#the photo of me posing with the sword in blue light is from the percy jackson musical
abitoflavender · 4 months
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The Perfect Picture
Remember when I mentioned i was writing a one-shot of Orton being a troll to Block? Well here it is ^^ Honestly while i like thse two as rivals, i also liked the idea of them having a dorky frenemyship where one does nasty things that turn out to be mere tactics for self entertainment which turns out proper at the end for the other. 
*whispers* Block and Orton friendship is a new thing :3 Gotta thank @annamaetion for motivating me to finish this - Which I’m about three paragraphs from the end x3
"THIS is my photographer?! Gretchen what is the meaning of this?!"
Orton smirked snidely while Block was towering over his assistant in demanding. The bespectacled woman that is Gretchen remained nonchalant and she responded in a monotone voice. "There's no meaning, Sir. You were asking for the best photographer there is in Danville so here he is," She coolly gestured at Orton.
Block started to shriek like a spoilt child who didn't get what he wanted. "But...! Oh for crying out loud - I only asked for a photographer! Not a movie star of some ridiculous science sitcom!"
Gretchen flinched and Orton spoke up with crossed arms. "Hey you do realize I can be that and a photographer at the same time, right?" The words shut Block up and he fumed, eyes casting on Gretchen.
Gretchen sensed the hostility and gave her boss the crossed arms. "Orton's the only photographer I've found to be available twenty four hours a day," She pointed out and flashed Orton a grin. "Besides, he's a pretty photogenic man if you ask me. He'll know exactly how to help you make the best photo for the Bureau's Hall of Agents Portrait."
Block's eyes twitched and he groaned in frustration. Of all decisions it had to be this - It's either let that punk work or no picture. It's only one day left and he had absolutely no time to waste..
"Ugh fine! You get the job Mahlson," He curtly shook the offered hand. "But you better make it good."
Orton just nodded in reply. "Oh of course Percival. Of course..." He smirked.
In his annoyance, Block did not see Orton's grin flash with mischief…
Block stared at the well-decorated room while Orton concentrated on nicely bunching up some flowers. The once just plain white room is now home to fancy chairs, mountainous wallpaper and plastic potted plants. How Orton managed to fit all of those in his backpack? He'll never know.
"Hey I thought I had Gretchen order a photographer! Not an interior designer!" He snapped.
A card flew right into his face and Block caught it in two fingers before it could slide down. He read the card.
Danville's Pro Actor Slash Dr Zone Franchise Creator Slash Top Notch Photographer Slash Freelance Interior Designer.
"Wow. That, is a lot of modern positions for someone from the 60s. How exactly did you fit in with society here so easily?!" Block looked incredulous.
Orton rolled his eyes and casually fiddled a flower in his fingers. "Sheesh Blockhead, your brain sure is living the luxurious life of taking its time to process - I have friends, you know? Want me to name them?"
When Block opened his mouth, Orton pinched his lips shut. "You know what? Forget it, I'd rather keep my brethren safe than give their info away to a rotten toad like you so topic closed."
He smirked at the growling Block let out before he gracefully twirled and clapped his hands. "Now chop chop, we still have your photoshoot to do!"
Block grunted and stood up. Orton looked skeptically at the black and red suit from head to toe. Block found it hard to resist punching the guy with the reminder of personal space.
"What's the problem Orton? Why are you staring at my clothes like a fool looking for a scrap of dirt?"
The tawny man stood up and put a hand to his chin. "Hmph nothing serious except - Oh boy... Well I got some news for you." He pulled a part of Block's uniform. "Your clothes cannot do. You need a complete redo! A makeover."
No way. Block gasped. "A makeover?!?"
Orton gave a curt nod. "A makeover."
Nothing could describe the girly squeal Block suddenly let out. The bulky man stopped the embarrassing reaction and gave Orton a questioning look. "Hey you're doing a manly one, right?"
"My! Percy you look fabulous! Oh just come out and look at yourself!"
Orton facepalmed in frustration before going into the closet room to pull Block out. "Seriously, come out you big baby! I have a time limit here and you are wasting every ounce of seconds with your stubborn ass!" He yanked hard on Block's arm and pulled him outside.
