@theoriginallucille​ liked for a starter from Kylo
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Neither Kylo’s body nor head turned as someone approached him.  He didn’t even really acknowledge them.  Instead he kept staring out at the scene in front of him.
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balladofamadman · 4 years
@theoriginallucille​ (x)
“Technically it would be bestiality.”
Horrified, Max held her head in her hands. “How ‘bout you not do that either?”
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goddamnmuses-a · 4 years
@theoriginallucille​ sent a  🌯 for a starter from Wade
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“Alright.. Stand back!”
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vaderiisms-archived · 4 years
All the hearts.
What kind of relationship does your muse want with mine?
❤️ romantic
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batwieldingbastard · 4 years
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Negan gives up their life so that Lucille can live.
Negan and Lucille meeting after they haven’t seen each other in a very long time.
Negan is bitten by a zombie and has to be put down by Lucille.
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salaciousneeds · 5 years
Frederick felt the familiar pull of a summons in his gut. It had been a long time since anyone had bothered with such rituals. It took a second before the world around him faded and he was standing in an unfamiliar room. The incubus glanced around before his eyes fell on a woman. A smirk worked across his lips.
“Just why am I summoned here?” Most of the time it was an accident and the incubus loved to take full advantage of it. They often tried to summon a demon who could make proper deals with them. They didn’t anticipate one who needed sexual energy. She had caught him in only his boxers and the growing arousal was clear. It was not something that he could help. The woman was attractive but the anticipation of what was going to come helped. He needed a good feeding.
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thekingsparty · 5 years
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intimacy makes crowley highly uncomfortable, as does harmless body contact / touches / hugs. he’s not worried about getting hurt, nor does he fear intimacy, but it is very, very difficult for him to let it happen. he wants it, but part of him also believes that he shouldn’t be intimate with anybody, because that would mean tearing down endless walls of sass & what’s underneath is left vulnerable to the outside world. when he’s with someone, he does initiate a lot of touching once past a certain point, but it’s always with that little voice in his head preaching caution. there’s also the fact he doesn’t like speaking of the past, so it’s usually a problem when trying to get to share with other people. taking that step & speaking about his human life is hard, which also makes bonding difficult because his partners know he’s hiding things from them. 
despite being a demon ( therefore driven to sin lol ) crowley’s hardly interested in sex with random people. he will have sex when it’s thrusted upon him (i’m sorry), but he doesn’t look for it. he doesn’t search random partners for sex. he’s very un-demon-like when it comes to that & has most likely been the reason for a lot of chitchat in hell because of it. but then again we already know he’s different than most demons, right? crowley’s libido rises exponentially with how strongly he feels for someone. it doesn’t necessarily have to be love? like, friendship is enough to make him think about the possibility of having sex with someone. but yes, generally sex truly means something to him, probably also because of his past. when fergus’ wife died, he tried to fill the hole she left in his heart with sex - he closed his deal & just drowned in alcohol & ladies. it didn’t help of course, but hookups without emotional connections tend to remind him, which then reminds him of gavin, of losing the love of his human life etc. 
oof. this is a hard, complex one for crowley. we know (thx 8.23) that deep down, love is what he truly wants, but feels he doesn’t deserve. it doesn’t help that everybody he fckn meets lets him know he’s unworthy of everything that doesn’t involve death & pain. all the changes crowley’s gone through since he met the winchesters has been a quiet, subtly cry for love. be it platonic or romantic. of course he’s exceptionally good at hiding his true reasons for things he does, but if you just look at everything that happened between season 5 and 12, you can’t deny he’s tried his damndest to become worthy of what he craves more than anything. love.
quick insert: this is truly one of the most hurtful things the spn writers have done to crowley fans tbh. they make him fight tooth and nail to become worthy in the winchesters’ eyes, worthy of friendship, love & affection.... then they let him die without giving it to him. he fought so fckn hard, he suffered so fckn much. what did he get? nothing with oreos on top. literally every other character even close to his level of appearance got love (not counting lucifer bc they messed him up anyway). dead or not. jody, bobby, rowena, gabriel, benny, cas... they all have it. then there’s crowley who didn’t even get one single friend. 
