#there Is probably like. a legitimate Reason why i tend 2 go for writing angst nd Pear Wigglery stuff but it's. idk. Not-Not-Not Complicated
spider-man-2o99 · 1 year
Hi hey hello sup I just played spider-man edge of time again, went looking for fic, found your content. Miguel is a fun guy to throw in the pear wiggler huh
he’s like god’s most miserable little stim toy 2 me 💖
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apoapsis · 1 year
knowing your partner well can potentially make writing together a lot easier. ( repost do not reblog ! )
- Name: pip
- Pronouns:  he / him
- Preference of communication: discord! ask for it anytime! i tend to appear on invis, but that’s just because i am extremely fucking shy, so long as you’re fine with me getting back to your messages at my leisure (usually 8-24 hours, on average), then by all means feel free to ask for it!
- Name of muse(s): Sigma / Siebren, and on rare occasion I will sometimes ghostwrite Moira for specific threads, but I also now have a blog for Symmetra! [laserpimp]
- Experience / How long (MONTHS / YEARS?): 13-14 years, nearly 7 spent in the ow rpc.
- Platforms you’ve used: dA chatrooms (that’s where I learned to Type Fast), facebook, discord, tumblr, and google docs. The latter three are my most-used platforms.
- Best experience: meeting @flashofyellowlights​ 🥺🥺🥺 i was in a super dark place emotionally between 2019-2021 after a death in my immediate family and Buncy was probably my biggest advocate to keep going. me n this blog just simply wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for her. quite easily my best friend in this entire rpc, no cap.
- RP pet peeves / dealbreakers: 1) because i write a lot of introspective thoughts out for my characters to give my replies more depth, i notice that people often read that and use it to determine my characters’ mood (rather than the actual actions i purposefully insert for their character to react to). 2) a SUPER annoying thing i’ve had people do is, after explaining sieb/sig’s dichotomy to them, they often automatically assume sig is the “evil” one between the two of them..... despite me explaining that BOTH sig and sieb are morally grey, not evil. 3) my only real “dealbreaker” is when people openly demonstrate poor reading comprehension. this isn’t to say you can’t ask for clarification abt my replies, and this most certainly isn’t a knock at people who legitimately need extra help digesting my long ass replies, but considering this is a hobby exclusively based around reading and writing, I just don’t really feel the motivation to write with people who repeatedly misconstrue / misinterpret my replies simply because they just won’t read the entirety and take “creative liberties” with how they interpret my replies.
- Fluff, angst or smut: predominately angst with occasional smut 😂😂 personally i’m not a very big fan of “fluff” just because out of the three, it’s the one that gets the absolute blandest when it’s all someone wants to write with me. if you came here looking for fluff, i’m.... sorry bro 😳
- Plots or memes: primarily, plotting is generally my go-to for first interactions just to really set a scene, but once a “canon” is established between our characters, i’m open for everything. however, you are also free to use memes to break the ice! the only reason i default towards plotting is because i get anxious if i can’t immediately visualize / explain the setting when writing something up. that’s also why i tend to offer to write the starter, so that people don’t feel pressured to plot AND start.
- Long or short replies: the longer, the better!!! despite the fact that i can burn myself out kind of quickly, i will always prefer multipara to ANYTHING else. i didn’t choose the multipara life, the multipara life chose ME.
- Best time to write: i don’t really do anything on a day-to-day basis so i often operate on what i consider “dash hours”, meaning people are usually off work / done with their day at around 4-6pm (PST, my time), and usually post replies / ic posts / hc’s / etc. until about 8-10pm, which is when ppl disappear for the night. if i’m looking for small / quick interactions, that is usually the window i operate in. otherwise? anytime, although i get the most writing done around 1-5am when i don’t have people actively trying to msg me (adhd vibes)
- Are you like your muse(s): as far as the space aesthetic goes, absolutely, although in other regards, not so much! one of my reasons for picking up sigma was exclusively for the fact that he was space-themed, since anything space-related  is my #1 autistic special interest. i’m certainly nothing of an astrophysicist myself but i do apply a lot of the nuanced information i’ve soaked up to sigma and how his abilities work.
TAGGED BY: literally everyone in the rpc by now, i’m always late w/ these LOL
TAGGING: idk who hasn’t done this so just say i @’d you n do it 😠
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whoslaurapalmer · 4 years
for the directors cut thingy what are you doing the rest of your life? this is one of if not my most favorite warm fuzzy lemonberryice fic so any part of it you want to talk about, but especially the bit starting with “‘I wouldn’t run,’ I said. ‘And I will thank you not to point out my previous track record of doing just that’”
thank you!!!!!!! also, true to form, this is, so long, cause i just did the whole thing. what else would i do. the tl;dr of it all is that when i write fic, i am always thinking about writing structure and individual characterization and what the point of any given story is above all else, and that consumes a lot of brain power. and that you could give me any line in a fic and i will have an incredibly specific anecdote for it. 
the first lemonberry ice i wrote!! what a time. i specifically tagged it as ‘very little angst and no one dies!!!’ because i’d just posted beatrice like. three months before??? and i said to myself ‘hmm. i don’t want people to think all i can write is angst......’ so i wanted the fic to be like, look! nothing bad happens here this time!! it’s all good!!!!!!!!! and i had wanted to write something happy!! i like fluff a lot!! 
like bertrand, i was also searching for the right sinatra song for this fic. if it isn’t obvious, by now, three years later, i love sinatra a lot. on my previous laptop, the file for this fic was still titled after the first song the fic was supposed to be about, but when i backed up everything in googledrive i titled it properly, so the file name is the proper one now, but i’m, 99% sure the original song was i get a kick out of you (specifically this super jazzy one, not the one with the opener, it’s slower and doesn’t sound the same). but LIKE WITH EVERY CHOICE I MAKE IN A FIC i wasn’t sure it really captured what the fic was about. especially the “you obviously don’t adore me” line, because the fic was certainly more upbeat than that. so i dug around on youtube for one i thought fit better and found what are you doing the rest of your life. for three people, living such turbulent and unpredictable lives, to hear this song about always wanting to be there, for everything, no matter what it is, and for the rest of their lives, to admit that’s possible............ i couldn’t find a recording of young!sinatra singing it, though, which bummed me out a little. nothing wrong with old!sinatra, but you can start to hear more of the.....age his voice, you know? 
since this was 2017, only the first netflix season was out, and we all still had such high hopes for it, and i sure did, and tito puente was mentioned in miserable mill and because s1 was so good i didn’t mind making a couple references to it because EVERYTHING WAS BEAUTIFUL, and i just wound up sticking him in beatrice and what are you doing the rest of your life because his music was great and it was a fun callback! simpler times indeed........
