#their romance is fucking adorable
betasuppe · 8 months
I really have been thinking of Flint & Rinn non-stop for like two weeks now & im not complaining by any means.
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michi-chelle · 2 months
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these might be the cutest towas ever. sorry i don’t make the rules.
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frnkiebby · 3 months
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that fucking face i can’t~🎃
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han-merlin · 5 months
Find someone who looks at you like-
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tactiletelekonesis · 4 months
i know you dont want to hear this but karkat vantas would be a swiftie
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vampiresfromxenon · 2 months
Currently accepting applications for a boyfriend who looks like Gale Dekarios and acts like Gale Dekarios and also is Gale Dekarios
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bitchfitch · 8 months
I have the general rule that I just, don't let myself give a shit about other people's dumbass opinions but I have one pet peeve that I just. Can Not let go of. and it's posts that go
How to write [Minority Group]!
Step 1: Make sure all your characters are exactly like me the op, or are exactly what I like to see in media.
Aside: Anything else is impossible, unrealistic, bigoted and you'll go to hell forever.
Step 2: They also have to use the exact language I do to describe themselves btw, no matter the time period or setting. See the above aside for further explanation.
Step 3: you should never ever even think about the actual mechanics of what makes a trope problematic in its impact in the real world. J ust memorize this list of things that should be banned in all fiction (for being problematic because I don't like them/someone else I agree with said they should be banned)
Step 4: Nuances in identity don't exist <3
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storygremlin · 6 days
I have just discovered the offensive reality of straight people A/B/O through Bridgerton fanfics—truly a misogynistic patriarchal reinforcement of gender stereotypes that horrifies me to my soul.
Straight people should not have access to this trope, they have no concept of how to use it. Like, if you’re determined to do a “family legacy” thing for the Bridgertons, they’re all horny Omegas looking for love.
However, if we’re being more INTERESTING with it:
Simon/Daphne should be Beta/Omega, and you could use Simon being a Beta to play into his daddy issues.
Kate/Anthony is Alpha/Alpha, anyone who tries to make Kate an Omega is out of their fucking minds. Also, that is a woman who wants to fuck her husband, let’s be so for real.
Penelope/Colin would be the actual Alpha/Omega dynamic but Pen is obviously the Alpha. Colin wants to be good for her SO BAD. I don’t make the rules. (Except I DO and I’M RIGHT).
John/Francesca are a couple of autistic Betas who just want the crazy Alphas and Omegas to leave them out of their messy drama so they can be quiet nerds together.
As for Eloise and Benedict, there’s a few options.
Eloise as an Alpha or Omega can be used to explore how that effects her as a woman in 19th century regency who feels like she SHOULD be able to do the same things as her brothers but is restricted either bc she’s a girl (Alpha) or bc she’s an Omega, and how that’s affected by her internalized misogyny (against omega girls for example). Could also contribute to her and Pen’s friendship dynamics—if she’s an Alpha, as a bonding point for not quite fitting, but if she’s an Omega you can make it a like she thinks Pen being an Alpha is cool/is envious of her.
Benedict I feel like you could argue for any secondary gender and make it interesting, cause that’s the kind of character he is. But I think most interesting would be making him a Beta to really play into the way he’s trying to find his place without having a set role in his family.
Have I put way to much thought into this? No, I literally came up with this as soon as I thought about it, it’s so easy and way more interesting than “the boys are alphas and the girls are good little omegas bc i hate queer people and prefer to write boring uninteresting worlds and dynamics and fetishize terrible gender stereotypes”.
The only way ur allowed to use A/B/O for het couples is if ur messing with the secondary gender shit. Otherwise it just feels inherently misogynistic and homo-and-transphobic to me.
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jemmo · 1 year
i can’t even begin to explain how much i love that a bl dedicated a whole ass musical number to how much familial love and friendship and following your dreams matters to it’s entire cast. so many bls feel so insular on their single couple and their stories but just the flashes of por going to tell his mom about the competition and po waiting to find out his results and omg a mother getting to sing about how much she loves her son and wants him to follow his dreams despite all the hardships she’s faced and is still facing, that’s what makes a story feel whole, and i just wanna scream about how fantastic it is that this dumb high school bl is showing these kids actually growing up and maturing and making difficult decisions while also showing them as dumbasses who get to play music and have fun. i cried. this show just never fails to be special.
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vaguely-concerned · 9 months
I am so mad about how desperately into pan I am. he was specifically made to fuck me up. they dangled him in front of me like 'hey would you like to see a sad clown trickster with emotional intimacy issues and a heart of, if not gold, then some mysterious alloy with qualities not at all unlike those of gold at the end of the day?' and I went 'boy would I!' and now I'm lost. I'm on my knees he's like if reyes vidal was actually redeemable instead of just a 'release my man he did do all of that but I don't care' situation
#the way he seems so genuinely *delighted* by grace finding her voice and wants her to be able to make her music again#even when she's not the muse anymore............ what the fuck that is the sweetest thing I've ever heard in my LIFE dude#low-key grace's biggest fan musically at least fhsajkd#stray gods#stray gods pan#(this is not a slam on reyes btw the fact that he's unconscionable is part of the appeal in that specific case lol)#I went into the game mostly blind and from what I had seen I fully intended to romance freddie#and then... this bitch shows up for literally one song and I have to restart the whole thing before I even get to challenging a queen#because I now desire the goat guy carnally and I want to duet with him for the rest of forever thank u#also I don't think I can ever not romance him now seeing the contrast between what he gets up to in the endings#what do you MEAN if you don't romance him he just goes off and no one knows where he is. he's still just so alone??? no not on my watch#(if freddie is dead ( :( ) and you romance him there's an *adorable* part in the epilogue where he tells you hekate has him running around#getting lost relics back in a series of distinctly indiana jones-esque misadventures and it sounds like he's having the time of his life#if this is what it takes for him to actually talk to his family without anyone being complete dicks about it I must solemnly accept#the terrible burden of kissing him on every single run through of this game. it cannot be helped it's out of my hands now)
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milkcioccolato · 6 months
I think my bg3 game kinda bugged on me because it doesn’t trigger the Astarion romance scene in act 2 EVEN IF I DID EVERYTHING RIGHT AND I EVEN WENT TO LOOK IT UP LATER TO SEE IF MY COURSE OF ACTION WAS WRONG BUT ITS NOT?
I’m sorry, this is stupid, I just really really wanted to romance him, but I don’t wanna go all the way back to act 1 to fix it
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blue-sunflower-bee · 5 months
The fnaf movie novel really be punching securitywaiter shippers in the gut, huh
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mila-bee · 5 months
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frnkiebby · 4 months
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this cute motherfucker~🎃
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k-martins · 7 months
I'm watching Komi San can't communicate right now and my only thoughts are…
Oh, and I love Tadano, Komi and Najimi. They are so cute!!!
I almost cried when Tadano and Komi exchanged kitten keychains (T-T) I thought of Itafushi doing the same but with black and white dog keychains like Kuro and Shiro.
Please someone write a fanfic like this, I beg you (T-T)
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dragonartist56 · 2 months
The playable Sarentu being audibly giddy about helping Anqa set up a date with Priya>>>>>>>>>>
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