#then as cao weining talks she’s like????!!!??!!
aiyexayen · 2 months
helloo!!!!!!!! itse me from ao3 (oh that rhymes!) im a chatterbox as well, i love long comment/reblog chains and generally talking about stuff im passionate for a normal amount, and after reading your reply i had a question that i thought, why not drop into your inbox and ask you (if you want) to share a bit of your process behind writing The Only Place You Wanna Be!!!! my initial question is actually that im wondering whether at any point you were uncomfortable, like, exhaustingly uncomfortable when tackling gx/wkx/zzs as a rarepair. because when i write and im trying to break some mental barriers of my own i oftentimes need to take very long breaks frequently to rest. uve written rare ships before but mentioned in your reply that it stretched u to write this fic, despite becoming passionate along the way. what about the fic challenged you, what is it that was difficult to explore? and what had u be very enthusiastic about? also, when i was reading the fic i kept wondering how u were gonna handle gx/cwn, in what manner u where going to address it (if at all), and i really liked what u settled on, but did u have different ideas for it? do u have ideas for how it might look like when cwn returns home alone? (if u would like to share) im wondering if gx is now firmly in the wenzhou camp or if she might be going to experience her romance with cwn later too? i think that could work really well, because he is her peer and has different views and thoughts about the world and society at large than wenzhou, which i think is still smth gx would/could be drawn to. like, wenzhou are very jaded, they have to relearn how to love and trust etc, and gx in a way has to as well. in canon her cute romance with cwn is a way for her to experience mundane young adulthood. do u think thats smth that could still happen, that would still attract her, and that would fit into the new dynamic of the AU uve written?
hello hello!! i also love talking about things a normal amount so you've come to the right place and i'm so glad you asked. [chin in hands] i would be completely delighted to talk about the only place you wanna be, because it's truly one of my favourite stories i've written thus far.
first--was i exhaustingly uncomfortable at any point writing this fic? i honestly wasn't! it wasn't an 'easy' ship to write, i.e. one i'm very comfortable in the dynamics of and don't have to think overly hard about. but i was not particularly uncomfortable, either (i do know what you mean, though--i've had ships before that have made me uncomfortable and i've had to really sit down and rest between wrestling through my thoughts on it)
hands down the biggest thing i struggled with was the question "what the heck does zhou zishu find so compelling about gu xiang?" not because she's not absolutely charming, but because zhou zishu is not easily charmed.
the wen kexing facet was easy--the way he and gu xiang grew up together and saved each other from the horrors of gui gu puts them in such a state of enmeshment, their bond so full of complex emotional tangles and twists that all i really have to do is tweak the strands and bam! ship.
but zhou zishu and gu xiang? i had to really sit with that facet, turn it over in my mind like a rotisserie chicken, because anytime i've put them in proximity before it's just been this volatile-yet-fond bickering that doesn't really go further, or get them closer. zhou zishu is prickly, and aloof, and only diverted from his self-destructive bent by one wen kexing. and in this au, he already quite contentedly has said wen kexing. what does he need some charming girl for? what has he ever needed a charming girl for?
i thought gu xiang could easily find a whole host of things in zhou zishu to like and admire, many of them not dissimilar to what wen kexing sees in him. but how the heck would they come together? how would it go beyond gu xiang's crush on this super impressive, stupidly beautiful guy?
i took a hard look at my other most favourite ships with zhou zishu (han ying, xie'er, jing beiyuan, ye baiyi, liu qianqiao) and sorted through what things i thought he might care about in a person, outside of "is too stubborn to let him push them away" at least. i realised i really had to face my gu xiang and interrogate her more serious side, ultimately, as much for the sake of figuring out the ship vibe i wanted as for writing her as a compelling pov character. because for a character like gu xiang, a good portion of her seriousness happens outside of her conscious awareness of it. it's all background noise against which the bright flares of her imperiousness shines very distractingly.
but really, she learned from the best; her silliness and her brashness and the whip of her tongue are just another version of wen kexing's smooth flirtations and gently waving fan. she's clumsy and charming while he's elegant and disarming, but aside from him being a thousand times more intentional about it, they're not altogether that different of masks. after all, gu xiang was taught to kill first and ask questions later, no matter who may or may not be innocent. she grew up with the firmly-seated knowledge that she was not human. and even when she was a literal baby, she smiled when she was hurt because to do anything less was to risk being abandoned.
and, most damningly, gu xiang cares. she cares deeply, and thoroughly, and she gets attached even when she shouldn't, even when she knows better. she takes to humanity so beautifully.
and i realised that if i put someone like that into zhou zishu's life, into zhou zishu's once-abandoned home, and let her breathe life into the place, i could make my problem *his* problem and that suited me much better.
it's really two sides of the same coin, what i wrestled with the most to get into shape and what i was enthusiastic about. like with most rare ship challenges, i find it compelling simply to do said wrestling. i enjoy sitting down and hammering out the details of character dynamics--what they find compelling about one another, what draws their eye, how they fall in together, what makes them stay. or not, as the case may be sometimes.
i was excited to dig into the challenge of this ship and this fic, because i knew once i started getting the pieces hewn into shape it would be very satisfying. i was excited to tackle a siji arc au that was a new flavour, and write something really properly from gu xiang's pov that explored her arc of stepping onto the path to the human world through a new angle and from the inside.
i was particularly excited to dig my fingers into her relationship with wen kexing--not even really from the ship perspective (i mean, you've read this story, it's almost not about the shippiness of the ship at all until the very end) but just them.
i have a lot of ideas for someday-fics where gu xiang is more present in the plot and i get to explore her and wen kexing's relationship, in any capacity, more intensely. i have so so so many feelings about the two of them, no matter which hats you want to put on their dynamic. and this fic was really my first larger-scale opportunity to do some of that examining and reveling.
they were just two kids in a world of ghosts, clinging to one another until they could get out. a teenaged boy half-raising a little girl, full of rage and spite and the confidence and inexperience of youth and the wholesale abandonment of humanity, teaching her how to eschew it from an even younger age than himself, teaching her how to be a killer to keep her safe--and then playing games with her behind closed doors, making snowmen for her when she cried, letting himself be silly and warm in spite of everything. they're a master and the maidservant that attends his whims. they're a gui gu guzhu and his right hand that stands ready at attention to keep every secret and enact his plans on the jianghu.
they're so many things--each other's first priority, most trusted person, with the kind of knowing that only comes from years and years. the loyalty. the love. the way wen kexing's plan always made room for getting gu xiang out into the world to live a human life as its ultimate goal, the way he couldn't help but continue to lean on her assistance and keep her close and project his own fears even as he kept trying to push her away into that human life he wanted for her. the way he needs her, the way he tries to push her away anyway and rescue her from the fire that he plans to let consume him. the way he's so proud of her and so terrified of how similar she is to him at the same time. the way she's grown up into a better woman than he could have hoped, not in spite of him but because of him, and the strength she shows in being able to embrace even the parts of them both that built them into who they are, in a way wen kexing has never been able to.
it drives me absolutely banana pancakes sometimes until all i can do is wail and point at them emphatically.
anyway, a fic in which i got to explore gu xiang choosing to stay at her zhuren's side over choosing to follow his orders--letting her desires override her duty, letting one kind of loyalty and one aspect of their dynamic rule over another--in which wen kexing has to gradually come to terms with his plans for her being utterly and completely foiled, come to terms with the fact that she isn't rejecting the human path but instead is absolutely going to keep walking it while dragging him down along it with her, that all his hopes and dreams for her are coming true except with him in the picture. ugh. i'm legitimately going to cry just talking about it lmfao. which is another very good reason this fic happened from gu xiang's pov.
i'm going to put a header here because this has gotten unconscionably long and you also asked about cao weining. so. here we go.
regarding cao weining
i would like to start off by saying he is my precious bean and i love him. but as much as i like cao weining and gu xiang together in canon, they are not otp material for me. i find it quite easy to break them up, largely because they are young and their bond at first is pretty devoid of genuine understanding or deep connection.
cao weining's persistence, a soft mirror to wen kexing's, and his graceful handling of a traumatised ghost, a soft mirror to zhou zishu's, both pay off in the long run. but it's not too hard for me to conceive a world where they didn't.
in this particular au, i think cao weining will always have done much to teach gu xiang about being human, and about what she wants in that regard. and cao weining will always probably be a little bit in love with her, because he strikes me as the kind of person who's a little bit in love with all his friends, and still holds a little bit of a candle for every person he's ever fallen for before since his very first crush.
but one of the things i like most about writing, particularly au's, is the nature of choice, and how the choices we make define us. it's not just that you can become someone different, it's that you are always, constantly becoming someone different. and at every stage of yourself, you look back and the road you took may seem perfectly logical, may seem like of course that's who you were going to become, because you only see the road you've taken to get there. but if you took a different path, if you made a different choice, and then each choice based off that choice, and looked back, wouldn't you feel the same way about that road? that's the way i like to write my au's.
so in this case, gu xiang didn't make that first crucial choice to be with cao weining instead of wen kexing. she didn't dutifully listen to orders, and let him say goodbye. she didn't let that distance from her zhuren, that closeness with cao weining, define her, and she didn't make subsequent choices based off that one, leading her down the road of canon. she didn't keep choosing cao weining--didn't choose to not only be with him but to be like him, to go back for shen shen to save gao xiaolian, to openly confess her desire to be human with him and be the kind of human that she thinks could stand at his side as his partner. still feeling that love, that loyalty, for wen kexing, but allowing love and loyalty to cao weining to grow up alongside it as the months go by.
instead, she chose wen kexing. she chose to follow him and stay close to him, even going against his wishes, against his orders. she chose to get involved in his new life with zhou zishu and zhang chengling, in all their daily intricacies instead. to make zhou zishu living or not into her problem, too. to make their home her home, and then defend it.
