#the rest of the posts this week ae probably going to be filler
luvsimskaos ยท 1 month
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Back at farm, Elijah finds himself taking on my duties, especially with the animals. Elijah is proud that his parents trust him enough to handle the animals himself, he even finds himself teaching some of his skills to Daphne. She's very excited meeting all the animals.
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The twins, after aging up, live very different lives. Casper helps with the animals, he tends to get stuck cleaning the coop and shed. Cato, on the hand, s stuck inside, Sable and Ishmael agree that he's too weak to be able to properly help. So Cato spends a lot of time writing his thoughts down in his notebook.
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Sable and Ishmael are left with more free time due to the winter and also with their children growing older. Sable find herself cleaning the cabin, it has gotten more dirty with more people coming in and out. Ishmael is able to make woodwork, happy to be able to work on something once more.
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