#theory chat brainrot
starays13 · 9 months
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I don’t think I ever shared these here before so here they are
A couple of entries for SOTW stuff in the SBS discord
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deadbloodzero · 10 months
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A little wishful thinking for an AU that may or may not exist until we explore it some.
Us AU enthusiasts decided all of our AU Eclipses needed a break, so off to the magical daycare that makes you a kiddo it is for an inter-AU meetup/playdate!
Smolboi is unimpressed, and just wants to drink his juicebox in peace.
Flowerboi is just happy to be here, and is excited for arts and crafts, although Jarboi is not excited at the prospect of being Petboi's chewtoy.
Lil puppy Petboi is very much excited for playtime, and Jailboi is curious how another Eclipse got a tail too.
So many babies!
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skyeslittlecorner · 5 months
Asmodeus brainrot
I'm looking forward to Asmo more and more, and even though I know what he looks like in Love Unholic, I can't wait for him to appear where he belongs.
Phenix's chats
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Asmo you monster, how dare you wear clothes, you should take them off immediately! *sets the camera*
Btw. Phenix. Calm down. He just wears a sheet. And he looks better in it than anyone in designer clothes.
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Jokes aside for a moment. Avisos and Abaddon seems to be the safest places in Hell (in the context of an angelic invasion, of course). Avisos doesn't need angels to be in constant chaos, and Abaddon doesn't even need devils. Their king is enough.
In fact, we know from the comics that angels are actually afraid of Asmodeus' devils. So what about him himself? It's a theory, but Asmo may be the most powerful among the seven sins. If his mere presence has this effect on others, he doesn't even need to bother picking up a weapon. Everyone around will go crazy. Just approach and stab. Death. The end.
Offtop: in the context of a unit, it reminds me of Genshin and wondering how powerful the archon of Natlan will be since Bennet is a god himself. After seeing how powerful Ronove is, it can be a similar case.
Ronove's chats
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This may refer to Love Unholic, but I haven't played it, so I don't know. That in itself is interesting, and the most interesting part is the last two sentences:
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So far, the nobles were either delighted that we were choosing their kings (usually) or wanted to cause mischief (like Foras playfully suggesting that we should meet without telling Leviathan), I also saw Satan warning us about Beel (but knowing him, it's probably out of jealousy).
This seems like a sincere warning. We are warned by the devil who is fascinated by amputations, even if it's just a statement of fact rather than a suggestion that we should run away. Asmo, are you really gonna make a salad from our brain? Go on, I'm in for it-
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It seems that Asmo's energy depends on what he does. And Phenix is like a meter. The better the king's time, the worse it will be with this boy. Interestingly, Dantalian doesn't look like his aura affects him that much.
Dantalian's chats
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We reach my favorite point of the program. No more mystical powerful king, welcome to an overwhelmed dad with three obnoxious children.
You know Dantalian. Asmo would had to grab him by the collar like a puppy, drag him behind him and put him in a cage to stop him. All his smugness evaporated and turned into irritation.
Ronove's artifact
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If Asmo wants to teach someone dignity, it must be a terrible case. I see how all methods failed and he just shoved it in his Ronove's mouth and gave up completly. He sounds so done here lmao
In summary - it looks like Asmo will be a powerful, terrifying demon whose mere presence will drill a hole in your brain.
Then, his boys show up. And this intimidating demon turns into a tired father.
I can see him gossiping with Bael, two of the most chaotic countries are ruled by single parents lol
Can't wait.
PS. If you like this kind of analysis here is another part:
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Fnaf Movie thoughts!
I wanted to ramble some of thoughts and theories I had about the Fnaf Movie.
Cause the brainrot is real and won't leave my brain.
(wow just read back that sentence. Excuse any grammar errors or dumb shit, I'm still very sick)
Below the cut will feature heavy spoilers, so unless you want to be spoiled of the major twists this movie has, I would recommend wait to read this.
I unfortunately couldn't see the movie in my theatres, cause I got horribly sick and wasn't able to get the full theatre experience.
I was able to watch on Peacock, with all my fnaf plushies with a super sinus clogged headache, so that's the mindset I had. lol
Anyway.. Movie time
I absolutely LOVED Mike and Abby. First off.
I didn't even mind a lot of time of the movie was spent AWAY from Freddy's. Because so much is just about learning about Mike and his family and connection to Abby.
Sure, we could have spent the WHOLE movie at Freddy's. But that is not what this movie is about. And it's clearly trying to tell a bigger mystery and this felt a very introduction friendly entry point to anyone confused about the fnaf lore.
