#the universe put me in goblin jail
My taste in men just got even worse so uhhhh threatening you guys with that again.
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phantomphangphucker · 2 years
DannyMay Day 3: College Days - Scientific Peculiarity - Chap.1: It’s Such A Delight!
Typically, university/college wasn’t much of an interest or in the cards for Danny. But when the kid’s actually REALLY FUCKING GOOD with ghost hunter gear and tech plus super creative, and then you add in Vlad’s deep DEEP pockets… Meanwhile, Tadashi and co. think the new face is a little… strange. Hiro’s friend or not.
“Wait, you mean you’re going to be coming down here!?! SICK!”.
“Yup! Vlad wrangled me in, I’m not asking how but I’m in! I’m honestly really excited even if it means being outside of Amity for a while. Though… getting away from my folks is probably for the best”.
“Yeah”, he winces, he knew that Danny’s parents weren’t the greatest. Hiro might be ‘a fourteen-year-old kid’ but he’s not stupid. Someone can only mention their parents forgetting to feed them so many times before it’s obvious that it’s a habit. And their lab safety sounded really sad. Hiro had enjoyed bugging his brother by randomly mentioning whatever latest thing Danny’s parents had done, leaving his big brother practically ranting about lab safety.
And now Danny was coming here. To San Fransokyo Institute of Technology. To work on lame nerd stuff but still. Maybe Hiro’ll actually go to the labs there, like Tadashi’s always wanted him to, just to watch Danny harass everyone with his goblin energy and Fenton style ‘lab safety’.
“I’m honestly just surprised that I got approval to work with ecto and all that”.
Hiro chuckles, “yeah, you always make that stuff sound super dangerous”, smirking, “and fun”. Aka really cool in Hiro’s opinion. Even if he’s not… entirely sold on the whole ghost thing. But it would be really neat! And the possibility of seeing the dead again… yeah, he’d like that.
“Oh it is. All the chaos. Speaking of dangerous and fun, win any bot fights lately?”.
Now that, that gets Hiro grinning, “you know it! Tadashi was mad and totally got thrown in jail”.
“HA! Nice! Gotta stick it to those overbearing siblings sometimes! When I get there and finally meet that brother of yours I’m going to immediately ask when we goin’ bot fighting and when he tries to ask if I’m into robotics to try and steer the conversation away from illegal activities, I’ll tell him that ‘nope! Interdimensional travel to the land of the dead’s my thing!’ and he will cry ”.
Hiro is actively laughing hard enough to be tearing up a little, “he actually might!”. His big brother was probably the most anti-things-that-haven’t-been-proven-by-science guy he knows! And Hiro’s pretty sure that if someone tried to argue if leprechauns were real just to be silly, Danny would respond with ‘oh I don’t know, probably?’. You could say you rode a unicorn and he’d just judge you for not having pictures. Just the same, Danny was the only one who didn’t go all mother-hen on him about the bot fighting.
“Anyways, I gotta finish packing this mess. Before my dad offers to help”; Danny’s cringe is very noticeable.
“Cool, bye”. Hiro smiling down at his phone. Oh he hopes Danny’s lab space or whatever gets put in with Tadashi’s!
Danny lounges, feet up on the dashboard of Vlad’s expensive ass car. Hands behind his head, “Ancients this is gonna be so awesome”.
“I’m glad you’re excited”, Vlad side-eyeing Danny, “and that you let yourself go”. Making Danny shrug, “eh, I’m on good terms with a lot of ghosts now so I know they won’t do any serious damage, any others Val’s tough enough to handle and she can call me if she needs help”, smirking at the older man, “you know I’m a fast-flying motherfucker”.
“Boo to you. Boo”.
Vlad rolls his eyes as they finally pull into the university’s parking lot, “well now you can get out and stop scuffing up my dashboard”. Danny smirking and making a point to just scuff it up more as he opens the door and gets out. Vlad gets him back by managing to make the back door open just right to smack Danny in the face. Danny sticking his tongue out at the man while Vlad smirks. Vlad rolling down his driver's side window, “got everything?”.
“Yup! You can so totally go back to your silly mayor duties”.
“And I will. Just remember, ghosts might be an open secret, but they’re not ‘having a ghostly sparring match in broad daylight in the middle of San Fransokyo’ levels of an open secret”.
Danny waving the man off with a piece of luggage, “pffft I know, I know; old man. Geez. But if, say, Cujo decides to haul ass through whatever lab or one of the probably evil head professors decides to do shit; who knows”.
Vlad quirks an eyebrow, “‘probably evil’?”.
“Callaghan seems super sketchy”.
Vlad sighs, “well he is the one who let you in to work on ghost tech. So that would line up with your very unlucky track record”.
Danny laughing and beginning to walk off, “yup! Evil therapists! Evil doctors! Evil carnival! Evil mayor!”.
Vlad just rolls his eyes with a chuckle before smoothly backing out and driving off.
Danny lets out a long breath when he gets inside, smiling. This was gonna be nice! Sure he was the only sixteen-year-old here probably and was probably going to get that ‘child prodigy’ treatment/label, but fuck it. First! To find his dorm! Which he thankfully doesn’t have a roommate for due to ‘health concerns’ regarding ectoplasm and probably the school or whatever looked into what happened to the last person who played roommate to any Fenton. Aka, Vlad getting hospitalised for seven years. Jazz just got her own apartment too; which Vlad also paid for. Their parents had set up college/university funds but not very big ones, most of their money went to their work, not his or Jazz’s futures; though Jazz got all the money from the fund, since they didn’t think Danny would ever go. But pretty much entirely thanks to Vlad being the decent but kinda crazy uncle he was, Danny was fucking HERE. At basically one of the best tech schools out there so that he could work on ghost tech that was all his own. Was Phantom Grade.
Pausing his walking and staring a little, holy crap there was a bar attached to the building. Too bad he can’t legally drink… in the living realm anyways. Either may he chuckles over the little not-so-hidden find, before hauling ass again.
His dorm room… is tiny. Oh well. It’s just for one person so it’s probably the smallest in the building. Shrugging and stuffing things away before being smart and putting some (invisible) ecto-proofing spray all over basically everything. It would be really bad form if he contaminated the place too horribly or ecto-burnt a hole into the carpet or accidentally brought his dresser to life.
And now… Lucky Cat Café! To let Hiro know that the problem has arrived! And was late! Like usual.
Hiro, and Tadashi for the first time in a while, were currently helping Aunt Cass out with the workload at the café, when Danny basically kicks in the front door. Him sauntering in like he’s trying to cause problems, rough blue steel-toed doc martins, patch-covered beat-up crust-pants, a leather jacket with dick-shaped studs on the collar; in short, he looked like trouble. Him throwing up his hands and shouting, “Hiro!”.
Hiro throwing up his hands too, “Danny!”, dropping his hands, “dude, did you put on makeup to make your scar more obvious?”, and laughs. Danny grins stupidly, putting his hands in his pockets as he walks over, “hey now, I had to look like the definition of a ‘bad influence friend’ for meeting your family for the first time”, and snickers before waving at a curious-looking Aunt Cass and cautious-looking Tadashi.
“You’re such a Problem”.
“Why thank you dearly for the compliment. Also!”, Danny sticking up a finger while also pulling out a little paper, “since Tadashi goes to SFIT, he can tell me where my lab space is”.
Tadashi blinks, frowning a little, “you’re going to SFIT?”, he sounds both impressed and less than impressed.
“Yup! Richest man on the planet paid my way! That, and being on the cover of genius magazine and being raised by tech geniuses probably helped. Even if I am, like, four years younger than you”, waving him off, “my sister went to Yale. Lame, I know. Pioneering some new branch of psychology or something”, and shrugs.
Tadashi looking to Hiro with a fond quirked eyebrow, “now when did you go befriending a child genius?”. Aunt Cass adding in more judgingly, “and why have we never met before?”, her looking to Danny, “how do you like your coffee?”.
Danny smirking, “as caffeinated as you’re willing to make it, legal or otherwise”, sticking up a finger at her while Tadashi does actually take the lab assignments paper from him, “I’m from Illinois, Amity Park specifically”. She nods acceptingly and quickly goes to make him something real quick.
Hiro blushes a little awkwardly while Danny turns his attention on Tadashi, grinning devilishly, “and we met over battle bots”, and looks very very smug when Tadashi practically gives him a death glare. Tadashi sighing after a beat, “well I’m glad you’re doing more with your intellect than just that”, quickly giving Hiro a look, which the teen rolls his eyes over, before looking back to Danny, “and I take it you’re into robotics then?”. Making Hiro facepalm, since Tadashi just walked right into this like Danny said he would.
Danny, somehow, looks even more smug, “oh no, I’m working on ghost hunting tech and interdimensional death portals”.
Aunt Cass blinks, handing Danny off a ludicrously strong coffee, “well that’s certainly intresting”. While Hiro bends over laughing at Tadashi looking like he just bit a lemon.
Danny waving Tadashi off with a smirk, “both my parents are ghost hunters, Jazz is doing work on ghost psychology and ghost envy, there’s even a few witch hunters in the family tree”, and grins open-mouthed. Knowing full well Tadashi officially hates his guts.
After a bit… “tell me that’s a joke”.
Hiro starts laughing, hard, again. While Danny just snickers, “I don’t know, guess you’ll just have to find out”.
Tadashi hands back the paper politely at least, “well you’re in the same lab as me”; everyone can feel the ‘unfortunately’ tacked on the end there. Danny saluting with his cup, “well I guess lll go wander around the lab area until you come and lead me there like a lost little puppy”, gives him a mocking pout and walks out.
Tadashi blinks, looking back to Hiro, “ghost hunters? Really? Really”. Hiro shrugs, “he’s admitted himself that his parents are crazy”.
“Oh thank god”.
Danny wasn’t kidding, he did actually just… wander around aimlessly. Unnerving a lot of people. Tadashi shaking his head before waving Danny to follow him; smiling slightly at the excitable first year… even if he was a little strange.
Which the teen proceeds to prove as soon they get into the lab by sticking out his hands and shouting, “I AM HERE TO SAY HELLO TO MY COLLEGE YEARS! HA HA!”. Everyone pausing what they’re doing to look at them.
Tadashi resisting sighing purely to avoid discouraging the teenager. Absently realising that this was that friend with parents that had truly horrible lab safety tendencies, that Hiro had mentioned more than once. Watching the teenager walk off to the only open lab area and slam his hands down hard enough to make
everything on it bounce. Alright, he’s not entirely sure how he feels about this.
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morporkian-cryptid · 3 years
Today in "Elliott's Niche AF AUs": one (1) person asked me about this, sooooo...
Lupin III Discworld AU crossover headcanon pile thingy!!!
For those who don't know: Discworld is a flat world held on the back of four giant elephants on top of a giant turtle, floating through space. That world has magic, as well as trolls, dwarves, goblins etc... but in a way that's meant to subvert typical fantasy tropes.
Ankh-Morpork, the biggest city on the Disc, is a hotbed of crime, innovations, and innovations in crime. It is run by a council of guilds, and by a Patrician (a lifelong tyrant; he's elected by the guilds but he has the final say in everything). Notorious for having an Assassins', Thieves', Beggars', and Seamstresses' (sex workers) Guilds. Also notorious for its Watch (the police), which is actually surprisingly good at solving crimes. It's also the biggest immigration destination on the Disc.
Character backstories/situations:
Lupin : half-quirmian-half-agatean (Quirm being the DW equivalent of France), grew up in the Agatean Empire (DW equivalent of China/East Asia). He moved to Ankh-Morpork to follow Fujiko, and/or to escape Zenigata. He’s an illegal thief (meaning he's not registered with the Thieves' Guild), and his favourite hobby (besides just stealing in general) is screwing with the Guild. Commander Vimes, the head of the Watch, is supposed to catch him (or at least help Zenigata catch him), but he's secretly rooting for him because he dislikes the Guild slightly more than he dislikes Lupin.
Jigen : son of a couple of Agatean immigrants in Ankh-Morpork, grew up as a street urchin in the Shades (the most crime-ridden neighborhood of the notoriously crime-ridden Ankh-Morpork). He joined the Assassins’ Guild later in his life as a (mostly self-taught) sharpshooter, with a talent that outshone that of the Guild's best students. He later quit the Guild after he met Lupin (possibly had a contract to kill Lupin, and decided “screw this I’m going with him”). He can use any kind of shooting weapons, but favors crossbows. He’s tried stealing and using the gonne (DW's first and only firearm); it didn't go well. He somehow managed to learn one single spell from the wizards, the fireball, by becoming pals with Arcchancelor Ridcully (wizard, head of the Unseen University, and famous for his unfortunate passion for crossbow shooting).
Goemon : agatean immigrant/fugitive, master swordsman. He left Agatea because Fujiko stole his Zantetsuken and fled to Ankh-Morpork, so Goemon had to follow her to retrieve his sword. He then met Lupin and Jigen and decided to stick around. The Zantetsuken is a talking sword, and its personality is basically the embodiment of Bushido. It's extremely annoying (like all talking swords), but Goemon loves it. (it was probably his only friend back in Agatea)
Fujiko : agatean immigrant/fugitive. Ran away from the Agatean Empire chased by Goemon. She joined the Thieves’ Guild, but everyone confuses her for a seamstress because her technique usually involves seduction. She tried it on Vetinari once. It failed spectacularly.
Zenigata : agatean immigrant, part of the Empire’s police force, who came to Ankh-Morpork chasing Lupin. He only brought his assistant Yata with him, and has to cooperate with the Watch to have resources to catch Lupin. Vimes doesn’t particularly like him, but he’s good at his work so he can’t say anything (they're both too stubborn to get along).
Yata: Zenigata’s assistant, came to Ankh-Morpork with him, rapidly became great friends with Rufus Drumknott (the Head Secretary of the Patrician, Lord Vetinari). He has a bad influence on Drumknott. He also befriended Captain Carrot Ironfoundersson, but then again Carrot befriends everyone.
Ami: She's a clacks operator. Clacks are basically the DW equivalent of telegraph. There's a group of clacks hackers called the GNU, so she might have joined them.
Albert: He's part of the Patrician's Dark Clerks (they're the secret services of Ankh-Morpork)
Rebecca: She's from Quirm. That’s all I have about her for now. (Quirm's the equivalent of France, but in the french translation it was made into an equivalent of Italy)
Random-Ass Headcanons
Lupin gets along like a house on fire with Moist von Lipwig (former conman and current postmaster, notorious adrenaline junkie), both figuratively and literally. Lupin and Lipwig sometimes team up on heists and rely on each other’s help, when they’re not busy competing against each other because Lupin keeps daring Lipwig to thieving competitions.
One of the contests’ goal is to steal Vetinari’s manuscript, The Servant. Fujiko wins. She wasn’t even in the race.
Fujiko quickly became friends with Adora-Belle Dearheart (Moist von Lipwig's rather explosive girlfriend), they get together every now and then to trash-talk their respective boyfriends.
For some reason everyone thinks Lupin is a werewolf. (it’s actually Jigen)
(maybe. I haven't yet decided whether or not he is. That would be a very good source of angst, considering what most werewolves are like, and also a very good source of domestic fluff if the whole gang has to adapt to the moon cycle and Jigen's transformations. Idk. Might be fun.)
Fujiko owns a horse golem (a gift from Adora-Belle or something she stole, we may never know). The Gang also owns a carriage, modified with a spell so it will drive faster, and they drive it completely carelessly. It has been destroyed and rebuilt countless times. (actually a bunch of spells, Lupin probably found a way to blackmail Ridcully so he could mod the shit out of his carriage. Or they rely on Jigen’s friendship with Ridcully)
Lupin uses swamp dragons as firearms (dialogue courtesy of @marquise-de-clarabas: Jigen: You stole a dragon??? Lupin: I didn’t steal him! He’s his own person and can make decisions himself! Dragon: I wanna steal). He has an alias and disguise entirely dedicated to visiting the Sunshine Sanctuary For Sick Dragons, and somehow became friends with Lady Sybil Ramkin-Vimes (Commander Vimes' wife, and the greatest expert on swamp dragons in the city, probably on the Disc). Vimes doesn't know about it, and Lupin finds the whole situation hilarious. He constantly makes jokes about how he’s playing with fire.
The Thieves’ Guild and the Watch are competing to catch the Gang, but secretly Vimes is rooting for the Gang (the Guild just hates them). That said, Vimes also hates Lupin (only slightly less than he dislikes the Guild), because he's always a little shit whenever he gets put in jail, and then he immediately breaks out.
Rincewind (famously bad wizard with a shit luck and a tendency to run from problems) once got arrested by Zenigata, because he got startled by him yelling LUPAAAAAAAAAN! and started running for the hills, making Zenigata believe he was Lupin in disguise. Rincewind is terrified of Zenigata.
Zenigata is actively trying to stop the Thieves' Guild from catching Lupin and Co, both because he wants to catch them himself, and because he knows what the Guild does to illegal thieves and he doesn’t want it to happen to Lupin.
Lupin stole Ridcully’s hat (custom wizard hat with a bunch of pockets, drawers, a crossbow, and a tiny flask of alcohol) as a gift for Jigen’s birthday. He also stole Lipwig’s hat (golden cap with dove wings), after which Adora claimed she didn’t recognize Moist (dialogue courtesy of @marquise-de-clarabas: Moist: C’mon babe, it’s me, your boyfriend! Adora, knowing full well who he is: I have never met this man in my entire life). He also raided the Assassins' Guild's armory/museum to get a birthday gift for Goemon.
About Jigen and the gonne (spoilers for Men at Arms) : basically, the gonne being such a dangerous and destructive weapon compared to crossbows, it has a nigh-magical attraction on people, and awakens and strengthens whatever lust for power, vengeance, blood etc they have. It basically controls its user and feeds on their convictions, addictions, wants, etc. The only person known to have resisted it is Vimes (because he's a stubborn mofo with a sense of morals you could bend iron on), and even he came damn near to losing his mind. (And Carrot, because... he's Carrot.)
Assuming the gonne didn't get destroyed in this AU: after they steal it, Lupin tries to use it, gets completely possessed/cursed (again) and accidentally tries to murder his friends (again), prompting Jigen to take it from him. Jigen then gets possessed as well, and they start fighting for the gonne, until Goemon just walks in, takes it out of their hands and takes it away. Goemon's completely unaffected by the gonne because 1) of his ascetic training and 2) "it is a filthy morporkian artifact and cannot compare to the noble art of the sword."
Zenigata often teams up with Angua (resident werewolf of the Watch), they get along very well. The Gang is very easy to track, they smell like a tobacco factory that has caught on fire.
Yata and Drumknott (Patrician's head secretary, and confidante, sort of) get together after office hours, and argue about whose boss is the best (because as we all know they both have a crush on respective bosses). One day Drumknott accidentally calls Vetinari “Sempai” after he heard Yata call Zenigata that all the time.
Lupin follows Lipwig’s example and steals all of Yata’s pencils every time he visits the Pseudopolis Yard (the Watch's HQ). Drumknott is fuming when Yata tells him about it.
Leonardo Da Quirm is butt-naked, because Part 4.
Something with vampires, probably.
tagging @carriagelamp and @mad-whoman-with-a-book00 because I know you may be potentially interested in this AU ^^
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seroqueldreamer · 2 years
Let's start where the movie picks up from 'Far From Home' Peter is outed so to speak by Quentin Beck. That fucking bitch. He's unmasked and then Peter's life is fundamentally ruined. People are blaming him for "killing" Beck. Half of NYC, probably the world, is divided between loving and hating Spidey.
