comet-fae · 7 months
[RECOINED] Théogender
Théogender is a synesthesigender that can feel golden, rusty, dark, earthy, velvety, and/or has an overall divine or royal feeling, similar to that of a deity. (Flag has yet to be remade. We coined this term a long time ago, but it was posted on wikis with the incorrect flag and an altered definition, so we're making this post to link back to instead of the wiki)
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eunoiaredemancy · 4 years
recoined by @comet-fae
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Hey, I was wondering if there is currently a term for a gender identity that feels Catholic, or is influenced by/felt to be connected to its teachings and world view? I just feel very connected to my faith and feel it gives me an experience with my identity that I can’t explain with any labels that I’ve come across
There aren’t many I could find, so I’ll list them off and if none of them fit you, you’re welcome to coin something!
Godgender or Deusgender: A gender identity that pertains to godliness/something holy, meaning it’s an untouched and unaltered version of gender/has no “passing” form/is outside of masculinity and femininity (can meld with feminine/masculine genders, but does not usually carry societies’ norms when this happens); Nonbinary gender for people who identifies as deities or acknowledge a divine aspect within themselves.
Trinigender. A gender made up of multiple parts (often 3), that relate to each other like aspects of the Holy Trinity. In other words, they are both distinct separate parts (like Father/Son/Holy Spirit) but are also aspects of a single divine Being. This gender does not have to pertain exclusively to Western/Christian ideas of religion/divinity/Trinity. Nor does it inherently represent masculinity/masculine genders by relating back to the masc-coded Christian Trinity.
Theogender: relating to god(s), religion(s) or deities. from theology/theosophy/theism
Hope that helps!
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