my main goal with the fic was, i think, to try and figure out how i thought the three of them worked in a relationship, since it was my first time writing them. which is why there’s really specific lines like, “A year had gone by and I still wasn’t used to how free Bertrand was with his affection.” and “I grinned, because after all this time I knew when she was kidding. Beatrice’s razor-sharp wit, and the touches of playfulness behind it, was one of my favorite things about her.” they’re lines that i still think are absolutely in character for lemony, and i probably wouldn’t change them if i wrote it now, but i do feel they’re a little too, on point. or not on point, just.....obvious. like, not only did the lines have to make sense in the style, but they had to make sense, for me, as i was writing, as i was trying to figure out their characters and what would show lemony’s nerves alongside bea and bertrand’s habits and their relationship as a whole, and that’s a lot to try and do
“‘Sonnets,’ I said. ‘Beatrice will write sonnets.’” truly. i am truly haunted by this line now. it will keep me up at night. 
oh boy, that section is. a lot. i gotta go through the whole thing. i do. 
“I wouldn’t run,” I said. “And I will thank you not to point out my previous track record of doing just that, because they were all for relatively legitimate reasons.” I liked to think that I wouldn’t do it again, if the sort of situation arose where it was something I had to consider. (i think every writer in this fandom will admit that one of the hardest things to do, when writing a happy fic, is trying to find the line between, ‘i cannot avoid the legit canon events that have happened to these characters and turned them into the people they are, and i need to address that, no matter what i’m doing’ and ‘i want them to be happy and they deserve it’ and i think that’s a lot of what this section is. referencing how in canon lemony runs to not necessarily avoid his problems, but also, mainly, i think, because he believes 1) that’s the only way to protect the people he cares about and 2) that they’re better off without him, and how there’s definitely a gap between him leaving stain’d-by-the-sea and returning to the city, where anything happened, that counts as ‘leaving,’ and it was also supposed to reference one of the giant fics i was working on at the time, where the climax was, of course, and like any good slow burn fic, a misunderstanding that involved lemony leaving before reconciling with bea and bertrand. this fic would’ve taken place after it.) I liked to think that marriage wasn’t one of those things, because it was something I genuinely wanted. (2017!me had no idea what 2019!me would do......) But the uncertainties of the world sometimes made even that lovely thing seem so far out of my grasp that, if I was honest with myself, I had considered slipping away into the night so that I wouldn’t ruin anything else. It was an upsetting thing to think, but I had thought of it as much as I had thought about those musical numbers. (i still think about that, sometimes. lemony and bertrand, proposing like true theater nerds.) 
Bertrand looked out over the water. “Do you think I’m not scared too, Lemony? About the things we do, the positions we put ourselves in, whether this assignment or the next one will be the one that takes one of you away from us?” (my mental checklist of things i write include ‘lulu, is there a moment in the fic where like, The Point Of The Fic Is Made,’ like the moment where it all comes together and, this is what the fic was For an What It’s Supposed To Say, and that’s what this scene was for, and it’s definitely in what bertrand’s saying here.) (but because it’s 2017, like some of the earlier lines, i feel as if The Point is Too On Point. but it’s something i still struggle with, even now.) (it’s still important for bertrand to say it, though.....) 
“No,” I said. “I’m not that much of a fool to think that my fears aren’t universal.”
“Sometimes you act like you do,” Bertrand said quietly. “And I am under no delusion that our feelings for each other will fix any or all of our problems. But they can be a little easier to deal with that way, when you know you aren’t alone. You know that, don’t you?” (i had a lot of characterization notes around this fic (and the giant fic i was writing) since i was, again, just writing them and trying to figure out how they all worked, so i had a little list of like, what each of them do for the other, and parts of it were “bertrand prevents beatrice and lemony from being too dramatic, bertrand prevents lemony from being too self-deprecating, lemony allows bertrand to feel less self-conscious (and probably less worried because bertrand knows someone else shares his terrible anxieties)” and there are things i write differently now, because i’ve been at it for a while, but it was important for me to figure out how they connected with each other and....not what they offered each other, and certainly not how they fixed each other, but how each of them lessened certain canon elements that would make their relationship go differently. because again all my lemonberry ice fics (with the exception of the letter) are written from a standpoint where they would rewrite canon, especially this one. anyway, that’s.....that’s what that dialogue was supposed to do. when all three of them are together, they’re capable of being that support for each other and evening each other out.) 
I wanted very much to believe that, but every time Beatrice or Bertrand said it, it never seemed to sink in the way it should. It is one thing to love someone, or multiple someones, to love them so much you often can’t think of anything else, but another thing to trust them and the things they say and yourself, especially when you live the kind of lives that we lived. (i hate to keep bringing up years i know it’s like. weird but it’s how i sort where my brain was, and 2017 was a great year for analysis in this fandom and i don’t remember who exactly had brought up, that lemony sees a difference between love and trust, especially after ellington (he loved her but he didn’t trust her), and that’s something that’s so true that i’ve never forgotten and that gets brought up in other fics too (bea in the letter loving lemony but not trusting him.....). there are certain headcanons, of my own and of others, that i tend to just get, attached to, so they just. keep. happening.) Perhaps I did forget about it sometimes, the terrible recklessness with which Beatrice occasionally acted, how Bertrand tended to be much too quiet at times, the things all of us did when we forgot we weren’t alone. (yet another ‘line that has to work in the narrative and Say The Point’ because that really is a big thing in how i structure stories. i feel like it’s so necessary for there to BE a point to each thing i write, ESPECIALLY in shorter pieces, otherwise, why???????? and you know what, i need to be less strict about that, really.) The three of us were not perfect people, not by any means, but three imperfect people doing what they can for each other in a turbulent world is sometimes better than three perfect people going through life without a care about anything else. (i rewrote this line a few times, but it’s one of my favorites. this fic really has aged well, especially with lemony’s narration, this line in particular.) 
I squeezed Bertrand’s hand and didn’t say anything more.
speaking of lemony’s whole love vs. trust thing and my rewriting, i tend to keep most of what i cut out of a fic, especially while i’m trying to figure out a certain line (although sometimes i’ll just rewrite over it and then it’s lost to time), and the file has my original attempts for this scene, which still had some good lines -- 
I think it is a universally accepted truth that if you love someone, you trust them, in one way or another, but I have never felt that way. there have been quite a few people whom I loved a great deal but didn’t trust them, or people that I knew I could trust to act a certain way but certainly didn’t love at all. I believe it comes with the sort of upbringing that involves a great deal of suspicion for even the people around you.
the circumstances around you meeting them. but sometimes also because of the things they do. or you can not love someone at all and trust them, because you know them to be a horrible person and trust that they will continue to act in horrible ways, and that at the bottom of every root beer float you drink in their presence there will be a small collection of thumbtacks.
bertrand looked out over the water. “we love you very much, lemony,” he said, “and I don’t expect that to fix any or all of our problems. but do you trust that we feel that way?”