I love how completely obsessed Mike is with Dream theory. To the point he's taking heavy duty sleeping pills on his job that he clearly doesn't need and just is doing it so he can relive his dreams/fabricated memories.
The intro credits with the 8-bit style graphics of the minigames in fnaf2-4??? Like bro? I cried. That was so iconic and they fill in the backstory for the purple guy, who actually appears as his sprite??? Like... Man iconic.
Also... Dude... Mike Schmitt in the movie is like... what the Fans wanted Mike in the games to be for YEARS. Like... Mike in the games is nothing. He's a silent face. We know so little about him, and everything else is purely speculative. Even the whole "he was foxy bro and has regret over his brother" ...That's all theory and not confirmed. As far as we know, Crying child and his brother might not even be Afton kids.
But this Mike is EXACTLY the motivations we wanted Mike to have? If that makes sense? He laments his brother was taken at a young age and expresses regret and motivation to want to get him back. he has the motivations that the fandom built for him for years and ran with it, and I LOVE THAT.
FNAF Movie actually gives good reasons why Mike comes back every night, as said in Living Tombstone's iconic song "why do you want to stay?" Cause of his regrets with his brother and his obsession with dream theory and doesn't realize the animatronics are a threat until like... night four.
I SCREAMED when I recognized Matpat's voice, and then I saw his face. Reconized him for his voice WAY before I saw his face. I didn't think he'd have a speaking or face cameo and get to say his iconic "it's just a theory" line and about food too??? King shit.
Letting the animatronics have moments where they can just be cute and friendly as well as creepy and bloodthirsty is so great! I want to give them all pets.
THE CHILD ACTORS ARE ALL SO GOOD! To the point you don't even notice! It's often hard to get children to play a convincing performance, but these children acted really well! They must have a real talented director who knew how to get the best of their child actors. You don't even realize that the child actors are great, cause they're so good it's unnoticeable. AMAZING
I MEAN, I SCREAMED WHEN SHE SAID "William Afton My father"
I was screaming about this in my group chat.
I was screaming for a thousand years.
AND IT makes sense why the cops never found the bodies. Vanessa is a cop! She's covering for her father!
I absolutely LOVE what a girl failure Vanessa is too!
Like she shows up, HEAVILY flirts with Mike (like she was laying it on so thick my demisexual ass was picking up on her vibe) and just shows up to give him exposition on the FNAF lore. fheogheahf. Like. It's great.
(no doubt she was flirting heavily with Mike at the start due to manipulation from her father, I do believe it grows to genuine fondness later)
I've heard people complain about her flipflop nature... BUT THAT's the POINT!
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(a literal arcade game in security breach.)
She let Abby play with the animatronics, knowing it was dangerous. Her original plan was to kill Mike, but she changes her plans when she sees he has a kid. (who she thought was his daughter at first) It was only after Abby got injured by Accident, she realized that what a danger she posed by brining them here at all. She only threatened to shoot Mike because she hoped that such an extreme threat would get him to quit. She even tells him about how many security guards quit. But it doesn't.
She even said she tried to warn in her own way. She's terrified of her father. And we get deep foreshadowing about that throughout the movie.
I really hope that in some sequels we will get to see Vanny at some point. Maybe even Springtrap and Vanny working together in the same movie??? CAN YOU IMAGINE THIS?!?!? I WOULD GO FERAL
Anyway, Vanessa is such a girl failure and my girl blorbo. I support her and her woman's wrongs
The minor look of regret after Will stabs his daughter... peak cinema.
The springlock scene... The quiet of the stabs, giving such a realistic collapse... the "I always come back" ...Embracing the monster he knows he is. He is the mask. He isn't hiding behind the mask, like he is being Steve. he is the mask now. Just... Chefs kiss.
The animatronics dragging springtrap away mirrors the ending of Silver Eyes so well, and I'm glad, because that was the best part of the Silver eyes. <3
Garret is 100% going to be the Puppet in the Movie Series. He was the one taken in the car, the spelling out in the minigame sounds at the very end says: "COME FIND HIM" And after Living Tombstone ends, the credits music fades into Grandfather's clock music box... Puppet's song..... Garret will be the Puppet in this universe and I so look forward to that.
I enjoyed the movie. I'm glad that they left the overarching mystery of Garret open to be explored in the sequel.