i'm being so long-winded about this, my apologies, i just love tracing all these little paths out, because i do so much of this thinking when i'm writing and it never gets said anywhere XD this isn't even really what you asked. but i guess, the conclusion of it is, to this end, no, i didn't really think of any other way their relationship could go at this point than to split here.
cao weining's loyalty to his sect being compromised in favour of staying with gu xiang *at* siji shanzhuang is an interesting concept, but it feels considerably less flexible of a choice than gu xiang's, and ultimately, this fic wasn't about him, so i was content to let him choose his sect first here. he does so reluctantly, but since he has that loyalty to his sect, he can only understand gu xiang's loyalty in turn, and part with that understanding, a little bittersweet but with his optimistic hope to reunite someday in better conditions when all this is over.
and i do fully think that they will reunite. but in that time, they'll have each done an awful lot of growing and changing. you really hit the nail on the head there, that gu xiang's romance with cao weining is a way for her to experience a mundane young adulthood, and take that path to growth together with him.
in a lot of ways, i think she's essentially forfeited the possibility of doing that in this au. it strikes me a bit like an imperial court drama--she had the choice to run away with her young lad, to be a new bride with a new groom, young lovers regarded as such by the narrative and the people around them, given space to indulge in this youth and build their own concept of a household together and grow up into the world at their own pace. and her other choice was to be inducted into a noble lord's household as his second wife, to enter into a space that already has define edges and considerable growth under its belt, and to grow up a bit faster into the responsibilities of her station, with the trade-off of, perhaps, a bit more security.
and sometimes--most of the time--the story is indeed about the young woman running away into freedom and romance. and this story is the alternate path.
by the time gu xiang meets cao weining again, she will practically be the lady of siji shanzhuang--something more than a housekeeper and less than a wife. i don't think she'll have had to grow up too fast for comfort, i mean, have you seen zhou zishu's sheer capacity for mischief? but i do think she'll have transitioned out of the phase of endless possibility that leaving gui gu afforded her, and into a place where she feels more secure in what she wants and who she's becoming. she has a place to belong, and responsibilities to live up to that go beyond the whims of a volatile zhuren.
and in turn, by the time cao weining meets gu xiang, he will have had to face the entirety of the revelation of her ghost-ness without her there as a counterpoint. without even the comfort of having gotten to know her so much better to lean back on to explain his disquiet and doubts. (i actually have a little oneshot i kind of want to write about him running into shen shen in that town, without gu xiang to pull him away)
he'll have faced the rest of the battles to come side by side with his sect, and have needed to find someone else, perhaps even there among his shixiongdi, to lean on. the du xie attack, the perceived betrayal of his shifu. it's a lot. maybe he'll have found some renewed place in his sect through that hardship, without gu xiang there presenting a clear way out. or perhaps he'll choose to leave, but wander alone. he has a lot of choices to make, still, and anything could happen.
but either way, by the time the two of them meet up again, they'll be very different people than they could once have been to one another, even if they're still very much themselves in all the ways that count. if they have any kind of romance, it will necessarily be more grown up.
he is, though, still more gu xiang's peer than either wen kexing or zhou zishu, and i don't think that cao weining has nothing to attract her. i think she definitely has the need for peers that can see eye to eye with her.
wen kexing and zhou zishu ride the generational line between all the horrors of the previous generation's grudges and the potential of the coming generation's healing past them. but for all gu xiang was raised in gui gu and suffered for it, she was also sheltered in a lot of ways by wen kexing. and she has a particular brand of optimism that someone like cao weining (and like gao xiaolian for that matter) can match. and while chengling can match it, too, i have distinctly other plans for him in this au.
i think it would actually be really sweet if gu xiang and cao weining and gao xiaolian end up quite close, once everything is said and done. and if this occasionally involves little trips to see one another in which she spends nearly as much time in bed with one or the other of them as she does at whatever restaurant cao weining has raved about in his letters lately or playing hide-and-seek with gao xiaolian's children, well, who's to say?
as long as she comes back home to wenzhou, how can they mind? they probably get off on rewriting the poetry of marks on her skin to fit the shape of their own lips, the dorks. not like she's any better either, the way she'd learn to taunt them and goad them about it right in front of all the disciples' salads all evening. pff.
anyway. i've been going on for ages and i'm not even going to go back and proofread this because i'm lazy. i hope some of this was entertaining at least, and feel free to reply more! though, as you see, asking questions is dangerous and you never know how long, and redundant, and irrelevant the answers might be XD
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coreofgold · 2 years
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Under the cut are my muses and what they’ll be dressed as and doing at the event !  This is like a plot call and starter call because once we plot i’ll end up doing a starter for them.  
Aloth Corfiser (2/Wei Wuxian, Kieran)
Elven mage
Elven mask
Is being dragged by his boyfriend to the event so will be a wallflower until someone pulls him out (or until Iselmyr decides to take over) 
Anya Forger (3/Loid, Yor, Katie)
Spy outfit
Spy mask
She is going because she wants to meet new people and have fun !  Also wants to spend her first Halloween having fun.  Might have to leave in the garden due to being overwhelmed in crowds due to her powers but will be back in
Arthur Pendragon (1/Aquata)
Formal wear
Golden mask
He’s going to get out more and to see what this Halloween is all about.  He’s also used to parties so he’ll go just to be immersed in the party 
Aziraphale (0/??)
Aziraphale simply adores the aesthetic of Halloween and while they’ll be more of a wallflower, Zira will enjoy people watching and enjoy the drinks and food
Ban Yue (1/Xie Lian)
Medusa costume
Medusa mask (though wont’ wear unless she can make it into a stick)
They have no idea what Halloween is but as a ghost, they can feel stronger so they 
Baymax (0/??)
Plague doctor with mask
See above for plague doctor mask
Baymax knows the history of Halloween but celebrating it as a human is new to him so they want to experience it and learn 
Beelzebub (1/He Xuan)
Frankenstein Monster (couple costume with Soo Oh) 
Half mask
Beel is going to have fun with his boyfriend and to eat the food.  He’ll have to be dragged away from the food
Cao Weining (1/Gu Xiang)
Zombie pastry chef
White mask
Fascinated by the aesthetic and wants to try the treats (maybe made some for the place but we’ll see) 
Choi Yeon Woo (1/Yoo Han)
Formal wear (matching with Yoo Han)
Gold mask (Yeon Woo gets the bottom one) 
Yeon Woo’s being dragged and being a wallflower until his boyfriend pulls him out.  Might spend his time in the gardens for a moment because all the colors will give him a headache. 
Dewey Duck (1/Hallie)
Indiana Jones
Brown mask
Is going to record the whole thing and stream it on his channel
Dizzy Tremaine (1/Sam Maek Jong)
Homemade Cinderella
Silver mask
Dizzy is going to live out her princess fantasy at this place while learning about Halloween 
Edrisa Tanaka (0/??)
Ghostly Marie Curie
White mask
Will be mingling at the part and talking to everyone about the history of Halloween if anyone would listen to her 
Gabriel (0/??)
1920s gangster
Forest mask
Gabriel always goes where the party is and the fact there’s desserts and candy ?  Sold.  
No mask because in T-rex costume 
GIR remembers Halloween from before and is so hyped 
Hua Cheng (3/Thanatos, Jin Guangyao, Mu Qing)
Himself (Demon/Goblin King; depends on what they want to call it)
Butterfly mask (Will take it off and shape shift into normal face to see if anyone recognizes them as Xue Yang or shift into anyone and cause trouble)
Is going to show Xie Lian a good time and cause mischief.  Also assuming they will have had an alliance with Jin Guangyao at this time so will also stick by his said and cause mischief 
Julian Alfred "Jaskier" Pankratz (2/Venti, Han)
David Bowie
Light blue and gold mask
Loves a good party and is going for the music.
Lan Jingyi (4/Wangji, Belphegor, Jin Ling, Rikki)
Morticia Addams
Black mask
Has no idea what’s going on but he loves it and is going with his boyfriend.  Might cause trouble because he’ll want to choose trick instead of treat
Lan Xichen (2/Nie Mingjue, Jin Guangyao)
Elven prince (pointed ears included) 
Silver mask
With everything in the past, Lan Xichen is uncomfortable with all the noise but he knows Nie Mingjue works int eh White House so he’s going to go and support him and learn about this Halloween.  He’ll either be in the garden or mingling in the back with his brother; he’ll also be with Jin Guangyao once he finds him and realizes he works at the White House
Legolas Thranduilison (1/Sersi)
Himself/Elven warrior
Forest mask
Has no idea what Halloween is but a party is a party so of course he’ll be going and dressed up from his home.
Luo Binghe (2/Shen Qingqiu, Shang Qinghua)
Grim reaper
Skeleton mask 
Is more excited to be learning about Halloween and hanging out with his husband Shen Qingqiu more than the actual party itself.  
Neil Perry (1/Orpheus)
Ariel from the Tempest
Bird mask
Is going to let loose and see what the others are doing.  Hoping to find Todd there 
Penelope Garcia (2/Sella, Ethan)
Eleventh Doctor
Tardis mask 
Is sad her friend Reid isn’t here to share the Halloween knowledge but she’s happy to be in the aesthetic and dress up
Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham (1/Wu Si Qi)
Formal wear/Demon
Red mask 
Only going because he wants to see how Halloween is being celebrated in America
Peter Regis (0/??)