So now, there are literal grown ass adults, harassing this poor child at every turn and corner. People are throwing things at him, on him, just... Bullying this kid.
That one scene where May and MJ both tell Peter, "don't say anything without a lawyer!" Mmm yes. Perfection. Chefs kiss.
He's taken in by the Fed's and is eventually released. But it's too late. His chances at College are affected. He starts getting rejected by colleges and universities, left and right. All because of QB. It doesn't stop there though. Ned and MJ's lives are affected too. They're both also getting denial letters.
After the being arrested thing, held on semi-bogus charges, they meet with a very, really good lawyer. Who also happens to be Daredevil, Matthew "Avocado At Law" "I'm a really good lawyer" "Devil of Hell's Kitchen" Michael fucking Murdock. Please know, this man is my favorite character, and no, I will not shut up about his 30 seconds of screen time. I love,,,, he.
So Peter and Co, all start getting college letters. They're all rejection letters, even from their dream school, MIT. So Peter, feeling guilty because his friends are getting rejection letters all because they know him, decides to forgo meeting with the admissions chancellor, no because that's too easy. No. He goes to Dr. Magic Dad and tries to magic his friends problems away and changes the spell... multiple times. This causes the spell to be... v unstable. Stephen, someone pour this man a double and give him a cigarette. He needs it. Especially after the amount of bullshit this man is dealing with. Stephen grills Peter about this and then Peter tells him, no I didn't talk to the Admissions Chancellor. Stephen throws Peter out of the Sanctum and Peter then tracks down the Admissions Chancellor who is in traffic on the way to the airport.
Doc Ock makes an appearance, one of the first discrepancies in the Multi-verse. Starts fighting Peter and is then tasked with realizing, This isn't his Peter. Green Goblin swoops in and steals the show.
Strange comes in and saves the day, puts Doc Ock in baby jail, scolds Peter, explains how baby jail works and politely asks Peter to "Please Scooby Doo this shit."
Peter does in fact, Scooby Doo this shit. He faces off against Electro and The Sandman in a lackluster fight, but movie plot! I genuinely cannot remember when the Lizard joins the adventuring party, but he does.
Those 3 are in baby jail, May calls Peter because a confused and Lost Norman Oswald wanders into the soup kitchen. Peter gets down there, wants to take Norman to baby jail, May has a bleeding heart.
Peter loves his aunt. So he agrees and begins his pet project of helping the 5 men. Peter first fixes Doc Ocks chip, then begins helping Electro.
GG is a menace, May delivers the "WGP, CGR" line, Peter is a sad lad.
Meanwhile! Ned and MJ are at Ned's, Ned stole magic bullshit, opened a portal to try and find Peter! They found... ANDREW GARFIELD! Wow! I will wait for the screaming to die down. Thank.
Ned opens another, and finds... Tobey MAGUIRE! I will wait for the polite applause to die down. Thank.
They finally find Peter, sobbing atop Midtown tech. Biderman, the OG Spidey, and our Spidey, all mix shit up in a high school chem lab.
Peter then issues a challenge to the 5, and 4 show up. They get 3/4 cured, GG is still a bitch. They finally cure him and Peter lets Strange finally do the spell.
Peter does break his own heart though and is a sad bitch. But tis the cost of being Spiderman.
The monster fuckers were fed with Veddie.
I didn't stay for the post-film scene, bc I had to dip.
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Psycho Analysis: Spider-Man Movie Villains
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(WARNING! This analysis contains SPOILERS!)
Spider-Man, Spider-Man, he does whatever a spider can. And what do spiders seem really good at? Amassing huge quantities of hatred and animosity! True to the wily arachnids that inspired him, Spider-Man has quite the impressive gallery of foes, one that I might say rivals Batman as the greatest in comic book history with how colorful, crazy, and creative they are. Even villains derivative of one another, like Hobgoblin and Green Goblin or Carnage and Venom, manage to carve out unique niches that help make them fun and memorable.
And thankfully, these qualities usually translated pretty well to film! I’ve talked about how good Mysterio, Vulture, Kingpin, and Prowler are before, so now it’s time to cover the others all in one fell swoop! From the Raimi trilogy, we have Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, Harry Osborn, Sandman, and Eddie Brock/Venom; from the Andrew Garfield duology, we have Lizard, Electro, Rhino, and Harry Osborn again; and leftover from Into the Spider-Verse we have Olivia Octavius, Tombstone, Scorpion, and that film’s brief take on Green Goblin! Oh, and why not throw in Riot from Venom while we’re at it, because he sucks way too much to get his own Psycho Analysis.
Motivation/Goals: A lot of villains are motivated by the classic motivation: revenge. All of the Green Goblins manage to have this as a main part of their actions, making them remarkably consistent and very easy to discuss. The Norman of the Raimi films wants to take out his anger at being frozen out of his own company, and his son wants revenge for his death, while the Harry of the Garfield films wants his vengeance because Spider-Man wouldn’t help cure him of his otherwise incurable disaease that would kill him (a fact made worse because Spider-Man is his actual best friend, Peter Parker, who is coldly condemning his pal to death). The only one who doesn’t really fit is the Spider-Verse take on Green Goblin, and that’s more because he has extremely limited screentime and spends all of it fighting Peter and being scary as hell.
Eddie Brock/Venom is a very interesting case as both halves of the character are motivated by different reasons. The symbiote half is, of course, motivated by the fact that Peter has tried to rid himself of it via using a church bell to kill it. Eddie, on the other hand, has the most absolutely hilarious motivation ever: He wants Peter Parker to die because Peter exposed him for submitting fraudulent pictures to J. Jonah Jameson. Eddie literally breached journalistic ethics but apparently Peter’s to blame for exposing his literal, actual crime! And he prays to God for Peter to die! This version of Eddie is cartoonishly hilarious.Finally, we have Max Dillon, AKA Electro, who is lashing out at a world that did nothing but belittle and demean him, giving him a far more sympathetic motive for revenge.
Kurt Connors is an interesting halfway point between the Doc Ocks and the villains above, because he is not really evil and his whole transformation came about for altruistic scientific reasons, as he tested his serum on himself because they were going to test it out on the public without consent. While the serum drives him mad, he initially only goes after those who were going to use his formula with people as guinea pigs.
Interestingly, the two Doc Ocks contrast each other. While both of them are doing evil deeds for scientific reasons, Otto Octavius is being forced by his tentacles and genuinely wishes to make the world a better place otherwise. Olivia, on the other hand, is a gleeful sadist who doesn’t care who she hurts as long as she can get some sort of scientific knowledge from it.
Sandman is interesting case because his motivations are entirely sympathetic and despite being the man who killed Uncle Ben, it was entirely accidental and he always regretted it. He only ever wanted to get money to save his daughter. It’s really hard not to sympathize with a guy who turned to desperate measures because the American health care system sucks even in a universe where a dude dressed in a bright red suit swings around New York.
Then there are all the rest. Aleksei Systevich, AKA Rhino, is just a criminal, and has barely any screentime to establish a motivation beyond that. This is especially hilarious because the ads really hyped this guy up, only for him to get maybe five minutes of screentime, with most of it at the very end of the movie before the credits (we don’t even get to see his final battle). Tombstone and Scorpion are basically just lackeys for Kingpin, with little established beyond that. Scorpion almost shows up entirely out of nowhere, just popping in for the fight at Aunt May’s house and then the final battle. And then there’s Riot, who just wants to start a symbiote apocalypse on Earth.
Performance: Willem Dafoe, Alfred Molina, and Thomas Haden Church as Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, and Sandman in the Raimi trilogy are, in a word, iconic. Dafoe brings a gleeful, cackling hamminess to the Goblin that perfectly suits him and manages to steal every single with how delightfully, cartoonishly evil he is combined with some hilariously chummy moments with Spider-Man. Molina as Ock goes in the opposite direction of hamminess, where instead of making Octavius cartoonishly evil, he gives him this air of gravitas to the point where he somehow manages to make this villain with giant metal tentacles that are controlling his mind come off as sophisticated and serious as Hannibal Lecter. Church meanwhile just looks eerily perfect as Sandman, as if he were ripped straight from the comics and put onscreen, and then of course there’s how well he manages to sell the emotional moments of the character.
The Harrys are a rather mixed bag, sad to say. James Franco and Dennis DeHaan aren’t really bad actors, but they unfortunately have the problem of living in the shadow of the actor who played their dad (Franco) or being in a really awful movie with a terrible script (DeHaan). Franco at least makes up for this by being hilariously, cartoonishly evil to the extent of his dad in the third Raimi film, but DeHaan unfortunately falls rather flat. Topher Grace as Venom is a choice that seems baffling until you realize Raimi cast an actor like this on purpose because he hates Venom so much he didn’t want to give him any dignity.
Jamie Foxx as Electro seems odd at first, but I feel it’s actually a great casting choice, and despite how unbelievably stupid the script is, he’s actually able to do a fairly good job. If his character was in a better movie, he’d probably get a lot less flak (and he’ll be getting his chance soon enough, apparently). Overall, he’s the best part of the Garfield films. Rhys Ifans and Paul Giamatti as Lizard and Rhino are serviceable, but neither film they’re in really gives them much to work with. Giamatti at least gets to steal the show with his brief scenes by being an absolute ham, but Ifans is sadly a bit forgettable in his role (though not for lack of trying on his part).
Now onto the Spider-Verse ensemble! Considering how I gushed over her delightful performance as the Wicked Witch of Westview in WandaVision as well as the fact she is solely responsible for me resurrecting this series from its long hiatus, it should come as no shock at all that Kathryn Hahn as Olivia Octavius is just perfect. Controversial opinion, I know, might get some flak for this hot take. Jorma Taccone as Green Goblin, Joaquin Cosio as Scorpion, and Marvin Jones III as Tombstone all do well for what they’re given, but it’s clear most of the love among Kingpin’s henchmen was given to her (and Prowler, but he got his own review where I talked about how great he is).
Oh, right, Riot. I forgot about him. Riz Ahmed, who plays the human villain Carlton Drake I forgot to mention because he’s incredibly boring, is a really good (and sexy) actor. Unfortunately, he doesn’t get to be quite as good and sexy as an actor like him should be in his dual role. In an interesting subversion of how things usually go, he ends up being rather bland compared to the hammy, bonkers hero. This was Tom Hardy’s show, and no one was stealing it from him.
Final Fate: The Raimi films were all made during a time when, if your name wasn’t Magneto and you were a superhero movie villain, you were dying, a trend I’m certainly glad is finally starting to die off. Thankfully, Green Goblin manages to stick around and posthumously influence Harry, so in his case it’s not so bad. Harry and Doc Ock both manage to overcome the darkness in their hearts at the end and sacrifice their lives to help save the day, while Eddie dies after becoming such a simp for the symbiote he leaps into it while Peter is blowing it up. With Sandman, Peter actually has a touching reconciliation with Sandman at the end, forgiving him for the death of Uncle Ben before Sandman dissolves into dust and floats away on the breeze. And no, this is his power, not Thanos’ snap reaching across time, space, and dimensions; Sandman actually gets out of these films alive.
The other villains actually get off easier, as most of them go to jail. From the Amazing Spider-Man films, DeHaan’s Goblin and Rhys Ifan’s Lizard both end up in prison, and it’s safe to assume that the villains of Spider-Verse are going to jail alongside Kingpin. Octavius was hit by a bus, sure, but considering how popular she ended up being it would be really dumb to have that actually kill her. With Electro and Rhino though, it’s really ambiguous, the former because he’s made of electricity and the way he was defeated means it is possible he survived, and the latter because we never actually see the outcome of his battle with Spider-Man. If the film they were in was actually good and warranted sequels, we may have found out what their true fates were, but at the very least Electro is moving over to the MCU alongside Molina’s Doc Ock.
Oh, right, forgot Riot again. He dies.
Best Scene/Best Quote: I’m combining these this time just to make it easier on me, because in at least in a couple cases the two are the same.
Green Goblin has a lot to choose from, to the point where it’s easy to cop out and just say every scene he’s in is amazing. I’ve always been fond of his chummy chat with Spider-Man on the rooftop, or the scene where he terrifies Aunt May, or the scene where he attacks the parade and vaporizes the board of directors with pumpkin bombs.
Dock Ock is easy: the train battle. This might be one of the best action scenes in any superhero movie ever, and since he’s the villain in it, it almost goes without saying..There’s a reason this scene is singled out so often.
Eddie Brock and DeHaan Goblin actually have their best scenes also be their best lines. Eddie praying for God to kill Peter Parker and DeHaan!Harry screaming “YOU’RE A FRAUD, SPIDER-MAN!” after Spidey refuses to give him a life-saving blood transfusion are just so absolutely hilarious and memorable that you can’t hate them.
Aside from the powerful forgiveness moment at the film’s end, I think it’s really indisputable that the best scene from Sandman, and perhaps the Raimi trilogy as a whole, is the scene of Sandman’s creation. Words really can’t do it justice, so just watch:
Electro’s best moment isn’t even actually part of the movie, unless you want to count his rendition of “The Itsy-Bitsy Spider.” No, his is from a Tumblr post, proving definitively that Electro’s power can not be contained.
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For Olivia, I’d say either of the reveals for her are great. You can go with the twist that she’s the Doc Ock of Miles’ universe, or the twist that she might have fucked Aunt May. Either way, you can’t really go wrong.
The rest of the villains… yeah, I’ve got nothing. At least with Rhino you can say his entire time on screen was fun, but the rest? Nope. They’re kind of just there.
Final Thoughts & Score:
Green Goblin
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Where to begin with this guy? He is everything I look for in a great villain: he’s hammy and cartoonish, he can be terrifying and threatening when he wants to be, he has a ridiculous yet memorable costume, every word out of his mouth is hilarious and memorable, and he’s played by an amazing actor. It’s hard to dispute that Doc Ock is the best villain in Raimi’s trilogy, but Goblin is definitely the most fun. If you thought he’d get less than a 10/10, you thought wrong.
Doctor Octopus
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Aside from Green Goblin, Doc Ock is Spidey’s most iconic and memorable foe, nd this adaptation of him does not disappoint. By making him a more tragic and somewhat anti-villainous figure and putting him in the hands of someone as awesome and talented as Alfred Molina, they managed to make such a cartoonish villain retain that comic book silliness while still being a legitimately imposing antagonist. I suppose it helps that a director who knows how to balance silly and serous like Raimi helps. It’s absolutely not a shock that the MCU wants to bring Molina back, because really, I can’t see anyone making the dubious doctor nearly as cool as the 10/10 performance Molina gave.
Harry Osborn
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Franco’s Harry has an interesting arc, but one that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense under scrutiny. Frankly, his descent into villain is handled well but when he actually gets to be a villain in the third film, things fall apart.. But at any rate, he gets to be cartoonishly hilarious while he pettily ruins Peter’s life, so I think a 3/10 is warranted just for how goofy he is.
Eddie Brock/Venom
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For the longest time, I hated Eddie Brock, but loved the Venom symbiote for its fantastic design… A design hampered by the fact Topher Grace keeps sticking his face through the symbiote and talking in his normal voice. But then one day I remembered Eddie literally prays to God for Peter Parker to die, and I realize that as crappy as this version of Venom is, he’s undoubtedly hilarious. A 3/10 mainly because of how hilariously bad he is, though the design of the symbiote is unironically great. Shame Grace kept sticking his face through and that Raimi hates the character.
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Sandman is a villain who deserved a better movie. Sure, Spider-Man 3 is fun and funny, but a character with this much depth and emotional weight deserved a film of the caliber of Spider-Man 2. At any rate, he adds a bit of class and dignity to the proceedings, and Thomas Haden Church really nails it. He’s a 9/10 for sure.
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Lizard is just a very boring villain, which is a shame because Lizard is not a boring villain in the comics and other media like the cartoons. I don’t really know if he was the best choice for Spider-Man’s first outing; I’ll at least give him that he’s a more inspired choice than doing the Green Goblin again, but that doesn’t score him higher than a 4/10. As boring as he ends up being, that library fight was pretty cool and had a great Stan Lee cameo, so I can’t say he’s the bottom of the barrel.
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Electro is a villain who desperately deserved a better movie. While his backstory as a nerdy fanboy who got kicked around by the world is nothing new, or fresh, or original, Jamie Foxx manages to make the character work fairly well even though almost everything around him is unbelievably stupid. The fact he managed to make “Don’t you know? I’m Electro” sound cool and badass is a testament to his skill, and thankfully he’s coming back in the MCU in some way, so I guess Electro’s power can not be contained to a single movie. Still, this iteration only manages to get to a 6/10, because while all the elements of greatness are there, he’s hampered by the abysmal writing.
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Paul Giamatti certainly looks like he’s having a blast here. His attitude is almost infectious, but alas, his time is too brief to bring any great joy, and his jarring appearance out of nowhere at the end of the film certainly do him no favors. Still, Giamatti keeps Rhino from sinking any lower than a 5/10.
Harry Osborn
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This Harry is just a joke. His arc makes no sense, his actions are unbelievable, and he ends up looking like a really poor Warwick Davis Leprechaun cosplayer. The only thing of note about him is that he’s a Harry who becomes the Green Goblin before his father, something that doesn’t happen very often, and that’s not enough to score this loser higher than a 2/10. Not even killing Gwen Stacy makes him any more impressive, and that’s a real shame.
Olivia Octavius
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Olivia Octavius is widely beloved by just about everyone who sees the film.. myself included. This is just a really fun, clever twist on Doctor Octopus, and it’s the sort of character you really hope gets a Harley Quinn-level break into becoming an iconic character across multiple forms of media. Kathryn Hahn’s fun performance and the wonderful design and fight sequences really make Olivia a 9/10.
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Tombstone is a villain you might actually forget is in the movie, which is a damn shame. He’s an albino black man, a badass bodyguard, and has a striking design, but he gets a single line of dialogue and is tasked with bodyguarding a man who not only has cyborgs under his employ, but who murdered Spider-Man with his bare hands. Tombstone ultimately feels really superfluous, which is a shame because around the same time Into the Spider-Verse came out he had a very memorable and well-liked appearance in the Spider-Man video game. It’s a real shame but I gotta give this version of Tombstone a 2/10.
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Scorpion has a lot of problems of Tombstone above, but he makes up for a lot of his flaws by having a really cool and striking design. Does it really make him a great villain? No. He’s not particularly well-characterized and he’s really just there to look cool and give Olivia backup. He’s a 4/10 at best, saved from being lower only by his awesome look. Looking cool really can get you far in some cases.
Green Goblin
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Out of all the really minor villains in Spider-Verse, this version of Norman might be the best. His role is tiny, only appearing during the scene where the Peter Parker of Miles’ universe gets killed, but his battle with Spider-Man is what sets the entire plot in motion. His cool and terrifying design definitely help make him stand out enough to earn at least a 6/10.
Riot & Carlton Drake
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Look, there’s a reason I kept forgetting these guys. They’re not memorable in the slightest. Venom may be a fantastic work of art, but that’s because Tom Hardy kills it in his dual role as Eddie Brock and the Venom symbiote. Drake is just a boring corporate villain, the kind I hate talking about and the kind I’d only ever even bother mentioning in a review like this. And Riot is just a generic Big Gray CGI Monster for the hero to have a final battle with. Neither of these two are particularly interesting, and neither deserves more than a 2/10.