I did. or I wanted to. the thing about trust is that it is a very difficult thing, and as much as I wanted to spend the rest of my life between the two of them, the amount of uncertainty I felt about myself and our lives and even about that uncertainty was a heavy thing.
“what if it’s not enough?”
“maybe it’s not,” bertrand admitted. “but it’s good enough.”
“‘Hey, hey!’ Beatrice said, snatching the plate from him. ‘Don’t be like that with the good plates.’” still one of my favorite actions. still makes me laugh, even though now i think bea would be the one to be reckless with dishware. 
and beatrice talking about their apartment being too small for children is a top favorite fic ending. i love her. so much. 
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fallintosanity · 5 years
so I just re-read Nevermore, the unintentionally final book in the Cal Leandros series by Rob Thurman. Mostly I was rereading it on the hopeless crossover nerd whim of “Noctis Lucis Caelum and Cal Leandros look remarkably similar but are basically polar opposites in terms of personality and it would frankly be hilarious if they somehow got switched and Niko had to deal with Noctis, and Ignis (or better yet, Ardyn) had to deal with Cal”. 
But I’d forgotten how much I dislike the last couple books in the series despite what should be Sanity-flavored plot crack in Nevermore in particular (Cal time-travels eight years to the past to save his younger self from an assassin), and I’ve been thinking about why, and what went so terribly wrong with a series I love so much. I’ve been able to isolate three main reasons why the ending of the series frustrates me so much and why, I think, interest in the books dropped off so badly that the planned eleventh book was never published. 
Cut for long ramblings about writing and storytelling (also spoilers for the entire Cal Leandros series). 
The first reason is purely technical: Nevermore appears not to have been edited for spelling, punctuation, and grammar (SPaG). At all. I’m talking glaringly obvious mistakes like effect instead of affect, ‘Goodfellow grin, sword out, “I’ve been looking forward to this...”’, run-on sentences galore, and sentences just straight-up missing subjects, verbs, or objects; or which otherwise make no grammatical sense. 
Thurman’s writing style has always had a bit of a... rhythm, I suppose, to it - characters tend to speak in long complex sentences with entire asides in the middle. It’s part of the appeal of her books, normally. When properly edited, her almost lyrical sentences give her books a unique and enjoyable flow. But in Nevermore, at least once a chapter and frequently more often, I had to stop reading, go back to the beginning of the paragraph, and re-read the sentence only to discover, yes, it really is missing a vital part of its structure, or its tense doesn’t agree with the sentences before and after (or occasionally with itself). Being thrown out of the book that frequently makes it very hard to read. You can’t get deeply invested in what the characters are saying if you can’t understand them. 
The second two reasons are more complex, and fairly tightly intertwined. One of them is the entire issue of Robin Goodfellow. A good pass or three by an editor would have been helpful here, too, not just for SPaG, but also because Robin goes from straddling the line between “overbearing yet charming” and “obnoxious third wheel”, to straight-up puck ex machina. The plot of Nevermore is quite solid and enjoyable for the first half - but then Robin shows up. From there, it’s a downhill plunge of hand-waving his vast yet utterly unexplained network of “connections” or “minions” to solve half the problems they encounter. 
How did he find the Leandros brothers overnight when Caliban was incredibly careful to make himself untraceable? Something something text-recognition software in his mailbox, and vague “informants” who pointed him directly to the apartment. Where’d he get the sword that’s too long to actually hide in the suit jacket he’s wearing? A shrug and a “it was hidden up his ass” joke. Where’d he get the credit card and “wad of cash” he uses later, after said suit (and everything else he was wearing) gets destroyed and he’s walking around in a stolen bedsheet toga? Another shrug/ass joke. How does he hide the four of them from Lazarus? A mysterious “client” with a conveniently empty, ultra-protected penthouse never before mentioned, and more minions who not only manage to stock it with clothes and other necessities in the space of roughly an hour, but mange to do so with clothes and medical cocktails perfectly fit to Robin, Cal, Caliban, and Niko. 
There’s “this guy is insanely wealthy and unbelievably well-connected”, which is how Robin has always come across in past books; and there’s “this guy is a walking plot device who barely resembles himself from previous books”, which is Robin in Nevermore. And speaking of walking plot devices: on the flip side of solving half the problems they encounter, Robin “conveniently” creates a completely different problem seemingly just to set up a chapter’s worth of angst. He develops a phobia of Auphe gates so severe that he would rather die than allow Caliban to use one to get them out of a trap by Lazarus. A phobia never before mentioned in any book, despite Cal’s gates being a massive plot point in nearly all previous books (and Robin being yanked through them repeatedly). 
Which is where the third massive problem with the book comes in, a problem whose roots are in the previous book, Downfall. In Downfall, the ninth book of the series, we learn out of the blue that apparently Cal and Niko are the latest version of two guys who have been reincarnating every hundred years or so for the last few millennia. Every time they’re reincarnated, they’re reincarnated together as brothers or best friends; and every time they’re reincarnated, Robin finds them and becomes their friend. 
Up until this point, there’d been no mention of reincarnation in the books at all, nor any hint that Robin knew the Leandros brothers before. Downfall tries to “solve” this by adding some flashbacks of Robin meeting the brothers as children and recognizing them, but this doesn’t change the fact that his reactions when he first meets them in book 1 (or in any of the books beyond that) do not make any sense if he either met them before as children, or recognizes them as the reincarnations of his friends. 
On top of that, Downfall begins and Nevermore continues with the idea that the Leandros brothers’ previous reincarnations were always famous historical figures. They were Achilles and Patroclus, they were Little John and Will Scarlet (to Goodfellow’s Robin Hood, of course). They “rustled Genghis Khan’s harem”. Name a historical figure or event, the Leandros brothers and Robin were there and probably involved up to their eyeballs. 
I don’t want to say that this kind of resurrection plot, on its own, is bad. Done well, it can be quite interesting. The problems with it in this series are due to execution, not the premise itself. The reason the execution falls very, very flat is twofold. 
First, like I said, the Leandros brothers were always important historical figures or involved in the business of them. If reincarnation as a thing was more prominent in the series, if we had a reason for why this is the case other than “because protagonists”, then I might buy it. As it is, it smacks unpleasantly of the “Raven Dark’ness Dementia Way” flavor of self-insert that’s fine for self-indulgence, but a lot harder to tolerate when it comes out of left field in the ninth and tenth books of a New York Times bestselling series. 