The surrounding backdrop workers (lesser time traveller agents) bit their lips in trying not to laugh out loud at their boss.
Block just growled through his pursed mouth, busy stiff and arms pressed at the sides. In the forty minutes of scuffle and dressing up, Orton did a fine job of decorating him.
Wearing the Napoleon-like attire, it made him feel like he's being squeezed and suffocated alive while the high-heeled leather boots aren't making things any comfier. His pants are white and its leggings poofed out at where the boots are overlapping.
Light pink blush and tan colored cream colored his abnormally pale face and his curled ebony hair is tied up in a ridiculous bun. To make things worse, Orton had him wear a navy blue hat resembling that of a pirate's topped with this ridiculously big pink feather. If anything, he looked like a vintage bootleg toy.
Orton snickered and proudly admired his work. "You look gorgeous. Oh you are bound to get a lot of ladies falling for ya!" This sentence made the agents crack up. They hushed however when Block sent them a deadly glare. Orton's fingers turned Block around so he's facing him.
The man was staring right into his face and a devious grin formed. "Now... I believe something is missing,"
Block fumed. "Ooh what could that be? Eyeliner?" He sarcastically said. He's clearly pissed off with makeup at this point.
"No, no! Silly! Eyeliner? Not with those ridiculously large eyebags of yours my friend. I nearly had to use up all of my cream just to cover them up!" Rebuked Orton.
Block winced. His eyebags are so deep it took Orton a long time to apply and rub the covering cream to hide them. "Touche," He muttered and watched Orton pull out a black purse - His makeup kit.
To his horror, the man took out a certain object and opened the cap. Twisting it a bit, a soft red solid rose and Block stiffened. "Is that?!?" He backed away as Orton smirked and went near. "Don't you dare - Get that thing away from me Mahlson! Put that stuff on my face and it's your head!"
His desperate shrieks were ignored and nothing but the sound of grunting and struggle is heard...
Not long later, Block stood in front of the mountainous wallpaper - With his cheeks covered in large lipstick spirals. Block internally swore to knee Orton in the crotch if he plans to make him wear white face paint next. The current extra accessory made him look ridiculous enough.
I could have sworn this shot is supposed to be themed epic and dynamic. Block thought with annoyance. What on earth did Gretchen tell this guy? A request for a Halloween shot?
"Hey no need to be moody, Blockhead. We're all done and over with the makeover!" Orton chuckled and patted the Napoleon clothed shoulder of Block as he seethed still. "Besides, the lipstick makes you look like that one scary Jigsaw puppet with the tricycle and violent methods of criminal punishment. Everyone loves that guy - Right boys?" Orton innocently asked the other agents.
The agents didn't reply for they immediately exited the room to laugh out loud outside of Block's hearing range.  Orton gave a fake wince and looked at Block. "Well, I think you're perfect," He ignored the look of disbelief on Block's face and pulled out his phone.
Block blinked. "You're using a phone to take your photos?!" The man nodded without taking his eyes off the phone as he went through filters.
"I had to. You know, DSLR cameras are too big and bulky even for me - So I created a model that is basically that and a cellphone in one! The first of its kind, exclusive to myself, though I do have some plans of production. It's still a prototype you see? But it's working fine!"
He lowered his phone so he can grab a nearby ladder and drag it to the center of the background. He returned to the front and horizontally held the phone. "Alrighty, we are all set Block! Now climb up the ladder!"
Block looked stunned. "What?"
"You heard me! Now do it!"
The big man gripped the metal sides and took a step. Three steps later, he was shaking in fear and halfway to the top of the ladder. He flashed Orton a hopeful grin. "Is this enough?"
Orton rolled his eyes and shook his hand in a 'keep going motion'. "Higher." He said flatly. Block winced and climbed farther up. The ladder shook when Block set one foot on the summit step and he shrieked. "Is this enough?!"
To his relief, Orton nodded. But it wasn't the last.
"You're doing great! Now do an epic pose like all those men who pull swords out from stones!"
