#their facial expressions says a lot
talagalaxies · 2 years
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ten-simm · 7 months
"I wonder what I'd be without you"
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divinekangaroo · 2 months
rewatching S6 in bits and pieces for current fic and ahhhhhhhhhh but the whole Jack, Diana, Mosley and Lizzie final dinner is so *viscerally* fucking satisfying on every sensory and intellectual and emotional level of consumption.
#every single movement facial expression breath flick of an eye the choice of 'mosley' not 'mr mosley'#the way mosley says 'lizzie' for the first time#jack's buildup and his mad fucking innuendo just before diana and oswald show#particularly how every drink is taken and by whom and when#lizzie constantly holding herself back the entire time from Saying Something all these flinches and half-breaths#insane#INSANE#as much as the end of S3 is roaringly wrenchingly furiously emotionally good#this dinner is something else#this whole episode is pretty much something else though fffffffffffff#jack's patronising constant reference to tommy as if he's a much younger man/boy when you look at these two guys and jack looks younger??#by design i am sure#in the scene with the tie before the dinner.the way tommy's face says one thing while facing away from lizzie#then he puts on that mask as he turns to face her and you can SEE HIM DO THAT jesus#it would a writing exercise and a half to actually try to capture that scene in writing and work out what needs to be said/described#to carry the same effect because @coffeeatnight23 -> this scene is totally Tommy ripping his own heart out then eating it with relish :)#it *is* the saddest thing but also a fucking *reclamation* of something that tommy hasn't had since his suicide attempt. there's lots of#small reclamations of self that happen in post-Ruby S6 i seem to recall. despite flicks old trauma/foggy memory wandering also this-#-sort of structural shift/acceptance he is who he is and that is how he has agency (not solely money?)#anyway it's not triumph but there is *something* that i haven't found the word for yet#acceptance is one word but there's something more vicarious and dark in it that acceptance doesn't connote
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stealingyourbones · 7 months
Ok so here’s my list of videogames I’m going through rn:
Half-Life series
Batman Arkham
And now Zelda
All of which I know jack shit about the stories or spoilers. I’ve started Batman Arkham Asylum and I’m in the middle of Half Life 2 Episode 1. So far I’m having a blast
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hauntedsuns · 5 months
ate a drawing because @thetruecthulhu9 said I was bluffing, it was bitter and took rlly long to chew but i have proven that I was, in fact, not bluffing
if tomorrow i am deceased, i need everyone to know that I am able and ready to die on my hills
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springagainafter · 13 days
Post-Therum crew meeting!
I really miss the post-mission crew meetings in 2 and 3. In 2 it's just Miranda and Jacob talking at Shepard and in 3 I think the only time it happens is post-Thessia, when everyone's upset.
This one involves Liara - who sure is Having a Day - and PROTHEANS and Merrick just happening to have the answer to the question Liara's been spending fifty years trying to solve.
Joker was fabulous ("The Normandy isn't equipped to land in exploding volcanoes. They fry our sensors and melt our hull. Just for future reference") and shocked Liara a bit because hey, they almost died.
Apparently coping with humor is not a common trait in asari academia - Liara's comment was "It must be a human thing."
Much like Ash doesn't have much experience dealing with aliens, Liara doesn't have much experience dealing with humans.
She was grateful for being saved from the geth and the volcano (and no doubt the Prothean bubble, although she doesn't say that).
Kaidan asked if she knew what the Conduit was; Liara didn't know.
Liara: Only that it was somehow connected to the Prothean extinction. That is my real area of expertise. I have spent the last fifty years trying to find out what happened to them.
Merrick absolutely looked her up on the extranet before heading to Therum, so he has no grounds later to be all offended when she looks him up on the extranet.
This was prompted by a very awkward conversation with Joker earlier where Joker went straight into defensive mode and Merrick was a little startled because he hadn't known Joker was sick because he didn't read Joker's file first (because Anderson was all "why don't you talk to everyone before reading their files"). So naturally his reaction to getting a mission to find an asari scientist was "look her up on the extranet to get some idea of who I'll run into."
His main takeaway was that he was impressed by the sheer amount of research she's done, and he did notice that there were also multiple "here's why my esteemed colleague Dr. T'Soni is dead wrong" papers, which did not seem to slow Liara down any.
At this point he asked how old she was because wow, fifty years of research.
Liara: I hate to admit it, but I am only a hundred and six.
Ash chimed in and said she hoped she looked that good when she was Liara's age XD.
Liara: A century may seem a long time to a short-lived species like yours. But among the asari, I am barely considered more than a child.
Ohhhh, that is some Unfortunate phrasing coming from a character who's written as a love interest.
The intended reading (or what I *hope* the intended reading is) is what she says next: "That is why my research has not received the attention it deserves. Because of my youth, other asari scholars tend to dismiss my theories on what happened to the Protheans."
I do think it's significant that 1) other asari dismiss her and 2) the Normandy crew does not, which must make a lovely change and I'm just going to ignore the phrasing in that previous line because she acts like and is treated like an adult by everyone. Other asari in the same stage of life she's in are running around the galaxy being mercs or dancers or whatever and are also treated like adults.
The Normandy crew - aside from some mostly offscreen initial suspicion because she's Benezia's daughter - treats her like a Prothean expert and she gets referred to by her title and last name several times.