Alchemist robe here and Alchemist hat 
It’s Halloween and while they didn’t have the traditional Halloween back home (Not even sure he knows what it is) but he can feel the energy of the party and quite likes it
Prince Justin (1/Sophie)
Formal wear 
Yellow mask 
As an event planner he is compelled to go and have fun.  He’ll be on the dance floor and mingling around
Seo Haebom (1/Taeseong)
Green mask (if it can fit)
He’s nervous to be around so many people but he’ll be a wallflower and hang out with his boyfriend.
Seok Han-Seong (1/Misa)
Phantom of the Opera
See above for mask 
Han Seong loves a good party and he’ll alternate between dancing and mingling to just strolling alone and enjoying the scenery 
Taka (1/Apollo)
Samurai (Jin Sakai) 
Samurai oni mask 
Taka is fascinated by it all and will try and mingle and get used to Halloween parties
Vax'ildan Vessar (1/Lee Yeon)
Champion of the Raven Queen (Reaver with wings) 
Skeleton mask 
His costume may be way on the nose but whoops Halloween brought it out of him (since he’s dead and the veil between the moral and supernatural realm is thin).  Is going for the alcohol and to steal off people and gamble
Wen Ning (1/Wei Wuxian)
Himself (he thinks he’s scary) 
Cherry blossom mask 
Poor boy is so confused on what Halloween is and is scared of the crowd.  He’s sticking with his sister unless he has the courage to leave
Wu Xi (0/??)
Formal wear 
Forest snake mask 
He is only going to try and find his husband and to see what this Halloween is about.  He is fascinated by it but hates the chaos of it.  Will hit you if you touch his snake mask
Xiao Xingchen (2/Nam ra, Tylor)
Lady justice 
Bandages around eyes so not wearing mask 
While he can’t see the aesthetic of the ball or anything he’ll have a nice time in the corner and enjoying the atmosphere.  Will be asking for help and hopefully won’t bump into anyone
Xu Youyi (0/??)
Chang’E the Moon goddess 
Rabbit mask 
Is using the party as both an excuse to use as inspiration for her novel. . .and also even though she’s not as famous in America she still might be well known enough so it’s expected she’d arrive 
Zhang Chengling (1/Zhou Zishu)
Zhou Zishu hanfu 
Veiled bamboo rice hat (doesn’t know what a masquerade mask is) 
Listen Chengling has no idea what’s going on.  He’s kind of nervous to go to a party but it sounds fun and kids from college are going but he’ll end up ditched but he wants to show off to his dad his costume.  He also has no idea what a masquerade mask is and will be confused as to why they are hiding their faces
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sailoms · 2 years
Reveal your watch and rewatch list
thank you sass @killerandhealerqueen for tagging me!
word of honor — just finished it. fucking love it. always into the insane character like wen kexing. like, look at the list of my favorite insane meowmeows: gojo satoru, karma akabane, hua cheng, K (bad&crazy), kang yohan, zhao yunlan, and jiang yuelou. always feel them in my vain. love seeing lao wen act like that k r a z y dad for ah xiang lmao.
but the villain story in woh doesnt really... catch my attention. so, i can finish it quick cus i skip a lot of part ajdkd i love u tho my scorpion sect and even zhao jing. but the elder who killed cao weining can burn in hell. nothing is more insolent than turning a wedding into a bloodshed, even killing the bride and groom.
sell your haunted house — another chef kiss. dont understand why its not talked widely, when the storyline is systematic and well-executed imo. jang nara always took a weak, gentle, "motherly", and this time she took the fierce, badass, character and i think it is as interesting as iu's character in hotel del luna. also, i cant tell how, heartwarming jung yonghwa's character is. he balances nara in a... weird way, but a good weird.
heaven official's blessing — HUA FCKN CHENG THIS BITJ IS CRAZY. like, my type of 2D mad handsome. the storyline is still running, season 2 is coming. xie lian u cutie pie :")
1000 stars — i miss my zeggzy forest ranger husband and his city husband yes ;)
killer and healer — im afraid to rewatch this series ahdjaj like NOT READY FOR THE PAIN BUT IM THE LORD OF THE PAIN
tagging whoever wants to do this ajdjakd
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mejomonster · 3 years
Episode 12 oh my god the scene about gu Xiang getting married off
Zhou zishu really just says: instead of treatment I’d rather travel with my soulmate
Then: we’re looking for a partner for gu xiang
In any way can that sound like Zhou zishu and wen kexing aren’t together? Man says soulmate then clearly states THEY are looking for a match for gu xiang as in THEIR daughter. Not wen kexings, THEIR gu xiang. Zhou zishu parent number 2 who also is discussing whos a good fit for her and trust worthy.
My god
Cao weining out here, doesn’t even have time to process “I’m dying. I don’t want treatment. I’m gonna travel with my soulmate wen kexing.” Before Zhou zishu hits him with YET ANOTHER EARTH FLIPPING revelation in “we’re looking for a trustworthy partner for gu xiang, you’re trustworthy.” And poor cao weining is short circuiting like “oh it’s Happening it’s HAPPENING her parents just ?!!! Did they just give me their blessing?!! Or at least a chance?!!!”
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foxstens · 3 years
when gu xiang says that wkx feels more like a person when zzs is around
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zhongwans · 3 years
i literally stayed up all night watching shl fans wilding on weibo 😭
for those who don't know, Chen Zihan (who plays xisang gui/traginomic ghost) posted a video edit of her character officiating wenzhou's marriage, and it blew up so fast she had to delete it. But the fandom (bless them) got a little TOO into it that "chen zihan hosts wenzhou's big wedding" trended #1 on weibo for a while
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Cfans, probably: "hehe wenzhou married...SHIT OH SHIT IT'S NOT MOVING FROM THE #1 TRENDS SHIT OHH FUCK"
So to do damage control, fans desperately started spamming the tag with SHL poster edits that make it look like one of those 90s wuxia shows with ChengLing as the main protagonist. They also spammed some Cao Weining/Gu Xiang pics in there for good measure all the while insisting that it's just your good ol' average wuxia show nothing to see here.
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After some time the tag dropped down to #9 very quickly, so fans speculated that Youku must have forked out some cash to drop the trend, but it rose again to #7 in a while 😭
Youku, probably: "C'mon guys work with us here,"
Cfans: "hehe wenzhou wedding go brrrr"
Everything's chill now but it was definitely wild as hell last night 😂 Chen Zihan probably did not know the chaos she would unleash with that one little edit and it's so fucking funny how freaking bold everyone on the show is, from Li Daikun (scorpion king) spilling the tea nonstop during his livestreams to Zhang Zhehan talking about how they had to retake a certain scene and how much better the original cut was than the one that was aired, only for c-fans to dig out the original footage and were shocked to see how bold it was. They were like "well no wonder the director had to tell those two many times to tone it down! The original cut would not have passed inspection!"
Anyway this is Chen Zihan, the queen herself, a harbinger of #1 top trending topics and an agent of chaos 🔥🔥🔥
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Something that kinda messed me up once I did the math: do you know how many scenes in the last few episodes of SHL are adapted from the novel? After the New Year’s celebration in episode 28 (which is adapted fairly closely, though I wish they’d kept Zishu nearly starting a house fire), it’s only six (6!) scenes, not counting previously shown flashbacks. And I’m not even talking ‘closely adapted’, just ‘at least using dialogue from the novel’.
Those scenes are:
the maid scene (ch70 – ep31)
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The maid was carefully combing [Wen Kexing’s] hair, until she suddenly wasn’t careful and pulled a strand of his hair. The man slightly creased his brow, and she promptly thudded into a kneel; her entire body shook like a thin leaf in a huge storm, voice like spider silk. “Valley Master… I…” He gently reached out to lift up her chin, only to see the maiden’s face turn white with fright. He thus sighed. “Why, was someone offended? Did another force you to attend to me as a scapegoat?” A smile was put upon her face, uglier than crying, as she forced herself to talk. “Serving you, Valley Master, is… is this slave’s good fortune, is…” Eyes cooling down, he let her go. “If you’re unhappy, say so. If I were you, I certainly wouldn’t be willing to come throw my life away in the presence of a great devil. And yet, you actually…” He glanced at the girl who shook like a sieve, about to be scared to death, and suddenly stopped talking, losing interest in speaking with her. Standing up, he leaned over to pick up the comb that had fallen to the floor, then waved her off. “You can go.”
Cao Weining’s death (ch73 – ep35)
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Cao Weining took a few steps forwards, then knelt, using his knees to crawl up before him. Mo Huaiyang looked at him with complicated emotions, shut his eyes, then put his hand on his head with a sigh, as if he was still a little child. “In your generation… I’ve cherished you the most.” The other choked up. “Shifu, I…” He couldn’t speak further, as this scene of tender emotions suddenly changed its tune. No one had expected that after Mo Huaiyang finished saying that sentence, his hand that was caressing the top of Cao Weining’s head would suddenly exert its strength without warning, pressing down upon his crown with the force of ten thousand catties.
In the novel, Mo Huaiyang kills Weining for publicly defending Gu Xiang after she was outed as a Ghost in a performance of righteousness in front of other jianghu ‘heroes’, so that Weining’s actions don’t prevent him from snatching leadership from Zhao Jing; in the show, he kills Weining privately instead, though perhaps for similar reason. Also, in the novel the scene happens outside the Valley – XiangNing having a wedding in the Ghost Valley is show-only; and the manner of killing is slightly different. But the general outline of the scene – Mo Huaiyang pretending to accept Cao Weining’s choice, then suddenly killing him when nobody expected it – is the same.