That’s it, right? There can’t be any more villains, I must have covered them all. Well, not quite. There’s one more character who is most certainly an antagonist and who I really, really want to talk about. And you’re absolutely not going to believe who it is.
You ready?
Psycho Analysis: Emo Peter
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“Now wait,” you may be asking, “Emo Peter? Really? How does he count as a villain?” Well, as Schafrillas pointed out in his video on Spider-Man 3, Emo Peter is actually the antagonist for much of the second act. Peter, influenced by the symbiote, becomes a raging jackass and hurts and alienates everyone around him by being a colossal douchebag, not to mention how violent he gets as Spider-Man. This is very much an extreme case of the hero’s greatest enemy being themselves, because literally, Peter’s enemy in the chunk of the movie with Emo Peter is his own overinflated ego
Motivation/Goals: I mean, at the end of the day, it’s still Peter. He still wants to do the typical Peter Parker stuff, he’s just a jackass while he does it.
Performance: It’s Tobey Maguire busting loose and getting to act like an absolute doofus. There is literally nothing about this that isn’t amazing and I’m sorry if you can’t see it.
Final Fate: Peter eventually comes to realize that maybe the symbiote making him act like an egomaniacal tool is not a good thing, and so rebels against it, ultimately leading him to the roof of a church where Eddie Brock is praying for him to die and, well, the rest is history.
Best Scene:
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Best Dance Move:
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Final Thoughts & Score: Emo Peter has gotten a bad reputation over the years, but Schafrillas’ video really made me rethink why. As he puts it, Emo Peter comes off not as someone cool, but as what a loser thinks a cool person would be (which makes him still a loser). It seems fairly likely that the audience isn’t supposed to be rooting for Emo Peter or finding him cool, but instead finding him insufferable, ridiculous, and funny. We’re supposed to be laughing at Peter’s egomania, at his absurd and hammy showboating, not cheering him on and desiring to emulate him.
And that ultimately makes it more satisfying when Peter overcomes his ego and decides to rid himself of the symbiote. It might seem like I’m giving Spider-Man 3 a lot of credit here, but even Sam Raimi half-assing a movie wouldn’t leave things completely devoid of underlying brilliance. Emo Peter isn’t a villain in the sense that he’s some superpowered antagonist, he’s a physical representation of the negative impacts of fame and ego on Peter. This is Peter letting go of what makes him a hero and just reveling in being an absolute jerkwad to everyone around him.
I love the memes as much as everyone else of course, but Emo Peter is also a pretty clever symbolic foe. But even though I’m giving him an 8/10, we all know the real reason why he’s scoring so high:
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Ok, but that’s it now, right? No more Spider-Man villains? Well, maybe for now. But don’t forget:
There’s gonna be Carnage.
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its-chelisey-stuff · 4 years
Crash landing on you eps 15&16: thoughts on the finale
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Let me just say, first of all, before anything else, that I wasn’t really expecting to hold a “grudge” against this drama, at all. But here we are. I knew that they were gonna give a happy ending to Seri and Captain Ri. I knew it. You knew it, eveyone’s mom knew it. This was a romcom, after all.
What I didn’t know was that I’d end up loving the second leads as much as the main ones. And believe me, after they annoyed the heck out of me for a couple of weeks (earlier into the drama’s run) no one is more surprised than I am.
Full disclosure: I liked this drama, I really did. But I wholeheartedly believe drama episodes should be 1 hour long. So that’s that.
My favorite moments/scenes from this final week in no particular order:
The ahjumas feeding Alberto (I know his name is Gu Seung Jun but it cracks me up to call him Alberto, so that’s how I call him)
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South Korean Agents realizing they have no case of espionage on their hands cause soldiers are just enjoying capitalism (HAHAHAHAHAHA)
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Agents knowing the North Korean Soldier and the South Korean Chaebol are in love (LMAO)
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Alberto giving the ring to Seo Dan (My poor heart)
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Alberto saving Seo Dan (OTP material RIGHT HERE!)
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Seri’s and Captain’s goodbye at the border (Loved the scene, it was beautiful, but this is why it’s a drama, in real life they’d get shot)
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Alberto and Seo Dan in the car (aww their first date!)
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The honest talk between Seo Dan’s mom and Captain’s mom (it hit me in the feels, ALBERTOOO!!!)
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Real kiss scene (I really enjoyed their pecks in the drama, but they were clearly holding back...)
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Ending scene (beautiful, but not really for the romance aspect of it lol, the scenery is just breathtaking)
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Things I really liked about the drama:
The way they carried out the premise till the end, with the head held high
Your drama has already a way too ficticious storyline that already seems more like fantasy and boderline nonsensical? No problemo. Just go with it. And that they did. I mean, my sister and I were laughing at that scene at the border where Seri ran into Captain Ri’s arms and everyone got the guns out but did not shoot, because it was just too much, you know? But to hell with it. This drama threw logic out the window the moment Seri survived that accident that sent her to North Korea.
Seri’s friendship with our four soldiers (plus noisy guy) and the ahjumas
The squad were really like family for her, and what I liked was that they protected her with their lives back in North Korea (when they barely knew her and really helped her when she tried to go back home, many times) but also in the South. And Seri gave them her card to buy whatever they wanted but they still spent so little money. I hope that in the CLOY universe, they get to see each other again and meet for for holidays, like the family they are. 
A pity that Seri could never say goodbye to her ahjuma friends, but it was still really beatiful the way she paid homage to them. She will always remember them.
The ending for OTP
For a drama that didn’t care much for logic or rationality, the end for our OTP actually put a bit (emphasis on the bit) of sense and reality to the story. Maybe one day they will be able to spend the whole 24 hours of the day, seven days a week all 365 days of the year together without worries in the country of their choice, not just Switzerland. This is dramaland in the genre of romcom, anything is possible.
Thinks I didn’t like:
Killing Seung Jun/ Alberto
Seri, Captain, hear this out: I love you and I’m so happy you got a happy ending, but your drama made me so angry at the last episode. IMO there was no reason to kill Seung Jun. And the fact that he was killed off like that and left poor Seo Dan so broken in the end, will always make me feel bitter about this drama.
Lack of screentime for second OTP
You see, in the second part of the drama, when the action moved to the south, my interest stayed in the north with our second leads. The girl who waited 10 years for her crush (a crush that was pretty harmless and childish) and the conman who had an agenda and a plan for revenge in the name of his father. And I really really liked their interactions, even from the beggining. It’s not very often that the secondary OTP manages to get my attention and heart, but they did it. And then the ship sailed and I just got this bad feeling that something was gonna happen... and it did. And my heart got crushed.
LOL And at least Goblin (drawing comparison only because both had one and a half hour long episodes and had crazy ratings) bothered to give more attention and sreentime to their secondary couple. On CLOY when the leads moved to South Korea, Seo Dan and Gu Seung Jun got kind of forgotten, which is the reason I drank their scenes and moments like they were water in the middle of the dessert. Those were precious, till the last second.
Unnecesary focus and sreentime on other things
If you know you know. I love our soldiers, I loved North Korean Ahjumas and I loved all 3 main mothers but sometimes their scenes didn’t add anything much (other than comic relief and it wasn’t always good). And the villains were too silly and took way too much screentime. (And this includes silly brother and silly sister in law a bit) Jesus, I know you’re evil, but you bored me. Here we have people who did way worse things than Alberto but he is the one who died along with North Korean villain (who btw seemed to have 9 lives). Seri’s brother and sister in law who actually tried to have her killed? Oh, no. Just jail for them.
Fishy bussiness with the 2 dads
So, is it me or did I imagine that Captain’s dad was kind of dirty and somehow guilty (but Idk to what extent) of the death of his first son or at least what he was investigating? And, after listening to Alberto’s story, wasn’t Seri’s dad somehow guilty of all the harships Alberto’s family had to go through in the past? I mean, his whole plot of revenge was against the family but more especifically the dad, no? And yet, both fathers had seemingly happy endings and no justice was brought to them. My point is that I think they were bad fathers and also, pretty bad human beings.
And my poor Gu Seung Jun had to die because of I don’t know why. Yep, I’m never letting that go. 
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It was a pretty solid and wonderful ensamble, with a good but kind of crazy premise that had 4 amazing leads. They were awesome, but two of them were underused.
83 notes · View notes
Spider-Man: Life Story #2 Thoughts
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 Very mixed feelings....again
 Let me get this out the way Bagley is the man on this book.  Beautiful art work, beautiful  colouring, the works. I especially love him drawing a MJ reminiscent of his 90s take on her but with more modern art flourishes.
Now onto the nitty gritty.
For the last issue I said I had mixed feelings because the premise for Life Story seemed at odds with what was advertised.
Reading ahead for the solicits for the series it became clear that what we were apparently going to get was the events of Spider-Man’s life playing out in real time wherein each of the stories still happened in the decade/time period they originally occurred in but Peter himself would just be the age he’d realistically have been. For example if Peter was 15 in 1962 then in theory when he deals with Kraven’s Last Hunt in 1987 he’d be 40.
Reading this issue though...even THAT isn’t what this book actually is.
What this book actually is... is Chip Zdarsky’s fanfiction.
It’s just a general Alternate Universe.
It’s not even a What If wherein you presume history to be the same up to a point of divergence then explore the repercussions of that divergence.
Like you’d think wouldn’t you that the changes in Spider-Man’s history would be as the natural result of either him aging in real time or him or at least the natural repercussions of dealing with real life history more realistically. Like you’d have thought in the last issue Norman Osborn going to jail would be because of the Vietnam War in some way.
He goes to jail because Peter just decides in this universe to spill the beans on him.
Even before that Peter’s history was different because how and when Norman confronted Peter about his identity was radically different as well, not to mention Gwen learning his secret.
Gwen is perhaps the centrepiece of why this is just fanfiction and nothing more.
Zdarsky is very plainly a Gwen stan and you can tell from this as well as his OTHER alternate universe in his Spec run where he had Gwen and Peter also end up together.
So here Gwen and Peter got married and were married for a long while and that’s the status quo we’re jumping into.
Gag me.
But it goes deeper than that.
I’ve never been impressed by Zdarksy as a Spider-Man writer and this issue is perhaps a microcosm of why.
This story, this series had a central premise but that’s not the real premise the real premise is for this to be just Chip Zdarksy randomly remixing and changing pieces of Spider-Man’s history anyway he desires.
Like He’s going to vaguely hit certain beats per decade.
In the 1960s Norman will find out who he is and Flash will join the army.
In the 1970s Gwen will die and maybe MJ and Peter will hook up and there will be clones.
In the 1980s if the cover is to be believed he will be buried alive.
In the 1990s we’re probably getting clones.
But it’s superficial. It’s hitting the beats in spirit but not in sunbstance.
Gwen for instance does not die via a bridge, a Goblin and a misplaced webline.
She dies because Harry (not Norman) throws a bomb at a clone of Gwen stuck in a test tube who was actually the real Gwen.
The issue’s quality honestly very much depends upon how far you personally are willing to buy this AU as being just randomly different.
Because of the false advertising it’s curtailing my enjoyment for sure.
But more than this my enjoyment is curtailed because an awful lot of the changes I strongly suspect are not the result of Zdarsky actively choosing to change things but Zdarksy simply being a crap writer and not understanding the characters in general. Also just being bad at common sense things in his writing.
Let’s go through some of those things:
·         Mary Jane getting drunk. Nope. Sorry. Mary Jane was all about her party girl facade and keeping people at a distance, she’d never have compromised her cover and potentially allowed herself to lose control like that. She loved to party and yeah probably enjoyed alcohol but in a controlled manner
  ·         MJ chewing out Peter for allowing Flash to die. WTF was that? MJ knew Peter was Spider-Man and was alternatively sympathetic towards him or else repressed that knowledge because it upset her. It took the Puma invading his home and endangering her life very directly after YEARS for her to finally let that out. Here she sips one too many martinis and it slips out? Not to mention MJ NEVER blamed Peter for Gwen’s death nor Captain Stacy’s. She understood that he couldn’t do everything even with his power and that was when she knew Peter was the guy who literally snapped Gwen’s neck by accident. Does she blame Iron Man and Giant Man for also allowing Flash to die. How does she, or Peter in fact, know Peter would’ve been in Flash’s platoon to protect him in the first place?
    ·         MJ being engaged to Harry. ARE YOU SERIOUS! MJ had COMMTMENT ISSUES why the fuck would she be engaged to him! She also never regarded their relationship as serious at all and broke up with him FFS! This is like screwing up Peter’s origin!
  ·         MJ and Peter tolerate Harry’s drug abuse. Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr what?????????????????? Peter ‘guilt/responsibility’ Parker...just sits back and allows his best friend to kill himself with drugs? Mary Jane does that too? MJ whom it was implied in the Drug Trilogy KNEW about Harry’s problem and drifted away from him because of it? WTF Zdarksy.
    ·         MJ is...a DJ...Um....huh? I suspect all of the above can be explained via Zdarksy adopting a simplistic, superficial and frankly possibly somewhat sexist attitude to MJ’s ‘party girl’ label
  ·          Why is Norman still in jail? We know from Marvel Knights he had a contingency in place if he was ever jailed wherein Aunt May would be kidnapped and Peter thus forced to liberate him, a plan he had in place since shortly after he found out Peter’s identity. In this universe Norman knew Peter’s secret for ages BEFORE acting on it so he had plenty of time to dream up that plan but here the plan he made AFTER he was jailed was to get his son to hire a professor to create a clone of himself upon which to pin the blame for his crimes???? That doesn’t even make sense since it doesn’t exonerate him!
  The general public would just find out that in spite of the overwhelming evidence the Green Goblin wasn’t Norman Osborn just someone who looked like and had his exact genetics (could genetic science even detect a difference between an original or a clone back in the 1970s?). How does that exonerate him? Wouldn’t someone question if maybe Norman just had the clone created after the fact which is exactly what he did?
    Why even go to the trouble of doing that, you might as well have someone with plastic surgery or a mask look like Norman Osborn and reveal they framed Norman for some reason. Or have ANYONE ELSE dress up as the Goblin instead, like Harry for instance instead of having him be...ugh...the Black Goblin...In Hobgoblin Lives Macendale revealing he wasn’t the original Hobgoblin created enough doubt that his case stood a better chance surely Norman could pull the same trick...you know....like he has in canon...twice...Also what was Norman’s plan anyway, the clone of himself gets jailed then he gets free and then...he goes back to being the Goblin...what?????????????
·         Norman considering Peter his true heir makes no sense. Yeah eventually Norman dreamed up that scheme but it took him years and multiple defeats by Peter whilst feeling harry was a failure. In this universe none of that history is there, he even respects Harry to a degree so why would he feel Peter was the better choice for his heir?
  ·         Norman dreamed up the clone scheme because he wanted to shatter Peter’s sense of identity. If his hang up was Peter would make a great heir for himself back during the Clone Saga or even after why the fuck did he try to recruit the real Peter instead of just creating a clone for himself? Because to Norman a clone is genuinely a lesser, not a true person at all. So why make a clone Peter in the first place?
    ·         Why do the clones of Peter and Gwen adopt the last names ‘Parker’. Surely a guy called ‘Ben Parker’ who looks just like Peter Parker, who’d dead uncle was Ben Parker, who is also married to a woman who looks like Peter Parker’s dead wife, named after the mother of Peter Parker’s dead mother-in-law would raise some questions. Was Zdarsky really so adverse to just calling them ‘Ben and Helen Reilly’
  ·         I get that they are both clones but the implication here is that Ben and ‘Helen’ are now in a relationship. Why? Ben couldn’t possibly have all of Peter’s up to date memories and Helen was presumed to be the real Gwen ever since she and Peter got married (I’ll explain why in a moment). That means from Helen’s point of view the man she married and was in love with was Peter and not Ben and from Peter’s point of view, sure he married a clone and not the real deal but...so what? From MJ’s point of view in the 1990s Clone Saga most of her relationship with Peter, including their marriage had actually been with the clone not the real Peter, but he was the person she had that history with and was in love with. Helen IS the woman Peter loved and married and she even implies as much when she states because she has all of Gwen’s memories she and MJ will always be friends. So why are she and Peter breaking up? Why is Peter acting like the woman he actually married and had many years of matrimony with dead when in effect he loved two identical women and one of them died. He’s acting like he’s a widower and Helen is meaningless which doesn’t make any sense. Same with Helen, she’s just hooking up with Ben because he’s a clone like her and is nearly identical to her husband but...he isn’t. Peter is the man she loves, Ben hasn’t got all his memories or anything. It’s just a mess
  ·         What was Warren’s plan here? Replace the real Gwen with a clone, put her in a test tube and then somehow this will allow him to be with her? I know Warren is nuts but his mania when it comes to Gwen always made sense within his warped logic
  ·         Warren cloning Gwen and giving her away doesn’t even make sense. Warren only cloned Gwen because she died, he wanted to in a sense bring her back to life. He never tried to clone her when she was alive and practically engaged with Peter. He didn’t even like the idea of any version of Gwen potentially being with Peter, which is why he created a clone of himself to hook up with the Gwen clone he created. Here he’s created a clone of Gwen to what? Trick Peter into marrying the fake while he gets to keep the real one in mint condition in a tank? What??????????????????
  ·         The reason I say Helen must have been the one who married Peter is because there is no way in Hell Warren would have walked the real Gwen down the aisle to marry Peter. Not ever. But if that is the intention...it makes no sense
  ·         Why is Warren nice to Peter? In those silver age stories he was gruff and not that nice to him a lot of the time precisely because he was jealous of him. What, because he has the real Gwen that means he’s okay with Peter?
  ·         Doc Ock is a reformed bad guy because in spite of the age difference and the fact that he’s nearly died multiple times (like I dunno in the accident that gave him his powers in the first place) marrying Aunt May and having a heart attack made him change his ways. Um...no...No, no, no those things would absolutely not cause Doc Ock to change his ways. He never really loved Aunt May, he just had affection for her because of his own Mommy issues and he’s nearly died countless times. Like surely the fact that he remained a villain after all those times, including his near death misses across Superior Spider-Man and Slott’s run, barely sort of reforming right at the end of ASM #800, is proof Doc Ock isn’t the guy who stops to smell the roses after a near miss. Not to mention in this universe I guess Spider-Man didn’t stop the wedding in time so Otto actually married Aunt May and then...was content to just wait until she died to get that island she inherited....
  ·         Zdarsky apparently loved those Marc Webb movies because he not only wrote Gwen closer to Emma Stone, not only shipped her with Peter, but also leaned in on the Osborn sickness thing and decided to borrow the whole ‘Peter is a better son than you Harry’ angle from the Raimi movies too. Because why use the real canon I guess
  ·         Why does anyone blame Peter for not helping Flash when fucking Iron Man and Giant Man are in Vietnam too?
  ·         Why kill Flash? Again, wasn’t this series supposed to be Spider-Man’s life just in real time? You’ve just blown up all those Hobgoblin and Agent Venom stories playing out in real time because you wanted to do something arbitrarily different that also wanted to pretend like MJ would be super angry about Flash dying because Peter could have saved him...somehow...what?
  ·         I’m sorry but...how the Hell is the Vietnam War still happening if Iron Man and Giant Man are involved? In the actual 1960s-1970s you had to suspend your disbelief about heroes involved in the war because realistically they would have altered it’s outcome, much as Superman could’ve ended WWII in a day. But in this AU Captain America, Iron Man AND Giant Man, super powered beings with immense intelligence and tech resources are actively involved in the war. Why the fuck are the Viet Cong still a thing at that point. I’m not trying to diss the real life Viet Cong, but realistically they might be able to fend off the then contemporary united states military but IRON MAN too? No absolutely not, Stark would’ve found a way to deal with them very easily just as Doctor Manhattan did in Watchmen
  ·         Why is Iron Man even involved? Wasn’t Tony Stark’s whole origin about him realizing weapons are bad, war profiteering is bad, it hurts everyone. Why then is he using his weapon of war, the Iron Man armour, to help fight the Viet Cong??????????????????