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leothil · 5 months
Tumblr Fandom: A Year in Review 2023
@mistmarauder thank you so much for creating this and tagging me! 💛💛
Top Five Blorbos: 1. Eddie Diaz - 9-1-1 2. Leon Draisaitl - Hockey rpf 3. Embry Carter - Rebel Kings MC 4. Matthew Tkachuk - Hockey rpf 5. Eddie Fulton - Summer Sons
Top Five Fandoms: 1. 9-1-1 2. Hockey rpf 3. Rebel Kings MC 4. Percy Jackson 5. Summer Sons
Top Five OTPs: 1. Buddie - 9-1-1 2. Mattdrai - Hockey rpf 3. Embry and Mateo - Rebel Kings MC 4. Andrew and Eddie - Summer Sons 5. Quinn Hughes and Brady Tkachuk - Hockey rpf (listen. I can feel the brainrot brewing for these two. It's gonna get worse.)
Shoutout to Some New Friends: I feel like this year is the first time I really properly interacted with @shitouttabuck, @messyhairdiaz, @eddiebabygirldiaz and @toboldlynerd and it's been a truly wonderful time! Shoutout to @nunc-spes-spei and @zahlibeth who are always willing to yes-and spec/ideas and indulge weird theories, you're the best!
Shoutout to Some Old Friends: @rewritetheending, talking to you more this year has brought me indescribable amounts of joy, comfort, relief, every positive feeling out there! I can't emphasize enough how important you are to me! @onward--upward you are a true champ for putting up with my weird hrpf rants and excessive post sharing, I love sharing the brainrot with you! My Buck and Eddie girls @burnthatbridge, @girldadbuddie, and @thatsveryood, I treasure you SO much and hope we can share an unhinged video chat again soon (NZ meetup??)! And my absolute ride or dies, my teeny tiny friends, @buckactuallys, @capseycartwright, @clusterbuck, @hattalove, @oatflatwhite, and @thatbuddie, you're the best thing I have gained from this webbed site, I can't believe I get to talk to you every day! All hail the superior search engine etc, I love you so much!
Favorite Creation You Posted This Year: I've loved doing my fic recs from the archive-project and I've been so happy to see other people discover new old fics through it! (It's not finished, I just wanted a break over the holidays!)
Favorite Creation Posted by Someone Else This Year: I've got to shout out @butchdiaz's Eddie Diaz is the archer because I sat eating breakfast at our summer cottage one morning back in July, watching this video on repeat and struggling to keep my feelings somewhat contained because I couldn't spoil my sister by showing it to her.
People Who Brightened Your Year: Everyone I've already mentioned, naturally, but also @tripleaxeldiaz, @henswilsons, @kitkatpancakestack, @eddiediaaz, @try-set-me-on-fire, @transboybuckley, @trippedandfell for being those extra bright spots on my dash and sometimes in my DMs!
Anyone Else You’d Like to Mention: Big shoutout to all of my mutuals and followers, you are all fantastic and I'm really happy to be here hanging out with you! Extra thanks to @evcndiaz @nymika-arts @glorious-spoon @ellelans @spruceoutoffive @captain-hen @fcntasmas @andrewblur @spaceprincessem @mellaithwen and @mistmarauder for being absolutely wonderful presences on my dash, mwah!
Five of Your Favorite Authors This Year: In the interest of not trying to double-tag people (and get to shout out even more peeps):
@bropunzeling I've reread all of your mattdrai fics more than is probably healthy, and you are this 🤏 close to making me acquire new blorbos by reading the rest of your bibliography.
@msmargaretmurry I'll have you know I reread Head Above Water three times this year and it made me more unhinged every time. That's not counting the times I went back to it just to reread a favourite scene or two.
@hopetorun your mattdrai winner's room fic rearranged something in my brain and I'll never be the same again.
@letmetellyouaboutmyfeels I don't know how you do what you do but I'm in awe, every single time!
@littlespoonevan I've gone back to reread several of your fics this year, and there's something so uniquely sweet and comforting about them!
Five of Your Favorite Artists/Gifmakers/Podficcers/Etc. This Year: 1. @bilosan your gifs are so gorgeous and I always love seeing what kind of sets you put together! 2. @like-the-rest-of-la if I could eat your art, I would!! It's so stupidly beautiful! 3. @skyhighrollins911 your edits are beyond gorgeous, and the cast sharing them as well is so deserved! 4. @barbiediaz your gifsets bring me endless joy and make me stop to look even when it's a fandom I'm not personally in! 5. @baneme-art I am so in love with the way you draw Buck and Eddie, I could look at them for hours!
Three Things You’re Looking Forward to in 2024: 1. S7 of 9-1-1. Of course. 2. Continuing to learn more and get better at west coast swing! (Please let me get into the spring course I will be crushed if I can't have it regularly for half a year 😢) 3. Book seven of Rebel Kings MC (Garrett Leigh you KNOW what you did!)
Tagging: Anyone and everyone tagged in this post already!