Gu Xiang’s death (ch75 – ep35)
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“Ah… Xiang?” Her head was on his chest. Forcefully lifting it up, she gave him a smile, breath like gossamer. “Master, I said I was going to kill him, but that was a bluff. I don’t… have the skill… kill him for me, I’m begging you… kill him… for me.” He nodded woodenly. Gu Xiang looked pained, and she felt aching, cold all over. It was like all of her warmth was pouring out of her back. She had to hold tightly onto his lapels, like a little girl. “It’s f-fine if I die… Brother Cao definitely would have wanted me to live well… but I… I’m not going to… be able to… Master…” Wen Kexing covered her head with his bloodied hand. “Don’t call me Master,” he said, gentle. “Call me gege.” She attempted to force a smile, but failed. No longer obeying her, her limbs began to spasm, and her eyes gradually unfocused. “Gege, you have to… kill him… for me…”
In the novel Gu Xiang gets injured tackling Wen Kexing out of the way of a deadly attack, while in the show her injuries are from her fight with Mo Huaiyang, but the dialogue between her and Wen Kexing is fairly close.
Wen Kexing hunting down Mo Huaiyang (ch76 – ep35)
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Mo Huaiyang believed himself to have escaped. He had fled more than half a shichen away from Fengya before he sighed in relief, yet, all of a sudden, a burst of rustling noises came to his ears. He quickly lifted his head up, then immediately took a huge step backwards in fright. Wen Kexing was like the King of Hell come to life. His pace was slow as he exited the other end of the forest. In one of his hands was a sword he had picked up from some unknown dead person, and its tip dragged as he walked over, step by step. “Sect Leader Mo,” he said. “This humble one was entrusted with seeing you off on your journey, if you please.”
The fight itself is slightly different: novel Wen Kexing at this point is already tired and badly injured, “hauling along half of his immobile body”, having fought against jianghu experts for over four hours (at minimum) – thus, he kills Mo Huaiyang quickly, while apologizing to Gu Xiang in his heart that he couldn’t give him worse death. In the show, Wen Kexing actually acquires most of his injuries while ensuring Mo Huaiyang suffers as much as he made Gu Xiang suffer before her death.
“There’s light...” (ch77 – ep35)
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Wen Kexing stared at [Zhou Zishu] for a minute, entranced, then began to smile, reaching a hand up high to grab the air. Zhou Zishu frowned. “What are you doing?” “There’s… light around you,” Wen Kexing whispered. “I’m catching it so I can see.”
Few differences in a lead-up to the scene: 1) Zhou Zishu actually cuts off Scorpion’s hand in the novel, as opposed to just holding him at swordpoint; 2) Zhou Zishu’s response to Wen Kexing’s whispered “Idiot, why did you come here?” in the show is “To die with a lunatic like you”, while in the novel it is “To collect your corpse, you loon” – the show’s line plays off previous instances of WenZhou talking about dying together, while the novel’s leans on previous instances of Zhou Zishu calling Wen Kexing ‘madman’ as an endearment; 3) the show, maneuvering around censorship as it was, has different versions of Zhou Zishu’s line to the Scorpion (VO, actual line spoken, several variations of subs) – in the novel, the line goes “You dare act against who’s mine?” Also, in the show this line goes before the exchange from (2), while in the novel it is right after it.
The show also cuts the scene right after “there’s light” fragment, while in the novel Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing talk for a while more.
Going back to make graves for Wen Kexing’s parents (extra1 – ep34)
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“Ah-Xu, after this bout, you’ll be fully recovered,” [Wen Kexing] said, after a long time of staring blankly. “Will you go with me for a trip down the mountain?” Zhou Zishu shut his eyes in rest, giving an mn at that. “I’m pretty much done with it right now, I can go. What are you going to do?” Wen Kexing was silent. The other waited for a long while. Feeling this a bit strange, he opened his eyes and tilted his head — gazing straight at him, the man still looked like his mind was wandering somewhere beyond the sky. “What is it?” Wen Kexing’s eyelids trembled, and he managed out a smile. “It’s nothing. Back then, my parent’s corpses were aired out in the wilderness, and they didn’t even get a monument. I’ve been unfilial. For over twenty years, I’ve never gone back to take a look. I should probably…”
You may notice that this scene is in a completely different place chronologically in the show compared to the novel.
In the show, Zhou Zishu is hiding that he removed the nails and hastened his death at the time of this scene, which means he won’t actually be able to go with Wen Kexing, so the scene is rather tragic on all sides. In the novel, however, this scene only happens after Zhou Zishu had woken up from his nail-removing surgеry and recovered from it. Which is honestly a good thing, as this scene is actually a lead-up to (I’m skipping a part for brevity, before anyone gets the wrong idea) WenZhou making love for the first time.
...Aaaaand that’s it. Literally, in episodes 29-36 these are the only scenes from the novel. The rest of the show’s finale is straight up original.
- TYK/SHL comparisons masterpost -
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simply-zhouye · 3 years
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Zhou Ye: The Wonderful Ideas of Lotte Girls // Esquire Fine photoshoot & interview ~ a really wonderful interview with Yezi!
Read rough translation of interview below: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/lY3oBM51ytlua7S8ZRdmlw
The lively character is like jumping candy, and the crisp voice is like summer honeydew. It can be a cute angel or a rebellious girl. Who wouldn't like a beautiful and free girl? We met Zhou Ye at a claw machine shop, and she caught the one she wanted five times!
Zhou Ye didn't laugh when shooting the magazine blockbuster, but she liked to laugh privately.
In the eyes of the people around, she is a simple and lively little girl, born optimistic, loves to joke, and loves to share all the fun and delicious. After catching up with the good-looking drama, she will also be ambitious to everyone, even if she encounters any troubles, she It will be resolved soon. She denied the title of "Girl's Heart"-when she was not working, she liked to lie at home and chase dramas, and science fiction and fantasy were her dishes. She enthusiastically gave an example. There is an American drama called "Stranger Things". It is about a little boy who disappeared in a small town in the United States. Everyone went to find him and found that there was an entrance to another world, exactly the same as this world. , But there is no one in that world. Such a story attracts her even more.
A few days ago, she took a four-day holiday, "very satisfied!" During the holiday, she made appointments with a few good friends for dinner, went to the playground, and watched dramas. If the vacation is longer, she would prefer to go home and stay with her family. Playing with mom and dad, playing with grandpa and grandmother, the family finds a beautiful place to go camping, and if you don’t go out, you can play mahjong with the whole family. She can stay away from looking at her mobile phone for a day.
Asked this girl who is not so girly what she wants, she said, "Now I want to accomplish everything in the moment, and every day will be better than the day before!"
Therefore, Zhou Ye, who hopes to be more progressive, raised his face and chatted with us about serious matters.
Before, people often said to me, "I like your performance of "Youth", but now everyone talks more about "Shanhe Ling". Let’s start the conversation with "The Order of Mountains and Rivers".
Gu Xiang in the play is a girl who is cold on the outside and warm on the inside. She helped Cao Weining, Zhang Chengling, and the singing sisters, but it didn't mean that she trusted them. She just felt that these people were very pitiful. Because Gu Xiang was picked up by her master when she was a child, she felt sorry for them and wanted to protect them.
She is defensive to everyone, and she will not trust anyone easily. In terms of character, Gu Xiang and I are a bit like. Both are more lively. What we don't quite resemble is our life experience and living environment.
When I first finished reading the script of "The Order of Mountains and Rivers", I loved Gu Xiang from the bottom of my heart. Gu Xiang grew up in Guigu where she was killed and beaten everywhere. Although she was lucky enough to meet Wen Kexing, the master who protected her, the rivers and lakes were sinister and Gu Xiang never really relaxed. Therefore, she can only protect herself by fierce methods. She looks acrimonious, slurs and curses, and she has to fight or kill at every turn. She looks very fierce and cruel, but her heart is really innocent and special. Kindness. When encountering people like Cao Weining, Zhang Chengling, and the singing sister Hua, Gu Xiang will rescue them and help them beat the gangsters. 
Many audience friends felt that the ending of Gu Xiang and Cao Weining was too miserable when they watched "The Order of Mountains and Rivers". Gu Xiang originally didn't know what the outside world was like. After she came to the world, she met Big Brother Cao, and the two people who loved each other were about to be happy. Unexpectedly, on the day of the wedding, Gu Xiang lost her lover so much that she would fight herself Life. I am also uncomfortable with this ending. It is not easy for them to get to this day. Why can't they live well? If I were to write an ending, it would definitely be two people living together happily forever.
For me, playing Gu Xiang should be more difficult than playing. This is my first time shooting a costume drama, and also my first time shooting a martial arts drama. "Shanhe Ling" really has a lot of martial arts, because it tells the story of the rivers and lakes, so I joined the group some time before I started, and learned some moves from the martial arts masters. 
In retrospect, the scene of the wedding was the most memorable. I had been shooting for three days in a row. I had been beating, killing, and hanging off Wia, and I would beat off some hair accessories from my hair. I didn't dare to hang on Wia at first, and the costume was so thick that I could easily trip on my feet. But I can’t take care of this when I shoot. This is Gu Xiang’s most emotional scene. I feel the same for Gu Xiang and can’t help crying. Until the end of my cry, I can’t tell whether my face is tears or saliva. , I hope that through this scene, everyone can feel Gu Xiang’s pain.
For me at this stage, whether it is a role that is more similar to myself or a completely different role, I am willing to give it a try. If the character of a character is very pleasing, I will have a sense of substitution when I read the script, I will like it, and I will really want to play it. 
In fact, my interest in acting began after I was in college. When I was a child, I learned piano, and I was not very sensible at that time. I thought it would be fine to play the piano every day after growing up and collect tickets. After being admitted to the Beijing Film Academy, we often watch movies. When the directors see their favorite movies, they will think "I can make such a great movie in the future". I am in the acting department, so I hope I can do it in the future. Acting in a particularly powerful movie may be the influence of the school atmosphere. I still remember that I watched some old movies when I was in school. I really liked "Scent of a Woman" and Marlon Brando. He played "The Godfather" very well.