It’s the author trying to make her characters awesome by making them have been all the awesome people in history, rather than allowing them to be awesome on their own merits. It’s also the author trying to force a closeness/brotherly bond between her characters that 1) doesn’t need to be forced as it’s already there, and 2) is actually weakened by making it be their ~reincarnation destiny~ rather than something they spent the last eight and a half books earning. 
Second, and closely related, is the fact that there was no foreshadowing whatsoever of the reincarnation thing. If this had been set up since the first book - if Robin’s reactions to the Leandros brothers in book 1 had had even the slightest hint of this, if there had been subtle clues dropped in subsequent books - it would be a lot easier to swallow. As it is, the lack of foreshadowing gives it all the subtlety and effectiveness of an “it was all a dream” ending.
The tendency to just make up something that’s “always been there” isn’t a new one for Thurman; she’s done this repeatedly throughout the Leandros series, and does it for other things in Nevermore as well. The “coming of age” ring Caliban gives to Robin was supposedly given to him by Niko, but it was never mentioned prior to that scene. “For real and for true” is likewise something that Caliban claims was always in his and Niko’s life, but is mentioned for the first time in Nevermore. (There are other examples in previous books but I don’t remember them off the top of my head.) 
The difference is that all those are relatively minor things. As a reader, I’d have loved to see the scene where Niko gives Cal the ring (where’d Niko get it? was he emotional? how did Cal respond?), but I can accept that it happened off-screen. The “for real and for true” line would have had a hell of a lot more emotional impact if it had been used in previous books, but I can buy it being a childhood thing Caliban hadn’t thought of until now. 
But an entire reincarnation plot, complete with handwaved “racial memory” thanks to “Auphe genes” that allows Caliban to remember his previous incarnations? Something that big has to be set up, foreshadowed, from the very beginning. Otherwise you leave your readers distracted by the mechanics of it, the gaping plot holes where characters’ reactions don’t line up. (Don’t get me started on the hilarious lack of hard science in any mention of Cal’s Auphe heritage; that’s a whole ‘nother rant.) 
In my entirely amateur opinion, both Downfall and Nevermore would have been much stronger books with the entire reincarnation plot ripped out. By our ninth book with these characters, we don’t need a convoluted reincarnation plot to either prove that Cal and Niko are awesome, or to convince readers of the powerful bonds of friendship and brotherhood between the two of them, and between them and Robin. It fails to make them seem cooler in any way, for one (this is a separate rant about how to write tricksters, but essentially, if Cal suddenly legitimizes every one of Robin’s outlandish claims about his involvement with historical figures, by remembering his past reincarnations where they did whatever thing it was, it makes Robin’s claims considerably more boring and uninteresting). 
It also makes the bonds between the three of them a lot weaker. They stop earning the bonds on their own merits, and fall back on “hey we fucked our way through Roman whorehouses together in a past life, let’s be besties now”. In Nevermore, Caliban struggles to earn past!Niko’s trust for very good reasons, making for interesting, painful drama and angst as he deals with the fact that the one person who’s trusted him his entire life suddenly doesn’t. But when Robin shows up, he and Caliban swap a couple raunchy memories from a past life and suddenly Robin is willing to die for Caliban (except for the aforementioned Auphe gate phobia, which frankly feels even more forced given how fully Robin trusts Caliban after the reincarnation discussion). I would have much rather seen Caliban have to earn past!Robin’s trust the way he did in the early books in the series, the way he did with past!Niko. 
So, to fix Nevermore: scale back on the puck-ex-machina - it would even be possible without changing the story that much. Cal and Caliban would both bitch about having to wear fancy clothes instead of their preferred snarky t-shirts. The boys would have had to work a bit harder to find a safe place to hole up for the night, and would have been on watch not just to wake Caliban when the nightmares started, but to keep an eye out for Lazarus. (Which, frankly, would have added another layer to Cal’s failing to wake Caliban, if he was legitimately distracted or could simply claim to have been.) Rip out the reincarnation plotline entirely. Let the boys earn each other’s trust and friendship organically, and let them be badass on their own terms rather than by borrowing historical figures’ awesomeness. And get a SPaG editor. 
...all that said, if Everwar ever does come out by whatever miracle of publishing, self- or otherwise, I’m totally buying it. I miss my emo-angst-amoral-jackass and his impossibly-good asskicking older brother. 
(maybe someday I’ll write that crossover too.)
(no Sanity you have too many fics already)
(but what if niko and ignis bemoaning their respective charges--) 
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leclerc-xo · 5 years
Describe yourself how you would describe a character you’re introducing
The girl was short and she blew her blonde hair out her face as she reached up to place one of the books she was cradling in her arms on a shelf just out of her reach. She was humming, some nondescript tune that could have been a mash up of whichever songs had been stuck in her head that week. A customer approached her and she smiled at them, her eyes warm as they asked for a help. She seemed at home, in the bookshop, able to put her hands immediately on the book they were looking for without having to search. The customer thanked her as they walked away and she returned to the pile she’d been shelving, stopping to read the back of one that had clearly piqued her interest… 
2. Is there any specific ritual you go through while/before/after your writing?
Nothing too specific. Sometimes I’ll watch a few videos or have a scroll through Tumblr if I feel like I need some inspiration. I do tend to write later in the evening so I’ll have spent a portion of my day thinking about what I want write. Whilst I’m writing I like to just go with it and not really edit too much as I go along. Most of the time the scene/s I want to write are like movie scenes in my head and I just focus on translating what I’m imagining onto the page. 
3. What is your absolute favorite kind of fic to write?
I love angst. I love really getting inside a characters head and exploring their feelings. The fics I enjoy reading are the ones with long paragraphs about emotions and I think that has really influenced the way I write. I have been enjoying writing smut lately as well. I always always scared to give it a go but since I decided to just go for it I’ve written quite a bit and its fun!
4. Are there any other fic writers you admire? If so, who and why?
YOU!!! Legitimately the reason we started talking on here was because of your fics. Why? Because you are a QUEEN when it comes to mixing emotion, dialogue, SMUT and some of the lines you write slay me. Everything you write just feels so polished and the way you portray Eric and Dele’s relationship makes me squee. 
@cefhclwords is another who just seems to get Eric and Dele, her characterisation is always on point. She also managed to come up with some amazing phrases and lines and I am honestly just in awe of her sometimes. 
Away from football my favourite fic writer is Bex-Chan. She was huge in the Dramione community around 2010 and her fic Isolation is one of the best stories I have ever read. 