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bitethehnd · 2 months
omg i’ve had the biggest brainrot over ur naomi & taylor!reader & rewatching the eras tour i have 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️ thoughts
i can imagine reader! having a chat w naomi when they’re ready to make it official and actually tell everyone they’re together (god knows everyone’s figured it out but shh let them have their moment) & reader! asks if they can make it official during the show but doesn’t tell Naomi how,, they’re just like trust me it’ll be good and naomi is like ok !! anything for u !! & during karma reader! sings “karma is my baby on the screen, coming straight home to me!” & they somehow get naomi’s live reaction on the big screen megatron thing of reader fully making it official to everyone mid show and they’re just in AWE
& in the same show when reader! sings “you’re in love” they do a lil speech about how this song was written for someone else completely and after everything that went down, they hated this songs because it brought back so many bad memories (or something) but now they have someone who makes them feel like this song is the reason for existence again and it just cuts to lil naomi sobbing aAAA i truly love that fic so much i still have so many thoughts about it thank u thank u thank u
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⊹ ‧₊˚ ౨ৎ you are in love
pairing : naomi mcpherson x popstar!reader
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at this point during your eras tour, the two of you are already together. you think you’re all sneaky but literally everyone knows… naomi looks at you like you gave them the moon so it’s quite obvious, but everyone lets you two have your fun!
the first people you told were obviously katie and jo. they both had fake surprised looks on their faces but said the two of you deserved to be happy. then ensue the countless jokes and comments from jo.
the boys were thrilled too! since phoebe had also opened for you, she had taken a guess that you two had a thing for each other and then her suspicions were confirmed. julien fist pumped naomi and lucy gave you a big hug!! you guys are adorable fr.
next came telling the world about the relationship. you two held off for a few months, wanting privacy, but it seemed twitter was already aware of it. everyone had their theories and some were so outrageous that you just wanted to tell everyone yourself.
you told naomi your feelings on the matter and they immediately agreed, no questions asked. they were ready to show you off and not have to hide. you suggested doing it during your next show, and like anon said, naomi is just like “whatever my princess wants, she gets!!! anything for her!!”
you quickly put your plan into motion. you decided your surprise song for the next show would be “you are in love” from 1989. it perfectly described how you felt about naomi. you came up with some ideas for the speech you would give before hand and it went something like this…
“the next song that i’m going to play is one that i haven’t performed in so long. i wrote it about someone who i thought was going to be my forever, but it just didn’t end up that way and it left me with some sad memories. i have never felt the need to play this song since then, but now everything has changed. even if i originally wrote this about someone else, my partner renewed it into something so pure and now has a reason to exist again. i love you.”
the camera doesn’t pan to naomi just yet, since you wanted to build suspense. for dramatic effect, of course. but jo and katie make sure to get their reaction on video. it’s just naomi basically happy crying and laughing with tears under their eyes. even when you guys are a whole stadium apart, the invisible string between you is there.
when it was finally time for the last era of songs, from midnights, you were planning to do a lyric swap in “karma.” the actual lyric was “karma is my girlfriend,” but obviously naomi was not a girl and the song originally wasn’t written about them, you planned to change it to something that made you happier. when the time came to sing “karma,” you looked right into the vip section where naomi was and sang “karma is my baby on the screen, coming straight home to me!” cut to the camera panning to naomi and they’re just giddy, laughing and crying all at the same time. when you told them you were going to make it official, this is definitely not how they imagined it, but they weren’t complaining.
you just wanted to show the world your love for them and honestly didn’t give a shit what anyone thought. the two of you just existed in your own little bubble, feeling like you were just singing to them.
after the show was over and naomi practically sprinted backstage, their beaming smile lit up the room as they saw you. they pulled you in for a fierce hug and pressed gentle kisses to your forehead.
“that was the sweetest thing in the entire world, baby. i love you so much.”
“so you liked it? it wasn’t too much?”
“never. that was, like, magical. can’t believe you did all that for me.”
“i’d do anything for you, nom.”
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© bitethehnd
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hdra77 · 1 month
hello hi I hope you don't mind me rambling to you but here we go anyway!! I'm brainrotting so hard over rw I need to ramble to someone From the deep magenta pearl from Shaded Citatel:
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Trying to decipher the date system, this one seems to be yyyy.dd, or year.cycle. since there are three 0's on the cycle part, we assumed it goes up to 999 (since there are some numbers about as high as 700 in iterator chat logs) before resetting- like 1000.999 -> 1001.000. Now, here is the date on a log from the "I struggle to accept being a bug" conversation between 5P and 7RS. Takes place after the ancients are gone. (from dark blue pearl/dark green pearl in sky islands, the logs are chosen randomly from the ones i'll add below).