In the film school, we had a lot of opportunities to meet the director and the crew. We tried again and again, and slowly met scenes that were willing to use our young actors, and started the road to filming. I will definitely read the script several times before filming. In addition to my own role, I have to read the whole story, write a short biography of the character, and talk to everyone at the script reading meeting. For example, when shooting "Ah Cradle", I often consulted sister Haiqing and the director. In the filming of "Youth in Youth", I would also ask the director: The girl I played has such a good family, why does she bully her classmates? The director told me that because her parents had very strict education for her, she was required to be particularly good since she was a child. She was under tremendous pressure and kept suppressing it, so she vented the pressure by bullying her classmates.
When taking the play, I don't worry about people comparing my previous works or achievements, as long as my requirements for myself will not change. My request is to do my best to shape each role. Every time I finish filming a film, I will have a certain evaluation of myself, and I will also look at other people's evaluations of me, as well as the opinions given to me by my predecessors, to integrate these. Every time, I hope I can do better next time. 
Up to now, I have been shooting for a few years, and I feel that I am not a talented actor, and I have to be a model worker. However, the sisters who brought me to the management team said that my biggest change and improvement is that I am more independent than before. When I first started filming, I would hide in the room and cry by myself every time I joined the group, especially wanting to go home.
Now I am more comfortable with the life of the crew than before. When I first joined the group, I still felt a little homesick. I hope to finish the filming soon, and become familiar with everyone. After work, I will play with the actors in the same group. When I was resting, I was playing with werewolf killing or something, so happy, I didn't want to kill it. I didn't want to be successful when I was filming "Shanhe Ling", and the same was true when filming "Ah Cradle". As actors, it seems that we can go to different places every time we film. In fact, there is not much time to spend in the local area, but we can eat a lot of local delicacies.
As I said just now, I want to do everything right now, and the current week is the best week.
 Do you often dream? Please share a dream that is more imaginative.
Zhou Ye:
I sometimes dream. Once, I dreamed that I received an acceptance letter from an owl, took the Hogwarts Express train to the magic school to learn magical magic, visited Hogsmeade Village, and met so many new friends. .
What is your dream day like? How to spend it?
Zhou Ye:
At this stage, my dream day is to sleep in late, and after waking up, I will lie in bed and watch a drama or hang out with my friends or watch a drama.
How to arrange the dream holiday? Stay at home or go out to play?
Zhou Ye:
Of course, it is best to have two days, so you can stay at home one day and go out to play one day!
What about the journey of your dreams? With whom, where to go, and how to play?
Zhou Ye:
With your family, you can go to the beach or play paragliding.
What is your dream job announcement?
Zhou Ye:
Go to Universal Studios to shoot hahahaha, I really want to go!
What kind of "dream skills" do you want to have?
Zhou Ye:
Which era is the dream era? why?
Zhou Ye:
Now, now is the best time. Grasp the moment.
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youareunbearable · 3 years
Word Of Honor fic idea where Chengling was born with the ablilty to see ghosts. It doesn't really change much with the plot, but it does change some of Chengling'ss modivations and aspirations.
Since he grew up seeing ghosts, and the tragic ways they died, he's always been afraid of killing someone and having them haunt him and knowing this his father and family let his martial arts practices fall to the wayside. His family and parents always believed him, since he used to play with an "imaginary friend" that looked and acted just like the late Rong Xuan. Through Chengling, Rong Xuan was able to send a message not to trust Zhao Ling and to hide their piece of Glazed Armor. After passing on that message, Rong Xuan passes on.
Chengling spends a lot of his childhood doing that, helping ghosts pass on, and normally he can judge a person based on what the local ghosts tell him about them, or if they have any ghosts haunting a person, then what they say.
He meets an begger one day, and Chengling can tell that his man must of had a hard life, since he has a couple of ghosts haunting him. There is a pretty young woman that looks just like a princess, and shes very short at him about how he's letting himself waste away like this, and there is another handsome young man trying his best to placate her, but also pleading with the begger to please try and live better, or go home. There are a couple other ghosts around him, young and all wearing a type of assassin clothing, none of them seem hostile though, and they all seem sad towards the begger. Not that the begger can hear or see them. The handsome young man is Qin Jiuxiao and the woman is Princess Jingan, the rest of the ghosts are some of the deciples of The Four Seasons Villa
When he meets Wen Kexing, he's a little afraid at first, mainly because there are hungery eyes watching the man in the shadows, and a few ghosts skitter away from him, calling him the Lord of Ghost Valley, but for all the death the man has caused, there aren't any ghosts personally haunting him besides a young couple, who are just straight up worried about him. At night, Wen Kexing's parents console him, talking about how they were friends with his father, and were sorry to see him pass on, and they tell him all about the hardships Wen Kexing has faced in the Ghost Valley, but also some good memories they have of their son and his adoptive daughter
After the Mirror Lake Sect burns down, all his family give him a parting good bye, but only his eldest brother stays with him to help him nagivate the world and promises to pass on once he knows his baby brother is safe and well.
The ghosts mainly allow Chengling to have some background info on other characters in the novel, to scout ahead for him, and to help teach him some other martial arts skills. They also help him warn his master and uncle just in time to save Gu Xiang and Cao Weining because that was bullshit those babies deserved to live!!!!!
They also act as a greek chorus to Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu awful shameless romance and flirting
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s1utspeare · 2 years
10 Characters I Fell in Love With in 2021
alighlaskdfjlaksdjf ok fuck. this is gonna be HARD because y’all know me you know i LOVE characters asdgihalsdkfjadslkjf. anyway THANK YOU @lasenbyphoenix​ for tagging me in this I love you!! and all your characters were so good! 
Alright I’m going to try and only choose one per show/actor otherwise they would all be from mystic nine or william characters and I can’t do that lmao
1. Fo-ye from The Mystic Nine
Is anyone even surprised? Cause I’m sure not. this man is the love of my life and my heart’s delight and FUCK i just love him so much. is it because he’s william? yes partially. but also just because fo-ye is SUCH a good character and SO tragic about it. like this mans is the embodiment of self-sacrifice and I’m never going to be over it. he wasn’t even my favorite character from m9 at first but he has slowly taken over my heart and soul and i would legitimately do anything for more Him npss pls give us season two PLEASE anyway i’m obsessed with him goodbye
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2. Choi Myung-hee from Vincenzo
I FUCKING LOVE HER and not because she’s nice because she is the WORST and MOST EVIL but because of how important she is as a character. everyone’s like “jang han-seok my poor little meow meow” and then are like “choi myung-hee >:(” like if she were a male character people would LOVE HER but she’s NOT but she’s my favorite because she is EVIL and fucked UP and absolutely UNAPOLOGETIC ABOUT IT and i genuinely love how she is written and acted and GUH. she’s stellar. everyone appreciate her NOW
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3. Saya from The Arthdal Chronicles
Sayaaaaaaaaa ok half of this i think is how good song joong-ki is at acting in this drama, cause he does like. two completely different characters with his choices i fucking love him (it’s mostly in his mouth too like GOSH when are actors going to stop Fucking Me Up with their acting choices surrounding their lips), but Saya is! feral! but like? elegant about it?? idk i hope there’s more of this show coming out bc i need to see him lose it just a little bit i think that would be great for me
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4. Nam Seon-ho from My Country: The New Age
hghghgnnghgngghgngnghgngn SEON-HO MY LITERAL ANGEL. BB. YOU DID NOTHING WRONG EVER. jk he absolutely did make mistakes but FUCK this character just hit every single Good Button in my book. for me, he is the perfect character. if i wrote a drama it would be like this i.e. every time someone should be angry at their Misunderstood Best Friend, the Misunderstood Best Friend just gets Covered in Blood instead. like I think that’s great. i love him i love this drama i love everything about it if you haven’t seen it yet YOU WON’T REGRET IT
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5. Ding Mao from Tientsin Mystic
he is. my baby. the love of my life. my son. i would die for him. i’ve talked a lot about tientsin mystic recently and I will keep talking about it because I literally adore him and i want to scream about it. he’s so so good. so well acted. trying his best, but also ultimately blinded by his privilege and seeing him work through that is just!!!! it’s really really good i love him and his curls
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6. Gu Xiang from Word of Honor
GOSH SHE FUCKS SO HARD???? damn. like. damn. i want her to kick my ass. she’s so badass and competent and feisty and i am cao weining, following her around with heart eyes. she’s so so so fun and amazing, and i want to be her when i grow up
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7. Lee Jae-sun from Meow! The Secret Boy
this drama was a blast and a half but lee jae-sun my gentle boy?? he’s so SOFT in this. just. he’s the softest. he’s got the type of background that could have made him angry and aggressive but instead he’s a cute shy introvert who has a combination coffee shop/leather working studio and he handmakes crafts and loves cats and wears soft sweaters and is just a really really good man all around. just his general aesthetic makes me 🥺
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8.  Tang Fan from The Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty
admittedly i have only seen two and a half episodes of this show but tang fan already owns my heart. i too want to be an eccentric gay foodie detective that writes erotica as my side hustle. he’s such a bitch. so high maintenance. rip his boyfriend he’s going to have his hands FULL with this one. 