5. How many words can you write if you sit down and concentrate intensely for an hour?
An hour? Maybe just over 1000? I can type quite fast and if I know exactly what I want to write then I just go with it and don’t stop until its all down on the page. 
6. First fic/pairing you wrote for? (If no pairing, describe the plot)
Draco/Hermione. It was called Into Temptation and basically Hermione gets drunk and finds Draco in the room of requirement… It’s here if you want a read! 
7. Inspiration, time, or motivation. Choose two.
TIME! My god I miss the days where I would just be able to sit and write for hours. Also motivation, I’ve been quite good recently but this is the first time in years that I’ve actually carved time out of my day to write and I hope it stays with me. 
8. Why do you choose to write?
Mainly because it’s fun. I have always been the type of person to get obsessions and fic is just another way for to channel that. I love placing characters in different scenarios and thinking about how they would react. I also love that fic allows me to focus on those small little moments that get lost when plot has to be the main drive behind a story. WIth fic you can just wallow in one emotion for a whole chapter if you want or focus on a small moment and expand it to last 5000 words. 
9. Do you ever have plans to write anything other than fic?
Probably not? I haven’t done by this point. Fic is another extension for my interests and I find it really difficult to come up with solid original ideas that I care enough about to write. 
10. What inspires you the most?
I’m going to keep this to football. All the damn content Eric and Dele have given us over the last few years. These two boys have made it extremely easy for us to write about them. Tumblr is a massive inspiration, with the prompt lists, people requesting stuff, the tags people use. It’s just a goldmine. 
11. Weirdest thing you’ve ever written/thought about writing/etc.?
Dele fisting Jesse Lingard.
12. A fic you wish you had written better, and why?
Possibly the ending to Captain? I felt like I rushed it a bit and just ended it. 
13. Favorite fic from another author?
In This World of Ours by Dierdele. She’s great, you should read some of her stuff. 
14. Your favorite side pairings to put in?
Jesse Lingard/Marcus Rashford. I haven’t really added them in properly to anything yet but its coming in Ibiza AU. 
15. Your guilty writing pleasure?
I mean you might say that writing mens football fanfic is enough of a guilty pleasure… 
16. Do you have structured ideas of how your story is supposed to go, or make it up as you write?
I don’t really make a plan. I always know the gist of what I want to write and sometimes I know exactly how I want it to end but I don’t really do a bullet point plan. I will sometimes have snippets of stuff in my notes app, sentences I thought of or dialogue I want to use. I do have the whole of the Wedding Sex fic planned out though. 
17. Would yo describe yourself as a fast writer?
Yeah I would. I can write like a couple of a thousand words in a few hours. As I’ve evidenced with some of the prompts I’ve done so far this month!
18. How old were you when you started writing?
I remember writing stories when I was in junior school so like 7? I have always loved books and reading so I was inevitably going to like writing as well. 
19. Why did you start writing?
I have quite an active imagination and I like the fact I can take what I see in my head and put it into words. 
20. 4 sentences from your work that you’re proud of
‘The feeling that they’d jumped off the edge into an unknown abyss, that they were in free fall and the only thing that could save them was each other.’ When We Were Young - Chapter 5. 
‘Their lips met and it was rough and painful and it was like coming home. It was the stolen kiss in the dressing room after the Nations League final. It was the night after in their hotel room as they explored each other’s bodies. It was Eric dropping to his knees and Dele thinking he’d never feel this good again. It was the morning that Dele had rolled over and whispered to Eric that he wanted him to fuck him. And it was the day Eric had said he was leaving and Dele had felt everything they could have had slip through his fingers. It was all of those moments and it was also just one.’ Mine Mine Mine - Chapter 12
‘His heart in Eric’s palm, all his hopes and dreams tied up in his blue eyes.  “We can’t do this.” His heart on the floor in front of him. A thousand tiny pieces of the future he had built in his head, shattered.’ Mine Mine Mine - Chapter 14
‘Because it wasn’t just a table that sat between them. It was five years. Five years of unsent messages and rewatched videos. Five years of waking up in the middle of the night, aching from the ghost of the touch that haunted his dreams. Five years of trying to plug the gaping hole in his chest with football, with girls, with anything that would numb the pain. Five years laid out over forty inches of scratched wood and Eric couldn’t figure out how to bridge the gap. He didn’t know how to reach across the chasm between them and being Dele back to him.’ When We Were Young - Chapter 8 
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krixwell-liveblogs · 6 years
Arc Thoughts: Extermination
Hoo boy, what an Arc.
Where I felt that Arc 7 lacked a true climax, Arc 8 feels like a climax as a whole. This genuinely feels like a point where you could believably say “End of Part 1”.
Pretty much everything was really well written. Yes, that includes 8.3 - a chapter that was so thoroughly hopeless that I started talking about potentially quitting down the line if that became the norm. Now, looking back, I see reason to the hopelessness: They were legitimately fighting a hopeless battle, so Wildbow started establishing that feeling from the beginning. Is it not good writing to be able to put the reader into a state of mind that matches the situation like that?
Similarly, Wildbow pulled off one of the most effective false deaths I’ve ever seen in a work of fiction. I think the key was that Interlude 8a was written like a real death chapter, an effective one at that, to the extent that even though we didn’t see the “body”, I was far more sold on her death than Taylor was once we actually had the armbands reporting her name. (Incidentally, the armbands getting DDoSed was a fantastic way to preserve the ambiguity.) Taylor’s uncertainty also helped to make it not feel like a cop-out when Tattletale turned out to be alive.
Honestly, I should probably have known Taylor was right. She tends to be. :P
And then there’s Armmaster’s shenanigans. Pride goeth before the fall, and Armmaster fell hard. Featuring a fantastic parlor scene run beautifully by Tattletale.
The Arc title
Usually these are too obtuse for me to figure out without help (”Shell” being a notable exception), but I think this time it’s pretty obvious. Lots of people just got exterminated by the Daleks Leviathan. What more is there to say?
I guess there could still be more layers to it, like to Leviathan, but I don’t have a nanotech Halberd.
Prediction review
Alright, so we’ve got two sets of predictions to go through here.
Let’s start with the predictions from the previous Arc Thoughts post:
The obvious one: Much of the city’s honorable cape population will band together to take down the Endbringer.
There will probably be a lot of death and destruction before they succeed, possibly including already named characters. 
Check as fuck.
In particular, I’m a bit worried for Danny’s safety - Wildbow could get a lot of angst mileage from killing him off right now.
This one’s still up in the air. That fact leads me to believe he’s alright, besides the psychological results of still not having seen Taylor two weeks after a fucking Endbringer attack.