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So, ancients left somewhere between 1514.008 and 1591.290. Here, the date on where Erratic Pulse participates in some silverist group. (I don't remember if it's actually sylverist or not, a (also from dark blue pearl/dark green pearl))
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Here, when they find out about Erratic Pulse. (also dark blue pearl/dark green pearl)
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Here, Moon announcing to the local group about Pebbles' increased water consumption. (from dark blue pearl/dark green pearl too)
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BSM: Two cycles ago, my neighbor Five Pebbles drastically increased his water consumption to four times the normal amount. He has been unresponsive for a period of time longer than that. The two of us share groundwater, and I have been without water for almost a cycle.
On 1654.110, Moon announces that it's been two cycles since Pebbles increased their water intake. It happened on 1654.008.
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Moon did the forced broadcast on 1654.116, 8 days after the increased water consumption started. 8 days of suffering Moon endured before she had no choice other than force communications.
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On 1681.662 (keep in mind, we're assuming that each year is 999 cycles), 7RS and CW have a conversation about how badly rotted Pebbles is becoming, and about how Moon has been unavaliable for quite some time. From 1654.108 to 1681.662, which is 26975 cycles (and the average person lives about 29200 days), Moon is suffering with the lack of water degrading her structure (assuming she hadn't collapsed by that point,) and lost any way of communicating with somewhere between those dates.
Where am I going with this? I'm honestly not quite sure, but wanted to share with you just how incredibly long this all takes. All this time, all the effort Pebbles put into reaching ascention, fighting so hard for a freedom he couldn't even be certain he'd obtain- all worth nothing. And in the end, Moon still forgives him.
Ohh interesting!! I never even thought that those numbers were actually dates to begin with 💀 now i feel even more bad for moon
Also feel free to ramble! This is a safe space for any rainworld theories or just rambling about them in general! 👍 i love reading them
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From Brainrot: Discord Server Invite!
Here it is! This space is open to anyone in the fandom :D
We have sections to talk about specific characters, the world in general, theories, AUs and OCs, a creative section full of channels to share the stuff you're working on and help each other out, and lots more!
You will be asked to read and agree to the server rules when you join, so I'll be attaching those below the cut in case you want to check them out ahead of time and decide whether or not you're interested ^.^
I look forward to sharing a space to chat with you guys!
Section 1: General Behavior & Expectations
Discord’s Terms of Service still apply; any users discovered to be under your country’s minimum age will be banned without chance for appeal. We would love to have you here, but underage users puts the entire server at jeopardy of being shut down.
The minimum age is usually 13, but several countries range from 14-16, please check here if you’re located in Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, or South America.
1.1 Toxic Behavior
We’d like to make this a safe space where anybody can feel welcome! That said, anything that can be considered ‘toxic behavior’—such as instigating/perpetuating an argument, insults of any kind, harassment, etc—will result in a 30-minute timeout for all parties involved. If this keeps up, it may result in a ‘soft’ ban.
1.2 Language
a. This server is PG-13, so yes! Swearing is allowed! However, please keep it moderate. We’d like to see you expressing yourself, but if that turns into being offensive/hurtful to other members, or if someone expresses discomfort with your language, you may be muted for 5-30 minutes after a warning. If this keeps up, it may result in a ‘soft’ ban. b. Any language that is considered derogatory, racist, sexist, homophobic, or generally insulting/inappropriate will result in a ban without chance for appeal.
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a. THIS IS A PG-13 SERVER! No sexually explicit content please! (with exceptions, see Rule 3.4 for details.) b. The same goes for extremely graphic imagery or discussion of violence/gore. (with exceptions, see Rule 3.4 for details.) c. In short, this is a space where we want both adults and minors to be safe. If you wouldn’t see it in a PG-13 movie or show, please don’t introduce it here.
1.4 Communication
a. Tone tags are really useful for clarifying how you want your words to land when talking to people who don’t know you very well. They are more than welcome on this server! b. If you and another member are experiencing a conflict, please reach out to a staff member! We’d love to help where we can. We also want to protect other people’s well-being, so we do expect you to keep conflicts in private channels. c. If any member—including staff members!—causes anyone discomfort, please reach out to one of the staff! Our priority is a safe and respectful space for everyone who wants to join, and open communication helps us with that immensely.
Section 2: Fandom Policies
Our goal is to create a space that is friendly to all The Arcana fans, and open to all forms of creative content. We ask that you follow these rules to help us create and foster that welcoming environment.