  ·         And on top of all this shit...the timeline doesn’t even make sense. This is essentially the Clone Saga/the Death of Gwen Stacy reference right? Okay cool...the latter happened in 1973 and the former in 1975...so why the fuck does this issue happen in 1977 with the epilogue in 1978????????????????????
  I guess if you just entirely turn your brain off and treat this as akin to the Ultimate Universe where things are different for the sake of being different and all the riffing on the original history is fanservice then it’s enjoyable enough.
  But as advertised, as obviously intended...its immensely problematic.
  And frankly, once and for all this issue alone has convinced me Zdarksy is not a good Spider-Man writer because he clearly does not get these characters.
  P.S. The redesigned costume looked...nice....but again it plays into the ‘this is different for the sake of being different’ thing rather than actually being a change that’d be natural due to the alterations in history.
  P.P.S. Once again the real life historical aspects of the issue aren’t really relevant to the primary plot of the issue, and are window dressing at best. Actually they’re even more window dressing that issue #1
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ask-screamspider · 2 years
I've decided to throw asks at people in The Cluster because, to be honest, I don't know most of you too well, and I sure would like to. So uhhh tell me a bit about yourself, I guess??? I didn't really think this through
oh s hit there are a lot of us thisll get long. readmore time
anyway! hi im cecil robinson, aka screamspider! he/him. i am supposed to be the owner of this blog but parker usually ends up being more active than me. im a musician + a waiter at a gay bar. if you see me awake at 2am i work nights its fiine. i grew up in a shitty town in ohio and moved here for college (music and journalism degree!) and to get away from my shitty uber-catholic grandma. i accidentally walked into parker's office without knocking, witnessed an eldritch horror, and had to have my humanity stolen by an eldritch god to not go completely mad! typical day at community college. anyway now i kill gods lol
I- Okay, Cecil. That's one way to put it. Hello, I'm Peter Parker, but Mr. Parker is fine too. He/It. Don't call me Spider-Man, its just Spider. I'm a journalism professor. Uh, 12 years ago or so, I was chosen by an eldritch god in order to prevent the destruction of the Earth by its own kind, and I've been pretty much following that ever since.
Uh, hi. My name's Harry, he/him (..probably. still hesitant about that). Green Goblin II I guess, but I'm not like, a hero or anything. I've never actually.. had a job. Yay being housebound. I'm the son of Norman Osborn (< shitty CEO), and I was stuck in my own house pretty much my entire life because of having a mental illness in the 1910s. Sigh. Anyway, way later I met Peter, we had a relationship, and 6 months later my own father killed me because he was transformed into a goblin creature by the Chameleon. Turns out he had already devoted me to the Chameleon as well, and after eight years of sitting around in its world, I finally let it ressurect me and shove me back to the mortal plane. ...Everything that happened after that can be read on this blog.
Hello! I'm MJ (031095 edition). She/they and mayybe he? Still figuring that out. No alias. I'm the director of theatrical arts at the University of Queens. I travelled around as a kid, my dad (he was shitty) got thrown into jail for murdering a low level city official, I moved to NY to live with my aunt, and I've been here ever since! Found out about the Entities from Peter, on our first date.
(ooc. MJ is also, in fact, a compulsive liar. She killed that low level city official and framed her dad (with the help of Mysterio) in a desperate bid to get out of his household. No one knoes this, yet.)
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anythingstephenking · 3 years
Mr. Manager
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We made it to the Bill Hodges trilogy yo! I’ve been looking forward to these, mostly because they seem to be the most popular of this century’s King. I understand why; these books seem to be Stephen King writes John Grisham novels, and who(’s grandpa) doesn’t love a Grisham?
King calls this his first “hard-boiled detective” book, and I suppose that’s true, although both his Hard Case Crime books come close, falling short by having “normies” solve those cases.
I didn’t expect anything that goes bump-in-the-night here, but for what it lacks in the supernatural it makes up for in positively disgusting incest and racism.
Rant break: We’re in 2014. I’ve cringed through a lot of overt racism in King’s earlier work, and was cautiously hopeful we’d turned the corner here. I was wrong; there’s racism AND homophobia here, and I know it exists to distinguish between the good guys (the ones that DON’T use the n-word) and the bad guys (the ones that do) but c’mon man. We know the serial killer is a bad guy. He has sex with his mom! And killed a bunch of people! We don’t need him to be racist to know he’s a douche. I just don’t like it.
Ok, now that I got that out of my system, let’s discuss. There’s really not a ton to unpack here honestly. Bill Hodges is a recently retired detective and if you’ve ever seen a single cop movie you know they’re no good at being retired. Listless and bored, he gains 30 pounds and considers killing himself. Until a letter arrives from the perpetrator of his most publicized cold case - the Mercedes Killer. Mr. Mercedes wants Bill to kill himself. And Bill’s all “nuhuh, I say when I kill myself ya fucker” and it’s off to the races.
Sidenote: I just about peed myself when Derry Public Radio said that Mr. Mercedes reminded them of the Mr. Manager gag on Arrested Development, thus the title of this entry was born.
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Back when he was investigating the killing spree, Hodges was real shitty to Olivia Trelawny, the owner of car that was stolen to run over a bunch of people (including a baby). Can you imagine if you came out of your house in the morning, your car was gone, then you learn the person that stole it used it to murder a bunch of people. And then YOU got blamed for negligence? Seriously, fuck that logic.
So Bill is on the case, now motivated somehow to not kill himself but find Mr. Manager. He starts with Janelle, Olivia’s sister, who inherited her estate after she KILLED HERSELF BECAUSE SHE GOT BLAMED FOR SOMETHING SHE HAD NO PART OF. Janey is foxy (of course she is) and described as being “striking for 44″. Excuse me sir??? Fuck right off with that shit.
Janey is kind to Bill, even from the get-go, and I’m all “huh?” cause ya know the dead sister stuff. Turns out Olivia was getting letters from Mr. Manager too, and Janey hires Bill to find out who he is. Bill’s all “sure I was gunna do it anyway, but it’ll be more fun with a hot piece of ass like you”. Do you like my imagined dialogue?
Bill’s a fat retired cop and Janey is a hot tamale with a cool 7 mil in the bank, but they fall for each other anyway. He describes her body as “hard against his flab” when they finally hook up. It’s written in a believable way, but like still, yuck. Maybe because I’ll be 44 soon and I don’t want to fall in love with a retired cop in his 60s? Always all about me.
The story really gets fun as Bill picks up steam and a merry band of crimefighting misfits along the way. Jerome, his 17 year old neighbor becomes IT support; Janey’s cousin Holly becomes… somehow also IT support? They’re all so adorable and their witty banter made me giggle more than once.
Meanwhile, Mr. Manager, whose name is Brady, is running around, taunting Bill and planning his next big ka-powey. Oh and also getting handys from his mom. No more gross handys Stephen King! Enough is enough.
The clock ticks down to LITERALLY the last second as the merry misfits chase down Brady. I honestly thought they were all gunna die. Because Janey does. I skipped that part, but yeah, she gets blown up. Major bummer.
Bill, for some reason, does not inform any single person of authority about what is happening, as a deranged mommy-lover is packing four pounds of explosives into a boy band concert. WHAT. And then he has a heart attack! Like there’s 4,000 people’s lives on the line bro, call for help and maybe don’t leave it all on the line while quite literally chasing a murderer carrying 30 extra lbs. Just a thought. If Holly and Jerome hadn’t saved the day, Bill would certainly be transported to jail from the hospital. But the tension is high and I couldn’t put the book down, so all this poor decision making proves for strong storytelling.
We do get a great cliffhanger at the end, and… duh duh duh…. We haven’t seen the last of Mr. Manager. I’m glad the core gang made it through and I assume they will all be back in Finder’s Keepers. I hear Holly runs through to The Outsider, so I can breathe a sigh of relief that she’s safe for now.
By the end I didn’t hate Bill as much, but I really hope there’s no more May-December romances in the next ones.
First Line: Augie Odenkirk had a 1997 Datsun that still ran in spite of high mileage, but gas was expensive, especially for a man with no job, and City Center was on the far side of town, so he decided to take the last bus of the night.
Last Line: “He says he has a headache. And he’s asking for his mother.”
Another adaptation I was excited for and let down by. Great streak on enjoying books, terrible streak on enjoying adaptations.
The series Mr. Mercedes is well reviewed and rated, so I could be in the wrong here, but in the age of prestige crime dramas, this didn’t hold it’s weight for me. I have also watched literally every crime drama (most European) available on streaming services so I have a high bar for excellence. They know how to tell a good detective story in Sweden, just saying.
Anywho, King’s said he wrote Bill Hodges with Brendan Gleeson in mind, and here he is, playing the role. That’s what’s called “putting it into the universe.” I know Brendan Gleeson has a long, illustrious career, but if you can listen to him talk without hearing “it tastes like goblin piss” in Mad-Eyed Moody’s voice, you are a better person than me.
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Mary Louise-Parker is TOO HOT FOR BRENDAN GLEESON. Gah, I know I am a broken record but C’mon.
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At least in the series they decided to have Bill ask the cops for help before he keels over with a heart attack, so that was good.
I’ll skip seasons 2 & 3, assuming they follow the plots of Finders Keepers and End of Watch. No more goblin piss for me. I’m watching The Killing now as a palate cleanser. I’m weird.
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reversewerewolf · 6 years
Answer character creation questions for your D&D boys!
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)?
Appearance and personality…? I wanted a sassy gay elf lol
2. Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind?
No, I didn’t really know the setting or the other characters when I was doing character creation.
3. How did you choose their name?
My best friend/DM for the campaign I use Naveen in actually named him. I had a name for him and it didn’t fit, and I was struggling before the start of the first session. She asked me a bunch of questions about him and named him at the table literally five minutes before we started the first session of the campaign. It fits him better than any name I could’ve chosen for him.
4. In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they live in played the most influential parts?
Not applicable… I hashed out a very basic backstory for him before our first session, but didn’t know anything about the world until later.
5. Is there any significance behind their hair color?
6. Is there any significance behind their eye color?
7. Is there any significance behind their height?
8. What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story?
I relate to Naveen a lot. He tends to feel very alone and even though he doesn’t want to burden others with his problems he relies on other people very heavily… he wants to be a better person, and he wants to be more confident in himself and his ability to love other people. He wants to lift other people up and make the people he cares about happy.
He’s also fat and trans, lol.
9. Are they based off of you, in some way?
No. As he grows as a person, I find he has traits I’d like to see in myself, though, lol.
10. If they have an LI, how much of their character is tailored to be compatible to that person?
Assuming this means love interest?? He has crushes on like… three to four people. Maybe more… No part of him was made to be compatible with any of them, and he’s not compatible with any of them.
Maybe with Reginald…
11. Did you know what the OC’s sexuality would be at the time of their creation?
I mean… I went into creating him like “bitchy gay elf haha” but like, the finer details of it, not really? He likes people regardless of gender. I also thought he was asexual at first which has turned out not to be true in the least.
12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)?
When I created him I wanted to draw him, obviously, but I hadn’t tried to draw seriously in at least two years. I had a set idea of what I wanted him to look like and didn’t have the skills to do that which is why the initial drawings I have of him are so different from how he looks now - I went outside my comfort zone to try and teach myself how to draw different hair and body types, for example. I’ve gotten better, but that was really hard.
I also try to write poems as him to get a better feel for his character, which has been helpful, but was difficult as I hadn’t tried to write a poem in over a decade.
13. How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all?
We haven’t finished the canon yet!
I just want his story to end happily.
14. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be?
1. He’s going to do stuff I don’t want him to.2. I should lean into that a little bit from time to time.
15. What is something about your OC can make you laugh?
He’s very easy to pick on, which tends to make for funny situations.
16. What is something about your OC can make you cry?
He’s a fucking idiot who doesn’t know how to relate to other people and he constantly puts his foot in his mouth and it’s so frustrating.
17. Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story?
Uhh… I regret his whole existence sometimes.
I didn’t want him to be horny but he is and I hate that.
18. What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC?
He likes kids, which is sort of surprising? Like, they’ve found themselves around a bunch of goblin kids and a little vampire girl and he was kind of overwhelmed at first because he hasn’t spent a lot of time around kids, but he really loved them. He was amused by their antics and wants to take care of them.
19. What is your favorite fact about your OC?
The two strands of hair that frame his face are coiled just a little bit tighter than the rest of his hair because he twirls them around his fingers when he’s nervous!
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)?
I just wanted a beastmaster ranger. (Naveen was initially going to be one but another player claimed that class first!!) Dro’gul has actually been through a lot of iterations. He was initially a female half-elf and has gone through a lot of revamps until he became something I was happy with.
2. Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind?
Sort of. I wanted a character whose personality would mesh better with this particular campaign’s chaotic team than my straight-laced, goody-two-shoes drow wizard.
3. How did you choose their name?
I liked the shorter name “Gul” for a while because it frequently came up on the Orc name generator I used, lol. I found out during that time that it also means “rose” in Persian, which I thought was sweet. I just added “Dro” to make it longer.
4. In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they live in played the most influential parts?
Honestly? None at first… In fact his backstory really makes very little sense for the time period this particular campaign is set in (1920′s, but we all keep forgetting and picture it as medieval fantasy…).
My friend was also wanting to switch their character to someone more fitting for the vibe of the campaign, so our DM asked if our characters could know each other. We linked their backstories (”he broke her out of jail and they’ve been together since!”) and it quickly went downhill into shipping them, lol. That’s been more influential. But it’s fun and it’s solidified who he is as a character very significantly.
5. Is there any significance behind their hair color?
6. Is there any significance behind their eye color?
To match his wolf!
7. Is there any significance behind their height?
Wanted… big boi
8. What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story?
I relate a lot to Dro’gul as a survivor of family abuse who struggles with PTSD. He’s been through more and worse than I’ve been through but I relate to the feelings of despair and guilt and panic that he feels. He’s done bad things and he thinks he’s a bad person though he tries to combat that line of thinking. He wants to do good to make up for the bad he’s done. He wants to raise other people up.
9. Are they based off of you, in some way?
No, though we share the self-deprecation and (usually unintentional) self-sacrifice.
10. If they have an LI, how much of their character is tailored to be compatible to that person?
He’s dating my friend’s tiefling sorcerer, Nowhere. They were created separately from each other, and he wasn’t tailored to be compatible with her, but they work well together incidentally. I love them together very much but with that said his devotion to her is pretty decidedly unhealthy. If she felt like taking advantage of his good nature it would be easy for her to do so. (She doesn’t want to, luckily!)
11. Did you know what the OC’s sexuality would be at the time of their creation?
Not in the least. When I created him I wasn’t really thinking about his romantic or sexual preferences. I kind of assumed he was straight for a bit but I was incorrect. I also thought he was cis, but he’s nonbinary - he’s comfortable being identified as male but he doesn’t really care about differences in gender one way or another and thinks the idea that there are masculine traits and feminine traits are ridiculous.
12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)?
I… can’t draw muscles or strong jawlines or body hair or tusks or curly hair, but he has all of those things.
I’m still learning.
13. How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all?
I’ve talked about his plans with Nowhere with Nowhere’s player, but for now those will remains secret! We haven’t finished the campaign and therefore the canon yet so it’s up in the air either way.
14. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be?
1. He’s an idiot2. He’s going to die because he’s an idiot
15. What is something about your OC can make you laugh?
His lack of intelligence makes for funny moments - for example, someone described coffee to him and he became convinced coffee was drugs. He also thought their very short party member was an actual child. Both of these are things he believed for some time.
16. What is something about your OC can make you cry?
He’s got too good of a heart and he’s going to get hurt because of it.
17. Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story?
I wish his conversation confessing to Nowhere had been more romantic. But, it was really awkward and genuine, which makes more sense narratively, so I’m okay with it.
18. What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC?
He’s got a lot more anxiety than I thought he did, lol.
19. What is your favorite fact about your OC?
He fidgets a lot when he’s nervous - runs his hands through his hair, rubs the tips of his tusks against his upper lip, rubs his cheek. He cute.
0 notes
virginiamurrayblog · 6 years
What’s Coming (and Going) on Netflix Canada in September 2018
Storm Reid plays Meg Murry in A Wrinkle in Time (Photo: Netflix Canada)
If you’re a *maje* TV and movie junkie, you know that September is one of the best times to get your binge watching on. There are literally so many series, flicks and documentaries hitting your screen this month—no matter what you’re into. In the mood to bawl like a wee baby? Check out season 2 of This Is Us (*sobs*). Want to cry-laugh into your bowl of popcorn? Say yes to Bridesmaids. Desperate for a feel-good romcom? We recommend Sierra Burgess is a Loser. If you don’t know where to begin, we rounded up all the TV shows and movies coming (like Disney’s A Wrinkle in Time starring literal queens Oprah, Reese Witherspoon and Mindy Kaling) and going (like OG romcom How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days) on Netflix Canada in September 2018.
September 1:
Bad Neighbors 2 
Synopsis: When a sorority with a progressive agenda moves in next door, parents Mac and Kelly must keep them at bay before closing the deal on their house sale.
Death at a Funeral 
Synopsis: When a Los Angeles family’s patriarch dies, his dutiful eldest son plans the funeral—which becomes a fiasco thanks to a colorful cast of attendees.
Family Guy, season 16 
Synopsis: In Seth MacFarlane’s no-holds-barred animated show, buffoonish Peter Griffin and his dysfunctional family experience wacky misadventures.
The Flash, seasons 1-4 
Synopsis: A forensics expert who wakes from a coma with amazing new powers squares off against forces threatening the city in this live-action superhero romp.
Synopsis: Will Smith stars as Hancock, a down-and-out superhero who’s forced to employ a public relations expert to help repair his image.
Maniac (Photo: Netflix Canada)
The Hollars 
Synopsis: A man returns to his small hometown after learning that his mother has fallen ill and is about to undergo surgery.
Kramer vs. Kramer 
Synopsis: Ted is a career-driven yuppie whose wife leaves him and their six-year-old son. As he adjusts to life as a full-time dad, she comes to reclaim the boy.
La Catedral del Mar (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: In 14th-century Barcelona, a serf’s determined climb to wealth and freedom incurs the disdain of the noble class and the suspicion of the Inquisition.
Synopsis: In Jim Henson’s fantasy, teen Sarah embarks on a life-altering quest to rescue her little brother from the clutches of a treacherous goblin.
Synopsis: Identical twins and notorious gangsters Reggie and Ronnie Kray elude the authorities in 1960s London while transfixing and terrifying the public.
Quincy (Photo: Netflix Canada)
Monkey Twins (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Inspired by Khon dance drama and Thai martial arts, a fighter scarred by the past joins forces with a determined cop to battle an organized crime ring.
Mr. Sunshine (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: A young boy who ends up in the U.S. after the 1871 Shinmiyangyo incident returns to Korea at a historical turning point and falls for a noblewoman.
Sisters (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Her dad’s deathbed confession leads Julia to discover she has more than 100 brothers and two sisters: troubled TV star Roxy and uptight lawyer Edie.