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9. Han Ho-yeol from D.P.
i saw this actor first in Train to Busan: Peninsula, and he was great and crazy! his face is so interestingly structured! anyway i think i really like ho-yeol bc he treats his work as a job. like it’s a fun job for him, and he takes it seriously, but at the end of the day, he’s doing it because he has to, not because he feels like he’s being a hero or trying to save people. He’s just working, and would step away from the work in a second if given the opportunity, i think, which is very refreshing honestly. also he’s a little unhinged but in a good way, and i just think he’s neat
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10. The Main Trio from 3 Will Be Free
3 WILL BE FREE MY BELOVED!!!! thanks to @mejomonster who clued me in on this one and finally made me watch it bc ghghghghghghh i loved it so much?? if you haven’t seen 3WBF yet, it’s free on youtube, PLEASE watch it. Anyway i went into this one expecting Shin to be my favorite and I loved him but Neo and Miw also own my heart? they’re all such different characters and so multi-faceted but so well written and acted and they break my heart and put it back together again, and I don’t think any of them are nearly as good without the other two. like??? shit. find me a better canon polycule (you can’t bc they don’t exist ahahahahahahahahaha :/) anyway i couldn’t choose just one of them bc i love them all and they are inseparable :)
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ONCE AGAIN THANKS TO LASEN!!! THIS WAS SO FUN AND I LOVED IT! I am tagging @highpriestessofjogan, @pissmeoffanddie, @psychic-waffles, @bimingjue, and @rose-nebulijia, cause I wanna see what your favorite characters were!!! <3
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chalkrevelations · 3 years
So, Word of Honor Ep 23, and LISTEN. This is going to be another long one. We are in it, now.
(Clearly, spoilers, so if you’re thinking you might want to start watching and don’t want to know everything up front, scroll away and come back after you watch the ep.)
Look, I’m just gonna talk about this first because I can’t even process anything else, or function, until I get this out of the way: I came for the bl and the pretty boys, but at this point, I have to reiterate what I said after Ep 22, that I am so grateful Zhou Ye got her fingers into Gu Xiang and absolutely refused to let go of this role, through everything. She’s going on my actors-to-follow list, and I’ll also be following scriptwriter Xiao Chu into whatever she writes from now on. A little bit, I’ve come out of Ep 23 thinking, did anything else even happen, other than That Scene with A-Xiang and Wen Kexing? (Oh, yeah, That Other Scene with Wen Kexing and Cao Weining about Gu Xiang.) The show is going to have to work to top That Scene for me. The first time watching, I couldn’t even really focus on how the Gu Xiang/Cao Weining and Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu relationships continue to reflect each other and how everything A-Xiang expresses during this conversation is exactly what Wen Kexing feels/fears about himself but cannot say out loud. All of that was there, and I mentally picked through it and unpacked it some more on a re-watch of the scene, but the first time through, I was too busy being legit distressed about Gu Xiang’s fear and pain and how desperately she wants this new thing and how afraid she is, not only of fucking it up or having it fucked up for her, but of getting it. Last night at dinner I compared this storyline to a kind of reverse Persephone story, where she’s being pulled by her lover OUT of the land of death, but is nevertheless having to leave behind everything and everyone she knows and is familiar with, including her beloved brother/parent figure. And all this after being told for essentially her whole life that what she’s doing is forbidden and unworkable, that the human world and the world of Ghost Valley do not mix. (We just saw Wen Kexing have his own little mental stall over this, just so the show can make sure we don���t forget.) And Gu Xiang is so unprepared for all of this and so terrified by it, despite the fact she wants it so badly, that she literally cannot do anything - this shining, clever, fierce girl who will stab you if you look at her the wrong way because she’s been taught to survive above all else - she can’t do anything other than sit down with her arms wrapped around her knees pulled to her chest so that she’s the smallest target possible, protecting all the tenderest, most vulnerable places, and weep. Y’all, it is killing me even thinking about it. I might have to take a minute.
So, then they come at me with the second hit of the one-two punch, which is the scene between Wen Kexing and Cao Weining, where Wen Kexing talks about how this little girl not only saved him, but he calls her meimei, and at that point, I’m done. I’m just. There’s nothing else I need right now from this show. I realize this is supposed to be a story about Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu, and up until now, my ride-or-die has been Zhou Zishu, but whatever. Fine. I WANT TO LIVE HERE AT LI MANOR FOREVER, SHOW, WHY MUST A-XIANG AND CAO-XIONG GO BACK TO HIS SECT? Listen, I think it is a far, far better idea if Cao Weining marries in to Four Seasons Manor, and Gu Xiang’s paternal figure is the ... lol, I almost just called him the Ghost General ... he is who he is, so frankly, I don’t know why he should be so concerned about following social conventions, like having daughters of the house marry out. (I know you think you’re protecting her, Lao Wen, but YOU ARE BREAKING UP THE FAMILY. I need them to stay with the rest of you forever. I need Zhou Zishu to continue to call A-Xiang a “good girl,” because I suspect that hasn’t happened very often in her life, and she needs more of it.) Then, as a last kick in the ribs, once I’m down, the show has WKX tell A-Xiang that she’s not a wild girl because she’s his girl. Thanks, show, I didn’t need my heart for anything like pumping blood to oxygenate my brain or any of my body parts. It’s OK. I can do without it.
Anyway, going back and looking at multiple story-telling levels of all this, there’s the additional issue that during That Scene, A-Xiang is also a proxy for Wen Kexing, saying things that he can’t. (For emotional and psychological reasons within the show, and for practical reasons because they probably wouldn’t pass censorship.) Maybe some things that he can’t even let himself think, at this point. So every time, from here on out, when Zhou Zishu asks Wen Kexing about his past and Wen Kexing momentarily freezes with that trapped look on his face, we can think back to this conversation with A-Xiang and realize that Wen Kexing is terrified by his relationship with Zhou Zishu, despite how desperately he wants this new thing. He is so afraid of fucking it up, but he’s also so afraid of getting it, and he’s so unprepared for it that he literally cannot do anything - this fierce survivor, this ghost king, who will crawl over corpses and skin a guy alive and kill you if you look at him the wrong way because almost (almost) all he’s known is to survive above all else - he cannot do anything except mentally and emotionally curl up so that he’s the smallest target possible, protecting all the tenderest, most vulnerable places. So thanks, show, for what promises to be a repeated exercise of stabbing me in the heart.
Just a little bit more about these scenes: I also think we’re getting at least one, maybe two other foils in the story-telling, which are more about the Wen Kexing-Gu Xiang relationship. Maybe less supported but nevertheless intriguing, I have to wonder if, when he took on that little girl despite (or maybe because of) still being essentially a child himself, Wen Kexing was trying to re-create - even subconsciously - something of the shixiong-shidi relationship he experienced for that brief time with Zhou Zishu as a child. Yes, she saved him by making him keep his heart, because he had this actual nurturing relationship to at least try to model their relationship on. I also think that we’re maybe supposed to be seeing them as a foil to Xie Wang and his AWFUL yifu, who appears to have taken on a kid and turned him into a murder weapon not in any effort to help him survive, but to use him as a tool in his quest for power. Both Wen Kexing and Zhao Jing have produced Poorly Socialized Murder Babies Who Love Them Very Much, but I think Wen Kexing actually had his kid’s best interests at heart, as he understood them, and tried to do the best he could with the extremely broken tool box he had to hand. Also, he loves her back. All that doesn’t mean she’s not fucked up or necessarily any better prepared for the “human” world than Xie Wang, but it may have made the difference between an amoral murder baby who can learn better and an actual sociopath.
In other comparisons, that first convo of the ep between Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing - when ZZS says that he doesn’t want to see more sins on WKX’s hands - is essentially the same convo that Cao Weining had with Gu Xiang in the previous ep, when he tells her that he wants her to be more careful because he knows she actually will feel bad for killing innocent people. This is the same conversation because these two relationships are the same relationship. (Note, I don’t think they started out like this, or that their beginnings were all that similar. Cao Weining was much more of a pursuer and initiator than Zhou Zishu was, in the beginning. But I think the courses of the two relationships have converged, at this point, with Cao Weining and Zhou Zishu knowing what they want and being all in, while Gu Xiang and Wen Kexing also want it but are too fucking scared of it for practically the same reasons.)
Meanwhile, speaking of Xie Wang - what are you up to Xie’er? Do you want the Water of Lethe so you can drink it and get over your awful yifu? Are you finally at the point that you’re doing some critical thinking about this relationship? Or do you want the Water of Lethe so you can slip it to your awful yifu, so that he’ll forget about his obsessions with power that prevent him from focusing on YOU? You call Beauty Ghost an idiot, but I think you may be empathizing (though not sympathizing) a bit much with the women of the Department of the Unfaithful.
Finally, that brief little moment of Zhou Zishu’s face when Wen Kexing spits out his wine after stealing it from him ... Oh, god. You didn’t realize how bad it tasted, did you? Your sense of taste is going.
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sixteenthshen · 3 years
my rant on episodes 31/32
I feel so conflicted about them.
On the one hand, I wanted to watch the shared horse scene so much. On the other,  there were so many inconsistencies and WTF moments. I can't bring myself to touch those episodes again to make more gifs, which is such a pity because WKX falling down the cliff? SO PRETTY. 
Spoilers behind the cut. If you do follow the drama with Chinese fans, you’ll probably have heard the same things like a million times. To save yourself more angst/stress, skip my post. 
The upside is that the director took the fans complaints to heart. They were making edits until 2am last night. I heard it’s already live, but I’m still trying to prepare myself. There’re some things that can’t be fixed >< 
*hopes for the best on Tuesday* 
In episode 11, WKX wanted to tear the Scorpion assassins into ten thousand little itty bits because ZZS had some blood on his lip, which made me mentally scream so much from joy. In episode 31, he  LETS Duan Pengju, that evil dickface(TM) go, just like that? Where's the rage? Where's the anger? Do you see the colour of ZZS's face? Can you see what he's wearing? Do you know what dickface did? 
Although it's a very touching moment when WKX decides to acknowledge the shixiong/shidi relationship, it's super weird that the ghosts are behind. I mean, I suppose it can make sense if we focus on the fact that he's planning to "retire" from being the big bad CEO of Ghost Valley. But it seems careless to expose a weakness in case someone tries to take advantage of it since they have to kill you to get to be the new CEO. 