2.1 Character Discussion
Each of the M6 has their own channel for events/perspectives in their own route. If there is a character who you dislike in your preferred LI's route, please put that opinion in that LI's channel without taking it to that other character's channel or into the general Arcana channel. For character x character ships, see Shipping Discussion
2.2 Dorian Live
Dorian fans, users, and critics are all welcome here, because the main focus of this server is a shared love for the Arcana game and characters. If you want to discuss personal grievances or concerns in either direction, please do it in a different space or with a staff member privately.
2.3 Respecting Everyone’s Fandom Experience
Everyone interacts with The Arcana in different ways, and we want to create a space that respects that while also bringing everyone together! Just like with character discussions, we ask that certain topics stay in their designated spaces. This way everyone can avoid topics that make them uncomfortable while also leaving the door open for people to discuss it if they enjoy it.
Section 3: Creative Works
The most wonderful thing in a fandom is the creativity and passion we all put into our creations. We want to have a space that celebrates that in every way, while also maintaining a safe and enjoyable environment for all our members.
3.1 Posting Creative Works
Be it art, character sheets, fanfics, Dorian Live stories, etc—we love to see what you’ve made/what you’re working on! Please be sure to share them in the dedicated channels so it’s easy to keep track of.
3.2 Copyright
Sharing other people’s work is great too, as long as you give the creator credit. If we know that it’s not yours, then we want to know whose it is. Most of the time, a reverse image search on Google is all you need. If you cannot find the original source, please don’t post it.
3.3 Advertisement
a. Sharing is encouraged, but solicitation is not. If you've posted work you're proud of, feel free to share the link in the dedicated channel! That said, asking others to boost engagement with your content or putting it in other channels to get more views will result in a 30 minute mute + the messages being removed. b. Additionally, pressuring other creators to join/leave social platforms for any reasons will result in a soft ban. c. This rule extends to private messaging as well; please do not DM users about boosting your content, or to join/leave social platforms. If you’re experiencing this, please DM a staff member with the member’s username and a screenshot of the conversation!
3.4 NSFW Creations
a. Links to non PG-13 works are okay! But they do need to be properly tagged with a warning attached to the Discord post, and with any previews being PG-13. b. Please do not post or link any content with taboo themes or extreme violent/disturbing imagery.
3.5 Constructive Criticism
a. Constructive criticism is welcome when it is asked for! If it’s not been invited, then please don’t offer it. b. There are channels for critiquing outside works, but those spaces are not open for insulting/mocking/tearing down creative works or their creators. If you’re wondering what constitutes as constructive or destructive criticism, this article has a great summary of it in the introduction. You can also find a fantastic article on constructive criticism for creative works here.
As you may have noticed, some of the rules have a ‘soft ban’ listed as punishment. Soft banning means you lose the ability to send messages in the majority of the server, or add reactions. You will be able to talk to staff and have a chance to appeal your ban in a separate channel. By joining this server and reacting below, you agree to follow all the rules and expectations as outlined above. Please do not be the reason we have to add more rules.
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sulatni-flerida11 · 5 months
htbahb au dump !! because the brainrot is too strong
general context things
currently, the characters are in their college years. even though the plan is to have the main storyline happen when they already have jobs, their college years established dynamics between them. some dynamics luckily haven't changed over the years, but others may take longer to rebuild.
cleo owns an apartment close to uni, and they share it with grian & etho.
joel & scar live as interns on campus.
lizzie, jimmy, bdubs, and pearl are also interns, with lizzie & pearl as roommates in a different building and jimmy & bdubs living across joel & scar
au prolly takes place in a semi-rural area; it started as a town with a small population and lots of farmland, but it's slowly evolving to follow other highly urbanized cities.
the town hasn't gone fully urban since it takes pride in utilizing its land with locally manufactured agricultural resources and artisan goods.
courses/classes they're taking prolly
cleo - horticulture (with sculpting at the side)
joel - agribusiness management & entrepreneurship (he's not super into it yet)
scar - economics
etho - agricultural chemistry (secretly also likes music)
grian - literature (also enjoys photography)
lizzie - music (likes to experiment with different art mediums tho)
bdubs - architecture
jimmy - horticulture
pearl - economics
and other dynamics between the group !!
lizzie sometimes pulls bdubs & cleo to her experiments. every summer break, they take an art related class together. so far, they've done painting and dancing. (bdubs has already enrolled them in a modeling class for the upcoming break, but the other two don't know yet.)
joel, pearl, and scar would discuss their business and/or economics related classes to grian, and grian just smiles and nods in respect (of them and their friendship) even if he doesn't understand most things they're saying. ("wait, what is a griffin good?" "griffen, grian, with an e.")
the real reason why joel, pearl, & scar talk about their classes to grian is because they like messing with him. (he's not as good with hiding his confused look as he thinks.)