September 2:
Quantico, Season 3
Synopsis: When evidence in a deadly terrorist attack implicates FBI trainee Alex Parrish (played by former FLARE cover girl Priyanka Chopra), she must discover which one of her classmates framed her.
September 4:
Marvel Studios’ Black Panther
Synopsis: T’Challa, heir to the hidden but advanced kingdom of Wakanda, must step forward to lead his people into a new future and must confront a challenger from his country’s past.
Marvel Studios’ Black Panther (Photo: Netflix Canada)
September 5:
A Million Ways to Die in the West 
Synopsis: After backing out of a duel and losing his girlfriend, sheep farmer Albert slowly rebuilds his self-respect with the help of a married woman.
The Adjustment Bureau 
Synopsis: A successful new congressman finds himself entranced by a beautiful ballerina, but mysterious forces are conspiring to prevent their love affair.
Synopsis: When an underemployed baker becomes her best friend’s maid-of-honor, she almost ruins the big day due to her competition with the other bridesmaids.
Drag Me to Hell 
Synopsis: Christine is convinced that she’s been cursed after crossing paths with a Gypsy. Now, she has only days to keep her soul from being dragged to hell.
Synopsis: A 16-year-old “good girl” goes to a party with her best friend and meets a handsome, enigmatic guy from the wrong side of the tracks.
The Good Cop (Photo: Netflix Canada)
Land of the Lost 
Synopsis: After uncovering a portal to an alternate universe populated by strange creatures, Dr. Rick Marshall must navigate a dangerous new world.
National Lampoon’s Animal House 
Synopsis: Dean Wormer puts the titular frat on double-secret probation, and it’s up to Bluto, Flounder, Pinto and the rest of the brothers to get even.
Synopsis: After a rowdy fraternity moves next door to a couple with a newborn and changes the block into party central, an epic battle ensues.
Synopsis: Two sci-fi freaks on quest to discover what lies at the heart of Nevada’s infamous Area 51 cross paths with an alien on the run.
September 6:
Once Upon a Time, season 7 
Synopsis: In this fantasy series, a young woman is drawn to a small Maine town and discovers that it’s filled with elements of the fairy tale world.
Atypical, Season 2 (Photo: Netflix Canada)
September 7:
Atypical, season 2 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: While Elsa and Doug face the aftermath of their marriage crisis and Casey tries to adjust to her new school, Sam prepares for life after graduation.
Cable Girls, season 3 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: After a tragedy, Lidia fights passionately for her family, Carlota finds her voice, Ángeles goes undercover and Marga reveals a talent for accounting.
City of Joy (Netflix Original documentary)
Synopsis: Women who’ve been sexually brutalized in war-torn Congo begin to heal at City of Joy, a center that helps them regain a sense of self and empowerment.
First and Last (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Filmmakers go inside Georgia’s Gwinnett County Jail to capture two days that define an inmate’s experience: the first and last.
Marvel’s Iron Fist, season 2 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: With the defeat of the Hand, Chinatown is left vulnerable to turf wars, and Danny must protect the streets of New York.
Marvel’s Iron Fist (Photo: Netflix Canada)
The Most Assassinated Woman in the World (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: In 1930s Paris, an actress famous for her gory death scenes at the Grand Guignol Theater contends with a mysterious stalker and ghosts from her past.
Next Gen (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: A friendship with a top-secret robot turns a lonely girl’s life into a thrilling adventure as they take on bullies, evil bots and a scheming madman.
Sierra Burgess Is A Loser (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: Smart high school girl Sierra teams up with a more popular girl hoping to win over her crush. Starring Shannon Purser (Barb on “Stranger Things”).
Stretch Armstrong & the Flex Fighters, Season 2 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Wrongly accused for the attack on Rook Tower, the Flex Fighters must protect their city as wanted men. Will Charter City ever trust them again?
September 9:
Wynonna Earp, season 2
Synopsis: The outcast descendant of lawman Wyatt Earp teams up with an immortal Doc Holliday to rid the world of demonic revenants from the Wild West.
Sierra Burgess is a Loser (Photo: Netflix Canada)
September 11:
Daniel Sloss: Live Shows (Netflix Original comedy)
Synopsis: The dark mind of Daniel Sloss is back, and he’s ready to find the funny in some very taboo topics, from the deeply personal to the highly irreverent.
The Resistance Banker (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: Risking his family and future, a banker in occupied Amsterdam slows the Nazi war machine by creating an underground bank to fund the resistance.
September 12:
Synopsis: The life and work of the renowned primatology scientist, Jane Goodall, especially on her research about chimpanzees.
On My Skin (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: Arrested for a drug-related offense, Stefano Cucchi suffers at the hands of Italy’s Carabinieri police and a broken legal system. Based on true events.
September 14:
American Vandal, season 2 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: In the wake of the first documentary’s success, Peter and Sam seek a new case and settle on a stomach-churning mystery at a Washington high school.
The Walking Dead, season 8 (Photo: Netflix Canada)
The Angel (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: While operating at the highest levels of Egypt’s government, Ashraf Marwan walks a dangerously thin line as a spy for Israel. Based on a true story.
Archer, season 9 
Synopsis: Suave, sophisticated spy Archer may have the coolest gadgets, but he still has issues when it comes to dealing with his boss, who is also his mother.
Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures, season 1 
Synopsis: Get to know Barbie and her BFFs—including next-door neighbor Ken—in this animated vlog of adventures filmed inside her family’s new dreamhouse.
Bleach (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: When high schooler Ichigo is suddenly given reaper abilities, he really wants to give the powers back. But he’ll have to reap some souls first.
BoJack Horseman, season 5 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: BoJack’s back on screen as the star of Philbert, a new detective series produced by Princess Carolyn. But his demons are out in full force.
City of Joy (Photo: Netflix Canada)
Car Masters: Rust to Riches (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: The colorful crew at Gotham Garage overhauls an eclectic collection of cars, trading their way up to a showstopper they can sell for big bucks.
The Dragon Prince (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Two human princes forge an unlikely bond with the elven assassin sent to kill them, embarking on an epic quest to bring peace to their warring lands.
Ingobernable, season 2 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Emilia takes on the leader of a drug trafficking empire in her fight to reunite her family and reduce corruption in her country.
The Land of Steady Habits (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: After leaving his wife and his job to find happiness, Anders begins a clumsy, heartbreaking quest to reassemble the pieces of his fractured life.
Last Hope (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: After causing the near extinction of mankind seven years ago, genius scientist Leon Lau must now fight the ecological disaster he unwittingly created.
Norm Macdonald Has a Show (Photo: Netflix Canada)
Norm Macdonald Has a Show (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Comedian Norm Macdonald hosts this talk show with celebrity guests, unexpected conversation and a behind-the-scenes view into Norm’s world.
Super Monsters Monster Party, Songs (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Sing along and move to this groovy collection of music videos featuring monster friends Katya, Lobo, Zoe, Drac, Cleo and Frankie!
September 17:
The Witch 
Synopsis: Believing that a witch has cursed their family, pilgrims homesteading on the edge of a primeval New England forest become increasingly paranoid.
September 18:
D.L. Hughley: Contrarian (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Comedian D.L. Hughley riffs on politics, Black Panther, his upbringing and more in a rapid-fire stand-up show at Philadelphia’s Merriam Theater.
September 20:
The Good Place, season 2 
Synopsis: Due to an error, self-absorbed Eleanor Shellstrop (played by comedy queen Kristen Bell) arrives at the Good Place after her death. Determined to stay, she tries to become a better person.
The Good Place, season 2 (Photo: Netflix Canada)
September 21:
Battlefish (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Over the course of the fishing season, a group of fishing boats pursues the lucrative albacore tuna in the competitive waters off the Oregon coast.
Dragon Pilot: Hisone & Masotan (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Recently stationed Air Self-Defense Force rookie Hisone Amakasu is chosen by a dragon concealed within Gifu Air Base to be his pilot.
The Good Cop (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Honest cop Tony Jr. gets advice from his unscrupulous father, retired NYPD officer Tony Sr., about everything from his job to his love life.
Gotham, season 4 
Synopsis: Long before he was commissioner, rookie cop James Gordon takes on Gotham City crime and corruption to avenge the murder of Bruce Wayne’s parents.
Gotham, season 4 (Photo: Netflix Canada)
Hilda (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Join Hilda as she travels from a wilderness full of elves and giants to Trolberg, a bustling city packed with new friends and mysterious creatures.
Maniac, Limited Series (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Two strangers find themselves caught up in a mind-bending pharmaceutical trial gone awry. Starring Emma Stone and Jonah Hill.
Nappily Ever After (Netflix Original film) 
Synopsis: Violet has it all: the perfect job, the perfect relationship and the perfect hair. Until she doesn’t. What happens when being perfect isn’t enough?
Quincy (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: The life and career of legendary music producer Quincy Jones are traced in this biographical documentary directed by his daughter, Rashida Jones.
September 23:
The Walking Dead, season 8
Synopsis: In the wake of a zombie apocalypse, survivors hold on to the hope of humanity by branding together to wage a fight for their own survival.
Nappily Ever After (Photo: Netflix Canada)
September 25:
Disney’s A Wrinkle in Time
Synopsis: After the disappearance of her scientist father, three peculiar beings send Meg, her brother, and her friend to space in order to find him.
Marvel Studios’ Iron Man 2
Synopsis: When an unscrupulous arms maker teams with a rogue Russian physicist, it’s up to Iron Man and his friend Lt. Col. James Rhodes to take them down.
September 26:
Lethal Weapon, season 2 
Synopsis: After losing his wife and unborn child, ex-Navy SEAL Riggs joins the LAPD, where his recklessness creates tensions with seasoned partner Murtaugh.
Norsemen, season 2 (Netflix Original series)
The sea road to the west has been found, but Norheim’s villagers must still cope with power struggles and the ever-present threat of Jarl Varg.
This Is Us, season 2 
Synopsis: A couple expecting triplets find themselves with a brood they weren’t anticipating, thanks to a twist of fate that shapes their future as a family.
This Is Us, season 2 (Photo: Netflix Canada)
September 27:
Grey’s Anatomy, season 14
Synopsis: Intern (and eventual resident) Meredith Grey finds herself caught up in personal and professional passions with fellow doctors at a Seattle hospital.
September 28:
Chef’s Table, volume 5 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: This season, meet four innovative chefs who are shaking up the food culture in Philadelphia, Istanbul, Bangkok and Barcelona.
Forest of Piano (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Kai grows up playing an old piano discarded in the woods; Shuhei’s father is a famous pianist. Their chance meeting transforms their lives and music.
Hold the Dark (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: Summoned to a remote Alaskan village to search for wolves that took a local boy, a naturalist soon finds himself caught in a harrowing mystery.
Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father, Season 2 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: This season, Jack and his not-so-adventurous dad Michael tackle Europe, including the Bavarian Alps, Istanbul, Budapest, Romania, Moldova and Ukraine.
Chef’s Table, volume 5 (Photo: Netflix Canada)
Lessons From A School Shooting: Notes from Dunblane (Netflix Original documentary)
Synopsis: Devastated by the school shooting in his town, a priest from Sandy Hook, Connecticut, bonds with a Scottish priest who experienced a similar tragedy.
Lost Song (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: War looms over the kingdom of Neunatia, where two young women are both burdened and blessed by the power of song.
Made in Mexico (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Get to know the opulent lifestyles and infamous dynasties of Mexico City’s socialites and the expats vying for a spot in their exclusive social order.
Skylanders Academy, season 3 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Season 3 finds Spyro and the Skylanders forging unexpected alliances, taking on new adventures and even straddling the line between good and evil.
The 3rd Eye (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: After the death of their parents, two sisters move back to their childhood home, where one sibling claims to be able to see a dark presence.
American Vandal, season 2 (Photo: Netflix Canada)
Two Catalonias (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: The dark mind of Daniel Sloss is back, and he’s ready to find the funny in some very taboo topics, from the deeply personal to the highly irreverent.
September 29:
The Exorcist, season 2 
Synopsis: Two priests put their lives on the line as they fight to free a possessed girl from a vicious demon that threatens to destroy her family.
September 30:
Synopsis: A biologist signs up for a dangerous, secret expedition into a mysterious zone where the laws of nature don’t apply.
Sherlock Gnomes 
Synopsis: Garden gnomes Gnomeo & Juliet recruit renowned detective Sherlock Gnomes to investigate the mysterious disappearance of other garden ornaments.
Last call! Here is everything leaving Netflix Canada in September:
September 1:
13 Going on 30 
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days 
Pitch Perfect 2 
September 14:
Disney’s Pete’s Dragon
September 17:
Star Trek Beyond 
September 30:
Jurassic World 
What’s Coming (and Going) on Netflix Canada in August 2018 Netflix’s Insatiable Is Not the Storyline We Need RN 13 LOL-Worthy Sitcoms to Binge on Netflix ASAP
The post What’s Coming (and Going) on Netflix Canada in September 2018 appeared first on Flare.
What’s Coming (and Going) on Netflix Canada in September 2018 published first on https://wholesalescarvescity.tumblr.com/
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erickmalpicaflores · 6 years
Erik Malpica Flores Erik Malpica Flores recommends: What is Coming to Netflix Canada in September 2018 |
The new Emma Stone/Jonah Hill limited series MANIAC is coming to Netflix Canada in September 2018, as is season 2 of the Netflix original series AMERICAN VANDAL and the first season of the Josh Groban/Tony Danza comedy THE GOOD COP. In terms of recently aired TV seasons coming to Netflix, Canadians will have a chance to binge season 2 of THE GOOD PLACE and THIS IS US, as well as season 8 of THE WALKING DEAD. You can also catch the mega-hit MARVEL’S BLACK PANTHER.
As for what’s leaving, you should check out STAR TREK BEYOND, JURASSIC WORLD, 13 GOING ON 30 and PITCH PERFECT 2 before it’s too late.
Related: What is Coming to Netflix U.S. in September 2018?
September 1
Bad Neighbors 2: When a sorority with a progressive agenda moves in next door, parents Mac and Kelly must keep them at bay before closing the deal on their house sale.
Death at a Funeral: When a Los Angeles family’s patriarch dies, his dutiful eldest son plans the funeral — which becomes a fiasco thanks to a colorful cast of attendees.
Family Guy: Season 16: In Seth MacFarlane’s no-holds-barred animated show, buffoonish Peter Griffin and his dysfunctional family experience wacky misadventures.
The Flash: Season 1-4: A forensics expert who wakes from a coma with amazing new powers squares off against forces threatening the city in this live-action superhero romp.
Hancock: Will Smith stars as Hancock, a down-and-out superhero who’s forced to employ a public relations expert to help repair his image.
The Hollars: A man returns to his small hometown after learning that his mother has fallen ill and is about to undergo surgery.
Kramer vs. Kramer: Ted is a career-driven yuppie whose wife leaves him and their 6-year-old son. As he adjusts to life as a full-time dad, she comes to reclaim the boy.
La Catedral del Mar – Netflix Original: In 14th-century Barcelona, a serf’s determined climb to wealth and freedom incurs the disdain of the noble class and the suspicion of the Inquisition.
Labyrinth: In Jim Henson’s fantasy, teen Sarah embarks on a life-altering quest to rescue her little brother from the clutches of a treacherous goblin.
Legend: Identical twins and notorious gangsters Reggie and Ronnie Kray elude the authorities in 1960s London while transfixing and terrifying the public.
Monkey Twins – Netflix Original: Inspired by Khon dance drama and Thai martial arts, a fighter scarred by the past joins forces with a determined cop to battle an organized crime ring.
Mr. Sunshine – Netflix Original: A young boy who ends up in the U.S. after the 1871 Shinmiyangyo incident returns to Korea at a historical turning point and falls for a noblewoman.
Sisters – Netflix Original: Her dad’s deathbed confession leads Julia to discover she has more than 100 brothers and two sisters: troubled TV star Roxy and uptight lawyer Edie.
September 2
Quantico: Season 3: When evidence in a deadly terrorist attack implicates FBI trainee Alex Parrish, she must discover which one of her classmates framed her.
September 4
Marvel Studios’ Black Panther: T’Challa, heir to the hidden but advanced kingdom of Wakanda, must step forward to lead his people into a new future and must confront a challenger from his country’s past.
September 5
A Million Ways to Die in the West: After backing out of a duel and losing his girlfriend, sheep farmer Albert slowly rebuilds his self-respect with the help of a married woman.
The Adjustment Bureau: A successful new congressman finds himself entranced by a beautiful ballerina, but mysterious forces are conspiring to prevent their love affair.
Bridesmaids: When an underemployed baker becomes her best friend’s maid-of-honor, she almost ruins the big day due to her competition with the other bridesmaids.
Drag Me to Hell: Christine is convinced that she’s been cursed after crossing paths with a Gypsy. Now, she has only days to keep her soul from being dragged to hell.
Fear: A 16-year-old “good girl” goes to a party with her best friend and meets a handsome, enigmatic guy from the wrong side of the tracks.
Land of the Lost: After uncovering a portal to an alternate universe populated by strange creatures, Dr. Rick Marshall must navigate a dangerous new world.
National Lampoon’s Animal House: Dean Wormer puts the titular frat on double-secret probation, and it’s up to Bluto, Flounder, Pinto and the rest of the brothers to get even.
Neighbors: After a rowdy fraternity moves next door to a couple with a newborn and changes the block into party central, an epic battle ensues.
Paul: Two sci-fi freaks on quest to discover what lies at the heart of Nevada’s infamous Area 51 cross paths with an alien on the run.
September 6
Once Upon a Time: Season 7: In this fantasy series, a young woman is drawn to a small Maine town and discovers that it’s filled with elements of the fairy tale world.
September 7
Atypical: Season 2 – Netflix Original: While Elsa and Doug face the aftermath of their marriage crisis and Casey tries to adjust to her new school, Sam prepares for life after graduation.
Cable Girls: Season 3 – Netflix Original: After a tragedy, Lidia fights passionately for her family, Carlota finds her voice, Ángeles goes undercover and Marga reveals a talent for accounting.
City of Joy – Netflix Original: Women who’ve been sexually brutalized in war-torn Congo begin to heal at City of Joy, a center that helps them regain a sense of self and empowerment.
First and Last – Netflix Original: Filmmakers go inside Georgia’s Gwinnett County Jail to capture two days that define an inmate’s experience: the first and last.
Marvel’s Iron Fist: Season 2 – Netflix Original: With the defeat of the Hand, Chinatown is left vulnerable to turf wars, and Danny must protect the streets of New York.
The Most Assassinated Woman in the World – Netflix Film: In 1930s Paris, an actress famous for her gory death scenes at the Grand Guignol Theater contends with a mysterious stalker and ghosts from her past.
Next Gen – Netflix Original: A friendship with a top-secret robot turns a lonely girl’s life into a thrilling adventure as they take on bullies, evil bots and a scheming madman. Watch the Trailer
Sierra Burgess Is A Loser – Netflix Film: Smart high school girl Sierra teams up with a more popular girl hoping to win over her crush. Starring Shannon Purser (Barb on “Stranger Things”).
Stretch Armstrong & the Flex Fighters: Season 2 – Netflix Original: Wrongly accused for the attack on Rook Tower, the Flex Fighters must protect their city as wanted men. Will Charter City ever trust them again?
September 9
Wynonna Earp: Season 2: The outcast descendant of lawman Wyatt Earp teams up with an immortal Doc Holliday to rid the world of demonic revenants from the Wild West.
