#the third worst day
jestroer · 1 year
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------------------------ quote is by ivipl1 on tumblr
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cringeborg · 9 months
1820s to 1840s Evening Wear - 2 suits
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Two little edits of that one beloved Vampires suit, with three things in common: Wide hips, a slightly higher collar, and the same swatches.
From the 1820s until the mid-1830s, the fashionable silhouette for men's clothing was wide hips, a slender waist and full shoulders. This look was generally achieved through padding, corseting, and most of all, tailoring.
In the latter half of the 1830s, this silhouette began to change. The shoulders became sloped, and a "pigeon-breasted" look became more fashionable. Hips were still just as wide and the waist just as narrow. The 1840s look was, of course, also usually achieved through unnatural means.
Basically: V1 is this 1820s to mid-1830s look, and V2 is the mid-1830s to 1840s look. V1 has puffy sleeves while V2 has sloped shoulders. V2 also has a slightly fuller chest.
Swatch 1-48: Tie and vest in white, suit in many different colors.
Swatch 49-60: Suit in black, tie in white, vest in various colors.
Swatch 61-65: Suit in black, tie in black, vest in a few different colors. These are intended to be mourning swatches.
Both are BGC!
Both have the same 65 swatches
All LODs (except LOD3 which refused to cooperate with me, so it's the LOD3 of the original vampires suit)
Found in the Sets category
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V1 in swatches 1, 12 and 64:
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V2 in swatches 38, 59 and 62:
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somegrumpynerd · 2 months
I'm down for any option honestly, just whatever you guys think would be fun!
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musashi · 1 year
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sorry i was creeping through tags on a post and saw this and.
i actually did the math and i can pretty confidently say that franziska did not sleep during all of 3-5. she says that she spent the whole flight reading over the case files, even with miles chartering a private jet for her with travel time and fuel stops all accounted for it is still 15 hours from germany to california. franziska is very punctual and would likely do everything in her power to show up to court on time, but she's late to the trial by a few minutes, which implies she just barely made it off her flight in time to show up and prosecute. so she likely did not sleep on the flight over, and then went straight to trial which was at LEAST 2 hours, but most definitely more. she stuck around to help investigate that same day--3 hours later. her and phoenix spent the whole rest of the day investigating at hazakura, and then she went straight from his side to the inner temple to mess with the trick locks. miles says in game that "she's been out there all night" the next morning, and in the anime he outright says that she hasn't slept and has been awake the whole time.
accounting for timezones, she would've left germany at about 3 AM to get to LA by 10. and she probably needed some time to pack her things, so it's likely miles called her around 1 or 2, which means she definitely didnt get a full night of sleep beforehand, either. calculating all of this--along with the trial the next day while she was still working on the locks, and the fact that she was there after the trial, this means that franziska von karma was awake for about 43 hours over the course of bridge to the turnabout. possibly more.
oh, you pulled one measly all-nighter to retrain a parrot to cover your own scheming tracks, papa? [smirks lesbionically] watch this.
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chaoswithcausation · 5 months
fandom: we would like episode one of sonic prime 3 released on YouTube early please
Netflix: sonic prime? YouTube?
fandom: yes episode one of sonic prime 3 released on YouTube early
Netflix: sonic prime egg drop video?
fandom: what? no, episode one of sonic prime 3 released on YouTube early
Netflix: sonic prime egg drop video! on YouTube! :]
fandom: NO
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giving this story to Tumblr rq because I've been aggressively doodling ninjago stuff lately Zane is my favorite ninjago character (we've been married for 12 years guys ❤️ /JEOEK) and I was super into the show when it came out, staying strong until they changed up the designs in season 8 after the movie
so when the season 3 finale dropped and yk, zane fuckign DIED, littler me cried SO HARD that my family came rushing to my room in a panic because they thought I broke a bone or something and I have not lived this down .
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thegreatdivide · 1 month
This is going to be a really rough month...
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hjbender · 7 months
Maybe it's me. I don't know. But I feel like Duolingo is trolling me.
I've been using the app for six months now. I still don't know how to count any numbers, the days of the week, the names of the months, essential verbs like "to be" or "to know", or important phrases like "Can you please speak slower?" or "I need help," but by God I can tell you "My crocodile is already at the theater" in perfect Russian.
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goinghomecomic · 5 months
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Going Home - Chapter 3 - Pg 29
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lucifer-kane · 5 months
absolutely fucking terrified rn i was probably exposed to covid bc my mom said she found out she had it today and i spent the majority of sunday with her oh god im gonna fucking cry i can't do this again
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
masato being grossed out by jo and masumi being together is so funny because. who do you think gave him The Talk? masumi braces himself to teach his son about safe sex and masato cannot leave the room faster. third worst day of his life
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honeysuckle-venom · 7 months
I hate my period. Hate hate hate it. I got it tonight and I'm soooo annoyed by that, because that means I'll likely still be in a lot of pain come Thanksgiving, which I'm spending at my mom's house, and I don't need anything to make that day harder.
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arolesbianism · 8 months
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Every now and then I decide to redraw this one old Sprinkles art, and each time it becomes less and less like the original but at the same time that’s because she actually has a story and character arc now. This is all to say congrats this is the first version of this drawing that I’m actually happy with both as a drawing and as a depiction of Sprinkle’s mid story breakdown
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All the old versions! As you can see this time around I tried to stick more to the pose of the first one
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flowerprose · 9 months
well. after a month of writing nothing but fanfiction and an entire summer spent diving into fantasy, i've finally, finally, finally started on the new namesake rewrite - and with a brand new title! I'll announce it when the draft is finished, as a little treat to myself.
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teslacarbombz · 16 days
NOT to sound edgy and/or intoxicated but as much as i hate joe goldberg im like. Literally him im obsessive and i wouldnt call it stalking but i have a history of sum shady stuff and Yes i will kill for love....... idk why im posting this nobody will get me the way i get me but likee. joe goldberg. send post
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supermarketcrush · 2 months
hearing my parents argue over who had the worst childhood is explaining so much about my brain tbh. my ma wins by a mile btw
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