There's no follow up on the injuries sustained from being tortured by the evil dickface(TM). How could they make WKX seem so callous? Maybe a scene where ZZS asked Wu Xi to hide his injuries from WKX, but WKX's right outside. He overheard ZZS telling Wu Xi to hide it from him, so he pretends not to know. *cue angsty scene for WKX here* 
The only thing related to injuries was when Wu Xi said ZZS could be saved from his self-inflicted nailing. Okaaaay. What about the piercing of the scapula? (穿琵琶骨 (piercing pipa bones) - it's supposed to cripple your martial arts ability until you heal ok) 
WKX suddenly decides to go off and be a career man, which is perfectly fine. But he suddenly has Gu Xiang watch over ZZS like a hawk, not letting him drink. (Seriously, I forgot if this belongs in TYK or if this is yet another thing stolen from Sha Po Lang) Where is WKX showing any concern over ZZS's total loss of 2 out of 5 senses? I ASK YOU MS. SCRIPTWRITER. What have you done to WKX's character??? Poor WKX, poor ZZS. 
And did everyone laugh off the fact that ZZS can't taste, so why should he drink wine? Ok, I can make myself accept this if I remind myself that ZZS would not like people making a fuss and pitying him anyway... (but shouldn't someone, anyone care???) 
We get many hints that WKX has a sneaky scheme, but he doesn't tell Gu Xiang, his closest friend since childhood. He doesn't talk to his soulmate about this either. 
WKX and ZZS's dialogue just before he falls down the cliff... Seriously reminiscent of Silent Reading, when Fei Du makes the same self-flagellating confession & Luo Wenzhou stops him. 
ZZS draws his sword and stands beside WKX. What is going on?! How does he still have his martial arts ability? Did months pass since WKX saved him from evil dickface (TM)? Nothing makes any sense!  
ZCL's hidden weapon is what forces WKX over the cliff. If ZCL did not know about the sneaky scheme, then WTF is this kind of scriptwriting? ZCL's character turned from a good, young child to a prop-causing drama and angst. Even if he felt betrayed, was he not there to see how depleted WKX made himself trying to save Han Ying? Did he not see how WKX tried to keep his shifu safe? Or taught him how to fight? Did ZCL become stupid all of a sudden just to create angst? 
 It only makes sense if ZCL knew about the scheme because of all the info he was privy to, such as Zhao Jing as the villain behind it all (when he heard WKX and ZZS talking). How would he go from knowing that to thinking ZJ should be the new head of the alliance? As a matter of fact, how could Shen Shen?  
Ye Baiyi has to be in on it unless WKX suddenly gained so much martial arts ability in the short time since they last fought. I mean, it only makes sense that WKX got so much stronger because he got injured by YBY, then depleted his strength saving Han Ying. 
So ZCL, YBY, Scorpion King and his buddies, fellow ghosts, possibly Shen Shen... WKX only kept it from the two people closest to him? The two most likely to do something stupid when they find out? *flails at this logic* 
The scene where ZZS's nails magicked their way out of his body... It's so awkward!!! I mean, we're supposed to feel emotional, but the special effects are just awful. I tried not to skip through it, I failed. 
So now what? ZZS essentially sacrificed himself to help WKX complete his goal. He gave up on his chance to be saved to fulfil WKX's pursuit of revenge (and take revenge for WKX's death). And it's all because of a misunderstanding. 
Between ZZS's nails and the ZCL-issue, I'm drowning in dog blood. What happened to WKX and ZCL's characters/personalities???? 
Also episode 32 is VERY choppy, it seems like we’re jumping to scenes randomly, the flow isn’t there. 
I can only say that the "Priest" spirit is gone; it's not a bad drama by any means. I'm still watching & I'm still going to buy the new episodes on Tuesday. But the random angst and abusive scenes inserted without no reason nor much logic are very un-Priest-like. 
I feel a little cheated about the scriptwriter being a fan of Priest. Priest's novels always feature couples who communicate. The supporting characters can come off flat in a drama sometimes because they're so normal. They don't have ridiculous backstories that make them tragic villains, and they behave logically. 
The angst "created" in Priest's novels makes sense. Characters don't suddenly change their personalities so that we can watch something exciting. The "dog blood angst/drama" is the big failing of so many Asian dramas. *CRIES* 
WKX SAVING A-XU. *heart eyes* 
NGL, no matter how short it was, I liked the horseback scene 
There was a cute moment between Qi Ye and Wu Xi, scriptwriter knows how to ship!! & knows how to make it clear who’s gong/shou lol. 
Even though I’m 90% sure the no-alcohol thing is copied from Sha Po Lang... I have so much love for Gu Yun and ZZS that it made me happy. My drunkards <3 
Did I mention WKX looks extremely pretty when he falls down the cliff? How do you fall so prettily? Plz teach me. 
WKX also looks pretty fake-dead. ZZS looks pretty when he’s heartbroken
I ship xiangcao so hard even though I know what’s gonna happen. (Cao Weining & Gu Xiang) They’re too cute.
I love the Poisonous Bodhisattva, I thought the Tragicomic ghost would be my favourite because of how gorgeous she is, but she’s too tragic & not enough comic. Poisonous Bodhisattva is my new goddess.
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coreofgold · 2 years
Plotting/starter call !  I know the event is on the 9th but I want to plan ahead so !  Here are my muses and what changed.
Aloth Corfiser: flaming feet.  Honestly it’ll just be annoying for both Aloth and Iselmyr so not much really would change on that.
Aziraphale: Krytonian Physiology.  Well this will be a good thing and bad thing.  It’ll give Zira an existential crisis but. . .they can use the powers to kick people out of the bookstore so it’ll be fun to try out 
Beelzebub: Telepathy and foresight.  Not gonna lie Beel would love this.  He’ll be able to read people’s minds and talk to the waiter when his mouth is full and. . .he can give away readings for food.  He sees nothing wrong with this
Cao Weining: Magic via Pillars of Eternity style: He’ll be quite shocked he can shoot magic missiles and fire walls among other spells.  Might be out of control until he learns to control it.
Choi Yeon Woo: Flying.  That one’s not too bad.  He can use it to fly his boyfriend around and he won’t be late to class.  Kind of sucks he’s still colorblind but still he can fly.
Dewey Duck: emotionally linked psychic powers.  Oh he’s going to love this !  He’ll feel like a superhero !  Though it might get out of hand when his emotions go all over the place but the stories he’ll tell ! 
Dizzy Tremaine: Orbing.  Okay not so bad.  I feel she can handle that.  Maybe feel a bit sick at turning into an orb but not so bad.  She can get to classes and work easier
Gabriel: Cleric abilities.  Gabriel hates it.  He doesn’t love God that much to want to be a cleric.  He wants to cause mischief !  He doesn’t want to be a cleric
GIR: unaffected.  They’re just having a grand time eating sweets and being hyper
Hua Cheng: Shadowsinger.  I see no change from how he was before lol.  Though he abuse it and either scare people, hurt them. . .or make cute little shadow shows for Xie Lian so honestly the same 
Lan Jingyi: astral projection.  Boy will literally cause so many fights and laugh because haha you can’t hit him.  He’s going to be a ghost and tell everyone he died when whoops he can return to his body.  He will never use his human form again.
Luo Binghe: Chlorokinesis.  Oh that’s fun !  The flowers he’ll grow for his shizun and the vines he can use to save people.  That’s cute ! 
Seo Haebom: magic via songs.  Well that might not even be noticeable because he sings to his plants at his job anyways.  He might be confused if it’s realized he has magic but it’s not so bad.  
Seok Han-Seong: force field projection.  Not sure how much he’ll use this but he’ll think it’s so cool and just an after effect of dying.  
Taka: Cleric Powers.  Honestly ?  Will be pretty useful.  Especially cure wounds because he gets hurt a lot working with metal
Vax’ildan Vessar: Levitation.  He’s going to hate it because it’s not cool.  If it’s like Magneto and he can fly with it then maybe he’ll like it.
Wen Ning: Cupid.  This boy will refuse to leave the house.  He’s already terrified of people because of his past. ..what makes people think he’ll want to set them up to fall in love
Xiao Xingchen: Orbing.  This will be useful !  Granted he’ll miss using his cultivation powers and qi but maybe orbing will help out and still be good !
Zhang Chengling: alchemy.  Zhang Chengling can make things and sell them so he can have money and pay rent with his family.  He will love this and he can hide it.
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Fic: The Act of Foisting Your Children Off for a Second Honeymoon
Fandom: Word of Honor, Lord Seventh
Pairing: WenZhou, XiYuan
Tags: Alternate Universe, This would make more sense if you have read the Qi Ye novel, but if not it’s still okay, slightly SPOILERY for people who are following the YouTube release schedule, no pain all fluff
A/N: Because I want Ah Xiang to grow up loved and cherished by her uncles and her dads and her little brother, and when she is older, she will be loved and utterly adored by her Cao Weining 🥲❤️ greatly inspired by this (kinda spoilery?) gif set by @zhuxinjie who had the tags that got this ball rolling x
Bei Yuan smiles at the two children that Ping An ushers in to his study. Gesturing for the bowl of sweets they keep just for these occasions, he beckons them close until they’re both settled on the cushions.
The girl, Ah Xiang, carries an air of deep grievances around her as she inelegantly folds herself to the cushion on the left, while Chengling, the younger, composes himself onto the one on the right with more grace.
It was clear which child favoured which parent.
Bei Yuan has to hide his smile in the rim of his teacup. “What is it this time?” He addresses them. “The kitchen caught fire? They ran out of clean clothes? They needed to cultivate together for another month? An impromptu journey to the mountains again?”