Before Block could reply, Orton tossed him a large sword that pulled his arms down when caught. The ladder shook beneath from the sudden weight pull and it nearly fell over - The man gasping when he almost fell. He managed to stabilize the ladder and do as instructed.
With Orton raising a thumbs up, Block put on a plastered grin as the phone was raised to capture the picture…
He waited for the flash. It never came. For a good second, Block thought Orton didn't consider using that like most people who use those things - Until a shocked outcry came out of the latter's mouth.
Block gaped and became alarmed. "W-What's the problem? Is it the hair?! The makeup?! A one-off?!"
Orton said nothing. Instead, frowned and sighed in frustration at his phone before flipping it for Block to see the blinking Low Battery logo on the screen.
"Dead Battery.”
Orton slipped the phone into his pocket and pulled out a camera and its aparratus from his backpack. "Give me a moment and stay there, I'll just have to set up my DSLR - You're lucky I brought it with me or I'll have to steal another camera from someplace!"
Block's eye twitched with rage and if he wasn't covered in so much foundation amongst other things, his face would definitely be red like the lipstick spirals on his cheeks. With his emerald glare upon Orton, he could only think of one phrase.
Could a mere photoshoot day get any worse?
For the next half hour, Block didn't say a thing and let his ridiculous picture be taken. He knew it was embarrassing and something to not be displayed on the Hall of Agents - Especially when his picture is gonna be the biggest frame and takes up an entire side of wall.
As much as he wanted a proper formal re-shoot, his mind has already been inflicted by the intense makeover, the clothes and the Nasty Photographer from Hell as he had dubbed Orton for this day.
When the latter finally left with a casual side of teasing remark, the first thing Block did was rip off the suit (not literally.. Maybe?) and scrub his face with lots of soap. After that bath, bed was the first place he went to and he did just so - Planting facefirst on the mattress and pillows...
The next day came by faster than he thought and he badly wanted to be absent, save himself from the chuckling of his agents as Orton further provoked them into laughter with stories on how the shooting went.
Block grumbled and got to his feet. No, it's just a dumb old picture. He put on his usual uniform and sighed. He can just suspend agents that laugh or give some much as one chortle. He's the boss, he's got the privilege. They don't… right?
Moments later, he found himself in the portrait filled room where his agents are admiring or happily chatting about their developed works. A few portraits, notably Brick and Savannah's, are said to be home captured and sent them in for photoshop and so on.
The latter pair stood proudly while describing their precious work to the watching fellow agents. The portrait as Block expected from every agent in pairs, displayed Brick and Savannah in a cloudy landscape. Brick was riding a winged horse and Savannah, standing in an epic archer's dress with a spear in readying to shoot the man and steed…
Block winced. So this is how the woman treats her guy. He snorted with an eyeroll. Typical. He moved on to see the other portraits.
His steppings grew slow the moment he entered the chatty environment of the room. Something about the chit-chat bothered him. Although he has no intention of being a busy body, his ears picked up a name amongst the chat -  The one name he doesn't consider pretty after yesterday…
Block blinked in disbelief. Many of his agents are talking about that guy. Talking about how great he is amongst other words of praise. "What the heck?" He rubbed his ears as if to make sure they weren't deceiving him. He wasn't. He was indeed hearing them talk good about Orton and it stuns him. Does everybody know this man? He blinked. Dr Zone. Of course.. He rolled his eyes.
His emerald gaze froze and set upon another certain pair where a lot of agents are crowding around with cameras and compliments. They were standing in front of a large portrait taking up there whole wall but Block was too distracted to see. In the center of the crowd stood Balthazar and Vinnie along with a very familiar man Block knew too well - He stiffened.
Silence filled the air and the trio acknowledged Block. Orton especially let out a loud chortle before giving Block a hearty slap on the shoulder. "Why hello Block! So good to see ya drag your heavy butt out here before the crowd! And good thing too because you're just in time for the big premiere!"
He ignored the shocked look on Block's face and clapped for Gretchen. "Hey Gretch! Gather everyone here will you not? The star has finally entered - time to get this event started!"