jimmy once accidentally found an opening to one of the private properties of a big business in town - a flower field. whenever he and cleo have floriculture assignments that involve getting flowers, they pick their flowers from there. sometimes, they'd discuss the flowers there, ways to care for them, flower meanings, etc. sometimes, joel and etho join them. as loud as they are, they've only had one instance where they almost got caught. (they never brought joel and etho with them since then.)
pearl & scar buy newspapers daily by the campus gate to chat about the current events, especially ones relating to their degree. they quickly befriended the newspaper vendor as he also had a lot of food for thought regarding the things going on. their discussions help them a lot, aiding them in their essays and analysis about economic policies and applications.
etho would sometimes ask lizzie about music theory. what was supposed to be a few messages would end up in hours of them talking about music. eventually, lizzie found out about etho's music hobby, and she's the only one that knows.
grian owns a polaroid camera, and he sometimes takes candid pictures of the gang. his subjects are usually cleo & etho, mostly because they're his roommates and he spends the most time with them, but there's also a handful of pictures with scar & pearl.
joel and lizzie started dating after scar, bdubs, & pearl convinced him to go to an open mic event in the dorms during their first year; lizzie happened to be one of the performers.
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if you've made it this far, any thoughts on what music genres/artists each life series member listens to? totally not for oneshot purposes in this au,,,
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krysanthii · 1 month
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Hey everybody!
This is a Nocturne: Brainrot discord which is PURELY for fandom joy to spread fun content and share are and fanfiction. Where you can freely share headcanons, theories, and pairings. This is also a NSFW that only shows nudity in illustrations and fanart! No real life nudity. You must be 18 and OVER to join this discord!
We mainly talk about theories of the show and a Olrox worship corner! All theories and pairings are welcome!!!
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starays13 · 9 months
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Drew a bunch of AU Doritos in one spot talking about smolboi
For context, These are a bunch of AU Eclipses gathered in one dimension for a party thing; And one of the tiny ones just finished casually explaining in great detail that he was child-sized because the Star basically disassembled and reassembled him atom by atom over the course of several minutes because he accidentally made a second wish without any energy to sacrifice for it.
And then all of the others just turn to stare at him with either shock or concern, meanwhile the smol one is just sitting sipping a juice box like it’s no big deal. (He’s traumatized but it’s been a long time since it happened.)
From left to right: Damsel!Eclipse, Goddess Earth! Eclipse (Flowerboi), Jar!Eclipse, Therapy!Eclipse, Pet!Eclipse don’t ask, and God Lunar!Eclipse (Jailboi)
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totem-but-shark · 3 months
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OLA I'm Percy or Pebbld! This is my blog for dumping any and all of the mcyt brainrotted clumps of my consciousness, which includes analysis, theories, art and whatever else I've got on the brain. I speak English and am learning Spanish though all languages are welcome!
@pebbldd (Main/Art blog) or Pebbld on twt
Admin of @thedoozerarchive
Don't hesitate to shoot me an ask, dm or add onto my posts, i'm always down to chat qfoolish, i don't bite!
foolish analysis tag: #doozer doozys
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mare-sanguis · 8 months
Notes on "Lady Justice" here
Notes on the flowers in ep. 8 here
Notes on the colors in ep.10 here
Notes on the numbers on the car plates of No. 3 and KMC here
It seems like I cant reblog this post by @onomatopagu-et-cie it seems like i have to do it manually 🥲
Anyway, we left off at the symbolism of hands- or more who uses what hand and how it, right now, seems like KMC is ambidextrous.
I gathered some information (during class break, so it might be rushed but i'll read over it again as soon as I got enough time) about the "ambidextrous angel" i mentioned.
All highlighted texts are important to the statement I made earlier.
The paper I'm citating is "The Ambidextrous Angel (Daniel 12:7 and Deuteronomy 32:40): Inner-Biblical Exegesis and Textual Criticism in Counterpoint)" by Eugene P. McGarry (the whole of Deuteronomy 32 is pretty interesting and fitting to the whole topic of the drama- I will come back to this at the end of the post, where I dissect the different things I find the most interesting and important)
Eugene starts his paper with this paragraph where he introduces the angel
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He later continues by expanding on what the angel does as soon as they set feet on earth. Tho, here its mentioned the angel only uses one hand to swear an oath, yet in the following paragraphs highlighted it shows it varies and its sometimes rather ambiguous and mysterious if one hand is used or two. Something nobody know of its true or not. There also is a man in "linen clothes" mentioned.
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The author elaborates on what the man (presumable also the angel) taunts his people
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I will just add all the following paragraphs I found interesting one after another, so its easier to read.