Ah Xiang pouts, then decidedly sulks.
“They said they wanted to try fighting for two days straight,” Chengling softly chimes in. Ping An shuffles over with the bowl of sweets which brightens the dark gloom over Ah Xiang somewhat but doesn’t seem to knock the sunshine off Chengling’s sweet smile.
“Uncle Bei Yuan, is Lu Ta coming back soon?” Chengling asks, craning his neck and looking around as if Lu Ta would miraculously appear between on blink of an eye and the next. Wu Xi had taken their foster son out on an excursion to the hills today. Part of his training as the Shamanet, he had said, as though Bei Yuan absolutely knows that it was because Wu Xi feels like he had been lacking in the passing of his knowledge to the boy.
“Not until the afternoon, I’m afraid,” Bei Yuan says. It warms his heart and endears him to Zishu’s silly disciple that he would befriend their Lu Ta without any hesitation. It had surprised Wu Xi too, but his beloved is pleased about the matter too and they had spent many hours in the privacy of their room talking about how to encourage this friendship.
Chengling merely nods and goes on a description of a strange creature he found a few days later ago that he would like to talk to Lu Ta about.
Bei Yuan pushes the bowl closer to them and mentally prepared a list of things they can do together. He should send Ping An out for more snacks to add to their table and maybe wrangle someone else to call on Young Master Cao to see if he is available. Ah Xiang might be denying it to the high heavens that she was sweet on the boy, but he’s sure that anyone who bothers to pay attention can tell otherwise.
If Zishu’s Lao Wen is to believed, Ah Xiang is already at the age where they can seriously entertain the prospects of marriage. With Chengling already arranged for the hand of his Xiao Lian-jie when he is a little older, there was only one of the two children available for such endeavours.
Here was Ah Xiang, who was already keen on this one person, but is obviously holding back. Why? Bei Yuan ponders the query. Perhaps because she has such an attachment to her Ge who had raised her all these years. Perhaps she is reluctant to entertain the yearnings of her heart because it had just been them both for such a long time until Zishu came into their lives and then Chengling too. 
There has never been a doubt that Ah Xiang was the apple of Wen Kexing’s eye and he would move mountains just to keep her happy. By that train of thought, she is protected by Zishu as well. Young Chengling seems to regard her highly as well and Bei Yuan hopes, in some small part of his heart that surprisingly has the space for it, that she knows that she is very much cherished by himself and the Great Shaman of Nanjiang for her friendship and the joy she brings them. No harm would ever befall her that would not reap retributions that come threefold.
He turns his gaze on her as she sullenly munches on the dried fruits placed in front of her by a placating Chengling. Maybe it would be good to push on Young Master Cao into spending more time here when she was.
Bei Yuan can’t help but snort. If Zishu and his Lao Wen hadn’t wanted him to meddle in their children’s prospects, they really should stop foisting their children off on his household when their moods strike them.
Sipping lightly on his tea, he cajoles Ah Xiang out of her dark mood and entices both children for a bit of lazing around the house until the hour that Lu Ta and Wu Xi would be shaking the dust off their robes. They will rouse themselves from whatever daydream they’d doused themselves in and welcome them home with smiles on their faces.
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somebodycallixii · 2 years
10 Characters I fell in love with in 2021
got tagged by @braceletofteeth to list my 10 favorite characters for 2021!! this year was the Year of Kdramas for me, i had such a fun time getting into them and i cant believe it took me so long to get into the genre!! what has my life been before this??
I'm so excited to do this thank u for tagging me!! (in no particular order, ranking them would require too much pain)
1. Seo Moonjo (Strangers From Hell)
What is there to say? Inventor of bad bitchery. Master of stares. Doctor of teeth. Owner of our hearts. Love him for his toxicity and his hair <3 Hope jongwoo texts you back soon!
2. So Mun (The Uncanny Counter)
I haven't finished Uncanny Counter yet but GOD he is everything. He loves his friends so much, he wears his emotions on his sleeve, he has such a strong sense of justice, i just love so much about him.
3. Wen Kexing (Word of Honor)
insp for basically all of my web weaving posts, this man made me understand the term poor little meow meow. His character development is one of my favorites that i've ever seen, and i genuinely envy his shamelessness. remember kids, even tough women cant resist clingy men!
4. Cho Sang-Gu (Move to Heaven)
made smoking cool again. He wins the prize for making me cry more than damn near anything else in my entire life! His backstory......... literally if i think about this too long im going to lose it. Lee Je Hoon your hand in marriage pls.
5. Cao Weining (Word of Honor)
idc if the term is out of fashion but he's truest embodiment of "cinnamon roll too good for this world, too pure." not that good at fighting but he respects women and u know his bills are paid. (Whoever is responsible for episode 34 i just want to talk. with my fists)
6. Pat Napat (Bad Buddy)
HELLO LOML the walking green flag himself!!!! Pat made me realize the type of person I want to be in my relationships (platonic or romantic) with other people. He is physically unable to resist showing affection to those he loves and its the most admirable trait ever. He is the blueprint.
7. Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad)
I watched brba before this last year but i rewatched it in 2021 and it made me fall in love with him again. he is also the definition of poor little meow meow. Someone give this man a break and a spa day PLEASE,
8. Kang Seokyoon (Strangers From Hell)
has anyone ever spit realness like "fuck mother fuck father fuck money" in the history of rap??? unlikely. the supportive friend everyone needs, deserved better. unfortunately looks very good covered in blood :/
9. Nadja of Antipaxos (What We Do in the Shadows)
I started WWDITS with my parents and it was such a fun show to watch with them. all of the characters are amazing, but Nadja is a legend in her own right. the owner of the 6 total braincells in that house. she is everything a girl can dream of being <3
10. Wang Xie (Word of Honor)
Scorpion king? no. king of my heart. can turn a look like his life depends on it. one glance will kill ur friends and family. has hot friends and the worst father figure on the planet, hes serving relatable content on the daily. I serve as president for both his protection squad and the zhao jing hate campaign (we meet on saturday evenings and braid each others hair. currently accepting applications!)
is it obvious word of honor has taken over my life?? not mad about it.
I loved doing this omg. I wanna tag @sofarraway, @forgive-and-take, @surajmukhis, @gr33kg0ds, @hotel-and-casino, and @saintmilky <3 (only if you want to of course!)
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I wanted to ask, since a lot of people felt that cwn/gx’s deaths in shl felt rushed (likely in part due to budget cuts) - do you feel that way at all about their deaths in tyk?
Hmm… first of all, I can’t say I felt this way about their dеaths in SHL, but then again, I did take a lot of breaks while watching the last few episodes, so maybe that’s messing up my perception of pacing.
In Tian Ya Ke… well, for one, I think Cao Weining’s dеath is meant to be abrupt – it is exactly painful because it’s so abrupt, because XiangNing were supposed to have a long future together that was so unfairly cut short, and even more because you already believed they were going to be fine. They were in a tense situation for a while, with Gu Xiang оuted as a Ghost in front of all, with Cao Weining having to choose between his martial family and her on the spot, – but he does choose her, and then Ye Baiyi says he will take them away, and you think, well, if the most OP grandpa is on their side, surely— and then, when you’ve already breathed out, Mo Huaiyang tricks and kills Cao Weining. It’s shocking, it’s painful, how could this just happen! you think – but isn’t death always this way? Does it truly have rhyme or reason?
And only once you start looking at the text as a whole, including Qi Ye, you start seeing how his dеath fits into things. How Mo Huaiyang is but one of the antagonists who fail to see the value of love, leading to them ruining not only themselves but those who love them; how Cao Weining, an innocent cоllateral of ambitious men’s scheming (more immediately Mo Huaiyang’s, but at large also Wen Kexing’s), becomes a narrative parallel to Jiang Xue from Qi Ye…
But when reading, it is indeed unexpected – yet, imo, that contributes to the impact, not diminishes it.
On the other hand, Gu Xiang’s dеath is so painful because it’s so inevitable. Ye Baiyi knocks her out and takes her away in the wake of Cao Weining’s dеath, but you already sort of know she won’t live on, that she will go back and follow Cao Weining to the other side. Maybe the fact that there isn’t that small break, that moment where Gu Xiang gets a choice whether to go to the Valley or try to live on, contributes to people feeling her dеath is rushed in SHL; but, again, I didn’t feel that way, so idk. Either way, once Cao Weining is dеad, I don’t think there was any doubt she would follow, for either canon; moreover, from story structure’s perspective (for the novels) her death was also set in stone – as her place in Wen Kexing’s story is the same as Jiuxiao’s in Zhou Zishu’s.
So, yeah, I guess my answer is: I didn’t feel their dеaths were ‘rushed’ in TYK. Neither did I feel that way about SHL, but that may be due to the fact that I was busy being upset about everything else in SHL’s finale.
Ah, but wait, one more thing! I remember seeing someone talk about how (in SHL) just letting CWN’s sect into the Ghost Valley for the wedding, without anyone supervising, felt stupid; maybe this is part of what makes their dеaths feel rushed/out-of-nowhere/avoidable? In the novel, the lead-up to Cao Weining’s dеath is completely different, and there is a sense that the pair is in danger for the whole scene before it – like I said, you only let out a breath once Ye Baiyi says he’ll protect them and take them away – so it feels more like… it makes sense, but you still weren’t expecting it to actually happen, you thought they'd manage to pull through by a miracle, and they almost do! which makes the end all the more tragic. While in SHL, it feels a bit like it could be avoided if only somebody made the right call… but, uh, SHL hadn't had an abundance of those prior, so it kind of fits with the rest.
- TYK/SHL comparisons masterpost - - tyk meta masterpost -
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