"I'm on it!" Gretchen called for everyone and in minutes, the entire bureau is crowded around before the spectacle - Brick and Savannah being included in the batch. Orton has an arm raised as a hand enclosed around a part of the cloth covering the large framed portrait. The crowd silenced in time for Orton to begin his opening speech.
"My dear friends and agents of the Bureau of Time Travel, it is with great pleasure that I stand here today to present the most awaited Frame of Honor containing the most wonderful face of no one other than the Bureau's most adored boss, the amazing Mr Percival Block!"
He readied to pull away the cloth but a blur of black and red screeched and grabbed Orton's shoulders with desperate shaking.
"Don't you dare!" He barked much to Orton's 'surprise'. "You already made me look like a child's mannequin - I cannot have you humiliating more in front of all of my agents!" He snapped.
Orton gave him an offended look. "I beg your pardon?" He pried the bigger man off of him. "Oh Blockhead. Why on earth would I do that? I am a man with a heart - I'd never humiliate someone in front of a crowd!" He held in a snicker. Unless it was you that is. He thought to himself but quickly shook his head. No he’d never do that even to him...
Holding Block away with one arm, Orton gripped onto the cloth and with a swoosh, the drape was pulled down and came clean off from the portrait. Block shrieked and shut his eyes, shaking madly. I'm doomed I'm doomed I'm doomed!!! He shot Orton a second lasting death glare. And it's all your fault - Dammit Mahlson!
He covered his ears in expecting the ringing of laughter and words of humiliation to be thrown upon him. None of that came - Instead, the clapping of hands of one person, Vinnie Dakota, before the entire crowd joined in with whoops and cheers.
"Wha??" Block felt Orton's hand grasp his and hold it up in victory pose. "Everybody! Lo and behold - The Block is in the house and is shining with spotlights ever so glorious! Stand back and stare at him! In awe!"
Orton's other arm was gestured to the huge portrait and the cheering applause intensified. Block now felt whatever tense feeling he had drift away and he slowly turned to look at what's behind him.
Instead of an image of him in ridiculous clothing and makeup, Block found himself staring at a much vibrant image; Him in metallic knight's armor and riding an armored steed, his arm raised up high and holding a sword.
To top it off, his face is full of bravery and instead of the dark perms, his hair swayed with the wind in epic motion. It looked so realistic…
"Wow neato!" Vinnie was enthralled and he clapped with Balthazar. "My, that was flashing! Your photographer really did the job!" Added Vinnie's tall partner in amazement. All the other agents were giving out praises of impression and their applause grew louder.
The noises weren't fully acknowledged by Block however as he stared at the portrait as if his mind is taking a while to process things. Before he knew it, he felt a smile tug on the corner of his lips. "I can't believe it!" He grinned and for their first time since yesterday, looked at Orton with immense joy. "How did you do this?! In one night... I don't know what to say!"
Orton shrugged with a chuckle and smacked the man in the shoulder. "If that's so, then don't say anything then." He glanced around the room. "Look about you, with you being the boss I thought it'd only be fair to give you the most supreme piece so there you have it!"
He dug into his pocket for a receipt book and clicking a pen, wrote in some words. He ripped the page off the pad, folded it, and handed it to Block who took the paper slowly. "Here's the bill Block. I'll be expecting to be paid within this week," He smirked and he went forward and through the crowd of agents - But not without giving Block one last devious wink over his shoulder.
"… Okay?" Block muttered and reluctantly, he opened the paper with sheer panic in fear of seeing a huge number with so many zeroes at the end - That one day and he already knew how cunning Orton can be. His fingers tipped up the upper half of the paper and reluctantly, he scanned the words and to his surprise, found no number.
Spare those dimes in your wallet because my time having fun with you yesterday is already all the payment I could ask for. That and... I apologize for being too childlike. Hope you can call me again soon, that way I could at least make it up to you. Well. It was nice bonding with you Percy! :) 
- Orton Mahlson
For the first time since his hostile rivalry with Orton, Block wore an actual touched smile.
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