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And at last we end with a painting description of Albrecht Dürers woodcut "Johannes, das Buch verschlingend/ Der »Starke Engel" (Saint John, swallowing the book/ The mighty Angel), 1498
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-> Sheet 8 from the collection: The Apocalypse.
Excellent, deep black and even impression of the Latin text edition from 1511. With fine margins all around, trimmed only at the bottom right edge and at the top edge in the middle up to the border line.
This eighth paper marks the turning point of the end-time events. The criminal judgment against humanity hereby ended. The “Strong Angel” appears to John on the rocky island of Patmos, pointing to the saved souls in the altar at the top left with his hand raised as if in oath. “And I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven; "He was clothed with a cloud, and had a rainbow on his head, and a face like the sun, and feet like pillars of fire" (Revelation, X, 1). The shapeless angel gives John a book, which he, excited by the words, takes in in order to learn new prophecies. The individual words seem to detach themselves from the pages and flow into Johannes’ mouth. In this way, Dürer symbolizes the divine inspiration that puts the words of his “revelation” into John’s mouth and ultimately moves him to write them down"
-> Now about the Deuteronomy 32
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Thats it :,)
I hope i was able to contribute at least a bit to all those hidden symbolisms.
And who ever comes across reading it, I'd love to have a little chat with you to brainrot about it all a little more because so far I have only interacted with two people in this fandom but I really really need more
(oh and this got nothing to do with theories and all but I'd like to mention I published 2 tkv fics to far (KSJ/KMC centered) in tag on ao3, the other 2 should drop in the next few hours...just for anyone whos interested ofc)
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batemanofficial · 7 months
tagged by the incredible @gayassbenaffleck to post 10 characters!! (tysm!!! <3 <3 <3)
fox mulder
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he's my right hand arm. man. my everything. my confidant. my silly rabbit. he's so me im so him i am he and he is me and we are all together i am the walrus. i have never found a character i relate to more and if the x files has no fans assume i am dead
2. ripley from alien
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she's so. she's sooooooooo [REDACTED BY US GOVERNMENT]
3. princess bubblegum
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finally. the unethical lesbians in stem representation we need
4. roman roy
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[i bet on losing dogs by mitski plays faintly, as if from a great distance]
5. vriska
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are you sensing a theme yet. perhaps she's not the unethical lesbian in stem representation we need, but the unethical lesbian in stem representation we deserve
6. oswald cobblepot
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i just started this show recently but he's so silly i love him :^) putting him in a terrarium as we speak
7. jesse pinkman
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the most important girl in the whole wide world <3 he is my everything i love him so much. rae has heard my brba color theory rant and he is sooooo central to that theory it's so fun
8. shiv roy
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another succession character because it's brainrot time again and i miss it so much!! i'm such a shivgirl in spite of myself. love her 2 death
9. maddy ferguson
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MADDY!!!! she's so cool yet so tragic. are we beating the self-fulfilling prophecy allegations today chat
10. DATA!!!!!!!!!!!
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IT'S DATA!!!!! light of my life <3
tagging: @bat-bestie @cherrycherryboomboom2 @toadscools @lawyerkitty @draanden @tetrissyndromes and anyone else who wants to <3 mwah
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sparks-chaotic-cove · 5 months
Hello folks!
Welcome to my blog! It's a chaotic cove of writing, art, brainrot rants, and reblogs of course!
Name: Spark(s) (May also refer to me as: Sunset, Dawn, or Lizzy/Lizzie!)
Pronouns: She/her
Status: In a relationship! To keep my boyfriend's name private, I'll be calling him "Okapi" for now-
life series
percy jackson
other rick riordian series
warrior cats
What I do/create:
Worlds (story worlds)
SparkRambles (brainrot rambles, rambles about stuff, etc)
Sparkart (my art!)
Sparkwrites (my writing/poetry blurbs)
Sparksings (me singing)
Sparkrants (me ranting about anything)
Sparksilly (silly posts, pointless posts, joking rants, etc)
Sparkpoetry (poetry-)
Fandom/archiving info tag(s):
Skyboundlog-Avicane (also just "skyboundlog")
Chat sona archive:
Rune - Periwinkle spark (tazikki) Vast - Vincia, magpie holding a periwinkle Marcel - Zori - Scarlet tanager Sylph - Del, red throated hummingbird
Wolf/Fenris - Garnet spark Rae - Vermillion spark Centross (x) - Keripa Momboo (x) - marigold bush / Poppy Icarus - nearby poppy Jamie - brown rabbit/bunny
Gyn - Meridee Theo - red-stained remora Cella - pink pebble
I do not have any other blogs currently! <3
Welcome to the cove, people from to and fro!
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 year
Au brainrot in the theory chat has begun again
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