LIGHTNING: no RAINBOW: invest in crusty sean's food truck you are going to be broke in the future buddy SHOOTING STAR: WE NEED TO BRING BACK MAMMALS RIGHT FUCKING NOW I WANT TO SEE THE TIGERS. LEE LIGHTNING: no RAINBOW: "it gets better" or something. how do you even tell a kid what the future is like. good lird SHOOTING STAR: get rid of their sanitization poisoning and also like... maybe have a tail or something CYRA LIGHTNING: .......yes. not the noise, but the light. RAINBOW: she doesn't remember their childhood. probably like, write down your life in a journal and tie it to your belt forever and ever or something- wait no pick up a horn headband earlier the horn headband is more important to her SHOOTING STAR: nothing! his life is perfect! (she has not yet peeped the horror) RYDER LIGHTNING: NO lightning storms are awesome RAINBOW: GO ON T!!!!!! SHOOTING STAR: be rich TIERNAN LIGHTNING: nope RAINBOW: you're better at literature, put your all into it. you're gonna go to college, i'll ensure it. SHOOTING STAR: also be rich. everything is easy with money he can go to college that way and help everyone BASS LIGHTNING: yes. badly. RAINBOW: i don't know what's going to happen to you to make us like this, but you need to go somewhere else. as far away from where you are right now. SHOOTING STAR: remember who she was, and remove the effects of their sanitization. KOMODO LIGHTNING: nope! RAINBOW: hand them a bunch of technology earlier than they obtained it originally to fuck around with SHOOTING STAR: infinite computer parts to work with and a massive laboratory all to themselves!
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voidtouched-blue · 10 months
| Starter for @ifritmade |
The moment she stepped into view of the village, she had breathed a sigh of relief. The silhouette of the tall bridge against the star-speckled sky reminded her quite a bit of Ishgard, but far warmer than the chill mountains she was used to. Having spent hours just trying to navigate the nearby swamps, and avoiding the local wildlife, she was completely spent. None of this terrain even felt familiar, and the healer considered herself well enough traveled to guess where on the Star she might have been. With staff firmly in hand, she brushed off what debris clung to her robes and set off towards the torchlit town on the bridge. She hoped that someone would be able to point her in the right direction, or at least help her fill in some gaps on her map. "Pardon me!" She called out to a figure just up the road. He looked to be a traveler adjusting the saddlebags on his chocobo from the distance she was at. As she called out to them, the figure turned to the sound of her voice. "Well met, friend! I was wondering if you could direct me-" She was cut off by the man shrieking wordlessly at her and scrambling frantically into the saddle of his steed. She blinked in surprise at his response, wondering if maybe she had some twigs stuck to her hood that might have exaggerated her appearance in the dark. Well, that's not the kind of greeting I expected. She thought. Cyra brushed off her concern, assuring herself that she probably spooked him in the dead of night. Perhaps she should make her presence a little more known to the next hyur she comes across by shuffling her feet to make more noise? Shaking her head slightly, she dismissed the thought and proceeded up the road. As she approached the gate, the armored man standing there seemed to tense up as the light from the torches finally illuminated her small figure in the dark. Her legs ached, and she was certain she had a good number of bruises from whatever thing happened at the start of the day. At this point she couldn't even remember. "S-Stay back! I-I'm warning you!" The man quivered in his armor, clearly terrified of something as he brandished his sword. Cyra stopped in her tracks and quickly turned to look behind, staff at the ready. But there was nothing there. She took a moment to truly observe the descending path for threats before relaxing and turning back to the guard. "There's nothing there, sir." She raised an eyebrow, tapping the end of her staff on the ground. "D-demon!" The man stammered out as he began waving his blade in her direction. Cyra took a step back, concerned now for her own safety as he called out to the town for others to join him on the defense. She held her free arm protectively in front of her, confusion painting her face as clear as crystal. "By the Twelve, what is wrong with you? Been swimming in ale, have you?" She channeled some aether into her staff to at least prime it just in case she needed to defend herself, causing the white crystal at the top to glow lightly. "Lower your sword, sir! I'm just as peaceful as you should be!" She demanded.
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megjgrey · 2 years
The idea that couples can only be together if they're perfect and going to live happily ever after is ridiculous. This isn't someone's fluff fanfic or a straight woman's 'uwu yaoi babies', it's a story with drama and tragedy in a world where bad things happen sometimes! There's some post out there that I only half remember about how people are so obsessed with the 'will they won't they' romance plots of (usually straight) romance media that they can't really recognize or accept it in another form. I, for one, find it hard to care about romance when it's in that classic format. But I find Tiraa and Cyras really interesting. It's well crafted, we understand why Tiraa is interested in Cyras because he represents everything that is forbidden to her, and an escape route from the life she hates. We can't be sure why Cyras would be interested back, and that makes it interesting. We know so little about him, if he's truly a good person trying to do the best with what he has and putting up a mysterious, dangerous facade- or if the rumors are true and he's just a cutthroat murderer. Or, more likely, something in between! I'm not rooting for them to live happily ever after, I'm sitting back with a bowl of popcorn. If anon doesn't like that, well, to each their own, but they have no right coming to the author's inbox and yelling at them about it.
Anyway, The Croaking is by far one of my favorite pieces of media of all time. I really enjoy the drama and can feel invested in the relationship plotlines *because* of all the things anon is complaining about. It's so distinctly queer. Here's to you continuing to break our hearts.
ugh thank you so much for this, this says what I was trying to say in a post I ended up deleting because I thought I'd taken it too far lol.
It's always the getting there that interests me, which is why I don't usually read romance unless it's used as a subplot to something actually exciting going on, and why romance is never actually the main thing my comics are centered around - because without any kind of plot it's just so boring. And if I get bored reading that shit, I'm gonna get bored writing that shit.
I want my characters to be meaty and succulent, with their own wills and flaws, and if they end up smashed together in some way then all the better, but that happily ever after is not what I'm solely working towards. And if you think any of my characters are gonna find that happiness easily, then you haven't been paying attention lmao.
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