On a brighter note, I think the experience will cause Taylor to ultimately change her mind about leaving the Undersiders. We’ll also likely find out what the Undersiders ultimately decide to do regarding Coil’s offer and their existing arrangement. I’m no longer certain what they’ll decide, though I’m slightly leaning towards them accepting the offer.
That damn cliffhanger!
So yeah! Just bring it, Endbringer… wait, bad wor–
Oh, he brought it, alright.
And now for the closing post of 8.1. You may remember this as the time I bummed myself out by trying to speculate on who would die. Let’s see how wrong I was, shall we?
Armsmaster, for one, has a huge death flag. As far as Brockton Bay is concerned, he’s practically retiring in dishonor anyway, most likely exiting the story for good (except maybe a very occasional guest appearance). As such, there’s no reason for him to not end up dying in this battle, possibly heroically to make up for his dishonor.
Ahahaha! This must’ve been rich to read, knowing what was ahead.
I mean he’s still most likely exiting the story, but he’s retiring in far more dishonor, and probably a one-way elevator.
There’s also a risk of something similar with Aegis.
I can’t believe I predicted Aegis’ death. I think I must’ve forgotten about his power for a second back when I was writing this, because I was certainly surprised when he died.
Taylor, obviously, needs to survive if she’s going to keep being the POV character and narrator,
Which apparently wasn’t the plan!
but I’m not sure I’d assume the same plot armor for all of the Undersiders. One in four is a scary ratio when we’ve got exactly four of the main protagonists here.
Oh yeah, that’s another reason why I was so sold on Tattle’s death. And then after 8.7 brought her back, all of a sudden there was Brutus and Judas on the monument in 8.8, bringing us back up to 2/8 Undersiders... dammit.
(Not gonna lie, though, I’d much rather lose Brutus and Judas than Tattletale.)
Anyway, I think if anyone’s going to die among them, Brian is particularly vulnerable, being someone Taylor has built up a strong emotional attachment to (that attachment having been ripped to pieces in the last Arc only makes it worse). Alec is unlikely because he needs more fleshing out. Lisa has some of the same issue as Alec, though not as intensely - we know her a bit better, but I still feel like there’s a lot more to know about Lisa before she gets killed off.
I was wrong about Brian, though I suppose 8.8 helps to confirm that last point about Lisa.
As for the rest, Sundancer is at some risk, though I think Wildbow might want to delve more into the issues in the Travelers at a later date, and Sundancer seems to be his main conduit for doing so.
I really thought she was about to die at one point, but she just went “down” instead.
I’m also thinking at least one of the big shots might go down, to show even more how powerful Leviathan is. Legend and Alexandria are at a fair bit of risk due to their idolization by Taylor, though their status as Triumvirate members ought to protect them somewhat.
One of the asks did mention that Alexandria almost died, though like pretty much every other death here, that was more a quirk of RNG than anything else.
Maybe Myrddin or Chevalier will go down instead - as team leaders, they’re still fairly big shots, just not that big shots.
On the other end of the scale, there’s likely cannon fodder such as a whole bunch of thus far unnamed Wards and Protectorate members, Parian, Bambina… Laserdream and/or Shielder might go down too so we’ve got some from New Wave…
Well, one of those, and his dad, I got right, as well as the at the time unnamed cannon fodder.
Basically, lots of people are gonna die and this is getting morbid. I’m beginning to understand Lisa’s reaction in Agitation 3.6.
I had no idea.
Predictions for Arc 9
Arc 9 is largely a mystery for now, due to the cliffhanger in 8.8, but it’ll presumably deal with Taylor setting the first parts of her plan into motion. If Taylor decided to involve the Undersiders in it, we’ll also be dealing with her trying to regain their trust.
There’s also a chance we’ll learn more about Noelle’s situation towards the end of the Arc, given the tendency of Interludes to cover content relevant to the Arcs on both sides.
There’s not much more I can say. Extermination was a good’un. See you soon for the next one!
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illegiblewords · 5 years
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Spoilers for Before the Dawn.
When I decided to play FFXIV, my impression was the game initially looked like a reasonably lighthearted JRPG. This is despite the fact that I have no shame at all when it comes to spoilers. I’m all Silent Hill, Bloodborne, Rule of Rose, stuff like that periodically so when I say “reasonably lighthearted” that is my basis for comparison lol. I figured that while including some dark backstory stuff for characters was fine I should try to keep it firmly consistent with what I’ve seen in-game.
Backstory I made for Cenric goes something like this:
Cenric was found at Thal’s Respite as an infant, completely alone. Immin Asher (a wandering medic) found him while mourning his tempered wife. Although he had no way of knowing Cenric’s origins, Immin believed the child was compensation from the Traders for the future he'd lost with his spouse. Growing up, Cenric was very reserved. He acted as an assistant to his adoptive father, which initially meant making medicines to sell. As time went on, he started learning a small amount about medical procedures and how to tend injuries without the luxury of conjuring. Cenric was desensitized to bodies and death from a very young age as a result. Perceived morbidity, his odd appearance, plus constant traveling earned him few friends, and occasionally there would be rumors that he was voidsent or a son of Thal. Immin, when asked, would simply state that there is Duskwight in Cenric's blood despite having no way to prove this. When Cenric was 14, he and Immin reached a village on the outskirts of Thanalan. There were unique resources to collect, so they remained for some time. Partway into their stay plague struck. The two did what they could, but when people started dying panic took the community. A small mob, convinced that the situation was Thal demanding his spawn back, tried to ritually sacrifice Cenric. Immin saved his life but lost his own. Cenric escaped into the desert. For the next few years Cenric made barely enough to get by doing odd jobs, exaggerating his healing abilities for coin, and selling what he could find. He was destitute, embittered by the ingratitude that killed Immin. Cenric's memory surrounding the Calamity is hazy, although he remembers being chased out of town by an exploited mother at one point and being driven by hunger to begging in the streets at another. Cenric became seriously ill a year before his adventure began. The irony of his situation in light of the previous plague drove him to hysteria, and he prayed obsessively at an altar to Nald’thal. Initially this involved demanding answers and recompense for the suffering he’d endured. It later shifted to begging for a chance to do better when his guilt and shame took hold, not only over Immin but the people he’d hurt since. At some point Cenric fainted, which allowed the alarmed priests to remove and treat him. A visiting thaumaturge named Memesu examined Cenric and found he had tremendous aetheric potential. This confirmed nothing, but she was able to direct Cenric toward Ul’dah. She also told Cenric frankly that neither the plague nor what happened to Immin was his fault. Thal conducts all of his transactions directly, if he'd wanted Cenric's life then he would have taken it. Cenric is very cynical, although somewhat more outgoing than he was. Due to his past he craves luxury and status. His previous escapades as a con-artist have left him with a strong desire to do good, so he uses the destructive force of black magic to protect others. He has a decent education due to his upbringing and the time he spent among priests, although there are gaps. He tries to show off more when he’s insecure. His primary minion is a spriggan dust bunny named Itsy.