(The first conversation has Shepard calling her Liara from the get-go. Merrick absolutely gravely refers to her as "Dr. T'Soni" when he's talking to or about her most of the time, which is mostly out of respect - he'd do that even if he didn't like her - and a little bit because he's sticking with formality to hide the fact that he's attracted to her. Liara refers to him by his title for similar reasons).
Anyway, Merrick listened to her talk for a while about PROTHEANS and how "the galaxy is built on a cycle of extinction" and "I've dedicated my life to finding out why the Protheans disappeared" and finally told her the Reapers wiped out them out.
Liara: The-- The Reapers? But I have never heard of-- How do you know this? What evidence do you have?
Here comes some random human casually having the answer to the problem that she's spent half of her life working on, whoops.
Merrick explained about the Prothean beacon ("It burned a vision into my brain" - that. uh. sure is a fun choice of words - and "I'm still trying to make sense of what it all means").
Liara fortunately knew a bit more about Prothean beacons and talked about them for a bit and how "finding one that still works is extremely rare." Ooof, that is painful given what's on Thessia.
And then she talked about how the beacons were only meant to work with Prothean physiology and got a little starry-eyed at Merrick (who spent most of this meeting letting her talk and looking grim because that's just his resting >:| face.)
Liara: I am amazed you were able to make sense of it at all. A lesser mind would have been destroyed by the process. You must be remarkably strong-willed, Commander.
My interpretation of Ash's rather snippy "This isn't helping us find Saren. Or the Conduit" line at this point is that it's related to the love triangle, so I'm ignoring it. Presumably she still redirected the conversation at this point since it's gotten off-track but didn't say it Like That, then Liara said she didn't have any info on how to find the Conduit or Saren.
But of course she's sticking around anyway, hooray!
Shepard: I don't know why Saren wanted you out of the picture. But I think we're a lot better off bringing you along.
The Saren's-out-to-get-Liara plot point gets totally dropped after this. I would not have minded some Fallen Order-esque "mercs occasionally pop out of nowhere to attack you" shenanigans.
Liara said thanks and that Saren might come after her again (he doesn't) and "I cannot think of anywhere that would be safer than on your ship" (aw) and "my knowledge of the Protheans would be useful later on."
For the romance, I vastly prefer this version of events rather than picking her up post-Feros. She's had a tough enough day without having to do the mind meld with some human she's known for ten minutes; Merrick would not have been real thrilled about that prospect either.
Merrick told her it was good to have her on the team (and smiled a little!) and Liara thanked him again and narrowly avoided swooning right in front of him (alas).
Kaidan asked her when she'd last eaten or slept and that Dr. Chakwas should look at her (I LOVE Kaidan and Liara being friends, aaahh) and that was pretty much it for the meeting.
And then Merrick got to talk to the Council and immediately got defensive over Liara Dr. T'Soni when they were all "are you taking security precautions since she's Benezia's daughter?" And then they were all "did you really have to blow up those Prothean ruins" and he was all "yes. there were geth" and nobody was real happy but at least it was a mercifully brief chat.
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mainfaggot · 3 months
I was so anxious today even tho i was on top of my self care slash mental well being basics check-list... I suspect it was the caffeine on top of already worsening anxious Symptoms
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brittlebutch · 5 months
i love how Blunt TOS is with its editing actually. i Love that whenever the show wants to express that Something Is Wrong it will use an obnoxious scary sound effect and scary lighting And scary music And hamfisted acting to let you know that Something Is Wrong. no ambiguity. autism.tv — beautiful <3
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qserasera · 8 months
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this is what the urban fantasy kdrama genre is all about!!! (eating cup noodles with ur supernatural love interest while solving a mystery)
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ghoulodont · 7 months
this is what i mean when i talk about having schizo face. if you compare with any of her other videos you can see that shes much more expressive on camera normally
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amatres · 8 months
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Dame Aylin: Dame Aylin is watching. She is indomitable. And when her face lights the shadows of your wrongdoing, you are broken by it's beauty.
also killed this dude so i dont have to enter his stupid tower and have my game lag to hell anymore
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ihatebnha · 2 years
honestly i really love these pictures of bakugou, i think it’s because he thinks he has to have the most irritated look on his face or else people won’t think he’s “tough”
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STOPPPPPPPP this is making me yell because you know he started as a kid and the habit just ended up sticking adjkfad... he really wanted to scare people sooo badly yet now he just kinda looks like a fool... jk, kinda asjdfakls
still, it has me dead to think about him trying to force a facial expression in all his photos... or at least, him being so used to making them that now he can't stop whenever someone's trying to take one or has been looking at him/talking for too long.
(even when he's holding his tongue, his face always says it all LMFAO)
Honestly though, all bakugo faces are incredible tbh... and i think people would be lying to say they don't have a favorite cuz we LOVE HIM LIKE THIS.
I'd say this is one of mine:
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ssamja-trash · 2 years
siwon is either the most boring human in the room or the funniest there is no in between
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mystic-peaches · 2 years
what if i just watched the new rottmnt movie even though i haven't seen the show yet. and know next to nothing about tmnt in general. just for funsies
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ughhfgghdhdhdhd HOW am I supposed to wait a whole WEEK for another new episode of ACGAS???????? *cries*
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theauthorityvol1 · 2 years
animal kingdom is one of those shows where most of the actors but most importantly all the main ones are the sort of good that makes you feel like you're spying on those people's lives and not watching tv. which is hilarious because i can't look at cast photos. those are criminals why are they on a red carpet
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