September 11
Daniel Sloss: Live Shows – Netflix Original: The dark mind of Daniel Sloss is back, and he’s ready to find the funny in some very taboo topics, from the deeply personal to the highly irreverent.
The Resistance Banker – Netflix Film: Risking his family and future, a banker in occupied Amsterdam slows the Nazi war machine by creating an underground bank to fund the resistance.
September 12
Jane: The life and work of the renowned primatology scientist, Jane Goodall, especially on her research about chimpanzees.
On My Skin – Netflix Film: Arrested for a drug-related offense, Stefano Cucchi suffers at the hands of Italy’s Carabinieri police and a broken legal system. Based on true events.
September 14
American Vandal: Season 2 – Netflix Original: In the wake of the first documentary’s success, Peter and Sam seek a new case and settle on a stomach-churning mystery at a Washington high school.
The Angel – Netflix Film: While operating at the highest levels of Egypt’s government, Ashraf Marwan walks a dangerously thin line as a spy for Israel. Based on a true story.
Archer: Season 9: Suave, sophisticated spy Archer may have the coolest gadgets, but he still has issues when it comes to dealing with his boss, who is also his mother.
Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures: Season 1: Get to know Barbie and her BFFs — including next-door neighbor Ken — in this animated vlog of adventures filmed inside her family’s new dreamhouse.
Bleach – Netflix Film: When high schooler Ichigo is suddenly given reaper abilities, he really wants to give the powers back. But he’ll have to reap some souls first.
BoJack Horseman: Season 5 – Netflix Original: BoJack’s back on screen as the star of “Philbert,” a new detective series produced by Princess Carolyn. But his demons are out in full force.
Car Masters: Rust to Riches – Netflix Original: The colorful crew at Gotham Garage overhauls an eclectic collection of cars, trading their way up to a showstopper they can sell for big bucks.
The Dragon Prince – Netflix Original: Two human princes forge an unlikely bond with the elven assassin sent to kill them, embarking on an epic quest to bring peace to their warring lands.
Ingobernable: Season 2 – Netflix Original: Emilia takes on the leader of a drug trafficking empire in her fight to reunite her family and reduce corruption in her country.
The Land of Steady Habits – Netflix Film: After leaving his wife and his job to find happiness, Anders begins a clumsy, heartbreaking quest to reassemble the pieces of his fractured life.
LAST HOPE – Netflix Original: After causing the near extinction of mankind seven years ago, genius scientist Leon Lau must now fight the ecological disaster he unwittingly created.
Norm Macdonald has a Show – Netflix Original: Comedian Norm Macdonald hosts this talk show with celebrity guests, unexpected conversation and a behind-the-scenes view into Norm’s world.
Super Monsters Monster Party: Songs – Netflix Original: Sing along and move to this groovy collection of music videos featuring monster friends Katya, Lobo, Zoe, Drac, Cleo and Frankie!
September 17
The Witch: Believing that a witch has cursed their family, pilgrims homesteading on the edge of a primeval New England forest become increasingly paranoid.
September 18
D.L. Hughley: Contrarian – Netflix Original: Comedian D.L. Hughley riffs on politics, “Black Panther,” his upbringing and more in a rapid-fire stand-up show at Philadelphia’s Merriam Theater.
September 20
The Good Place: Season 2: Due to an error, self-absorbed Eleanor Shellstrop arrives at the Good Place after her death. Determined to stay, she tries to become a better person.
September 21
Battlefish – Netflix Original: Over the course of the fishing season, a group of fishing boats pursues the lucrative albacore tuna in the competitive waters off the Oregon coast.
DRAGON PILOT: Hisone & Masotan – Netflix Original: Recently stationed Air Self-Defense Force rookie Hisone Amakasu is chosen by a dragon concealed within Gifu Air Base to be his pilot.
The Good Cop – Netflix Original: Honest cop Tony Jr. gets advice from his unscrupulous father, retired NYPD officer Tony Sr., about everything from his job to his love life.
Gotham: Season 4: Long before he was commissioner, rookie cop James Gordon takes on Gotham City crime and corruption to avenge the murder of Bruce Wayne’s parents.
Hilda – Netflix Original: Join Hilda as she travels from a wilderness full of elves and giants to Trolberg, a bustling city packed with new friends and mysterious creatures.
Maniac: Limited Series – Netflix Original: Two strangers find themselves caught up in a mind-bending pharmaceutical trial gone awry. Starring Emma Stone and Jonah Hill.
Nappily Ever After – Netflix Film: Violet has it all: the perfect job, the perfect relationship and the perfect hair. Until she doesn’t. What happens when being perfect isn’t enough?
Quincy – Netflix Original: The life and career of legendary music producer Quincy Jones are traced in this biographical documentary directed by his daughter, Rashida Jones.
September 23
The Walking Dead: Season 8: In the wake of a zombie apocalypse, survivors hold on to the hope of humanity by branding together to wage a fight for their own survival.
September 25
Disney’s A Wrinkle in Time: After the disappearance of her scientist father, three peculiar beings send Meg, her brother, and her friend to space in order to find him.
Marvel Studios’ Iron Man 2: When an unscrupulous arms maker teams with a rogue Russian physicist, it’s up to Iron Man and his friend Lt. Col. James Rhodes to take them down.
September 26
Lethal Weapon: Season 2: After losing his wife and unborn child, ex-Navy SEAL Riggs joins the LAPD, where his recklessness creates tensions with seasoned partner Murtaugh.
Norsemen: Season 2 – Netflix Original: The sea road to the west has been found, but Norheim’s villagers must still cope with power struggles and the ever-present threat of Jarl Varg.
This Is Us: Season 2: A couple expecting triplets find themselves with a brood they weren’t anticipating, thanks to a twist of fate that shapes their future as a family.
September 27
Grey’s Anatomy: Season 14: Intern (and eventual resident) Meredith Grey finds herself caught up in personal and professional passions with fellow doctors at a Seattle hospital.
September 28
Chef’s Table: Volume 5 – Netflix Original: This season, meet four innovative chefs who are shaking up the food culture in Philadelphia, Istanbul, Bangkok and Barcelona.
Forest of Piano – Netflix Original: Kai grows up playing an old piano discarded in the woods; Shuhei’s father is a famous pianist. Their chance meeting transforms their lives and music.
Hold the Dark – Netflix Film: Summoned to a remote Alaskan village to search for wolves that took a local boy, a naturalist soon finds himself caught in a harrowing mystery.
Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father: Season 2 – Netflix Original: This season, Jack and his not-so-adventurous dad, Michael, tackle Europe, including the Bavarian Alps, Istanbul, Budapest, Romania, Moldova and Ukraine.
Lessons From A School Shooting: Notes from Dunblane – Netflix Original: Devastated by the school shooting in his town, a priest from Sandy Hook, Connecticut, bonds with a Scottish priest who experienced a similar tragedy.
Lost Song – Netflix Original: War looms over the kingdom of Neunatia, where two young women are both burdened and blessed by the power of song.
Made in Mexico – Netflix Original: Get to know the opulent lifestyles and infamous dynasties of Mexico City’s socialites and the expats vying for a spot in their exclusive social order.
Skylanders Academy: Season 3 – Netflix Original: Season 3 finds Spyro and the Skylanders forging unexpected alliances, taking on new adventures and even straddling the line between good and evil.
The 3rd Eye – Netflix Film: After the death of their parents, two sisters move back to their childhood home, where one sibling claims to be able to see a dark presence.
Two Catalonias – Netflix Film: The dark mind of Daniel Sloss is back, and he’s ready to find the funny in some very taboo topics, from the deeply personal to the highly irreverent.
September 29
The Exorcist: Season 2: Two priests put their lives on the line as they fight to free a possessed girl from a vicious demon that threatens to destroy her family.
September 30
Annihilation: A biologist signs up for a dangerous, secret expedition into a mysterious zone where the laws of nature don’t apply.
Sherlock Gnomes: Garden gnomes, Gnomeo & Juliet, recruit renowned detective Sherlock Gnomes to investigate the mysterious disappearance of other garden ornaments.
Last Call – Titles That Will be Rotating off the Service in September 2018
September 1
13 Going on 30
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
Pitch Perfect 2
September 17
Disney’s Pete’s Dragon
September 17
September 30
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kcexp-blog · 7 years
Hola otra vez,Buenos este video lo encontre entre mis archivos y he encontrado algunos mas.Esta es la ciudad de Quebec mas al norte de Montreal, fue una sorpresa que le hice a Claire y fue uno de los primeros videos que hice con la camara que me regalo Claire.La ciudad de Quebec es muy bonita, es considerada  la capital de Quebec.  
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Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (semi-stream of consciousness) Thoughts Part 3: Spider-Miles and his Amazing Friends/Foes
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Apologies for not getting this out sooner. I’ve been/still am unwell so I was physically too energy drained to crank it out.
For this outing we’re going to discuss the characters not named Miles Morales. Spoilers ahead.
 As I have said before, Miles might be the primary protagonist but he is not the sole one.
Alongside him we have the Peter Parker who died (who, in what is surely a Clone Saga reference, is blonde), the older washed up Peter Parker, Spider-Gwen, Spider-Ham, Spider-Man Noir and Peni Parker with her SP//dr mech...with a cameo by Spider-Man 2099 and 1960s Spider-Man.
Going up against them are Kingpin, Prowler/Aaron Davis, Doctor Octopus/Olivia Octavius, Tombstone, Scorpion and Green Goblin with cameos by the Lizard/Spider-Gwen’s Peter Parker and some versions of Doc Ock and a reference to Electro. Honestly there were probably more villains too I just missed them because this movie is such a feast for the eyes that you need to see it more than once to take everything in. For example my friend caught a Ditko reference I missed.
I already gushed about how impressive it is that the movie balanced so many characters so lets not go over that again beyond saying that it is honestly mind blowing that us Spidey fans got all THOSE villains (some of whom have never been on film before) in this movie and what is essentially a Carolin Trainer Doc Ock reference rendered as a really cool villainess.
For real Olivia ‘Liv’ Octavius was bad ass. If Kingpin was the Big Bad she was his ‘Dragon’ to use TV Tropes terminology. Her design was unique to Molina’s Doc Ock and her unveiling was one of the movies best twists that I really didn’t see coming. Also Aunt May seemed to know her which means in my headcanon they were like old friends and had tea together sometimes. It is also worth of note she is technically one of the relatively few Marvel movie villainesses.
Sticking with the villains for now Tombstone and Green Goblin were the least interesting. Goblin here existed essentially to serve as reference and honour to the Death of Spider-Man arc from the Ultimate comics as he is very much involved in Blonde Peter’s death and dies himself. Tombstone was just...Tombstone. He was just Fisk’s bodyguard and nothing else. Still the fact that there even exists a Spider-Man movie WITH Tombstone in it is something of a marvel. Scorpion is elevated somewhat beyond Tombstone and Goblin by virtue of his interesting redesign and the quirk that he speaks Spanish, thus connecting him to Miles. Whilst the movie doesn’t use it’s relatively even hero and villain count to just pair the characters off, it should be said that Tombstone and Scorpion do exist specifically to give Noir, Ham and Peni something to do in the second and third act climaxes.
This is not a detriment to the movie though. Although this is an ensemble movie, it is Miles movie primarily, Peter and Gwen’s secondarily and the other Spider-Heroes’ behind them. This point is accentuated when we are given their origins simultaneously in a three panel sequence. It is understood that these three characters are to be regarded somewhat collectively, sort of like the Warriors Three from Thor.
Getting back to the villains though, I have little to say on Prowler I didn’t cover last time. All I will add is that his visuals are very cool. Even though he is based upon Ultimate Prowler his look is more 616 Prowler influenced, but imagine if instead of a misguided antagonist he was a scary slightly Spawn inspired villain. So he was totally bad ass.
However hats must go off to Kingpin. He was the main and best villain of this story. It is funny this year has been oddly Kingpin focused in terms of Marvel content.
He was brought back superbly for Daredevil season 3. He was a notable figure in the PS4 Spidey game. He was the main villain of the PS4 prequel novel. He got a lot of play in Daredevil and Spider-Man comics where he was the mayor and he is now serving as a Marvel movie villain for the second time. For me personally I complimented all this by checking out Daredevil Born Again and Last Rites, two very Kingpin centric stories.
As far as his portrayal here is concerned, the central conceit of the movie again creates a potential get out of jail scenario for any direction the writers want to take with the characters. This is an AU version of Kingpin and so is at liberty to deviate wildly from the 616 version as Liv Octavius did.
How interestingly what we wind up with is an interesting rendition of Kingpin who’s deviations from his canon counterpart’s personality are relatively minor and his overall portrayal is different more in where it places the emphasis as opposed to what the specific traits of his personality are.
Comics Kingpin is defined by his cold controlled and sophisticated demeanour hiding a thuggish, cruel and raging temper beneath the surface. He is the boss of bosses, the biggest criminal ever in more way than one.  
Spider-Verse Kingpin is a little more ‘street’ in his dialogue and vocal performance than we might be used to with classic Kingpin and ever so slightly more prone to making jokes, but beyond that his personality is very similar. Essentially he is Kingpin with a bit more Tony Soprano injected into him. The idea of his calm exterior hiding a cruel raging monster beneath is very well realized though via his gimmick of clicking his pen as a kind of stress ball to maintain his temper and his beating Spider-Man to death with his bare hands. Not to mention his flying into raging bull mode at the climax of the movie when things go all wrong.
Where the key deviation lies for this rendition of Wilson Fisk though lies in his motivation for the movie. Whilst various stories in comics and other media depict Kingpin’s motivation to simply rid his criminal empire of one superhero or another, or else further expand and secure that empire, Spider-Verse Kingpin is all about his family. The entire reason he is investigating parallel universes is in order to find alternate living versions of his dead wife Vanessa and son Richard. They died fleeing him in horror upon witnessing him fighting Blonde Spidey, so Wilson feels guilty and heartbroken over their deaths.
What is ingenious about this take upon Kingpin is that you could entirely see his canon counterpart doing something like this and it serves to add a note of sympathy to him in spite of his directly murdering Spider-Man and Miles’ uncle. Whilst it is perhaps not as nuanced or multilayered as the Netflix Kingpin, it still serves to make him more than a two-dimensional, black and white gangster. So as a villain he is simple, yet effective.
  Kingpin, like all the Spider-Heroes sans Miles, also has a backstory flashback sequence that  explains his history with his family. These are strategically placed throughout the movie and are reminiscent of the origin sequences from the Suicide Squad movie. However what worked so poorly there works magnificently here.
These origin sequences do much more than simply drop exposition for each character. Putting aside how the movie does enough to build up and endear us to most of the characters who get such sequences, the sequences are actually in aid of conveying to the audience the primary conceit of the film, that of alternate realities.
And the best way to convey this idea is to prevent the familiar with deliberate changes.
What I mean by this is that the movie sets up these origin sequences in deliberate contrast to one another and signposts this fact with repeated dialogue and visual cues in each sequence. This even applies for Kingpin as the visuals of his origin sequence are evoked for the climax wherein he briefly does see flashes of his wife and son from other realities.
As far as the Spider-Heroes are concerned though, the first of these sequences is at the top of the movie with the background information for Blonde Spidey.
This helps immediately hint that the world we are watching is both similar to yet different to the ones we might be familiar with, noticeably the world of this Spider-Man is more similar to our own as Blonde Spidey (surely a Ben Reilly reference unto himself) is a beloved and highly merchandised celebrity. Even the iconic upside down kiss with Mary Jane occurs for him with MJ upside down. A fun little in joke for the audience, or sly easing in of the idea that this Spider-Man is not the one we know?
A little of both probably, but that one scene illustrates what I mean because the second origin sequence we get is about the older Spider-Man. Like I said it plays itself in deliberate contrast to the Blonde Spider-Man, retaining the same narrative/dialogue structure within the short vignette to convey for us how this Spidey is different and thus develop his character. E.g. he is older and yet less successful, he is underappreciated and in bad shape and his marriage to MJ (whom he shares a more traditional upside down kiss with, see what I mean, it slyly hints this Spidey is more like the ones we recognize) has ended in sad divorce and he is a wreck.
Further origin sequences repeat for Spider-Gwen (she is similar to her comic counterpart, but her hang up is distancing herself from her friends), Noir, Peni and Ham.
As I said before Noir, Peni and Ham have their origin sequences play out simultaneously on the screen. This cements their lesser status within the movie compared to the other protagonists.
Collectively the sequences not only use the individual Spider-Heroes to mutually develop and build up each character on the most basic level to the audience (Spider-Man but a Looney Tune pig, Spider-Man but if he was a drummer Gwen Stacy, Spider-Man but if he was Humphrey Bogart, Spider-Man but if he was an anime girl from a mech anime, etc) but also serves to hold the audiences hand as it gets them to accept the conceit of parallel universes.
Of course the concept is first broached at the start of the movie where Blonde Spider-Man’s origin sequence concludes with him declaring himself the one and only Spider-Man (a sentiment echoed in other origin sequences too) and is then immediately followed by Miles’ introduction. We also have the topic raised in Miles classroom.
When combined with the other origin sequences, this opening obviously challenges the audiences idea that there could only ever be one Spider-Man and that it would have to be Peter Parker (a fair presumption, most audience members would be unaware of any other Spider-Heroes). This I think is part of the ingeniousness (forgive my repetition of the term but it is true) of featuring the two Peters in this movie.
See both Peter Parkers are as much positioned as deliberate deviations from the norm general audiences would expect as Spider-Ham or Spider-Gwen. Whilst one Peter is blonde and a successful married celebrity with essentially his own Spider-Cave, another is the oldest on screen Peter Parker we’ve ever had, pot-bellied and a divorcee. Outside of some video games and two 20 year old cartoons general audiences have never even seen a married Spider-Man so presenting not just one but two, and one of whom is post-marriage to boot, is a brilliant way to sell ‘this isn’t the Spider-Man you know’.
But these Spider-Men ARE Peter Parker. So if there can be versions of the Parker Spidey audiences are familiar with that are so different to what they know, the idea of Peter Parker but an anime girl or a 1930s noir character or a cartoon pig becomes easier to accept as does Gwen Stacy (whom audiences ARE familiar with from the recent Marc Webb movies) as ‘Spider-Man’ becomes yet easier to accept.
All of which build to what is second half of the question the start of the movie raises.
The question is partially ‘Does Peter Parker have to be the one and only Spider-Man’ (obviously not there are alternate versions of him as well as Gwen Stacy in the role) and, perhaps more poignantly, partially ‘Can Miles be Spider-Man’.
And this is the the most important purpose that the origin sequences serve. They are all building towards the climax of the movie which bookeneds the start wherein it is at last Miles turn to relay his own origin, allowing the movie to put to rest the question it raised at the start and cement in the audience’s minds that YES, this kid can and now IS Spider-Man.
As Stan Lee said, part of the appeal of Spider-Man is that under that costume anyone can imagine themselves to be Spider-Man. This movie embodies that message, embeds it into itself and in that sense serves the fundamental ethos of Spider-Man or him being the relatable everyman, even whilst Peter himself is not the heart of this movie.
And it did all that via having comic book style flashback exposition dumps!!!!!!!
I might have said this before or elsewhere but this is the most ‘comic book’ comic book movie I’ve ever seen! As in it is a movie that looks like and plays out like a comic book!