Why is this relevant to Before the Dawn? Well you see...
My guy literally exploited a bunch of sick people for years with his shallow understanding of medicine. This was after losing his adoptive father in a situation he 100% believes was his fault. He did occasionally get told by aforementioned exploited sick people exactly what a terrible piece of filth he was. He is convinced that he's been marked by the god of death.
For perspective, Cenric is mid-to-late twenties. He spent a looooong time impoverished and conning people.
He spent a couple of years residing with the priests of Nald'thal, and Memesu was specifically how he was able to cast anything during the initial levels. His decision to visit Ul'dah and take up formal training as a thaumaturge was very specifically because of being told he has a weird amount of aether. He tried to make an honest living for himself as an adventurer who uses death-magic to protect others, only to achieve WAY more fame, fortune, and influence than he thinks he's properly earned or deserves. But I mean who's going to look that gift horse in the mouth? Plus it lets him feel like he's making up for some of what he did if he can make things better.
Recruits Crystal Braves personally. Basically all of them turn on him. He gets accused of regicide and bound before his allies without trial. This is after seeing the monarch who naively decided to trust him murdered. His friends largely seem to either get killed or abandon him. He escapes Ul'dah by the skin of his teeth after having been branded a criminal and a monster again.
None of his friends have ever actually asked about his past or what drives him. Technically this is because I mean JRPG where everyone does their Warrior of Light differently, but I'm gonna run with it as a thing that happens. Alphinaud meanwhile, a teenager who has given every indication of using his quest to save Eorzea to honor his grandfather's legacy, is blaming himself since he was commander of the Crystal Braves. This is despite the fact that it was literally Cenric who chose every member of the Crystal Braves. No one vetted these people, they felt lucky to have any volunteers at all.
While Alphinaud, a major figure to the scions and a teenager clearly in way over his head, is blaming himself... there is a reason besides that JRPG setup that Cenric isn't talking as much. He's very aware that who he is as a person is irrelevant to those around him. He has to be the Warrior of Light as a symbol, and he has to seem steady because having TWO leaders (one a grown man) showing this kind of self-doubt would be pretty shattering.
Internally though, given what I very naively put in for that backstory all of these events are just going to reinforce what Cenric has believed about himself all along. He is poison, he has always been poison. It's his nature to be a destructive force who kills everyone he touches. Even if intellectually he understands this was a coup, this overall feels like more of a wake-up call. It makes zero sense for him to have risen to the level of strength and influence he had, or to gain the trust of everyone including literal rulers and deities the way he has. These people were seriously naive and grossly misread what he actually is.
Cenric feels the need to explain this to his remaining friends and allies, because if they keep trusting him 1) he's going to fail them again 2) they will probably end up dead. Midgardsomr at least recognized he was fake and had earned nothing, least of all Hydaelyn's blessing. That further validates all the aforementioned "I am a plague upon humanity" sentiments.
Alphinaud snaps out of his issues by more or less saying it would be dumb to throw everything away in a fit of self-pity. In that moment Cenric realizes he is absolutely not able to tell anyone what's going on, even if he's unsure whether his motives are self-pity or being legitimately terrified that he is going to get everyone killed. This is breakneck speed on the breakdown train. Can't show that though, gotta JRPG smile/nod encouragingly because that's what everyone else needs from the Warrior of Light.
Meanwhile Midgardsomr drops that lovely bit looking to Ishgard. "Thou thinkest thou will find salvation here? Delusion, death, despair. Thou will find naught else here." Or something to that effect, I missed exact phrasing. But yeah, zero comfort to be had in the cute little dragon god. Cenric's like yeah you're right I'll probably murder everyone in Ishgard too. :|
And I do know about Haurchefant. It is destiny.
I have all kinds of fun writing angst yeah, but I’m basically laughing rn because straight up I didn’t even mean for this to go as heavy as it did. Enjoy some cinematic angsty Camp Dragonhead pics while friends are in the next room blissfully unaware lol.
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silvurgalaxies · 7 years
1-50 ples
Alright due to the length of this, I’m putting it under the cut. I seriously don’t wanna clog people’s dashes! So yeah! Thank you for asking! It was fun to fill out! XD 
Pfft that’s a lot of questions but uhh yeah I’ll do my best for ya! 
1. Your first OC ever? 
My first oc ever was named Hank, he was my sonic fan character I made three years ago. Originally, he was half demon, half dragon. Before I changed him to a half demon half hedgehog. I used him a lot and he’s still going through redesigns now. I still love him, but there’s a lot that needs to be fixed, especially the design and backstory. 
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OC’s?
Well, that’s like asking to pick between two children. So I love them all equally. There’s certain ones I like using more than others, but as a whole? All of them.
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else? 
Yes. A year back I went on an adopting spree. Anchor, Cadmus, Angel, Skyler…all adopted children. But I love them as my own. I don’t adopt characters anymore. Except that one bat Saga designed for me a little while ago which I love. I try to develop them on my own, the design is a stepping stone. Each character has grown since I adopted them. 
4. A character you rarely talk about? 
Andrew is rarely mentioned, as well as Cadmus and Skyler. There’s a lot of characters I have yet to share. Nova as well. Cupid and Cole aren’t mentioned either, I am writing a story with them, but I have yet to post it. 
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be? 
Probably Sloth, the human Sloth. I mean, he’s a lazy guy who doesn’t really care about anything, but I feel right now he’s the most developed out of all of the others. 
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related? 
Kody and Cupid. Both of them look really similar but they’ve never met ever. Techno and Sloth I’m not including because they were both originally made for AU’s but their human versions are completely different looking. 
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories? 
Yep. Many of them are running story ideas I’m still working out the kinks for. I want all the characters to be as developed as possible before I move forward. They all live in one universe. And this universe is focused on angels, demons, sins, virtues, and the children of these angels and demons. 
8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here! 
I’ve used a lot of them! Hank and Kody were the most common until Techno and Sloth replaced them later on. But I use most of them! 
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else? 
I would never give them away. They are my children. But if something happened to me, and I wasn’t around to keep them, I only trust two people with them, and that’s Jazz and Saga. 
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design? 
The most complicated design goes to Techno I hope you’re proud of yourself. Second place goes to anthro Sloth. 
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”? 
Kody. No doubt about it that kid’s always a happy child. 