ahem, anyway. love. geez. he wants to be loved so fckn bad, he’s willing to change into something he’s not while pretending he doesn’t give a single shit. “I did it for me.” then there’s different kinds of love. 
there’s the “i’m the secret” love in which crowley knows he’s someone to be hidden from family & friends because he’s just a demon who can’t feel, obviously. it’s the majority of his love life (dean, cas, bobby, sam lol) and it’s not healthy in the long run because it feeds the voice saying he doesn’t deserve good things. usually it doesn’t hold too long without crowley bursting. 
then there’s the “you’re my king and i’d kiss ur feet if u asked me to” kind of love. something not too rare given he’s the king of hell. it’s pretty one-sided despite him loving the power over someone - it’s often not real. 
and then there’s true, “i fckn love you crowley” love. give him that kind of love & you’ve got the most loyal, loving partner ever. he’s a soft, he will still kill without hesitation, don’t think he goes soft on everybody. just that special person. crowley’s broken & he doesn’t let people into the ruins of his heart, but when he does & they love him with no ulterior moves, it’s the best thing. like, they won’t know, but they repair what’s broken. piece by piece. they don’t even have to do anything, it just happens. 
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idontkillorphans · 5 years
My muse is a deity. Send “Temple” to come to my muse’s temple to worship them!
Sleipnir awoke slow and unsteady. His bones and skin felt like stone as he shifted, gazing down upon the sight below him. A woman? At his temple? Sleipnir was confused. He was an old god. A forgotten God some would say. He spent his millenniums drifting and watching the mortals from his simple temple. Perhaps she was shielding herself from the rain, regardless, she had come to him.
Sleipnir took human form, approaching the woman silently now. He was dressed in a robe, face partially covered and a staff for balance. His clothes obscured his leg - it was always hard to explain the unexplained.
“Are you okay, my child?” Sleipnir asked the other, voice all present but soft. 
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ricksmybitch · 5 years
theoriginallucille replied to your post: someone hold negan’s hand and tell him he’s...
You’re not that bad
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Et tu, wife?
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hittcr-a · 5 years
You're making me fall in love with Eliot and Leverage all over again .
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heroicintention-a · 5 years
theoriginallucille replied to your post “And Uggs. They keep his feet toasty warm.”
Someone needs to draw this. Now!
If anyone would like to draw one Steven Grant Rogers in his favorite lounging outfit, that’d be great. 
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balladofamadman · 4 years
theoriginallucille replied to your post: Imagine Max finding out Lucille is alive and at...
I’m down for this. Including Lucille dating Rick
Momma dates Max’s biggest crush.
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goddamnmuses-a · 4 years
Can you tell me a bit about Brian? Mobile at the moment and can't get to your bios
Brian Braddock is Captain Britain. He was basically a scientist until terrorists attacked his lab and then a wizard showed up and gave him an amulet and now he has all the good stuff Captain America has but he can also fly. ... This isn’t even an OC this is canon. 
Feel free to check out his wiki. 
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damneddixon · 5 years
ayyyy 😏😏😏
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salaciousneeds · 5 years
The rain came pouring from the skies. Dwayne ignored it as he followed after the woman. She had caught his attention passing by. He knew that face. He hadn’t seen it in years though. He had thought he had genuinely lost her this time around. He made sure that she didn’t know he was following her just yet. He couldn’t scare her. He couldn’t lose her.
The weather only worsened and she ducked into a bar. It worked in his favor. He stepped inside and ran a hand through his hair to try and push some of the water out of his locks. His eyes moved around the room to find her. He had no idea what she went by these days. He made sure that he went to the bar to make sure he didn’t seem too suspicious.
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sculless · 5 years
👀 "Do you ever miss the rush and strength drinking demon blood gave you?"
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‘ who says i stopped? ’
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