And just like the best comic books and comic book movies it always remembers that these stories are someone’s first so whilst it presumes a certain amount of foreknowledge (like you know who Spider-Man is) it leaves nothing to chance and organically walks you through everything you need to know. Again, those origin sequences by being placed in contrast to one another walks audiences gently through the massive concept of multiverses which no other theatrical comic book film before this to my knowledge has ever touched (sorry DC..).
Sticking with the Spider-Heroes for a moment, what should be understood is that the characterization of them is all geared towards the needs of the specific story being told, which obviously has Miles at the heart of it.
What I mean by this is that whilst the movie doesn’t give you the most detailed or faithful rendition of Spider-Gwen or Spider-Man: Noir ever they are the right takes for the movie’s story, for selling the concept of parallel universes and Miles development.
Blonde Spidey is not just hyper successful in order to contrast with Old Spidey. His success and competency (his brief action scene is incredibly impressive) is designed to also contrast to Miles inexperience and to sell him as almost a Superman/Captain America figure within Miles’ world. His death is mourned as the passing of a great and revered hero, a national day of mourning and even made me tear up a bit. This is done to accentuate the guilt Miles feels and the burden Miles feels to live up to his dying wish and shadow, the latter of which could fuel a potential sequel. His specific death scene itself is played as very different from the Ultimate comics. There his death was the grand finale (we thought) to the saga of a hero we’d been following and gave him a fittingly grand death. In the movie since his death is primarily the launch pad for Miles’ journey it is less grand, even cruel in how quick, blunt and undignified it is.
Old Spidey’s failure is not undertaken because the filmmakers believe Spider-Man is or should be some abject loser or failure, as I and others have feared. It is a direction taken because it gives him an arc for the movie. His hang up is wrapped up with his divorce from Mary Jane. But refreshingly for comic fans their separation occurred because MJ wanted children and he couldn’t bring himself to go there. It is through his tutelage of Miles (and hilarious confession to Blonde Spidey’s widow, a reflection of his student’s poor attempt to woo Gwen earlier) that he works through his issues and gets his happy ending of reuniting with his MJ. He thus has an arc intertwined with Miles even as he serves as his reluctant and somewhat haphazard mentor. If you think about it, having a version of Spider-Man more akin to the ‘default’ version would have made for a boring and underwhelming movie as far as Miles and Peter’s relationship is concerned. In this dynamic though master and student mutually grow.
Moreover his arc is interesting on a meta level as his pot belly somewhat resembled Tobey Maguire in some infamous and unflattering post-Spider-Man 3 images and Peter and MJ having a child and divorcing were in fact concepts toyed with for the aborted Spider-Man 4. All of which lends credence to the idea that Old Spider-man could very well be the actual Maguire Spider-Man. Indeed Maguire was apparently considered to be cast for this Spider-Man.
Between them Blonde and Old Peter represent something of the best and worst case scenarios for the ‘standard’ Spider-Man that broadly exists in the popular consciousness of general audiences.
Also one of these two Peter Parkers is explicitly Jewish. They have a Jewish wedding with Mary Jane which is a lovely touch as both his creators were Jewish and it has often been said the character embodies certain characteristics that recognizable within Jewish culture.
Spider-Gwen is changed into being more snarky than her earliest comics depicted her mostly because she has to be a more in control and experienced counterpoint to the in experienced Miles, serving as the subtextual second-in-command of the team. Her character’s conceit of being distant from her friends was something sort of present in her comics but is played as her central emotional problem in this movie that is also worked out through the course of teaming up with others. Additionally the film, seeking to connect her and Miles romantically (perhaps unnecessarily, but it is a sweet enough young romance nevertheless, helped by their similar age for a change) draws a parallel between how both her and Miles lost a Peter Parker. Parker in her universe was the Lizard as in the comics which further helps sell the idea of ‘Spider-Man’ being flexible.
The other Spider-Heroes are again, bodies to pad out the team and all of them are geared towards comic relief which helps balance out the team and movie over all, even if it goes against how Peni and Noir were originally characterized in their solo outings. But again this isn’t a solo outing, it is a team outing centred around Miles.
And the key thing to note here, as I noted in previous instalments is that all these other Spider-Heroes NEEDED to be in here and (to a lesser or greater extent) needed their own arcs because Miles was not going to hold the movie all on his own.
As for the other characters not much to say really. Miles parents are done well though his Dad gets more focus, a biproduct think of the movie focussing upon his brother Aaron. Aunt May has a small but lovely role as the keeper of Blonde Peter’s legacy. There is a touching scene which adapted Spider-Men better than the actual story. In the comic book 616 Peter meets Ultimate May in the relatively recent aftermath of Ultimate Peter’s death. In the movie, apart from Blonde Peter being older (meaning more years with Peter), Old Peter has also lost his Aunt May meaning the moment is much more emotionally packed as bereaved aunt and nephew reunite.
Then there is Mary Jane. Again a small role and she is somewhat relegated to a motivator than her own character but in a movie this packed where the heart isn’t Peter Parker you can understand why. You do feel bad that every (good) character in this movie got a happy ending or at least a happy final scene except her...well sort of. She is just left as the widow of Blonde Spidey but she gets a nice scene where she reunites with Old Peter. So ONE version of MJ has a happy last scene.
I will say this, the movie treated the character with respect. It is MJ who delivers her husband’s eulogy that prompts Miles into action and sums up the message of anyone being Spider-Man. It is made clear MJ was not the root of her split with Peter because ‘she couldn’t handle it’ or some shit like that. So whilst the movie didn’t give her much to do it also didn’t punch down on her or disrespect her legacy the way Homecoming did. And if nothing else how cool was it that we got not one but TWO Peter/MJ marriages on screen in a major motion picture. Take that Marvel!
But I cannot talk about the characters in this movie without talking about the three best cameos in any comic book movie.
The first was the surprise post-credits sequence where Spider-Man 2099 showed up! Of all Spider-Heroes he was the one I wanted most to show up. I love Mayday of course but I never deluded myself she could show up and in fact Old Peter’s story opens up that possibility for her more down the line.
2099 shocked me (how appropriate) and I thought we were going to get some nice sequel bait. That was until that was subverted for the second cameo that made me and my friend split our sides with laugher.
1960s cartoon Spider-Man, specifically with him and 2099 recalling the ‘Spider-Man pointing at himself meme’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is how you integrate a meme right!!!!!!
They even paid the 1960s show homage by referring to it as going back to the beginning since the 1960s show was in fact the first time Spider-Man was ever adapted into animation.
The third and best cameo goes to the Stan Lee appearance.
I am not ashamed to tell you dear readers that when I saw Stan Lee, even a cartoon version of him, saying in his own voice that he was friends with Spider-Man and will miss him I genuinely cried a little.
Even seeing the grave of Blonde Spider-Man shortly afterwards, a scene I’d already seen as the after credits scene for Venom, hit me hard and felt very different in a post-Stan Lee world.
And of course there was that ending title card crediting Lee and Ditko. Beautiful, no other word for it.
And given the movie’s fundamental message I can think of no more fitting way to honour the fathers of Spider-Man.
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virginiamurrayblog · 6 years
What’s Coming (and Going) on Netflix Canada in September 2018
Storm Reid plays Meg Murry in A Wrinkle in Time (Photo: Netflix Canada)
If you’re a *maje* TV and movie junkie, you know that September is one of the best times to get your binge watching on. There are literally so many series, flicks and documentaries hitting your screen this month—no matter what you’re into. In the mood to bawl like a wee baby? Check out the season 2 of This Is Us (*sobs*). Want to cry-laugh into your bowl of popcorn? Say yes to Bridesmaids. Desperate for a feel-good romcom? We recommend Sierra Burgess is a Loser. If you don’t know where to begin, we rounded up all the TV shows and movies coming (like Disney’s A Wrinkle in Time starring literal queens Oprah, Reese Witherspoon and Mindy Kaling) and going (like OG romcom How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days) on Netflix Canada in September 2018.
September 1:
Bad Neighbors 2 
Synopsis: When a sorority with a progressive agenda moves in next door, parents Mac and Kelly must keep them at bay before closing the deal on their house sale.
Death at a Funeral 
Synopsis: When a Los Angeles family’s patriarch dies, his dutiful eldest son plans the funeral—which becomes a fiasco thanks to a colorful cast of attendees.
Family Guy, season 16 
Synopsis: In Seth MacFarlane’s no-holds-barred animated show, buffoonish Peter Griffin and his dysfunctional family experience wacky misadventures.
The Flash, seasons 1-4 
Synopsis: A forensics expert who wakes from a coma with amazing new powers squares off against forces threatening the city in this live-action superhero romp.
Synopsis: Will Smith stars as Hancock, a down-and-out superhero who’s forced to employ a public relations expert to help repair his image.
Maniac (Photo: Netflix Canada)
The Hollars 
Synopsis: A man returns to his small hometown after learning that his mother has fallen ill and is about to undergo surgery.
Kramer vs. Kramer 
Synopsis: Ted is a career-driven yuppie whose wife leaves him and their six-year-old son. As he adjusts to life as a full-time dad, she comes to reclaim the boy.
La Catedral del Mar (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: In 14th-century Barcelona, a serf’s determined climb to wealth and freedom incurs the disdain of the noble class and the suspicion of the Inquisition.
Synopsis: In Jim Henson’s fantasy, teen Sarah embarks on a life-altering quest to rescue her little brother from the clutches of a treacherous goblin.
Synopsis: Identical twins and notorious gangsters Reggie and Ronnie Kray elude the authorities in 1960s London while transfixing and terrifying the public.
Quincy (Photo: Netflix Canada)
Monkey Twins (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Inspired by Khon dance drama and Thai martial arts, a fighter scarred by the past joins forces with a determined cop to battle an organized crime ring.
Mr. Sunshine (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: A young boy who ends up in the U.S. after the 1871 Shinmiyangyo incident returns to Korea at a historical turning point and falls for a noblewoman.
Sisters (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Her dad’s deathbed confession leads Julia to discover she has more than 100 brothers and two sisters: troubled TV star Roxy and uptight lawyer Edie.
September 2:
Quantico, Season 3
Synopsis: When evidence in a deadly terrorist attack implicates FBI trainee Alex Parrish (played by former FLARE cover girl Priyanka Chopra), she must discover which one of her classmates framed her.
September 4:
Marvel Studios’ Black Panther
Synopsis: T’Challa, heir to the hidden but advanced kingdom of Wakanda, must step forward to lead his people into a new future and must confront a challenger from his country’s past.
Marvel Studios’ Black Panther (Photo: Netflix Canada)
September 5:
A Million Ways to Die in the West 
Synopsis: After backing out of a duel and losing his girlfriend, sheep farmer Albert slowly rebuilds his self-respect with the help of a married woman.
The Adjustment Bureau 
Synopsis: A successful new congressman finds himself entranced by a beautiful ballerina, but mysterious forces are conspiring to prevent their love affair.
Synopsis: When an underemployed baker becomes her best friend’s maid-of-honor, she almost ruins the big day due to her competition with the other bridesmaids.
Drag Me to Hell 
Synopsis: Christine is convinced that she’s been cursed after crossing paths with a Gypsy. Now, she has only days to keep her soul from being dragged to hell.
Synopsis: A 16-year-old “good girl” goes to a party with her best friend and meets a handsome, enigmatic guy from the wrong side of the tracks.
The Good Cop (Photo: Netflix Canada)
Land of the Lost 
Synopsis: After uncovering a portal to an alternate universe populated by strange creatures, Dr. Rick Marshall must navigate a dangerous new world.
National Lampoon’s Animal House 
Synopsis: Dean Wormer puts the titular frat on double-secret probation, and it’s up to Bluto, Flounder, Pinto and the rest of the brothers to get even.
Synopsis: After a rowdy fraternity moves next door to a couple with a newborn and changes the block into party central, an epic battle ensues.
Synopsis: Two sci-fi freaks on quest to discover what lies at the heart of Nevada’s infamous Area 51 cross paths with an alien on the run.
September 6:
Once Upon a Time, season 7 
Synopsis: In this fantasy series, a young woman is drawn to a small Maine town and discovers that it’s filled with elements of the fairy tale world.
Atypical, Season 2 (Photo: Netflix Canada)
September 7:
Atypical, season 2 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: While Elsa and Doug face the aftermath of their marriage crisis and Casey tries to adjust to her new school, Sam prepares for life after graduation.
Cable Girls, season 3 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: After a tragedy, Lidia fights passionately for her family, Carlota finds her voice, Ángeles goes undercover and Marga reveals a talent for accounting.
City of Joy (Netflix Original documentary)
Synopsis: Women who’ve been sexually brutalized in war-torn Congo begin to heal at City of Joy, a center that helps them regain a sense of self and empowerment.
First and Last (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Filmmakers go inside Georgia’s Gwinnett County Jail to capture two days that define an inmate’s experience: the first and last.
Marvel’s Iron Fist, season 2 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: With the defeat of the Hand, Chinatown is left vulnerable to turf wars, and Danny must protect the streets of New York.
Marvel’s Iron Fist (Photo: Netflix Canada)
The Most Assassinated Woman in the World (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: In 1930s Paris, an actress famous for her gory death scenes at the Grand Guignol Theater contends with a mysterious stalker and ghosts from her past.
Next Gen (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: A friendship with a top-secret robot turns a lonely girl’s life into a thrilling adventure as they take on bullies, evil bots and a scheming madman.
Sierra Burgess Is A Loser (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: Smart high school girl Sierra teams up with a more popular girl hoping to win over her crush. Starring Shannon Purser (Barb on “Stranger Things”).
Stretch Armstrong & the Flex Fighters, Season 2 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Wrongly accused for the attack on Rook Tower, the Flex Fighters must protect their city as wanted men. Will Charter City ever trust them again?
September 9:
Wynonna Earp, season 2
Synopsis: The outcast descendant of lawman Wyatt Earp teams up with an immortal Doc Holliday to rid the world of demonic revenants from the Wild West.
Sierra Burgess is a Loser (Photo: Netflix Canada)
September 11:
Daniel Sloss: Live Shows (Netflix Original comedy)
Synopsis: The dark mind of Daniel Sloss is back, and he’s ready to find the funny in some very taboo topics, from the deeply personal to the highly irreverent.
The Resistance Banker (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: Risking his family and future, a banker in occupied Amsterdam slows the Nazi war machine by creating an underground bank to fund the resistance.
September 12:
Synopsis: The life and work of the renowned primatology scientist, Jane Goodall, especially on her research about chimpanzees.
On My Skin (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: Arrested for a drug-related offense, Stefano Cucchi suffers at the hands of Italy’s Carabinieri police and a broken legal system. Based on true events.
September 14:
American Vandal, season 2 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: In the wake of the first documentary’s success, Peter and Sam seek a new case and settle on a stomach-churning mystery at a Washington high school.
The Walking Dead, season 8 (Photo: Netflix Canada)
The Angel (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: While operating at the highest levels of Egypt’s government, Ashraf Marwan walks a dangerously thin line as a spy for Israel. Based on a true story.
Archer, season 9 
Synopsis: Suave, sophisticated spy Archer may have the coolest gadgets, but he still has issues when it comes to dealing with his boss, who is also his mother.
Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures, season 1 
Synopsis: Get to know Barbie and her BFFs—including next-door neighbor Ken—in this animated vlog of adventures filmed inside her family’s new dreamhouse.
Bleach (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: When high schooler Ichigo is suddenly given reaper abilities, he really wants to give the powers back. But he’ll have to reap some souls first.
BoJack Horseman, season 5 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: BoJack’s back on screen as the star of Philbert, a new detective series produced by Princess Carolyn. But his demons are out in full force.
City of Joy (Photo: Netflix Canada)
Car Masters: Rust to Riches (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: The colorful crew at Gotham Garage overhauls an eclectic collection of cars, trading their way up to a showstopper they can sell for big bucks.
The Dragon Prince (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Two human princes forge an unlikely bond with the elven assassin sent to kill them, embarking on an epic quest to bring peace to their warring lands.
Ingobernable, season 2 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Emilia takes on the leader of a drug trafficking empire in her fight to reunite her family and reduce corruption in her country.
The Land of Steady Habits (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: After leaving his wife and his job to find happiness, Anders begins a clumsy, heartbreaking quest to reassemble the pieces of his fractured life.
Last Hope (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: After causing the near extinction of mankind seven years ago, genius scientist Leon Lau must now fight the ecological disaster he unwittingly created.
Norm Macdonald Has a Show (Photo: Netflix Canada)
Norm Macdonald Has a Show (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Comedian Norm Macdonald hosts this talk show with celebrity guests, unexpected conversation and a behind-the-scenes view into Norm’s world.
Super Monsters Monster Party, Songs (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Sing along and move to this groovy collection of music videos featuring monster friends Katya, Lobo, Zoe, Drac, Cleo and Frankie!
September 17:
The Witch 
Synopsis: Believing that a witch has cursed their family, pilgrims homesteading on the edge of a primeval New England forest become increasingly paranoid.
September 18:
D.L. Hughley: Contrarian (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Comedian D.L. Hughley riffs on politics, Black Panther, his upbringing and more in a rapid-fire stand-up show at Philadelphia’s Merriam Theater.
September 20:
The Good Place, season 2 
Synopsis: Due to an error, self-absorbed Eleanor Shellstrop (played by comedy queen Kristen Bell) arrives at the Good Place after her death. Determined to stay, she tries to become a better person.
The Good Place, season 2 (Photo: Netflix Canada)
September 21:
Battlefish (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Over the course of the fishing season, a group of fishing boats pursues the lucrative albacore tuna in the competitive waters off the Oregon coast.
Dragon Pilot: Hisone & Masotan (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Recently stationed Air Self-Defense Force rookie Hisone Amakasu is chosen by a dragon concealed within Gifu Air Base to be his pilot.
The Good Cop (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Honest cop Tony Jr. gets advice from his unscrupulous father, retired NYPD officer Tony Sr., about everything from his job to his love life.
Gotham, season 4 
Synopsis: Long before he was commissioner, rookie cop James Gordon takes on Gotham City crime and corruption to avenge the murder of Bruce Wayne’s parents.
Gotham, season 4 (Photo: Netflix Canada)
Hilda (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Join Hilda as she travels from a wilderness full of elves and giants to Trolberg, a bustling city packed with new friends and mysterious creatures.
Maniac,Limited Series (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Two strangers find themselves caught up in a mind-bending pharmaceutical trial gone awry. Starring Emma Stone and Jonah Hill.
Nappily Ever After (Netflix Original film) 
Synopsis: Violet has it all: the perfect job, the perfect relationship and the perfect hair. Until she doesn’t. What happens when being perfect isn’t enough?
Quincy (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: The life and career of legendary music producer Quincy Jones are traced in this biographical documentary directed by his daughter, Rashida Jones.
September 23:
The Walking Dead, season 8
Synopsis: In the wake of a zombie apocalypse, survivors hold on to the hope of humanity by branding together to wage a fight for their own survival.
Nappily Ever After (Photo: Netflix Canada)
September 25:
Disney’s A Wrinkle in Time
Synopsis: After the disappearance of her scientist father, three peculiar beings send Meg, her brother, and her friend to space in order to find him.
Marvel Studios’ Iron Man 2
Synopsis: When an unscrupulous arms maker teams with a rogue Russian physicist, it’s up to Iron Man and his friend Lt. Col. James Rhodes to take them down.
September 26:
Lethal Weapon, season 2 
Synopsis: After losing his wife and unborn child, ex-Navy SEAL Riggs joins the LAPD, where his recklessness creates tensions with seasoned partner Murtaugh.