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot 
Okay, like there’s a lot. I really, reALLY like Gear. Like, him and Snazz are my favorites. The human versions too. I love their dynamic and they’re both really interesting. I really love Scratch too, he’s great, him and his flames and secret stuffed animal collection, his sister Krystalia too. I’ve always loved the both of them. I also really like Firewall too. Besides that, I just love Cheezedonut’s dutchie, Sunday, he’s adorable. 
I love a lot of people’s characters, especially cause I know they love them too and put a lot of work and love into creating them, which is something I love to see. 
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs? 
Hank never fails to annoy an entire room. He gets himself into bad situations cause he has a sass problem. He doesn’t know how to shut up. Cadmus is bad too, him and Skyler are bounty hunters, hunting both people and objects for pay. Cupid gets into trouble too, he thinks because he’s a god he can get away with pulling stupid stunts. Angst is the worst, he stirs up trouble wherever he goes. Sloth and his siblings, man those children are all sinners, it’s only natural for all the seven deadly sins to be troublemakers. 
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory 
Hmm. A lot of them do sadly. The universe I put them in is kind of an unhappy place. I think human Sloth or Techno wins for this. 
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people? 
In real life, I typically do not. I have a friend who does and that’s all she talks about sometimes. I tend to keep it low, not a lot of people know about my characters. On the internet or Skype I could go on for days. But I don’t want to annoy anyone with my talk of them. 
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)? 
Andrew. Guy’s an alchemist, ehh sorta. He’s the most intelligent out of everyone. He’d do the best in school. I’d say Cole, but Cole doodles all over his notebooks and doesn’t do homework as often. 
17. Any OC OTPs? 
I mean…Nate x Genesis, Techno x Gear, Sloth x Snazzy, Andrew x Angelica, and Cole x Cupid are what I got going right now. Possible Cadmus x Skyler but I don’t know if that’s gonna be a thing. 
18. Any OC crackships? 
Sloth x Techno, by far. It’s the funniest in human form cause they freaking hate each other a lot. Andrew x Hank, the both also hate each other.
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why) 
Hank is the first character I ever made, and I can never let him go. He meant a lot to me while in middle school, and he’s still here, hanging out. I will never get rid of him. 
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)? 
Nate can play the guitar, and he writes his own music. When Angst was still sane he could play the bass and sing. Kody plays a mean kazoo him and Sloth have a band they’re going places, they are both masterful kazoo players. 
21. Your most artistic OC 
Cole. Stop drawing in your notebooks. He wins. He’s the most artistic. Techno is as well actually, his form of art is building or tinkering. He doesn’t share it that much cause he can be a little embarrassed of his creations. 
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how? 
I mean not really right now from what I’ve noticed? Idk. 
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like? 
Techno went from a meme, to a meme with a backstory, to a fandom monitor, to his own AU, to a legitimate human, to a human with a demon parshally possessing him, to a demon hunter. Oh yeah I forgot to mention Techno is a demon hunter as a human, he’s mainly doing it for revenge. It flipped when he got stuck with Sloth. 
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why? 
I feel like Sloth would be the most reasonable. I would love to meet Kody! He’s adorable! But I would want to meet them all. 
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?) 
Ehh personality wise? Nova was designed to be a mascot. I never showed him. Techno is pretty close. We’re both awkward potatoes. 
26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will? 
Techno’s change was a choice for me, cause of a Tumblr!Sans already made. But I’m glad I changed him. It was never against my will. Look at him now! He’s gotten farther than I ever thought he would. 
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song? 
Hank was inspired by the song, “What I’ve Done” by Linkin Park. The rest were just random as heck. 
28. Your most dangerous OC? 
Sloth is the most dangerous, when he actually does something, it’s extremely powerful. 
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going? 
Hank would do it. You go Hank. And then Kody would follow him. 
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection? 
….Cadmus would. 
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really) 
Sloth runs an asethetic blog where he posts pictures of peanut butter with filters and then he reblogs pictures of feathers. He doesn’t let anyone know this blog exists. Techno’s blog is just all over the place but really organized. He’d reblog pictures of machinery, lots of gear pictures too. 
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why? 
Oh jeez. I’d say Cole for this one. He’s the most ‘normal’ out of everyone. 
33. Your shyest OC? 
Kody or Cole. Probably Cole. If Kody is with Hank he’s really calm and friendly to new people. 
34. Do you have any twin characters? 
Andrew has a twin sister named Victoria. But they don’t see each other very much.
35. Any sibling characters? 
Hank and Angst are half brothers. Andrew and Victoria are twins. Human!Sloth has six “siblings”, and he’s the middle child. Human!Techno has a younger sister. Maple has four siblings, each one representing a season. 
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)? 
Oh hell yeah! We got Nate and Genesis (belongs to @krystalia-productions), Techno and Gear, and Snazzy and Sloth! (Snazzy and Gear belong to @alternativesaga) and now we got Sin and Flowriel (belongs to @marshiemonarch) 
Pairing characters is so fun!! I love it!! 
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human 
Literally all of them except for Cole and Nate. I’m planning on converting Nate to a human pretty soon, cause right now he’s a sonic oc still ahah. 
38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer? 
Nate is really good at dancing. Anything related to music he’s pretty good at ahah. 
39. Introduce any character you want 
Name: Cupid 
Age: ageless
Gender: Male
Basic Description: He was a god who just awakened one day, his job is to ensure that people do fall in love, without him to do his job, no one would fall in love with each other. But what happens if his arrow misses and hits the wrong person? He’s also a smart alec he thinks he can get away with anything. He loves screwing with people’s love lives. 
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share! 
All of them have their own memories, to be honest seeing them just makes me happy. Each one has a story about how I created or came up with them, and thinking about that too is cool. 
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!) 
42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods? 
Greek gods? In that case, Cupid. I mean…he technically is one. Or Cole, he likes Greek gods a lot. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess 
Most of them are male boy teenagers with a very similar haircut and always wear sweatshirts. Okay no I’m sorry. But most of them aRE MALE. ARGH. 
44. Something you like about your OCs in general 
EVERYTHING. I legitimately love them all and everything about them. They aren’t perfect which is something I love about them! 
45. A character you no longer use? 
Shade the Wolf, Nightmarestar, and a fricking ton of warriors OCs (like Leafstone omfg and Fastfoot holy frick xD)) 
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly? 
No. Not yet. Maybe for backstories but no, no one has ever said that. 
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child? 
If it counts, @krystalia-productions has claimed Sloth. Okay no I’m joking Sloth literally lives with you. 
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure 
Kody. The purest. 
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes 
Techno dabbed so hard once the universe was created. True story. 
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
They’re all trash bags but I love them all. Yep. I dunno what else to put here. 
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