Norsemen, season 2 (Netflix Original series)
The sea road to the west has been found, but Norheim’s villagers must still cope with power struggles and the ever-present threat of Jarl Varg.
This Is Us, season 2 
Synopsis: A couple expecting triplets find themselves with a brood they weren’t anticipating, thanks to a twist of fate that shapes their future as a family.
This Is Us, season 2 (Photo: Netflix Canada)
September 27:
Grey’s Anatomy, season 14
Synopsis: Intern (and eventual resident) Meredith Grey finds herself caught up in personal and professional passions with fellow doctors at a Seattle hospital.
September 28:
Chef’s Table, volume 5 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: This season, meet four innovative chefs who are shaking up the food culture in Philadelphia, Istanbul, Bangkok and Barcelona.
Forest of Piano (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Kai grows up playing an old piano discarded in the woods; Shuhei’s father is a famous pianist. Their chance meeting transforms their lives and music.
Hold the Dark (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: Summoned to a remote Alaskan village to search for wolves that took a local boy, a naturalist soon finds himself caught in a harrowing mystery.
Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father, Season 2 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: This season, Jack and his not-so-adventurous dad Michael tackle Europe, including the Bavarian Alps, Istanbul, Budapest, Romania, Moldova and Ukraine.
Chef’s Table, volume 5 (Photo: Netflix Canada)
Lessons From A School Shooting: Notes from Dunblane (Netflix Original documentary)
Synopsis: Devastated by the school shooting in his town, a priest from Sandy Hook, Connecticut, bonds with a Scottish priest who experienced a similar tragedy.
Lost Song (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: War looms over the kingdom of Neunatia, where two young women are both burdened and blessed by the power of song.
Made in Mexico (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Get to know the opulent lifestyles and infamous dynasties of Mexico City’s socialites and the expats vying for a spot in their exclusive social order.
Skylanders Academy, season 3 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Season 3 finds Spyro and the Skylanders forging unexpected alliances, taking on new adventures and even straddling the line between good and evil.
The 3rd Eye (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: After the death of their parents, two sisters move back to their childhood home, where one sibling claims to be able to see a dark presence.
American Vandal, season 2 (Photo: Netflix Canada)
Two Catalonias (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: The dark mind of Daniel Sloss is back, and he’s ready to find the funny in some very taboo topics, from the deeply personal to the highly irreverent.
September 29:
The Exorcist, season 2 
Synopsis: Two priests put their lives on the line as they fight to free a possessed girl from a vicious demon that threatens to destroy her family.
September 30:
Synopsis: A biologist signs up for a dangerous, secret expedition into a mysterious zone where the laws of nature don’t apply.
Sherlock Gnomes 
Synopsis: Garden gnomes Gnomeo & Juliet recruit renowned detective Sherlock Gnomes to investigate the mysterious disappearance of other garden ornaments.
Last call! Here is everything leaving Netflix Canada in September:
September 1:
13 Going on 30 
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days 
Pitch Perfect 2 
September 14:
Disney’s Pete’s Dragon
September 17:
Star Trek Beyond 
September 30:
Jurassic World 
What’s Coming (and Going) on Netflix Canada in August 2018 Netflix’s Insatiable Is Not the Storyline We Need RN 13 LOL-Worthy Sitcoms to Binge on Netflix ASAP
The post What’s Coming (and Going) on Netflix Canada in September 2018 appeared first on Flare.
What’s Coming (and Going) on Netflix Canada in September 2018 published first on https://wholesalescarvescity.tumblr.com/
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virginiamurrayblog · 6 years
What’s Coming (and Going) on Netflix Canada in September 2018
Storm Reid plays Meg Murry in A Wrinkle in Time (Photo: Netflix Canada)
If you’re a *maje* TV and movie junkie, you know that September is one of the best times to get your binge watching on. There are literally so many series, flicks and documentaries hitting your screen this month—no matter what you’re into. In the mood to bawl like a wee baby? Check out the season 2 of This Is Us (*sobs*). Want to cry-laugh into your bowl of popcorn? Say yes to Bridesmaids. Desperate for a feel-good romcom? We recommend Sierra Burgess is a Loser. If you don’t know where to begin, we rounded up all the TV shows and movies coming (like Disney’s A Wrinkle in Time starring literal queens Oprah, Reese Witherspoon and Mindy Kaling) and going (like OG romcom How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days) on Netflix Canada in September 2018.
September 1:
Bad Neighbors 2 
Synopsis: When a sorority with a progressive agenda moves in next door, parents Mac and Kelly must keep them at bay before closing the deal on their house sale.
Death at a Funeral 
Synopsis: When a Los Angeles family’s patriarch dies, his dutiful eldest son plans the funeral—which becomes a fiasco thanks to a colorful cast of attendees.
Family Guy, season 16 
Synopsis: In Seth MacFarlane’s no-holds-barred animated show, buffoonish Peter Griffin and his dysfunctional family experience wacky misadventures.
The Flash, seasons 1-4 
Synopsis: A forensics expert who wakes from a coma with amazing new powers squares off against forces threatening the city in this live-action superhero romp.
Synopsis: Will Smith stars as Hancock, a down-and-out superhero who’s forced to employ a public relations expert to help repair his image.
Maniac (Photo: Netflix Canada)
The Hollars 
Synopsis: A man returns to his small hometown after learning that his mother has fallen ill and is about to undergo surgery.
Kramer vs. Kramer 
Synopsis: Ted is a career-driven yuppie whose wife leaves him and their six-year-old son. As he adjusts to life as a full-time dad, she comes to reclaim the boy.
La Catedral del Mar (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: In 14th-century Barcelona, a serf’s determined climb to wealth and freedom incurs the disdain of the noble class and the suspicion of the Inquisition.
Synopsis: In Jim Henson’s fantasy, teen Sarah embarks on a life-altering quest to rescue her little brother from the clutches of a treacherous goblin.
Synopsis: Identical twins and notorious gangsters Reggie and Ronnie Kray elude the authorities in 1960s London while transfixing and terrifying the public.
Quincy (Photo: Netflix Canada)
Monkey Twins (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Inspired by Khon dance drama and Thai martial arts, a fighter scarred by the past joins forces with a determined cop to battle an organized crime ring.
Mr. Sunshine (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: A young boy who ends up in the U.S. after the 1871 Shinmiyangyo incident returns to Korea at a historical turning point and falls for a noblewoman.
Sisters (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Her dad’s deathbed confession leads Julia to discover she has more than 100 brothers and two sisters: troubled TV star Roxy and uptight lawyer Edie.
September 2:
Quantico, Season 3
Synopsis: When evidence in a deadly terrorist attack implicates FBI trainee Alex Parrish (played by former FLARE cover girl Priyanka Chopra), she must discover which one of her classmates framed her.
September 4:
Marvel Studios’ Black Panther
Synopsis: T’Challa, heir to the hidden but advanced kingdom of Wakanda, must step forward to lead his people into a new future and must confront a challenger from his country’s past.
Marvel Studios’ Black Panther (Photo: Netflix Canada)
September 5:
A Million Ways to Die in the West 
Synopsis: After backing out of a duel and losing his girlfriend, sheep farmer Albert slowly rebuilds his self-respect with the help of a married woman.
The Adjustment Bureau 
Synopsis: A successful new congressman finds himself entranced by a beautiful ballerina, but mysterious forces are conspiring to prevent their love affair.
Synopsis: When an underemployed baker becomes her best friend’s maid-of-honor, she almost ruins the big day due to her competition with the other bridesmaids.
Drag Me to Hell 
Synopsis: Christine is convinced that she’s been cursed after crossing paths with a Gypsy. Now, she has only days to keep her soul from being dragged to hell.
Synopsis: A 16-year-old “good girl” goes to a party with her best friend and meets a handsome, enigmatic guy from the wrong side of the tracks.
The Good Cop (Photo: Netflix Canada)
Land of the Lost 
Synopsis: After uncovering a portal to an alternate universe populated by strange creatures, Dr. Rick Marshall must navigate a dangerous new world.
National Lampoon’s Animal House 
Synopsis: Dean Wormer puts the titular frat on double-secret probation, and it’s up to Bluto, Flounder, Pinto and the rest of the brothers to get even.
Synopsis: After a rowdy fraternity moves next door to a couple with a newborn and changes the block into party central, an epic battle ensues.
Synopsis: Two sci-fi freaks on quest to discover what lies at the heart of Nevada’s infamous Area 51 cross paths with an alien on the run.
September 6:
Once Upon a Time, season 7 
Synopsis: In this fantasy series, a young woman is drawn to a small Maine town and discovers that it’s filled with elements of the fairy tale world.
Atypical, Season 2 (Photo: Netflix Canada)
September 7:
Atypical, season 2 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: While Elsa and Doug face the aftermath of their marriage crisis and Casey tries to adjust to her new school, Sam prepares for life after graduation.
Cable Girls, season 3 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: After a tragedy, Lidia fights passionately for her family, Carlota finds her voice, Ángeles goes undercover and Marga reveals a talent for accounting.
City of Joy (Netflix Original documentary)
Synopsis: Women who’ve been sexually brutalized in war-torn Congo begin to heal at City of Joy, a center that helps them regain a sense of self and empowerment.
First and Last (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Filmmakers go inside Georgia’s Gwinnett County Jail to capture two days that define an inmate’s experience: the first and last.
Marvel’s Iron Fist, season 2 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: With the defeat of the Hand, Chinatown is left vulnerable to turf wars, and Danny must protect the streets of New York.
Marvel’s Iron Fist (Photo: Netflix Canada)
The Most Assassinated Woman in the World (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: In 1930s Paris, an actress famous for her gory death scenes at the Grand Guignol Theater contends with a mysterious stalker and ghosts from her past.
Next Gen (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: A friendship with a top-secret robot turns a lonely girl’s life into a thrilling adventure as they take on bullies, evil bots and a scheming madman.
Sierra Burgess Is A Loser (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: Smart high school girl Sierra teams up with a more popular girl hoping to win over her crush. Starring Shannon Purser (Barb on “Stranger Things”).
Stretch Armstrong & the Flex Fighters, Season 2 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Wrongly accused for the attack on Rook Tower, the Flex Fighters must protect their city as wanted men. Will Charter City ever trust them again?
September 9:
Wynonna Earp, season 2
Synopsis: The outcast descendant of lawman Wyatt Earp teams up with an immortal Doc Holliday to rid the world of demonic revenants from the Wild West.
Sierra Burgess is a Loser (Photo: Netflix Canada)
September 11:
Daniel Sloss: Live Shows (Netflix Original comedy)
Synopsis: The dark mind of Daniel Sloss is back, and he’s ready to find the funny in some very taboo topics, from the deeply personal to the highly irreverent.
The Resistance Banker (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: Risking his family and future, a banker in occupied Amsterdam slows the Nazi war machine by creating an underground bank to fund the resistance.
September 12:
Synopsis: The life and work of the renowned primatology scientist, Jane Goodall, especially on her research about chimpanzees.
On My Skin (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: Arrested for a drug-related offense, Stefano Cucchi suffers at the hands of Italy’s Carabinieri police and a broken legal system. Based on true events.
September 14:
American Vandal, season 2 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: In the wake of the first documentary’s success, Peter and Sam seek a new case and settle on a stomach-churning mystery at a Washington high school.
The Walking Dead, season 8 (Photo: Netflix Canada)
The Angel (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: While operating at the highest levels of Egypt’s government, Ashraf Marwan walks a dangerously thin line as a spy for Israel. Based on a true story.
Archer, season 9 
Synopsis: Suave, sophisticated spy Archer may have the coolest gadgets, but he still has issues when it comes to dealing with his boss, who is also his mother.
Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures, season 1 
Synopsis: Get to know Barbie and her BFFs—including next-door neighbor Ken—in this animated vlog of adventures filmed inside her family’s new dreamhouse.
Bleach (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: When high schooler Ichigo is suddenly given reaper abilities, he really wants to give the powers back. But he’ll have to reap some souls first.
BoJack Horseman, season 5 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: BoJack’s back on screen as the star of Philbert, a new detective series produced by Princess Carolyn. But his demons are out in full force.
City of Joy (Photo: Netflix Canada)
Car Masters: Rust to Riches (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: The colorful crew at Gotham Garage overhauls an eclectic collection of cars, trading their way up to a showstopper they can sell for big bucks.
The Dragon Prince (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Two human princes forge an unlikely bond with the elven assassin sent to kill them, embarking on an epic quest to bring peace to their warring lands.
Ingobernable, season 2 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Emilia takes on the leader of a drug trafficking empire in her fight to reunite her family and reduce corruption in her country.
The Land of Steady Habits (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: After leaving his wife and his job to find happiness, Anders begins a clumsy, heartbreaking quest to reassemble the pieces of his fractured life.
Last Hope (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: After causing the near extinction of mankind seven years ago, genius scientist Leon Lau must now fight the ecological disaster he unwittingly created.
Norm Macdonald Has a Show (Photo: Netflix Canada)
Norm Macdonald Has a Show (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Comedian Norm Macdonald hosts this talk show with celebrity guests, unexpected conversation and a behind-the-scenes view into Norm’s world.
Super Monsters Monster Party, Songs (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Sing along and move to this groovy collection of music videos featuring monster friends Katya, Lobo, Zoe, Drac, Cleo and Frankie!
September 17:
The Witch 
Synopsis: Believing that a witch has cursed their family, pilgrims homesteading on the edge of a primeval New England forest become increasingly paranoid.
September 18:
D.L. Hughley: Contrarian (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Comedian D.L. Hughley riffs on politics, Black Panther, his upbringing and more in a rapid-fire stand-up show at Philadelphia’s Merriam Theater.
September 20:
The Good Place, season 2 
Synopsis: Due to an error, self-absorbed Eleanor Shellstrop (played by comedy queen Kristen Bell) arrives at the Good Place after her death. Determined to stay, she tries to become a better person.
The Good Place, season 2 (Photo: Netflix Canada)
September 21:
Battlefish (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Over the course of the fishing season, a group of fishing boats pursues the lucrative albacore tuna in the competitive waters off the Oregon coast.
Dragon Pilot: Hisone & Masotan (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Recently stationed Air Self-Defense Force rookie Hisone Amakasu is chosen by a dragon concealed within Gifu Air Base to be his pilot.
The Good Cop (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Honest cop Tony Jr. gets advice from his unscrupulous father, retired NYPD officer Tony Sr., about everything from his job to his love life.
Gotham, season 4 
Synopsis: Long before he was commissioner, rookie cop James Gordon takes on Gotham City crime and corruption to avenge the murder of Bruce Wayne’s parents.
Gotham, season 4 (Photo: Netflix Canada)
Hilda (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Join Hilda as she travels from a wilderness full of elves and giants to Trolberg, a bustling city packed with new friends and mysterious creatures.
Maniac,Limited Series (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Two strangers find themselves caught up in a mind-bending pharmaceutical trial gone awry. Starring Emma Stone and Jonah Hill.
Nappily Ever After (Netflix Original film) 
Synopsis: Violet has it all: the perfect job, the perfect relationship and the perfect hair. Until she doesn’t. What happens when being perfect isn’t enough?
Quincy (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: The life and career of legendary music producer Quincy Jones are traced in this biographical documentary directed by his daughter, Rashida Jones.
September 23:
The Walking Dead, season 8
Synopsis: In the wake of a zombie apocalypse, survivors hold on to the hope of humanity by branding together to wage a fight for their own survival.
Nappily Ever After (Photo: Netflix Canada)
September 25:
Disney’s A Wrinkle in Time
Synopsis: After the disappearance of her scientist father, three peculiar beings send Meg, her brother, and her friend to space in order to find him.
Marvel Studios’ Iron Man 2
Synopsis: When an unscrupulous arms maker teams with a rogue Russian physicist, it’s up to Iron Man and his friend Lt. Col. James Rhodes to take them down.
September 26:
Lethal Weapon, season 2 
Synopsis: After losing his wife and unborn child, ex-Navy SEAL Riggs joins the LAPD, where his recklessness creates tensions with seasoned partner Murtaugh.
Norsemen, season 2 (Netflix Original series)
The sea road to the west has been found, but Norheim’s villagers must still cope with power struggles and the ever-present threat of Jarl Varg.
This Is Us, season 2 
Synopsis: A couple expecting triplets find themselves with a brood they weren’t anticipating, thanks to a twist of fate that shapes their future as a family.
This Is Us, season 2 (Photo: Netflix Canada)
September 27:
Grey’s Anatomy, season 14
Synopsis: Intern (and eventual resident) Meredith Grey finds herself caught up in personal and professional passions with fellow doctors at a Seattle hospital.
September 28:
Chef’s Table, volume 5 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: This season, meet four innovative chefs who are shaking up the food culture in Philadelphia, Istanbul, Bangkok and Barcelona.
Forest of Piano (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Kai grows up playing an old piano discarded in the woods; Shuhei’s father is a famous pianist. Their chance meeting transforms their lives and music.
Hold the Dark (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: Summoned to a remote Alaskan village to search for wolves that took a local boy, a naturalist soon finds himself caught in a harrowing mystery.
Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father, Season 2 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: This season, Jack and his not-so-adventurous dad Michael tackle Europe, including the Bavarian Alps, Istanbul, Budapest, Romania, Moldova and Ukraine.
Chef’s Table, volume 5 (Photo: Netflix Canada)
Lessons From A School Shooting: Notes from Dunblane (Netflix Original documentary)
Synopsis: Devastated by the school shooting in his town, a priest from Sandy Hook, Connecticut, bonds with a Scottish priest who experienced a similar tragedy.
Lost Song (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: War looms over the kingdom of Neunatia, where two young women are both burdened and blessed by the power of song.
Made in Mexico (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Get to know the opulent lifestyles and infamous dynasties of Mexico City’s socialites and the expats vying for a spot in their exclusive social order.
Skylanders Academy, season 3 (Netflix Original series)
Synopsis: Season 3 finds Spyro and the Skylanders forging unexpected alliances, taking on new adventures and even straddling the line between good and evil.
The 3rd Eye (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: After the death of their parents, two sisters move back to their childhood home, where one sibling claims to be able to see a dark presence.
American Vandal, season 2 (Photo: Netflix Canada)
Two Catalonias (Netflix Original film)
Synopsis: The dark mind of Daniel Sloss is back, and he’s ready to find the funny in some very taboo topics, from the deeply personal to the highly irreverent.
September 29:
The Exorcist, season 2 
Synopsis: Two priests put their lives on the line as they fight to free a possessed girl from a vicious demon that threatens to destroy her family.
September 30:
Synopsis: A biologist signs up for a dangerous, secret expedition into a mysterious zone where the laws of nature don’t apply.
Sherlock Gnomes 
Synopsis: Garden gnomes Gnomeo & Juliet recruit renowned detective Sherlock Gnomes to investigate the mysterious disappearance of other garden ornaments.
Last call! Here is everything leaving Netflix Canada in September:
September 1:
13 Going on 30 
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days 
Pitch Perfect 2 
September 14:
Disney’s Pete’s Dragon
September 17:
Star Trek Beyond 
September 30:
Jurassic World 
What’s Coming (and Going) on Netflix Canada in August 2018 Netflix’s Insatiable Is Not the Storyline We Need RN 13 LOL-Worthy Sitcoms to Binge on Netflix ASAP
The post What’s Coming (and Going) on Netflix Canada in September 2018 appeared first on Flare.
What’s Coming (and Going) on Netflix Canada in September 2018 published first on https://wholesalescarvescity.tumblr.com/
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